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, ' ~ 1: ~ World .He~lth ~ _'I' iJ Organization /" Western Pacific Region REGIONAL COMMITTEE FOR THE WESTERN PACIFIC FIFTY-NINTH SESSION Manila, Philippines 22-26 September 2008 REPORT OF THE REGIONAL COMMITTEE SUMMARY RECORDS OF THE PLENARY MEETINGS Manila November 2008 ~.) World Health ~ . ./. ~ Organization ~'e --~ Western Pacific Region REGIONAL COMMITTEE FOR THE WESTERN PACIFIC FIFTY-NINTH SESSION Manila, Philippines 22-26 September 2008 REPORT OF THE REGIONAL COMMITTEE SUMMARY RECORDS OF THE PLENARY MEETINGS Manila November 2008 PREFACE The fifty-ninth session of the Regional Committee for the Western Pacific was held in Manila, Philippines, from 22 to 26 September 2008. Dr Francisco Duque III (Philippines) and Mr Iakoba Italeli (Tuvalu) were elected Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, respectively. Professor Chew Suok Kai (Singapore) and Dr Sok Touch (Cambodia) were elected Rapporteurs. The Report of the Regional Committee is in Part I of this document, on pages 1-64, the summary records of the plenary meetings are in Part II, on pages 65-208. 11 CONTENTS page PART I - REPORT OF THE REGIONAL COMMITTEE .......................................... .. I. INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY .................................................................. 3 II. RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED AND DECISIONS MADE BY THE REGIONAL COMMITTEE .......................................................................... 7 RESOLUTIONS WPRJRC59.R1 Nomination of the Regional Director 7 WPRJRC59.R2 Expression of appreciation to Dr Shigeru Omi ......................... 7 WPRJRC59.R3 Proposed Programme Budget 2010-2011 ................................ 7 WPRJRC59.R4 Health systems strengthening and primary health care ............ 8 WPRJRC59.R5 Noncommunicable disease prevention and control 10 WPRJRC59.R6 Dengue fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever prevention and contro I .............................................................. II WPRJRC59.R7 Protecting health from the effects of climate change ............... 13 WPRJRC59.R8 Sixtieth and sixty-first sessions of the Regional Committee ..... 15 WPRJRC59.R9 Resolution of Appreciation ....................................................... 15 DECISION WPRJRC59(I) Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction: Membership ofthe Policy and Coordination Committee .......... 16 ANNEXES: 1. AGENDA 17 2. LIST OF REPRESENTATIVES ............................................................... 19 3. LIST OF ORGANIZATIONS WHOSE REPRESENTATIVES MADE STATEMENTS TO THE REGIONAL COMMITTEE ................ 63 III page PART II - SUMMARY RECORDS OF THE PLENARY MEETINGS ....................... 65 SUMMARY RECORD OF THE FIRST MEETING ......................................................... 69 1. Opening ceremony ................................................................................. , .................. 71 2. Opening of the session .............................................................................................. 72 3. Address by the retiring Chairperson ......................................................................... 72,93 4. Election of new officers: Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Rapporteurs ........................................................................... 72 5. Adoption of the agenda ............................................................................................. 73 6. Address by the Director-General .............................................................................. 73,97 7. Nomination of the Regional Director ......................................................................... 76 SUMMARY RECORD OF THE SECOND MEETING .................................................. .. 101 1. Address by the incoming Chairperson ...................................................................... 102, 113 2. Report of the Regional Director: 1 July 2007-30 June 2008 and Reflections of the last decade ................................ '" .......................................... 102 SUMMARY RECORD OF THE THIRD MEETING ....................................................... .. 117 1. Consideration of draft resolution .............................................................................. 118 1.1 Expression of appreciation to Dr Shigeru Omi ............................................... 118 2.. Programme budget 2006-2007: budget performace (final report) ........................... 118 3. Proposed Programme Budget 2010-2011 ................................................................. 120 4. Health systems strengthening and primary health care .............................................. 128 SUMMARY RECORD OF THE FOURTH MEETING .................................................... 133 1. Health systems strengthening and primary health care (continued) ........................ 134 2. Consideration of draft resolutions ............................................................................. 141 2.1 Proposed Programme Budget 2010-2011 ....................................................... 141 3. Prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases ............................................ .. 141 IV page SUMMARY RECORD OF THE FIFTH MEETING ......................................................... 149 1. Prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases (continued) 150 2. Policy direction concerning the establishment of centres of the Regional Office in countries ....................................................................................... 153 3. The Dengue Strategic Plan of Action ........................................................................ 157 SUMMARY RECORD OF THE SIXTH MEETING ........................................................ 165 1. The Dengue Strategic Plan of Action (continued) ................................................... 166 2. Consideration of draft resolutions ............................................................................. 169 2. I Health systems strengthening and primary health care .................................. 169 2.2 Noncommunicable disease prevention and control ......................................... 169 3. Protecting health from the effects of climate change: A draft regional framework .................................................................................................. 172 SUMMARY RECORD OF THE SEVENTH MEETING .................................................. 181 1. Progress reports on technical programmes ............................................................... 182 2. Consideration of draft resolutions ............................................................................. 198 2.1 Noncommunicable disease prevention and control 198 SUMMARY RECORD OF THE EIGHTH MEETING ..................................................... 199 1. Coordination of the work of the World Health Assembly, the Executive Board and the Regional Committee ................................................... 200 2. Private and informal consultative meeting of representatives of Member States 201 3. Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction: Membership of the Policy and Coordination Committee ........................................... 202 4. Consideration of draft resolutions ............................................................................... 203 4.1 Dengue fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever prevention and control ........... 203 4.2 Protecting health from climate change ........................................................... 204 5. Time and place ofthe sixtieth and sixty-first sessions of the Regional Committee ......................................................................................... 207 6. Closure of the session ............................................................................. , ................. 208 v PART! REPORT OF THE REGIONAL COMMITTEE REPORT OF THE REGIONAL COMMITTEE 3 I. INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY The fifty-ninth session of the WHO Regional Committee for the Western Pacific was held in Manila, Philippines, from 22 to 26 September 2008. The session was attended by representatives of Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, Cook Islands, Fiji, Hong Kong (China), Japan, Kiribati, the Lao People's Democratic Republic, Macao (China), Malaysia, the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, Mongolia, Nauru, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, Samoa, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu and Viet Nam, and by representatives of France, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America as Member States responsible for areas in the Region. Representatives of the Asian Development Bank; the ASEAN Secretariat; the Commonwealth Secretariat; the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; the Global Alliance for Vaccine and Immunization; the Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria; the International Agency for Research on Cancer; the Secretariat of the Pacific Community; the United Nations Children's Fund; the United Nations Population Fund; the Association of Korean Oriental Medicine; the Asian Medical Students' Association International; the Chinese University of Hongkong; Griffith University; and 20 nongovernmental organizations also attended. At the opening ceremony, the Mayor of the City of Manila, Mr Alfredo Lim; the Secretary of the Department of Health, Dr Francisco Duque III; and the Vice-President of