Media Release

2014 Scholarship winner announced

James Hullick praised for “astonishingly ambitious” and “unorthodox” approach to piano performance

26 November 2014

The Trust Company, part of Perpetual, today announced James Hullick as the 2014 winner of the $60,000 Michael Kieran Harvey Scholarship.

Established in 2006, the Michael Kieran Harvey Scholarship is awarded to an Australian post- graduate pianist to help further their career overseas.

The two-year scholarship is awarded to an applicant who demonstrates technical mastery of the piano and displays originality, imagination, creativity and a demonstrated desire to pursue piano and music in the 21st Century. It was established by the will of the late Susan Mary Remington to celebrate the work and achievements of Australian pianist and Michael Kieran Harvey.

Mr Hullick won the 2014 scholarship with an approach to piano performance described by Michael Kieran Harvey as compelling, confronting and profoundly unorthodox.

“James shows a deeply philosophical and unique approach to his musical destiny, led by a sense of integrity and concern for the human condition. He is astonishingly ambitious in his goal to advocate for a new conceptualisation of ‘keyboard culture’ and his highly developed musical philosophy makes him a very worthwhile recipient of this scholarship,” Mr Harvey said.

Mr Hullick said he was deeply humbled by the win and intends to use the scholarship to encourage other “ugly duckling pianists” to pursue their creative visions.

“The Michael Kieran Harvey Scholarship serves as a wonderful opportunity to encourage pianists across to be sonically adventurous — to consider how their own practice might help transition Australian keyboard culture into the 21st Century,” Mr Hullick said.

“In receiving this award I can see that there is currently a national cultural shift in the sonic arts, where Australians are opening their minds to a more infinite understanding of their collective creative voice.”

Mr Hullick intends to further his piano passion in Switzerland, and England in 2015. He will also pursue local opportunities, such as the Bendigo Festival of Exploratory Music, where he will work with the Amplified Elephants – musicians with intellectual disabilities – to create a synthesiser show.

Perpetual’s General Manager of Philanthropy, Andrew Thomas, congratulated Mr Hullick on his win.

“Perpetual is proud to support the Michael Kieran Harvey Scholarship and talented individuals such as James Hullick.”

“Privately funded scholarships provide much needed support for the arts in this country and demonstrate the value that philanthropy can add to the ongoing advancement of our local talent.”

Media enquiries: Jarrah Aguera Honner Media 02 8248 3745 [email protected]

Note to editors

About the Michael Kieran Harvey Scholarship The Michael Kieran Harvey Scholarship was established by the will of the late Susan Mary Remington to celebrate the work and achievements of Australian pianist and composer Michael Kieran Harvey. The scholarship is awarded to an Australian post graduate pianist to travel overseas for a specific purpose to further or enhance their musical education. Judges specifically look for applicants who demonstrate technical mastery of the piano, display originality, imagination, creativity and a demonstrate desire to pursue piano and music in the 21st century. The scholarship was first awarded in 2006.

About James Hullick James Hullick is a pianist, composer, electronic musician, sound sculptor, artistic director and researcher, based in . He is the artistic director of JOLT Arts Inc. – one of Australia’s more adventurous international not for profit sonic arts organisations. His arts career began in the form of solo pianist, vocalist and composer. He was taught by Felix Werder (Australia/Germany), James Tenney (USA) Warren Burt (Australia/USA) and briefly by Liza Lim (Australia).

His sonic works have been performed, exhibited and presented in Asia, North America and Europe for a variety of ensembles, electronic formats and installation formats. A number of James’ projects have been at the forefront of sonic art; real time scores (scores that update in real time via a computer), sk-eye like mind (2007), The NIS (2009); sound making machines The Gotholin (2007), Swarmlings (2010); community arts projects The Click Clack Project (2010), to name just a few of the sonic terrains that James continues to embrace.

About Perpetual Philanthropic Services: Perpetual is one of Australia’s largest managers and distributors of philanthropic funds with $2.1 billion in funds under advice (as at 30 June 2014). Perpetual is trustee for more than 990 charitable trusts and endowments and provides individuals and families with advice on establishing charitable foundations and structured giving programs. Perpetual also assists charities and not-for-profit organisations with investment advice and management.

Perpetual’s Philanthropic Services and advice are provided by Perpetual Trustee Company Limited (PTCo), ABN 42 000 001 007, AFSL 236643. This publication has been prepared by PTCo and contains information contributed by third parties. It contains general information only and is not intended to provide advice or take into account personal objectives, financial situation or needs. The information is believed to be accurate at the time of compilation and is provided by PTCo in good faith. To the extent permitted by law, no liability is accepted for any loss or damage as a result of any reliance on this information. PTCo does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of any information included in this document which was contributed by a third party.