Town of Clarksville 2000 Broadway Clarksville, IN 47129
[email protected] 2000 Broadway, Clarksville, IN 47129 FALL 2019 When I look back on my past eight years serving on the Clarksville Town Council, I am pleased. I feel that my service to the town has been both a value to the Town of Clarksville and to myself. I can truly say that being an elected official can be burdensome and may not be for everyone, but the satisfaction of knowing that I helped shape the present and future of my community is rewarding. I have participated in over TABLE OF CONTENTS 200 Council meetings and work sessions, 100 Redevelopment meetings and countless others since taking office. As my second term comes to a conclusion, I look forward to enjoying the extra time with my family. Welcome Letter 3 During my two terms, the elected leadership of our Town has taken action on many items that have immediately benefitted the community. Other past actions will continue to provide benefits for years to come. In previous issues of this magazine, we have highlighted both current and future property development and public improvement projects. In this issue we will highlight some of our personnel and their respective Staff Spotlight s 4-6 departments. @TownofClarksville Shortly after being elected to my second term, we made the determination to consolidate the operations of storm water and street T Department Head Shout Outs 7 department into a single unit called Public Works. This action resulted in greater efficiencies of staff and equipment in addition to budgetary savings.