IN SECTION: American Legion state tournament continues B1 PANORAMA ‘Like a ministry’ Sumter Senior Services’ new Feeding Sumter’s Seniors SERVING SOUTH CAROLINA SINCE OCTOBER 15, 1894 program seeks donations C1 WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 2017 $1.00 SUMTER SCHOOL DISTRICT In the black — just not as much Smaller year-end surplus attributed to errors in earlier projections BY BRUCE MILLS health insurance and retirement bene- “The biggest error was in the health Allan added it’s better to discover
[email protected] fits caused the finance staff to over- insurance benefits, and the software the software errors now and make rec- project the district’s year-end balance just didn’t calculate it right,” Allan said. tifications moving forward. Allan also The finance leaders of Sumter sheet by about $800,000. So, instead of “And it’s a real difficult said since he started with School District still project the district closing the books on fiscal 2017 with a thing to do.” the district, he has im- will wrap up fiscal year 2017 — after $1.1 million surplus as previously pro- Griner has been work- proved the finance de- all accruals — in the black, but just jected, the surplus will likely be about ing closely with Allan on partment’s budgeting not as black as they thought before. $289,000. the future payroll expen- processes, so potential is- Financial consultant Scott Allan Projecting future payroll-related ex- diture issue with the dis- sues are easier to resolve and new district Chief Financial Offi- penditures has been a consistent chal- trict’s software since he now.