The Mirage of Islamic Art: Reflections on the Study of an Unwieldy Field Sheila S
The Mirage of Islamic Art: Reflections on the Study of an Unwieldy Field Sheila S. Blair and Jonathan M. Bloom When we started studying Islamic art some thirty years ago, rial? Does a religiously based classification serve us better there were no good introductory textbooks that undergrad- than geographic or linguistic ones, like those used for much uates could read. When we started teaching the subject nearly of European art?To begin to answerthese questions, we must a decade later, there were still none, and we had to make do first review how the subject is defined, how it got to be that with stacks of photocopied articles and chapters assigned way, and how it has been studied.4 from one book or another in an attempt to present students with a coherent narrative.So little surveymaterial existed that The Definition and Historiographyof Islamic Art even graduate students had difficulty getting a grasp on the Islamic art is generally held to be "the art made by artists or whole field and had to resort to obscure and uneven publi- artisans whose religion was Islam, for patrons who lived in cations. For example, K.A.C. Creswell's massive tomes im- predominantly Muslim lands, or for purposes that are re- plied that Islamic architecture ended in 900 C.E.except in stricted or peculiar to a Muslim population or a Muslim Egypt, where it suddenly stopped four hundred years later in setting." It therefore encompasses much, if not most, of the the middle of the Bahri Mamluk period, although the Mam- art produced over fourteen centuries in the "Islamiclands," luk sequence of sultans persisted until 1517 and there was usually defined as the arid belt covering much of West Asia ample evidence for a glorious tradition of Islamic architec- but stretching from the Atlantic coast of North Africa and ture in many lands besides Egypt.' The venerable Survey of Spain on the west to the steppes of Central Asia and the PersianArt, originally published in five massivevolumes in the Indian Ocean on the east.
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