
F. Kenton Beshore


R. William Keller

World Bible Society Costa Mesa, California

Big Brother Is Watching You

Copyright 2011 by F. Kenton Beshore and R. William Keller

Published by World Bible Society P.O. Box 5000, Costa Mesa, California 92628

Book I, First Edition, December 2011 Printed in the United States of America

ISBN – 978-0-615-45545-7

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise – without prior written permission of the authors, except as provided by USA copyright law.

All Scripture quotations are from the American Standard Version unless otherwise noted.

For information about the ministry of Dr. Beshore and the World Bible Society, visit our web site:



We dedicate this book to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for His infallible holy Word which gives us the Blessed Hope of His return that all students of Bible prophecy eagerly look forward to by watching for the warning signs that precede it. One of those warning signs is the rise of Big Brother.



We acknowledge the tireless efforts of Alex Jones of and – the leading researcher and filmmaker exposing the machinations of Big Brother not only in America, but the entire planet. Jones is correct that Big Brother is turning Earth into a prison planet and this book documents that fact. We also acknowledge the excellent work of other researchers, past and present, who have committed their lives to exposing the machinations of Big Brother – Eric Blair, Gary Allen, James Bamford, David Bay, John Beaty, Michael Benson, Lenn Bracken, Ray Bradbury, William Guy Carr, Count Cherep-Spiridovich, John Coleman, Jerome Corsi, Dennis Cuddy, Bill Deagle, David Dees, Stan Deyo, Mark Dice, James Drummey, Daniel Estulin, Robert Eringer, Myron Fagan, Philip Gardiner, John Gatto, David Ray Griffin, Des Griffin, G. Edward Griffin, John Hankey, George Hansen, Harry Helms, Robert Hieronimus, Anthony J. Hilder, Michael A. Hoffman, Aldous Huxley, David Icke, Gary Kah, Jim Keith, George Knupffer, E.C. Knuth, Jim Marrs, Texe Marrs, Jack McLamb, Stan Monteith, Eustace Mullins, Chris Pinto, Michael Collins Piper, Robert L. Preston, James Pool, L. Fletcher Prouty, Jeff Rense, John Robison, John Stockwell, Anthony Sutton, Webster Tarpley, Victor Thorn, Jim Tucker, Jesse Ventura and Nesta Webster. These are just a handful of conspiracy researchers and men who saw the that the “elite” pose to mankind. It would take a whole chapter to list all of them. The men noted above have and are working tirelessly to expose the machinations of Big Brother. We must keep in mind that Big Brother and all of his minions lie, lie, lie and deceive 24-7, 365.25 days a year. Memorize this apriori truth made famous by Sir Walter Scott:

Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive! (Marmion, Canto vi. Stanza 17)

Big Brother and his minions lie, lie, lie and deceive, deceive deceive!

There is a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst thereof, like a roaring lion ravening the prey; they have devoured souls ; they have 4 taken the treasure and precious things ; they have made her many widows in the midst thereof. Her priests have violated my law, and have profaned mine holy things: they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they shewed difference between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths, and I am profaned among them. Her princes in the midst thereof are like wolves ravening the prey, to shed blood, and to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain . And her prophets have daubed them with untempered morter, seeing vanity, and divining lies unto them , saying, “Thus saith the Lord God,” when the Lord hath not spoken. (Ezekiel 22:25-28, c. 570 BC, emphasis added)

Conspiracies are as old as man himself. We are watching a massive conspiracy to create a New World Order in which the self-proclaimed “elite” are attempting to enslave all mankind. The “elite” are a fraud as YAHWEH has declared, “Men of low degree are only vanity, and men of rank are a lie” (Psalm 62.9).

This book and the remaining three volumes will eventually be banned by Big Brother. Remember this important truth concerning the banning of books:

“When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, ‘This you may not read, this you may not see, this you are forbidden to know,’ the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives.” (Robert Heinlein)



There are numerous free advertisements in this book. They were included by the authors for the benefit of the reader. The ads do not mean the owners of the products endorse this book or approve of everything in it. It also does not mean the authors approve of or endorse everything on the web sites and in the books and DVDs of the advertisers. They are included because it is the authors’ opinion that the men whose websites and products are featured in this book believe that a gang of criminals is attempting to create a New World Order for the sole purpose of enslaving the peoples of the world and eventually exterminating most of us. Please, visit the web sites noted in this book and purchase some of the products advertized and then spread the word.



We urge and encourage everyone to read this book . You do not need to read it from cover to cover. Read the chapters and appendices that interest you and once you have read them you will be motivated to read the rest of the book. This series of books is an encyclopedia of Big Brother . It clearly explains the goal of Big Brother to create his One World dictatorship – a world government, world economic system and a world church – and the technologies he is using to establish his tyranny. It also describes what you, the reader, can do to resist this Orwellian nightmare that is entangling us as a spider’s web. It also explains what you can do to escape it. Be sure to read the Afterword and the appendices, especially Appendix A. This book gives you a head’s up as to what to expect in the coming years and what to do before, when and after Big Brother establishes his One World Tyranny . Every technology depicted in this book is for real. You can verify each and every one of them. What we can verify today is what Big Brother had already developed 20 or more years ago in his secret labs. Keep in mind the truth that Dr. Stan Monteith has said thousands of times to begin his radio programs:

Bringng you the news behind the news, the story behind the story, hoping to convince you that reality usually is scoffed at and illusion usually is king. But in the battle for survival of Western civilization it’s going to be reality and not illusion or delusion that will determine what the future will bring.

We offer a large dose of reality to counter the endless drugging of the American people with illusion and delusion by the presstitutes at ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, Fox, and Big Brother’s radio broadcasts, his newspapers and his magazines.

7 Comments are welcomed. If you have any comments about this book (positive or negative) please make them by email – [email protected] For more copies of this book and Books II, III and IV go to our website: or email us at – [email protected]
















APPENDIX A The Solution 321

9 APPENDIX B Ten Commandments 333

APPENDIX C Ten Commandments of Patriots 334

APPENDIX D Ten Commandments of the state 335

APPENDIX E Recommended books, DVDs and Films 337

APPENDIX F Comparisons between 1984 and today 361

APPENDIX G Duty of all Christian Patriots 363

APPENDIX H Bill of Rights 365


Note concerning the Table of Contents : The Conclusion, Glossary and Appendices A through H are the same in each book while the Bibliography varies for each book.



















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It is important to know who Big Brother is. He is not one person, one corporation, one organization or one government. Big Brother is made up of myriad individuals, corporations, organizations, secret societies, bureaucrats, government agencies, governments and international organizations and unions. Big Brother is a term that was coined by Eric Blair (a.k.a. George Orwell) in his book 1984 . It referred to the government. Most people understand that Big Brother refers to government, but it goes beyond that. Today we know that virtually all the governments in the world are controlled by powerful families that have been controlling the major powers of the world for hundreds of years. These families control the most powerful corporations along with the most influential think-tanks, and semi-secret and secret organizations. Below is a very short list of some of the most powerful families and the corporations, organizations, foundations, think-tanks and secret societies they control:

Families – Rothschild, Rockefeller, Orange-Nassau, Li, Sassoon and the House of Wettin-Stuart-Tudor-Orange-Nassau-Hanover-Saxe- Coburg-Gotha-Windsor.

International organizations – Bank for International Settlements, International Monetary Fund, INTERPOL, United Nations, World Bank, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, World Trade Organization and OPEC.

Foundations/Think-tanks – Carnegie Foundations, Rockefeller Foundations, Brookings Institution, ACLU, Ford Foundation, RAND Corp., Stanford Research Institute, Tavistock Institute and the Soros foundations.

Corporations – ADM, Amazon, American Express, AOL, Apple, ARCO, AT&T, Bank of America, Bank of England, BP, Bechtel, Berkshire Hathaway, Carlyle Group, Chevron, Citigroup, City of London Corp., Clear Channel, Comcast, Coca Cola, Concordia BV, Cox, Dell, Disney, Dow Chemical, Dow Jones, DuPont, Exxon/Mobil, Federal Reserve Corp., Facebook, Fox, General Electric, Goldman

13 Sachs, Google, GTE, IBM, Intel, J.P. Morgan Chase, K-Mart/Sears, LCF Rothschild Group, MasterCard, McDonald’s, , Monsanto, Myspace, NM Rothschild & Sons, Pepsi, Rand Corp., Rothschild Bank Int., Rothschild Continuation Holdings AG, Rothschild North America, Inc., Safeway, Shell, Sony, Sprint/Nextel, Standard Oil, Starbucks, Sunoco, Target, TBN, Total S.A., Twitter, Tyson, United Fruit Company, Verizon, Visa, Walmart, Wells Fargo.

Secret societies/shadow orgs – Bilderberg Club, Bohemian Club, Club of Rome, Council on Foreign Relations, Freemasons, Illuminati Order, Royal Institute for International Affairs, Skull and Bones Society and the Trilateral Commission.

For a detailed list of who Big Brother is see Book 3, Chapter 24, “Big Brother.”

David Rothschild NWO kingpin

David Rockefeller NWO kingpin 14


Big Brother is real and it is vitally important for everyone on Earth to understand this. The purpose of this book is to inform as many people in the world to the danger that Big Brother poses to our freedom, security and prosperity, and to show them how to oppose and stop him. The ultimate goal of Big Brother is exactly what O’Brien said to Winston Smith in Eric Blair’s expose of Big Brother:

If you want a picture of this future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face –forever . (Orwell, George, 1984 , Book 3 Chapter 3, p. 220, emphasis mine)

For the average person it is most difficult to see signs of tyranny even though they are right in front of them in newspapers, magazines, books, movies, radio and television. This is why Eric Blair (a.k.a. George Orwell) said, “To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle” ( In Front of Your Nose , 1946). Most Americans think the United States of America is the freest nation on Earth. They think America is the world’s defender of freedom, liberty, free enterprise and individuality. America was this until World War I. Since then it has slid down the hill to tyranny. As of 2010 America is ranked as the 5th worst police state in the world behind North Korea, Red China, Belarus and Russia.

America ranks as 5th worst police state

The Electronic Police State rankings for 2010 have 17 criteria that were used to define an electronic police state:

1. Daily documents : How much is required day-to-day for residents to present state-issued identity documents or registration. 2. Border issues : What is demanded for a border entry. 3. Financial tracking : The state’s ability to search and record financial transactions. 4. Gag orders : The penalties for revealing to someone else the state is searching their records. 5. Anti-crypto laws : Bans on . 15 6. Constitutional protections : Either a lack of protections or someone overriding them. 7. Data storage : The state’s ability to record and keep what it uncovers. 8. Data search : The processes to search through data. 9. ISP data retention : The demand for ISPs to save customers’ records. 10. Telephone data retention : States’ requirements for communications companies to record and save records. 11. Cell phone records : The saving and using of cell phone users’ records. 12. Medical records : Demands from states that medical records retain information. 13. Enforcement : The state’s ability to use force (SWAT teams) to seize someone. 14. Habeus corpus : Either an absence of such rights or someone overriding them. 15. Police-Intel barrier : the absence of a barrier between police and intelligence organizations. 16. Covert hacking : State operatives meddling in data on private computers covertly. 17. Loose warrants : Warrants that are being issued without careful review of police claims by a truly independent judge.

The countries making up the top ten in the rankings are:

1. North Korea 2. Red China 3. Belarus 4. Russia 5. USA 6. England/Wales 7. France 8. Israel 9. Singapore 10. Germany.

The next 41 worst police states are:

11. Ireland 12. Malaysia 13. Netherlands 14. Italy 15. South Korea 16. Australia 17. Belgium 18. Spain 19. Austria 20. Ukraine 21. Greece 22. Switzerland 23. Japan 24. Norway 25. Canada 26. India 27. New Zealand 28. Portugal 29. Danmark 30. Hungary 31. Poland 32. Sweden 33. Bulgaria 34. Taiwan 35. Czech Republic 36. Cyprus 37. Finland 38. Lithuania 39. Estonia 40. Luxembourg 41. Slovenia 42. Malta 43. Iceland 44. Latvia 45. South Africa 46. Argentina 47. Mexico 48. Thailand 49. Romania 50. Brazil 51. Philippines. 1

16 If all of the secret Big Brother technologies described in this book were taken into account by the above study America would be Number One far ahead of North Korea and Red China. In 2008 the USA was ranked Number 6. 2 Eventually it will be Number 1. [ Authors’ note : The rankings by the Cryptohippie website were taken down in 2011. They can be found on some other websites that copied the reports and reposted them. Yet the links to the original reports are still listed in the search engines. 4 You may still not believe that your beloved country is one of the worst police states on Earth. If so read on. Remember this eternal truth:

The prince that lacketh understanding is also a great oppressor . (Proverbs 28.16a)

According to the Bible the rulers of America (who are part of Big Brother) are great oppressors because they lack understanding. This is true of the Democrat and the Republican leaders.

Big Brother is here

There are dozens of signs that prove the United States has become a “Big Brother” police state. Here are just 20 of those signs:

1. A new bill being pushed by Senators John McCain and Joe Lieberman would allow the U.S. military to round up large numbers of Americans and detain them indefinitely without a trial if they “pose a threat” or if they have “potential intelligence value” or for any other reason the President of the United States “considers appropriate.” 2. Lawmakers in Washington D.C. working to create a new immigration bill have decided on a way to prevent employers from hiring illegal immigrants: a national biometric identification card all American workers would be required to obtain. 3. Barack Obama is backing a plan to create a national database to store the DNA of people who have been arrested but not necessarily convicted of a crime. 4. Just to get on an airplane, Americans will now have to go through new full-body scanners that reveal every detail of our exposed bodies to airport security officials. 5. If that was not bad enough, the Transportation Security Administration has announced that airport screeners will begin roving

17 through airports randomly taking chemical swabs from passengers and their bags to check for explosives. 6. Starting this upcoming December, some passengers on Canadian airlines flying to, from or even over the United States without ever landing there, will only be allowed to board their flights once the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has determined they are not terrorists. 7. Organic milk is a threat to the FDA which conducts military style raids on Amish farmers in Pennsylvania. 8. An NYPD officer has broken his silence confessing that innocent citizens are being set up and falsely arrested and ticketed in order to meet quotas. 9. A growing number of police departments across the U.S. are turning to mobile camera systems in order to fight motor vehicle theft and identify unregistered cars. 10. For decades, Arizona has been known as “the sunset state,” but lately many frustrated residents have started calling it “the surveillance state.” 11. Judges and police in Florida have been caught using “secret codes” on tickets in the state of Florida. 12. An extensive investigation has revealed that between 2003 and 2007, that state of Texas quietly gave hundreds of newborn baby blood samples to a U.S. Armed Forces laboratory for use in a forensics database. 13. A 6-year-old girl was recently handcuffed and sent to a mental facility after throwing temper tantrums at her elementary school. 14. A 12-year-old girl in New York was arrested and marched out of her school in handcuffs because she doodled on her desk. 15. In Florida, students have been arrested by police for things as simple as bringing a plastic butter knife to school, throwing an eraser, and drawing a picture of a gun. 16. When a mother on a flight to Denver spanked both of her children and cussed out a flight attendant who tried to intervene, she suddenly found herself handcuffed and headed for prison. She was charged with being a domestic terrorist under the Patriot Act. 17. A new global treaty will require U.S. Internet service providers to spy on what you do online. [They are doing that already.] 18. A leaked Obama administration memo has revealed plans for the federal government to seize more than 10 million acres of land from Montana to New Mexico. 18 19. Fifty-six percent of Americans questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll said that the U.S. government has become so large and powerful that it poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens. 20. A poll in 2010 found that 51 percent of Americans agree with this statement: “It is necessary to give up some civil liberties in order to make the country safe from terrorism.” 4

Here is a quote from the man who coined the term “Big Brother”:

Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable , and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. (Orwell, George, 1946, “Politics and the English Language,” collected in Shooting an Elephant , 1950, emphasis added)

Virtually all political parties and politicians lie, deceive, connive, conspire and do whatever it takes to stay in power. Most politicians are bought by billionaires and billion dollar corporations. They do what they are told and when they stop taking orders they are not re-elected or they die a mysterious death. Some obvious examples are Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley, Huey Long, John Kennedy and Robert Kennedy. Big Brother media and historians claim all of these men were killed by “lone nuts” but the truth is they were all assassinated because they did not take orders from Big Brother. Patriots in every country also need to come out of their political party system and become independent. The way to stop the billionaires who buy and control the politicians in America is to come out of the two-party political system. Continual loyalty to one political party is what Big Brother wants. Democrats blame the Republicans for all the problems in America and vice-versa. Both parties are to be blamed and to be rejected. No true Christian patriot should support either party. We should support independent candidates and only vote for a Democrat, Republican or independent candidate who is a true patriot. Who is a true patriot? Here are some things that a true patriot in America stands for and against:

1. Defend and support the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. 2. Defend the rights of all Americans (born or unborn). 3. Defend the rights of the States (Amendment 10). 4. Defend America’s sovereignty (its borders and independence). 5. Demand paper ballots for all elections that are counted in each polling place. 19 6. Demand changes in election financing to keep the rich from buying candidates and elections. 7. Demand constitutional currency according to Section 1, Article 8. 8. Oppose the Federal Reserve Corp. and seek to shut it down. 9. Oppose the illegal federal income tax and the fraudulent 16th Amendment. 10. Oppose wars of aggression by the military industrial complex. 11. Oppose the violation of the Constitution in the name of “national security.”

All Christian patriots and non-Christian patriots should oppose every politician that voted for the Patriot Act. That bill stripped the American people of numerous Constitutional rights. They should also demand that their congressman introduce a bill or co-sign a bill to repeal that un-Constitutional bill. All patriots should oppose all politicians (federal or state) who vote in favor of any bill that takes away the right of the people as stated in the Constitution for more “security.” Those who sacrifice freedom for security get neither. Instead they get tyranny. All patriots should demand that their state house representatives introduce a bill eliminating all voting machines and replace them with paper ballots. If a politician refuses to introduce a bill or be a co-signer they should be opposed. All patriots should demand that their Congressman introduce a bill or co-sign a bill to eliminate the Federal Reserve Corporation’s illegal and un-Constitutional power to coin and regulate money, and return it to Congress according to the Constitution (Article 1, Sec. 8, par. 4). All patriots should demand that their congressmen and senators oppose the illegal wars of aggression in Afghanistan and Iraq, and pull all American forces out immediately. For more about the illegal wars of aggression in Afghanistan, Iraq and now Libya read Book 4, Chapter 35, “The Phony Wars.” Take heed to the eternal truth that Benjamin Franklin made famous:

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. (February 1775)

You are the Resistance!

The answer to 1984 is 1776!

20 Notes

1. The Electronic Police State. Cryptohippie. abbro-policestate2010.pdf. 2. 3. Our Final Electronic Police State Report. Electronic Police . State Report. This is our third and final Electronic Police State Report. There will not be another; at least not from us. Producing the report is a ... https://secure. 2011.pdf 3. The Electronic Police State. The Electronic Police . State . 2010 National Rankings. The USA closes - 4. “20 Signs That The United States Is Rapidly Becoming A Totalitarian Big Brother Police State.” ns-that-the-united-states-is-rapidly-becoming-a-totalitarian-big-brother-police-state.





Heterogenous Aerial Reconnaissance Team program developed by DARPA





Technology is being developed to insure Big Brother will know everything each citizen does, says, hears and even thinks. Fantastic surveillance technology has already been developed, and it is being used at present to track where people go, what they do, what they see and hear, and what they say. The Big Brother surveillance web is growing larger every day, and very few are able to keep from being caught in it.

Space surveillance

Space-based spy cameras are so ubiquitous Big Brother can watch virtually every square inch of the planet around the clock. “Every 10 seconds nearly the entire Earth’s is scanned by Defense Support Program (DSP) infrared surveillance satellites looking for the telltale signs of hostile missile launches. The Aerospace Corporation has been investigating the feasibility of using this existing capability to detect natural disasters and other related environmental phenomena.” 1 Former Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Chairman Michael Chertoff sought to implement a plan in April of 2008, that allowed domestic law enforcement agencies to use data gathered by spy satellites. DHS planned to create a new office that would expand access by law enforcement and other civilian agencies to data gathered by powerful intelligence satellites orbiting Earth. The National Applications Office will oversee who has access to the data. 2 This plan was questioned by Congressman Ed Markey, but not stopped. 3 Several agencies have access to satellites cameras capable of reading newsprint. They can request access to the satellites, and use them to track an individual, vehicle, a residence or a business. This was shown in the 1998 movie “Enemy of the State.” It is well worth it to watch that excellent movie. For a comprehensive list of other movies, television shows and old radio shows to watch and listen to go to Appendix E.

25 Take your pic from space

The Air Force plans to take a single picture of targets from space to create a three-dimensional image of a person’s face. Photon-X, Inc. of Huntsville, Alabama received an Air Force contract in 2011 to develop a camera that can snap a picture of anyone from space. The “bio-signature” (3D image of one’s face) can be used to track that person anywhere. With a few frames more, the device can capture that face’s unique facial muscle motions, and turn those movements into a “behaviormetric” profile that’s even more accurate. “The proposed work will help identify non-cooperative dismounts using remote sensors, from standoff distances that were previously impossible,” reported Toyon Research Corporation, which also got an Air Force grant for “bio-signature” development. “This identity information can help intelligence analysts connect specific people to events and locations, and learn about insurgent operations.” It allegedly “can help Humanoid Robots navigate and find objects in a cluttered room” and it could be used to monitor suspicious behavior practically anywhere. “A brief list of potential industries includes law enforcement, banking, private corporations, schools and universities, casinos, theme parks, retail, and hospitality.” 4 It will only be a matter of time before Big Brother snaps a picture from space of most people in the Western world. He currently has standard photos of virtually everyone in the Western world.

26 Long Range, Non-cooperative, Biometric Tagging, Tracking and Location system

The Army is developing drones will recognize your face and track you, based on how you look. The Pentagon has tried all kinds of technologies to keep track of its foes – tiny transmitters, lingering scents, and “human thermal .” The military calls the effort “Tagging, Tracking, and Locating,” or “TTL.” This technology is not perfect so a more exact technology is in the works. “If this works out, we’ll have the ability to track people persistently across wide areas,” says Tim Faltemier, the lead researcher at Progeny Systems Corporation, which recently won one of the Army contracts. “A guy can go under a bridge or inside a house. But when he comes out, we’ll know it was the same guy that went in.” Progeny is working on their drone-mounted, “Long Range, Non- cooperative, Biometric Tagging, Tracking and Location” system. It is one several firms that has developed algorithms for the military that use two-dimensional images to construct a 3D model of a face. “This overcomes a limitation in current TTL operations where… objects of interest only appea[r] periodically from sheltered positions or crowds,” the Army noted in its announcement of the project. If Progeny can get close enough, Faltemier says his technology can even tell identical twins apart. It also claims the software can help the military “not only learn the identity of subjects but also their associations in social groups.” 5 The military, NSA, NRO, ONI, CIA, and the FBI can gain access to a satellite and dedicate it to observe a single person, a group of people or area for an indefinite period. And all of these spy agencies use them on a daily basis to watch targets. Spy agencies in the Soviet Union, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, India, Japan, Red China and Israel also have access to satellites which they use on a daily basis to spy on their own people but also on targets outside their respective nations. Private corporations also have their own satellites and use them to snoop on people and facilities around the world. These corporation rent out their satellites to other corporations and people. The most infamous of these corporations is Google which makes Google Earth available to just about anyone. Google Earth is a virtual globe, map and geographical information program that was originally called EarthViewer 3D, and was created by Keyhole, Inc, a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) funded company 27 acquired by Google in 2004 (see In-Q-Tel). It maps the Earth by the superimposition of images obtained from satellite imagery, aerial photography and GIS 3D globe. It was available under three different licenses, two currently: Google Earth, a free version with limited function and Google Earth Pro ($399 per year), which is intended for commercial use. 6

Air surveillance


Big Brother can watch virtually every square inch of Earth with space satellites, but he wants more surveillance options. He has been using helicopters and light planes for decades. The use of blimps is another option, and many are currently in use. A small blimp hovered over the 2009 Indy 500 to insure the safety of the people. 7 The Pentagon is building a large blimp to spy on Americans in the name of national security. The giant dirigible uses radar to constantly monitor activity on the ground from 65,000 feet. The Pentagon says that it intends to spend $400 million to develop a giant dirigible that will float above Earth for 10 years, providing detailed “radar surveillance of the vehicles, planes and even people below.” 8 The city of Ogden, Utah, planned to employ a blimp to fight crime in January 2011. “We believe it will be a deterrent to crime when it is out and about and will help us solve crimes more quickly when they do occur,” Ogden City Mayor Matthew Godfrey told Reuters. The airship is equipped with military technology now available to local law enforcement and it is more “cost effective” to operate than

28 helicopters or fixed winged aircraft. Operational costs are about $100 a month. “We anticipate using it mainly at night. The cameras have incredible night vision to see with tremendous clarity daytime and nighttime. It will be used like a patrol car. It will be used to go and check things out and keep things safe,” said Mayor Godfrey. Another benefit is that it is so narrow it should be undetectable from the ground. “It’s extremely silent. It can hover or stay stationery or silently meander over pre-programmed courses over the city at nighttime.” 9 The High Altitude Stratsopheric Airship is a project being funded by the Defense Department at the New Jersey Institute of Technology for the purpose of fighting crime and stopping terrorists. It is designed to fly at 65,000 and provide a high level, stable surveillance platform. Another proposed use for the airship is to monitor the millions of cargo containers (only a fraction are actually inspected) that arrive at U.S. ports each year. The researchers say their blimp could be outfitted with high tech sensors to scan the containers before they touch land. These super blimps would have better surveillance capabilities than satellites because of their proximity to the ground and because they would be unmanned they could remain in operation for up to a year. Although no design for the blimps has been finalized, the researchers say it may be up to 900 feet long, that’s about four times the length of the Goodyear blimp. 10



Another option that he has is unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) sought to put spy drones into use in America in 2006. The DHS wants them to patrol the borders, locate marijuana fields, and also for domestic surveillance by police departments. The MQ-9 Reaper is currently being used by the Border Patrol. Gaston County in North Carolina is using a spy drone. 11

Global Observer

The Global Observer, an unmanned aircraft system (UAS), is a cost- effective communications and surveillance platform that can stay aloft at 65,000 feet for a week.

29 It is designed to address an urgent national security need for a persistent stratospheric platform and provides a means to satisfy numerous high value civil and commercial applications. Mission applications include communications relay and remote sensing payloads for military or commercial customers. Multiple communi- cations and remote sensing applications have already been demonstrated from this operating position, including high definition broadcast (HDTV) video, and third generation (3G) mobile voice, video and data using an off-the-shelf mobile handset. 12

Military drones to fly over the Adirondack Mountains

The New York Air National Guard started launching regular surveillance flights of MQ-9 “Reapers” above the Adirondacks in 2011 to train drone crews for bombing and intelligence missions. Airmen with the 174th Fighter Wing fly the unmanned planes via satellite from command centers at Fort Drum and the Hancock Field Air National Guard Base in Syracuse, New York. The Reapers would not carry weapons and would make less noise than the unit’s F-16s that had previously used the mountain airspace for training. Yet they will be equipped with powerful day and night cameras that can focus on random vehicles and locations for training. Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) vigorously supports and wants to increase the number of test sites in the country from four to ten. Some patriots oppose the program arguing it could violate the privacy of law- abiding Americans. Known as “the big eye in the sky,” the MQ-9 has a 66-foot wingspan, can drop 500-pound bombs and stay in the air for more than 15 hours. They are effective in Afghanistan and other places where anti-aircraft fire is minimal. They have killed high-ranking terrorists, but also civilians. The CIA is reportedly using them in Pakistan. 13


The Pentagon is not content to simply watch the enemies it knows it has. It also wants to identify potentially hostile behavior and intent, in order to uncover clandestine foes. Charles River Analytics is building a so-called “Adversary Behavior Acquisition, Collection, Understanding, and Summarization (ABACUS)” tool. The system would integrate data from informants’ 30 tips, drone footage, and captured phone calls. Then it would apply “a human behavior modeling and simulation engine” that would spit out “intent-based threat assessments of individuals and groups.” In other words: This software could potentially find out which people are most likely to harbor ill will toward the U.S. military or its objectives. “The enemy goes to great lengths to hide his activities,” explained Modus Operandi, Inc., which won an Army contract to assemble “probabilistic algorithms th[at] determine the likelihood of adversarial intent.” The company calls its system “Clear Heart.” As in, the contents of your heart are now open for the Pentagon to see.14

Heterogenous Aerial Reconnaissance Team

Programs such as the Heterogenous Aerial Reconnaissance Team program developed by DARPA have automated much of the aerial surveillance process. They have developed systems consisting of large teams of drone planes that pilot themselves, automatically decide who is “suspicious” and how to go about monitoring them, coordinate their activities with other drones nearby, and notify human operators if something suspicious is occurring. This greatly increases the amount of area that can be continuously monitored, while reducing the number of human operators required. Thus a swarm of automated, self-directing drones can automatically patrol a city and track suspicious individuals, 15-17 reporting their activities back to a centralized monitoring station.

Drawing of HART operational architecture 31 Houston Police Dept. is using UAVs

The Houston Police Department started testing unmanned aircraft in 2007 and its first test was shrouded in secrecy. Fortunately, it was captured on tape by KPRC Local 2 Investigates. KPRC had four hidden cameras aimed at a row of mysterious black trucks. Satellite dishes and a swirling radar at the test site 70 miles northwest of Houston. HPD cruisers surrounded the farm with a roadblock in place to check each of the dignitaries arriving for the invitation-only event. The invitation spelled out, “NO MEDIA ALLOWED.” HPD Chief Harold Hurtt attended, along with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and dozens of officers from various police agencies in the Houston area. Few of the guests would comment as they left the test site. News Chopper 2 had a Local 2 Investigates team following the aircraft for more than one hour as it circled overhead. Its wings spanned ten feet and it circled at an altitude of 1,500 feet. Operators from a private firm called Insitu, Inc. manned remote controls from inside the fleet of black trucks as the guests watched a live feed from the high- powered camera aboard the 40-pound aircraft. “I wasn’t ready to publicize this,” said Executive Assistant Police Chief Martha Montalvo. She and other department leaders hastily organized a news conference when they realized Local 2 Investigates had captured the entire event on camera. Montalvo told reporters the unmanned aircraft could be used for covert police actions and for writing traffic tickets. A large number of the officers at the test site were assigned to the department’s ticket- writing Radar Task Force. Capt. Tom Runyan insisted they were only there to provide “site security,” even though KPRC cameras spotted those officers heavily participating in the test flight. Houston police contacted KPRC from the test site, claiming the entire airspace was restricted by the Federal Aviation Administration. Police even threatened action from the FAA if the Local 2 helicopter remained in the area. However, KPRC reported it had already checked with the FAA on numerous occasions and found no flight restrictions around the site, a point conceded by Montalvo. The price tag for an unmanned aircraft ranges from $30,000 to $1 million each and HPD is hoping to begin law enforcement from the air by June of 2008 with these new aircraft. 18

32 Drone gives Texas police bird’s-eye view on crime

The Montgomery County Sheriff’s office is weeks away from launching an unmanned aerial asset to help deputies fight crime. The Vanguard Defense Industries ShadowHawk helicopter is six-feet long, weighs fifty pounds and fits in the back of an SUV. “We can put it over a fire, put it over ahazmat spill, put it over a house with a suspect barricaded inside and literally give the incident commander the ability to look at the entire scene with a bird’s eye view, ” said Chief Deputy Randy McDaniel. It is equipped with an infrared camera that can clearly read a license plate from an elevation of twelve hundred feet. The helicopter cost upwards of $300,000 and was purchased with a grant from the federal government. 19 The Department of Homeland Security posted a article on its website about this program of giving local police departments grants to purchase the UAVs:

For local police departments who do not have a helicopter unit or cannot afford one, small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are quickly becoming a cheap solution; the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office in Texas recently purchased the ShadowHawk, a small remote controlled helicopter manufactured by Vanguard Defense Industries.

“The sheriff’s office has no air patrol unit,” said Chief Deputy Randy McDaniel. “To have an aircraft we can deploy quickly when we need it seems to be an appropriate means of equipment and technology. It’s something that will be able to protect our personnel on the ground and the public.” In response to criticism that drones violate privacy McDaniel said, “We’re not about spying on the residents of this county. We are about putting criminals in jail and putting a stop to criminal activity. We have better things to do, and spying is not our role.” McDaniels explained that one of the major uses of the drones will be to look for missing persons. “It will have specific missions. Certainly we will use it to locate lost individuals in wooded areas. That can be an elderly autism patient or someone lost in the National Forest, which is in the northeast corner of the county,” he said. “This would be a much more efficient use of time and resources when you can launch an

33 aircraft and search from the sky rather than get a bunch of people together and search on foot, horseback, or ATV.” 20 UAV are incredible tools for good. As McDaniels noted it is far cheaper to have a UAV search for a missing person than for a few dozen people to search on foot. Satellite surveillance is also an excellent tool for law enfocement. BUT every technology that has ever been invented has always been abused by evil people who have no regard for their fellow man and want to enslave them. History is littered with megalomaniacs who seek absolute power and use every technology at their disposal to get it.


Some of the UAVs that may be used in America are micro air vehicles (MAVs) which were developed by the Defense Advanced Research Program Agency (DARPA).

Dade County and Charles County

The police department of Miami-Dade County is seeking permission to use them. 21 and the Charles County Sheriff’s office in Maryland has used a small unmanned flying device dubbed the “CyberBug” for crowd control and surveillance. The CyberBug looks like a model airplane married to a kite and is controlled by a joy-stick type device. It can be carried in the truck of a squad car and is launched on its way by literally tossing it into the sky. From there the joystick controller takes over and its camera signal is sent in real-time back to a laptop computer. The sheriff’s office used the device for two 30-minute flights in 2005 to monitor the annual “Blessing of the Bikes” event at the Charles County Fairgrounds, which officials said was attended by some 8,000 people. “I was quite impressed with how easy it was launch and how well it monitored the area,” said Lt. Chris Becker, commander, Homeland Security and Intelligence for the Charles County Sheriff’s department. “Besides crowd and traffic control, I see law enforcement using the CyberBug in a multitude of applications, especially when it comes to crime fighting and homeland security.” 22 The Miami-Dade police used a $50,000 grant to buy a MAV is used by the military to scan dangerous areas before troops are sent in. 23-24 34 [Authors’ note : Notice that police departments get federal grants to buy spy gizmos to keep tabs on law abiding citizens.]

Nano hummingbird

AeroVironment released a video of flight tests of its tiny Nano Hummingbird flapping-wing UAV in February 2011. It was built under DARPA’s Nano Air Vehicle (NAV) program. This vehicle, like a real hummingbird, hovers, maneuvers and flies under its own power, using its flapping wings for propulsion and control. The final concept demonstrator, built under Phase 2 of DARPA’s NAV program, has a wingspan of 16 cm and weighs just 19 grams – less than an AA battery. Carrying batteries, motors, a video camera and communication links, the vehicle is bigger than the average hummingbird, but smaller and lighter than the largest of the species. The remote-controlled Nano Hummingbird met or exceeded the Phase 2 goals, the company said. It demonstrated precision hovering within a 2 meter-diameter “virtual sphere;” stable hovering in wind gusts up to 5 mph; hovering endurance up to 8 minutes without external power; transition from hover to forward flight up to 11 mph; and flying from outdoors to indoors and back through a normal doorway. 25


The Insectothopter was a miniature unmanned aerial vehicle developed by the Central Intelligence Agency in the 1970s. It was the size of a dragonfly and was hand-painted to look like one. It was powered by a small gasoline engine to make the wings move.26 The project was abandoned when the Insectothopter was found to be too difficult to control in crosswinds.27-28

Micromechanical Flying Insect

Micromechanical Flying Insect (MFI) Project The goal of the micromechanical flying insect (MFI) project is to develop a 25 mm (wingtip-to-wingtip) device capable of sustained autonomous flight. The MFI is designed based on biomimetic principles to capture some of the exceptional flight performance achieved by true flies. The high performance of true flies is based on large forces generated by non- steady state aerodynamics, a high power-to-weight ratio motor system, 35 and a high-speed control system with tightly integrated visual and inertial sensors. Our design analysis shows us that piezoelectric actuators and flexible thorax structures can provide the needed power density and wing stroke, and that adequate power can be supplied by lithium batteries charged by solar cells. The MFI project started in May 1998. In the first 3 years of this MURI grant, research concentrated on understanding fly flight aerodynamics and on analysis, design and fabrication of MFI actuators, thorax and wings. In August 2001, our MFI prototype (with 1 wing) showed thrust forces on a test stand. In September 2002, we switched our fabrication from folded stainless steel to carbon fiber. In March 2003 we demonstrated 500 microNewtons of lift from a single wing on a test stand. Since March 2003, we have been working on reducing weight, increasing actuator power density, increasing air frame strength, and improving wing control. 29 MAVs are also excellent tools for law enforcement, but as we noted powermongers always use technology for evil purposes. Big Brother will build numerous fleets of MACs to spy on you.

Bugs of war

The Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) turned 50 in 2008 and invited Dick Cheney to the party. “This agency brought forth the Saturn 5 rocket, surveillance satellites, the Internet, stealth technology, guided munitions, unmanned aerial vehicles, night vision and the body armor that’s in use today,” Cheney told 1,700 DARPA workers and friends who gathered at a Washington hotel to mark the occasion. “Thank heaven for DARPA.” Cheney noted that DARPA’s mission is “to make sure that America is never again caught off guard.” So, the Agency does the basic research that may be decades away from battlefield applications. It does not develop new weapons, as much as it pioneers the technologies that will make tomorrow’s weapons better. One of DARPA’s many projects is HI-MEMS (Hybrid Insect Micro- Electro-Mechanical System), raising real insects filled with electronic circuitry, which could be guided using GPS technology to specific targets via electrical impulses sent to their muscles. These half-bug, half-chip creations – DARPA calls them “insect cyborgs” – would be ideal for surveillance missions, the agency says in a brief description on its website. 36 “The HI-MEMS program is aimed at developing tightly coupled machine-insect interfaces by placing micro-mechanical systems inside the insects during the early stages of metamorphosis," said Dr. Amit Lal. These bugs can “carry one or more sensors, such as a microphone or a gas sensor, to relay back information gathered from the target destination.” 30

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom launched a program in 2007 to provide all 43 police departments with UAVs. The Home Office will fund the project. 31


Protestors in Bolotnaya Square, Moscow thought they were being surveilled by a Micro-UAV and one protestor tried to shoot it down with a signal flare gun. The drone belonged to a news website which was streaming pictures and video of the protest. 32 If a news website can buy a surveillance drone what will keep the police from buying them? Nothing. As we have seen many police departments in America are using them as well as in England. Eventually the police and military in every nation will be using them. Corporations will also use them for securtity purposes. In a decade or so UAV drones will become a strategic form of surveillance by Big Brother. You will see them hovering over office complexes, shopping centers, public parks, beaches, stadium parking lots and just about everyplace there are large crowds. There will be no place to hide.

Micro-UAV in Moscow during a protest rally 32 37 Conclusion

Big Brother has hundreds of satellites, undisclosed numbers of military surveillance aircraft, dozens of different types UAVs and MAVs, and other surveillance craft we are not aware of. He can watch you 24-7 if he wants to. Look for thousands of UAVs to clutter the skies of America in the next decade. You will see these spy drones over virtually every major metropolitan area in America. You will also see them patrolling the vast deserts in the southwest of America and the coasts from the east to the west and along the southern coastline. They will be everywhere not only here in America but around the world.


1. Pack, Dee W. “Civilian Uses of Surveillance Satellites.” Crosslink. Volume 1, Number 1, Winter 1999/2000. Carl J. Rice, Barbara J. Tressel, Carolyn J. Lee- Wagner, and Edgar M. Oshika. /01.html. 2. Juliano, Nick. “DHS ignores civil liberties in domestic spy satellite plan, lawmakers say.” 4.07.2008. & domestic_spy_satellite_plan_lacks_ 0407.html. Shorrock, Tim. “Domestic Spying, Inc.” CorpWatch. 11.27.2007. php?id=14821. 3. “Markey Demands Answers on Bush Administration’s Plan to Turn Spy Satellites on Americans. 8.16.2007. content&task=view&id=3049 & ellites%20Letter%20to%20 Cher toff_081607.pdf. 4. 4. Shachtman, Noah. “Smile! Air Force Wants to Track You Forever With a Single Camera Click.” 5.19.2011. force-wants-to-track-you-forever-with-a-single-camera-click4. Soller, Kurt. “Eye in the Sky: Raytheon’s unmanned blimp at this year’s Indy 500.” Newsweek. 6.11.2009. 5. Shachtman, Noah. “Army Tracking Plan: Drones That Never Forget a Face.” 9.28.2011. 6. 7. Frauenfelder, Mark. “Pentagon plans to build giant spy zeppelin.” 3.13.2009. html. 8. Barnes, Julian E. “Pentagon plans blimp to spy from new heights.” LA Times. 3.13.2009., 0,4608400.story. 9. Nelson, James. Utah city may use blimp as anti-crime spy in the sky. Reuters. 1.16.2011. /article/idUSTRE70F1DJ20110116?feedType=RSS&fe edName=domesticNews&rpc=76.

38 10. Meeks, Brock, N. “‘Eyes in the sky’ for Homeland security.” MSNBC. 8.27.2005. www.msnbc. .com/id/9069787. 11. Mick, Jason. “Homeland Security Department to Use Drones on Mexican Borders” Daily Tech. 6.24.2010 12. Stratospheric Persistent UAS: Global Observer. eric/global_ observer. 13. Yusko, Dennis. “‘Big eye’ has Adirondack sights.” 2.12.2011. www.times Big-eye-has-Adirondack-sights-1010129.php. 14. Shachtman, Noah. “Army Tracking Plan: Drones That Never Forget a Face.” 9.28.2011. www.wired. com/dangerroom/2011/09/drones-never-forget-a-face. 15. “HART Overview.” IPTO (DARPA) – Official website . August 2008. [Dead link] 16. “BAA 04-05-PIP: Heterogeneous Airborne Reconnaissance Team (HART).” Information Processing Technology Office (DARPA) – Official Website . December 5, 2003. [Dead link] 17. Sirak, Michael (Nov 29, 2007). “DARPA, Northrop Grumman Move Into Next Phase of UAV Control Architecture.” Defense Daily . p/articles/mi_6712/is_40_236/ai_n29399227. 18. Dean, Stephen. “Local 2 Investigates Police Secrecy Behind Unmanned Aircraft Test.” 11.21.2007. ml. 19. Gutiérrez, Kris. “Drone Gives Texas Law Enforcement Bird’s-Eye View on Crime.” 11.16.2011. ement-birds-eye-view-on-crime. 20. DHS. Montgomery County adds drone to arsenal.” 11.15.2011 www.home 21. Sofge, Erik. “Houston Cops’ Test Drone Now in Iraq, Operator Says.” 10.01.2009. www.popular 22. “Houston, Texas to Deploy UAV Speeding Ticket Drones.” TheNewspaper. com. 11.23.2007. www. 23. Meeks, Brock, N. “‘Eyes in the sky’ for Homeland security.” MSNBC. 8.27.2005. 24. “Dade Cops Waiting To Get Crime Fighting Drone Airborne.” 3.09.2011. e-airborne. 25. Warwick, Graham. “AeroVironment’s Nano Hummingbird Flies!” 2.17.2011. =blogScript&plckElementId=blogDest&plckBlogPage=BlogViewPost&plckPostId= Blog:27ec4a53-dcc8-42d0-bd3a-01329aef79a7Post:8fbf 39df-4ba9-45a0-aa20-9fd58 ed57693 & & http://hplusmagaz 26. “Honeywell Wins FAA Approval for MAV.” Flying Magazine, Vol. 135., No. 5, May 2008, p. 24. 27. Reuters. “CIA exhibits spy gadgets with Bond edge.” CNN. 10.28.2003. 28. 29. 30. Thompson, Mark. “Unleashing the Bugs of War.” 4.18.2008. 39 time/nation/article/0,8599,1732226,00.html. 31. La Franchi, Peter. “Flight International. UK Home Office plans national police UAV fleet.” Flight Global. 7.17.2007. 215507/uk-home-office-plans-national-pol ice-uav-fleet.html. 32. “Showcase protest: Smoking WC ‘worst thing’ at Moscow rally.” Russia Today. 12.10.2011. 517.




Road spy cams

Enforcement cameras

Traffic enforcement cameras are used to catch motorists that run red lights, exceed the posted speed limit, that use bus lanes and car pool lane improperly. These traffic camera systems are being utilized in many of the major cities throughout the United States as well as other countries around the world. The reason often cited for installing these devices, is to reduce the number of traffic accidents and related injuries. In general, these traffic violation cameras seem to contribute to the reduction of injuries related to running red lights and speeding violations. However, their use most often evokes a certain amount of disapproval from many drivers and in some cities the people have petition the government to remove them.1


The largest photo enforcement company in North America is American Traffic Solutions which serves more than 230 customers and with more than 2,100 installed (3,000 contracted) camera systems throughout the United States and Canada. Its president and CEO, James Tuton, pioneered the road safety camera industry in the United States with the first Speed Safety Camera program implemented in Paradise Valley, Arizona in 1987. Intersection Safety Cameras followed nearly 10 years later. As the market has matured and grown, so has ATS. ATS is the largest provider of road safety programs to America’s big cities, including: New York City and Nassau County, New York; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Washington, D.C.; St. Louis and Kansas City, Missouri; San Diego, California; Seattle, Washington; Fort Worth, Irving and Arlington, Texas; New Orleans and Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Memphis, Tennessee; Fort Lauderdale, Florida; and Tucson, Mesa, Glendale and Scottsdale, Arizona. ATS also provides Canada’s 41 largest Intersection and Speed Safety Camera program in Calgary, Alberta. 2


Automated traffic enforcement systems designed to improve public safety and monitor vehicle speeds got the green light to continue operations in Iowa from a Senate panel in February 2011. A three-member Senate Transportation subcommittee heard testimony for and against cameras used by law enforcement in five Iowa communities to identify speeding and/or red-light violations before deciding 2-1 not to advance a bill that would impose a statewide ban on the use of automated traffic enforcement systems and terminate existing systems currently in use. Lt. Jeff Hembera of the Cedar Rapids Police Department said crashes at the city’s most-dangerous intersections that are monitored by cameras dropped by 40 percent from 2009 to 2010, while accidents on Interstate 380 are down 54 percent and there have been no deaths since speed-monitoring cameras went up last year. In Cedar Rapids, $2.5 million was generated by the cameras in the first seven months the cameras were turned on. Cedar Rapids received $1,583,225 in revenue from the cameras during the first sevens months after they were installed. Another $1,017,900 went to camera vendor Gatso USA, a Beverly, Massachusetts-based firm. Gatso said the number of red-light citations issued by traffic cameras in Cedar Rapids dropped by 60 percent in the first seven months. 3 Red light and speed cameras generate millions of federal reserve notes for Big Brother. He is installing thousands of them around the world to raise revenue for his tyranny. He does not care about safety. Many of his minions have a sincere desire to make the roads safe, but their concerns have nothing to do with spy cameras. If Big Brother truly cared about the safety of the people he would give auto makers tax breaks to produce crash-proof vehicles and let the people decide whether they want to drive a crash-proof vehicle or a death trap. There is no politician who cares about car safety in America except Ralph Nader who unfortunately has never won an election. The truth is the politicians in America (Republicans and Democrats) do not care about the safety of the American people. If they did they would do something about the incredible death toll on the roads.

42 Car Crash Stats

Auto deaths per year:

2009 – 33,808 2008 – 37,261 2007 – 41,059 2006 – 42,642 2005 – 43,443 2004 – 42,836 2003 – 42,643 2002 – 43,005 2001 – 42,196 2000 – 41,945 4

Virtually all of these lives could have been saved if the American people demanded auto makers make crash-proof vehicles. Until WE THE PEOPLE demand crash-proof vehicles this needless slaughter will go on and on. Should the federal government be waging a war against traffic fatalities? Should the federal bureaucrats and politicians be more concerned over the 30,000 plus Americans who die every year in auto accidents than the threat of another 911 terrorist attack? Ten times as many Americans die each year than perished on September 11, 2001. Since that tragic day about 400,000 Americans have died in traffic accidents. Even if you think billions of dollars must be spent each year to battle the dreaded Al Qaeda terrorist organization should we not spend more money than we are on reducing traffic fatalities?

Traffic monitoring cameras


Caltrans has over a thousand cameras monitoring freeway sections across California. Anyone can select the section of California they are interested in, then view the live streaming videos of traffic available for that region. 5

Frequently asked questions

What are those cameras I see on the freeways?

43 Closed-Circuit Television Cameras are being installed on many freeways in urban areas. The pictures are beamed into our Transportation Management Centers across the state, where the images are used to verify reported incidents and to dispatch the appropriate response. We are making some of these pictures available on this web page so commuters can make informed decisions as to when to take a trip on the freeway. Does Caltrans save the videos to use for other purposes? We don’t save any of the videos. Do you monitor speeders with the videos? There are strict guidelines regarding the use and transmission of these pictures. They are strictly for traffic management use only, not for law enforcement. Why don’t you offer all your cameras on the web? We would like to, but Caltrans has hundreds of cameras monitoring California freeways. Adding a camera to our site requires extra equipment and setup for each camera. We’re offering as many cameras as we have bandwidth and equipment for right now. 6 Each state will eventually have thousands of traffic monitoring cameras on its freeways, highways and city streets. Those millions of cameras will be connected to Automatic number Plate Recognition software allowing Big Brother to put a single license plate number into the system and if that car is on the road anywhere in America he will quickly know where it is. Eventually traffic monitoring cameras around the world will be connected giving Big Brother the ability to pick out any car on the road 24-7.

Santa Monica Mountains, California

Ashley Wilson was stunned when she got four tickets in the mail totaling $700. A hidden camera had captured her infractions on video. “I was totally shocked,” she said. The stop-sign camera is one of seven scattered in parks along the Santa Monica Mountains that have surprised Southern California road warriors used to seeing red-light cameras and speed traps on their daily drives. During an 18-month period ending May 31, 2010, nearly 35,000 citations have been issued and the parks have collected nearly $2 million. But the nation’s first stop-sign cameras, introduced in 2007, have angered critics who think they’re another aggressive government tactic to squeeze money out of motorists. 44 The cameras operated by Redflex Traffic Systems are activated when a sensor in the road detects a vehicle moving faster than 7 mph approaches a stop. The camera captures the rear license plate of cars that do not stop and an administrative ticket is issued to registered car owner. 7

Medina, Washington

Medina, a city of 3,100 with an average household income of $222,000 and hometown of has installed an elaborated Big Brother spy camera network. The city council took this draconian action because there were 11 burglaries in the previous year of 2008. Cameras installed at Medina intersections monitor every vehicle coming into the city. The cameras capture all license-plate numbers, in a crime-prevention measure that one council member says “outweighs concern over privacy.” It has new signs posted at the entrances to its Big Brother conclave warning: “You Are Entering a 24 Hour Video Surveillance Area.” Under the “automatic license plate recognition” project, once a car enters Medina, a camera captures its license-plate number. Within seconds, the number is run through a database. If a hit comes up for a felony – say, the vehicle was reported stolen or is being driven by a homicide suspect – the information is transmitted instantaneously to police, who can “leap into action,” said Police Chief Jeffrey Chen. All captured information is stored for 60 days – even if nothing negative turns up, he said. That allows police to mine data if a crime occurs later, Chen said. Doug Honig, spokesman for the American Civil Liberties Union of Washington, said such a system smacks of privacy violations. “Government shouldn’t be keeping records of people’s comings and goings when they haven’t done anything wrong,” he said. “By actions like this, we’re moving closer and closer to a surveillance society.” Medina City Councilman Lucius Biglow said crime prevention “outweighs concern over privacy.” “Privacy is considerably less nowadays than it was, say, 50 years ago,” he said. “I think most of us are pretty well-documented by the federal government ... simply because of the Internet and credit cards.” A 2005 city survey showed that nearly a half of Medina’s residents agreed with the camera installation. In 2007, the City Council unanimously approved moving forward. The city looked to nearby 45 Hunts Point as an example. The peninsula-shaped residential community just north of Medina has been using a video-camera setup to record a continuous loop of car traffic in and out of town for more than three years and not a single resident has complained about it. “We’re not elitist at all,” Council member Robert Rudolph said. “There is a of people in Medina of all economic strata. What we’re doing here is protecting our citizenry.” 8

New York State

The closed-circuit television systems (CCTV) system is critically important throughout New York State. It is a valuable source of traffic condition information that is provided to the media and the public. The New York State Department of Transportation has CCTV along certain state roadways as part of its Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) program. Using technologies such as CCTV systems, traffic detectors and electronic message signs, employees can monitor and collect information on traffic conditions, manage traffic, quickly detect incidents, dispatch the proper response and provide motorists advance notice of congestion, reducing the possibility of secondary accidents and allowing motorists to consider alternate routes, modes or travel times. NYSDOT policy requires that CCTV systems not be used to collect personal identifier information. 9

New Jersey

The New Jersey Department of Transportation uses cameras on state highways to help traffic flow as efficiently and safely as possible and to handle emergencies. You can watch any or all of its cameras at –

Edmonton, Canada

One can view the traffic monitoring cameras in the city of Edmonton, Canada at –

Your own traffic camera

Anyone can purchase and set up their own traffic camera by going to – 46 Automatic number plate recognition

Automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) or license plate recognition (LPR) is being used by police departments around the world. As of 2006, the technology allows police to automatically scan license plates at one per second on cars traveling up to 100 mph. Police can use them in the patrol cars and in permanent locations. ANPR is also used for electronic toll collection on pay-per-use roads and the monitoring of traffic.

United Kingdom

ANPR technology was invented in 1976 at the Police Scientific Development Branch in the United Kingdom, and prototype systems were working by 1979. Yet some courts have ruled that the ANPR systems violate a person’s privacy. The Federal Constitutional Court of Germany ruled that the laws permitting the use of automated number plate recognition systems in Germany violated the right to privacy. The UK has an extensive (ANPR) automatic number plate recognition CCTV network. Effectively, the police and Security services track all car movements around the country and are able to track any car in close to real time. Vehicle movements are stored for 5 years in the National ANPR Data Centre to be analyzed for intelligence and to be used as evidence. 10 In 1997 a system of one hundred ANPR cameras, codenamed GLUTTON, was installed to feed into the automated British Military Intelligence Systems in Northern Ireland. Further cameras were also installed on the British mainland, including unspecified ports on the east and west coasts. 11

UK SPECS speed cameras

SPECS average speed camera systems utilize state of the art video system with Automatic Number Plate Reading (ANPR) digital technology consisting of a minimum of two cameras each fitted with infra red illuminators fitted on gantries above the road, so they can work day or night. SPECS speed cameras work out the vehicles average speed, given the time it takes to drive between the two camera positions. Groups of cameras can be linked to create a speed controlled network.

47 As vehicles pass between the entry and exit camera points their number plates are digitally recorded, whether speeding or not. Then, by ANPR recognition, the images on the video of matching number plates are paired up, and because each image carries a date and time stamp, the computer can then work out your average speed between the cameras. The locations within the Speed Camera Database can be viewed at www.speed

UK Billboard Spy Cameras

An advertising campaign in the United Kingdom began using automated number plate recognition (ANPR) cameras to identify passing vehicles and create personalized advertisements. The motor oil giant Castrol UK Limited activated a set of five electronic billboards in London in 2009 that flash an image of the exact type of Castrol-brand motor oil appropriate for the nearest vehicle. The roadside digital billboards, seventeen feet wide and eight feet high, are owned by Clear Channel Outdoor. Castrol’s campaign added the license scanning technology which ties into the official UK Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) database. The agency provides private registration information to just about any company willing to pay for it. ANPR cameras are used by law enforcement and private companies throughout the United States and the UK with no established legal framework limiting their use. Big Brother is keeping a very close eye on you while you drive. In America many cities have traffic monitoring video cameras at most major intersections. These cameras are allegedly designed to monitor the flow of traffic, but they can be used to spy on specific individuals. Eventually there will be so many road spy cameras that no one will be able to drive a vehicle without being spotted. If you think you will be able to drive around anonymously forget it. 12

United States

Long used in Europe, ANPR technology is currently in use in all 50 states in America and it is helping to combat the flow of drugs, illegal currency and weapons across the U.S.- Mexico border.

48 U.S. Customs and Border Protection awarded a contract in October worth as much as $350 million to increase its use along the border, where thousands of license plates are processed by the system every day. The relatively simple technology consists of cameras, either mounted on police cars or at a stationary location, capable of capturing and processing more than 100,000 license plate images an hour. Plate numbers are automatically run against “hot list” databases of stolen, suspicious or crime-related vehicles, said Capt. Kevin Reardon of the Arlington, Va., Police Department. “It’s quick and efficient,” Reardon said. “Officers can do their jobs better and catch more bad guys.” In Arlington, license plate readers lead to at least one arrest a day. There are 200 mobile cameras in the capital region, and a number of stationary cameras in Washington D.C. and Maryland.13


Surveillance cameras on high-crime Chicago street corners are equipped with new software that makes it easier to catch bad guys who drive or park nearby – by scanning the license plates of up to 3,600 parked or moving vehicles an hour. “The Chicago Police Department is exploring the idea of installing Big Brother software on 300 ‘blue light’ cameras – along with the possibility of adding the plate-reading function to video cameras now installed in 30 squad cars to record traffic stops.” “The plate readers have scanned 2.3 million license plates, resulting in 148 arrests, 15 narcotics seizures and the recovery of 310 vehicles. People were nailed for everything from criminal sexual assault, public indecency and domestic battery to auto theft and armed robbery. In several instances, narcotics and rifles were recovered.” 14


In response to growing complaints from residents in areas drawing excessive visitors and parked cars, the city of Berkeley will implement a pilot Residential Parking program to increase the rate of turnover parking in the North Willard and Bateman neighborhoods within the next few months. The program will outfit parking enforcement vehicles with license plate recognition software in lieu of the current system of chalking cars 49 to monitor parking in two-hour zones. The program targets the two neighborhoods as they house two of the city’s largest employers – UC Berkeley and Alta Bates Summit Medical Center. Using chalk as the only two-hour parking enforcement has been ineffective, as some people tend to wipe it off or just move their cars forward a few feet instead of permanently leaving the area, according to Councilmember Kriss Worthington. He added that the new program would prevent such action. “Instead of the meter people having to chalk the tire, they would take a picture of the license plate,” he said. “When they come back around and scan it in again they can see you’re in the same place.” 15

Vehicle spy cameras

Honolulu buses

In 2007 the city of Honolulu began using surveillance cameras on city buses to “provide a sense of security for drivers and passengers, reduce criminal activity and reduce liability complaints.” Bus drivers opposed the plan. “The cameras really should be to monitor the perimeter of facilities and the people going onto the bus, not to monitor the operator or employees,” said Ron Kozuma, president of Local 996. “It’s like anybody else – how would they feel if they were watched by their boss for 8 hours a day or 10 hours a day. I think that’s unreasonable working conditions to be under. The company has an obligation to negotiate those types of things with the union, which they have not.” Honolulu would joined a growing list of cities with bus surveillance equipment that includes San Francisco, Cleveland, Philadelphia and Chicago. 16

Parents watch teen drivers

Parents in three Midwestern states will soon know just how good – or bad – their children’s driving is when they take the car for a drive. In February 2007 American Family Insurance offered customers with teen drivers free cameras that record what happens when a sudden change in the vehicle’s movement occurs. The cameras record the action inside and in front of the car in 20-second audio-video clips. The clips are transmitted by cellular technology to Drive Cam, a San Diego company that analyzes the clips for risky behavior. Parents can receive 50 a report on their children’s driving and view the clips on a home computer. Automobile accidents are the leading cause of death among U.S. teens, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. “At the end of the day, there will be fewer accidents,” said Rick Fetherston, vice president for public relations at American Family. American Family said it will test the system out by offering it for free for one year to 30,000 families in Wisconsin, Indiana and Minnesota. The aim of the pilot program is to see whether the system results in fewer accidents. If the system is proven to prevent accidents then customers who volunteer to use it might see their insurance premiums drop. Bruce Moeller, president and CEO of DriveCam, says his company’s system is already being used by companies with fleets of vehicles. “Some of our clients are all touting a 30% to 90% reduction in their risky driver events,” said Moeller. 17

Assembly Bill 1942 - Vehicle Dashboard Camera

For those of us concerned about the Government’s continuing expansion into areas of individual privacy, this has the potential to be another nightmare: Lawmakers are considering controversial new legislation that would allow vehicles to be equipped with dashboard cameras to record the moments leading up to accidents. The proposed law (AB1942) allows devices to record video, audio, how fast and which direction the vehicle is traveling, a history of where your car has been, steering and brake performance and seat belt usage. The devices would record in a continuous loop and would only save information if there is unusual vehicle motion or a crash. They could also be capable of transmitting the information to a central control center the moment of the accident. 18 The local CBS television station posted an article about this bill but took it down. It is only a matter of time before Big Brother requires all vehicles to have dashboard cameras in them so he can watch his subjects as they drive about their merry ways. He plans to watch you 24-7, in the privacy of your home, your vehicles, your workplace, on the streets and every shop, restaurant and place you visit.

51 Taxis in Oxford to have CCTV cameras installed

Oxford City Council plans to ensure all of its 600-plus cabs are fitted with at least one CCTV camera to record all conversations between passengers. Julian Alison, spokesman for Oxford City Council, said the new CCTV rules for taxis “would mean that video and audio would run all the time within the vehicle.” “There are laws in place (data protection, human rights, CCTV code of practice) that require the viewing of such images to be necessary and proportionate, and therefore must relate to a specific complaint/ incident/investigation,” she said. “The officers are not permitted to view any images that do not relate to the actual matter being investigated. “The risk of intrusion into private conversations has to be balanced against the interests of public safety, both of passengers and drivers.” “Oxford City Council considers that so long as clear notices are provided in vehicles which inform passengers that video and audio recording may be taking place, the risk of intrusion is acceptable compared to the public safety benefits. “In any event, the level of privacy reasonably to be expected in a licensed vehicle is far lower than that expected in the privacy of ones home or own car. “The fact that the recordings will be encrypted and only accessible in the event of a police investigation or investigation into a complaint against a driver are added safeguards.” Alison added that the footage will not be routinely viewed, but will be kept for 28 days on a CCTV hard-drive in case it is needed following a specific incident. The City Council said, “This means that they will have to consider whether insisting on the installation of CCTV would be justified as a proportionate and reasonable response to tackling and preventing crime and ensuring public safety. “As well as assessing the impact on privacy, we have accepted they can take into account factors such as the likelihood of crimes being committed against drivers and passengers; the vulnerable one-to-one situation; the fact that taxis are travelling all over the area at different times of day; and CCTV can protect both the driver and passengers.” All taxis licensed for the first time by the council must have the equipment installed from April 6 next year, while cabs which are

52 already registered will have until April 2015 to get the kit fitted, the council said. Alison explained why the CCTV system is a must for Oxford: “Oxford City Council is committed to ensuring the safety of those who live in, work in, and visit the city and through the implementation of schemes such as CCTV in licensed vehicles, Oxford is seen to be leading the way in providing a safe environment for all. CCTV is commonplace in buses and trains, and taxis and private hire vehicles are also public vehicles. “Such a scheme will promote the use of taxis and private hire vehicles in the city and enhance the confidence of those needing to undertake a journey and provide a safer environment for our licensed drivers.” The civil liberties campaign group Big Brother Watch said it will complain to the Information Commissioner over the scheme, which will record all conversations from once the engine is running until 30 minutes after the ignition is switched off. Nick Pickles, the campaign group’s director, said: “This is a staggering invasion of privacy, being done with no evidence, no consultation and a total disregard for civil liberties. Big Brother now has big ears, and they are eavesdropping on your conversations with absolutely no justification.” 19 It should be noted that the oldest university in the English speaking world, Oxford University (circa 1096), is headquartered in Oxford. It is the leading Big Brother/New World Order think tank in the world. Big Brother always launches its tyrannical schemes in its own conclaves. It is inevitable, but all vehicles (public/private) will eventually be required to have spycams in them which Big Brother will have access to 24-7.

Cameras in police cars

LAPD puts cameras in its squad cars

The Los Angeles Police Department plans to install cameras in 300 squad cars in South L.A. The police hierarchy argue that the long- awaited move will provide evidence of illegal behavior by suspects and police officers. Police Commission President John Mack said in-car videos have been a “a very top priority” for the civilian panel that oversees the LAPD. He noted that the federal judge who monitored reforms at the

53 department wanted cameras in its police cars, particularly to help weed out any racial profiling. The department’s spent $5.5 million to place cameras in 300 South L.A. police cars by the end of the summer of 2010. Police Chief Charlie Beck hopes to convince the City Council to spend another $20 million in 2011 to put cameras in all 1,600 LAPD cars, now that digital technology allows the department to more easily store and retrieve thousands of hours of video. “One of the holy grails that we are trying to here is being able to watch streaming video from the dash-cams of police cars, ya know, in my bedroom or wherever I need to see it,” he said. Putting cameras in police cars is an excellent use of Big Brother technology. It keeps Big Brother’s minions from framing law-abiding citizens and it can be helpful in weeding out corrupt police officers. This is a case where Big Brother gets a taste of his own medicine. 20

LAPD cruisers have infrared cameras & license plate scanners

AOL’s Translogic caught a sneak peek of the new squad car of choice for the Los Angeles Police Department: the Chevrolet Caprice Police Patrol Vehicle (PPV). Billed as the “sum total of all the law enforcement community has learned about patrol cars to date” by the report, the PPV boasts a 6.0L V-8 engine with 355 horsepower, 18-inch steel wheels, and a host of gadgets that puts any Hollywood squad car to shame. The Caprice, which replaces the long-used Ford Crown Victoria, is equipped with an infrared night vision camera, automated license plate scanner, and a touch-screen center console that replaces the older computers traditionally used by officers. In addition to horsepower and firepower, the cruiser is also outfitted with the latest in information technology, with ethernet, Wi-Fi and an experimental wireless-mesh network in the trunk. Even the bad guys can ride in comfort: cut-outs in the back seat are custom-made to accommodate any handcuffed suspect. LAPD officials say vehicle wrapping was used on all-black sedans instead of traditional paint to minimize repair expenses and protect resale value. This brings the expected taxpayer cost to be about $20,000. Drivers can expect to see the new 2012 Chevrolet Caprice PPV cruising city streets as early as mid-2011. 21-22

54 Macon County

Macon Police Chief Mike Burns said his goal is to install a camera in every marked car in the police fleet. To outfit all marked cars, the department will need about 100 more cameras. The cameras installed last week cost $3,218 each and were purchased using a combination of grant funds and the department’s own budget. 23

Road Cam Car Video Recorder

Road Cam Car Video Recorder Gadget. Basically an economical mini digital camcorder, this is designed to be mounted on a car dashboard, and enables you to capture video or images of road situations. Useful for insurance purposes or even law enforcement. Or even just for fun! Turn the camera to inside the car/taxi to record the suspected passenger, good for unsafe taxi passenger recording, Record TAXI robbery. Built in red laser pointer for aiming the camera’s line of sight. Download your videos by connecting to PC via USB – plug and play under Windows XP Records video on SD card (not supplied) up to 2GB. Using the provided AV cable you can connect the camera to a car monitor such as a Car DVD Player and view the video capture live. 24

Auto black boxes

Intelligent cars fitted with black boxes that can send video footage and information about driving behavior during accidents to the police and insurance companies are being developed by Intel. The boxes will record information about the vehicle speed, steering and braking along with video footage from inside and outside the vehicle. The information will be sent to police and insurance companies in the event of an accident to make it easier to determine the cause of car crashes and identify the person responsible. The device forms part of an intelligent car envisaged by researchers at Intel. They are developing technology that will transform cars into smart vehicles that are able to detect dangers on the road and even take over control from motorists. They have been in discussions with car manufacturers about developing cars that are permanently connected to the internet and other vehicles using wireless technology. Camera systems that can recognize street signs and then take over control of a car if the motorist 55 tries to drive the wrong way up a one-way street are being developed for use in vehicles. On board sensors will also be able to detect pot holes in the road and report their location to road maintenance authorities as the car is moving. These smart-cars of the near future will also be able to track the location of surrounding vehicles and alert drivers if they get too close or try to change lanes when another vehicle is in their blind spot. Motorists will even be able to use their mobile phone or computer to lock and unlock their car remotely, turn on the alarm and even start the engine to warm it up. “The intelligent vehicle is what we are talking about here,” said Justin Ratner, director of Intel Labs and chief technology officer. “Once a car is connected, more or less on a continuous basis, all sorts of interesting possibilities present themselves. With vision systems on cars, it is perfectly reasonable for a car on its own to see the sign that says ‘wrong way’ or ‘do not enter’ and bring the vehicle to a halt at the side of the road so we don’t have these senseless accidents where someone has failed to recognise a sign. We have talked to highway maintenance departments about using sensors that are already in cars to report the GPS coordinates for pot holes in the road to the maintenance department.” 25

Cop cams

The San Jose police department was the first in the nation to test out a technology to help officers collect evidence and protect themselves from false allegations of misconduct – the “cop cam.” They were put into service in November of 2009. 26 Base Products wants a deal with a cable network for a police reality show using the AXON head-mounted camera. Base, the producer of “Human Wrecking Balls” and “Fight Science,” is working with Taser, the camera’s Scottsdale, Arizona-based manufacturer, to produce the television show. 27 Eventually all police departments in the world will use “cop cams.” It is even conceivable that in the future Big Brother may require everyone to wear a “mini-cam” while out in public. It would make crime almost non-existent, especially if there is a severe penalty for not wearing one. We can also imagine a future in which Big Brother forces every home to have a spy camera in each room. He will also require

56 that every vehicle have one so he can watch everyone at home, in their vehicles and in public. No one will have any privacy ever. Big Brother wants spy cameras in all vehicles those of his obedient minions also. Whether you are a minion or one of the unwashed masses Big Brother will be watching you.

Pedestrian surveillance

‘Minority Report’ digital billboard ‘watches consumers shop’

A “Minority Report” styled digital billboard that targets consumers using customised advertising based on their demographics is being developed by Japanese researchers at the Nippon Electric Company (NEC). Cameras instantly identify a shopper’s age and gender as they walk past. The facial-recognition system, called the Next Generation Digital Signage Solution, then offers consumers a product it thinks is suited to their demographic. Company officials claim the images of customers faces would be immediately erased, but critics warned it was an invasion of privacy. The technology is being trialed in America later this year and, if successful, could be rolled out in other areas around the world. 28 Copcams are excellent tools both in the cruisers and on cops. They document police brutality. All police departments should equip all cruisers and cops with the copcams. After each shift the video must be downloaded to a civilian authority which can review the videos. The police must NOT have access to the videos. The civilian authority must have the power to discipline cops who abuse their authority and commit crimes. If this procedure were followed by ALL departments police brutality would cease.

Pedestrian spy cameras


To be in public is to be on camera, but most video footage is discarded, as only so much can be sorted and analyzed, until now. DARPA has created a technology that can index and analyze video in real-time, marking the end of anonymity in public places . In 2008, DARPA, the US military’s elite group of dvientists, began soliciting the tech industry to develop technologies that would allow 57 computers to sort through and index surveillance footage from the military’s fleet of drones, satellites, and miscellaneous other secret spy cameras. This was all part of the Agency’s proposed Video Image Retrieval and Analysis Tool (VIRAT) that would be able to describe specific human activities in real-time. This automated index would allow for searchable queries (i.e. “how often did an adult male taller than six-foot get in a car in the early morning between November 1st and December 22nd in this compound in Abbottabad?”) or flag behavior such as when someone carries a large package towards a car on the side of a road in Basra, but walked away empty handed. DARPA has had some success and issued contract announcement in May 2011, describing how the VIRAT system will be deployed into various military-intelligence video archives and systems. The contract will be fulfilled by Lockheed Martin for an unspecified amount. The military has an inherent interest in transferring surveillance duties from human eyeballs to an algorithm that cannot be swayed by political pressure. In the run-up to the Iraq invasion, human analysts famously misread surveillance footage as proof of Iraqi WMDs. (The problem with relying on flawed human analysis in order to support policy was described in depth in Malcolm Gladwell’s essay collection “What The Dog Saw”). As with many DARPA projects, the technology will eventually filter down into commercial industry and then finally to consumers. If the tech works as promised it will quickly be implemented in domestic surveillance programs . Much of the Western world has willingly traded privacy for the security of ubiquitous surveillance. Most riders on public transportation feel safer knowing that they are surrounded by cameras that are plugged in directly to some control room. Of course, a dedicated team of human observers could never effectively monitor all those screens covering an entire system, but with this new automated tech, authorities might be alerted to trouble. Additional facial- recognition software might compare a suspious person’s face to specific watch lists. Whether this Big Brotherly oversight makes you feel more or less safe is entirely up to you. Beyond surveillance, this automatic video tech could make all uploaded video searchable, regardless of tags or descriptors. As pocket- sized cell phones surpass the video technology of the camcorders of previous decades, we will all be captured on video and placed on the web on a regular basis. In the not-so-distant future, it may be possible for someone (your friends, potential employers, strangers, etc.) to 58 Google your name and find some incidental footage of you at that political protest from last summer that some stranger uploaded to YouTube. Everything that happens in public will be public record. 29

Intelligent street lamps to debut in 2011

Farmington Hills-based Illuminating Concepts launched its first “Intellistreets” concept installation in Farmington Hills in October 2011. Farmington Hills is using a federal grant to become the first site in the world to feature the Intellistreets system, a lighting pole system that combines energy conservation, homeland security features , audio entertainment, traffic control, advertising and more . Intellistreets amounts to an intelligent wireless network, completely concealed within the street light pole. Its lighting is variable for energy conservation, reacting to natural light, the environment, and wireless commands. It has sensors to monitor foot and vehicle traffic, and it LED screens. It can transmit information for emergency alerts, indicate evacuation routes, give Amber or hazardous environment alerts.30 On the web page of Illuminating Concepts public relations firm it explains in detail what the system can do. It is designed to “enhance public safety, inform residents and visitors, and connect commercial, residential, hospitality and entertainment components.” The Intellistreets components are: “lighting control, wireless communication, concealed audio and alert indication. Additional digital video signage and data acquisition components are available to further enhance functionality.” The concealed audio components can provide “background music, paging and announcements, emergency alert information, and even sirens.” The extra components of this system are:

Data Acquisition: A wide range of sensors can be added including weather and environmental sensors, toxic gas, radiation and other atmospheric monitoring and alert systems and the data can be transmitted to Homeland Security, emergency management and municipal operations. Future Features: In the future additional features are expected to come online such as downloadable maps and digital information packets for visitors, parking-meter capabilities, and even a portal to recharge hybrid or electric cars. 31

59 which is handling the public relations campaign for Illuminating Concepts failed to say spycams and microphones can be installed in the lightpoles to snoop on pedestrians. Within 20 years most cities will have these Big Brother lightpoles equipped with Big Brother snooping technology. No one will be able to walk about town without being tracked, eavesdropped on and videotaped. These lightpoles may also have x-ray scanners in them to check pedestrians for weapons as they walk down the street. Those scanners are deadly. After a few dozen scans you will develop cancer and eventually die from it.

Big Brother can see through walls

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Lincoln Laboratory has developed new radar technology that allow technicians to see through a solid wall. The 8½ feet long device consists of an array of antennae arranged in two rows. It is mounted onto a movable cart that can stand at a range from 15 to 40 feet from the location being observed. Researcher and leader of the project, Dr. Gregory Charvat, said the technology was developed so it could be used by U.S. soliders in war. “It can be powerful during military operations especially in urban combat situations,” he said. He said his vision is for soldiers to mount the device inside of a vehicle and use that as a sort of command center. The vehicle would then be parked around the corner or across the street from the target. Only moving images can be detected. They appear as red blobs moving about the screen The researchers are currently working on a detection algorithm that would convert these red blobs into a cleaner image. 32 Big Brother will use this in war, but the main use will be against civilians. Within one to two decades this gizmo will be shrunk down so it can be carried in a briefcase and operated by one man. It will become a super-tool for Big Brother to spy on Christians, Patriots and dissidents.

DARPA to collect ‘Physiological Signals’ through walls

DARPA, under request from the Defense Department, is developing technology to detect physiological signs through walls. 60 Via: Office of the Secretary of Defense/DARPA:

TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Information Systems, Biomedical, Electronics, Battlespace OBJECTIVE: Demonstrate the ability to collect, localize, and evaluate physiological signals (e.g., heart rate) at distances greater than 10 meters, non-line-of-sight, and through solid objects (walls, rock, concrete, etc.). DESCRIPTION: There is a need to remotely detect, collect, and evaluate physiological signals of interest. Applications and concepts- of-operations (CONOPs) that would benefit from this capability include, but are not limited to: building-clearing, warfighter health monitoring or battle damage assessment and triage, situational awareness and assessment. Existing micro-impulse radar (MIR) and ultra-wideband (U) technologies have the capability of detecting heartbeat and respiration at distances up to- 8 meters (1) but are limited in at greater distances and in challenging environments, such as penetration through thick or multiple walls, concrete, and RF-noisy environments. There is interest in counting and localizing the sources of multiple physiological signatures in a cluttered environment. For example, in a building that has experienced a catastrophic event (fire, earthquake, etc.), the detection of survivors and assessment of their medical condition, in addition to their location to within 1 meter accuracy, would improve the likelihood of recovery of personnel and their survivability. Additionally in a crowded environment it is highly challenging to uniquely identify persons based on collection of physiological signatures, such as electrocardiograms (ECGs). It is possible that high-frequency ECGs or other signals could improve the confidence level in unique identification. Approaches using “on body” sensors that transmit signals to remote locations will NOT be considered. 33 This technology would be fantastic for finding people who are trapped under rubble after a natural disaster or on the battlefield. BUT Big Brother will eventually use this in routine police work to determine how many people are in a building before they assault it or blow it up.


Big Brother wants to watch you every place you go in a vehicle or on the sidewalks. He is putting together a surveillance web that will be nearly impossible to escape. Within 20 to 30 years all vehicles, public 61 and private, will be required to have spy cameras inside and outside of them so Big Brother can watch everything you do and say in the privacy of your vehicle and see everything you see outside of it. When you step out of your vehicle he will watch your every step. As you enter an office building, shop, store, restaurant, library, museum, etc. he will continue to observe you. And when you return home he will be there to greet you and tuck you into bed.


1. Bryant, Lynn. “What are traffic enforcement cameras and how can they be avoided?” 3.23.2010. as.htm. 2. 3. Boshart, Rod. “ Bill to ban traffic cameras in Iowa fails .” The Gazette. 2.10.2011. 4. 5. 6. 7. Nguyen, Daisey. “Stop-sign cameras catch Calif. drivers off guard.” Washington Post. 10.03.2010. 0/10/02/AR20101 00201662.html. 8. Krishnan, Sonia. “Cameras keep track of all cars entering Medina.” Seattle Times. 9.16.2009. dina16m.html. 9. ms-optimization-section/ny-moves/traffic-cameras. 10. Smith, Emma & Gadher, Dipesh. “Spy cameras to spot drivers’ every move.” 11.13.2005. 11. 12. The Newspaper. “UK billboards equipped with license-plate spy cameras.” 9.22.2009. plate-spy-cameras. 13. Steffen, Jordan. “License plate readers help police and Border Patrol, but worry privacy advocates.” LA Times. 12.26.2010. dec/26/nation/la-na-license-reader-201 01226. 14. Spielman, Fran. “Chicago police cameras may scan plates for stolen cars, suspects.” Chicago Sun-Times, 11.14.2006. vestigation/cameras/articles/1190979-Chicago-police-cameras-may-scan-plates-for- stolen-cars-suspects. 15. Randle, Kate. “City to Use License Recognition Software to Increase Parking Turnover.” Daily Californian. 3.07.2011. use_license_recognition_software_to_ increase-parking-turnover. 16. Hao, Sean. “Cameras coming soon to Honolulu city buses.” Honolulu Advertiser. 5.25.2010. 0336/Cameras+coming+soon+to+Honolulu+city+buses. 62 17. Dorell, Oren. “Cameras in cars keep watch on teen driving.” USA Today. 2.28.2007. 18. 18. hboard-camera.html. 19. Mirror. “Taxis in Oxford to have CCTV cameras installed.” 11.14.2011. -installed-115875-23561711. 19. Taylor, Jerome. “CCTV taxi plan ‘a staggering invasion of privacy.’” 11.14. 2011. ion-of-privacy-6262221.html. 19. The self-proclaimed leading retailer of auto recorders is www.driverecorder. 20. Stoltze, Frank. “LAPD installing cameras in patrol cars - racial profiling a target.” 7.14.2010. eras-patrol-cars. 21. Moody, Brian. “In Detail: Chevrolet Caprice PPV.” 5.26.2011. http://translog 22. “2011 Chevrolet Caprice Police Patrol Vehicle taking over streets in 2011.” 10.05.2009. vehicle-taking-over-streets-in-2011. 23. Womack, Amy Leigh. “Improved police car cameras latest tool for Macon officers.” 2.07.2011. police-car-cameras-latest.html. 24. 25. Gray, Richard. “Intelligent cars will report accidents to authorities.” 7.03.2010. uk/motoring/news/7870387/Intelligent-cars-will-report -accidents-to-authorities.html. 26. Brown, Claudia. “Cop Cams.” Fox News. 11.3.2009. http://onthescene.blogs. 11/03/cop-cams. 27. James Hibberd. “New reality show features cop cams.” Hollywood Reporter. 12.22.2009. news/e3i975 9cd94a98520c072a2379eadff72c0. 28. Hough, Andrew. Daily Telegraph. 3.10.2010. ogy/news/7411249/ Minority-Report-digital-billboard-watches-consumers-shop.html. 29. Dashevsky, Evan. “DARPA’s Automated Video Surveillance Will End Public Anonymity.” 5.05.2011. 00.asp. 30. “Intelligent Street Lamps To Debut Friday.” (CBS, Detroit, 10.23.2011) 31. nating-concepts. 32. Tejada, Alicia. “MIT Develops New Radar Technology: Military Could See Through Walls.” ABC News. 10.20.2011. technology-mit-walls/story?id=14773871. 33. Cryptogon. “ DARPA Wants to Collect ‘Physiological Signals’ at a Distance and Through Walls .” 11.20.2011. .





Home surveillance

Security cameras

The city of Chicago is allowing residents to install security cameras that are connected to Chicago’s 911 center. Nearly two dozen colleges, businesses and high-rises have agreed to share their video with the 911 center to create a panoramic view of disaster scenes. They include Boeing, Macy’s, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, the Chicago Board Options Exchange, Blue Cross-Blue Shield, Golub & Company, JPMorgan Chase Bank, Sears Tower, Prudential Plaza, the Cook County Administration Building, Rush Hospital, Columbia College, Harold Washington College, St. Xavier University, DePaul University, Roosevelt University, Ike Sims Village and an association of State Street merchants. The public-private Internet hookup will transmit fully encrypted video that cannot be compromised by computer hackers. It was made possible by software tied to Operation Virtual Shield. That’s the security grid that linked existing fiber optics into a single network and paved the way for hundreds more surveillance cameras, sophisticated software capable of spotting suspicious behavior and for mass transit cameras to be monitored by the 911 center. Considering the enthusiastic response in the first two months, City Hall is confident that hundreds of private cameras ultimately will be added to the city’s network. “Besides the inevitable of what happened on 9/11, we see now that we have to reach out to forge a partnership with the private sector, and they see that, too,” said Jim Argiropoulos, deputy executive director of the city’s Office of Emergency Management and Communications. “We’re here for a common cause: to enhance security,” he said. “They see that partnering with us and expanding the camera network is a win-win in terms of safety and security for Chicago.” 1 It will only be a matter of time before Big Brother will convince most Americans that they should have their home, business and office 65 security cameras hooked into the local police department. He will convince people that if the police can monitor your security cameras they will be safer. Once this insidious snooping becomes ubiquitous Big Brother will then mandate it by law. After that he will force all home owners, apartment owners, businesses, factories and stores to install interior security cameras that will be monitored by the police. At that point Big Brother will be able to keep an eye on everyone 24/7. He will also make spycams mandatory in all public and private vehicles, planes and ships. It is only a matter before all privacy is eliminated.

Laptop spy cameras

Big Brother wants to watch you in the privacy of your own home and he is doing this through the Internet. Tucked away in a 1,200-page bill now in Congress is a small paragraph that could lead distance-education institutions to require spy cameras in their students’ homes. It sounds Orwellian and no one in Congress objects to it. The paragraph is actually about clamping down on cheating. It says that an institution that offers an online program must prove that an enrolled student is the same person who does the work. The bill is spurring some colleges to try technologies that authenticate online test takers by reading their fingerprints, watching them via Web cameras, or recording their keystrokes. Some colleges claim there are advantages for students: The devices allow them to take tests anytime, anywhere. Many students must now travel to distant locations so a proctor can watch them take exams on paper. 2 66 Public school staff spy on students at their home

The federal prosecutor investigating the case of a Pennsylvania school district that spied on its students via remote-controlled laptop cameras says the school district won’t face criminal charges in the case. U.S. Attorney Zane David Memenger said in a statement that there is no evidence the Lower Merion School District, in suburban Philadelphia, had any criminal intent when it remotely activated cameras on laptops issued to students. “For the government to prosecute a criminal case, it must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the person charged acted with criminal intent,” Memeger said, as quoted at Information Week. “We have not found evidence that would establish beyond a reasonable doubt that anyone involved had criminal intent.” The issue came to light in February, when the parents of Harriton High School student Blake Robbins filed a class-action lawsuit alleging the school district invaded Robbins’ privacy by filming him in his home through his school-issued laptop. It emerged later that the school district photographed Robbins 400 times in a two-week period, in various states of undress and even during his sleep. Investigators found that the remote-controlled cameras took some 56,000 pictures of Lower Merion School District students over a two- year period, with the cameras sometimes left on for weeks at a time. 3

Motion detectors

Brick House Security and other companies are providing in home motion detectors to keep occupants safe. The detectors allow Brick House employees to know whether the client has gotten out of bed, what room he is in, if he falls down or leaves his home. Clients are also provided panic buttons to alert security companies of any problems. The detectors can also alert the sercurity company if there is an intrusion. The security personel can notify paramedics, the police or dispatch their own employees to a client’s home in case of an emergency. These security companies provide an excellent service for the elderly, disabled or anyone who needs surveillance 24-7. This is what Big Brother plans for everyone. Motion detectors will be required in every domicile and then surveillance cameras will be mandatory in every room, the garage and outside so Big Brother can watch everything everyone does 24-7 in order to keep them safe and secure.4 67 Cable spy cameras


Comcast plans to install cameras in its cable boxes to watch subscribers in their homes. At the Digital Living Room Conference in 2008, Gerard Kunkel, Comcast’s senior VP of user experience, said the cable company is experimenting with different built-in camera technologies to identify those in the room. The box recognizes the subscriber and makes recommendations or pulls up shows already in his profile. If parents are watching television with their children, parental controls could appear to block certain content from appearing on the screen. Kunkel said this type of monitoring is the “holy grail” because it could help serve up specifically-tailored ads. 5 Eventually, cable boxes, satellite boxes, televisions and computers will have cameras in them that will provide two-way communication. The idea of the government watching people in their homes is as old as George Orwell’s book, 1984 , written in 1948 and published in 1949. The cable companies are training field employees to spy on customers. When they see something unusual they report it to the police department. 6 If Big Brother is not spying on you already through your cable box he will be watching you through your laptop, desktop, PDA, Blackberry, iPad, iPhone, ThinkPad or whatever computer you have.

Computer spying

Bureaucrats in Germany are routinely planting malicious spyware on computers in seemingly innocuous emails. The spyware allows them to access the private communications of the owner and even to spy on the owner in the privacy of his own home or office. The monitoring of internet telephone communications is allowed by German law, but this spyware that is being used by some law enforcement agencies is “capable of much more intrusive snooping,” raising serious concerns about the potential for a “Big Brother” level of surveillance. The Computer Chaos Club, a hacker group, published details of their examination of spyware planted on a laptop in Bavaria. It found that the spyware – developed by DigiTask for the Bavarian police – was capable of much more than just monitoring internet phone calls. It could take screenshots, remotely add files and control a computer’s 68 microphone or webcam to monitor the person’s home . The authorities insist that they did not deploy these functions. 7 The day will come when Big Brother will mandate that all cell phones and computers must have video cameras and microphones built in and they must have spyware installed that will allow him to eavesdrop and watch every owner 24-7.

Google snooping

Google Maps Street View

Google Maps Street View has been highly criticized as an invasion of privacy. This addition to Google Maps provides eye-level views of many streets in the United States and Europe. The images are taken from cars driving along public streets, but they have inadvertently caught private moments such as the interior of a house, burglar activity and people visiting strip clubs. One couple even sued Google for invasion of privacy, but lost. 8

Google plans to keep watch over you

Google is working on a computer monitoring system that will watch people at work and tell them how to do their job and much more. The computer-vision system can watch a hospital room and remind doctors and nurses to wash their hands, or warn of restless patients who are in danger of falling out of bed. It can, through a computer-equipped mirror, read a man’s face to detect his heart rate and other vital signs. It can even recognize signs of severe pain, the onset of delirium or other hints of distress. A woman’s expressions as she watches a movie trailer or shops online can be analyzed, and help marketers tailor their offerings accordingly. Computer vision can also be used at shopping malls, schoolyards, subway platforms, office complexes and stadiums. “Machines will definitely be able to observe us and understand us better,” said Hartmut Neven, a computer scientist and vision expert at Google. “Where that leads is uncertain.” (It will lead to a Big Brother dictatorship.) Google has been both at the forefront of the technology’s development and a source of the anxiety surrounding it. Its Street View service, which lets Internet users zoom in from above on a particular

69 location, faced privacy complaints. Google has agreed to blur out people’s homes at their request. Google has also introduced an application called Goggles, which allows people to take a picture with a smartphone and search the Internet for matching images. The company’s executives decided to exclude a facial-recognition feature, which they feared might be used to find personal information on people who did not know that they were being photographed. (Big Brother is using that technology.) The future of law enforcement, national security and military operations will most likely rely on observant machines. A few months ago, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Pentagon’s research arm, awarded the first round of grants in a five- year research program called the Mind’s Eye. Its goal is to develop machines that can recognize, analyze and communicate what they see. Mounted on small robots or drones, these smart machines could replace human scouts. “These things, in a sense, could be team members,” said James Donlon, the program’s manager. Millions of people now use products that show the progress that has been made in computer vision. In the last two years, the major online photo-sharing services – Picasa by Google, Photo Gallery by Microsoft, Flickr by Yahoo and iPhoto by Apple – have all started using face recognition. A user puts a name to a face, and the service finds matches in other photographs. It is a popular tool for finding and organizing pictures. , an add-on to Microsoft’s 360 gaming console, is a striking advance for computer vision in the marketplace. It uses a digital camera and sensors to recognize people and gestures; it also understands voice commands. Players control the computer with waves of the hand, and then move to make their on-screen animated stand-ins – known as avatars – run, jump, swing and dance. Since Kinect was introduced in November, game reviewers have applauded, and sales are surging. If the results at Bassett prove to be encouraging, more features can be added, like software that analyzes facial expressions for, said Kunter Akbay, a G.E. scientist. This technology could be beneficial: a person thinks twice and a crime goes uncommitted. Yet it could also lead to a society that is less spontaneous, less creative, less innovative (The main purposes of Big Brother spy cameras is to compel people to be mindless emotional robots.) 70 Google’s Goggles application lets a person snap a photograph with a smartphone, setting off an Internet search. Take a picture of the Eiffel Tower and links to Web pages with background information and articles about it appear on the phone’s screen. Take a picture of a wine bottle and up come links to reviews of that vintage. Google could have put face recognition into the Goggles application but it decided against it because smartphones can be used to take pictures of individuals without their knowledge, and a face match could retrieve all kinds of personal information – name, occupation, address, workplace. “It was just too sensitive, and we didn’t want to go there,” said Eric E. Schmidt, the chief executive of Google. “You want to avoid enabling stalker behavior.” 9 You can be assured that Big Brother is using facial recognition software to do what Google does not want the little people to do. Many researchers believe that Google is a front company for the NSA and CIA.

Google wants to control your home

First Google dominated the Web with search. Then it ruled mobile devices with Android. Now Google wants to control everything inside your home. At its annual I/O developers conference in San Francisco in May of 2011, the company previewed Android@Home, a future platform that will allow you to interact with practically any electronic device you own using Google. Connected devices like home media equipment, dishwashers, cars, and lights could soon be able to be controlled using the new platform. “We’d like to think of your entire home as an accessory, or better yet as a network of accessories, and think of Android as the operating system for your home,” said Joe Britt, head of the Android@Home team. Android@Home was developed as an open protocol that can be used by any connected device and controlled by any wireless device or computer, including non-Android devices like Apple’s iPhone or Microsoft’s Windows PCs. Google’s partners say that while they expect Android devices to be the first to use the new platform, other mobile device makers will follow suit. 10

71 Spy meters

Smart meters could become a ‘ spy in the home ’ by allowing social workers and health authorities to monitor households. Doretta Cocks, founder of the Campaign for Weekly Waste Collection, said: “This is Orwellian. We’re already under surveillance for what we put outside the home in bins and now we could be watched for what we’re doing inside as well. 11

CCTV cameras

Thousands of schools around the world have installed Closed-circuit television systems (CCTV) to monitor the behavior of the students and the teachers. It is only a matter of time before all public and private schools have cameras in the classrooms, halls and recreation areas. Everything students and teachers do and say will be recorded.

Home watch

Chicago and Houston

Orwell’s homeland of England has the largest surveillance network in the world, but other nations are racing to catch up. Two mayors in America want to install an elaborate network of surveillance cameras. In late 2004, Chicago’s mayor Richard Daley announced plans to install a network of surveillance cameras in the city. The initial network of 2000 cameras has an infinite capacity. The mayor of Houston plans to set up a surveillance network there, including cameras in private homes. 11 Chicago mayor Daley also wants to install surveillance cameras in private businesses, and then in offices, apartments and even homes. “Under the plan, private businesses that remain open more than 12 hours a day and bars that remain open until last call would have to install the cameras also. The bill as written now would not require that businesses hook up their mandatory cameras to city networks, but Chicago Tribune reports that eventually, ‘the city does plan to link cameras in office and apartment buildings and other private properties to its system.’” 12 Big Brother will get his way if WE THE PEOPLE do not say NO! He wants surveillance cameras in every building on the planet, including your home. WE must oppose this insanity! 72 School surveillance


Schools have installed CCTV cameras (Closed-circuit television) and microphones in classrooms to watch and listen to pupils as young as four. The Big Brother-style surveillance is being marketed as a way to identify pupils disrupting lessons. Classwatch, the firm behind the system, says its devices can be set up to record everything that goes on in a classroom 24 hours a day, and be used to compile evidence of wrongdoing. 13

Students’ food choices are monitored

A new technology allows parents in 29 states to monitor what their children are eating at school. Ben Hooks, CEO of Education Management Systems Inc. (EMS), a K-12 administrative software company headquartered in Wilmington, N.C., said that about half of North Carolina’s schools use the monitoring system. Other states with schools using the system include Pennsylvania, California and Virginia. For a mere $10 fee, Moore County Schools in North Carolina lets parents access their child’s food choices and expenses. The program allows parents to view their child’s 45-day purchase history. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on the Web site – The 22 cafeterias of the Moore County Schools are linked on one server, where all transactions are recorded, monitored and available for viewing once parents register in the system. The program was created to fight childhood obesity. According to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, over the past three decades, child obesity has more than doubled for preschool children from 2 to 5 years old and adolescents from 12 to 19 years old. For children ages 6 to 11, obesity has more than tripled.14

Cafeteria spy cams

School officials in Texas are hoping surveillance cameras in the cafeteria will help them fight childhood obesity. High tech cameras have been installed in lunch rooms in San Antonio to capture what kids are eating, and what food is being left behind.

73 Digital imaging analysis of the snapshots will then calculate how many calories each student consumed. The two million dollar project, which is funded by the Department of Agriculture, is the first of its kind in America. Parents will have to sign a permission slip before their child is photographed. Researchers hope parents will change eating habits at home once they see what their kids are choosing in school. 15 This is a good idea, but Big Brother will morph this into a school- wide surveillance program. Eventually all public schools in America will have spy cameras in every cafeteria, office, classroom, hallway and playground. Big Brother will become omnipresent at school, home, the office, factory, retail store, restaurant, gas station, park, ballpark and the streets.

High school spy cameras

High school teachers in Australia are calling for surveillance cameras to be installed in all high schools to help stem a rising tide of violence. State School Teachers Union members at Morley Senior High School want the Education Department to place at least five video surveillance cameras in all district and senior high schools . Western Australia Secondary School Executives Association president Rob Nairn said use of surveillance cameras should be considered if they were found to be effective in deterring antisocial behavior. “I think we should use the technology where appropriate,” he said. “ You certainly wouldn’t have them in classrooms. That’s overkill.” (Emphasis added) The Education Department said it had no plans to install cameras in every school. Security head John Marapodi said that only 57 schools had closed-circuit television cameras. 16

United Kingdom school spy cameras

Hundreds of primary and secondary schools across England intend to install CCTV cameras in classrooms over the next five years to root out bad teachers and check up on naughty pupils. The decision was made after a test had been conducted in the Stockwell Park high school located in a deprived south London neighborhood. Two cameras were placed in each of its 30 classrooms 74 and another 40 in its canteen, corridors and playgrounds. Classwatch was the company that supplied the cameras. Classwatch says hundreds of schools have expressed an interest in installing cameras in classrooms over the next five years. Its managing director, Angus Drever, says 94 schools in the UK already use its high- definition cameras in their classrooms at a cost of £1,345 a year for the lease of two cameras in a classroom, including maintenance. “The children are very happy here because they know they are on a school site where they are safe,” said Stockwell Park’s deputy head- teacher, Mike Rush. “They are in a position where they are not going to be robbed and harassed and so on. The parents are very happy with it. We’ve had no complaints from the teachers ... they were the ones who suggested the cameras as a solution to people coming into the building, and disputes and problems with theft.” Leading head-teachers have labeled the surveillance networks in classrooms “ Big Brotherish ” and the expenditure of tens of thousands of pounds on the cameras “inappropriate.” 17(Emphasis added) It will only be a matter of time before Big Brother mandates that all public schools have surveillance cameras installed.

Surveillance cameras in Australian schools

Parents are lobbying to install closed-circuit television on school grounds in Australia, as concern mounts about bullying and harassment between students, the Advertiser reported. They believe the CCTV cameras, which would not cover classrooms or change rooms, do not breach privacy regulations; but the South Australian Education Department and teachers say there are better ways to control student misbehavior. “Parents are conscious of privacy concerns – nobody wants to create a Big Brother environment in public schools,” said SA Association of State School Organisations director David Knuckey. “However, with the prevalence of bullying and the devastating effects it can have on children, parents are going to give serious consideration to any idea that may help the school deal with these behaviour-related problems.” (Emphasis added) In 2010 Western Australian teachers called for surveillance cameras to be installed across the state, to protect them from violent outbursts from students and parents. The WA State School Teachers Union put

75 forward a motion to have at least five video surveillance cameras installed in all schools. 18

Spy cameras in school restrooms

Lipson School in Plymouth, England, removed the CCTV cameras in the students’ restrooms after vociferous protests from pupils. Principal Steve Baker said contractors fitted them on the orders of another staff member, who did not have the measure approved by him or school governors. “Someone made an error,” he said. “They had no authorisation from me or from the governors to install these cameras. There was quite rightly a perception that there could be an invasion of privacy, even though the cameras were not aimed at the cubicles. The students have used their voice effectively and maturely. We are grateful to the students who raised it with us in a mature way and to their parents.” He explained that there was no particular problem with toilet bullying or vandalism that would have required surveillance. “The students were telling us that if there had been a problem they could have understood it,” he said. He added that no one would be disciplined over the error. “It’s a learning situation, not a disciplinary one.” 19 It will only be a matter of time before all public and private schools in the United Kingdom put spy cameras in restrooms. Eventually all schools throughout the world will have spy cameras in every room including the restrooms.

Playgrounds and elevators to have CCTV in Korea

Surveillance cameras became mandatory on all apartment playgrounds and elevators in South Korea by July 2008. The Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs revised a housing construction law to make it compulsory for all underground apartment parking lots, elevators, playgrounds and building entrances to be covered by surveillance cameras. The move was prompted by a raft of kidnappings involving children earlier this year. 20 It is no wonder Big Brother has spy cameras in his brainwashing factories. He keeps an eye on all of his minions and future minions. When Big Brother takes overt control of the world the children will be his most loyal subjects.

76 Office surveillance

Police tap into business cameras

The Sacramento Police Department will soon have more eyes on the streets by partnering with public and private entities to tap directly into existing surveillance cameras across the city. Officers say this will allow them to get to surveillance video more quickly. “There are hundreds of cameras across Sacramento and if we can tap into just some of those it will give us more eyes on the streets,” said Sacramento Police Department Sgt. Norm Leong. They say they will not be watching the new cameras live but will review tape after a crime is committed. 21


Big Brother is working triple overtime to get spycams in every factory, office, shop, store, public building and home. He will not be satisfied until he has a spycam in every room of every building on Earth. Do not fall into his trap thinking spycams are for your safety. He hates you and wants you dead. The millions of spycams all over the world are operating 24-7 to watch your every move. The only threat to Big Brother is WE THE PEOPLE ! To see what life may be like in the future read Eric Blair’s masterpiece 1984 or watch any of the “Max Headroom” TV shows.


1. “Homeowners can link private cameras to city’s surveillance network.” Chicago Sun Times. 9.29.2008. chicagos-network-of-cameras &,CST-NWS - cameras29.article. 2. Spielman, Fran. “New 911 chief wants private-sector cameras to link in.” 4.07.2010. Chicago Sun Times cited by http://restorethere tml. 3. Foster, Andrea L. “New Systems Keep a Close Eye on Online Students at Home,” 7.25.2008, Volume 54, Issue 46, Page A1. i46/46a00103.htm. 4. 5. Tencer, Daniel. “No criminal charges for school that spied on kids through laptops.” Raw Story. 8.19.2010. spied-kids. 6. Albrecht, Chris. “Comcast Cameras to Start Watching You?” 3.18.2008. 77 7. Dowling, Siobhan. “German authorities plant spyware on citizens’ computers.” 10.27.2011. y/111027/spyware-scand al-germany. 8. “Google Earth’s Street View: Public Boon or Privacy Invasion?” www.engin ion. 9. Lohr, Steve. “Computers That See You and Keep Watch Over You.” New York Times. 1.01.2011. ted=1. 10. Goldman, David. “Google Wants to Control Your Home.” 5.11. 2011. http://money. htm?source=zacks. 11. Jamieson, Alastait. “Smart meters could be ‘spy in the home’” Daily Telegraph. 10.11.2009. www. Smart-meters-could-be-spy-in-the-home.html. 12. Plummer, James. “Chicago, Houston Consider Cameras in Private Businesses, Homes.” Human Events. 2.28.2006. 13. Lewis, Jason. “Big Brother CCTV to spy on pupils aged four - complete with CPS evidence kit.” Daily Mail. 12.28.2008. 1102205/Big-Brother-CCTV-spy-pupils-aged-complete-CPS-evidence-kit.html. 14. Maeser, Nadine. “New Web Site Monitors Kids' Food Choices in School Cafeteria.” 8.15.2009. 70&page=1. 15. “Cameras videotape the eating habits of school children.” 5.12.2011. dren-20110512. 16. Hiatt, Bethany. “Push for cameras to stop bullies.” Australian News. 5.28.2010. -to-stop-bullies. 17. Shepherd, Jessica. “Someone to watch over you.” The Guardian. 8.04.2009. educat ion/2009/aug/04/schools-cctv-surveillance. 18. Keller, Candace. “Parents want CCTV cameras in playgrounds.” The Advertiser. 11.09.2010. playgrounds/story-e6frfkvr-1225949697692. 19. Pub defends toilet cameras as a means of tackling drug use. 4.08.2008. tackling_drug_use. 20. Chosumilbo. “Playgrounds, Elevators Required to Install Surveillance Cameras.” 5.16.2008. 160010.html. & 08/160508Playgrounds.htm. 21. CBS 13. “Sac Police To Tap Into Business Security Cameras To Deter Crime.” 3.05.2011. business-security-cameras-to-deter-crime .




Cities around the world are installing spy cameras to keep a very close watch over its residents and tourists. Some cities like New York and London have so many surveillance cameras people are watched almost everywhere they go.

Lancaster, Pennsylvania

The growing number of closed-circuit cameras that monitor Lancaster, Pennsylvania, are run by a private group of citizens, unlike the United Kingdom’s government-run CCTV system. It is run by a private non-profit group that does not directly report to any government agency. The Lancaster Community Safety Coalition hires private citizens to monitor the activity caught on camera and report any suspicious activity to police. Although proponents of the cameras point out that they have helped with the prosecution of crimes such as murder, assault, prostitution and public drunkenness, the crime rate in Lancaster actually rose while the cameras were being used. Lancaster might be the most closely watched town in America but it is nothing compared to many cities in the U.K. which is widely known as one of the most monitored places on Earth, with older estimates putting the number of closed circuit cameras at roughly 4.8 million. According to a 2002 article from BBC News, a U.K. citizen is caught on tape 300 times a day. Yet with all this surveillance crime rates have decreased slightly in only half the cities in the UK with the spy cameras. According to the Los Angeles Times, a UC Berkeley study found that the cameras installed in San Francisco may have helped prevent property crimes, but had little or no effect on violent crimes. In some U.S. cities the cameras have been rejected. Cambridge, Massachussetts, decided not to use cameras it had purchased in an effort to preserve the privacy of its citizens. Some residents of

79 Lancaster are threatening to move out of town if its network of cameras continues to grow. 1 The only way to stop the explosion of spy cameras is for WE THE PEOPLE to tell city hall, “NO MORE!” Get some Patriots together and speak with the mayor and city council. If they laugh you out of their dung heap vote them out.

Spy cameras in an Arizona park

Surveillance cameras in the 13-acre, $4.6 million Gateway Park in El Mirage, Arizona, allows the city’s assistant police chief Bill Louis to watch the park from his desk, operating a zoom lens so powerful he can see softball players, picnickers and potential crime suspects two blocks from a camera. Louis can also watch the video from the night shift supplied by Iveda Solutions, which operates the cameras and whose employees monitor the park from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. “I defend the Constitution, and I’m concerned about Big Brother , too,” explained Louis. “But when we’re talking about a public park, historically, from a police department perspective, it’s a police problem location,” he said. “It’s one thing to have privacy in a place where there’s an expectation of privacy, but that’s not one of them. And I’ve never had anybody make an issue out of Big Brother or issues of privacy with cameras in the park. Certainly the benefit of having that outweighs any concern there would be, in my opinion.” (Emphasis added) In Tempe, live photos of people strolling on Mill Avenue pop up on the city’s website every 15 seconds, taken from the “ Sneaky Peak ” camera barely visible atop a nearby building. A rapidly spreading network of cameras is keeping watch on Phoenix-area residents. Over the past decade, government-operated closed-circuit-television cameras have sprung up in city libraries, pools and parks. Photo-enforcement cameras scan downtown streets and highways, casting the shadow of Big Brother across the Valley. The appearance of CCTV cameras in Arizona is part of a trend in electronic policing designed to increase security and deter crime. It has become popular with government agencies in other states and countries, but it also has raised an outcry over invasion of privacy. In Pennsylvania, a 15-year-old boy is suing a school district in suburban Philadelphia after it used webcams on laptops to snap nearly

80 56,000 photos of students who took the computers home. The district said it was trying to track lost and stolen laptops. In Britain, an estimated 4.2 million CCTV cameras track citizens so closely that a privacy watchdog estimates that people are captured on film in big cities 300 times a day. In Vancouver, British Columbia, nearly 1,000 cameras were installed for the 2010 Winter Olympics to monitor crowds. The cameras in the Valley are not that prevalent, but Chandler’s downtown library has 26 security cameras. In the public pool in Mesa, high-tech infrared cameras observe your movements as they monitor for vandalism and trespassing. Cameras on light-rail trains help the drivers keep an eye on what is happening inside and outside the cars. Alessandra Soler Meetze, executive director of the ACLU in Arizona, noted that Department of Homeland Security grants and grants from private companies have offered strong incentives for local governments to install cameras quickly and for a variety of purposes. Without safeguards, Meetze warns, Phoenix could become a “surveillance society,” with cameras in every public space and citizens having to cope with constant monitoring. A stimulus grant from the Department of Transportation is paving the way for a $90,000 camera system to watch cars on Glendale’s streets and show traffic conditions. The City Council approved the installation without discussion in October. At Iveda Solutions’ headquarters large plasma-television screens are divided into 16 squares. In one corner, a camera shows the lobby of a local small-town police station. Another shows a Michigan truck yard. Feeds from cameras in retail shops, parking lots and construction sites spread out across five other large monitors. One of them keeps track of the park in El Mirage. David Ly founded the video-surveillance business about five years ago. It outfits companies with cameras, has employees who monitor the feeds overnight and sets up remote access so that business owners can view the footage on personal computers and cellphones. The company can monitor images for about $2 to $3 an hour per camera, saving customers about 75 percent of the cost of hiring a security guard, Ly said. He also offers a portal to law enforcement to view live feeds. If a business is being robbed, police can see who is inside, where they are and what weapons they have. “These departments have less staff, and with the cutbacks in staff, it doesn’t mean you and I need any less service. So we’re providing 81 electronic policing,” Ly said. “It’s not about intrusion; it’s just leveraging the technology to be somewhere when you cannot send a staff out there.” As the number of cameras viewing the public increases, the technology also is advancing. Anyone with a smartphone can record friends and strangers and upload those photos and videos to the Internet for public consumption, giving people less control over their personal exposure. Sometimes that benefits law enforcement. To police and other authorities, the increase in camera surveillance could be good news: People will be less likely to deface neighborhoods with graffiti, drive dangerously or use drugs in public places. But critics see a downside: Most people being watched are doing nothing wrong and have no reason to be observed. Law professor Sandy Askland of Arizona State University compared the rapidly growing network of surveillance to that in Eastern Europe before the fall of the Berlin Wall, where the government had spies in the community and paid informants to identify potential dissenters. The ultimate result, he said, could be censored conversations and a society in which people are afraid to offer their opinions.2 Professor Askland is correct. When virtually every square inch of habitable land on Earth is monitored by spy cameras in space, the air and on the ground the behavior of most people will be dramatically altered for the worse. That is what Big Brother wants. He wants to turn people into self-centered snitches who will rat anyone and everyone out for money or to get ahead. He wants the world to become an East Germany Stasi nightmare!


Lower Township Police Chief Edward Donohue announced that the Department of Homeland Security will provide the Lower Township police in Cape May, New Jersey, with a Real Time Video Surveillance System through the Army’s Commercial Equipment Direct Assistance Program (CEDAP). The system consists of several cameras that send live video to police headquarters or vehicles several miles away. Donohue states the system will be utilized for police surveillance operations, tactical operations, and to monitor critical infrastructure. For security reasons he would not reveal the exact number of cameras or their complete capabilities, but said the system is free of charge at no cost to taxpayers. He also 82 confessed that this was the third time the department had utilized this program previously receiving Thermal Imaging Night Vision Equipment and Fiber Optic Cameras from the program, all at no cost. 3

Big Brother is watching the parks in NYC

“Big Brother may soon be watching – at your local playground.” This is how Rich Calder began his article about the installation of CCTV cameras in New York City’s parks. NYPD and Parks Department officials say it is only a matter of time before parks throughout the city are equipped with crime-fighting surveillance cameras. “It’s not a matter of if we are going to use the technology but when we are going to use this technology,” Deputy Parks Commissioner Kevin Jeffrey said during a recent City Council hearing on park safety. 3

NYC ring of steal

The New York Police Department plans to install hundreds more video surveillance cameras around Manhattan and the entire city. The “Ring of Steel” video surveillance project covers Lower Manhattan, home to the financial district that is seen as key to the regional, national and international economy. A similar project will cover Midtown Manhattan. This is the latest phase in New York City’s evolution into one of the most heavily-monitored cities in the world. Past estimates of the number of private and public video cameras range up to 40,000 – only London and the Chinese city of Shenzen have more electronic eyes watching public streets. The NYPD has applied for $75 million in federal funds from the Homeland Security Grant Program. Of that, $21 million is intended for the Midtown Manhattan Security.4

London ring of steel

The “ring of steel” is the popular name for the security and surveillance cordon surrounding the City of London that was installed in the 1990s to deter the IRA and other threats. The term was borrowed from an earlier stage of the Troubles when the center of Belfast was fortified against attacks, the perimeter of which was known as the “ring of steel.” The roads leading into the one-square mile district in greater 83 London are controlled by concrete barriers allowing police to regulate the flow of traffic. 5 Big Brother wants to install a “ring of steel” in every city on Earth. He wants enough cameras in space, the sky and on the ground to cover every square inch of the planet.

United Kingdom

Spying on citizens is out of control in England. Their movements are tracked by more than 4,000,000 CCTV cameras and about 8000 traffic cameras. In 2009, authorities plan to spy on homes using planes equipped with thermal imagining cameras to catch energy gluttons. 6 The British government launched a trial program in 2009 designed to keep watch of problem families with closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras in 2000 homes. It hopes to expand the program to 20,000 or more homes. “£400 million ($668 million) will be spent on installing and monitoring CCTV cameras in the homes of private citizens to make sure the kids are doing their homework, going to bed early and eating their vegetables.” Bureaucrats hope that if a child has a more stable home life, he may not turn to crime and drugs. The government is also maintaining a private army called “Thought Police,” which will “be sent round to carry out home checks.” The most troublesome families can be taken out of their homes and moved to a neutral, government-run compound where they will be under 24-hour supervision .7 This mad rush to watch everything citizens do in public will accelerate. Virtually every city will have thousands of cameras monitoring vehicle and pedestrian traffic. Privacy will become a thing of the past. Most nations will also recruit and pay citizens to spy on their neighbors as they are doing in Britain. 8 They will also pay children to spy on their parents, and they will encourage parents to spy on their children. 9

Spy cameras in U.K. pub toilets

The Rose & Crown, in Lawrence Street, is the first pub in York, England, to introduce CCTV inside its toilet cubicles. Drug use in the pub was so bad that some people entered through the backdoor, going straight into the ladies’ room to buy drugs, without drinking at the bar. “We have the cameras in the cubicles, but they only 84 look up from a certain height. When people are sitting down, you can’t see anything at all. We have signs up too, which the police have seen,” said manager Sarah Coates. She assured customers they could not be viewed while on the toilet. The cameras were motion-sensitive and only switched on when they detected motion in the area above and behind the toilets. Coates said CCTV had not been installed in the men’s restroom because they had not had the same problems with drugs. “The men were going into the women’s and in fact were selling drugs in there,” she explained. 10


Big Brother wants to watch everyone when they walk out of their domiciles. He wants to be able to track everyone wherever they go whether it is for a walk, a bike ride, a drive in a private vehicle, a ride in a taxi, limousine, ambulance or police car, a flight in a plane or a cruise on a ship or in a boat. He will have the technology in place to do this within one to two decades. He will not stop with watching your every move outside your home. He will have spycams everywhere to watch you no matter what kind of building you enter, private or public.


1. Drogin, Bob. “Lancaster, PA, keeps a close eye on itself.” 6.21.2009. 1. Lovett, Haley, A. “Small US town watched by private network of cameras. Finding Dulcinea.” 6.24.2009. e/Small-US-Town-Watched-by-Private-Network-of-Cameras.html. 2. Boehnke, Megan. “Web of cameras raising privacy concerns.” The Arizona Republic. 5.01.2010. ml. 3. Cape May Herald. “Lower Police to Get Surveillance Cameras from Army Program.” 7.03.2008. get-surveillance-cameras-army-program. 4. Calder, Rich. KEEPING AN ‘EYE’ ON PARK CRIMES CAMERAS COMING SOON, LIKE IT OR NOT. 2.11.2008. item_svmlQtzHRwliPVWLyD840O;jsessionid=319CB6C88090F1A3E60FDEE2AA 5514D5. 5. Winston, Ali. “The Eyes Have It: NYPD Plans More Cameras.” 6.01.2010. 6. BBC. “‘Ring of steel’ widened.” 12.18.2003. news/england/london/3330771.stm.

85 7. Levy, Andrew. “Council uses spy plane with thermal imaging camera to snoop on homes wasting energy.” Daily Mail. 3.24.2009. -1164091/Council-uses-spy-plane-thermal-imaging-camera-snoop-homes-wasting-en ergy.html. 8. Sorrel, Charles. “Britain To Put CCTV Cameras Inside Private Homes.” Wired. 8.03.2009. vate-homes. 9. Daily Mail. “Nosy neighbours offered £500 rewards by council to spy on residents.” 7.27.2009. offered-500-rewards-council-spy-residents.html. 10. Foldvary, Fred E. “Children Spying Against Parents.” Progress Report. 11. Grimshaw, Gerran. “Pub defends toilet cameras as a means of tackling drug use.” 4.08.2008. as_a_means_of_tackling_drug_use.




Big Brother has numerous ways of tracking the movement of people, vehicles, planes, trains and ships, and he is using them to track as many people and moving objects as possible. Eventually he hopes to be able to track everyone and everything that moves on the planet.

Artist’s conception of GPS Block II-F satellite in Earth orbit.

GPS tracking of people

One of the favorite technologies of Big Brother is the tracking of people by Global Positioning Satellites (GPS), and Big Brother wants to put a GPS transmitter in or on every man, woman and child on Earth.

87 GPS wristbands

The tracking of children and adults with Global Positioning System satellites (GPS) is a fairly new technology that will soon become commonplace. Parents are using the technology to keep track of their children and some couples are using it to track each other’s whereabouts. At the same time government bureaucrats will be tracking as many people as possible. A wristwatch designed to track the movements of children is the latest gadget in “child monitoring” technology currently on the market. Increasingly, parents are turning to technology to monitor their children’s movements. The latest device is the Num8 digital wristwatch which enables parents to keep track of their children via satellite. The gadget is designed by the British company Lok8u. For £149 ($218), worried parents can keep an eye on their children’s whereabouts through a GPS chip hidden inside the watch. The chip can transmit the location of the child and alert parents by text as accurately as the name of the road which the child is sited. 1 A new piece of free Google software recently released allows people to keep track of each other using their cell phones – and while it is opt- in, it is sure to create a privacy firestorm. “What Google Latitude does is allow you to share that location with friends and family members, and likewise be able to see friends and family members’ locations,” Steve Lee, product manager for Google Latitude, told CNET. “For example, a girlfriend could use it to see if her boyfriend has arrived at a restaurant and, if not, how far away he is.” 2 Brick House Security is another company that is marketing GPS wristbands for children that will enable parents know to where their children are 24-7. These GPS locators can also be worn by adults. It is an excellent way of keeping track of an elderly person who has dementia or Alzheimer’s. 3 Tracking people will become a popular fad in the near future. Parents will track their children, spouses will track each other and so will friends. At the same time, Big Brother bureaucrats will be tracking as many people as possible. Eventually everyone on the planet will be forced to where a GPS transponder of some kind with many opting for the implantable GPS transponders. Anyone caught without one will be arrested and incarcerated with trial and some will be executed.

88 Schools are tracking students

Beginning in 2010 public schools begann tracking students with GPS transmitters to ensure their safety and attendance. A judge ordered 22 students at Bryan High School in Texas to carry GPS tracking devices in the name of preventing truancy. “Bryan High students who skip school will soon be tracked 24 hours a day, seven days a week,” reports KBTX.4 Palos Heights School District 128 has become one of the first in Illinois to begin using GPS to track schoolchildren riding buses to and from school each day. It had previously been using ZPass, a GPS technology provided by Seattle-based Zonar Systems, to track the buses, but now students are tracked with a luggage tag-sized unit in their backpacks that logs when they step on and off the bus. Palos School Superintendent Kathleen Casey says the system helps alleviate parents’ concerns. The district spent $16,000 for the technology, which currently covers 10 buses. Parents say the cost is minimal for the benefits. 5 Contra Costa County officials are outfitting preschoolers with tracking devices they say will save staff time and money. The system requires preschoolers to wear a jersey that has a small radio frequency tag. The tag will send signals to sensors located throughout the school that help track a child’s movements. It also keeps track of their attendance and whether they have eaten or not. School officials say it will free up teachers and administrators who previously had to note on paper files when a child was absent or had eaten. The system cost $50,000, but it was paid by a federal grant. 6 There was no safety issue to compel Big Brother to track students. This program was implemented because Big Brother wants to track all students from preschool to college with RFID technology. This was just the start. Look for it to spread.

Google GPS tracking of people

Google Latitude, a free piece of software released in February 2009, allows people to keep track of each other using their cell phones. It is designed to work on any cell phone with Internet capabilities – except the iPhone, one of Google’s competitors. Google is marketing it to help parents keep track of their children. Yet one could secretly install allowing girlfriends, boyfriends, husbands and wives to track each others’ movements. 7 89 If the average person can track someone what do you think Big Brother can do? He can track the whereabouts of everyone who has a cell phone as you will see in the next article. Remember, that Big Brother can not only track your every move he can eavesdrop on your every word. He can remotely turn on the microphone in your cell phone and listen to everything you say and hear. Big Brother is not only watching you, he is listening to you.

iPhone keeps tract of where you go

Privacy fears were raised as researchers reveal a file on iPhone and 3G-enabled iPads that stores location coordinates and timestamps of owner’s movements. Security researchers have discovered that Apple’s iPhone keeps track of where you go – and saves every detail of it to a secret file on the device which is then copied to the owner’s computer when the two are synchronised. The file contains the latitude and longitude of the phone’s recorded coordinates along with a timestamp, meaning that anyone who stole the phone or the computer could discover details about the owner’s movements using a simple program. For some phones, there could be almost a year’s worth of data stored, as the recording of data seems to have started with Apple’s iOS 4 update to the phone’s operating system, released in June 2010.

Map shows location data collected from an iPhone that had been used in the southwest of England. 90 “Apple has made it possible for almost anybody – a jealous spouse, a private detective – with access to your phone or computer to get detailed information about where you’ve been,” said Pete Warden, one of the researchers. Only the iPhone records the user’s location in this way, say Warden and Alasdair Allan, the data scientists who discovered the file and are presenting their findings at the Where 2.0 conference in San Francisco in April 2011. Although mobile networks already record phones’ locations, it is only available to the police and other recognized organisations following a court order under the Regulation of Investigatory Power Act. Standard phones do not record location data. Ministers of Paliament in 2009 criticized Google for its “Latitude” system, which allowed people to enable their mobile to give out details of their location to trusted contacts. At the time MPs said that Latitude “could substantially endanger user privacy,” but Google pointed out that users had to specifically choose to make their data available. The iPhone system, by contrast, appears to record the data whether or not the user agrees. Apple declined to comment on why the file is created or whether it can be disabled. The Guardian has confirmed that 3G-enabled devices including the iPad also retain the data and copy it to the owner’s computer. If someone were to steal an iPhone and “jailbreak” it, giving them direct access to the files it contains, they could extract the location database directly. Alternatively, anyone with direct access to a user’s computer could run the application and see a visualization of their movements. Encrypting data on the computer is one way to protect against it, though that still leaves the file on the phone. Apple can legitimately claim that it has permission to collect the data: near the end of the 15,200-word terms and conditions for its iTunes program, used to synchronise with iPhones, iPods and iPads, is an 86-word paragraph about “location-based services.” It says that “Apple and our partners and licensees may collect, use, and share precise location data , including the real-time geographic location of your Apple computer or device . This location data is collected anonymously in a form that does not personally identify you and is used by Apple and our partners and licensees to provide and improve location-based products and services. For example, we may share geographic location with application providers when you opt in to their location services.” 8

91 German politician admits cell phone tracking

German Green party politician, Malte Spitz, learned in 2010 that everyone in the world who carries a cell phone is continually being tracked. Cell phone companies do not divulge how much information they collect so Spitz went to court to find out exactly what his cell phone company, Deutsche Telekom, knew about his whereabouts. He was dumbfounded by what he learned. In just a six-month period from August 31, 2009 to February 28, 2010, Deutsche Telekom had recorded and saved his longitude and latitude coordinates more than 35,000 times. “At any given instant, a cell company has to know where you are; it is constantly registering with the tower with the strongest signal,” said Matthew Blaze, a professor of computer and information science at the University of Pennsylvania who testified before Congress on the issue. In the United States, there are law enforcement and safety reasons for cellphone companies being encouraged to keep track of its customers. Both the F.B.I. and the Drug Enforcement Administration have used cellphone records to identify suspects and make arrests. If the information is valuable to law enforcement, it could be lucrative for marketers. The major American cellphone providers declined to explain what exactly they collect and what they use it for.9

Notice at malls managed by Forest City Commercial Management

92 Malls track shoppers’ cell phones on Black Friday

Starting on Black Friday and running through New Year’s Day, two malls in America – Promenade Temecula in southern California and Short Pump Town Center in Richmond, Virginia – will track guests’ movements by monitoring the signals from their cell phones. The network that collects data from shopper’s cell phones, is said to be anonymous. It can track each shoppers’ path from store to store. The goal is for stores to answer questions such as: How many Nordstrom shoppers also stop at Starbucks? How long do most customers linger in Victoria’s Secret? Are there unpopular spots in the mall that are not being visited? While U.S. malls have long tracked how crowds move throughout their stores, this is the first time they have used cell phones to do the job. The management company of both malls, Forest City Commercial Management, says personal data is not being tracked. “We won’t be looking at singular shoppers,’ said Stephanie Shriver-Engdahl, vice president of digital strategy for Forest City. “The system monitors patterns of movement. We can see, like migrating birds, where people are going to.” The company is preemptively notifying customers by hanging small signs around the shopping centers. Consumers can opt out by turning off their phones. The tracking system, called FootPath Technology, has already been used in shopping centers in Europe and Australia. It works through a series of antennas positioned throughout the shopping center that capture the unique identification number assigned to each phone (similar to a computer’s IP address), and tracks its movement throughout the stores. The system cannot take photos or collect data on what shoppers have purchased. And it does not collect any personal details associated with the ID, like the user’s name or phone number. That information is said to be protected by mobile carriers, but can be legally obtained through a court order. Manufactured by a British company, Path Intelligence, this technology has already been used in shopping centers in Europe and Australia. And according to Path Intelligence CEO Sharon Biggar, hardly any shoppers decide to opt out. Some American retail stores will soon be using the technology including JC Penney and Home Depot. The latter has considered

93 implementing the technology but is not currently using it any stores. JCPenney declined to comment on its relationship with the vendor. Some retail analysts say the new technology is nothing to be worried about. Malls have been tracking shoppers for years through people counters, security cameras, heat maps and even undercover researchers who follow shoppers around . [Authors’ note: That is sneaky and it should be illegal.] Retailers’ websites that track online shoppers are more invasive, recording the user’s name and purchases, and then targeting them with ads even after they have left a site. “Most of this information is harmless and nobody ever does anything nefarious with it,” said Sucharita Mulpuru, retail analyst at Forrester Research. “But the reality is, what happens when you start having hackers potentially having access to this information and being able to track your movements?” Last year, hackers hit AT&T, exposing the unique ID numbers and e-mail addresses of more than 100,000 iPad 3G owners. 10 There is a legitimate danger from hackers, but the greatest danger is from Big Brother who is compiling a total profile of everyone on Earth so he can predict what each individual will do in a specific situation as well as large groups of people and entire nations. He wants these profiles so he can determine what the best method is to impose his New World Order on the unwashed masses. One method will work with one group of people and another method with a different group.

Anyone can track anyone with a cell phone

Until recently, tracking people with Global Positioning System technology required purchasing expensive hardware and software. Now, complete solutions are available through cellular service providers. Stimulated by the events of September 11, 2001 , the demand for enhanced 911 (e911) emergency calling capabilities, pushed forward GPS tracking technology in cell phones. At the end of 2005, all cell phone carriers were required to provide the ability to trace cell phone calls to a location within 100 meters or less . To comply with FCC requirements, cell phone carriers decided to integrate GPS technology into cell phone handsets, rather than overhaul the tower network. However the GPS in most cell phones are not like those in your handy GPS receiver that you take hiking. Most cell 94 phones do not allow the user direct access to the GPS data, accurate location determination requires the assistance of the wireless network, and the GPS data is transmitted only if a 911 emergency call is made. Motorola and Blackberry were the first GPS-enable phones to proliferate the United States. Initially, Motorola “iDEN” phones were commonly used for employee tracking on the business-oriented Nextel network. Then GPS enabled Blackberry phones, once used almost exclusively by corporate and government VIPs, began to penetrate the consumer market stimulated by the demand for phones with advanced messaging capability. Next came specialty devices produced under the names of “Disney Mobile” and “Wherify Wireless” targeting use by children and elderly. In 2009, a variety of GPS-enabled phones and tracking services were available. It is important to note that Wi-fi complements the cellular grid, providing additional conduits for location information to pass through to the net. Your phone has a unique electronic identifier and – if enabled – can pass this information, locating you within the geographic area covered by the hotspot. There should be little doubt that the vast radioscape of urban environments is being mapped and your participation in services like Google Latitude improve their ability to locate you out of cell range and hidden from GPS satellites. Always read the terms of service before deciding to agree. Here are a few services and technologies that give the customer the ability to track others:

Accutracking is a full-featured low-cost LBS provider using Motorolla, Boost Mobile and Blackberry phones operating on the Sprint/Nextel network. See

Google Latitude is Nextel’s Mobile Locator is a service used in conjunction with Nextel calling plans with Nextel GPS-enabled phones. Mobile locator allows you to view and monitor your peoples’ location in real-time, either singly or within a group, on a zoomable, online map. The web interface allows you to view location history, based on your most recent queries. See: Sprint Mobile_Locator web site for more info

Mapquest Find Me can be used by Nextel phones, allowing one to view a group of your peoples’ locations on one map, or you can view a track of an individual’s location history. Powered by uLocate, Mapquest provides a web interface for mobile devices like 95 PDAs as well cell phones. Other features include in-depth location history detail. See

Sprint’s/Nextel’s Mobile Locator is a service used in conjunction with Nextel calling plans with Nextel GPS-enabled phones. Mobile locator allows you to view and monitor your peoples’ location in real-time, either singly or within a group, on a zoomable, online map. The web interface allows you to view location history, based on your most recent queries. See: Sprint Mobile_Locator web site for more info.

Wherify Wireless’ “Wherifone” is designed specifically for children and seniors. The Wherifone is supported solely by Wherify’s Global Location Service Center. See:

Passive Tracking devices record location data internally so that it can be downloaded later. Also referred to “data logging,” which can provide location data even when the device has traveled outside the wireless network. Passive tracking is not a common feature built-in to cell phones (at the time this article was published), but more sophisicated java-enabled cell phones, PDAs, and other mobile devices may have this feature. You should ask your LBS provider if their appilication can accomodate passive tracking data from the more sophiscated tracking devices.

GeoFencing is a term used to describe a feature that enables the cell phone to only start tracking when it has entered or exited a predefined region, avoiding unnecessary tracking when your people are close to home, office, or school. Or GeoFencing may also mean that an alert is sent when their phone crosses a virtural fence. For example, AccuTracking will send email or SMS message when they move across the designated areas. 11

Android Tracking App Software is a reality

Cell phone GPS tracking app software has been in use since cell phones starting to hit the scene in the 90’s. At that time it was just the government that has the ability to track cell phones. Now with the advancements of cell phones into smart phones and the emergence of the Google Android cell phone there are now android spy phone applications made specifically for the Android cell phone. Its not the 96 government anymore that is doing the cell phone spying and cell phone tracking , its everyday people that can download this type of Android spy phone tracking software and become their own spy. View Call Records – If you’ve ever wanted to know exactly who your target is calling or who is calling them, then this spy phone feature will give you everything you need to know. All calls that are placed or received on the Android cell phone will be logged. You’ll get to see the ‘From’ and ‘To’ cell phone number, time, date, and duration. Additional details include call duration and the name of the number that is associated in the Android’s address book. SMS Text Message Logs – With this Android spy feature, you’ll be able to read the entire contents of all incoming & outgoing text messages. Regardless if the messages are deleted immediately after being read, you’ll still get a copy of each message. Web Site URL Logging – Know what web sites they are visiting. GPS Android Tracking App – Want to find out where your target is? With stealth GPS tracking, you’ll be able to track their movements wherever they go. As the Android spy software collects data from the Android cell phone, it will upload the Android GPS tracking coordinates to your online account. Once you log into your account, you can go through all the GPS logs and look for a specific date and time that you want to investigate. Once you identify a time and date, just click on the “View Map” link and you can see where that location is on a map. Remote Listening – Turn the phone on Remotely and listen to the phones surroundings. Secretly records photos snapped from the device – Now you can see all the photos that are taken from the device. As soon as your target snaps a pic, the image will be uploaded to your online account, where you can download it. No more wondering what type of photos are stored on your target’s cell phone. Android Tracking App features are growing! Upload all Videos recorded by the device – This feature is similar to the photo recording. What it does is uploads all new videos that are recorded on the Android phone. Records all E-mails sent from the device – Now you can read contents of all emails sent from the device. Documents all new Contacts – As new contacts are added to the Android cell phone, you will get full visibility into each new contact.

97 Keep in mind, this only works for NEW contacts added after Android spy app has been installed.

Become a spy with Android Software

Do you consistently loose your phone and need to be able to track its location? Android Cell Spy Software can help you. Does your significant other spend a lot of time text messaging or calling with people you don’t know? Download the Free Cell Phone Tracking Report. Do you suspect your teenager is lying to you and you feel that you need to track their location via GPS? Do you have employees that say they are working all day when you suspect they are at home watching TV? Do you want to protect your teenager from the dangers of sending or receiving sexually explicit text messages and pictures on their phone? (Sexting can label your teenager as a Registered Sex Offender for life. Cell Phone tracking and GPS tracking App will help you keep track of your teen.) Are your employees working for one of your competitors or stealing from you? 12

Stingray cell phone tracker

Stingrays are designed to locate a mobile phone even when it’s not being used to make a call. The FBI considers the devices to be so critical that it has a policy of deleting the data gathered in their use, mainly to keep suspects in the dark about their capabilities, an FBI official told The Wall Street Journal in response to inquiries. 13

GPS tracking of vehicles

GPS cell phone tracking & GPS car tracking

AccuTracking software turns your cell phones into a GPS tracking device (Motorola iDEN phones, RIM BlackBerry phones, phones, Android phones). The AccuTracking online GPS cell phone tracking service lets you see real-time locations, speed, and headings of your children/family members or cars/vehicles, and receive email or SMS alerts when they move across the designated areas or

98 exceeds speed limit. AccuTracking is your ultimate low cost real-time vehicle locator, child locator. 14

OnStar and LoJack

Besides putting a GPS transmitter in or on everyone on Earth Big Brother also wants to put them in every vehicle, boat, ship and aircraft on the planet so he can keep track of every moving mechanical object. GPS tracking of vehicles is becoming standard technology for trucking, limousine, taxi, courier and delivery companies. Some automobile manufacturers are installing GPS technology in their passenger vehicles. It will only be a matter of time before every vehicle, motorcycle, boat, ship and airplane will have a GPS transponder in it. The governor of Oregon wants to have all new vehicles registered in Oregon equipped for a GPS device so the owners can be taxed according to mileage rather than according to the amount of gas they purchase. 15 The OnStar service that is available in some General Motors vehicles monitors the vehicles whereabouts. Drivers and passengers can use its audio interface to contact OnStar representatives for emergency services, vehicle diagnostics and directions. In 2009 General Motors started equipping some new vehicles with Stolen Vehicle Slowdown service that enables OnStar to slow a vehicle to a stop in event it is reported stolen. The first succesful use of this service took place in October of 2009. OnStar stops truck that was carjacked at gunpoint.16 At this time the police can place a GPS transponder in the vehicle of someone suspected of engaging in criminal activity, but they must get a warrant. They must also find a way to install it without the suspect knowing about it. Police usually do this by impounding the vehicle for a whatever reason they can as in the case of S tate of Washington v. William Bradley Jackson .17 150 Wash. 2d 251, 76 P.3d 217, decided by the Supreme Court of Washington on September 11, 2003. The totalitarian state depicted in Eric Blair’s bleak vision of the future, 1984, was patterned after the Communist parties of the world. Unfortunately many of America’s Democrats and Republicans see no problem with a permanent police surveillance envisioned in the novel. The LoJack Stolen Vehicle Recovery System ( is an aftermarket vehicle tracking system that allows vehicles to be tracked by police, with the aim of recovering them in case of theft. The 99 manufacturer claims a 90% recovery rate. The name “LoJack” was coined to be the “antithesis of hijack.”

FBI is placing GPS transmitters on cars

The FBI has been placing GPS transmitters on the vehicles of individuals they suspect are criminals or terrorists without warrants. This criminal activity came to light when Yasir Afifi, a 20-year-old computer salesman and community college student, took his car in for an oil change in 2010. The mechanic spotted an odd wire hanging from the undercarriage. They removed it from the car, posted images of it online and asked for help in identifying it. FBI agents paid Mr. Afifi a visit at his home and demanded the return of their property. One federal judge wrote that the widespread use of the device was straight out of George Orwell’s novel, 1984 . “By holding that this kind of surveillance doesn’t impair an individual’s reasonable expectation of privacy, the panel hands the government the power to track the movements of every one of us, every day of our lives,” wrote Alex Kozinski, the chief judge of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. This sane statement was part of his condemning dissent in which a three- judge panel from his court ruled that search warrants were not necessary for GPS tracking. The Obama administration asked the D.C. federal appeals court that ruled it was unconstitutional to plant GPS transponders on vehicles with warrants to change its ruling. It argued that investigators will lose access to a tool they now use “with great frequency.” 18


The Galileo navigation system, which is being built by the European Union, is intended to provide measurements down to the meter range as a free service including the altitude above sea level, and better positioning services at high latitudes compared to GPS and GLONASS. As a further feature, Galileo will provide a global Search and Rescue (SAR) function. To do so, each satellite will be equipped with a transponder, which is able to transfer the distress signals from the user’s transmitter to the Rescue Co-ordination Centre, which will then initiate the rescue operation. 19 What if Big Brother places a transmitter in all GPS gadgets in the future that automatically transmits a signal to a satellite giving him the 100 exact location of everyone who has a GPS unit? In time will he be able to put GPS technology in every cell phone, laptop, vehicle, aircraft and ship? May he even be able to shrink it so a computer implant could have GPS technology?

LoJack for laptops

Absolute Software is offering software that enables law enforcement to recover stolen laptops by tracing them across the Internet. The product was initially sold under the name “Computrace” but in 2005 it licensed the LoJack brand name and produces the software under both the “Computrace” and “LoJack for Laptops” product names. Unlike the LoJack for vehicles and equipment products, which use a small radio installed in the tracked device, the Computrace/LoJack for Laptops product is laptop tracking software that periodically phones home to Absolute Software’s server to both announce its location and to check to see if the machine has been reported stolen. 20 It is only a matter of time before every non-consumable object produced in the world will have a RFID chip in it that will enable Big Brother to track everything on Earth 24-7. And yes, eventually everyone on Earth will have a tracking chip in them.

Sneaky tracking technologies

Tracking spray

The U.S. Air Force wants to hunt the next generation of its enemies with tiny drone that sneak up to a suspect, paints him with an unnoticed powder or goo that allows American forces to follow him everywhere he goes. In April of 2011 the Air Force issued a call for help making a miniature drone that could covertly drop a mysterious and unspecified tracking “dust” onto people, allowing them to be tracked from a distance. The proposal says its useful for all kinds of random things, from identifying friendly forces and civilians to tracking wildlife. Effectively tracking foes has become a high priority – and deeply secret – research effort for the Pentagon, which has failed dozens of times to sort out insurgent from innocent bystanders in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere. The Navy has a $450 million contract with Blackbird Technologies, Inc. to produce tiny beacons to make terrorists

101 trackable. The Defense Department has admitted to spending more than $210 million on this program. A 2007 briefing from U.S. Special Operations Command on targeting technology stated that SOCOM was looking for “perfumes” and “stains” that would mark out bad guys from a distance. The presentation listed a “bioreactive taggant” as a “current capability” next to a picture of what looks like a painted or bruised arm. The tracking technology the DOD seems very interested in is “smart dust.” It is soliciting a technology that will be able to dust a target with a cloud of tiny sensors (electromagnetic signal-radiating taggants) that stick to him or his clothes. The DOD wants the “smart dust” to replace the “tracking chips” it currently places in cell phones. According to statements from a Pakistani Taliban commander, the U.S. gives local spies tracking “chips” in their cell phones in order to train Hellfire missiles on militants. The battery-powered infrared beacon that al-Qaida says it found spies using is a 1984 technology. A 1997 study for Darpa, “Small Scale Propulsion: Fly on the Wall, Cockroach in the Corner,” could mean the DOD wants MAVs that look like bugs to handle the “dusting” of targets. Another possibility DARPA is working on is MAVs that look like birds. The 1997 study also mentioned AeroVironment’s robotic hummingbird that can fly remotely for up to 10 minutes. 21

Tagging, tracking and locating

Scents that make you trackable, indoors and out. Nanocrystals that stick to your body, and light up on night-vision goggles. Miniradar that maps your location on Google Earth. You can run, but you’ll learn it is hard to hide from a new range of military tech. The Defense Department calls it “tagging, tracking and locating,” or TTL, this business of finding and following high-value targets on the battlefield. Ever since SEAL Team 6 took out Osama bin Laden a lot has been revealed about the technology used by special operators to find and reach their targets, from stealth helicopters to biometric identification devices. TTL gear ranks at the top of the spookiest Special Operations’ arsenal. The military has spent $450 million on TTL tech contracting all of it from Blackbird Technologies of Herndon, Virginia. Millions more have gone to the development of tracking methods, encompassing everything 102 from human-thermal- detection and miniature crop-dusting drones to radar-responsive tags. Al-Qaida says it found spies using infrared beacons to call in drone strikes in Pakistan. A Pakistani Taliban commander claims the United States puts tracking “chips” in cellphones, in order to train Hellfire missiles on militants. But these are nt the only technologies that they use to secretly track people. Tracer Detection Technology Corp. marks targets with a paraffin wax crayon, filled with a perfluorocarbon, a thermally-stable compound used in cosmetics to refrigerators. The vapor which lingers for hours can be tracked with sensors, such as a gas chromatograph. Hiding in a sealed room will not keep you safe because tracers can “permeate closed doors and windows, containers and luggage,” and even give you away for a while after a tagged item is removed. The company has received a number of research contracts from the Navy, but Tracer president Jay Fraser will not say much about how those projects have gone. “Tracer is developing a unique TTL capability that will make it very difficult for enemy and criminal enterprises to operate,” he e-mailed the Danger Room. “The nature of our current and pending customers makes it hard for us to answer the rest of your questions.” Another tracer technology is a clear liquid that can be applied to one’s hand. The tracker only needs to pat the target on the back. He might never notice it, if he was tagged in a crowd, but the tagger would be able to see and follow him from a distance using night vision goggles. Oregon-based Voxtel makes a product, “NightMarks,” that can do just that. NightMarks are tiny nanocrystal quantum dots that can be hidden in clear liquids and seen only through night-vision goggles. A contract Voxtel has requires “covert microtaggants composed of nanocrystals” visible through night-vision goggles to “enable war fighters the ability to track entities buried in urban clutter.” TIAX LLC is developing “degradable taggants” that will lose their signal over time to prevent opponents from reverse-engineer the material. Another space-age defensive tracking technology is made by SpotterRF. SpotterRF M600 points out humans creeping up on your position on Google Earth. It uses radio waves in the X band that can detect walkers up to .62 miles and vehicles as far away as one mile.22

103 Aerial Distribution of Taggants

This is a portion of the official solicitation by the Air Force for the distribution of aerial taggants:

AF112-002 TITLE: Aerial Distribution of Taggants


The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 3.5.b.(7) of the solicitation.

OBJECTIVE: Develop and demonstrate innovative methods to unobtrusively distribute taggants onto moving targets for tracking, locating, and identification purposes.

DESCRIPTION: Taggants are very small devices that emit an electro-magnetic signal. They can be applied to targets of interest and used to track/locate them in tactical situations. These targets of interest could be vehicles or personnel, which could be moving or stationary. To effectively “tag” the target, the taggant must be administered “unobtrusively,” meaning that the target should not be cognizant that taggants have been applied to them. Obviously, this application is more easily accomplished by some sort of ground agent, but it is desirous to be able to distribute taggants aerially via a small remotely piloted aircraft (SRPA). This is not as an easy task when factoring unobtrusiveness. The easiest, but obtrusive, means of delivery would be for the SRPA to “divebomb” the target or “shoot a paintball” at the target. The target would obviously notice a swooping SRPA and likely feel the sting of the well-placed pellet. The key to “unobtrusiveness” for aerial application is the ability to deliver a “cloud” of taggants on the target’s location or directly in its path. In order to do this the taggants must be dust-like and have the ability to attach to the target. One method of distribution would be “crop-dusting” from a sufficiently high altitude (to avoid detection) and letting the dust-cloud fall on the target or in front of it if it is moving. This method would likely utilize a large amount of taggant to assure

104 probability of successful tagging, although it might be useful when tagging a group of targets. The next method would be to deliver a small munition close by and pneumatically blow a cloud of taggants on or in front of the target. The munition could potentially air burst above the application zone or emplace itself near the application zone and be proximity or command- detonated. These methods are given as examples; other innovative methods are also sought.

PHASE III DUAL USE COMMERCIALIZATION: Military Application: Counter-insurgency and global war on terror (GWOT), marking civilians to prevent collateral damage, marking coalition forces without Blue Force Tracker. Commercial Application: Law enforcement and Homeland Security, wildlife tracking, remote or toxic chemical spill mapping. REFERENCES: 1. Eardley, D. and Katz, J.. “Small Scale Propulsion Fly on the Wall, Cockroach in the Corner, Rat in the Basement, Bird in the Sky;” Report: JSR-97-135, 34p, Sep 1997. 2. Nunan, S.C., Coakley, P.G., and Niederhaus, G.A. Lum; “GLIMPS sensor and taggant delivery systems;” Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 4232, p 252-257, 2001. 3. Van Leevwen, Johan. “Launched at 36,000g.” Science Magazine Vol 329. 23 Page 395, July 2010. TPOC: Raymond Bortner 23

Big Brother has thousands of scientists working on myriad tracking technologies. When his kingdom is established he will have technologies in use that we today could never dream of.

Monitoring of Internet social networks


The CIA formed a “strategic partnership and technology develop- ment agreement” with Visible Technologies, a company that specializes in data-mining social-networking sites such as Twitter, Flickr and YouTube for numerous clients including Microsoft, Hormel and Xerox.

105 In-Q-Tel, the investment arm of the CIA, was created in 1999 to identify “innovative technology solutions to support the mission of the CIA and the broader U.S. Intelligence Community.” Visible listens in to half a million sites a day covering forums and blogs. It also crawls commercial sites with forums such as Amazon. Customers of Visible receive real-time feeds on a required subject, based on a series of keywords. These are scored as neutral, positive or negative depending on the message and the influence of the writer. Wired magazine said: “Intelligence agencies or employees might be tempted to use the tools at their disposal to compile information on political figures, critics, journalists or others, and to exploit such information for political advantage. That is not permissible even if all of the information in question is technically ‘open source.’” 24


Big Brother is tracking your every move by the ubiquitous cell phone. You cannot hide from Big Brother as long as you carry a cell phone. If you truly want to move about anonymously do not carry a cell phone. Anonymity comes at a cost. Live without that precious cell phone for a few days and experience what life was like before the cell phone, that Big Brother snooping device, took over your life. Take the advice of Richard Stallman, founder of the free software movement and creator of the GNU operating system: “I don’t have a cell phone. I won't carry a cell phone. It’s Stalin's dream. Cell phones are tools of Big Brother. I’m not going to carry a tracking device that records where I go all the time, and I’m not going to carry a surveillance device that can be turned on to eavesdrop.”


1. Pickard, Gabrielle. “The ‘Mother’ of all gadgets!” Russia Today. 1.18.2009. & Maxted, Anna. “A new GPS device tracks your children.” Daily Telegraph. 10.19.2009. uk/health/children_shealth/6345403/A-new-GPS-device-tracks-your-children.html. 1.,k/bloglist/child+gps+tracking+device,0 & 2. Byrne, John. “Google offers free software to track people.” Rawstory. 2.04.09. 4.html. 3. 3.

106 4. Stancik, Meredith. “Texas Schoolkids Tagged With GPS Tracking Devices.” 1.18.2010. 5. NBC Chicago. “GPS Tracks Schoolbus Kids.” 8.31.2010. www.nbc 6. Mercury News. “California students get tracking devices.” 8.18.2010. 6. “Privacy and Safety Questions Loom Over Federal Program to Track Preschoolers .” 9.14.2010. 7. Byrne, John. “Google offers free software to track people.” Raw Story. 2.04.2009, John Byrne track_ people_0204.html. 8. Arthur, Charles. “iPhone keeps record of everywhere you go.” 4.20.2011. 8. Angwin, Julia & Valentino-Devries, Jennifer. “Apple, Google collect user data.” Wall Street Journal. 4.22.2011. 4052748703983704576277101723453610.html?mod=WSJ_hp_MIDDLETopStories. 8. Apple: We 'must have' comprehensive user location data on you.” International Business Times. 4.23.2011. 3/apple-we-must-have-comprehensive-user-location -data-on-you.htm. 9. Cohen, Noam. “It’s Tracking Your Every Move and You May Not Even Know.” New York Times. 3.26.2011. p. A1. media/26privacy.html?_r=2. 9. “Automatic GPS on your cellphone.” 10.01.2001. articles/mobile/auto matic-gps-on-your-cellphone-2001101. 9. Crouch, Cameron. “Will Big Brother Track You by Cell Phone? The FCC requires cell phone companies to track you, in order to find you when you call 911-- but what about your privacy?” PC World. 8.02.2001. 10. Censky, Annalyn. “Malls track shoppers' cell phones on Black Friday.” 11.22.2011. black_friday/index.htm. 11. 12. 13. Jennifer Valentino-Devries. “‘Stingray’ Phone Tracker Fuels Constitutional Clash.” 9.22.2011. 83112723197574.html. 14. 15. Murphy, Kim. “Oregon considers subbing mileage tax for gas tax.” Los Angeles Times. 1.04. 2009. A15. gas-tax4. 16. Rohlin, Melissa. “OnStar stops truck that was carjacked at gunpoint.” Los Angeles Times. 10.19.2009. star-gps-carjacking.html. 17. Woodyard, Chris. “Device can remotely halt auto chases.” USA TODAY. 10.9.2007. http://abc 17. State of Washington v. William Bradley Jackson , 150 Wash. 2d 251, 76 P.3d 217, decided by the Supreme Court of Washington on 9.11.2003. www.forensic- onCar.html.

107 18. Yahoo News. “Oil change reignites debate over GPS trakers.” 10.16.2010. 19. 20. 21. Rawnsley, Adam. “Drones Spray, Track the Unwilling in Air Force Plan.” 22. Rawnsley, Adam and Shachtman, Noah. “Crazy-military-tracking-tech, From Super Scents to Quantum Dots.” 5.18.2011.” 05/crazy-military-tracking-tech. 23. 24. Shachtman, Noah. “Exclusive: U.S. Spies Buy Stake in Firm That Monitors Blogs, Tweets.” Wired. 10.19.2009. 25. Brodkin, Jon. “Cell phones are 'Stalin's dream,' says free software movement founder.” Network World. 3.14.2011. richard-stallman.html. 108



Big Brother is not only watching everything you do and everyplace you go he is also listening to everything you say and hear.

Parabolic microphone

A parabolic microphone uses a parabolic reflector to collect and focus sound waves onto a receiver, in much the same way that a parabolic antenna (e.g., satellite dish) does with radio waves. Typical uses of this microphone, which has unusually focused front sensitivity and can pick up sounds from many yards away, include nature recording, field audio for sports broadcasting, eavesdropping , law enforcement, and even espionage . If Big Brother wants to he can eavesdrop on anyone outdoors with super-sensitive parabolic microphones.

Gunshot detectors

The idea of determining the origin of gunfire in cities by sound was conceived before World War I and it was developed during that war. Yet it was not until the 1990s that police put the technology to use. East Palo Alto and eastern Menlo Park in California were besieged with crimes related to drug trafficking and in 1992 there were 42 homicides in East Palo Alto, making it the per capita murder capital of the United States. In late 1992, John C. Lahr, a seismologist at the nearby U.S. Geological Survey, approached the Menlo Park police department to ask if they would be interested in applying seismological techniques to locate gun shots. Robert Showen, an Standford Research Institute employee and expert in acoustics developed a system to detect gunshots. A network consisting of one wired and four radio-telemetered microphones was established, with his home in eastern Menlo Park becoming the command center. Lahr modified the software typically used for locating earthquakes and recorded the data at a higher sample rate than is used

109 for regional seismology. After gunshots were heard Lahr would determine their location while his wife monitored the police radio for independent confirmation of their source. Using this system, Lahr was able to demonstrate to the police and others that this technique was highly effective, as the system was able to locate gunshots occurring within the array to within a ten’s of meters. 1

Raytheon’s gunshot detector 4

Since then the technology has been greatly improved allowing the police to locate the exact location of a gunshot. The technology is being used by numerous police departments around the world. ShotSpotter Inc. had instralled 30 systems in cities in America by 2008. 2 The military uses the technology to locate sniper fire.3 One of its systems is portable and a wearable system has been developed by Raytheon. 4 Corporations also use the technology for their own security. The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco is protected by a system made by safetydynamics.5 The Boomerang X system that allows a soldier to determine the location of gunfire will be shrunk down so it can fit on a soldier’s wrist like a watch. When that day comes it will be standard equipment for all soldiers and law enforcement officers. Along with this technology police officers will some day be equipped with minature parabolic 110 microphones enabling them to eavesdrop on anyone. They will also be equipped with spycams that will enable personnel in the control center to watch everything the officers in the field see in real time. Police officers will become Big Brother super-snoops.

“In general you could not assume that you were much safer in the country than in London. There were no telescreens, of course, but there was always the danger of concealed microphones by which your voice might be picked up and recognized.” (George Orwell, 1984 , Book Two, Chapter Two, p. 98)

Auto Eavesdropping

Hong Kong auto eavesdropping conspiracy

The Hong Kong Apple Daily has reported that since 2007, Red Chinese authorities have been installing eavesdropping devices on all dual-plate Chinese-Hong Kong vehicles, enabling them to create a massive network of eavesdropping across the archipelago. The devices are being installed as “inspection and quarantine cards” without charge by the Shenzhen Inspection and Quarantine Bureau on thousands of vehicles. Smugglers were the first to note something strange about the devices. A source told Apple Daily that after the cards were installed mainland authorities had no trouble picking off the cars carrying illicit goods. “For every ten cars we ran we only had [smuggled goods] in three or four to reduce the risk, but the border agents caught all of them. The accuracy was unreal!” Apple Daily quoted the smuggler saying. 111 The device about the size of a PDA is taped onto the vehicle’s front window. Protective tape covers the screws and to prevent tampering. Apple Daily removed two devices and asked Zheng Liming Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at City University of Hong Kong and private investigator Zhang Dawei to examine them. Both said they could be used for eavesdropping. “But this device uses chips commonly found in Bluetooth and voice recording devices, designed for receiving voice transmission,” explained Liming saying it has a transmitting range of 12 miles. Apple Daily quoted a source saying there are at least 20,000 cars with dual license places, and tens of thousands of trucks and buses. When the reporter confronted an officials of the Shenzhen Inspection and Quarantine Bureau they denied it saying, “It’s not that high tech.” 1f Even if it is not an eavesdropping device what will keep Big Brother from making it mandatory for all vehicles to have such a device? In the future it will be mandatory in America and the rest of the world for all vehicles to have cameras with microphones and transmitters installed before they can be registered and licensed. Big Brother will be able to watch and listen to everything you say and do in your vehicle.


The OnStar GPS service enables OnStar, and all law enforcement agencies to track the whereabouts of every car that has the service. It also can be used by OnStar employees or law enforcement personnel to eavesdrop on the passengers. OnStar denies they have this ability, but a 2003 lawsuit revealed that systems such as OnStar can be used for eavesdropping on passenger conversations. 2 Keep in mind that Big Brother can listen to you in the privacy of your own vehicle by turning your cell phone into a microphone.

Telephone and Internet eavesdropping

Roving bug

Natural News and learned that the FBI has developed a technique that can remotely activate a nearby cell phone’s microphone, thereby turning it into a listening device. The “roving bug” technique was approved by U.S. Department of Justice officials for use on members of an organized crime family in New York that was getting

112 increasingly suspicious of tails, wiretaps or other traditional surveillance techniques. 3 Government intelligence agencies have the technology to turn any telephone into a microphone, and listen to every conversation that is said in the privacy of a home or business office while the telephone is not being used. 4 Tips on how to detect this kind of bugging can be found on the Internet. 5

Carnivore & NarusInsight

Carnivore was a system implemented by the Federal Bureau of Investigation designed to monitor email and electronic communications. It used a customizable packet sniffer that can monitor all of a target user’s Internet traffic. It was implemented during the Clinton administration with the approval of the Attorney General. The FBI changed the name of Carnivore to DCS 1000 due to massive negative press coverage. The program was canceled in 2001, but it was replaced with improved commercial software such as NarusInsight. 6 NarusInsight is a supercomputer system which is used by the NSA and other government agencies to perform and monitoring of citizens’ and corporations’ Internet communications in real-time, and whose installation in AT&T’s San Francisco Internet backbone gave rise to a 2006 class action lawsuit by the Electronic Frontier Foundation against AT&T, Hepting v. AT&T. 7 Big Brother watches everything everyone does on the Internet. He reads all emails and tracks every website you visit. He also keeps track of everything you put into a search engine. Watch where you go!

Investigatory Powers Act

The United Kingdom passed a law in 2009 that strengthens the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000. 8 The law mandates that all telecommunication companies and internet service providers to keep a record of every customer’s personal communications, showing who they have contacted, when and where, as well as the websites they have visited. 9 Big Brother has total access to every email you receive and send and every website you have ever visited. He does not need laws to do this. He has his parsitical politicians pass laws to keep Patriots from filing lawsuits to have the laws overturned.

113 Home and business eavesdropping

Radio wave microphone

Big Brother can even read the vibrations on a window from the outside, and decipher what is being said inside. This method of eavesdropping can be defeated by simply drawing the curtains. Eavesdroppers “shine a laser beam onto a glass window and decode any modulation of the reflected beam caused by sound vibrations in the room.” You can also defeat this technology by playing a radio as background noise. Make sure it is on a talk show, music can be filtered out. Big Brother has other tricks. The new “through-the-wall audio surveillance system” uses a “powerful beam of very high frequency radio waves instead of light.” Radio signals easily penetrate walls – that is how radios work in doors. “The system uses a horn antenna to radiate a beam of microwave energy – between 30 and 100 gigahertz – through a building wall. If people are speaking inside the room, any flimsy surface, such as clothing, will be vibrating. This modulates the radio beam reflected from the surface. “Although the radio reflection that passes back through the wall is extremely faint, the kind of electronic extraction and signal cleaning tricks used by NASA to decode signals in space can be used to extract speech.” 10 Play a talk radio program or television as background noise. Yet it is possible Big Brother might be able to filter out the background noise.

Google is listening to you

Google knows what search terms you use, what Web pages you are viewing, and what is in your e-mails – that is how it serves up the text ads targeted to the Web content on your screen. Soon Google will know what TV programs you watch – and will use that information to send you more advertising. Their prototype software uses a computer’s built-in microphone to listen to the sounds in a room . It then filters each five-second snippet of sound to pick out audio from a TV, reduces the snippet to a digital “fingerprint,” searches an Internet server for a matching fingerprint from a pre-recorded show, and, if it finds a match, displays ads, chat

114 rooms, or other information related to that snippet on the user’s computer. But the fingerprinting technology used in the Google prototype makes it impossible for the company to eavesdrop on other sounds in the room, such as personal conversations, according to the Google team. In the end, the researchers say, the only personal information revealed is TV-watching preferences. When word of the research first appeared in the media, some bloggers and other technology watchers reacted with horror; many assumed that the background conversation picked up by the microphone in Google’s system would be uploaded to Google. Prototype software from Google Research could listen to your TV and send back useful information – and ads of course. 11 You can defeat this eavesdropping by playing one or more background sounds. Turn a radio on to a talk station. This can be irritating to some people, but it is something you must live with to keep Big Brother from snooping on you. Or you can make sure your computer does not have a microphone and keep your cell phone and landline phone in another room. Read on for information on this eavesdropping trick.


ECHELON is a signals intelligence (SIGINT) network operated for the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The AUSCANNZUKUS security agreement was reportedly created to monitor the military and diplomatic communications of the Soviet Union and its Eastern Bloc allies during the Cold War in the early 1960s. Yet since the end of the Cold War it is also being used to search for hints of terrorist plots, the plans of drug dealers, and political and diplomatic intelligence. “In 1975, a congressional investigation revealed that the NSA had been intercepting, without warrants, international communications for more than 20 years at the behest of the CIA and other agencies. The spy campaign, code-named ‘Shamrock,’ led to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which was designed to protect Americans from illegal eavesdropping. “Enacted in 1978, FISA lays out procedures that the U.S. government must follow to conduct electronic surveillance and physical searches of people believed to be engaged in espionage or 115 international terrorism against the United States. A special court, which has 11 members, is responsible for adjudicating requests under FISA.” 12 In 2001 the European Parliament published a report concerning ECHELON in which it concluded that it was capable of intercepting virtually every communication in the world by radio, television, land- line telephones, cell phones, email, fax, satellite transmission and microwave links. “If UKUSA states operate listening stations in the relevant regions of the earth, in principle they can intercept all telephone, fax and data traffic transmitted via such satellites.” 13 When the majority of communications was switched from satellites to fiber optic cable interception of communications ECHELON built special interception rooms. Equipment was installed at locations where fiber optic communications are switched. One such intercept site in America is Room 641A. It is a facility operated by AT&T for the , beginning in 2003. It is located in the SBC Communications building at 611 Folsom Street, San Francisco. (AT&T was purchased by SBC in 2005.) The room was referred to in internal AT&T documents as the “SG3 [Study Group 3] Secure Room.” It is fed by fiber optic lines from beam splitters installed in fiber optic trunks carrying Internet backbone traffic. It therefore has access to all Internet traffic that passes through the building. Room 641A and the controversies surrounding it were subjects of an episode of “Frontline,” that was originally broadcast on PBS on May 15, 2007. It was also featured on PBS’s “NOW” on March 14, 2008. 14 A Senate panel is probing claims that top secret government workers eavesdropped on communications from American service members, journalists and aid workers overseas. Senate intelligence committee chair Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) called the allegations, made on ABC News, “extremely disturbing.” Off of Capitol Hill, reaction was swift and sharp to the news that U.S. intelligence officials listened in to hundreds of private conversations, including pillow talk between U.S. military officers and their spouses. 15 British journalist Duncan Campbell and New Zealand journalist Nicky Hager asserted in the 1990s that the United States was exploiting ECHELON traffic for industrial espionage, rather than military and diplomatic purposes. 16 George Bush authorized the Terrorist Surveillance Program in 2001 after the 911 attacks. It permitted warrantless wiretapping of international communications where one party to the communication 116 was believed to be affiliated with al-Qa’ida. 17 That program was abused and expanded to eavesdropping on an untold number of Americans who had no connection to al-Qa’ida.

Cell phone eavesdropping

Big Brother is listening: Government can eavesdrop on your life by secretly listening through your cell phone. Natural News learned in 2006 that the FBI has developed a technique that can remotely activate a cell phone’s microphone, thereby turning it into a listening device. The “roving bug” technique was approved by U.S. Department of Justice officials for use on members of an organized crime family in New York that was getting increasingly suspicious of tails, wiretaps or other traditional surveillance techniques. The cell phones of alleged mobster John Ardiot – considered by the FBI to be one of the most powerful men in the Genovese crime family – and his attorney Peter Peluso, also an alleged mobster, were activated by this technique in order for authorities to monitor nearby conversations. U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan ruled that the technique was legal in an opinion, stating that federal wiretapping law was broad enough to cover the monitoring of conversations occurring near a suspect’s cell phone. The method works whether the phone is on or off, because cell phones cannot be truly powered down without removing the battery. A 2005 Financial Times article noted that cell phone providers can install software on any phone from a remote location, allowing microphone activation, without the owner’s knowledge. In addition to activating the microphone, the software can also stop a display from indicating a call in progress, taking away another method by which a cell phone user could tell his phone had been compromised. According to counter- surveillance consultant James Atkinson, phones from Nextel, Samsung and Motorola are particularly vulnerable to remote software downloads. The bugging of mobster John Ardiot was not the first time the FBI has done this. In a 2003 suit, it was discovered that the FBI was able to activate the microphones of automotive systems such as OnStar and listen to passenger conversations without them knowing it.18 Big Brother can also eavesdrop on any landline phone anywhere on Earth. This information is explained at Click on glossary and then hookswitch bypass. 19 117 E-Mail surveillance

The National Security Agency is facing renewed scrutiny over the extent of its domestic surveillance program, with critics in Congress saying its intercepts of the private telephone calls and e-mail messages of Americans are broader than previously acknowledged, current and former officials said. Representative Rush Holt, Democrat of New Jersey and chairman of the House Select Intelligence Oversight Panel, disputed assertions by Justice Department and national security officials that the over- collection was inadvertent. “Some actions are so flagrant that they can’t be accidental,” he said. Other Congressional officials raised similar concerns but would not agree to be quoted for the record. “For the Hill, the issue is a sense of scale, about how much domestic e-mail collection is acceptable,” a former intelligence official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because N.S.A. operations are classified. “It’s a question of how many mistakes they can allow.” Under the surveillance program, before the N.S.A. can target and monitor the e-mail messages or telephone calls of Americans suspected of having links to international terrorism, it must get permission from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA). Supporters of the agency say that in using computers to sweep up millions of electronic messages, it is unavoidable that some innocent discussions of Americans will be examined . Intelligence operators are supposed to filter those out, but critics say the agency is not rigorous enough in doing so. The N.S.A. is believed to have gone beyond legal boundaries designed to protect Americans in about 8 to 10 separate court orders issued by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, according to three intelligence officials who spoke anonymously because disclosing such information is illegal. Because each court order could single out hundreds or even thousands of phone numbers or e-mail addresses, the number of individual communications that were improperly collected could number in the millions , officials said. He said he and other analysts were trained to use a secret database, code-named Pinwale, in 2005 that archived foreign and domestic e- mail messages. He said Pinwale allowed N.S.A. analysts to read large volumes of e-mail messages to and from Americans as long as they fell within certain limits. Other intelligence officials confirmed the existence of the Pinwale e-mail database, but declined to provide further details. 118 The former analyst added that his instructors had warned against committing any abuses, telling his class that another analyst had been investigated because he had improperly accessed the personal e-mail of Bill Clinton.20

Eavesdropping psychoanalysis

Mind Machine Project

Big Brother has developed a technique in which he thinks he can determine if an individual will commit a violent act by listening to his conversation and reading his emails. Mathieu Guidere (University of Geneva) working with Dr. Newton Howard (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) who heads the Mind Machine Project explained that through computerized scanning of phone calls and electronic messages sent through e-mail and social networking mechanisms it is possible to identify someone who will commit a violent act. “The computer system detects resentment in conversations through measurements in decibels and other voice biometrics,” he said. “It detects obsessiveness with the individual going back to the same topic over and over, measuring crescendos.” The program can detect the same patterns of fixation on specified subjects in written communications. Using character traits that have been identified through psychological profiles conducted on lone bombers following the 911 terrorist attacks, Guidere said he and his colleagues developed programs that isolate signs pointing to a potential terrorist. According to them lone bombers are not mentally deranged but harbor hatred and deep resentment toward government. Their emotional spikes an be identified by the computer program. Once the individual has been identified, the information can be passed along to authorities so surveillance can begin. Currently, the computer program can review 10,000 voice or other electronic transmissions in an hour. The goal, the professor said, is to increase the capacity to 100,000 per hour. The program can also be used by psychologists and other mental health providers working with war veterans, law enforcement officials and others to measure their progress in recovery. “By recording the voice of the patient, the program can rate negativity and positivity with depression and other emotional disorders,” said Guidere, who is working with, director of MIT’s Mind Machine Project. 21 119 Layered Voice Analysis

Nemesysco is an Israeli company that makes lie detectors and other products based on voice analysis.22 They have been used in airports in Israel and Russia,23 by insurance companies and social security helplines in the United Kingdom and also sold to consumers. 24 This technology has raised controversy about privacy and whether is it scientific or not. 25 Users have claimed savings, mostly by subjects being more honest when told they are subjected to a lie detector. 26 CEO Amir Liberman and Executive Chairman David Ofek 27-28 call their trademarked method Layered Voice Analysis (LVA). A 2006 study at the University of Florida for the Counterintelligence Field Activity concluded that LVA did not show any sensitivity to the presence of deception or stress. 29 A 2008 study funded by the National Institute of Justice found that neither LVA nor the competing Computer Voice Stress Analyzer (CVSA) were able to detect lies better than random, but its use does deter people from lying, the bogus pipeline effect. 30 In 2007 two Swedish professors of linguistics, Francisco Lacerda of Stockholm University and Anders Eriksson of Gothenburg University, published an article called “Charlatanry in forensic speech science” 31 in the International Journal of Speech Language and the Law . Here they examined the workings of a Nemesysco product, and showed that it behaved in pseudo-random fashion when purporting to identify spoken lies. Nemesysco demanded that the article should be withdrawn from the online version of the magazine, and the publisher Equinox did so. 32- 33 Nemesysco’s lawyers then sent letters to the Swedish professors where they threatened to sue them for defamation if they published similar articles again. 34-35 This resulted in criticism of Nemesysco for trying to silence academic research, and of the publisher for not understanding how to manage a scientific journal. 36-37 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences branded the company’s behavior a “serious assault on research freedom.” 38 This technology is a clever scam. It is being peddled to companies and government agencies that are panicked over the phony war on terror.

Sentient World Simulation

In 2008 Christopher Ketcham showed that Big Brother is not just eavesdropping and spying on the American people, he is also 120 attempting to predict “what the target will do, where the target will go, who it will turn to for help.” The Pentagon is running an artificial intelligence (AI) program to see how people will react to propaganda and to government-inflicted terror. The program is called Sentient World Simulation. Defense, intelligence and homeland security officials are constructing a parallel world, on a computer, which the agencies will use to test propaganda messages and military strategies. Called the Sentient World Simulation, the program uses AI routines based upon the psychological theories of Marty Seligman and others. (Seligman introduced the theory of ‘learned helplessness’ in the 1960s, after shocking beagles until they cowered, urinating, on the bottom of their cages.) It features an avatar for each person in the real world, based upon data collected about us from government records and the internet. Indeed, as noted by Boston University’s Journal of Science and Technology Law, Fox News, the Daily Telegraph and other sources, the Department of Homeland Security is developing an airport scanner to be able to read people’s minds and predict terrorist behavior. Neuroscientists at UCLA say they can predict – using brain scanning – people’s behavior better than the people themselves can. And Northwestern University announced in July that scientists can read people’s brain waves to detect terrorism. Is it possible and probable that Big Brother’s AI program is designed to manipulate the American public, to concentrate power, to take away the liberties and freedoms of the American people, and to induce chaos in order to achieve these ends. 39


A controversial covert surveillance system that records the public’s conversations is being used in Britain. Sigard, an eavesdropping system by Sound Intelligence, monitors movements and speech to detect signs of threatening behavior. Its designers claim the system can anticipate anti-social behavior and violence by analyzing the information picked up by its sensors. Sigard instantly sends alerts to police, nightclub bouncers or store security staff. The devices are designed to distinguish between distress calls, threatening behavior and general shouting. It was first used Dutch prisons, city centers and Amsterdam’s Central Rail Station. 40

121 “It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place or within range of a telescreen. The smallest thing could give you away. A nervous tic, an unconscious look of anxiety, a habit of muttering to yourself – anything that carried with it the suggestion of abnormality, of having something to hide. In any case, to wear an improper expression on your face (to look incredulous when a victory was announced, for example) was itself a punishable offense. There was even a word for it in Newspeak: facecrime, it was called.” (George Orwell, 1984 , Book 1, Chapter 5, p. 54, emphasis added)

“Your worst enemy, he reflected, was your nervous system. At any moment the tension inside you was liable to translate itself into some visible symptom.” (Ibid., Book 1, Chapter 6, p. 56)

This Big Brother technology is a fraud. He claims it is real, but it is just another phony technology used to frame Patriots, Christians and dissidents. He will continue to invent fake technologies and use his media presstitutes to sell the unwashed masses on its effectiveness. Do not believe the claims by the propaganda minions of Big Brother.

Warrantless wiretaps

Dick Cheney

Big Brother has tapped electronic communications without a warrant for decades, but it has always been illegal. That changed with the Bush administration after the . Vice President Dick Cheney is considered to be the architect of the warrantless wiretap program of the Bush administration. In December of 2005 he defended this illegal program. “The fact of the matter is this is a good, solid program,” he said on CNN during his stopover in Pakistan. “It has saved thousands of lives. We are doing exactly the right thing, we are doing it in accordance with the Constitution of the United States and it ought to be supported. This is not about violating civil liberties, because we’re not.” He went on say, “But I do believe that especially in the day and age we live in, the nature of the threats we face, the president of the United States needs to have his constitutional powers unimpaired, if you will, in terms of the conduct of national security policy.” [Authors’ note : What Cheney did was not legal and it was a major violation of the 122 Constitution. Big Brother always uses the excuse of security to commit illegal acts and then he says what he did was legal.] Judge James Robertson of the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court resigned in protest of the administration’s surveillance program. Professor Yoo, a legal scholar from Boalt Hall, the law school at the University of California, Berkeley, was a legal adviser who determined that warrantless wiretaps were legal among other things. “The government may be justified, in taking measures which in less troubled conditions could be seen as infringements of individual liberties,” wrote in the memorandum after the 911 attacks. Four days later, he wrote that Congress could not place “limits on the president’s determinations as to any terrorist threat, the amount of military force to be used in response, or the method, timing and nature of the response.” He went on to write, “These decisions, under our Constitution, are for the president alone to make.” He went on to make more excuses to violate the Constitution saying, “When we were hit on 9/11, President Bush was granted authority by the Congress to use all means necessary to take on the terrorists, and that’s what we’ve done.” He ridiculed his critics saying “the 9/11 commission criticized everybody in government because we didn’t connect the dots. Now we are connecting the dots, and they’re still complaining. So it seems to me you can’t have it both ways.” (Men who take the oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution should do that no matter what.) Geoffrey R. Stone, a law professor at the University of Chicago, said he found the issue straightforward, at least as regards surveillance by the National Security Agency. “Some legal questions are hard,” he said. “This one is not. The president’s authorizing of N.S.A. to spy on Americans is blatantly unlawful.” 41 Cheney actually said in a PBS interview (September 16, 2011) that NO rights of the American people were infringed on after the attacks of September 11, 2001, and the subsequent passing of the Patriot Act and other anti-terror laws. Amazing!

NSA sought blanket eavesdropping in April 2001

The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) asked AT&T to help it set up a domestic call monitoring site seven months before the Sept. 11,

123 2001 attacks, lawyers claimed in June 2006 in court papers filed in New York federal court. The allegation is part of a court filing adding AT&T as a defendant in a breach of privacy case filed earlier this month on behalf of Verizon Communications Inc. and BellSouth Corp. customers. The suit alleges that the three carriers, the NSA and President George W. Bush violated the Telecommunications Act of 1934 and the U.S. Constitution, and seeks money damages. The case is McMurray v. Verizon Communications Inc., 06cv3650, in the Southern District of New York. The lawsuit is related to an alleged NSA program to record and store data on calls placed by subscribers. More than 30 suits have been filed over claims that the carriers, the three biggest U.S. telephone companies, violated the privacy rights of their customers by cooperating with the NSA in an effort to track alleged terrorists. The NSA initiative, code-named “Pioneer Groundbreaker,” asked AT&T Solutions to build for the NSA a network operations center which duplicated AT&T’s Bedminster, New Jersey facility. That plan was abandoned in favor of the NSA acquiring the monitoring technology itself. The NSA said on its Web site that in June 2000, it was seeking bids for a project to “modernize and improve its information technology infrastructure.” The plan was said to be part of Project Ground- breaker. 42

NSA is eavesdropping on everyone

The National Security Agency is eavesdropping on everyone no matter what their rank in society may be. Russell Tice, former National Security Agency analyst, said, “The National Security Agency had access to all Americans’ communications – faxes, phone calls, and their computer communications. It didn’t matter whether you were in Kansas, in the middle of the country, and you never made foreign communications at all. They monitored all communications.” “What I was finding out, though, is that the collection on those organizations was 24/7 and 365 days a year – and it made no sense. ... I started to investigate that. That’s about the time when they came after me to fire me.” “While many details about the program remain secret, officials familiar with it said the N.S.A. eavesdropped without warrants on up to 124 500 people in the United States at any given time,” the Times wrote, shortly after the 2004 election. “The list changes as some names are added and others dropped, so the number monitored in this country may have reached into the thousands over the past three years, several officials said. Overseas, about 5,000 to 7,000 people suspected of terrorist ties are monitored at one time, according to those officials.” Senator Obama commented on the NSA’s eavesdropping program saying, “The President’s illegal program of warrantless surveillance will be over. It restores FISA and existing criminal wiretap statutes as the exclusive means to conduct surveillance – making it clear that the President cannot circumvent the law and disregard the civil liberties of the American people.” “I’ve never seen contempt for the rule of law such as this,” said Sen. Dodd in December 2007.43

Protect America Act

A new law expanding the government’s spying powers gave the Bush Administration a six-month window from August 2007, to install permanent back doors in the nation’s communication networks. The legislation was passed hurriedly by Congress over the weekend of August 6, 2007, and signed into law by George W. Bush. The Protect America Act removed the prohibition on warrantless spying on Americans abroad and gave the government wide powers to order communication service providers such as cell phone companies and ISPs to make their networks available to government eavesdroppers. While the nation’s spy laws have been continually loosened since the 911 attacks, the Administration never pushed for the right to tap the nation’s domestic communication networks until a secret court recently struck down a key pillar of the government’s secret spying program. Prior to the law’s passage, the nation’s spy agencies, such as the National Security Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency, didn’t need any court approval to spy on foreigners so long as the wiretaps were outside the United States. Now those agencies are free to order services like , cell phone companies and even search engines to comply with secret spy orders to create back doors in domestic communication networks for the intelligence community. While it’s unclear whether the wiretapping can be used for domestic purposes, the

125 law only requires that the programs that give rise to such orders have a “significant purpose” of foreign intelligence gathering. One aspect of the law that is chilling is that it:

Forces Communication Service providers to comply secretly, though they can challenge the orders to the secret Foreign Intelligence Court. Individuals or companies given such orders will be paid for their cooperation and can not be sued for complying.

In short, the law gives the Administration the power to order the nation’s communication service providers – which range from Gmail, AOL IM, Twitter, Skype, traditional phone companies, ISPs, internet backbone providers, Federal Express, and social networks – to create permanent spying outposts for the federal government. These outposts need only to have a “significant” purpose of spying on foreigners, would be nearly immune to challenge by lawsuit, and have no court supervision over their extent or implementation. Abuses of the outposts will be monitored only by the Justice Department, which has already been found to have underreported abuses of other surveillance powers to Congress. In related international news, Zimbabwe’s repressive dictator Robert Mugabe also won passage of a law allowing the government to turn that nation’s communication infrastructure into a gigantic, secret microphone. 44

Past eavesdropping

The federal government has been eavesdropping on the American people for decades. Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld pushed for warrantless wiretaps in the 1970s. Massive eavesdropping on Americans began long before the 911 attacks. Whistleblowers from major telecommunications companies have testified that the program began before 911. American intelligence agencies and intelligence agencies of other nations heard about the 911 hijackers plans from their own mouths. Investigators for the Congressional Joint Inquiry discovered that an FBI informant, Abdussattar Shaikh, had rented a room to two of the hijackers in 2000 and that, when the Inquiry sought to interview the informant, the FBI refused. The FBI hid him in an unknown location, and a high-level FBI official stated these blocking maneuvers were undertaken under orders from the White House. The New York Times 126 noted that Senator Bob Graham, the Florida Democrat who is a former chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, accused the White House of covering up evidence. According to Le Monde, the intelligence services of France and other governments had infiltrated the highest levels of Al-Qaeda’s camps, and actually listened to the hijackers’ debates about which airlines’ planes should be hijacked, and allied intelligence services also intercepted phone conversations between Al-Qaeda members regarding the attacks. According to journalist Christopher Ketcham, Israel tracked the hijackers’ every move prior to the attacks, and sent agents to film the attack on the World Trade Centers. The National Security Agency and the FBI were each independently listening in on the phone calls between the supposed mastermind of the attacks and the lead hijacker. Indeed, the FBI built its own antenna in Madagascar specifically to listen in on the mastermind’s phone calls. According to various sources, on the day before 911, the mastermind told the lead hijacker “tomorrow is zero hour” and gave final approval for the attacks. The NSA intercepted the message that day and the FBI was likely also monitoring the mastermind’s phone calls. The CIA and the NSA had been intercepting phone calls by the hijackers for years. Shortly before 9/11, the NSA also intercepted multiple phone calls to the United States from Bin Laden’s chief of operations. According to the Sunday Herald, two days before 9/11, Bin Laden called his stepmother and told her “In two days, you’re going to hear big news and you’re not going to hear from me for a while.” U.S. officials later told CNN that “in recent years they’ve been able to monitor some of bin Laden’s telephone communications with his [step]mother. Bin Laden at the time was using a satellite telephone, and the signals were intercepted and sometimes recorded.” Indeed, before 9/11, to impress important visitors, NSA analysts would occasionally play audio tapes of bin Laden talking to his stepmother. And according to CBS News, at 9:53 a.m on 911, just 15 minutes after the hijacked plane had hit the Pentagon, “the National Security Agency, which monitors communications worldwide, intercepted a phone call from one of Osama bin Laden’s operatives in Afghanistan to a phone number in the former Soviet Republic of Georgia,” and secretary of Defense Rumsfeld learned about the intercepted phone call 127 in real-time. [ Authors’ note : If the NSA monitored and transcribed phone calls in real-time on 911, that implies that it did so in the months leading up to 911 as well.] The massive eavesdropping by numerous agencies has not been focused on protecting Americans from terrorists. The NSA spied on U.N. diplomats in their deliberations on the so that the U.S. could figure out which countries were against the war and their reasons, to gain an advantage in twisting arms and selling the war. They have been spying on journalists from the New York Times, the Washington Post, and other publications for years and some eight million Americans are now listed in government threat assessment databases as potentially suspect. The government and its contractors have spent most of their time spying on antiwar protesters, environmentalists and other non- dangerous people prior to 911. 45 The 911 attacks were planned and carried out by the the NSA, military, CIA, FBI and other agencies. It was designed to give the Bush administration the excuse to invade Afghanistan and Iraq. It was also executed to give them the excuse they needed to turn America into a police state.

Citizens cannot record police officers in the line of duty

Christopher Drew, age 60, an artist and teacher and Tiawanda Moore, age 20, a former stripper, face 15 years in prison for recording police officers while performing their dutites. The authorities say that Mr. Drew and Ms. Moore audio-recorded their separate non-violent encounters with Chicago police officers without the officers’ permission, a Class 1 felony in Illinois, which, along with Massachusetts and Oregon, has one of the country’s toughest eavesdropping laws. “Before they arrested me for it,” Ms. Moore said, “I didn’t even know there was a law about eavesdropping. I wasn’t trying to sue anybody. I just wanted somebody to know what had happened to me.” Moore is accused of using her Blackberry to record two Internal Affairs investigators who spoke to her inside Police Headquarters while she filed a sexual harassment complaint last August against another police officer . Mr. Drew was charged with using a digital recorder to capture his 2009 arrest for selling art without a permit on North State Street in the Loop. 128 “That’s one step below attempted murder,” Mr. Drew said of their potential sentences. The crime they are accused of is eavesdropping . Adam Schwartz, a lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois, said that when “something fishy seems to be going on, the perfectly natural and healthy and good thing is for them to pull that device out and make a recording.” The Illinois Eavesdropping Act has been on the books for years. It makes it a criminal offense to audio-record either private or public conversations without the consent of all parties. Audio-recording a civilian without consent is a Class 4 felony, punishable by up to three years in prison for a first-time offense. A second offense is a Class 3 felony with a possible prison term of five years . Although law-enforcement officials can legally record civilians in private or public, audio-recording a law-enforcement officer , state’s attorney, assistant state’s attorney, attorney general, assistant attorney general or judge in the performance of his or her duties is a Class 1 felony, punishable by up to 15 years in prison. The A.C.L.U. filed its lawsuit after several people throughout Illinois were charged in recent years with eavesdropping for making audio recordings of public conversations with the police. The A.C.L.U. argued that the act violates the First Amendment and hinders citizens from monitoring the public behavior of police officers and other officials. On Jan. 10, a federal judge in Chicago dismissed the suit for the second time. Mr. Schwartz said the A.C.L.U. would appeal. Andrew Conklin, a spokesman for Anita Alvarez, the Cook County state’s attorney, said, “We did feel the A.C.L.U.’s claims were baseless and we’re glad the court agreed with us.” Beyond that statement, Mr. Conklin said, “we have no comment because we have these two cases pending.” Mark Donahue, president of the Fraternal Order of Police, said his organization “absolutely supports” the eavesdropping act as is and was relieved that the challenge had failed. Mr. Donahue added that allowing the audio recording of police officers while performing their duty “can affect how an officer does his job on the street.” [ Authors’ note: The fear of police being recorded in the act of their duties will ONLY encourage them to perform their duties in a legal manner. Once police know they cannot be recorded in the performance of their duties it will encourage them to perform their duties in an illegal manner!]

129 Moore’s case is more complicated and “disturbing,” said her lawyer, Robert W. Johnson, who is representing her pro bono. Police went to their home to settle a domestic quarrel. Moore and her boyfriend were separated, and the male officer molested her, propositioned her and gave her his phone number. Moore and her boyfriend filed a complaint with Internal Affairs and they tried to talk her out of filing a complaint, saying the officer had a good record and that they could “guarantee” that he would not bother her again. “They keep giving her the run-around, basically trying to discourage her from making a report,” Johnson said. “Finally, she decides to record them on her cellphone to show how they’re not helping her.” The investigators discovered that she was recording them and she was arrested and charged with two counts of eavesdropping. He noted that the law contains a crucial exception that if a citizen has “reasonable suspicion” that a crime is about to be committed against him he may obtain evidence by recording it. “I contend that the Internal Affairs investigators were committing the crime of official misconduct in preventing her from filing a complaint,” Johnson said. “She’s young. She had no idea what she was getting into when she went in there to make a simple complaint. It’s just a shame when the people watching the cops aren’t up to it.” Moore returned to Internal Affairs with her lawyer to file a full complaint. It is not surprising that law enforcement officers can eavesdrop, video record and spy on citizens whenever they want to and even without a warrant, yet citizens cannot audio or video record police in the performance of their duties in public view. This insane concept will lead to massive abuse by police and law enforcement authorities and eventually lead to a total Soviet/Nazi style dictatorship. 46


Big Brother records virtually every telephone call made in the world every day. They also intercept and record virtually every email, fax and all other electronic communications. The minions of Big Brother then use sophisticated software to catch pertinent conversations focusing on “key words” such as bomb, explosives, kill, bribe, chemicals, spy, sabotage, espionage, shoot, etc. The software picks out conversations which move to the next level. Another software program examines the conversation and makes a determination whether it is innocent or should be examined further. No one knows how many levels of 130 software a conversation goes through before a person listens to it. Yet thousands of conversations are listened to by NSA employees every day. Remember this fact of life – everything you say on the phone or write in an email or fax is recorded and examined by the NSA. Do NOT say or write anything you do not want Big Brother to hear. Loose lips sink ships and lives, maybe your life. Even though Big Brother watches everything you do, records it and uses it against you, according to him you cannot record his minions as they abuse you and violate your rights. Big Brother is wrong! You can record any Big Brother minion as he performs his duties legally or illegally. If they say you do not take them to court.


1a. 1a. 1a. 1b. mon.txt. 1c. tml. 1d. 1e. 1f. Ding, Albert & Robertson, Matthew. “Chinese Spying Devices Installed on Hong Kong Cars.”Epoch Times, 6.12.2011. chinese-spying-devices-installed-on-hong-kong-cars-57587.html. & “Chinese Spy Device in Hong Kong Cars: Apple Daily.” 6.14.2011. ntdtv_en/news_china/2011-06-14/chinese-spy-device-in-hong-kong-cars-apple-daily. html. 1f. Kage, Ben. “Big Brother is listening: Government can eavesdrop on your life by secretly listening through your cell phone.” NaturalNews. 12.05.2006. www. 2. McCullagh, Declan. “Court to FBI: No spying on in-car computers.” ZDNet News. 11.19.2003. 3. McCullagh, Declan and Broache, Anne. “FBI taps cell phone mic as eavesdropping tool.” CNET News. 12.01.2006. 6140191.html. 4. 5. 6. Fox News. “FBI DITCHES CARNIVORE SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM.” 1.18.2005.,2933,144809,00.html. 7. & www.nar & Bamford, James, The Shadow Factory: The Ultra-Secret NSA from 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America . 8. 131 9. London Telegraph. “State to ‘spy’ on every phone call, email and web search.” 11.10.2009. ate-to-spy-on-every-phone-call-em ail-and-web-search .html. 10. Fox, Barry. “Invention: Wall-beating bugging.” 10.25.2005. 90/article/dn8208. 11. Roush, Wade. “Googling your TV.” Technology Review. 8.24.2006. www. 12. Cauley, Leslie. “NSA has massive database of Americans’ phone calls.” USA Today. 5.11.2006. htm. 13. Schmid, Gerhard (2001-07-11). “On the existence of a global system for the interception of private and commercial communications (ECHELON interception system), (2001/2098(INI))” (pdf – 194 pages). European Parliament: Temporary Committee on the ECHELON Interception System. www.europarl. sides/ DF+V0//EN &language=EN. 14. 15. Rood, Justin. “NSA Eavesdropping ‘Outrageous’ and ‘Disturbing,’ Critics Say – Insiders Told ABC News What NSA Really Heard.” ABC News. 10.10.2008. 16. 17. & http:// /Terrorist_Surveillance_Program. 18. Kage, Ben. “Big Brother is listening: Government can eavesdrop on your life by secretly listening through your cell phone.” Natural News. 12.05.2006. www.nat 19. 20. Risen, James and Lichtblau, Eric. “E-Mail Surveillance Renews Concerns in Congress.” New York Times. 6.16.2009. .html?_r=3&hp=&pagewanted=all. 21. Buffalo News. “Technology identifies troubled individuals.” 9.26.2010. www 22. “Speak no evil at airports.” 11.18.2005. News24/World/News/0,,2-10-1462_1836399,00.html. 23. Beard, Matthew. “Insurer to use lie detectors to root out false claims.” The Independent. 8.15.2003. lie-detectors-to-root-out-false-claims-535911.html. 24. Hunter, Teresa. “‘We can tell if you’re fibbing.’” Daily Telegraph. 12.16. 2003. tell-if-you%27re-fibbing%27.html. 25. Robins, Jon. “Why your insurer doesn’t like your tone of voice.” The Observer. 1.13.2008. 26. Maney, Kevin. “The truth is out there, and lie-detection technology just might find it.” USA Today. 9.03.2003. 2003-09-02-maney_x.htm. 27. “Nemesysco Appoints Executive Chairman.” Security Park. 7.26.2007. 28. Silverstein, Jonathan. “Tech Blotter: Artsy Laptops and Airport Lie Detectors” ABC News. 11.21.2005. 27788. 132 29. Hollien, Harry; James D. Harnsberger. “Voice Stress Analyzer Instrumentation Evaluation.” (pdf), CIFA Contract – FA 4814-04-0011 , 3.17.2006. 30. Damphousse, Kelly R. “Voice Stress Analysis: Only 15 Percent of Lies About Drug Use Detected in Field Test.” NIJ Journal (National Institute of Justice) (259). March 2008. 31. Eriksson, Anders; Francisco Lacerda (2007). “Charlatanry in forensic speech science: A problem to be taken seriously.” International Journal of Speech Language and the Law (Equinox Publishing) 14 (2): 169–193. doi:10.1558/ijsll.2007.14.2.169. 32. Joyce, Janet (2008-12-04). “Note from Publisher.” Equinox Publishing. 33. Bojs, Karin. “Lögndetektorer fungerar inte.” Dagens Nyheter. 12.28.2008. 34. Larsson, Per. “All lies? Scientists threatened with legal action over lie detector article.” News and events. Stockholm University External Relations Office. 1.28.2009. english/about/news_and_events/scientists_threatened_with_le gal_ action. 35. Jogestrand, Kristina. “Forskare hotas av åtal.” Dagens Nyheter. 1.27.2009. 36. Bojs, Karin. “De försöker tysta ner forskning.” Dagens Nyheter. 1.27.2009. 37. “Lie Detector Company Threatens Critical Scientists With Suit.” Slashdot. 1.29.2009. 38. “Serious assault on research freedom.” Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. 39. Ketcham, Christopher. “The Last Roundup.” Radar Magazine. May/June 2008. www.christopher Roundup,%20Radar%20Magazine.pdf & 19871.htm. 40. Daily Telegraph. “Surveillance system monitors conversations.” 7.04.2010. ersations.html. 41. Stevenson, Richard W. and Liptak, Adam. “Cheney Defends Eavesdropping Without Warrants.” 12.21.2005. ml?_r=1. 42. Harris, Andrew. “Spy Agency Sought U.S. Call Records Before 9/11, Lawyers Say.” 6.30.2006. 4zJE. 43. Edwards, David and Webster, Stephen C. “Sen. Rockefeller: NSA may have spied on me.” Raw Story. 1.22.2009. NSA_may_have_spied_on_0122.html. 44. Singel, Ryan. “Analysis: New Law Gives Government Six Months to Turn Internet and Phone Systems into Permanent Spying Architecture.” 8.06.2007. 45. Washington’s Blog. “5 Surprising Facts About Spying In America.” 9.22.2010. 46. Terry, Don. “Eavesdropping Laws Mean That Turning On an Audio Recorder Could Send You to Prison.” New York Times. 1.22.2011. eavesdropping.html?_r=1. 133




Big Brother not only watches and listens to virtually everything people do, say and hear he has hired nearly one million people to spy on We The People and he is even recruiting us to spy on each other.

Government spying


COINTELPRO (an acronym for Co unter Intel ligence Pro gram) was a series of covert, and often illegal, projects conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at investigating and disrupting dissident political organizations within America. The FBI has used covert operations from its inception, however formal COINTELPRO operations took place between 1956 and 1971. The FBI’s stated motivation at the time was “protecting national security, preventing violence, and maintaining the existing social and political order.” According to FBI records, 85% of COINTELPRO resources were expended on infiltrating, disrupting, marginalizing, and/or subverting groups that opposed the government’s actions. The Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities of the United States Senate (Church Committee), which determined there were at least two assassination teams involved in the murder of President Kennedy, found that the declared purposes of COINTELPRO – to protect the “national security” or prevent violence – were not the real purposes. Bureau witnesses admitted that many of the targets were nonviolent, and most had no connections with a foreign power. The FBI used COINTELPRO to suppress political dissent and to find “dirt” on politicians or famous citizens. 1 The Church Committee concluded that:

Too many people have been spied upon by too many Government agencies and too much information has been collected. The Government has often undertaken the secret surveillance of citizens on the basis of their political beliefs, even when those beliefs posed no threat of violence or illegal acts on behalf of a hostile foreign power. 2

135 Although COINTELPRO was “officially” shut down in 1971 some believe unofficial COINTELPRO operations have continued. The Associated Press reported in November 2008 that documents released under the Freedom of Information Act show that the FBI tracked the late Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author David Halberstam for more than two decades. 3 You can be assured that some program similar to COINTELPRO is still operating. Big Brother “officially” shuts down illegal operations when caught, but keeps them going covertly.

Operation CHAOS

Operation CHAOS or Operation MHCHAOS was the code name for a domestic espionage project conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency . A department within the CIA was established in 1967 on orders from Lyndon B. Johnson and later expanded under Richard Nixon. The operation was launched under Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) Richard Helms, by chief of counter-intelligence, James Jesus Angleton, and headed by Richard Ober. The program’s goal was to unmask possible foreign influences on the student antiwar movement. 4-5 The “MH” designation is to signify the program had a worldwide area of operations. 6 During its time, Operation CHAOS made use of the facilities of other ongoing CIA domestic surveillance programs, many operating under the CIA’s Office of Security, including: 5

HTLINGUAL – Directed at letters passing between the United States and the then Soviet Union, the program involved the examination of correspondence to and from individuals or organizations placed on a watchlist. Project 2 – Directed at infiltration of foreign intelligence targets by agents posing as dissident sympathizers and which, like CHAOS, had placed agents within domestic radical organizations for the purposes of training and establishment of dissident credentials. Project MERRIMAC – Designed to infiltrate domestic antiwar and radical organizations thought to pose a threat to security of CIA property and personnel. Project RESISTANCE – Worked with college administrators, campus security and local police to identify anti-war activists and political dissidents without any infiltration taking place.

136 Domestic Contact Service – Focused on collecting foreign intelligence from willing Americans.

When President Nixon came to office in 1969, all of the existing domestic surveillance activities were consolidated into Operation CHAOS. 7 Operation CHAOS first used CIA stations abroad to report on antiwar activities of United States citizens traveling abroad, employing methods such as physical surveillance and electronic eavesdropping, utilizing “liaison services” in maintaining such surveillance. The operations were later expanded to include 60 officers. 6 In 1969, following the expansion, the operation began developing its own network of informants for the purposes of infiltrating various foreign antiwar groups located in foreign countries that might have ties to domestic groups. 5 Eventually, CIA officers expanded the program to include other leftist or counter-cultural groups with no discernible connection to Vietnam, such as groups operating within the women’s liberation movement .4 The domestic spying of Operation CHAOS also targeted the Israeli embassy , and domestic Jewish groups such as the B’nai B’rith . In order to gather intelligence on the embassy and B’nai B’rith , the CIA purchased a garbage collection company to collect documents that were to be destroyed. 8 Operation CHAOS contained files on 7,200 Americans , and a computer index totaling 300,000 civilians and approximately 1,000 groups .9 The initial result of investigations lead DCI Richard Helms to advise then President Johnson on November 15, 1967, that the agency had uncovered “no evidence of any contact between the most prominent peace movement leaders and foreign embassies in the U.S. or abroad.” Helms repeated this assessment in 1969.4 In total 6 reports where compiled for the White House and 34 for cabinet level officials. 5 In 1973, amid the uproar of the Watergate break-in, involving two former CIA officers, Operation CHAOS was closed. The secret nature of the former program however was exposed when Seymour Hersh published an article in the New York Times titled “Huge CIA Operation Reported in US Against Antiwar Forces, Other Dissidents in Nixon Years” on December 22, 1974. 4 The government, in response to the revelations, launched the Commission on CIA Activities Within the United States (The Rockefeller Commission ), lead by then Vice President Nelson Rockefeller , to investigate the depth of the surveillance. 4 Richard Cheney , then Deputy White House Chief of

137 Staff, is noted as stating of the Rockefeller Commission; it was to avoid “ ... congressional efforts to further encroach on the executive branch.”4 Following the revelations by the Rockefeller Commission, then DCI, George H. W. Bush , stated: “...the operation in practice resulted in some improper accumulation of material on legitimate domestic activities.” 6 You can read the reports about this illegal operation and see how bad it was. 10-11 The charter of the CIA does not allow it to spy on Americans inside the country. Yet it has been caught spying illegally on Americans over and over. It will continue to do so. Big Brother does not care about laws. He breaks them thousands of times every day.

Intelligence community

Since the 911 attacks the number of domestic spies in America has skyrocketed to nearly 1,000,000 and the budget is three times as high. A new survey of the intelligence network created in the wake of the 9/11 attacks estimates that some 854,000 people have been given high- level clearance. The estimate comes from the Washington Post which has dedicated a team of reporters to a two-year project on what it calls “Top Secret America.” They have also identified some 1,271 government bodies and 1,931 private contractors working on counter- terrorism. The Post believes the spy network in America is not only huge and expensive, it is also highly inefficient and unwieldy. The official US intelligence budget as of 2010 is $75 billion, almost three times its size in 2001. The intelligence community generates 50,000 intelligence reports a year that just a handful of top operatives, known as super users, are allowed to have an overview of all the findings. “I’m not going to live long enough to be briefed on everything,” one told the Washington Post. 12 Big Brother’s goal is to turn everyone on the planet into a spy for him. Spouses will be spying on each other and their children, children on their parents and each other, neighbors on neighbors, friends on friends, employees on each other and their employers and vice-versa. We know this because that is what the Bible says:

And brother shall deliver up brother to death, and the father his child: and children shall rise up against parents, and cause them to be put to death. Matthew 10.21)

138 This prophecy will be fulfilled during the Tribulation in which the Antichrist will be Big Brother.

Pentagon spying

The Pentagon has illegally been spying on the American people for decades, but now its spying is considered legal and necessary. In 2004 a small group of activists met at a Quaker Meeting House in Lake Worth, Florida, to plan a protest of military recruiting at local high schools. That innocent meeting scared the men at the Pentagon. A secret 400-page Defense Department document that was obtained by NBC News listed the Lake Worth meeting as a “threat” and one of more than 1,500 “suspicious incidents” across the country over a recent 10-month period. “I think Americans should be concerned that the military, in fact, has reached too far,” said NBC News military analyst Bill Arkin. The Department of Defense declined repeated requests by NBC News for an interview. A spokesman said that all domestic intelligence information is “properly collected” and involves “protection of Defense Department installations, interests and personnel.” The military has always had a legitimate “force protection” mission inside the U.S. to protect its personnel and facilities from potential violence. (It sounds like an excuse to spy on political dissenters.) “It means that they’re actually collecting information about who’s at those protests, the descriptions of vehicles at those protests,” said Arkin. “On the domestic level, this is unprecedented,” he says. “I think it's the beginning of enormous problems and enormous mischief for the military.” Christopher Pyle, a former Army intelligence officer said, “Some people never learn.” During the Vietnam War he blew the whistle on the Defense Department for monitoring and infiltrating anti-war and civil rights protests when he published an article in the Washington Monthly in January 1970. The public was outraged and a lengthy congressional investigation followed that revealed that the military had conducted investigations on at least 100,000 American citizens. Pyle got more than 100 military agents to testify that they had been ordered to spy on U.S. citizens – many of them anti-war protestors and civil rights advocates. In the wake of the investigations, Pyle helped Congress write a law placing new limits on military spying inside the U.S. “The documents tell me that military intelligence is back 139 conducting investigations and maintaining records on civilian political activity. The military made promises that it would not do this again,” he said. CIFA was superpower of data mining within the U.S. national security community. Since March 2004 it gave at least $33 million in contracts to corporate giants Lockheed Martin, Unisys Corporation, Computer Sciences Corporation and Northrop Grumman to develop databases that comb through classified and unclassified government data, commercial information and Internet chatter to help sniff out terrorists, saboteurs and spies. “The military has the right to protect its installations, and to protect its recruiting services,” says Pyle. “It does not have the right to maintain extensive files on lawful protests of their recruiting activities, or of their base activities,” he argued. Bert Tussing, director of Homeland Defense and Security Issues at the U.S. Army War College said “there is very little that could justify the collection of domestic intelligence by the Unites States military. If we start going down this slippery slope it would be too easy to go back to a place we never want to see again.” 13 The Pentagon is one of the biggest and most powerful arms of Big Brother. He will continue to use it to spy on the American people.

Obama snoopers spy on doctors

Obama administration officials are putting together a team of ‘mystery shoppers’ to pose as patients who call doctors’ offices and request appointments to see how difficult it is for people to get care when they need it. This operation, which will cost $347,370, is being carried out because of a shortage of primary care doctors. Officials say the operation will address the shortage and try to discover whether doctors are accepting patients with private insurance while turning away those in government health programs that pay lower reimbursement rates. Dr. Raymond Scalettar, an internist in Washington, said: “I don’t like the idea of the government snooping. It’s a pernicious practice – Big Brother tactics, which should be opposed.” 14 This is a publicity stunt. Barry Soetoro (a.k.a. Barak Obama) does not care about the poor and down-trodden. He is the banksters’ boy. He does exactly what he is told and nothing else. Soetoro and the banksters hate you, that is why they passed the death-care bill.

140 Corporate spying on Americans


InfraGard is a FBI Public-private partnership that began in the Cleveland, Ohio, Field Office in 1996. The program expanded, and in 1998 the FBI assigned national program responsibility for InfraGard to the former National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC) directed by R. Adm. James B. Plehal and to the FBI’s Cyber Division in 2003. InfraGard Alliances support FBI priorities in the areas of counterterrorism, foreign counterintelligence, and cybercrime. According to Matthew Rothschild, InfraGard had 23,000 members in 86 chapters around America in 2008. As of December of 2009 it has 32,000 members from all walks of life. He even alleges that the members have the authority during martial law to shoot and kill anyone they deem to be an “enemy of the state.”15 As noted before, Big Brother wants everyone to be spying on everyone else. Employers are easy to recruit to spy on their employees because most of them do not like their employees.

Institute of Terrorism Research and Response

The city of Philadelphia hired the Institute of Terrorism Research and Response to spy on to compile a list of activists as part of the state Homeland Security’s federally mandated mission to protect public infrastructure. Very little is known about this company. Co-directors are listed as Aaron Richman, a former Israeli police captain, and Michael Perelman, a former York police commander. ITRR’s website calls the company “the preeminent Israeli/American security firm providing training, intelligence and education to clients across the globe.” It describes its “Targeted Action Monitoring Center” as “no clipping service, but a powerful fusion center of battle-tested operatives, analysts, and researchers who have real-life experience fighting both terrorists and criminal entities… distinguished among other agencies by its access to a vast network of on-the-ground key-sources in virtually every region of the world.” A LexisNexis news search for the group’s name yields little, and there exists virtually no mention of the group anywhere in the mainstream media. The group appears to have appeared at a 2008 Philadelphia “Emergency Preparedness and Prevention and Hazmat 141 Spills Conference,” sponsored by the EPA, which included among its speakers ITRR directors Richman on “counter-terrorism techniques” and Perelman on “unlawful tactics used by eco-terrorists and anarchists.” According to ITRR employs six men and two women. The median age of the eight employees is 30 and the median tenure is three years. It looks like a front company for the Mossad. 16 Big Brother will be hiring thousands of private companies to spy on the people. By the time the Antichrist takes power there will be tens of thousands of private companies around the world doing nothing but spying for him.

Citizen snitches

Operation TIPS

As part of the country’s war against terrorism, the Bush administration sought to recruit a million letter carriers, utility workers and others whose jobs allow them access to private homes into a contingent of organized government informants. The Terrorism Information and Prevention System (Operation TIPS), a national reporting pilot program, was scheduled to start in August of 2002 in 10 cities, with 1 million informants or nearly 4 percent of Americans initially participating in the program. 17 Then Attorney General Robert Ashcroft defended the program, equivocating on whether the reports by citizens on fellow citizens would be maintained in government databases. He said the information would not be in stored in a central database as part of Operation TIPS, yet it would be kept in databases by the various law enforcement agencies that obtained the tips. 18 When the Homeland Security Act was finally signed on November 25, 2002, the Operation TIPS program was prohibited:

Section 880. Prohibition of the Terrorism Information and Prevention System –Any and all activities of the Federal Government to implement the proposed component program of the Citizen Corps known as Operation TIPS (Terrorism Information and Prevention System) are hereby prohibited.

142 Democratic senator Patrick Leahy and Congressman Dick Army wanted Operation TIPS out of the DHS bill while Senator Joe Lieberman wanted it in. Lieberman argued Operation TIPS, which was described by the Department of Justice as “giving millions of American truckers, letter carriers, train conductors, ship captains, utility employees, and others a formal way to report suspicious activity,” was necessary for the defense of the homeland. Leahy argued that such a program “could have allowed unscrupulous participants to abuse their new status to place innocent neighbors under undue scrutiny.” Do not worry. Big Brother will launch another Operation TIPS program after the next major terrorist attack that will be carried out by assets working for Big Brother. In the meantime he has dozens of other spy programs operating as you will see.

Highway Watch

Highway Watch is a program the Department of Homeland Security started to create a nation-wide force of more than 400,000 men and women to spot terrorists. In 2004 the federal government gave $19.3 million to the American Trucking Associations to recruit a volunteer “army.” In that year DHS signed up 10,000 truckers to become spies. It expanded its program to add tollbooth workers, rest-stop employees and construction crews. Members of Highway Watch are given a secret toll-free number to report any suspicious behavior – people taking pictures of bridges, for example, or passengers handling heavy backpacks with unusual care. Highway Watch received an additional $22 million in 2005. The Department of Homeland Security also launched Port Watch, River Watch and Transit Watch. The Highway Watch website, which was shut down in 2008 along with the secret toll-free number, boasted that the program is open to “an elite core [sic] of truck drivers” who must have clean driving and employment records. The truth is their records were not vetted by the American Trucking Associations. “It could be infiltrated,” said Dawn Apple, Highway Watch’s director of training and recruitment. States and cities have started their own watch programs. Thousands of doormen and building superintendents in New York City have been trained to watch out for strange trucks parked near buildings and 143 tenants who move in without furniture. Other states that still have their own Highway Watch programs are Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, and New Jersey.19

First Observer

“First Observer” is a national safety and security program that uses the skills, experiences and “savvy” of America’s transportation professionals to help protect the critical transportation function that moves the goods and services and people across America. “First Observer” is operated by Team HMS under a Cooperative Agreement with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Trucking Security Program (TSP). The program’s mission is to administer an anti-terrorism and security awareness program for highway professionals in support of the National Preparedness Guidelines. A key component of the program is to recruit volunteers from the Trucking, Motor Coach Carriers and School Bus industries to act as our “First Observer” in reporting suspicious activities of either a criminal or potential terroristic nature to authorities. Our vision to the Trucking, School Bus and Motor Carrier Program includes developing a flexible training program designed to meet challenges head on. We endorse a training program that develops and launches training modules for different communities and different threats as they emerge. In advance of hurricane season, we envision creating hurricane specific training modules. Different communities require different levels of training. We intend to leverage our relationships within the law enforcement community and our program experience to create first responder community specific training modules as required. Training will be delivered via video, website and with support from key Team members at conferences, events, and union and stakeholder meetings across the nation. Our approach for the Program Highway ISAC includes meeting all of the Program stated requirements. 20

Terrorism liaison officers

The FBI is recruiting thousands of covert informants in the United States as part of a sprawling effort to boost its intelligence capabilities. According to a recent unclassified report to Congress, the FBI expects the “more than 15,000 informants” it plans to recruit here and abroad to 144 provide secrets about possible terrorists and foreign spies. Some may also be expected to aid with criminal investigations, in the tradition of law enforcement confidential informants. The FBI said the push was driven by a 2004 directive from President Bush ordering the bureau to improve its counterterrorism efforts by boosting its human intelligence capabilities. 21 Hundreds of police, firefighters, paramedics and utility workers have been trained and dispatched as “Terrorism Liaison Officers” in Colorado and other states to hunt for “suspicious activity.” Their reports are put into secret government databases. It is a tactic intended to feed better data into terrorism early-warning systems and uncover intelligence that could help fight anti-American forces. But the vague nature of the TLOs’ mission, and their focus on reporting both legal and illegal activity, has generated objections from privacy advocates and civil libertarians. “Suspicious activity” is broadly defined in TLO training as behavior that could lead to terrorism: taking photos of no apparent aesthetic value, making measurements or notes, espousing extremist beliefs or conversing in code, according to a draft Department of Justice/Major Cities Chiefs Association document. 22

Crime Stoppers USA

Crime Stoppers USA was conceived when Michael Carmen was shot to death during a robbery at an Albuquerque, New Mexico gas station in July 1976. Detective Greg MacAleese had no idea who was responsible for the killing and decided to film a re-enactment of the crime and show it to the public. From that incident hundreds of police departments in America have become part of the program. The movement has gone worldwide and CSUSA is a regional member of Crime Stoppers International. Below is CSI’s vision, mission and goals:

Our Vision is to establish Crime Stoppers as the Premier Community Based Crime Solving Program in the United States.

Our Mission is to develop Innovative Resources and partnerships that promote Crime Stoppers throughout the United States.

Our Goals include:

145 Supporting existing community and school Crime Stoppers programs. Encouraging and assisting the growth of community and school Crime Stoppers programs throughout the United States. Helping Crime Stoppers be the most cost effective crime solving tool for law enforcement. Building a strong communications network among US Crime Stoppers programs, law enforcement, and the general public .

Calls to the crime stoppers hot lines increased by 25% or more in the first quarter of 2008. This increase was due to the downturn in the economy. The economic situation for the remainder of 2008 was even worse and for 2009 it was horrendous. 23

Crime Stoppers International

Crime Stoppers International is a network of 1,188 police departments around the world that work “to advance and support an effective crime-solving, crime reduction and crime prevention organization throughout the world; working in partnership with the Community, Media and Law Enforcement.” 24

Operation Bright Eyes

Bright House Networks launched a new neighborhood watch initiative in July of 2009. Operation Bright Eyes is designed to maximize the eyes and ears of Bright House Networks field service representatives and other employees to easily identify suspicious behavior and to quickly report criminal activities to the police. Bright House says each of its 3000 employees, including hundreds who regularly drive through and become familiar with residents and activities in neighborhoods, will receive crime-watch training designed by Central Florida Crimeline. Employees will also be equipped with a comprehensive list of emergency numbers to call. Current and new employees will receive the training. “Were committing our people, including hundreds of folks intimately familiar with the routes they drive, to helping law enforcement keep our neighborhoods safe. This is all about using the resources already at our disposal to do the right thing for our community,” said J. Christian Fenger, president of Bright House Networks Central Florida division.

146 Bright House Networks, the 6th largest multiple cable system operator in America, has 2.4 million customers in several large cities including Tampa Bay and Orlando, Florida; Bakersfield, California; Indianapolis, Indiana; Detroit, Michigan; and Birmingham, Alabama. 25

Indy Watch

Police chiefs meeting in Denver in October of 2009 adopted a model for a nationwide community watch program that teaches people what behavior is truly suspicious and encourages them to report it to police. Michael Spears, chief of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, attended the meeting and discussed implementing the program in Indianapolis, where it would be called “Indy Watch.” 26


Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton and Police Cmdr. Joan McNamara developed the iWatch program – the 21st century version of Neighborhood Watch. Using brochures, public service announcements and meetings with community groups, iWatch is designed to deliver concrete advice on how the public can follow the oft-repeated post-Sept. 11 recommendation, “If you see something, say something.” Program materials list nine types of suspicious behavior that should compel people to call police – and 12 kinds of places to look for it. The program also is designed to ease reporting by providing a toll-free number and Web page the public can use to alert authorities. 27

Waste Watch

Albany and Rensselaer Counties announced the launch of a new program in February 2008, where Waste Management will help to prevent crime. Drivers have been trained to observe and report to local law enforcement and first responders. Albany Police Chief Steven Krokoff says, “The more eyes and ears we have out there the safer we make our public.” Waste Watch is in place in more than 100 communities nationwide. The Capital Region is the first region in New York state to host the program. For more information visit – 28

147 PatriotApp

Citizen Concepts, a DBA of Patriot Applications, LLC, bills itself as a “Florida Space Coast” software and services company. Its “PatriotApp” encourages active citizen participation in the War on Terror and in protecting their families and surrounding communities. Citizen Concepts announced the launch of PatriotAppTM in September 2010. It is the world’s first iPhone application that empowers citizens to assist government agencies in creating safer, cleaner, and more efficient communities via social networking and mobile technology. This app was founded on the belief that citizens can provide the most sophisticated and broad network of eyes and ears necessary to prevent terrorism, crime, environmental negligence, or other malicious behavior. This smartphone interface provides a quick and easy link for reporting events or citizen concerns to the appropriate governmental agency. The interface incorporates the following subject areas: National Security, Crime, Product Safety, Environmental Safety, Government Waste, and Corporate Issues (discrimination, racism and white collar crime) – all at the user’s fingertips. Dr. Roy R. Swiger, co-owner of Citizen Concepts, says, “This application was created on the belief that citizens are the strongest source of vigilance and action. We simply leverage technology to bridge the divide between people and their government.” Co-owner, Chuck Reinighaus, says, “The product is named PatriotApp™, to remind global citizens to be continually vigilant and to engage in preserving the security and safety of our world .” Citizen Concepts also has a SchoolSafteyApp http://patriotapps. com/SchoolApp.html – a HospitalEMSApp – HEMSApp.html and a Data Mining: Post-Event Review – http://patriot The rhetoric for this spy tool sounds very Big Brotherish. Is it possible this company is a front organization of the FBI, CIA, DHS and or the NSA?


EcoSnoop is an iPhone application that allows anyone to turn in someone or a company they think is harming the environment or wasting energy. 148 EcoSnoop’s mission is to help our communities heighten awareness of opportunities to be more green, save energy, eco hypocrisy, and even fill pot holes. Leveraging the power of the community, EcoSnoops use their an iPhone to capture clear pictures of a problem and post these pictures on a community website so that building owners and others can take action. Have you ever:

Seen lights left on in a building, late at night, for no good purpose? Noticed a door that never closes properly, wasting heat or air conditioning? Observed a truck unnecessarily idling at a loading dock? Been bothered by a broken sprinkler in a city park running non stop? Complained about street lights left on all day? Wanted a pot hole filled?

EcoSnoop lets you help solve these problems. EcoSnoop is a photo driven “Trouble Ticket” system, letting you identify a problem while leveraging the community to find a fix. The EcoSnoop website is a tool for awareness and understanding efficency. By using the EcoSnoop iPhone application, the user becomes an important link in the chain of many helping to discover and mediate waste (energy, pollution, etc.) in government buildings and our community.

EcoSnoop claims it is “Not Big Brother” and it “is not about picking sides in the environmental or climate change debate.” For more information please contact [email protected] or visit http://blog.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unorthodoxy. (George Orwell, 1984 )

As you can see Big Brother has thousands of spies scattered all over America doing his dirty work. Soon you will not be able to walk outside of your home without someone watching your every move. Make friends with everyone or the person you do not befriend may turn you in for a reward.


Big Sister

“If You See Something, Say Something”

On December 1, 2010, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced the expansion of the national “If You See Something, Say Something” public awareness campaign throughout Minnesota – to include Mall of America as well as other public venues across the state. “Homeland security begins with hometown security, and every citizen plays an important role in ensuring America’s safety,” said Secretary Janet Napolitano. “The ‘If You See Something, Say Something’ campaign will provide the citizens of Minnesota and the many shoppers and visitors to Mall of America with the tools to identify and report indicators of terrorism, crime and other threats to the proper law enforcement authorities.” The “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign began by New York City’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority with a DHS grant of $13 million. The expansion of the “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign to Mall of America includes both print and video advertisements throughout the mall’s shopping and amusement park areas to help thousands of daily tourists and shoppers identify potential threats and suspicious situations. The state-wide expansion of the “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign will begin in Minneapolis and St. Paul and will leverage Minnesota’s participation in the Nationwide Suspicious

150 Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative – an administration effort to share tips by citizens with law enforcement agencies around the country. Since this summer, DHS has worked with its state, local and private sector partners, as well as the Department of Justice, to expand Nationwide SAR Initiative to communities throughout the country, including the recent state-wide expansion of the “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign throughout New Jersey and new partnerships with organizations including the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AH&LA), Amtrak, the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), the general aviation industry and six state and local fusion centers across the Southeastern United States that participate in Southern Shield. In the coming months DHS will continue to expand the “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign nationally with public education materials and outreach tools designed to engage America’s businesses, communities and citizens to remain vigilant and play an active role in keeping the county safe. 31

“If You See Something, Say Something” expands to 9,000 federal buildings

Department of Homeland Security announced the expansion of the national “If You See Something, Say Something” public awareness campaign to 9,000 federal buildings. “Homeland security begins with hometown security and every citizen – including government employees – plays a critical role in ensuring America’s safety and security,” said DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano. “Our partnership with the Federal Protective Service (FPS) and the General Services Administration (GSA) to expand the ‘If You See Something, Say Something’ campaign to our nation’s federal buildings is a crucial step in helping the millions of people who work in or visit our federal buildings every day identify and report suspicious activity indicators of terrorism, crime and other threats.” In the coming months, the Department will continue to expand the “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign nationally with public education materials and outreach tools designed to help America’s businesses, communities and citizens remain vigilant and play an active role in keeping the country safe. 32

151 Big Sister’s “If You See Something, Say Something” scam should anger you. WE THE PEOPLE must tell Big Sis she is a fascist swine and the snooping program must be shut down. With all of the “watch” programs how could any terrorist group pull off another attack? They could not. When you consider all the government, police and military watch programs it would be physically impossible for terrorists to make another attack. When the next attack takes place you can be 100% certain it will be an “Inside Job.”

“If You See Something, Say Something” campaign expands to Walmart

Department of Homeland Security announced on December 6, 2010, the expansion of the Department’s national “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign to hundreds of Walmart stores across the country. “Homeland security starts with hometown security, and each of us plays a critical role in keeping our country and communities safe,” said Secretary Janet Napolitano. “I applaud Walmart for joining the ‘If You See Something, Say Something’ campaign. This partnership will help millions of shoppers across the nation identify and report indicators of terrorism, crime and other threats to law enforcement authorities.” More than 230 Walmart stores nationwide launched program in December 2010 and a total of 588 other stores in 27 states joined the campaign in 2011. A short video message plays at select checkout locations to remind shoppers to contact local law enforcement to report suspicious activity. The message can be seen at 33 Eventually Big Brother will have his ads shown in virtually every retail outlet, bank, government offices, post offices, billboards and pedestrian mini-billboards.

“If You See Something, Say Something” program goes to the Super Bowl

Janet Napolitano today joined National Football League to announce a new partnership to bring the Department of Homeland Security’s “If You See Something, Say Something” public awareness campaign to Super Bowl XLV.

152 The campaign at Super Bowl XLV will include both print and video advertisements, as well as a training video for NFL employees to ensure that both employees and fans have the tools they need to identify and report suspicious activities and threats. DHS is also working with federal, state, local and private sector partners to support security efforts at the Super Bowl through additional personnel, technology and resources. 34 There have been 10 Super Bowls since 911 and NOT a single incident at any of them. Nine of them without the puppet figurehead of the DHS being there. Why was there an urgent need for Napolitano to be there in 2011? Could she just have wanted to muscle in on the Super Bowl party? The “If You See Something, Say Something” program is straight out of 1984 . All of the government watch programs are Big Brother programs designed to make everyone distrust everyone else and only trust in Big Brother. Do not become a Big Brother stooge! Do not turn anyone in to him for any reason. This insane program is not the end of Big Sister’s bizarre behavior. She has also forced the NFL to allow TSA perverts to molest their fans as they enter the ballparks. Say NO to Big Sis and do NOT attend any NFL game.

“If You See Something, Say Something” expands to coffee shops

Big Brother is watching you while you drink your coffee, or at least imploring you to watch others while you drink your coffee. 153 Coffee addicts getting their morning fix may notice an advertisement on their coffee-cup sleeves with a helpful message from the Department of Homeland Security. “If you see something, say something,” the ad says. “Report unattended bags and unusual behavior to police or transit personnel.” A DHS spokesperson said the Maryland Transit Administration started the coffee sleeve campaign. According to the sleeve, the ad was “purchased with funds provided by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.” Part of the Department of Homeland Security’s guidelines for suspicious behavior include individuals “acting furtively and suspiciously” and “avoiding eye contact.” The side effects of heavy caffeine use include irritability, anxiety, tremulousness and muscle twitching. The sleeves are distributed by BriteVision Media, a company that sells ad space on coffee sleeves and then provides the sleeves free to restaurants and cafes. BriteVision did not immediately return requests for comment. DHS first launched its “If you see something” public awareness campaign in July 2010. The campaign’s website touts it as “a simple and effective program to raise public awareness of indicators of terrorism and violent crime, and to emphasize the importance of reporting suspicious activity to the proper state and local law enforcement authorities.” The trademarked “if you see something” slogan was coined by Allen Kay, chairman and chief executive of the Manhattan advertising agency Korey Kay & Partners, shortly after the 9/11 attacks. It was originally used by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority of New York City. 35

DHS video warning about “White Al Qaeda”

Prior to the terrorist attack in Oslo, Norway, the DHS released an information video encouraging Americans to keep a close watch for terrorists. The terrorists in the video are white males in their 30s. 36 This video and the more to be released in the future are part of Big Brother’s brainwashing program. He wants to condition the sheeple into turning in anyone and everyone who looks suspicious. Eventually America will be turned into a Soviet/Red Chinese/Nazi/East Germany Stasi style dictatorship in which most Americans will be snitches for Big Brother.

154 Plea by Big Sister to watch for terrorists

Janet Napolitano, DHS figurehead, called for Americans to keep a watch out for “terrorists” in a speech at the Brennan Center for Justice in June of 2011. A report by Bobby Cuza of New York One quoted her as saying, “…threats of terrorism are still here. They’re not going away. They’re real and they are rapidly evolving” and “we now operate on the assumption that individuals prepared to carry out terrorist attacks may be in the United States now and can carry out acts of violence with little or no warning” and “…we have to get to a place where every part of our society is cognizant of the kinds of threats that are out there and empowered to take some common sense steps to help counter them.” 37

Big Sister launches Spanish language campaign

In December of 2011 DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano announced a new Spanish language campaign encouraging Latinos to report suspicious threats. 38

The Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative

The Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative is a program of the Department of Justice used to collect and share reports of suspicious activity by people in the United States. The Nationwide SAR Initiative (NSI) builds on what law enforcement and other agencies have been doing for years – gathering information regarding behaviors and incidents associated with criminal activity, but without the customary restrictions on collecting data on individuals in the absence of reasonable suspicion or probable cause. The program has established a standardized process whereby SARs can be shared among agencies to help detect and prevent terrorism-related criminal activity. This process is in direct response to the mandate to establish a “unified process for reporting, tracking, and accessing [SARs]” as called for in the 2007 National Strategy for Information Sharing (NSIS). Reports of suspicious behavior noticed by local law enforcement or by private citizens are forwarded to the 72 state and major urban area “fusion centers” as well as DHS and the FBI for analysis. Sometimes this information is combined with other information to evaluate the suspicious activity in greater context. 39

155 Do we need citizen spies?

Civil libertarians questioned why firefighters, paramedics and corporate employees – such as Xcel Energy and railroad officials in Colorado – are drafted into the effort. They say public trust in emergency responders will suffer. The emerging TLO system “empowers the police officer to poke his nose into your business when you’re doing absolutely nothing wrong. It moves the police officer away from his core function, to enforce the law, into being an intelligence officer gathering information about people,” said Mike German, a 16-year FBI agent now advising the American Civil Liberties Union. 40 Some politicalogists believe Big Brother has little interest in reducing crime. They contend that Big Brother wants more crime so he can demand more money and power to fight it. Eventually, Big Brother will have absolute power and unlimited resources exercising total control over everyone. Do not believe the lies of the Big Brother propagandists who say we need more police, we must have the military in the streets, the TSA goons must randomly grope citizens on the streets, we need many more anti-terrorist technologies and few if any freedoms or liberties to keep America safe from the boogie men – Al Qaeda and other radical Muslim terrorist groups. 156 MIAC

Federal, State & Local Public/Private Partnership Improving community safety, reducing crime & threats through improved communications within Missouri & neighboring states. Sign up today and start receiving threat information that could affect your organization or agency. What is MIAC and Why it is Needed? Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) provides a public safety partnership consisting of local, state and federal agencies, as well as the public sector and private entities that will collect, evaluate, analyze, and disseminate information and intelligence to the agencies tasked with Homeland Security responsibilities in a timely, effective, and secure manner. MIAC is the mechanism to collect incident reports of suspicious activities to be evaluated and analyzed in an effort to identify potential trends or patterns of terrorist or criminal operations within the state of Missouri. MIAC will also function as a vehicle for two-way communication between federal, state and local law enforcement community within our region.

157 Who Should Participate? Our law enforcement and criminal justice allies are some of the most vital partnerships and valuable resources to business. Often our local criminal justice agencies are not aware of the many ways the private sector can support them. The MIAC member corporations’ value to our communities goes far beyond providing a safe place to operate business. Why Become a Partner? Intelligence is a vital key to the “War on Terrorism and Crime.” Becoming a partner in the MIAC program has several benefits; it ensures that potential threat-related, but not necessarily urgent, information is shared with our partners; it facilitates the productive liaison between federal, state and local law enforcement community; and it encourages the sharing of potentially crucial intelligence. Partners also benefit by receiving valuable training provided by MIAC members or other MIAC partner agencies. 41-42

MIAC Report

Alex Jones has received a secret report distributed by the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) entitled “The Modern Militia Movement” 41 which was dated February 20, 2009. A footer on the document indicates it is “unclassified” but “law enforcement sensitive,” in other words not for public consumption. A copy of the report was sent to Jones by an anonymous Missouri police officer. The MIAC report specifically describes supporters of presidential candidates Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, and Bob Barr as “militia” influenced terrorists and instructs the Missouri police to be on the lookout for supporters displaying bumper stickers and other paraphernalia associated with the Constitutional, Campaign for Liberty, and Libertarian parties. “Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) provides a public safety partnership consisting of local, state and federal agencies, as well as the public sector and private entities that will collect, evaluate, analyze, and disseminate information and intelligence to the agencies tasked with Homeland Security responsibilities in a timely, effective, and secure manner,” explains the MIAC website. “MIAC is the mechanism to collect incident reports of suspicious activities to be evaluated and analyzed in an effort to identify potential trends or patterns of terrorist or criminal operations within the state of Missouri. 158 MIAC will also function as a vehicle for two-way communication between federal, state and local law enforcement community within our region.” [Emphasis added] MIAC is part of the federal “fusion” effort now underway around the country. “As of February 2009, there were 58 fusion centers around the country. The Department has deployed 31 officers as of December 2008 and plans to have 70 professionals deployed by the end of 2009. The Department has provided more than $254 million from FY 2004- 2007 to state and local governments to support the centers,” explains the Department of Homeland Security on its website. Missouri is mentioned as a participant in this federal “intelligence” effort. 43 As of July 2009 there are 72 fusion centers in America.44 The number will continue to grow into the hundreds in America and thousands around the world before the Tribulation starts.

Spying on employees

Most companies have cameras to observe employees and customers, but Microsoft has filed for a patent 45 and seeks to monitor all of its employees. “The Times has seen a patent application filed by the company for a computer system that links workers to their computers via wireless sensors that measure their metabolism. The system would allow managers to monitor employees’ performance by measuring their heart rate, body temperature, movement, facial expression and blood pressure. Unions said they fear that employees could be dismissed on the basis of a computer’s assessment of their physiological state.” “Technology allowing constant monitoring of workers was previously limited to pilots, firefighters and NASA astronauts. This is believed to be the first time a company has proposed developing such software for mainstream workplaces.” 46 Microsoft can monitor its employees through desktop or laptop computers, but even through mobile phones or handheld PCs, meaning that even out of the office the employee can still be monitored. In its most advanced format, the system will monitor users’ private interests. It records and analyzes what words and numbers are used or websites visited, and watches the user’s heart rate, breathing, body temperature, facial expressions and blood pressure. The patent application explains: “The system can also automatically detect frustrations or stress in the user via physiological and environmental sensors and then offer or provide some assistance accordingly.” 47

159 Little Brother

Hundreds of children in England, as young as ten, are being urged to spot potential terrorists and report them to the police. Around 2,000 children attended a safety seminar featuring a film explaining that extremist views can develop at school. Critics condemned the initiative as a nightmare extension of the “Big Brother state.” Concerns were also raised that children could become subject to police monitoring if their fellow pupils misinterpreted innocent remarks or play. Estella Schmid, a founder of the Campaign against Criminalising Communities, warned: “This is a nightmare scenario. This risks criminalising children and is showing the expansion of the state into the most private areas.” 48

“Too much bling? Give us a ring”

The Gloucestershire police in Britain is encouraging members of the public to report people wearing too much “bling” during the recession. Citizens are also being urged to report people who drive flashy cars or buy expensive items without the apparent means to afford them during the credit crunch. The campaign, run with Crimestoppers, was launched using the motto “Too Much Bling? Give Us a Ring.” 160 Former Home Secretary Ann Widdecombe expressed disbelief at the move. “Is this a joke?” she asked. “If the police spent half as much time tackling crime and getting out on the beat as they do coming out with this ridiculous stuff, we’d all be better off. How are you meant to judge if someone buying a piece of jewellery can afford it?” 49 This is outrageous! British Patriots should seek out the Rothschild gangsters and when they see them report them for too much bling. They have more bling than any crime family on the planet. The number of homes, farms, ranches, orchards and land that they own is incomprehensible. They also own most of the art and treasures that their minions, the Nazis, stole during their reign of terror. Those stolen goods are stashed deep in their basements.

The 20,000 snooper army

As many as 20,000 town hall snoopers have assumed powers to enter people’s homes without a warrant and search for information. The bureaucrats are benefiting from the 1,043 state powers of entry in primary and secondary legislation. They include checking for fridges which do not have the correct eco-friendly energy rating, making sure a hedge is not too high and inspecting a property to ensure ‘illegal or unregulated hypnotism ’ is not taking place. Alex Deane, director of Big Brother Watch, said: “Once, a man’s home was his castle. Today, the Big Brother state wants to inspect, regulate and standardise the inside of our homes. Councils are dishing out powers of entry to officers for their own ease, without giving due thought to the public’s right to privacy and the potential for abuse. There needs to be a much closer eye kept on the number of officers granted the right to barge into private premises without a warrant.” Big Brother Watch revealed in a paper, entitled “Barging In,” there were at least 14,793 officers with the power to enter private residences without warrants – the equivalent of 47 officers in every local authority in Britain. On top of these officers there are also another 20,000 snoopers with the power to enter a person’s home or business. The research focused only on town hall staff. If police, paramedics and firefighters are included, the total would be hundreds of thousands. Town halls are also carrying out thousands of “spying” missions under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act. The law was passed in 2000 to fight terrorism, but access to the spy powers has been extended to 653 state bodies – including 474 councils. 50 161 This insanity is coming to America. Big Brother will pass laws allowing his minions to inspect any home he wants to. Laws are already being written that will give bureaucrats authority to enter homes to inspect gardens, garage sales, toilets, lightbulbs, and thermostats. Big Brother will eventually require every home, office, shop, factory and building in the world to have spy cameras in them so he can watch everything everyone does.

British citizen spies

Councils across England have recruited thousands of ‘citizen snoopers’ to report “environmental crime.” These spies target dog foulers, litter louts and neighbours who fail to sort their rubbish properly. They are the ‘eyes and ears’ of their neighbourhoods and are encouraged to take photos of “environmental crime” and send them in with location details for a rapid response. Every spy is given a hand-held GPS computer for the task or phone cards to cover the cost of using their own devices. Evidence gathered this way is sometimes used in criminal prosecutions. As of November 2011 9,831 snoopers had signed up – a 17 per cent increase on the number two years ago. Another 1,310 are set to be recruited and trained as part of schemes run by 18 councils. Volunteers often apply to become “street champions” through council websites, but many have also been lured by recruitment drives in local newspapers. Critics said yesterday the trend to create an army of neighbourhood detectives was leading to “a Big Brother society and a culture where prying on neighbours was considered the norm.” “It should be deeply troubling for us all that councils seem not content with their own snooping and are now recruiting members of the public to assist them,” said Nick Pickles, director of the civil liberties campaign group Big Brother Watch. “If a crime is committed, it is the police who should be involved, not local residents given hi-tech gadgets by councils, many of whom rarely pass up an opportunity to invade our privacy or hand out spurious fines. These individuals operate with little or no training, and there is no evidence to suggest it helps combat environmental crime. “Councils seem to be unable to tell the difference between asking the public for help and getting the public to do their snooping for them.” 162 David Parsons, chairman of the Local Government Association’s environment board, disagreed saying, “Environmental crimes like dog fouling, fly-tipping and littering blight local areas and are a source of huge frustration. People hate seeing this sort of vandalism on their doorsteps. Schemes like street champions put people in charge of their own areas and help residents take a stand against the inconsiderate few who spoil them.” Hillingdon Council in London boasts the biggest street champions scheme with 4,850 volunteers, who record an average of 1,000 incidents a month. Emma Boon of the TaxPayers’ Alliance said: “Councils shouldn’t be asking people to spy on their neighbours…it could breed resentment within communities.” 51

Child spies

Michael Odell, reporter for the London Observer discovered that his five-year-old daughter, Rosa, was a Big Brother spy when he caught her looking through his passport. She question him asking, “How many times have you been on a plane to America?” “About 40,” Odell answered. “And how many trees have you planted?” she responded. “No trees,” he replied. She then said to her father, “I’m going to tell Miss White.” Miss White is Rosa’s year one teacher at St. Peter & St. Paul’s RC Primary School. Odell noticed that his daughter began to recycle, save energy and spout eco policy with great zeal. She confronted him over the following issues: energy-saving light bulbs, paper recycling; turning off the tap when I brush my teeth, grocery bags and air travel. He came to the conclusion that school children are being used by the government to re-educate their parents. He considers public school children to be pint-sized “eco-worriers” who are attempting to bully parents into getting with the eco-program. He learned from friends of his that lunch boxes are inspected for high food-miles products and non-recyclable packaging and students are required to report any trips parents takes outside of England to calculate the carbon footprint of those trips. They also report how long their parents spend in the shower. He read one of Rosa’s eco-books, “How to Turn Your Parents Green,” by Bristol-based writer James Russell. “Only you can make the 163 Groans [grown-ups] behave, because only you can make their lives a misery if they don’t.” The book suggests a levy of fines for anti- environmental infringements: 20p for every degree the home thermostat is set over 20C, 10p for every high-energy light bulb used, and so forth. This Big Brother nightmare started after the 1994 Rio Earth Summit and now 50% of schools in the United Kingdom subscribe to the Eco- Schools programme. Politicians and bureaucrats fully endorse this 1984ish program as attested to by David Miliband, the former environment secretary. “Children are the key to changing society’s long-term attitudes to the environment,” he said. The Eco-Schools programme is part-funded by Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). Professor David Uzzell from Surrey University has 30 years’ experience as an environmental psychologist. He says reverse socialization does not work. His research paper “Children as Catalysts of Environmental Change” looked at children in the UK, Portugal, Denmark and France. “The key finding was that children do not work as shock troops for environmental change. Coming home and proselytising is not the answer. It only works in a specific type of household where the environment is deemed a suitable topic for discussion at the dinner table and where parents are willing to play pupil and allow the child to play teacher. Basically, well-informed, middle-class families.” [ Authors’ note : In the future parents who do not respond to their children’s advice will spend time in jail or even prison.] Frank Furedi, professor of sociology at the University of Kent and author of the forthcoming book “The End of Education,” objects on more fundamental grounds: “Mobilising children to police their parents’ behaviour used to be something you only found in totalitarian societies. I grew up in Eastern Bloc Hungary and I remember children being encouraged to tell teachers if their parents listened to rock’n’roll.” [Emphasis added] “It’s as though the politicians are saying: ‘The parents won’t change fast enough, let’s get the children,’” he said. The Big Brother program is working. In 2008 the UK Social Investment Forum conducted a poll of 1,500 parents which showed that 24% of parents cited their children as a key green motivator. Only 2% took their cue from politicians. 52

164 Odell is just one of millions of parents in the Western World who have discovered they are living in a “neo-Orwellian nightmare” in their own homes.

“It was almost normal for people over thirty to be frightened of their own children. And with good reason, for hardly a week passed in which The Times did not carry a paragraph describing how some eavesdropping little sneak – ‘child hero’ was the phrase generally used – had overheard some compromising remark and denounced its parents to the Thought Police.” (Orwell, George, 1984 , Book One, Chapter Two, p. 24)


Big Brother is putting together a massive worldwide spy network that will make the Nazi and Stasi networks of Germany look like child’s play. His goal is to have everyone on Earth spying on his family, relatives, neighbors, friends, employees, employers, fellow- workers, church members and strangers. His spy network will make the network depicted in George Orwell’s 1984 masterpiece seem like the rookie league. All Christians and Patriots must refuse to spy on people! Do NOT become a pawn of Big Brother for money or some other benefit! WE THE PEOPLE must stand up to Big Brother now and just say “NO! ”


1. & TELPRO. 2. INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES AND THE RIGHTS OF AMERICANS, BOOK II, FINAL REPORT. IIa.htm. 3. Associated Press. “FBI tracked journalist for over 20 years.” Toronto Star. 11.07.2008. 4. Theoharis, Athan G. and Immerman, Richard H. The Central Intelligence Agency: Security Under Scrutiny . Greenwood Publishing Group. pp. 49, 175, 195, 203, 322. 2006. 5. Napoli, Russell P. Intelligence Identities Protection Act and Its Interpretation . Nova Publishers. pp. 18-20. 2005. 6. Friedman, John S. The Secret Histories: Hidden Truths That Challenged the Past and Changed the World . Macmillan. pp. 278–279. 2005.

165 7. Goldstein, Robert Justin. Political Repression in Modern America: From 1870 to 1976 . University of Illinois Press. p. 456. 2001. 8. Loftus, John and Aarons, Mark. The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed The Jewish People . St. Martin’s Griffin. p. 322. 1997. 9. Hixson, Walter L. Military Aspects of the Vietnam Conflict . Routledge. p. 282. 2000. 10. “CIA Intelligence Collection about Americans: Chaos and the Office of Security.” OS.pdf. 11. “SUPPLEMENTARY DETAILED STAFF REPORTS ON INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES AND THE RIGHTS OF AMERICANS SELECT COMMITTEE TO STUDY GOVERNMENTAL OPERATIONS WITH RESPECT TO INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES UNITED STATES SENATE.” 4.23.1976. www.icd 12. Pilkington, Ed. “America’s secret army: how the ‘war on terror’ created a new industry.” London Guardian. 7.19.2010. spies-triple-since-2001. 13. Myers, Lisa, Pasternak, Douglas, Gardella, Rich. “Secret Database: Pentagon Spies On ‘Suspicious’ Domestic Groups.” MSNBC. 12.14.2005. 14. Daily Mail Reporter. “Now Obama’s sending out ‘snoopers’ to pose as patients so they can check up on doctors.” 6.27.2011. news/article-2008541/Obama-send-snoopers-pose-patients-check-doctors.html. 15. Rothschild, Matthew. “Exclusive! The FBI Deputizes Business.” The Progressive. 2.07.2008. & www.infra & 16. Thompson, Isaiah. “The mysterious institute that spied on Pa. anti-drilling activists.” 9.15.2010. cy-that-spied-on-pa-drilling-activists & & www.linkedin. com/companies/institute-of-terrorism-research-and-response. 17. Eggen, Dan. “Ashcroft backs away from TIPS informant program, just slightly.” Washington Post. 7.26.2002. Page A10. 2002/07/0097.html. 18. Hentoff, Nat. “Volunteer Spying Corps Dismissed.” Village Voice. 12.17.2010. www.villagevoice. com/2002-12-17/news/the-death-of-operation-tips/1. 19. Ripley, Amanda. “Eyes And Ears Of The Nation.” 6.27.2004. /time/magazine/article/0,9171,1101040705-658321-1,00.html & http://crimestoppers 20. 21. Ross, Brian. “FBI Proposes Building Network of U.S. Informants.” ABC news. 7.25.2007. 22. Finley, Bruce. “Terror watch uses local eyes 181 TRAINED IN COLO.” The Denver Post. 6.29.2008. 23. Dewan, Shaila and Goodman, Brenda. “As Prices Rise, Crime Tipsters Work Overtime.” New York Times. 5.18.2008. crime stopper.html?pagewanted=2&_r=1& partner=rssnyt&emc=rss. 24. 25. “Operation Bright Eyes.” My Fox Orlando. 7.22.2009. www.myfoxorlando. com/dpp/money/072209operation_bright_eyes. 166 26. “Indy to enlist citizens in terrorist watch program.” 10.04.2009. 27. Los Angeles iWatch Web site: 28. Hart, Deanna. “Waste Management drivers help fight crime.” Waste Age. 2.01.2008. 28. Lowman, Kristin. “Waste Managment partners with police to fight crime.” Fox News. www.fox23 police-to-fight-crime/T5IKqURWfk2VoZO btp-adA.cspx. 29. Citizen Concepts. September 2010. & www iphone-app---patriotapp-102054128. html & .html. 30. Eco Snoop. “EcoSnoop: We need your help saving the world; 1 picture at a time.” 12.30.2009. view=list &select=recent. & SO=&HC=3. 31. DHS. “Secretary Napolitano Applauds Expansion of ‘If You See Something, Say Something’ Campaign to Mall Of America.” 12.01.2010. /releases/pr_1291224227819.shtm. 32. DHS. “Secretary Napolitano and Administrator Johnson Announce Expansion of ‘If You See Something, Say Something’ Campaign to Federal Buildings Throughout the Country.” 12.08.2010. 42174.shtm. 33. DHS. “Seccretary Napolitano Announces Expansion of ‘If You See Something, Say Something’ Campaign to Walmart Stores Across the Nation.” 12.06.2010. 34. DHS. “Secretary Napolitano Announces ‘If You See Something, Say Something’ Campaign at Super Bowl XLV.” 1.31.2011. es/pr_1296509083464.shtm. 35. C.J. Ciaramella. “Homeland Security recruits jittery coffee drinkers to spot terrorists.” Daily Caller. 9.19.2011. 36. 37. & www.dhs. gov/ynews/speeches/ sp_1307479636063.shtm. 38. Spiering, Charlie. “Big Sis Debuts Spanish ‘See Something’ Terror Warning.” Washington Examiner. 12.13.2011. blogs/beltway-confidential/napolitano-debuts-spanish-terror-warning/251936 & www 39. & Activity_Reporting_ Initiative. 40. Finley, Bruce. “Where are we going to draw the line?” Denver Post , 6.29.2008. 41. & http://en. 42. 43. Nimmo, Kurt. “Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists.” Infowars. 3.11.2009. secret-state-police-report-ron-paul-bob-barr-chuck-baldwin-libertarians-are-terrorists. 44. 167 45. =1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsearch-bool.html&r=13&f=G&l=50&co1=AND& d=PG01&s1=Microsoft&s2=%22monitoring+system%22&OS=microsoft+AND+"m onitoring+system"&RS=microsoft+AND+“monitoring+system”. 46. Mostrous, Alexi and Brown, David. “Microsoft seeks patent for office ‘spy’ software.” London Times. 1.16.2008. tech_and_web/article3193480.ece. 47. Brown, David & Judge, Elizabeth. “How computer spy in the office will monitor everything you do.” London Times. 1.16.2008. http://technology.times 48. Daily Mail. “Little Brother is watching you: Children of ten are taught how to spot a terrorist in police DVD.” 6.04.2009. 1190483/Little-Brother-watching-Children-taught-spot-terrorist-police-DVD.html. 49. Wilkes, David. “Police’s latest brainwave: Report people who wear too much ‘bling’ to Crime stoppers. 5.12.2009. Polices-latest-brainwave-Report-people-wear-bling-Crimestoppers.html. 50. Slack, James. “The 20,000 snooper army: Vast number of town hall bureaucrats get power to enter your home without a warrant.” 12.28.2009. www.daily bureaucrats-power-enter-home-warrant.html. 51. Ballinger, Lucy and Eccles, Louise. “Big Brother alert over surge in ‘citizen spies’ as thousands more volunteer to snoop on neighbours.” Daily Mail. 11.12.2011. thousands-volunteer-snoop-neighbours.html. 52. Odell, Michael. “So, how many trees have you planted, Daddy?” 1.31.2009.




The iris is just one of many biometric identifiers that Big Brother wants from you.


Do not be a frog. Wake Up! Get Smart!




Big Brother is not content in watching everything you do and everyplace you go. Eavesdropping on everything you say and hear is also not enough. He wants to know everything about you and he has been collecting every scrap of data about you since you were born.

National Database

Several thousand law enforcement agencies are creating the foundation of a domestic intelligence system through computer networks that analyze vast amounts of police information to fight crime and uncover terror plots. While federal authorities struggled to meet information-sharing mandates after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, police agencies on the West Coast poured millions of criminal and investigative records into shared digital repositories. These data warehouses give investigators and analysts new power to discern links among people, patterns of behavior and other hidden clues. Those network efforts will expand as other police departments connect to a fledgling Justice Department system called the National Data Exchange (N-DEx). Federal authorities hope N-DEx will become what one called a “one-stop shop,” enabling federal law enforcement, counterterrorism and intelligence analysts to automatically examine the enormous caches of local and state records for the first time. 1 The NSA call database was created by the National Security Agency starting in 2001. It contains hundreds of billions of records of telephone calls made by U.S. citizens from the four largest telephone carriers: AT&T, SBC, BellSouth (all three now being called AT&T since AT&T bought BellSouth and SBC purchased AT&T but kept the AT&T name), and Verizon. 2 The existence of this database and the NSA program that compiled it was unknown to the general public until USA Today broke the story on May 10, 2006. 3 It is estimated that the database contains over 1.9 trillion call-detail records. According to Bloomberg News, the effort began approximately seven months before the September 11, 2001 attacks.4 171 Big Brother has hundreds of government and private sector data bases at his dispoal. In time it will be virtually impossible for a person to not have their detailed personal file available to Big Brother.

Student database

The Department of Education has taken a giant step toward creating a de facto national student database that will track students by their personal information from preschool through career. Although current federal law prohibits this, the department decided to ignore Congress and, in effect, rewrite the law. Student privacy and parental authority will suffer. Buried deep within the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (stimulus bill) were provisions encouraging states to develop data systems for collecting copious information on public-school kids. To qualify for stimulus money, states had to agree to build such systems according to federally dictated standards. So all 50 states either now maintain or are capable of maintaining extensive databases on public school students. The administration wants this data to include much more than name, address and test scores. According to the National Data Collection Model, schools are to collect information on health-care history, family income and family voting status. Even though current federal law prohibits a nationwide student database and strictly limits disclosure of a student’s personal information the Obama administration is eager to create the database. In April of 2001 the Education Department proposed regulations that would allow it and other agencies to share a student’s personal information with practically any government agency or even private company, as long as the disclosure could be said to support an evaluation of an “education program.” The proposed regulations provoked a firestorm of criticism, but on December 2, 2011, the Department of Education rejected almost all the criticisms and released the regulations. As of January 3, 2012, interstate and intergovernmental access to your child’s personal information will be practically unlimited. The federal government will have a de facto nationwide database of supposedly confidential student information. The department says this won’t happen. If the states choose to link their data systems, it says, that’s their business, but “the federal government would not play a role” in operating the resulting 172 megadatabase. The department would have access to the data systems of each of the 50 states and would be allowed to share that data with anyone it chooses, as long as it uses the right language to justify the disclosure. Just as the department used the promise of federal money to coerce the states into developing these systems, it would almost certainly do the same to make them link their systems. The result would be a nationwide student database, whether or not it is “operated” from an office in Washington. 5

Google collects Wi-Fi data

Google’s legal problems surrounding data collection around the world intensified when it emerged that the company faces a police investigation in Australia, the latest in a growing number of countries expressing concern about the its Street View mapping services. The probe, which comes amid accusations that Google breached privacy laws, was announced a day after the firm agreed to hand over data it has collected through wireless networks to French, German and Spanish authorities. Canada has also recently launched a probe into Google amid privacy concerns relating to the Street View service which uses camera-equipped fleets of cars to take 360 degree panoramic pictures for an online atlas. In May of 2010 Google acknowledged it had mistakenly collected fragments of data over public and unsecured Wi-Fi networks in more than 30 countries as it was taking pictures of neighborhoods. It said it discovered the problem after German regulators launched an inquiry into the matter. [ Authors’ note: LIE!] In the UK, the information commissioner ruled in 2009 that Google’s Street View technology carries a small risk of privacy invasion but should not be stopped, although members of the public have taken direct action in at least one location to prevent the company from taking photographs on their streets. Residents in Broughton blocked the driver of a Google Street View car, which captures the photos, when it tried to enter the village, near Milton Keynes. The Australian investigation comes as more regulators and consumers watchdogs around the world are complaining that Google does not take people’s privacy seriously enough. [ Authors’ note: Google is a NSA/CIA front corporation!]

173 Australia’s communications minister Stephen Conroy has accused Google of being responsible for the “single greatest breach in the history of privacy.” “There have been some complaints voiced … by the public in respect to practices that have been reported involving allegations that some information may have been obtained by staff of Google travelling around the streets,” said Australia’s federal attorney general Robert McClelland. “In light of concerns having been raised by the public, my department thought there were issues of substance that were raised that require police investigation.” The case was referred to the Australian federal police on Friday, he said. It will focus on whether the company breached the country’s telecommunications interceptions act, which prevents people accessing electronic communications other than for authorized purposes. The US Federal Trade Commission has already begun an informal inquiry into the matter and Google has said it would co-operate with authorities. Suits have been filed in Washington, California, Massachusetts and Oregon by people who accuse Google of violating their privacy by collecting data from open Wi-Fi networks. On its official blog Google has said that the software code responsible for collecting the data was used by mistake , and that all Street View cars were grounded when the mistake was discovered. 5 [ Authors’ note : LIE!] Google is a NSA/CIA front corporation. It is conducting illegal data collection and surveillance for the NSA/CIA. When it gets caught the heat is on Google instead of the NSA/CIA which are two of Big Brother’s illegal/criminal spy agencies.

Google believes it is Big Brother

Google CEO Eric Schmidt believes that if you are concerned about Google retaining your personal data, then you must be doing something you should not be doing. “If you have something that you don’t want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place,” Schmidt told CNBC. He explained that everything Google collects is subject to government snooping. “If you really need that kind of privacy, the reality is that search engines – including Google – do retain this information for some time and it’s important, for example, that we are 174 all subject in the United States to the Patriot Act and it is possible that all that information could be made available to the authorities.”6 Google thinks it is Big Brother because it is. Google is not Big Brother by itself, but it is an integral part of Big Brother.

Google tracks your web searches

Google, MSN Search, Yahoo, AOL, and most other search engines collect and store records of your search queries. If these records are revealed to others, they can be embarrassing or even cause great harm. Would you want strangers to see searches that reference your online reading habits, medical history, finances, sexual orientation, or political affiliation? 7

Google tracks your web history

The FBI is pressing Internet service providers to record which Web sites customers visit and retain those logs for two years, a requirement that law enforcement believes could help it in investigations of child pornography and other serious crimes. FBI Director Robert Mueller supports storing Internet users’ “origin and destination information,” a bureau attorney said at a federal task force meeting in February 2010. As far back as a 2006 speech, Mueller had called for data retention on the part of Internet providers, and emphasized the point two years later when explicitly asking Congress to enact a law making it mandatory. But it had not been clear before that the FBI was asking companies to begin to keep logs of what web sites are visited. The FBI is not alone in renewing its push for data retention. As CNET reported in February 2010, a survey of state computer crime investigators found them to be nearly unanimous in supporting the idea. Matt Dunn, an Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent in the Department of Homeland Security, also expressed support for the idea during the task force meeting. Greg Motta, chief of the FBI’s digital evidence section, said it was trying to preserve its existing ability to conduct criminal investigations. Federal regulations in place since at least 1986 require phone companies that offer toll service to “retain for a period of 18 months” records including “the name, address, and telephone number of the caller, telephone number called, date, time and length of the call.” 8 175 Google voluntarily complied with the FBI request and keeps track of every web site you visit if you use its browser. Anyone who uses Google Chrome web browser can go to the Google web site and look up their surfing history. 9 Google admits that it keeps track of what books you read on Google Books, but claims it keeps the information for a “limited period of time to enforce viewing limits.” 10 Google and Microsoft admit they keep track of every search users make. 11 Let Google speak for itself:

Why does Google store search engine logs data?

We store this data for a number of reasons. Most importantly, we store data to improve our search results and to maintain the security of our systems. Analyzing logs data helps our engineers both improve your search quality and build helpful innovative services. Take the example of Google Spell Checker. Google’s spell checking software automatically looks at a user’s query and checks to see if that user is using the most common version of the word’s spelling. If we calculate a user is likely to get more relevant search results with an alternative spelling, we’ll ask “Did you mean: (more common spelling)?” In order to provide this service, we study the data in our logs. Logs data also helps us improve our search results. If we know that users are clicking on the #1 result, we know we’re probably doing something right, and if they’re hitting next page or reformulating their query, we’re probably doing something wrong. In addition, logs data helps us prevent against fraud and other abuses, like phishing, scripting attacks, and spam, including query click spam and ads click spam.

Why are search engine logs kept before being anonymized?

We strike a reasonable balance between the competing pressures we face, such as the privacy of our users, the security of our systems and the need for innovation. We believe anonymizing IP addresses after 9 months and cookies in our search engine logs after 18 months strikes the right balance. 12

Google is an intricate part of Big Brother. It keeps all data forever. Google and other search engine providers keep track of your searches and create a profile which it sells to advertizers. Google makes millions of federal reserve notes doing this, but it also gives Big Brother this 176 information. It dutifully turns over information upon request from governments. 13 We also believe that virtually all the information Google and other web companies collect is handed over to Big Brother because he created them. He uses it to create a complex profile of everyone who uses search engines with information from other sources such as web surfing, educational records, medical records, criminal record, voting record, traffic citations, work history, financial history, credit rating, purchases, library checkout records, telephone calls, televison/cable viewing, associations with people, churches, political parties, organizations and whatever else it can accumulate.


Acxiom is a global interactive marketing services company that uses consumer data, analytics, information technology, data aggregation, data integration, and consulting solutions to help companies conduct direct marketing programs. Acxiom’s interactive capabilities allow marketers to have direct interaction and response with consumers, and these services include direct-mail, e-mail, mobile advertising, display advertising, social media, and Web-site personalization. It has been described as “one of the biggest companies you’ve never heard of.” 14 In addition to collecting detailed information about people, the company helps marketers anticipate the future needs of consumers, according to the documentary “The Persuaders.” As the world’s largest processor of consumer data ,15 Acxiom has identified 70 types of consumers with its segmentation product PersonicX. Forrester Research considers Acxiom “a technology powerhouse” with deep industry expertise across a multitude of industries. Acxiom has traditionally been known for helping many of the world’s largest financial services companies conduct direct marketing campaigns, but now more than 75 percent of its revenue is derived from non-financial services clients. Today, Acxiom is a $1.38 billion-a-year company, representing more than 12 percent of the direct-marketing-services sector’s $11 billion in estimated annual sales. Acxiom has offices in several states in America, but it also has offices in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, Poland, Australia, China and Brazil. Its services are also available to companies in scores of other countries. 16

177 Acxiom is a big Big Brother corporation that few have ever heard of. It has files on virtually everyone in America. Big Brother can access its files any time he wants to.

Law enforcement

FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force

A flyer was passed out in the Phoenix, Arizona area requesting law enforcement officers to keep a sharp lookout for American citizens which the NJTTF believes are “domestic terrorists.” They are patriots who do not want to see America fall prey to the New World Order Gang and their world dictatorship. According to the “Protecting America: National Task Force Wages War on Terror” press release of August 19, 2008, there “are 106 FBI Joint Terrorism Task Forces around the country, where local, state, and federal agencies work together to combat terrorism on a regional scale. “Coordinating the efforts of all those regional task forces is the National Joint Terrorism Task Force, a fusion of local, state, and federal agencies acting as an integrated force to combat terrorism on a national and international scale. The National Joint Terrorism Task Force, or NJTTF, was established in 2002 to manage the burgeoning Joint Terrorism Task Force program—the number of task forces almost doubled overnight, from 35 pre-9/11 to 56 soon after 9/11 (50 more have been established since then). Of course, JTTFs have been around since the 1980s, starting in New York and Chicago. Originally located at FBI Headquarters, the NJTTF moved to the multi-agency National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), where it performs its mission while also working with NCTC personnel to exchange information, analyze data, and plan anti-terrorism strategies. So what exactly is the NJTTF’s mission? Managing the Bureau’s JTTFs around the country is major part of the operation, and it’s a huge job—there are currently more than 4,000 JTTF task force members from over 600 state and local agencies as well as 50 federal agencies. According to Special Agent Gregory Massa, who heads the NJTTF, “We support each task force in every way imaginable – from sharing intelligence and terrorism threat information to providing big-picture terrorism analysis…from offering guidance and oversight to setting sound program policies… from supplying resources for manpower, equipment, and space to facilitating training.” 178 Another vital aspect of the NJTTF’s mission is sharing information among its 80 members – officers, agents, and analysts – who then pass the information onto the 48 different agencies they represent. Those agencies – from the law enforcement, intelligence, homeland security, defense, diplomatic, and public safety sectors – Include the Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. military, and federal, state, and local partners. Men and women from the U.S. Secret Service, Federal Air Marshals, New York City Police Department, Naval Criminal Investigative Service, Federal Bureau of Prisons, Amtrak Police, and dozens of other organizations work together every day in the global war on terrorism. NJTTF members are also working together on joint initiatives designed to address broader terrorism threats. For example:

Operation TRIPWIRE focuses on information and intelligence- sharing operations from the NJTTF’s participating agencies to help identify terrorist sleeper cells in the U.S.

Correctional Intelligence Initiative assists JTTFs and correctional facilities to combat prison radicalization and recruitment of prisoners within federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial prisons.

Rail Liaison Agent Program works to protect the country’s critical mass transit and freight rail infrastructure by collecting and disseminating rail-related terrorism intelligence info to JTTFs and critical rail partners nationwide.

Military Working Group is comprised of 12 Department of Defense agencies who look at military-specific terrorism threats.

The NJTTF and the JTTFs work tirelessly to protect Americans from terrorism, but they can’t do it alone. Says Agent Massa, “Every law enforcement officer, first responder, military member, intelligence analyst, and private citizen has a role to play in the global war on terror.” And he asks that suspicious activity of any kind be reported to your local JTTF or FBI field office.17

Police download data from your cell phone

The Michigan State Police have been using devices capable of downloading text messages, address books and other data from cell phones. 179 The Data Extraction Devices are commonly used to transfer data from an old cell phone to a new one, but they are also used by law enforcement for obtaining information such as erased text messages. Police said they are using the devices in certain criminal cases, but after obtaining a search warrant or with the cell phone owner’s consent. “The implication by the ACLU that the (state police) uses these devices ‘quietly to bypass Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable searches’ is untrue, and this divisive tactic unjustly harms police and community relations,” the state police said. The devices cost around $3,000 each, and the Michigan State Police have five. 18 Big brother has been stealing data from cell phones for years. Eventually laws will be passed giving the minions of Big Brother the “authority” to steal any and all data from cell phones, laptops, iPads, desktop computers, etc. The way to keep Big Brother from stealing your personal data is to not keep any on your e-devices. Keep all private data on flash drives or portable hard drives. Sell your fancy cell phones, iPhones, Smartphones, etc. and get a cheap cell phone with a camera. Do NOT keep pictures or personal information, phone numbers and data on the cell phone. Memorize your important phone numbers or keep them in an old fashion address book. If you must have a fancy cell phone get a flash drive that can be attached and keep all of your personal data on it. WAKE UP AMERICA! GET SMART!

UK phone and email database

A new Big Brother database holding the telephone numbers and email accounts of everyone in Britain would raise serious data protection concerns. Prime Minister Gordon Brown signaled plans to bring in the database holding details of every phone call, email and time spent on the internet by the public in last month’s draft Queen’s Speech. The proposal is part of Government plans to implement a European Union directive which was brought in after the July 7, 2005 bombings to encourage uniform record-keeping across EU states. Information commissioner Richard Thomas warned the database would be “a step too far for the British way of life.” “Do we really want the police, security services and other organs of the state to have access to more and more aspects of our private lives?” he asked. “There needs to be the fullest public debate about the justification for, and 180 implications of, a specially-created database – potentially accessible to a wide range of law enforcement authorities – holding details of everyone’s telephone and internet communications.” The danger of Big Brother having a record of everything everyone has ever said or written is frightening. A government or renegade bureaucrat could use a inappropriate statement by an individual to discredit or blackmail him. Commissioner Thomas also cited the expansion of the DNA database and the centralized collection and retention of data from Automatic Number Plate Recognition roadside cameras as two examples of other intrusive Big Brother programs. “Before major new databases are launched careful consideration must be given to the impact on individuals’ liberties and on society as a whole,” he cautioned. “Sadly, there have been too many developments where there has not been sufficient openness, transparency or public debate.” The fear of information being stolen or lost is real. There were a number of high profile data losses in 2008 including the loss by HM Revenue and Customs of the details of over 25 million families.19

Homeland Security tracks your air travel

The Department of Homeland Security keeps a record of every flight everyone in America makes. Starting in the mid-1990s, many airlines handed over passenger records to the government. Since 2002, the government has mandated that the commercial airlines deliver this information routinely and electronically. 20

Be careful what you read

International travelers concerned about being labeled a terrorist or drug runner by secret Homeland Security algorithms may want to be careful what books they read on the plane. Newly revealed records show the government is storing such information indefinietly.21

Biometric database

FBI and States Vastly Expand DNA Databases

Law enforcement officials are vastly expanding their collection of DNA to include millions more people who have been arrested or 181 detained but not yet convicted. The move is raising concerns about the privacy of petty offenders and people who are presumed innocent. Until now, the federal government genetically tracked only convicts. But starting in April of 2009, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) will join 15 states that collect DNA samples from those awaiting trial and will collect DNA from detained immigrants. The F.B.I., with a DNA database of 6.7 million profiles, expects to accelerate its growth rate from 80,000 new entries a year to 1.2 million by 2012 – a 15-fold increase. Criminal justice experts cite Fourth Amendment privacy concerns and worry that the nation is becoming a genetic surveillance society. Britain may provide a window into America’s genetic surveillance future: As of March 2008, 857,000 people in the British database, or about one-fifth, have no current criminal record. In December, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that Britain violated international law by collecting DNA profiles from innocent people, including children as young as 10. 22

The Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act

On April 24, 2008, President signed into law: S. 1858, the “Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act of 2007,” which authorizes through fiscal year 2012 new and existing programs at the Department of Health and Human Services concerning newborn screening. Sen. Christopher Dodd [D-CT] sponsored the bill and two of the co- sponsors were Sen. Edward Kennedy and Hillary Clinton. The bill violates the U.S. Constitution and the Nuremberg Code, writes Twila Brase, president of the Citizen’s Council on Health Care (CCHC). “The DNA taken at birth from every citizen is essentially owned by the government, and every citizen becomes a potential subject of government-sponsored genetic research,” she states. “It does not require consent and there are no requirements to inform parents about the warehousing of their child’s DNA for the purpose of genetic research. Already, in Minnesota, the state health department reports that 42,210 children of the 780,000 whose DNA is housed in the Minnesota ‘DNA warehouse’ have been subjected to genetic research without their parents’ knowledge or consent.” S.1858 is justified by the federal government as a “national contingency plan” in that it represents preparation for any sort of public health emergency. The bill states that the federal government should 182 “continue to carry out, coordinate, and expand research in newborn screening ” and “maintain a central clearinghouse of current information on newborn screening... ensuring that the clearinghouse is available on the Internet and is updated at least quarterly.” Sections of the bill also make it clear that DNA may be used in genetic experiments and tests. All 50 states are now routinely providing results of genetic screenings to the Department of Homeland Security and this bill will establish the legality of that practice plus include DNA. 23

The government has your baby’s DNA

Newborn babies in the United States are routinely screened for a panel of genetic diseases. Since the testing is mandated by the government, it is often done without the parents’ consent, according to Brad Therrell, director of the National Newborn Screening & Genetics Resource Center. In many states babies’ DNA is stored indefinitely, according to the resource center. DNA samples are kept so that tests can be repeated, if necessary, and in case it is ever needed to help parents identify a missing or deceased child. The samples are also used for medical research. Art Caplan, a bioethicist at the University of Pennsylvania, says he understands why states do not first ask permission to screen babies for genetic diseases. “It’s paternalistic, but the state has an overriding interest in protecting these babies.” Genetic testing for newborns started in the 1960s with testing for diseases and conditions that, if undetected, could kill a child or cause severe problems, such as mental retardation. Since then, the screening has helped save countless newborns. Over the years, many other tests were added to the list. Now, states mandate that newborns be tested for anywhere between 28 and 54 different conditions, and the DNA samples are stored in state labs for anywhere from three months to indefinitely, depending on the state. 24

Obama backs national DNA database

In an interview aired March 6, 2010 on “America’s Most Wanted,” Barak Obama expressed strong agreement as host John Walsh extolled the virtues of collecting DNA at the time of an arrest and putting it into a single, national database. 183 “We have 18 states who are taking DNA upon arrest,” Walsh said. “It’s no different than fingerprinting or a booking photo. ... Since those states have been doing it, it has cleared 200 people that are innocent from jail.” “It’s the right thing to do,” Obama replied. “This is where the national registry becomes so important, because what you have is individual states – they may have a database, but if they’re not sharing it with the state next door, you’ve got a guy from Illinois driving over into Indiana, and they’re not talking to each other.” “It’s a horrible idea – tremendously invasive,” said Bill Quigley of the Center for Constitutional Rights, who also disputed Walsh’s claim that DNA is no different from fingerprints. In 2004, California ballot measure requiring DNA testing for all felony arrests and for some misdemeanor arrests. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants DNA tests for everyone arrested in the city, even for misdemeanors. Just days before Obama took office, the Bush administration implemented a 2006 law to take DNA from federal arrestees, including immigration detainees. In 2006, then Senator Obama filed S. 109-3822 and in 2007 he filed S. 110-976 – legislation that would create a national DNA database. The same bill was filed by Sen. Patrick Kennedy in 2008 (S. 110- 6498). All three bills died in the Senate. 25 Big Brother will eventually have a massive international DNA database. He wants your DNA and he will not stop until he gets it.

Israel to be first to create biometric database for all citizens

The government of Israel approved a motion in 2008 calling for the establishment of a biometric database by the Ministry of Interior and the Public Security Ministry. The motion, dubbed the “identification card, travel papers and biometrics database bill,” became “The Biometric Database Law” חוק הכללת אמצעי זיהוי ביומטריים ונתוני זיהוי ביומטריים במסמכי זיהוי :Hebrew) .and was passed in 2009 ( -2009ט" התשס , ובמאגר מידע It gives the Israeli government the authority to collect fingerprints and facial features from all Israeli residents, and imbed the biometric information into identity cards and passports. It also gave the government the authority to create a biometric database of all citizens and residents.

184 The data is being used by the Ministry of Interior to create “smart,” forgery-proof identification papers and passports. Internal Security Minister Avi Dichter told the government that the “need to create a unique (physical) bond between the person carrying an ID and the data which appears on it, is essential in order to fight the worldwide forgeries… Should we succeed we would be able to create a nationwide database controlled, as it should be, by the State.” The existence of such a database – which includes every citizen – has yet to be sanctioned in any Western country.26

National fingerprint registry

Buried in the text of the revised legislation, approved by the Senate Banking Committee by a 19-2 vote in March 2008, is a plan to create a new national fingerprint registry. It covers just about everyone involved in the mortgage business, including lenders, “loan originators,” and some real estate agents. What’s a little odd is the lack of public discussion about this new fingerprint database. No mention of it appears in the official summary of the revised Senate bill that was introduced by Diane Feinstein (D- Ca.) and Mel Martinez (R-Fl.). No copy of the revised Senate legislation is posted on the Library of Congress’ Thomas Web site, which is the usual procedure. The federal fingerprint database requires any “loan originator” to furnish “fingerprints for submission to the Federal Bureau of Investigation” and a wealth of other unnamed government agencies. Loan originator is defined as someone who accepts a residential mortgage application, negotiates terms on a mortgage, advises on loan terms, prepares loan packages, or collects information on behalf of the consumer. Some states already have fingerprinting requirements. Colorado, Kansas, Mississippi, and Montana require “mortgage brokers” to get fingerprinted. In the proposed federal system, what remains unclear is what happens to the fingerprints once submitted. The legislation talks about a “background check” which creates a Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry. The bill does specify that the registry will be run by the Conference of State Bank Supervisors and the American Association of Residential Mortgage Regulators. Those two groups are currently developing a “central repository” of information with 185 document collecting and fingerprinting that “will be accessed through a secure Web site over the Internet.”27

Boston launches flu shot tracking

Using technology originally developed for mass disasters, Boston disease trackers embarked on a novel experiment in 2008 aimed at creating a citywide registry of everyone who has had a flu vaccination. Everyone who participates will get a bracelet printed with a unique identifier code. Information about the recipient and the shot will be entered into handheld devices similar to those used by delivery truck drivers. “Anything you can do to better pinpoint who’s vaccinated and who’s not, that’s absolutely vital,” said Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy at the University of Minnesota. “I wish more cities were doing this kind of thing.” Boston is believed to be the first city to embrace this particular approach to tracking vaccinations against the seasonal flu, estimated to kill 36,000 people each year in America.28

Data mining/sharing

Government bureaucrats want to know every transaction that everyone in America makes. They are gathering and sharing as much information as possible about everyone in America. They say it is to help them prevent terrorists from launching more attacks against the American people. This is true, but this information can also be used to manipulate people or control them. Eventually it could be used by a world dictator to give him absolute control over everyone on Earth.


The Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange Program, also known by the acronym “MATRIX,” was a federally funded data mining system originally developed for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. The system analyzed government and commercial databases to find associations between suspects or new suspects. The database and technologies used in the system were housed by Seisint, a Florida- based company since acquired by Lexis Nexis. 186 The Matrix program was shut down in June 2005 after federal funding was cut in the wake of public concerns over privacy and state surveillance. The amount of information that was being compiled on millions of people was astounding. The MATRIX allegedly gathered information about a person’s criminal history, driver’s license data, vehicle registration records, and public data record entries, credit history, driver’s license photographs, marriage and divorce records, social security number, date of birth, and the names and addresses of family members, neighbors and business associates. The ACLU argued that the type of data that the MATRIX compiles could be expanded to include information in commercial databases encompasses such as purchasing habits, magazine subscriptions, income and job history. 29


The Joint Regional Information Exchange System (JRIES) began in December 2002 as an all-source intelligence/information sharing system. It was initially designed to connect the California Anti- Terrorism Information Center, the New York Police Department, and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). These groups designed JRIES, which was first deployed in February 2003, to facilitate the exchange of suspicious activity reports, register events potentially related to terrorist activity, and foster real-time intelligence and law enforcement collaboration in a secure environment across federal, state, and local jurisdictions. The system provided a simple and efficient way for the law enforcement community to obtain situational awareness concurrently, without the need for hundreds of phone calls. In 2003 the DIA relinquished control to the Department of Homeland Security. As of 2004, about 100 law enforcement organizations were using JRIES. 30


Regional Information Sharing Systems (RISS) is an information- sharing program funded by the U.S. Federal government whose purpose is to connect databases from local and regional law enforcement so that they can use each other’s data for criminal investigations. 31 In 1997, RISS created RISSNET, a network to interconnect many local, state, regional, and tribal law enforcement databases. In 2002, RISSNET was connected with the FBI’s Law Enforcement Online 187 system. In 2003, the National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan (NCISP) declared that RISSNET would be the official “backbone” for all unclassified, but sensitive criminal intelligence data traffic. Later that year, members were also given access to the Automated Trusted Information Exchange (ATIX) database, which contains information on homeland security and terrorist threats. 32


The Homeland Security Information Network (HSIN) is a web- based platform, run by the Department of Homeland Security, which is designed to allow local, state, tribal, and federal government agencies to share “Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU)” information with each other over a secure channel. 33


The National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan (NCISP) is an intelligence-sharing initiative that links the computer databases of local, state, regional, tribal law enforcement agencies with those of the U.S. federal government. 34 Government agencies and corporations have detailed files on millions of Americans. The information in those files will grow larger, and they will be shared by numerous government agencies and corporations. The lives of most Americans are an open book. Knowledge is power, and having knowledge of people’s habits will give power-mongers greater advantage over them. Big Brother is building a massive data gathering network with numerous agencies and private corporations. He is gathering and storing as much information about everyone on Earth that he can. Information is power and the more he gets the more powerful he becomes. If you want to keep your personal information to yourself pull out of the Big Brother information web.

Feds tracking credit cards without warrant

Federal law enforcement routinely tracks individuals through their credit cards, cell phones, car rentals and even store customer loyalty programs without obtaining a warrant, an online privacy activist has discovered. 188 According to a document obtained from the Department of Justice by privacy activist Christopher Soghoian, federal agents working on a criminal investigation can draw up their own paperwork requesting that credit companies and retailers give the agents real-time access to purchases made by a particular person. No court reviews these orders, and the only role courts play in the process is to issue a non-disclosure order to the retailer or credit card company involved, meaning the person being tracked will never be notified of the surveillance . The process is known as a “hotwatch,” and it can be used to spy on cell phones, credit card use, purchases at stores when a customer loyalty card is used, car rentals, and flight ticket purchases. The process “sidestep[s] any Fourth Amendment protections,” Soghoian writes. “A search of Google, Lexisnexis and Westlaw revealed nothing related to ‘hotwatch’ orders, and so I filed a FOIA request to find out more,” Soghoian writes. “If the government ‘routinely’ applies for and obtains hotwatch orders, why wasn’t there more information about these?” A year-and-a-half and an appealed decision later the Justice Department released a document outlining “hotwatches.” 35

NSA to store yottabytes of surveillance data in Utah megarepository

The National Security Agency is constructing a datacenter in the Utah desert that they project will be storing yottabytes of surveillance data. There are a thousand gigabytes in a terabyte, a thousand terabytes in a petabyte, a thousand petabytes in an exabyte, a thousand exabytes in a zettabyte, and a thousand zettabytes in a yottabyte. A yottabyte is 1,000,000,000,000,000 gigabytes. What with millions of phones being tapped and all data duplicated, constant recording of all radio traffic, 24-hour high definition video surveillance by satellite, there’s terabytes at least of data coming in every day. And who knows when you will have to sift through August 2007’s overhead footage of Baghdad for heat signatures in order to confirm some other intelligence? A commentor pointed out that in the study cited, yottabytes are only one possible estimate for total storage requirements. The more realistic estimates are in the hundreds of petabytes, which is much easier for a datacenter to accommodate. 36

189 Big Brother has virtually unlimited storage space and he plans to collect every piece of data in the world and use software programs to analyze that data. Big Brother wants to be God and he will not stop until YAHWEH stops him. In the meantime we can resist him.

How NSA access was built into Windows

A Careless mistake by Microsoft programmers has revealed that special access codes prepared by the National Security Agency (NSA) have been secretly built into Windows. The NSA access system is built into every version of the Windows operating system now in use, except early releases of (and its predecessors). The discovery comes close on the heels of the revelations earlier this year that another US software giant, Lotus, had built an NSA “help information” trapdoor into its Notes system, and that security functions on other software systems had been deliberately crippled. The first discovery of the new NSA access system was made in 1997 by British researcher Dr. Nicko van Someren. But it was only in early 1999 that a second researcher rediscovered the access system. With it, he found the evidence linking it to NSA. specialists have been aware for two years that unusual features are contained inside a standard Windows software “driver” used for security and encryption functions. The driver, called ADVAPI.DLL, enables and controls a range of security functions. If you use Windows, you will find it in the C:\Windows\systemdirectory of your computer. Dr. Nicko van Someren reported at last year’s Crypto 98 conference that he had disassembled the ADVADPI driver. He found it contained two different keys. One was used by Microsoft to control the cryptographic functions enabled in Windows, in compliance with US export regulations. But the reason for building in a second key, or who owned it, remained a mystery. Andrew Fernandez, chief scientist with Cryptonym of Morrisville, North Carolina, had been probing the presence and significance of the two keys. Then he checked the latest Service Pack release for Windows NT4, Service Pack 5. He found that Microsoft’s developers had failed to remove or “strip” the debugging symbols used to test this software before they released it. Inside the code were the labels for the two keys.

190 One was called “KEY.” The other was called “NSAKEY.” Later a third key was found. Fernandes reported his re-discovery of the two CAPI keys, and their secret meaning, to “Advances in Cryptology, Crypto’99” conference. According to those present at the conference, Windows developers attending the conference did not deny that the “NSA” key was built into their software. But they refused to talk about what the key did, or why it had been put there without users’ knowledge. According to Fernandez of Cryptonym, the result of having the secret key inside your Windows operating system “is that it is tremendously easier for the NSA to load unauthorized security services on all copies of , and once these security services are loaded, they can effectively compromise your entire operating system.” The NSA key is contained inside all versions of Windows from Windows 95 OSR2 onwards. Dr. van Someren feels that the primary purpose of the NSA key inside Windows may be for legitimate US government use. But he says that there cannot be a legitimate explanation for the third key in CAPI. “It looks more fishy,” he said. Fernandez believes that NSA’s built-in loophole can be turned round against the snoopers. A demonstration “how to do it” program that replaces the NSA key can be found on Cryptonym’s website.37

UK Interception Modernization Program

United Kingdom’s Home Office says all data from the web could be stored in giant government database dubbed the Interception Modernization Program (IMP). Internet “black boxes” will be used to collect every email and web visit in the UK under the government’s plans for a giant “big brother” database. Further details of the planned database emerged at a 2008 meeting of internet service providers (ISPs) in London where representatives from BT, AOL Europe, O2 and BSkyB were given a PowerPoint presentation of the issues and the technology surrounding the IMP, the name given by the Home Office to the database proposal. Whitehall experts working on the IMP unit told the meeting the security and intelligence agencies wanted to use the stored data to help fight serious crime and terrorism, and said the technology would allow them to create greater “capacity” to monitor all communication traffic 191 on the internet. The “black boxes” are an attractive option for the internet industry because they would be secure and not require any direct input from the ISPs. 38 Big Brother will set up massive data bases in every country on Earth and then connect them to form one super data base with which he can access information about anyone, any company or organization.

Travel records kept by DHS

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) collects and stores a great deal of information on everyone who flies into and out of America. According to the blog Philosecurity, DHS-member agency Customs and Border Protection (CBP) stores a surprising amount of personal information on international travelers underneath its Automated Targeting System (ATS) which began in the mid-1990s. International travelers flying into or out of the United States can expect this information to be collected and stored by DHS:

Credit card number and expiration IP address used to make web travel reservations Hotel information and itinerary Full name, birth date, and passport number Full airline itinerary, including flight numbers and seat numbers Cruise ship itinerary Phone numbers, including business, home, and cell Every frequent flyer and hotel number associated with the subject, even ones not used for the specific reservation

According to a DHS Privacy Impact Assessment from 2006, CBP collects such personally identifiable information because it enhances the agency’s “ability to identify possible violations of U.S. law or other threats to national security would be critically impaired without access to this data.” The program also collects and stores information regarding land border crossings as well as people involved with the import and export of cargo. Nearly two years ago, the Washington Post reported that the ATS database held much more information than previously revealed by the federal government, including what travelers brought to read during their trip.

192 The Post also told of one gentleman, Zakariya Reed, who has been stopped at the border at least seven times in approximately one year’s time. During two of those stops, the CBP officers questioned Reed about “politically charged” op-eds he wrote for his local paper that were critical of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Once, during a secondary screening interview, officers “had them printed out on the table in front of me,” Reed told the Post.39

End Game


Anomaly D etection at M ultiple Scales (ADAMS) is a $35 million DARPA project designed to identify patterns and anomalies in very large data sets. It is under DARPA’s Information Innovation office and began in 2011. 40-43 The project is intended to detect and prevent insider threats such as “a soldier in good mental health becoming homicidal or suicidal,” an “innocent insider becoming malicious,” or a “a government employee [whom] abuses access privileges to share classified information.” 41, 44 Specific cases mentioned are Nidal Malik Hasan and Wikileaks alleged source Bradley Manning.45 Commercial applications may include finance. 45 The intended recipients of the system output are operators in the counterintelligence agencies. 41, 44 The Proactive Discovery of Insider Threats Using Graph Analysis and Learning (PRODIGAL) is part of the ADAMS project. 44, 46 The Georgia Tech team includes noted high-performance computing researcher David A. Bader.47-48


Pro active Discovery of Insider Threats Using Graph Analysis and Learning (PRODIGAL) is a computer system for predicting anomalous behavior of people by data mining network traffic such as emails, text messages and log entries.49 It is part of DARPA’s Anomaly Detection at Multiple Scales (ADAMS) project. 50 The initial schedule is for two years and the budget $9 million. 51 It uses graph theory, machine learning, statistical anomaly detection, and high-performance computing to scan larger sets of data more quickly than in past systems. The amount of data analyzed is in the range of terabytes per day. 51 The targets of the analysis are employees within the government or defense contracting organizations; specific 193 examples of behavior the system is intended to detect include the actions of Nidal Malik Hasan and Wikileaks alleged source Bradley Manning.49 Commercial applications may include finance. 49 The results of the analysis, the five most serious threats per day, go to agents, analysts, and operators working in counterintelligence.49, 51-52 The research is being carried out by:

Georgia Institute of Technology College of Computing Georgia Tech Research Institute Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Army Research Office Science Applications International Corporation Oregon State University University of Massachusetts Carnegie Mellon University 53

How will a person who is arrested or grabbed by Big Brother be able to defend himself against the accusation that he planned to commit a terrorist act? Will he be given his day in court or will be be thrown in a military prison or concentration camp and never heard from again as Senate bill 1867 (The National Defense Authorization Act) allows for? Will be he tortured and eventually killed from abuse by Big Brother?

Total Information Awareness

Privacy and civil-rights groups have hailed the decision by Congress to kill a controversial Pentagon program to construct a powerful computerized surveillance system that would lead to unprecedented spying into the private lives of Americans. The program, “Total Information Awareness,” had its name changed to “Terrorist Information Awareness.” It was created by Ronald Reagan’s national security adviser, retired Admiral John Poindexter, who was convicted of five felony counts of lying to Congress about the Iran-Contra affair in the mid-1980s. 54 The program had a name change, but government bureaucrats can still use the technology to spy on law-abiding citizens. This technology could be used in the future by a world dictator to watch what everyone does and says. “The personal computer may soon be not-so-private, with the United States and some European nations working on laws allowing them access to search the content held on a person’s hard drive.” 55 194 Lifelog

LifeLog was a project of the Information Processing Technology Office of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency According to its bid solicitation pamphlet, it was to be “an ontology-based (sub)system that captures, stores, and makes accessible the flow of one person’s experience in and interactions with the world in order to support a broad spectrum of associates/assistants and other system capabilities.” The objective of the “LifeLog” concept was “to be able to trace the ‘threads’ of an individual’s life in terms of events, states, and relationships.” “LifeLog aims to compile a massive electronic database of every activity and relationship a person engages in. This is to include credit card purchases, web sites visited, the content of telephone calls and e- mails sent and received, scans of faxes and postal mail sent and received, instant messages sent and received, books and magazines read, television and radio selections, physical location recorded via wearable GPS sensors, biomedical data captured through wearable sensors, The high level goal of this data logging is to identify “preferences, plans, goals, and other markers of intentionality.” The DARPA program was canceled in 2004 after criticism from civil libertarians concerning the privacy implications of the system, but it may be operating in secret. 56 Technology eventually will be developed and implemented that can record everything a person sees, says, hears and even thinks. People will also be tracked wherever they go, and a record will be kept of every place they visit and everyone they encounter. Every detail of a person’s life will become the property of Big Brother’s government bureaurats.


MyLifeBits is a project inspired by Vannevar Bush’s hypothetical Memex computer system. The project includes full-text search, text and audio annotations, and hyperlinks. The “experimental subject” of the project is computer scientist Gordon Bell, and the project will try to collect a lifetime of storage on and about Bell. Jim Gemmell of Microsoft Research and Roger Lueder were the architects and creators of the system and its software. Computerologists are seeking the Holy Grail of computer technology – recording every byte of a person’s life from birth to death 195 and be able to access any moment in time by date or subject. They are in the infancy of this technology but within two decades they may have the hardware and software to make it a practical option for consumers. For information about this technology see the footnote. 57 Big Brother is working feverishly to develop this technology and make it mandatory for everyone on Earth to wear a video camera that will record everything one sees, hears and says. That information will be downloaded every 24 hours via the Internet or satellite and stored in massive databases in every country. Those databases will be accessible by Big Brother. He will also have software that will enable him to access anyone’s lifelog by date or subject matter. He will also be able to access live feeds from specific individuals if he so desires. Big Brother is also working on technology that will enable him to record every thought that a person has and store those thoughts in massive databases and retrieve any thought any time he chooses. If Big Brother attains this ability he will be god-like. That is what he wants – to be God Almighty, BUT he will NEVER be God. Instead the final Big Brother (the Antichrist) will come to an abrupt end after a brief reign of just seven years as world dictator. At the Second Advent of Jesus Christ he will be slain (Daniel 7.11), resurrected and cast alive into the Lake of Fire (Revelation 19.20) where he will spend all eternity being punished with literal fire and brimstone, burning wind, burning coals, unquenchable thirst and myriad other physical torments (Psalm 11.6; 140.10; Proverbs 25.22; Luke 16.24; Romans 12.20; Revelation 14.9-11; 20.10).

Amazon’s Big Brother patent will enable it to know where you will go

An Amazon patent, made public in December 2011, will allow Amazon to track, through mobile devices, where individuals have been, and determine where they are likely to go next to send them ads, coupons, or other messages that could appear on a mobile phone or on displays that individuals are likely to see on their routes. The patent which was granted on December 6, 2011, was submitted in March 2007. The language of the patent is a bit bureaucratic, but decipherable:

A system, comprising: a processor; and a memory coupled to the processor, wherein the memory comprises program instructions executable by the processor to: determine one or more locations a 196 user of a mobile device has visited on a current path; predict a next destination for the user of the mobile device based on the one or more locations the user of the mobile device has visited on the current path, wherein to predict the next destination, the program instructions are further executable to: predict a plurality of likely destinations, and receive one or more bids for communicating advertising content regarding one or more of the likely destinations for the user of the mobile device, wherein the next destination corresponds to a likely destination for which a selected bid was received; and communicate advertising content to a display device other than the mobile device located along the current path between a current location for the mobile device and the next destination.

The system calculates a path and then predicts a set of likely next destinations. It then takes bids from third parties that want to send marketing messages to displays along the route the person takes, monitoring speed and direction to time displays for maximum chance of visibility. Ads can also be sent to a person’s mobile device and messages telling the person to look over at a particular display as depicted in the science fiction movie “Minority Report.” According to the patent’s description, location could be specific spots inside a mall:

In some embodiments, mobile device users’ current and past travel patterns may be analyzed to determine a predicted next destination. For instance, by analyzing the recent movements of a mobile device user among stores in a shopping mall, it may be determined that a particular store is a predicted next destination for the mobile device user. Thus, advertising content for the predicted destination, such as coupons, may be sent to the mobile device user. 58

Sometime in the next decade or two this advertizing technology will be implemented in the Western world and then throughout the planet. People will be bombarded with advertisements everytime they step out of their homes. That is only the commercial end of this fantastic plan. Big Brother will use the technology to predict where people will go when they leave home, what they will do and what they will buy. Big Brother does not just want to watch your every move and eavesdrop on everything you say he wants to know what you plan to do before you do it. His ultimate goal will be to read your mind 24-7.

197 Retroactive surveillance

According to the Brookings Institution, authoritarian governments will soon be able to perform retroactive surveillance on anyone within their borders. These regimes will store every phone call, instant message, email, social media interaction, text message, movements of people and vehicles and public surveillance video and they will search through it at their leisure. This hideous fact was explained in detail in “Recording Everything: Digital Storage as an Enabler of Authoritarian Government,” written by John Villaseno, a senior fellow at Brookings and a professor of electrical engineering at UCLA. 59 This technology will allow bureaucrats to shadow a person’s movements and communications before he became an alleged “enemy of the state.” “For example, if an anti-regime demonstrator previously unknown to security services is arrested, it will be possible to go back in time to scrutinize the demonstrator’s phone conversations, automobile travels, and the people he or she met in the months and even years leading up to the arrest,” the report says. "These enormous databases of captured information will create what amounts to a surveillance time machine. ... This will fundamentally change the dynamics of dissent, insurgency and revolution.” Villaseno noted that when the government of Libya fell, insurgents found equipment that had captured 30 to 40 million minutes of phone conversations per month and enabled the government to read activist emails. There have been reports that the government of Syria wants to build communications intercepts as well. Key to this possibility is the dramatic drop in the cost of storage. In 1984 it cost an amazing $85,000 to store just one gigabyte, and today it costs five cents per gigabyte. In 2015 the cost of storing all the phone calls made in a year by an average person will be less than 2 cents. In Red China 500,000 video cameras will be installed throughout the city of Chongquing. By 2020, all that video could be stored for 25 cents per Chongquing resident per year. Total costs of surveillance – gathering, aggregating, managing, analyzing – will be greater, but as Big Data becomes a reality, tools for handling it will become better and cheaper. “Many of the solutions that are being developed in the commercial world for searching and analyzing data could be applied to state- sponsored surveillance as well,” Villaseno noted. “Awareness of the

198 likelihood that all messages – including those that are encrypted – will eventually be read by security services will chill dissent.” The main vendors that sell this technology are Blue Coat, Cisco, Huawei, NetApp, Qosmos (France) and Utimaco (Germany). 60 Big Brother will definitely examine as much surveillance data as possible to find political dissidents he may have passed by. He will also manufacture surveillance data to frame dissidents.


Big Brother wants every scrap of information about you that he can get. You must actively deny him this information. Do NOT give out personal information, DNA, fingerprints or any biometric information to the state or a company. Find a way to opt out and if there is no way do without the service or product. You can resist Big Brother!


1. O’Harrow, Robert, Jr. and Nakashima, Ellen. “National Dragnet Is a Click Away.” Washington Post. 3.06.2008. A01. tent/article/2008/03/05/AR2008030503656_ pf.html. 2. 3. 4. Shane, Scott. “Former Phone Chief Says Spy Agency Sought Surveillance Help Before 9/11.” New York Times. 6.30.2006. 14qwest.html?_r=1. 5. Emmett McGroarty, Jane Robbins. How the feds are tracking your kid.” 12.28.2011. cking_your_kid_xC6wecT8ZidCAzfqegB6hL. 6. Davies, Caroline. “Google investigated by Australian police over Wi-Fi data collection: Google Street View cars around the world mistakenly collected Wi-Fi data.” Guardian. 6.06.2010. acy-data-collection-street-view 7. Metz, Cade. “Google chief: Only miscreants worry about net privacy.” The Register. 12.07.2009. 7. 8. “Six Tips to Protect Your Search Privacy.” Electronic Frontier Foundation. September 2006. 9. McCullagh, Declan. “FBI wants records kept of Web sites visited.” 2.05.2010. http://news. 10. er.html. 11. 12. crosoft-google.html. 199 13. 14. 15. Frontline “The Persuaders.” 11.09.2004. shows/persuaders/etc/script.html. 16. Behar, Richard. “Never Heard Of Acxiom? Chances Are It’s Heard Of You. How a little-known Little Rock company – the world’s largest processor of consumer data – found itself at the center of a very big national security debate.” CNN. 2.23.2004. 182/index.htm. 17. 18. 19. Stern, Andrew and Woodall, Bernie. “Michigan police and ACLU in flap over cell phone downloads.” Daily Press. 4.21.2011. world/sns-rt-usreport-us-michigatre 73k5cb-20110421,0,5821147.story. 20. Hope, Christopher. “‘Big Brother’ database of all phone calls and emails condemned by watchdog. 8.17.2008. lawandorder/2403908/Big-Brother-database-of-all-phone-calls-and-emails-condemn ed-by-watchdog.html. 21. O’Neill, Sean. “Is this useful information or a waste of time?” http://travel. 22. Singel, Ryan. “U.S airport screeners are watching what you read.” 9.20.2007. 23. Moore, Solomon. “F.B.I. and States Vastly Expand DNA Databases.” 4.18.2009. 24. 15. AAPS News. “President Bush Signs S. 1858 into Law.” 4.28.2008. & www.govtrack. us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=s110-1858 & www.aaps & & Donovan, Patty. “The Bill Nobody Noticed: National DNA Databank.” 12.18.2008. -1858. 25. Cohen, Elizabeth. “The government has your baby’s DNA.” CNN. 3.04.2010. / 2010/HEALTH/02/04/baby.dna.government/index.html?hpt=Sbin. 26. Gerstein, Josh. “President Obama backs DNA test in arrests.” 3.09.2010. 27. Somfalvi, Attila. “Israel to be first in world to create biometric database for all citizens ynetnews, 8.03.2008. Attila Somfalvi,7340,L- 3577046,00.html. 28. McCullagh, Declan. “Housing bailout bill creates national fingerprint registry.” CNET. 3.23.2008. 29. Smith, Stephen. “Boston launches flu shot tracking.” 11.21.2008. /news/local/massachusetts/articles/2008/11/21/boston_launches_flu _shot_tracking. 30. Ramasastry, Anita. Find Law. 11.05.2003. asastry/20091229.html. 31. 32. 33.

200 34. & ergency/nrf/HSIN.htm. 34. 35. 36. Tencer, Daniel. “Feds tracking credit cards, store purchases without warrants.” Raw Story. 12.03.2010. warrant. & ch-surveillance-orders-of-credit-card-transactions. 37. Coldewey, Devin. “NSA to store yottabytes of surveillance data in Utah megarepository,” Crunch Gear. 11.01. yottabytes-of-surveillance-data-in-utah-mega repository. 38. Campbell, Duncan. 4.09.1999. 39. Verkaik, Robert. Independent, 11.05.2008. home-news/govern ment-black-boxes-will-collect-every-email-992268.html. 40. Harwood, Matthew. “The Information DHS Stores on International Travelers.” 9.10.2009. international-travelers-006185. 40. http://philosec 40. 2347.html. 41. “ADAMS.” DARPA Information Innovation Office. Work/I2O/Programs/Anomaly_Detection_at_Multiple_Scales_(ADAMS).aspx. 42. “Anomaly Detection at Multiple Scales (ADAMS) Broad Agency Announcement DARPA-BAA-11-04.” General Services Administration. 2010-10-22. BAA-11-04_ADAMS.pdf. 43. Ackerman, Spencer. “Darpa Starts Sleuthing Out Disloyal Troops.” Wired. 10.11.2011. -troops. 44. Keyes, Charley. “Military wants to scan communications to find internal threats.” CNN. 10.27.2010. profiling_1_nidal-hasan-darpa-fort-hood. 45. “Georgia Tech Helps to Develop System That Will Detect Insider Threats from Massive Data Sets.” Georgia Institute of Technology. 11.10.2011. 46. “Video Interview: DARPA’s ADAMS Project Taps Big Data to Find the Breaking Bad.” Inside HPC. 2011-11-29. interview-darpas-adams-project-taps-big-data-to-find-the-breaking-bad. 47. Brandon, John. “Could the U.S. Government Start Reading Your Emails?” Fox News. 12.03.2011. start-reading-your-emails. 48. “Anomaly Detection at Multiple Scales.” Georgia Tech College of Computing. 49. 50. “Video Interview: DARPA’s ADAMS Project Taps Big Data to Find the Breaking Bad.” Inside HPC. 2011-11-29. interview-darpas-adams-project-taps-big-data-to-find-the-breaking-bad.

201 51. Brandon, John. “Could the U.S. Government Start Reading Your Emails?” Fox News. 12.03.2011. start-reading-your-emails. 52. “Georgia Tech Helps to Develop System That Will Detect Insider Threats from Massive Data Sets.” Georgia Institute of Technology. 10.11.2011. 53. Storm, Darlene. “Sifting through petabytes: PRODIGAL monitoring for lone wolf insider threats.” Computer World. 12.06.2011. world. com/19382/sifting_through_petabytes_prodigal_monitoring_for_lone_wolf_insider_ threats. 54. Graph_Analysis_and_Learning. 55. Lobe, Jim. “Congress Defunds Controversial ‘Total Information’ Program.” 9.26.2003. 56. Russia Today. “A not-so-private PC.” 3.26.2009. Sci_Tech/2009-03-26/A_not-so-private_PC.html. 57. & 20030603173339/http%3a// 58. 58. Wolf, Gary. “The Data-Driven Life.” NY Times. 4.28.2010. www.nytimes. com/2010/05/02/magazine/02self-measurement-t.html. 58. “Lifelogging, An Inevitability.” 2.21.2007. The Technium. technium/archives/2007/02/lifelogging_an.php. 59. Sherman, Erick. Amazon Big Brother patent knows where you'll go.” CBS News. 12.14.2011. brother-patent-knows-where-youll-go. 60. asenor/1214_digital_storage_villasenor.pdf. 61. Greene, Tim. “Coming soon: Ubiquitous surveillance from Big Brother’s wayback machine.” NetworkWorld. 12.15.2011. /121511-government-surveillance-254137.html?hpg1=bn. Tragedy_and_Hope.pdf 202



Big Brother wants to gather and collate every shred of information and every biometric piece of data about you including your DNA.

But, in general, his freedom and choice will be controlled within very narrow alternatives by the fact that he will be numbered from birth and followed, as a number , through his educational training, his required military or public service , his tax contributions , his health and medical requirements, and his final retirement and death benefits. (Quigley, Carroll, Tragedy and Hope , p. 866, emphasis added)

ID Cards

Biometric Social Security Card

New York Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer and South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, presented an immigration bill that includes a proposal to issue a biometric ID card to all working Americans that would contain physical data such as fingerprints or retinal scans. The “enhanced Social Security card” is being touted as a way to curb illegal immigration by giving employers the power to quickly and accurately determine who is eligible to work. “If you say [illegal 203 immigrants] can’t get a job when they come here, you’ll stop it,” Schumer told the Wall Street Journal. Proponents also hope legal hiring will be easier for employers if there’s a single go-to document instead of the 26 that new employees can currently use to show they’re authorized to work. A similar program run by the Department of Homeland Security, in which 1.4 million transportation workers have been issued biometric credentials, required applicants pay $132.50 to help cover the costs of the initiative. 1 Big Brother will eventually force everyone in America to get a SS card with biometric identifiers in it. Passports and driver’s licenses will also have biometrics in them and within a decade or so everyone in America will be required to get a National ID Card loaded with biometrics. Patriots who opt out of the Big Brother program will not be able to collect Social Security benefits or receive any federal or state benefit. We will also not be able to get jobs, travel by plane, train or bus and we will not be able to get a passport. Patriots will be prisoners in America.

India launches universal ID system with biometrics

India launched an ambitious program to fit each of its 1.2 billion residents with an Unique Identification Number (UID). Each number is tied into three pieces of bio-metric data: fingerprints (all ten), iris scans (both eyes), and a picture of the face. Starting in September of 2010, the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) began processing people in various locations around the country. While residents are not mandated to get a UID, a growing list of services including social welfare and even some bank accounts will soon require the identification number. If successful, this will be the first biometrically verified universal ID implemented on a national scale. There is some chilling Big Brother-like aspects to this whole affair. Yet the problem of insuring that resources make it to India’s poor is very real, and there is the strong possibility that the UID will be empowering and democratizing to the 440 million Indians below the poverty level. 2 Big Brother intends to compel the politicians and bureaucrats of every nation on Earth to issue a national ID card to every citizen and illegal alien. After a national ID card has been issued to virtually 204 everyone on Earth the implantable computer chip will replace it. That day is only a couple decades away.

People’s Republic of China

The identity card contains basic information regarding the individual, such as the following:

Obverse side:

Full name – in Chinese characters only. Non-Chinese ethnic names and foreign names are transliterated into Chinese. First- generation ID cards contained handwritten names for Chinese characters, whilst the second-generation cards exclusively used computer-printed text in a larger font compared to that of the first generation, and do not support rarer characters. Gender – containing one character for either male or female. Ethnicity – as officially listed by the People’s Republic of China. Date of birth – listed in the Gregorian calendar format, in YMD order. Domicile – the individual’s permanent residence as dictated by the Identity Card Bill of the People’s Republic of China. Identification number Photo of the individual

Reverse side:

Issuing authority (first-generation cards utilised a stamp; second-generation cards display text only) The limits to validity of the document (for individuals under 16 years of age: five years; for individuals between 16 and 25 years of age: ten years; for individuals between 26 and 45 years of age: twenty years; for individuals over 46 years of age: long- term)

1 1 0 1 0 2/Y Y Y Y M M D D/8 8 8/X Address code Date of Birth code Order code Checksum

Information stored in the identity database for biometric ID cards documents information such as work history, educational background, 205 religion, ethnicity, police record, medical insurance status, landlord’s phone number and personal reproductive history. 3

ID badges

Texas students test electronic eye

Some schools in Texas have begun monitoring student arrivals and departures using technology similar to that used to track livestock and pallets of retail shipments. The Spring Independent School District is equipping 28,000 students with ID badges containing computer chips that are read when the students get on and off school buses. The information is fed by wireless phone to the police and school administrators. In a variation on the concept, a Phoenix school district in November is starting a project using fingerprint technology to track when and where students get on and off buses. Last year, a charter school in Buffalo began automating attendance counts with computerized ID badges – one of the earliest examples of what educators said could become a widespread trend. 4 Iris scanners

This technology will become commonplace

Homeland Security to test iris scanners

The Homeland Security Department plans to test futuristic iris scan technology that stores digital images of people’s eyes in a database. The DHS conducted a two-week test in October of 2010 of commercially sold iris scanners from Global Rainmakers Inc., at a 206 Border Patrol station in McAllen, Texas. The test cameras that take photos from three or four feet away, including one that works on people as they walk by, were used on illegal immigrants, said Arun Vemury program manager at the department’s Science and Technology branch. “The test will help us determine how viable this is for potential (department) use in the future,” Vemury said. Iris scanners are little used, but a new generation of cameras that capture images from six feet away instead of a few inches has sparked interest from government agencies and financial firms, said Patrick Grother, a National Institute of Standards and Technology computer scientist. In 2007, the U.S. military began taking iris scans of thousands of Iraqis to track suspected militants. The technology was used in about 20 U.S. airports from 2005 to 2008 to identify passengers in the Registered Traveler program, who could skip to the front of security lines. 5 Global Rainmakers, Inc. is a company founded by Hector Hoyos in Puerto Rico in 2006 (

Iris scanning to secure Leon, Mexico

The million-plus citizens of Leon, Mexico became the first example of a city secured through the power of biometric identification. Iris and face scanning technologies from Global Rainmakers, Inc. will allow people to use their eyes to prove their identity, withdraw money from an ATM, get help at a hospital, and even ride the bus. GRI’s eye scanning systems are not more secure than others on the market, but they are faster. Large archway detectors using infrared imaging can pick out 50 people per minute, even as they hustle by at speeds up to 3.3 mph. The first phase of the Leon iris and face scanning project began in 2010. It is estimated to cost around $5 million and focuses on law enforcement agencies’ security check points . Over the next three years commercial uses will be rolled out with banks leading the charge. We have to put this in a larger context, too. India just launched its enormous effort to digitally identify more than a billion residents using fingerprints, face, and iris scans. Japan already uses finger scans during entry into the country and the European Union is working on a variety of passive scanning technologies to help secure airports and other public spaces. 207 Government and commercial institutions will endeavor to create enormous shared databases of biometric data and scan huge numbers of private citizens everywhere they go. The first phase of the project in Leon is going to help track the movements of “watch-listed individuals.” What is the future of this technology? Jeff Carter, chief business development officer of GRI, explained what is coming in an interview with Fast Company’s Austin Carr:

…we’ve even worked with three-letter agencies on technology that can capture 30-plus feet away. In certain spaces, eventually, you’ll be able to have maybe one sensor the size of a dime, in the ceiling, and it would acquire all of our irises in motion, at a distance, hundreds–probably thousands as computer power continues to increase–at a time… if you’ve been convicted of a crime, in essence, this will act as a digital scarlet letter. If you’re a known shoplifter, for example, you won’t be able to go into a store without being flagged. For others, boarding a plane will be impossible.” 6

Iris scanning is just one biometric identifier Big Brother seeks to make ubiquitous. Other forms are facial recognition, fingerprints, heat signature, and DNA.

Police to use iPhone iris scans

Dozens of police departments nationwide are gearing up to use a tech company’s already controversial iris- and facial-scanning device that slides over an iPhone and helps identify a person or track criminal suspects. The “biometric” technology, which seems to take a page from TV shows like “MI-5” or “CSI,” could improve speed and accuracy in some routine police work in the field. However, its use has set off alarms with some who are concerned about possible civil liberties and privacy issues. The smartphone-based scanner, named Mobile Offender Recognition and Information System, or MORIS, is made by BI2 Technologies in Plymouth, Massachusetts, and can be deployed by officers out on the beat or back at the station. An iris scan, which detects unique patterns in a person’s eyes, can reduce to seconds the time it takes to identify a suspect in custody. This

208 technique also is significantly more accurate than results from other fingerprinting technology long in use by police, BI2 says. When attached to an iPhone, MORIS can photograph a person’s face and run the image through software that hunts for a match in a BI2- managed database of U.S. criminal records. Each unit costs about $3,000. Some experts fear police may randomly scan the population, using potentially intrusive techniques to search for criminals, sex offenders, and illegal aliens. Experts also say that before police administer an iris scan, they should have probable cause a crime has been committed. “What we don’t want is for them to become a general surveillance tool, where the police start using them routinely on the general public, collecting biometric information on innocent people,” said Jay Stanley, senior policy analyst with the national ACLU in Washington, D.C. Facial recognition technology is not without its problems, however. For example, some U.S. individuals mistakenly have had their driver’s license revoked as a potential fraud. The problem, it turns out, is that they look like another driver and so the technology mistakenly flags them as having fake identification. Roughly 40 law enforcement units nationwide will soon be using the MORIS, including Arizona’s Pinal County Sheriff's Office, as well as officers in Hampton City in Virginia and Calhoun County in Alabama. 7

Iris scan

The New York-based biometric security company Hoyos Group will market an iris scanner that connects to a personal computer. The device allows users to log into their online banking, social networks and emails – all in the blink of an eye. Hoyos unveiled their new security product, dubbed EyeLock, at the Finovate financial technology conference in May of 2011, amid claims that it is the first and only portable iris-scanning device for consumers. The device, which is the size of a standard business card and weighs about four ounces connects to the user’s computer by a USB cable. Once the accompanying software package is installed and configured, all the user needs to do to is wave the scanner in front of his eye to automatically log in to any password-protected application or website. “Every time you log in, it reads your iris and creates a unique key, which is a series of numbers, and this key changes every time you log

209 in, so no one can hack it,” explained Tracy Hoyos, assistant marketing director. According to Miss Hoyos, the security offered by iris scans trumps fingerprints which have around 18 unique points while irises have 2,000. The EyeLock will cost $99 (£60), but no release date has yet been announced. The company has already marketed another iris-scan product used in airport security and is researching ways to expand the service to other areas, including mobile phones. 8

Iris-scanning for frequent fliers is cut back in the UK

At the very time long passport control procedures are being blamed for long delays, most scanners have been closed with no indication they are to re-open soon. Iris recognition scanners were introduced at several British airports in recent years to allow grequent fliers to skip the traditional immigration controls at security gates. Yet in 2011 seven of the nine facilities for new applicants to sign up for the fast-track system were closed. The scanners themselves remain open. Yet with users of the system being required to renew their records every two years, even the estimated 385,000 current users are threatened by the office closures, meaning the number of people being forced to wait in long lines for conventional passport security will increase.8b This is just a minor setback for the technology. When the incompetent British bureaucrats get their act together they will expand the fast-track program and eventually require everyone entering the United Kingdom to undergo iris scanning along with fingerprinting, DNA testing, voice identification and other forms of identification. A decade or two from now people entering any nation will be scrutinized to the max. Big Brother may even require them to go through a verbal screening process in which lie detection technology will be used to determine if they are telling the truth. This technology is currently being used in Israel and will make its way to every nation in the bot too distant future.

Retinal scans

The human retina is a thin tissue composed of neural cells that is located in the posterior portion of the eye. Because of the complex 210 structure of the capillaries that supply the retina with blood, each person’s retina is unique. The network of blood vessels in the retina is so complex that even identical twins do not share a similar pattern. Although retinal patterns may be altered in cases of diabetes, glaucoma or retinal degenerative disorders, the retina typically remains unchanged from birth until death. Due to its unique and unchanging nature, the retina appears to be the most precise and reliable biometric. Advocates of retinal scanning have concluded that it is so accurate that its error rate is estimated to be only one in a million. 9 The idea for retinal identification was first conceived by Dr. Carleton Simon and Dr. Isadore Goldstein and was published in the New York State Journal of Medicine in 1935. 10 The idea was a little before its time, but once technology caught up, the concept for a retinal scanning device emerged in 1975. In 1976, Robert “Buzz” Hill formed a corporation named EyeDentify, Inc., and made a full-time effort to research and develop such a device. In 1978, specific means for a retinal scanner was patented, followed by a commercial model in 1981. 11

Facial recognition

USA, UK, Super Bowl, banks, etc.

Facial recognition systems (FRS) are being used around the world to identify known criminals. It is one biometric identification system that does not require assistance from the subject, and it can be used to screen people entering buildings, sporting events or walking down the street. The Pennsylvania Justice Network searches photographs and CCTV footage in the mug shot database of previous arrests. Since its use in 2005 it has helped solve several cases that were very cold. The Tampa Police Department in Florida had no success when it used FRS in a trial, and Boston’s Logan Airport also failed to produce results. The Department of State operates one of the largest FRS in the world with over 75 million photographs that is actively used for visa processing. The London Borough of Newham uses it in its CCTV system. Unfortunately the police have failed to identify a single criminal since its use in 2004. Germany uses it to allow voluntary subscribers to pass fully automated border controls at the Frankfurt Rhein-Main

211 international airport. The Australian Customs Service has an automated border processing system called SmartGate that uses it. Facial recognition systems have been tested at public events. At Super Bowl XXXV in January 2001, police in Tampa Bay, Florida, used the Identix facial recognition software, FaceIt, to search for potential criminals and terrorists. It found 19 people with pending arrest warrants. Some casinos use it to identify card counters and other blacklisted individuals. Banks may soon use FRS for identification at ATMs instead of passwords, and some companies may use it for purchases on line. Consumers would supply a photo to each vendor, and use a web cam to log-in. If banks use them for ATMs they will also use them at the teller’s window. In 2006, the performance of the latest face recognition algorithms were evaluated in the Face Recognition Grand Challenge. High- resolution face images, 3-D face scans, and iris images were used in the tests. The results indicated that the new algorithms are 10 times more accurate than the face recognition algorithms of 2002 and 100 times more accurate than those of 1995. Some of the algorithms were able to outperform human participants in recognizing faces and could uniquely identify identical twins. 12 The makers of the FRS have big dreams of how their technology can be used. They envision registers in retail stores being equipped with cameras that would take pictures of customers. The camera would be the primary means of identifying the customer, and if visual identification failed, the customer could complete the purchase by using a PIN (personal identification number). After the cash register had calculated the total sale, the face recognition system would verify the identity of the customer and the total amount of the sale would be deducted from the customer’s bank account. Face-based retailing would provide convenience for retail customers, since they could go shopping simply by showing their faces, and there would be no need to bring credit or debit cards, checks or cash. The FRS could also be used in gas stations, restaurants, movie theaters, car rental companies, hotels, amusement parks, stadiums, arenas, concerts and everyplace where financial transactions are made. 13 It is highly probable that in the future FRS will be connected to every cash register. Yet it is not the ultimate goal of Big Brother. He wants to put a computer chip in everyone on Earth that will have RFID 212 technology in it so it can be read by billions of RFID readers scattered around the world in stores, buildings, offices, homes and on pedestrian walkways. He also wants to put a GPS transponder in it that can be tracked by satellite anywhere on Earth. That chip will have numerous biometric information in it such as facial scan, retina scan, fingerprints, DNA and body odor.

Facial Recognition used by nightclub

A Melbourne nightclub installed facial recognition software in April of 2009 to stamp out thugs and known troublemakers. Chasers nightclub in Chapel St., which already has metal detectors to screen patrons for weapons, believes the system is one of the first in the world for nightclubs. Management now wants the technology to be adopted in other nightclubs to create a security network. Melbourne’s Lord Mayor Robert Doyle said the technology could help the fight against violence, and should be looked at for venues on their last warnings. On entering, patrons’ faces are scanned by a camera and the image and driver’s license details are stored on computer for 28 days. If someone banned from the club tries to enter, their face comes up with a red mark, alerting security to a problem. Chasers owner Martha Tsamis, who also owns Inflation on King St., said the $16,000 system was bought after an ammonia cocktail bomb, the effect of which is similar to mace, was set off last year. “The only way we could track people who do such things is with this, if they don’t have a criminal record,” Ms. Tsamis said. “The reports we have had, especially from females, is they are very happy because they know our system is there to protect people.” The Herald Sun revealed that police want hi-tech ID scanning equipment installed at all late-night city venues. A submission by Victoria Police to the Government will ask for scanners to be compulsory for “high-risk” nightclubs. 14 Before long Big Brother will require all commercial businesses to install facial recognition technology. This will enable him to track what stores, businesses, etc. that each individual visits. It will also be handy in catching political dissidents or individuals who are living outside of the system. If an outsider has his face scanned and there is no match in Big Brother’s world database the person will be detained by security or police. When Big Brother gets his tyrannical identification net in place 213 outsiders will not be able to freely move about. They will only be able to go outside of their hiding place at night and they will not be able to walk in any location that has spy cameras. If their face can be captured by a spycam the facial recognition software will be able to identify them. If no match is made Big Brother will know the person is an outsider and seek to have him arrested. Life for outsiders will be extremely difficult. They will not be able to make purchases of any kind and if stopped by authorities they will be detained and tossed into a concentration camp or prison.

Brazilian police use facial recognition cameras

A small camera fitted to the glasses of a police officer can capture 400 facial images per second and send them to a central computer database storing up to 13 million faces. The camera will generally be used to scan faces in crowds up to 50 metres (164ft) away but can be adjusted, if searching for a specific target, to recognise faces as far as 12 miles away. The system can compare biometric data at 46,000 points on a face and will immediately signal any matches to known criminals or people wanted by police. If there is a match a red signal will appear on a small screen connected to the glasses, alerting the police officer of the need to take further action or make an arrest. The devices are being tested at football matches and concerts by police in Brazil and will be used extensively at the 2014 World Cup to be held in Brazil in 2014. Military Police officials from Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, which will both host key games in the World Cup, have been given demonstrations of how the device works. Major Leandro Pavani Agostini, of Sao Paulo’s Military Police, explained the benefits of the technology: “It’s something discreet because you do not question the person or ask for documents. The computer does it. To the naked eye two people may appear identical but with 46,000 points compared, the data will not be beaten.” He said the device will be useful to police trying to monitor many different locations and events, ranging from airports and bus terminals to concerts and football matches. “I can insert into the database a supporter who was involved in a brawl on the field and even with the old images, he can be located in the future,” he added. 15 This technology was depicted in the Robocop films. It is only a matter of time before it will be standard equipment for most police 214 officers around the world. Political dissidents will have a hard time going out in public without being caught.

Voice identification

Voiceprint identification can be defined as a combination of both aural (listening) and spectrographic (instrumental) comparison of one or more known voices with an unknown voice for the purpose of identification or elimination. Developed by Bell Laboratories in the late 1940s for military intelligence purposes, the modern-day forensic utilization of the technique did not start until the late 1960s following its adoption by the Michigan State Police. From 1967 until the present, more than 5,000 law enforcement related voice identification cases have been processed by certified voiceprint examiners. It has been used in a variety of criminal cases, including murder, rape, extortion, drug smuggling, wagering-gambling investigations, political corruption, money-laundering, tax evasion, burglary, bomb threats, terrorist activities and organized crime activities. It is part of a larger forensic role known as acoustic analyses, which involves tape filtering and enhancement, tape authentication, gunshot acoustics, reconstruction of conversations and the analysis of any other questioned acoustic event. 16

Vascular technology

Vein matching , also called vascular technology ,17 is a technique of biometric identification through the analysis of the patterns of blood vessels visible from the surface of the skin. 18 Though used by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Central Intelligence Agency,19 this method of identification is still in development and has not yet been universally adopted by crime labs as it is not considered as reliable as more established techniques, such as fingerprinting. However, it can be used in conjunction with existing forensic data in support of a conclusion. 18, 20

Walk identification

Big Brother scientists are working on technology that will enable Big Brother to identify people by the way they walk.

215 Abstract – We propose a view-based approach to recognize humans from their gait. Two different image features have been considered: the width of the outer contour of the binarized silhouette of the walking person and the entire binary silhouette itself. To obtain the observation vector from the image features, we employ two different methods. In the first method, referred to as the indirect approach, the high- dimensional image feature is transformed to a lower dimensional space by generating what we call the frame to exemplar (FED) distance. The FED vector captures both structural and dynamic traits of each individual. For compact and effective gait representation and recognition, the gait information in the FED vector sequences is captured in a hidden Markov model (HMM). In the second method, referred to as the direct approach, we work with the feature vector directly (as opposed to computing the FED) and train an HMM. We estimate the HMM parameters (specifically the observation probability) based on the distance between the exemplars and the image features. In this way, we avoid learning high-dimensional probability density functions. The statistical nature of the HMM lends overall robustness to representation and recognition. The performance of the methods is illustrated using several databases. 21

Mobile ID for law enforcement applications

Instant identification with biometric technology is another program designed to make sure everyone is under his thumb. Currently there are 26 companies in America that are providing instant identification technology to the civilian sector, to police and the military. 22 These biometric technology companies have field equipment that can run fingerprint, facial and iris scans and even DBA samples within minutes. One of those companies, L-1 Identity Solutions, “provides a full range of finger/palm, face, iris, and multi-biometric products for government-sponsored civilian identification management programs and criminal identification management procedures managed by law enforcement and military agencies. “With a global network of partners such as leading system integrators, defense prime contractors and OEMs, L-1 Identity Solutions serves a broad range of markets including federal, state and local government, law enforcement, financial services, border management and travel.” 23 This is what L-1 I.S. says about its products: 216 L-1’s portable, hand-held mobile identification devices allow officers in the field to get accurate information about their suspects’ identity immediately, instead of going to the booking station, where waiting time for results could be anywhere from three hours to three days. The products support multiple biometrics, enabling officers to verify an identity via a suspect’s finger, face or iris pattern. The Mobile ID products help:

Save valuable time and improve the productivity of officers in the field by eliminating unnecessary trips to the police station.

Reduce the chance of incorrectly releasing a dangerous criminal, thereby increasing public safety.

Prevent false arrest and avert having an innocent individual endure the inconvenience and time loss associated with false arrest.

Officers to make more identifications based on multiple biometric recognitions. Leveraging more biometric data sources – finger, face and iris – means more hits that are more accurate. 24 It is only a matter of time before police officers will make random checks of identification. They will randomly pull over drivers and check the ID of everyone in the vehicle. They will also check the ID of pedestrians. The Nazis said, “Papers, please.” Big Brother minions in America will command, “ID, now.” Please will not be in their vocabulary. The goal of Big Brother is to collect as much personal data as possible on the masses. In time police will routinely stop people for no reason just to get biometric data from them. If you still believe that America is a free country where everyone can live their life the way they want to without being told how to live, what to say, what to think, what to like and what to dislike go back to page 13 and read the Introduction carefully. America was the fifth worse tyrannical nation in the world in 2010.

Biometrics for national security (NSPD 59/HSPD 24)

Another Big Brother police state measure that came from the Bush administration, with virtually no press coverage, was NSPD 59 (HSPD

217 24) entitled Biometrics for Identification and Screening to Enhance National Security . NSPD 59 was issued on June 5, 2008, four days prior to the publication of Rep. Dennis Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment of President George W. Bush by the House of Representatives. It became “law” with no public debate or congressional approval. This presidential directive goes far beyond the issue of biometric identification recommending the collection and storage of “associated biographic” information (information on the private lives of US citizens, in minute detail, all of which will be “accomplished within the law”):

The contextual data that accompanies biometric data includes information on date and place of birth, citizenship, current address and address history, current employment and employment history, current phone numbers and phone number history, use of government services and tax filings. Other contextual data may include bank account and credit card histories, plus criminal database records on a local, state and federal level. The database also could include legal judgments or other public records documenting involvement in legal disputes, child custody records and marriage or divorce records.”

It also calls for the integration of various data banks as well as inter- agency cooperation in the sharing of information, with a view to eventually centralizing the information on American citizens. In a carefully worded text, NSPD 59 “establishes a framework” to enable the Federal government and its various police and intelligence agencies to: “use mutually compatible methods and procedures in the collection, storage, use, analysis, and sharing of biometric and associated biographic and contextual information of individuals in a lawful and appropriate manner, while respecting their information privacy and other legal rights under United States law.” The directive recommends: “actions and associated timelines for enhancing the existing terrorist-oriented identification and screening processes by expanding the use of biometrics.” 25 The Bush administration took full advantage of the 911 attacks to pass and implement myriad Big Brother laws. The rush toward a total dictatorship by the Bush administration has been excelerated by the Obama administration. Total dictatorship is inevitable unless the American people stand up and say, “NO!” 218 KSTs (NSPD 59)

The stated intent of NSPD 59 is to protect America from terrorists, but in fact the terms of reference include any person who is deemed to pose a threat to the Homeland. The government requires the ability:

to positively identify those individuals who may do harm to Americans and the Nation . . . Since September 11, 2001, agencies have made considerable progress in securing the Nation through the integration, maintenance, and sharing of information used to identify persons who may pose a threat to national security.

The Directive is not limited to KSTs, which in Homeland Security jargon stands for “Known and Suspected Terrorists”:

The executive branch has developed an integrated screening capability to protect the Nation against “known and suspected terrorists” (KSTs). The executive branch shall build upon this success, in accordance with this directive, by enhancing its capability to collect, store, use, analyze, and share biometrics to identify and screen KSTs and other persons who may pose a threat to national security. The executive branch recognizes the need for a layered approach to identification and screening of individuals, as no single mechanism is sufficient. For example, while existing name-based screening procedures are beneficial, application of biometric technologies, where appropriate, improve the executive branch’s ability to identify and screen for persons who may pose a national security threat. To be most effective, national security identification and screening systems will require timely access to the most accurate and most complete biometric, biographic, and related data that are, or can be, made available throughout the executive branch.” 26

Radical groups & disgruntled employees

NSPD 59 calls for extending the definition of terrorists to include other categories of individuals “who may pose a threat to national security.” In this regard, it is worth noting that in the 2005 TOPOFF (Top officials) anti-terror drills, two other categories of individuals were identified as potential threats: “Radical groups” and “disgruntled 219 employees,” suggesting than any form of dissent directed against the federal government will be categorized as a threat to America. 26

Universal Adversary

In a previous 2004 report of the Homeland Security Council, entitled “Planning Scenarios,” the enemy was referred to as the Universal Adversary (UA). The Universal Adversary was identified in the scenarios as an abstract entity used for the purposes of simulation. Yet upon more careful examination, this UA was by no means illusory. It included the following categories of potential “conspirators”: “foreign [Islamic] terrorists,” “domestic radical groups,” [antiwar and civil rights groups] “state sponsored adversaries” [“rogue states,” “unstable nations”] and “disgruntled employees” [labor and union activists]. 27

DNA collection


The Combined DNA Index System ( CODIS ) is a DNA database funded by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). It is a computer system that stores DNA profiles created by federal, state, and local crime laboratories in the United States, with the ability to search the database to assist in the identification of suspects in crimes. 28

The Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act of 2007

Government bureaucrats want to create a DNA database that will eventually have a DNA sample from every man, woman and child in America. They have already started to build a DNA data base. In April of 2008, then President Bush signed into law S. 1858, which allows the federal government to screen the DNA of all newborn babies in America. This was to be implemented within 6 months, meaning that this measure is now being carried out. Congressman Ron Paul states that this bill is the first step towards the establishment of a national DNA database. S. 1858, known as “The Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act of 2007,” is justified as a “national contingency plan” in that it represents preparation for any sort of public health emergency. 29

220 Government bureaucrats want to create a DNA database that will eventually have a DNA sample from every man, woman and child in America.

Feds to collect DNA

The federal government began to collect DNA samples from everyone arrested by a federal law enforcement agency. Using authority granted by Congress through two different laws passed in 2005 and 2006, the government also plans to collect DNA samples from foreigners who are detained, whether they have been charged or not. The DNA would be collected through a cheek swab, said Justice Department spokesman Erik Ablin. That would be a departure from current practice, which limits DNA collection to convicted felons . Expansion of the DNA database, known as CODIS, raises civil liberties questions about the potential for misuse of such personal information, such as family ties and genetic conditions. Justice officials estimate the new collecting requirements would add DNA from an additional 1.2 million people to the database each year. A Chicago study in 2005 found that 53 murders and rapes could have been prevented if a DNA sample had been collected upon arrest. “Many innocent lives could have been saved had the government began this kind of DNA sampling in the 1990s when the technology to do so first became available,” said Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Az). Thirteen states have laws similar to the federal one: Alaska, Arizona, California, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia.30 Big Brother wants your DNA and he will not stop until he gets it or you are dead. Do not let him get it for as long as you can. Some will deny him their DNA to the point of death.

DNA taken upon arrest not conviction

The government plans to begin collecting DNA samples from anyone arrested by a federal law enforcement agency – a move intended to prevent violent crime, but which also is raising concerns about the privacy of innocent people. Using authority granted by Congress, the government also plans to collect DNA samples from foreigners who are detained, whether they have been charged or not. 221 Justice Department spokesman Erik Ablin said the DNA would be collected through a cheek swab. This would be a departure from current practice, which limits DNA collection to convicted felons. 31 “The F.B.I., with a DNA database of 6.7 million profiles, expects to accelerate its growth rate from 80,000 new entries a year to 1.2 million by 2012 – a 17-fold increase. F.B.I. officials say they expect DNA processing backlogs – which now stand at more than 500,000 cases – to increase.” 32 The goal is to get a DNA sample from everyone in America and the planet. It will only be a matter of time before the bureaucrats get their wish.

Police draw blood

A select cadre of officers in Idaho and Texas received training in 2009 to draw blood from those suspected of drunken driving. The federal program’s aim is to determine if blood drawn by police officers can be an effective tool against drunk drivers. If the results seem promising after a year or two, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration will encourage police nationwide to undergo similar training. “Officers cannot hold down a suspect and force them to breath into a tube but they can forcefully take blood – a practice that’s been upheld by Idaho’s Supreme Court and the U.S. Supreme Court,” said Ada County, Idaho, Deputy Prosecutor Christine Starr. (It is much easier for police to force an uncooperative suspect to breath into a tube than to draw blood. A suspect could bleed to death if he resisted and the officer cut a vein or artery.) The nation’s highest court ruled in 1966 that police could have blood tests forcibly done on a drunk driving suspect without a warrant, as long as the draw was based on a reasonable suspicion that a suspect was intoxicated, that it was done after an arrest and carried out in a medically approved manner . “I would imagine that a lot of people would be wary of having their blood drawn by an officer on the hood of their police vehicle,” said Steve Oberman, chair of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers’ DUI Committee. Once the trained officers are back on patrol, they will draw blood of any suspected drunk driver who refuses a breath test. They will use

222 force if they need to, such as getting help from another officer to pin down a suspect and potentially strap them down. This is beyond incredible! This makes the Nazis look like girl scouts. This bizarre practice started in 1995 in Arizona. This weird Big Brother scheme has numerous problems. Vials can be mixed up, preservative levels in the tubes used to collect the blood can be off, or the blood can be stored improperly, causing it to ferment and boosting the alcohol content. Lawsuits should eventually put an end to this insane practice. If this scheme becomes commonplace around the country what will keep Big Brother from drawing blood in the field from anyone who is detained by police? If Big Brother wants a DNA sample from everyone, one way of getting a sample from those who do not voluntarily give it is to have police officers randomly demand a blood sample from anyone they stop. Instead of demanding identification they will also demand blood or saliva from a cheek swab.33

HIV testing at the DMV

One Department of Motor Vehicles office in Washington, D.C. began a program in which motorists could be tested for HIV when they applied for a driver’s license or to renew one. Participants in this first-of-its-kind will receive up to $15 to help defray their DMV costs. “We wanted to have a broad audience and a captive audience. You’re captive at the DMV,” said Angela Fulwood Wood, chief operations officer of the Family and Medical Counseling Service. “We’re normalizing people’s thoughts of testing. You can do organ donation at the DMV. You can do voter registration at the DMV. If people don’t want to do it, we can at least talk to them.” The city Health Department is supplying HIV testing kits and educational materials, and the DMV is contributing office space. Family and Medical Counseling Service received $250,000 in funding from Gilead Sciences, a Foster City, California, biopharmaceutical company, to help cover staff costs and the $15 money orders. Gilead spokeswoman Cara Miller said in an e-mail that the project is in keeping with the company’s efforts to “ normalize ” testing in “traditional and non-traditional settings.” 34 This may be a program designed to help people, but it may also be a way to get a DNA sample from people. Big Brother is very sneaky and devious.

223 New portable DNA screener

Homeland Security plans to begin testing a DNA analyzer in the summer of 2011 that is small enough to be portable and fast enough to return results in less than an hour. The analyzer, known as a rapid DNA screener, is about the size of a laser printer. Initially will be used to determine kinship among refugees and asylum seekers. It also could help establish whether foreigners giving children up for adoption are their parents or other relatives, and help combat child smuggling and human trafficking. Eventually, the analyzer also could be used to positively identify criminals, illegal immigrants, missing persons and mass casualty victims, he said. Using a process called digital micro-fluidics, the analyzer processes a DNA sample and provides results in less than an hour for under $100 per sample as compared to the days or weeks and $500 per sample to get results when it is tested in a laboratory. As with other DNA tests, the process begins with a sample collected on a swab, typically from inside the mouth. The sample is placed in a disposable cartridge, and the analyzer does the rest of the work. “We’re not about advancing the technology so much as integrating and automating it into a fieldable device,” said Christopher Miles, biometrics program manager in the DHS Office of Science and Technology. Boston-based NetBio, which developed the rapid DNA analyzer for DHS, described it as a “game-changing technology” platform that “consists of instruments, biochips and analytical software.” It eliminates the need for a trained technician and special operating site. The analyzer was designed for Homeland Security, the military, intelligence and police agencies. The machines are expected to cost about $275,000 apiece. “That sounds like a lot of money, but compare that to a laboratory full of equipment that would cost millions of dollars and a building that would cost tens of millions of dollars.” After the rapid analyzers are in production, he added, the cost is likely to come down. 35 Ten years from now the cost of these machines could drop to a few thousand dollars a piece. The speed of identifying a person will also drop to just a few minutes. When the price drops low enough police departments will buy them to put in patrol cars so a person’s identity can be verified within a few minutes. Eventually stores and all government offices will have them to make a positive ID of everyone apply for benefits or seeking government services. 224 As noted previously, Big Brother will routinely gather biometric data from the masses through police officers. He will also have his minion officers collect DNA from people with no justifiable reason. A DNA sample is the holy grail of biometric data. Big Brother wants your DNA and he will think up any scheme to get it. Do not fall for his scams. Keep your DNA to yourself and tell Big Brother he cannot have it.

Biometrics Identity Management Agency

On March 23, 2010, the Biometrics Task Force (created in 2000) was redesignated the Biometrics Identity Management Agency (BIMA). “The Biometrics Identity Management Agency leads Department of Defense activities to prioritize, integrate, and synchronize biometrics technologies and capabilities and to manage the Department of Defense’s authoritative biometrics database to support the National Security Strategy,” according to the March 23 order issued by Army Secretary John M. McHugh ( Dr. Thomas Killion, the former Chief Scientist of the U.S. Army who served as Science Advisor to the Director of Joint IED Defeat Organization, became Director of BIMA on October 26, 2010. 36


History of fingerprinting

Fingerprinting for identification is an old Big Brother technology that was first used in Babylon in 1750 B.C. In 300 A.D. the Chinese used handprints for evidence in trials and by 650 A.D. they knew fingerprints could be used to identify people. By 1300 A.D. they used fingerprints for identification. The British used them in India for identification, and in 1891 an Argentine police chief created the first modern fingerprint file. Scotland Yard created the first fingerprint bureau in 1901, and in 1906 the New York Police Department introduces fingerprinting to America. Today virtually every nation on Earth has programs designed to get the prints of everyone, including children. Big Brother is fingerprint crazy.

225 Fingerprinting real estate agents

The Senate housing bill of 2008 contains a provision to create a new national fingerprint registry. It covers just about everyone involved in the mortgage business, including lenders, “loan originators,” and some “real estate agents.” 37 Real estate certainly has its risks and fraud is a growing problem, but now there’s a new law that’s supposed to protect buyers. As CBS 2’s Mike Puccinelli reports the new law will also place an unusual burden on the seller. Fingerprinting is something we often associate with crime. So the fact that Cook County home sellers will soon have to provide a thumb print left some people shocked. The new law, set to go into effect June 1, 2009, will force anyone selling property in Cook County to provide a thumbprint from their right hand. 38

Auto rentals

James Glave said he learned about the mandatory thumbprinting when he sought to rent a car from Dollar Rent A Car. He noticed a display featuring a drawing of a big thumb, with the words “Thumbs Up!” printed on it. Glave explained that thumbprints were being collected from customers as part of an effort to reduce fraud and theft. When he did not comply, the employee refused to rent him a car. 39 When Big Brother demands a thumbprint, fingerprint or any biometric identification tell him “NO!” Go elsewhere to buy a product or service. The way to slow Big Brother down is to stop buying his junk and worthless services. If you cannot purchase an item or a service without giving him biometric information do without it.

Thumbprint at checkout stand

A pet store in Herndon, Va., accepts cash, credit cards, checks or your thumbprint. Customers at Fox Mill Pets can pay for their goods and pets by placing a thumb on a fingerprint scanner at the register. The scanner which is connected to a computer network analyzes the print and matches the print to the customer. The customer’s checking account is then debited the amount of the purchase. Biometric devices such as fingerprint readers, retinal scanners and facial recognition systems are often part of high-tech security, but until


This technology will replace cash, checks and credit cards.

2002, biometrics has been considered too expensive and cumbersome for everyday use. Fox Mill Pets , Eleven Food 4 Less stores in the Midwest, three Kroger grocery stores in Texas and Duthler Family Foods in Grand Rapids, Michigan are trying fingerprint scanners along with other shops. BioPay (, which has the nation’s largest commercial electronic fingerprint database , is the leader in this industry.40 “It improves productivity, reduces operating costs, improves cash flow and lowers fraud,” said Ron Smith, CEO of Biometric Access , which makes fingerprint systems similar to the one at Fox Mill Pets. “It puts the ‘express’ in ‘express lane.’” Pay By Touch is another company making a similar product. For most systems customers must sign up which takes about five minutes. They must provide their name, phone number and checking account or credit card information. Two index fingers are scanned and an electronic photo is taken of the customer. The next time customers buy something the computer compares their print with ones in the database to find a match. A major problem with this system is security. The customer’s biometric information is stored in the computer system in the store and at the office of the company that supplies the scanners. Every customer’s negative check-cashing information is stored in a central 227 database and shared between all merchants using the BioPay system. A hacker or employee can steal this information. “All it takes is one good breach,” said Will Doherty of online advocacy group Electronic Frontier Foundation. Southern California grocery chain Cardenas Market lost $500,000 a year on check-cashing fraud, but since they started using biometric fingerprint scanners in its nine stores fraud has dropped to one-percent said general manager Steve Vallance. “Biometrics is one way to really identify the customer you’re dealing with,” he says. 41 Biometric identification is an excellent way to eliminate fraud. But there is a better way to stop fraud and not infringe on the privacy of people. The perfect solution is cash. It may cause criminals to engage in more mugging and theft of purses and wallets, but it is nothing compared to credit card and electronic fraud.

Mexico to fingerprint buyers of cell phones

Mexico will start a national register of mobile phone users that will include fingerprinting all customers in an effort to catch criminals who use the devices to extort money and negotiate kidnapping ransoms. Under a new due to be in force in April of 2009, mobile phone companies will have a year to build up a database of their clients, complete with fingerprints. Hundreds of people are kidnapped in Mexico every year and the number of victims is rising sharply as drug gangs seek new income. Politicians who pushed the bill through Congress say there are around 700 criminal bands in Mexico, some of them operating from prison cells that use cell phones to extract extortion and kidnap ransom payments. Most of Mexico’s 80 million mobile phones are prepaid handsets with a given number of minutes of use that can be bought in stores without any identification. The phones can have more minutes added through purchases from vendors on street corners. The plan also requires operators to store all cell phone information such as call logs, text and voice messages, for one year. Information on users and calls will remain private and only available with court approval to track down criminals. Unregulated vendors sell cell phones and chips for cash from street side stands. It is unclear how such vendors would be made to comply with the new law. 42 228 Tennessee traffic violaters could get fingerprinted

Motorists stopped for traffic violations in Tennessee could be fingerprinted if state lawmakers approve a bill pending in the legislature. Currently, when drivers are cited during traffic stops, police officers ask for the driver’s signature on the ticket, but the proposed bill would allow police departments to the choice of collecting a signature or a fingerprint, or collecting a signature and a fingerprint. Supporters say collecting fingerprints would save money and help police determine whether the driver is wanted for a criminal offense, but opponents worry that it allows the government to tread on individual privacy rights. 43

Houston teachers next in line to be fingerprinted

Senate Bill 9, approved in September 2007, requires all certified staff members and substitute teachers of the Houston Independent School District to be fingerprinted by September 1, 2011. New hires have been required to do this since January 1, 2008. The process is pretty rigid. After the Texas Education Agency notifies the district, they will have 80 days to fingerprint eligible employees. The fingerprinting is done through a state-selected vendor, and prints must be deemed acceptable by the FBI and Department of Public Safety by the district’s March 5 deadline. Any employee who does not meet the standard by the deadline will have their certificate deactivated. If the district discovers any felonies, the employee will be dismissed. 44

Vending Machines Take Finger Scans Instead of Cash

Biometric scanners are popping up everywhere, and now Hitachi has debuted the first vending machine that will accept a finger scan instead of cash or coins. By linking the scan to a credit card account, customers can simply place their finger in the machine and make a purchase. The biometric sensor in Hitachi’s new vending machine uses light to scan and read the number and orientation of veins in your finger tip without directly touching a sensor. Hitachi has not decided if it will market the machine. 45

229 UK police to use mobile fingerprint scanners

All United Kingdom police forces will be issued mobile fingerprint scanners amid plans to carry out random identity checks on people in the street. The hand-held devices will enable every officer on the ground to receive instant images of suspects as part of a scheme codenamed Project Midas. No bigger than a BlackBerry smartphone, the technology will be widely distributed to every force in the UK by spring of 2011. The Home Office is understood to have already allocated £50 million for 10,000 of the mobile devices by September. A prototype machine has already been used during a series of tests carried out by motorway patrols. Large public occasions, sporting events, festivals and political conferences could be targeted as well as the 2012 London Olympics. 46

Biometric ID in Scottish schools

Dozens of Scottish schools have introduced “intrusive” biometric systems, such as fingerprinting, to identify pupils as young as four. New figures show 68 schools are now using technology to manage meals, control library books and even allow access to toilets. 47

UK school prints children without consent

Capital City Academy in Brent, north London, caused an uproar after taking children’s fingerprints without permission from their parents. Pupils were forced to be fingerprinted so they could use touch screens in the canteen to have money deducted from their account. It also introduced an opt-out for parents uncomfortable with the technology, allowing pupils to enter a four-digit pin code instead of scanning their print. The revelation comes as teachers today warned schools are routinely taking children’s fingerprints without permission from their parents. As many as 3,500 schools in the UK take biometric data from pupils to speed up basic administration such as buying canteen lunches or borrowing library books. A 2007 survey by the Liberal Democrats found that out of 285 schools using fingerprint scanners, only 48 had first sought parental consent. 230 Hank Roberts of the Association of the Teachers and Lecturers said civil liberties were being eroded. “There has been a severe diminution of civil liberties and freedoms in this country and we face the danger of more and worse to come. It’s outrageous that children’s fingerprints can be taken without parents’ consent.” “Should we allow Big Brother in our schools?” asked Azra Haque, a teacher from Brent. “Today’s children are in general much more closely monitored than previous generations. We really do need a strong and explicit law in this regard.” 48

Parents to be fingerprinted in the UK

Up to 50 nurseries and playgroups in the United Kingdom have already signed up for a new security measure that requires parents to be fingerprinted. Up to 50 nurseries and playgroups have signed up for the new security measures, thought to be the first time parents have been targetted in this way. The new entry system requires people who collect their children to place their finger on a scanner, to make sure that only nominated individuals can get through secure entrances. Kidsunlimited, the nursery chain, will be rolling out the new technology to its 50 playgroups. Honeycomb Solutions, the security firm behind the technology, says it is an effective way to monitor who is on their premises. George Bathurst, Managing Director of Honeycomb Solutions said: “This cutting edge system will revolutionise the way we keep our children safe by ensuring that only authorised people can get into the classroom. Even when you have authorisation staff will know who you are, and when arrived. This can be monitored centrally, providing an additional layer of security. We predict that within the next five years this system will become common place across the country.”49

Nine industries that know your every move

The government agency that gathers the most personal information on millions of Americans is the Federal Bureau of Investigation. It keeps a database of over 90 million fingerprints, which can be accessed by other law enforcement agencies. It also has an extensive DNA database. The bureau’s ability to collect information expanded following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. It now tracks a 231 large portion of mail, cell phone traffic and Internet activity of people it deems suspicious. Thanks to advances in technology thousands of corporations track and record your every move. Although they share some of their information about you with government agencies and other corporations, there are numerous security breaches where sensitive information about their customers is stolen. The following sectors of commercial industry have a great deal of information about you:

1. Credit rating corporations

The three credit bureaus – Equifax (EFX), Experian (EXPGY), and TransUnion – know not only your credit history, but also have the data to project your credit future. Each has files on over 200 million people. The companies collect a history of all credit use by an individual, including payment of bills, mortgages, and credit cards.

2. Cell phone service providers

Cell phone companies have come to possess a wealth of information about their customers. Covering over 90% of the American population, cell phone providers can tell who you call, when you call, how often you call certain people and what you say in your text messages. With GPS, they also now know where you are whenever you have your phone. As smartphones become the equivalent of miniature computers, cellular companies can also track personal behavior, such as use of multimedia and wireless e-commerce transactions.

3. Social media companies

Facebook has amassed an enormous amount of user information. It knows who your friends are, what you like, and what photos you are in. It also tracks which profiles you view, who you communicate with most often, companies and causes you support, your personal calendar, and personal information about your friends and family. This ominous corporation can also access the information you have deleted, including photos and status updates, from their servers.

232 4. Credit card companies

There are currently 610 million credit cards owned by U.S. consumers. In an economy dominated by credit, the amount of power held by credit card companies, such as Visa, MasterCard and American Express, should not be surprising. They know their customers’ credit scores, credit histories, what they buy, when they buy, and when they are likely to default on their payments.

5. Search engines

Every search you perform on Google goes into its database, which it uses to keep a profile of your habits and interests. The search engine also keeps track of which links you click on during your search and which advertisers you visit. Google uses your interest profile and search history to place targeted ads in your browser. Perhaps most disturbingly, Google uses its Gmail service to monitor the content of your email in order to place targeted advertising in your email account. Google even keeps records of account and credit card information for everyone who uses their “Checkout” service, tracks which videos people watch on YouTube, where people are planning to visit, and what they plan to do there. Google’s location-based map systems also allow the search company to know where people are in real time through the use of smartphones and other GPS-enabled devices.

6. Retail chains

Walmart uses data-mining services to collect and store information for all its customers in a central location. This allows it to determine the purchasing behavior of people who shop in its stores or on its website. It also optimizes inventory distribution by determining which products people are most likely to buy in the future. In August, Walmart began installing Radio Frequency Identification Devices (RFID) in their underwear and jeans, which lets them track items and customers around the store. This means they are able to determine how much time someone who buys a specific pair of pants spends in each aisle. Walmart plans to use this data to reorganize displays and further control inventory. The retail giant also sells this information to thousands of other businesses, who use consumer profiles for advertising and demographic research. 233 7. Casinos

Casinos like the Wynn Resorts are increasingly using “loyalty cards” to monitor the behavior of their patrons. The Wynn “red” cards are used in place of tokens, and allow the casino to keep track of which machines and tables each gambler visits on a regular basis, the path they take during their visits (using RFID chips), and even how often and how much they are willing to lose before giving up. When a slot machine in Wynn detects a gambler is close to his breaking point, it will issue a small payout in order to keep him spending money.

8. Banks

Large banks, such as Bank of America, Chase and Citibank, have access to customer account information, which includes savings, employer payroll deposits, and the time and date of ATM and teller visits. They track transfers made by account holders to third parties. A bank also knows your income, your salary, and your balance, moment-by-moment. Perhaps among the most confidential data a bank keeps is how often people move money in and out of accounts. Banks know how much you save each month, and often exactly how those savings are invested. Banks use this information to assess the risk of giving you a mortgage or loan, and they are legally allowed to use data-mining companies to check your website activity.

9. Life insurance companies

About 140 million households have life insurance. In order to apply for it, applicants generally must disclose their health history. This includes incidence of heart disease, height, weight, smoking habits, and often includes full records from your doctors. Perhaps more invasive, life insurers seek disclosure of hospitalization for mental illness, use of illegal drugs, and whether or not you have had to file for bankruptcy. Insurance companies use a national prescription database to determine whether or not you have ever been prescribed medication. And certain high-risk professions and hobbies usually have to be disclosed. 50

234 Conclusion

Within 10 years virtually all forms of identification will incorporate biometrics. Driver’s licenses will have biometric identification markers as mandated by law and most credit cards will also. Most retail outlets will require some form of biometric identification to get a rewards card or to make purchases. Checks and credit cards will eventually be phased out by most major retail outlets. Cash will also disappear and people who purchase goods with cash will be identified and placed on a watch list as a suspected terrorist. Yet even though the Big Brother net will get bigger and draw most people in the best way to proceed is to NOT opt into the program. Keep buying with cash and do NOT give the state, bank or any company biometric information. Refuse all DNA, facial, retinal and fingerprint scans. Life will get harder for true Patriots but we must resist and work together.


1. Steinmetz, Katy. “Ready for Your Biometric Social Security Card?” Time. 3.29.2010.,8599,1974927,00.html?xid=feed-yah oo-full-nation-related. 2. Saenz, Aaron. “India Launches Universal ID System with Biometrics.” 9.13.2010. with-biometrics. 3. 4. Richtel, Matt. “In Texas, 28,000 Students Test an Electronic Eye.” TexasISD. com. 11.17.2004. 5. “Homeland Security to test iris scanners.” USA Today. 9.13.2010 www.usa 6. Saenz, Aaron. “Iris Scanning Set To Secure City in Mexico, Then the World.” 9.26.2010. mexico-then-the-world-video. 7. Howard, Zach. “Law enforcement to begin iPhone iris scans amid privacy concerns.” Reuters, 7.20.2011. ication-iris-idUSTRE76J4A120110720?feedType=SS&feedName=domesticNewsrpc =22&sp=true. 8. “Log-in to Facebook with an iris scan: Eye-scanner for your PC set to go on the market in months.” Daily Mail. 5.11.2011. article- 1385959/Under-look-key-PC-iris-scanner-security-device-set-market-months. html. 8b. Hastings, Rob. “Iris-scanning registration booths scaled back.” 11.15.2011. n-booths-sca led-back-6262597.html. 9. Retinography: How Retinal Scanning Works. www.discoveriesinmedicine. com/Ra-Thy/Retino graphy.html. 235 10. “Eye Prints.” TIME Magazine. 12.16.1935.,8 816,755453,00.html. 11 . Hill, Robert. “Retina Identification.” Msu.Edu. Sect601/textbook/6.pdf. 12. 13. tion.htm. 14. Herald Sun. “Nightclub goes for face-scanning security.” 4.23.2009.,21985,25373233-2862,00.html & http://pursuit & 15. Yapp, Robin. “Brazilian police to use ‘Robocop-style’ glasses at World Cup.” 4.12.2011. Brazilian-police-to-use-Robocop-style-glasses-at-World-Cup.html. 16. Steve Cain, Lonnie Smrkovski and Mindy Wilson. news/voiceprint_identif ication.htm. 17. Finn, Peter. “Report: Top al-Qaeda figure killed Pearl.” Washington Post. 1.20.2011. 1907114.html. 18. Blackburn, Bradley. 1.20.2011. “Report Says Justice Not Served in Murder of , Wall Street Journal Reporter. ABC News. pp. 1–2. http://abcnews.go. com/US/report-justice-served-murder-daniel-pearl/story?id=12721909. 19. Cratty, Carol. “Photos of hands backed up Pearl slaying confession, report finds.” CNN. 1.20.2011. iel.pearl.execution. 20. Ackerman, Spencer. “Qaeda Killer’s Veins Implicate Him In Journo’s Murder.” Wired. 1.20.2011. s-implicate-him-in-journos-murder. 21. Kale, Amit, Sundaresan, Aravind, Rajagopalan, A.N., Cuntoor, Naresh P., Roy-chowdhury, Amit K., Krüger, Volker. “Identification of humans using gait. 2004. & proposal.pdf & & pub/paper2/hmmjrnl.pdf. 22. html. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Chossudovsky, Michel. “‘Big Brother’ Presidential directive: ‘Biometrics for Identification and Screening to Enhance National Security’” Global Research. 6.13.2008. 28. 29. “The Bill Nobody Noticed: National DNA Databank.” S. 1858 – 110 Congress (2007): Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act of 2007, (database of federal legislation) 30. Sullivan, Eileen. “Feds to collect DNA from every peson they arrest.” AP. Yahoo News. 4.16.2008. 236 dna_collection. & State Laws on DNA Data Banks: dnadatabanks.htm & lation.pdf. 31. Sullivan, Eileen. “Feds to collect DNA from every person they arrest.” Yahoo News. 4.16.2008. Associated Press. _ca_st_pe/dna_col lection. 32. New York Times. “F.B.I. and States Vastly Expand DNA Databases.” /2009/04/19/us/19DNA.html?_r=2. 33. Boone, Rebecca. “Police say syringes will help stop drunk driving. 9.15.2009. p-drunk-driving. 34. Stewart, Nikita. “D.C. brings HIV testing to the crowd at the DMV.” 9.30.2010. www.washington 3003463_pf.html. 35. Matthews, William. “New portable DNA screener to debut this summer.” 2.24.2011. topnews. 36. Aftergood, Steve. “A U.S. Biometrics Agency.” Secrecy News. 3.29.2010. ww & www.biometrics.dod. mil. 37. McCullagh, Declan. “Housing bailout bill creates national fingerprint reg- istry.” Cnet. 3.23.2008. 38. Puccinelli, Mike. “Giving The Fingerprint: Home Law Raises Concern.” CBS. 3.14. 2009. 39. Scheeres, Julia. “No Thumbprint, No Rental Car.” Wired. 11.21.2001. www. 40. “BioPay Announces Check Guarantee Program for Grocers.” 1.26.2002. 41. Kessler, Michelle. “Thumbs pay at some stores.” USA Today. 11.16.2003. 42. “Mexico ‘to fingerprint all mobile phone owners’” 2.09.2009. www.telegraph. fingerprint-all-mobile-phone-users.html. 43. Young, Nicole. “Tennessee speeders could get fingerprinted.” The Tennessean. 5.16.2009. 41/Tennessee+speeders+could+get+fingerprinted. 44. Houston Chronicle. “Houston teachers next in line to be fingerprinted.” 11.06.2009. ine.html. 45. Saenz, Aaron. “Vending Machines Take Finger Scans Instead of Cash.” 8.24.2009. s-instead-of-cash. 46. Drake, Matthew. “Police to get mobile fingerprint scanners amid plans to hold random identity checks.” Daily Mail. 10.27.2009. 1080841/Police-mobile-fingerprint-scanners-amid-plans-hold-random-identity-checks .html. 47. “BIOMETRIC ID CHECK ON SCOTS SCHOOLCHILDREN AS YOUNG AS FOUR.” 12.28.2010.

237 on-Scots-schoolchildren-as-young-as-fourBiometric-ID-check-on-Scots-schoolchild ren-as-young-as-four#ixzz19jJwUcix. 48. Clark, Laura. “Pupils ‘frogmarched by teachers to have fingerprints taken’ so they could eat in canteen.” 3.30.2010. 087/Schools-taking-fingerprints-pupils-parent s-knowing.html. 49. Khan, Urmee. “Parents to be fingerprinted by nursery schools. 10.29.2008. schools.html. 50. McIntyr, Douglas. “Nine industries that know your ever move.” Daily Finance, 9.24.2010. www. industries-that-know-your-every-move/19629445.








We have seen the development of the mark of the Beast technology for the last 59 years. A patent for the universal product code technology was issued in 1952, and it was first used in 1974. The next generation of the mark of the Beast technology was the RFID (radio frequency ID) which was patented on 1973 and first used in the 1990s.

Universal product code

Norman Joseph Woodland and Jordin Johanson received a patent for their barcode system on October 7, 1952. The “Universal Product Code” (UPC) system was first used in Marsh’s supermarket in Troy, Ohio. The first purchase through the IBM UPC barcode scanner was made on June 26, 1974, by Clyde Dawson. The item was a 10-pack of Wrigley’s Juicy Fruit gum, and it was scanned by Sharon Buchanan at 8:01 a.m. The pack of gum and the receipt are now on display in the Smithsonian Institution. 1

Smart Card

Contact or contactless smart cards are being used in myriad ways. They can be programmed with multiple banking credentials, medical entitlements, driver’s license or public transport entitlement, loyalty programs, club memberships and much more. A smart card, chip card, or integrated circuit card (ICC), is any pocket-sized card with embedded integrated circuits. It contains a CPU and some non-volatile storage. In most cards, some of the storage is tamperproof while the rest is accessible to any application that can talk to the card. This capability makes it possible for the card to keep some secrets, such as the private keys associated with any certificates it holds. The card itself actually performs its own cryptographic operations. 2 Governments gain a significant enhancement to the provision of publicly funded services through the increased security offered by smart cards. These savings are passed onto society through a reduction in the necessary funding or enhanced public services. 2 241 Individuals gain increased security and convenience when using smart cards designed for interoperability between services. For example, consumers only need to replace one card if their wallet is lost or stolen. Additionally, the data storage available on a card could contain medical information that is critical in an emergency. Microsoft is the leader in the Smart Card industry. Like a bank or credit card, if a Windows Powered Smart Card is lost or stolen, an 800 number can be used to turn off the card and activate the issuance of a new card. Unlike a bank or credit card, however, a Windows Powered Smart Card can be produced at a branch office for quicker turnaround. 2 This Big Brother technology was invented in 1968 by German engineer Helmut Gröttrup and Jürgen Dethloff. They were given a patent in 1982, and the first mass use of the cards was as a Télécarte for payment in French pay phones in 1983. 3 Most people have a smart card or two that they use almost daily. Credit cards, rewards cards, government benefit cards, food stamp cards, medical ID cards and some driver’s license cards are smart cards. Smart cards will eventually be replaced by the implantable computer chip. Cards can be lost, stolen, destroyed and counterfeited. Even though they can be cancelled and replaced quickly the losses due to theft and fraud are in the billions of dollars each year. This problem will be solved by the implantable chip. It is only a matter of time before all financial transactions, identification will be replaced by the skin chip. The skin chip will become as commonplace as credit cards and most people will take one long before the Rapture and the Tribulation.

Radio frequency identification

A patent for a radio-frequency identification (RFID) system was issued in 1973, and put into use in the 1990s. RFID tags are used for bookstore tracking, jewelry tracking, pallet tracking, airline baggage tracking, apparel and pharmaceuticals tracking, and building access control. High-frequency tags are widely used in identification badges, replacing earlier magnetic stripe cards. These badges need only be held within a certain distance of the reader to authenticate the holder. RFID is currently used for animal identification. Some cities require pets to be chipped, and the tags have found wide-spread use in livestock management. This technology has also found its way into people. In Japan, England and the United States they are being put in students’ clothing, backpacks and ID cards so they can be tracked at 242 school. In Ohio they are being used to keep track of inmates. Some hospitals in America are implanting patients with the chips. 4 Eventually the RFID tags will replace the UPC barcode technology. The future is a RFID chip imbedded or implanted in just about everything. Once this technology becomes universal, it will allow the Antichrist to track everything bought and sold, among other things. On the 60 Minutes broadcast of February 10, 2002, Andy Rooney said, “We need some system for permanently identifying safe people. Most of us are never going to blow anything up and there’s got to be something better than one of these photo IDs. I wouldn’t mind having something planted permanently in my arm that would identify me.” 5

RFID in use

RFID chip in driver’s license

America’s Department of Homeland Security seeks next-generation real ID, and privacy advocates are concerned. The RFID chip implanted in drivers’ licenses would allow agents to compile attendance lists at freedom rallies by reading the chips inside wallets and purses by walking through the crowd. 6

The chip that has been implanted in thousands of people and millions of pets.

Jacobs family is chipped

The Jacobs family of Boca Raton, Florida, was the first family to get chipped (implanted with a tiny RFID device, called a VeriChip, that 243 emits radio frequencies). The chip is a personal ID that also contains vital medical information. Jeff and Leslie Jacobs, along with their 14- year-old son, Derek, had the VeriChips implanted in their arms in 2002. Each chip is about the size of a grain of rice, and insertion takes about a minute under local anesthesia. 7

Students to be chipped

A Rhode Island school district has announced a pilot program to monitor student movements by means of radio frequency identification (RFID) chips implanted in their schoolbags. The Middletown School District, in partnership with MAP Information Technology Corp., has launched a pilot program to implant RFID chips into the schoolbags of 80 children at the Aquidneck School. Each chip would be programmed with a student identification number, and would be read by an external device installed in one of two school buses. The buses would also be fitted with global positioning system (GPS) devices. Parents or school officials could log onto a school web site to see whether and when specific children had entered or exited which bus, and to look up the bus’s current location as provided by the GPS device. Because the pilot program is being provided to the school district at no cost, it did not require approval from the Rhode Island ethics commission. 8

Airport employees to be chipped

In May of 2007 Congress put into motion measures that will ensure airport employees are subjected to stricter security checks. Everyone from Restaurant employees to airline mechanics could be forced to provide biometric finger and iris scans and may even face the possibility of being implanted with a microchip . Currently all airport employees must pass a police and FBI background check, however this may soon be upgraded to include credit checks, routine searches of bags and property and the use of biometric readers with the possibility of microchip implants on the table. The measures are still under Congressional discussion. Local News Channel KENS5 broadcast a report on the proposals from San Antonio airport.9

244 Tommy Thompson to be chipped

Tommy Thompson, four consecutive term governor of Wisconsin and former Secretary of Health and Human Services, wanted to be tagged with radio frequency identification for digital access to his medical records. Thompson, who joined the board of directors of Applied Digital on July 8, 2005, planned to have one of Applied Digital’s VeriChip tags injected into his arm sometime in 2005. “We are all well aware of the need to enhance information technology in healthcare,” he said in a statement. “It is my belief that VeriChip is an important and secure means of accessing medical records and other information.” VeriChip, a subsidiary of Applied Digital headquartered in Florida, estimates that almost 2,000 of its chips already have been installed in humans for healthcare or security purposes, with up to 50 of those being in America. The company manufactures passive RFID tags which store a unique 16-digit identification number that provides access to a user’s healthcare records. The tags are about the size of a grain of rice and in human users are injected into the fatty tissue of the tricep muscle. Thompson went on to suggest that military personnel should have RFID tags as well to replace dog tags. 10 We do not know if he was chipped. It most likely was a publicity stunt.

Homeless to be chipped

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services said in 2004 that it was about to begin testing a new technology designed to monitor and assist the nation’s homeless population. Under the pilot program homeless people in participating cities will be implanted with mandatory Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags that social workers and police can use track their movements. The RFID technology was developed by HHS’ Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) in partnership with five states, including California and New York. “This is a rare opportunity to use advanced technology to meet society's dual objectives of better serving our homeless population while making our cities safer,” said HRSA Administrator Betty James Duke. She called the RFID tagging pilot

245 program “a high-tech, minimally-intrusive way for the government to lift our citizens away from the twin perils of poverty and crime.” The miniscule RFID tags are no larger than a matchstick and will be implanted under the skin. Data from tracking stations mounted on telephone poles will be transmitted to police and social service workers, who will use custom Windows NT software to track movements of the homeless in real time. In what has become a chronic social problem, people living in shelters and on the streets do not seek adequate medical care and frequently contribute to the rising crime rate. Participating states will receive grants of $14 million to $58 million from the federal Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH) program, which was created under the McKinney Act. A second phase of the project, scheduled to be completed in early 2005, will wirelessly transmit live information on the locations of homeless people to handheld computers running the Windows CE operating system. 11

Mexican AG office employees are chipped

In July of 2004, Mexico’s attorney general had a RFID microchip inserted under the skin of his arm to give him access to a new crime database and also enable him to be traced if he is ever abducted. Attorney General Rafael Macedo said a number of his staff (over 160) had also been fitted with chips which will give them exclusive and secure access to a national computerized database for crime investigators. 12

London Bobbies are chipped

All 31,000 Metropolitan police officers in London have been “microchipped” so their movements can be monitored. The new technology, the Automated Personal Location System (APLS), replaced the unreliable Airwave radio system. 13

British prisoners to be chipped

The British government is developing a plan to track current and former prisoners by means of microchips implanted under the skin, drawing intense criticism from probation officers and civil rights groups. 14


Will everyone be getting a chip in the near future?

Nightclub patrons are chipped

The VIP Baja Beach Club in Barcelona, Spain, is chipping its customers. Customers who have a chip implanted do not have to show identification to enter, and all their purchases are made by scanning the chips. 15

Soldiers to be tagged

DARPA has developed technology to electronically tag US combat soldiers in a similar fashion to criminals under judicial restraint. The plan has been dubbed “Individual Force Protection System” (IFPS) and Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) will be given the contract. According to this presentation (pdf), given last year by DARPA officials, IFPS would consist of a small, three-inch lightweight tag attached to a soldier’s uniform and a variety of vehicle-borne or portable receivers which could locate the tag even amid the busy electromagnetic spectrum of the modern battlefield. This tag does not

247 have GPS satnav in it which allows its battery to last much longer. The tracking range is 90 miles in line of sight. 16

One in four Germans wants an implanted microchip

A poll taken in 2010 found that one in four Germans would be happy to have a microchip implanted in their body if they derived concrete benefits from it. In all, 23 percent of around 1,000 respondents in the survey said they would be prepared to have a chip inserted under their skin “for certain benefits.” Around one in six (16 percent) said they would wear a chip to allow emergency services to rescue them more quickly in the event of a fire or accident. Five percent said they would be prepared to have an implant to make their shopping go more smoothly. Yet 72 percent said they would not “under any circumstances” allow electronics in their body. 17 Within a decade or two most people will accept an implanted microchip to replace all forms of ID, credit/debit cards, checks and cash.

IDF orders chips

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) placed an order from PositiveID Corporation for the VeriChip. “We believe there are many important applications for the VeriChip and our associated intellectual property including next-generation identification and bio-sensing capabilities,” said Marc Poulshock, PositiveID’s Vice President of Business Development. “Our partner is looking to help healthcare organizations, militaries including the IDF, and governments with their disaster preparedness and emergency response needs.”18 It is possible the IDF will begin chipping its soldiers and possibly Palestinians.

Britain’s dogs to be chipped

All dogs in Britain will be fitted with microchips which contain their owner’s details, under cross party plans designed to track family pets. Owners will be forced to install the microchip (the size of a grain of rice) containing a barcode that can store their pet’s name, breed, age 248 and health along with their own address and phone number. The barcode’s details would then be stored on a national database which local councils could access in a bid to easily identify an owner’s pet. If an owner fails to insert a chip they could be fined or face the possibility of having their pet taken away. 19 How long do you think it will be before you are chipped? When the time comes to get chipped just say, “NO!”

Trash cans to be chipped

The city of Cleveland plans to have all trash and recycling cans equipped with RFID chips and bar codes The chips will allow city workers to monitor how often residents roll carts to the curb for collection. If a chip shows a recyclable cart has not been brought to the curb in weeks, a trash supervisor will sort through the trash for recyclables. Trash cans containing more than 10 percent recyclable material could lead to a $100 fine, according to Waste Collection Commissioner Ronnie Owens. Recyclables include glass, metal cans, plastic bottles, paper and cardboard. The City Council decided in 2010 to expand a pilot program that began in 2007 with 15,000 households. The expansion will continue at 25,000 households a year until nearly all of the city’s 150,000 residences are included. The chip-embedded carts are just starting to catch on elsewhere. The Washington, D.C. suburb of Alexandria, Virginia earlier this year announced it would issue carts to check whether people are recycling. Some cities in England have used the high-tech trash cans for several years to weigh how much garbage people throw out. People are charged extra for exceeding allotted limits. 20

Smart trash cans

Philadelphia is going greener by compelling its residents to recycle as much waste as possible with help from the new Smart Carts. “We’ve turned an injection-molded piece of plastic into a smart, traceable piece of plastic,” said JoAnne Perkins, general manager of Cascade Engineering in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Sensors in the garbage truck read the chip. Forks outfitted with scales weigh what’s inside. The Smart Cart automatically records the information in computers. 249 “The householder gets rewarded for the amount of recyclables that they have just put into the truck,” explained Fred Keller, CEO of Cascade Engineering. Each week Philadelphia residents can go on-line, find out how much they have recycled and collect Recycle Bank Dollars. They can get coupons for anything from groceries, gas, clothes, Starbucks, travel agencies and many more participating companies. Cities save money and trash companies track recycling operations to reduce landfill disposal and optimize truck usage. Households get discounts, and businesses get foot traffic without paying for advertising. Cascade Engineering is responsible for making the bins.21

UK trash cans are chipped

More than 2.5 million homes in the United Kingdom now have trash cans fitted with microchips to weigh their contents. Research by the Big Brother Watch campaign group showed that the use of chipped trash cans has quietly spread over the past year. In March 2009, a survey based on Freedom of Information inquiries showed there were 42 councils which used trash cans with microchips. But the latest check requests, put the number of authorities with electronic bins at 68 – one in five of all those that collect household rubbish. The latest count is 2,629,052 homes now have chipped trash cans.22

Smart shopping carts

In a few years’ time, shoppers will be able to simply walk past a check-out which will automatically recognize the goods and debit their account. The technology to do this already exists – it is called RFID (radio frequency identification). Instead of having to be passed in front of a scanner as products with the UPC do, tiny transponders send out radio signals. Each tag is unique so every item in a store can be identified by receiver. As shoppers pass through a checkout stand the receiver will read each RFID signal, add the total and deduct it from the person’s bank account. Experts predict this technology will become commonplace within a decade or so. As of 2011 it is too expensive to put a RFID tag on individual products. Instead megacorps use it to track shipping pallets. 250 “RFID technology is still too expensive,” said Christian Koch, of the software company SAP, which is involved in trials of the technology at a German supermarket. “But it will come. It is only a question of when and how fast.” RFID trials have met resistance and suspicion. Wal-Mart abandoned plans to put tags on razor blades because of consumer protests. Yet in 2003 Marks and Spencer became one of the first retailers to test individual tags on men’s shirts, ties and jackets in a London store. Glover Ferguson, the chief scientist at consultants Accenture, said it best: “It is like nuclear energy, you can’t uninvent it. We’re going to have to learn to live with it. The genie is out of the bottle.” 23 All store owners will implement this technology as quickly as possible. Once in place all a store has to do is make sure receivers are not only placed at the checkout stands but also at the exists. Any thief who walks out the exit will instantly be caught.

The Matrix is coming with chips in clothing, cars, buildings, etc.

It sounds far-fetched, but it is a fact that RFID chip are being planted inside clothing and the chips can alert Big Brother to your location as you move about town. This technology is just one of many ways for objects to go online – a concept dubbed the “internet of things,” which industry insiders have shortened to IoT. When the switch from Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4), which supports about 4.2 billion addresses, is made towards IPv6, which will support some 340 trillion trillion trillion addresses, trillions of objects will be able to be tracked on the Internet. IoT advocates claim that overall interconnectivity would allow us to locate and monitor everything, everywhere and at any time. “Imagine a smart building where a manager can know how many people are inside just by which rooms are reflecting motion – for instance, via motion- sensitive lights,” said Constantine Valhouli from the Hammersmith Group, a strategy consulting firm. “This could help save lives in an emergency.” “A typical city of the future in a full IoT situation could be a matrix- like place with smart cameras everywhere, detectors and non-invasive neurosensors scanning your brain for over-activity in every street,” said Rob van Kranenburg, a member of the European Commission’s IoT expert group.

251 The RFID chips can be activated by radio waves. When a chip is hit by a specific radio wave sent from a reader/transmitter the RFID chip sends a signal back. The signal has a numeric code which allows the reader to identify the chip using the Internet as a data base. All a hacker needs to know is what radio frequency triggers the chip to reply and he can know who the object belongs to. A classic example of how this technology works is the Soviet’s “The Thing” or “Great Seal Bug” scam. During the Cold War the Soviets presented a US ambassador with a wooden carving of the Great Seal that had a proto-RFID bug in it. “The Thing” was a passive cavity resonator, which became active only when a radio signal of the correct frequency was sent to the device from an external transmitter. Sound waves caused the membrane to vibrate, which varied the capacitance "seen" by the antenna, that in turn modulated the radio waves that struck and were retransmitted by “The Thing.” The Soviets eavesdropped on the conversations at the ambassador’s office by beaming radio signals to it. 24 Within 20 years virtually all non-consummable products will have RFID chips in them and there will be billions of readers scattered all over the world to track the movement of objects. Big Brother will have the ability to pick any person on the planet and within seconds determine what he is wearing, the objects in his clothing and what he is carrying, where he is traveling (walking, driving, riding in, flying in, sailing on), what he is listening to, watching, saying and even thinking! This desire to know everything about everyone is what we call the “God Complex” and that is what Big Brother has in a very bad way.

Microchipped jerseys

In 2011 the Tampa Bay Lightning hockey team introduced a replica team jersey equipped with a radio frequency chip embedded in the sleeve that season ticket holders can scan at stadium stores to receive discounts on refreshments. The promotion nearly gave the team a twofold increase in season ticket sales that year. According to Brad Lott, the team’s executive vice president of service and operations, the unique innovation – believed to be the first of its kind in the sporting world – was spurred by lagging season-long fan support in an area of the U.S. known for attracting migrants from other parts of the country. Season ticket sales skyrocketed from about 6,000 to 11,000. 252 “Initially we just wanted to give all season ticket holders a jersey,” Lott said, adding that the home team’s colors would sometimes be outnumbered by visiting teams’ jerseys. “Then that morphed into the idea of a chip.” The chip isn’t the only difference in the exclusive new jerseys – the Lightning also added a patch identifying wearers as “Season Ticket Members” and gave their most loyal fans the option to personalize the backs of their jerseys with custom names and numbers. “Fans already feel more like a part of the organization,” said Lott. “Now at home games we have our bowl filled up with about 70% Lightning jerseys.” When season ticket holders scan the quarter-sized chip embedded in their jerseys’ right sleeve, they receive a 25% discount on all concessions and 35% on all merchandise purchased at the arena. Each chip also has a unique ID, allowing the team to track who buys what, which Lott says will allow the team to analyze the most effective future deals and promotions. And Lott says there are many more bonuses to come. “We’re already hoping to roll out stored value, where fans who don’t want to bring cash to the game can just pay for things using the chip. We’re hoping to roll out a new feature each year.” Lott credits Lightning owner Jeff Vinik, a hedge-fund manager who bought the team last year, for infusing the organization with a culture of progressive innovation. 25


ZigBee is the name of a network similar to WiFi and Bluetooth that enables embedded sensors in objects to monitor the environment and relay the data to a data base via the Internet. The ZigBee Network, started in 1998, currently has a few hundred companies and IBM is working on a project that monitors the health of elderly people in Bolzano, Italy. Sensors embedded all over the patients’ homes, provide round-the-clock peace of mind not only for the patients but for their families too. The sensors read the levels of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane, temperature and smoke, and send the information to the caretakers’ PCs and mobile devices. To protect the patients’ personal data, IBM uses encryption, said Bharat Bedi from the firm’s lab in Hursley, UK. 253 A Spanish company Worldsensing has come up with a similar sensor-based technology. With help of a special app on a smartphone, drivers can receive data from sensors installed in parking spaces, telling them where the closest free spot is. 24, 26 In about two decades most buildings in the Western world, especially homes, will have sensors scattered throughout them giving Big Brother the ability to know exactly whatever everyone in them is doing 24-7. These buildings and homes will also be jammed with microphones and spy cams. The nightmare world of 1984 is on its way.

Cars talk to drivers

Engineers are working on technology to enable vegicles of the future to speak the driver and passengers just as though they are a member of the family. Toyota has teamed up with to allow cars to chat to their drivers on a private social network. The venture, called Toyota Friend, will first work only for hybrid and electric cars. The primary purpose of the system is to alert the driver that the battery is running low and how long it will take to recharge. 24 The OnStar system in many General Motors models gives them directions and allows them to communicate with operators in case of an emergency. In the near future computers in vehicles will have the ability to speak to the passengers just as though they are a fellow passenger. The future depicted in many science fiction movies is just over the event horizon.

GPS tracking chips

Computer chips with Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) tracking technology are being marketed today:

The Xega Company has created an injectable chip, which is the size and shape of a rice kernel. It can be injected into the client’s body using a syringe. The chip sends out signals from the person’s body and one could locate and pinpoint the location of someone in distress. The chip costs about $4000 and comes with an annual fee of $2200. This may mean we won’t see any more kidnappings and persons going missing. 27

254 These human tracking chips will soon become commonplace. Most people will purchase them for the safety reasons and these GPS chips will become as indispensable as cell phones.

Putin’s dog has GPS collar

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin purchased a dog collar with a computer chip that can be tracked by the Russian GLONASS and the American GPS satellite navigation systems. 28

Toddler Tag

Connect Software recently launched Toddler Tag, and Globalpoint Technologies is offering parents products that will enable them to track their children wherever they are. 29

Cell phones are GPS transmitters

Cell phone users of the future may never have to get lost or deal with the embarrassment of asking for directions. If they ever need help, police and paramedics will have no trouble tracking them down. 30 Big Brother knows exactly where you are 24-7 if you have your cell phone with you. They constantly ping cell towers letting the towers know where they are. This is why the clock in your cell phone changes the time when you cross a time zone and it is how Big Brother knows where you are. The only way to prevent this is to pull out the battery. The best way to defeat Big Brother is to not carry a cell phone. They are harmful to your health. See Book 4, Chapter 34 to learn how dangerous they are to your health.

British cars to be fitted with tracking meter

All cars in Britain will be fitted with a “big brother” satellite tracking meter to charge drivers up to 45 pence a mile for every journey taken, under radical plans to slash congestion on British roads. 31 It will only be a matter of time before Big Brother requires all vehicles, trucks, buses, motorcycles, bicycles, RVs, ATVs, planes, ships and anything that is used to transport people to have a GPS tracking device in it so he can keep track of the whereabouts of every moving object. He will also mandate everyone on Earth get a implanted chip with a GPS transponder in it. 255 Anyone caught without a chip or a GPS transponder in his vehicle will be arrested, fined and spend time in jail. He will also have a GPS transponder put in his vehicle and a chip in him. This will take place before the Rapture/Tribulation.

Digital Tattoo Interface

The 2x4-inch “Digital Tattoo Interface” cell phone is a Bluetooth device made of thin, flexible silicon and silicone. It is inserted through a small incision as a tightly rolled tube, and then it unfurls beneath the skin to align between skin and muscle. Through the same incision, two small tubes on the device are attached to an artery and a vein to allow the blood to flow to a coin-sized blood fuel cell that converts glucose and oxygen to electricity. After blood flows in from the artery to the fuel cell, it flows out again through the vein. The tattoo display communicates wirelessly to other Bluetooth devices – both in the outside world and within the same body. Although the device is always on (as long as your blood’s flowing), the display can be turned off and on by pushing a small dot on the skin. When the phone rings, for example, an individual turns the display on, and “the tattoo comes to life as a digital video of the caller,” Mielke explains. When the call ends, the tattoo disappears. The sci-fi device offers health benefits by continually monitoring for many blood disorders, alerting the person of a health problem.32 Big Brother will also develop a cell phone that will be implanted into a person’s skull just behind the ear. A section of the skull will be removed and the cell phone will replace it. It will be covered by articial skin and wired directly into the brain. A person will answer and make calls by just thinking. 256 Who knows, maybe Big Brother will develop an implantable computer that can be jacked directly into the brain allowing a person to do anything with a computer by just thinking. The computer display would be seen by the person in his mind or on the inside of virtual glasses. Imagine being able to write a book, make calls, watch television, cable, satellite, Internet programs, cruise the Internet, send emails, text messages and much more by just thinking. One problem will have to be solved concerning making calls by just thinking. Each person will have to shut off transmission of their thoughts when the other person communicates by thought. It would get a bit hard to follow with both parties communicating at the same time. Imagine how confusing it would be with a conference call.

No cash

Britain’s homeless take credit cards

Britain’s homeless community began a program in which they accept donations with the “chip and PIN” card payment system in January 2010. The hi-tech system is intended to bring those living on the high street in line with High Street retailers, who switched to the system in 2005. From the weekend, homeless people and other beggars will have to use special portable card readers in order to obtain payment from passers-by and good Samaritans. The Association for Payment Clearing Service says that the chip and PIN will deliver greater convenience and an overall better giving experience for the consumer. Credit and debit cards contain an embedded microchip and are authenticated automatically using a personal identification number (PIN). When a customer wishes to pay for goods using this system, the card is placed into a “PIN pad” terminal or a modified swipe-card reader, which accesses the chip on the card. Once the card has been verified as authentic, the customer enters a 4-digit PIN, which is submitted to the chip on the smartcard. If the two match the chip tells the terminal the PIN was correct and the transaction is complete. If the two do not match the transaction is not completed. 33 Cash will eventually be done away with and when it is eliminated the homeless beggers will have to take credit cards or scan a donor’s chip.

257 Cash to become extinct

Cash may soon go the way of Betamax, eight track tapes, pagers and public telephones. Credit cards and wallets will also likely disappear. Bankers told The Advertiser’s round table forum that cash and credit cards will be replaced by computer chips embedded in mobile phones, watches or other portable devices. “Cash will disappear as there will be other forms of carrying cash, stored value in your phone or whatever it might be. It will transfer automatically,” said Australian Central chief executive Peter Evers. “We’re very close in countries around the world. If you go in to Hong Kong or Singapore, the low-value transactions have already disappeared. You can’t go anywhere, like on public transport, without pre-purchasing a card. I think the Australian Payment Systems Board is very much on top of it and is trying to move down a path, but hasn’t publicly put things into place yet.” Savings & Loans chief executive Greg Connor said “Whereas now we have a wallet and purse, it will be a chip in your phone or your watch or something like that as your access.” 34

Discovery Bay no longer accepts cash

Beginning in May of 2011 residents of Discovery Bay will no longer have the option of paying for town services with cash. Residents will be able to use checks, credit or debit cards and money orders to pay for town services. The Discovery Bay Community Services District board voted this week to ban cash transactions for all services, including water bills and park reservations. Board members said the new policy will ensure the safety of town clerks and save the district time and money, but some say it is also a response to anonymous requests for public records the town has received. Those requesting records anonymously have been using cash to pay for the cost of copying the documents. Directors Mark Simon, Chris Steele and Kevin Graves said the new policy is not a response to these anonymous requests. The presence of cash at town offices might endanger staff by attracting thieves, the directors said, though they acknowledged that this has never happened . Former director David Piepho, who retired from the board in December, a month after the no-cash policy was introduced, said the change was designed to put an end to anonymous requests.35 258 City directors are lying. This policy of no cash is designed to track every payment made. Big Brother hates cash.

Louisiana moves to eliminate cash

Rep. Rickey Hardy introduced a bill (HB 195) to the Louisiana state legislature which prohibits secondhand merchandisers to purchase goods with cash:

A secondhand dealer shall not enter into any cash transactions in payment for the purchase of junk or used or secondhand property. Payment shall be made in the form of check, electronic transfers, or money order issued to the seller of the junk or used or secondhand property and made payable to the name and address of the seller. All payments made by check, electronic transfers, or money order shall be reported separately in the daily reports required by R.S. 37:1866.

The dealer also has to record the seller’s name, address, driver’s license number and the license plate number of the vehicle in which the goods were delivered along with a detailed description of everything they bought. The dealer is required to then e-mail all of that information to the local police daily. If the seller refuses to provide the proper information the dealer cannot complete the transaction. 36 A few of the more important items in this Big Brother bill are:

If you sell more than one item per month, you are considered a “second hand dealer.” “CB Radios,” “diamonds” and “cassettes” are specifically mentioned in the bill as examples of items that need to be regulated. “Junk” is defined as stuff commonly known as “junk.” Sale of car parts is regulated, but it exempts people who are “engaged in the business of buying, selling, trading in, or otherwise acquiring or disposing of motor vehicles and used parts of motor vehicles, and shall not apply to wreckers or dismantlers of motor vehicles.” Nobody under 17 is allowed to buy or sell anything. Coin collectors, tire dealers, and “cash for gold” places are exempt. Penalties include up to a $100 fine and three months in jail. “Second hand dealers” (people who sell more than one item per month) who are not properly “licensed” and do not comply with the necessary recordkeeping can be fined $250 and/or get 60 days in jail! 259 A second offense gets you $2000 fine and 2 years of “hard time” in prison. The third offense: $10,000 and five years hard time. 37

Here are the Big Brother minions who co-sponsored this Big Brother bill:

Clifton Richardson (R-Baton Rouge) Bobby Badon (D-Carencro) Regina Barrow (D-Baton Rouge) Wesley Bishop (D-New Orleans) Thomas Carmody (R-Shreveport) Franklin Foil (R-Baton Rouge) Reed Henderson (D-Chalmette) Kay Katz (R-Monroe) J. Rogers Pope (R-Denham Springs) Stephen Pugh (R-Pontchatoula) Alan Seabaugh (R-Shreveport) Major Thibaut (D-New Roads) Thomas Wilmott (R-Kenner) Sen. Dale Erdey (R-Livingston)

The bill sailed through the house and denate with just one vote against it in the senate. Gov. Bobby Jindal signed the bill on July 1, 2011. 36 Big Brother will outlaw all sales and purchases with cash. Within 20 years or so the only things people will be able to purchase with cash will be from vending machines and eventually that will be eliminated. The use of cash will be virtually eliminated before the Rapture.


A world-wide mark of the Beast technological infrastructure will be in place and in use before the Rapture/Tribulation. It is technically impossible for a worldwide economic system using implanted computer chips or whatever the “mark” of the Beast will be in just 3½ years (the amount of time between the start of the Tribulation and the time the Antichrist issues his “mark”). In time virtually everyone on Earth will be using RFID and GPS technology. Yet, if a person uses this technology before the mid-point of the Tribulation, he will not have taken the “mark” of the Beast. It is only after the Antichrist demands that everyone worship him and take 260 his “mark” that people will be forced to make a decision. Those who refuse to worship the Antichrist and take his “mark” will be hunted down and executed (Revelation 13.15). Those who worship him and take his “mark” will condemn themselves to eternal punishment in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 14.9-11).


Photo credit of mark of the beast – .asp ?item=329&cat=politics. Photo credit of chip in hand - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Unruh, Bob. “Radio chip coming soon to your driver’s license?” WorldNet Daily. 2.28.2009. 7. Collins, Dan. “Fla. Family Takes Computer Chip Trip.” CBS News. 5.10.2002. 8. Gutierrez, David. “U.S. School District to Begin Microchipping Students.” Natural News. 6.16.2008. 9. & ch?v=Keo2TR1Zouw& %2F190507Microchipping.htm. 10. Chappell, Les. “Tommy Thompson to get RFID implant.” 7.28.2005. http:// 11. UPI. “Forced Injected Microchips For Homeless.” LPJ. 4.06.2004. http://pitts & VeriChip Corporation Technology That Cares™ Miniaturized, Implantable Identification Technology – prodservpart/verichip.html. 12. Weissert, Will. “Mexican attorney general personally goes high-tech for security.” AP. 7.14.2004. plant_x.htm. 13. Daily Mail. “Met Police officers to be ‘microchipped’ by top brass in Big Brother style tracking scheme.” 4.10.2008. news/news.html?in_article_id=558597&in_ page_id=1770. 14. Natural News. “U.K. to Begin Microchipping Prisoners.” 6.21.2008. www.nat 15. “Barcelona clubbers get chipped.” 9.29.2004. nology/3697940.stm. 16. DARPA plans soldier-tagging system for US troops, theregister, 7.18.2008, Lewis Page & http://pro %20by%20Marshall.pdf.

261 17. Agence France-Presse, france24. “One in four Germans wants microchip under skin: poll.” 3.01.2010. wants-microchip-under-skin-poll. 18. PositiveID Corporation Receives VeriChip Order for Use With Israeli Military.” 10.11.2011. verichip-order-for-use-with-israeli-military-2011-10-11. 19. London Telegraph “All dogs to be microchipped with owner’s details to ‘help track pets.’” 9.28.2009. microchipped-with-owners-details-to-help-track-pets.html. 20. Gillispie, Mark. “High-tech carts will tell on Cleveland residents who don’t recycle ... and they face $100 fine.” 8.20.2010. The Plain Dealer. http://blog. use_high-.html. 21. Science Daily. “Smart Trash Cans.” 10.01.2006. eos/2006/1001-smart_trash_cans.htm. 22. Doughty, Steve. “Spy chips hidden in 2.5 MILLION dustbins: 60pc rise in electronic bugs as council snoopers plan pay-as-you-throw tax.” 3.05.2010. council-snoopers-plan-pay-throw-tax.html. 23. Hermida, Alfred. “Get ready for the smart shopping basket.” 10.27.2003. 24. Moskvitch, Katia. “Internet of things: Should you worry if your jeans go smart?” BBC News. 9.22.2011. 25. Laird, Sam. “How Microchipped Jerseys Are Changing Hockey Fans’ Experience.” Mashable Business. 12.02.2011. chip-nhl-jersey. 26. 27. Impact Lab. “Human tracking chip created by Xega.” 8.23.2008. www.impact 28. Russia Today. “Putin dog’s nephew gets first sat nav collar.” 9.11.2008. 29. Times On Line. “Would an implanted chip help to keep my child safe?” 5.17.2007. 1788169.ece. 30. Glasner, Joanna. “Feds OK Cell Phone Tracking.” Wired. 9.16.1999. www. 31. Walters, Joanna. “Drivers face road charge by satellite.” The Observer. 2.24.2002. . 32. Zyga, Lisa. “The tattoo display is still just a concept, with no word on plans for commercialization. Electronic tattoo display runs on blood.” February 21, 2008. 33. “Homeless prepare for switchover to chip & pin.” 1.18.2010. www.newsbis 34. Keane, Anthony. “Cash to become extinct as chips take off.” Sydney Advertiser. 6.15.2009.,28348,25637102-50142 39,00.html. 35. Dreier, Hannah. “Cash no longer king in Discovery Bay.” 1.19.2011. www. bay-area-news/ci_17143670?nclick_check=1.

262 36. rsions. 36. l-to-use-cash-secondhand-sales.shtml. 36. 37.





Big Brother has untold technologies some of which we have documented in this book. This chapter deals with some miscellaneous technologies that are being implemented and some that will find their way into the public arena within the next decade or two.

Smart meters

A smart meter is usually an electrical meter that records consumption of electric energy in intervals of an hour or less and communicates that information at least daily back to the utility for monitoring and billing purposes. Smart meters enable two-way communication between the meter and the central system. Unlike home energy monitors, smart meters can gather data for remote reporting. 1 But now there are growing numbers of activists who are protesting against Smart Meters for another reason. They contend that the radio frequency (RF) Smart Meters emit is harmful to human health. People living with the meters are claiming mild to severe symptoms that are all over the board: Concentration and memory problems, dizziness, tinnitus, heart palpitations, headaches, sleep disruptions, nausea, anxiety and behavioral problems in children. People are especially concerned about certain groups who are vulnerable to Smart Meter health risks, such as children (who absorb radiation at a greater rate than adults), electrosensitive people, people with pacemakers, and chronically ill people whose immune systems are compromised. 2 The smart meter is just one more scam of Big Brother to get total control over you. Imagine in the future Big Brother says everyone has to conserve energy. He will be able to set your thermostat and you will not be able to change it. If you live in an area that gets real cold in the winter and hot in the summer you could find yourself freezing to death or being baked alive or both. The smart meters are also capable of monitoring your Internet surfing and what you watch on cable or satellite television.

265 Wrist computer

In 1998 Seiko marketed the Ruputer, a computer in a (fairly large) wristwatch. It was a flop. In 2001 IBM developed and publicly displayed two prototypes for a wristwatch computer running Linux. IBM is still working on it and thinks it might cost about $250. In 2002 Fossil, Inc. announced the Fossil Wrist PDA, which ran the Palm OS. It finally made it to market in January of 2005. The Timex Datalink, Hitachi’s Poma and Eurotech’s ZYPAD wrist computers available to the public. The latter comes with GPS, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity. Wrist computers will not become big sellers until they can be shrunk to the size of a normal wristwatch and have a holographic screen, GPS, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connection. Eventually people will wear two or more computers that will work together performing specific tasks. One might wear a computer on his wrist, belt buckle, glasses, wallet, and in the heels of his shoes. Women will have one or more in their purse. Everything will work hands-free by voice or by thought commands.

Dick Tracy style wrist phone

The W “phonewatch” from Kempler & Strauss combines a touchscreen interface with basic phone functionality so you can use the device while doing most anything. The GSM phone works with both AT&T and T-Mobile but it does not yet have 3G or Wi-Fi capability. Just open the back and pop in a SIM card there to get started. It has a microphone and a speaker, but the company recommends that the phone be paired with a Bluetooth headset. It is intended to be a companion for your iPhone, Droid or BlackBerry. The watch-phone idea is not a new product. Last year, LG’s watch phone was a surprise hit at the Consumer Electronics Show. LG showed a slim watch with a touchscreen phone, camera, 3G and Bluetooth capability. Worn on the wrist, it looks like an ordinary watch displaying the time but when a call comes in, the screen changes. Raise your hand a little closer to your mouth, press a button and you can talk into the watch. That device never made it to the United States, though it eventually went on sale in Europe for around $1,500. The W phonewatch works similarly. It has a digital clock but a single touch pulls up a basic menu that includes icons for phone,

266 messages, address book and calendar. The device even has a 1.4- megapixel camera that can do both still photos and videos. 3 Big Brother can remotely turn on the microphone in any cell phone or landline phone. He can also turn on any cell phone with Internet connection and video capabilities and watch you. Once the phonewatch has Internet connection Big Brother will have the ability to watch you 24/7. If you have a cell phone with video and Internet capabilities Big Brother can watch you now. Disable your Internet connection except when you are cruising the Net. The end game of Big Brother for surveillance of individuals is getting close. It will still be some time before most people have watch phones and cell phones with Internet connection. Yet in time most will be connected to Big Brother’s Internet most of their waking hours. Big Brother has even scarier technology up his sleeves. Within 10 years an implantable cell phone will become the rage of the geek world. Once people take implants Big Brother will have the ability to implant thoughts 24-7. Any implant can be equipped with an accessory that will allow Big Brother to transmit a thought, command or idea directly into the implant which will relay it directly into the brain. He will be able to brainwash people much more easily. Reject implants!


An EyeTap 4-5 is a camera that records what a person sees and at the same time is a heads-up display that can project data. 6-7 EyeTap 8 is also the name of an organization founded by inventor Steve Mann 9-10 to develop and promote EyeTap-related technologies such as wearable computing.11-12 Imagine Big Brother requiring everyone on the planet to wear EyeTap glasses so he can watch everything you see in real time. Look for this technology to become mandatory for parolees, sex offenders, felons, political dissidents, Christians and eventually everyone.

Teenager moves video icon with his mind

A 14-year-old who suffers from epilepsy, is the first teenager to play a two-dimensional video game (Space Invaders) using only the signals from his brain to make movements. Eric C. Leuthardt, M.D., an assistant professor of neurological surgery at the Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, 267 and Daniel Moran, Ph.D., assistant professor of biomedical engineering, performed their research on the boy who had the grids implanted so that neurologists and neurosurgeons can find the area in the brain serving as the focus for an epileptic seizure, with hopes of removing it to avoid future seizures. With approval of the patient and his parents and the School of Medicine Institutional Review Board, they asked the boy to do various motor and speech tasks, moving his hands various ways, talking, and imagining. The team could see from the data which parts of the brain and what brain signals correlate to these movements. They then asked the boy to play a simple, two- dimensional Space Invaders game by actually moving his tongue and hand. He was then asked to imagine the same movements, but not to actually perform them with his hands or tongue. When he saw the cursor in the video game, he then controlled it with his brain. “He cleared out the whole level one basically on brain control,” said Leuthardt. “He learned almost instantaneously. We then gave him a more challenging version in two-dimensions and he mastered two levels there playing only with his imagination.” 13 In the distant future Big Brother may develop the technology to enable machines to control what a person thinks. This technology of a man’s mind controlling a machine could be reversed giving Big Brother a terrifying power. When that day comes Big Brother could force everyone to take a special computer chip implant that would allow him to remotely control what a person thinks and does. Could the “mark of the beast” be a chip implant with this ability?

Drive Your car with your brain

Researchers in Germany are working on technology that will allow drivers to operate their vehicles using only their minds. They have conducted an experiment with drivers in a car simulator, and report in the July 2011 issue of the Journal of Neural Engineering that they were able to identify brain waves that corresponded to a driver’s wish to press the brake pedal. They tried the experiment with 18 test subjects, each of whom wore a cap wired with EEG sensors. If the drivers wanted to slam on the brakes, the car did it a crucial fraction of a second more quickly than they could. “Waiting for the driver’s response can lead to a slow response in emergency situations,” wrote Stefan Haufe of the Berlin Institute of Technology. "Therefore, in order to obtain a faster confirmation, our 268 study suggests that it is feasible to detect a driver’s intention to brake, which naturally precedes any observable actions.” They In 2008, in an experiment at the University of Pittsburgh, a monkey was able to use brain waves to command a robot arm to lift food to its mouth. Toyota may back an experiment by a Pennsylvania firm called Deeplocal, which is working on a bicycle that can shift gears based on EEG signals received through the cyclist’s helmet. 14-15

Computers to be controlled by your mind

Apple, Google and Microsoft are already investigating voice-and motion controlled gadgets, but IBM is predicting mind-controlled computers will be on the market by 2016. “Mind-reading has been wishful thinking for science fiction fans for decades, but their wish may soon come true,” said an IBM spokesman. The company is investigating smartphone and PC technology where, “You would just need to think about calling someone, and it happens.” The prediction was part of IBM’s annual “Five in Five” report. The company also predicted that by 2016, passwords would have disappeared. Instead, the complex, hard-to-remember strings of numbers and letters will be replaced by biometric readers that “work out” who you are by reading unique things about you.

Mattel’s Mindflex game 269 Primitive mind-control is already used in games such as Mattel’s Mindflex, where the user wears a brainwave-reading headband and concentrates to raise and lower a ball – held mid-air by jets of air that respond to his brainwaves. Mattel unveiled a new version – Mindflex 2 – at the Consumer Electronics Show in January of 2012. It is quite possible that we may be moving a mouse by our thoughts in 2016, but if we are not fully operating a computer with our minds we will be using other high-tech methods such as controlling our computer with our eyes. Security passwords will be made obsolete within a decade or so. Computer makers such as Alienware already use “biometric” security – where laptops recognize people via biometric markers such as the shape of their face.

Marketing gadget that tracks brainwaves as you watch TV

A headband designed by San Francisco firm EmSense can sense your brainwaves as you have reactions to watching something and then record the data for researchers. The process of measuring your reaction to something is known as ‘quantitative neurometrics’ and it can be carried out as you watch a computer or television screen. The firm is launching its “in-home” research panel employing the EmBand monitoring technology in an attempt to get better feedback on emotional responses. It can also measure how much attention you are paying, or your “cognitive engagement,” by measuring brainwave activity, reported technology site Venture Beat. The firm does studies by asking respondents to voluntarily share their information.

270 This has been compared to the controversial 1971 film A Clockwork Orange, where authorities try to psychologically modify the behaviour of a teenage thug. But the big difference with EmSense is that the test subjects are volunteers. Comparisons: In the controversial 1971 film A Clockwork Orange, authorities try to psychologically modify the behaviour of a teenage thug. EmSense claims market research firms want to measure emotional responses more accurately to get better reactions to advertising, creative concepts, packaging and shopping. EmSense ships the user a kit with an EmBand wireless headset and a wireless receiver for use with his or her PC computer, directing them to a specific web page. It has 80 employees and was founded by technologists from Hewlett-Packard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2004. It has tested more than 100,000 respondents in 25 countries. 17 Eventually Big Brother will force everyone to wear the EyeTap glasses which will be equipped with the EmSense technology. He will then not only be able to watch everything you see in real time and record it for further study, he will be able to record your thoughts and examine what you were thinking when you watched certain things. This will give him god-like powers.

Predicting future actions

Researchers at the University of Western Ontario from The Centre for Brain and Mind claimed they are able to determine the action a person is planning moments before that action takes place. The findings were published in June of 2011 in the “Journal of Neuroscience.” “This is a considerable step forward in our understanding of how the human brain plans actions,” said Jason Gallivan, a Western Neuroscience PhD student, who was the first author on the paper. Over the course of the one-year study, human subjects had their brain activity scanned using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while they performed one of three hand movements: grasping the top of an object, grasping the bottom of the object, or simply reaching out and touching the object. The team found that by using the signals from many brain regions, they could predict, better than chance, which of the actions the volunteer was merely intending to do seconds later.

271 “Neuroimaging allows us to look at how action planning unfolds within human brain areas without having to insert electrodes directly into the human brain. This is obviously far less intrusive,” explained Western Psychology professor Jody Culham, who was the paper’s senior author. Gallivan says the new findings could also have important clinical implications: “Being able to predict a human’s desired movements using brain signals takes us one step closer to using those signals to control prosthetic limbs in movement-impaired patient populations, like those who suffer from spinal cord injuries or locked-in syndrome.” This research is funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). A past recipient of the CIHR Brain Star Award, Gallivan is funded by a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) graduate scholarship. 18 Now imagine a time in the near future when Big Brother makes it mandatory for everyone on Earth to wear special glasses that allows him to watch everything you see in real time and record it for further study. Imagine these glasses are also capable of recording your thoughts allowing Big Brother to examine what you were thinking when you watched certain TV broadcasts. He wants to be ableand even predict what you plan to do a few minutes before you do it. He will have god-like powers, but he will not use them for good. Instead he will use them for evil.

Mind’s Eye

The Mind’s Eye is a video analysis research project using artificial intelligence that is funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.19 Twelve research teams have been contracted by DARPA for the Mind’s Eye program: Carnegie Mellon University, Co57 Systems, Inc., Colorado State University, Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Caltech, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Purdue University, SRI International, State University of New York at Buffalo, TNO (Netherlands), University of Arizona, University of California Berkeley and the University of Southern California.20 “The Mind’s Eye program seeks to develop in machines a capability that exists only in animals: visual intelligence. This program pursues the capability to learn generally applicable and generative representations of action between objects in a scene directly from 272 visual inputs, and then reason over those learned representations. A key distinction between this research and the state of the art in machine vision is that the latter has made continual progress in recognizing a wide range of objects and their properties – what might be thought of as the nouns in the description of a scene. The focus of Mind's Eye is to add the perceptual and cognitive underpinnings for recognizing and reasoning about the verbs in those scenes, enabling a more complete narrative of action in the visual experience.”21-22 The Mind’s Eye program information was posted on DARPA’s website but was pulled soon afterword. Fortunately, the information was posted on the website. 3

Military is funding mind reading technology

The U.S. military is paying scientists to study ways to read people’s thoughts. The hope is that the research could someday lead to a gadget capable of translating the thoughts of soldiers who suffered brain injuries in combat or even stroke patients in hospitals. Scientists are studying brain signals in order to decipher what a person is thinking and to whom the person wants to direct the message. The $4 million Army project is a collaboration among researchers at the University of California, Irvine; Carnegie Mellon University; and the University of Maryland. Scientists use brain-wave reading technology known as electroencephalography (EEG) to measure the brain’s electrical activity through electrodes placed on the scalp. In the future, scientists hope to develop thought-recognition software that will enable a computer to speak or type out a person’s thought. “To have a person think in a free manner and then figure out what that is, we’re years away from that,” said lead researcher Michael D’Zmura, who heads UC Irvine’s cognitive sciences department. D’Zmura said such a system would require extensive training by people trying to send a message and dismisses the notion that thoughts can be forced out. “This will never be used in a way without somebody’s real, active cooperation,” he said.24 Big Brother will develop mind-reading technology and require everyone to wear a gadget that will allow him to read your mind 24-7 – it is only a matter of time. Since the Antichrist will not appear on the scene for 20 or more years, Big Brother has plenty of time to perfect this technology and hundreds of other technologies.

273 Scientists read minds with infrared

Researchers at Canada’s largest children’s rehabilitation hospital, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, have developed a technique that can read minds. The goal of this research is to determine preferences of subjects, ultimately opening the world of choice to children who cannot speak or move. In a study published this month in the “Journal of Neural Engineering,” Bloorview scientists demonstrated the ability to decode a person’s preference for one of two drinks with 80 per cent accuracy by measuring the intensity of near-infrared light absorbed in brain tissue. “This is the first system that decodes preference naturally from spontaneous thoughts,” said Sheena Luu, the University of Toronto PhD student in biomedical engineering who led the study under the supervision of Tom Chau, Canada Research Chair in pediatric rehab engineering. Luu noted that the brain is too complex to ever allow decoding of a person’s random thoughts. “However, if we limit the context – limit the question and available answers, as we have with predicting preference – then mind-reading becomes possible,” she said. 25 The experts said man would never travel to the moon. They were wrong and so is Luu. Big Brother will have the ability to read your mind in the near future if he does not already have it. When the Antichrist rises to power most people on Earth will have brain implants or be wearing computers that will allow him to read your mind 24-7.

Northrop to make mindreader-helmet

Northrop Grumman won a Pentagon contract in 2008 to develop a mindreading hat which will allow US soldiers to identify threats. The military calls the technology Cognitive Technology Threat Warning System (CT2WS), but Northrop refers to it as HORNET (Human-aided Optical Recognition/Notification of Elusive Threats). “HORNET leverages the latest advances in real-time coupling of human brain activity with automated cognitive neural processing to provide superior target detection,” said Michael House, Northrop’s executive in charge of the program. HORNET is envisaged as a kind of mindprobe-augmented set of binoculars. As a soldier sweeps his surroundings in the hostile combat zones, “a custom helmet equipped with electro-encephalogram electrodes placed on the scalp” will be checking what his subconscious 274 mind makes of what it is seeing. The idea is that the primitive parts of the human brain can spot threats which the conscious mind will miss. When the paranoid id spots a threat, the HORNET intellect-o-specs will register this and flash up a marker on the screen, allowing the conscious mind to know what has spooked its deeper levels. The initial prototype test system costs $6.7 million.26

Intel wants to put a chip in your brain

Computer chip maker Intel wants to implant a brain-sensing chip directly into the brains of its customers to allow them to operate computers and other devices without moving a muscle. Intel believes its customers would be willing to have a chip implanted in their brains so they could operate computers without the need for a keyboard or mouse using thoughts alone. The implant could also be used to operate devices such as cell phones, TVs and DVDs. The chip is being developed at Intel’s laboratory in Pittsburgh. It would sense brain activity using technology based on Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI). The brain sensing chips are not yet available, but Intel research scientist Dean Pomerleau thinks they are close. Pomerleau said that with human beings and machines converging in many ways, people will want to give up the need for an interface such as a keyboard, mouse or remote control and operate the devices using their brain waves. He is convinced that some time within the next decade or so people will be “more committed” to the idea of the brain implants. Intel claims they are very close to a functional headset incorporating brain sensing technology to operate a computer. The next step is to develop the brain implant, which would be much less cumbersome for the user. Associate Professor Charles Higgins of the University of Arizona predicts hybrid computers using a combination of living tissue and technology will be available to the public within 10 to 15 years. Researchers there have successfully built a robot guided by the eyes and brain of a moth. Toyota researchers also working in this field, have developed a wheelchair controlled by brain waves. The first use of this technology will be to enable quadriplegics to do things with just their mind. 27

275 The ultimate goal of Big Brother is to have a “control chip” implanted into everyone’s brain that will give him the ability to control one’s thoughts. It will also be used to record everything a person thinks, sees, hears, says and does. Big Brother wants to be God Almighty.

Animal microchips linked to causing cancer

Identification microchips injected into the necks of cats and dogs are touted as useful in recovering lost pets, but are they safe? A new lawsuit against Merck & Co., Inc., maker of the HomeAgain pet microchip, alleges the microchip induces cancerous tumors in pets. According to the Food and Drug Administration and the British Small Animal Veterinary Association potential health risks associated with implantable microchips include “adverse tissue reaction” “swelling,” “infection,” “abscesses,” and “tumors.” 28 There is an interesting description of an ailment that befalls everyone who takes the “mark of the Beast” in the Bible:

And the first went, and poured out his bowl into the earth; and it became a noisome and grievous sore upon the men that had the mark of the beast, and that worshipped his image . (Revelation 16.2)

Is it possible that the chip the Antichrist forces everyone to take will be the cause of these sores? It may be possible, but then again it could be divine judgment on the wicked.

TV experiment

One moment they were happily munching on their dinner and watching their favorite cartoon show on television. The next moment, hundreds of children across Japan were shaking and convulsing and being rushed to hospitals. In a bizarre illustration of the medical effects that television can have on viewers, more than 700 children and adults were taken to hospitals after having been affected by flashing lights on the animated television show “Pocket Monsters” (Pokemon) which features characters created by the video game and toy maker Nintendo Company. The 1997 broadcast caused some children to vomit blood and others had seizures or lost consciousness. Victims said they got headaches or felt nauseated. Others said they felt groggy or carsick. 276 Some victims recovered within an hour, while others were put in intensive care with breathing difficulties. Most victims were children, but some adults were also affected and some spent the night in the hospital. Fortunately no one died. Producers of the cartoon say that they were stumped as to why an animation technique that has been used “hundreds of times” could cause such a widespread, violent reaction. “This may be the first case of mass suffering from photo stimulation,” said Toshio Yamauchi, a professor at Saitama Medical School and chairman of an organization called Electronic Screen Game and Seizures. As cartoon makers push the limits to find new ways to entice children to their programs, doctors and psychologists warn that this episode is a stunning reminder of how vulnerable children can be to certain contemporary television shows. The incident is likely to prompt calls here for stiffer controls on cartoons and shows for children. The scene which caused the crisis was a vaccine bomb that exploded to kill a computer virus. A bright red explosion filled the screen. Red and blue lights flash for about five seconds. “There was an explosion scene toward the end of the show,” said Takaaki Kii, a spokesman for Shogakkan Production Company, which produced the show. “But those type of scenes are seen on many animation programs.” The scene apparently combined almost simultaneously two techniques that are frequently used in cartoons. The first, called “paka- paka” in Japanese, uses different-colored lights flashing alternatively to cause a sense of tension. The second, called “flash,” emits a strong beam of light. Dr. Yamauchi said light emitted at frequencies between 10 hertz and 30 hertz, a unit of frequency meaning cycles per second, can induce seizures and that the color red is also stimulative. It is not clear whether all 700 victims have seizure disorders. So far, no evidence has emerged that any were epileptic. Because the phenomenon is so unusual, doctors in Japan and America could not immediately identify the condition, but some medical experts here have called it “optically stimulated epilepsy.” In Japan, more than 10,000 people are said to have suffered this neurological disorder, which can be easily treated with medication, according to Japanese news reports. Few cases have been reported in people over 20 years of age. “Five to 10 percent of the population is said to be susceptible to flashing lights,” Shunsuke Otawara, a professor at Okayama University Medical School, told a Japanese newspaper. 29 277 It does not matter whether or not this was a freak incident or a Big Brother experiment. One thing is certain Big Brother knows how to give children and adults seizures. It most likely was a Big Brother experiment to see how one of his technologies works in the real world. He is using this technology to brainwash the unwashed masses to submit to his tyrannical rule and he will increase his use of it to keep people in line.

Movie causes seizures and prompts warning

The Maryland-based Epilepsy Foundation advises parents of seizure-prone children to skip the movie, “Breaking Dawn” of the “Twilight” film series because it can cause a child to have a seizure. Officials at the Epilepsy Foundation issued a warning in November 2011 to their 11,000 followers on Facebook, saying people prone to certain types of seizures might want to skip the film, which had been the top-grossing movie in the country for two weeks straight. People susceptible to this sort of attack suffer from what is known as photosensitivity, a stimulus-induced seizure disorder. According to Dr. Tricia Ting, an assistant professor of neurology at University of Maryland School of Medicine, people with this disorder often do not realize they have it until they suffer a seizure. “They may have gone their whole lives without having a seizure, but in this circumstance, when presented with a flickering light, it can induce their first seizure.” “The stimulus triggers an abnormal electrical discharge in the brain,” Ting explained. “That spark can lead to an electrical storm, which is a full seizure. If people are seeing the film and they start to feel funny, they can stop that by not continuing to look at the screen. They need to block it with their hands. You really have to cover it completely.”30 A well-known instance of a photosensitive reaction happened in Japan in 1997, when nearly 700 children were hospitalized after suffering seizures while watching the Pokemon cartoon on TV. The phenomenon has also been known to occur in people playing video games. Some researchers believe that TV viewers can be placed into a trance-like state from the flicker rate of the broadcast in which they are more susceptible to suggestion. It is considered to be a form of brainwashing that the viewer is totally unaware of.

278 LifeLog

The Pentagon launched an incredibly ambitious research project designed to gather every conceivable bit of information about a person’s life, index all the information and make it searchable. The LifeLog program being developed by Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency (DARPA) which began in 2003 places everything an individual does into a giant database. This includes every e-mail sent or received, every picture taken, every Web page surfed, every phone call made, every TV show and movie watched, every magazine, newspaper and book read, every song listened to, every place visited and more. Other bits of information collected are audio- visual sensors to capture what a subject sees and says, and biomedical monitors to keep track of one’s health. This amalgamation of information will then be used to “trace the ‘threads’ of an individual’s life,” to see exactly how a relationship or events developed, according to a briefing from the DARPA. Someone with access to the database could “retrieve a specific thread of past transactions, or recall an experience from a few seconds ago or from many years earlier ... by using a search-engine interface.” Steven Aftergood, a defense analyst with the Federation of American Scientists, and other scientists are worried. The Pentagon’s Total Information Awareness database project is tracking all of an individual’s “transactional data” (all purchases, emails, web sites visited). Some computer geeks are attempting to create their own life log. Mini-computer pioneer Gordon Bell calls it a “surrogate memory.” Bell, who works for Microsoft, scans all his letters and memos, records his conversations, saves all the Web pages he has visited and e-mails he has received and puts them into an electronic storehouse that he calls “MyLifeBits.” Steve Mann of the University of Toronto professor also has created a life log. Since his teen years in the 1970s, he has worn a camera and an array of sensors to record his existence. He claims he has convinced 20 to 30 of his current and former students to do the same. It is all part of an experiment into “existential technology” and “the metaphysics of free will.” John Pike, director of defense think tank, said it is “hard to believe” the explanation military gave to develop LifeLog. The military claims it will help train robotic assistants. “It looks like an outgrowth of Total Information Awareness and other DARPA 279 homeland security surveillance programs,” he said in an e-mail. It most likely will be used to profile suspected terrorists, said Cory Doctorow, with the Electronic Frontier Foundation. 31

Pill to erase bad memories

A drug which can be taken in pill form appears to erase painful memories has been developed by scientists. The astonishing treatment could help sufferers of post-traumatic stress disorder and those whose lives are plagued by hurtful recurrent memories. But British experts said the breakthrough raises disturbing ethical questions about what makes us human. They also warned it could have damaging psychological consequences, preventing those who take it from learning from their mistakes. Dr. Daniel Sokol, a lecturer in medical ethics at St. George’s, University of London, said: “Removing bad memories is not like removing a wart or a mole. It will change our personal identity since who we are is linked to our memories.” In the latest study, Dr. Merel Kindt of Amsterdam University tested the drugs on 60 men and women. His team created fearful memories in volunteers by showing them pictures of spiders while giving them gentle electric shocks. The volunteers were urged to “actively remember” the images, creating a strong negative association between spiders and discomfort. The following day the volunteers were split into two groups. One was given the beta blocker and the other a placebo pill before both were shown the same spider pictures. The group given the beta blocker had a much weaker fear response than those given the placebo. In theory, it could eradicate memories of traumatic events that happened years ago. It might also help patients overcome phobias, obsessions, eating disorders and even sexual hang-ups. “Traditionally, therapists seek to teach people with such disorders strategies to build new associations and block bad memories but the problem is the memories remain and people often relapse,” said Kindt. 32 If Big Brother perfects the memory eraser drug he could use it to reprogram political dissidents, radicals, religious fanatics and anyone who opposes him. Imagine what power Big Brother will have if he perfects a memory erasing pill that can target specific memories. He could also erase a person’s memories and plant new memories. If he

280 ever gets this power he will be able to reprogram everyone to be obedient slaves.

Will Frankenfood feed the world?

For many people, the concept of genetically altered, high-tech crop production raises all kinds of environmental, health, safety and ethical questions. Particularly in countries with long agrarian traditions – and vocal green lobbies – the idea seems against nature. Bill Gates believes the hope for the Third World is genetically modified organisms (food). According to him, “genetically modified foods are already very much a part of our lives. A third of the corn and more than half the soybeans and cotton grown in the U.S. last year were the product of biotechnology, according to the Department of Agriculture. More than 65 million acres of genetically modified crops will be planted in the U.S. this year (2000). The genetic genie is out of the bottle.” According to Gates and most people that are in favor of GMO food we must accept it because it is already being grown in humungous quantities. Yet he says there should be “rigorous testing” in wealthy countries, but in the “developing countries desperate to feed fast-

281 growing and underfed populations, the issue is simpler and much more urgent: Do the benefits of biotech outweigh the risks?” Gates then bemoaned the rapid population growth, six billion in 2000, and by 2050 it will probably be near 9 billion. While the population is growing “cultivable land per person is declining” and it will decrease “by half over the next 50 years, according to the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications (ISAAA).” The U.N. estimates that nearly 800 million people around the world are undernourished and this is another reason GMO food is necessary. “How can biotech help?” he asked. Biotechnologists have developed GMO foods that are fortified with essential vitamins and they can “also improve farming productivity in places where food shortages are caused by crop damage attributable to pests, drought, poor soil and crop viruses, bacteria or fungi.” Another terror that frightens Gates is the damage caused by pests. The answer is GMO crops incorporating “pest-resistant genes into seeds” that “can help restore the balance.” He proclaimed proudly that “fears that genetically modified, pest-resistant crops might kill good insects as well as bad appear unfounded.” Another plus is that genetically modified, “virus-resistant crops can reduce” damage to crops by viruses. Also “drought-tolerant seeds in regions where water shortages limit the amount of land under cultivation” is essential for saving lives. A major problem in half of the world’s arable land is aluminum toxicity due to acidic soil. It can cause many staple-crop failures. Biotechnologists can modify crops with a “gene that helps neutralize aluminum toxicity.” Gates closed his commentary with this question, “Will ‘Frankenfoods’ feed the world?” His answer is, “Biotech is not a panacea, but it does promise to transform agriculture in many developing countries. If that promise is not fulfilled, the real losers will be their people, who could suffer for years to come.” 33 The argument for GMO crops is extremely weak and based solely on fear – that if GMO crops are not grown millions of people will starve to death. We do not need GMO crops to save the world. A more effective method of farming is organic farming. If all arable land on Earth were to be farmed using organic methods there would be a humungous surplus of food for every country on Earth. No one would be undernourished and no one would ever go to bed hungry. 282 It is more likely that Big Brother wants GMO crops to become the main source of food for the entire planet because people will develop serious health problems from eating GMO foods and billions of people will die from “Frankenfoods.” We know that organically grown crops are the safest, the most productive and the healthiest foods. Why does Big Brother not endorse and promote organic foods? Why does he claim organic food is no better than GMO food? The only answer is – Big Brother is trying to kill billions of people with his “Frankenfoods!” Make sure you read Book Four, Chapter 34, “Culling the Herd,” to learn more about the dangers of GMO foods and the other poisons that Big Brother is deliberately putting in food, water and vaccines to slowly kill you. GMO is just one of many “soft kill” weapons that Big Brother is using to reduce the world’s population. Also read Book Three, Chapter 31, “Georgia Guidestones,” to see that Big Brother wants to murder over 90% of the people on the planet! Remember this truth: Big Brother hates you and wants to kill you! It is only a matter of time before he murders everyone on the planet except his loyal minions who carry out his demented plans. Once he develops technology to transfer his mind into a computer in a robot he will no longer need mortal men. He will then exterminate all men, women and children on the planet except his faithful minions. Eventually those murderers will be systematically exterminated until there is only a handful of the super-gangsters left. They will turn on each other until only one is left standing. That genocidal maniac will learn that being the only man left in the universe is not fun and terminate himself. Thankfully, Big Brother and his gang of murdering, psychotic sycophants will NOT get their wish. Instead, they will be terminated before they can carry out their genocidal plan. Jesus Christ will return to Earth as He promised and He will personally execute Big Brother (Antichrist), the members of the Rothschild/Rockefeller crime family and all of their minions:

And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat upon the horse, and against his army. And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought the signs in his sight, wherewith he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast and them that worshipped his image: they two were cast alive into the lake of fire that burneth with brimstone: and the rest were killed with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, [even the sword] which came forth 283 out of his mouth: and all the birds were filled with their flesh . (Revelation 19.19-21)

Chimeras and hybrids

Big Brother scientists are working feverishly to create grotesque monsters similar to those described in H.G. Wells’ classic novel, The Island of Dr. Moreau . They have been creating monsters that have human and animal DNA (manimals), that have human and plant DNA (manplants) and that have animal and plant DNA (plantimals). This insane race to turn Earth into a chamber of horrors filled with ghoulish monsters will continue until WE THE PEOPLE say NO MORE!

Organ farms

Wait until Big Brother gets his way and cloning of people for organ transplants is legal. The “Clonus Horror” will no longer be a science- fiction fantasy. It will be reality. Watch the trailer of this horrifying nightmare movie – We will see something very similar prior to the start of the Tribulation.

284 Scientists have found they can create chimeric animals that have organs belonging to another species by injecting stem cells into the embryo of another species. The researchers injected stem cells from rats into the embryos of mice that had been genetically altered so they could not produce their own organs, creating mice that had rat organs. The researchers say the technique could allow pigs to grow human organs from patient’s stem cells for use as transplants. By using a patient's own stem cells it could help to reduce the risk of the transplanted organ being rejected while also providing a plentiful supply of donor organs. Current organ shortages mean that patients must endure long waiting lists for transplants. 34


Scientists have been breeding chimeras for over 30 years with the first successful breeding by combining the embryos of a goat and a sheep producing a geep. The first geep was successfully bred in 1978 by Dr. R.S. White of Manumbar, Australia. 35

Human chimeric embryos

In August 2003, researchers at the Shanghai Second Medical University in China reported that they had successfully fused human skin cells and dead rabbit eggs to create the first human chimeric embryos. The embryos were allowed to develop for several days in a laboratory setting, then destroyed to harvest the resulting stem cells.36


During November 2006, UK researchers from Newcastle University and King’s College London applied to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority for a three-year license to fuse human DNA with cow eggs. The proposal is to insert human DNA into a cow’s egg which has had its genetic material removed and then create an embryo by the same technique that produced Dolly the Sheep. This research was attempted in the United States several years before and failed to yield such an embryo. In April 2008 the researchers from Newcastle University reported that their research had been successful. The resulting embryos lived for 3 days and the largest grew to a size of 32

285 cells. The researchers are aiming for embryos that live for 6 days so that embryonic stem cells can be harvested. 37


In 2007, scientists at the University of Nevada School of Medicine created a sheep that has 15% human cells and 85% sheep cells. 8


Scientists have created more than 150 human-animal hybrid embryos in British laboratories. The hybrids have been produced secretively over the past three years by researchers to develop embryonic stem cells which can be used to treat a range of incurable illnesses. Figures seen by the Daily Mail show that 155 ‘admixed’ embryos, containing both human and animal genetic material, have been created since the introduction of the 2008 Human Fertilisation Embryology Act. Three labs in the UK – at King’s College London, Newcastle University and Warwick University – were granted licences to carry out the research after the Act came into force. This legalized the creation of a variety of hybrids, including an animal egg fertilised by a human sperm; ‘cybrids,’ in which a human nucleus is implanted into an animal cell; and ‘chimeras,’ in which human cells are mixed with animal embryos. Some scientists are repulsed by this noting there is no need for creating embryonic stem cells because of the 80 treatments and cures which have come about from stem cells, all have come from adult stem cells – not embryonic ones. Human-animal hybrids are also created in other countries, many of which have little or no regulation. 39 British scientists will be allowed to research diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s using human-animal hybrid embryos, after the House of Commons rejected a ban recently. Advocates of human-animal embryo research say that scientists need every available means possible to research devastating diseases. Critics, on the other hand, say that scientists are promoting a frightening and irreversible future. The main kinds of mixed embryo permitted by the Bill are “cytoplasmic hybrids” or “cybrids”, which are made by moving a 286 human nucleus into an empty animal egg. These are genetically 99.9 per cent human. It allows true hybrids, chimeras that combine human and animal cells, and transgenic human embryos that include animal DNA. Edward Leigh, British Member of Parliament for Gainsborough, who supported the amendment to ban all human-animal embryos, said that mingling animal and human DNA crossed an “ultimate boundary”. He says exaggerated claims give patients false hope while the dangers of the research are not being considered. “In many ways we are like children playing with landmines without any concept of the dangers of the technology we are handling,” Leigh said. At this point, it is legal to culture admixed embryos up to 14 days, but illegal to transfer them to a human or animal womb. But many scientists around the globe want permission to keep embryos alive longer, perhaps even to full term through implantation. Cornell scientists Nikica Zaninovic, who helped create the worlds first genetically modified human embryo says that in order to be sure that a new gene had been inserted and the embryo had been genetically modified, scientists would ideally want to keep growing the embryo and carry out further tests. But ethicists worry that by approving human-animal embryos, lawmakers are opening the door to a future of “enhanced” or “mutant” humans that have animal traits. It is even thought possible to so drastically alter human genomes that a type of superhuman species could emerge. In theory, the bio-fusion options are limitless. Any gene that exists in another species could be brought over to a human cell. Imagine some of the incredible traits of the animal kingdom that some humans don’t possess such as night vision, amazing agility, or the ability to breath underwater. The precedence for these types of radical changes is already in place. Experimental mice, for example, were successfully given the human ability to see in color. If animals can be engineered to have human traits, then humans can certainly be mutated to have “desirable” animal traits. The fear with germline engineering is that since it is inheritable, offspring and all succeeding generations would carry the modified traits. This is one reason why this type of engineering is currently banned – it could lead to irreversible alteration of the entire human species! 287 Ethics, not scientific limitations, is the real brick wall at this point. Most scientists believe manipulating genes in order to make an individual healthy is a noble and worthwhile pursuit. But some are against even that notion, arguing that historically amazing individuals have sometimes been plagued by genetic mental and physical disorders, which inadvertently shaped the greatness of their lives. Should we rob the human race of character shaping frailty? Very few scientists would dare to publicly endorse the idea of using genetic engineering to make a normal, healthy individuals somehow superior to the rest of the human race. Athletes, on the other hand, might feel differently. In theory, the single most effective way to radically alter your physical capacities is to manipulate your genes. Authorities are already worried that “genetic doping” will become widespread in the world of athletic competition. Now that we’ve mapped out the human genome and identified exactly which genes make you buff, tough and rough – experts say it’s only a matter of time. Gene doping could spawn athletes capable of out-running, out- jumping and out-cycling even the world’s greatest champions. However, researchers are attempting to prevent that from happening by detecting the first cases of gene doping in professional athletes before the practice becomes mainstream. “WADA has had a research program in place for some years now, to try to develop tests for gene-based doping,” said Theodore Friedmann, M.D., head of the agency’s panel on genetic doping and director of the gene therapy program at the University of California, San Diego. But if the past history of traditional steroid doping is any indication of the future, some people – including athletes, doctors, and scientists – will likely break the rules. 40 Big Brother’s goal for the unwashed masses is to make them a manimal hybrid creature. The minions of Big Brother want two distinct races – the race of mankind (the NWO Gangsters) and the race of manimals (the unwashed masses). This goal would not be realized for several hundred years if they get their way, but it is part of their end game. We must conclude that the NWO Gangsters believe they are superior to the unwashed masses and are or should be a separate race. Since this is ludicrous they seek to make it true through their genetic experiments. If the NWO Gangsters were to get their way several hundreds years hence they would devolve into a hideous race similar to that of the 288 Morlocks in H.G. Wells’ book, The Time Machine . They want to evolve into a super race, but if left to themselves they would devolve into a horrific cannibalistic race of genocidal maniacs. Sorry, they are that already they just do not look like the Morlocks right now. Many conspiriologists are convinced the NWO Gangsters are cannibals who regularly feed on human flesh and drink human blood. The proof is out there!

A Morlock and an Eloi (Yvette Mimieux) 41 289

The NWO Gangsters believe they will all be tall, beautiful, healthy people (second from right) while the unwashed masses will be short, ugly and sickly (far right). They imagine themselves as being gods to the unwashed masses who will worship them. This will never happen. Instead, they will all be executed when Jesus Christ returns and be cast into Hell! Their dream of godhood and immortality will be terminated by the Creator of the universe. [ Authors’ note : Evolution is a practical joke of the devil.]

Offspring of glowing monkeys also glow

290 Glowing monkeys

The first genetically modified primates that can pass their modifications to their offpsring have been created by Japanese scientists. The marmosets, pictured above, express a green fluorescent protein in their skin. The gene for producing the glow was delivered to the first marmoset embryos via a modified virus. But now that modification method could become unnecessary. One male marmoset, number 666 , fathered a child that also contained the transgenes. “The birth of this transgenic marmoset baby is undoubtedly a milestone,” wrote developmental biologists Gerald Schatten and Shoukhrat Mitalipov at the Pittsburgh Development Center and Oregon Stem Cell Center, in a commentary accompanying the study in Nature. “The cumbersome and often frustrating process of making a transgenic animal from scratch need now only occur with founder animals.” Transgenic animals are a key tool in the biomedical researchers’ toolbox. They allow scientists to model the function of genes and the efficacy of treatments. Many transgenic mice lines exist, but often the small rodents are too different from humans to effectively extrapolate their responses to human beings. Primates, on the other hand, are far closer biologically to humans, but before the new technique, creating primate models had proven difficult and expensive. Now, biologists may be able to produce whole groups of marmosets that mimic humans with genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis. “Subsequent generations can be produced by natural propagation, with the eventual establishment of transgene-specific monkey colonies — a potentially invaluable resource for studying incurable human disorders, and one that may also contribute to preserving endangered primate species,” Schatten and Shoukhrat explained. Instead of using bonobos or chimps, the research team led by Erika Sasaki at the Central Institute for Experimental Animals in Japan picked the common marmoset because its “size, availability, and unique biological characteristics” make it a potentially useful animal, particularly in tough fields like neuroscience and stem cell research. The time will come when people will be able to have their body modified to glow or do something else. It will become a fad to get your body modified to look odd. 42 Big Brother will create genetically engineered monsters just as Satan did millennium ago. The devil is giving Big Brother scientists the

291 technology to create monsters. Look for myriad genetic monsters to be created in the near future.


Within two decades wearable computers, eyeTap and brain chip implant technology will become commonplace. The move toward cyborgdom is rushing ahead in overdrive. Big Brother wants the unwashed masses to become cyborgs so he can more easily control us. Once most people have computer implants they will be susceptible to stealth influence by Big Brother. He will be able to implant thoughts, ideas and various concepts directly into one’s brain if that person has a brain implant. He will also be able to induce people to believe things and do things through telepathic communication. He will send signals via satellite into a cyborg’s wearable computer and then redirect it directly into the brain. The best way to prevent reception of stealth influence is to not become a cyborg. Even if you refuse all cyborg technology you will still have to avoid subliminal messages which are being sent via numerous television, radio and Internet transmissions. There is no way to defeat subliminal messages other than to not watch TV or listen to radio or Internet broadcasts. Not every program has subliminal messages in them but some do. The best way to defeat the flicker rate influence is to not watch television directly. Read a book, newspaper, magazine or work on the computer while you watch television. Look for Big Brother to increase his subliminal messages and to use the flicker rate to brainwash, make sick and even kill people. Big Brother will introduce as soon as possible technology to monitor the brainwaves of everyone watching television or sitting in front of their computer without the subject wearing a headband. He wants to determine whether a person likes what he is watching or dislikes it. The likes/dislikes of everyone will be carefully recorded and software will be used to create a profile of the subject. Big Brother will have various categories ranging from “ zombie ” to “enemy of Big Brother .” The “ zombies ” are the Fox news viewers, and the radio audiences of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity and the other neo-cons, the “ near zombies ” are the viewers of ABC, CBS, CNN, ESPN, CNBC, NBC, MSNBC and the audiences of the liberal radio talk show hosts. The “ near sane ” are those who do not listen to the neo-con and liberal propagandists but 292 accept most of Big Brother’s lies. The “ sane ” are those who reject Big Brother’s propaganda lies from the liberal loons and neo-conartists, but they do not understand Big Brother is a threat to them. “ Patriots ” are those who reject all of Big Brother’s propaganda lies and they understand Big Brother is a threat. The “ enemies of Big Brother ” are those who are actively exposing the lies of Big Brother and the danger he poses. There are ancient legends of bizarre half-breed manimals such as the minotaur (man-bull), the satyr (man-goat) and the centaur (man-horse). The Bible also describes demonic creatures that are super-centaurs with special attributes the ancients never dreamed of (Revelation 9.7-10; 17- 19). Mankind will see these demonic chimeras during the Tribulation and they will wish they never did.


1. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Assessment of Demand Response & Advanced Metering. 2. 2. 3. 29. Ganapati, Priya. “$200 Watch-Phone Is a Fun, Affordable Accessory.” 1.06.2010. gadgetlab/2010/01/new-watch-phone-w. 4. “Why life as a cyborg is better.” =story_19-1-2004_pg6 _4. 5. Bergstein, Brian. “Professor’s 25 years of cyborg life mirrors tech advances.” USA Today 1.13.2004. 6. Bergstein, Brian. “Professor’s 25 years of cyborg life mirrors tech advances.” USA Today 1.12.2004. 7. “The ultimate wearable computer.” USA Today. 6.25.2001. www.usatoday .com/tech/columnist/ccmak000.htm. 8. “Eyetap Personal Imaging Lab.” 9. King, Brad. “Part Man, Part Film, All Mann.” 3.12.2002. ence/discoveries/news/2002/03/50976. 10. Schechter, Bruce. “SCIENTIST AT WORK: STEVE MANN; Real-Life Cyborg Challenges Reality With Technology.” New York Times. 9.25.2001. www.nytimes .com/2001/09/25/science/scientist-at-work-steve-mann-real-life-cyborg-challenges-re ality-with-technology.html. 11. Makulowich, John. “The ultimate wearable computer.” USA Today. 6.25.2001. 12. Shinn, Eric. “Part man, part machine- all nerd; ‘Wearable computer’ pioneer Steve Mann keeps one eye locked on the future.” 7.08.2001. http://pqasb.pqarchiver .com/thestar/access/425877971.html?Dids=425877971:425877971&FMT=ABS&FM TS=ABS:FT&type=current&date=Jul+08%2C+2001&author=Eric+Shinn&pub=Tor onto+Star&desc=Part+man%2C+part+machine-+all+nerd+%3B+'Wearable+compu ter’ +pioneer+Steve+Mann+keeps+one+eye +locked+on+the+future&pqatl=google. 293 13. Fitzpatrick, Tony. “Teenager moves video icons just by imagination.” 10.09.2006. Washington University in St. Louis News. / pages/7800.aspx. 14. Potter, Ned. “Mind Over Matter: Braking Your Car With Brain Waves.” 7.29.2011. s-worked-brain/story?id=14182510. 15. Waibel, Markus. “BrainDriver: A Mind Controlled Car.” Spectrum. 2.17. 2011. nd-controlled-car. 16. Waugh, Rob. “IBM predicts it will be making 'mind-controlled' PCs within five years.” Daily Mail. 12.21.2011. 019/IBM-predicts-making-mind-controlled-PCs-years.html. 17. “A new Clockwork Orange? The marketing gadget that tracks brainwaves as you watch TV.” EmBand-device-track-brainwaves-watch-TV.html. 18. Science Daily. “Researchers Can Predict Future Actions from Human Brain Activity.” 6.30.2011. htm. 19. Lohr, Steve. “Computers That See You and Keep Watch Over You.” New York Times. 1.01.2011. gewanted=all. 20. “Military contracts for visual intel system.” UPI. 1.05.2011. Business_News/Security-Industry/2011/01/05/Military-contracts-for-visual-intel-syst em/UPI-65861294229967. 21. 22. elease.pdf. 23. 24. “Guess what? Military funds mind-reading science.” AP. 8.15.2008. www.las 25. “Scientists Read Minds With Infrared Scan: Optical Brain Imaging Decodes Preference With 80 Percent Accuracy.” ScienceDaily.2.11.2009. www.sciencedaily. com/releases/2009/02/090210092730.htm. 26. Page, Lewis. “Northrop scoops DARPA mindreader-helmet threat visor cash. Register. 6.11.2008. ract. 27. Edward, Lin. “Intel wants a chip implant in your brain.” Physorg. 11.23.2009. 28. Huff, Ethan, A. “Animal microchips linked to causing cancer.” 10.20.2010, Ethan A. Huff, 29. WuDunn, Sheryl. “TV Cartoon’s Flashes Send 700 Japanese Into Seizures.” Reuters, 12.18.1997. FF93BA25751C1A961958260. 30. Rosen, Jill. “Epilepsy Foundation warning shows that television, movies can reprogram brain neurology.” Baltimore Sun, 12.01.2011. http://articles.baltimoresun. com/2011-12-01/entertainment/bs-ae-breaking-dawn-seizures-20111130_1_seizures- epilepsy-foundation-epilepsy-experts. 31. Shachtman, Noah. “A Spy Machine of DARPA’s Dreams.” 5.20.2003. 294 32. Derbyshire, David. “Pill to erase bad memories: Ethical furore over drugs ‘that threaten human identity’” Daily Mail, 2.16.2009. 1145777/Pill-erase-bad-memories-Ethical-furore-drugs-threaten-human-identity.html. 33. Gates, Bill. “Will Frankenfood Feed the World?” Time. 6.19.2000. www.time .com/time/reports/v21/tech/mag_food.html. 34. Gray, Richard. “Pigs could grow human organs in stem cell breakthrough.” Daily Telegraph, 6.19.2011. pigs-could-grow-human-organs-in-stem-cell-breakthrough.html. 35. 36. Mott, Maryann. “Animal-Human Hybrids Spark Controversy.” National Geographic News. 1.25.2005. 5_050125_chimeras.html. 37. “Cow eggs fused with human DNA (11/8/2006).” www.cloningresources. com/research/Cow_eggs_fused_with_human_DNA.asp. 38. “Iranian scientist creates sheep with half-human organs.” Press TV. 3.27.2007.§ionid=3510208 & detail/3995.html. 38. Saletan, William. “Will Scientists Create ‘Manimals’? Human-Animal Embryos Get Approval.” Washington Post. 6.24.2007. wp-dyn/content/article/2007/06/22/AR2007062201643.html. 39. Martin, Daniel Caldwell, Simon. “150 human animal hybrids grown in UK labs: Embryos have been produced secretively for the past three years.” 7.23.2011. ed-humans-produced-secretively-past-years.html. 40. Sato, Rebecca. “Will Scientists Create ‘Manimals’? Human-Animal Embryos Get Approval.” 5.21.2008. h.ethicsofscience. 41. Firth, Niall. “Human race will ‘split into two different species.’” 10.26.2007. html. 42. Madrigal, Alexis. “Glowing Monkeys Make More Glowing Monkeys the Old- Fashioned Way.” 5.27.2009. keys-make-more-glowing-monkeys-the-old-fashioned-way.

PrisonPlanet.TV 295



The easiest way for Big Brother to establish a “New World Order” is to make people believe there is no movement to create one. Eric Blair (a.k.a. George Orwell) understood this and noted it in his most famous novel, 1984 :

Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious. (p. 61)

The masses never revolt of their own accord, and they never revolt merely because they are oppressed. Indeed, so long as they are not permitted to have standards of comparison they never even become aware that they are oppressed. (p. 171)

Deception is the name of the game. Blair knew that there was a group of “New World Order” conspirators, and he wrote 1984 to warn mankind about them. His book was published on June 8, 1949, and he died on January 21, 1950. Many conspiriologists believe he was murdered for writing it. Below is Party member, O’Brien, lecturing Winston Smith who wanted to be free of the Party:

“The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from all the oligarchies of the past in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just around the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end . One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship . The object of persecution is persecution. The object of is torture. The object of power is power .” (Ibid., p. 217, emphasis added)


Eric Blair (a.k.a. George Orwell)

298 Blair tossed in some clever slogans that showed how evil Big Brother was (and still is):


The conspirators have placed slogans and symbols of their conspiracy in public view. Some of these symbols are the fasci bundle of sticks; the “all-seeing eye” over the pyramid; and the pyramid. Some slogans are “Novus Ordo Seclorum” and “Annuit Coeptis .” [See Book 2, Appendix I.] 299 Toward the end of his book Blair explained the significance of the middle slogan through the antagonist, O’Brien speaking to Smith:

“Has it ever occurred to you that it is reversible? Slavery is freedom . Alone–free–the human being is always defeated. It must be so, because every human being is doomed to die, which is the greatest of all failures. But if he can make complete, utter submission, if he can escape from his identity, if he can merge himself in the Party so that he is the Party, then he is all-powerful and immortal. The second thing for you to realize is that power is the power over human beings. Over the body–but, above all, over the mind. Power over matter–external reality, as you would call it–is not important.” (Ibid., p. 218, emphasis added)

“Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own? Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation . Power is in tearing down human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing . Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world we are creating? It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias that the old reformers imagined. A world of fear, treachery, and torment, a world of trampling and being trampled upon, a world which will grow not less but more merciless as it refines itself. Progress in our world will be progress toward more pain . The old civilizations claimed that they were founded on love and justice. Ours is founded on hatred . In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement. Everything else we shall destroy–everything.” (Ibid., p. 220, emphasis added)

O’Brien went on to explain to Smith how the Party destroys civilization:

“We have cut the links between child and parent, and between man and man, and between man and woman. No one dares trust a wife or a child or a friend any longer. But in the future there will be no wives and no friends. Children will be taken from their mothers at birth , as one takes eggs from a hen.” (Ibid., emphasis added) “There will be no loyalty, except loyalty to the Party. There will be no love, except the love of Big Brother . There will be no laughter, except the laughter of triumph over a defeated enemy. There will be no art, no literature, no science. When we are omnipotent we will 300 have no need of science . There will be no distinction between beauty and ugliness. There will be no curiosity, no employment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always – do not forget this, Winston –always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of this future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face–forever . “And remember that it is forever. The face will always be there to be stamped upon. The heretic, the enemy of society, will always be there, so that he can be defeated and humiliated over again. Everything that you have undergone since you have been in our hands – all that will continue, and worse. The espionage, the betrayals, the arrests, the , the executions, the disappearances will never cease. It will be a world of terror as much as a world of triumph. The more the Party is powerful, the less it will be tolerant; the weaker the opposition, the tighter the despotism. Goldstein and his heresies will live forever. Every day, at every moment, they will be defeated, discredited, ridiculed, spat upon–and yet they will always survive.” (Ibid., pp. 220-221, emphasis added)

O’Brien continued to explain that progress was only made to further the tyrannical power of the Party:

“And even technological progress only happens when its products can in some way be used for the diminution of human liberty . In all the useful arts the world is either standing still or going backwards.” (Ibid., p. 159, emphasis added)

The two major goals of the Party was conquest and the elimination of independent thought:

The two aims of the Party are to conquer the whole surface of the earth and to extinguish once and for all the possibility of independent thought . (Ibid., emphasis added)

Party members were expected to have a war-like mentality and wicked behavior was encouraged in the negative utopia that Blair depicted:

301 In other words it is necessary that he should have the mentality appropriate to a state of war. (Ibid., p. 158)

There were bribery , favoritism , and racketeering of every kind, there were homosexuality and prostitution , there was even illicit alcohol distilled from potatoes. The positions of trust were given only to the common criminals, especially the gangsters and the murderers, who formed a sort of aristocracy. All the dirty jobs were done by the politicals . There was constant come-and-go of prisoners of every description; drug peddlers, thieves, bandits, black marketers, drunks, prostitutes. (Ibid., pp. 187-188, emphasis added)

Corruption in government is as old as government itself. There have been hundreds of corrupt politicians and bureaucrats through history, including America. For a very short list of some recent criminals in government see Book Four, Appendix J. The insidious evil of Big Brother’s “New World Order” that Blair described was prophesied by Jesus and Paul:

“Then shall they deliver you up unto tribulation, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all the nations for my name’s sake. And then shall many stumble, and shall deliver up one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall arise, and shall lead many astray. And because iniquity shall be multiplied, the love of the many shall wax cold. ” (Matthew 24.9-12)

“And brother shall deliver up brother to death, and the father his child; and children shall rise up against parents, and cause them to be put to death. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end, the same shall be saved. ” (Mark 13.12-13)

But know this, that in the last days grievous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, railers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, implacable, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, no lovers of good, traitors, headstrong, puffed up, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God; holding a form of godliness, but having denied the power therefore. From these also turn away. (2 Timothy 3.1-5)

302 Some of the things that Blair described in his book are already being implemented. Scripture says the final world empire will be very evil, like that in 1984 . It will be Satan’s last stand, and he will pull out every stop. It will be more demonic, destructive, devious, evil, hateful, hideous, insidious, oppressive, sinful, tyrannical and uglier than all the world empires before it. This demonic empire will not arise overnight. It is being built brick- by-brick over centuries. The closer we come to the culmination of this satanic conspiracy, the worse things will be for Christians and everyone who cherishes freedom. They will be persecuted, imprisoned and killed. Once the Beast Kingdom is established, the reign of terror will be far greater than all the former reigns of terror. Christians, patriots and freedom lovers will be exterminated in large numbers (Revelation 6.9-11). As we noted previously the Bible teaches us that the devil is the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4.4), the prince (ruler) of this world (John 12.31; 14.30; 16.11), the prince of the powers of the air (Ephesians 2.2) and the evil one (1 John 5.19). The devil also has a host of fallen angels and demons that serve him. Christians do not fight “ against flesh and blood, but against the “principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6.12). These immortal beings rule over the nations of the world as Daniel was told by an angel:

Then said he, Knowest thou wherefore I am come unto thee? and now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia: and when I go forth, lo, the prince of Greece shall come. (Daniel 10.20)

The “ prince of Persia ” and the “ prince of Greece ” were high- ranking fallen angels that ruled over those kingdoms. Fallen angels still rule over nations and empires today. Now that we are getting close to the start of the Tribulation when the devil and his gang of evil angels will have absolute control over the world, Christians will face much more persecution from them. Christians must prepare for the worst period of persecution in the history of the Church. We can do this by putting on the full armor of God:

Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, 303 but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world- rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Wherefore take up the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and, having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; withal taking up the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: with all prayer and supplication praying at all seasons in the Spirit, and watching thereunto in all perseverance and supplication for all the saints. (Ephesians 6.10-18)

A Christian girds his loins with the truth by daily studying the Bible (Acts 17.11); he puts on the breastplate of righteousness by living a holy life (1 Peter 1.15-16); he shods his feet with the gospel of peace by learning how to share his faith in a gentle and reverent manner (1 Peter 3.15); he takes up the shield of faith by trusting in God in all things (Proverbs 3.5-6); he wears the helmet of salvation by trusting in the blood of Jesus to cleanse him of his sins (Ephesians 1.7; Revelation 1.5; 5.9); he takes up the sword of the Spirit by memorizing Scripture so he can quote it to defeat the enemy (Deuteronomy 8.3; Matthew 4.1- 4). He also prays without ceasing (Ephesians 6.18; 1 Thessalonians 5.17). All Christians should prepare for the time of trouble ahead by fellowshipping with the brethren as often as possible (Hebrews 10.24- 25) and by making disciples (Matthew 28.19-20; 2 Timothy 2.2). Some pastors say there is nothing Christians can do or should do to oppose the efforts of the conspirators to create a “New World Order”:

Inasmuch as the Scriptures tell us that it’s going to come, how can you stave it off? I mean, it’s part of God’s plan… I think that we need to be wise to what’s happening, but only inasmuch as we need to be preparing for the Lord to come, and rescue us from this corrupt system. The New World Order is coming. We know that, Revelation 13. It seems to be happening at an exponential rate. Like we were talking yesterday with Gordon Brown, Barak Obama’s idea of a new world economy is to globalize the economy. Basically to save everything, save jobs, to invest in that, and so it’s here, you know, and just a matter of time before the final Antichrist takes over, but 304 there are many antichrists running around now doing their bit. So what can you really do? We try to vote at the ballot box, but that seems to have not a whole lot of effect. You know it’s common. So we just need to be aware of it… Let’s be aware of what’s going on, know the signs of the times in that way we won’t be caught unaware like the Bible encourages us to be. 1 (emphasis added)

I think as Christians we would be far better served to become biblically literate, to learn to read the Bible for all it’s worth. So rather than spending endless hours in conspiracy theories let’s do what we are called to do, and that is to change the hearts of individuals through the power of the Holy Spirit. And when we do that we affect our world in the way we are empowered to affect our world. But we cannot know what is coming tomorrow or the next day. Jesus said, “Do not worry about tomorrow. You do not know what a day will bring forth.” Don’t worry about tomorrow. Each day He said has enough trouble of its own. So let’s not worry on what can happen tomorrow, we don’t know. What we know is the God we serve holds tomorrow in His hands. In the meantime we’re called to be prudent, to be faithful, to live by biblical principles and not to engage in endless conspiracy theories about what might happen based on a paradigm, by the way, that has little basis in the text of Scripture. 2

Big Brother is building his “New World Order” and it is not a “conspiracy theory;” it is a conspiracy fact! Some secular talk show hosts say there is no conspiracy to create a “New World Order,” but due to the economic crisis of 2008-2009 and the ascension of Barak Obama, some have changed their minds:

Dick Morris : There is a big thing that’s going to happen at this thing in London, the G-20, and they’re hiding it, they’re camouflaging it, they’re not talking about it. Coordination of international regulation. What they are going to do is put our Fed and FCC under control, in effect, of the IMF.

Sean Hannity : Oh, come on. You believe they’re going to do this?

Morris : That’s what is in the draft agenda . They call it coordination of regulation. What it really is, is putting the American economy under international regulation . And those

305 people who’ve been yelling, oh, the UN is going to take over, global government .

Hannity : Conspiracy theorists .

Morris : They’ve been crazy, but now they are right .

Hannity : Well, what Geithner said he would be open to the idea of a global currency last week. Those conspiracy people had said, had suggested that for years.

Morris : They’re not wrong .

Hannity : They’re not wrong .

Morris : You know, what they always do at these conferences is they have the center show is here, and the side show they want you to pay attention to. The center show is the size of the stimulus package. The real show is international regulation for financial institutions , which is going to happen under the IMF control . And remember, the IMF is run by Europeans , the World Bank by Americans. 3 (Emphasis mine)

In a separate broadcast, Michael Savage had this to say about the possibility of the government creating a crisis for its benefit:

Very soon, Obama will create a crisis along the lines of the Reichstag fire , the Reichstag fire. I don’t know what form it will take, but I believe that once the minions are seen for what they are, Rahm Immanuel and his gang will set off a Reichstag fire in this country of some kind , and they will recall the military dictatorship of Lincoln and Stanton during the Civil War, when civilian suspects were arrested without warrant. I will tell you as I sit here I fear that every night as I go to sleep. I put nothing past these agitators who have suddenly seized control of the most powerful economy and the most powerful military on Earth. 4 (Emphasis mine)

As we get closer to the formation of Satan’s “New World Order,” the Big Brother behind Big Brother, it will become obvious that the prophecies in the Bible are being fulfilled. Christians need to be prepared to use fulfilled Bible prophecies as a springboard to share the gospel. They should also stand against the satanic “New World Order.” Scripture commands Christians to rebuke the wicked (Proverbs 24.24- 306 25), keep the law to strive against the wicked (Proverbs 28.4) and expose their evil deeds (Ephesians 5.11). Most Christians in America have not shed blood in resisting sin (Hebrews 12.3-4). A Christian who is unwilling to take a stand against the wicked is like “ a troubled fountain, and a corrupted spring ” (Proverbs 25.26). You can oppose it by warning others about it. Edmund Burke (1729-1797), the famous Anglo-Irish statesmen, philosopher, author, orator and political theorist said, “The only thing that is necessary for evil to triumph is for men of good will to do nothing.” Christians are people of good will, therefore we must oppose evil, including the Big Brother and his Old World Nightmare. General George Washington (1732-1799) made this comment about the American Christian, “He will die on his feet before he will live on his knees.” Many Christians have died for Jesus Christ, and many more will die for Him as we race toward the Rapture and the start of the Tribulation. Some may even be martyred for their faith in America in the coming years as millions have throughout history in other countries. General George Smith Patton, Jr. told his soldiers to “Live for something rather than die for nothing.” Christians should live for Christ. We ask what the psalmist asked, “ Who will rise up for me against the evil-doers? Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity? ” (Psalm 94.16).


1. Pastor’s Perspective radio show. 3.04.2009. 2. Bible Answer Man radio show. 3.23.2009. 3. “Hannity, Morris Agree with Conspiracy People About New World Order.” order & XGFJv1vk. 4. “Michael Savage Reichstag fire event warning.” 7sU5hzx5gkI&feature=PlayList&p=F6AFA631B1605A3F&playnext=1&playnext_fr om=PL&index=32.




As you can see from reading this book that Big Brother is very powerful and he is growing stronger every day. The Bible makes it clear that he will continue to grow in power and when the Antichrist arises on the scene Big Brother will be firmly in control of the world. During the first half of the Tribulation the Antichrist will rule the world under the control of Big Brother (the bankers, billionaires, corporations, politicians, bureaucrats, world church, semi-secret/secret societies, think-tanks). Yet at the mid-point of the seven-year Tribulation the Antichrist will be indwelt by Satan (the Big Brother behind Big Brother) and he will become world dictator with no hidden hand up his back. He will unleash war on everyone who is saved during the Tribulation and non-believers who refuse to worship him. If you have not trusted in Jesus Christ before the start of the Tribulation you will be given a choice at the mid-point to worship the Antichrist and take his “mark.” If you refuse you will be hunted down and executed. If you worship him and take his “mark” you will condemn yourself to eternal punishment in the Lake of Fire. Before that day arrives every Christian and Patriot should oppose Big Brother in whatever way one can. Below are some ways you can oppose him:

1. Trust Jesus Christ as your Savior (see Appendix A). 2. Boycott companies that are using Big Brother technologies and are part of the Big Brother network (see Appendix A). 3. Do NOT buy products from Red China. 4. Do NOT use rewards cards. 5. Do NOT buy products on line. 6. Do NOT use credit/debit cards for daily purchases. Use them only for emergencies. 7. Do NOT use checks. Use money orders instead. 8. Educate yourself about Big Brother (see Appendix A). 9. Spread the word about Big Brother (see Appendix A). 10. Be prepared for a crisis and be self-sufficient (see Appendix A). 11. Do NOT use Google search. Try instead. 12. Do NOT use Badoo, Bebo, Facebook, GoogleBuzz, MySpace, Twitter, Windows Live Spaces or any social networking site. 309 The intermediate goal of Big Brother

1. Establishment of a World Government where officials are immune from prosecution for crimes. 2. No elections. Administrators are appointed by previous administrators and they are not accountable for their actions. 3. The Elimination of all private property. (Big Brother will own everything.) 4. 100% taxation of all income. (Peasants will receive stipends.) 5. Arrest and indefinite detention with no habeas corpus. 6. Elimination of trial by jury. 7. Defendants are guilty until proven not guilty. 8. No counsel for defendants. 9. No juries – only secret trials by appointed judges. 10. Elimination of double jeopardy. 11. No currency. (All transactions will be electronic.) 12. One form of identification – an implanted computer chip. 13. Total control of all food production/distribution. (No organic food, herbs or vitamins.) 14. Government owned housing for everyone. (The lowest class will live in military style barracks with bunk beds and no possessions of any kind except clothing.) 15. Use of private vehicles only by permission of Big Brother. 16. Observation of the peasants 24-7 in their dwellings, in the factories, shops, businesses, on the streets and in vehicles, buses, trains, planes and ships. 17. Record what everyone hears, sees, does and thinks. 18. Reprogram everyone who does not conform. 19. Kill off 90% of the world’s population.

Big Brother cannot be stopped but he can be slowed. He may rise to power within a decade or two, but if WE THE PEOPLE resist it may be longer. Christians are commanded to resist evil men:

As a troubled fountain, and a corrupted spring, so is a righteous man that giveth way before the wicked. (Proverbs 25.26)

The wicked flee when no man pursueth; But the righteous are bold as a lion. (Proverbs 28.1)

R. W. Keller February 2011 310


Big Brother’s minions in the propaganda industry continuously beat the drums of Democracy and Freedom. Both the liberal loons and the neo-cons say America, which is the greatest and the freest Democracy on Earth must export Democracy and Freedom around the world. The recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were said to have been launched to exterminate dictatorships that sought to destroy America and Democracy and bring Democracy and Freedom to those countries. “Save the world for Democracy” was the war cry of World Wars I and II by the propagandists in the Western World. Virtually all history books say the Democratic Western powers opposed Germany in World War I to keep the world safe for Democracy. The democracy of the Soviet Union was birthed during that war. The Bolshevik relolutionaries were given more than $20 million to topple Czar Nicholas II in 1917. The Rothschild and Rockefeller crime families supplied the money. Instead of birthing a democratic nation the Rothschild/Rockefellers gave birth to a Frankenstein’s monster called a Communist dictatorship under Lenin and then Stalin. During the second World War the Democratic Western nations allied with the Communist Soviet Union to save the world from the Nazis. Since then the Western Democracies fought a decades long Cold War against the Communist Soviet Union (their own Frankenstein’s monster) to keep the world safe for Democracy and Freedom. Once their pet monster ( Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) allegedly died and the Cold War ended in 1991, a new pet monster emerged which threatened the Democratic Western World. This Democratic Western World’s monster, Islamo-fascism, was spearheaded by the Islamic terrorist groups Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. The U.S. channeled funds through Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence agency to the Afghan Mujahideen fighting the Soviet occupation in a CIA program called Operation Cyclone.1-2 A key leader of the Mujahideen was Gulbuddin Hekmatyar who was given over $600 million by the U.S. Corp. and untold millions more from and Pakistan. Usama bin Laden was a key figure among the Mujahideen who established training camps and recruited fighters from around the Muslim world to fight the Soviets. 3

311 When the Soviets were driven out of Afghanistan in 1989 Hekmatyar continued to work with Usama bin Laden. The CIA supported Hekmatyar’s drug trade activities by giving him immunity for his opium trafficking that financed operation of his militant faction. 4 Bin Laden eventually created Al-Qaeda during a meeting on August 11, 1988 between “several senior leaders” of Egyptian Islamic Jihad and Abdullah Azzam. They agreed to join bin Laden’s money with the expertise of the Islamic Jihad organization and take up the jihadist cause elsewhere after the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan. 5-6 Al-Qaeda, created by the U.S. Corp. (NSA and CIA), became an international terrorist group which threatens world Democracy and Freedom, allegedly being responsible for numerous terrorist acts with its most spectacular one the September 11, 2001 attack in America. The Taliban took control of Afghanistan in 1996 with support from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the . They were driven out of Afghanistan in December of 2001 by the U.S. Corp., but have continued to fight U.S. Corp. forces since then, allegedly working with Al-Qaeda. Throughout the 20th century the self-proclaimed “Democracies” of the Western World have fought numerous alleged “enemies of Democracy” to make the world safe for Democracy. Yet this endless war against “Tyranny” has caused the so-called great “Democracies” to become the leading police states. Here are the self-proclaimed leading “Democracies” on Earth and their ranking:

5. USA 19. Austria 6. England/Wales 21. Greece 7. France 22. Switzerland 8. Israel 23. Japan 10. Germany 24. Norway 11. Ireland 25. Canada 13. Netherlands 27. New Zealand 14. Italy 28. Portugal 16. Australia 29. Danmark 17. Belgium 32. Sweden 18. Spain 37. Finland

As you can see of the 37 worst police states on Earth, 22 of them are the self-proclaimed “Democracies” of the Western World. Of the worst 51 police states in the world (p. 14) only one (Malaysia) is an Islamic Republic. It is ranked number 12. 312 If the pompous politicians in Washington, D.C., London, Paris, Berlin, Rome, etc. truly want to bring Freedom to the Muslim World they would not start wars against Muslim nations. Instead they would start wars with non-Muslim nations (themselves) and force each other to adopt the Muslim form of government. This may sound bizarre, but the facts are clear that the Muslim nations are not police states. They are the freest nations on Earth. What does this mean? It means that “Democracy” does not guarantee Freedom . It also means the only obstacle to Big Brother establishing his New World Order are the Muslim nations and the unwashed masses (you and us). This is why a war will be fought against the Muslim nations in the next decade or two in which they will be subjugated. Once they are out of the way the New World Order Gangsters led by the Rothschild and Rockefeller crime families will make their final push for world government. They will establish their world government, world economic system and world religion and then they will bring to power their front man, the Antichrist. Look for the current trend of removing old Muslim dictators and replacing them with radical Muslims (Muslim Brotherhood and Al- Qaeda) to continue. The war drums will beat louder and louder during the next two decades until the final battle will end the Muslim conflict with the Western World. Once that battle is over the Tribulation will begin three and a half years later or more. 7

R.W. Keller November 2011


1. “How the CIA created Osama bin Laden.” Green Left Weekly. 9.19.2001. 2. “1986–1992: CIA and British Recruit and Train Militants Worldwide to Help Fight Afghan War.” Cooperative Research History Commons. www.historycommons. org/context.jsp?item=a86operationcyclone. 3. Bergen, Peter L., Holy war, Inc.: Inside the Secret World of Osama bin Laden , New York: Free Press. 2001. p.69-71 4. Interview with Alfred McCoy, November 9, 1991 by Paul DeRienzo. 5. The Usama bin Laden I Know. 1. 18.2006. 01144608/ 6. Wright, Lawrence. The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 . New York: Knopf. 2006. 7. Beshore, F. Kenton. When? When Will the Rapture Take Place?” Costa Mesa, California: World Bible Society. 2009. Fifth edition 2010. pp. 44-45. 313



Antichrist – He will be the man who is designated world dictator after the world government, economic system and religion is established. He will be placed in power by the families that rule the world – Rothschild, Rockefeller, Windsor, etc. He will do their bidding for the first three and one-half years of the seven-year Tribulation. At the mid-point of the Tribulation he will be mortally wounded and then possessed by Satan. At that time he will turn on his masters and do what Satan wants. Satan will rule the world directly with an iron fist through the body of the Antichrist for the remainder of the Tribulation.

Area 51 – is a super-secret military research base established in 1941 that builds and tests numerous advanced aircraft, spacecraft and science-fiction style weapons. The more famous warcraft tested there were/are U-2, X-15, A-12, SR-71, D-21, XB-70 Valkyrie, F-117, B-2 and Aurora. It is located in the Nevada Test and Training Range near Nellis AFB, but it is run by the Air Force Flight Test Center (AFFTC) at Edwards Air Force Base Air Force Flight Test Center (Detachment 3). (Groomlake, NV – aka Watertown)

Big Brother – is a term that Eric Blair used in his monumental book, 1984 , to refer to the massive government bureaucracy. Today Big Brother goes beyond the bureaucracy of government. It includes the media, business, the educational and religious systems and the billionaire families and individuals of the world. Individuals in all of these fields have networked together to bring about a world government, a world economic system and a world religion. When the world dictatorship is established one man will be made world dictator. At that time Big Brother will refer to him, his masters and his minions. That man will be the Antichrist.

Bilderberger Group – is a NWOG think tank similar to the RIIA, CFR and TC. The first meeting was held in Hotel de Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Netherlands (Holland) in 1954. The members and guests meet once a year over a weekend to determine what needs to be done in the following year in finance and politics. Their decisions affect most nations of the world. It was founded by the Rothschild crime family in association with the Rockefeller crime family. 315 Bohemian Club – is a private club founded in 1872 that is located in San Francisco, California. It admits men that the leaders believe they can use to bring about a New World Order. (624 Taylor Street, San Francisco CA)

Bohemian Grove – is a massive 2,700 acre retreat created in 1878, owned by the Bohemian Club. It is located in northern California along the Russian River. During the last two weeks of July each year a few hundred members and guests conspire to bring about a New World Order. They also engage in homosexual activities, bringing in male porn stars and prostitutes. (20601 Bohemian Avenue, Monte Rio, CA)

CIA – The Central Intelligence Agency, established in 1947, is a criminal organization created at the bequest of the Rockefeller crime family to carry out its goals. It is the intelligence and enforcement arm of the Rockefeller crime family. (George Bush Center for Intelligence, McLean, VA –

CFR – The Council on Foreign Relations was founded in 1921. It is an American NWOG think tank made up of about 5,000 men and women who are used by the leadership to brng about a New World Order. It publishes a bi-monthly journal “Foreign Affairs.” (58 East 68th Street, New York, NY –

Constitutional Republic – A form of government in which representatives of the people pass laws to regulate society, but they are bound by a Constitution written in stone. The United States of America was a Constitutional Republic until 1861 when the Republic was dissolved due to war. The Republic was never reinstituted according to the Constitution. Since then the United States of America has been run as a corporation with Congress being the board of directors. The Board does what the real rulers of America (Rockefeller crime family) want them to do. They rarely do what the people want them to do. Since 1861 virtually all Presidents of the United States Corporation have been figure heads. Those who refused to take orders were fired, some in a dramatic way such as with Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley and Kennedy.

DARPA – Defense Advanced Research Project Agency is a research and development arm of the military that was created in 1958. It develops virtually all of the military’s science-fiction type weapons, including advanced aircraft and spaceships. Area 51 in Nevada is its most infamous research facility. ( 316 Democracy – A government of the masses. Authority is derived through mass meetings or any other form of “direct” expression. It always results in mobocracy. Attitude toward property is communistic – negating property rights. Attitude toward law is that the will of the majority shall regulate, whether is be based upon deliberation or governed by passion, prejudice, and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences. The results are always demogogism, license, agitation, discontent and anarchy. (Training Manual No. 2000-25, War Department, Washington, D.C., November 30, 1928)

End Game – is a term used to refer to the final objective of the NWO Gang. Their ultimate goal is to establish a world dictatorship in which they have absolute control of every aspect of everyone’s life on Earth from conception to death.

False Flag – is a violent incident or terrorist attack that is planned and perpetrated by the government, military or assets working for the government/military. The incident is blamed on a lone nut terrorist, a terrorist group or an enemy country and used as a provocation to start a war or launch an attack on a group of terrorists or an single individual. False Flag incidents are also used by governments to take away the rights and freedoms of the people in the country that was targeted. Examples are the burning of the Reichstag building in Germany, the Oklahoma City bombing and the infamous 911 attacks. For a detailed description of the most infamous False Flag incidents in history see Book Four, Chapter 33.

FBI – The Federal Bureau of Investigation was founded in 1908. It is a government agency created to supercede the authority of the states. It has done some good, but its main purpose since World War II has been to capture or murder Patriots, dissidents and competitors of the New World Order Gang. (

Georgia Guidestones – are large granite monuments in Elbert County, Georgia. A message comprising ten guides is inscribed on the stones in eight modern languages, and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient languages’ scripts: Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Egyptian hieroglyphs. The structure sometimes referred to as the “American Stonehenge” is made from six granite slabs weighing more than 240,000 pounds in all. Its main message is that the world’s population must be reduced to 500 million people. ( & 317 /images/multimedia/magazine/1705/Wired_May_2009_Georgia_Guide stones.pdf)

GPS – The Global Positioning System is a space-based global navigation satellite system (GNSS) created in 1973 that provides location and time information anywhere on Earth, where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites. It is maintained by the United States government and is freely accessible by anyone with a GPS receiver with some technical limitations which are only removed for military users.

Illuminati – This word means enlightened ones. The perverted meglomaniacs who desire to establish a world dictatorship believe they are enlightened and some call themselves the Illuminati. This is the name that Adam Weishaupt gave his secret organization, an off-shoot of the Freemasons, that was formed on May 1, 1776. His group was financed by the Rothschild crime family and it quickly infiltrated most of the Masonic lodges in Europa and America taking control of them. The two most infamous successors of Weishaupt were Giuseppi Mazzini of Italia (1805-1872) and Albert Pike of America (1809-1891). It is believed that when the Bavarian government discovered the Illuminati (Order of Perfectibilists) and outlawed it in 1784 that Weishaupt took his revolutionary group deep underground. It is from behind the scenes that this mysterious group of men rule the world. Some men who are believed to be high-ranking members of the Illuminati are the heads of the Rothschild and Rockefeller crime families, George H.W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, Maurice Strong, George Soros and Zbigniew Bzrezinski.

Inside job – is a term designating a false flag incident as being carried out by the authorities of the nation that was attacked.

Mark of the beast – is most likely a computer chip implanted under the skin on the right hand or the forehead (Revelation 13.16-17). In the future another technology may replace the implantable chip, but at this time it is the most likely candidate. The Antichrist will issue his “mark” at the mid-point of the seven year Tribulation. Those who refuse to take his “mark” will not be permitted to buy or sell anything or receive benefits of any kind from the government or a corporation. No one will be able to work a job or own a business with the “mark.”

318 NSA – The National Security Agency was created by the Rockefeller crime family in 1947 to run the government, all intelligence agencies and spy on all competitors foreign and domestic. (

New World Order – is the term the “elitists” use to describe their end game of creating a world dictatorship consisting of a world government, a world economic system and a world religion (church).

New World Order Gang – is a large group of demented, perverse, meglomaniacs who believe they are destined to rule the unwashed masses due to their superior intelligence and abilities. For the most part they are the scum of mankind and the least qualified to rule.

Patriot – A person who defends his country from all enemies foreign and domestic.

RIIA – The Royal Institute of International Affairs, founded in 1920, is a British NWOG think tank similar to the CFR and TC which are the American copies of it. (

Rockefeller crime family – The Rockefeller crime family, beginning with John D. Rockefeller, is the second richest and powerful known family on the planet. It is estimated to be worth $192 billion (N.Y. Times) and $392 billion to $663.4 billion (Wikipedia). (www.nytimes. com/ref/business/20070715_GILDED_GRAPHIC.html & http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/List_of_wealthiest_historical_figures)

Rothschild crime family – The Rothschild crime family, beginning with Mayer Amschel Rothschild, is the richest and most powerful known family on the planet. Its wealth is estimated to be between $3 trillion to $600 trillion. (Ferguson, Niall. The House of Rothschild: Money’s prophets, 1798-1848 , Volume 1. 1999. pp. 481-85.) [Authors’ note : Mayer was funded by an ancient family that has ruled the world from behind the scenes for over 2,000 years. That unknown family today has used numerous families throughout its existence to do its dirty work.]

TC – The Trilateral Commission was founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller. It is an American, Euopean, Japanese NWOG think tank. (

Unwashed masses – are the vast majority of people on Earth. This derogatory term is used by the NWO Gangsters to refer to the average 319 person. They call us unwashed because the average person did not bath as often as most of the perverted gangsters until shortly after World War II when the housing boom made cheap housing with indoor plumming available to most people in the Western World. Before the boom of the post WWII era most people in the Western world only took a bath or shower once a week, preferably on Saturday night. They bathed on Saturday night to be clean for Sunday church services. Before here was indoor plumming and water heaters taking a hot bath was a major chore. Water was heated on wood burning stoves and then taken to the tub. This took some time and hot water was continually added as the entire family bathed in one tub. The head of the house bathed first followed by mom and then the children with the oldest first. The baby was bathed last in the muddy water. Some bath tubs were located outside where the water could be dumped out by elevating the tub. This is where the phrase, “Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water” came from. If the tub was in a house or an apartment the dirty water had to be taken outside one bucket at a time. Many people living in high-rise apartments threw the water out of the windows. Few people walked on the sidewalk beneath apartment buildings on Saturday night. The practice of throwing bath or kitchen water out windows in high- rise apartment buildings is thousands of years old. It is still a common practice in Second and Third world countries. 320



Call upon the name of the Lord

The Bible says Big Brother will kill millions of people during the Tribulation. During that time the Antichrist will be Big Brother. Yet before the Antichrist comes to power Big Brother before him will also kill millions of people around the world with most being Christians. If you do not submit to Big Brother and obey his tyrannical commands you may be put to death. It is very noble to die for freedom and liberty, but you will wake up in Hell if you have not trusted in Jesus Christ to save you. Trust in Jesus Christ to save you and then oppose Big Brother. If you are put to death by him you will awake in the presence of Jesus in Heaven. If you have not trusted Jesus to save you, do it now! Read the following Scriptures:

For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God. (Rom. 3.23)

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6.23)

But God commendeth his own love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5.8)

For by grace have ye been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not of works, that no man should glory . (Ephesians 2.8-9)

In whom we have our redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace. (Eph. 1.7)

For, whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Romans 10.13)

If thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus as Lord, and shalt believe in thy heart that God raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved: for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10.9-10)

321 But as many as received Him, to them gave He the right to become children of God, even to them that believe on His name . (John 1.12)

If you understand you are a sinner in need of salvation because there is a real Hell, ask Jesus to save you right now. Tell Him that you are trusting in Him to save you and cleanse your sins by the blood He shed on the cross. Once you have trusted in Jesus , and in Him alone to save you, find a good Bible teaching church to join. If you need help locating a church call Grace Mercy Ministries (928.237.5351).


Jesus commissioned His disciples to be His witnesses to His resurrection, and to make disciples of all nations:

Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. (Matthew 28.19-20)

But ye shall receive power, when the Holy Spirit is come upon you: and ye shall be my witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea and Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. (Acts 1.8)

That commission applies to all true believers. Once a person is saved by trusting in Jesus Christ alone, he is to become a disciple of Jesus . One does that by engaging in several spiritual activities on a daily and a regular basis:

1-Prayer throughout the day (Ephesians 6.18; 1 Thessalonians 5.17) 2-Hearing Scripture daily (Prov. 8.34; Luke 8.15, 21; 11.28; James 1.22; Revelation 1.3) 3-Reading Scripture daily (Deuteronomy 17.19; Revelation 1.3) 4-Bible study on a daily basis (John 5.39; Acts 17.11; 2 Tim. 2.15) 5-Memorization of Scripture (Deuteronomy 6.6; Psalm 37.31; 40.8; 119.11; Proverbs 2.1; 3.1, 3; 4.1). 6-Meditation on Scripture (Joshua 1.8; Psalm 1.2) 7-Fellowship with the brethren (Acts 2.42, 46-47; Hebrews 3.13; 10.24-25)

322 8-Evangelism through living a holy life, and sharing your testimony as the Holy Spirit leads (Psalm 96.2; Acts 2.47; 1 Peter 3.15). 9-Make disciples (Matthew 28.19-20; 2 Timothy 2.2)

If a Christian develops a discipline in these of holy living he will become a disciple of Jesus Christ . It does not happen overnight. It takes many years to become a mature disciple , but it starts with the daily discipline of being in prayer, in the Word and in regular fellowship with other Christians. Find a church and become an active member. Pray in the morning, throughout the day and before you go to sleep. Set up a daily Bible reading program. If you read three chapters a day you will read through the Bible in a year. Read two chapters in the Old Testament each day and one chapter in the New Testament. Buy an audio copy of the Bible, and listen to it at home and in the car. Buy DVDs of movies about the Bible and watch them often ( The Gospel of John, Peter and Paul, The Greatest Story Ever Told, King of Kings , etc.). Memorize Scripture. If you memorize one verse a week you will have 52 verses memorized in one year. Meditate on Scripture and let the Holy Spirit teach you. Learn how to share the gospel. Ask your pastor to train you, and then share your personal testimony, and the gospel as the Lord leads. For more help go to –

Educate yourself

Spend time reading news articles from real e-newspapers and web sites that archive articles on current events, history, politics, health and religion. Below are some of the best web sites: &

Read as many books about Big Brother and the New World Order as you can. Watch movies and DVDs that document the move to create a world government, world economic system and world religion. (See Appendix D, Recommended books, DVDs and movies.) Watch and listen to Patriot talk show programs. Here are some of the best:

Alex Jones – & George Noory – Mike Adams – 323 Clayton Douglas – Genesis Communications Network – Jim Marrs – Texe Marrs – Dr. Stan Monteith – Jeff Rense – Syed Saboor – Kevin Trudeau –

Spread the word

Share the knowledge that you have about Big Brother with others. Share this book with others or buy copies for your friends and family. Buy DVDs that expose the machinations of Big Brother and then share them with others. Two web sites where you can buy numerous DVDs that expose Big Brother and his goal of creating a New World Order are:

Become self-sufficient

The best way of resisting Big Brother after trusting in Jesus Christ and boycotting Big Brother companies is to become self-sufficient. If you live in a big city, an apartment, condo or townhouse it is virtually impossible to be self-sufficient. Yet there are some things you can do to keep from being at the mercy of Big Brother during crisis situations:

1. Have several months of food and water stored up. 2. Have first aid supplies. 3. Have a back-up generator that runs on something you can store safely. Solar generators are excellent. 4. Have candles and flashlights. 5. Have an escape route laid out in case you must flee the city. Travel on side streets and do not use major streets, highways or freeways. If you cannot get out in a vehicle use motorcycles, bikes or walk out only in a life and death situation. 6. Have travel bags/suitecases and supplies handy for your getaway. 7. Have cash, gold and silver to make purchases with in the underground market. 324 8. Have weapons IF you know how to use them. IF you do not know how to use them do NOT buy them. 9. Have friends you can trust to work with in an emergency. 10. Do NOT let anyone know that you are self-sufficient except your most trusted friends. Keep a low profile.

For more help visit these web sites:

Stay healthy

The key to having a healthy body is knowledge. Always get proper sleep and exercise. Drink pure water and replace unhealthy foods with healthy ones. Keep replacing junk foods with good foods until all you eat is healthy foods that will keep your body in tip-top condition. Whenever possible buy organic foods. Below is a chart of “healthy” and “unhealthy” foods. Try to eat as many of the “healthy” foods as you can and as few of the “unhealthy” foods as possible.

Healthy Foods Unhealthy Foods Fruits Alcohol Vegetables Sugar (raw/in processed foods) Raw cereals (no sugar/additives) Sodas Nuts Coffee Seeds Milk Eggs Ice cream Legumes (beans) Cheese Grains (rice, corn, millet, rye) Cottage cheese Stem tubers – potatoes Yogurt Root tubers sweet potatoes/yams Meat Peppers Fish Herbs Fowl Allium (onions, garlic, shallots, Processed foods (Most foods in scallions, leeks, chives) boxes, cans and packages.)

325 If you eat any of the unhealthy foods listed above buy organic only. To learn more about the dangers of the Standard American Diet that has killed millions of Americans watch the movie “Food, Inc.” watch the video “Food: The Ultimate Secret” ( ultimate-secret-exposed), read the book by Eric Schlosser, Fast Food Nation , and also read the articles at There are other dangers not only in the food we eat, but the water we drink. To learn about the dangers of fluoridated water check these links: & & When you go to the Natural News website type in fluoride in its search window to see a list of articles dealing with it. There is also a danger in vaccines. To learn about these dangers visit these web sites: (Type in vaccines in the search window at the Natural News web site.) One last danger to consider is the cell phone. For articles concerning this type cell phone into the search window at For help on nutrition visit these websites: Natural Health Clinic (323.294.4372)

Alcohol, drugs, thrill seeking

And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit. (Ephesians 5.18)

Abuse of alcohol and drugs (legal and illegal) is one of the leading causes of crime, loss of work productivity and divorce. They will continue to be abused until the Second Advent of Jesus Christ. During the Tribulation drug addiction will be universal. Virtually everyone will be a drug addict of some kind whether it is a legal or illegal drug (Revelation 9.21; 18.23). No Christian should ever become intoxicated with alcohol or drugs. If you do not get “high” by studying the Bible there might be something wrong with you. Studying the Bible is the most exciting

326 thing any Christian can do. There is nothing a Christian can do in this life that is more exciting than studying the Bible. Alcoholics get “high” by drinking a few beers at the beginning, but eventually downing a six-pack is not enough. They have to move on to more powerful drinks to get “high.” Some end up drinking themselves drunk every night. Drug addicts start with a weak drug but the “high” they get is not that big so they take more of the drug or they move on to more potent drugs. Many drug addicts get to a point that no matter how powerful a dose they take they cannot get “higher.” The only way they can get “higher” is to over-dose themselves into Hell. There are also thrill-seekers who seek out all sorts exciting activities, but after they have done them a few dozen times the thrill is not the same. They seek something bigger, better, faster and scarier. Some of these thrill-seekers end up dying from pushing too hard. Thrill-seekers run out of things to do to give them a “rush.” Christians can get “high” and get a greater “rush” than anything natural man can experience by studying the Bible. Studying the infallible, holy Word of God is more thrilling than anything you can imagine. The Bible is God revealing Himself to you. The more we study His Word the more learn about Him and get to know Him.

Boycott Big Brother companies

Boycott the Big Brother corporations. Below is a short list of some Big Brother companies. Do not buy products from these companies or use their services:

Do NOT buy anything made in Red China!

Airlines Banking/Finance American American Express Continental Bank of America-Merrill Delta Lynch Evergreen Citicorp United Goldman Sachs Hongkong and Shanghai Amusement Parks Banking Corporation (HSBC)

Disneyland & Disney World JP Morgan Chase Six Flags Master Card 327 Books Morgan-Stanley Schearson Amazon Wells Fargo Barnes & Noble Visa

Charities Chemical Companies

American Red Cross BASF United Way Bayer

Clothing Dow Chemical Company DuPont Armani Eastman Chemical Company Calvin Klein ExxonMobil Guess Jeans Mitsubishi Levi’s Jeans Shell Van Huesen Computer Drugs/Medical AOL Bayer Apple Bristol/Meyers Squib Dell Baxter International Face Book Eli Lilly Google Johnson & Johnson Hewlett-Packard Pfizer IBM Proctor & Gamble Intel Microsoft Fast Death stops Myspace

Burger King Sony Carl’s Jr. Twitter

Dairy Queen Food producers Dunkin Donuts Del Taco Archer Daniels Midland McDonald’s (ADM) Sara Lee Campbell Soup Company Starbucks Coca Cola Taco Bell ConAgra Foods General Mills Food retail stores Heinz

7-Eleven Hillandale Farms Albertson’s Hormel 328 Costco Kellog H. E. Butt Grocery Company Kraft K-Mart Mars Ralphs Monsanto Safeway Pepsi Target Pillsbury Tesco Tyson Foods Vons United Fruit Company Walmart (Chiquita)

Hotels Newspapers/Magazines

Disney Los Angeles Times Harrah’s New York Times Hilton Newsweek Hyatt Time Magazine Marriot (Bulgari, Courtyard, U.S. News & World Report Fairfield, Renaissance, Washington Post Residence, Ritz-Carlton, Washington Times SpringHill, TownePLace) Planet Hollywood Retail

Sheraton Bloomingdale’s Trump Costco

Insurance JC Penny K-Mart/Sears Berkshire Hathaway Neiman Marcus Farmers Nordstrom Progressive Sak’s 5th Ave. Prudential Sam’s Club State Farm Target Transamerica Walmart Walgreens Media Oil crime syndicates ABC CBN British Petroleum (BP) CBS Chevron CNN ConocoPhillips Comcast Exxon/Mobil Disney Shell Fox (News Corp.) Sunoco 329 General Electric Phone Companies Hearst Corp. MSNBC AT&T NBC Sprint Nextel Sony T-Mobile & Verizon (GTE) TBN TimeWarner & Viacom

“The two enemies of the people are criminals and government , so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.” Thomas Jefferson


ALL Christians are commanded to resist evil men by keeping the Constitutional laws of the land:

Those who forsake the law praise the wicked, but those who keep the law strive with them . (Proverbs 28.4)

When Christians resist wicked men they are blessed by YAHWEH:

But to those who rebuke the wicked will be delight, and a good blessing will come upon them . (Proverbs 24.25)

It is hard for most Christians to understand the truth that we are not to envy the wicked or admire them whether they are a sports figure, a rock idiot, an actor, a singer, a politician, etc.:

Do not let your heart envy sinners, but live in the reverence of YAHWEH always. (Proverbs 23.17)

Do not be envious of evil men, nor desire to be with them . (Proverbs 24.1)

Resist Big Brother and his evil minions in every legal way you can!


Some Big Brother researchers are convinced that Google and Facebook are Big Brother front organizations as well as other companies. Several articles to read are: 330 “Facebook & Google are CIA Fronts,” by Sandeep Parwaga, February 17, 2011, _the _ma.html. “Facebook - the CIA conspiracy” by Matt Greenop, August 8, 2007. “Facebook & Social Media: A Convenient Cover For Spying,” by Ralph Forbes, October 6, 2010. ient-cover-for-spying. “US spies invest in internet monitoring technology,” by Toby Harnden, October 20, 2009. spies-invest-in-internet-monitoring-technology.html. “Exclusive: U.S. Spies Buy Stake in Firm That Monitors Blogs, Tweets,” by Noah Shachtman, October 19, 2009. spies-buy-stake-in-twitter-blog-monitoring-firm. “Group files request for details on Google, NSA partnership.” by John Letzing, February 5, 2010. -partnership-2010-02-05. “Google-NSA collaboration draws alarm,” by Byron Acohido, February 5, 2010. “The Google-NSA Alliance: Questions and Answers,” by JR Raphael, PCWorld.2.04.2010. ions_and_answers.html. 331




1. You shall have no other gods before me.

2. You shall not make unto you a graven image and you shall not bow down unto them nor serve them.

3. You shall not take the name of YAHWEH your God in vain.

4. Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy.

5. Honor your father and your mother.

6. You shall not commit murder.

7. You shall not commit adultery.

8. You shall not steal.

9. You shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s possessions.





1. Love God with all of your soul, heart, mind and body (Mark 12.30).

2. Love your family (Deuteronomy 6.6-7).

3. Love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12.31).

4. Love your country.

5. Defend and support the Constitution.

6. Exercise your rights – freedom of religion, speech, bearing arms, peaceful protests, redress of grievances, etc.

7. Vote out of office all politicians who do not defend/support the Constitution.

8. Oppose all enemies of the Constitution foreign and domestic.

9. Oppose abuses of the Constitution and laws by politicians, bureaucrats, etc.

10. Oppose all wars of aggression and empire expansion.

General Freedom




1. You shall love the Almighty STATE and the Guardians of the STATE with all of your non-existent soul, with all of your heart, with all of your mind and with all of your body. 2. You shall worship the STATE and Her Guardians who rule over you, and bow down before Them. 3. You shall worship the image of the STATE and the images of Her Guardians, and you shall worship no other gods or obey them. 4. You shall obey the STATE and her Guardians at all times without questioning Them. 5. You shall not think bad thoughts or say bad things about the STATE and Her Guardians, nor shall you violate any Law of the State or any Command of Her Guardians. 6. You shall work twelve hours a day, seven days each week for the STATE, and accept Her undeserved gift of daily sustenance without complaint – eating the preservative laden food She gives you, drinking the fluoridated water She gives you, and taking all of the life sustaining vaccines She gives you. 7. You shall honor the STATE and all of Her Guardians with all of your work, all of your words, all of your thoughts and all of your motives. 8. You shall commit murder, adultery and theft at the will of the STATE and Her Guardians. 9. You shall bear false witness at the Command of the STATE and Her Guardians. 10. You shall covet everything your neighbor has and take it at the Command of the STATE and Her Guardians.

Big Brother







Eric Blair (George Orwell)

1984 Animal Farm

Ray Bradbury

Fahrenheit 451

Aldous Huxley

Brave New World

Herbert George Wells

The Open Conspiracy The New World Order The Time Machine The Island of Doctor Moreau When the Sleeper Wakes The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth A Modern Utopia The New Machiavelli Men Like Gods Little Wars New Worlds for Old

Larry Abraham

Call it Conspiracy The Greening: The Globalists’ Drive for Global Power

337 Gary Allen

Federal Reserve: The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy None Dare Call it Conspiracy The Rockefeller File Say “No!” to the New World Order

George Armstrong

The Rothschild Money Trust

James Bamford

A Pretext for War: 9/11, Iraq, and the Abuse of America’s Intelligence Agencies. Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency. The Puzzle Palace: a Report on America's Most Secret Agency. The Puzzle Palace: Inside the National Security Agency, America’s Most Secret Intelligence Organization. The Shadow Factory: The Ultra-Secret NSA from 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America.

Augustin Barruel

Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism

John Beaty

Iron Curtain Over America

Michael Benson

Inside Secret Societies: What They Don’t Want You To Know

Lenn Bracken The Shadow Government

William Guy Carr

Pawns in the Game Red Fog Over America Satan: Prince of This World 338 Count Cherep-Spiridovich

The Secret World Government

John Coleman

Apocalypse Waiting to Happen Beyond the Conspiracy: Unmasking the World Government – the Committee of 300 The Club of Rome The Conspirators Hierarchy: The Committee of Three Hundred Diplomacy by Deception Drug War Against America Illuminati in America: 1776-2008 One World Order Socialist Dictatorship Pearl Harbor and Beyond The Rothschild Dynasty The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations

Jerome Corsi

America for Sale The Obama Nation Where’s the Birth Certificate?

Dennis Cuddy

Education Memtal Health and Social Control The Globalists Mental Health Screening New World Order Now is the Dawning of the New Age New World Order The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan The Road to Socialism and the New World Order Secret Records Revealed September 11 Prior Knowledge

Stan Deyo

The Cosmic Conspiracy The Vindicator Scrolls 339 Mark Dice

The Illuminati: Facts & Fiction The New World Order: Facts & Fiction Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True

James Drummey

The Establishment’s Man (Expose of G.H.W. Bush)

Robert Eringer

The Global Manipulators: The Bilderberg Group

Daniel Estulin

Bloodlines of the Illuminati

Myron Fagan

Red Stars Over Hollywood (audio) The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations (audio)

Niall Ferguson

The House of Rothschild: Money’s prophets

John Gatto

Dumbing Us Down

Matvei Vasilyevich Golovinski

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

David Ray Griffin

The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9-11 The New Pearl Harbor Revisited: 9/11, the Cover-up and the Exposé The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions 9/11 Ten Years Later: When State Crimes Against Democracy Succeed 340 9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out, Vol. 1, editor, with Peter Dale Scott 9/11 Contradictions: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press American Empire and the Commonwealth of God: A Political Economic, Religious Statement, with John B. Cobb, Richard A. Falk and Catherine Keller Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11: A Call to Reflection and Action Cognitive Infiltration: An Obama Appointee's Plan to Undermine the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the Final Official Report About 9/11 Is Unscientific and False Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive?

Des Griffin

Descent Into Slavery Fourth Reich of the Rich

John Hankey

Dark Legacy: George Bush & the Murder of John Kennedy

George Hansen

To Harrass Our People

Harry Helms

Inside the Shadow Government: National Emergencies and the Cult of Secrecy

Robert Hieronimus

The United Symbolism of America: Deciphering Hidden Meanings in America’s Most Familiar Art, Architecture, and Logos

Michael A. Hoffman

Secret Societies & Psychological Warfare 341 David Icke

Tales from the Time Loop The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy

Maurice Joly

The Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu

Alex Jones

911 Descent into Tyranny

Gary Kah

En Route to Global Occupation The New World Religion

Jim Keith

Biowarfare In America Black Helicopters over America: Strikeforce for the New World Order Black Helicopters II: The End Game Strategy Casebook on Alternative 3: UFO’s, Secret Societies and World Control Casebook on the Men in Black Gemstone File Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness Mind Control, World Control: The Encyclopedia of Mind Control The Octopus: Secret Government and the Death of Danny Casolaro (with Kenn Thomas) Okbomb! Conspiracy and Cover-Up Saucers of the Illuminati (under pseudonym Jay Katz) Secret and Suppressed: Banned Ideas and Hidden History

George Knupffer

The Struggle for World Power

E.C. Knuth

The Empire of the City

Daniel Mannix The Hell-Fire Club 342 Jim Marrs

Inside Job: Unmasking the 9/11 Conspiracies The Terror Conspiracy Revisited The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy The Rise of the Fourth Reich Rule by Secrecy

Texe Marrs

America Shattered: Unmasking the Plot to Destroy Our Families and Our Country Circle of Intrigue: The Hidden Inner Circle of the Global Illuminati Conspiracy Codex Magica: Secret Signs, Mysterious Symbols, and Hidden Codes of the Illuminati Conspiracy World Dark Majesty: The Secret Brotherhood and the Magic of a Thousand Points of Light Dark Secrets of the New Age Days of Hunger, Days of Chaos Millennium: Peace, Promises, the Day They Take Our Money Away Mysterious Monuments: Encyclopedia of Secret Illuminati Designs, Masonic Architecture, and Occult... Project L.U.C.I.D.—The Beast 666 Universal Human Control System

Dr. Stan Monteith

Brotherhood of Darkness Aids. the Unnecessary Epidemic Hidden Agenda: The Fluoride Deception IRAQ: The Untold Story

Eustace Mullins

The Curse of Canaan: A Demonology of History The Federal Reserve Conspiracy Murder by Injection: The Medical Conspiracy Against America The Rape of Justice: America’s Tribunals Exposed Secrets of the Federal Reserve, 1952. 343 The World Order: A Study the Hegemony of Parasitism The World Order: Our Secret Rulers

Carroll Quigley

The Anglo-American Establishment Tragedy and Hope

James Pool

Hitler and His Secret Partners Who Financed Hitler

Robert L. Preston

Wake-Up America

L. Fletcher Prouty

JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy with Oliver Stone and Jesse Ventura The Secret Team

John Robbins

The China Study (with T. Colin Campbell, Thomas Campbell II, Howard Lyman) Diet for a New America The Food Revolution Healthy at 100 May All be Fed Whitewash

John Robison

Proofs of a Conspiracy

John Stockwell

The Praetorian Guard: The U.S. Role in the New World Order In Search of Enemies

Anthony C. Sutton

America’s Secret Establishment The Best Enemy Money Can Buy 344 Energy: The Created Crisis The Federal Reserve Conspiracy National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union How the Order Creates War and Revolution How the Order Controls Education Technological Treason: A catalog of U.S. firms with Soviet contracts, 1917–1982 Trilaterals Over America Trilaterals Over Washington – Volume I (with Patrick M. Wood) Trilaterals Over Washington – Volume II (with Patrick M. Wood) The Two Faces of George Bush Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler Wall Street and FDR

Webster Tarpley

9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA - Myth of the 21st Century Against Oligarchy Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography (with Anton Chaitkin) Obama - The Postmodern Coup: Making of a Manchurian Candidate

Victor Thorn

911 On Trial 9-11 Evil America Before the Fall Anarchy Rising Frontman: Obama’s Darkest Secrets Revealed Hillary (and Bill) the Drugs Volume Hillary (and Bill) the Murder Volume Hillary (and Bill) the Sex Volume New World Order Assassins The New World Illusion (with Lisa Guliani)

Kevin Trudeau Natural Cures “They” Don't Want You to Know about More Natural Cures Revealed 345 Jim Tucker

Jim Tucker’s Bilderberg Diary

Jesse Ventura

63 Documents The Government Doesn’t Want You To Read American Conspiracies

Nesta Webster

Secret Societies and Submersive Movements World Revolution

Rene A. Wormser

Foundations: Their Power and Influence


Alex Jones

End Game: Blueprint for Global Enslavement The Fall of the Republic: The Presidency Of Barack H. Obama The Obama Deception Terror Storm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism Police State 2000 Police State II: The Takeover Police State III: Total Enslavement Police State IV: The Rise of FEMA Martial Law 9-11: Rise of the Police State 9/11: The Road to Tyranny 9/11 Chronicles Part One: Truth Rising The Order of Death & Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove Matrix of Evil The Masters of Terror America: Destroyed by Design Comprehensive Financial Reports Exposed! Reflections and Warnings: An Interview with Aaron Russo

346 Anthony J. Hilder

666 Mark of the Beast 911: Greatest Lie Ever Sold 911 IllumiNazi Beast of the Bible Belt Frankenfed Alien 51 Panic Project New World Odor None Dare Call it Murder Reichstag ‘95 Oklahoma Atrocity

David Bay & Chris Pinto

America’s Secret Beginnings: The New Atlantis America’s Secret Beginnings: Riddles in Stone

Philip Gardiner Angels, Demons & Freemasonry

David Ray Griffin

9/11: The Myth & The Reality

David Icke

David Icke: Big Brother, the Big Picture, Freedom or Fascism: The Time to Choose Speaking Out: Who Really Controls the World and What We Can Do About It (

Jim Marrs

Unmasking the 9/11 Conspiracies The War on Freedom, The 9/11 Conspiracies Marrs on 9/11 – Thinking the Unthinkable

347 Texe Marrs

Bloodstained Hands of Big Brother Government Die America Die—The Illuminati Plan to Murder America, Confiscate Its Wealth, and Make Red... Monuments and Magic of the Illuminati Nightstalkers Over America—Urban Warrior Exercises and Our Gestapo Police State Secret Societies and the Illuminati Rothschild’s Choice: Barack Obama and the Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder America

Dr. Stan Monteith

12 Biggest Lies 911 Contrived! Brotherhood of Darkness Financial Armageddon Forbidden Secret Iraq Road to World Government None Dare Call It Genocide One Nation Under Siege Planned Police State Population Control Rape of the Soul Secret Knowledge: The Legacy of the Mystery Religions Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings Volumes 1-3 The Specter Haunting America Sustainable Development: Road to Tyranny The Truth is Out There WAR: The Untold Story

Eustace Mullins

The Magical Money Machine (with Bobby Lee) Murder by Injection The New World Order

This list is not a comprehensive list of books and DVDs dealing with Big Brother and the New World Order. It is designed as a starting 348 point. Thousands of books and films have been written and made on this subject and thousands more are yet to come. Read as many books and watch as many films as you can.

Radio shows

X Minus One

Appointment in Tomorrow Nightfall The Defenders Sea Legs The Man in the Moon Skulking Permit Man’s Best Friend Tsylana Mr. Costello Hero

Mysterious Traveler

Most Famous Man in the World

Television shows

Conspiracy Theory (All episodes) Conspiracy (History Channel) (All episodes) Brad Meltzer’s Decoded (Statue of Liberty & Secret Societies) Declassified (Taliban & John Lennon) Decoding the Past (Mysteries of the Freemasons, Secrets of the Dollar Bill, The Templar Code) History’s Mysteries (Secret Societies, Secret Brotherhood Freemasons) Max Headroom (All Episodes) SG-1 (The Road Not Taken) That’s Impossible (All episodes) Twilight Zone (The Librarian)


Film Date Description In 1984, Big Brother sees a nd hears all. The 1956 1984 proles live in squalid poverty and endless war 1984 while the past is systematically erased.

349 A Clockwork A teenage gang leader is rehabilitated using 1971 Orange drugs, torture and silent movies. The power of the media is illustrated when a A Face in the 1957 producer turns a drunk into a media superstar Crowd who becomes a cynical phony. Above the A Chicago vice unit cop stumbles on a CIA 1988 Law plot to finance black ops with crack cocaine. Absolute A burglar goes on the run after witnessing the 1997 Power President murdering his mistress. Pilots in Laos discover that they are patsies Air America 1990 for a CIA heroin-smuggling plot. All the Two young reporters uncover the Watergate President’s 1976 scandal. Men A former FBI agent, grieving for his Arlington 1999 deceased wife, suspects his next-door Road neighbors are terrorists. The An international anarchist organization Assassination 1969 performs political assassinations of the Bureau “socially undesirable” for pay. The U.S. Corp. plunders an inhabited moon Avatar 2009 of the Alpha Centauri system and murders the natives. A dimwitted gardener becomes an advisor to Being There 1979 a wealthy man who buys presidents. A sound effects man goes on the run after Blow Out 1981 recording the Chappaquiddick incident-style assassination of a politician. A right-wing politician, embroil ed in the Bob Roberts 1991 Iran-Contra affair, is targeted for death. An amnesiac CIA assassin goes on the run The Bourne 2002 from his superiors, who want to cover up Identity their illegal activities. Rogue U.S. Army officers plot to assassinate Brass Target 1978 Gen. Patton to cover up theft of Nazi gold.

350 A world dictatorship bans families and Brave New 1998 natural reproduction, has a caste system, World drugs the masses, sex is a recreational sport, and death, which is not feared, comes at 60. A bureaucrat tries to correct an administrative Brazil 1985 error and becomes an enemy of the state. Canadian The White House occupier boosts his ratings 1995 Bacon by fabricating a cold war with Canada. A Texas congressman illegally funnels Charlie 2007 money to the Afghan Mujahideen via a rogue Wilson’s War CIA agent. Management covers up safety flaws at a The China 1979 nuclear power plant; foreshadowed the Three Syndrome Mile Island accident. A private eye stumbles onto murder and Chinatown 1974 political corruption involving real estate interests in Southern California. Clonus Clones are bred to be used as repla cement 1979 Horror parts for the elite. In the near-future cities are heavily controlled Code 46 2003 and only accessible through checkpoints. A big hospital illegally harvests organs from Coma 1978 comatose patients. Two former spies, one CIA and one KGB , go Company 1991 on the run in Berlin after stumbling onto a Business plot to trade drug money for hostages. A conspiracy theorist cabbie goes on the run Conspiracy 1997 after stumbling onto a real conspiracy Theory involving brainwashing. The Constant Big pharmaceutical companies pull the levers 2005 Gardener of power. The A surveillance expert thinks he has overheard 1974 Conversation a murder plot and is being spied on. An amnesiac discovers he is accused o f murder, and that a group of men who possess Dark City 1998 the power to stop time and change reality are involved. 351 The Day of OAS leaders plot to assassinate President 1973 the Jackal Charles de Gaulle. Death of a Bureaucrats cover up the truth of Bush’s ass- 2006 President assination to push an anti-terrorism agenda. A reporter investigating an MP’s sex scandal Defence of the 1985 stumbles onto a web of MI5 cover-up s Realm involving murder and nuclear weapons. A dictator takes over Southern California and turns it into his utopian paradise in which sex Demolition 1993 and other immoral act s are outlawed. Man Everyone has a chip impanted in them so the dictator can track their every move. The Domino A mysterious organization busts a Vietnam 1977 Principle War vet out of prison for an assassination. An investment banker goes on the run from Double Take 2001 the CIA and a Mexican drug cartel after stumbling onto a money laundering scheme. A War Dept. computer tries to take over the Eagle Eye 2008 government by assass inating everyone above the Secretary of War making him president. An attorney goes on the run from rogue NSA Enemy of the 1998 operatives after he is passed a videotape of State them assassinating a congressman. Rogue Pentagon officials sell high-tech arms Eraser 1996 under the table and eliminate the witnesses with the help of rogue U.S. Marshals. A religious lunatic becomes president for life Escape from 1996 in America creating a theocratic dictatorship Los Angeles imposing myriad moral laws. A group of right-wing business magnates and Executive 1973 mercenary covert ops specialists plot and Action carry out the John F. Kennedy assassination. Extreme A secretive hospital attempts to covers up 1996 Measures medical experiments done on the homeless. In the near future the “ Freedom of Eyeborgs 2009 Observation Act” and the implementation of ODIN (Optical Defense Intelligence

352 Network), enables Dept. of Homeland Security bureaucrats to watch everyone. One of their new spy toys is the “eyeborg.” Fahrenheit Firemen burn all books which are illegal to 1966 451 own. Spies masquerading as peace movement Foreign 1940 leaders arrange a conference and a phony Correspondent assassination in order to kidnap a diplomat. An innocent librarian stumbles onto a bizarre Foul Play 1978 plot to assassinate the Pope. A rogue KGB chief wants to prolon the Cold The Fourth 1987 War & sends a spy to detonate an a-bomb at a Protocol U.S. nuclear airbase in Great Britain. A genetically inferior man assumes the Gattaca 1997 identity of a superior one. A CID detective investigates the shooting of a human rights lawyer in Belfast and Hidden 1990 discovers evidence of an RUC murder/cover- Agenda up of a CIA/MI5 plot to destroy the govern- ments of Harold Wilson and Edward Heath. A r enegade CIA agent threatens to write a Hopscotch 1980 memoir revealing agency conspiracies and is pursued by both the CIA and the KGB. A cat burglar is ensnared in an international Hudson Hawk 1991 conspiracy with a billionaire , corrupt CIA agents, a Vatican secret society, and alchemy. I Am Legend 2007 They deal with a biological weapon that The Last Man 1964 “accidentally” kills a vast number of people on Earth on Earth. One man discovers a vaccine and Omega Man 1971 tries to give it to others not infected. A human rights investigator and an honest cop investigating the massacre of 23 I Witness 2003 campesinos in Mexico find links to drug cartels, dirty cops, and a multinational corporation embroiled in a union election. A soldier and a civilian awake 500 years in Idiocracy 2006 the future from a top-secret military hibernation experiment that goes bad . 353 America has devolved into a dystopian society where everyone is intellectual ly challenged and void of morals. An Italian cop investigating the Illustrious 1976 assassinations of several judges finds they are Corpses part of a neo-fascist “strategy of tension.” Big tobacco covers up the health effects of The Insider 1999 tobacco and silence a whistle-blower. Interpol agent investigates a banking cartel to The 2009 discover money laundering, political corrupt- International tion, war profiteering and assassination plots. A U.N. interpreter stumbles onto a plot to The 2005 assassinate a controversial African head of Interpreter state on the floor of the General Assembly. A critically ill ex-Marine sniper admits to his Interview with 2002 next-door neighbor that he assassinated the Assassin President Kennedy. Jacob’s The government performs chemical experi- 1990 Ladder ments on unwitting Vietnam soldiers. The DA of New Orleans prosecutes a co- JFK 1991 conspirator of the Kennedy assassination. The justice system has been replaced by a Judge Dredd 1995 corps of Judges whose role combines those of police officer, judge, jury, and executioner. A private eye and a football player learn the The Last Boy 1991 team owner is planning to assassinate a Sena- Scout tor who is blocking legalized sports betting. Lincoln’s assassination was a vast conspirac y involving Secretary Of War Edwin Stanton, Chief of National Police Colonel Lafayette The Lincoln 1977 Baker and some Northern politicians who Conspiracy wanted to stop Lincoln’s Reconstruction plan. The man killed at Garret’s farm was not John Wilkes Booth but James William Boyd. In the future the population and consumption

of resources are managed and maintained in Logan’s Run 1976 equilibrium by killing everyone who reaches

the age of thirty, except for the elite. 354 An amnesiac housewife learns that she is The Long Kiss 1996 actually a CIA assassin when her form er Goodnight colleagues come to eliminate her. Magnum Vigilante police murder criminals, their 1973 Force friends and other police. An innocent American touri st in England The Man Who stumbles on a plot by the heads of MI6 and Knew Too 1997 the KGB to bomb a treaty signing ceremony Little and reignite the Cold War. The 1962 Communist spies use mind control for a Manchurian 2004 political assassination. Candidate An innocent student finds his CIA agent Marathon 1976 brother murdered and is ensnared in an Man international Nazi money laundering plot. The corruption and intrigue surrounding a Michael major client of a law firm being sued in a 1998 Clayton class action case over the effects of tox ic agrochem-icals is explored. A billionaire industrialist steals space shuttles and uses his own to establish a space colony. He intends to kill everyone on Earth with a Moonraker 1979 toxin from a rare orchid. Once everyone is dead his space colonists would return and repopulate the planet. A former special forces officer goes on the Most Wanted 1997 run after being recruited into a murder squad and framed for the killing of the First Lady. A young man is picked to replace a fallen Mr. Smith Senator and he soon learns that a power Goes to 1939 millionaire from his state controls some Washington senators and congressmen. It reveals how corrupt and amoral the media Network 1976 is and how it manipulates its audience. An American soldier stumbles onto an assassination plot by ro gue American and The Package 1989 Soviet military officials who wish to prevent the signing of a nuclear disarmament treaty. 355 A journalist re-investigates the assassination The Parallax 1974 of a presidential cand idate and discovers an View organization that recruits assassins. The A psychotherapist becomes analyst to the President’s 1967 President and goes on the run from operatives Analyst of every intelligence agency on Earth. The A Senator is spirited away to a secret New Resurrection Mexico medical lab after a serious car crash. 1971 of Zachary His injuries are completely healed by a secret Wheeler organization that uses organs from clones. Revenge of A TV reporter goes to Stepford to learn why the Stepford 1980 it has the lowest crime and divorce rates in Wives America and the tightest real-estate market. 1975 Multinational corporations openly run the Rollerball 2002 world. In future people are constantly under Scanner 2006 intrusive high-technology police surveillance Darkly in the midst of a drug addiction epidemic. A veteran Secret Service agent is framed as a The Sentinel 2006 traitor, but stops an assassination attempt by the SS director of the president. An honest cop works to expose police Serpico 1973 corruption in the NYPD. Seven Days in A colonel discovers that rogue generals are 1964 May plotting a coup d’état against the President. Shadow The White House Chief of Staff conspires to 1997 Conspiracy assassinate the President. An ex-Marine sniper is framed for the murder The Shooter 2007 of an Ethiopian archbishop by a rogue secret private military company unit. The Sigma Multinational corporations conspire to 2010 Protocol manipulate the global economy. Silkwood 1983 A whistleblower at a nuclear plant is killed. A journalist hired to investigate a dead body at a gubernatorial campaign event stumbles Silver City 2004 onto a web of corruption involving the election and a mysterious copper mine. 356 The owner of Replacement Technologies makes pet clones and clones of people which Sixth Day 2000 is illegal. He seeks to have the “6th Day” laws repealed so he can sell people clones. A corrupt Atlantic City pol ice detective Snake Eyes 1998 investigates the murder of the Secretary of Defense while ringside at a boxing event. A team of industrial espionage experts are recruited by NS A agents to steal a mysterious Sneakers 1992 “black box,” only to discover too late that their employers are not really with the NSA. Soylent The world is on the verge of total collapse 1973 Green corpses are used as a key ingredient in food. This comedy depicts the fact that the Spies Like Us 1985 Mujahideen was an ally of the U.S. Corp. Genetic engineers achieve fame by splicing Splice 2009 together the DNA of different animals to create new hybrid animals for medical use. They are corny satirical flicks that depict a 1997 Starship warli ke dictatorship that begs people to 2004 Troopers I-III become citizens by joining the military and 2008 dying for the dictatorship. It shows how political expendiency trumps Spy Game 2001 loyalty and duty when a CIA agent is left to be executed when caught by the Chinese. The Stepford The rebellious children of Stepford and 1987 Children turned into obedient androids. The Stepford 1996 The Stepford men are replaced by androids. Husbands The Stepford A hou sewife suspects that the women of 1975 Wives Stepford are being replaced by androids. The Stepford A post-feminist suspects that the women of 2004 Wives Stepford are being replaced by androids. Remotely-controlled androids allow people to live through androids from the saf ety of their Surrogates 2009 homes. People are protected from harm and feel no pain when their surrogate is damaged.

357 A CIA agent, energy analyst, and an antitrust Syriana 2005 lawyer are embroiled in a web of corruption and assassination involving Big Oil. A CIA researcher goes on the run from the Three Days of 1975 agency after coming back from lunch to find the Condor all of his coworkers murdered. In this a dystopian future the populace is controlled through android police officers and THX 1138 1969 mandatory use of drugs that suppress emotion, including sexual desire. A CIA agent discovers a KGB spy ring with Topaz 1969 moles in every Western intelligence agency. A Diplomatic Security Service agent is U.S. 1998 framed for murder and treason and goes on Marshals the run to uncover the conspiracy. The attempted assassination of the White Vantage Point 2008 House occupier at an anti-terrorism treaty signing ceremony is more than meets the eye. A sex scandal prompts the president to have Wag the Dog 1997 minions and a film producer fabricate a war with Albania to distract the public. It depicts the savage greed of the corporate Wall Street 1987 raiders who believe “greed, for lack of a better word, is good.” Wall Street: This continues in its depiction of the savage Money Never 2010 greed of the corporate raiders , but also Sleeps focuses on the Federal Reserve Corp. FBI agents Mulder and Scully investigate the bombing of a federal building and stumble on The X-Files 1998 evidence of a conspiracy between aliens and a shadow government. xXx: State of The Secretary of War plots a coup d’'état 2005 the Union against the president. In an unnamed European country, a Z 1969 prominent opposition leader is assassinated by elements within the government.

358 Mankind splits into the Eternals and the Zardoz 1974 Brutals. The Eternals are sadistic maniacs who mistreat the Brutals and each other. Overpopulation and pollut ion forces a world

government to impose a 30-year ban on Z.P.G. 1972 procreation. Those who violate the ban are

executed. “Z.P.G.” (Zero population growth).

Watch this movie. It depicts the kind of world Big Brother wants for the masses until he decides to eliminate us. It is extremely dehumanizing and demented. It is a nightmare for real people and an utopian dream for insane megalomaniacs. 359




The comparisons between the fictional world of Eric Blair depicted in his 1949 book 1984 and today are fascinating. Blair wrote his book to warn the peoples of the world what the future would look like if they did not stand up to Big Brother and say NO!

1984 Today Usama bin Laden/ Emmanuel Goldstein/Brotherhood Al Qaeda/Muslim terrorists World Wars I, II, Korea, Vietnam, Perpetual war Afghanistan, Iraq Constant surveillance of people Chapter One Constant eavesdropping Chapter Six Watching people via TV Watching via Cable box pp. 58-60 Bushes, Cheney, Gingrich, Barney Criminals in government Frank, Helms, Rostenkowski 1 Fox, ABC, CBS, CNN, CNBC, Propaganda NBC, newspapers, magazines, etc. Playboy, Penthouse, Hustler, Pornography DVDs, Internet, etc. Lusitania, Maine, Pearl Harbor, Waco, Oklahoma City, 911, Altering history assassinations of Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Kennedys. Torture of dissidents Bradley Manning 2 rendition 3 Murder of dissidents Danny Casolaro 4 Gary Webb 5


1. onvicted_felons &,2933,59146,00.html. 2. 3. 4. 5. 361

Read your Bible, study It, memorize It and meditate on It daily.




The conspiracy to create a “New World Order” is a Satanic conspiracy. The Bible commands Christians to resist the devil (James 4.7; 1 Peter 5.8-9), rebuke the wicked (Proverbs 24.24-25), keep the law to strive against the wicked (Proverbs 28.4) and expose their evil deeds (Ephesians 5.11). The resistance of Satan and his minions can take many forms. Each Christian Patriot must decide how he will resist the devil and the forces of darkness (Ephesians 6.12). Most Christians in America have not shed blood in resisting sin (Hebrews 12.3-4), yet the time will come when millions of Christians around the world will be martyred for their faith by the Antichrist and his minions. Here are some ways you can resist Satan’s New World Order:

Read, study, memorize and meditate on Scripture and pray daily. Become self-sufficient. Boycott Big Brother companies (Appendix A). Do not buy products made in Red China. Do not submit to illegal practices (TSA groping, unlawful searches). Do not give up your biometric data. Do not sign up for rewards cards. Do not buy things over the Internet. Do not use checks. Use money orders which are anonymous. Do not go into debt. Destroy your credit cards. Do not use illegal drugs. Do not break any lawful laws. Keep informed of what Big Brother is doing. Warn others about the conspiracy to establish a New World Order. Attend city council meetings. Attend meetings of your congresscritters. Write, email and call your congresscritters demanding they abolish the Federal Reserve Corporation and the federal income tax. Attend protests. Stay healthy. Eat a proper diet and get daily exercise. Be a member ( 363 A Christian who is unwilling to take a stand against the wicked is like “ a troubled fountain, and a corrupted spring ” (Proverbs 25.26).




Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Amendment II

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms , shall not be infringed .

Amendment III

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated , and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Amendment V

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor 365 shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Amendment VI

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

Amendment VII

In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

Amendment VIII

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Amendment IX

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.



Bergen, Peter L., Holy war, Inc.: Inside the Secret World of Osama bin Laden . New York, N.Y.: Free Press. 2001.

Friedman, John S. The Secret Histories: Hidden Truths That Challenged the Past and Changed the World . London: Macmillan. 2005.

Goldstein, Robert Justin. Political Repression in Modern America: From 1870 to 1976 . Champaign, Illinois: University of Illinois Press. 2001.

Hixson, Walter L. Military Aspects of the Vietnam Conflict . London: Routledge. 2000.

Loftus, John; Aarons, Mark. The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed The Jewish People . New York, N.Y.: St. Martin’s Griffin. 1997.

Napoli, Russell P. Intelligence Identities Protection Act and Its Interpretation . Hauppauge, N.Y.: Nova Publishers. 2005.

Orwell, George. 1984 . New York, N.Y.: New American Library of World Literature, Inc. 1961.

Orwell, George. “Politics and the English Language” December 11, 1945. Published independently as a Payments Book, later printed in Horizon , April 1946.

Quigley, Carroll. Tragedy and Hope . New York, NY.: MacMillan Company. 1966.

Theoharis, Athan G. and Immerman, Richard H. The Central Intelligence Agency: Security Under Scrutiny . Greenwood Publishing Group. 2006.

Wright, Lawrence. The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 . New York: Knopf. 2006.