52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2021 (LPI Contrib. No. 2548) 2505.pdf EXPLORING DEEP SEA HYDROTHERMAL VENTS ON EARTH AND OCEAN WORLDS. P. Sobron1,2, L. M. Barge3, the InVADER Team. 1Impossible Sensing, St. Louis, MO (
[email protected]) 2SETI Institute, Mtn. View, CA, , 3Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA The Mission: InVADER (In-situ Vent Analysis precipitates showing exposed minerals and organic Divebot for Exobiology Research, Figure 4.1, content. The UNOLS ROV will use our coring tool and https://invader-mission.org/) is NASA’s most advanced its own manipulator and cameras to take ground truth subsea sensing payload, a tightly integrated imaging and samples as part of the InVADER deplotment. laser Raman spectroscopy/laser-induced breakdown In contrast to existing methods, InVADER allows spectroscopy/laser induced native fluorescence in-situ, autonomous, non-destructive measurements of instrument capable of in-situ, rapid, long-term these vent characteristics. InVADER will fill these gaps, underwater analyses of vent fluid and precipitates. and advance readiness in vent exploration on Earth and Such analyses are critical for finding and studying Ocean Worlds by simplifying operational strategies for life and life’s precursors at vent systems on Ocean identifying and characterizing seafloor environments. Worlds. To demonstrate the scientific potential and We will use statistical analysis tools for the fusion of functionality of the instrument, in July 2021 our team multi-sensor datasets, and develop real-time science will deploy InVADER on the Ocean Observatories data evaluation and payload control routines to Initiative’s (OOI) Regional Cabled Array (RCA), a establish, and then validate, adaptive science operations power/data distribution network off the Oregon coast, at strategies that maximize science return in a mission-like the underwater hydrothermal systems of Axial scenario.