Ringim: BirdPix report for Nigeria Biodiversity Observations (2020) 11.4: 1–10 BirdPix – report on the photographic atlas of the birds of Nigeria, 2012–2019 Abubakar S. Ringim Ringim AS 2020. BirdPix – report on the photographic atlas of the birds of Nigeria, 2012–2019. Biodiversity Observations 11.4:1–10 Bird atlas, BirdPix, citizen science, Nigeiria 7 July 2020 1 Ringim: BirdPix report for Nigeria Biodiversity Observations (2020) 11.4: 1–10 Ornithology What is BirdPix, and why does it matter? BirdPix is a photographic atlas of birds of Africa. It was launched in BirdPix - report on the photographic atlas of the birds 2012. In Nigeria, the first record was uploaded into the BirdPix data- base on 7 March 2012, though historical records date back to 27 Feb- of Nigeria, 2012 – 2019 ruary 2007 (Figure 1). The goals of the project are (1) to assist with the mapping of the current distributions of birds occurring in Africa, and Abubakar S. Ringim, Department of Biological Sciences, Federal (2) to serve as a repository of photographic distribution records for this University Dutse, P.M.B. 7156, Dutse, Jigawa State, Nigeria group (Loftie-Eaton et al. 2018). This ambitious project helps to provide up-to-date distribution maps for birds, important organisms within biodi-
[email protected] versity research that serve as good indicators of environmental modifi- cation, and facilitates the prioritization of areas for biodiversity conser- Abstract vation (Donald et al. 2019). This paper describes progress with the atlas of birds of Nigeria, from 7 March 2012 to 15 December 2019. The database of the project con- tained 658 records of 246 species submitted to the BirdPix section of the Virtual Museum.