Vol. 25, , B. 0H MOÜDAY, JULY 26, 1897. NO 123. NBW ADVERTISEMENTS. ItoWsfrWt. e'SySWie/B’tWS unt opportunity. Ixml Randolph's WAXTBlK-Lsdy'* m-rvml hand bicycle; younger ami, John Henry Churchill. now must tie In good order; elate price and IT year» vf age, will «tody for the bar. TRADE IS BOOMING a. r. Time» otllc-e. jyao-at I^»* Karl of Roaslyn. who lias been prominent in tlu* Prince of Watow' *.*t WANTED—A Hteady and reliable young iilau to learn the bartering trade. Ball'* the United States Secretary of state an. The latter had qnslltr goods frwa $as to houee ; bath. etc. ; rent $8; Luxtoii aire., Entered for Consumption and Ex­ Jamie Bay. Apply Moore A Whitting­ With Aliena. agreed to make the advance if the Earl I you with Boo would give him a due bill for £380 and ports, Totals *2*5,494,766 es veej ivuiuicit sum» m pvin. ««v.m aowpo m------•torn». at prices rang ton, carpenter» and builder*, opposite the log from S* to Sw. See our goods Everythlag guaranteed. City Hall. JLMMt purchaae a perfumery bnaiaew* for £800. ‘Tbla,*’ continued the judge, “the JEWELLERS. . COVERNMI WANTED—A girl to help with light hqpae- üiimiutt Ottawa. Joly ÎSEZa Challoner, Mitchell & Col Apptr Slit-- John Sherman, apuken to regar/l- perfumery was summary of the p ro. at 26 Kingwton street. ww tog the rumor that the Canadian govern- trade returns for the year ending June FOU SALL Two -a gw*TZ I, A 5”r1''', «“tUmHll Lb.-, M give* Am* week. the Judge, '“has put himself Tn a very nwk- màmiu and an eight year old. and cart. Apply, trade returns are now made up offidal- Esquimau Hotel, Esquimau. . ward poritioo; but the money-lender is Entitled to the ordinary right* of a Brlt- ly and not materially change therlg- WAXTBD-A man to drive a bake-cart. uret already published. The year waa a Apply 15 Store street, Plymouth Bakery. v i*h subject, and Karl H- Long Re**ion of United States C entered for con*nmptiou, and <*xpvrtsL Addre*» "U. Times offlee. y&St -intHpate any trouble on that aepre. give a total of $24v.4t>4.7ZW. This does BUSINESS WEEK COMMENCING 20th “Where n man has taken up a land Closed. PARTIES FOB THE CLONDYKK should <$*iro for the purpose of residence and not lnclutle the gwtto abort entersJ from dkékJ the 1 nitesf States. Take the Iwliner liave their watches overhauled and oiled I1 *• Tennle goods, at *J. there is an inernaae of «1«.7titi.4.y. The si Handkerchiefs Barnsley » A Co.. 110 Ueremment St. nor it* stability to .l.mbt pute. The several forms of our paper figure* are: [**tY**#t Have you seen the fisherman's sun hat? “From the meagre* imports already re­ pair* d it looks us if there might Le as money offer, in my judgment, a con- Exports. Importa Duly. LINBEED OII^—Guaranteed pare English i»n*‘h gold on our able of the line as on 1906 .. «11*140,50* «110.587.Hrw «20,177,770 Double-fold BlacK Broche Lattre*, at 25c. per gallon. In 4 gallon lots; 1W7 .. 134.ll.Vm> 111.390.777 1H.H74.970 pure lead. «6 per 100 lb*.. No. 1 Elephant, There waa a decrease of over B&KNJ.OOO «5.00 per 100 Rw. J. W. Mellor, Fort Bt. Arkcd about the Behring a.m,349. J. HUTCHESON A CO. east corner of Blanchard amt Johnson «vitnpared with for the saute TheWestside Sts. ah* being too readily iccrivcd a* the seettment of the nation. The English time in 1896, ;t slight Increase yet there «AOO-No 1 double screen**1 household coal, gdkeniment has made no response to the wav n (tpereeae of «tant «8.000 In the per ton of 2.000 pounds, delivered to any letter received by Minister Hay in ro- amount of, duty collected. The ex|Hirt* part of the city. Hall. Ooepel A Co, 100 gaid to the Behring sea matter, and it» were for June, I8BT. «il Government street. call No. 88. compnred with $11.1131,281 for June, foreign office baa said nothing of a bclli- ÜN. TO RUILDERB-Dooro and Mubea at bed. gercut natnre. J. W Mellor, Fort NL JyOtf "England has fully aa much, if not A. R. Mao*wvî hy â vote of George Dubwm anadntiwl in his place. can PAN OUT m ounces to TUB BBT The Keml-Annual General Meeting of the tend»*! and believe* she is right in her 12-1 to 90, six others bring present and G. W. Ryan. Mintml, ha* been w»|/er- above society will be held In Sir William and CUBAN UP cmrtattttsn that somethin* must be done, not voting. Two ll.*i/ublicans voted annoated. and F. L. Cauribon appointed week. No thawing oat the OBAVBL, tor Wallace Hall, Broad Street, toatarday. or seal* will be soon against the bill, hot in the senate, when in bis place. we GROUND SLUICE to BEDROCK and the «1st Jcify, 1907. at 8 p.m.. C. H. Ilr.n lupt been appointe}! lantUng the Secretary * half-yearly Statement and extinct." ’ that body ro-conrened. there wen* many leave the big bright NUGGBT8 of bargains waiter at Osbawa. for yon to SHOVEL Into the DUMP BOX Balance Sheet. sharp pa»*ngc-at-arm*. t the object ot of home comforts. GORKI P OF LONDON. certain se^hstora bring not to take up the To-day's Osnada Uaaette contain* a Something new and nice, CONSOMME in* A. ST. O. PUNT. subject matter of the president’* m«**- dispatrii from Hon. Joseph Cbamlier- gelatine es pen lea. A fresh lot of Christie, Karl Rosilyn'* Doings—The NohHity in aage. Mr. Aldrich stilted that “no Re­ lain. secretary for the colonies, eompll- Brown A Co.'s Cakes, and Robertson's publican senate expects the passage (»f mentkry in the righeet degree af the con­ Chocolate Creams. EATJ0TI02ST3 kh# PwTMty Uommisaion biH," and he duct of «lie r»nan- during the jubilee. Asparagus Tips, 16Ac. ity Fair, the London season which . is nibility fori, we are willing to accept." Eugenie Ward, of Toronto, wife of Maple ttyrup. Our Own, :«5c. mew nearing it* end ha» beet» remarkable Mr. Hoar made a similar declaration, Bber Block Want, will apply to iwrlia- mvnt at the next session thereof for a biR irm Sonoma Glare!, 25c. bottle. MM«M â TILTON S IXTINSIVI STOCK for bringing into prominence the “in- and 3Tr. Morgan Intimated that (he prea- Sonoma Claret, $1.25 gallon. tomiwwate" habits of society. In the ideut waa being treated w(jh contumely. ree from her hnsbrn, TUESDAY, JULY 27, AT 10:30 A.M. courue of a long nrtirie. Vanity Fair aays The senate paasetl the concurrent Ward, formerly of Toronto, but n6w re­ DIXI H. ROSS the women âro 0» laid as the inen. “Per- resolution1 for a/ljonniment at 0 o'clock, siding in Paris. France, on the grounds & CO And following days, at 10:80 a. hsipu the length of the Iaiudou season is and at 7 o'clock took a recess until 8;ID of adultery, desertion and bigray. <*ài<4ly res}*>nsiW<* for the evil. From p.m. At » o'clock both houses adjourn- I have been Instructed by the above firm THE BKKT ROÜTR. to dose out the whole of their valuable Mr. Johnson, of Indiana, to-day in­ and well assorted stock In trade at their troduced in tlk* house a bill to create a Dr. Daw*»* View* About Ueachiag •tore. Wharf and Bastion streets, Victor!*, the Yukon. consisting of a large assortment of shelf current y <*otrntlari<#n. The bill différa and heavy hardware, nails, Iron, steel, from that of Mr. $ttone in that it auth­ ehala, cordage, agricultural Implements sod orise* the president to appoint a mixed Ottawa; July 24.—Dr. Daw eon. C.M. CARPETS• •• extras for plows; Toronto. Champion, Buck­ commission, consisting of nine members, G„ director of the geological *urv»*y, waa eye. »nd other harvesting machinée; build- thret* citizen#- to be npponted by the ask^l to-day a* to the bent Mute Into the era', contractors', plumbers’ and loggers' prealdent. three senator* by the presi­ Yukon country. The first road," aahl supplie*; office furniture, etc., etc., etc. dent of the senate, and thna* repro»*m- Dr. Dawson, “us*^ by the miners a good The Auctioneer would call special atten­ many year* ago. in reaching the Yukon, BRUSSELS . . tion to thl* great and peremptory sale, aa tatires by the speaker of tin* bouse. the firm haa decided to « lose out their busi­ These’ three représentativea will, by *he was from the head of the Lynn Canal ness. It weald not be In the reach of an ■ of the hill, be m«*mb«>rs of the three and over (Thilcoot Pass, down the Crossley’sj VELVETS. . Lew5 river. This was an old Indian ordinary advertisement to enumerate the dominant political parties of the country. large stock that will be sold without re- road of travel and was well known to TAPESTRIES, NBW FREIGHT TARIFF. the native*. It is still used by the min- Ina|9»ctlon of stock la larlted. 4i>. bot it ie iloubtful whether it even- open from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. tnaJly will prove to Iw the ln*»t |K*rinan- Aiminitif end Wilton Carpet» in leautitol GEORGE BYRNES. Auetlooeev. The New Tariff for Khipraents From the A Dig Line of Ingrain Carpato—5 or 6 di Coast to K«x'tenay. ent mail. lM*cauw* of the height of th« Russian army. In Engtaixl be has been pan* ami other drawback*. A road. I afforded every facility. He has lieen *>n " ednewli ' :• ' believe, is being opened across the moun­ WEILER BROS [MTinitted to visit the arsenals and lanv tariff to points tains by the White Pane, » «vewiderajMc rack#, to semple the soWier»' rattons atnh ^ome into toree. di*an<> GARDE!PARTY to examine their equipments. Although *od new rat lower altitude Thl* *eem* likriy to Uader the Patronage of Hie Worship the tb*- newspaper* recently protested the prat column prove a road of permanent value. An­ Mayor and Mrs. Redfern, by the Ladles of against tbt* granting of such privilege* to Nelson, Trail other road baa lteen o*«*d from tin* Metrop»>Htsn Church. to foreign officer» from the «mtinent, no the se»*ond lynts. Tea, teresL It apepar* that this wakh. which Rigbtb eJaas . the Yukon for *t<*m wheel.steamer*. Of 86 cents (served from 5 o'clock). i* called petrols, ha* been very generally Ninth elw* ...... need of late in London. The new*pap»>r* Tenth ria*» \... though by far the. longest, is by steamer an* filletl w|IU interviews on the subject The following to the mouth of the Yukon river, near and a question will be asked to the com- rat-** to Rosslai Bi-hring straits. Stem wheel steamers AUCTION t SALE mon» with a view to prohibiting the im \ BELOW COST employ»»»! in summer. Only an occaa- First I-lass «2 18 83 19 loual ;idventurtle» man b«s ever trev- He»y>nd elaas 1 46% 1 tG% . etwd any of tium t«r winter. But whet- P. J. DAVIES, Third <*las« ! 1 ■■ hr-f 5 FOR THE NEXT THtSTI DAYS ^Eonrib vlies ’VrTWF.'f.T-aC'--* V . w. : ■- -T iVTlfU „ r *A«CriOTfi!EIV- Vimwi»-":: We wifi MU eer .lock of NEW BICYCLES BELOW Foxhall Keene one. filxth class .. w ...... 1 14 96% wst opportunity <«f becoming For the Oak* of 1«M> Mr, Croker has in h uent one. Ât the present time it W411 Bell by Public Anction on class ...... 88 72 COST PRICE FOR CASH, to cksr. New is yenr cntvn-il tihm*. Mr J. H,# Keejie two and Eighth class ...... 04 68 therefore, easy to get into the couulry, chance to get a good Bicycle cheap We ban aiao a Mr. Lnrillard two. Ninth class ... .i\»...... rr 1 b»r» townals autumn it bcemff prnctl- number ef SECOND-HAND BICYCLE» which we lutdy Henry SomcsK-ha* 'resigned the Tenth Hess ...... 78 «B will Mil at very lew price. Thursday, du y 29, 1897 pn sjdcnry of tto* British Women's Tem- The 5th das*, on which thi* largret rt*- visions an* |H*ranc»* Association. She re»xmfr> ad dnet’ori is made, is n uirw-t eaw*s carload of JMfqili 41 NI* Saleroom. •( Johai a Street, drewecil a circular to the presidents of of groceries hardware, sugar, milk* npsb into the «-MEN’S, LADIES’, CHILDREN’S AND TAND1M. branch associations asking them 'not to liquors, etc. Heavy lines, such «a tou­ approve or sign petitions to Lord George rnent. brick. ct«*.. briong to the Utth Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shota, Hamilton, wt-retary of state tpr India, class, and machiuery to the Hth. llatl- Crockery. GlssSware. Looklug Glass, (tod­ against the renewal o£ <*ontagious dta- roed nils and *nwi»lb «j*k* ■■NffiMMI dle, Hewing Machine, Bicycles. Winchester eaee acta tor India. The branches, aK, tin the 7th JOHN BARNSLEY & CO Blflb, Wheelbarrow, etc., etc. tion, refti*e4 M. XV ly reduced price* to clear out certain dolph Church ill, will stand for parlia­ ami B. Applewhalte, iS@i@i@isiarsia@@isisii patterns. Weller Broe. • ment in the Conservative Rricrest at the IXrinrd. :


people are not well stocked with provis­ Constipation ions, where will they he?" WHITE PASS ROUTE "There is a strong probability that Umm fully hsM the nek mm in the world, tt POSSIBLE SHORTAGE there will be • ibotl ailowan» ofpre- ntotM the Agertrd food too king tn the boweH PARLOR Tisiona in rb* Yukon the coming winder, and produce* blUoueuees, torpid «ver, Mb eren it there ia uu actual suffering flot» Bstarn of Mr. BacoUne of the Brit Miner* Advised to Keep Kynj the want of food, nod every one going in ish Yukon Chartered will do well to take eududeut supplies MATCHES Prom Clondyke Unlee* to last until next summer. To any thst Company. Well Supplied there are now 5.0U0 people now in the Hood’s Yukon valley U a oneervstlve eatimete, and if^til these decide to winter there tt is doubtful if the tnadlug companies (*» Packer* Are Taking Provtalons Across •omuls, ele Roods Pills Nest cure constipation sod ati tu No A First-class Match at Papers Discuss the ProW get in provisions enough to last through the Pass for Twelve Cents Sliding the winter, if it to clearly teen that results, easily sad thoroughly. Be. AU bülty of s Short»** of a Pound. by C. 1. Hood A Co. EnweU, Mom. «here will be a shortage, the minera will Boxes ille ff lobe with Hood s HampartU* a Second-hand price... Provisions. have to take matter» in hand and make all thorn- not hiving » winter a ontflt go John H. Bacolme, of the British Yu- d< wn -he river There i, no higher law CVRTOM8 RHOIY.ATION8. than neccaaity, and It la belter thnt rente kon Chartered t»,mpany. nMuroml to . — Aik your dealer for them Mro.who intend soin» to the Clondyke should have to leave the country, how­ this city yesterday cveomg on thnstenm^ Dyes Is Mailt* a 8nb-Port—Letter From r a,/ uf Toia ka. He has been over country shoeld remember that there it ever unwillingly they may go, than that the. Yuaon. lue Wbftc Pa- trail, which h« Jn.t THE E. B. EDDY COMPANY, Limited. « probability. tl>»t tlft-re «ill be » short- all should suffer from hunger. The com­ panies will do their beat to «upply the been opened np by hi. Company, and r«- Ottawa. July 28^-Xbdwt ont» «’clock M,. of provtoiur.a durini the'coming win- in.-reused demand made upon them, and ,K,na that the trail i« now ope# for yciitenlay afternoom Hon. W m Pater­ MULL MOMTAKAL TORONTO Dievonniug the rush to the mines if the river xl)OUld not free» up till lute h„r»a and packer, are taking good» son. minister ef costo-Tis, telegraphed to thlmlsk Iron. Skagwa/ Bur to Touchai the Mining Record of Janesu »*7* they may tie able to get np an attend­ Washington aeklhg that D>ea. at the VETERINARY. -Then- are, however, to be tsken into ance of supplie» hr everyone, but those imite from the salt water to thi freah head of Lynn canal, in the disputed THE RIVER JUB. wrioua .vn.Wersti.a. varh.iia fac­ going in nare to lake .dinner» unless wnteg- A large number o< packer», territory between Alaska and Canada, tum which the unthinking *nnl«m- they have a good omit with them. Some each having many homes, are «e'k»««: be made a sub-port of entry for goods The River-Job is an important rive- S. p‘ TOV$r6hlNAHY PUROEON. iug on their own account, and they will (.graduate Ont. Vet. Col.. Member Out. Vet. -j rerv sut to overlook. i he m,k'1 have the gold fever so badly that they going Into the Yukon country, A reply which has only ju*t towed a ptae* on Med. ttoc. Office at Bray * Livery. Mt Johnson Imports nt of these i. found in thequm- be abto to ,le»l with nmaiderable trnf- •.nr rb it hai Sowed «w are willing to rim any wns received at four o’clock, consenting street- Telephone 188; residence telephoneW. tion Jf economics! yet thorough and most desperate chances. Theyl* telfstarV« Sc. The» men are new charging a rate to do so. awl also agreeing to send a from prtUntorie ages. It forms i«rt of calls promptly attended to day or night. Vic­ toria. B.C. proper outlltting. While M. , «h from here with hardy enough supplies of 172 cents ,a.rj^nnd cmfmghttlikeu man wiAii goods over the summit, where the boundary between, the- Rritish ami over' W XK anff ther Hare -enterré fees conirf ne collected at ïSe mmi post Itsliim Hphvn-s in Hast Africa. In th» rmliinina,ltl isuumttn seu#*-' Mt m much utrmdykwmd no mener to-wy v SCAVENGERS. X^MhlC to th.vi.vker a!tcrf..rtm,ch. more, even If there is |.lcuty to he had into an agreement not to **«'*“ * in what ia acknowledged to he Canadian middle of June Major Macdonald left thinwirtwer They .»»*-«« , iuirgë vÿf Iff cents per pound, hat *■ territory. It may t»e tbn«: kbe- 4kwHml tMvke ebarre of *w eagevibm» *t*MV9 WBWT. ««NKRAL WOAWNMONR. ;* the face of Insufficient and hi go to work at on-cc for wages, hot paw wlU be very difficult to control these 1 , - ■ ■■ " • sent out by the British government fo- • ocressor to John Dougherty. Yards and charge, owing to the enonnon. ro.b of the exploration of the River Juh. This ndal*-.l .aw.He*- »'>'< *1* '•!<« aihly before they can earn enough to buy when the fees could be paid there. Two removtug earth, etc. All orders left w therefore lwcod.es >**7""', ‘ ]ir,“ I a winter'» ont»l everything will be reM traffic that to dally going over at the officers, will tie sen* up from Victoria, officer was the lending administrator of James Fell A Co uauer baa always sought to impreee upon to those who have the esah t" buy present time. It to a very pict»re«,ne one from each of theae passes, which are the original railway survey from Mom S^rendee. who wouU onto» UntnWSltti. ------n—, .n-..i. arc very limited «re baaa tn UfcfcJüdMit ...... we would reiterate with a,hied emi’higj; trying to make every doliarbuy a. much goowi|'k «adtheto customs is well pleased with the speedy Ineenuitr In this dlrertlob Is eomethlng of tbe ingoing miner, who walk «tong rojdy that <$.une from the American au­ ONE HONEST MAN. .snnot he taken Info that region. De­ BV.hw who like to indulge WANTS. the trail at the rear of the pack trams. thorities. ARl/VgkVr. mure the heel endeaeors of the tmdtng Pl*w h*m yew wsdm thw V wriw* is w*S. spite tee imoeefibility thnt they their «omseh. a little. Here to » Hat Travel will be much clator. he any», in A government official received a letter WANTED—Intelligent youth, at Rardakeris comps toes It ts nil impcseio.. the ^winter! when the take, will be (Was «■sii*lly I will «tail Is s ssslsd ssrslsy Iks piss Auction Rooms. Apply nfter 8 a.m. can furnish enough fer ntt______of suppll « which one John Dnyte. better from the Yukon to-day dated as late as Ch A^ SMksly StfWggTSC^B ot Mjgsnsg known as “Biddy." his figure,! out will over a. solid as the paa»a. It would June 22nd. It confirms previous reports WANTED—By blacken situation In -si- ir'n.ir'whS œ- be Wtoer, though, be thinlo. for tboae Inr last him eight month», and whose coat regarding the marvellous discoveries of mine; good tool sharpener, oSc*** ^f.X^l'^H.iif.r^.Mthe he think» he mu sure up » na to leave tending to gn Into the Clondyke country gold in tlu? «Hstrlct. and poiuts to Ihswsowhwieswwt s«n bs m «*. stating wages, “Smith.” tla * l««t: Four hundred to go In now, uolwithatandin* that travel aetnnl deiunnd and these "ho the probability of other dbeuveries of poeadn of pilot bread. PS: pound» of is much bonier St prerent, so that they equal If not greater richnesa than hare is îWîavÆ.1 si.HleiMitly provided with the nc-easar se sow wen. rtgawss wmà *B~, mA essiew » «It pork. *4: 2 ««Ilona of molaaae.. *>■ may be aide to secure claim». There yet been made along other streams, not­ Ilona for th* poaltlon of t vacher of South to, of life will Bud thetr lot a hard one Bsanich school will be received by under­ o -gnon» '•* vii-egar aft cent»: 1**1 lb*. will be such a rush in tbe early spring ably the Stewart river. ■YTgTa^Ag-gggiws indeed. No man without an ample prn- ap)!t pea». 20 pound. **M. 20 ««*•- signed up till August 2nd; married man nplojrment that it work! lie uinch better to go now. preferred? residence free. . F. Tnrgooee. viiionvialon 'upi"j.apply wlUrÎLfcafÎBiie». be given l>Dt___..Li- «mir mwvn gum Hf.i.t-e- boute, $«*.fkOi on**on^ pair ofOf Hia company proposes .to build » wagutt WFR-RAVIXG CARTRIDGE “tod over the trail which they have lost Secretary Board of Trustees, Tnrgooee P. o opened, and the, will petition the provin­ At Cbarcnton. France, a new and. very -ko,eafe cial government for sin in building that important life-saving Invention of Judge CYLINDER press feeder wanted.- A| csnrêt porch.» food inSTriWÏS « ••ountrywber. •• Hearn great iss s leag sad fMgsms Mt, Is ■ the Prorlaee office. uys lie can get along without; he can road. Afterward» they Intrnf build­ t’«domes was recently tried before a Î5S It j„ not produced nod to whir* it ,■ AewhkelsewUaiwA^ ...... broil hla pork over a camp ®re. and one ing three or foot «tramera, perhaps Me. large assemblage composed of tbe mem token only in luideqaete «luan ltlm SALE. small kettle to cs>k hi» pea» wM.be *” t.>... Vieply on theIh. upper.inner and lower water» of her* of tb** French Li ft-Raring Rodety There to even now s report in eircointion the Lewis and Yukon rivers. M hen “h a «he «wt advenheesew I have ewwwed men .reiving at Dawson with the e.»,king utenaila hr will need, r, and tbe Federation of Life Savers of •tel 4M sol s^ we »s caB sk the CegMSi Office s»4 FOR 8ALEI—Fresh broken soda biscuits, prevent scurvy, boiled non «ni be ml- these arrangements are completed travel France. The new invention consists of at 57-50 Fort fit. M. R. Smith A Co. * then ft Y.vur* MOrliiOB SUpply ere “ 1 ssi happy to asy dstyws* tngy as H*ws Sclent besides proving nonrwhmg. That during the spring and summer Reasons a novel belt, which can be inflated at Mss s^ 122m d2 slsiwsi oi boik Pulpe this kind of diet would n stein Hf-' l» will be n uch better, as then the ingoing FOB gALB-Two Dixon band drills (one will by a swimttyer by tbe mere handling s’l^LL. IL.mak*ttull wMwawso certain, and how ma») would be wming miner ca«. leave Vitoria and go to Ska- of a lever. A cartridge containing 3Q perfectly new, never unpacked, the other Sr^'s1 -HHfS SMssy. ha* Msg s halSw ta «te ue:v«r»al In good condition); price $100 each; to pal np with it? We would ndvrte way Bay by steamot, from There be «n grammes of llqiiid carbonic arid la fas­ cost $150 each Address Dter, David- none to try it. Life in the Yukon, even have hia wttit and nroviffious carried tened in the belt, which is worn by bath­ son A Russell. Victoria. 2L,«.re°whU,SSSSs •TSS-S-h uofur- When rit wed at Ma beat, present, hard­ ox r Hie wagon over the White Paaa, to er* of steamer passengers when con­ wcrscy stewsd. AAAraas wlffi «awp k ships enough: the winter*, fearful cold the fresh wster. where he will be able to fronted by danger. The taming of the MR. «M. T. MULPORD, Agssts* SapsRw. VICTORIA WOOD AND GOAL YARD, car. ^rrd unprovided will mid to these, the summer’s peel of mosquitoes, the meet the stem wheel steamers of the P.O. BOX 8S-BT. mmrni. QPK. Government and Discovery. All hinds af handle frees the arid, whrih at once fuel for sale at lowest current rates. Your iousneaa of the situation. long weery tramp*, the hard work; these British Yukon Chartered Company. upon expansion fills the Mt, so that order solicited. Delivery free. Alee ••It mini be fememliered. too. that » are riiotiglr. even with the best ^pro- These steamers will In all probability be the wearer will fleet indefinitely. The steam wood sawing done. Telephone thiasmwm the matter vision», warm blankita. eumfortahi* built and in service in time for the rush excellence of the apparatus was prao No. 149. A. C. Howe JulMm portatloii aero* the inimmit pre»"'* houses. g'»d fire, and «.methlng to give of travel expected next summer. , tirally demonstrated by two mer> who ümtot entirely dlffer.su from thnt light during the lone winter night», it Mr Kscolme «oy* thnt no fears pe,-?l jumped overboaH. and up»n signal rts, TO LET, bST. W Hie'#""»- ÎSÎKte. tea taiar1,1 —awM—WF—^-■—1| mphatoav -»—■ «mnglr 1» cwwTWiWioil to* •** famtoif H A ♦bs gss... smiiisiniriit....BMttixmkiW, denrtb of provisions amongst the miners WT.ffT The ffiring teem -oT-Wm-WA of the snow Inci-neee the difficulties tej the Bccewdty of every on*.- taking an gpon the water. Voder ordinary circugi- WMOUSAU MV CMOS AMO abundance of the best food to M him rneel, for hi* Hotel, cheap to reeponalble party. Md. -mi <-**“*. during next winter is '»n.‘ strncf-s they would hnve sunk, but whh CLOTH INC WAMOFACTME*$. until another summer, and a good camp [ cuSupaQj ha * arranged to send in large the belt Inflated they floated nn the sur­ outfit. If you can’t get these thing* it qUBntit1ea of provisions. They aHo in­ face without moving a hand. BBNflS street, from 1st Jane. run» to umlvrtakv tbetfutelvee and whi.h is safer to wait until yon can save up ton! Mtabtishing po«t« all «lotto the shoubter* and part of the breari were A fions, Douglas street i* very expensive when performed b> enough to buy them.” r„nte. no that a return;o« u*H»‘r «° visible, and the two men were «quite «bl under eon,met. »d thto contln- ,, n, ont light nil the «ay. Muftplii» at eiymfoftahle in their position. The ac­ MlSlfeLLANfcOUS. CANADIAN BKIKK8. tbwM? stathm* for food on the Ntfli ceptance of the Colomee belt by the life- genev muât be taken into eonskierntlon SPECIALTY. ind provided tor. While the ewttif sc- On the morning of July 20th a party saving societies of France is almost de­ tool packing mny be slightly lew. 92* Tory Lie» Ex|k •«»!- Thi- l.umiwr Dntira of aimai fifty miners varied In over tbe rided. and the fitting of venael* with i ...rTAnu D c —Toronto’» Fair, Whit. r««* Antoni there ware Toni lior hundred weight i* not too greet *n that saving aptdlance will be proposed j Vlw I UKIA» P»V» nTlowan-c to make to cover the «pstj» Wtreai. **»F*r- ^ “xT. T. Git. H.^nÏÏ.'tVhl In the nex^ aeaslon of the chambers. of tran«|».rtin* supplies from tide water for Hochclagn. Isugh* at the storythal are. V U. 1-uikr. V Imni and to the head of freshwater bunt nsrlga- he has tendered hi" resignation to Prem­ BEUBX ER IN THE ROD. la.r.1. B*.h Stantqp. A. H. Smith. I. H tloa and the price to apt to be ™i»d at ier Laurie-. Mr Brnnean. of UichHleu. tsne. u. No «■ Mm it h Jam* ia-wia. 8. Cartnr. and J. Prof. Altdon W. Small, of the Univer­ any moment The Intending Y.knurr who w«# also alkge.1 to have resigaed, Smith. Jam* lo-wia. In the Supreme Court of . Preewk. „ . , sity of Chicago, somewhat surprised the to "now more than ever before under the twpbatioally denied the story. A private Veder date of July », Captain Wtl In the Matter of the “Quieting Idles Act cahtogtem ways Sir Wilfri.l loturwf «ail» and of gub-dlvisions Number. Fourteen nervosity of providing amply for the iw Itom Moore «rit* »» full»»» to the U. 8. National Association of Teacher»’ rreeoe.1 diffiimltie. of .ubaistenee daring front Lirerim..l on An*o«t 18. convention at Milwaukee by a declara­ Ittl and Fifteen 111» of Suburb.0 U>t Alaska Su.rehllahl: "For tire Informa- Number Font (1Y.I In the City of Ytc hi» Stay A provision supply smple for Toronto, July Zt-DnriM ‘ho t**1 f,w tion in favor of corporal punishment da'ykthere h* been a «ondzrfnl mrre,re I ,h” While a y tar at least and a « iffkient «mount of ‘‘The idea,” be said, “that a child’s skin Monday, the 8th day of February, A. ft. fc l”n-^ 1 ICrenk Trail to .hr , is too sacred to emrrt for social offence*, ,m«h to cover nil contingent expense», at »“ ■•Mr-'»'------” • fp«l. the if- •uent, and which fall* due to-day. j __ ,k- uk »* >m»im about is an unstvial creed than which I know adtovtt of the asld petitioner» In support MJ nlliiunU. .ntvew; with a less supply o •lieiK, HH wmwH •_____ 1 . th the 'ak‘* being about 1 be «aid petition, the affidavit of Jame, either provtohuia or motley not only are terdny w .• the biggest daylor these a - J* J , lW The distance from none more Insidiously immoral.” These tides this year. ^ 1 !aU WEt« *o Toochl lake is 80 miles. Mutrbead. sworn the 23rd day of October,, hia chance» grently leswened and hi» strong wonts were uttered as a protest tree, the affidavit of J «me. Daley .worn ^ AW. WILSON comfort »aerifl,vd. hut his health and CharloStetown, July 23. In i , fr„m w„t.-r to the h<»*d of lake -ton held here .n_r«n.er ,he JMna... a^Dx.t^ I, 35 mil*. Both against what the speaker called a policy the 38th day of October taw, the eertb PLUMSSBS AMD ©ASftriTTRBS. even life placed in jeopardy." of practically tearing to pupils themselves n*te of the Regl.trer-Oeuernl of Titles Ill thla same rolinrvtioll S.cret»r5 1 routes frtmi the *umir.it ire through ndl- to fix the standard of thefr own conduct, relating to the title of th. .bovrementloned Hamilton, of the North American Tmd- for »»t 788 agnlnat. ,,h f ] |„, rountrT, for the moat part opx-n. wit! i h.Jiling that to ho right which they eon .utedlvtstons numbers fourteen (U) end by US majority. It U* b"** ,1*,, of gralto f.-i freffing «trek, ««ter. j wn, tre-.it as right, and thnt nothing to fifteen 115) of auhnrbsn ft number four lug and Trseeis-rlatiou Company. »« ’H7th .WM and nuSeient ».... I for all purpo«*.1 binding upon them natare they «ere,-. (IT.), dsl-d the 37th dsy of October. 1888. to a rente»»tatire of the 8.utile I "l■ aod the other doenment» set forth tn t»e "I think it high time to sound a warn­ this ei.y for three year». Both *“** “Jj, *„u,r ,» the «ummit «trek This, -he ...... sakl. was doing what U cotüd to 1 " . . lp t(J tbe Mi<| petition, and open ing to the people who efrxun bent on worked hard. — - —a . horré. can I»' driven through make, not put riot a, bat Anarchiste, and j heerln- Counsel for the *ald petitioner*. I ruahing off this fall without the know­ Toronto. July 23. Al’plleal" 1 lutend.ng Ira Tellers in thia ho concluded by denouncing the policy, do (>rnbll*he.l in four government, died to-diy. * ! Min I ne Rcc»ril his tW. full owing: MONEY TO LOAN «an___ handleI...... IL. ihothe people they take in ant Toronto. July 23. -Charle. Ham w.» I .‘7^, ‘wTf, iXjor Ska Ing of the rod with the spoiling of the ^ueeewiire Issues of the British GolumbU provide from their safety and comfort k»U'.l by a falling derrick nt 8,,r.ngfleldr , Ce ^ ’'.^.y alght.Vyir. % took child has home believers still. _. Gaaette and In the Datfy Time* for one —------month, provided thst no adverse dalm Prlrsle eatrsece Oriental Alley. but with the horde of tpilf-proviaioneo He leave, a wid-waud .ix rhnlren r y head of honu-. to he nael pooitle streaming acro'*s the Miimnit there THE BRITISH ADMIRAL. Bhall be tiled within the said peri.vl with St. Th -ma», July 23 - Wnrreo Boh- «un in ^ eitt hsrè twelxe I* bound to be a Shortage.7 « those who , ert.' house caught fire thi» mrMtaff «■* j ...... ^the Alki. Thi» will make a ______| the Reglstv*1" °f Thta Court. _ F. Landsberg, Prop. went in that way have large enough more on the Alki. -S - Sir Newell Salmon, who wafi com- (Bgd.) M. W TVRWHITT DRAKE. J. #. O. Mrs. Robert* wn* burned to death- outfits they will be all right. If not, and total of thirty-fire In hi» train. mander ia chief of the nary At the grand .hove order notice to É The 8.torchlight say*: “Certainly the review nt forlsniouth. to considered the ] " ^Tf|| ,„r p,.nKm hiring, nt thev run abort, it will tax the stores AMERICAN NEWS now In the country to supply their neee*- White Pa»* promoters are making del admiral of the .toy, and one who would. “ gave, any title to or Intereat pernte effort» to start the travel their nltles Irefore the ojrening of next season. in Connecticut—Earthquake in the event of war, take command» Of thi, abo„.meDM„md land», or any part We ar. now advising mT»ple to wait Floods way. A. B. Onxnnngh left on the Queen the British fleet. He to « man about 84 | tbero>f required, before the Irene of the Tremors—Coal Famine. until next spring. But it is impossible Thursday evening for the Bound where vesrs of *ge. and hna been In the naval , .hove-mentloned declaration, to «to a atate- he go* te pnrehare a new anwoiill. The to stem the tide with advice, no matt- Waterbary, Oonn.. July Î2.~ A «torn ^ ^ ^ ______■ aerrtee atornt 30 y«r». Hc .crvci in hto oa,u, *lre how good *nd well mean* mill will bare a eaparity of four or *tc the Baltic daring the war with Ruas la. r#te Ptipremc Court of British < olumbta. in the proportions of n don* burst h«« |kH|al p,r Any nod will be he “ ’ rjperspommnt to tbe above Art. -How many ton* of provision* will g-> and in India, when a lieutenant, he left r,.,re, the Kfird^ay^Joty. Iffid.^ to the Yukon thi* year? Writ, there prCTnlled here slnee 2 o'eioek this"morn- eilh,r oa Windy Arm or Tnglsh hia ahlp at Calcutta end fought gallantly have already gone in hy the l»ont* of o«r ing es using « flood, whieff. nt 8 o’clock p,ke. at the lertoînua of the trad on the as a Ian,toman nt Lucknow, and won a RoUritors for tbe Petitioner*. save Indications of being tbe greet*! Canadian «Me. The mill will be brought company alone, aimowt 4.000 ton*. Th * one on record in W.terbufy, Much i.v*,| up nt once, .nd «riHJmret for opeeaCon Victoria Croea for conspicuous brmery. July 24-Ii was taken In by the steamer in I J In later year» he baa been commander two trii*.' and the schooner Fred B. •r.^’t^eeXdcr" "■ ~ * i *5s* - 7**“ tSrf In chief àt the Cnfle of Good Hope, on R?n1er in one. In the two reronlning St coast of Africa. In China and NOTICE of the city ere flooded. vovnge* Of the Portia ml. and the am- for the spring trade. A amnll planer Saratugd, N. Y . July 22.—Bartfc- at Portsmouth. Is hereby given that at the next meeting tl*11v chartered steamer Cleveland, 3.W*' a port of the machinery. of tbe Board of Licensing CommlsffioneM------... quake tremora wtyf felt here tot 3 Bjtcem will be utilised for power. Mr. more ton* wfll reach St. MiebaeK mak­ Tbe eibrattopa In there days of culture and program I Intend to apply for the transfer of tha ^ I ing * h>tnl for the vear of 7.000 ton*. . o’elc-k this murndng Curnnagh expee’s to return immedintel.- do not wear », grimly beard or mus­ license now held by oe of the Bee Hlvv funeral DlFfiCtOT Attd passed from eget to 1 Iiringtng with him stbek tor packing in Saloon, situate at the corner of Broad sod [ Of retnrre, all of-this «-<• "hall not k- 22—The Aurora tache. when they can be colored a na­ Aurora, Hi.. July the plant and provision» for the winter. tural brown or black at , home with rert atreyts. to Luke Gray and Thom»» ■■ 'pXTiRrwmr” -îs:îKf£eâMH» . last summer .ate of. nor gramtchlld- 800 hand». - . v . } r,Q w«. sick with a aerere bowel com- Victoria Jaly 33. 1WT. «hip in a* sothi a* the river Buston. Ju|y -.—A dispatch from Nob ,[ t .. Mr« K . F,. Gregory, of HERE IS A KICK» In raw of an em.rg.ney a nnni To the editor: I have been readies Bt. aka. Vineyard'Sound, this œ®rmD* Kr.t)rickatown, Mo. Oor doctor'» re- her of people could tto taken *n _ *t au unknown three-ropted 1 „^y had failed, then we tried Cham- your exreltout paper for a long’ time, Mrehtods this fall from the I pper Tok- sunk during the night J.V!Z herlnln'a «oik., Cholera and Diarrhoea and In the main 1 And it a eery ««tie- factory newspaper, but hare to one fea- ■nn find could winter there secure from Shoal, and en "Bk”ô" '^ Ttotnd *™edy, which gave very apeedy relief. * . (het «ggrnvenee me twyuml me»- of stsrvstion aehoooer to »»h*re on Mneyerd Sound por sep, hj aj| druggists. Langley & -■The company has <-h...1 •are ar>i make* roe swear (mmrtimes. ,Th,, schooner Hneneme. owned near that point. , Henderson Bren., whobwle agents, Vic- that I will atop that sheet _The thing New York. July 22 -A 10 ' . j tori, and Teneonver. that I coplain of to those reading notice», j,v W O. Hall, of Ban Francisco win Herald from Panema. Colombia ««ye. | which begin with an interretlng. neway »il from here eto-nt the tilth of Ann»?, The Son a of Colombia celebrated Ig «n 1 item and red np with “the b«t Ld •carrying «hunt 4..W ton. of prorinton. Tbe Sons of Columbia célébra ten 1» «n j pu,, 0f handeome lamps Jnet appropriate manner the elgbtytoeventh . |e4 6]l lt Weller Bros. Great laine end goners 1 mrrehandlw. Tbe Hnene­ it pnmilflr route between St. Paul annlveraerv of Jhelr freedom nem JheJ {er y„ar money. ■« and Chicago era the beat dtoingeer me to 142 feet tong by 34 feet besot. Tbe retohration was gen- : "There were AflftO people In the Yukon Spanish yeke. service in the werid. U Ma the M tooowtn last winter This spring about 2,1*10 eralw. Central Unes." The maternent to trutij- ful enough, and I enppoee that J O bave gone In overland, making the num* Effectual.-Charles J. ' Booth, Olire- Vr now nt the mines MOO. J»t con* Foml. U P A., MilwaukreWtooc Geo teood ont, rays: “I hare need Ayeria 8 Betty, general .«gent, 240 «art it. tokter a moment tbe numto-r of honte yet ,0 c,, an There are the Queen, City *r Pills in toy family Tor wveral yenra and Wf^it Portland. Ore., flnde thto a good way - hire alwaye foand them thç mo# ef­ meet end Inform tbe travelling Tnn-ka. AIM. Elder. Islander and pos fectual In the relief of *ilm-nts «rl«lng of the ndvantngee of trave tlug Mbly one or tw-> more yet unknown from a dlsorilsrM stoat*fb. toryld liver, Pure «I a-4 Baal for ~«hle and DalrJ th-lr Uses. , Yon*, truly. T'.ef win carry in 5.000 more people_thls and cottrtitwted bowels” No—ftsfororeon l»«i er tohafi- fall to go over lend from Dyee If th*»


shape their Own course. With regard GABLE NEWRro to, the Pacific cable, the Canadian end, THE PREMIER could, in his judgment, be amply pro­ THE P. E. I. ELECTION The Spectator on 1". 8. Tariff— Prince tected, whether brought ashore at Van­ Charlie Reties. couver of else where. The obstacle to London, .Inly 24.—A pessimistic view IS BRITAIN! the adoption of penny p-ietage was that Later Returns Tell a Very Dif- Uanada was a country of such maguifi- la taken by th«- Ri.iectator of the eon- ! cent distance*.. ferent Tale About the «lition* likely to develop under the u.-w Iza view of the great expense* incur- Recent Contest. American tariff. It says: “Never be* Interesting Sneeches Before the i red, the present rate of postage in the fore has such complete domination of the trout* over the Republican |iarty l*-« ;i 8 defy the Experts > National Liberals and the Dominion (equal to about lfd.i was not demonstrated. espertB admit, and every one Is to high; btrt ns the population tncifeésed, made w> p>l|wb'.e tt^lhe av<-rage man. seed that tien ulne WhiteToyaacannot be detected from Colonial Party. mid a greater nunodier of letter# had to The Peters Government Is Sustained t’ongres* hn* lu-en ortleted to prott-et be carvicl from place to place, the dif­ th«- trusts and ha* obeyed. We fini ficulty would diminish. by a Majority of Two protection stripped of its old pretentious To One. and excuse#. It IA reduced tn a bare to And eut the adwertlsia* medium beet suited Sir Wilfrid Suggests a Tentative THE BEAUX') DISPVTE. mercenary aspect. It fltenne the en­ Scheme (Or Imperial - abling jtf wealthy corporaÜnw* tu levy Now Raid to !*• Nearing u Satisfactory Il N ---• - I;.,I I. ' Federation. Rotation; Charlottetown, July 24.—The provin­ powers of the government to i-nhonce GIGANTIC OFFER We will send you a beautiful, brilliant, cial eleVtiona were hotly contested, and piles that ar«* alremjy enorrooua. .We geoulne White Topat,which can be Mount­ London, July 23.-What may be int-r- m»uib of i lie majuritie* were eo dune ledieve that with n ju*t eanse ladiiiid ed In a ring, écart or necktie ] prvtril a* toe British reply to Secretary that it will not be certainly kmavu until Sir-Wtifridi Lawrier. rfniK-eding to the them the United Ptatro might *af«*ly Rhcrnmn-s recent dispatch, cimceriiing the declaration of thet poll* whieh can­ defy all the machinations of hostile Ru- are exactly lull, " us together with flfc;. In coin er stamps aad we win send you a runs a wrlmw risk of collision: and bow- Vhtte Topaz by return mall; a stone that >ou can b# lustiy proudol tyhieh is am* of tbt- most powerful Iron- where they reside. Bui it appear* cer­ received, thani-.I Lord Kimberley and fatal that might he tn all the highest nd one that positively cannot t*- detected from a real diamond. In fbt»* In the navy, will take the place tain that the Peters government i* aua- rderlng, t-e sure and state whether small, medium or large stone Is tliM.' preernt for thr kind mannrr in iorerest* of mankind i* abcwlantly clear. of thl- eruiaed Croroent. She will *;»!! | twined by a majority of 20 ministerial­ We trust that all wise ami rigbt-min«lid wired m sesti nun isiiti tccowmne if this Aivumjiatar. which tSb vvimiliw hud hr, n spoken of. ■ . , • • -. n, ii.it ■ ist* to 10 opposition. Charlottetown, an Thr chairman bed truly’saitl tb»t thr Amerbwiis will *>und n warning again.-! probably 1*- Sailed that any bostih* aie old Tory stronghold, gave the greatest Wrlftimr which bed been ratcudrd tu this bill» If the alternative* for the GENUINE WHITE TOFAZ ft rifmuuv »i»A«;hes to this Important #<* surpriwe. Mr. Pruwne, Liberal, being Imitation diamonds no matter llvvui bed brra * nation# 1 vvekuluv. republic are ♦«> be. on one hnilti. a lydicy .1 . . ,v elect«n1 by 43K majority over Sir. Blake. of ‘Jingoism.* and on the other hand, a d. They are the hardest of semi- (^Wa.) II... _____ 1...I ,i„i will «ch no one,mr acquainted with thr method» „f Mr. Roger*, the othi-r Liberal candidate, po’iey of crude confiscation, then a very Xf"»£dw 10 mahe.1h, edmiml (ter j «*«'■> totmiaMnnat |«tirr I» NMy All Qtbrrs pale to lmipaiifMso had a majority of 180. serions criri# for ruder, freedom and when compared with Premier Peter* had a majority of lent fthl that they wrrr at h„mr. JU •talion. ri fions I edf-gnvernmçnt will hav^ ay ,, /^saSC^22?2mSn2S25^ : feSSeSmSumSS» _ Mf.t.lifiv urton. for the The correspondent of the Associate-I e warrant each sedereri WHITE TOFAZ. tir*t district of Queen'*. has 800 ma- Euglittel. Pros* had an Interview with the Hon. Liberal tbutt*' le Fnniuharson and Wise isssvssrws ^**MUUdflU HwwUuipm Whitelaw Reid to-«lnv In regsnl to th ■ I W» win give >"0 Oa* Theaaaad tbiM—ilfgae ass m* Sat w* Uhimk*"awe^hrî 1™*^!'»mnr *pr£ l atathm. it being originally Intctrb'd thçt 4wWttowr ^ ' -^Wheit.mon* the government. Mr. Rogers, in Alber* iniifrw*»#! me was the manifest ami MM Tasse she -I»; but whatever might be their j ahe -''""Id be the RwnMn ot P"clBr Hflk I» binon g the doubtful. 1 profound devotloe of the Enclish peopl' aneaUstaciory difference* at ‘ home, they were all 1 sqiittrtnm. In vi.-w of this. t»r rbang Toronto. Jely 24.- The Mail ways that to their Queen, ami after that 1 was I isshn m etiAtTYi âat ren un unm m f si agreed cu thoae broad ptinclplee „l Bril- la the admiralty a plans naquin-s a,Ull- Mr. peters is probably sustained by a most Impressed by their obvious and lab Citisenehlii which had made the tl->«l aignlflcanee majority of 21 to ». «tronc Jrsire to he on goo«l terms with of «uFtSüeüIÜ Don't Miss It. ' Britiwh Empire what It ia to-day. I The newapnpera here print prominently the United Rtate*. L think the world n-lent) Fur hi* par,. If he might with- | who, la claimed In be an anthoramc PILOT BAY SMELTEflL- kn «w* England iietter since the jubilee, vat presumption exprtw. his though,»- .tutemen, reganlhi* ümymwuvu of Ureal md that England also knows herwlf MONgV REFUNDED IF COOD6 ARE N#T • AT 1#FACTORV, he w\ndd«v that be /-It eery much at Hnt.i., and the CTtrtad Wt.to. tat pc,„l- Ornuba and Grant Company Raid, ^Xlictter. The more VU h*TF >-.nsWcred hutne ia the National Liberal t'luli (lead mg qurstwo». The stuieaueui dealer.'» a Have Pun t. the mon* they hare roaHsed what a THE DIAMOND PALACE, ,-heetwl not »U much bevMill tt tappen- - that the unttook for a «eliafactuty *>lu- Üpokaoe. Wash.. July 3fv~Tbe Jailor trem.^Hl-.iiR gain f .r ' chrtltxarton ntid ...I that à» «a* a Liberal, bet hecauae it lion ot the «eaUtig question I» fa»'tract, , Bay smelter was purchased yesterday by mankind hai'.-beew this raomau* ex non- haptienod that he waa a CaiÀdlan: and,. When Sir Julian return*. CumtnlWrfOtt- the Omaha A Grant giueUer Company ii..t| during th»- Victorian er*. Nothing balking on the walls of that r.«mi be era Jordan and Thompson will gti W 1 ' could exceed tho-xtiaalderatloii and eor- 'found every evidence to remind h'm ttmt i Waahlnguut and report the result at «•*purity will he invreaiied by two irtaclte •fiality that have been shown me here he wa* a Canadian. Looking at ont- r rhvir elnjulrie». They will ha cxnnnnrd and the company will operate it ns a cus­ ; ■ i l>«*ixit ht- saw the portrait of n man 1*- observed, and some it had aerved in the oM Butte «unelter. Liking â found the IWU he *aw the lestfta* agreement* on a fair give “B • At one time 120 men wrar employed hi sale « f relic* of “Bonni • Prince (''hartie" Bag which wa* carrÜHl by the rebel* Jn p^ke yeilicy lit- e*tabli*hed. toe plant, but at the time it çk#æd do .vu at the ojd fSfUe of UhlMdeb \t ha* Canada in 1SJ7, when they were Ight- Th.- étalement d<*v not twutaln much only eixty-flve men were working. The exult» 1 wi«1e*prviid Interest. Tt(e high; iug mit against th. British crown, but that i* new. It dwells niton the deter ♦««t prlro m»id for a single lot was y original romiwny twted a brick building la favor of corntthuli-mal liberty. mituition of Sir Julian Paunoefote. thc t*« by 120 feet, In which it was intended, riven by Mr. 4- L. Johnson, of Uhlcsgo. for the bedstead, which the nrinee nse 1 'Yea, By the Hundreds, Those Who Have iCbceral. Bi'kingine hlma.it lo a ra.-c Briti.h ambassador to the Vaite.1 etalc*. to place n-#iuitig machinery, but the nw- thre- night* before the battle, of ma- which had kire.1 liberty ia the past, not to exchange rnlilt,"*tiiitia of the Vcne- chlnery wa* never installed. wiaely, perhaps, but voo welL they would „,n.iae agreement before he left Wa*h- *ive mahogantr trame and carved pillrrs Been Cured of Dire Diseuse By jy not be' surprised if hi» heart still dung There ere several fine tealdenves on the with the original banging*. The walk Ingtoe for England. Thi< oeeupied Viager smelter company’* ground, which in all to the rebels of that day, because—mis­ than was exis-ct-,1. and attbeequently ing «tVfc w hich the primv Ht Ve in ng iuHude* 140 acres «m Pilot Bay, alunit taken though they were, »» to their there waa i-nnaiderahle entrespotslenc.- ngsinst the he«S th»> night before th-» South American Nervine. j wloamod) Iml ati wAAh, midway between the upper and lower totMl... mm i.enmesml, hi lhr „Qill?^L^ "HU me »iHH"i enflaT of kooienay lake and opptielie ibe Hr, Majesty*» srtllin. Ihmngh h- r " ~ ■ ' ■ ■ "V 1 ■' e-™ ™ k- been the cradle of liberty in Canada. diph.matlc rehttlona helween Oreat Brit­ ftW , outlet. CVnaideratie money was tost ,Cheers.! At the present moment the ain and Venemtela. The latter erron- ri«nre«pntatlre. wns Imvlly race he represente not with rbitrntiim trenty hnd nffected the amelter, owing to the low grade <4 f>t>cr >mmerrnn fmvwee dimintobe1* profi-* 8 E:ani] miym aia mum m its Eppiteatioo. any sycophancy, bet because they were Tht*. mrs-nmttcr-ef-i'WMWw wilLl*. the. the wt of the IMue Bell mine, which is (,^r tu.* next repre* iiLalicm m 18UÛ about all it ever treated. On the 19th of free ieheers). and aa long as they were next step. Probeidy will dl- CM-lner to the comtielltion of the. Paris fri-c they would be loyel. It he bed ^ Wg .tiation* betwn-u Omit Britnin June, 1800. the smelter shut «town an l exhIMrioo: «nd it 1* alrrodv prmm*e»l Where Other Medicines Have Failed and DatSers Have another thought to add it wee that whDe V<-,h *tn ln for a commercial tnutv. ■luce then not a wheel ha» turned.-* Jo the hitherto unbroken tradit­ bw tBd not balieve in the parliam.nt of Tk< n#^tirttion* concerning the umpire Russia nd Miner. ion of the pby and to a«lvnn«-e or t«» dr- Pivauuneed the Cases Bayon-l Care, This man. he believed m the parliament of f th|> „rMlnlrton tribunal an- «till pr,- far the dite by a veer. Th- committee tlreater Brit a It* and It weald be the (wJhle t|h. g.«-a on to say SECRETARY SHERMAN ILL liss submitted the mitteT to the Regent Great Discovery Has Proven » proudest day of his Hfe-he con d not ^ ^ fs||<||e |h, AugbsAroeHenn of Bavaria, wkh a view of obtaining Bis hope to live long enough to ty }<, h°; ; di*app.,l„ted rrenldect Hie Condition More Renoua Than Was assent. Genuine Elixir ot Lifo. . «une df thoee who were In Canada that x|,,Kin1,.T Thl. British government had at Firat Anticipated. day might five to nee It—to pee a Can- |e#lMTl| hetw,* r. Wir Julian THE BUSMAN VISIT. adian of FrenA^Wnt promçtin* the MK, „f Stale Bher Chicago. July 22.—A special to the Tri­ Tb»Sr!Wî TrHItt Come. Free Old end Young. Steteeiid rewalo. principle of freshen In that parliament roan. »» to whether a new -*■abort—* •tree— —,r bune from Washington says: Arrangements for the Reeemlon of th«:‘ Ijicti ®uS Poor, end From All Cerner» of the Domlniou. of Greater Britain. fCheera.) <■ .old not he arrived at. The negitla- The Ulnea* of John Rberman, secre­ Emperor of Germany. tlon. to this end have progressed fa­ tary of state, te proving more serious AN IMPORTANT THEME. Berlin. July 24.—The approeching visit vorably. end «III le resume,! in October, than was at firat anticipated. The cold B he who Mkee bottle» of N.nrlr.e, end can truthfully On Jely 3 Sir Wilfrid Laurier address­ on the return of Sir Julian to his post. «>f the German Emp-ror and Emprea* it ft I» tiir i ed the colonial party In parliament in which he contracted by standing too of Russia will be signalised by a great tw<. bind.» el giaaa grow where only “I toot 1 am » new man. committee room No. 12. The chairman. near an electric fan hat Saturday, ___ . . A shrewd observer of human more dispiav of Moscovite pomp and ceremon- one Lad grown Before I» s benefactor ^ . .. q-ke card that iu* k. the In introdneiug Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Hat­ •eema to have disarranged hie whole b>*. The, programme i* now definitriy A PlÔmS STORY. »< the I»**, wont la the position te be crldl, œovcs th, WOrld." How Im- ed that there were five pointe upon system and proved a severe shock to hie * fronted. Ther will arrive on Auemt which It waa feM that diacueskin would at.v.u.e loot tmui W." by nia know- e reluctant. He frequently expresses a ...ia so: root. John Loyer, hanker, of jq, yeora from nervoue proetrtitlen. ing three quarter» of an hour, desit Among the residents of Kingsville. desiure to get back to hi» old Ohio borne, given I*» «heir-honor, «nd on the rooming nu.------e. tint, ,."d t..ade hiaiwlf n Bedl*uird tb#^plifM'riiil va«‘ --«»• *t Moat he frit his cw waa NmtiWl gr.d ce» truth telly any ilia preused the view that the tint, had ar­ only In town, hut to mnny throughout go this desire. l«nd at KMpbl q«*y -wl fWt th'1 -<■■■ r». lor the belt physician» hod |, ,h, on, rcdlclnv that haa .ffci.t rived when the great self-governing col­ Essex County. When a correspondent «•hnreh of Rt. Peter and Rt. Prill. *ft**r ,.. ,tv it Nervine cured me and 1 pi.,h,rton. and baa rear net the al- sorne other graud national council or ^ 'him to verify certain statements as Alaska Sviirrhligbt Agitates for the faU| curv froro a painful malady after Building of One. function they will hold a rerovtlpn at .< . -«ya. ot Leeiotd. waa turn) ot ,1M« age har eystvm auttaired vcv- tentative of the empire as an organised several years suffering, he cheerfully did th.. German « mheesy and receive «lern- <-.-» « of t,.e atvmech and bowels ... ,hock through the death of a entity. The assured and permanent un­ so. Mr. Lovelace said :“Four years ago Again the question of telegraphic corn* tation* <-f German» resiling in Russia. : U..cc bottles of thla medicine Jaa daughter. Nervine was recommenled. ity of the empire, be maintained, d«- I had a bird attack of la grippe, which munWitti«hi betwren the interior ami th - After lunching with Prince Rndolin. th» ' »d. of Windsor, at TO year» of. 8he peroeverlngly took -U uottlee of , ! equa­ left me with a severe pain in the pit coant is being agitat«s|. It is proposed to German ambassador to Russia, their k. aul.ered froln an attack of paraly- | m.<|clne, wttl| the result that lb. la to- tion iu this respect. of my stomach. After trying household run the line from tto* Chilcwt to Pelly majesties wHTvM* tbc Winter Palec.-. I*-; 1.1» life, at list age. wa» de-pair-1 day again strong end hearty. Vpn- As |e the form in which the represen­ II mediae and getting no relief, l con­ river following tlw* line of the Dalton where they will hold a reception for ^ > ct. Hut tour bottle# of Ner/tr.e dredo ot women suffer from Impow.-rialto tation would be acceptable lo the col­ sulted a doctor, but after a long treat­ trail and then along the bank of the diplomatic corps. In the course of the i-rs him tack hie natural strength Aj,d blood god wakened nrrvee. "All lude». be was not prepared to gi** an ment which did not help me, I became «•venhig^ with the Uxar and the Uaptina. tin. of tr.eigertien. w. F. Belge-, of, vitality," vaye Mrs. J. katiH. of opinion; but i*>sajbly aomc scheme simi­ river to Ctyndyke. The wire* will be en* discouraged and concluded there was an closed in non-conducting casing and bur­ thev nfill make n to nr of Ue Krasnne i. trew, vaye : " Nervine cured me Brampton. 'Weened to hove' forsakes lar to that of the American conakitution, relief for me. Night and day for four Relo camn. .and the latter will witness » v.y saCsrlng, which seemed Incur- my system. I waa unable to get nNT: •• »o man of my age in Essex. sKei 8. Bçsauaé ft to the only remedy that Tin1 report ot the rujsl mint for the *td feeling ef W. 1. tfltl, she we;eU the day. they liars besm tk Wiïh*j1"^ri-'r «plaitiri llél t< "’» -ho ean J,. . h„.l,r d./ . w^k. aaaemM will cure chronic diarrhoea. p*»t years shows that ths mine of the boown hgljlif of Brsesbridge. "I w speaking from the heart. eo bed." says he. " that one pf my tie. Jri-ritit.. .-k»; », ow* »«;- 4. Because It is the only remedy that gulil imi« rlal <0100X0 iaantsl Va* ti.VW, vm, of the el'.Ter coin»».- tLOAlOl, and medical sttendanta salt that I was will prevent bilious colic. lying, hut, thank Ood. 1 am net deed not only in ot the broiiar coinage £122,10)0. The net yenys, I Isdit-ve thy above statement by 5. Because tt to the only remedy that ret. From the tint few dneee I took , but le every ether parlai law ofllcera, tbs siistln* tiimtl». will cure epidemical dysentery. iMpUtkm te the rlrculotlou amounting him to be strictly tree. I might also rt Nervine I commenced t, feel bit- Ion Be—' „merl .*>impelled Canada to «1rs (istroanj and 6. Because it to the- only remedy that approximately to £2508,900. which, wtth any that I have been greatly benefit ted er. and em to-day restored cempletely On a Boltimn tbs anew larorable tsrms aa can always be depended upon in case» of mvvelf by the nee of Dr. WllMgm»' Plnh £3,019,040 In new gold coin received at to l-y vsuel health." A reelden! of a cun the Mother Country, the Doeinlon «or- Pilla cholera Infaniuu'. the Bank id Australia, made a total ad­ :hs VaMtlgv Provinces, I» the person ! rerstt mtroent woald faMil their obllftnlton». T. Becanae It to the moat prompt and dition to thr gold rurrency of the Volt '• 9. .tonee. of Russe». N B but erery end surer with International most reliable medicine in nee for bowel ed Kingdom of £.1,221,000 during the tselve years I waa a martyr te 1n*l- honor, wonld he mad# t® ptiee matters complaints year. The mint also oiq pllrd Canedn, -r-tiuît. c-orft'pat on an«3 •>a a more eatlafaetory haais. 8. Because it produce# no bad results, I'ypnie, Honghong, Mouritias. New­ "t troatr-snt ot severs In the matt'-r of Aaintte *umi*ratie» CASTOR IA 9. Became» it to pleasant and safe to foundland and the Btrails Fetilrments 4U *ot btlo X-r. I have Mm * Canadian tqtinlnn wa» dérlded. Tbs lake. Tri/b .silver and b-onae rolna. Dnring wortnrmen deslrid-te aee (Slneee labor ftr IilknU aid Chfldien. 10. Because it bae saved the Hree ef the Hn-int-ia! year 1900-97 the mint mad- si rinded from the Ditminioe entirely, mot* people than any other medicine hi a profit on com ing stiver of «B42.01H. hot thr upper risses* viewed the ettaa- the world. and on coining brome of £1187121. sn.I ttoB from s different standpoint. In «sar For aele by all druggist* Langley * the departe^pt waa able to pay over these rirrumetanees the government of Peadweou Bros , wholesale agent», Vic­ £716.794 to The chancellor of the ex­ DEAN & Canada proponed to allow event» te toria and . ' VICTORIA DAILY TIMES. MON I)AA . Jl IA' 26,1897.

AUCTIOH SALES. may be a believer la Matthew Arnold"» UEM XLbe 2>aiiç tintes. «loctrine regarding majoritk* aud min il ONLY CORNER AUCTION ROOM* -.riii.s T a: 'vi V, " ' ' ■ -

PROVINCIAL *«.-1 . f uv «lay* ago a well known manufacturer lo ______Us* ...... 1 - 'li­ anndu received an order from Vancou­ ai l^ttgut. with headquarter* at Van­ ver for a certain Hiu- of gootl*. Aa far couver, whose alu»» and objecta are eet a» the quotable price wne concerned he forth lu a circular lately received. Il» I M caiMoo M w as quite aide tlo compete iwitli tiiv purfMMo- Is: "To t-nauru every qualified manufacturera of similar lines in the person tiring placed In the regftu r of | 133 Government St., Çor. Pandora. Htatee. bet when he applied t.. provincial votera. Tu make tru n*t«*ra in the "railway for a rate he found that Texad any change of diatrict or ridhig. To eb- FURNITURE, FARM STOCK AMD it waa so high that it precluded the i>oe- ' coy rage every voter tu record hi» vote REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEER. Mbility of his tilling the order from h1# at the poiL" The dfnUr further net» factm-y. Not to he outdone the forth that a committee of the Electoral TOWNS1TE. All good# sent for absolute sale will re- manufacturer in question ptoegd tin league held at Vancouver on the 9th of I reive prompt and personal attention. Oee- order with a manufacturer in Iamis- i elgnoienta solicited Money to lean aa s thi* month the follow**# resolution» vilje. Kentucky, aud getting a rat«* iness men of Vancouver will auperlnUed 1 reel estate. Furniture bought toe caah la The, Lot* la Block* numbered I, 8, «, 7, ! any amount. were paaeed: thirty-three c-iïts lower p r hqptafl tbe drawing for the lot-bolder*. J, C. 12 and 13 will be sold as Hollow»: Career W JON*. Auctioneer. 1. That in view of the «miall aggregate Lota at $jU0 each; Inside Lots at $100. Keith, Keq.. director of the Union Steam­ vote polled at the last general election, IMiund* from that |«otaf to X aticouvr ship (X»., Vancouver; shall be a quorum. the «pilch building of Texada City, will early application fpr lota, so sa to take ad­ facturer in freight alone was hand, give the hotel and ground upon which It vantage of the drawing for the hotel, 4. That the committee meet oflee a Mantle (half an acre) aa a prise to be CANADIAN PACIFIC NAVIGATION CO., Id month, or oftener. if necessary. capped to the extent of on? 3tt pe: which la limited to tbe first 300 paid- up «irawn for among the first $00 paid-up pur- purchasers only. For further particulars 5. That eorre*|K>udeuti Is- npi>o}ute.■ fàs,:ri (gÿj; rucgt 1 /(C-l: ■ Æÿi ri«ttug, ami to «tereiae a enpervision The Strike IWas Made on Lome ispptggilïwEai over the work. Creek, a Branch of the S.S. ISLANDER, AUGUST 16. The work of the League i* an emi­ Skeona Elver. nently worthy one and deserving of sup­ RVTHVEN CASE. gave me relief. I would hot be without For freight and passenger rates apply them (or anything." companies office. Wharf St. port. since it aim* at helping all citi- Many people suffit from rheumatism. JNO. IUVING. Manager. Onitluevd in the Police ('«tort This sen* to the privilege of the franchise. Bod blood and diseased kidneys bring it Among the pt»*«q»ng<-rs who • came Morning. KOOTENAY Those acting a* rorrespoudraits are giv­ on. I>r. Chase * Khluey-Uver 1'ilts witl down from the north on tbo steamer en the following instructions: Tbe MW of Victor M. Rut hr «11. rtisrg- reiuody all this and cure rhfUffilltigte, 1. 'Hie “Provincial Voter*’ Act, 1876.“ Danube was Mr. Wood, who ha* struck sciatica and all kindmi caapMBU Milling Shares for Sale. ed with pu Wishing obscene litiTaturv, HAS the "Legislative Electorates and Elec­ a good thing in the way of mining prup- was continue.! In the imlice court ti-fa Here ia a sample case: tion Act. 1964.'* aud the “List* of Votera "My boy waa all crippletl up end suf­ Victoria-Texada at oar.. vrtnn ihi the Lome Creek. He is said morning beflnae Magistrate Macrae. Nelson-I'oorman at par U»ed at the General Elections, 1894.” fered awfully with rheumatism,” write» to h*v«> been making money at the rate E. J. Bla«iwTe waa the flrat witivae Mrs. H. Win*, of Chceley, Ont. “He MADE Joele...... with any alteration» made therein by of |150 a day, rapidly piling up a for­ «idled by the proeecutio.!. He attended »!•*«» had a touch of diabetes. The doc­ collectors, to «late, will form a bawl* for Ruthven’e lectnre on July 4th. when the Wonderful ...... carrying oat the object* of the Elector­ tune by working hie claim, and he ha* tors could do him no good, but Dr. L X. L...... lecturer told stories that !h<* witneaa cm» al League brought a «on aidera bio quantity of the Chase's Kkln<=y Mver Pilla completely THE a*derod obecew. The l>ook produce,1 i t- cured him." 2. A supply of form* for the “Regis­ ytdhrw metal down with him. He ha* purchased for 25 «-enta. The lecturor A W. MORE & CO., tration of Provincial Voters should be Sold by all dealers and Bdamneom, come «kiwn to pun-hane some mining ma »ahi tliat he had the “fcye Opener" and Bate* * Co., Toronto. 25 cents. MOST Riaiag Broken, IB Government It. “little Horn" for sale. Other people iqmiw” ...... - »'»l Imlgimt t.v tin' ix-1-n» ahoold he ke|rt by corrcapondcnta under thorn* who tunic down the steamer with TTOgBrTswKr,"m,'f9tp,irvit<^ "» When all other remedies fa!T TK FOR SALE. the fui lowing heading», namely: I, Itesi- Mill». When Im* asked Ruthven for lie him from the north, when be gets hi* 4r to be tranwferred, and the Mr. E. M. Johnson had purc-i tae i th* OF Directory, Apply THE RVBlT"CONTINUES. work strictly limited to the carrying out two copie* of the book, n«Vd ex all It* u.-j. miHMua, -H of the objects of the IMctort) League. A him! L. which he considered .i aevr- dell lint morel Potsl. 5. Kill* for postngw or stationery C. F. N. Company Will Rim From Vic­ rihuis and acandalou* publication. He. RHEUMATISM shontil be rendered monthly by cor­ toria ' to Dye*. would be very sorry if the book areas in­ WE BELIEVE to hi» family. respondent* to the coromtHee. KEMEMBKK YOÜ SAVE TIME. The officer* of the Iveggue are: Major- Victoria ha* not got the gold fever ne Tula completed the evidence for the there is no EVER badly as sonic of the neighboring cities, nroeertttloe and Mr. Hunter addreaue* General J. C. Kincbam. aecy-trea*.. and LABOR, FREIGHT, DUTY but nevertheless she is contributing quin* tht' court, asking that the defendant l*:j better soap made AND MONEY BY TAKING a committee txmaiating of Cui. F. G. E. a few' of her cltiaene I» swell the rush eent up ftir trial. Warren. C.M.G.. M. Goatelio. (’aptaln RECORDED. to the tiüniwlyk«\ The Islander will he Mr. Archer Martin for the defense* than our WHITE SWAN SOAP TO THE B. O. Tatlow and D. C. McGregor. crowded when she leaves here on Wed­ sInAi* at some length, quoting many It i* poaaiblo that the Electoral league nesday. and ao many application» have . «-am a. It would have to be shown, ho been made for passage and freight room said, that the attick on the Catholic WRITE calculates uiHiD a redistribution of that the C. P. N. Cetopany has dechl «1 aeata for the coming general election, church had gone bevond tie attack, au«l Baby’s Own to place the steamer jOàwubf aa t,ix> bcv< me oflfnaive to th«> state, befon- the, KLONDYKE and upon influencing such redistribu­ ronte Iietween hen* and Dyee. That sli > «'efci.dont could be commit! *d for trial. FOR tion by ita work upon the rotera’ IhWs. will, also be crowded there I* no «touti*. The prosecution, he w«ml to Victoria and other provincial cities.* Mr. Martin comni«-nced to read the bo A care and skill in FIELDS. the Turner government will do it* duty The Mexico, wh'* fifty year* ago. the moat beautiful prin- S. RYCKMAN porituins hare been tepm-ornrily filled by c«'K* in the 8p tniah court. He> splendid they are batched, in like magner it 1* Montreal **ieo wSi have hail n-evious expirieSca act-ompliahment*. her intelligence, her la hereby given that I Intend to apply to the Board of Licensing Commissioners at «langerons to announce the result «.f an Ml". wit. her magnificent presence seemed to <4ecti«Hi before the itallntii are counted. bst-' taken the fev«-r hâve îolhed tbn ...... MEDICINE CO. ita next Bitting aa a Licensing Court tor a Nile News-Advertiser, in its own Vieelv Dshuaei party, which n-'w e«.1»ri«ts of ahe died the other day in the Worst inn's transfer to William White of my interest profouml way, attribute«l ‘be “don© the above name-* «nd Tl, F. W. Rchnaen. worst room, on a pallet lu a misera hie HAMILTON in the license issued to William White and chambre garnie, flow-to tbe Rue Lafay myself tor the sale of splrttoaua and fer­ cull” that the Peter» govermivm v.ms 3. -O, Bytn“. W 'Rendait and »f. '!<•- <1 re"or. "-Ho '•ec'-ntl” rvtumed ette. He board bill waa left nn|>aid. but' mented liquors by retail upon the premise» stippoiksl .to have had, to the gro %ing nh- Booth Africa. Other VHorten* - ho arc her relatione burled her with befitting known as tbe King s Head saloon, situate pupuiarity ef th<* IJher.il government at imrtH *re nfl«-ld Wpeneer. Jr., 1>r magnificence. upon the north side of Johnson street In Ottawa. Now that it ia l^iown that the WicHsrdsoti nf the Jubilee hospital, anl the city of Victoria. Ijlberal government of Prince El ward Cbarle* 1‘MlHp*. A large aroo riment of Enrlish Quackery is always discov­ Dated this 0th day of June, 1807. Ro<*ingham tro pole at K. A. Browp Sc Principal D»rsn. of tbe Victoria WeM R. SLOAN. Island has not lout ground our «onfem- ««chool ha* -eéhrned H* t*os|t*o« snd xir'll Co.’e, 80 Doughm atraet. • ering remedies which will porarv will have aome difficulty in ex­ join the ruth, Cling up hr the Islander. plaining the situation without ndni'tlh-g Knqoiri"*. too. açe“ eomtng from all Bibles apd prayer book* are necessary, act upon the germs of disease that ita former expia nation waa untrue parts «if th» toiletry A tmrtr of Rq*»- according to an RnglUh comity court, NOTICE. directly and kill them. But «h'ciaioa, ami must he paid for by the in every particular. h»Tulerr ^wbo have Hs -f money." ask Chief Deary to send full particulars «* ho*Un ii-l when tbe wife ohtslits their on no discovery has ever jet to the beat mean* ôf getting into the n Wednesday to co north. A i»nrty of cxhiMtlon in the Temple Gardena, in pnnj1. land grant. FOB ONE YBAB Ita record a# h cou«*tvnt iidriwate «»# 200 are eoming west from Denver, I>«union. It has a white flower ahnpeij ONLY from the dnu of this nolle, th. tion that way. Germs can Lady leaving for England offere like n tun grill with outspread wings, every kind of monopoly and laud-grab­ The C'.P.X. (Vmpuny had to stop son- Hallway Company will sell their rights to her Plano, worth $600, for 8300. for the at noon t«i- and a.gold and v«‘rmillitm heart. •>. only be killed by :making*thc bing ««ompany is a fair matter f«>r crit­ ing ticket* for n,ln.nl» l.m*pt cool onil Iron) and the frerma can be arranged by apply­ «la y. trfi her,.r |1passenger nevummoditiion, icism. The Oeâoniat has *"h4*tory,. which —Jaiv’ncae matting* hammock", calott­ aurfac right» of mineral clnlma, nt the body strong enough to over­ ing to V . Ix-ing t*k«nï Up. !.** of 14.00 per nera. Booh aalw wtu under the inqsTsvuality . Vfl»*‘VSfr*. hooked "p. ing outfit*, « te., at Weller Bros. * Thor.v aro X be gohl-rt to nH other rreemtlon. con- come them, and the early ' :".j .iiu'wlteii If rpwwrofi. a^K» *TT « S, Aw MftliOAPT >• r0'-Si ■ Ï ÏL'*U+. i«tneaY ,Tlitto twwy«w«MtiiBtfirtlirtTBi-iTII ' fromr* — twrY Tir'.- •ftPÆàflr *- mTOdy”$’s' H'iim hà* already been raaerred held reapousible for. Eelitors may remc prior to Ibis date. One half .of tbe pur- th«» Danube tfor a number of honwn. and editors may go. but rhe mercenary these money to be paid ten day» after re­ Scott's Emulsiort is one of !>.' forever. That cording tbe claim with tbe Government, For a Natter ef Some Forty Tiar* or the helps. In the daily war­ policy I* not fra mis! by the editor; It is More. und a duplicate of the record to be filed la McGill University dHated by those -vho have private .inter­ In "Dog Day*." in June and Jnly. the Company's Land Office. Victoria, on fare man keeps up, he wins cuts to fu*rre. No*, if that a fact is it the Britlaher la"’t-xperted to k«iep his Joeeph Gardner, etove dealer, of Bath. payment of the first Instalment, the bal­ best, who is provided with MONTREAL. dog muxxlt"! Thv other ‘lay a man ance ef the purchase money to be paid la not in the interest of the pàbiie that the Ontario, iw a great believer ia Dr. was eumraoaed In the town of Dudle> Ohnste’a Kidney-Uver Pille for indiges­ two equal Instalment», at tbe expiration of the needed strength, such at" truth -hould be stated? Session 1897-8, for keeping Ma dog umimxxled. Tbe tion,'conatipat ion, «lyapepeia. Brights ■tx and twelve moo the, without imeroet, owner of the doc pleaded that the crea­ Present holders of Mineral Claims wbe Scott's Emulsion supplies. The Kamloops Shim lard haa made ita ture was <>nt of hi*.domestic servante. •li-v >"*■ i I" ! I- iih-.l > . In -T Tbe currfctnqgjf < and stomach trouble* generally. hate not prevooaly Made other arrange- «IncluiUai’ the appearance a* a weekly pe|**r, promising The dog waia trained to be useful to car­ meats with the Company for acquiring ry nwfiU to the Works, feteh beer f«»r “I wa* troubled for over forty year* Women). Applied ’ witht Ihdigeetlon and constipât Urn." he Surface and Mineral Rights, are hereby end Veterinary poll, y la to aumwrt thy Turn, l rand on glv-ng the dog a n«>te In hie da 1 auflami ifxmi notified to at once make the first payment NOTICE. on their Clalma, aa otherwise they will be will be held: Art* « meut and oppoultton to th«- Latiiivr gov­ mouth. If the «fog ww mnaaie<1 he sever headache. I spent dollars and RepL; Applied dollar* without result until Mr. Mall, deemed and treated aa trespassers. ernment, in which rc*[wct it wffi atvm would have to employ a» serraht to do Ft. Job, straot, from BoDoYtlle «Irrat to 7th gept . Veier the work. The metis*rate agre«*d that out druggist, advised me to try Chases LEONARD H SOLLY, Copte* of the t« differ Wiui the majofity in the Kam- Qoebra »tro.t, lo eM to Ira»". it wU# uyuaeful dog. and

—Most popular non-alcoholic beverage in ihe woild—-Hops Cheer. * Sea Bathing Your For Bar gaina go to the Sterling, Yates street. Entice stock at clearing price*. • See wer Itme of Hud SUrror*. At Home. Wife’s —Everything In the provision line for intending miners at Knkinv, Wall & You may enjoy this luxury, with a Co., at low prices. * bath of any temperature, by pur­ Sailing! Sailing! chasing a sack of our South 8ca Husband Salt. °” SoauMT R.e.M* is now goto, on, «id tb, boootifol croft —15 cent tea kettk-e, 15 cent dish pan* la not such a bad fellow. 1» he? and Other cheap tinware at It. A. BroWn loth sacks for 60 cent». 8ec our to drew» welt ami have wall df«. & pe.’s, 90 I) 'Ogles street * about him. To-day’s trade win. will ho a big card for ns and a snap —In ordering wood give us i tfifi. Our B,d* Suita, AH Wool n___ „ wood is all cot from large trees and square cut sacks, full lined, a natty suit ^The Sterling thoroughly dry, therefore it must be the John Cochrane, for Hommyr Wear, ptfio. Klondyke Miners, we’re ready Tor you. best that money can buy Sold in any North-West Cor. Yates and Douglas Sts. l News. length. Spratt & Macaulay. • Hata, nothing and Underwear. gleanings of Ciy anti t ruv ciaJ News in The" wm- DRESS GOODS ! ». dr * a Condensed Form. peny have made af further reduction in i oast. Nelson. Kiwi". Samlon. The C*\h Clothier, etc., class 1, $1.80; class 2, $1.58: class its always node this lia» ai specialty. But we are street. * Former Owners of tie WllUpa Bay 55 Johnson Street underwear:-*; 5;; reduced to bedrock prices. 3. $1.26; class 4. 91 cents; class 5, 38 Her—Will Place Her on the —A two story summer residence is be­ Bra lie ut, froeN^l >squoit; J. R. Hovd, of ing erected at Shoal Bay by Mrs. J. Alaahaa Route. Jane, of Severn*. —At Marvin A Tilton’s anctlon sale AlUrni; J. I.nw. the C.P.N. Co’s ng.»nt for Tucwlay at 10:3'i a.m. G. Byrnes, at AJ^erni; Mr. Loveland, a butcher at —Before buying year supplie* for auctioneer, will sell galvanised and Alberni, who has just *. Id out and Hos­ 4'lomlyke rail and nee whet Erskiw, black jdpe fitting*. brass steam fitting* Danube Arrives, Bringing News of ed down hi* burines»; W. Ixirimvr, W. J. Wail A; Co. can do , for yon. and cocks, surveyors' chains, strop and D vyer and f*. ♦'>ompt«m, from Son Poor Catches at the North- Juar. ami Mr. Olwm nul sons, Seattle The Sterling, 88 Yates St T. hlng«**. washer*, ox shoes, Distort'.* late Manor House, Van* hand ami rip saws, carriage beH* and en? Canneries, fMMiple. '**o went up t»> Clayoqiiot to sée t o# H- B Bratton. log screws, manclnir machines, planes, the mines on the little steamer Alpha of lint* (t snorted), sash holts. 1-ather a ml Seattle. Mr. Olsen 1* «he secretary of -The Flf* Regiment band played at rubier belting, siedgee. revolving screw the Seattle Wsterworit* Company, and* Beacon HiU yesterday. There was a big base. etc., etc. ______Tees Arrives from West Const-To- whih i:p tlie coast he has been n.-ting a* turn-out, the day being an ideal one. a wp»‘Hal Nb*H#ini«. baseball and other apart» were Xswm ihv Wi-n at work on the nabhî. Uie AAwit4ttram*htp ComtTMiy, riftt. A SACRIFICE SALEzu 11 It was to the eff'Ct that thor l»op»>d to D-“Mallnee, arrive»! at the .inter wharf have'll working before the close of th«* It is announced on very good author­ shortly after 5 o'clock yesterday evening —Clarence Sylvester was thrown from ity that the steamer , now run­ bis rig on Oak Bay avttmfrpivUhtturria* dor. The l*re*k 1* suppose»! to h" tw i from Alaska. She had a large crowd of evening and received w*ule ugl\ bruis» * i«d a bn if uiU»1' from Vnlde* island. ning between this city and,, Seattle In pasMenger*. nearly all of whom were ex- Ijob r A* *4:W it was a»in«»nne»d that and cuts about the head and fa< connection with the Great Northern > ursionist* who hav° ts*» n north to view Tan Goods communie* ti*m w*s a go in cstphlishid Railway Company, hn* been sold to Cap­ the glackTM and other AJaskan m-enery. with tin- Maln'end. it . j —If you are going to the Clondjke tain George Roberts, C. K. IVabody and iTis* weather, however, was far from be­ ing favorable for the Excursionas It FOR LADIES be sore and get sugar pot up in B. amaieiatm. the former owners of the —Heveral people who have come down rained almost incessantly during both Sugar Defining Co.’s special 20-ptmu. rom the Clondyke mining district report steamer Wlllapa. They will immeiiiate- t IS NOW ON At our Store. W package. Packet! expressly for mountain the npward and downward trips, until j IO ’XVIW VI* Colored Foetweer. that g man answering to the description ly place her Alaska route, nUL- Mo reasonable of- climbing. , * ..f Mr-. Frank -Crydermun. fnrmrrty^Wf Aiyicuurer Island wa* reached. Tie * f fi r r i lead » »ing as the Willapa did. Agent Devlin, Topeka had very little fn lght. but what fer refused. Be on time the fern of druggists in this aitv^ kndwtf being at present on the Houml, It could •h.* had was very valuable, aw anmugst —Dr. Richardson is going to the Clon- p* Dean & Crr«lcrman. i* working one dftg. and consequently the directors of not be h-arm-d what boat the Great othi r thing* *h - brought a quantify of of *e richest claims in that rich mining gold dust from the mines near Jnnean the Jubilee Hospital wiH be called upon country. He fully answer* the d» scrip Northern had' secured for the Victoria- to appoint his successor at their next valued at about $100,000. She stayed A. B. Erskine, tion of the one time druggist, and is Seattle route. meeting. hero for only about one hour, «'outlawing known nov-ngat the miners only by the h distance from where hi* |*irent* and region*. teeny. He was talprif ill in his cabin, great deni of rain falling, .is given as friends were picnicking, and fell Info fh the reason for the p or rrirhes made. and being unable to procure kelp. It la «leep pool. His sister, who was with The steamer Victoria. rts iivChina and Japan. She ha* and G. H. Brown appointed at a meet- fora It is hard to cat. b them, tin ar- lievtd he was stunned in falling from a; full cargo of frright r.nd many |u.su- of a New Suit, an ing of Victoria owners of Port Angeles connt of the lengthy wa son an nviqwge ,■ To1 T«WA Info ^fSe01prbpoaWonio ihs swells. The iwqu'sst ■TfmrTTo tHig port were several Chinese who were erect a steel plant at that town, will ; afterncon. and the coroner’» jury, after Nnaa and Hkeena river*, lint on River* Overcoat, ri "Pair of hearing the evidence of Uie father of the report to a second meeting on Thursday Inlet the pack 'will not come to anything returning to their home* in China. The j l*>v. brought in a verdict of accidental Vrv an average. At the time of the Mftorla al*o took from here 158 canes Trousers — or any­ ' death by drowning. I^ater the funeral departure of the Danube from the Tar­ liéfked with the bones of Chines»* who —Surveyor-General Tom Kaina left ; tw»k place from the family reahJeme. ons canneries the park secured w»«: hffe died in this eonntry, they being thing in the Mer­ yntenhry morning with a pirty for the Mtioe street. Rev. Mr. \Leaie* ottb-ist- At itnNa. .T”»r 2T*r-Xsns TTar- risk a* h customary with the r*Miww, h«*ad of to erect mineral . d. The Vul^b *k*VTB wWt*: Master*- hor, 5.500_ case*: Mill Bar. 4.000 case»: back to the home country f»ir iattmtUl. monument»; E. A. Cleveland ami party R. Bryden. B. Teagne. Alex. McKenele, total. 9.500. At the same time H*t ye-»r 'Ituw boxen of bon*»s, togeter with a hoi.* chant Tailoring line gone; to Fort Steele on a similar mission, I T. Jones. W. McKenxie and F. Ser thee park was 9J100. 8ke» nn river. Jely •V> 4 anes of salt fish. Isdng.aent to China nnd Iiedrr’V’ft'Mttf Itanyhavc gone to mouth. w srasra- « » » .- 22ltd—liireni'-**. 7.000 eases; North T*n lij a hxsi (3tlne*e firm, was the only —you can’tdo Ijetter Salt Spring Island to make a subdivision ciflc. 8.500: B-ttls*» Am- rl-sn Canning ffright taken on at this jsirt. The steam- of that Inland. OFFICERS APPOINTED. Company. C .eningham’s. 7.000: et «Jlyuipia of thia line is due tt> ami*** than see us. We Alienlecn. 7.000: C-rilslc. 5.000. The from the Orient on Suturday next. Arrangements for Enforcing Custom* —According to advice* brought by the Carlisle pnt up no mprimr salmon. Clar- carry a large, well- steamer City of Topeka, t$e royal" Ital­ Regulation in the Yukon. t«W canrw^ry. 4.<îO. Standani. 4 500: an l I5ie British ship Britinh Yeoman, ian mountain climbing party at last re­ Collector Milne has been notified by Balmoral, 4.300, A fot-ri of 55,«O'». which ha* lieen lying off tin1- outer wharf port* from Yaktuat had complétai all the Oimmisskmer of ('nstoms McDou­ List jLssr. at the same tlm~ thtj9t*l fqr the paat fi*w ilaya. left for Sea yes selected stockof the preparations for the arduous attempt to gall that the treaanry department at wag «0,700 '-a*es, Tx«wc Inlet. Julv tiuday evening In tow of the tng l»rne 23rd—Fo«e Inlet. 5.2^0; Nam»’. 1.500: <4imb the rugg-d *ide« of Mount Ht. Washington, at the request of the Can- iq etwtinuaut-e of her voyage to Idver- ♦> most fashionable fabrics for total, A.700 cases. titrera Tnkpt. Julv Elia* and had made good progress to­ adi|ii government, ha* made Dyeft a podl. 24th—River* inlet Cannln" Cbmnany. ward reaching its lofty summit. subport of entr>' and that the collect»>r 6.000: Gfwvl H»qie 5.4<*>- Warr-wk. Y- gentlemen’s wear, and our k at Junean would b* advised that «learn­ H3»e stesim r Tees will leave for Cape r00; Wniri’nm’s. 4.000- B-uns wick. 4. —Deer shooting commence* on Sunday ers can proceed there and unload, vn- St-ctt. Quatsino and way ports on the 00ft: Green’s eaune y. 2."00: a trial of c* prices are satisfactory to otir next. It in more than likely that the t«*ring merchandise in bond for transpor­ W **t Coast on Fri»Iay evening at .8 “7.400. com-si >o n

(Loud STORY OF PMNOVSg VICTORIA. soldier, it «defiled as if 7,a no feHy rekl- TRAMSPORTATION. TRANSPORTATION. NEWFOUNDLAND’S POSITION. cause of progress t^ndoivUiaatioo. iaed hi» own importa tire. The dog will he cheers.} The English pa is rs are still engaged the thd sdftan'e share of the booty of the Sir William WMtewajr’» A4drv«w ut the in resurrecting stories of the early life A VERY ULD STUDENT. Empire League 'Me*d. to work as a tutor for twenty year* in ever she went, and oue day she mistook c»go on srrlTni of trim» from Vie- 1 do not concur with him; I would hith­ order to save enough money to enable him for a beggar. To prevent, a repeti­ IS?. er that the term “Colony" should be him to continue hi* studies. At the end tone, as follows; tion of this error, be took • to driving I«t, Mlnaeapoll, 7fl0 ».m.: Rt Pint synonymous with the term “family. ’ of that time he presented himself at everywhere she drove in a carriage ex* mid that tin* Mother Country should pos- Warsaw Medical Academy and passed 8:18 «.m Daily. Badger Sla» Es- ■aAly like her*, except fur the coat of pre»a Ha. Parlor t:ar to Cnlva*o. * ... X - ' the entrance examination with distinc­ arm*. This offended Victoria and she portion* of the world, iwrt and parcel of Arrir, Milwaukee, ti p.m., Cbtoage tion. begged to lie delivered from the roan 0:55 p.m. one great IwowhoH, determined to mi- Before he could begin hie studies the CURE pep rived of bis former mode of at­ ** He«toçh» uri Hl.n til the irribbk. Iw, REDUCED Lwrr Mltutrapolla 6:15 p.m.; tit. Paul. hold the British flag, iCheers.) Byt I Polish rebellion in 1893 broke out. and *nl 10 . buiou. -Ut. .< th, vUli „ tracting her attention. Huntings turned 6:55 p.m., except Sunday. Atlantic * think it most desirable «hat at all ertnts Borysik. w>> was now 41 year* «'f age, Wuro-fc., Nawes. Drxiwehwwi. Dtetiwe sfur fo II' iMiv methods; be wrote her a let- •stiu,. Vein In the tii-k-. tc While Iht* teost 8tnitk.ru Express, kaa tVaxurr Buf­ s-oue of you should pay visit* to IH-? threw himstjf into the movement with | ^ letoeriuol. Hiecess bss beet, them k ciiriti, I - ; fet Sleeper :ind FREE Ohalr Crr- colonies, become a little more acquainted all thé eu?husi*em of a youthful revolt»- 1 to Chlcaxo. Amre Ch.. a«o ti p.m. with out resources, with the intern’ll I ttonist. The revolt was suppressed, and sow* we.g ièterferéd, and I limning* waa Lea»» MlmSepoite 7:3o p.m., tit. Paul management of our affairs. and with our- i Borysik Wits exiled to Siberia, where for made the frequent recipient pf gre|*nt 8:10 p.m Daily. Faronus Nopth- selves, socially and politically- Strange : thirty-two years he underwent hard Head ache,SICK yet rAWres’s Littl* Live» Putt love letters, preauppdbfy' from the Priât- RATES view* are s«>mvtiro«'s entertained In this | |«f*or i:i tin* f*0vfr tfijpc*. In 1 NV> he «re equally valuable (n Constipatioa. curlt* weetem Limited. Has Wagw or was to nun )\ for his 1 *d preventing this ann.wln* co-apltiat. whig Private Compartment and -tilxteea country with regard to vs. 1 remen ber • n-orlvÊd a'free partfcm and returned to hey also correct all dwordcr* of the stomach, Section Sleepers and Bu«et timok- being here a few year» ago with a few j Warsaw. In spite of hi* age and the atomtoto the liver and - ^ day-at <« fligrity■ hamar* haring arrived £veq If they only cured In* Library Coackee to Cbl- Colonist*, and being asked bv a friend j hardship* he had endured Borysik had ■ t.#o late lo nature a piece of needlework nixo. Steelier to MUwaukw. Break- of mille in regard to these Colonist*: “Do lost1—* none of U|bis enthusiasm for m«*1ieatmedical of Victoria’s own manufacture, he be­ Jj-R in Dioin* Cat- before reaebins you really eat with them, and do they work, and took up hi* studies where hl came violent and had to- be put in a Chicago. Arrive Milwauk"e --;50 s, wear the same clothes a* we do hod left them off In 1863. After h two straight jacket. He died »oo» after. u al-niwt pr.cebes't» ttwui in.; Chicago 9.3» a m. tLaughter.) That was mly a few yean years* course this remarkable man ha* A touching ineblent of thia otherwise Eastern Canadian »«d For Illuetrated Folder FREE descrip­ ago, and what happened only t<*li y* now. at the age of 73 years, passed th grote*<|ue iiffair wa* u very mairiy leV . tUCr gooriiMwr d«-ee D'H rod tive of Splendid Train Service via tbw.whe owe. try ÜWTO *111 And We received an ïnvTtirtTdh Rom îrélâhd. fîm.r examinaTtnw with ln-u*»». w*W r«-r wrltTcTf T'V ffiliiulttfit 'HT ------. pills valual.le la eu many ways that Tbla Ut, te tiieox tiky. Oowba, and we are. if you please, requested to begin to practice In Warsaw.—Lancet. fore he l«ecaroe completely insane, and they *m not he willing to do wt& *1» theaa United States Points Kanaaa City. Dulutb, A.blen.l, as appear in our own native costume* when *he ascended the throne. Believ­ But after all siiek head well as to Milwaukee and Chinese. (much laughter). Now. If I look over DICK TURPIN’S RIDE. ing that she luted him he nevertheless Call on your Hotde Agent or Ad- wrote sacrificing hi* love for her np*w doubt studied, with regard to the colony A highwayman named Nevlson—or the altar of hi* country. VIA THE 1. W. TIAiaau, ta itérai Pameager âgant, I represent, l find that Newfound'antl Nicks, ns he wa* more gem-rally known U roe hone of so many lives that her» i« a- niche otw greet boost Our pidr cure * W. H. VEAO, C.u.ral Hgeot, *" ’“l< I» said to he celebrated for its codfish, rs —find a bkx*i nia re. a splendid twy, WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY while other* do net. dogs, Rs hogs, ite fogs, and its bog*: whose courage amt endurance were such Casts*** Lrm.s I .vs* Piu* ere verv rmnQ M3 Washington Strwt, Partlni*, Ira that Nicks determin'd by means of these and very easy to t*he One r two rdlL, n.uite (Laughter.) That is a very erroneous Mr. W. H. Preeec, the principal elec­ s does They are strictly yetstTc and do F.W Paaglg, Ceetaierciat Sgnwt, opinion. 1 assure you. We hare re­ qualities to prove an alibi in ra#e of trician of the English telegraphic sys­ net gripe or puree, hut h, their eent> stlHig sources in that Colony which will. I be­ danger. tem. has been conducting a série* <»f all who u#'' UiMVi. m % iaU ■’ SA tvots; _ tig______*a FWt kmee# leetlle. About four o*< ! ek upo Ire fur f 1 Sold evervwherv. oe gett by n*4 NORTHERN lieve, make It at a futcre time one of < laüiwrate ex|**rinieot* in connection with OSm HCIM **•« TrL the brightest jewels in Her Majesty’* nioming tv- robt**d a traveller on tbc the transmission of electrical signal* rood near Gadwhl’I. then tnnleil *nd rod crown. (Hear, near.) through space without wires. A day or ESÇümif* SASAIMO R'ï. I am a sanguine believer in the re­ str-ight off to Gravesend. H - wn< two ago be délirerai a roost, interesting M SI M Bos. Small Priet source* of Newfoundland, although it obliuéd to watt there an hour f— a boit lecture on the subject at the Royal ln- S.S. "CITY of NANAtnO" hag been, kept in ff* present backward a«wîfhe made thé T>C*T flW Bf'M* .UüDt’Z etitutiVm. fn the course nf hi* ten nre ] PACIFIC w. D. OWEN. Master. 8el,efrîîeLt1?Jlüe' caUlaff *l waf porte eu state fof a [eriwl of fo-tr hundred years. by baiting hi* mare. Then crossing the Mr. Pre<*»*e tleecribed what is known a* 1 In 14l»7 it was discovered by Cabot, the water, he dashed aero*» E*w>x fuff tilt the Right radiator, the principal of first land in the western hemisphere. to Oteveroford. when1 lp‘ fewted half an which i*. without donb», one of the most ; Lv. Neeelmo for , W.-ud’S 7 iï Lv. Lomox for Nanslmo... .Friday, 7 a m. Efforts were made to prevent the colony honr amt EgveXlti* >or*e *UW- hall*. ren arkable diaeevcries uf the nineteenth The Leading being settled, so that the fisheries should Then h-> monn>e.l again and da-bed on VÆ to Br!»mhom»6h. Burkin*, the Wetber- bn RAILWAY be carried on then’ by tboac resident in It* * for sigiuilling at long diwtan-'e» fie’d; fast across and d'uni to Cam­ agArgsa il“'t this country. Ami so these fisheries wa# suggested to him by Signor Marconi, Bicyclists bridge: quick by road* and i<*m*s coun­ a young Italian, who ha* epent much were prora nted until early in the pres­ try he attnped past Gndm*ncho*ter and ent century. It will hardly he believed, time in perfecting the instrument. It useAdams'Tuttl ^ Huntincilon to Fenny Stratford, where Erutti. Itallaj s ( ESQUIMAU A NANAIMO BL nevertheless it is a fact, that when 1 my­ tniisist* essentially of two *olid brass be halted the inw*I ht«r> and t.Hik a thirst and give* self emigrated to Newfoundland, aboofc •ptivn*. se|farated from each other by staying power. half an bonr’* sleep. Th**n or re more hr full particulars apply ) time table'"out nu.no. as.ZH. fifty year* ago. there were only about a short apace, which is filled .with oil. Tn ut, effect if e> along the north road until the eath/dral to obtain a b g < •&4 SS, ‘wr - ! twenty milew of road in the colony. Now When the instrument b at work s|iasks profil try to palm Tralee r*M. grew up over ti e horiron larger, large-, ** r“11' fteM. F» TW ^ we have thousands of mile*. We have are seen flashing through the oil, ami and whhnu he darted thmngh York gat-. six hundred mile* of railway across the In a moment he had Ini the jaded inn re these sparks iet up a vibration In the Peo that U10 trademark E. t. BLACKWOOD, Agent. «MW WOBTH. ether st the rate of about '2UÛ.OOO.OUO,- island, yet our population is only 210,- into an Inn stable, snapped np some fnt guy and cairn to lH-r. (Hear, hear.) Mr. Seddns ««*1. n 1 i»g tmx theik Xviii. ter." The receiver «ronwlste of a short Tutti Frutti .hi nhiiiii! "fStwi* tut iià'umr'imwiiBi. •sà. p-inr." The I»rd Mavor of the ritv hap- 'tffftor'Tube. ISSde ’df which are phicfvl -Canaiiian Pacific I £0. work we have had to do in the colonie*. two silver bar*, forming two |»oles. sdient.” re- plaei-d a very fine powder, consisting of Dolly col my I represent and come home to 111 rued Nicks, w*tb a profound bow^ about ninety-six per cent, of nickel and VANCOUVER BODTB. gpeird-ir. ^liaughter aud^eheewd Were four per vont. vf silver, with «-smalt Victoria le ^‘sneotnrer dolly except Maa- Ta ter. when XMt* wa* apprehended Lv Wellington 1er VioiorU. the money .made in the wd Mayor of York to prove that a current from a battery Is able to NEW WESTMINSTER ROUTS. not spend where be ideas.** the money he pass through the tube, ami the result is Leave Victoria for New Westminster. Lad- JOBBPH BUNTBB. au alibi, and tin- jnry prempthr a^initti-d Kr°Ziï Kiiiim has made, but we do de*iro that when the resolute and sagacious thief. that the bar swing* around and strike* PBIOB. °*e et 7 o'clock. Sunday's steamer to New On rLw we are asked to give large amounts for the glass, when the sound so produced Westminster ooeeete with C.P.R. train 1 naMiger Agent. the defence of the Empire you should . THE OPPOSITION PL.4TFORM acts as a signal similar to the "tap" of rorNPlam J?*Raa. *WciSw2daj ssd Friday consider these few farts. Ami be as­ To the Editor: lu yesterday’s issue an ordinary telegraphic apparatus. Hie sured of this, that wh«m muscle is re­ you publish the platform of the Oppose effect of the magnetisation of the iron ForelI‘ender10au"d Moresby Islands, Friday Pacific Coast^Steamship Coy. quired and men are required, and when non. The best tneuds of she party can Is to cause the dust again to become non­ Leave New^Weit ml aster for Victoria. Mon­ England may be in difficulties, the col­ only honestly wish that some kiudlv conducting. so that the iiiKtrpment )• in day st 1*:16 o'clock; Thursday end Sat­ Tbe Compeny*. etegenl eleâmer. UMA- onie* will not be backward in shedding uudertaker would be good enough to Its former condition. The first experi­ urday at 7 o'clock TILLA. CITY Off rVEBLA end WALLA For Plumper Pam. Thursday V/U-». eetrying H. B M. M.lt», l*,. X their blood for her. iCbeer*.) I re- give it decent interment. A more laiueut- ment* with this Instrument were con­ _ M_T o'clock. . . .. member that the initiatory stop in the uul weak platform could hardly hav< ducted on Salisbury plain, with the as­ Per* Vender °iel*nd sod Moresby Island. MVPOBJA, B. C, for Ben Fmnctoo, at 8 Jg p m„ July a a ia ia -a, as: aw. a t. r been evolved out of the brains of a dusen tonishing result that signal* were quite Thursday morning at 7 o clock. long eerie* of development* which haw u. it. xi. art sept, l, a il ia o, i«. dm made England to-day the supreme ruler wheel boys. At the present time a bold, fasily transmitted to a distance of four NORTHERN ROUTE. »t 8en Frindro. ». ■„ July a IL-1A B, of the seas, waa one with which my col­ progressive reform platform is specially' milis. With improved apparatus mes­ ftteameblpa of thia Company will leave for Port BUnpooa sad Intermediate porta, aa at; an*, a ia, ia ao. an, *i: 8.pt a a ony pf Newfoundland was ass-icmtcd. neede*l, aud Mr. R. mliu, the Under of sage# have been sent nine miles. via Vaucoavcr, the let and IStb of each ». ie. M. ». tilt, SAN KRAXCIBCO (or The fishing veaeels on Its coast «n i the the present Opposition, l«*nde hie name Bat the moot startling f month, at 8 o'clock. When eufficlent In- Victor». 10, It 1 i. m„ July a, la 16. dupcmeots offer, will eateod tripe to W«at thousands ami tens of thousands of m-n to a platform which is so vague, watery, tkm with these electrical waves la the ». », SO; Aug L a M.18.24. »: Sept a . Coast points and Queen Charlotte Islands. a 1*. 18. 23. »a Due At Victor», e. engaged in that great ’ndnstrv *v.re colorless and ordinary that the Hou. J. ease with which they pass through BARCLAY ROUND ROUTE. V »4 July a a ia. ia aa as; Aug a 7. ta it, then forming the CMsAdu of Eng­ H. Turner himself might easily hav opaque auhetanees, and In this particular TO ALL- Iteemer "Teea" leaves Victoria for Al aa a?; is.pt. l. a it. ia ». aa land’s preeent supremacy, and they are produced iL , they »

•trusted-his agent to. make sjl offer t« ! “lMIr“. »hd,wish to bring to its legitimate •cm Thursday from ssmplse tell i s from «vntre that trade wbirii rightly beUmgs tiyfcrent parta of the clain, which gave the owners of the Maud hj to the merchants of this city, they a return' of |6U0 in all va'm*#, Mr. to pay $5,000 cash and renew his option • would- advertise the fact in the Seattle. British Columbia. ; O'Connor and his associate* sW so well until January 1st, 18MK when the bal­ Tacoma and Portland paper* that Clon- fjjjjfffjjjjJ^yrTyJT777K pleoswl with, the ivault, that they hate ance of $90.000 will fall doe. At a to make a shipment of a carload meeting'tfield at tlm company's office In dyke.i* in Canada, ami supplie* should be purchased in Victoria. B. C„ where of this on* to the Trail smelt* .• as an Vancouver the fore part of the week th* VANOOCVEB. prices are lower and not subject to duty. experiment. offer was accepted by the owners and At a meeting held at Hotel Vancou­ This will immediately bring many hero The Diamond Hit* bids fair tr be­ the *ecrvt.iry <>f :he company instruct ver Friday evening it was decided to to so notify the agent of Mr. Addick* for the purpoae of outfitting, and Vic­ form a company for the purpose of trad­ come one of the most notable vroprrtlea Bird property up the North Fork. The I'nder these cirvamwtances there- seen»-* toria will reap the immediate advantages ing in the Yukon country. The follow­ but little question of the payments being thereby. ing gentlemen w?re posent: Dr. Oar- r dopaient advances the showing of «re becomes enormous. Only a few jdays met next January and of the mine bring “It ?# natural,” afe one Seattle mer­ ndL ex-AM. Shaw. Geo. L Wilson. O. S. chant pat It. “that we will do all in onr ago a new ledge was «truck Sboit one at once opened up. THAT THE Douglas, J. R Seymour and O. 8. M<*- Roy Hagin. whu ffaa Ahafc JMST !-•” « r !.. retain that trade dw£il? The Wë? Trading poW frttttw hundred yards from the «14 working* the pail week ha* *un>a«sed aarrhing and it now shows up eight feet .if solid Bridge cm* hid on the Cariboo road at Dawson Cl»y- done before in this city, for many firms et? similar n> that found e*aewhere on last Friday, the 10th. the account ^1 FAC-SIMILE which api*cnred in last week's Journal, hero have been working night and day. VERNON. the claim. Work has been pushed on this property all winter and spring in the to improving slowly. He was shot Although Victoria will rot share wrph Vernon News. shape of open cuts, shallow shafts and through from shoulder to shoulder but us. we will «till continue to persuade ^Vegetable PrcparationforAs SIGNATURE those who roach our city to outfit here.” More rain has fall*» during the pre­ other surface development un.il »: t* op* not robbed. ’ The following special trie- vent month than the o*».. am *ho for if blood poisoning should set In. The In­ which struck me most forcibly was the rapidity with whieU the Seattle busim*** end will add many thousand bushels to the (Mist two months hn» uAil* Green­ dian suspteted is known as Johunt PtomokaDwtestionChrerrul the wh-St crop. wood his headquarters is now In a faV Ducks. He was arrested, but got away ineu have dropped on to the require­ ments of the prospector, thb re­ Robert Wood, of Greenwood, who h«* way *o become prominently before the again. The chief of the Canim lake Opum.Morphinff *of Mineral. bvon spending some tin*- at the coast public In a nearVM'. that of having to tribe, finding out about the affair, sult of which Is that a tenderfoot.going IS ON THE on business connected with the law amt ex4>lsin bia rott*e*k»n with Hie trie In brought him back. He is now in charge into the Cloudyke has hi* kit sidkinl l*e- Not Nahcotic. over the “ Jack of SpadtV mineral foro blip, and without effort on his part Marcus of two hirsea nc'tuer «f which of Constable Mitchell at Clinton. JCo claim, was in town lo-dar. The la is loaded np by the enterprising S< «•- belonged to- him. motive la known for the deed. Hagin and suit has been settled, and Messrs. Wood the suspected Indian bring perfect tleitc and relieved of hi* surplus cash in WRAPPER and Tbo*. Kills have come to an dr SEW DENVER. strangers to one another, unless it was an amaalngly short spare of time. rangement with Cleefrnt Vacher. wh*i I am not booming. Mr. Editor, the é The Ledge. robbery, the Indian being prevented was one of the parties to it and i- also from the latti r on accountnecojjnt of not killing Fifth Regiment excursion next Satur­ OF EVERY interested with them in the Galena min­ The owner, of I he Fidelity hara been Hage^. day. but if some of oar most interested ât Work will he at once working on their greet find the P*« two merchants in this city will lake a trip w*ke. and report th* they here «O,- [Hwlfr 1BOTTLB OF sUrted on this mine, upon which a abaft to Beattie, and acquaint themselves srith 800 worth of ore In right. was sunk about five years am to the Midway Advance. the class and price of goods noV being depth of about 40 feet It is the Inten­ Ira Meeker, once known on the other side as the Puyallup philosopher, has A fèw days ago the No. 7 in Central offered those afflicted with the C'loodyke tion 6f the o amers to continue tne shaft camp was ckwd down. This action was fever, and further If the Board of Trade A perfeel Remedy for Const to at ifrt.t inn fw.1. Ih,n h any smonnt half a dosen .men working on hie O.K Lift this city »vc tit to enlighten the large lion. Sour Stomai of rnk-nn in eliht. 1«H Mthorto Ih- group on*the North Forkr _ • "* The Get Tbcro Eli and Batchelor water, which was gradually increasing number of petqile now arriving in the Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­ qnalltr hen ret ptotmI rkti •■ami*h t" .roups. Twelve Mile, were bonded last day by day, until the amoont coming ro cities across the way in the manner ness aid Loss or Sleep. ,Po-- h to h. workM profitably naflor kept the men busy about a third of the have described. Victoria will within one tho hf»TT trannpo'tntion f-hnraoa whirl week for $35.000; Cha*. Hoffman being the homier for Spokane parties. time lifting it oat. A sufficient amount we-k be the bnslest city on the Pacific TecSinil* Sifnatunol WOT, in TO*nr at thr tlm, whTO It am» development has been done to demon­ coast. So wake. up. Victoria, you sleepy Tloaed down. A miirb mow- Hharal raj* Foss k McDonald have completed &4ff/Z5SZ wagon roads tothe Best and to the strate that No. 7 is a mine, and little can old sneoser, wake up! P. |t. S. h.a now hern obtained from the - 1 11 • Oartwl* i. pi 1, Il a» a» WttlM «alj. B Rambler, and are now working on the be done to the property without Installa­ NEW YORK. who bar, offojod to take the or, to Ta- _i 111 mU la bilk. Beat alb* aa^aa be «0 Dardanelle road, which Is an extension tion of suitable machinery. This will be Alwsve Kelt Tired. coma for $-3 rwr ton. t nd-r the*- i aajttll* aba «a A. ll* ar l'ialll lba> H of the Washington road to the McGul- installed in due course of time, and when 'T «mfft-retl with severe headache and rhanc-t oonditlona Mr. Wood frol, cm 1-km of appetite and I always felt tired “Jan aa nal-'anA “will aaavar anr7 pm. fid ont that it ran hr mad, to per hand gan basin. the railway makes Its appearance in pmJ- e-L Bat r* «et «U4-l-0-S4^. Some splendid ore. roning 2.000 ounces, Boundary creek, the No. 7 will be one of 1 concluded to tty. Hood's Sarsaparilla and r namely, and he i. «oint about the mat after taking erfe bottle my headache dis­ tee In an enorgetle tnd boalneoatlhe has recently been taken from the McAl­ the first ahipiMW* of ore, if the owners lister group on the North Fork. The desire to send It out for treatment. It is appeared. I continued taking It until exact conr or im»m» manner whTeh anrnr. aneee.». A ehm- estimated that over $a00.«X» worth of now lam never troubled withbeedaehe nient will he made at an early dal- property is being worked by the owners. and ne a eonakieral-l- for— of men will John Campbell and John Rons#. ele to aow hlo Ike else. and my appetite is good.” Luara Gar­ The sale of the Exchange group to Sir land. 247 Cla remoot street, Toroto, Ont. V employed It la likely that the* eon- ainnment. to the Taeoma «molter w< 1 Charles Tapper's syndicate is off. The first payment was to have been made on HOOD'S PILLS act easily and ftp made regularly and in large quanti the 15th. but word was received from liver and bowels. ties. V is with pleasure that we an promptly upon the headquarter* that the price asked, $42,- ronnee that lake la at »»*J »'» Communications. Cura sick headache. hare a “shippimr ra'ne.** and «ne tha 500. was too high. promises to ran'-dlv develop Into a well About ten miles north of and Why don't yoe try Carter's Ltttta Llrar about ten • miles from the lake several Ptllsf They era a positive cure for etch known and paying property. THE PLATFORM. headache, and all the Ills produced by dis­ claims hare recently been staked upon ordered liver. Only oae pill a dote. a wide ledge traceable for over 5 miles. To the Editor: While on my way home ROSSLAXÜ Assays from some of the properties last night, as my custom Ur. I purchase a Rowland Miner. VICTORIA MARKETS. Times. The first thing that cangtP my There is a movement on foot to erect show considerable silver. The Alamo concentrator at Three eye. in large letters, was, “The Platform Retail Quotations for Farmers' Produce a tng compreasor plant on the west side of the Oppoeition." I said to myself. of Red Mountain. It i* probably this Forks a-as started up again last Satur­ ... WÊ , now they are on the right track at last. Carefully Corrected. part of the camp will he very busy tins day. and is now running «re from the Clean! Truthful ! Wideawake ! fall ami drill power will lie in demand. , where from 25 to SO men are em- B,Jt after reading it. I did not know ...... $5J>0 ployed. So far as can he learned the wfct,4tM>r i wa* on foot or on horae-bjvk. Premier (Boderby).... As things are now. compresaed air can­ ...... 85.26 deal for the sale of these properties Strong Baker's (O K.) not very well be conveyed from any of and the first paragraph was a stumt iing ...... SU.U0 sst -yet ■-eaaap4at«4<-:=ae*”e|iii*ee*e,™^^"^eeeeieee™Eie Lake of tha Woods.... Ei compSSiaH-Tirfr OTF W vhe Snowflake...... sa.73 •Ion we had only one leader la the «ap­ mines on the west side of Red Moun­ NELSON. XXX...... d ...... 85.26 tain. Compressed air and machine drills position. bnt It now ap|K‘ars they are all ...... $5.25 The Economist Lion...... are not used in any of the mines over leaders. The production called "The Thiw Star (Endttrby)...... $5 50 James McEweo, * Crimea veteran. Platform of the Opposition" reaemb’ra ...... $5.75 tUThe Obtaining of several judgment, SpIvm ...... dle«l at the Kootenay General Hospital the density of a Scotch mist rather than I*eitch'a Hungarian,...... $6.00 THE ------g.gatBit~thr Nrol Bgg Company- nod the yriterdny morning. Jtfler a _crol«8ie01, the production at men who call tiuun,- Oxilrië’a Hungarian. . ... mor ness. Deceased had not drawn hi* pen­ levying of at leaat one of them, during selres leaders of men. Wheat, per ton ...... |3S to $37.80 sion for nine veer*, and at the time of the past few weeks. haB n And. sir. in this very platform dra*a Barley, per ton...... «2S to $XI hi* death it amonnte«l to fOOO. He b.‘- troubles of the company. The up and submitted to the public, no bet*, Mlddlinx*. per toe .120 to tZ! Rand L>rill company, which installed the qneatheil to the hospital « sufficient ter evidence is to be had than the ina­ Bran, per ton...... $20.00 machinery plant at the mine, has a sum to cover the cost of hi* attendance, bility of the preoent opposition to form Ground feed, per ton...... $20 to $30 on the ground ready to romovethe ma­ the remainder to lie divided between his s party capable of governing this xrv.it Ora. whole...... $26 to $28 chinery at a montent*s notice. The plant two son*—one at Sandon. the other nt pr**rlnee of o ira at the present juncture. Corn, cracked...... «...... $20 to $29 consists of a go<îi boiler hoist, cotnpros- GaHoWSy. Scotland. What are those self-stylanl leaders-afraid Oatmeal, per 10 pounds...... 45 to 50c. aor. drills and connecting hoee. all worth To gnxe upon the *«em features of of! They coeld* not for % moment i>»»: Rolled oats. (Or. or N. W.L. .. .. Sc TIMES. from $4,000 to $5.0<>0. Frank Menden­ rx-Chlef of Police KHchani aw he gine they were going to elect themselves Rolled oats. (B. A K.) 7th. racks. ..30c. hall. agem for the Rand Drill Company strotchnl oat the strong nrm of the law when this platform was drawn up 1 Potatoes, per lb...... 1%C. to 14c. in Rosslan.l, admitted lagt night that he. and gathered In the rich and poor alike, mar be wrong, but I think the propor New potatoes, per lb...... 5c. was ready to protect his company and the keenest observer would never sus­ thing for those leaders to have lone ««* Cabbage...... 2^c. to 8c Daily and Twlce-a-Week. move the machinery whenever It been un­ pect that all the while sly Cupid was to have taken the whole of their sap- Cauliflower, per head. .. .10c. to 12Hc necessary. bombarding the heart of the uneomprom port era into their confidence or all wh i Hay, baled, per too...... $16 to *10 J. Fred Ritchie is to he congratulated, (sing preserver of the pence. Yet snen wish a change of government, and ask Strew, per bale...... 50c. to 75c. aa the Hillside mine, which belong* t® was really a fact, and list Sondav nirut them to assist them by giving expres­ Onions, per lb...... 8c. to 4c. him and bis associate*, and adjoins the the garriwtn surrendered nnconditionall.i. sion to their views regarding the qua­ Bananas,...... » --25c. to 86c. Whitewater Station on the Kaalo * Slo- when Rev. Mr. Monlen tied the knot tion# of the day. and then formulate n Turnon* iCalifornia)...... 26c. to 36c. caa railway. to showing good retains for that made Mis* Kline, of Ixw Angeles, platform, embodying the wishes of a ma­ Apple*, Tasmanian, per lb...... 8c. the work which has been carried on and Mr. Seneca C. K et chum one. Joy jority of the said supporter*. Now. sir. Oranges, St. Michaels (Cal* 20c to 40c. there, continuously for the last three he with yon ffeneen and your bridrt. the time has gone by when the citherns O rangea. Cal. acedllaga. ... .26c. to 80c. months. The recent strike comprises 3D When interviewed on t*-e subject Mr. Of this British Columbia of ours will Cherries, per lb...... 15c. to 25c. feet àt ledge matter at the end of the Ketehnm said he had nothing for th** submit I» be i.-d by a law «bo » Strawberries, per bqx...... • • -25c. 230 foot crosscut tunnel, tapping the vein the government and r*pi>o*ltion on the Gooseberries, per lb...... 8c. to 10c. Do You ReatHt? at » depth of 100 feet, and this ledge narrow gauge system. What is wanted Fisk—salmon, per lb...... 10c. to 12c. ASHfROFT. Ilea between the walla of porphyry and Is a platform that will confer the vreet Halibai...... 10 to 12c. «late. ' Those who have seen It consider B. C Mining Joel*»I est good on the greatest number. Let Flab—small...... 8c. to 1(V. Eggs. Island, fresh, per dos. 20c. to 25c. It one of the coming mines of the dis­ Mesura. E. Barber. Wm. Hocking and us have no uncertain sound in this re trict. and it la the intention of Mr. •aa and Henry Williams, ef Hmt - *peet. The people have too long sub­ Eggs, Manitoba...... 15c Ritchie to start shipping ore in the very Mont.. Thursrlny cloned a deal with M. mitted to the trickery of friendship •* Butter, creamery, per lb... .17c. to 25c. Butter. Delta creamery, per lb...... 25c. near fotnro. This is snother Instance Abeam for hi* throe-fifths interest in this reaptfrt. Let ns have a convent hn of the good that Rowland brains and Butter, fresh...... 20c. to 28c. the mine «n the Bonaparte, common!- in s$me of the citie*. where ropre*»ut.i- ....THE. capital have jlone in the Rlo- Cheeee, Canadian ...... 15c. to 20c. known as the Ahem mine. J. C. Smith tives from all the electoral districts -mn Cheese, California T.»...... 20c. °*Ool. I. N. Peyton Is atilt at Northport and J. B. Bryson are the. owners of the be present, and when* each representa­ Hams. American, per lb... ,16c to 18c. other two-fifths interest. The price paid tive will he called upon to support, what and will return to Spokane to-day. He Hams. Canadian, per lb...... 16c was $3.000. $1.000 cash and $1.400 with­ In his jndgment he believes to be t gi;t. telephoned no yesterday Informing the in 12 days. '* Bacon American, per lb.... .15c to 18ç without fear or favor from any quar­ Be con,' rolled, per lb...... 12c. to 16c miner that W. J. Harris had been in­ Meesre. A. Gotte. C. Moot omet and P. Twice-a-Week Times structed to go to Trail on behalf of the ter, thereby assisting in the formation Bicon, long clear, per lb...... 12|c fa Rat company, ond interview Mr. Finder, who are raining mAi of distim - of a platform which will-bring prosper T5»h and arrived direct from “ ”**" Liam, Canadian, per lb..,, ,14c to. 16c Heinac respecting bis offer of a site, etc., It y and contentment to every man.w^ hen Mem...... 14c for the propose*! smelter. He also stat­ three week* since. roturne«l last night t i man and child in the province, and give Urd...... 12%c. to 15c ed positively that the Le Roi company Ashcroft from Barkerville. To a .Journal eucouragement to men of character and Sides beef, per lb...... 9c. to 10c. Mailed td any address in Canada, was in n«* way tied np as to a site, but ropreaentative one of the party said, ability to oorne forward nnd aaai*t in the Meats—beef, per pound.. . .10c. to tec United States or Newfoundland so far it had not been a\4e to figure out “that a force of ten men are at work on ereat'KHi of thU new order of thine, Veal...... 8c. to 16c how H coeld smelt ore as cheaply at any quarts properties neer Barkerville. un­ E8QVIMAI.T. Mutton, per pound...... 10^c. to 18< at $1.50 per annum; other coun­ point in Kootenay as at Northport. Mr. der bond to the French syndleate. The Mutton, whole...... 9c. to 9|c. tries $2.50 per annum...... Harris was seen in the evening. He outlook Is not wo favors Me as we cm» lit1 CLOXDYKE FEVER. Pork, sides, fresh, per lb...... 9c. said ‘Thave been down to Trail and wish, bat la so far encouraging. The To the Editor: The discussion list Chickens, per pair.. .. r .81.00 to 81A0 seen Mr Helnse. We are now Investi­ first payments have brou made on some week at the Board of Trade meeting gating his offer. It Includes a free smel­ properties and no further payment* will relative to the $60 vote on a imp. whi«* ter site, certain adjacent water power, will bare to be made nntU next April,' interested parties in this city pr.-i.v8vd to half of a townsite and a half Interest In By that time and.likely long.before we publish and which ultima Id/ resulted the water power he controls at Rayward. shall know just what the properties are. In a subscription to ii'imb-'t of copie* Daily reports of the Investigations will We shall give them a thorough test, and of the said map. ha* placed «lie V.iani be sent to the head office at Spokane.** we do not Jieaitate to any that there are , ;>i**stionable position with ninny BOVRIL quartz mines in Cariboo, bnt believe the who hn GRAND FORKS. fntnro of that country will be, from All the News. extended with better reentls Is the Product of Grand Forks \liner. hydraulic gnd drift mines which are nn There to no question Inst *hnt the enor­ questionably rich and extensive.” • Prime Ox Beef A deal was closed on Wednesday after­ mous demand ffom the ontsbl • f-'r noon and a contract signed whereby a A mining erturt of conslderaMe impor­ well prepared map will amply repay any full plant of gold saving machinery to tance to Cariboo .took place at Horse enterprising concern for the publication to be put in operation on the Eighteen Fly last week. The ten-stamp msH that of such. Karat groupa root- of placer claims,elalœ», justJnat In- has been in eonttoe of construction —dur­ Having just nHurnrd /hhu 1 BOVRIL •«ne* the-d«!n»si«r-*rm-«me m» ««uiuuwfl,ttee„WM did. While there interest. mv«-,f Tn a com­ Fly Hydraulic' mine.'win" complcfed on arroup was located Mr. W. C. McDoo- parison of price* and the-chMHf ift»1qnan­ gall, of Rowdand, was la the city ami Sa tords r mortiin?. tulv. 10th. RVery- tit ies of sto<*a carried hy the respective Forma a complete fc examined the placera. He was so wefl thing being ui ri'adinrti* at 10 o'clock ona merchants in that and this c’ty. and Brain, Blood, Bone and Muscle, satisfied with the résulta of bia Ideeatiga- that day. Mr*. Hobeon, wife of the man­ particularly th* clans of goods neciwarv tiona that he at once made an offer for ager. turned on the water that atarteil for outfitting the Alaska irai*'. and supersedes all ordinal)' Meat the machinery and let drop the stamps the purchase of the property. Thia offer Without going into detqil npon the Extracts, for flavoring and en­ twin* refused he made a ptapoml to put. of the first cemented gravel mill ever different articlea required, and after Times P. & P. Go., le machinery for an interest in the built in Canada, the mill has ten stamps comparison with Victoria t»r:c«»*. I have riching Soups, .Sauces *nd of M50 pounds each, and to expected to claims. This latter offer was at one- no hesitation in saying *hat wifh few Made Dishes. Sold by all accepted, and on Tuesday eeaolag last /•rush 120 ton* of cem-nted gravel each fxceptions. price* in this dtv taken in Mr. Jan. McDongall. a nephew of W. a 24 hours. It i* equipped hi a firat-cl»*» the whole are from 10 to 15 lier rent, first class Grocers and Drug­ McDougall, arrived in the city and on manner; will be run by water power dur-, lower then in Seattle W. TEMPLEMÀN, Wednesday signed tiie contract shore ing summer and by «team during winter Merchants in that city realise that Vic­ gists. months. As the remenied gravel in this referred to. toria houses are placed In a much better WHOLES*LX MOOT Maurice O'Cbnnor received an excep- mine is known to be rich, good results position, not only for Times Building, Broad Street, . , . ttonally good return on Tuesday Uat are certain to be obtained from thia on the way into the Ckndyke. but atom from an aaaay ef ore from the Ramiu ng -I of working it. for supplying thiee who will form the BOVRIL, Limited R/ni property np the ..orth Fork. The We are in receipt of rears to-day that population of this now famous district. certificate show, a value of 190 in go!d to abetluto.. to the effect that Mr. Ad- My suggestion l* that if the Board of and copper. A second saw was made dicks. on the 15th of this month, in Trade in this city have any money to 27 St Mar St, MONTREAL, «RMlN SiWSM.

8 VICTOUI^ iiA-LLY Tm^B. MONDA Y. JULY 26, 1807

lively bout is promised. A» thi» i* the last match of*the season, then? will no ■: I WITHOUT

nu I Ki;s DBFEA1 ED. In the bun Is for the ctiamp.oueblp * FOUNDATION Washington, played at Seattle oil 8at- KOKANEE GREEK enloy. Foulkea. of this city, was defeat- cd by Hurd, of Scatt e. Charges Growing Ont of the Rnthven In the Heart of the Silvery Slocan. LAWN TENNIS Lectures Are Pronounced CLUB TOVRXAMEXT. Absolutely ruina. The a un nul tournament of the Victo- ria I .awn Tennis Clnb opens this after­ noon at 5. when the first round of the A Muse Meeting of Citixens Yesterday The Canadian Mining, Milling > Smelting Go club singles handicap will he (j. E. Darken and ti. !.. Kirk. The Pune Strong Baeolutlons on After.... LIMITED. turna ment continues throughout tin- the Msttef. week. Here is tlx- amended drawing ....Own the Choice Loeattoee.... for the <*lu6 singles, handicap: Taking ». F. Card (owes 15.1b bye. HOMESTRETCH, GLACIER 4, A. Ci. Langley (rec. 15.3). bye. 1 The following hss been hnedml to thé a course of Ayer’s Pill» the R. B. Cowell (rec. 2li of 15), bye. Absolutely Pure. A. J. O'Reilly (rec. 15.3). bye. Times for publication: system is s#t in good working CLARA G, TWO SNOWBIRDS. Celebrated for Ite great leavening J. T. Cornwall (rec. 15.1), bye. Whereas at Victoria, British Columbia (All foil sised daims.) etrvngth and bealtbfulnees. Assures the J. A. Kit bet (rec. 4-1(1 of 15) bye. order and a man begins to ieel feed against alum and all forms of adnl- and within the A. O. V. W. flail, there, K. A. Jacob lrec. 24) of 15) bve. on the 25th day of July, 1867, a grand that life is worth living. He STJo..1* fl. C. Johnston (rec. 2-6 of 15) bye. BOTAL BASING POWDER mas* meeting of citizen* assembled and ThMe claims ■» dtnated it the bead weteie of Kokanee Creek, ea the «• TORE. Harvey Combe towes 15-1) bye. was conelitatvtl a cuinmittre to enquire who has become the gradual C W. Comble (rec. 10) vs. J. 1 ride between Aiaeworth, Sendon end 8loco City. A led*. 8 to 10 feet reee into certain charge* levelled against th-* Ftiulkc* (owes 3D.2). prey of constipation, does not throuch these etolme. err,to* . pejftre.k 16 inches to two feet et U*h (rede W. Speke (rec. 24) of 15) vs. G. N- l>eofde and police of the city of Victoria, fslene. t.suing 300 ou. eUrer ewd « per cat. lend. . SPORTING INTELLIGENCE. B. C., in connection with the allegrd at­ realize the friction under which W. J. R. Cowell (scratch) v». F. B. tack ou St. Andrew’s Roman Catholic Vrtfhedfnl. alleget! insult, thmtt and he labors, until the burden is LiOMMl. Pemberton (réc. 36). tl. E. Park»-* (rec. 30) vs. It. L. Kirk violence offered to Prient Nicola ye; and lifted from him. Then his WON BY WeSTMINBTKB. alleged indifference, incompetence and CAPITAL, $2,000,000; TREASURY, $400,000. The lavmxHv match on Saturday. Vic­ tree. 34i of 15). H. B. Haines free. 13) vs. B. J. flow neglect of the police authorities of VJ— mountains sink Into mole - toria vs. New W«-»tmhntt<*r.- was won by torla. B. C., on the nig* t of July 4th. the visitors by a rem-v of three to two. nrd (rec. 4-0 of 15). hills, his moroseness gives R. D. Harvey (roc. 341 of 15) vs. C. B. 1897 : 150.000 eharea now on the market. Promoters- stock pooled until Jew let, an entra half hour fiavivg to !*• played Barkley tree ?r-»', of 13).------— ■ And . ar hnjmas Job u Braden. MJ\U.. place to jollity, he is a happy J887. Stock now eelltn* it 7Je. per .hire from Ura hrnkorn to decide» tite match. ' There was con- was unanlraons'.T elected vhalrinan. and siderabie rough play. Tbe summary fol­ -4- ^ Girard Innw 15,1) VS. R. H. ■Mnw ■»» of tho Wlnun u kt hn* am eiallrntlM. Pooky (rec. 54» of 15). io**: Iutdies’ and Gentlemen's Doubles (Han­ And Chèress in**hn editorial publlubcd Came. Hvored For. Time. dicap. in the VhNorin Daily Colonist. July -flth. %cea worth living to you, you 1. Victoria, by Schooler ...... 34 rola. Mis* Keefer and R. H. P.N>ley (rec. 1807. occnr* the following passage: 2 Westifllusterby Uysl ...... 3 . “ “We -learn with regret that person* re­ may take a very different view LEIGHTON & W1LLIAHS, 8. Westminster, by Latham 3 “ 13, bye. 4. Victoria, by Mchts.ter ...... IV Mi»» Cloward and E.A. Jacob (scratch) turning from a so-1 ailed lecture on Fun- of it after taking 5. Westmliistvr. by I>ewls ...... 4V •• day night diwaCed themselves hr *t«e> MINING OPERATORS. Box 111. SANDON, B. C. Referee--A. McLaughlin. of Winnipeg. Mr*. I*airgley and H. M. Hills lug tbc Roman Catlio'le Cathedral. Wr Umpires W. Kttilth.of Victoria, and J. (scratch) bye- had not * upturned that there were In Vic­ Jardine, of Westminster. Misa Macrae and B. O. Howard (rec toria |H»r*o»is ho lost to all sense «,f Ayer’s Cathartic Pills. i in' ! i: v.i ■ STANDING of 15) v. M !«•*• It Dunamnir and fl «leeency. It t* snn>rising thnt anch n Wee Lost Drawn. C. Johnatott (rec. 15). thing remtd have taken place without the Vancouver 3 1 I - Miss Prior ai»t Harvey Combe (owe know bulge of the p«dlce (X)N8ION|BRH. ~ Wet*rtntaster —rrr—S------1—-— t 15) Mra Ç. I\i weit ami J. F. Fmdkes And whereas in.a lvttrr. nnder the cure Per steaiacr Dannbe from the north—1)1- Victoria ...... I ... 1 4 lows 13). ^ tien “That I«decmit Î seturer." over thi mon L.l*vr A Co, iVns A Lei re r. K A SATURDAY'S MATCH. si^nafi'TC “M." writt«-n by S TVrri Mrfhru. M'T.fiiiiaii A MeFrely. W Morris. Mis* G. I»ewen and R. D. Harvey Mr* Mark Lewis. F J V Skiff. Munn Hol­ T.t the Editor: The Capital lacrosse (rec 1131») bye. Wn*. a member of th- Roman Cithol't Ctmrch and r»nh,i*,'ed in »hr Victoria land A Co. Turner Breton A « ... K P Hitb- club and team desire to take deckled ex­ Miss Benven ami F. B. Pemberton (rec. et A Co. J Melkowell. Yre Ylck A Co, J H ceptions to the ColonistV report in Sun­ i 30) bye. Daily Tinu s. July (ItIk, J^7. oernrw the Tort (rec. 1 15) hyc. ‘The elty nolice. as usual, though po­ Isiagtey. being unfair and not at all in aenAdtan The fixtures fur thi* evening are. sent at th* lecture, were not on b»ed t- Per City of Kingston from the Honed— With the true fact* In m:n*y particulars. 5 o'clbck Parke* vs. Kirk and Haine a prevent the violation of the right* of Th• and la*t night on the nl- that the local team have reason to Is* club defeated the navy by 203 to 8; the Jsuiewou^ A W Knight. M W Waltt A Co. Of.... 1 l'’r«>fl immor»îîtl'** of The Romish prient- M O’Brien. Onbrna A P, Oeo «way. glad on account of Its laiuentnlde weak Alliions won from the 3th Regiment on W* anil ft. f»« Thnt . nmtvr „f I fte tatter-, gruuml. by 1S2 to 42; at hood. After the Sunday meHlne th»' Per steamer Charmer from Vaneuuver- I, rap, of il.,. l,l„. : »•- l-M.A. weed Sewaeleven .aeor- reedy element in the audience « toned Ft. Martin A Robert*00. I> K Campbell, J Andrew’* Roman U"fhe,!c Calhrdral. Plerey A Co.- Turner B A Co. J Hutehewou. and white continually blackguard-d th-* one inning- in two end hoote*1 and $n*nltc«l Father Nieo- Irens A Letser. Ja* Angus, 8 Leirer. City visiting players, the referee ami one o‘ inuiug* by the Columbia*. laÿe. the whit» haired pri'•«(.” * Plumbing Co, Weller Atm*. C C Unaaeil. J Minin the umpires. 1 « tin**...... traww ri il ra tio-'«rtwtrift kill si Miss vvuiujj.„ ^ nito*' |Mihli*h«ul In «H.* Feat tie P »*f lacrosse club have nothing whatever t-i K. K. O, L, T 8. Dorn Kxp Co. Wheat Takes an Vpwird Shot—Bank Intelligencer. Seattle. Wa*Y. V F. A.. do with the conduct of nnv of the audi­ Clearing* Improve. July 8th. 1867. occurs the following pas- ence. nml could rot possibly have jirc- PA88BNURRH. venfed anv remark* thnt were made. Pee sire wire Oarrabe from the nortt>-4 New York, July 24.—Bilaratreet to-day “The fact that the tlrmle of the gpralfi' A* regard* the “lnmentnhlc weak ne**" of M’bltsted. B C Mem. K Hbeapatad. Peter erl’ ud inflneneeil « itortlon at least ofjflA the team, nothing could he fart Hit from | Kingman. C Christopher. Ws C.rren. Cl It The widespread confidence 'hat there n»»dieac*‘. was apparent at the ehw* of Holt. W Lvwla. A Wilson. Wm John*oii. the truth. Our team was not tiy anv Of.... » will be n marked revival of general the lecture, for no **>«rp- had »»-e hivur M Kagelaen. M C Letoea. C A *mlth. J R T"’n'.rrt' "* ^ ,”!,r I trs.l.' in tb.- tail ci.nliiiai** M grow, .,..1 lem e’ement left A. O. U W. Hall, thati Johnson. F Olren. J Duggln, J Angen, II British Columbia. with It uist.rl.l «id.no. *h.t It tver hurried to Ft. Andrew** Roman Ridge. D «ulilvaa. C Henderaou. D Irvine. Îly .t>nnv^ f, ... vNnwr" «■"W. .tmrr'T hint.-r '- , l „ I. jobb™ ch.tb-to John Vea. M De Ronsle. John C.atea. J A ersek l«m nt .h, ;'nd .,f ,l... r. o.tor two , ,lryglMKi,. nul, ,b,-^ Catholic Cathedral, only h If » block Wood», J Romeau, T H TalL E A Wad- a war. ami proceeded to tunnhard It witii haras. « M Okeil. O Langksrer. pianos, Htones h«*ti1y snati-heri from the roa l half hour* play. New Westminster win­ John Rinhap. T Riwsell. John Davidson, F organs, wagons, ami farm implements, wav. breaking .-erer»! of the costly D Tre» . M B TVafton. ,C L Mrihiln-, ning in the 28th minute. Furthermon . report that fall huainc-ia has been be­ ntaiued glass window* nml bringing th. W Partridge, O Jenkins. J McLellan, U New Wv<-turn*ter hroneh» »** strong a gun. which is much earii.*;• than usual. venerable Father Nieolaye to the seene. PalmperlsL , com it inn tien of v layer* n* it »••** possible Iristriinitioh of general metvhamliae onlv to he s-railed with a ehorns of vile for them to i*n* on the field, and (!•• Per «tramer t'h.rm.r from Vinfonvor iroai 8t. lziuia is a little lefts active et>lt*»ets and threats of personal R Bloomfli-IlL 2 W «tew.rt. A M Wrat.nL faet that Victoria tied the score at th * Sheet Three Sioean District although trade there is favorable. Ldke violence.” J.» f-rral. O V Urahrr. J (I Cl* 2 B end of two hour*’ play, prom* cmelusiv- - rejHirts are rvteivtd from Omaha. Mil­ ‘To- biy Rnthvf n left for Xanaimn, Brandon. Ur. J C Junra. H J w llolinoon. ly to all fair-mlmW i Copie that there ‘ Contains Four Coloured Maps. Mining waukee. Duluth. Minneapolis and 8t. where he $* announced to lecture Id- Bold Boo. Mi.« Jonra. Ur riowgte. Mra was acarrely any choice be*ween the two Ueatof. J Oonloo. K II Rlotcbrr. J Code, Mining Lews, etc., etc. Paul/ where merchant* are feeling t^e night ami to-roorroc. He may carfv w team* and tkat Vitoria d:d not show Ilowra, Mra C Bwran.jr, H.nnah Nurao. D influence of a prospectively large crop ont his programme bat it Is quite po*- **1*m«*nta hie we*»Ane**.’’ O Un,«l,oiit,*11, l, tl Mr Phillip.. Ml.» Burn of wheat, and from Galveston and other *ihh* fh-t th- voliee of the * oil eitV Referring to the state ment that “fraui Mra Sure. H 2 Bureera. H E Frat.r, Ml* points in Texas, which has a favorable may perform their duty t'ester than thrv Boh,. Mra R p Da rira. O W Irol.nd. Min. the «inc of the grand stand (Rntnrdnvi it iALL NEWSDEALERS. PRICE $1.00*8* crop ont look and confidence in an in­ Vi«doria otfiei'ts dhl tt*e|rs.‘* Bnillh. T 2 Patton, 2 R Whral.n, A Boo- would a~eio that laer-*ra h**re is y err creasing movement of merchandise next Ami whereas after full, rampletc and lor. R t- lAwram-r l|, How»di. Mra Bd- near death." It is mirprising thnt the Col­ fall official enoni-v. it haw been ineontestihly w.nto. A Whrrl-r, 2 B Usb. F T Kiln. onist would make such a remark about A M Malin». Il A Jorand. K W Birth, L The demand for supplies for shiirment e*tabV*h-d that ther- wra no *nch at­ Canada’s national gam-'. The rath r Robinson. to the Clondyke gold region has made tack on Ft. Andrew’a R. C. Cnthedfal. n- lKx>r attendnrfe is onsilv neco-nted for. July th- huatiat Instead f the Mini any other house- or property of thh The I O O.F. f-yrnrsirn to Seattle, church ami ha* bad an influence oh sale* of Roman Catholic Church and no such In- «eorge B. Dodwell, of the firm of Dod- exc«rsi«vn< to Sydney. Inability to g.-t nein‘h in the commercial year at Seattle weli, ( argilI & l <»nipany, Hongkong, Province Fob’g Co. •’rits, thrrat* or riolenc ■ offend . to th-. Il«r-bln I.Mi.l « ts, |..t f lnrt h>, h„i on Mi,„ Prient Ni«x»1**jçe or to any other priest or* at the Drill nl. He is aevotnpanied bv LIMITED LIABILITY. tend ....t Mn. ^,,,1», „ T.cro.. Voftlsld and San person of th * R-mao Ca’holie Church.' Mrs. Dud well. in ntterdance: end- lastly the fact thnt j Frandeco Tb*»refore Iv* It rewolv<*i : VICTORIA. n,d- will not «I.vl. ir, ..r an- j Th, wor|,|'„ „h.al crop onllnok con- (1.) That thi* mccing declare thatj ’ fw raws* of nervonanaee. sit* VANCOUVER courage a Jositi*- team ns they do n tn- tinues to favor the Cnited State* much weak stomach. Indigestion, dyspepsia, ■try the above inentiomd charges derogatory, Carter s Little Nerve Pille. Relief le «,n n'n. on-. tMnki"» thel- team mn.t a- I „ did ,s y,,,. omlm.lt to to the conduct and character <>f * larg •' n-ar. win. cl— It to n., .mal, | that Hna.it .Iona, of ...... tier whet The onlv nerve medicine for the pr*» la Our hoy* shoe Id tx- encours vtnl rather " Ction of *8n Protestant fiopvlatloii of exporting countries, will be able to com the city of Vlctorln are without foundn-i tvi»n found fault with when they are all I States. The ad­ tUm in far». doing, thtdr bent. Tl is no easv matter DIED. vance of more than 29 cent* compared *2.) That the rbove mentioned rtinnreq to play a rnme of lierosae. n* it r*x- Ï.OMA8—At Qnamlehan Mke. on the 22nd with a year ago in the face of a do­ of Injun- to Ft. Andrew’a Romni qnires the h-'nbat .klml of training to Inst., William Alexander Iximae, after mestic wheat crop probably 109,000.090 Cat ho’I- Cath«.*drnl are wlthont fonnd.i- a riiert lllneea, aged 28 years. prdinro for the enm-. and gnrat rwit’r- I burheto m»»rc than last year, and Ihf tioj» in fs«t. ——• -d------XAJtRI.I.I—la IM» aty, July »th. IHW, in iNtty I wo 'IwurC and a talf. : :• !• -- . • Deilna. youngeat child of Dtegn and Fvr hent'or. lie o--*e |« not * monev- fJh) That >he above rhnrge* of inault. countries, cxplnin why the America» threat and violence »*> Priest Nicola ye R oeo ria Reda Zarelll. aged 7 months.' m-’kitr; nro-sisition like other snort*, and CAPITAL ONLY $160.000. farmer lsyto secure bis proportion of the are without foundational! fact. Fnaeral will fra» the *re*l- should not lie treated a* such. advance nml the coming era of prosper­ G. D. SCOTT TREASURY, 676,000. <4 ) That, the rdiarg»“* a HI SAY. • THF GAPITAT; LA'CROHSl cign conditions nml" demand. Actual JOHN BRADEN. M P.P The j:im<* Bnv and Star lacr.isse : . - 111IO -Chairman. EwiimsEunBief henvy, ami loading <.f cargoes here and teams nil! play nt 8eattlp on Sat unis y A. C. HOW*. uas ami Hot Water Fitter ' r -■ «untri **' which usually Secretary. contrfliute to European supplie» great- . Victoria. B. C., pud within the A. O. V. lit Fart ihrat, a • W. Hall, the 25th « 1987. PROTECT 1 ’ t ! ! V. ! ' - : : lit. MONEY TO LOAN THF KIEL*. 1 yOUR EYES. tiiqpMi.e of the strike of bitnminou* William lice. Esq., mayor of Pariah of It.-Mi. F rid Ricliar.Uim. Or. 8. W. Btxl- r»«l miners in the western and southern arON ANY GOOD SECURITY"» ; POO MOGM I ley anil Or. H. A. Mann have been w- Quebec, writes: “I have need ‘Qairkcnre’ -state*, which now begin* to threaten From bright aunll^t and float. leéîed by No. 2 company, 5th Regt:. to for mo»t painful, rheumatism and got al­ THF ANNUAL O BN Kit A L itWKf most iiw»atri. relief, and the palu ha* - wearing a pair of- oar Prefer reprerent them at the Nanaimo meetingr l« ndent op that kiml of fuel; the prae- this foini 'f-mpeuy petty will«|H b«* behl on net returned since l«*t spring:- It a Ire Smoke Glasses- They are - real I . be opened on WednMd.x •> Ilealtirai •t>l»ll,nstagnation of the BewemerB< ssemer pig Angrei»t Srd.*rd. DOT.i«»7. et 4 p WOand censed by a nt »ad .'eel him# nnrketo. with price. In a marvellous manner. 1 A'oowider it i O- C., for th*' «-li'vtln# T ' ' ^ . I ». low l« ever k....„t>: .he «hutting eyre. See our large stock of Bf tbc healing remedy of the age. We do «MF*. Field anfl Marine GMssre. : tree, 'he ivnebli-raUim of Mcv,.t TO-NIGHT"tf’KVBNTT -Anva of New Knghm.1 eint.nl mill ip,eh 1 tie w mrnm ] a nee audit a ad Uw- repo not cveq rear toothache now. aa we al- the largest stock of Minera* and Mag­ ! Tmtlres, and to aothorlae thv is* Alt prcp.rnli.me arc i:.Hnplct..l' f..r tbc "e-r1- f- reduce the nnlfnit .ml get rid way* keep 'Quickcure* on hand." match between Tobin,r.'VIn, Wfit tthe Imp. *..-. . f «lock, oh bond.' an# the .mratl.tac- nifying Glasses ever shown la thi ! Entirely re-fitted end new amnagem i Iw-nlorra of morlgag*'* to cam t .rr ii.pditlnn of the whole w.rnlen province. L# ^ 26c. Meels la the cFg. AU w «•X|»eiises Vad advance*, and gen h—to mhrket. owing to the retolirely -New gi>o