Ethiopia Mega 27th January to 19th February 2018 (24 days) Trip Report

Male Gelada by Heinz Ortmann

Trip report compiled by Tour Leader: Heinz Ortmann

Photographs by: Angie Cederlund & Heinz Ortmann

Rockjumper Birding Tours Trip Report – RBL Ethiopia Mega 2018 2

Tour Summary

This inaugural Rockjumper Ethiopia Mega tour began in the capital of Addis Ababa with some relaxed birding in the gardens of our hotel. Overhead we found the first Hooded Vultures and Yellow-billed Kites of the trip. The noisy Wattled Ibis was one of the first Abyssinian specialities to be found in the garden. One of the more interesting features of generally all in Ethiopia is the confiding nature of most species that allows for, at times, incredibly close up sightings of species that are usually more skittish elsewhere. The gardens dished up a number of widespread and common African species including Red-eyed African Pygmy Kingfisher by Angie Cederlund Dove, Speckled Mousebird, African Paradise and African Dusky Flycatchers, Tawny- flanked Prinia, Swainson’s Sparrow and Baglafecht Weaver to name a few. A few Common Chiffchaffs were the first migrants to be found by us on this tour with several individuals present in the gardens. Both Brown-rumped and Streaky Seedeaters were particularly common and there were many Dusky Turtle Doves and Abyssinian Thrushes to be seen on the garden lawns. In the larger flat-crown Acacia trees we managed to locate a pair of Brown Parisoma and later in the afternoon were delighted to find the attractive White-backed Black Tit as well. Tacazze , Rueppell’s Robin- and Abyssinian Slaty Flycatcher were other specials that caught the eye and provided a further nice introduction to Ethiopia and some of its special birds.

The second day of the tour began with a visit to Lake Chelekleka near the town of Debre Zeyit (Bishoftu) in the early morning. A quick stop at some fruiting trees produced Bruce’s Green Pigeon and a pair of Black-billed Barbet to kick off a bumper day of birding. The sheer number of birds once we got to Lake Chelekleka was quite phenomenal. White-faced and Fulvous Whistling Ducks, Northern Shoveler, Northern Pintail, Common Crane, Black Crowned Crane, Gull-billed Tern, Yellow-billed, Marabou and White Storks, Black-tailed Godwit, Temminck’s Stint and Spotted Redshank were some of the notable species seen. The outstanding highlight was almost certainly finding an incredibly rare migrant to these parts, a Citrine Wagtail in amongst the many shorebirds and several other wagtail species present at the lake edge!

Later that morning having had an extremely successful time at Lake Chelekleka we made a quick visit to Lake Bishoftu. Much deeper than the previous lake that we visited there was very little in the way of birds on the actual water but a number of species were found in the steep woodland along

Buff-bellied Warbler by Angie Cederlund

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the lake edge. Mocking Cliff Chat, Singing Cisticola, Blue Rock Thrush, Red-winged Starling, Rueppell’s Weaver. Red-billed Firefinch and Variable Sunbird were all seen well.

Our long drive to Lake Langano from Lake Bishoftu was interrupted by a few well-timed birding stops. The first was at the water hyacinth covered Koka Dam or Lake Koka. Eurasian Wigeon, superb Black Crowned Cranes, Goliath Heron, Little Ringed Plover and a Short-toed Snake Eagle were some of the highlights in the short time spent in this area. Abyssinian Ground Hornbill (male) by Angie Cederlund

We arrived at Lake Ziway for a late lunch. Having ordered our food, we decided to make the most of our time whilst waiting for lunch to arrive by birding the nearby lake edge. This proved a rather rewarding decision as we found a number of interesting species and some in seriously good numbers not dissimilar to the morning stop at Lake Chelekleka. Ruff, Kittlitz’s Plover, Collared Pratincole, Common Snipe, Hottentot Teal, Garganey, African Fish Eagle, African Jacana and Pied Kingfisher were some of the species seen exceptionally well here.

The fairly long drive also produced a number of raptors including Hooded, Rueppell’s and White-backed Vulture, Tawny, Steppe and Great Spotted Eagle, Black and Yellow-billed Kite, several Augur Buzzards as well as Montagu’s and Western Marsh Harrier quartering in a leisurely fashion over open areas along the way. A group of four Abyssinian Ground Hornbills and good numbers of Northern Carmine Bee- eater also provided us with good views during the course of the day.

Having had an amazing day of birding we arrived in the late afternoon at our lovely accommodation on the western edge of Lake Langano. There was still some time for a last bit of birding in the wonderful grounds before dark. Rock Martin, White- browed Sparrow-Weaver, Red-faced Crombec, Little Rock Thrush, Blue- breasted Bee-eater and Buff-bellied Warbler were just some of the species seen before we made our way to dinner.

This had been an incredible day with further species such as Western Black- headed Batis, White-bellied Go-away-, Slate-coloured Boubou, striking Lilac- breasted Roller and the attractive Eurasian Western Yellow Wagtail by Angie Cederlund Hoopoe also added to the list during this incredible first full day of experiencing just how ‘birdy’ Ethiopia really can be.

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Our second full day began before daybreak with a drive on a dusty gravel road to the south eastern edge of Lake Langano. Here we hoped to pick up a number of forest and riparian woodland species in the early hours just after dawn. Unfortunately, the only views of Yellow-fronted Parrot were distant and mostly in flight but we did at least manage to find many other specials whilst exploring the area. Hemprich’s and Silvery-cheeked Hornbills, Black- billed Wood Hoope, Red-shouldered Cuckooshrike, Ethiopian Boubou, a stunning male Narina Trogon, Banded and Double-toothed Barbet, Red-capped Robin-Chat and Brown-throated Wattle- eye were some of the highlights amongst a variety of other interesting species. We also had great looks at a group of Guereza Colobus monkeys sunning themselves high up in the large trees early in the morning. Roosting Northern White-faced Owls by Angie Cederlund

On the way back to our accommodation we made a quick visit to another lodge in search of a few owl species sometimes possible at their respective day roosts. Little did we know that on this day we would find as many as three different species of owl! We had exceptional looks at Northern White-faced Owl, Greyish Eagle-Owl and Verreaux’s Eagle-Owl whilst there. Other notable species included Abyssinian , Black-winged Lovebird, Von der Decken’s Hornbill, Rufous Chatterer and Crimson-rumped Waxbill.

After a bit of time off we made our way to Lake Shala and Lake Abijatta in the Shalla-Abijata National Park for the remainder of the late afternoon and early evening. The Greater and Lesser Flamingos were a very distant sight on the lakes. Black-necked Grebe, Cape Teal and Thick- knee were other new additions to our growing trip list. Dark-chanting Goshawk, Little Bee-eater, Guereza Colobus (male) by Angie Cederlund White-winged Black Tit, Pygmy Falcon, Bearded Woodpecker and Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse were all seen superbly during a rather hot afternoon. Whilst driving through this conservation area there were also sightings of some of the mammal species that still occur in the area. Common Wrathog, Golden

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Jackal and several Grant’s Gazelle provided something a little different to the many birds also seen.

Upon arrival at our lodge there was very little daylight left and we decided on having a relaxed evening with the highlight being several Slender- tailed seen well in the lodge’s parking lot!

The following morning there was a bit of time before breakfast for some casual birding in the grounds before starting the journey towards Goba. We picked up several of the commonly seen species before beginning the journey towards Goba. Our first stop for birding was a roadside wetland and damp grassland to search for Abyssinian Longclaw in particular. We had great views of the longclaw as well as distant looks at the first Rouget’s Rail of the trip. White- collared Pigeon, Wattled Ibis, Thekla’s and a few Yellow-billed Duck were present in the area as well. We continued onwards on the long road to Goba with some rain and cooler weather Abyssinian Owl by Angie Cederlund around for most of the day. The highlands produced Red-billed Chough, Rouget’s Rail, Augur Buzzard, Thick-billed Raven and several African Stonechat along the way before our lunch stop.

After lunch there were a number of stops along the way in search of several key species for this tour. The first of these stops was at a roadside quarry where several children excitedly met us and immediately gestured to the large juniper trees where we would find a roosting Cape Eagle-Owl! This was an excellent find, and one of the main targets for this trip. A small flock of Slender- billed Starling, the by now common Abyssinian Thrush and Yellow-crowned Canary provided small distractions from the stunning owl that was viewed in the scope.

Another stop was at a small roadside wetland at the edge of the Bale Mountains National Park. Here we enjoyed incredible views of a large flock of Spot-breasted Lapwing. Ethiopian Cisticola, Blue-winged Goose, Moorland Chat, Red-breasted Wheatear and a few Mountain Nyala bull by Angie Cederlund Garganey were present in the area. As we entered the park, we came across a few mammals including the impressive Mountain Nyala, several Bohor Reedbuck and a number of Olive Baboons.

We arrived at Dinsho, the park headquarters in the mid-afternoon. Here we had a few more key species to search for and hopefully find. Again, our focus was on more owls! However, there were a number of other potential key Ethiopian birds that we could find whilst exploring the area. We had the best views

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that I have ever seen of the much sought-after Abyssinian Owl as well as finding African Wood Owl on the day roost. A very confiding Abyssinian Ground Thrush was a further highlight of the afternoon. Abyssinian Catbird was a further highlight as we again enjoyed some incredible views of Mountain Nyala whilst walking back to the vehicle.

Having found the owls and the other above-mentioned species we returned to the entrance gate and made another effort for Abyssinian Woodpecker. We were very fortunate and succeeded with great views of this sometimes difficult to find species. We arrived at our very basic hotel just before dark and had a relaxed evening.

The day dawned with cool and crisp early morning air as we ascended from the town of Goba and up through the Bale Mountains and onto the beautiful Sanetti Plateau. Before reaching the plateau we had a White- cheeked Turaco in the hotel grounds, great views of another very bold Rouget’s Rail and managed to find the ‘Bale’ version of Brown Parisoma. A short stop in Spot-breasted Lapwing by Angie Cederlund some juniper forest was proved rewarding with Abyssinian Catbird, Brown Woodland Warbler and Montane White-eye all seen well. The plateau itself is an interesting and almost bizarre landscape. At nearly 4000m above sea level for the most part, the tin air, giant Lobelias and the chance of finding ’s rarest carnivore make it a very special place. The birding is also rewarding and we enjoyed splendid looks at Ruddy Shelduck, Moorland Francolin, Ethiopian Siskin, Lanner Falcon, Steppe, Tawny and Golden Eagles amongst a number of previously seen species. The highlight of course was finding the critically endangered Ethiopian Wolf which we were fortunate enough to see cross the road in front of us and also have the chance to observe some hunting behaviour. The high rodent density makes this the perfect place for the wolves and we certainly did not struggle in finding rodents with a number of Blick’s Grass Rats seen along with the bizarre looking Giant Mole-Rat. It truly had been an exceptional morning exploring Africa’s highest road.

We arrived at our lodge for the night in the early afternoon and enjoyed a quick lunch before heading out for some birding around the lodge grounds in the late afternoon. The main target was the shy and sometimes tricky Abyssinian Crimsonwing. We would have no luck in finding this target but did enjoy superb views of several other species including Cinnamon Bracken Warbler, Ethiopian Oriole, Baglafecht Weaver, Montane White-eye, African Emerald and Red-chested Cuckoos. That evening we Ethiopian Wolf by Heinz Ortmann spent some time looking for and finding the resident Montane before enjoying a wonderful dinner and having a well-deserved nights rest.

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Spot-breasted Lapwing by Angie Cederlund Before breakfast we decided to make another attempt at locating the crimsonwing in the habitat near to the lodge. Again, we had no luck and decided to return to the lodge for breakfast so as not to start too late into the forest. Having enjoyed a nice breakfast we made our way from the lodge and through the Harenna Forest which was our final chance at finding the crimsonwing. Lemon and Tambourine Dove, White-cheeked Turaco, Ethiopian Oriole, Abyssinian Catbird, African Hill Babbler, Yellow-bellied Waxbill and Black-and-white Mannikin were all found relatively easily. We stopped at the final stream and thankfully finally managed to locate the elusive Abyssinian Crimsonwing, much to the delight of the guests and the relief of the guides! A Half-collared Kingfisher also whizzed by downstream to add a further unexpected sighting to this amazing trip so far. We continued onwards, leaving the impressive Harenna Forest behind us and navigating to more dry country for the remainder of the day.

Lunch was had at a roadside stop along the Genale River. Apart from the usual attention from local children we were able to find a number of woodland species in a mixed flock that appeared not far from the vehicle. Grey-headed and Orange-breasted Bushshrike were the highlights in this group. The day also provided sightings of several raptors including Booted Eagle, Brown Snake Eagle and Long-crested Eagle. Short stops in suitable habitat along the way got us species including Steel-blue Whydah, Nubian Woodpecker, Red-headed Weaver and Red-and-yellow Barbet amongst others. We were again delighted to find a family group of Abyssinian Ground Hornbill as well on what was another rewarding day spent in this interesting country. The main target however eluded us until later in the afternoon, where we managed to find the stunning Ruspoli’s Turaco in some roadside scrub aided by the usual army of locals running around in the area. Having spent some time with this stunning bird, we continued onwards to Negele, our base for the next two nights, where we arrived in the late afternoon.

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After an early breakfast our birding travels took us to the Liben Plains in search of the critically endangered Archer’s Lark. On the way to the site we had an unexpected sighting of a Spotted Hyaena to start off the day! We again lucked out with an incredible view of this special bird, even managing to get decent photographs in the end. Montagu’s Harrier, Kori Bustard, Temminck’s Courser, Somali Short-toed Lark, Shelley’s and White-crowned Starling, Speke’s Weaver, Shelley’s Sparrow and Plain-backed Pipit were some of the more interesting birds found whilst exploring this area.

Having had a successful time scouring some of the expanse that is the Liben Plains we made our way onto the famous Bogol Mayo road that stretches to the border of Somalia. We decided to focus on finding Salvadori’s Seedeater and spent some time birding along this road. Whilst walking around we enjoyed views of Hunter’s Sunbird, Slate-coloured Boubou, Straw-tailed Whydah, Chestnut Weaver, D’Arnaud’s Barbet and eventually the sought-after Salvadori’s Seedeater. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to continue further Ruspoli’s Turaco by Angie Cederlund along the road due to security concerns and made our way back to the hotel for some rest and relaxation during the intense heat of the midday hours.

Once it had cooled down a little in the late afternoon, we headed out to some arid woodland not far north of Negele to search for some of the ‘dry country’ species that we were yet to find. Birding was slow but eventually the activity began to increase. , Pearl- spotted Owlet, Golden-breasted Starling, Acacia Tit, Slate-coloured Boubou, Grey-headed Batis and Yellow-bellied Eremomela were the highlights. Having enjoyed the afternoon and with it still being extremely hot we decided to return to our hotel for the rest of the evening. Donaldson-Smith’s Nightjar by Angie Cederlund

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This was a long travel day from Negele to one of Ethiopia’s southern-most towns, Mega. Situated about 100km from the Kenyan border we were heading to a relatively unknown part of Ethiopia in terms of birding. But first we had a lot of travelling to undertake and a few birding stops to make before reaching Mega. The first of these stops was along the Dawa River. Here we managed to find the localised and rather attractive White-winged Collared Dove, Rosy-patched Bushshrike, Northern Brownbul, Eastern Violet-backed and Black-bellied and our first Black-throated Barbet were all new birds for the trip. The long drive for the rest of the day produced some species of interest with both Black- capped and Grey-capped Social Weavers seen well, the first Eastern Yellow-billed Hornbills for the trip and our first sightings of the diminutive Guenther’s Dik-dik. We arrived in Mega around lunchtime and settled into the basic motel and waited again for the intense heat to subside before heading out again.

In the late afternoon we returned to the Soda Plains in an Short-tailed Lark by Angie Cederlund attempt at locating Somali Courser. Unfortunately, we were unable to find any coursers but were rewarded with sightings of a number of other specials to the area. Somali Ostrich, Short-tailed Lark, Stresemann’s Bushcrow and several Somali Fiscal were great additions to our ever-growing bird list. We again found a few Grant’s Gazelle but otherwise there was little in the way of new birds or mammals. That evening we had a very unsuccessful night drive before deciding to call an end to another tough but successful day.

We left before first light to a nearby rocky outcrop on the way to the Megado Plains. It was essential for us to be in the area at first light in the hope that the recently described Black-fronted Francolins would be calling and therefore easier to locate. Unfortunately, although the birds were heard, not everyone managed to see the one bird that showed for a brief moment. We then headed onwards to an area known as the Megado Plains. The Megado Plains and surrounding woodlands produced a number of great birds including a brief glimpse of a single Masked Lark, the main target for us in the area. Abdim’s Stork, Vulturine Sombre Nightjar by Angie Cederlund Guineafowl, Spotted Thick-knee, Taita Fiscal, Chestnut-headed Sparrow-Lark, Somali Bunting and Donaldson-Smith’s Sparrow-Weavers were some of the highlights. Another standout was finding a group of Somali Coursers, much to the delight of the group. Nearer to the Kenyan border the much drier habitat produced Red-fronted and Upcher’s Warbler, Banded Parisoma, Pale Prinia and overhead a few Common Swift.

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With the temperature rising we returned to our motel. A late afternoon stint of birding north of Mega was again done with the hope of finding further Somali and dry country species. Slate-coloured Boubou, Ashy and Tiny Cisticolas, and the incredibly well camouflaged Buff-crested Bustard were welcome sightings. The birds had been fantastic but the day had also included mammal sightings of Olive Baboons, the strange-looking Gerenuk, Rock Hyrax, Guenther’s Dik-dik as well as Grant’s Gazelle. As dusk began, we were treated to great but Abyssinian Roller by Angie Cederlund brief views of Three-banded (Heuglin’s) Courser before attempting to find the next major target of the trip. It was amazing to have the good fortune of finding at least 5 Sombre Nightjar that evening. It was a welcome change of luck when compared to the absolutely dire drive of the previous evening and we returned to our motel with a great sense of achievement after another rewarding day in the far south of Ethiopia.

Early the following morning we decided to try a different site for Black-fronted Francolin and were rewarded with excellent scope views of another major target species for the tour. There were other welcome distractions included several Bristle-crowned Starling, Pygmy Batis, Ortolan Bunting and Cardinal Woodpecker. Our journey took us to the town of Yabello on this day. Further arid country birding allowed us to find specials such as Northern Grosbeak Canary, Somali Crow, Red-naped Bushshrike, White-bellied Canary, Shining Sunbird and Spotted Palm Thrush. We arrived in Yabello in time for lunch and made our way to an area known as Elephant Rock in the late afternoon. One of the main standouts was finding the bizarre Vulturine Guineafowl along with a number of other species notably Bare-eyed Thrush, Purple Grenadier, Golden-breasted Starling, Mocking Cliff Chat and the comical White- crested Helmetshrike. That evening back at the hotel we chanced upon a White-tailed Mongoose near our rooms before heading to bed in anticipation of the next day.

Our next target was a species that we had missed in on the Megado Plains, the Masked Lark. It was decided to head to an area west of Yabello where our excellent local guide knew Yellow-breasted Barbet by Angie Cederlund

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that there was a good chance of finding this species. Not only did we find the lark, but we also managed to get photographs of this localised and not very well-known species. The area also produced great sightings of several groups of Vulturine Guineafowl, cracking views of the attractive Magpie Starling, Black-winged Lapwing, Gabar and Eastern Chanting Goshawk amongst a host of previously seen species. Overall, the day did not produce a huge number of new species for the trip but we continued to have good luck with several sought-after dry country birds that included Bare-eyed Thrush, Red-bellied Parrot, Black-billed Wood Hoopoe, Golden-breasted Starling, Rosy-patched Bushshrike and Taita Fiscal to name a few.

The late afternoon was spent birding around Yabello where we finally managed to find the localised White-tailed Swallow and added another LBJ in the form of a pair of Boran Cisticola to the increasing trip list. A small group of Palins Zebra was an interesting sight whilst we again had sightings of the dainty Guenther’s Dik-dik along with an unusual sighting of a Black-backed Jackal to provide a bit of a mammal flavour to the Masked Lark by Angie Cederlund birding main course. At dusk we again managed to find the attractive Three-banded Courser before also managing excellent views of Donaldson-Smith’s Nightjar. With a happy group and another successful day spent in the south of Ethiopia, we made our way back to the hotel and had the umpteenth spaghetti and tomato sauce meal hoping for another fabulous day to follow.

The following day was an incredibly tough and long travel day northward to Lake Awassa. The road construction severely slowed our progress and the dust seemed unbearable at times. Having endured the most difficult travel day on the tour so far, we were left with minimal time for birding at the lake edge and in the hotel grounds. Even though there was very little time available to us we did manage an impressive list of birds including the following new species for the trip; White-backed Duck, African Pygmy Goose, Pink- backed Pelican, Black Crake, African Swamphen, Lesser Swamp Warbler, Red-faced Cisticola, African Spotted Creeper, Spectacled Weaver and Bronze Vulturine Guineafowl by Angie Cederlund Mannikin amongst many other great birds.

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Our journey was thankfully a very short one the next day as we only had to get to the fairly nearby Lake Ziway from our base at Lake Awassa. Sites visited during the day included the hotel grounds, the fish market at Lake Awassa, more birding along the western shores of Lake Langano and further relaxed waterbird viewing at Lake Ziway. Having birded a number of these sites previously during the tour, the rate at which new species were being added Arabian Bustard by Angie Cederlund had significantly slowed but we nevertheless had a highlight-filled. Blue-headed Coucal, Black Heron, Ayres’s Hawk-Eagle, Egyptian Vulture, Slender- billed, Black-headed and Lesser Black-backed Gulls, Masked Shrike and Eurasian Reed Warbler added some intrigues in amongst the many previously seen species. We ended the day with further relaxed birding at the by-now familiar hotel on the edge of Lake Ziway and had dinner later that evening whilst discussing the next exciting portion of the trip.

Early the next morning we decided on visiting the nearby lake shore of Ziway before breakfast. An African Goshawk, a few Eastern Bonelli’s Warblers and a rather vocal Common Nightingale were fairly surprising new species for the trip that morning. After breakfast we made the familiar route back north toward Addis and the town of Nazreth where we would have a single overnight stop. Koka Dam held as many as six Eurasian Wigeon and a stunning Saddle-billed Stork. The stops at Lake Chelekleka and Lake Bishoftu produced little in the form of new birds but we again managed further great views of Abyssinian Ground Hornbill and Common Crane to highlight two of the larger bird species seen on the day as well as better views of Pied Avocet, Quailfinch, Eurasian Green Bee-eater by Angie Cederlund Teal and Northern Pintail. We arrived at our

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hotel in the late afternoon and spent some time birding the woodland along a ridge behind the hotel. Several raptors including Tawny and Steppe Eagles were present but the highlight was no doubt the first Yellow-breasted Barbets of the trip. This rounded off another good day on this so far very successful mega tour.

The following day saw us travel from Nazreth to Doho Lodge in the Awash region with some birding around Lake Beseka from early to mid- morning. Before reaching Lake Beseka we made a short and successful stop in locating the remarkably drab and plain Sombre Rock Chat. At the Lake and surrounding woodland, we found Blackstart, Southern Grey and Steppe Grey Shrikes, Curlew Sandpiper, African Darter, Striated Heron and Kentish Plover. We found the very habituated groups of Hamadryas and Olive Baboon near the roadside throughout the drive. Heading towards our lodge from Awash town we began to find birds such as Abyssinian Roller, Buff-crested Bustard and Eastern Yellow-billed Hornbill. Salt’s Dik-dik, the scarce Lesser Kudu and Common Warthog were some of the mammals encountered before we arrived at our lodge in the late afternoon. At the lodge we came across a Giant Kingfisher, several more Shining and Nile Valley Sunbirds, Red-fronted Warbler, Blue-cheeked and European Bee-eaters, Lichtenstein’s Sandgrouse, Purple Roller, Red- bellied Parrot and were some of the interesting species seen during this short time.

Our time in the Awash area included a full day exploring the Alledeghi and Bilen Plains. Awash is well known for mammals and we came across several including Soemmering’s Gazelle, Defassa Waterbuck, a wonderful male Lesser Kudu as well as a male Gerenuk but the high number of livestock grazing within the park White-winged Cliff Chat by Angie Cederlund boundaries was a rather disconcerting sight along with the fact that we did not find any of the endangered Grevy’s Zebra. The birding was generally tough although larger birds were a welcome sight with good views had of Somali Ostrich, Lappet-faced Vulture, Arabian and White-bellied Bustards, Montagu’s and Pallid Harriers as well as a great bonus sighting of Scissor-tailed Kite, a species certainly not seen on every trip to Ethiopia. Common Quail, Double-banded Courser and Four-banded Sandgrouse were other terrestrial species found during the course of the day. Other highlights included European Turtle Dove, White-browed Coucal, Yellow- breasted Barbet, Singing Bush Lark and Greater Short-toed Lark, Red-rumped Swallow, Black Scrub Robin and African Silverbill. Unfortunately, we were unable to undertake any night drives whilst in

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Awash which was rather frustrating indeed but we managed to make the most of this full day on the plains.

We had a further day to explore the national park and moved to the well-known Awash Falls Lodge. Mammal sightings were again not dissimilar to the previous day but also included the regal Beisa Oryx. Birding was even tougher on this day with the extreme dryness, heat and overgrazing by livestock all contributing to what was a rather disappointing time exploring this once iconic Ethiopian park. There were however still new birds to be found and we did manage to find a few that included Black-crowned Night Heron, Little Sparrowhawk, Black-crowned Tchagra, Village Indigobird amongst a few others.

An early morning pre-breakfast walk the following day allowed us views of Eastern Plantain-eater, Black-billed Barbet as well as a pair of White-bellied Bustard that flew overhead. Our route had to be changed quite drastically at the last minute and we made our way to Debre Birhan via a very different road than usual. The sighting of Common Ostrich on route was a rather interesting one indeed. We stopped a few times checking any water points for birds coming in to drink and had good views of Black-cheeked and Crimson-rumped Waxbills, as well as both Grey and White Wagtails along the river along what is known as the Melka Ghebdu track. During the course of our travels on this day we also notched up sightings of Nubian Woodpecker, Abyssinian Wheatear, Yellow Bishop, Grey-headed Bushshrike and Erckel’s Francolin by Angie Cederlund Northern Crombec amongst others. In the late afternoon we visited an area known as Gemassa Gedel with the main goal of finding Ankober Serin. Unfortunately, we had to be content with finding a host of other bird species but not the serin. However, this miss was offset by a wonderful sighting of the resident group of Geladas. We watched as these incredible creatures went about their foraging and eventually scaling down immense cliffs to their safe sleeping spots. With the temperature dropping and a cool breeze getting stronger, it was decided to head back to the hotel and give it another try the next morning at daybreak.

Our second and final attempt at finding the serin was in stark contrast to the previous evening as we found at least ten of these drab little birds along the edge of the impressive Ankober Escarpment. The early start had been very much worth it! On the drive back to Debre Birhan we enjoyed good numbers of Ortolan Bunting, the firste definite Siberian Stonechats for the trip as well as the attractive Ethiopian Siskin Egyptian Nightjar by Angie Cederlund

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and several Thekla’s . After breakfast we began the journey to the small town of Lemi, a short drive from the Jemma Valley. Before reaching Lemi we had the incredible sighting of a Breaded Vulture along the escarpment edge repeatedly dropping a bone onto the rocks below. Other species on route included Erlanger’s Lark, White-headed Vulture, the impressive Thick-billed Raven and a further sighting of the stunning Verreaux’s Eagle. Later that afternoon we descended into Jemma Valley where we managed to find both Erckel’s and Harwood’s Demoiselle Cranes in flight by Angie Cederlund Francolin along with a number of other specials from the area including White-billed Starling, White-winged Cliff Chat, Rueppell’s Black Chat, Long-billed Pipit, Red-collared Widowbird and Cinnamon-breasted Bunting. We certainly had enjoyed another wonderful day and would return the following morning, much further into the valley for the next main target for the trip, the endemic Red-billed Pytilia.

An early start the following morning was again essential and we descended into the valley and passed the main crossing over the Jemma River before reaching a small stream. Here we would be in luck as we had excellent views of a pair of Red-billed Pytilia before too long and could then start to make the drive back to Lemi. The birding in the valley was generally good and we managed to find new species for the trip such as Foxy Cisticola, Speckle- fronted Weaver, Chestnut-crowned Sparrow-Weaver, Cinereous Bunting and Yellow-rumped Seedeater. Other highlights included both Lanner and Black-headed Lapwing by Angie Cederlund Peregrine Falcons, great views of Hemprich’s Hornbill, Senegal Thick-knee, the dainty African Pygmy Kingfisher and migrants including Common Whitethroat and Eurasian Blackcap. We reached Lemi and then headed onto Addis.

Rather than continuing on to Weliso we decided to stay in Addis for the night to ensure that we could make it to the north where many new birds were possible.

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Due to the unforeseen circumstances we spent the day at our hotel in Addis Ababa. Some birding in the early morning and late afternoon yielded no new species but many good looks at previously seen species such as Dusky Turtle Dove, Abyssinian Thrush, Rueppell’s Robin-Chat, Abyssinian Slaty Flycatcher and Brown-rumped Seedeater to name a few. Even though it had been a rather uneventful day we were keenly anticipating the flight up north the following morning and exploring a little-birded corner of the country!

This day could not have come quickly enough and we were eager to re-start the trip so to speak by flying to the little explored North Western corner of Ethiopia. More specifically we would fly to Humera and visit the little-known Kafta Sheraro National Park along the Tacazze River with Eritrea to the north, literally on the opposite side of the river to where we would focus our birding efforts. We reached Humera in time for lunch before making our first foray into the park in the late afternoon. It would prove to be a wonderful birding adventure for us.

That afternoon we experienced the spectacle of over 3,000 overwintering Demoiselle Cranes on the Tacazze River! What an incredible sight that was! Other highlights and birds new to our trip included the much sought-after Egyptian Plover, raucous White-headed Babbler and Black-billed Wood Dove. That evening we enjoyed a very basic dinner before turning in for the night, eager to see what the next day held in store for us.

Over-wintering flock of Demoiselle Crane by Angie Cederlund

The full day in Kafta Sheraro was simply unbelievable. We again enjoyed the cranes and a few distant Egyptian Plovers as well as getting better looks at the babblers. This was complimented by excellent views of Golden Sparrow, Sahel Paradise Whydah, Green Bee-eater, Golden-breasted Bunting, Black-headed Gonolek, Yellow-billed Oxpecker, African Collared Dive, Black-headed Lapwing, Vieillot’s Barbet, Rose-ringed Parakeet, Chestnut-bellied Starling, Eurasian Wryneck, Black-eared and Northern , Yellow-backed Weaver, Black-rumped Waxbill and White-billed Buffalo-Weaver all as new species for the trip. Personally, the highlight though was finding an Egyptian Nightjar on the day roost! This amazing bird appeared kestrel-like in flight when flushed and is one of very records ever for Ethiopia! It certainly is a very interesting part of the world and sure to spring a few more surprises in future. In fact, the strange Rueppell’s Starlings and Mourning Collared Doves in the area could both be potentials for future splits and who knows what else may be found in this very ‘under-birded’ corner of the continent!

Unfortunately, this morning heralded the beginning of the end of this wonderful trip. A few short stops along the way to the airport produced a number of good birds including new species for the trip that included White-rumped Seedeater and Clapperton’s Francolin. There were also fantastic sightings of

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Rose-ringed Parakeet, Black-headed Gonolek and Dark Chanting Goshawk. At the airport one of the participants enjoyed great looks at Red-pate Cisticola as the final new bird of this very rewarding and successful trip. Unfortunately, the tour was coming to an end as we flew back to the capital and onwards to our different destinations. It had been a fantastic tour full of awesome sightings and thoroughly enjoyable for all involved. I would like to make a big thank you to everyone involved in making this inaugural Ethiopia Mega tour a success! I look forward to seeing you all again in future.


Annotated List of species recorded Note: Number in brackets ( ) indicate number of days on the tour the species was recorded. List powered through the report generator of our partner iGoTerra.

Birds (526 in total: 522 seen, 4 heard) Nomenclature and follow Gill, F and D Donsker (Eds). 2018. IOC World Bird List (v 8.1). Status codes: E = Endemic, NE = Near-endemic, I = Introduced IUCN codes: CR = Critically endangered, EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable, EW = Extinct in the Wild, NT = Near Threatened, DD = Data Deficient


Ostrich Struthionidae Somali Ostrich (VU) Struthio molybdophanes (5) Soda Plains 3.2, Mega, Oromia 4.2, observed 5.2, Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2, Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2. Common Ostrich Struthio camelus (1) En route 13.2.

Ducks, Geese & Waterfowl Anatidae White-faced Whistling Duck Dendrocygna viduata (4) Ziway--Lake Ziway 28.1, Lake Awassa 7.2, Lake Awassa 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 8.2 and Ziway-- Lake Ziway 9.2. Fulvous Whistling Duck Dendrocygna bicolor (1) Ziway--Lake Ziway 28.1. White-backed Duck Thalassornis leuconotus leuconotus (2) Lake Awassa 7.2 and 2 Lake Awassa 8.2. Spur-winged Goose Plectropterus gambensis gambensis (5) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Ziway--Lake Ziway 28.1, Lake Langano--SE, Hara Langano Lodge 29.1, Lake Awassa 7.2, Lake Awassa 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 8.2 and Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2. Knob-billed Duck Sarkidiornis melanotos (2) Ziway--Lake Ziway 8.2 and Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2. Blue-winged Goose (VU) Cyanochen cyanoptera (4) en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1, Bale Mountains NP--Sanetti Plateau 31.1, Bale Mountains NP 31.1, en route 13.2 and en route 14.2. Egyptian Goose Alopochen aegyptiaca (15) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Ziway--Lake Ziway 28.1, Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano

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29.1, Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 30.1, en route 30.1, en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, observed 5.2, Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2, Lake Awassa 7.2, Lake Awassa 8.2, observed 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2, Awash NP--Doho Lodge 10.2, Lake Beseka 10.2, Bilen Plains, E of Lake Caddabassa 11.2, Awash NP--Awash Falls Lodge 12.2, Awash NP--Awash Falls Lodge 13.2, Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea (1) 4 Bale Mountains NP--Sanetti Plateau 31.1. African Pygmy Goose Nettapus auritus (3) 2 Ziway--Lake Ziway 28.1, Lake Awassa 7.2 and Lake Awassa 8.2. Garganey Spatula querquedula (4) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, 1 en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1, Awassa--Fish Market 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 8.2 and Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2. Hottentot Teal Spatula hottentota (3) Ziway--Lake Ziway 8.2 and Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2. Northern Shoveler Spatula clypeata (5) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Ziway--Lake Ziway 28.1, en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1, Ziway--Lake Ziway 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2, Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 9.2 and Lake Beseka 10.2. Eurasian Wigeon Mareca penelope Observed 2 day(s) in total. Yellow-billed Duck Anas undulata ruppelli (4) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Ziway--Lake Ziway 28.1, en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1, Bale Mountains NP--Sanetti Plateau 31.1 and en route 14.2. Cape Teal Anas capensis (1) 2 Lake Shala 29.1. Northern Pintail Anas acuta (2) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1 and Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 9.2. Eurasian Teal Anas crecca crecca (1) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 9.2.

Guineafowl Numididae Helmeted Guineafowl Numida meleagris (9) Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1, Soda Plains 3.2, en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2, Awash NP--Doho Lodge 11.2, Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2, Awash NP 12.2, Awash NP 13.2, Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2, Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2, en route 17.2 and en route 19.2. Vulturine Guineafowl Acryllium vulturinum (3) Fonan Gofa, Oromia 4.2, Yabelo--Elephant Rock, S of Yabelo 5.2 and Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2.

Pheasants, Grouse, and Allies Phasianidae Moorland Francolin (NT) Scleroptila psilolaema psilolaema (1) 1 heard Bale Mountains NP--Sanetti Plateau 31.1. Crested Francolin Dendroperdix sephaena (10) Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1, Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 31.1, en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, 1 heard Dawa River, Oromia, NE of Hudet 3.2, 1 heard Fonan Gofa, Oromia 4.2, 1 heard Yabelo--Elephant Rock, S of Yabelo 5.2, Yabelo Wildlife Sanctuary - Borena, Oromia 6.2, Awash NP-- Doho Lodge 10.2, Awash NP 12.2, Awash NP 13.2 and en route 13.2. Clapperton's Francolin Pternistis clappertoni (1) Himora, Tigray 19.2.

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Harwood's Francolin (VU) Pternistis harwoodi (1) 1 Jemma Valley, Amhara 14.2. Chestnut-naped Francolin Pternistis castaneicollis (2) en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1, en route--Goba to Sanetti Plateau 31.1, Bale Mountains NP--Sanetti Plateau 31.1 and Bale Mountains NP 31.1. Black-fronted Francolin Pternistis atrifrons (2) 1 Fonan Gofa, Oromia 4.2 and 2 Mega - 3km S of Mega 5.2. Erckel's Francolin Pternistis erckelii (1) 3 Jemma Valley, Amhara 14.2. Yellow-necked Spurfowl Pternistis leucoscepus (6) en route--Bitata to Negele, 10km N of Negele 2.2, en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, Mega-- Plains 4.2, Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2, Bilen Plains, E of Lake Caddabassa 11.2, Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2 and Awash NP 13.2. Common Quail Coturnix coturnix (2) 1 Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2 and 1 Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2.

Grebes Podicipedidae Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis capensis (5) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Lake Bishoftu 28.1, en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1, observed 8.2, Lake Bishoftu 9.2 and en route 14.2. Black-necked Grebe Podiceps nigricollis gurneyi (2) Lake Shala 29.1 and observed 8.2.

Flamingos Phoenicopteridae Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus (2) Abidjatta Shalla NP29.1, Lake Shala 29.1 and observed 8.2. Lesser Flamingo (NT) Phoeniconaias minor (2) Abidjatta Shalla NP29.1, Lake Shala 29.1 and observed 8.2.

Storks Ciconiidae Yellow-billed Stork Mycteria ibis (4) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Ziway--Lake Ziway 8.2, Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 9.2 and Lake Beseka 10.2. Abdim's Stork Ciconia abdimii (5) 1 en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1, Mega Plains 4.2, Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2, en route-- Awassa to Yabelo 7.2 and en route 9.2. White Stork Ciconia ciconia ciconia (3) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2 and Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 9.2. Saddle-billed Stork Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis Observed 1 day(s) in total. Marabou Stork Leptoptilos crumenifer (10) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, observed en route 28-30.1, Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1, Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 30.1, en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, Awassa--United Africa Hotel 7.2, Awassa--United Africa Hotel 8.2, Lake Awassa 7.2, en route--Awassa to Yabelo 7.2, Awassa--Fish Market 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2, Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 9.2, en route-- Awash NP to Nazret 10.2, Lake Beseka 10.2, Awash NP 12.2, Awash NP 13.2 and en route 13.2.

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Ibises and Spoonbills Threskiornithidae African Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopicus (12) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1, en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, Lake Awassa 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2, Bishoftu-- Lake Chelekleka 9.2, Lake Beseka 10.2, Awash NP--Doho Lodge 12.2, Jemma Valley, Amhara 14.2, Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2, Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2, Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2 and en route 19.2. Hadada Ibis Bostrychia hagedash nilotica (6) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Lake Langano--SE, Hara Langano Lodge 29.1, Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 30.1, Lake Awassa 7.2, Lake Awassa 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 8.2 and Ziway-- Lake Ziway 9.2. Wattled Ibis Bostrychia carunculata (11) Addis Ababa--Ghion Park 27.1, Addis Ababa--Ghion Park 28.1, en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1, en route--Goba to Sanetti Plateau 31.1, Bale Mountains NP--Sanetti Plateau 31.1, Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 1.2, Hagare Maryam, Oromia 7.2, Lake Awassa 8.2, Gemassa Gedel 13.2, Gemassa Gedel 14.2, Jemma Valley, Amhara 14.2, Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2 and 1 heard Addis Ababa--Ghion Park 16.2. Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus (4) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Ziway--Lake Ziway 28.1, Lake Awassa 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. African Spoonbill Platalea alba (3) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Lake Awassa 8.2 and Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 9.2.

Herons, Egrets, and Bitterns Ardeidae Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax nycticorax (1) Awash NP--Doho Lodge 12.2. Striated Heron Butorides striata atricapilla (1) 4 Lake Beseka 10.2. Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides (5) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Lake Awassa 7.2, Lake Awassa 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2 and Awash NP--Doho Lodge 11.2. Western Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis (7) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 30.1, Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2, Lake Awassa 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2, en route 8.2, en route 9.2, Lake Beseka 10.2, Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2 and en route 15.2. Grey Heron Ardea cinerea cinerea (8) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1, Lake Awassa 7.2, Lake Awassa 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2, Lake Beseka 10.2, Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2. Black-headed Heron Ardea melanocephala (3) Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2, Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 9.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Goliath Heron Ardea goliath (2) Lake Koka 28.1 and Lake Koka 9.2. Purple Heron Ardea purpurea purpurea (3) Ziway--Lake Ziway 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2 and Lake Beseka 10.2. Great Egret Ardea alba (7) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Lake Awassa 7.2, Lake Awassa 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2, Lake Beseka 10.2, Awash NP--Doho Lodge 12.2 and Awash NP--Doho Lodge 13.2. Intermediate Egret Ardea intermedia brachyrhyncha

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(1) Lake Koka 28.1 and Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1. Black Heron Egretta ardesiaca (1) Lake Awassa 8.2. Little Egret Egretta garzetta garzetta (7) Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 28.1, Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 29.1, Bishoftu-- Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Lake Awassa 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2, Lake Beseka 10.2, Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2.

Hamerkop Scopidae Hamerkop Scopus umbretta umbretta (9) Lake Koka 28.1, Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 29.1, Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 30.1, Lake Awassa 7.2, Lake Awassa 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 8.2, Ziway- -Lake Ziway 9.2, Lake Beseka 10.2, Awash NP--Awash Falls Lodge 12.2 and Awash NP--Awash Falls Lodge 13.2.

Pelicans Pelecanidae Great White Pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus (4) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 29.1, Ziway--Lake Ziway 8.2 and Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2. Pink-backed Pelican Pelecanus rufescens (4) Lake Awassa 7.2, Lake Awassa 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 8.2, en route 9.2 and Lake Beseka 10.2.

Cormorants and Shags Phalacrocoracidae Reed Cormorant Microcarbo africanus africanus (5) Lake Awassa 7.2, Lake Awassa 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2, Lake Beseka 10.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. White-breasted Cormorant Phalacrocorax lucidus (5) Lake Awassa 7.2, Lake Awassa 8.2, Bishoftu--Lake Hora 9.2, Lake Beseka 10.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2.

Anhingas Anhingidae African Darter Anhinga rufa rufa (1) Lake Beseka 10.2.

Secretary-bird Sagittariidae Secretarybird (VU) Sagittarius serpentarius (1) 2 Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2.

Hawks, Eagles, and Kites Accipitridae Black-winged Kite Elanus caeruleus caeruleus (3) en route--Awassa to Yabelo 8.2, Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2 and en route 14.2. Scissor-tailed Kite Chelictinia riocourii (1) 1 Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2. African Harrier-Hawk Polyboroides typus typus (3) en route--Bitata to Negele, 10km N of Negele 2.2, Lake Awassa 8.2 and Awash NP--Awash Falls Lodge 12.2. Bearded Vulture (NT) Gypaetus barbatus meridionalis (1) Jemma Valley, Amhara 14.2.

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Egyptian Vulture (EN) Neophron percnopterus percnopterus (4) 1 en route 30.1, 1 en route 8.2, Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2 and Awash NP 12.2. Hooded Vulture (EN) Necrosyrtes monachus (19) Addis Ababa--Ghion Park 27.1, Addis Ababa--Ghion Park 28.1, Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, en route 28.1, en route 30.1, Bale Mountains NP--Sanetti Plateau 31.1, en route--Harenna Forest to Negele 1.2, en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, Liben Plains, E of Negele 2.2, Soda Plains 3.2, en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, en route 3.2, Mega Plains 4.2, observed 5.2, Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2, en route--Awassa to Yabelo 7.2, Lake Awassa 8.2, en route 9.2, en route--Awash NP to Nazret 10.2, Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2, Awash NP 12.2, Awash NP 13.2, Jemma Valley, Amhara 14.2, en route 14.2 and Addis Ababa--Ghion Park 16.2. White-backed Vulture (NT) Gyps africanus (8) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, en route 28.1, en route 30.1, en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, en route--Awassa to Yabelo 7.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2, en route 9.2, en route--Awash NP to Nazret 10.2, Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2 and Awash NP 12.2. Rüppell's Vulture (EN) Gyps rueppelli (7) en route 28.1, en route 30.1, Bale Mountains NP--Sanetti Plateau 31.1, en route 8.2, en route--Awash NP to Nazret 10.2, Jemma Valley, Amhara 14.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. White-headed Vulture (VU) Trigonoceps occipitalis (1) 2 Jemma Valley, Amhara 14.2. Lappet-faced Vulture (VU) Torgos tracheliotos tracheliotos (1) 4 Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2. Short-toed Snake Eagle Circaetus gallicus (1) 1 en route 28.1. Black-chested Snake Eagle Circaetus pectoralis (1) 1 Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2. Brown Snake Eagle Circaetus cinereus (3) 1 en route--Harenna Forest to Negele 1.2, Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Bateleur (NT) Terathopius ecaudatus (3) en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2 and Mega Plains 4.2. Martial Eagle (NT) Polemaetus bellicosus (2) en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2 and Mega Plains 4.2. Long-crested Eagle Lophaetus occipitalis (1) 1 en route--Harenna Forest to Negele 1.2. Greater Spotted Eagle (VU) Clanga clanga (1) 1 Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1. Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus (1) 1 en route--Harenna Forest to Negele 1.2. Ayres's Hawk-Eagle Hieraaetus ayresii (1) 1 Lake Awassa 8.2. Tawny Eagle Aquila rapax Observed 1 day(s) in total. Observed on 16 different days. Steppe Eagle Aquila nipalensis orientalis (5) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Bale Mountains NP--Sanetti Plateau 31.1, en route--Harenna Forest to Negele 1.2, Adama--Kereyu Hill Hotel 9.2 and Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2. Eastern Imperial Eagle (VU) Aquila heliaca (1) Bale Mountains NP--Sanetti Plateau 31.1.

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Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos homeyeri (1) 2 Bale Mountains NP--Sanetti Plateau 31.1. Verreaux's Eagle Aquila verreauxii (3) 1 Mega, Oromia 5.2, Gemassa Gedel 13.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 14.2. African Hawk-Eagle Aquila spilogaster (1) 1 Mega Plains 4.2. Gabar Goshawk Micronisus gabar (3) 1 en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, observed 5.2 and Yabelo Wildlife Sanctuary - Borena, Oromia 6.2. Dark Chanting Goshawk Melierax metabates metabates Observed 1 day(s) in total. Observed on 9 different days. Several sightings in Kafta Sheraro NP. Eastern Chanting Goshawk Melierax poliopterus (4) en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, Mega Plains 4.2, observed 5.2 and Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2. African Goshawk Accipiter tachiro (1) 1 Lake Awassa 9.2. Shikra Accipiter badius sphenurus (1) 1 Bishangari area 29.1. Little Sparrowhawk Accipiter minullus minullus (1) 1 Awash NP--Awash Falls Lodge 12.2. Black Sparrowhawk Accipiter melanoleucus melanoleucus (1) 1 observed 5.2. Western Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus aeruginosus (5) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, en route 30.1, Lake Awassa 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2 and Bilen Plains, E of Lake Caddabassa 11.2. Pallid Harrier (NT) Circus macrourus (3) 1 Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1, 1 en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1 and Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2. Montagu's Harrier Circus pygargus (6) 1 Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Liben Plains, E of Negele 2.2, Mega Plains 4.2, Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 9.2, Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. Black Kite Milvus migrans migrans (5) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 29.1, Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 30.1, Adama--Kereyu Hill Hotel 9.2 and Lemi, Amhara 15.2. Yellow-billed Kite Milvus aegyptius Seen on 21 diiferent days on this tour. African Fish Eagle Haliaeetus vocifer Observed 1 day(s) in total. Observed on 9 different days at various locations. Long-legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus rufinus (1) 2 Bale Mountains NP--Sanetti Plateau 31.1. Common Buzzard Buteo buteo (2) en route--Awassa to Yabelo 7.2 and Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2.

Bustards Otididae Arabian Bustard (NT) Ardeotis arabs arabs (1) 5 Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2.

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Kori Bustard (NT) Ardeotis kori struthiunculus (3) en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, Liben Plains, E of Negele 2.2, Soda Plains 3.2, en route-- Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2 and Mega Plains 4.2. White-bellied Bustard Eupodotis senegalensis (2) 1 Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2 and 2 Awash NP--Awash Falls Lodge 13.2. Buff-crested Bustard Lophotis gindiana (6) 1 heard en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, 1 heard en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, Mega Plains 4.2, 1 heard Yabelo--Elephant Rock, S of Yabelo 5.2, 1 en route--Awash NP to Nazret 10.2 and 1 heard Awash NP 12.2.

Rails, Gallinules, and Coots Rallidae Rouget's Rail (NT) Rougetius rougetii (1) 2 Bale Mountains NP 31.1. Black Crake Amaurornis flavirostra (2) Lake Awassa 7.2 and Lake Awassa 8.2. African Swamphen Porphyrio madagascariensis (2) Lake Awassa 7.2 and Lake Awassa 8.2. Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus (4) Lake Awassa 7.2, Lake Awassa 8.2, Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 9.2 and Bilen Plains, E of Lake Caddabassa 11.2. Red-knobbed Coot Fulica cristata (6) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 29.1, Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 30.1, Bale Mountains NP--Sanetti Plateau 31.1, Lake Awassa 8.2 and Lake Awassa 9.2.

Cranes Gruidae Black Crowned Crane (VU) Balearica pavonina ceciliae (1) Lake Koka 28.1 and Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1. Demoiselle Crane Grus virgo (2) Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Common Crane Grus grus (1) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 9.2 and en route 9.2.

Thick-knees Burhinidae Senegal Thick-knee Burhinus senegalensis (5) Lake Langano--SE, Hara Langano Lodge 29.1, 1 heard Awash NP--Doho Lodge 10.2, Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2, Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Spotted Thick-knee Burhinus capensis maculosus (1) 1 Mega Plains 4.2.

Stilts and Avocets Recurvirostridae Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus (7) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Ziway--Lake Ziway 28.1, Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 29.1, Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1, Lake Awassa 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2, Lake Beseka 10.2, Awash NP--Doho Lodge 11.2, Bilen Plains, E of Lake Caddabassa 11.2 and Awash NP 12.2. Pied Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta (2) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1 and Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 9.2.

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Plovers and Lapwings Charadriidae Spur-winged Lapwing Vanellus spinosus Observed 11 days total. Black-headed Lapwing Vanellus tectus tectus (2) Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Black-winged Lapwing Vanellus melanopterus melanopterus (2) 2 Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2 and en route 15.2. Crowned Lapwing Vanellus coronatus Observed 1 day(s) in total. Encountered on 7 days, mostly in the south. Spot-breasted Lapwing Vanellus melanocephalus (1) 100 en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1. Common Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula tundrae (5) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Ziway--Lake Ziway 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2, Lake Beseka 10.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius curonicus (4) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, 1 en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 8.2 and Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2. Kittlitz's Plover Charadrius pecuarius (4) Ziway--Lake Ziway 28.1, Abidjatta Shalla NP29.1, Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2 and Lake Beseka 10.2. Three-banded Plover Charadrius tricollaris tricollaris (5) en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1, Lake Awassa 8.2, Lake Beseka 10.2, Awash NP 13.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus alexandrinus (1) Lake Beseka 10.2.

Egyptian Plover Pluvianidae Egyptian Plover Pluvianus aegyptius (2) Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2.

Jacanas Jacanidae African Jacana Actophilornis africanus (4) Ziway--Lake Ziway 28.1, Lake Awassa 7.2, Lake Awassa 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2 and Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 9.2.

Sandpipers and Allies Scolopacidae Black-tailed Godwit (NT) Limosa limosa limosa (4) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Abidjatta Shalla NP29.1, observed 8.2 and Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 9.2. Ruff Calidris pugnax (5) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Ziway--Lake Ziway 28.1, Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1, en route-- Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, observed 8.2, Lake Awassa 8.2, Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 9.2 and Ziway- -Lake Ziway 9.2. Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea (1) Lake Beseka 10.2. Temminck's Stint Calidris temminckii (2) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1 and Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 9.2. Little Stint Calidris minuta

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Observed 1 day(s) in total. A regular sight in the Rift Valley Lakes, recorded on at least 7 days. Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago gallinago (4) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Ziway--Lake Ziway 28.1, Ziway--Lake Ziway 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2, Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 9.2 and Bilen Plains, E of Lake Caddabassa 11.2. Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos Observed 1 day(s) in total. Observed on 9 different dates. Green Sandpiper Tringa ochropus Observed 1 day(s) in total. Singletons found on 6 days of the tour. Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis (5) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Ziway--Lake Ziway 28.1, Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1, Ziway--Lake Ziway 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2, Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 9.2 and Lake Beseka 10.2. Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola Observed 1 day(s) in total. Another regular sight in the Rift Valley, seen on 8 days. Spotted Redshank Tringa erythropus (1) 4 Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1. Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia (5) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Ziway--Lake Ziway 28.1, Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1, Bale Mountains NP--Sanetti Plateau 31.1, Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 9.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2 and Lake Beseka 10.2.

Pratincoles and Coursers Glareolidae Somali Courser Cursorius somalensis (1) 4 Mega Plains 4.2. Temminck's Courser Cursorius temminckii temminckii (1) 2 Liben Plains, E of Negele 2.2. Double-banded Courser Rhinoptilus africanus (1) 1 Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2. Three-banded Courser Rhinoptilus cinctus (2) 2 Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2 and 2 Yabelo Wildlife Sanctuary - Borena, Oromia 6.2. Collared Pratincole Glareola pratincola (2) 1 Ziway--Lake Ziway 28.1 and 2 Ziway--Lake Ziway 8.2.

Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers Laridae Slender-billed Gull Chroicocephalus genei (1) observed 8.2. Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus (2) observed 8.2 and Lake Beseka 10.2. Grey-headed Gull Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus poiocephalus (4) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Ziway--Lake Ziway 28.1, Lake Awassa 7.2, Lake Awassa 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2 and Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 9.2. Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus (1) observed 8.2. Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica nilotica (6) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Lake Langano--SE, Hara Langano Lodge 29.1, Lake Awassa 7.2,

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Lake Awassa 8.2, Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 9.2 and Lake Beseka 10.2. Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida (6) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Lake Langano--SE, Hara Langano Lodge 29.1, Lake Awassa 7.2, Lake Awassa 8.2, Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 9.2 and Lake Beseka 10.2. White-winged Tern Chlidonias leucopterus (4) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1, Ziway--Lake Ziway 8.2 and Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2.

Sandgrouse Pteroclidae Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse Pterocles exustus (6) 4 Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1, 30 Mega Plains 4.2, en route--Awash NP to Nazret 10.2, Aledeghi WR-- Plains 11.2, Awash NP 12.2 and Awash NP 13.2. Black-faced Sandgrouse Pterocles decoratus ellenbecki (1) Dawa River, Oromia, NE of Hudet 3.2. Lichtenstein's Sandgrouse Pterocles lichtensteinii (4) 5 Awash NP--Doho Lodge 10.2, Awash NP--Doho Lodge 11.2, 4 Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2 and 2 Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Four-banded Sandgrouse Pterocles quadricinctus (2) Awash NP--Doho Lodge 11.2 and 1 Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2.

Pigeons and Doves Columbidae Rock Dove Columba livia var. domestica Observed 1 day(s) in total. An introduced species that was seen on 3 days in urban centers. Speckled Pigeon Columba guinea guinea Observed 1 day(s) in total. Observed on 22 days of the tour. White-collared Pigeon Columba albitorques (6) en route 28.1, en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1, en route--Goba to Sanetti Plateau 31.1, Melka Ghebdu - track E of town, Amhara 13.2, Gemassa Gedel 14.2, en route 14.2 and en route 15.2. African Olive Pigeon Columba arquatrix (3) Bishangari area 29.1, Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 31.1 and Bale Mountains NP - Harenna Forest 1.2. Lemon Dove Columba larvata bronzina (2) Bishangari area 29.1 and Bale Mountains NP - Harenna Forest 1.2. European Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur (1) Bilen Plains, E of Lake Caddabassa 11.2. Dusky Turtle Dove Streptopelia lugens (7) Addis Ababa--Ghion Park 27.1, en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1, en route--Goba to Sanetti Plateau 31.1, Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 1.2, Melka Ghebdu - track E of town, Amhara 13.2, Gemassa Gedel 13.2, Gemassa Gedel 14.2, en route 14.2 and Addis Ababa--Ghion Park 16.2. African Collared Dove Streptopelia roseogrisea (1) Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2. White-winged Collared Dove (NT) Streptopelia reichenowi (1) 3 Dawa River, Oromia, NE of Hudet 3.2. Mourning Collared Dove Streptopelia decipiens Seen on 14 days.

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Red-eyed Dove Streptopelia semitorquata Recorded on at least 21 days. Ring-necked Dove Streptopelia capicola A common sight on 14 different days. Vinaceous Dove Streptopelia vinacea (4) Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2, Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2, Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2 and Himora, Tigray 19.2. Laughing Dove Spilopelia senegalensis senegalensis Observed on at least 15 days of the tour. Emerald-spotted Wood Dove Turtur chalcospilos (7) Genale River, SW of Meda Welabu 1.2, en route--Bitata to Negele, 10km N of Negele 2.2, en route-- Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, Mega Plains 4.2, observed 5.2, Yabelo Wildlife Sanctuary - Borena, Oromia 6.2 and Adama--Kereyu Hill Hotel 9.2. Black-billed Wood Dove Turtur abyssinicus (3) Observed Kafta Sheraro NP 17-19.2. Blue-spotted Wood Dove Turtur afer (3) Bishangari area 29.1, Melka Ghebdu - track E of town, Amhara 13.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. Tambourine Dove Turtur tympanistria (3) 1 heard Bishangari area 29.1, Bale Mountains NP - Harenna Forest 31.1 and Bale Mountains NP - Harenna Forest 1.2. Namaqua Dove Oena capensis capensis Encountrered throughout the tour, on at least 15 days. Bruce's Green Pigeon Treron waalia (3) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Bishangari area 29.1, Lake Langano--SE, Hara Langano Lodge 29.1 and Genale River, SW of Meda Welabu 1.2.

Turacos Musophagidae White-cheeked Turaco Tauraco leucotis (2) 1 en route--Goba to Sanetti Plateau 31.1 and 2 Bale Mountains NP - Harenna Forest 1.2. Ruspoli's Turaco (VU) Tauraco ruspolii (1) en route--Harenna Forest to Negele 1.2. Bare-faced Go-away-bird Corythaixoides personatus personatus (1) Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1. White-bellied Go-away-bird Corythaixoides leucogaster Seen on 9 different days. Eastern Plantain-eater Crinifer zonurus (2) 2 Awash NP--Awash Falls Lodge 13.2 and 2 Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2.

Cuckoos Cuculidae Blue-headed Coucal Centropus monachus (1) 2 Lake Awassa 8.2. White-browed Coucal Centropus superciliosus superciliosus (2) Awash NP--Doho Lodge 10.2 and Awash NP--Doho Lodge 11.2. Klaas's Cuckoo Chrysococcyx klaas (1) Lake Bishoftu 9.2. African Emerald Cuckoo Chrysococcyx cupreus (2) Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 31.1 and 1 heard Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain

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Lodge 1.2. Red-chested Cuckoo Cuculus solitarius (2) Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 31.1 and 1 heard Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 1.2.

Owls Strigidae Northern White-faced Owl Ptilopsis leucotis (1) 3 Lake Langano--SW, Simbo Beach Resort 29.1. Cape Eagle-Owl Bubo capensis dillonii (1) 1 en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1. Greyish Eagle-Owl Bubo cinerascens (1) 1 Lake Langano--SW, Simbo Beach Resort 29.1. Verreaux's Eagle-Owl Bubo lacteus (1) 1 Lake Langano--SW, Simbo Beach Resort 29.1. African Wood Owl Strix woodfordii umbrina (1) 1 Dinsho 30.1. Pearl-spotted Owlet Glaucidium perlatum licua (1) 1 en route--Bitata to Negele, 10km N of Negele 2.2. Abyssinian Owl Asio abyssinicus abyssinicus (1) 1 Dinsho 30.1.

Nightjars and Allies Caprimulgidae Sombre Nightjar fraenatus (1) Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2. Egyptian Nightjar Caprimulgus aegyptius aegyptius (1) 1 Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. European Nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus (1) 1 Awash NP--Doho Lodge 10.2. Donaldson Smith's Nightjar Caprimulgus donaldsoni (1) 1 Yabelo Wildlife Sanctuary - Borena, Oromia 6.2. Montane Nightjar Caprimulgus poliocephalus (4) 1 heard Addis Ababa--Ghion Park 27.1, 1 heard Addis Ababa--Ghion Park 28.1, 2 Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 31.1 and 1 heard Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 1.2. Star-spotted Nightjar Caprimulgus stellatus (1) 1 heard Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2. Slender-tailed Nightjar Caprimulgus clarus (6) Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 28.1, Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 29.1, observed 8.2, Awash NP--Doho Lodge 10.2, Awash NP--Doho Lodge 11.2 and Awash NP 12.2.

Swifts Apodidae African Palm Swift Cypsiurus parvus Observed 1 day(s) in total. On a tour where swifts were surprisingly scarce, we observed this species on 7 different days. Alpine Swift Tachymarptis melba (1) Bale Mountains NP--Sanetti Plateau 31.1. Common Swift Apus apus (1) Mega Plains 4.2.

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Mousebirds Coliidae Speckled Mousebird Colius striatus Observed on 12 days from Addis to Kafta Sheraro NP. Blue-naped Mousebird Urocolius macrourus Seen on at least 10 days in more arid areas when compared to the previous species.

Trogons Trogonidae Narina Trogon Apaloderma narina narina (1) Bishangari area 29.1.

Rollers Coraciidae Purple Roller Coracias naevius naevius (6) en route 28.1, Mega Plains 4.2, observed 5.2, en route--Awash NP to Nazret 10.2, Awash NP 13.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2. Lilac-breasted Roller Coracias caudatus lorti (8) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, en route 28.1, en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, en route-- Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, Mega Plains 4.2, observed 5.2, Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2, Yabelo Wildlife Sanctuary - Borena, Oromia 6.2, en route--Awassa to Yabelo 7.2 and Lake Awassa 8.2. Abyssinian Roller Coracias abyssinicus (7) en route--Awash NP to Nazret 10.2, Awash NP--Doho Lodge 11.2, Awash NP 12.2, Awash NP 13.2 and observed Kafta Sheraro NP 16-18.2.

Kingfishers Alcedinidae Grey-headed Kingfisher Halcyon leucocephala leucocephala (1) Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. Woodland Kingfisher Halcyon senegalensis (2) Lake Awassa 7.2 and Lake Awassa 8.2. African Pygmy Kingfisher Ispidina picta picta (3) Awash NP--Doho Lodge 10.2, Awash NP--Doho Lodge 11.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. Malachite Kingfisher Corythornis cristatus (5) Ziway--Lake Ziway 28.1, Lake Awassa 7.2, Lake Awassa 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2 and Awash NP--Doho Lodge 11.2. Half-collared Kingfisher Alcedo semitorquata (1) 1 Bale Mountains NP - Harenna Forest 1.2. Giant Kingfisher Megaceryle maxima maxima (2) 1 Awash NP--Doho Lodge 10.2 and Awash NP--Doho Lodge 11.2. Pied Kingfisher Ceryle rudis rudis (8) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Ziway--Lake Ziway 28.1, Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1, Lake Awassa 7.2, Lake Awassa 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 8.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2, Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 9.2, Awash NP--Doho Lodge 11.2, Awash NP--Doho Lodge 12.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2.

Bee-eaters Meropidae Little Bee-eater Merops pusillus Observed 1 day(s) in total. This delightful small bee-eater was observed on 13 dates. Blue-breasted Bee-eater Merops variegatus lafresnayii (5) Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 28.1, Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 29.1, en route-- Harenna Forest to Negele 1.2, Lake Awassa 7.2 and Lake Awassa 8.2.

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Green Bee-eater Merops orientalis viridissimus (2) Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Blue-cheeked Bee-eater Merops persicus persicus (1) Awash NP--Doho Lodge 10.2. Northern Carmine Bee-eater Merops nubicus (9) en route 28.1, Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1, en route--Awassa to Yabelo 7.2, Lake Awassa 8.2, en route 9.2, en route--Awash NP to Nazret 10.2, Bilen Plains, E of Lake Caddabassa 11.2, Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2.

Hoopoes Upupidae Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops Observed 1 day(s) in total. This attractive bird was a pleasant sight on 20 days of the tour.

Woodhoopoes and Scimitar-bills Phoeniculidae Black-billed Wood Hoopoe Phoeniculus somaliensis (7) Bishangari area 29.1, 2 en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, Dawa River, Oromia, NE of Hudet 3.2, Mega Plains 4.2, Yabelo Wildlife Sanctuary - Borena, Oromia 6.2, Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Black Scimitarbill Rhinopomastus aterrimus notatus (2) Bishangari area 29.1 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Abyssinian Scimitarbill Rhinopomastus minor (3) Dawa River, Oromia, NE of Hudet 3.2, en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, Mega Plains 4.2 and observed 5.2.

Ground Hornbills Bucorvidae Abyssinian Ground Hornbill Bucorvus abyssinicus (10) 4 en route 28.1, 4 en route 30.1, 7 en route--Harenna Forest to Negele 1.2, 2 en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, 2 en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, 2 en route--Awassa to Yabelo 7.2, 2 en route--Awash NP to Nazret 10.2, 6 Awash NP 12.2, 1 Awash NP 13.2 and 2 Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2.

Hornbills Bucerotidae Northern Red-billed Hornbill Tockus erythrorhynchus Observed 1 day(s) in total. Commonly encountered throughout, seen on 15 days. Von der Decken's Hornbill Tockus deckeni (7) Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 28.1, Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 29.1, Lake Langano--SW, Simbo Beach Resort 29.1, Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1, en route--Harenna Forest to Negele 1.2, en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2, Mega Plains 4.2 and en route--Awassa to Yabelo 7.2. Eastern Yellow-billed Hornbill Tockus flavirostris (6) Mega, Oromia 3.2, Mega, Oromia 4.2, en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2, Mega Plains 4.2, Awash NP--Doho Lodge 10.2, Awash NP--Doho Lodge 11.2, en route-- Awash NP to Nazret 10.2, Bilen Plains, E of Lake Caddabassa 11.2, Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2, Awash NP 12.2 and Awash NP 13.2. Hemprich's Hornbill Lophoceros hemprichii (7) 2 Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 29.1, Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 30.1, Lake Awassa 8.2, Adama--Kereyu Hill Hotel 9.2, Melka Ghebdu - track E of town, Amhara 13.2, Jemma

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Valley, Amhara 14.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. African Grey Hornbill Lophoceros nasutus nasutus (6) en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, Awash NP--Doho Lodge 11.2, Awash NP--Doho Lodge 12.2, Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2, Awash NP 12.2, Awash NP 13.2, Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Silvery-cheeked Hornbill Bycanistes brevis (6) Bishangari area 29.1, Lake Langano--SE, Hara Langano Lodge 29.1, en route 30.1, Bale Mountains NP - Harenna Forest 31.1, Bale Mountains NP - Harenna Forest 1.2, Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 31.1, Lake Awassa 7.2 and Lake Awassa 8.2.

African Barbets Lybiidae Red-fronted Tinkerbird Pogoniulus pusillus (5) Bishangari area 29.1, Yabelo Wildlife Sanctuary - Borena, Oromia 6.2, Yabelo Wildlife Sanctuary - Borena, Oromia 7.2, 1 Awassa--United Africa Hotel 8.2 and 1 Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird Pogoniulus chrysoconus (5) 1 heard Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 28.1, 1 heard en route--Harenna Forest to Negele 1.2, 1 heard en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, 1 heard en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2 and 1 heard Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2. Red-fronted Barbet Tricholaema diademata diademata (2) 1 Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 30.1 and 1 observed 8.2. Black-throated Barbet Tricholaema melanocephala (3) 2 Dawa River, Oromia, NE of Hudet 3.2, observed 5.2 and Awash NP 12.2. Banded Barbet Lybius undatus (3) 2 Bishangari area 29.1, Awassa--United Africa Hotel 8.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Vieillot's Barbet Lybius vieilloti vieilloti (1) Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Black-billed Barbet Lybius guifsobalito (7) Observed Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 28-30.1, Bishangari area 29.1, Lake Bishoftu 9.2, Awash NP 12.2, Awash NP 13.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. Double-toothed Barbet Lybius bidentatus aequatorialis (2) 1 Bishangari area 29.1 and en route--Harenna Forest to Negele 1.2. Red-and-yellow Barbet Trachyphonus erythrocephalus (1) 1 en route--Harenna Forest to Negele 1.2. Yellow-breasted Barbet Trachyphonus margaritatus (5) 3 Adama--Kereyu Hill Hotel 9.2, Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2, Awash NP 12.2, Awash NP 13.2 and 4 Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. D'Arnaud's Barbet Trachyphonus darnaudii (4) 2 en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, Mega Plains 4.2, observed 5.2, Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2 and Yabelo Wildlife Sanctuary - Borena, Oromia 6.2.

Honeyguides Indicatoridae Lesser Honeyguide Indicator minor (1) 2 Bishangari area 29.1. Scaly-throated Honeyguide Indicator variegatus (2) 1 heard Bishangari area 29.1 and 1 Awassa--United Africa Hotel 8.2. Greater Honeyguide Indicator indicator (5) 1 Bishangari area 29.1, 1 en route--Harenna Forest to Negele 1.2, en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, 1 heard en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2 and observed 8.2.

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Woodpeckers Picidae Eurasian Wryneck Jynx torquilla torquilla (1) 1 Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Red-throated Wryneck Jynx ruficollis aequatorialis (1) 2 observed 8.2. Nubian Woodpecker Campethera nubica Observed 1 day(s) in total. Recorded on 14 days. Bearded Woodpecker Chloropicus namaquus schoensis (3) Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1, Yabelo Wildlife Sanctuary - Borena, Oromia 6.2 and observed 8.2. Abyssinian Woodpecker Dendropicos abyssinicus (1) 1 Dinsho 30.1. Cardinal Woodpecker Dendropicos fuscescens (3) observed 5.2, en route--Awassa to Yabelo 7.2 and Awash NP--Doho Lodge 11.2. Eastern Grey Woodpecker Dendropicos spodocephalus spodocephalus (2) Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 29.1 and Awassa--United Africa Hotel 8.2.

Falcons and Caracaras Falconidae Pygmy Falcon Polihierax semitorquatus castanonotus (2) 1 Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1 and en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2. Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni (3) Soda Plains 3.2, Mega Plains 4.2 and en route 9.2. Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus Observed 1 day(s) in total. Encountered on 15 days of the trip. Lanner Falcon Falco biarmicus (5) Bale Mountains NP--Sanetti Plateau 31.1, en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, Lake Awassa 7.2, Bilen Plains, E of Lake Caddabassa 11.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus (1) 2 Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2.

African & New World Parrots Psittacidae Yellow-fronted Parrot Poicephalus flavifrons (1) Bishangari area 29.1. Red-bellied Parrot Poicephalus rufiventris (4) en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, en route 6.2, Awash NP--Doho Lodge 10.2 and en route--Awash NP to Nazret 10.2.

Old World Parrots Psittaculidae Rose-ringed Parakeet Psittacula krameri parvirostris (3) Observed Kafta Sheraro NP 17-19.2. Black-winged Lovebird Agapornis taranta (6) Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 28.1, Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 29.1, Lake Bishoftu 28.1, Awassa--United Africa Hotel 7.2, Awassa--United Africa Hotel 8.2, Lake Awassa 7.2, observed 8.2, Lake Bishoftu 9.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 14.2.

Wattle-eyes and Batises Platysteiridae

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Grey-headed Batis Batis orientalis (4) 2 en route--Bitata to Negele, 10km N of Negele 2.2, Dawa River, Oromia, NE of Hudet 3.2, en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, Awash NP 12.2 and Awash NP 13.2. Western Black-headed Batis Batis erlangeri erlangeri (3) Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 28.1, Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 30.1 and Adama-- Kereyu Hill Hotel 9.2. Pygmy Batis Batis perkeo (1) observed 5.2. Brown-throated Wattle-eye Platysteira cyanea aethiopica (1) 2 Bishangari area 29.1.

Helmetshrikes and Allies Prionopidae White-crested Helmetshrike Prionops plumatus (2) 3 Yabelo--Elephant Rock, S of Yabelo 5.2 and 3 Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2.

Bushshrikes and Allies Malaconotidae Grey-headed Bushshrike Malaconotus blanchoti (6) Bishangari area 29.1, Genale River, SW of Meda Welabu 1.2, en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, Yabelo Wildlife Sanctuary - Borena, Oromia 6.2, Awash NP--Awash Falls Lodge 12.2 and Awash NP--Awash Falls Lodge 13.2. Orange-breasted Bushshrike Chlorophoneus sulfureopectus similis (3) Genale River, SW of Meda Welabu 1.2, Yabelo Wildlife Sanctuary - Borena, Oromia 6.2 and Awash NP--Doho Lodge 10.2. Rosy-patched Bushshrike Telophorus cruentus (6) Dawa River, Oromia, NE of Hudet 3.2, Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2, Mega Plains 4.2, observed 5.2, Yabelo Wildlife Sanctuary - Borena, Oromia 6.2, en route--Awassa to Yabelo 7.2 and Awash NP 12.2. Three-streaked Tchagra Tchagra jamesi jamesi (1) 1 Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2. Black-crowned Tchagra Tchagra senegalus habessinicus (6) Awash NP--Doho Lodge 11.2, Awash NP--Doho Lodge 12.2, Awash NP--Awash Falls Lodge 13.2 and observed Kafta Sheraro NP 17-19.2. Northern Puffback Dryoscopus gambensis erythreae (1) Bishangari area 29.1. Slate-colored Boubou Laniarius funebris (9) Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 28.1, Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 29.1, Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1, en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, Dawa River, Oromia, NE of Hudet 3.2, en route-- Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2, Mega Plains 4.2, Yabelo--Elephant Rock, S of Yabelo 5.2, en route 6.2, en route--Awassa to Yabelo 7.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. Red-naped Bushshrike Laniarius ruficeps rufinuchalis (1) 3 observed 5.2. Ethiopian Boubou Laniarius aethiopicus (4) Bishangari area 29.1, Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 30.1, Awash NP--Awash Falls Lodge 13.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. Black-headed Gonolek Laniarius erythrogaster (3) Observed Kafta Sheraro NP 17-19.2. Brubru Nilaus afer (5) en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2, Mega Plains 4.2, observed 5.2, Yabelo Wildlife Sanctuary - Borena, Oromia 6.2 and Awash NP--Doho Lodge 10.2.

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Cuckoo-shrikes Campephagidae Red-shouldered Cuckooshrike Campephaga phoenicea (1) 1 Bishangari area 29.1.

Shrikes Laniidae Northern White-crowned Shrike Eurocephalus ruppelli Observed 1 day(s) in total. A widespread species that was observed on 15 days. Isabelline Shrike Lanius isabellinus isabellinus (4) Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1, en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2 and Awash NP 12.2. Red-tailed Shrike Lanius phoenicuroides (4) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 9.2, en route--Awash NP to Nazret 10.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. Southern Grey Shrike Lanius meridionalis (3) Lake Beseka 10.2, Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Steppe Grey Shrike Lanius pallidirostris (1) Lake Beseka 10.2. Grey-backed Fiscal Lanius excubitoroides intercedens (2) Lake Langano--SE, Hara Langano Lodge 29.1, Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1 and Lake Awassa 8.2. Taita Fiscal Lanius dorsalis (2) Mega Plains 4.2 and Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2. Somali Fiscal Lanius somalicus (4) en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, Mega Plains 4.2, Awash NP 12.2 and Awash NP 13.2. Northern Fiscal Lanius humeralis humeralis Observed 1 day(s) in total. The most frequently seen fiscal species, encountered on 9 days. Woodchat Shrike Lanius senator niloticus (1) Awash NP 13.2. Masked Shrike Lanius nubicus (5) observed 8.2, Lake Beseka 10.2 and observed Kafta Sheraro NP 17-19.2.

Old World Orioles Oriolidae Ethiopian Oriole Oriolus monacha (3) Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 31.1, Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 1.2, Bale Mountains NP - Harenna Forest 1.2 and Hagare Maryam, Oromia 7.2. Black-headed Oriole Oriolus larvatus rolleti (3) Bishangari area 29.1, en route--Harenna Forest to Negele 1.2 and Yabelo Wildlife Sanctuary - Borena, Oromia 6.2.

Drongos Dicruridae Fork-tailed Drongo Dicrurus adsimilis divaricatus Observed 1 day(s) in total. A regular sight, observed a total of 18 days.

Monarch Flycatchers Monarchidae African Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone viridis ferreti

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Observed 1 day(s) in total. Seen at scattered localities on 9 days.

Crows, Jays, and Magpies Corvidae Stresemann's Bushcrow (EN) Zavattariornis stresemanni (3) Soda Plains 3.2, Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2 and en route--Awassa to Yabelo 7.2. Red-billed Chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax baileyi (2) 30 en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1 and Bale Mountains NP--Sanetti Plateau 31.1. Cape Crow Corvus capensis kordofanensis Observed 1 day(s) in total. One of the widespread corvids, seen on 11 days. Pied Crow Corvus albus Observed 1 day(s) in total. Observed on 16 days. Somali Crow Corvus edithae (3) Soda Plains 3.2, observed 5.2 and Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2. Fan-tailed Raven Corvus rhipidurus rhipidurus Observed 1 day(s) in total. Observed on a total 13 days. Thick-billed Raven Corvus crassirostris (5) en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1, en route--Goba to Sanetti Plateau 31.1, Bale Mountains NP--Sanetti Plateau 31.1, en route--Harenna Forest to Negele 1.2, en route--Awassa to Yabelo 7.2, Gemassa Gedel 14.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 14.2.

Chickadees and Tits Paridae White-winged Black Tit Melaniparus leucomelas leucomelas (1) 2 Lake Langano--SE, Hara Langano Lodge 29.1. White-backed Black Tit Melaniparus leuconotus (2) Addis Ababa--Ghion Park 27.1 and 4 Dinsho 30.1. Acacia Tit Melaniparus thruppi thruppi (3) 4 en route--Bitata to Negele, 10km N of Negele 2.2, Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2 and observed 5.2.

Penduline-Tits Remizidae Mouse-colored Penduline Tit Anthoscopus musculus (4) en route--Bitata to Negele, 10km N of Negele 2.2, Dawa River, Oromia, NE of Hudet 3.2, observed 5.2, Yabelo--Elephant Rock, S of Yabelo 5.2 and 2 Awash NP 13.2.

Larks Alaudidae Chestnut-backed Sparrow-Lark Eremopterix leucotis leucotis (4) Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2, Awash NP 12.2, Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 19.2. Chestnut-headed Sparrow-Lark Eremopterix signatus signatus (2) Mega Plains 4.2 and Bilen Plains, E of Lake Caddabassa 11.2. Foxy Lark Calendulauda alopex (1) 1 en route--Bitata to Negele, 10km N of Negele 2.2. Archer's Lark (CR) Heteromirafra archeri (1) 2 Liben Plains, E of Negele 2.2. Singing Bush Lark Mirafra cantillans (2) Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2 and Awash NP 12.2.

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Short-tailed Lark fremantlii (1) 25 Soda Plains 3.2. Masked Lark Spizocorys personata (2) 1 Mega Plains 4.2 and 12 Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2. Thekla's Lark Galerida theklae (4) 2 en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1, Bale Mountains NP--Sanetti Plateau 31.1, Gemassa Gedel 14.2 and Gemassa Gedel 15.2. Erlanger's Lark erlangeri (1) en route 14.2. Greater Short-toed Lark Calandrella brachydactyla brachydactyla (1) Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2. Somali Short-toed Lark Alaudala somalica (1) Liben Plains, E of Negele 2.2.

Bulbuls Pycnonotidae Common Bulbul Pycnonotus barbatus schoanus Observed 1 day(s) in total. Observed on 15 days. Somali Bulbul Pycnonotus somaliensis (1) Awash NP 11.2. Dodson's Bulbul Pycnonotus dodsoni (7) en route--Harenna Forest to Negele 1.2, en route--Bitata to Negele, 10km N of Negele 2.2, en route-- Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, Dawa River, Oromia, NE of Hudet 3.2, en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2, Mega Plains 4.2, observed 5.2, Yabelo--Elephant Rock, S of Yabelo 5.2, Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2 and en route--Awassa to Yabelo 7.2. Dark-capped Bulbul Pycnonotus tricolor (2) Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 31.1 and Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 1.2. Northern Brownbul Phyllastrephus strepitans (2) Dawa River, Oromia, NE of Hudet 3.2 and en route--Awassa to Yabelo 7.2.

Swallows Hirundinidae Black Saw-wing Psalidoprocne pristoptera (2) Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 31.1 and Bale Mountains NP - Harenna Forest 1.2. Brown-throated Martin Riparia paludicola Observed 1 day(s) in total. Observed a total of 11 days. Sand Martin Riparia riparia (5) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2, Lake Awassa 8.2, Awash NP--Doho Lodge 10.2 and Awash NP--Doho Lodge 11.2. Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica rustica Observed 1 day(s) in total. The most freqeuently seen hirundine, observed on 18 days of the trip. Ethiopian Swallow Hirundo aethiopica (5) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Soda Plains 3.2, Mega Plains 4.2, observed 5.2 and en route-- Awash NP to Nazret 10.2. Wire-tailed Swallow Hirundo smithii smithii (5) 2 Lake Awassa 8.2, Lake Beseka 10.2, Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2, Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 19.2.

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White-tailed Swallow (VU) Hirundo megaensis (3) Soda Plains 3.2, Mega Plains 4.2, Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2 and Yabelo Wildlife Sanctuary - Borena, Oromia 6.2. Eurasian Crag Martin Ptyonoprogne rupestris (1) en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1. Rock Martin Ptyonoprogne fuligula Observed 1 day(s) in total. Observed on 10 days. Common House Martin Delichon urbicum (2) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1 and Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2. Lesser Striped Swallow Cecropis abyssinica (2) Soda Plains 3.2 and Lake Bishoftu 9.2. Red-rumped Swallow Cecropis daurica (5) Awash NP--Doho Lodge 11.2, Awash NP--Doho Lodge 12.2, Melka Ghebdu - track E of town, Amhara 13.2, Awash NP 13.2, Jemma Valley, Amhara 14.2 and Addis Ababa--Ghion Park 16.2.

Crombecs, African warblers Macrosphenidae Northern Crombec Sylvietta brachyura leucopsis (2) Awash NP 13.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. Red-faced Crombec Sylvietta whytii loringi (10) Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 28.1, Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 29.1, Genale River, SW of Meda Welabu 1.2, en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, Dawa River, Oromia, NE of Hudet 3.2, Mega Plains 4.2, Yabelo--Elephant Rock, S of Yabelo 5.2, Yabelo Wildlife Sanctuary - Borena, Oromia 6.2, en route--Awassa to Yabelo 7.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2.

Leaf-Warblers Phylloscopidae Brown Woodland Warbler Phylloscopus umbrovirens (3) 2 Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 31.1, Bale Mountains NP - Harenna Forest 1.2 and Gemassa Gedel 13.2. Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus (4) Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 28.1, Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, en route--Goba to Sanetti Plateau 31.1, Awassa--United Africa Hotel 7.2, en route--Awassa to Yabelo 7.2 and Addis Ababa--Ghion Park 16.2. Common Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita Observed 1 day(s) in total. The most frequently enocuntered Phylloscopus, seen on 14 days. Eastern Bonelli's Warbler Phylloscopus orientalis (2) Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2 and 2 Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2.

Reed-Warblers and Allies Acrocephalidae Lesser Swamp Warbler Acrocephalus gracilirostris (2) Lake Awassa 7.2 and Lake Awassa 8.2. Sedge Warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus (2) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1 and Bilen Plains, E of Lake Caddabassa 11.2. Eurasian Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus (2) Lake Awassa 8.2 and Bilen Plains, E of Lake Caddabassa 11.2. Eastern Olivaceous Warbler Iduna pallida Observed 1 day(s) in total.

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Singletons seen at scattered localities on 8 different days. Upcher's Warbler Hippolais languida (1) Mega Plains 4.2.

Grassbirds and Allies Locustellidae Cinnamon Bracken Warbler Bradypterus cinnamomeus cinnamomeus (2) Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 31.1 and 1 heard Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 1.2.

Cisticolas and Allies Cisticolidae Red-faced Cisticola Cisticola erythrops (2) Lake Awassa 7.2 and 1 heard Lake Awassa 8.2. Singing Cisticola Cisticola cantans cantans (4) Lake Bishoftu 28.1, 1 heard en route--Harenna Forest to Negele 1.2, Lake Awassa 8.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 14.2. Rattling Cisticola Cisticola chiniana fricki (2) Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. Boran Cisticola Cisticola bodessa (1) 4 Yabelo Wildlife Sanctuary - Borena, Oromia 6.2. Ashy Cisticola Cisticola cinereolus (1) 2 Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2. Ethiopian Cisticola Cisticola lugubris (4) 2 Dinsho 30.1, en route--Goba to Sanetti Plateau 31.1, Bale Mountains NP--Sanetti Plateau 31.1, Melka Ghebdu - track E of town, Amhara 13.2, en route 13.2 and en route 14.2. Red-pate Cisticola Cisticola ruficeps scotopterus (1) Kafta Sheraro NP 19.2. Tiny Cisticola Cisticola nana (1) 2 Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2. Foxy Cisticola Cisticola troglodytes ferrugineus (1) Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. Zitting Cisticola Cisticola juncidis uropygialis (1) Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2. Tawny-flanked Prinia Prinia subflava Observed 1 day(s) in total. Recorded on 14 days. Pale Prinia Prinia somalica (2) Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2, Mega Plains 4.2 and observed 5.2. Buff-bellied Warbler Phyllolais pulchella (6) Observed Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 28-30.1, en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, Yabelo--Elephant Rock, S of Yabelo 5.2 and Awassa--United Africa Hotel 8.2. Yellow-breasted Apalis Apalis flavida (5) en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, Dawa River, Oromia, NE of Hudet 3.2, en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2, Yabelo--Elephant Rock, S of Yabelo 5.2 and en route--Awassa to Yabelo 7.2. Red-fronted Warbler Urorhipis rufifrons (5) Mega Plains 4.2, observed 5.2, Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2, en route--Awassa to Yabelo 7.2 and en route--Awash NP to Nazret 10.2. Grey-backed Camaroptera Camaroptera brevicaudata

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Observed 1 day(s) in total. Recorded frequently, on 14 days of the trip. Grey Wren-Warbler Calamonastes simplex (7) en route--Bitata to Negele, 10km N of Negele 2.2, Dawa River, Oromia, NE of Hudet 3.2, en route-- Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2, Mega Plains 4.2, Yabelo--Elephant Rock, S of Yabelo 5.2, en route--Awash NP to Nazret 10.2, Awash NP 12.2 and Awash NP 13.2. Yellow-bellied Eremomela Eremomela icteropygialis griseoflava (7) 2 Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 29.1, en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2, Mega - 3km S of Mega 5.2, Awassa--United Africa Hotel 8.2, Awash NP 12.2 and Awash NP 13.2.

Laughingthrushes Leiothrichidae Rufous Chatterer Turdoides rubiginosa (6) Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1, Genale River, SW of Meda Welabu 1.2, Yabelo--Elephant Rock, S of Yabelo 5.2, Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2, en route--Awassa to Yabelo 7.2 and Awash NP--Awash Falls Lodge 12.2. White-headed Babbler Turdoides leucocephala (3) Observed Kafta Sheraro NP 17-19.2. White-rumped Babbler Turdoides leucopygia (2) Lake Langano--SE, Hara Langano Lodge 29.1 and Lake Awassa 7.2.

Old World Warblers Sylviidae Abyssinian Catbird Parophasma galinieri (3) 2 Dinsho 30.1, en route--Goba to Sanetti Plateau 31.1 and Bale Mountains NP - Harenna Forest 1.2. African Hill Babbler Pseudoalcippe abyssinica abyssinica (1) 1 Bale Mountains NP - Harenna Forest 1.2. Eurasian Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla (2) Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. Lesser Whitethroat Sylvia curruca curruca (5) Lake Langano--SW, Simbo Beach Resort 29.1, en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, Awash NP-- Doho Lodge 11.2, Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 19.2. Common Whitethroat Sylvia communis (4) Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2, observed 5.2, Yabelo Wildlife Sanctuary - Borena, Oromia 6.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. Brown Parisoma Sylvia lugens (2) 4 Addis Ababa--Ghion Park 27.1 and 2 en route--Goba to Sanetti Plateau 31.1. Banded Parisoma Sylvia boehmi (5) Dawa River, Oromia, NE of Hudet 3.2, Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2, Mega Plains 4.2, observed 5.2, Yabelo--Elephant Rock, S of Yabelo 5.2, Yabelo Wildlife Sanctuary - Borena, Oromia 6.2 and en route- -Awassa to Yabelo 7.2.

Yuhinas, White-eyes, and Allies Zosteropidae Abyssinian White-eye Zosterops abyssinicus Observed 1 day(s) in total. Widespread, seen on at least 16 days. Montane White-eye Zosterops poliogastrus (2) Bale Mountains NP - Harenna Forest 31.1, Bale Mountains NP - Harenna Forest 1.2, Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 31.1 and Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 1.2.

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Treecreepers Certhiidae African Spotted Creeper Salpornis salvadori erlangeri (2) 2 Awassa--United Africa Hotel 7.2 and Awassa--United Africa Hotel 8.2.

Starlings Sturnidae Wattled Starling Creatophora cinerea (6) Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1, Lake Awassa 8.2, Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 9.2, Bilen Plains, E of Lake Caddabassa 11.2, Awash NP 13.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Greater Blue-eared Starling Lamprotornis chalybaeus cyaniventris Observed 1 day(s) in total. Observed 16 days. Lesser Blue-eared Starling Lamprotornis chloropterus (2) Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Rüppell's Starling Lamprotornis purpuroptera Observed 1 day(s) in total. Observed 14 days with the birds in the Kafta Sheraro area noticeably longer-tailed. Golden-breasted Starling Lamprotornis regius (4) 3 en route--Bitata to Negele, 10km N of Negele 2.2, en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, observed 5.2, Yabelo--Elephant Rock, S of Yabelo 5.2 and en route 6.2. Superb Starling Lamprotornis superbus Observed 1 day(s) in total. Also observed 16 days. Shelley's Starling Lamprotornis shelleyi (6) en route--Harenna Forest to Negele 1.2, en route--Bitata to Negele, 10km N of Negele 2.2, en route-- Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, Dawa River, Oromia, NE of Hudet 3.2, en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2, Mega Plains 4.2, observed 5.2, Mega - 3km S of Mega 5.2 and Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2. Chestnut-bellied Starling Lamprotornis pulcher (2) Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. White-crowned Starling Lamprotornis albicapillus (5) en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, Liben Plains, E of Negele 2.2, Soda Plains 3.2, en route-- Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, Mega Plains 4.2, observed 5.2 and en route--Awassa to Yabelo 7.2. Violet-backed Starling Cinnyricinclus leucogaster (1) 1 Lake Awassa 8.2. Red-winged Starling Onychognathus morio rueppellii (5) Lake Bishoftu 28.1, en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1, Mega, Oromia 5.2, Mega, Oromia 6.2 and Lake Awassa 8.2. Slender-billed Starling Onychognathus tenuirostris tenuirostris (1) en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1. Bristle-crowned Starling Onychognathus salvadorii (2) Mega - 3km S of Mega 5.2 and en route--Awash NP to Nazret 10.2. White-billed Starling Onychognathus albirostris (1) Jemma Valley, Amhara 14.2. Magpie Starling Speculipastor bicolor (1) Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2.

Oxpeckers Buphagidae

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Yellow-billed Oxpecker Buphagus africanus africanus (1) 2 Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Red-billed Oxpecker Buphagus erythrorynchus (6) en route 30.1, en route--Harenna Forest to Negele 1.2, en route--Awash NP to Nazret 10.2, Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2, Awash NP 12.2 and 1 Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2.

Thrushes and Allies Turdidae Abyssinian Ground Thrush Geokichla piaggiae piaggiae (1) 1 Dinsho 30.1. Groundscraper Thrush Turdus litsitsirupa simensis (4) 1 en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1, Gemassa Gedel 13.2, Gemassa Gedel 14.2 and observed en route 13-15.2. African Thrush Turdus pelios (6) Observed Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 28-30.1, Genale River, SW of Meda Welabu 1.2, Lake Awassa 8.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Bare-eyed Thrush Turdus tephronotus (3) 4 Yabelo--Elephant Rock, S of Yabelo 5.2, Yabelo Wildlife Sanctuary - Borena, Oromia 6.2 and en route--Awassa to Yabelo 7.2. Abyssinian Thrush Turdus abyssinicus abyssinicus (6) Addis Ababa--Ghion Park 27.1, Dinsho 30.1, en route--Goba to Sanetti Plateau 31.1, Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 31.1, Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 1.2, Bale Mountains NP - Harenna Forest 1.2, Gemassa Gedel 14.2 and Addis Ababa--Ghion Park 16.2.

Old World Flycatchers Muscicapidae Black Scrub Robin Cercotrichas podobe podobe (4) Bilen Plains, E of Lake Caddabassa 11.2 and observed Kafta Sheraro NP 17-19.2. Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin Cercotrichas galactotes (3) Observed Kafta Sheraro NP 17-19.2. White-browed Scrub Robin Cercotrichas leucophrys (5) en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2, observed 5.2, Awash NP 12.2 and Awash NP 13.2. Abyssinian Slaty Flycatcher Melaenornis chocolatinus (6) Addis Ababa--Ghion Park 27.1, Dinsho 30.1, Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 31.1, Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 1.2, Hagare Maryam, Oromia 7.2 and Addis Ababa--Ghion Park 16.2. Northern Black Flycatcher Melaenornis edolioides (9) Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1, Genale River, SW of Meda Welabu 1.2, en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2, observed 5.2, Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2, en route--Awassa to Yabelo 7.2, Lake Awassa 8.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. African Grey Flycatcher Melaenornis microrhynchus Observed 1 day(s) in total. Encountered on 12 days. African Dusky Flycatcher Muscicapa adusta minima (9) Addis Ababa--Ghion Park 27.1, observed Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 28-30.1, Dinsho 30.1, Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 31.1, Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 1.2, Awassa--United Africa Hotel 7.2, Awassa--United Africa Hotel 8.2 and Addis Ababa--Ghion Park 15.2. Rüppell's Robin-Chat Cossypha semirufa (6) Addis Ababa--Ghion Park 27.1, Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 28.1, Bishangari area 29.1,

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Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 31.1, Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 1.2 and Addis Ababa--Ghion Park 15.2. White-browed Robin-Chat Cossypha heuglini heuglini (2) Awassa--United Africa Hotel 7.2 and Awassa--United Africa Hotel 8.2. Red-capped Robin-Chat Cossypha natalensis intensa (1) Bishangari area 29.1. Spotted Palm Thrush Cichladusa guttata (3) observed 5.2, Mega - 3km S of Mega 5.2, Yabelo Wildlife Sanctuary - Borena, Oromia 6.2 and en route--Awassa to Yabelo 7.2. Thrush Nightingale Luscinia luscinia (1) Awash NP 13.2. Common Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos (1) Ziway--Lake Ziway 9.2. Common Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus (8) Observed Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 28-30.1, Bishangari area 29.1, Awassa--United Africa Hotel 8.2, Adama--Kereyu Hill Hotel 9.2, Awash NP 13.2, Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. White-winged Cliff Chat Monticola semirufus (1) 4 Jemma Valley, Amhara 14.2. Common Rock Thrush Monticola saxatilis (2) en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2 and Mega Plains 4.2. Little Rock Thrush Monticola rufocinereus rufocinereus (5) Up to 2 Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 28-30.1, observed 8.2 and Lake Bishoftu 9.2. Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius (6) 1 Lake Bishoftu 28.1, Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 31.1, Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 1.2, Lake Bishoftu 9.2, en route 13.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 14.2. Siberian Stonechat Saxicola maurus (1) Jemma Valley, Amhara 14.2. African Stonechat Saxicola torquatus albofasciatus (4) en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1, 2 Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 31.1, Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 1.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 14.2. Moorland Chat Pinarochroa sordida sordida (4) en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1, en route 30.1, Bale Mountains NP--Sanetti Plateau 31.1, Gemassa Gedel 13.2 and Gemassa Gedel 14.2. Mocking Cliff Chat Thamnolaea cinnamomeiventris (7) Observed Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 28-30.1, Lake Bishoftu 28.1, Mega, Oromia 4.2, Mega - 3km S of Mega 5.2, Jemma Valley, Amhara 14.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. Rüppell's Black Chat Myrmecocichla melaena (1) Jemma Valley, Amhara 14.2. Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe (1) Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Red-breasted Wheatear Oenanthe bottae frenata (3) en route 28.1, en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1 and en route 15.2. Isabelline Wheatear Oenanthe isabellina Observed 1 day(s) in total. Seen on 16 days. Black-eared Wheatear Oenanthe hispanica melanoleuca (2) Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2.

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Pied Wheatear Oenanthe pleschanka Observed 1 day(s) in total. Observed a total of 18 days. Blackstart Oenanthe melanura (2) Lake Beseka 10.2 and en route 11.2. Sombre Rock Chat Oenanthe dubia (1) Lake Beseka 10.2. Abyssinian Wheatear Oenanthe lugubris lugubris (3) 1 observed 29.1, Melka Ghebdu - track E of town, Amhara 13.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 14.2.

Sunbirds and Spiderhunters Nectariniidae Eastern Violet-backed Sunbird Anthreptes orientalis (3) Dawa River, Oromia, NE of Hudet 3.2, Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2 and Yabelo--Elephant Rock, S of Yabelo 5.2. Nile Valley Sunbird Hedydipna metallica (3) Lake Beseka 10.2, Awash NP--Doho Lodge 11.2, Bilen Plains, E of Lake Caddabassa 11.2 and Awash NP 12.2. Scarlet-chested Sunbird Chalcomitra senegalensis proteus (3) Abidjatta Shalla NP 28.1, Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 29.1 and Adama--Kereyu Hill Hotel 9.2. Hunter's Sunbird Chalcomitra hunteri (2) en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2 and en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2. Tacazze Sunbird tacazze tacazze (4) Addis Ababa--Ghion Park 27.1, Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 31.1, Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 1.2 and Addis Ababa--Ghion Park 16.2. Beautiful Sunbird Cinnyris pulchellus (5) Observed Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 28-30.1, Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1, observed 8.2 and Awash NP 12.2. Marico Sunbird Cinnyris mariquensis osiris (5) Observed Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 28-30.1, en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2 and Yabelo Wildlife Sanctuary - Borena, Oromia 6.2. Black-bellied Sunbird Cinnyris nectarinioides erlangeri (1) Dawa River, Oromia, NE of Hudet 3.2. Shining Sunbird Cinnyris habessinicus (6) Mega - 3km S of Mega 5.2, Awash NP--Doho Lodge 10.2, Awash NP 12.2, Awash NP 13.2, Jemma Valley, Amhara 14.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. Variable Sunbird Cinnyris venustus Observed 1 day(s) in total. The most regularly seen sunbird, recorded on 12 days of the trip.

Old World Sparrows Passeridae Shelley's Sparrow Passer shelleyi (2) Liben Plains, E of Negele 2.2 and Mega Plains 4.2. Northern Grey-headed Sparrow Passer griseus ugandae (3) Observed Kafta Sheraro NP 17-19.2. Swainson's Sparrow Passer swainsonii Observed 1 day(s) in total. Observed on 21 days.

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House Sparrow Passer domesticus (3) Observed Himora, Tigray 17-19.2. Sudan Golden Sparrow Passer luteus (2) Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Bush Petronia Gymnoris dentata (6) en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2, Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2 and observed Kafta Sheraro NP 17-19.2. Yellow-spotted Petronia Gymnoris pyrgita pyrgita (6) Soda Plains 3.2, Mega Plains 4.2, observed 5.2, Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2, Lake Beseka 10.2 and Awash NP 12.2.

Weavers and Allies Ploceidae Red-billed Buffalo Weaver Bubalornis niger intermedius Seen in the south on 7 consecutive days. White-billed Buffalo Weaver Bubalornis albisrostris (2) Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2 and 18.2. White-headed Buffalo Weaver Dinemellia dinemelli dinemelli Observed on 15 days. White-browed Sparrow-Weaver Plocepasser mahali melanorhynchus Observed 1 day(s) in total. A noisy species that was encountered on 12 days. Chestnut-crowned Sparrow-Weaver Plocepasser superciliosus (2) Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Donaldson Smith's Sparrow-Weaver Plocepasser donaldsoni (1) Mega Plains 4.2. Grey-capped Social Weaver Pseudonigrita arnaudi (3) Soda Plains 3.2, en route 3.2, Mega Plains 4.2 and Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2. Black-capped Social Weaver Pseudonigrita cabanisi (2) en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2 and Mega Plains 4.2. Speckle-fronted Weaver Sporopipes frontalis frontalis (3) Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2, Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Baglafecht Weaver Ploceus baglafecht (9) Addis Ababa--Ghion Park 27.1, Dinsho 30.1, Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 31.1, Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 1.2, Lake Awassa 7.2, Lake Awassa 8.2, Hagare Maryam, Oromia 7.2, Gemassa Gedel 14.2, Jemma Valley, Amhara 14.2, Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2 and Addis Ababa--Ghion Park 16.2. Little Weaver Ploceus luteolus luteolus (2) Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1 and observed 8.2. Spectacled Weaver Ploceus ocularis crocatus (4) Bishangari area 29.1, Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 1.2, Awassa--United Africa Hotel 7.2 and Awassa--United Africa Hotel 8.2. Rüppell's Weaver Ploceus galbula (8) Observed Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 28-30.1, en route--Harenna Forest to Negele 1.2, Lake Bishoftu 9.2, en route--Awash NP to Nazret 10.2, Awash NP--Awash Falls Lodge 12.2 and Awash NP--Awash Falls Lodge 13.2. Vitelline Masked Weaver Ploceus vitellinus uluensis (10) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, observed 5.2, Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2, Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 9.2, Ziway--Lake

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Ziway 9.2, Ziway--Lake Ziway 10.2, Awash NP--Doho Lodge 10.2, Awash NP--Doho Lodge 11.2, en route--Awash NP to Nazret 10.2, Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Speke's Weaver Ploceus spekei (1) Liben Plains, E of Negele 2.2. Village Weaver Ploceus cucullatus abyssinicus (8) Observed Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 28-30.1, Awassa--United Africa Hotel 8.2, Awassa-- United Africa Hotel 9.2, Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2, Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Black-headed Weaver Ploceus melanocephalus (1) Kafta Sheararo NP 18.2. Chestnut Weaver Ploceus rubiginosus rubiginosus (2) en route--Bitata to Negele, 10km N of Negele 2.2 and Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2. Red-headed Weaver Anaplectes rubriceps leuconotos (3) Genale River, SW of Meda Welabu 1.2, en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2 and en route--Awassa to Yabelo 7.2. Red-billed Quelea Quelea quelea aethiopica (9) Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 28.1, Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 29.1, Bishoftu-- Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2, Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 9.2, Awash NP--Doho Lodge 10.2, Awash NP--Doho Lodge 11.2, en route--Awash NP to Nazret 10.2, Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2, Awash NP 12.2, Awash NP 13.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. Black-winged Red Bishop Euplectes hordeaceus craspedopterus (2) Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. Northern Red Bishop Euplectes franciscanus (4) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Awash NP--Doho Lodge 11.2, Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2, Awash NP 12.2 and Awash NP 13.2. Yellow Bishop Euplectes capensis xanthomelas (4) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1, Gemassa Gedel 13.2 and Gemassa Gedel 14.2. Yellow-mantled Widowbird Euplectes macroura macrocercus (1) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1. Red-collared Widowbird Euplectes ardens laticauda (1) Jemma Valley, Amhara 14.2.

Waxbills and Allies Red-billed Pytilia Pytilia lineata (1) 2 Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. Green-winged Pytilia Pytilia melba (1) Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Cut-throat Finch Amadina fasciata (5) Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1, en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2, Awash NP 12.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Abyssinian Crimsonwing Cryptospiza salvadorii salvadorii (1) 2 Bale Mountains NP - Harenna Forest 1.2. Red-billed Firefinch Lagonosticta senegala Observed 1 day(s) in total. Observed 10 days of the trip. Red-cheeked Cordon-bleu Uraeginthus bengalus bengalus Observed 1 day(s) in total.

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Observed at least 18 days total. Purple Grenadier Uraeginthus ianthinogaster (2) observed 5.2, Yabelo--Elephant Rock, S of Yabelo 5.2 and Yabelo Wildlife Sanctuary - Borena, Oromia 6.2. Yellow-bellied Waxbill Coccopygia quartinia quartinia (1) Bale Mountains NP - Harenna Forest 1.2. Crimson-rumped Waxbill Estrilda rhodopyga (4) Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1, en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, Awash NP 13.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. Black-rumped Waxbill Estrilda troglodytes (3) Observed Kafta Sheraro NP 17-19.2. Black-cheeked Waxbill Estrilda charmosyna charmosyna (1) 3 Awash NP 13.2. Quailfinch Ortygospiza atricollis fuscocrissa (2) 20 Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1 and Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 9.2. African Silverbill Euodice cantans orientalis (5) 2 Bilen Plains, E of Lake Caddabassa 11.2, Awash NP 12.2, Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2, Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Bronze Mannikin Lonchura cucullata scutata (3) Bishangari area 29.1, Awassa--United Africa Hotel 7.2 and Awassa--United Africa Hotel 8.2. Black-and-white Mannikin Lonchura bicolor poensis (1) Bale Mountains NP - Harenna Forest 1.2.

Indigobirds Village Indigobird chalybeata ultramarina (5) 1 Awash NP 12.2, Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2 and observed Kafta Sheraro NP 17-19.2. Pin-tailed Whydah Vidua macroura (1) Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2. Steel-blue Whydah Vidua hypocherina (1) 2 en route--Harenna Forest to Negele 1.2. Straw-tailed Whydah Vidua fischeri (1) 1 en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2. Sahel Paradise Whydah Vidua orientalis orientalis (1) 1 Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2.

Wagtails and Pipits Motacillidae Western Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava Observed a total of 13 different days. Citrine Wagtail Motacilla citreola (1) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1. Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea cinerea (4) Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 31.1, Bale Mountains NP - Harenna Forest 1.2, Melka Ghebdu - track E of town, Amhara 13.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 14.2. Mountain Wagtail Motacilla clara clara (1) Jemma Valley, Amhara 14.2. White Wagtail Motacilla alba alba (9) Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1, en route 30.1, en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, Lake Awassa 8.2, Bilen Plains, E of Lake Caddabassa 11.2, Awash NP 13.2, Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2, Kafta Sheraro

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NP 17.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. African Pied Wagtail Motacilla aguimp vidua (1) Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. Abyssinian Longclaw (NT) Macronyx flavicollis (1) 2 en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1. African Pipit Anthus cinnamomeus (7) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1, en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1, Liben Plains, E of Negele 2.2, en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, Mega Plains 4.2 and Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 9.2. Tawny Pipit Anthus campestris (3) 1 Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2, Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Long-billed Pipit Anthus similis (1) 2 Jemma Valley, Amhara 14.2. Plain-backed Pipit Anthus leucophrys (2) Liben Plains, E of Negele 2.2 and Soda Plains 3.2. Tree Pipit Anthus trivialis trivialis (2) Jemma Valley, Amhara 14.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. Red-throated Pipit Anthus cervinus (5) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1, Bale Mountains NP-- Sanetti Plateau 31.1, en route--Awassa to Yabelo 8.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 14.2.

Finches, Euphonias Fringillidae African Citril Crithagra citrinelloides citrinelloides (5) Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 28.1, Lake Langano--SE, Hara Langano Lodge 29.1, Bale Mountains NP - Harenna Forest 1.2, Lake Awassa 8.2 and Lake Awassa 9.2. White-rumped Seedeater Crithagra leucopygia leucopygia (1) Kafta Sheraro NP 19.2. Yellow-rumped Seedeater Crithagra xanthopygia (1) Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. Reichenow's Seedeater Crithagra reichenowi (9) Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 28.1, Sabana Beach Resort, Lake Langano 29.1, Bishoftu-- Lake Chelekleka 28.1, en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2, observed 5.2, Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2, en route--Awassa to Yabelo 7.2 and Bishoftu--Lake Chelekleka 9.2. Salvadori's Seedeater Crithagra xantholaema (1) 1 en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2. Yellow-fronted Canary Crithagra mozambica (1) Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. White-bellied Canary Crithagra dorsostriata maculicollis (3) Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1, Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2 and observed 5.2. Ankober Serin Crithagra ankoberensis (1) 12 Gemassa Gedel 14.2. Northern Grosbeak-Canary Crithagra donaldsoni (1) 1 observed 5.2. Brown-rumped Seedeater Crithagra tristriata (6) Addis Ababa--Ghion Park 27.1, en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1, Bale Mountains NP-- Bale Mountain Lodge 31.1, Gemassa Gedel 13.2, Gemassa Gedel 14.2 and Addis Ababa--Ghion Park 16.2.

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Streaky Seedeater Crithagra striolata striolata (8) Addis Ababa--Ghion Park 27.1, Addis Ababa--Ghion Park 28.1, en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1, Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 31.1, Bale Mountains NP - Harenna Forest 1.2, Gemassa Gedel 13.2, Gemassa Gedel 14.2 and Addis Ababa--Ghion Park 16.2. Yellow-crowned Canary Serinus flavivertex flavivertex (3) en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1, Dinsho 30.1, Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 31.1 and Bale Mountains NP - Harenna Forest 1.2. Ethiopian Siskin Serinus nigriceps (2) Bale Mountains NP--Sanetti Plateau 31.1 and Gemassa Gedel 14.2.

Buntings, Sparrows and Allies Emberizidae Cinereous Bunting (NT) Emberiza cineracea (1) Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana (3) 6 en route 5.2, Jemma Valley, Amhara 14.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. Striolated Bunting Emberiza striolata (1) 1 heard Lake Beseka 10.2. Cinnamon-breasted Bunting Emberiza tahapisi (3) Yabelo--Elephant Rock, S of Yabelo 5.2, Jemma Valley, Amhara 14.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. Somali Bunting Emberiza poliopleura (2) 1 Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2 and observed 5.2. Golden-breasted Bunting Emberiza flaviventris flavigaster (2) Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2.

Mammals (34 in total: 34 seen) Status codes: E = Endemic, NE = Near-endemic, I = Introduced IUCN codes: CR = Critically endangered, EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable, EW = Extinct in the Wild, NT = Near Threatened, DD = Data Deficient

Hylaxes Procaviidae Yellow-spotted Hyrax Heterohyrax brucei (2) Bale Mountains NP--Bale Mountain Lodge 31.1 and Mega - 3km S of Mega 5.2. Rock Hyrax Procavia capensis (3) en route--Adaba to Dinsho, Highway 8 30.1, Fonan Gofa, Oromia 4.2 and Awash NP--Awash Falls Lodge 13.2.

Old World monkeys Cercopithecidae Grivet Monkey Chlorocebus aethiops (6) Bishangari area 29.1, Awassa--United Africa Hotel 8.2, Lake Awassa 8.2, Awash NP--Doho Lodge 11.2, Awash NP 12.2, Awash NP 13.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. Vervet Chlorocebus pygerythrus (1) Mega, Oromia 5.2. Guereza Colobus guereza (4) Lake Langano--SE, Hara Langano Lodge 29.1, Bale Mountains NP - Harenna Forest 1.2, Awassa-- United Africa Hotel 8.2 and Awash NP--Awash Falls Lodge 13.2.

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Olive Baboon Papio anubis Observed 1 day(s) in total. A regular sight on 13 different days. Hamadryas Baboon Papio hamadryas (2) Lake Beseka 10.2 and Awash NP 12.2. Gelada Baboon Theropithecus gelada (2) Gemassa Gedel 13.2 and Gemassa Gedel 14.2.

Rabbits, Hares Leporidae Abyssinian Hare Lepus habessinicus (4) Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1, Mega - Area N of Mega 3.2, Mega, Oromia 4.2 and Aledeghi WR-- Plains 11.2.

True Mice and Rats, Gerbils, Spiny Mice, Crested Rat Muridae Blick's Grass Rat Arvicanthis blicki (1) Bale Mountains NP--Sanetti Plateau 31.1.

Mole Rats, Bamboo Rats and Zokors Spalacidae Giant Mole Rat Tachyoryctes macrocephalus (1) Bale Mountains NP--Sanetti Plateau 31.1.

Squirrels Sciuridae Gambian Sun Squirrel Heliosciurus gambianus (1) Lake Langano--SE, Hara Langano Lodge 29.1. Striped Ground Squirrel Xerus erythropus (3) en route--Harenna Forest to Negele 1.2, Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Unstriped Ground Squirrel Xerus rutilus (5) en route--Bogol Manyo to Negele 2.2, en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, Mega Plains 4.2, observed 5.2 and Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2.

Mongooses Herpestidae White-tailed Mongoose Ichneumia albicauda (2) observed 5.2 and Yabelo Wildlife Sanctuary - Borena, Oromia 6.2.

Hyenas, Aardwolf Hyaenidae Spotted Hyaena Crocuta crocuta (1) Liben Plains, E of Negele 2.2.

Wolves, Coyote, Foxes, Jackals Canidae Golden Jackal Canis aureus (3) Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1, Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2 and Jemma Valley, Amhara 15.2. Ethiopian Wolf Canis simensis (1) 6 Bale Mountains NP--Sanetti Plateau 31.1.

Zebras, Horse, Asses Equidae Plains Zebra Equus quagga boehmi (1) 3 Yabelo Wildlife Sanctuary - Borena, Oromia 6.2.

Rockjumper Birding Tours Trip Report – RBL Ethiopia Mega 2018 51

Pigs Suidae Desert Warthog Phacochoerus aethiopicus (1) Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2. Common Warthog Phacochoerus africanus africanus (4) Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1, Dinsho 30.1, en route--Awash NP to Nazret 10.2 and Aledeghi WR-- Plains 11.2.

Cattle, Antelopes, Sheep, Goats Bovidae Waterbuck Kobus ellipsiprymnus (2) Awash NP--Doho Lodge 11.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2. Gerenuk Litocranius walleri (2) Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2 and Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2. Guenther's Dik-dik Madoqua guentheri (4) en route--Mega to Negele to Mega S1 3.2, Mega - Area N of Mega 4.2, Mega Plains 4.2, Yabelo-- Elephant Rock, S of Yabelo 5.2 and Sarite Plains, Oromia 6.2. Salt's Dik-dik Madoqua saltiana (4) en route--Awash NP to Nazret 10.2 and observed Awash NP 11-13.2. Grant's Gazelle Nanger granti (3) Abidjatta Shalla NP 29.1, Soda Plains 3.2 and Mega Plains 4.2. Soemmerring's Gazelle Nanger soemmerringii (3) Aledeghi WR--Plains 11.2, Awash NP 12.2 and Awash NP 13.2. Beisa Oryx Oryx beisa (2) Awash NP 12.2 and Awash NP 13.2. Oribi Ourebia ourebi (2) Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2. Bohor Reedbuck Redunca redunca (1) Dinsho 30.1. Bushbuck Tragelaphus scriptus (1) Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2. Mountain Nyala Tragelaphus buxtoni (1) Dinsho 30.1. Lesser Kudu Tragelaphus imberbis (4) Observed Awash NP 10-13.2. Greater Kudu Tragelaphus strepsiceros (2) Kafta Sheraro NP 17.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2.

Reptiles (2 in total: 2 seen) Status codes: E = Endemic, NE = Near-endemic, I = Introduced IUCN codes: CR = Critically endangered, EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable, EW = Extinct in the Wild, NT = Near Threatened, DD = Data Deficient

Monitor Lizards Varanidae Nile Monitor Varanus niloticus (1) Lake Langano--SE, Hara Langano Lodge 29.1.

Crocodiles and relatives Crocodylidae Nile Crocodile Crocodylus niloticus

Rockjumper Birding Tours Trip Report – RBL Ethiopia Mega 2018 52

(3) Awash NP--Doho Lodge 10.2, Awash NP--Awash Falls Lodge 12.2 and Kafta Sheraro NP 18.2.


Rockjumper Birding Ltd Tel: (USA & Canada) toll-free: 1-888-990-5552 Suite 1D, 5 Clarens Fields Business Park Email: [email protected] Black River Road, Bambous Alternative email: [email protected] Mauritius Website:

Rockjumper Birding Tours