: The Little America”

Ericka Marie A. Domingo

I. Background of the Study

Baguio City, known as the “Summer Capital of the ” has a very rich history. It was discovered by the American after Spain sold the Philippines to them and it serves as their hill station. It was initially planned and developed by in 1990 as a health resort where Americans could find relief from the intense heat at lowlands.

In the modern days, the urbanized City of Baguio is a widely-known tourist spot in the Philippines and tracing back its history falls back to the time of Americans. The study or mapping focuses on tracing back what the initial establishments of America are still present in the modern world, given that this establishments are the reason why it is called as “The Little America”. The process of mapping to why it is called as The Little America, also includes the appreciation of the type of art present and the art style of these establishments.

II. Objectives of the Study

The use of cartography to map Baguio City gives a good introduction to the people who are new to the place, offers a sense of appreciation to the nature and opens up the level of sensitivity for the tradition and beliefs of the City and its people to be respected. Baguio City, being named as “The Little America” already offers a brief history of Baguio City alone, but knowing it is named after that also gives a sense of questioning as to why it is called so.

The study aims at giving the reasons to why it is called as “The Little America’. It is through mapping and tracing back all the places that are still physically present in the City of Baguio which was established and planned initially by the Americans.

In relation to art, it is through showing and manifesting the art style or the type of art present in the place. This is all presented in the map, which is in video format, to appreciate these establishments not just in terms of its development but also to appreciate its artistic value.

Additionally, it is conducted in a way that the younger generations can also appreciate it. Since, it is a mapping created through the use of shapes and images, it is very catchy to kids, and it offers a sense of entertainment and educational purposes.

III. Methodology

The study will only be accomplished and be credible with the presence of research techniques or the process of collecting data. In this study, it is through the collecting and gaining of evidences and information which will later be used to trace back the history of Baguio City, leading up to its name as the “The Little America”.

The information, data, and details were gained and collected through the effort of going to each of these places and observing it in every manner for better representation and presentation of the study. It is then analyzed and constructed piece by piece with the use of Microsoft PowerPoint. It is also appreciated through reading of histories to why they are established in the time of American Occupation.

IV. Documentation

” “

Photo taken on November 24, 2019 Photo taken on October 27, 2019

Photo taken on October 27, 2019

” “Camp John Hay”

Photo taken on November 24, 2019 Photo taken on November 24, 2019

“Teacher’s Camp”

Photo taken on November 24, 2019

V. Reflection and Conclusion

The Summer Capital of the Philippines which is the Baguio City, is known for its cold weather and its thus, attracting more tourists each and each year. Little did we know, this highly-urbanized area also entails a very rich history and that it is also called as “The Little America”. The name itself contains so much memory and information of the place and appreciating it more is a good way of respecting the nature of Baguio City, but knowing its history also tells the deepest experience of the place.

Baguio City, which was initially developed and planned by the Americans, was established to be their health resort in relation to the unbearable heat of the lowlands. From then, they build many infrastructures wherein all the resorts in the lowlands can be continued in highlands when it is summer season, and these infrastructures are the physical manifestation of its name Little America.

As a 1st year student of the University of the Philippines Baguio which is mainly from lowland and came here to study and pursue career, it is very important to know the history of Baguio City and the most recognizable part of the history of Baguio is the reason to why it is called ‘The Little Baguio”. The process of making a cartography is a very useful way to map the history of Baguio leading up to its so-called name.

Throughout the process of making the map, particularly the process of collecting information and data, it is so important that I made it up to these memorable places as if it was also bringing me into the history of the county. The appreciation of these places in relation to art also what molds me to get the attention to these places. It is so peaceful in nature, but in general, it entails so much memory and history of Baguio City until we all gain independence. The whole process of cartography might be tiring, but at the end of the day, it is something that we can keep forever, just like its history.


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