Special Articles (1970)
Special Articles RECONSTRUCTIONISM IN AMERICAN JEWISH LIFE by CHARLES S. LIEBMAN NATURE OF RECONSTRUCTIONISM • ITS HISTORY AND INSTITUTIONS • ITS CONSTITUENCY • AS IDEOLOGY OF AMERICAN JUDAISM • FOLK AND ELITE RELIGION IN AMERICAN JUDAISM INTRODUCTION JLHE RECONSTRUCTIONIST MOVEMENT deserves more serious and systematic study than it has been given. It has recently laid claim to the status of denomination, the fourth in American Judaism, along with Orthodoxy, Conservatism, and Reform. Its founder, Mordecai M. Kaplan, probably is the most creative Jewish thinker to concern himself with a program for American Judaism. He is one of the few intellectuals in Jewish life who have given serious consideration to Jewish tradition, American philosophical thought, and the experiences of the American Jew, and confronted each with the other. Reconstructionism is the only religious party in Jewish life whose origins are entirely American and whose leading personalities view Judaism from the perspective of the exclusively American Jewish experience. The Reconstructionist has been Note. This study would not have been possible without the cooperation of many Reconstructionists, friends of Reconstructionism, and former Reconstructionists. All consented to lengthy interviews, and I am most grateful to them. I am espe- cially indebted to Rabbi Ira Eisenstein, president of the Reconstructionist Founda- tion, who consented to seven interviews and innumerable telephone conversations, supplied me with all the information and material I requested, tolerated me through the many additional hours I spent searching for material in his office, and responded critically to an earlier version of this study. Rabbi Jack Cohen read the same version. He, too, pointed to several statements which, in his view, were unfair to Reconstructionism.
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