Edizioni EL Einaudi Ragazzi Emme Edizioni
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! WHAT POEM ARE YOU GOING TO READ ME? AROUND THE WORLD HIGHLIGHT Davide Morosinotto FRANKFURT 2018 THE FREE KINGDOM Edizioni EL Long or short, sometimes as short as lightning, these IN 80 HEARTWARMING NEWS ARTICLES GIANNI There’s not much to cheer you up nowadays when you read OF CHILDREN poems by Roberto Piumini play lightheartedly with the newspapers: the world has become a nasty place. So FAKEIT’S NOT TRUE BUT I BELIEVE IT age 12+, 288 pages A group of enterprising friends founds a small State with words, musical notes, numbers and seasons in a kalei- thinks Phileas Fogg, who as a young man had gone “around Nearly all stories hide a lie. There are, however, lies that can gener- Einaudi Ragazzi all the appropriate laws, constitution, government and doscope of images narrated in verse that evoke colors, the world in 80 days” and now as a very old gentleman, has ate hatred and that we have to defend ourselves from. This is the case with “fake news” which promulgates insidious lies that can borders. A fast-paced adventure recounted in an enthral- RODARI sounds and emotions. decided never to leave the house again. Lucky for him there seem seductive and hence are very dangerous. If they are not un- ling novel by one of the most famous Italian authors for lives in his house an incurably optimistic little girl who decides masked they can modify our habits, upend our projects and even Emme Edizioni to make him change his mind thanks to 80 heartwarming undermine our deepest convictions. From The Medicine Show of the young people. NEW TITLES , age 5+, 120 pages Far West to behavioral adds on the web, from Nazi propaganda to ROBERTO PIUMINI news articles that will put a smile back on his face: from an chains on social media, this book delves into truth and lies in an at- obscure bureaucrat who saved the lives of thousands of peo- tempt to help young readers how to navigate the web. And, with any Come and THE ADVENTURES OF CIPOLLINO ple simply by stamping a document, to doctors curing rare luck, to improve it. ANTONIO FERRARA 256 PAGES, AGE 7+ The Loch Ness Monster, chemical traces, corn circles… in a world in visit our A great collection with the idea of introducing our diseases; from children who find their parents again, to peo- which communication is immediate and largely unchecked there is READING ALOUD ! THE FIRST, GROUNDBREAKING, AND MOST FAMOUS WORK BY youngest readers to the great events that have formed ple who protect the oceans. The fact is that the world can be an increasing need to highlight fake news that can lead to prejudice. An expression of the great love of HIGHLIGHT stand! GIANNI RODARI, ONE OF THE GREATEST AUTHORS OF CHIL- ugly or beautiful depending on how we look at it and how far These are stories that separate the true from the false and show FRANKFURT the world we live in. Each book presents a novel about how to distinguish TRUTH from LIES reading and the evocative power Hall 5.0 D 16 DREN’S STORIES IN WORLD LITERATURE, NOW PRESENTED IN we go in trying to save it. Here we have 80 true accounts from 2018 a different episode of our History. Fake means everything that should NOT make the news. of words in a powerful and moving A LUXURIOUS NEW EDITION WITH NEW ILLUSTRATIONS. SINCE 1951, 40 MILLION COPIES OF THIS CLASSIC HAVE BEEN the Italian and foreign press telling heartwarming stories that are too often kept hidden and that should, on the contrary, be by DANIELE ARISTARCO, ill. by P. VALENTINIS and G. ASCARI, pages 192 SOLD IN DOZENS OF LANGUAGES WORLDWIDE. Katja Centomo novel by a great Italian writer of divulged with joy. Rights sold: Bulgarian, Japanese, Georgian, Vietnamese, Chinese Simple, Macedonian, Turkish, AT THE BOTTOM children’s books. Russian, German, Albanian, Greek, Rumanian, Armenian, Azerbaijani. Davide Morosinotto and Salvatore Frasca, ! age 12+, 144 pages illustrations by Andrea Cavallini, HIGHLIGHT OF A CREVASSE FRANKFURT : Greek. age 9+, 224 pages CHRONICLE OF AN UNLIKELY RESCUE Rights sold How it all began age 12+, 144 pages A JOURNEY THROUGH ITALY 2018 160 PAGES, AGE 6+ To find a woman lost on a 4000 meter glacier still alive THIS IS A TOUR OF ITALY THAT TAKES US TO WELL-KNOWN paperback, age 7+, 80 pages, full colour illustrations, 30 titles available THE COURAGE TO FOLLOW YOUR DESTINY after being missing for two nights without shelter is GIUSI PARISI PLACES BUT ALSO TO LESSER KNOWN ONES WITH HIGH- practically impossible. Nonetheless, the men of the I, a bully Alpine Rescue Service set out, at the risk of their own SOUNDING, PLAYFUL NAMES. RODARI TELLS ABOUT THESE Rights sold: A collection of thirteen stories that recount the A school in the outskirts, a problem class, an lives, to look for her. This is a real-life story recon- PLACES AND PLAYS WITH THEIR NAMES, NOT JUST THOSE Hungarian, HUGE exact moment in which great historical person- structed on interviews with the actual participants. absent father, bragging classmates: all the Rumanian, success ages understood their role in life and said ‘yes’ ta OF CITIES, BUT ALSO THE NAMES OF RIVERS, MOUNTAINS, I SAY YES! It is an adventure novel that holds the reader’s ingredients of a breeding ground for the Serbian, Turkish. Stories of challenges, rights and the future LAKES, CASCADES AND STREET NAMES, NOT TOO MENTIONED to their destiny. attention to the last page. aggressive behavior of a bully. Angelo Ru THE NAMES OF PIAZZAS, BRIDGES, CHURCHES, CEMETERIES, A hugely successful collection of books that tells After the extraordinary success of “I say No!”, by MARIA CHIARA DUCA, ill. by SARA NOT, age 11+, 128 pages ill. by DISTRICTS AND STATIONS… AN UNUSUAL GEOGRAPHICAL children about the great figures who changed the we follow up with Daniele Aristarco’s stories history of the world. From Leonardo Da Vinci to AGE 9+, pages 216 TOUR ON WHICH GIANNI RODARI GUIDES US BY MEANS OF HIS about civil disobedience in an enthralling new Mandela, from Ghandi to Steve Jobs, from Anne STORIES AND RHYMES. sequence of characters, symbolic places and the Piergiorgio Paterlini Frank to Einstein... positive values that are the very basis of civilized MY LOVE CAN’T HARM YOU Great men and women in science living. In other words: yes to peace, to memo- GETTING TO LOVE LIFE (AND DEATH) OF HARVEY MILK FREDIANO SESSI Great men and women against injustice ries, to truth, to offering a helping hand and to THE GREAT CLAS- Sabina Colloredo Donatella Bindi Mondaini In each volume there are 6 exceptional men and women who distinguished them- BIND BIND Harvey Milk: a militant in the Gay Liberation Movement sonderkommando auschwitz courage. From Maria Montessori to Elon Musk SICS OF LITERA- age 12+, 144 pages selves for their love of knowledge and their battle for legality, justice and peace. UP UP Peggy Guggenheim Artemisia Gentileschi from Primo Levi to Pablo Picasso. These are TURE EVEN BEFORE and the first openly gay elected official in the United This is the true story of a young Slovak Jew, States. He was assassinated along with the mayor My life in Color My heart on the canvas stories that talk about the ideas and the dogged- READING THEM Filip Müller, who in May 1942 was assigned to work age 9+, pages 128 age 9+, pages 128 ness that put in play the game of the of San Francisco, George in the Lager’s cremat orium. future: they are the stories that said a Moscone, in 1978. In few words This is his story. ! His unique story is recounted here for the first The intense and fascinat- The life, loves and passions Yes! that changed History. ing life of a brave and free- of a brave woman who HIGHLIGHT time. PAPERBACK, 112 PAGES spirited woman who risked fought to and succeeded By Daniele Aristarco, FRANKFURT 17 TITLES AVAILABLE age 11+, 160 pages her life for the love of art. in expressing herself in her ill. by N. Pellizon 2018 art works. paperback, age 7+, 80 pages, full colour illustrations, 48 titles available Age 10 +, pages 216 frankfurt 2018 gianni rodari - biographies first readers Fiction fiction fiction 12-14 FICTION 11 + New Titles ! WHAT POEM ARE YOU GOING TO READ ME? AROUND THE WORLD HIGHLIGHT Davide Morosinotto FRANKFURT 2018 THE FREE KINGDOM Edizioni EL Long or short, sometimes as short as lightning, these IN 80 HEARTWARMING NEWS ARTICLES GIANNI There’s not much to cheer you up nowadays when you read OF CHILDREN poems by Roberto Piumini play lightheartedly with the newspapers: the world has become a nasty place. So FAKEIT’S NOT TRUE BUT I BELIEVE IT age 12+, 288 pages A group of enterprising friends founds a small State with words, musical notes, numbers and seasons in a kalei- thinks Phileas Fogg, who as a young man had gone “around Nearly all stories hide a lie. There are, however, lies that can gener- Einaudi Ragazzi all the appropriate laws, constitution, government and doscope of images narrated in verse that evoke colors, the world in 80 days” and now as a very old gentleman, has ate hatred and that we have to defend ourselves from. This is the case with “fake news” which promulgates insidious lies that can borders. A fast-paced adventure recounted in an enthral- RODARI sounds and emotions. decided never to leave the house again. Lucky for him there seem seductive and hence are very dangerous. If they are not un- ling novel by one of the most famous Italian authors for lives in his house an incurably optimistic little girl who decides masked they can modify our habits, upend our projects and even Emme Edizioni to make him change his mind thanks to 80 heartwarming undermine our deepest convictions.