Husky Herald May 2015
Harrison High School Harrison NY 10528 May 2015 Volume XIX Issue 2 Verizon App-ortunity Calls; IB Design Team Answers and Wins Lauren Madonna and Jack Roshco Staff Writers Harrison High created this application School’s IB Design to help people reduce Technology Year II stu- carbon emissions. They dents, along with tech- hope that one day this app nology teacher Mrs. will be used to better the Frawley, have won the earth. This application is New York State Verizon guaranteed to impact the Innovative App Chal- earth and advance the pro- lenge for the second tection of the vulnerable year in a row. earth before it is too late. The national Ver- Mrs. Frawley is ex- izon Innovative App tremely proud of her stu- Challenge is a col- dents. She says, “It’s great laborative competi- for Harrison High School tion between schools because it shows people across the country to outside of our community create a unique and how bright and talented our creative app that can students are… Regardless make a real difference of the final outcome, it was in an educational or an exciting opportunity health-related way. for all of the students in Each app must incorpo- IB Design Technology to rate “STEM Principles” develop their ideas and while focusing on a compete in this contest. present-day issue. The I am proud of the way national victors receive that both teams worked a $20,000 grant to go Best in State: Gabriella Morris, Camila Sarmiento, Ms. Diane Frawley, Steven Forrest, and Dylan Manley, pose with pride after having their in order to represent our Green Step app designated Best in State at the Verizon App Challenge.
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