AJVR Instructions for Authors
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June 2021 AJVR Instructions for Authors he American Journal of Veterinary Research is a were involved in drafting or revising the manuscript criti- monthly, peer-reviewed, veterinary medical journal cally for important intellectual content; and (3) approved Towned by the American Veterinary Medical Asso- the submitted version of the manuscript and will have an ciation that publishes reports of original research and re- opportunity to approve subsequent revisions of the man- view articles in the general area of veterinary medical uscript, including the version to be published. All 3 condi- research. tions must be met. Each individual listed as an author must have participated sufficiently to take public responsibility MISSION for the work. Acquisition of funding, collection of data, or The mission of the American Journal of Veterinary Re- general supervision of the research team does not, alone, search is to publish, in a timely manner, peer-reviewed re- justify authorship. Requests to list a working group or ports of the highest quality research that has the clear po- study group in the byline will be handled on a case-by-case tential to enhance the health, welfare, and performance of basis. All authors must complete and submit the Copy- animals and humans. The journal will maintain the highest right Assignment Agreement and Authorship Form ethical standards of scientific journalism and promote (jav.ma/CAA-AF), confirming that they meet the criteria such standards among its contributors. In addition, the for authorship. If a manuscript describes clinical treat- journal will foster global interdisciplinary cooperation in ments or clinical interpretations, at least 1 author must be veterinary medical research. a veterinarian. Compounding SCOPE Manuscripts describing studies that involved admin- The American Journal of Veterinary Research supports istration of compounded products should include in the the collaborative exchange of information between re- Materials and Methods section a complete description of searchers and clinicians by publishing novel research find- each compounded product, including identities and ings that bridge the gulf between basic research and clini- sources of the active and inactive ingredients, concentra- cal practice or that help to translate laboratory research tion of each ingredient, and, if available, stability data for and preclinical studies to the development of clinical trials each product such that the compounded product may be and clinical practice. The journal welcomes submission of replicated if needed. high-quality original studies and review articles in a wide range of scientific fields, including anatomy, anesthesiol- Conflicts of interest and financial disclosures ogy, animal welfare, behavior, clinical pathology, epidemi- A conflict of interest exists whenever an individual ology, genetics, infectious disease, microbiology, molecu- has financial interests or personal relationships that might lar biology, oncology, pharmacology, pathogenic mecha- consciously or unconsciously influence their decisions. nisms, physiology, surgery, theriogenology, toxicology, Conflicts of interest are ubiquitous and cannot be com- and vaccinology. Species of interest include production pletely eliminated; they do not, by themselves, indicate animals, companion animals, equids, exotic animals, birds, improper behavior, wrongdoing, or scientific misconduct. reptiles, and wild and marine animals. Reports of labora- Financial relationships are the most easily identifiable tory animal studies and studies involving the use of animals conflicts of interest and include, among other things, own- as experimental models of human diseases are considered ership, employment, consultancies, honoraria, paid expert only when the study results are of demonstrable benefit testimony, grants, patents, stock ownership or options, to the species used in the research or to another species and service as an officer or board member. Other con- of veterinary interest. Other fields of interest or animal flicts of interest include personal and professional rela- species are not necessarily excluded from consideration, tionships, academic competition, and intellectual beliefs. but such reports must focus on novel research findings. All authors must disclose in the Acknowledgments Submitted papers must make an original and substantial section of the manuscript any financial or personal rela- contribution to the veterinary medicine knowledge base; tionships that could be perceived to influence or could preliminary or pilot studies are not appropriate. give the appearance of influencing information in the sub- mitted manuscript. This includes detailed information EDITORIAL POLICIES about all relevant financial interests, activities, relation- Authorship ships, and affiliations (other than affiliations listed on the Individuals should be listed as authors only if they (1) title page of the manuscript) occurring at the present time made a substantial contribution to the conception and de- or within the 3 years prior to manuscript submission. In sign of the study, the acquisition of the data used in the this context, relevant financial interests, activities, relation- study, or the analysis and interpretation of that data; (2) ships, and affiliations should be interpreted broadly. For AJVR Instructions for Authors 1 example, authors should disclose relationships they have proposed the following definition for dual-use research: not only with companies that manufacture products that are the subject of research described in the manuscript Dual-use research of concern is research that, but also with companies that manufacture competing based on current understanding, can be reasona- products. If no such conflicts of interest existed, the fol- bly anticipated to provide knowledge, products, lowing statement or an equivalent should be included: The or technologies that could be directly misapplied authors declare that there were no conflicts of interest. by others to pose a threat to public health, safety, The scientific editors reserve the right to reject any agricultural crops and other plants, animals, the manuscript because of conflicts of interest. Failure to fully environment, or material. disclose conflicts of interest may be grounds for rejection or retraction of the manuscript. Accordingly, the AJVR has adopted the following pol- icy regarding assessment of submitted manuscripts with Copyright potential dual-use content: The AJVR is covered by copyright. All authors will be Any manuscript submitted for publication that raises required to transfer copyright to the AVMA prior to pub- concerns regarding dual-use potential will be subject lication of any manuscript or letter by completing and sub- to editorial review to determine the risks and benefits mitting the Copyright Assignment Agreement and Au- to the scientific community and to the public at large thorship Form (jav.ma/CAA-AF). Requests to copy, re- that may result from publication. The AVMA scientific print, or use portions of published material (including in- editors maintain a strong commitment against with- formation in figures, appendices, and tables) should be ad- holding scientific or other information unless there are dressed to the editor-in-chief. compelling reasons to do so. Authors must obtain and submit a statement of per- The scientific editors reserve the right to seek special mission from the copyright holder (most often, the author external review of these manuscripts from individuals or publisher) if they wish to include an exact duplicate or with technical and biosecurity expertise to assist their a slightly modified version of items such as figures, appen- decision. dices, or tables that appeared or will have appeared in Authors and reviewers are expected to alert the other published reports prior to publication of the manu- AVMA scientific editors when submitting or reviewing script, regardless of the originating source. manuscripts with dual-use potential. Original artwork (eg, drawings or photographs) that The final decision for publication as well as the means was created specifically for use in the manuscript must be of communicating manuscripts with dual-use potential accompanied by a letter explaining the conditions under will be made by the editor-in-chief. An accompanying which the work was created. The letter must be signed editorial may be published. by the artist and specify the rights given to the authors for use of the artwork and the rights retained by the artist (if Editorial independence any). If rights are retained by the artist, the letter must The AVMA has adopted the following policy on edi- include a statement that allows the journal to use the ma- torial independence of the AJVR: terial for publication in print and online. If diagnostic images (eg, radiographic, CT, MRI, and The AVMA recognizes and fully accepts the need histologic images) that were not prepared by the authors for editorial independence of the AVMA journals or their institution are included in the manuscript, the au- and grants the editor-in-chief full authority over thors must include a statement from the copyright holder the editorial content of the journals, including that allows the journal to use the images for publication the selection of content for publication and the in print and online. timing of publication of that content. For these purposes, editorial content is understood to in- Dual-use research of concern clude research articles, other types