Greece Town Officers
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Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories GREECE TOWN OFFICERS Town Hall, 2505 Ridge road West Supervisor Gordon A. Howe ClerkH. T. Hughes. DeputyMary F. Mitchell Receiver Taxes & Assessments Alexander Johnstone Councilmen Clifford E. Clarke, Leon L. Cox, Andrew J. Schell, Harold M. Veness Justices Alfred L. Clifford, G. Clarence Combs Assessors Dellamer Denise, chairman; Frank D. Herman, Deidrich K. Millls Town Supt Eli G. Thompson Building Inspector Roy S. Cole School Directors F. Lillian Richards, Matie Cunningham Welfare Officer Mathew H. Fairbanks. Deputy Emmett V. Cooper Health Officer Dr. George E. Sanders Nurses Ethel H. Davidson, Mary Humphrey Planning Board W. Chandler Knapp, chairman; John Kimpson, secretary; Arthur Koerner, Samuel Thayer, Howard O. Beuckman Attendance Officer George J. Clarke FIRE DEPARTMENT Barnard Fire Dept. Inc. 3084 Dewey av., phone Charlotte 1000 Braddock Hts. Fire Dept Second av. cor. Lake rd. Greece Ridge Fire Dept. Inc. 2550 Ridge rd. West, phone Glenwood 166 North Greece Fire Dept. Latta rd., phone Charlotte 929 F-2 POLICE DEPARTMENT Greece Police HeadquartersMilton H. Carter chief, 3084 Dewey av., phone Charlotte 630 Police Howard Coner, Chas. G. DeForest, Harry Dixson, Wm. B. Gray, Frank Pitcher Constable Harry Dinger PUBLIC SCHOOLS Central School No. 1Hoover dr., Kenneth E. Jackson, principal; 12 teachers District School No. 2Latta rd.; 1 teacher District School No. 5 Latta rd., 2 teachers District School No. 6College av., 2 teachers District School No. 7Frisbee Hill rd.; 1 teacher District School No. 9 Long Pond rd. ; 2 teachers District School No. 12 Elmgrove rd. ; 3 teachers District School No. 13 Manitou rd.; 1 teacher District School No. 14 Janes rd.; 1 teacher District School No. 15588 Stone rd.; Alva B. Margeson, principal; 21 teachers 21 (273) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories ABBREVIATIONS acct accountant dir director Luth Lutheran rep representative adit adjutant dist district ME . Methodist Episcopal restr restaurant ads advertising div division mach machinist Rev Reverend agcy agency dir dealer Mass Massachusetts rm room agt agent do ditto mdse merchandise repair or repairer al alley dr drive mech mechanic or Sir Am American drftsmn draftsman y Railway mechanical Ry Ex . Railway Express appr apprentice dramkr dressmaker mer merchant Inc E Agency apts apartments East Met Metropolitan By MS Railway Mail archt architect elec . electric or electrical mfg manufacturing Service assn association electn electrician mfr manufacturer S South asst assistant elev elevator mgr manager sen school atndt attendant mkr emp employee maker see secretary aud auditor mkt eng engineer market sergeant auto automobile mldr sgrgt engvr engraver molder shtmtlwkr .... sheet metal av avenue mlnr milliner worker Bapt Baptist mn man sis sales bdg boarding mono monotype so? society bet between exch exchange msngr messenger solctr solicitor bkbndr bookbinder extn extension mtrmn motorman spcl special FE Fire mus bkpr bookkeeper Engine music sq square film . bldg building opr motion picture musn musician sta station bldr builder operator Mut Mutual sten stenographer blk block fiagmn flagman N North stmftr steamfitter blacksmith blksmtb fnshr finisher NE New England struct structural boulevard blvd formn foreman Natl National studt student br branch forwmn forewoman nr near supt superintendent brklyr bricklayer frt freight opp opposite supvr supervisor Bros Brothers ft foot opr operator sure surgeon Bway Broadway ftr fitter optom optometrist tcpr teacner CS pract Christian furn furniture osteo osteopath tel telephone Science practitioner furng furnishing PO Post Office teleg telegraph .... maker cabtmkr cabinet gardnr gardener paperhngr .... paperhangcr ter terrace capt captain gas sta .... filling station pat patent timekpr timekeeper carp carpenter gasftr gasfitter pdlr pedler tmstr teamster cashr cashier gds goods pharm pharmacist tndr tender Cen Centre Pbila gen general Philadelphia trav . traveler or traveling ch church grocer photog photographer treas treasurer chauf chauffeur fro nouse phys physician typwtr wkr. wkr civil .typewriter civ hairdrsr hairdresser pk park US. United States elk clerk hdqtrs headquarters pkwy parkway USA US clnr cleaner Army bdw hardware pi place USMC..U S Marine Corps collr Hlds collector Highlands plmbr plumber USN U S Navy comdr commander blpr helper plshr polisher undtkr undertaker coml commercial hosp hospital plstr plasterer Unit Unitarian Comlth . Commonwealth Hts pntr Heights painter Univ University or comn commissioner imptr importer pres president Unlversalist Fresh comp compositor inc incorporated Presbyterian uphol upholsterer compt opr ... comptometer Ins insurance pnn principal vet veterinary operator insp inspector prof professor v-pres vice president comr commissioner instr instructor vulc vuleanizer cond conductor int rev ... internal revenue prsfdr pressfeeder confr confectioner an janitor prsmn pressman Wash '.".'."." .'.".' r 'Washington Cong Congregational junior ptrnmkr .... patternmaker watchmn watchman cons consulting unct junction pub publishing whf wharf contr contractor wlr jeweler purch purchasing whol wholesale comer cor ;pr keeper r . resides wid widow corp corporation lab laborer RC Soman Catholic wkr worker cres crescent lieut lieutenant BD Rural Delivery wks works lino ct court linotype RR Railroad wmn woman ctr cutter litho lithographer rd road YMCA Men's real Young dec decorator est real estate '_ Christian Association rem removed dept department YWCA . Young Women's depy deputy Christian Association GIVEN NAMES Abr Abraham Danl Daniel Jas James Robt Robert Alex Alexander Edwd Edward Jos . Joseph garni Samuel Alf Alfred Eliz Elizabeth Margt Margaret Sol Solomon Aug August Michl Michael Theo Theodore Ben] Benjamin Patk Patrick Thos Thomas Cbas Charles Richd Rlcbard Wm William ABBREVIATIONS OF COMPANIES, LOCALITIES, ETC. B&O Baltimore & Ohio Railroad 5id Irondequoit Br Brighton K H Kodak Park C of C Chamber of Commerce L " Lincoln Park Chart sta Charlotte station I^Dlsh Valley Railroad Claverhse Claverhouse MtJiY88 , . , . Mount Coldwtr or Cldwtr Coldwater NL&O Power Co. Niagara, Lockport & Ontario Power Co Erie BB Erie Railroad JJ70-;;- New York Central Railroad OE Co General Electric Co Penn RR Pennsylvania Railroad Or Greece " "5; Point Pleasant Henrta Henrietta RW&ORR Rome, Watertown * Ogdensburg Railroad Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories 275 How Many Leaves Did You Turn To Find a Name on this Page? Your Advertisement at frequent openings will be seen every time the book is used GREECE GENERAL DIRECTORY Copyright, 1935, Sampson & Murdock Co.Jnc, Boston, Mass. Post office address follows the street address, in parenthesis. Do not use "Greece" as a mailing address. For list of abbreviations see page 274. Abigail Martha E Mrs tchr Barnard sch h 170 Brookridge dr (Roch) Merwin (Martha E) fnshr h 170 Brookridge dr (Roch) Achter Richd P studt r 206 Rogene av (Roch) Sidney (Grace) mach h 206 Rogene av (Roch) Achultes Jos r McCall rd (Roch) Achzet David C (Agnes E) mach h 131 Clearview rd (RD 4 Roch) Acker Dana E (A Ethlyn) chauf h 830 Long Pond rd (RD 4 Roch) Ackroyd Harry (Mary A) mach h Third av (Hilton) John (Mary) carp h 336 East Manitou rd (Hilton) Muriel studt r 118 Castleford dr (Roch) Thos carp r 336 East Manitou rd (Hilton) Thos (Mary A) K Pk h 118 Castleford dr (Roch) Adam Wm C (Virginia C) auto mech h 170 Strathmore dr (Roch) Adams Alois lab r 3578 Latta rd (N Gr) Chas T (Bertha L) (Adams & Burt) 2678 Dewey av (Roch) h 70 Hager rd (do) Cyrus G (Fern M) ins agt h 128 Corona rd (Roch Delbert F (Ruth I) lab h 1300 Manitou rd (Hilton) Elmer J (Sarah A) lab h 638 North Greece rd (N Gr) Eug E (Cora B) optical wkr h Lee rd (Cld Wtr) Gordon J (Myrna J) garage 636 North Greece rd h 635 do (N Gr) M Edgar (Beatrice R) slsmn h 27 Beverly Heights (Roch) Merritt H welder r Lee rd (Cld Wtr) Thos H (H Pearl) K Pk h 3560 Latta rd (N Gr) Wm F (Alice M) farmer h 125 Peck rd (Hilton) & Burt (Charles T Adams) gas sta 2678 Dewey av (Roch) Addis Benj F sta eng r 88 Corona rd (Roch) Ader Fred J (Helen) tool mkr h 14 Chippendale rd (Roch) Adsit Sidney C (Anne G) ins h 1750 Ridge rd W (RD 6 Roch) Ager Fay W (Florence M) K Pk h 175 Willowbrook rd (RD 4 Roch) Theda M r 175 Willowbrook rd (RD 4 Roch) Agness Harold D (Florence A) K Pk h 3437 Dewey av (Roch) Howard J (Mildred) shade clnr h 49 Swansea pk (Roch) Agostinelli Jos J atndt r 3162 Latta rd (RD 4 Roch) Ahrns Chas (Mamie) farmer h 17 College av (N Gr) Wilbur mach r 17 College av (N Gr) Ainsworth Earl E (Gertrude M) shipping elk h 134 Chalford rd (RD 4 Roch) Nelson R (Ella M) K Pk h 1243 Long Pond rd (RD 6 Roch) Violet M tie wkr r 1243 Long Pond rd (RD 6 Roch) Albright Thos K (Mary C) eng NYC h 3604 Latta rd (N Gr) Adlrich Frank (Mildred) chauf h 148 Wildwood dr (Roch) Robt C (Deborah) eng h Beach av bey Greenleaf rd (RD 4 Roch) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories ROCHESTER SUBURBAN DIRECTORY Alford Donald H (Jean B A) K Pk h 35 Bartholf rd (Roch) Saml C (Martha) opr h 509 Edgemere dr (RD 4 Roch) Alger Ansel N (Carrie L) K Pk h 1077 Bennington dr (Roch) Allan Ernest R (Jessie) K Pk h 6 Swansea pk (Roch) Allard Leslie (Dora) milkmn h 60 Barnard (Roch) Allardice David (Margt) K Pk h 80 Falmouth (Roch) Allen Alice M studt r 132 Willowbrook rd (RD 4 Roch) Byron W (Ethel) printer