Sea of Stars

Core Book V 0.1

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Table of Contents


What is Sea of Stars?...... 7

How to Play…..………………………………………………………………………………………………8

The Orion Spur……………………………………………………………………………………………………..10

Timeline of The Orion Spur……………………………………………………………………………………12

Humanity in the 31st century…………………………………………………………………………………….19

Terran Empire……………………………………………………………………………………………..20

The Aaramori Regency...………………………………………………………..……………………..22

The Guardian Orders……………………………………………………………………………………23

Buccaneer’s Coalition…………..……………………………………………………………………….26

Privateer’s Enclave………..………………………………………………………………………………27

The Vokei……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..28

The Scourge…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..29


List of Abilities by Affinity……………………………………………………………………………..32

Description of powers and mechanics……………………………………………………………..34

Character Creation..………………………………………………………………………………………………..41





Pilot….…………………………………………………………………………..…………………………….53 P a g e | 3





Careers and Career Points(CP)…………………………………………………………………..…………….55

List of abilities by career………………………………………………………………………56









Game Mastering…………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Preconstructed characters………………………………………………………………………………….

List of Discovered Planets…………………………………………………………………………………

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In the wake of the third world war, humanity undertook a great challenge, uniting the entirety of its people under a single flag. This newly formed “Terran Empire” would seek to keep peace among the previously warring states. The combined political efforts of many great men and women would allow this to happen. Mankind built a great city in the fertile crescent of the middle east, as a monument to some of the first great civilizations and as a memorial to the millions of lives lost in the tragedy of the war. The empire put great emphasis on scientific progress and their diligence would pay off greatly.

In the year 2114, a group of imperial scientists proved the existence of the greatest scientific theory in history, a single theorem that reduced all the laws that govern the physical world to a single form. This would come to be known as the Grand Unified Theory of physics, and with it, humanity would be propelled into a new era of invention and exploration this theory at its core. Masterpieces of art were created, and marvelous technologies were developed as humanity looked to their last untamed frontier, space. With the development of powerful new ships and terraforming technology, mankind began P a g e | 5 to colonize their home star system by the 23rd century. Great colonies were established on neighboring planets and the span of the empire grew.

Along with the great technology of the Grand Theory, there came another, less expected, consequence. Within a few years of the discovery of the Theory, a small number of men and women across the empire began to exhibit abilities that no person had ever possessed before. Supernatural strength, immeasurable mental power, and the very aspects of the universe were at their command. Humans born with these powers were at first arrested and imprisoned before their abilities were understood. Only when the second emperor, Richard, showed these abilities, were they freed and invited back into the ranks of the empire.

Humans were happy with their budding presence on other close worlds, until in the 24th century, when the Tesla Reactor was first created. This device allows for a form of faster than light travel by transforming any matter within its field into a form of pure energy while still retaining its original shape, composition and atomic structure. Humans were no longer bound to their single star, and much as the great empires of history stretched out across the oceans of earth with the discovery of astronomic navigation, the Terran Empire would spread its mighty and sail across the sea of stars that now lied within its grasp. Massive colonizing ships were sent out across the local arm of the milky way and humanities reach grew. New worlds were established on many systems where thousands of new life forms were discovered. However, humanities first contact with other another sapient species wouldn’t be a peaceful one. P a g e | 6

Near the turn of the 25th century, humanity first encountered the alien species that would come to be known as the Scourge. The Scourge are a race of sentient insectoid creatures that spread from planet to planet, devouring and killing as they move. These fearsome aliens also infect any killed or captured being, human or not, becoming part of their ranks, making any combat with them incredibly dangerous and terrifying. The first encounter with this menace was on the colonial planet Dantir, when a scourge seedship crashed into the young world. The colony was completely wiped out, and only a fleet commanded by the Empress Seiko and her newly formed force of scionic knights would be able to expel the xenos. Years later, the empire would be tested again by this threat in the Scourge Wars of the 26th century. With the help of powerful guardian orders the empire would weather this storm though.

The only other spacefaring alien race that the Empire has ever encountered is the Vokei. The first contact with the Vokei came in the year 2730 above the planet Colibris in the Valisia star system. These pale skinned humanoids had taken notice of the humans expanding domain and had come to make an accord to set a precedent with the Terran Empire not to colonize any planets that had already been claimed by their empire in exchange for peace with the aliens. The Terrans agreed and the Colibris accords were set. Since then, there has been no outright conflict with the Vokei, though any trade with them is difficult, as they have little value for most things that humans possess or create.

It is now the year before the millennium turns, and humanity is at a crux, what will this new age bring as humans continue to pit themselves against the eternal void. What new challenges will mankind face, what new discoveries will be made, and what stories will be written?

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What is Sea of Stars?

Sea of Stars is a science fiction roleplaying game set in humanities future at the turn of the year 3000. The Terran Empire continues to slowly grow out from its home system and mankind has developed incredible new powers such as the Grand Theory and the Scions. Players will create and take control of a character that lives in this galaxy, seeking fame and fortune as they take to the stars and worlds of the Empire and beyond.

Players will face many trials along the way towards their goals, whether it be bands of vicious space pirates, the devilish heat of the sand wastes on Barios, or the ravenous hunger of the world devouring Scourge. Players will use their various skills, abilities, and equipment to overcome them. The players will be able to gain followers and allies throughout the game in the form of crew members. Crew members can be sent on missions or used to aid in combat. Players will also be able to become the head of an organization whether it be a local gang or a massive space corporation. As the players progress through the game, they will advance in level and gain career points that can be spent on abilities, skills, and allies.

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How to play

Sea of stars is played in a typical roleplaying style, familiar to those who have experience with other systems such as Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, or Shadowrun. The game consists of the Gamemaster (GM) describing the player’s surroundings and the situations they find themselves in. The players interact with the world through the gamemaster by describing how their characters act in these surroundings. This includes talking with Non- player characters (NPCs), making skill checks or otherwise engaging with the environment. The gamemaster can also have the players make Saving Throws to resist effects of the environment or other characters. The players will also be engaged in combat regularly throughout the game, whether on foot, or in a vehicle. When combat begins, the game switches to a turn-based skirmish game, where the players gain direct control of their entire present crew to aid them.

Skill Checks – these refer to any interaction (Combat or not) that requires a character to use any of their skills to complete, from climbing to bypassing electronic locks. All skill checks are made by a player rolling 3d6 and adding the appropriate skill and attribute modifiers

• Basic (DC 9) • Simple (DC 12) • Moderate (DC 15) • Difficult (DC 18) • Expert (DC 21) • Master (DC 24)

Saving Throws – many situations that the players are put into can be overcome by passing a “Saving Throw” which is either dictated by a player’s bodily fortitude (BODY or BOD) or their mental toughness (MIND or MIN)

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Crew – In Sea of Stars, the players will encounter plenty of enemies, but they will also meet people whose goals or missions are aligned with their own. These allies will not only be more helpful to the players but can also join a player’s Crew. A crew is a player’s set of companions, whether they are humans, drones, or animals. Each player has a base crew size of 1, giving each player in the party access to one companion slot at the start of the game. When not in combat, a player’s crew can be interacted with just like any other NPC, but the players only assume direct control during combat. Crew and organizations are covered on pages ??-??

Combat – Whenever the players enter a combat encounter, game time freezes and freeform movement is replaced with a hex grid system. Combat is broken into Rounds and Turns. A round consists of turns equal to the number of engaged Crews (typically 2: Player and Enemy turns). During each crew’s turn, every member is given 2 Action Points (AP), and can spend those points on movement, attacks, using abilities, interacting with the environment, employing technology, and more. Using an attack action will end a player’s turn, regardless of how many action points they have remaining. When the players have no remaining AP, their turn is over, and the enemy takes their turn. When it is the player’s turn again, the next round will begin, and all cooldown timers decrease by one. Combat is explained in depth on pages ??-??

Scions - These men and women represent a new step in human development and are able to wield supernatural abilities. All humans are born with the latent ability to use these powers but must unleash these abilities through either enlightenment or trauma. This is referred to as Igniting and allows the new scion to use powers from one of the six affinities. As a scion uses their powers they become more powerful and easier to call upon, as well as gaining access to new powers. Scions, their powers, and the mechanics of playing them are explained on pages ??-??. P a g e | 10

The Orion Spur

The local arm of the Milky Way galaxy in which the Terran empire resides is called the Orion Spur. Mankind has spread and colonized 23 star systems and over 100 planets since taking to the stars. Most systems are ruled directly by the Empire, but due to the sheer size of humanities new domain, many outlying planets are controlled through local governments, collectively called the Colonial Systems. Theses planets still owe fealty to the Empire and pay imperial taxes and can serve in the armed forces of the Imperial legions, but their planets do not receive direct oversight or resources from imperial worlds, allowing a greater range of freedoms, but also more crime and less access to new technology. A few worlds have separated themselves from the empire, either violently or through more political means.

Travelling between worlds and systems is made possible through the use of tesla reactors, allowing ships outfitted with them to cross the vast distances between stars in mere days or weeks.

These interstellar voyages are no easy feat though, as even the most advanced tesla reactors can only make jumps of a few light years at a time. The dark void between star systems is rife with danger as well. Huge asteroid fields, cosmic storms, and monstrous void breathing creatures can destroy careless ships in an instant. Opportunistic pirates can trap a passing ship to raid their cargo and maroon the helpless crew. Those that can brave the endless blackness become wealthy men and women though, and the draw is too great for many to resist. Power, knowledge, glory, and wealth are just a few of the possibilities for people who have the courage to make their way in the Spur, whether by the sweat of their brow, the strength of their arm, or the power of their mind. P a g e | 11

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Timeline of the Orion Spur

2076 – The third world war breaks out over the dwindling livable space and resources on earth as it spirals towards environmental collapse.

2085 – After nearly a decade of conflict, the leaders of the world come together to bring an end to the globe spanning war that has decimated the population of the world. The Istanbul convention begins, lasting over three months. As the convention ends, the leaders emerge with a treatise for global peace and unification for the benefit of all mankind. The third world war ends.

2085 – The Unified Terran Empire is formed and the construction of a great city on the site of the ancient empire of Babylon is begun.

2086 – A collection of scientists and engineers begin the arduous process of repairing the atmospheric ozone layer.

2087 – The Lineage project is created to collect DNA samples from the entirety of humanity to create a leader that is a true child of all mankind. 2089 – The first child of the Lineage project is born, a girl named Hela, she is to become the first empress of mankind.

2100 – New Babylon is completed and named the capital of the Unified Terran Empire. P a g e | 13

2107 – Hela takes the throne of the empire and makes scientific discovery a priority.

2116 – A group of imperial scientists led by Theo Rolf prove the existence of the Grand Unified Theory of physics, beginning the Age of Enlightenment.

2117 – A massive space elevator is built outside New Babylon to expand the empire beyond earth.

2119 – With the power of the space elevator, colonies can be founded on the earth’s moon Luna and Mars.

2140 – The imperial Academy is founded on the Luna colony of Avalon.

2150 – An orbiting colony is constructed above Jupiter to facilitate mining of the asteroid belt.

2170 – the first Scions appear, fearful of their power the empire arrests and imprisons them. Mass killings of scions follow.

2180 – The second emperor, Richard is born in New Babylon. Colonies are founded on Saturn and Titan.

2185 – Richard exhibits scionic powers and the Imperial Academy focuses their studies on the scions.

2200 – Empress Hela witnesses Richard’s igniting and orders the release of all scions in the empire.

2205 – At Richard’s request, the College of Scionic Research (CSR) opens its doors in the Imperial Academy to train scions to control their powers.

2224 – Empress Hela dies in New Babylon. Richard takes the throne.

2241 – The first tesla reactor is designed and constructed in the CSR on Avalon. Emperor Richard commissions a fleet of gargantuan colonizing ships so that humanity can traverse the sea of stars.

2250 – Professors at the CSR create the Aspect Theory, dividing Scions into the 6 aspects.

2275 – The third empress, Seiko, is born on Avalon

2301 – Laden with colonists, technology, and supplies, the 9 galleons of the first imperial expansion fleet set out from the orbiting manufactory above Mars. P a g e | 14

2307 – 8 of the 9 expansion fleet ships make contact from their destination planets, reporting successful landings and foundations. No contact is made with the galleon Prometheus, which is assumed lost to the Void.

2315 – Emperor Richard is assassinated. Seiko ignites out of anguish, leading to new discoveries about the Scions and their spark. Seiko takes the throne.

2337 – Empress Seiko moves the capital from the city of New Babylon to the now moon encompassing city of Avalon to reduce the overpopulation of terra.

2368 – First contact with the scourge in the Deltiri system, contact is lost with the colony on Dantir.

2369 – Empress Seiko leads a division of the imperial Armada to the Deltiri system to recover the Dantir Colony

2370 – Seiko’s flotilla arrives above Dantir. The first battle of Dantir begins.

2371 – After a long and devastating conflict, Seiko retreats to Avalon with less than 10% of her original force.

2373 – To combat the scourge threat, Empress Seiko orders the founding of the guardian orders: The Aureate Knights, the Imperial Purgers, and the Cartographers. P a g e | 15

2398 – Leading a force of the combined guardian orders, Seiko attempts to retake the planet Dantir.

2400 – Seiko’s force arrives at Dantir. The second battle of Dantir ensues ending with a group of Purgers sacrificing themselves to ensure the destruction of the Seedship. The world of Dantir is recovered by the Empire.

2401 – The remainder of Seiko’s fleet returns to Avalon. The fourth Empress is born in the imperial palace, Altaira.

2403 – The Aureate Knights begin building their fortress on Avalon, the Octavian.

2404 – The few surviving Purgers return to Dantir and begin constructing a fortress from the shell of the destroyed Seedship to honor their fallen brothers and sisters.

2406 – The Octavian is completed, within it is placed the great stone table, made from the broken pieces of Stonehenge.

2409 – Altaira’s spark ignites and she becomes the top student at the CSR and a powerful Entropic, despite her young age.

2411 – After outcries from several of the outlying star systems, the Empire restructures many outlying planets into the Imperial Colonies. This allows for greater freedom and lower tithes at the cost of less imperial protection and oversight. The Colonial Council is formed.

2415 – The Purgers finish the construction of their fortress on Dantir, The Anvil.

2420 – At the request of the Colonial Council, 8 powerful pirates are given amnesty and form the first Privateer Enclave to protect the colonies from threats. The Enclave Estate is built on the colonial world of Alexandria. P a g e | 16

2426 – Empress Seiko dies in a hospital on Terra. Altaira ascends to the throne.

2458 – Altaira discovers the scionic field of Artificing. The Artificer’s guild is founded on Mars.

2486 – Empress Altaira sends an expeditionary force of Cartographers and Aureates to investigate a cosmic anomaly near the Soni star system.

2490 – A series of unexpected supernovas near the Soni system causes the formation of the supermassive black hole known as the Cotana Collapse. All contact with the expeditionary force is lost.

2500 – the fifth emperor is born, Augustus.

2512 – Augustus’ spark ignites in a training session with the Aureate grandmaster, Aiden Casperan. The great stone table in the Octavian is cracked from the force of his powers and repaired with veins of gold.

2516 – Across the empire, Seedships crash into dozens of imperial worlds over the course of a few weeks. The Scourge war begins.

2523 – Empress Altaira is killed in the battle of Thuban. Augustus takes the throne.

2528 – The siege of Matar Alpha begins.

2541 – the siege of Matar Alpha ends when Augustus boards the encroaching Seedship with his knights and slays the scourge queen. The discovery of queens aboard Seedships turns the tide of the war.

2550 – The sixth empress is born, Lucia.

2562 – A captain of the Privateers discovers the abandoned ships of the Soni expeditionary force. Anomalous readings P a g e | 17 are taken and received by imperial forces before the Privateers are lost, assumed swallowed by the Cotana collapse.

2570 – The last queens and Seedships are destroyed across the empire and colonies, ending the scourge war. The worlds infected by the scourge are forever altered.

2583 – Augustus leads another expeditionary force to the Soni system, where they discover the first expedition is still very much alive but warped and mutated by the collapse. The mutated Scions call themselves The Heralds of Kadesh. Augustus pursues the Heralds into the collapse and is lost. Lucia takes the throne.

2596 – The Buccaneer’s Coalition is formed on Tortuga. Piracy becomes rampant in the colonies.

2608 – a series of terroristic attacks takes place on many core imperial worlds; the heralds of Kadesh announce their existence and claim responsibility for these attacks. Lucia declares the Heralds enemies of the empire and orders the Knights to hunt them down.

2624 – An aureate galleon encounters a misshapen, hulking vessel in the Eridani system. Contact is made and discovered to be the warped amalgamation of the first and second Soni expeditionary fleets, and captained by the mutated former emperor Augustus, who now calls himself The Prophet. The prophet and his ship obliterate the knight vessel before disappearing back into the void.

2648 – The sixth emperor, Hideki is born.

2665 – Ruins of an ancient alien civilization are uncovered on Hadrian in the Sargas system. Lucia sends a team of scientists and cartographers to investigate

2680 – After extensive study and excavation, the cartographers team leaves the ruins on Hadrian, having uncovered a small crystalline artifact deep in the ruins. Further study of the artifact reveals a single comprehensible word “Ishtar”.

2687 – Lucia dies on Avalon, Hideki becomes the emperor.

2712 – more ruins like those on Hadrian are discovered, all seemingly abandoned many centuries prior and containing no useful information.

2724 – The cartographer Francisco Antunes discovers the Aaramori Regency in the Remidian star system. The Aaramori Treatise is drafted. P a g e | 18

2730 – First contact made with the Vokei empire above the planet Colibris. The Colibris accords are signed, preventing war between the two empires.

2738 – The seventh emperor, Gakoru is born.

2742 – While on a political mission to the planet Jakuta, Emperor Hideki’s ship is assaulted by The Prophet. Hideki is captured, and his ship absorbed into the hulking monstrosity of The Prophet’s ship. Gakoru is made emperor at the age of 6.

2750 – Overwhelmed by stress of ruling, Gakoru flees Avalon and is caught in a comet storm, but is saved by his Igniting, making him a powerful Cosmic. Gakoru returns to Avalon with a newfound resolve to lead his people.

2784 – The eighth empress, Katya is born.

2812 – Gakoru is assassinated by the Heralds. Katya becomes empress.

2836 – The Buccaneers begin a rampage across the colonies and systematically hunt the Privateers. The Privateers are reduced to nearly half of their previous strength.

2850 – The Privateers begin a galaxy wide hunt for the 9 Buccaneer lords. 8 are slain but the last, Captain Jayne Brydon, escapes the Privateers. Piracy becomes rare in the spur.

2878 – The First fully sentient A.I. androids are prototyped on Mars, 8 in total.

2883 – The sentient androids escape Mars and flee into the void; all future androids are designed with a control sensor to limit any higher intellectual functions.

2899 – The ninth emperor, Ragnar is born.

2923 – One of the rogue androids is found, having overtaken a small space station outside the Librae system, attempts to make contact result in the override of a ships systems and its occupants being vented into the void.

2957 – Katya dies on Avalon. Ragnar becomes emperor. P a g e | 19

2963 – The New buccaneers coalition reveals itself by laying siege to the world of Tortuga and stealing 9 of the colonial galleons stationed there.

2988 – the tenth empress, Juliette is born

2999 – The sacking of Alexandria, The Ishtarii Conflict begins P a g e | 20

Humanity in the 31st century The Terran Empire

The longest spanning, most expansive human society in history, the Terran Empire is a massive collection of nearly all the hundreds of billions of humans spread across the galaxy. The Empire strives to maintain peace and prosperity for all its citizens. This means providing infrastructure, defense, economic stability, and order throughout dozens of star systems. Only through the combined effort of billions of humans is the empire kept together and secure in the galaxy.

The Imperial chain of command begins with the Emperor or Empress at the head, a shining paragon of humanity, the Emperor is the de facto leader of humanity in the galaxy. Each emperor or empress is the product of the Lineage Project, which is a collected database of DNA of each imperial citizen, effectively making the emperor an offspring of all mankind. He or she rules from the moon spanning city of Avalon, the capital of the empire. Though they are mostly a figurehead and military commander, the emperor has the final word on any matter he or she chooses. Also based on the moon city Avalon, the Terran Council handles most of the actual governing, from matters of war to imperial tax levies. The Terran Council consists of 20 of the most influential men and women in the empire. Imperial legion commanders, heads of massive corporations, governors of core worlds and the like make up its members. Each member is appointed for their lifetime, chosen by the Governors Conclave or the Colonial Council and approved by the Emperor. The Terran Council are the only ones other than the Emperor that have authority over the powerful guardian orders of scions like the Aureate Knights and the Purgers.

The Governors Conclave and the Colonial Council are the next highest-ranking members of imperial society and consists of currently 50 members each. The Governors Conclave is made of citizens residing in core imperial worlds and is tasked with everything from trade management to deployment and supplying the legions, to providing law and order in its systems. The Colonial Council functions much the same as the Governors Conclave but represents the Colonial worlds exclusively. The two houses work together to keep the economy active, maintain peace and protect its citizens. The two houses are again made of any elected P a g e | 21 influential man or woman from each planet in the empire, chosen by a popular vote of every imperial citizen on their respective world.

The military of the empire is broken into 3 major pieces; the Legion, the Armada, and the Guardian Orders. The legion is the largest portion of the imperial forces and is comprised of billions of soldiers across the spur. The legion is focused on planetary engagements and defenses, and as such their forces are mainly composed of various infantry, armor, and artillery regiments. Because of the wide range of environments that they operate in, the forces of the legion are incredibly diverse. Most planets have their own dedicated planetary forces and have developed doctrines, equipment and strategies for combat in their field of battle. The diversity of the legion is both its greatest strength and weakness, being that whenever there is a need for a set of skills, the legion will have specialized troops. The differences and histories between regiments has created rifts of hate between many forces, making combined efforts difficult or even impossible.

The Armada is the collection of all the imperial spacefaring forces. The imperial fleet is made up of hundreds of thousands of ships and mobile suits of all sizes, and the millions of spacers that crew them. These forces are much more cohesive than the regiments of the legion, a product of the lifestyle that they all share in the void. Pilots, marines, navigators, and scientists fill the hulking ships that drift along the trading lanes of the spur and crew the various space installations across imperial space. Without the Armada, the empire would be nothing more than a collection of disconnected islands in the inky black void.

The last and smallest division of the imperial military are the Guardian Orders. These are the groups of scionic warriors, commanders, and scientists that serve the empire. There are three Orders that have existed since the battle of Dantir when they were founded by the Empress Seiko. These are The Aureate Knights, The Purgers, and The Cartographers. The Aureate Knights are a tool of surgical precision for operations anywhere in imperial space, taking on missions where the legion or armada cannot succeed alone. If the Knights are a razor for the empire then the Purgers are a hammer used to smash the unending threat of the Scourge, powerful warriors armed and armored with the mightiest equipment the empire can muster. The Cartographers are a group of explorers and scientists that brave the edges of imperial space, hunting the myriad of unknown threats that haunt the depths of space.

Maintaining peace in such a large-scale area is a daunting task, with the countless pirates, gangs and corruption that sink their teeth into imperial and colonial society. The duty of maintaining order on imperial worlds and space falls to the Marshals and the Privateers. The marshals are an elite group of lawmen and women who protect areas of imperial worlds, and serve as the arm of imperial law, stopping crime and protecting the citizens and assets of their jurisdiction. Marshals are fierce combatants and work with local planetary police forces when necessary. P a g e | 22

The privateers enclave is a collection of captains who have dedicated their lives and resources to defending the people of the spur from the threat of piracy in the deep void. Privateer vessels are among the fastest in the spur, just behind the craft of the cartographers. The men and women who serve the privateer captains are highly skilled and battle-hardened veterans, usually drawn from imperial legion and armada forces. The privateers hunt the pirates of the spur without mercy and seek out the most violent criminals and bring them to justice, which is most often delivered at the point of a sword or the barrel of a gun. The Privateers are based on the world of Alexandria, where they have built a massive estate that functions as their central base and meeting place. Individual privateer captains are stationed on colonial worlds, where they build smaller homes and bases so that they can protect and patrol their local sector more efficiently.

The economy of any interstellar empire is a truly massive and eternally fragile beast. The Terran empire is in the process of mapping the space that it occupies and as such trade between star systems is an extremely lucrative but dangerous endeavor. Men and women who can make their way between the stars without perishing can become very wealthy. To assist in managing the staggering amount of trade that takes place in the spur, the Terrans have broken their economy into several conglomerations of industrial governing agencies collectively called the Guilds. There are currently 8 guilds in the spur, each one charged with managing and maintaining the regulations and stability of a large area of the economy. The current guilds represented in the Governor’s Conclave are

• The shipwrights guild – starships, sub-orbital ships, naval vessels and any grav based vehicle • The wheelwrights guild – any terrestrial vehicle, wheeled legged or treaded • The munitions guild – all ranged and melee weapons, modifications and ammunition • The outfitters guild – all clothing, armor and personal protection • The traders guild – raw materials and produced goods (books, tools, medicine, tech etc.) • The passengers guild – interstellar transportation of civilians • The robotics guild – all androids and their components (excluding weapons and armor)

All the guilds are purely for oversight, their members do not actually participate in the industries. All companies are still completely independent and autonomous. This allows for freedom of industry while still maintaining collective managing. Members of the guilds are drawn from men and women who formerly served in the industries that they now oversee

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The Aaramori Regency

Deep within the hazardous Dragontail nebula, in the Remidian star system, there exists the only other independent human civilization in the spur. The Aaramori Regency is a small feudal society that maintains a fragile peace with the Terrans. The Aaramori are based on their capital world of Aaramor, a world originally colonized in the first Expansion of the 2300’s, by the rogue colony ship Prometheus and her captain Nero Remus. Prometheus carried a full complement of manufacturing technology along with the standard terraforming, agricultural and military equipment. Nero altered the original course of his ship and braved the dangers of the Dragontail nebula. They founded a colony on Aaramor and declared independence from the empire. The ship and crew were thought lost for nearly 400 years before a Cartographer Francisco Antunes discovered the planet when his ship was damaged exploring the Dragontail. What he found was a powerful, technologically advanced civilization spanning an entire system. He found that the Aaramori had become master craftsmen and skilled warriors, but they held no malice for the empire, preferring instead to be left to their own devices rather than be forced into a war, and Antunes drafted the Aaramori treatise with the descendant of Nero who now ruled the system, Calypso Remus. Calypso agreed to a non-aggression pact with the Terrans in exchange for free trade of information and goods.

Aaramor is a terrestrial mineral planet with a predominantly temperate climate by the aid of the ancient terraforming engine and is lush with life. The great rolling plains and dense alien forests support a host of local beasts, many of which are quite fearsome like the azure titans and the howling four-armed behemoths. The Aaramori also tell of another beast that was the planets original dominant species, which was a massive winged reptilian monster that could speak and even wield scionic powers. The Aaramori hunted these creatures to extinction and claimed the planet as their own domain, making their crest an image of the great beasts they slay for their new home.

Aaramori culture is focused on preservation of the Regency and attaining personal perfection and fulfillment. Almost all citizens of Aaramor have chosen a career path by the age of ten and begin their training, whether as a powerful Aaramori Blade, or a skilled Artificer or whatever they are most adept at. The Aaramori produce some of the best weapons and armor in the galaxy, thanks in part to their unique position inside the Dragontail nebula, which is among the few places in the galaxy to find many rare and powerful materials. P a g e | 24

The Guardian Orders

The Aureate Knights

After the first battle of Dantir, when the empire was in dire straits and faced with a new, terrifying enemy, the empress Seiko needed a new force of powerful warriors. She turned to a great untapped resource, the Scions of the empire. Seiko decreed that she was forming 4 orders of scionic warriors to serve the empire in different forms. The first and greatest among these is the Aureate Knights, an elite brotherhood of warrior-generals with incredible scionic powers. The Aureate Knights serve as the bodyguards of the emperor or empress and as the commanders of the imperial legion. Each knight is a force to be reckoned with, a great warrior in their own way whether a master swordsman or sharpshooter. The men and women of the Knights are equipped with the most powerful artifact weapons and clad in the crimson and gold regalia of their order.

The Knights have a fortress in the capital city of Avalon on Luna. The fortress is a massive structure named The Octavian, constructed of ancient stone from terra. Inside the fortress is the main hall that houses the legendary Stone Table. The stone table is a ginormous meeting place with enough seats to hold every member of the knights 25 leaders, The Praetorians. It is made from the stones that once formed the ancient astronomic observatory of Stonehenge. During the years leading up to the scourge war, the soon to be emperor Augustus was training with the Aureate grandmaster Casperan, their swords ringing out through the halls. Casperan gained the upper hand on young emperor, who with the last of his strength swung in a powerful strike clashing with the grandmaster and causing Augustus’ Igniting. The sheer force of the energy released cracked the massive table where they were dueling in half. The table was repaired with great veins of gold to preserve the momentous occasion that took place. Even after his corruption, the knights have a statue of him in their great hall in the hope that their hero will one day return to them.

After the discovery of the Heralds and the turning of Augustus, the knights have taken upon themselves the task of finding and hunting down all those who have allied themselves with the twisted renegades. They pursue the Heralds, especially those who were once part of their order, with zeal rivalling that of the crusaders of ancient terra. P a g e | 25

The Imperial Purgers

The emerging threat of the scourge nearly brought the terran empire to its knees in the scourge war, if not for the utterly destructive power of the Purgers. Created by empress Seiko to be a direct counter to the xenos menace, the imperial purgers are mankind’s greatest weapon against these extra- galactic horrors. These hulking warriors wear the heaviest armor, carry the most powerful weapons, and pilot the most advanced mobile suits in all the empire.

The guardian order of the purgers were first formed to spearhead the assault that came to be known as the second battle of Dantir. Armed with monstrous flamethrowers, plasma cannons and carrying fearsome melee weapons, the guardians of the Purgers followed their empress deep into the heart of the Seedship to plant a high yield explosive that would destroy the ship and all the scourge that remained inside. When the empress and her retinue of knights and purgers reached the heart of the Seedship, they encountered the most horrifying scourge ever faced by humanity, the monstrous entities later called the royal titans. The purgers set to combating the horrific xenos while the empress set the charges. During the battle in the heart, the charges were damaged and could not be activated remotely and someone had to remain behind and defend it. The warriors of the purgers offered to make this sacrifice and ushered the empress and her knights out of the ship. They stayed inside and valiantly defended the bomb until its detonation, which ended the battle of Dantir and the oppressive hold that the scourge wrought upon the planet.

After the battle, the few remaining purgers returned to Dantir, and by the strength of their own bodies and minds, built a great monument fortress in the husk of the shattered Seedship. This great bastion would come to be known as the Anvil, as it is where the power of the guardian orders was forged in fire, and where the strength of the purgers was shown to be mighty.

The purgers again showed their prowess during the scourge wars, where they led critical strikes against the xenos and slaughtered them by the billions. Following the war, they continue to serve the empire by rooting out xenos threats wherever they may appear and are fearsomely efficient in their duty.

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The Cartographers

Following the discovery of the scourge menace in the Deltiri system, the empress Seiko knew that the unknown expanse of the void could hold any number of threats to humanity. In her move to create the guardian orders, she decided that humanity would need a dedicated exploratory force that could root out any of these threats and safeguard humanities future. The scionic men and women who make up this order are the Imperial Cartographers. The cartographers are great scholars and explorers of the empire, braving the un-tread darkness of the void. Their primary duty is to explore the star systems and pathways between them, creating charts that make interstellar travel possible. Without the charts that the cartographers have made, travelling between even the established planets of the empire would be all but impossible.

The scions who comprise the order of cartographers are among the brightest minds in the spur, and typically favor scionic affinities of psychic, technic and cosmic, though others are not unheard of. The cartographers are based out of the imperial academy on Avalon, in the College of Cartography and Exploration. The heads of the cartographers are the professors of the college, whose job it is to educate the next generation of cartographers as well as to help train the men and women who will become part of the crews on the order’s fleet of caravels.

The Cartographers have made many important discoveries in the service of the empire, such as Francisco Antunes who found the lost colony of Aaramor. Antunes was searching the Dragontail nebula for signs of new star systems and pockets of valuable minerals when his ship was damaged by a massive void-worm, and he crashed onto a planet in the Remidian star system near the edge of the nebula. He was rescued from the crash by members of the Aaramori regency which had remained unknown to the empire for many years. With his authority as a cartographer, Antunes drafted a peace treaty with the Aaramori and eventually returned to earth. Many other cartographers have made important revelations, such as the study of the Cotana collapse and making first contact with the Vokei empire. Regardless of where they go, the cartographers of the empire are invaluable to the well- being and future of humanity. P a g e | 27

The Buccaneer’s Coalition

In the vast space between the planets and space stations of the empire, there is the void, an infinite ocean devoid of all but dark matter, gargantuan void-breathing monsters, and murderous pirates. These pirates hide in waiting along major trade routes waiting to deploy traps to rip unsuspecting ships out of phase. Once the ships are returned to physical matter, the pirates will raid them to take their cargo and sometimes the crew. The majority of the pirates in the spur belong to a faction that calls itself the Buccaneer’s Coalition, or just the Buccaneers.

The Buccaneers are a loose organization controlled by the most prominent and notorious pirate captains in the spur, who aid each other for a price, and keep hideouts scattered across dozens of planets. Any captain that wishes to become a member must swear fealty to one of the 9 pirate lords and will only be admitted if a majority vote is reached. The new captain will pay a portion of his loot to his or her lord and in return, they will have access to the coalition’s resources.

All buccaneer captains and lords have their own insignia that will be openly displayed on their ships, weapons, armor, and looted goods they have acquired. The only distinction is that the insignia of a buccaneer crew will always be crimson red. Any freelance pirate captain that is found to be using a red insignia will very quickly have it removed from them by the most forceful and violent means available by the real buccaneers.

The buccaneers have a hatred of the privateer enclave, as it was originally formed of traitors of the coalition. Any buccaneer that engages with a privateer will fight to the death trying to either capture or utterly destroy the privateer’s vessel and crew, in an effort to show that these powerful pirates will not go quietly into the void. P a g e | 28

The Privateer Enclave

The colonies are a huge, largely untamed and uncharted area of imperial space, and many opportunistic men and women make their livings preying on the citizens of the colonies and their homes. The main law enforcement agency of the empire (The Marshals) is unable to handle the massive number of these crimes that take place in the tumultuous void of the colonies, so the Colonial Council had to find a way to protect its people, and fast. In the year 2422, the colonial council sought out some of the 8 most fearsome and powerful pirate captains in the spur and made them an offer, offer aid to the people of the colonies and hunt down the evil doers of the void in exchange for complete amnesty of their past crimes and pay comparable to a governor’s ransom. Many men and women took up this chance to serve and became the first Privateer Enclave, the guardians of the colonies. For 600 years the men and women of the enclave have fought to protect the planets of the colonies and the people that live there. Equipped with lightning fast ships, powerful war gear and crewed with formidable members, the Privateers are a force to be reckoned with in the colonies.

The Privateer’s Enclave consists of a head council of eight captains (called Commodores) and nearly fifty ships and crews spread out throughout the spur. The Enclave maintains a fortress on the planet Alexandria in the Cygnus X system, from which the commodores can deploy reinforcements and maintain contact with the captains in their employ. Each captain is assigned to either a planet or system somewhere in the colonies where they will build an estate to house their ship and crew and to serve as a local base of operations. The captains of the enclave are all allowed to form their own crews and can choose their own ships, but they owe allegiance to the Enclave above all else. Abandoning their duty or acting violently towards their fellow captains or commodores is punishable by exile from the enclave, their names forever struck from the Silver codex, the list of all captains of the privateers and their deeds.

The great captains of the enclave are, while not technically part of the imperial hierarchy, extremely well respected and prominent members of imperial society. These powerful men and women stand of their own accord as the bulwark against the dark imposing tide of evil in the colonies. P a g e | 29

The Vokei

In the 28th century, mankind encountered another alien race near the edge of the Empire. These pale skinned humanoid xenos call themselves the Vokei, and have a great interstellar empire of their own, far more extensive in the milky way than the Terrans’. Upon the first meeting of the two species, The Vokei sent an envoy to the imperial planet of Colibris, where a contingent of Cartographers headed by the famous Sir Lewis Holland was currently on mission. The two parties met in the cartographer’s vessel above the planet, and with the aid of technology from the Vokei, were able to communicate. This momentous occasion was concluded with the signing of the Colibris accords, which established peace between the two empires, and allowed for the humans to benefit from very limited trade with the advanced civilization.

The Vokei are a culture of scientists, artisans, and warriors, who value the collective over the individual. Their home world of Dastora lies somewhere within the Sagittarius arm, near the center of the galaxy. The Vokei claim to have been an interstellar force for nearly twice as long as humanity has and have the technology and imperial reach to prove it. Their Society is similar to ancient terran caste systems, with different planets focusing on raising individuals to serve different purposes within the empire with the exception that an individual Vokei is not wholly bound to the caste he or she is born into. Vokei that show exceptional skill or intelligence are free to pursue whatever career they choose, regardless of their birth place or social standing.

The Vokei government is most akin to a theocracy, with the vast empire being ruled by the elite of the caste of their home world, A council of nearly 500 members collectively called The Azerrad. They have absolute control over their military and civilian societies, and function as the de facto heads of their polytheistic religion. Below the Azerrad is their military, called the Viscardei. The Vokei military is focused around the use of their advanced technology to minimize the risk to their soldiers, utilizing air to ground assaults whenever possible, and deploying heavy drone units ahead of their soldiers when not.

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The Scourge

The Scourge is the common name for a species of aliens that travel from world to world in massive organic ships. They are so named for their ravenous hunger and the devastation that their presence entails. These xenos have terrifying appearances and are apex predators on a galactic scale. The Scourge have the fearsome ability to evolve rapidly once they have adapted to a planets ecosystem and atmosphere, and thus vary in appearance and ability from world to world. When a seed-ship descend on a world, these alien monstrosities are set loose upon the inhabitants and the environment. They crash these massive, living starships into a world and begin to spread, slowly terraforming the world around the seedship, corrupting the flora and surviving fauna into twisted, perverted, hazardous shadows of what they once were. After they have spread and gathered enough raw matter into their seedship, it will splinter and launch several shards out into space, where they will find another world to infect. Though the seed-ships have not been noted to have any true form of faster than light travel, they can reach nearby planets within a matter of a few years and are nearly impossible to detect until it is too late to stop.

The scourge themselves are a sort of insectoid hive collective, an amalgamation of many subtypes that help to serve the hive. Each Seedship houses a queen, who births the entirety of her hive through clutches of eggs. The scourge that are born from these eggs will be raised by the lowest part of their hive until they are mature enough to serve in their full potential. The matured scourge only takes a few weeks to grow, rapidly replenishing any that have been slain. As the invading xenos spread across a planet they leave behind an organic parasitic spore that will infect living or dead flora and fauna. Any lifeforms that are not consumed by either the grunts or fed to the queen become corrupted with scourge traits and, if the creature was dead, returned to a crude form of life by the parasites. This makes the scourge an incredibly fearsome force as they quickly terraform large areas of the planets they invade, corrupt local creatures into lethal hybrid monsters, and bolster their ranks with the fallen soldiers who struggle to stem their tide. P a g e | 31


Shortly after the discovery of the Grand Theory, men and women across the empire began to exhibit abilities that were beyond typical human capacity. These people came to be known as Scions, as they were thought to be the first in the next step in humanities evolution. Now, nearly 800 years after the first Scions were recorded, their powers have been studied and researched and it has been discovered that their power comes from a new 7th sense, commonly called Quantum Sense. This gives the Scion manipulative power over the quantum state of the universe, allowing them to fly or breathe in space or move objects without holding them. All humans possess this “spark”, but only a select few unlock their superhuman powers.

Until a Scion gains their true power, they can be identified by their minor powers, much weaker forms of the affinity that they will hopefully develop. The moment that a Scion’s brain forms the connections and gains their powers is known as their Igniting. Igniting is a momentous occasion, as it can be traumatic or a source of great epiphany, like being trapped in a collapsing building or creating a new piece of technology, but no matter what the source of the stimuli is, it results in an awakening of the latent power in the progeny.

Once a Scion has ignited, they must develop their affinity. Affinity refers to the type of abilities a person can control, whether it is kinetic, psychic, technic, mystic, cosmic, or entropic. A scion’s affinity is determined from birth and cannot be changed. A person can develop their affinity in many ways, through study, intense training, or meditation. Using and training in a Scion’s affinity increases the power of his or her abilities and the number of abilities that they possess.

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The Six Affinities

Scionic abilities are divided into six categories that represent different aspects of the universe.

• Kinetic – this affinity refers to mastery of the body. Kinetic scions possess abilities such as superhuman strength and resilience, incredible agility and reflexes. Kinetic Scions are often associated with feelings of passion, ambition, courage, and narcissism

• Psychic – refers to mastery of the mind. Psychic Scions can read and manipulate the minds of others, as well as move objects without touching them, and can create illusions with incredible detail. Psychics are associated with raw intelligence, logic, curiosity, and lack of sympathy.

• Technic – refers to mastery of technology. Technic Scions can power technology and push it past its normal limits. Telemetry and even electrical manipulation are under their control. Technics are associated with creativity, impulsiveness, adaptability, and rash behavior.

• Mystic – refers to mastery of nature and the elements. Mystic Scions can wield the very elements, throwing fireballs and blasting foes with wind. They can also commune with animals and even walk on water or fly. Mystics are associated with tranquility, empathy, and resolve but also with apathy.

• Cosmic – refers to mastery of the void. Cosmic Scions can navigate the dangers of FTL travel instinctually and can create pockets of low or no gravity as well as tiny singularities, that they can use these to teleport objects or themselves. Cosmics are associated with wisdom, wanderlust, freedom, and depression.

• Entropic – refers to mastery of energy. Entropic Scions can project blasts or beams of pure energy, cause molecular fusion, and can create wonderous products through the craft of artifice. Entropics are associated with creation, pride, compassion, and anxiety. P a g e | 33

Powers by Affinity

Kinetic Technic

Basic (Focus 1) Basic (Focus 1) Scionic Strength Bio-electric strike Scionic Speed Eavesdrop Augment Charisma Magnetic Touch Daekvision Bio-Electric Aura Water-breathing Tech Affinity Trained (Focus 2) Trained (Focus 2) Resilience Telemetry Homeostasis Drain electricity Scionic Reflexes Data mining Healing Touch Scionic Repair Scionic Senses Arc Bolt Master (Focus 3) Master (Focus 3) Shapeshift Overtake Tech Alter Body Composition Electrical Manipulation Regeneration Blackout Absolute Proficiency Electrical surge Invincibility


Basic (Focus 1) Telekinesis

Steel mind Telepathy Extra Sensory Perception Empathy Trained (Focus 2) Affect mind Astral sight Levitation Illusion Detect Scions Master (Focus 3) Mind Wipe Astral voice Psychic Assault Foresight Geass

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Mystic Cosmic

Basic (Focus 1) Basic (Focus 1) Natural affinity Void breathing Overgrowth Astrogation Pyrokinesis Darkness Flight Void Shield Purify Flash Trained (Focus 2) Trained (Focus 2) Miasma Affect gravity Commune with life Negate Scion Geokinesis Void weapon manifestation Air manipulation Vertigo Blast Space Flight Master (Focus 3) Master (Focus 3) Control Weather Singularity Water Manipulation Phase shift Decay Teleport Control Life Void blast Elemental Form Steal Power


Basic (Focus 1) Energy Blast Force Field Radiation

Molecular Binding Trained (Focus 2) Artificing Fusion weapon manifestation Entropy Energy Vampirism Size alteration Master (Focus 3) Supernova Alchemic alteration Time Dilation

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Scionic powers and Mechanics

The following pages detail all the scionic powers and their properties. The descriptions are intentionally vague as the powers themselves can be tailored to each scion, allowing for a wider range of usability. As a gamemaster you do have the ultimate choice on whether a player’s usage of their power is within acceptable limits. Combat abilities are effective for rounds equal to the power’s level. Basic abilities have cooldown time of 3RND, Trained 4RND, and Master 5RND. All abilities strengths are at the gamemasters discretion, recommended levels are given in parenthesis for each entry. Also remember that all powers begin at the lowest level and can only be raised by spending scion points on the specific ability.

To use a power, the player will declare the power they wish to use and how they wish to use it. From this the gamemaster will tell the player the difficulty level of the roll that they must pass to cast the power, these are identical to the standard skill check levels. The player rolls 3D6 and add their total POWER, if the total of their roll passes the difficulty check then they succeed.

For players that become able to take a second or third affinity, they must choose from one of the affinities that are complimentary to their current affinity. The aligned affinities are: kinetic, technic, and entropic; and psychic, mystic, and cosmic.

• Basic (DC 9) • Simple (DC 12) • Moderate (DC 15) • Difficult (DC 18) • Expert (DC 21) • Master (DC 24)

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Scionic Strength – Bolsters a player’s physical strength beyond the limits of normal humans. May be used to increase lifting strength or to bolster attack DMG (Each level raises a players max lifting strength by 250 kilograms or deal additional 1D6 DMG on melee attacks.)

Scionic Speed – Bolsters a player’s physical speed beyond human limits. Can be used to increase MOV in combat (Each level effectively increases the player’s MOV by 3 during usage.)

Augment Charisma – Enhances a player’s charisma above their normal ability. Can make a player more charming or intimidating or be used to issue commands to unwilling crew members (Each level enhances CHA by 2 when used.)

Healing Touch – can heal a character’s wounds by touching them. Lower levels can heal superficial wounds but can repair increasingly complicated and serious wounds as they train (Each level allows a player to heal for an additional 1D6 wounds.)

Water-breathing – allows a player to breathed underwater for increasing amounts of time. Lower levels can stay underwater for short periods while higher level can remain indefinitely (Each level increases duration by 15 minutes.)

Resilience – increases a player’s resistance to physical damage. Higher levels can deflect incoming blows entirely and increase the duration of the ability (Each level increases a player’s DEF and AR by 2.)

Homeostasis – allows a player to heal faster from wounds and illnesses. Higher levels increase the level of healing and the wounds and diseases that can be recovered from (each level increases wounds healed per day by 3.)

Scionic Reflexes – grants a character heightened reflexes, allowing them to react faster to objects and enemies. (each level increases reaction time by 2 seconds.)

Sonic Shout – allows a player to cause sonic damage using their voice, shattering glass or crumbling structures at higher levels (each level causes additional 1D6 DMG and increases range by 1 hex.)

Scionic Senses – increases a player’s senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch) to superhuman levels. Higher levels can utilize more than one heightened sense at a time and for longer (Each level increases sense strength, and duration by 2 minutes.) P a g e | 37

Shapeshift – allows a player to change their physical appearance. Players must remain in a humanoid form of similar size (each level allows players to maintain changed shape for 5 minutes.)

Alter Body Composition – allows a player to change the molecular composition of their body, such as changing their skin to be as hard as stone or make their body as light as helium (each level allows a player to maintain composition for 3 minutes.)

Regeneration – gives a player the ability to regenerate lost limbs or recover from otherwise mortal wounds without medical aid (Each level decreases regeneration time by 1 hour, starting from 10 hours.)

Absolute Proficiency – makes the next attack or physical skill roll a critical success or critical hit (Each level increases number of successive rolls by 1.)

Invincibility – makes a character immune to physical damage for a short period of time, negating all attacks and physical effects, but can still be displaced (Each level increases duration by 1 minute.)

Telekinesis – allows a player to move objects without touching them, higher levels have greater precision and range (Each level increases capacity by 10 kg, and range by 10 meters.)

Steel mind – creates a protective field around the user’s mind, making their MIN saving throws automatic successes for a short while (Each level increases duration by 2 minutes.)

Telepathy – a telepathic character can communicate with others without speaking, but the receiver can only respond if they are also a telepath (Each level increases the range by 100 meters.)

Extra Sensory Perception – allows a player to sense environmental cues and other life forms without being able to see, hear, or smell them. (Each level increases effective Perception by 3 and range by 10 meters.)

Empathy – allows a player to sense the emotions of other people and animals. Higher levels can also affect the emotions of others (Each level increases range by 1 meter, L3 can affect others’ emotions.)

Affect mind – can influence the thoughts of other people (Each level increases the MIN save a target must succeed to not be affected by 4.) P a g e | 38

Astral sight – players can sense objects in their surrounding area, similar to a scan of the area (Each level increases information gained and increases range by 2 km.)

Levitation – allows a player to float freely above the ground and move equal to their MOV without walking (Each level increases max height by 10 meters and augments MOV by 3.)

Illusion – allows a player to create illusions that can be seen by others (Each level increases duration of illusion by 5 minutes, number of illusions by 2 and level of realism.)

Mind Wipe – players can erase memories from others or themselves, target must be willing or fail a MIN save (Each level increases MIN save by 4.)

Geass – allows psychics to force another person to do a task, which they will complete upon failing a MIN save (Each level increases MIN save by 4.)

Astral voice – similar to telepathy but with hugely increased range and able to communicate with multiple parties at once (Each level increases range by 2 km.)

Psychic Assault – destroy a targets mind, dealing damage upon target failing a MIN save (Each level increases DMG by 1D10 and MIN save by 5.)

Foresight – gain ability to see into the future and learn possible details of coming events. These details and events may or may not be the one the player will arrive at (Each level increases clarity of vision and increases distance into the future they can see.)

Bio-electric strike – empower your next melee attack with shock damage upon hit (Each level increases damage by 1D6.)

Eavesdrop – Touching a piece of communications technology (radio, satellite, telephone wire) players are able to hear communication being transmitted through without alerting parties using it (Each level increases security that can be bypassed and clarity of intercepted message.)

Magnetic Touch – gain ability to adhere magnetically to metal objects that a player touches or is near (each level increases range by 1 meter, and strength by 10 kg.)

Bio-Electric Aura – surround yourself in a field of electricity, dealing shock damage to anything in melee range (Each level increases damage by 1D6 and duration by 1 minute.) P a g e | 39

Tech Affinity – by touching a piece of technology, gain the ability to understand its function and operation (Each level increases proficiency with handled tech during usage, granting +2/ LVL to all rolls with the object.)

Telemetry – by touching an object a player can learn the history of the object and others who have held or used it (Each level increases clarity of items history and how long into its history they can see.)

Drain electricity – Touching an electrical object, a player can siphon the electricity from it into their body, healing wounds and powering down the object (Each level increases wounds healed by 1D4.)

Data mining – an advanced form of eavesdropping, data mining allows a player to intercept any form of data in a piece of technology and store it in their mind (Each level increases the security that can be bypassed by data mining and the clarity of information gained.)

Scionic Repair – allows a player to repair any object without the required materials, but the object will return to its broken state after the power is released (Each level increases duration by 5 minutes.)

Arc Bolt – cast a bolt of electricity from your body to a target, dealing shock damage (Each level increases damage by 1D10 and range by 2 meters.)

Overtake Tech – gain control of target technology for a period of time (Each level increases duration by 10 minutes.)

Electrical Manipulation – gain the ability to manipulate and create the electricity in your body and around it. In addition, shock damage now heals instead of damaging you. (Each level increases control of electricity, increases offensive use by 1D6 damage, and healing by 1D6 wounds.)

Blackout – cause a massive EMP burst that powers down all technology around you (Each level increases duration by 2 minutes and range by 10 meters.) P a g e | 40

Electrical surge – loose a burst of electricity from your body, dealing shock damage to everything within range (Each level increases damage by 1D6 and range by 5 meters.)

Natural affinity – all skill checks and saving throws related to nature (biology, survival, ecology, and saving throws against natural based hazards) automatically succeed and with a greater degree of success (Each level increases duration by 5 minutes and degree of success where applicable.)

Overgrowth – nearby plant life grows at an exponentially faster rate, and can grow beyond its typical size limits (Each level increases range by 10 meters and size by 2x original size.)

Pyrokinesis – players can create and manipulate fire (Each level increases damage by 1D6, range of control by 4 meters, and degree and volume of control.)

Flight – allows a player to fly above the ground equal to 2x their MOV (each level increases duration by 5 minutes and speed by 1x MOV.)

Purify – remove negative effects (poison, burning, disease, etc.) from other characters or environmental objects and heal the damage done by those effects (Each level increases effectiveness and increases healed damage by 1D6.)

Miasma – create a fog of toxic gas that deals poison damage to any enemy that enters (Each level increases range by 4 meters, duration by 2 minutes, and damage by 1D6 per turn.)

Commune with life – gain ability to communicate with any biologic life, regardless of sentience or language barriers, target must be willing or fail a MIN save (Each level increases clarity of communication and difficulty of MIN save by 3, target must be willing or fail a MIN save (Each level increases clarity of communication and difficulty of MIN save by 2.)

Geokinesis – manipulate the ground or mineral based substance (Each level increases lift strength by 25 kg, offensive damage by 1D6 and degree of control.)

Air manipulation – players can manipulate air and wind (Each level increases degree of control and range by 10 meters.)

Blast – create explosions near yourself that do not harm you or any equipment you are wearing (Each level increases range of creation by 3 meters, max radius of explosion by 1 meter, and damage by 1D8.) P a g e | 41

Control Weather – players can cause changes in weather in their immediate area, higher levels can cause more extreme weather phenomena (Each level increases effective range by 200 meters, and the strength of the weather that appears.)

Water Manipulation – manipulate water in all its forms, can create water from latent moisture in atmosphere (Each level increases range of abilities by 10 meters and degree of control.)

Decay – by touching an object, can cause it to decay at a rapid rate, causing 1d10 damage (Each level increases speed of decay and damage by 1d10.)

Control Life – gain control of a living non-human entity for a short period and give it direct command during. Target must be willing or fail a MIN save (Each level increases duration by 2 minutes and MIN save by 3.)

Elemental Form – convert your physical body into an entirely base elemental form (fire, earth, water, air) for a short period (Each level increases duration by 3 minutes.)

Void breathing – players are able to breathe and survive in the void for much longer than normal (Each level increases duration by 15 minutes.)

Astrogation – your intrinsic knowledge of the void makes your phase jumps faster and cover more distance (Each level increases phase speed by one point and distance by 0.5x tesla reactor max distance.)

Darkness – create an area devoid of all light, natural and technological for a period (Each level increase range by 5 meters and duration by 2 minutes.)

Void Shield – Create a shield of pure void energy around yourself or allies to absorb incoming damage (Each level increases DEF by 1, AR by 2, and duration by 1 minute.)

Flash – create an orb of pure light to illuminate an area or to blind enemies (Each level increases max luminosity by 5x, and duration by 5 minutes.)

Affect gravity – create a field or altered gravity in a small area, either crushing targets or making them float away (Each level increases gravitic effect by 3x atmospheric level, and max area covered by 5 meters.) P a g e | 42

Negate Scion – cancel the ability of a target scion to use any powers for a short period, target must be willing or fail a MIN save (Each level increases duration by 2 minutes and MIN save by 3.)

Void weapon manifestation – create a physical weapon made of pure void energy, does void damage equal to equivalent weapon (Each level increases duration by one minute and damage dealt by 1D6.)

Vertigo – cause target to lose equilibrium, rendering them dizzied for a short period, target must be willing or fail a BOD save (Each level increases duration by 2 minutes and BOD save by 4.)

Space Flight – allows a player to move freely in the vacuum of space without aid of technology (Each level augments MOV by 2x.)

Singularity – create a singularity that will draw in all surrounding matter for its duration, dealing void damage and displacing characters and objects (Each level increases duration by one minute, damage by 1d8 per turn and affected area by 3 meters.)

Phase shift – allows a player to convert their entire body and any equipment into a pure phase form, enabling them to bypass all physical environmental elements, including other people. Player can take no damage when in this form but cannot interact with anything not currently equipped or held (Each level increases duration by 3 minutes.)

Teleport – players can teleport themselves and any neighboring entities a short distance, player must be familiar with target location or be able to see it (Each level increases number of transportable entities by 1, and max distance by 500 meters.)

Void blast – create a blast of pure void energy to deal void damage to target (Each level increases range by 3 meters and damage by 1D10.)

Steal Power – steal a power from a nearby scion, gaining proficiency equal to the targets for the duration. Target lose ability to use stolen power while active. Target must be willing or fail a MIN save (Each level increases duration of steal by 3 minutes and increases MIN save by 4.)

Energy Blast – create a beam of fusion energy that does energy damage to target (each level increase range by 5 meters and damage by 1D6.)

Force Field – surround yourself and nearby allies in a field of fusion energy that absorbs incoming damage, while not reducing outgoing damage from sources within the field. (Each level increase range of field by 2 meters and wounds absorbed by 10.) P a g e | 43

Radiation – allows a player to deal radiation damage to a target in melee range. Incoming radiation damage now heals instead of harming (Each level increase damage by 1D6 and incoming radiation now heals 1D6 wounds per turn.)

Molecular Binding – allows the fusing of any two non-living target objects on a molecular level, regardless of targets composition (Each level increases the strength of the bond created.)

Artificing – allows a player to create artifacts imbued with powers listed in the artificing section of crafting (found on pages ??-??) (Each level allows for imbuing of powers from successive levels of the artificing table.)

Fusion weapon manifestation – create a weapon of pure fusion energy, deals energy damage equal to equivalent weapon (Each level increases duration of weapon by one minute and damage dealt by 1D6.)

Entropy – change the amount of thermal energy within target object or character, raising its temperature or lowering it, dealing energy damage. If target is organic and living, must be willing or fail a BOD save (Each level increases the max change in internal temperature by 50 degrees Celsius.)

Energy Vampirism – drain thermal energy from target object or character, dealing energy damage, healing yourself and reducing the cooldown timers of other entropic abilities (Each level increases damage and health regained by 1D6, and reduces cooldowns by 1 turn.)

Supernova – create a blast of stellar fusion energy, dealing energy damage to all objects within radius (Each level increases range by 5 meters, max radius by 3 meters, and damage dealt by 1D12.)

Alchemic alteration – alter the molecular makeup of a target non-living object (Each level increases speed and quality of transformation.)

Time Dilation – create a sphere around target where the flow of time is either slowed or sped up (Each level increases max dilation by 2x, range by 5 meters and max radius of sphere by 1 meter.) P a g e | 44

Character Creation

Creating a character for Sea of Stars is an easy process, meant to allow new players to pick up and play without much difficulty, while still allowing for limitless combinations for advanced players to carefully build their characters. Character creation can be broken down into 7 steps

1. Race selection 2. Background selection 3. Ability point spending 4. Skill Point spending 5. Scion Ability allocation 6. Class selection 7. Career point spending

Race Selection

Choosing a race is a simple process, each different species has their own perks and drawbacks. Humans are by far the most common in the empire and have the most freedom. Androids are the semi-sentient A.I. constructs that fulfill many tasks throughout the empire, like labor, piloting, security and others.

• Humans: +1 to any ability score • Androids: +2 END -2 INT, resilient to disease and poison (cannot take adept class or gain scion abilities)

Background Selection

A character’s background determines their origin and history, as well as giving bonuses to skills, abilities and careers. A player’s background also determines the equipment and resources that they will begin the game with. Backgrounds are listed on pages ??-??

Ability Point Spending

Each character has 6 base attributes that represent them as an individual, these are Strength, Agility, Endurance, Intelligence, Spirit, and Charisma. Each ability score starts at 1 and each player is given 10 points to spend. The different scores will affect various factors like Health Points, Attack and Defense scores, and Saving Throws.

• Strength measures a character’s physical power • Agility measures a character’s dexterity and speed • Endurance measures a character’s physical toughness and constitution • Intelligence is a character’s mental power and resilience P a g e | 45

• Spirit is a character’s willpower and focus • Charisma is a character’s prescience, wit, and charm

Class Selection

The class that each player selects for their character determines their combat role and associated skills. The 6 classes are: Soldier, Warrior, Drifter, Pilot, Engineer, and Adept. Each class is explained in detail on pages (15-25). At level 5, each player chooses one his or her classes subclass. The subclasses allow players greater customization and interactivity.

Scion Ability Allocation

Each character can obtain the powers of the scions, but to determine their inherent ability, each player rolls a D6. (ultimately when a spark ignites is a gamemaster decision, so make sure your players have fun.) The resulting roll determines the max level that any given power can reach, starting at 1 and ending at 6 (8 for adepts).

Career Point Spending

Each player is given 6 career points to spend on abilities and skills from any career they choose.

Skill Point Spending

Each player can allot 4 skill points into skill they possess

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Choosing your character’s background is an important choice in Sea of Stars as it will affect your character not only at the beginning of the game, but throughout as well. A background represents how your character was raised and, in some cases, trained or employed. Players with certain backgrounds will find others in the spur that share these backgrounds, and many situations that players find themselves in can be aided by having a crew mate with a particular origin.

Backgrounds give each player a basis for their new character’s standing in the spur, as well as giving impactful bonuses and penalties throughout the game. Along with the description and abilities of each background, each listing gives a set of allowable starting equipment and resources, so your character will not start out naked and penniless in the wilds of the empire (unless that’s what you want, I won’t judge).

Legion Outlaw Colonist

Noble Merchant Student

Spacer Artisan

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Your parent or parents were members of the imperial legion stationed on a planet somewhere in the spur. You grew up on or around a military installation seeing the drills and practices of the legionnaires all around you. This instilled you with a sense of courage and tenacity that has followed you to adulthood. You are practiced with the weapons and equipment of the imperial legion and understand their practices and mannerisms, even if you yourself did not join the legion.

- Gain 3 points to spend in MILITARY or SNIPER career - Access to MILITARY 1 - Weapons with keyword AUTO gain +1 ATK

Starting Equipment

- 1500 credits - 4 pieces of armor from Imperial LGT or MED - Any ranged weapon value 1500 or less Outlaw

Your family growing up was some groups of criminals, whether they were pirates or gangers or fugitives. You are used to being on the run from someone and are no stranger to conflict. You always had enough to get by because whatever you needed, you took. You grew up knowing right and wrong are two sides of the same coin, and you can usually get your way by acting on either side. Illegal activities do not phase you at all, and you are pretty good at them.

- Spend 3 points in either PIRATE, GANGER, THIEF, or SMUGGLER career - Access to UNDERWORLD 1 - Difficult terrain reduces your MOV by a max of 1

Starting Equipment

- 1800 credits - Two pieces from ARM- 1 each valued <1000 - Weapon: LGT ranged and melee weapon value 800 or less

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You were either born on or taken at an early age to a colonial world at the edge of the empire and spent your life there. You and your community built and occupied a settlement, and all contributed to its betterment. You have knowledge in many areas such as agriculture, construction, repairs, and others. You may not have had the most luxurious life as a child, but the colonial life is far from the worst fate in the spur. Life in the colony was not easy, faced with hostile xenos, harsh climate and limited supplies, you became hardy and resourceful, rarely finding a situation that you cannot think of a way out of.

- Start with 2 additional skill points - Gain skill ecology and survival

Starting Equipment

- 1000 credits - 3 pieces of armor from ARM-1, each valued <700 - Any Ranged or Melee weapon valued 900 or less


Your life was one of luxury and privilege where your family was part of the upper class of civilians on whatever planet or colony you grew up on. Your parents were wealthy merchants, influential politicians or some other rich individuals. This meant you were never left wanting for anything, you always had the best food, education, and technology that money could buy. This left you with a lot of knowledge but not any experience to ground it in. Your upbringing gave you the manners and bearing of nobility but that can only get you so far in the spur, where men and women are tried by their own merits, not those of their forebears.

- Gain skill CULTURE

Starting Equipment

- 3000 credits - 1 piece of armor from ARM-1 valued <2000 - One outfit set from OUT-1 - One LGT/MED melee or ranged weapon value 1800 or less P a g e | 49


You spent your life working for a company somewhere in the spur, whether a small family owned store or a massive interstellar corporation. This has made you a master of the economic ins and outs of the imperial markets. You know how to make the best deals with anyone you deal with anywhere in the spur. This gives you the knowledge to build your own business with greater ease than others of any background, and your endeavors are more likely to succeed.

- Gain skill BUREAUCRACY - All BUREAUCRACY and BARTER skill checks are lowered by 1 difficulty - Access to GUILD 1

Starting Equipment

- 2000 credits - 1 piece of armor from ARM-1 - 1 LGT melee or ranged weapon each value 1200 or less Student

You spent your youth in various schools and universities in the empire learning the mysteries of the galaxy. You studied a variety of topics but grew to specialize in one or two and became an expert in these fields. Whether you studied some form of science, medicine, engineering, or even art you know your field with an expertise that can only come from years of study and practice. You know the power that a strong mind can give, and you make the best use of yours.

- Gain any 2 INT based skills - INT based skill checks are lowered by one level

Starting Equipment

- 1200 credits - one outfit valued 1800 or less - one LGT melee or ranged weapon value 800 or less P a g e | 50


You spent your youth travelling the stars, serving in a merchant vessel, armada cruiser, or smuggler ship. This has given you more knowledge of the dangers of the void than most people in the empire and has made you wary yet comfortable at the same time in the black expanse of space. You have the innate ability to handle yourself in zero gravity environments, giving you an advantage above others. You also have a better sense of which spacial bodies will have useful materials.

- No mobility penalty for zero-g movement - Gain skill ECOLOGY 1 - Gain skill PHYSICS 1

Starting Equipment

- 1400 credits - One atmospheric sealed outfit value 2000 or less - 2 pieces of armor from ARM-1 - LGT/MED ranged or melee weapon value 1200 or less Artisan

Your parents were craftsmen of some sort, making items with their bare hands and great skill. You gained an appreciation for finely crafted goods and the skills to make your own. As you grew this gave you a substantial source of income and an invitation to join one of the prestigious guilds. You have prowess beyond your years in whatever field you chose to specialize in and are proficient with using the completed product as well.

- Gain one CRAFT skill - Access to GUILD 1 - Gain proficiency with any one subtype

Starting equipment

- 2500 credits - One piece of T1 mastercraft armor or weapon - Either 2 pieces of armor or 1 weapon 1500 or less P a g e | 51


In the Orion Spur, conflict is an everyday occurrence, whether it is facing a group of fierce renegades or simply surviving the harsh environment of the planet that you live on. Citizens of the empire require skills to survive and thrive in the galaxy, and these core skills are represented through a player’s Class. A class is the core of what a character is, how they act in combat, and how their skills progress as they gain levels. There are six core classes to choose from, and each player may only choose one. At level 5, each player can choose between three subclasses for each class, granting new abilities and access to new armaments.

- The Soldier: a master of ranged combat and tactics, soldiers to use overwhelming fire superiority to complete their objectives (Skirmisher, Gunner, Support) - The Warrior: Specializing in melee combat and support, Warriors are often at the center of battle, crushing their foes and protecting their allies with fervor (Guardian, Warden, Martial Artist) - The Pilot: sitting astride their powerful vehicles to rain death on enemies or escape pursuers, Pilots control these weapons with ease and grace (Ace, Mobile pilot, Helmsman) - The Engineer: Expert craftsmen and craftswomen, engineers use advanced technology like drones to aid them, along with powerful weapons and worn tech. (Artificer, Drone Master, Techslinger) - The Drifter: Often living on the fringes of imperial society, drifters fill many roles across the Spur, from mercenaries, to spies and smugglers, they rely on their quick wits and tricky combat moves to out maneuver their adversaries (Assassin, Gunslinger, Scoundrel) - The Adept: Powerful scionic prodigies, Adepts had their sparks ignited in their youth, and have had time to hone their abilities to incredible levels (Grandmaster, Universalist, Sage) P a g e | 52


Across the Orion Spur, men and women with tactical and combat knowledge and experience are invaluable to the empire and many other groups. These Soldiers are the backbone of any fighting force, specializing in ranged weaponry, tactical advantages and squad leadership. Soldiers are trained men and women who are employed in hundreds of different vocations such as Imperial Legionnaires, bodyguards, mercenaries, and countless others. Soldiers are at their best when they are amidst a raging battle, leading their allies to victory through their strength and wit. They can dish out damage from a distance while protecting themselves and their friends, wielding weapons of destruction and capable of wearing the heaviest powered armor in the empire, Soldiers are among the greatest fighters in the galaxy.

Equipment Skills

• LGT, MED, HVY ranged weapons • LGT Melee Weapons • LGT, MED, HVY Armor

Starting Skills

• Survival (END) • Tactics (INT) • Athletics (STR) • Perception (SPI)

LVL HP R. ATTACK M. ATTACK POW DEFENSE MOVEMENT BODY MIND 1 8 3 1 1 3 3 4 2 2 8 4 1 1 4 3 4 2 3 8 4 1 1 4 4 5 2 4 10 4 2 1 4 4 5 2 5 12 4 2 1 4 4 5 3 6 12 5 2 2 4 4 6 3 7 12 6 2 2 5 4 6 3 8 12 6 2 2 5 5 6 4 9 14 7 3 2 5 5 6 4 10 14 8 4 2 6 5 6 4 P a g e | 53

Soldier Class Skills

1. Double Shot – can use both action points to make a second ranged attack instead of moving 2. Adrenaline Rush – can take a second round at the cost of losing their next round (5RND) 3. Enhanced Overwatch – can make 2 overwatch attacks per enemy turn 4. Resilience - +1DEF/LVL 5. Weapon Specialization - +1 ATK/LVL to ranged weapon of chosen subtype 6. Intimidating Prescience – gain skill INITIMIDATE (CHA) 7. Leadership – allies within a 5-meter radius gain +1 to all combat and non-combat skill checks 8. Marksmanship – called shots no longer incur an ATK penalty 9. Deadly Aim – Critical hits with ranged weapons do +LVL DMG 10. Kill Shot – force non-player target to make a BOD-25 saving throw on an attack, if they fail, target is instantly killed, if they pass, they are critically wounded (3/day uses; 5RND) Support Subclass Skills

1. Field kit – melee range heal for 1D6 wounds (LVL uses/day) 2. Supporting Fire – Can counter 1 overwatch attack allied units each turn 3. Bastion – gain double DEF bonus for half and full cover 4. Healing sphere – 5 meters heal on all allies in range for 2D6 wounds (4RND) 5. Savior – can restore any INCAPACITATED character to half HP, rounded up (2/day) Skirmisher Subclass Skills

1. Fleet Footed – The skirmisher no longer triggers overwatch fire 2. Assault – can make a ranged attack after 2 movements (2RND) 3. Hard to hit – gain +DEF equal to AGI 4. Point Blank – Ranged attacks made within 2 meters always do critical damage 5. Mobile Fighter – Wearing MED or LGT armor grants an additional action per round Gunner Subclass Skills

1. Sustained Fire – make a ranged attack that gives target SUPPRESSED for 1 round but deals half damage(3RND) 2. Armor Pierce – attacks with the Gunner’s primary weapon sunder 1D4 AR 3. Spray and Pray – make a -2 ranged attack against all targets within 25 meters 4. Unburdened – Wearing heavy armor or carrying a Heavy weapon incurs no movement penalty 5. Concentrated Fire – making consecutive attacks against the same target grants +2 ATK per consecutive attack

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With the advent of spacefaring travel inevitably came shipboard combat, and with the threat of decompression, hand to hand and melee combat became as prevalent as ranged combat. With advances in armor and weaponry, a new breed of Warrior was reborn. Masters of close range combat, Warriors are trained to use melee weapons to great effect in battle. The warriors scattered around the Spur are deadly combatants who can hack, slice, or crush their foes to pieces while blocking or dodging incoming attacks. Warriors are an invaluable asset aboard any ship, crew, or expedition.

Base Equipment Restrictions

• LGT ranged weapons • LGT, MED, HVY melee weapons • LGT, MED, HVY armor

Starting Skills

• Athletics (STR) • Intimidate (CHA) • Perception (SPI) •

LVL HP R. ATTACK M. ATTACK POW DEFENSE MOVEMENT BODY MIND 1 10 1 3 1 4 3 2 2 2 12 1 4 1 4 3 2 2 3 12 1 4 1 5 3 3 2 4 12 1 5 2 5 4 3 2 5 12 2 5 2 5 4 3 3 6 14 2 5 2 6 4 3 3 7 14 2 6 2 6 4 4 3 8 16 3 6 3 7 4 4 3 9 16 3 7 3 7 5 4 4 10 16 3 7 3 8 5 4 4 P a g e | 55

Warrior Class Skills

1. Charge – Can make a melee attack after 2 movement actions (2 RND) 2. Sweep - make a melee attack against all enemies in melee range in sight of your character, kills refill AP, up to max 2 (3 RND) 3. Power Attack – next melee attack gains +LVL to damage (4 RND) 4. Ambidextrous – weapons or equipment in off-hand takes no ATK penalty 5. Melee Specialization - +1ATK/LVL when using melee weapon of chosen subtype 6. Feint – next attack does no damage, but automatically hits and confers OFF-BALANCE for 1 turn and all allies within range can perform a reaction attack) 7. Riposte – block next melee attack against your character and perform a counter attack (3 RND) 8. Earthquake – deal 2d6+STR wounds and KNOCKBACK to all units within 3 tiles in all directions (5 RND) 9. Paralyzing Strike – melee attack that confers STUN condition for 1d6 rounds (4RND) 10. True Warrior – Melee attacks always hit their target (still roll for crit) Guardian Subclass Skills

6. Armor training – Equipped armor does not count for encumberment 7. Guardian – Allies within 5 tiles gain +SPI to DEF 8. Sundering Strike – next melee attack bypasses armor (3 RND) 9. Stable – gain +LVL to BOD saves to knock over or trip your character 10. Bastion - until next turn, ignore any damage dealt to your character (statuses still affect, knockback, stun, poison) (4 RND) Warden Subclass Skills

6. Double Strike – Can make an additional melee attack per turn 7. Deflect projectiles – gain double defense against ranged attacks 8. Combat Maneuver Master – gain double ATK on melee combat maneuvers. 9. Vorpal Strike – make a STR test against an enemy nonplayer character, if you win, make an attack to sever a limb that automatically succeeds 10. Untouchable – any reaction or surprise attack automatically misses your character Martial Artist Subclass Skills

1. Flurry of Blows – make a number of attacks equal to your AGI score (3 RND) 2. Unparalleled reflexes – can re-roll any failed BOD saving throw 3. Deadly Fists – your unarmed attacks deal double damage 4. Parkour – you do not take falling damage up to 20 meters, after which fall damage is halved 5. Nerve Strike – next melee attack will either completely incapacitate or kill non-player target of your characters choice (2/day uses; 5 RND)

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In the age of stellar exploration, the skills involved in piloting can make any individual very wealthy and respected, whether those skills are used as an ace fighter or mobile pilot in the imperial legion or a getaway driver for a criminal syndicate. Pilots are the greatest handlers of vehicles in the Spur, able to maximize the capabilities of any vehicle they can take control of. They are never far away from their bonded craft, a personalized ship, speeder, or mobile suit that they can remotely control. Without Pilots there would be no empire, no presence of humanity at all past the surface of earth. These extraordinary men and women are invaluable assets to humanity and will be the driving force that pushes the expanse of the Terran empire.

Base Equipment Restrictions

• LGT, MED ranged weapons • LGT melee weapons • LGT, MED armor

Starting Skills

• Pilot • Navigate • Perception • Technology

LVL HP R. ATTACK M. ATTACK POW DEFENSE MOVEMENT BODY MIND 1 6 1 1 1 2 4 5 4 2 6 2 1 1 2 4 6 4 3 6 3 1 1 3 4 6 5 4 6 3 2 2 3 5 6 5 5 8 3 2 2 3 5 7 5 6 8 3 2 2 3 5 7 6 7 8 4 2 2 3 6 7 6 8 10 4 2 3 4 6 7 6 9 10 4 2 3 4 7 8 6 10 10 5 2 3 4 7 8 7 P a g e | 57

Pilot Class Skills 1. Bonded Vehicle – Gain a T1 sub-orbital ship, mobile suit, or speeder 2. Evasive training – gain any 2 evasive maneuvers 3. Muscle Memory – Automatically succeed all moderate and lower Pilot checks 4. Unnatural Awareness – can reroll any failed perception check, must take second result 5. Souped up ride – your bonded vehicle gains a T2 template of your choice 6. Overdrive – refill your AP, once used up gain effect EXHAUST for 1 RND (3 RND) 7. Locked on – next attack with a vehicle is guaranteed to hit its target 8. Expert – All PILOT skill checks gain +LVL bonus 9. Extra Protection – any vehicle the pilot operates gain +50% HP and AR 10. Perfect Maneuvers – all evasive maneuvers automatically succeed Hot Shot Subclass Skills

11. Droid sidekick – gain any T2 SUPPORT droid. 12. Fast maneuvers – mounted maneuvers cost 1 less AP 13. Crippling shot – called shots on enemy vehicle systems automatically deal critical damage on hit 14. Sharpshooter – attacks made while mounted (handheld or mounted weapons) gain +LVL to ATK 15. Ace – vehicle kills refill action points up to your character’s max AP

Mech Pilot Subclass Skills

11. Upgrade – Your bonded mech upgrades weapons and by 1 tier 12. Orbital Drop – can summon mech to any outside location with open space 13. Guardian A.I. – Your suit can operate completely independent of you, and direct controls cost no AP to pilot (Still drains mobile suit AP) 14. Hard to Kill – When in a mech, add your DEF to the mobile suits bonus 15. One with the Suit – Kills with your mech refill action points up to your suits max AP

Helmsman Subclass Skills

1. Battlefield Awareness – gain +LVL to all scanning and perception checks while in vehicle 2. System Management – power requirement for systems is reduced by 25% 3. Redundant Systems – damage taken to vehicle systems is reduced by half 4. Gunner at Arms – mounted or hardpoint ship weapons gain +LVL to ATK and DMG 5. Master helmsmen – can make an additional evasive maneuver each enemy turn

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For as long as technology has existed there has always been a need for those men and women who understand and live to create it. In the empire, these people are called Engineers, masters of all things technological. Engineers are expert craftsmen and women and have the ability to repair or operate almost any piece of tech they find and tend to carry the most advanced weapons and armor. They are often accompanied by their drone or A.I. companion to help them in whatever tasks the engineer needs.

Base Equipment Restrictions

• LGT, MED ranged weapons • LGT, MED melee weapons • LGT, MED armor

Starting Skills

• Repair (INT) • Medical (INT) • Perception (SPI) • Technology (INT) • Any 1 CRAFT (INT)

LVL HP R. ATTACK M. ATTACK POW DEFENSE MOVEMENT BODY MIND 1 6 2 1 2 2 4 4 4 2 6 2 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 8 2 1 3 4 4 5 4 4 8 3 1 3 4 5 5 4 5 8 3 1 3 5 5 5 5 6 10 3 1 3 5 5 6 5 7 10 3 1 3 5 6 6 6 8 10 4 1 3 5 6 7 6 9 10 5 1 4 5 6 7 7 10 12 5 1 4 6 6 7 7 P a g e | 59

Engineer Class Skills

1. Companion Tech – Gain a tier 1 drone, droid, or A.I. imbued item (gains 1 tier every 3 LVL) 2. Mechanical Intuition - +1/LVL to ENGINEERING skill checks 3. Technician – Engineering skill checks cost 0 AP 4. Discharge –cause a drone to gain keyword DISABLED for 1d6 rounds 5. Tech-Savvy – TECHNOLOGY skill checks of moderate or lower automatically succeed 6. Structural Knowledge – gain double critical range and damage against robotic enemies and vehicles 7. Professional Experience – all trained skill checks are lowered by one difficulty 8. Tech adept – all tech-based items and weapons behave as if one tier higher (T2 weapons gain T3 bonuses etc.) 9. Weapon modification – can attach 2 additional mods to any weapon 10. Engineering genius – Drone Master Subclass Skills

16. Bandwidth expansion – increase crew size by LVL/2 and requisition a T2 drone companion 17. Upgraded weapons – all drone gain +LVL ATK and deal +LVL damage on hits 18. Neural link – commanding drones does not impose movement penalty 19. Autonomous – all drones in your crew gain +1 AP 20. Drone Commander – drones gain attack and damage bonus equal to player INT

Artificer Subclass Skills

16. Craftsman – gain power Artificing 2, does not require Entropic affinity 17. Artifact proficiency – using any artifact grants +LVL to all rolls with the item and deals +LVL damage on attacks 18. Waste not, want not – failed CRAFT checks do not lose materials 19. Efficient craftsman – all crafted good take 1/4 time to create 20. Master Artificer – can imbue artifacts with two different abilities

Techslinger Subclass Skills

1. Assume Control – gain control of any T2 or lower drone for 1d6 rounds 2. Empowered tech – skill rolls and attacks with high tech items gain +LVL bonus and deal +LVL damage 3. Used to the weight – worn or equipped tech items do not incur MOV penalties 4. Best Buyer – weapons, armor and tech can be purchased for 50% base price 5. Tech Master – any no combat technology skill check automatically succeeds P a g e | 60


Just as the empire needs its frontline soldiers to combat threats such as the scourge and pirates, they also need men and women that can operate on subtler battlefields. These are the people that can infiltrate criminal hideouts, steal data, and escape without notice. These are the drifters, men and women that use their cunning and agility to outsmart and outmaneuver their opponents. Using the expansive amount of technology at their disposal, drifters prefer to fight up close and personal, to inflict the maximum amount of damage. Drifters can be found in every corner of the galaxy, doing almost anything that they believe can or will make them rich. Taking up jobs as smugglers, assassins, spies, or gangers, Drifters will make the best of any situation and come out on top.

Base Equipment Skills

• LGT, MED ranged weapons • LGT, MED melee weapons • LGT, MED armor

Starting Skills

• Quick Hands (AGI) • Stealth (AGI) • Athletics

LVL HP R. ATTACK M. ATTACK POW DEFENSE MOVEMENT BODY MIND 1 6 2 2 2 2 5 3 3 2 6 3 2 3 2 6 3 3 3 8 3 3 4 2 6 4 3 4 8 4 3 4 2 6 4 3 5 8 4 3 5 3 6 4 4 6 10 5 3 5 3 7 4 4 7 10 5 3 5 3 7 5 4 8 10 5 3 5 3 8 5 5 9 12 6 4 5 3 8 5 5 10 12 6 4 6 4 8 5 5 P a g e | 61

Drifter Class Skills

1. Personal stealth field – all equipped items and character become invisible for 1/LVL minutes (3 RND) 2. Action boost – receive an additional action point each turn (can still only make one attack 3. Skilled – Choose any 3 skills from any subtype (max level 3) 4. Close Quarters – targets within 1st range of a ranged or melee weapon take +LVL DMG on hit 5. Multi-talented – can take any LVL 5 or lower ability from any class 6. Critical improvement – increase critical range of all weapons by 2 7. Close Quarters Master – targets within 1st range of a weapon get -LVL to DEF 8. Drifter stuff 9. Drifter stuff 10. Drifter stuff Gunslinger Subclass Skills

6. Fan the hammer – make a ranged attack against all targets within range of your equipped weapon 7. Trick shot – in combat attacks against environment always hit 8. Quickdraw – reloading, switching or drawing weapons does not cost AP 9. Expert 10. Ace

Scoundrel Subclass Skills

6. Dirty trick – next attack counts as a surprise attack (bypass armor and does critical damage on hit) 7. Hidden pockets – any small items or light weapons you have equipped will never be noticed when holstered 8. Guardian A.I. 9. Hard to Kill 10. One with the Suit

Assassin Subclass Skills

6. From the shadows – attacks made while in stealth are always critical 7. Ghost – Until next turn, stealth checks automatically succeed (3 RND) 8. Vital strike – next attack bypasses all armor and damage reduction on hit (4 RND) 9. Unbu 10. Concentrated Fire

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Since the first scions were discovered in the 23rd century, the empire has benefited immensely from their abilities and insight and has made great strides in understanding the power they wield. These Adepts can grow to become the most powerful scions in the empire, for better or worse. Having their spark ignited in their youth has given adepts time to hone and practice their abilities, making them far more effective than others who had their spark ignited at an older age. Many adepts choose to serve the empire that helped raise them, but some choose to leave and pursue their own goals, whether those goals are good or ill-willed. As Adepts grow, they can become true masters of their affinity, wielding unimaginable power to devastating effect, others can even seek a second affinity, combining powers to create wonders that have never before been seen.

Base Equipment Restrictions

• LGT ranged weapons • LGT, MED, melee weapons • LGT, MED armor

Starting Skills

• Focus (SPI)

LVL HP R. ATTACK M. ATTACK POW DEFENSE MOVEMENT BODY MIND 1 6 1 2 3 1 5 3 5 2 6 1 3 4 1 5 4 5 3 6 1 3 4 1 6 4 6 4 8 1 3 4 2 6 4 6 5 8 1 4 4 2 6 5 6 6 8 2 4 5 2 6 5 7 7 10 2 4 6 3 6 5 7 8 10 2 5 6 3 7 5 7 9 12 2 5 7 3 8 5 7 10 12 2 5 8 4 8 6 7 P a g e | 63

Adept Class Skills

1. Affinity – can choose the affinity of your character instead of rolling 2. Fast channeling – using a scion power as your first action does not end your turn, can use a second power per turn 3. Inherent power – max level of powers increases by 2 4. Efficient channeling – can use a second power each turn 5. Power Combination – can combine effects of two powers into a single effect 6. Worldly experience – gain proficiency with any 2 weapon or armor types 7. Adept stuff 8. Adept stuff 9. Adept stuff 10. Scion Mastery – all scionic power checks are lowered by 3 levels

Grandmaster Subclass Skills

6. Empowered – all powers can be increased to max level 7. Powerful Scion – all powers increase by 2 levels, but cooldowns increase by 1 RND 8. 9. 10.

Universalist Subclass Skills

6. Expanded capacity – gain a second affinity and 1 skill from it 7. Balanced Scion – all powers increase by 1 level and cooldowns decrease by 1 RND 8. Expanded Horizons – gain one LVL 8 class or sub class skill from any other class 9. Expanded Horizons – gain one LVL 9 class or sub class skill from any other class 10. Expanded Horizons – gain one LVL 10 class or sub class skill from any other class

Sage Subclass Skills

6. Honed affinity – gain any 3 powers from your affinity 7. Practiced Scion – all cooldowns decrease by 2 RND 8. 9. 10.

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In almost every situation that players will find themselves in Sea of Stars, there will be chances for them to use skills. Skills represent any ability that a character has knowledge or experience in, anything from cooking to survival, to piloting and using technology. These skills allow players to make Skill Checks, which are obstacles that require a certain skill to overcome (i.e. a locked door requires a player to have the lockpick skill, otherwise they must find another solution)

Skills are organized into the dominant attribute that is associated with it (diplomacy is associated with Charisma, piloting with Agility, physics with Intelligence, etc.) Skills are also broken into 3 levels, each one allows for more advanced actions to be taken (higher end locks may require lockpick 2 or even lockpick 3) these levels do not count as a bonus though. To gain a higher bonus, players may spend skill points they acquire when they level up. Skill checks are made when a player uses a skill, they roll 3d6 and add the attribute score and skill bonus (EX. A drifter wants to see what’s inside a nice shiny chest. The GM informs him that he needs to make a lockpick 2 difficult check. Well this drifter is prepared, he has lockpick 2 into which he has put 3 skill points. The player rolls (3, 5, 2 = 10 and adds his associated attribute AGI of 4 and his bonus of 3 for a total of 17. Nice, the difficult threshold is 15, so he has successfully opened the chest and gets to see what his prize is.)

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List of skills

Art (INT) Allow the performance or creation of art using the medium chosen by the player, instrument can be taken multiple times for different instruments Athletics (STR) Players can climb, swim, and perform other athletic or acrobatic based skill Barter (CHA) Players can attempt to bargain for better prices with merchants Biology (INT) Identifying flora and fauna Bureaucracy (CHA) Players can manage groups and large enterprises more efficiently Charm (CHA) Players can attempt to persuade other NPC’s to give information, aid or anything else Command (CHA) Crew members will be more willing to follow direct orders and will be more successful on missions Cook (AGI) You can prepare dishes and drinks with potent effects Craft (INT) Allow players to craft, build, and enhance items of the designated subtype - Primitive - Technology - Weaponry - Armor - Consumable Culture (INT) Players will understand local cultures and have better understanding of local languages Ecology (INT) Identifying environmental hazards, growing crops, identifying available materials in the environment Engineering (INT) Fixing and maintaining technological items and vehicles Focus (SPI) Using scionic abilities and powers Hack (INT) Forcefully gaining entry to computers and the Silk Road History (INT) Identifying ruins, knowledge of past events in relation to current events Intimidate (CHA) Attempt to force NPC’s to give information, goods, or services Lockpick (AGI) Opening mechanical and some electronic locks Medicine (INT) Using medical devices and healing items, identifying wounds and diseases Navigate (INT) Safely traversing the void Perception (INT) Noticing sounds, smells, and visual cues Physics (INT) Understanding complex science, identifying spacial features and anomalies Pilot (AGI) Operating all types of vehicles Quick hands (AGI) Pickpocketing, sleight of hand, Religion (SPI) Understanding religious symbols, preaching a faith Repair (AGI) Repairing equipment, vehicle components, weapons Search (INT) Actively looking at your surroundings to reveal hidden items Stealth (AGI) Avoiding detection, hiding items, making covert actions Survival (END) Finding shelter, identifying safe food and drink Tactics (INT) Allows for more complicated Combat and Evasive Maneuvers Technology (INT) Using and identifying technological items

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Art (INT) – allows players to utilize any given form of artistic creation (music, paint, sculpture, etc.) as well as interpret and appraise art. Higher levels allow for more proficient performances and creations. Athletics (STR) – includes climbing, swimming, long and high jumps, and acrobatic movements. Higher levels all for more advanced and precise motions. Barter (CHA) – allows players to haggle prices and trade items with other characters. Higher levels allow players to barter against more difficult or unwilling characters. Biology (INT) – any interaction concerned with the identifying or interacting with biologic life, whether plants or animals. Includes identifying unknown flora and fauna, harvesting biologic components, and recalling knowledge about animals and plants. Bureaucracy (CHA) – any skill checks related to the management of a business or organization, such as navigating legal systems, finding information in records. Higher levels allow players to further expand their organizations Charm (CHA) – uses a player’s charisma to alter another character’s view of the player. Higher levels allow for more radical effects of charming a character. Command (CHA) – used to direct crewmates and animals, and the success of missions that they are sent on. Higher levels allow players to send crewmates on more difficult missions and to have more crew members Cook (AGI) – allows players to craft food and drinks with more than basic ingredients. Higher levels allow for more advanced recipes and ingredients. Craft (INT) – this skill has several sub skills associated with it (simple, weapons, armor, and technology,). Each sub skill is used to craft items under that category. Some items may require multiple craft skills to create or different levels. Higher levels allow more advanced items to be created. Culture (INT) – relates to a player’s knowledge of local cultures. This skill is used to understand customs and ingratiate a player with people or sentient xenos. This also pertains to a player’s ability to blend in with high society types. Higher levels give a player better insight into any given local culture, no matter how foreign. Ecology (INT) – This intelligence skill is a representation of a player’s ability to understand nature and local ecosystems. Ecology is used to determine weather, notice unique or out of place features in a natural environment or to find resources from natural sources. Higher levels make a player more knowledgeable and able to discern more discreet features. Engineering (INT) – Engineering represents a player’s mechanical knowledge. This skill is used to understand the function of mechanical components, to know what is wrong with a piece of broken machinery, and in some crafting checks. Higher levels represent deeper knowledge of engineering principles. P a g e | 67

Focus (SPI) – A player’s focus shows their strength of will and ability to center their mind. This is used as the basis for the level of scionic power that a player has access to, with levels 2 and 3 representing the second and third tiers of power for any affinity. Hack (INT) – this is a player’s ability to bypass any given security system in a computer and to navigate the interplanetary information grid of the Silk Road. Higher levels represent a player’s ability to bypass more advanced security. History (INT) – History is a player’s knowledge of historical facts about humanity and the Orion spur. This is used to understand the origin of artifacts, appraise ancient items, read or understand markings in ruins, or even operate some ancient technology. Higher levels represent a wider breadth of knowledge. Intimidate (CHA) – This is a player’s ability to influence others through their imposing demeanor or words. Higher levels are required to intimidate more resilient characters. Lockpick (AGI) – A player’s lockpick skill is their ability to break into mechanical or electronic locks. Higher levels represent the ability to open more sophisticated locks. Medicine (INT) – Medicine is a player’s knowledge of human physiology, as well as all fields of the medical industry (medicine, surgery, disease treatment). This is used to understand the nature of illnesses or cause of death, as well as to provide medical assistance to characters or players, and to identify the function of medical equipment and items. Higher levels are required for more intensive procedures and identify more advanced equipment. Navigate (INT) – This invaluable skill represents a player’s ability to navigate in both the confines of a world and in the expanse of the void. This is used to chart courses between star systems, to find routes between unknown locations, and to travel without hindrance. Higher levels allow players to make longer and more difficult phase jumps and travel long distances with less difficulty. Perception (INT) – Perception is a player’s ability to notice and identify their surroundings. This is used to spot hidden items, notice concealed enemies, or discern the motives of a character. Higher levels represent a finer sense of perception and is required to find some hidden items. Physics (INT) – Physics is a player’s knowledge of physical laws and implications. This is used to identify spatial anomalies and to understand physical diagrams and equations. Higher levels represent a deeper knowledge of the field. Pilot (AGI) – this is a player’s ability to handle vehicles and to be successful in their operation. Higher levels are required to pilot more advanced vehicles along with accessing more advanced evasive maneuvers. Quick hands (AGI) – players with this skill can attempt to pickpocket other characters, attempt to disarm mechanical traps, and other fine motor skills. Higher levels give a player better control and the ability to disarm more advanced traps. Religion (SPI) – This represents a player’s knowledge of the many religions throughout the spur as well as their customs and beliefs. This allows a player to recognize religious events, actions, iconography and artifacts of the faiths that permeate the empire and colonies. Higher levels allow identifying of more unique customs and artifacts. P a g e | 68

Repair (AGI) – this is a player’s ability to fix and maintain mechanical and technological items from communications equipment to starship engines. Higher levels are required to successfully repair more advanced technology. Search (INT) – Searching allows a player to find hidden items, characters or pry for undisclosed information. This includes tracking a fleeing character, interrogating a suspect, or finding important information in documents. Higher levels make a player’s investigation more effective. Stealth (AGI) – Stealth is a measure of a player’s ability to move without being seen. This allows a player to move without being seen by enemies or tripping alarms. Higher levels increase a player’s chance of remaining unseen under more intensive scrutiny. Survival (END) – A player’s ability to survive is a crucial one, and covers such actions as building a fire and shelter, finding water, knowing what local plants and animals are safe to eat, among other things. Higher levels represent a player’s better knowledge and will give them better chance at surviving in the spur. Tactics (INT) – this is a player’s tactical acumen, their knowledge of advanced combat maneuvers. Higher levels give a player access to more advanced combat maneuvers. Technology (INT) – a player’s technology skill represents their knowledge of technological items and processes. This includes the ability to identify technological items, work a computer system, use an unfamiliar piece of technology, or recognize damage to a drone or piece of tech. higher levels are required for operating and identifying more advance technology.

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In the spur, every single man, woman and child fills a role in society, whether as a soldier in the imperial legion, a simple protein farmer, or any other number of endless possible roles. In Sea of Stars, these roles that a character or non-player character fills is known as their Career. A career represents the mentality of a character, how they think, how they respond in a situation and what they value. Careers are an equivalent to skills, feats, and abilities of other role-playing games, but are gained in a more organic manner than the former. Players begin with 5 career points (CP) that they can spend in character creation to form a basic personality and style for their character and throughout the game, players will accrue more career points for attempting and succeeding at tasks that fill the role of one of the many careers presented. The duty of the gamemaster is to dole out these points as rewards for active roleplaying and for creative, intelligent solutions to problems, both in and out of combat. Each career is broken down into 3 levels: novice, trained, and expert. In order to use CP on skills and perks from the higher levels, a player must have spent enough points in the lower levels first, to simulate a natural growth and to prevent overpowering players too quickly.

Abilities with a * can be taken multiple times, and increases the level of the effect by one

Career Requirements

Novice – None

Trained – 10 points spent in novice level of career

Expert – 25 total points spent in novice and trained level and LVL 5


Military Mercenary Bounty Hunter Ganger Sniper Thief Captain Celebrity Hacker Governor Acolyte Scholar Pirate Missionary Mechanic Explorer Chef Marshal Guilder Smuggler Doctor Artist Swordsman P a g e | 70


Men and women who enlist or are recruited into the Legion become the backbone of the empires infrastructure and without them, the massive workings of the empire would fall to pieces under the weight of piracy, alien creatures and governmental corruption. Loyal, brave, and expertly trained, the military career suits those who seek combat prowess with discipline and experience.

NOVICE 1 CP Conditioning - +1 CON 1 CP Training – two hand ranged weapons do not incur 1st range penalty 2 CP Military requisition – access to MILITARY 1 2 CP 3 CP Small Squad Tactics – all members of your crew gain TACTICS 1 3 CP Rally – for 1d4 rounds, all allied units within 4 tiles gain +STR to BOD rolls 4 CP Squad coordination – all allied MILITARY units gain +CHA to all combat rolls 5 CP Command – any MILITARY unit with lower levels will obey commands in or out of combat (within reason) TRAINED 3 CP Direct Assault - attacks made against a front facing target gain +LVL/2 ATK 3 CP Concentrated fire – each successive attack by a MILITARY crew member on the same target in a round gets +1 ATK and +1 DMG 4 CP Close Quarters training – LGT melee weapons get +END bonus to ATK 5 CP Sustained Fire – can make a second ranged attack each turn (does not stack with other abilities) 5 CP Combat Medic – gain skill MEDICINE (INT) 5 CP Squad Delegation – all MILITARY crew get +1AP on next turn (3 RND) 6 CP Heavy ordinance requisition – access to Military 2 6 CP Personal squad – requisition a squad of 5 T2 soldiers to command EXPERT 6 CP 7 CP Brotherhood – all allied MILITARY faction members will not engage unless directly attacked or threatened 8 CP 8 CP Armored Requisition – access to MILITARY 3 9 CP 9 CP 10 CP Battle master - 10 CP

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In the spur, there will always be a need for people who are willing to do the dirty work, as long as there are credits to be made. Men and women who work as guns or swords for hire are known as mercenaries. These people have great combat ability but will use it almost exclusively if someone is willing to pay them for their skill, and they often become very wealthy, or very dead.

NOVICE 1 CP Weapons handling – switching weapons is a free action 1 CP Fearless – gain +SPI to BOD saving throws 2 CP 2 CP Hired Help – requisition a T1 mercenary companion 3 CP Dual wield – can wield 2 one hand weapons with no ATK penalty 3 CP Stern looking – gain skill INTIMIDATE 1 4 CP Target rich environment - can make a second ranged attack each turn (does not stack with other abilities) 5 CP Blood Money – Mercenary jobs pay double amounts TRAINED 3 CP Battle hardened – in combat all BOD saves get +LVL bonus 3 CP Armor Training – worn armor MOV penalties are reduced by half 4 CP Old connections – access to MILITARY 1 5 CP Killers Visage – gain skill INTIMIDATE 2 5 CP One-man army – attacking does not end your turn, can make multiple attacks each round 5 CP Personal Army – found a MERCENARY faction with you as leader 6 CP 6 CP Special delivery – requisition any T2 weapon and armor piece EXPERT 6 CP Intuitive weaponry – able to use xenos technology with no penalty 7 CP 8 CP 8 CP 9 CP Battle Company - requisition 4 T3 MERCENARY crew 9 CP 10 CP Warlord – combat kills refill 1AP, no maximum 10 CP

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Bounty Hunter

With the high rate of criminal activity in the empire, there are quite obviously men and women who become important targets for local and galactic law enforcement agencies. However, they simply do not have the man power to apprehend all these individuals, and so they will offer rewards for their capture. The men and women who chase these individuals are called Bounty Hunters. These tireless manhunters are masters of the chase and can track down individuals across the spur with brutal efficiency, and some don’t take much care if they bring in their target dead or alive.

NOVICE 1 CP Hunter’s Mark – 20-meter ranged attack, grants to +2/LVL to SEARCH checks against hit target 1 CP 2 CP Underworld Connections – gain access to UNDERWORLD merchants and informants 2 CP Dual wield – can wield 2 one hand weapons with no ATK penalty 3 CP Stellar tracking – gain skill NAVIGATE 1 3 CP 4 CP Lone Wolf – when your crew contains no human companions, gain +2 to all non-combat rolls 5 CP Worth the coin – bounty jobs pay double TRAINED 3 CP 3 CP Long mark – increase range of Hunter’s mark to 100 meters 4 CP Tactical gear – equipped technology does not incur movement penalties 5 CP 5 CP 5 CP Time for an upgrade – mastercraft any 2 pieces of equipment for free 6 CP Merciless killer – all weapons deal additional d4 damage 6 CP EXPERT 6 CP 7 CP Easy Prey – all combat and non-combat rolls against marked target gain +LVL 8 CP 8 CP 9 CP 9 CP Never lost a target – targets hit with your hunter’s mark will be forever marked on your map 10 CP 10 CP

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The great sprawling cities of the imperial worlds, and the vast wildernesses of the colonial worlds are perfect breeding grounds for criminal activity, and organized gangs of men and women who seek to take advantage of the lax law enforcement that exists. These people will rob, steal, kidnap and kill on a whim if they think they or their gang can profit from it. These gangers are dangerous individuals, using underhanded tricks in combat to supplement their lack of training, and they do so with great effect.

NOVICE 1 CP Initiate – access to UNDERWORLD merchants and informants 1 CP 2 CP Shakedown – gain skill INTIMIDATE 1 (CHA) 2 CP 3 CP Junkie – do not suffer negative effects of drugs in exchange for higher chance of addiction 3 CP Born in the Streets – combat in urban or underground settings grants +LVL/2 to all combat rolls 4 CP 5 CP Local Hideout – neutral or higher local organizations will always give your crew a place to hide/sleep TRAINED 3 CP Charter – Found UNDERWORLD faction with you as leader 3 CP Use what you got – weapons and armor with the BROKEN condition do not suffer any penalties 4 CP Drug Dealer – fenced narcotics sell for 100% value regardless of standing with buyer 5 CP Gangster – access to UNDERWORLD 2 5 CP Bring the Muscle – requisition 3 T1 ganger allies 5 CP 6 CP Improvised Warfare – 6 CP EXPERT 6 CP 7 CP Friends in low places – friendly or higher local UNDERWORLD organizations will come to your aid in battle 8 CP Black market – access to UNDERWORLD 3 8 CP 9 CP 9 CP 10 CP Underworld Boss – Your faction gains famous reputation with all UNDERWORLD factions 10 CP

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The greatest marksmen in the galaxy, snipers are deadly combatants who fight unseen from the shadows or from great distances. These men and women come armed with highly accurate weapons and can devastate infantry and light armored targets while remaining out of their enemy’s effective range.

NOVICE 1 CP This is my rifle – gain proficiency with MED ranged weapons 1 CP Long range training – gain skill TACTICS 1 2 CP Breath control - +1 ATK when using a scoped weapon 2 CP Headshot – next hit is guaranteed to be critical (4 RND) 3 CP Guardian – attacks on enemies in melee range of an ally gains + AGI bonus 3 CP Height Advantage - Gain double ATK bonus for height advantage 4 CP Blend in – gain skill STEALTH 1 5 CP Quick shot – firing your weapon does not end your turn, still only make one attack TRAINED 3 CP Sniper School – gain skill TACTICS 2 3 CP Armor crack – ranged weapon attacks sunder 1D4 AR 4 CP Eagle Eye – PERCEPTION checks gain +LVL/2 bonus 5 CP Out in the open – attacks against targets 3 or more meters away from another unit have + LVL to ATK 5 CP Deadeye – next ranged attack is guaranteed to hit, includes called shots (still roll for crit) 5 CP Ghost Warrior – gain skill STEALTH 2 6 CP Close range – LGT and MED ranged weapons get +LVL to ATK when in 1st range 6 CP Long Watch – Overwatch suffers no range penalty EXPERT 6 CP 7 CP Can’t hide from me – attacks against targets in cover negate the cover bonus to DEF and deal +LVL DMG 8 CP Kill confirmed – critical kills with ranged weapons refill 1 AP 8 CP 9 CP 9 CP 10 CP Death from Afar – Sniper rifles have double max range and suffer no range penalty 10 CP

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As long as people have possessed valuable objects, there have been men and women who will seek to take those objects for themselves. Thieves are men and women who take the possessions of others to make their way in the galaxy. Stealthy, quick fingered, and fast on their feet, thieves will steal anything they think will bring them wealth or power, and they do so with great success.

NOVICE 1 CP Pickpocket – gain skill QUICK HANDS 1 1 CP Lock loosener – gain skill LOCKPICK 1 2 CP 2 CP 3 CP No space too small – can fit into spaces of one size category smaller (humans can now fit into small spaces) 3 CP 4 CP Fences – access to UNDERWORLD 1 5 CP No lock too secure – LOCKPICK skill checks get +AGI bonus TRAINED 3 CP Getaway driver – gain proficiency with one vehicle subtype 3 CP Lightfoot – you no longer trip floor-based traps and sensors 4 CP Locker picker – gain skill LOCKPICK 2 5 CP Wallet lifter – gain skill QUICK HANDS 2 5 CP Tip off – when arriving in a new location, all high value locations are made known 5 CP Cat Burglar – all ATHLETICS checks get +LVL bonus 6 CP 6 CP EXPERT 6 CP 7 CP Masterful un—locksmith – gain skill LOCKPICK 3 8 CP 8 CP 9 CP 9 CP 10 CP 10 CP

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Taking their place at the helm or commander seat of starships, captains are the absolute ruler on the ship that they either own or are charged with. Masters of space travel and managing the systems and crew of a ship, captain can make their crew members work to the peak of their ability and expect the same of the ship that they stand upon.

NOVICE 1 CP In Charge – gain skill COMMAND 1 1 CP Flyboy – gain skill PILOT 1 2 CP A captain needs a crew – your crew size increases by LVL 2 CP 3 CP Personalized – any vehicle you own is marked with a person logo or symbol, giving you +LVL reputation to any who see it 3 CP Zero-g training – zero gravity does not impair movement 4 CP 5 CP Respected leader – your crew gains +LVL to mission success rolls TRAINED 3 CP Close quarters – your ships max crew size is increased by 50% 3 CP 4 CP Large and in charge – gain skill COMMAND 2 5 CP Commander – your fleet size increases by 2 5 CP Fill the bunks – requisition 4 T1 human crewmates 5 CP Experienced pilot – gain skill PILOT 2 6 CP Inspiration – can grant a crewmate an extra AP (4 RND) 6 CP Commodore – all crew missions gain +50% resources on success EXPERT 6 CP Get off my Ship – gain +LVL to all combat rolls while on an allied ship 7 CP 8 CP Largest and in Chargest – gain skill COMMAND 3 8 CP 9 CP 9 CP Admiral – your fleet size increases by 4 10 CP 10 CP

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In imperial society, men and women can rise to fame through many venues, such as acting in cinema or by political or criminal notoriety, but regardless of how they attain it they are recognized in the spur. Celebrities excel in using their notoriety and natural charisma to their benefit, getting special treatment by those who recognize them. The celebrity uses this to further they own sphere of influence, drawing fans and/or followers to their cause.

NOVICE 1 CP 1 CP Suave – gain skill CHARM 1 2 CP Fame (Local) – gain 10 reputation with any local factions 2 CP Good Looks – gain +1 CHA 3 CP New threads – requisition any outfit value 2500 or less 3 CP Dazzling smile – next CHA skill check will succeed (LVL/day) 4 CP 5 CP Good Graces – KNOWN factions pay double for jobs and sold goods TRAINED 3 CP Self-defense – gain proficiency with any one weapon type 3 CP 4 CP Star struck – CHA critical success will give target DAZZLED for 1d4 rounds 5 CP Popularity discount – any faction with reputation 15 or higher gives 25% discount on all goods and services 5 CP Lady killer – all CHARM rolls against opposite sex are lowered by 2 levels 5 CP Charming – gain +LVL to all CHA skill checks 6 CP Really good looks – gain +2 CHA 6 CP Put on a show – gain +CHA to attack rolls EXPERT 6 CP 7 CP 8 CP Silver tongued devil – gain skill CHARM 3 8 CP 9 CP 9 CP 10 CP Superstar – gain FAMOUS reputation with all human factions 10 CP

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To manage and store the massive amounts of computational data across the empire, a new form of data network has been designed in the 31st century, called the Silk Road. It allows for communication and data sharing between planets in a system. Most imperial systems have a local Silk Road system server that is overflowing with everything from civilian and military communication to banking and trading. People who manipulate the silk road are called hackers, men and women who tread the Silk Road, scouring for information and taking what they please.

NOVICE 1 CP Gain Skill – HACK 1 1 CP 2 CP Computer whiz – gain skill TECHNOLOGY 1 2 CP 3 CP Snack fiend – eaten items effects are doubled in length 3 CP 4 CP 5 CP Beneath the surface – gain access to sub-levels of the Silk Road TRAINED 3 CP Computer scientist – gain skill TECHNOLOGY 2 3 CP Silk road rider – gain skill HACK 2 4 CP Quick Fingers – gain +2 AGI 5 CP Silk Road Avatar – can enter the Silk Road as an Avatar 5 CP Remote Hack – can use HACK skill through a droid or drone up to 30 meters away 5 CP 6 CP Firewall – automatically destroy T1 security measures (4 RND) 6 CP EXPERT 6 CP 7 CP 8 CP 8 CP LEET HAXOR – gain skill HACK 3 9 CP 9 CP 10 CP Ghost in the Machine – When engaged by defense protocols, make a +4 HACK roll, on success defense will go offline 10 CP

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Managers and bureaucrats of the spur, Governors are men and women who serve the empire or the buccaneers coalition as its leaders in one position or another. Governors are adept at talking their way to success, whether honestly or not. Governors often also hire others to do their dirty work for them, so as to further their own goals without endangering themselves.

NOVICE 1 CP Air of authority – gain +LVL to all skill checks learned as a governor 1 CP Just Business – gain sill BARTER 1 2 CP Shrewd – gain skill SENSE MOTIVE 1 (INT) 2 CP Brash – gain skill INTIMDATE 1 3 CP Administrator – gain skill MANAGE 1 (CHA) 3 CP Bodyguard – requisition 1 T2 MERCENARY or MILITARY ally 4 CP Micromanagement – all crew missions gain +CHA to mission success rolls 5 CP Negotiator – all BARTER checks +LVL/2 TRAINED 3 CP 3 CP Haggler – gain skill BARTER 2 4 CP Strictly Business– gain skill MANAGE 2 5 CP Propaganda – gain 10 reputation with any local faction (can be taken more than once) 5 CP Backroom dealings – illegal or restricted items are bought and sold at 50% advantage 5 CP Questionable Methods – gain skill INTIMIDATE 2 6 CP Well placed bribes – local law enforcement will not prosecute you 6 CP EXPERT 6 CP 7 CP CEO – gain skill MANAGE 3 8 CP 8 CP 9 CP 9 CP 10 CP Absolute Authority - imperial law enforcement will not prosecute you 10 CP

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There are some men and women among the empire and its expanses that spend their lives dedicated to studying and honing their scionic abilities. These are the acolytes of the spur, masterful scions who possess the most powerful abilities of all of humanity. Acolytes focus on controlling their reality-warping power for maximum effect, often joining the schools of scions scattered throughout the spur. While not an easy path to walk, those who choose to become acolytes can become among the most powerful people in the galaxy.

NOVICE 1 CP 1 CP Chosen Path – choose which affinity you will manifest upon igniting 2 CP Meditation – all power cooldowns are reduced by 1 RND 2 CP Find your center – gain +1 SPI 3 CP Focus – Gain skill FOCUS 1 (FOCUS 2 if Adept) 3 CP Fluid attacks – can make a second attack each turn 4 CP Disciple – join one MYSTIC sub faction 5 CP Internal awakening – ignite your spark, gaining access to Basic abilities (still roll for affinity) TRAINED 3 CP Deepening Focus – gain skill FOCUS 2 (FOCUS 3 if Adept) 3 CP Weapon focus – gain proficiency with any melee subtype 4 CP Blind sense – attacks made against you from your flank or rear do not gain a bonus 5 CP 5 CP Martial artist – Unarmed attacks deal additional 1D6 DMG 5 CP 6 CP 6 CP EXPERT 6 CP Deep understanding – gain a second affinity (third if Universalist sub class) 7 CP Ultimate Focus – gain skill FOCUS 3 8 CP 8 CP Pressure points – called shots for melee attacks do +LVL dmg 9 CP 9 CP 10 CP 10 CP Ultimate prowess – using scion powers does not require a skill check

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Throughout the empire, there are many prestigious universities that seek to expand the collective knowledge of humanity. The men and women that are associated with these universities who hunt for knowledge and history are called Scholars. Scholars are among the brightest in the empire, people who use their minds to find the best solution to a given situation, and often notice minute details that others would normally miss. No matter where they are in the galaxy, scholars are an important figure in any crew.

NOVICE 1 CP 1 CP Field of Study – gain any INT 1 based skill 2 CP 2 CP Intellectual – gain +1 INT 3 CP 3 CP Quick thinker – INT based skill checks no longer cost AP 4 CP Physical education – gain any one weapon proficiency 5 CP Academia – join either the imperial university or the colonial science society TRAINED 3 CP Military Academics – access to military 1 3 CP Historian – any HISTORY skill check gains +LVL bonus 4 CP Physicist – any PHYSICS skill check gains +LVL bonus 5 CP Enemy knowledge – enemy within visible range receives -LVL to defense for 1d6 rounds (3 RND) 5 CP Power of the mind – add +INT to all MIN saves 5 CP Focused Study* – gain any INT 2 based skill (requires level 1 of same skill) 6 CP Military History – gain skill TACTICS 2 6 CP Awakened intelligence – gain psychic affinity and 2 power points EXPERT 6 CP 7 CP Expedition Patron – resources required for missions are reduced by half 8 CP 8 CP 9 CP 9 CP Dean* – gain any INT 3 skill (does not require level one or two of chosen skill) 10 CP 10 CP

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On the long empty trade lanes of the empire, many opportunistic men and women will attack merchant and government ship laden with cargo and riches. These pirates have become a force of their own in the past fifty years since the foundation of the Buccaneer coalition, growing more and more brave and well equipped by the day. Pirates use brute force and threats of violence to get whatever they want with little or no regard for their prey’s lives.

NOVICE 1 CP YARRRGH – gain skill INTIMIDATE 1 1 CP Swashbuckling – melee attacks gain +LVL/2 critical range 2 CP 2 CP Iron Stomach – gain double BOD when resisting the negative effects of alcohol 3 CP Scallywag – Join the Buccaneers Coalition as a crewman 3 CP Greased Palms – access to UNDERWORLD 1 4 CP Boarding Party – gain +1/LVL to all combat rolls when on an enemy ship 5 CP Free Spirit – found a PIRATE faction TRAINED 3 CP Rowdy Crew – requisition 4 T1 PIRATE allies 3 CP YAAARRRRRGGGHHHH – gain skill INTIMIDATE 2 4 CP Junkie – all drugs now have double length, but take -LVL against BOD saves for addiction 5 CP Quartermaster – captured loot counts for half its bulk size 5 CP 5 CP Rise to the top – become a captain in the Buccaneers Coalition 6 CP Underworld navigator – access to UNDERWORLD 2 6 CP Captain needs a ship – Requisition a T2 ship EXPERT 6 CP YAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH – gain skill INTIMIDATE 3 7 CP Maelstrom strike – make a melee attack against all targets in reach of your weapon, any hits confer DRUGGED for 1d6 rounds (3RND) 8 CP 8 CP 9 CP Lordly aspirations – become second man or woman to one of the pirate lords 9 CP 10 CP 10 CP

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When faced with the harsh realities of the galaxy, many men and women still turn to religions, both old and new, to help them find meaning in their existence. Though not as widespread as throughout history, religions and their clergy still look to bring sheep to their flock. Men and women who spread the word of their faith wherever they go are called Missionaries. These fervent religious individuals live to bring their god’s morals all across the spur, usually by peace, but sometimes the unholy are dealt with more harshly.

NOVICE 1 CP Belief – gain +1 SPI 1 CP Preacher – gain skill CHARM 1 2 CP 2 CP Armor of the Faithful – until next turn, add CHA to your defense 3 CP 3 CP Fervor – BOD saves against fear gain +CHA 4 CP 5 CP TRAINED 3 CP 3 CP Fervent believer – gain +2 SPI and +1 CHA 4 CP 5 CP Mission* – found a church in an area that will bring people to your faith, giving you +LVLx2 reputation with local faction 5 CP 5 CP Clergy – requisition 5 T1 CIVILIAN allies 6 CP 6 CP EXPERT 6 CP 7 CP 8 CP Incite the masses – can make a CHA roll to call nearby citizens to aid in combat 8 CP 9 CP 9 CP Inciting words – gain scionic power Geass (does not require psychic affinity) 10 CP Prophet – gain reputation of famous in all imperial or colonial systems 10 CP

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The plethora of technology in use throughout the empire requires thousands of men and women who can maintain and operate the ships, drones and equipment that interstellar society needs. The mechanics of the spur can repair, control, and modify all forms of technology in the empire. They can command swarms of micro drones or carry dangerous experimental weapons and armor.

NOVICE 1 CP 1 CP Grease monkey – Gain skill REPAIR 1 (REPAIR 2 if Engineer) 2 CP 2 CP 3 CP 3 CP Quick repair – any REPAIR skill check costs 0 AP 4 CP Saboteur – any ENGINEERING check to disable or destroy a device gains +LVL bonus 5 CP TRAINED 3 CP Weaponized tools - gain +LVL to ATK with tools and mechanical implements (wrenches, hammers, drills, saws, etc.) 3 CP 4 CP Helping hand – requisition a T2 repair type drone 5 CP Trained mechanic - Gain skill REPAIR 2 5 CP 5 CP Coping mechanism – saving throws to resist addiction to alcohol have double BOD bonus 6 CP Mod expert – installed mods on weapons and armor have double effects 6 CP Mechanical discount – all components and modifications are purchased at 50% base price EXPERT 6 CP Damn good fix – any equipment or machine repaired gins EMPOWERED for 1d6 rounds or minutes 7 CP 8 CP Gearhead – gain skill REPAIR 3 8 CP Tech adept – acquire technic affinity and 2 skills from T1 9 CP Second Nature – automatically succeed all difficult or lower REPAIR checks 9 CP 10 CP 10 CP Master Mechanic – all skill checks related to machinery or equipment gains +LVL bonus

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The vast expanse of even the small part of the milky way galaxy that has been explored has barely any official charting, and even fewer men and women who are willing to brave the unknown reaches of space. Plotting and charting interstellar routes and observing and analyzing new flora and fauna are just a few of the ways explorers can earn a living in the spur, and their skills and knowledge make them valuable assets to any ship they are aboard.

NOVICE 1 CP Navigator – gain skill NAVIGATE 1 1 CP 2 CP 2 CP Sense of direction – NAVIGATE skill checks gain +SPI bonus 3 CP 3 CP 4 CP Planetary guide – gain ECOLOGY 1 5 CP Cartographer - Become a member of the cartographer’s guild TRAINED 3 CP 3 CP Ecologist – active scans of an area always reveal environmental hazards 4 CP 5 CP Interstellar guide – gain skill NAVIGATE 2 5 CP Biologic insight – skill checks to identify flora and fauna are reduced by 2 levels 5 CP Environmental – gain ECOLOGY 2 6 CP 6 CP Anomaly expert – difficulty level of NAVIGATE checks near anomalies are lowered by one EXPERT 6 CP 7 CP Planetologist – gain ECOLOGY 3 8 CP 8 CP Master navigator – gain skill NAVIGATE 3 9 CP 9 CP Cosmic Awareness – gain cosmic affinity and 2 powers from T1 or T2 10 CP 10 CP

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Despite the harsh nature of life in the year 3000, many men and women make their living in the culinary industry, whether as chefs or brewers, making food with ingredients from across the stars. These experts can make food and drinks with medical properties, or psychedelic qualities if they choose. These Chefs are experts at finding and preparing their ingredients to make the most delicious food and drinks in the galaxy.

NOVICE 1 CP 1 CP Culinary art 1 – gain skill COOK 1 (AGI) 2 CP 2 CP Forager – any looted animal or plant has a chance to give ingredients 3 CP 3 CP 4 CP 5 CP Recipe book 1 – gain knowledge to cook any T1 dish, still requires ingredients and skill level TRAINED 3 CP Brew master – alcoholic drinks produced are always of T3 quality 3 CP 4 CP Culinary art 2 – gain skill COOK 2 or 3 (can be taken twice) 5 CP 5 CP 5 CP Local delicacies – you have intrinsic knowledge of local edible plants and animals 6 CP Recipe book 2 – gain knowledge to cook any T2 dish, still requires ingredients and skill level 6 CP EXPERT 6 CP Culinary art 3 – gain skill COOK 3 7 CP 8 CP Enhanced effects – all effects from prepared foods are doubled, positive and negative 8 CP 9 CP Recipe book 3 – gain knowledge to cook any T3 dish, still requires ingredients and skill level 9 CP 10 CP Perfect flavor – automatically succeed any COOK check 10 CP

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Protecting law and order in the empire is a daunting task, preventing and stopping crime on over a hundred worlds is an insurmountable duty, and the ones charged with keeping this peace are the Marshals. Marshals are men and women who form the backbone of the imperial and colonial law enforcement service and have authority to detain or kill the criminals of the galaxy. They can act as judge, jury, and executioner if need be in any situation, but ultimately must follow the law themselves.

NOVICE 1 CP 1 CP Gumshoe – gain skill SEARCH 1 2 CP 2 CP Judge – gain skill INTERROGATE 1 3 CP Dual wield – can wield 2 one hand weapons with no ATK penalty 3 CP 4 CP Posse – requisition three T1 CIVILIAN allies 5 CP Imperial Service – join the imperial marshals force TRAINED 3 CP 3 CP Detective – gain skill SEARCH 2 (INT) 4 CP 5 CP 5 CP Jury – gain skill INTERROGATE 2 5 CP 6 CP Jurisdiction – all imperial and colonial civilians will cooperate if informed of your position 6 CP EXPERT 6 CP Executioner – can collect bounties on targets whether alive or dead 7 CP 8 CP 8 CP 9 CP 9 CP Long arm of the Law – two handed ranged weapons gain double CRIT range and damage 10 CP 10 CP

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Supporting the massive galactic economy is a series of hundreds of guilds that produce, create, transport, manage and trade the endless goods that are needed throughout the galaxy. Each guild functions as its own self-contained company, but all guilds are represented in the Guild Council, which serves as an imperial go-between to the guilds. Artisans of all kinds flock to these guilds to make their living while perfecting their crafts.

NOVICE 1 CP 1 CP Craftsman 1 – gain one CRAFT 1 skill (can be taken multiple times) 2 CP 2 CP 3 CP Guild Member – access to GUILD 1 3 CP 4 CP 5 CP TRAINED 3 CP 3 CP Tools of the trade – can craft T1 items without a designated station 4 CP 5 CP Latent talent – automatically succeed any moderate or lower CRAFT check, still requires time 5 CP 5 CP Journeyman – gain any CRAFT 2 skill (can be taken multiple times) required to have CRAFT 1 of skill chosen 6 CP 6 CP EXPERT 6 CP 7 CP Fast worker – all crafted items can be completed in 1/2 time (does not stack with Artificer ability “efficient craftsman” 8 CP 8 CP Masterworks – gain any CRAFT 3 skill (can be taken multiple times), required to have CRAFT 2 of skill chosen 9 CP 9 CP 10 CP Perfection – any crafted item will always be of perfect quality 10 CP

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As with any economic system, there will always be men and women who will try to bend and break the rules to get ahead of the competition. The most infamous of these criminals are the smugglers of the galaxy, people who move and sell goods that are illegal for any reason. These goods can be stolen, black market, illegal alien tech or under trade restrictions, but smugglers will get their cargo where they need, however they need to get it there.

NOVICE 1 CP 1 CP 2 CP 2 CP 3 CP Shoot first, ask questions later – drawing light weapons costs 0 ap 3 CP 4 CP 5 CP Secret Compartments – any items hidden on a class 2 or larger vessel are invisible to passive scans TRAINED 3 CP 3 CP 4 CP Proper codes – active scanning will not detect illegal goods 5 CP 5 CP I know a guy – you know all local underground organization locations and have some form of contact 5 CP 6 CP 6 CP EXPERT 6 CP Blockade runner – evasive maneuver – expend double fuel for double max speed for 1d6 rounds (8 RND) 7 CP 8 CP 8 CP 9 CP 9 CP 10 CP Nooks and Crannys – any hidden items on your ship will never be scanned or found in a search 10 CP

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The empire’s endless supply of civilians and military require medical care on a scale unheard of in history and are subjected to strange xenos viruses, infections and wounds. The men and women who study and perform the medical sciences are the Doctors of the spur. They have a broad spectrum of knowledge and are able to perform first aid to the

NOVICE 1 CP 1 CP 2 CP Medical training – gain skill MEDICINE 1 2 CP 3 CP Prescription pad – all health items are purchased at 50% cost 3 CP 4 CP Pharmaceutical knowledge – automatically pass any check to identify a drug or medicine 5 CP TRAINED 3 CP 3 CP Surgeon – stabilizing any character costs no AP 4 CP 5 CP M.D. – gain skill MEDICINE 2 5 CP 5 CP Hippocratic Oath – all healing items used on other players have double effects 6 CP Anatomy knowledge – called shots take no attack penalty and always inflict effects 6 CP EXPERT 6 CP 7 CP 8 CP 8 CP Augment implant training – any MEDICINE check to install or repair cybernetic implants gains +LVL bonus 9 CP 9 CP 10 CP 10 CP

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The uncertainty and danger of life in the spur makes many men and women lose any semblance of creativity in their lives, but those that can face the stresses of life and retain the spark of creativity make music and art that invokes powerful feelings in themselves and others. These artists can drive others around them to perform great feats or bring people to tears with their music, sculptures or paintings. The artists of the empire and colonies help to spread the culture of humanity wherever they go.

NOVICE 1 CP Starving Artist– gain one ART 1 skill 1 CP 2 CP 2 CP 3 CP Street Performer – Art gigs pay double 3 CP 4 CP Personal Insurance – can keep a light weapon on your person where it will never be found when searched 5 CP Bandmates – gain 3 T1 civilian allies, outfit with instruments or artists tools TRAINED 3 CP 3 CP Composition – gain one ART 2 skill 4 CP 5 CP Signature works – any performance increases your reputation with audience 5 CP 5 CP 6 CP Entrancing melody – successful art skill checks force present characters to pass a difficult MIN save or gain effect stunned for 1d6 rounds 6 CP EXPERT 6 CP Master – gain one ART 3 skill 7 CP 8 CP 8 CP Affecting art – works or performances can be imbued with 9 CP 9 CP 10 CP 10 CP

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The men and women throughout the spur who spent their lives mastering martial weapons are commonly called swordsmen. These are the great weapon masters of the empire, able to wield the heaviest and most advanced melee weapons that exist, including weapons of xenos design. Masters of close combat, these warriors pinpoint weaknesses in their enemy’s defenses and exploit them. Swordsmen can slice, hack, or smash through any foe with fearsome efficiency.

NOVICE 1 CP 1 CP Students intellect – gain proficiency with any melee weapon 2 CP 2 CP Keen edge – all melee weapons deal +1 DMG 3 CP 3 CP 4 CP 5 CP TRAINED 3 CP 3 CP Disciple - 4 CP 5 CP Way of the sword – all sword type weapons gain +2 critical range 5 CP Way of the Axe – all axe type weapons sunder 2 AR on hit 5 CP Way of the Spear – all spear and polearm weapons deal 1d4 bleed damage on hit 6 CP Way of the hammer – all hammer and blunt weapons gain +1 knockback on hit 6 CP EXPERT 6 CP 7 CP 8 CP 8 CP 9 CP 9 CP 10 CP 10 CP

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Technology in the 31st Century

In the nearly nine hundred years since the discovery of the Grand unified theory, humanity has created marvelous technology which has helped the Terrans spread across the stars and build colonies on previously inhospitable worlds. But much of this powerful tech is extremely difficult and costly to produce, and for that reason, there exists a huge disparity of the levels of tech between worlds of the empire. The older, more established planets near the Sol system are very advanced; with great cities, powerful weapons and ships, and incredible medicine. The colonies, far from the bright center of human civilization still have some limited access to advanced weapons and supplies, but these are incredibly valuable and sought after in these frontier planets, who have to make use of what they readily have available in the absence of modern equipment by using things like standard ballistic weapons, wheeled or treaded vehicles powered by bio-diesel, and even beasts of burden or slaves in some cases. The Grand Unified Theory

The single greatest discovery made in humanities history, the grand unified theory (GU) is a representation of the entirety of the physical laws that govern the universe and everything in it. Theo Rolf and his companions first viewed the GU in the 22nd century. They uncovered the existence of the theory while trying to develop a means of gravitic manipulation. When they realized that under the current understanding of physics there was no possibility to achieve their goal, they tried to expand their understanding. The scientists came to a simple, yet profound realization, that all laws that govern the universe are connected.

By studying these connections, Theo began to see a bigger picture of the universe. He saw not only what we could understand as humans, but also what we couldn’t. From this he began to build a massive algorithm to connect what we know to the innumerable things we don’t. At some point, the algorithm began to expand itself, more and more rapidly until it grew to encompass more than any could even fathom. This algorithm came to be call the Grand Unified theory. The GU is not just a series of symbols scribbled on a blackboard though, to view the GU is no easy task. It is a swirling, constantly shifting three-dimensional collection of mathematical equations and indecipherable diagrams, enough to make any educated scientist go mad trying to uncover its mysteries.

Those who study the depths of the GU have produced some of the greatest advancements mankind has ever seen, such as the Tesla Reactors, anti-grav engines, plasma cells and fusion weaponry. These come from understanding minute pieces of the theory and its connections to new laws that allows for these powerful technologies. No one has ever come close to understanding the entirety of the GU and it is unlikely that any human ever will. P a g e | 94

Tesla Reactor

Another of humanities great creations, the tesla reactor is a device which can allow any ship that houses one to travel at faster than light speeds. Without this technology, there would be no terran empire as it exists in the year 3000, and even the limited travel between planets and stars now would be completely unheard of. The tesla reactor functions on the principle of wireless transmission of energy, originally theorized in the 20th century, but takes the theory and advances it to the wireless transmission of matter. What this effectively means is that any ship that activates its tesla reactor is “phased” out of the material universe temporarily.

The ship and all its contents (organic or inorganic) become a completely massless entity retaining its original shape and atomic composition which allows the vessel to break the lightspeed barrier and travel the immense distances between stars. The main drawback of this form of faster than light travel is that the tesla reactor can only maintain this phased state for a limited time, reaching maximum distances of about 50-75 lightyears at a time, before needing to recharge.

Being a massless form of energy does not mean that the ship is safe as it traverses the Void, as the ship is still subject to electrical and magnetic fields and a myriad of interstellar threats. But despite the dangers of travelling the deep space lanes, it is a great power that allows mankind to be the force in the spur that they now are.

Tesla reactors are incredibly valuable and due to the advanced methods required to produce them, are only made in 2 places in the empire: the Kingarc Olympus Mons manufactory on mars, and the Artificers guild on Terra. Even the most basic or outdated model reactors cost upwards of ten million credits. Plasma Cells

Humans have been able to harness ionized plasma for use as many things, from weapon ammunition to vehicle fuel. Plasma cells are transparent ceramic containers of various sizes that are filled with the different forms of plasma that power the weapons of the imperial legion and the ships of the imperial armada. Plasma based weaponry is composed of a plasma cell (magazine), cycling chamber (action) and focusing chamber (barrel). These three components have many variations and can produce the hundreds of different models of plasma weapons that are scattered across the imperial worlds. Plasma cells on vehicles are (obviously) much larger and output much more energy and are capable of sustaining even imperial galleons through the void at FTL speeds. P a g e | 95

Anti-grav Engines

The main form of flight capability on modern ships, speeders, and some mobile suits, the anti-grav engine schematic is a plasma-based piece of technology that allows a vessel to fly at varying heights and speeds depending on the model and power of the engine. The anti-grav engine (AG) creates a field of negative gravity around portions or the entirety of a vehicle by employing micronized plasma fusion. All AG engines are powered by plasma cells and can function in the vacuum of the void.

Ion Engines

Ion engines are the most powerful and efficient form of propulsion for vessels that the empire has developed. By superheating plasma in a micro fusion generator, ion engines can propel a vehicle at incredible speeds without the need for oxygen or any form of true combustion. These engines are used in concert with anti-grav engines to form the drives for all types of hover speeders and ships. Ion engines also serve as a ship’s driving force when it has entered a phased state, and thus can determine the speed at which a ship can reach the destination it has plotted.

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Fusion Weapons

After the discovery of the scions in the 23rd century, the science of Artificing became a major part of imperial technology and produced many great advances, but the most prevalent of these would be fusion weapons and tools. These artifacts (products of artificing) are visually similar to their standard counterparts but are powered by a form of stellar micro-fusion that sheathes part or the entirety of the weapon in a glowing field of immense power. This allows weapons imbued with this power to cut effortlessly through heavy armor and flesh alike, and tools to harvest materials that would otherwise be impossible to obtain.

Laser, Plasma, and Arc Weapons

Utilizing the plasma cell technology, imperial scientists have created several weapon varieties that are powered by this advanced energy source. The first developed was that of plasma weaponry which generates a concentrated pulse of pure plasma and fires it. A plasma blast carries large amounts of kinetic and thermal energy and upon striking a target will melt through flesh and bone as well as hitting with a great impact. These weapons are most effective for cracking armored infantry or tough xenos. Plasma weapons are among the most powerful in the empire, though they tend to carry fewer shots per magazine and are incredibly expensive.

Laser weapons are another form of plasma cell weaponry, firing a sustained burst of ionized lasers. The weapons focus the energy of the plasma cell and expel it out a channeling barrel, making these highly accurate and potent weapons. The laser carries a lethal heat that melts through even the toughest steel and ceramics. Laser weapons are primarily used as anti-armor weapons and are the main form of ship-based energy weapons.

Arc weapons are the newest type of plasma-based weapons, designed by the marshals as a means of incapacitating a target without causing lethal damage. These weapons fire a charged blast of electrical energy, striking a target with the intent of stunning them. Arc weapons are also incredibly effective against drones and vehicles. P a g e | 97


Each ranged and melee weapon has a stat block as follows on a character sheet. The following pages contain templates for weapon

Weapon Name Weapon type Range and ammunition Attack bonus + weapon bonus Weapon DMG and CRIT Weapon description / mods / effects Name – name of weapon Type – shows proficiency required to wield weapon Price – shows base buying price for tier-1 model Attack – shows weapon attack bonus in addition to player ATK Range – 1st and 2nd range increments for the weapon - ≤ 1st range has no ATK penalty - 1st ≤ 2nd range has 25% ATK penalty rounded up - > 2ND range has 50% ATK penalty rounded up Ammo – type of ammo it consumes and the weapons ammo capacity - P – Pistol - R – Rifle - S - Shotgun - H – Heavy Ballistic - L – Plasma - HP – Heavy Plasma - M – Missile - G - Grenade Damage – shows weapons base damage (critical hits do double damage and add keyword effect Critical – shows the critical range of the weapon (3 increases critical range to 15 instead of 18) Keyword – indicates any special qualities that weapon damage will inflict on critical hit.

Weapon Manufacturers (modifies weapon stats) MANUFACTURER PRICE ATTACK RANGE AMMO DMG - CRIT STANDARD X 1 + 0 +0/+0 + 0 +0 – +0 LEGION X 0.75 + 0 +0/+1 + 2 +2 – +0 ARMADA X 1 + 0 -1/+0 + 0 +1 – +1 PIRATE X 0.5 - 1 +0/+0 + 1 +0 – +1 HEPHAESTUS X 2.5 + 3 +1/+2 + 1 +3 – +2 HINAI X 1.5 + 2 +2/+0 - 2 +2 – +1 AARAMORI X 3 + 3 +2/+2 + 0 +4 – +2 LEXANI X 2.5 + 1 +0/-1 + 1 +0 – +4 OSIRIAN X 2 + 1 -1/-1 + 3 +2 – +0 MARSHSTAR X 1.5 + 0 +1/+0 + 1 +3 – -1 SOLSTICE X 1.5 - 1 +0/+0 + 2 +0 – +1

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Table WEP – 1: Basic Ranged Weapons

NAME TYPE PRICE ATK RNG AMMO DMG-CRIT-KEY PISTOL LGT 500 0 5/8 P – 4 D4 - 3 LASER PISTOL LGT 1500 1 6/9 L – 4 D4 – 4 MELT PLASMA PISTOL LGT 3000 1 6/9 L – 5 D6 - 5 MELT REVOLVER LGT 800 1 5/10 P – 3 D6 – 4 SMG LGT 1000 0 4/8 P – 6 D4 - 3 AUTO ARC PISTOL LGT 1300 0 3/6 L – 2 D3 - 2 STUN BOW LGT 900 1 7/14 Arrows D6 - 3 SHOTGUN MED 800 1 4/7 S – 4 D6 – 6 FLECHETTE MED 2000 2 5/8 S – 3 D8 – 7 RIFLE MED 1200 2 7/12 R – 5 D6 – 4 ASSAULT RIFLE MED 1500 2 7/11 R – 7 D6 - 4 AUTO LASER RIFLE MED 2200 2 8/12 L - 5 D8 – 5 MELT PLASMA RIFLE MED 3000 2 8/13 L – 4 D8 - 6 MELT ARC RIFLE MED 2600 1 6/12 L – 3 D4 – 2 HEAVY MG HVY 3500 2 6/9 H – 6 D8 - 1 AUTO H. LASER MG HVY 4200 2 6/10 HP – 4 D10 – 2 MELT H. PLASMA MG HVY 5000 2 6/10 HP – 3 D10 - 2 MELT ASSAULT CANNON HVY 4200 1 7/9 H – 2 D12 - 1 PLASMA CANNON HVY 5200 2 8/10 HP – 1 D12 - 2 MELT ARC CANNON HVY 4800 1 7/9 HP – 1 D12 - 1 GRENADE LAUNCHER MED 3500 0 5/8 G - 1 VARIES - 2 ROCKET LAUNCHER HVY 5000 1 5/10 M - 1 VARIES - 3

Table WEP – 2: Basic Melee Weapons


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A simple one handed ranged weapon extremely common in the spur, relatively cheap and easy to produce, pistols come in dozens of variations from the standard imperial legion sidearm to the advanced Aaramori vindicator. Pistol type weapons are also commonly seen in laser, plasma, and arc pattern weapons, though they are considerably more advanced and expensive to produce and maintain. Revolver

revolvers are a more ruggedly designed one-handed weapon, less prone to jamming and dealing more damage. The Imperial Marshals carry powerful variants of these weapons to mete out justice on the criminals of the spur.


A classic and long used weapon of humanity, shotguns fire projectiles that spread out over a wide arc, making them effective at shorter ranges, but drastically less so at longer ranges. Shotguns can be made to fire laser or plasma projectiles, but these are simply modified rounds not the actual weapon itself.

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An advanced version of the standard shotgun designed to combat the scourge hordes during the Scourge war, it fires small razor-sharp projectiles that shred through flesh targets like so much paper. Flechettes have reduced effectiveness against heavily armored targets, as their projectiles were not designed with armor penetration in mind.


One of the most used style of weapons in the empire and beyond for its versatility, rifles are two handed ranged weapons that fire long range projectiles with great accuracy. Rifles can be ballistic, laser, plasma, arc, or other more exotic patterned creations. Some of these armaments are iconic pieces of imperial technology, like the Babylon pattern rifles of the Aureate knights or the mass produced and widely used Legion MX-2 carbines.

Assault Cannon

These heavy handheld weapons were originally a design by the buccaneer’s coalition, designed to be used in breaching the hulls of captured ships. These massive infantry arms fire large caliber shells or plasma bolts to inflict massive damage to whatever they strike, usually heavy armored or vehicles.

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Armor and Outfits

Armor in Sea of Stars is broken into 2 categories; armor and outfits. Armor is worn over outfits and provides more bonuses and penalties. Armor is separated into 5 slots – head, chest, hands, legs, and feet. Outfits do not provide any armor or movement bonuses but can be worn under armor. Outfits can fill any of the armor slots, but additionally have shoulder and waist slots. To find the given bonuses for a piece of armor, combine the templates for the type of armor and the slot it fits in.

The armor tables below give the following data for each armor component

Defense (D) – gives the bonus or penalty to defense for the armor

Armor (A) – gives the armor rating for the piece (how much damage it absorbs before wearer is hit

Movement (M) – the penalty to a player’s movement while wearing the armor

Type (T) – list of what slots the armor set contains

Price (P) – the price of a given armor piece

Weight (W) – the base weight for the type of armor

SLOT DEFENSE ARMOR MOVEMENT PRICE WEIGHT HEAD (H) X 1 X 1 X 0.25 X 0.5 X 0.5 CHEST (C) X 1 X 1 X 0.25 X 1 X 1 HANDS (N) X 0.5 X 0.25 X 0.25 X 0.5 X 0.5 SHIELD (D) X 1.5 X 1.5 X 1 X 1 X 1.5 LEGS (L) X 1 X 1 X 1 X 1 X 1 FEET (F) X 0.5 X 0.25 X 0.25 X 0.5 X 0.5

Slot Modifiers - Outfits

SLOT DEFENSE PRICE WEIGHT HEAD (H) X 0.25 X 1 X 0.25 SHOULDER (S) X 0.25 X 0.5 X 0.5 CHEST (C) X 1 X 1 X 1 HANDS (N) X 0.25 X 0.5 X 0.25 WAIST (W) X 0.25 X 0.5 X 0.25 LEGS (L) X 1 X 1 X 1 FEET (F) X .5 X 0.5 X 0.25

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Armor and Outfit Tables

Table ARM-1 Basic Armors

SET NAME TYPE TIER DEFENSE ARMOR MOV PRICE WEIGHT LEATHER LGT 1 1 0 1 250 1 STEEL MED 1 2 1 2 400 2 CERAMIC MED 1 2 1 1 500 2 CARBON FIBER LGT 1 2 0 0 550 0 COMPOSITE MED 1 1 1 1 400 1 BALLISTIC HVY 1 2 2 2 800 3 LEGION LGT 1 1 1 1 750 1 LEGION MED 1 3 1 2 1000 2 LEGION HVY 1 3 2 3 1500 4 ARMADA LGT 1 2 0 0 800 0 ARMADA MED 1 2 1 1 950 2 GANGER LGT 1 1 0 0 250 0 GANGER MED 1 2 1 0 350 1 GANGER HVY 1 2 2 2 700 2 PIRATE LGT 1 1 0 1 300 1 PIRATE MED 1 2 1 2 500 2 PIRATE HVY 1 2 3 3 1200 3 MERCENARY LGT 2 3 1 0 1300 1 MERCENARY MED 2 5 2 1 2100 2 MERCENARY HVY 2 3 3 2 2000 4 AUREATE LGT 3 4 1 0 3000 0 AUREATE MED 3 5 2 1 4200 1 AUREATE HVY 3 6 2 2 5000 3 PURGER MED 3 6 3 2 4000 3 PURGER HVY 3 7 4 3 6000 5 CARTOGRAPHER LGT 3 4 0 0 2000 0 CARTOGRAPHER MED 3 4 1 1 2400 1 PRIVATEER LGT 2 3 1 0 1900 0 PRIVATEER MED 2 5 2 1 2300 2 MARHSAL LGT 2 2 0 0 1400 1 MARSHAL MED 2 3 2 1 2000 2 MARSHAL HVY 2 4 2 1 2500 3 AARAMORI LGT 3 5 1 0 5000 0 AARAMORI MED 3 5 3 1 6500 1 AARAMORI HVY 3 6 3 3 8000 2 BUCCANEER LGT 2 2 1 1 1000 1 BUCCANEER MED 2 2 1 1 1200 1 HERALD LGT 2 1 0 0 800 1 HERALD MED 2 4 1 1 1600 2 HERALD HVY 2 3 3 2 2100 4 P a g e | 103


Name Price/Bulk Name Price/Bulk Grav boots Woodcraft tools Grav pack Metalcraft tools Grav chute Electrical craft tools Frag grenade Firearm craft tools EM grenade Precision craft tools Shaped grenade Plasma craft tools Plasma grenade Camouflage cloak Smoke grenade Dark vision goggles Frag rocket Fishing gear EM rocket Small animal traps Shaped rocket Large animal traps Plasma rocket Ammo belt Flamethrower Small backpack Chainsaw Medium backpack Mining laser Large backpack Mechanic multitool Filter mask Hacking deck Flare Instrument Plasma generator Art supplies Water purifier small Comm. Unit Water purifier large Portable cover Computer handheld Grappling hook Computer desktop Grappling gun Computer industrial Navigation unit Silk road server Scanning unit Data disk Rangefinder Data bank Chronometer Laboratory equipment Hoverboard Cooking utensils Homing beacon Atmosphere generator Flashlight Camera Re-breather Mechanical lock Void breather Electronic lock Frag mine Lock pick Shaped mine E pick Plasma mine Terraforming engine Portable shelter Auto doctor Luxury shelter Drone repair kit Welding torch Portable cooktop Medical scanner Rope/Line/Cable Vehicle repair kit Handcuffs P a g e | 104

Consumables– medicine/healing/drugs

Name Effect Price Panacea Lesser Heals 1d8 Panacea Heals 1d12 Panacea Greater Heals 1d20 Nanobot injection Heals 2d20 Coagulating agent Stops bleed effect Antivenom Stops poison effect Burn remedy Stops burn effect Anti-rad Reverses radiation damage Trauma kit Revives a downed ally Stabilizing tourniquet Prevents a downed ally from bleeding out Adrenaline stim Increase damage Cat’s eye Increase accuracy Stone skin Increase defense Momentum Gives additional action point Shimmer

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Consumables - Food

Name Effect Price

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Consumables - Drinks

Name Effect Price

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To travel across the distances between planets and stars humans had to create a new form of vessel that could carry them through the unforgiving void. Starships are the culmination of humanities quest to break the bonds of earthly endeavors and become what they were destined to be. That is what ships mean to men and women in the spur, freedom, opportunity, and adventure. To be the owner of even a small planetary vessel is incredibly liberating and lucrative.

Captains can make quite the living by operating different businesses. Carrying passengers or cargo can earn a respectable living, but trafficking and smuggling illegal goods can make a man or woman rich at the cost of greatly increased risk.

Most modern starships are broken into three categories: sub-orbital, orbital, and interstellar. Sub-orbital craft are basically any powered aircraft that can achieve flight but cannot break atmosphere. Orbital craft can achieve and survive escape velocities and operate in the vacuum of space, but do not have phase capabilities. Interstellar craft are equipped with tesla reactors and can make phase jumps between stars but are often unable to withstand the gravity of an atmospheric landing.

Sub-orbital craft are the most common in the spur, as they are the easiest to manufacture and the cheapest to produce. These craft can be anything from simple propeller driven airplanes, to grav-bikes to advanced fighters. They all share in the fact that they cannot operate in the vacuum of space or break free from a planet’s atmosphere. With the greatly differing levels of tech that encompass this type there is little standardization in systems. All sub-orbital craft have some type of engine, a hull and a seat for the pilot, but beyond that systems will vary from vessel to vessel, some having weapons or scanning capabilities or even life support for high altitude flight.

Orbital vehicles are ships or other vehicles that are designed to be able to function without the need for atmosphere or gravity. These crafts are typically more advanced than sub-orbital ships and have more intricate systems. Orbital craft all include some form of life support along with their engines and hull, and many boast scanning systems and weapon mounts.

Interstellar vessels are large scale ships that can travel the immense distances between the stars thanks to its onboard tesla reactors. These ships are the most advanced and well equipped in the empire, with advanced engines, thick hulls, long range scanning equipment and even hard light shielding. Owning an interstellar vessel is a sign of great wealth and stature, but these ships are often subject to the most danger of all the ships in the spur from pirates and the dark dangers of the void.

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Vehicles of the Spur

Every vehicle in Sea of Stars from the humble imperial grav-bike to the massive Kingarc Destiny class Battleship can be represented with a Sea of Stars vessel sheet. This sheet lists all relevant information about a vessel’s size, specifications, systems and weapon capabilities, and cargo and crew space. Copies of this sheet can be found on page ???.

The following list describes the components found on the vessel sheet, and the next few pages list some of the vessels that can be found in the empire as well as their specifications.

Name- The vehicle or vessels standard name or company designation

Size – the vehicles length (in meters)

Speed – in kilometers per hour. MOV is equal to speed/10

Classification – describes the vehicles functionality, can be any of the following:

- Terrestrial (T) – moves on solid ground whether wheeled, treaded or walker - Sub-Orbital (S) – flies by either gravitic or traditional means but cannot break orbit - Orbital (O) - flies within or outside a planet’s atmosphere but has no phase capabilities - Interstellar (I) – this is limited to ships or other vessels that can survive travelling across the vast distances between stars

Systems – this section lists the components of vehicles. System subtypes are as follows:

- Power – list the standard power output for the vehicles engine, in megajoules, (one MJ = 1,000,000 joules) - Drive – describes the vehicles one or multiple means of propulsion or locomotion (wheeled (W), walker (A), treaded (T), grav (G), ion (I)) and the power consumption - Weapons – number of hardpoints for weapons to be attached to a vehicle (Bow (B), stern (S), port (P), starboard (R), turret (T), arm (A), shoulder (H), wing (W). Some mech units have hands with dexterity allowing them to hold and aim weapons, these units are noted with (DEX) in their weapon system - Scanning – upgrades the distance, accuracy, and roll bonus of a vehicles scan actions - Targeting – upgrades a vehicles offensive bonuses - Life support – increases the power efficiency of a ships life support - Tesla Reactor – allows a ship to make phase jumps - Artificial Intelligence – increases efficiency of ship actions

HP – hull points, amount of damage that a vehicle can take before destruction

ATK/DEF – base attack and defense scores for a given vehicle

Crew – min and max crew amounts that a ship can house

Cargo Bulk – amount of cargo (in kilograms) that a vehicle can carry

Price – base price for buying a vehicle

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Systems Name Type / Class Power Drive Weapons Scrap grav-bike Bike – S 2.5 Grav – 1.5 B1 Standard grav-bike Bike – S 4 Grav – 2 B1 Heavy grav-bike Bike – S 6 Grav – 3 B1 Legion grav-bike Bike – S 9 Grav – 3 B2 Legion heavy grav-bike Bike – S 11 Grav – 3 B1, S1 Pirate grav-bike Bike - S 7 Grav – 3 B1, S1 Colonial grav-bike Bike – S 12 Grav – 4 B1 Lexani Sprinter grav-bike Bike – S 13 Grav – 4 Solstice S150 grav-bike Bike – O 18 Grav/Ion – 8 B2 Kingarc Vector grav-bike Bike – S 16 Grav – 5 B1 Kingarc Falcon grav-bike Bike – S 20 Grav – 7 B1 Kingarc Eagle grav-bike Bike – S 24 Grav – 8 B1 Kingarc Regent grav-bike Bike – O 26 Grav/Ion – 10 B2 Kingarc Sovereign grav-bike Bike – O 28 Grav/Ion – 10 B1, S1 Hinai Wakizashi grav-bike Bike – S 15 Grav – 5 B1 Hinai Ninjato grav-bike Bike – S 18 Grav – 8 B1 Aaramori warhorse grav-bike Bike – S 22 Grav – 10 B1, T1 Marshal Stallion grav-bike Bike – O 26 Grav/Ion – 12 B2 Kingarc Aureate grav-bike Bike – S 28 Grav – 10 B2 Cartographer grav-bike Bike – O 30 Grav/Ion – 15 B1 Scrap speeder Speeder – S 5 Grav – 2 Standard speeder Speeder – S 8 Grav – 4 Legion speeder Speeder – S 12 Grav – 5 B1, S1 Legion heavy speeder Speeder – S 18 Grav – 5 B2, P1, R1 Colonial speeder Speeder – S 20 Grav – 8 B1, T1 Pirate speeder Speeder – S 18 Grav – 6 T2 Lexani Prism speeder Speeder – S 24 Grav – 10 Lexani Element speeder Speeder – S 28 Grav – 10 Lexani Spectrum speeder Speeder – S 32 Grav – 12 Lexani Apogee speeder Speeder – O 38 Grav/Ion – 18 Solstice SS150 speeder Speeder – S 24 Grav – 12 B1, P1 Solstice SS500 speeder Speeder – O 28 Grav/Ion – 16 B1, P1, R1 Solstice SS1000 speeder Speeder – O 34 Grav/Ion – 18 B1, P1, R1 Hinai Yumi speeder Speeder – S 25 Grav – 16 B2, S2 Hinai Sai speeder Speeder – S 30 Grav – 14 B3, S1 Hinai Tetsubo speeder Speeder – S 35 Grav – 16 B2, P2, R2 Privateer Saber speeder Speeder – O 40 Grav/Ion – 18 B2, T2, S2 Buccaneer Vandal speeder Speeder – S 32 Grav – 16 B1, P2, R2 Aaramori Javelin speeder Speeder – S 42 Grav – 16 B1, T3 Aureate Paladin speeder Speeder – O 44 Grav/Ion – 18 B3 Purger Aegis speeder Speeder – O 46 Grav/Ion – 20 B2, S2, T2 Marshal Wrangler speeder Speeder – O 44 Grav/Ion – 20 B3 Cartographer Journey speeder Speeder – O 48 Grav/Ion – 32 B2 P a g e | 110

Size / Speed HP/ AR ATK/DEF Crew Cargo Bulk Price 2/160 12/0 1/8 1/1 40 2,000 2/180 16/0 1/9 1/1 50 2,500 2.5/160 20/1 1/10 1/1 80 4,000 2/200 20/0 2/10 1/1 60 5,000 2.5/190 30/1 2/9 1/2 90 6,500 2/200 25/2 2/12 1/1 70 4,000 2/220 25/1 1/11 1/1 80 5,500 2/350 20/0 0/16 1/1 80 8,000 2/400 40/1 1/14 1/1 100 10,000 2/360 35/2 1/13 1/1 120 10,000 2/390 55/0 1/16 1/1 130 14,000 2/410 55/1 1/17 1/1 130 18,000 2/450 70/1 2/18 1/1 150 22,000 2/450 80/2 2/18 1/2 150 30,000 1.5/280 40/1 1/12 1/1 90 12,000 2/340 65/0 2/14 1/1 110 18,000 2.5/360 70/2 2/14 1/2 150 45,000 2/450 70/2 3/12 1/1 130 50,000 2/400 75/2 3/13 1/1 150 65,000 2/500 60/1 2/15 1/1 160 75,000 3/150 30/0 0/7 1/2 250 5,000 3/160 40/0 0/8 1/2 300 8,000 3/180 45/1 2/8 1/2 350 16,000 5/160 50/2 3/8 1/4 400 25,000 4/200 40/1 2/9 1/2 380 20,000 5/220 50/1 2/9 1/4 380 26,000 3.5/280 35/0 0/10 1/2 360 40,000 4/260 40/1 0/10 1/2 400 50,000 4/300 40/1 0/10 1/4 380 65,000 4/380 60/1 0/11 1/2 420 80,000 5/270 50/1 1/9 1/2 260 32,000 4/360 50/2 2/10 1/2 280 46,000 4/400 60/3 3/11 1/2 280 52,000 5/260 45/1 2/12 1/2 340 40,000 5/320 50/0 2/12 1/2 300 56,000 6/260 70/2 3/8 1/2 400 48,000 5/320 80/2 3/10 1/4 420 50,000 5/330 80/2 3/9 1/4 440 52,000 6/250 85/4 4/9 1/2 480 84,000 5/400 75/3 4/10 1/2 460 100,000 7/300 85/4 4/9 1/2 580 120,000 4/450 70/2 3/13 1/2 500 95,000 4/550 60/2 2/13 1/2 550 150,000 P a g e | 111

Systems Name Type / Class Power Drive Weapons Scrap mech Mech – T 8 Walker – 3 PA1 Ganger Hound mech Mech – T 9 Walker – 3 PA1, RA1 Hinai Tanto mech Mech – T 20 Walker – 8 Hinai Katana mech Mech – S 32 Walk/Grav - 14 DEX2, Hinai Yumi mech Mech – T 28 Walker – 12 PA1, RA1 Hinai Kanabo mech Mech – T 30 Walker – 15 DEX2, H1 Industrial Precision mech Mech – S 16 Walk/Grav – 12 DEX2 Industrial Hulk mech Mech –T 22 Walker – 20 PA1 Mining Digger mech Mech – O 14 Walk/Grav – 12 DEX2 Mining Bigger Digger mech Mech – O 25 Walk/Grav – 20 PA1, RA1 Privateer Quartermaster mech Mech – O 30 Walk/Grav – 18 DEX2, PA1 Buccaneer Beach Head mech Mech – S 28 Walk/Grav – 20 DEX2 Hephaestus Hercules mech Mech – T 30 Walker – 16 PA2, RA2 Hephaestus Artemis mech Mech – S 32 Walk/Grav – 20 PA2, RA2, H2 Aaramori Phoenician mech Mech – S 38 Walk/Grav – 20 DEX2 Aureate Knight mech Mech – S 38 Walk/Grav – 22 DEX2 Aureate Captain mech Mech – O 42 Walk/Grav – 22 DEX4 Purger Inferno mech Mech – T 40 Walker – 20 DEX2, H2 Purger Decimator mech Mech – T 45 Walker – 20 PA2, RA2, H3 Purger Exterminator mech Mech – S 50 Walk/Grav – 25 DEX2, H3 Scrap Tank Tank - T 8 Treaded – 3 B1 Scrap Truck Truck – T 6 Wheeled – 4 Ganger Technical Truck – T 10 Wheeled – 5 T1 Buccaneer Technical Truck – T 14 Wheeled – 6 B1, T2 Industrial loader truck Truck – T 18 Wheeled – 14 Industrial heavy loader truck Truck – T 22 Wheeled – 16 Legion Scout light tank Tank – S 24 Grav – 12 B2 Legion Centurion tank Tank – S 34 Grav – 14 B1, S2 Legion XX-4 tank Tank – S 38 Grav – 14 B1, P1, R1 Legion XX-5 artillery tank Tank – T 46 Treaded – 20 B1 Legion XX-6 heavy tank Tank – T 52 Treaded – 20 B1, P2, R2, S2 Armada Specter tank Tank – O 26 Grav/Ion – 16 B2, P1, R1 Armada Rover truck Truck – T 20 Wheeled – 18 Kingarc Privilege heavy truck Truck - T 24 Wheeled – 20 Kingarc Sparrow light tank Tank – S 36 Grav – 16 B1, T1 Buccaneer Savage tank Tank – T 32 Treaded – 20 B1, T2, P1, R1 Privateer Resolute light tank Tank – S 38 Grav – 20 B1, S1, T2 Hephaestus Apollo light tank Tank – T 40 Treaded – 16 B2, P1, R1, S2 Hephaestus Hades heavy tank Tank – T 58 Treaded – 24 B1, P2, R2 Aureate Spear tank Tank – S 60 Grav – 22 B1, P2, R2, T2 Aaramori Cyclops tank Tank – T 66 Treaded – 34 B1, P2, R2, T2 Purger Firestorm heavy tank Tank – S 70 Grav – 40 B3, T2 Purger Earthquake heavy tank Tank - T 68 Treaded – 36 B4, T3, P1, R1 P a g e | 112

Size / Speed HP/ AR ATK/DEF Crew Cargo Bulk Price 5/50 40/1 2/10 1/1 400 40,000 6/65 50/1 3/10 1/1 450 70,000 5/70 60/1 3/12 1/1 500 125,000 6/80 75/2 4/14 1/1 600 250,000 6/70 90/2 5/12 1/1 600 200,000 7/60 110/1 4/16 1/1 800 160,000 5/60 40/0 0/13 1/1 400 100,000 11/50 130/1 0/18 1/1 4,000 500,000 6/80 65/1 0/11 1/1 600 350,000 11/50 110/2 0/18 1/1 5,000 650,000 7/140 150/2 5/16 1/1 1,000 1,200,000 8/120 130/3 4/15 1/1 850 1,000,000 8/100 125/2 4/17 1/1 1,200 850,000 7/120 100/2 5/15 1/1 700 780,000 7/130 140/2 6/14 1/1 1,000 1,900,000 8/150 150/2 7/15 1/1 1,200 2,000,000 8/170 180/3 8/19 1/1 1,600 2,800,000 10/100 160/2 6/18 1/1 1,400 1,800,000 9/100 180/3 5/16 1/1 1,600 2,200,000 9/120 150/2 5/17 1/1 1,200 2,500,000 9/60 50/1 2/14 1/3 500 16,000 8/100 50/0 0/12 1/4 1,200 14,000 8/120 35/1 2/12 1/4 1,000 18,000 9/160 70/1 4/14 1/4 1,400 24,000 10/100 70/0 0/14 1/3 2,500 26,000 12/100 100/0 0/18 1/4 4,000 45,000 8/150 60/1 3/10 1/2 800 42,000 10/110 80/2 3/14 1/3 1,000 85,000 10/110 90/2 4/15 1/3 1,200 120,000 11/80 90/1 7/10 1/4 1,000 160,000 12/80 110/2 4/16 1/4 1,400 165,000 9/130 70/1 3/9 1/2 600 100,000 10/100 60/0 0/13 1/3 1,500 26,000 11/130 80/0 0/16 1/4 4,500 38,000 8/160 55/2 4/11 1/2 700 45,000 10/90 100/2 3/17 1/2 1,600 63,000 9/110 90/2 3/14 1/3 1,000 72,000 9/130 70/1 4/12 1/3 800 120,000 12/80 80/2 4/19 1/3 1,400 180,000 9/150 110/1 5/15 1/2 1,200 200,000 9/100 120/2 4/16 1/4 1,600 250,000 12/100 140/2 5/19 1/2 2,000 300,000 14/90 160/2 5/22 1/4 2,200 450,000 P a g e | 113

Systems Name Type / Class Power Drive Weapons Scrap Transport Fighter - S 20 Grav/Ion – 16 T1 Scrap Ship Fighter – S 20 Ion – 14 B1 Standard fighter Fighter – S 30 Ion – 15 PW1, RW1 Imperial light fighter Fighter – S 35 Ion – 15 PW1, RW1 Imperial heavy fighter Fighter – O 42 Ion – 20 B1, PW1, RW1 Buccaneer Stingray fighter Fighter – O 58 Grav/Ion – 30 B2. PW1, RW1 Privateer Swordfish fighter Fighter – O 70 Grav/Ion – 32 B1, PW1, RW1 Kingarc Sparrow fighter Fighter – S 62 Grav/Ion – 26 PW1, RW1 Kingarc Eagle fighter Fighter – S 70 Grav/Ion – 32 PW1, RW1 Kingarc Raptor fighter Fighter – O 84 Grav/Ion – 38 PW2, RW2 Hephaestus Hermes fighter Fighter – S 68 Grav/Ion – 32 B2, PW1, RW1 Marshal Bronco fighter Fighter – O 80 Grav/Ion – 48 B2 Aureate Gilded fighter Fighter – O 82 Grav/Ion – 44 PW2, RW2 Aaramori Harpy fighter Fighter – O 92 Grav/Ion – 48 B1, PW2, RW2 Cartographer Compass fighter Fighter – O 102 Grav/Ion – 66 B1 Standard Dropship Fighter – S 50 Grav/Ion – 35 T2 Imperial Dropship Fighter – S 62 Grav/Ion – 35 T2 Privateer Dropship Fighter – O 74 Grav/Ion – 40 B1, T4 Buccaneer Dropship Fighter – S 68 Grav/Ion – 36 B2, T2 Aaramori Dropship Fighter – O 80 Grav/Ion – 45 B1, T4 Imperial Elite Dropship Fighter – O 108 Grav/Ion – 66 B2, T4 Imperial Liberty corvette Corvette – O 120 Grav/Ion – 80 B2, P3, R3 Imperial Nova corvette Corvette – O 140 Grav/Ion – 84 B3, P4, R4 Imperial Guardian corvette Corvette – I 248 Grav/Ion – 140 B3, P5, R5 Guild Voyager corvette Corvette – I 142 Grav/Ion – 100 B1, P2, R2, S2 Kingarc Storm corvette Corvette – O 156 Grav/Ion – 120 B1, P2, R2 Kingarc Tempest corvette Corvette – O 172 Grav/Ion – 120 B2, P3, R3 Kingarc Maelstrom corvette Corvette – I 198 Grav/Ion – 110 B3, P3, R3 Privateer Saber corvette Corvette – I 220 Grav/Ion – 140 B3, P3, R3, T2 Buccaneer Raider corvette Corvette – I 188 Grav/Ion – 106 B4, P2, R2 Hephaestus Ares corvette Corvette – I 208 Grav/Ion – 130 B2, P4, R4 Hephaestus Oracle corvette Corvette – I 224 Grav/Ion – 130 B4, P4, R4 Aaramori Vanguard corvette Corvette – I 246 Grav/Ion – 160 B3, P4, R4, T1 Aureate Excalibur corvette Corvette – I 262 Grav/Ion – 160 B3, P1, R1, T3 Cartographer Expedition corv. Corvette – I 280 Grav/Ion – 220 B2, T3 Guild Void whale galleon Galleon – I 350 Ion – 200 P8, R8, T8 Imperial Governor galleon Galleon – I 475 Ion – 250 P12, R12, T12 Imperial Emperor galleon Galleon – I 600 Ion – 300 P15, R15, T15 Privateer Void Hunter galleon Galleon – I 480 Ion – 275 B4, P6, R6, T4 Buccaneer Ravager galleon Galleon – I 460 Ion – 270 B6, P6, R6 Aureate Champion galleon Galleon – I 500 Ion – 250 P10, R10, S3, T8 Purger Olympus galleon Galleon – I 530 Ion – 250 P15, R15, T10 Cartographer Emissary galleon Galleon – I 620 Ion – 450 P6, R6, T8 P a g e | 114

Size / Speed HP/AR ATK/DEF Crew Cargo Bulk Price 15/1,200 40/1 1/13 1/6 1,000 18,000 10/1,400 40/0 2/10 1/1 500 16,000 12/2,000 50/0 2/13 1/1 550 50,000 13/3,600 60/0 3/13 1/1 500 75,000 18/3,000 70/1 3/15 1/1 700 100,000 14/5,000 90/1 4/12 1/1 600 120,000 14/7,000 110/1 6/16 1/1 700 230,000 13/8,200 60/1 2/14 1/1 500 135,000 16/10,000 80/1 2/17 1/1 600 160,000 18/12,000 100/1 3/18 1/1 900 250,000 13/8,600 50/1 2/17 1/1 450 140,000 13/11,000 90/1 4/16 1/1 700 400,000 16/9,800 100/2 5/15 1/1 600 420,000 16/8,600 80/2 5/14 1/1 650 380,000 15/15,000 85/1 2/18 1/1 800 600,000 16/1,500 100/1 1/13 1/8 1,500 550,000 20/2,500 120/2 2/13 1/10 2,000 850,000 20/3,600 140/3 3/15 1/12 2,500 1,350,000 20/2,800 140/2 4/14 1/12 2,500 1,200,000 22/3,200 150/3 5/15 1/14 3,000 1,800,000 22/4,000 160/3 5/15 1/12 3,000 8,000,000 30/6,000 200/4 2/12 1/10 12,000 12,000,000 38/8,800 210/4 3/13 1/16 20,000 36,000,000 42/12,000 260/4 4/14 1/28 28,000 60,000,000 60/9,600 200/5 2/13 5/60 45,000 55,000,000 34/15,000 180/4 1/15 2/16 10,000 38,000,000 50/11,000 220/3 2/15 2/20 16,000 48,000,000 62/18,000 250/4 3/15 2/24 22,000 75,000,000 56/21,000 280/4 5/13 3/40 20,000 80,000,000 54/17,000 260/3 4/14 2/45 14,000 65,000,000 50/10,000 280/3 2/14 1/18 18,000 28,000,000 48/12,000 300/4 3/14 1/20 20,000 46,000,000 56/19,000 320/4 5/14 2/86 22,000 100,000,000 68/22,000 350/4 5/15 1/100 24,000 130,000,000 66/30,000 260/3 3/17 1/85 30,000 155,000,000 160/12,000 5000/6 5/12 5/50,000 500,000 2,500,000,000 160/15,000 5500/6 6/13 5/80,000 400,000 4,200,000,000 200/20,000 7000/7 6/14 5/100,000 600,000 6,000,000,000 140/18,000 6300/5 5/13 3/25,000 350,000 5,000,000,000 140/18,000 6300/4 5/12 5/40,000 350,000 5,000,000,000 180/25,000 6800/6 6/14 5/50,000 400,000 6,800,000,000 180/22,000 7400/8 5/16 5/60,000 450,000 7,200,000,000 160/35,000 6700/5 3/16 3/35,000 400,000 7,000,000,000 P a g e | 115


In Sea of Stars, players will eventually find themselves in a situation that they cannot solve without resorting to violence (for some players this is every situation). When this happens, the game switches to combat. In combat, players movement is no longer free form, but is restricted to a 3D grid system where the environment is sectioned off into squares of 1 meter by one meter. At the outset of combat, initiative is determined contextually by the gamemaster, where the party that would be the first to act gets the first turn in order. If there is no clear first party, roll a D6, on 4+ players take the first turn, on 3- the enemy faction gets initiative.

Once the first turn begins, each member of the active crew gets to use all the action points they have. The players or NPC’s can use as many points as they choose and do not have to be consecutive, meaning that players or enemies can split up their actions to work in concert with their allies. Once all members of a crew are either out of usable action points or chooses to use no more, their turn is over, and the next turn begins. After the second turn ends, the first crew begins their second turn, and any cooldown timers for abilities or item usage is reduced by 1. One full turn for each crew in the engagement counts as 1 round (RND).

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Combat Actions

Each character has 2 AP that can be spent per turn (barring abilities or powers) and can be spent on any of the following actions:

Movement – a player can spend 1 AP to move the number of squares equal to or less than their characters MOV

Attack – a player can spend 1 AP to attack using one of their equipped weapons, making an attack will end a player’s turn regardless of how many AP they have remaining (exception abilities and powers that otherwise specify). This includes overwatch attacks.

Skill – players can make a skill check whenever applicable in combat (perception, focus, lockpick, pilot, etc.) at the cost of 1 AP

Power – players can use a scionic power (make a focus skill check) at the cost of 1 AP, using a power will end a player’s turn regardless of how many AP they have remaining. (exception abilities and powers that otherwise specify)

Interact – a player can interact with items in the environment for 1 AP (picking up an item, opening a door, mounting a vehicle, etc.)

Command – players can directly command crew members each turn at the cost of 50% of their MOV. Commanding costs 0 AP.

Take cover – a player can take cover behind a solid (or not so solid) piece of the environment to gain an additional 4 defense. Taking cover costs 0 AP and allows movement of 1 hex without becoming a movement action

Brace – any player wielding a heavy ranged weapon must brace him or herself to accurately fire the weapon or impose an accuracy penalty. Bracing a weapon costs 1 AP

Item – players can use any equipped item in their inventory for 1 AP (grenades, technology, drugs, healing items)

Reload – each ranged weapon has a certain ammo capacity that it can hold, when that ammo reaches zero, players will be unable to fire it until they reload the weapon for 1 AP

Stabilize – players can stabilize any character whose health has reached zero to prevent them from dying (players have END + 2 rounds in this condition before they perish)

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Mounted combat

Players will also find themselves in combat situations while they are either in starships or astride speeding grav-bikes. This plays the same as ground-based combat and can even coincide, each player that is in control of a vehicle during a given combat turn will have 2 AP to use on combat actions, but there are some key differences.

Movement – moving a vehicle up to its maximum MOV costs 1 AP, but flying vehicles must move at least once per turn if in atmosphere, and can only move the maximum amount, otherwise they will lose altitude and crash

Attack – vehicles can attack with any one of their attached weapons for 1 AP, or players in the vehicles can attack with weapons they have equipped if the vehicle allows, attacking ends a player’s turn no matter how many AP they have remaining

Evasive maneuver – during the enemy turn, a vehicle gets one additional AP to attempt to make an evasive maneuver against an enemy attack (evasive maneuvers are described in detail on page ???)

Skill – players can still make use of their skills while aboard a vehicle, using skills while mounted costs 1 AP.

Scan – a ship with scanning capabilities can perform a scan of the surrounding area to search for life-forms, technology, minerals and other objects. Scanning costs 1 AP.

System scan – a player can initiate a system scan of his or her vehicle for 1 AP, this describes any damaged systems aboard the vessel (life support, engines, tesla reactor, etc.)

Navigate – in order for a ship to phase, a player on board must make a navigate skill check first to plot a safe course for the ship to take to its destination, just like a skill check navigating costs 1 AP

Phase – in a ship with an onboard tesla reactor, players can spend 2 AP to engage the tesla reactor and make a jump towards their destination. P a g e | 118

Planets of the Spur

In the year 3000, the empire has discovered a total of 94 planets across 22 star systems. Of these there are official imperial presences on 52, whether these are core imperial worlds or colonies. There are some other small scattered human settlements among the other planets, including the Aaramori regency in the Remidian system. The remainder of the explored planets and the vast amounts of undiscovered worlds are uninhabited by men. The untamed frontiers of the void are a source of unimaginable wealth to those who would seek its fortunes. Unexplored ruins, vast resources, alien creatures and the mysteries of the galaxy lie waiting only to be claimed by those men and women with the skill and bravery to obtain them.

The cartographers maintain a database of all established and discovered worlds in the spur, a constantly growing list of planets and their features. This database includes the name and composition of the planet and its atmosphere and orbiting bodies, along with any notable information about the planet and its inhabitants. The database uses a standard Hertzsprung-Russell diagram for classifying stars, shown here

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The cartographers also use a standard template to classify planets based on size, composition and relative climate. Selena class planets are rocky terrestrial planets lacking any atmosphere. Deserts are similar to Selenas but have an atmosphere and are larger. Terran planets are rocky terrestrial planets with liquid water and atmospheres. Water worlds or Oceanias are terrestrial worlds with large amounts of liquid water that covers most of or the entire surface. Gas and ice giants are the largest planets, typically with a very small physical surface, consisting mostly of a collection of various gases and liquids.

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Star system: Sol Star classification: G-class nominal star Planetary bodies – 8

Mercury – Hot Selena class [Terraformed]

Mercury is a core world of the empire, a blasted desert world with a high concentration of valuable minerals. The planet has been subject to a limited amount of terraforming by private corporations, namely the Hephaestus Forgeworks which is headquartered on the planet. Hephaestus mines the resources from the planet, mostly tungsten, carbon, and iron. The corporation uses the planets proximity to the star Sol to create a unique form of steel composite they call Olympium. Hephaestus uses their Olympium to manufacture exquisite weapons and armor and are a major supplier to the Guardian orders. Venus – Very Warm Selena class [Terraformed]

The second planet in the Sol system was terraformed by the empire in the 2270’s as a test of the new terraforming engine that would be deployed on the expeditionary fleet ships. The planet became a newly inhabitable world and soon became a thriving world. Venus became a bounty of agricultural research that would help develop crops that could be grown in the nutrient deprived environments that would face the expeditionary colonists. Venus is home to the Andall company, the most prominent force in the research and development of agricultural resources in the empire. Terra – Comfort Terra class

The ancestral home of all humanity in the spur, Terra is the most technologically advanced and populated world in the galaxy. Citizens of Terra can trace their genealogy back through the ages and represent some of the most powerful and influential families in the empire. Home to many of the empires most powerful corporations such as the Hinai corporation who are the largest droid producers in the spur, based on the island of Japan. Hinai corp. was founded from a conglomeration of the ancient Zaibatsu that developed some of the early robotic technologies in the 20th and 21st centuries. The law keeping order of the empire, the Marshals has their base in the former United States. Terra is the home of the Lineage Project, which catalogues the DNA of all the empire to produce the line of emperors and empresses. The continent of Africa is now a massive military installation that houses the galactic command and headquarters of the imperial legion and imperial armada. P a g e | 121

Orbiting Terra is the moon Luna, which is encompassed by the massive city of Avalon. Avalon is the capital of the Terran empire and is home to the Terran council. The guardian orders of the Aureate knights and the Cartographers have their home on Avalon as well, in the Octavian and Imperial College respectively. Terra is and always shall be the shining beacon that lights humanities way through the black endless void of the galaxy. Mars – Warm Desert class [Terraformed]

Mars was the first planet to be colonized by humanity, even before the onset of the third world war. This colony eventually grew to become the second most inhabited planet in the system, rivaling the home world of terra itself. Mars and its citizens are fiercely proud of their heritage and see themselves as the progenitors of the colonial spirit that drives the empire. On the great desert plains of mars, in the shadow of the mountain Olympus Mons, the Martians built the great factories that would house and construct the gargantuan ships of the first expeditionary fleet. Under the leadership of the great emperor Richard, the people of mars were successful and created some of the most advanced and powerful ships ever seen in the empire. The fleet was filled with powerful technology, bountiful supplies and skilled and courageous colonists and sent out into the void with the hopes of all humanity. This event has been a great source of pride for the Martians and they continue to produce the most advanced ships in the empire forming Kingarc Systems Engineering (KSE) and its subsidiaries. This is a name recognized across the spur for its craftsmanship and quality. Kingarc employs the greatest mechanical minds in the spur to maintain its status as a driving force of the terran empire through their advanced technology. P a g e | 122

Jupiter – Warm Gas Giant class

The largest planetary body in the Sol system, Jupiter is a massive gas giant planet which has become a mining and resource gathering center for the empire. Jupiter is a huge source of natural metallic hydrogen, which is a fuel source used as a base in plasma cells. Early in the years of the imperial expansion in the system, numerous orbiting mining stations were built to supply the power needs of the hungrily growing terrans and became immensely wealthy because of it. The modern citizens that inhabit the floating cities of Jupiter her orbiting moons are among the richest members of imperial society, knowing that their resources represent an irreplaceable asset for the empire. Saturn – Cold Gas Giant class

Saturn is another key world in the empire, supplying many valuable resources to the factories and industries of the Sol system. Her moon of titan was the second imperial colony to be founded. Titan represented the first successful use of the newly designed ion engines and the true beginning of the age of exploration. The colony, Serenity Landing, has become a center for trade and travel coming into and out of the star system. Hundreds of millions of people live in this great harbor town, a haven for spacers, soldiers, and criminals alike. Uranus - Cold Ice Giant class

Uranus is the seventh planet in the system, a cold ball of thick clouds and rock and ice. First explored in the early 2260’s, it was found to be of little value, barren of all but the most common resources. There are no established imperial colonies on Uranus or its many orbiting bodies.

Neptune – Cold Ice Giant class

Neptune is the farthest planet from the local star, and as such is comprised of massive planet shrouding clouds and a frozen, rocky core. The empire has terraformed the moon of Proteus and maintains a large communications outpost on it. The only one in system to connect to the interstellar Silk Road network aside from the imperial palace on Avalon. P a g e | 123

Star System: Leonis (284 light years from Sol) Star Classification: B-class nominal star Planetary bodies – 4

Chantar – Hot Desert class

This small planet is in an extremely tight orbit around the star Leonis, a molten radioactive desert of heavy metals. Chantar is a source of selenium and natural zirconium and has been mined for hundreds of years since the founding of the colonies on Telos. Chantar has been overmined to the point of losing nearly 25 percent of its mass, altering its orbit to place it on a degrading course that will eventually destroy the planet. Telos – Warm Water class

One of the original 9 colonies, Telos is a large mostly water-covered world with a multitude of large islands and archipelagos scattered across the surface. Almost all the large landmasses are volcanic islands, making them rich in useful minerals and life. The colonial ship that arrived here, Castilla, made landing on the largest land mass near the equator. There the colonists founded the city of San Ronas which quickly grew to encompass the island it was built upon. Telos would become a popular destination for visitors from across the empire, a lush tropically dominated world by warm sandy beaches and massive oceans teeming with life. The large landmasses that dot the planet are mostly tropical jungles rife with hundreds of forms of flora and fauna. The citizens that inhabit this world make their living processing the raw materials from the neighboring worlds in their system and have built dozens of large resorts around their beautiful landscape. The local fauna are generally docile, but some of the more voracious life forms such as the amber vipers and devil sharks have histories of killing humans with little provocation. Bravia – Cold/Hot Gas Giant Class

A supermassive gas giant with an odd orbital pattern, Bravia is a source of many resources that would otherwise have to be synthetically created. Complex materials created by the constant shifting of its orbital distance from Leonis are harvested by the miners of the system, albeit at great expense. Maintaining outposts in the planets own orbit is difficult due to the sheer gravitic forces at work. The work is dangerous due to the corrosive atmospheric composition and thus the work is mostly completed by drones, though this is a costly alternative to constantly replace the drones but is preferred to losing hundreds of human lives each year to recover the valuable resources.

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Moden – Very Cold Ice class

Moden is a small terrestrial ice world barely within the gravitic pull of its star. The surface of the planet reaches unbelievably cold temperatures and has barely any atmosphere of its own. The planet was subject to a comet crash sometime in the past and is believed to have once been much larger before the impact. This ancient calamity left the planet with a series of orbiting rings of crystalline shards composed of organic diamonds and zirconia. These are used in the making of precision plasma equipment and weapons and the more exquisite samples are formed into expensive jewelry and sculptures. These Modeni diamonds are highly valued in the empire but their limited quantity has made for several conflicts over control of the planet.

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Star System: Galileo (306 light years from Sol) Star Classification: A-class Supermassive Star Planetary bodies: 5

Ivaldi – Hot Gas Giant class

The first planet in the Galileo system is the large gas giant planet Ivaldi. The high gravity hides a small terrestrial surface of solidified acidic ices. This inhospitable environment is home to an obscure form of life, the sodium worms. These tiny annelids are able to subsist on the dense gases that form their atmosphere, consuming them and excreting a processed, purified form of the gas. This phenomenon is useful for many chemical industrial processes, allowing the formation of complex substances without the use of advanced machinery. The sodium worms are thus very valuable but extremely difficult to collect and even more difficult to preserve, requiring a high gravity environment and constant source of noxious gases to survive. Photoria – Cold Selena class [terraformed]

Photoria is a barren world with an atmosphere of dense oxygen and a carbon heavy surface. This planet was subjected to terraforming late in the 25th century, making it livable for humans, albeit with a very high gravitic pull and extremely long day/night cycle. The long day cycle is what drew colonists to it originally, as it is a great source of solar energy that is collected and used to charge immense capacitors that are traded all across the spur. The high gravity also makes it an ideal training ground for forces of the imperial legion, making them stronger and more resilient the longer they are stationed on the world. The Photorian brutes are a regiment of the legion that prides itself on the raw strength and endurance of their soldiers and have proved themselves many times in the past. Enoch – Comfort Desert class [terraformed]

Another of the original nine colonies of the expeditionary fleets, Enoch is a large planet covered in metal-rich desert plains and mountain ranges. The capital and largest city on the planet, Isrodon is home to a large number of refineries, running constantly to help produce the endless supply of metals and ceramics to feed the insatiable hunger of the imperial machine. Since its terraforming, the microscopic life forms that inhabited the mountains of the planet have grown to resemble ancient troglodytes of earth, small crustacean like creatures with a hard carapace and many sharp legs. These ‘cassian bugs’ are harmless in small numbers but can overpower unaware explorers if their territories are trespassed on, swarming over parties with sheer numbers. P a g e | 126

Nyssa – Cold Terran class

The third planet in the Galileo system, Nyssa is a predominantly cold world that appears barren from orbit, but upon landing explorers discovered a myriad of unique life forms. The cold environment limits the size of all life on its surface, but there are many forms of tough hardy plants and some tiny reptiles and insects that scurry about its warmer equatorial belt. Among these plants is the emerald shade, a small flower that glows with green bioluminescence. The emerald shade is known to give a euphoric sensation when consumed and is harvested and processed into the drug Shimmer. This drug is a highly addictive substance that gives a use the sense of euphoria and a feeling of weightlessness, but those that succumb to its addictive properties and go into withdrawal feel as if their bones are made of lead and become sluggish and racked with intense bodily aches and pains. The emerald shade is useful in the manufacture of medicine as well, and control of the substance is highly regulated by the empire. Katarra – Cold Ice Giant class

The largest planet in the Galileo system is the ice giant Katarra. This world is too cold to sustain any form of life and has an atmosphere that writhes with huge radioactive storms. It has many terrestrial moons in its orbit, but due to the unpredictable nature of their lunar orbits, are constantly smashing into another creating a ring of tiny, high velocity rocks that make any approach difficult and extremely dangerous.

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Star System: Orion (422 light years from Sol) Star Classification: K-class nominal star Planetary Bodies: 3

Clovis – Hot Desert class

Clovis is a small desert world with a close orbit to its star Orion. This has served to bombard the surface of the planet with high doses of radiation, altering the makeup of the dense metallic substances that comprise its crust. Some of these are natural forms of metals used in the cores of fusion reactors, making the planet a lucrative enterprise for the daring miners that make up the small population of its city, Ospina. This small settlement relies heavily on the protective radiation shielding that keeps its citizens from being melted into puddles of radioactive mush. Eden – Comfort Terran class [Infected]

The closest world to the Sol system to be infected in the Scourge war, Eden was another of the first expeditions colonies. Eden was a densely forested world lush with xenos lifeforms and plants and became a thriving colony in a few short years. Its Capital, Calrin was almost completely destroyed during the conflict. The System was eventually rescued by the combined forces of the Centaurus Legion and a contingent of imperial purgers. Calrin has been rebuilt since the war, but the expansive forests of the world have been irrevocably corrupted by the Scourge, making them far deadlier than ever before. The Legion regiment of Calrin, have adapted to this field of battle and now specialize in jungle fighting and the hunting of the many monstrous xenos species that live there threatening their citizens and their home. Lyca – Cold Ice class

The las planet in the Orion system, Lyca is a predominantly tundra covered world with a few large bodies of open salt water. The few settlements scattered around the warmer equatorial belt are devoted mostly to the harvesting of the stocky woody trees that cover large swaths of the planets surface. The pulp from these plants is extremely resilient and used in the manufacturing of certain forms of ceramic composites, namely ones that are part of imperial legion standard body armor plates. The forests of this plant are inhabited by several large mammalian type xenos, an herbivore (Nidriks) and a carnivore (Vostrols). The Nidrik is a nearly 8-meter-long quadrupedal marsupial that eats the leaves and barks of the trees and lives in large migratory herds that travel with the seasons. The Vostrols are smaller (still almost 3 meters long and weighing upwards of 500 kilograms) and they use their long claws and fangs to bring down the much larger herbivores. P a g e | 128

With the advent of human settlement on the planet however, the carnivores have also begun to hunt any stray humans that venture into the forests. Many hunters from across the empire come to Lyca for the opportunity to hunt these exotic creatures as they have proven to be extremely capable at avoiding (and eating) the extermination parties sent out by the settlements to protect the workers.

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Star System: Betelgeuse (503 light years from Sol) Star Classification: M-class supermassive star Planetary Bodies: 4

Myar – Very Hot Gas Giant class

Myar is a large red-green supermassive gas giant nearly 4 times the size of Jupiter in the sol system. The atmosphere is composed of mainly heavy gaseous metals like cesium and rubidium. The highly reactive nature of these metals combined with the solid carbon silicate core of the planet make its atmosphere constantly burst with massive firestorms that cause flash temperatures of over 800 degrees Celsius. These unique conditions have been studied by members of the imperial academy for many years and been used to perform heat treating and testing of starship components such as thermal sinks and heat shielding panels. The large orbiting station serves as a manufactory for many such components and as a base for the scientists who study the planet. Orgar – Warm Desert class

A large open desert world covered in a light brown-gray sand made of a high percentage of iron. The planet’s crust is broken into dozens of tectonic plates that are constantly shifting, forming the huge mountain ranges that crisscross the landscape and the barren deserts between them. Liquid water is precious on Orgar, being only in small rivers and pools high in the mountains. The local fauna have evolved to hold water for long periods of time, such as the Haddi which is a small rodent mammalian xenos. The Haddi can survive for months at a time on just drops of water as they store it in a specialized organ that delivers water to the rest of the body and recycles any waste water that a normal mammal would excrete. There are larger creatures as well, like the Fidgin, which subsist on the Haddi and other small insets. Fidgins are an egg laying mammal that lives in the lower parts of the mountains. they have small many fingered hands on the ends of their six arms, which allow them to move quickly and to dig the burrows that they live in. Fidgin hides are valuable on Orgar, as they possess the unique quality of absorbing moisture from the air around it, which makes it a high quality material to make clothing out of as well as being useful in many industrial processes. The desert is home to more fearsome creatures as well, like the huge arthropodic iron scorpions, aggressive monsters that can grow to 5 or 6 meters in length and will attack and pursue humans out in the waste to consume the water in their bodies, leaving the dried husks to be buried in the sands. Packs of canine-esque mammals called Stricers prowl the edges of the desert looking to hunt the various small animals and humans that wander to far from the walls of the cities. P a g e | 130

Paxus – Warm Terran class [terraformed] [infected]

The third of the nine original colonies, Paxus was founded to be a staging point for further expansions into the spur. The planet of Paxus is a largely open landscape of plains and savannah, though near the polar caps there are large areas of frozen water that cover jagged mountains and treacherous canyons. Roaming these open areas are a myriad of xenos fauna which has thrived and evolved since the terraforming of the planet. The main settlement is the huge city of Primos which serves as a port for the thousands of ships that pass through the system, legally or otherwise. The Primos legion and armada forces are experts at ship boarding operations, having practiced and experienced combat in numerous raids and seizures of illegal ships. The citizens of Primos are mostly traders and guildsmen since the planet has very little in the way of valuable natural resources. During the Scourge War, Paxus was invaded in the first wave of Seedships in 2516. The warriors of Primos fought valiantly but were ultimately overrun less than a year later, and the planet was evacuated while a rearguard of legionnaires and knights remained behind to cover the escape. The local legion general, an aureate knight named Gisele Brasseur, vowed to return and reclaim planet to avenge those who sacrificed themselves to save the people of Primos. She rallied her troops on the nearby world of Imaga and constructed a plan. 2 months later the Paxus forces began the assault their general had planned. Gisele led her force to the planet and made planetfall. The battle of Primos was a bloody one, the close quarters of the city giving an advantage to the Scourge. The imperials were ultimately victorious but at great cost. The city was held from being retaken for the next 3 years until the queen of the seedship was eventually slain by Gisele and her brothers and sisters, though they all lost their lives in the final battle. Since the war, Paxus has resumed its purpose of supplying and facilitating trade to the colonies, though it remains plagued by the taint of the Scourge. Imaga – Cold Ice class

A beautiful ice world near the edge of the Betelgeuse system, Imaga is an ice covered terrestrial world littered with huge formations of crystalline minerals. These huge crystals jut up from the ground to dizzying heights, some as tall as skyscrapers. The crystals are made of natural minerals and are thus not exceptionally valuable. Some of the more pristine or rare forms are useful as focusing crystals for energy weapons. The only formal settlement is a small enclosed city carved into the side of one of the largest crystals on the planet. This city is mostly based around tourism and is essentially a large resort for visitors to the world, most of which come during the period of the Imagan year known as the illumination. The Illumination is a span of approximately 3 terran days where Imaga is the perfect distance from its star where the light is refracted and reflected through the crystals all around the world, causing them to glow and sparkle with the fiery red light of Betelgeuse. The Illumination is truly one of the empire’s most beautiful sights to behold. P a g e | 131

Star System: Centaurus (635 light years from Sol) Star Classification: O-class Massive star Planetary Bodies: 5

Blackrock – Hot Desert class [terraformed] [infected]

The planet Blackrock is a unique desert world that is covered is dark black obsidian sand low sweeping volcanoes. The life forms that have evolved on this world are few but fearsome, namely the obsidian eaters. These massive black worms (recorded lengths of over 200 meters) subsist on the glasslike sand that covers the majority of the world and have evolved thick carapaces made of concentrated obsidian. These creatures excrete a super dense crystalline material called wormglass. Wormglass is an extremely valuable material that is used in the manufacture of very high-end plasma weapons and armors thanks to its strength and unique crystal structure. Blackrock was subject to invasion during the scourge wars and due to its low strategic value, the world was left to the Blackrock legion regiments until the end of the war. This had unforeseen consequences as the prolonged infection of the seedship caused many of the once passive obsidian worms to become warped and terribly aggressive. This mutated worms now plague the deep deserts, defending large amounts of territory from humans and other worms. When the plague worms come into conflict with a standard obsidian worm, the force of the battle will cause earthquakes and raise materials long lost to the black depths of the desert sands. From these battles explorers have uncovered increased amounts of wormglass and ancient xenos buildings. The interiors of these ruins have been barren entirely and not much has been learned about the origin of them. The corpses of the dueling worms are valuable for the strong carapace which is made of wormglass scales. Since the war, Blackrock has become home to a pocket of scientists and brave scavengers, who scour the deserts in hope of finding ruins and the valuable wormglass.

Tiberius – Warm terran class [terraformed] P a g e | 132


The following pages detail the myriad of enemies and entities that players can encounter in Sea of Stars, from the humble ganger grunts to the horrific void hunters. Each entry gives the basic statistics of each creature (HP, ATK DEF, abilities, dropped items) as well as some basic information and background. Entries will also describe the basic tactics of each creature, whether they prefer to charge straight towards an enemy or to hang back and utilize long range weaponry.

All npc entries are tiered from one to three. Higher tier enemies are more formidable opponents P a g e | 133

Pirate grunt

HP: 4 MATK: 0 RATK: 0 DEF: 4 AR: 0 MOV: 4 Offense: crude pistol (-1, 1d4) crude knife (-1, 1d4)

Loot: 1 piece of crude pirate LGT armor; crude pistol; 40 credits grunts are the lowest level of any pirate fleet and are used to perform the menial work of a crew from cleaning floors to guarding supplies. Grunts are not well trained or armed but are often deployed to combat in large numbers and alongside other more powerful pirate units. They are not the brightest and tend to prefer head on attacks and lack a sense of tactics.

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Pirate Soldier

HP: 8 MATK: 2 RATK: 2 DEF: 6 AR: 0 MOV: 5 Offense: Assault Rifle (+2, 1D6) or Shotgun (+2, 1D6) Knife (+2, 1D6)

Loot: 1 piece of pirate LGT armor; weapon; 75 credits

The backbone of any pirate organization in the spur, these frontline soldiers are a common sight in the colonies. Better paid and trained than the grunts, these outlaws tend to attack in a more coordinated fashion and use cover when available

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Pirate Lieutenant

HP: 15 MATK: 2 RATK: 2 DEF: 9 AR: 2 MOV: 5 Offense: SMG (+2, 1D6) or Laser Rifle (+2, 1D10) Sword (+2, 1D8) Items: 1x Frag grenade (5 square, 6 DMG) Abilities: rallying cry – grants nearby ally +3 DEF and +2 MOV for one turn (4 RND) Loot: 2 pieces of Buccaneer MED armor; 1 weapon; grenade (if not used); 200 credits

Lieutenants are pirate veterans of many raids and missions and have gained more respect and better equipment. The lieutenants of a pirate crew have an inspiring ability that they can use to bolster their companions. Lieutenants are reliable combatants who make good use of their teammates and the surrounding environment to gain an advantage over their foes. P a g e | 136

Pirate Butcher

HP: 12 MATK: 4 RATK: 1 DEF: 7 AR: 1 MOV: 6 Offense: Arm blades (+4, 2D6) Items: 1x Combat Stim (+1D6 HP, +1ATK) Abilities: lunge – can make an attack after 2 move actions (3 RND) Loot: combat stim (if not used); 120 credits

The butchers of the pirate crews are drugged up masochists who excel at ripping and shredding apart anyone who comes in their way. They are quick on their feet and wear their signature gauntlet mounted swords. They prefer to be on the frontlines of any battle and will not hesitate to charge headlong into an enemy force if they see an opening on an enemy, especially if the enemy is already weakened. P a g e | 137

Pirate Hunter

HP: 10 MATK: 1 RATK: 3 DEF: 5 AR: 0 MOV: 5 Offense: pirate sniper rifle (+3 1D10+2) combat knife (+1 1D6) Items: 1x smoke grenade Abilities: long watch – overwatch shots trigger on 2nd range as well as 1st Loot: weapon, 1x piece of pirate LGT armor 120 credits

Hunters are the long-range specialists of pirate crews, men and women who are effective at open field combat as well as the close quarters of urban combat. They tend to place themselves in high ground or easily defendable positions where they can make the best use of their set of skills.

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Pirate Bow Breaker

HP: 14 MATK: 0 RATK: 2 DEF: 8 AR: 3 MOV: 4 Offense: assault cannon (+2, 1d12) Items: 1x portable cover Abilities: sure footing – a bow breaker can brace their weapon as a free action Collateral damage – shots taken against environment gain +3 ATK +3 DMG Loot: 1x piece of pirate HVY armor 150 credits

The heavy hitters of a pirate crew, bow breakers are the blunt tools used to smash through victims armor and fortifications as though they were tissue paper. The heavy armor and weaponry makes them slow moving but tough to bring down. The bow breakers love to cause chaos on the battlefield, destroying cover, bringing down walls and generally throwing enemies off their rhythm. P a g e | 139

Pirate Marauder

HP: 18 MATK: 4 RATK: 5 DEF: 12 AR: 2 MOV: 6 Offense: Plasma rifle (+5, 1d8+2) Powered gauntlet (+4, 1d10) Items: 1x Plasma grenade, 1x greater panacea Abilities: Scionic strength (3RND) or Bioelectric strike (3RND) or Energy blast (4RND) Loot: weapon; two pieces of Buccaneer MED; 1100 credits

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Pirate First Mate

HP: 16 MATK: 4 RATK: 4 DEF: 14 AR: 1 MOV: 6 Offense: SMG (+4, 1d6+2) Flechette (+5, 1d8+3) Machete (+4, 1d6+3) Items: 1x smoke grenade Abilities: telekinesis and illusion or Pyrokinesis and miasma or Darkness and affect gravity Loot:

P a g e | 141

Beach Head Mech)

HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:



Loot P a g e | 142

Pirate Stingray

HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 143

Imperial Legion Soldier HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 144

Imperial Legion Captain

HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 145

Imperial Legion Sniper

HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 146

Imperial Legion Officer HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 147

Imperial Legion Commander

HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 148

Photorian Legion Brutes HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 149

Eden Legion Jungle Fighter HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 150

Imperial Armada Spacer HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 151

Imperial Armada Marine

HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 152

Imperial Armada Pilot

HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 153

Imperial Armada Commander

HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 154

Aureate Knight

HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 155

Aureate Regent

HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 156

Aureate Warden

HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 157

Aureate Captain and mech

HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 158

Purger Bastion

HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 159

Purger Decimator and Mech

HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 160

Purger Champion

HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 161

Purger Veteran and Mech

HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 162

Cartographer Assassin

HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 163

Cartographer Skirmisher

HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 164

Cartographer Explorator

HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 165

Cartographer Professor

HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 166

Imperial Marshal Deputy HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 167

Imperial Marshal HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 168

Colonial Militia HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 169

Colonial Captain HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 170

Ganger Scum HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 171

Ganger Street Rat HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 172

Ganger Dealer HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 173

Ganger Gun for Hire HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 174

Ganger Underboss HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 175

Ganger Junk Mech Pilot HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:




P a g e | 176

Ganger Boss HP: MATK: RATK: DEF: AR: MOV: Offense:


