Nat’l Highway Traffic Safety Admin., DOT § 523.2

ATTACHMENT 2—AREAS OF ENVIRON- to which its earlier comments were consid- MENTAL IMPACT AND FEDERAL AGEN- ered in preparing the draft statement. 4. The clearinghouses may also be used, by CIES AND FEDERAL-STATE AGENCIES mutual agreement, for securing reviews of WITH JURISDICTION BY LAW OR SPE- the draft environmental impact statement. CIAL EXPERTISE TO COMMENT However, the Federal agency may wish to THEREON deal directly with appropriate State or local agencies in the review of impact statements EDITORIAL NOTE: Filed as part of the origi- because the clearinghouses may be unwilling nal document. For text see 39 FR 32546, Sept. or unable to handle this phase of the process. 30, 1975. In some cases, the Governor may have des- ignated a specific agency, other than the ATTACHMENT 3—OFFICES WITHIN FED- clearinghouse, for securing reviews of impact statements. In any case, the clearinghouses ERAL AGENCIES AND FEDERAL-STATE should be sent copies of the impact state- AGENCIES FOR INFORMATION RE- ment. GARDING THE AGENCIES’ IMPACT 5. To aid clearinghouses in coordinating STATEMENTS FOR WHICH COMMENTS State and local comments, draft statements ARE REQUESTED should include copies of State and local agency comments made earlier under the A– 95 process and should indicate on the sum- EDITORIAL NOTE: Filed as part of the origi- nal document. For text see 39 FR 35248, Sept. mary sheet those other agencies from which comments have been requested, as specified 30, 1975. in Attachment 1. ATTACHMENT 4—STATE AND LOCAL AGENCY REVIEW OF IMPACT STATEMENTS PART 523—VEHICLE CLASSIFICATION 1. OBM Revised Circular No. A–95 through its system of clearinghouses provides a Sec. means for securing the views of State and 523.1 Scope. local environmental agencies, which can as- 523.2 Definitions. sist in the preparation of impact statements. 523.3 Automobile. Under A–95, review of the proposed project in 523.4 Passenger automobile. the case of federally assisted projects (Part I 523.5 Non-passenger automobile. of A–95) generally takes place prior to the 523.6 Heavy-duty vehicle. preparation of the impact statement. There- 523.7 Heavy-duty pickup trucks and vans. fore, comments on the environmental effects 523.8 Heavy-duty vocational vehicle. of the proposed project that are secured dur- 523.9 Truck tractors. ing this stage of the A–95 process represent inputs to the environmental impact state- AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 32901, delegation of ment. authority at 49 CFR 1.50. 2. In the case of direct Federal develop- ment (Part II of A–95), Federal agencies are § 523.1 Scope. required to consult with clearinghouses at This part establishes categories of the earliest practicable time in the planning vehicles that are subject to title V of of the project or activity. Where such con- the Motor Vehicle Information and sultation occurs prior to completion of the Cost Savings Act, 15 U.S.C. 2001 et seq. draft impact statement, comments relating to the environmental effects of the proposed (Sec. 301, Pub. L. 94–163, 80 Stat. 901 (15 action would also represent inputs to the en- U.S.C. 2001)) vironmental impact statement. [42 FR 38362, July 28, 1977] 3. In either case, whatever comments are made on environmental effects of proposed § 523.2 Definitions. Federal or federally assisted projects by clearinghouses, or by State and local envi- Approach angle means the smallest ronmental agencies through clearinghouses, angle, in a plane side view of an auto- in the course of the A–95 review should be at- mobile, formed by the level surface on tached to the draft impact statement when which the automobile is standing and a it is circulated for review. Copies of the line tangent to the front static statement should be sent to the agencies loaded radius arc and touching the un- making such comments. Whether those agen- derside of the automobile forward of cies then elect to comment again on the basis of the draft impact statement is a mat- the front tire. ter to be left to the discretion of the com- Axle clearance means the vertical dis- menting agency depending on its resources, tance from the level surface on which the significance of the project and the extent an automobile is standing to the lowest


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point on the axle differential of the the camber angle. For purposes of this automobile. definition, is the longitu- Base tire means the tire specified as dinal distance between front and rear standard equipment by a manufacturer centerlines. on each vehicle configuration of a Gross vehicle weight rating means the model type. value specified by the manufacturer as Basic vehicle frontal area is used as de- the loaded weight of a single vehicle. fined in 40 CFR 86.079–2. Light truck means a non-passenger Breakover angle means the supple- automobile as defined in § 523.5. ment of the largest angle, in the plan Medium duty passenger vehicle means side view of an automobile, that can be a vehicle which would satisfy the cri- formed by two lines tangent to the teria in § 523.5 (relating to light trucks) front and rear static loaded radii arcs but for its gross vehicle weight rating and intersecting at a point on the un- or its curb weight, which is rated at derside of the automobile. more than 8,500 lbs GVWR or has a ve- Cargo-carrying volume means the lug- hicle curb weight of more than 6,000 gage capacity or cargo volume index, pounds or has a basic vehicle frontal as appropriate, and as those terms are area in excess of 45 square feet, and defined in 40 CFR 600.315, in the case of which is designed primarily to trans- automobiles to which either of those port passengers, but does not include a terms apply. With respect to auto- vehicle that: mobiles to which neither of those (1) Is an ‘‘incomplete truck’’ as de- terms apply ‘‘cargo-carrying volume’’ fined in this subpart; or means the total volume in cubic feet (2) Has a seating capacity of more rounded to the nearest 0.1 cubic feet of than 12 persons; or either an automobile’s enclosed non- (3)Is designed for more than 9 persons seating space that is intended pri- in seating rearward of the driver’s seat; marily for carrying cargo and is not ac- or cessible from the passenger compart- (4) Is equipped with an open cargo ment, or the space intended primarily area (for example, a pick-up truck box for carrying cargo bounded in the front or bed) of 72.0 inches in interior length by a vertical plane that is perpen- or more. A covered box not readily ac- dicular to the longitudinal centerline cessible from the passenger compart- of the automobile and passes through ment will be considered an open cargo the rearmost point on the rearmost area for purposes of this definition. seat and elsewhere by the automobile’s Passenger-carrying volume means the interior surfaces. sum of the front seat volume and, if Curb weight is defined the same as ve- any, rear seat volume, as defined in 40 hicle curb weight in 40 CFR part 86. CFR 600.315, in the case of automobiles Departure angle means the smallest to which that term applies. With re- angle, in a plane side view of an auto- spect to automobiles to which that mobile, formed by the level surface on term does not apply, ‘‘passenger-- which the automobile is standing and a rying volume’’ means the sum in cubic line tangent to the rear tire static feet, rounded to the nearest 0.1 cubic loaded radius arc and touching the un- feet, of the volume of a vehicle’s front derside of the automobile rearward of seat and seats to the rear of the front the rear tire. seat, as applicable, calculated as fol- Footprint is defined as the product of lows with the head room, shoulder track width (measured in inches, cal- room, and leg room dimensions deter- culated as the average of front and rear mined in accordance with the proce- track widths, and rounded to the near- dures outlined in Society of Auto- est tenth of an inch) times wheelbase motive Engineers Recommended Prac- (measured in inches and rounded to the tice J1100a, Motor Vehicle Dimensions nearest tenth of an inch), divided by (Report of Human Factors Engineering 144 and then rounded to the nearest Committee, Society of Automotive En- tenth of a square foot. For purposes of gineers, approved September 1973 and this definition, track width is the lat- last revised September 1975). eral distance between the centerlines (a) For front seat volume, divide 1,728 of the base at ground, including into the product of the following SAE


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dimensions, measured in inches to the the user, the revised text is set forth as fol- nearest 0.1 inches, and round the lows: quotient to the nearest 0.001 cubic feet. § 523.2 Definitions. (1) H61-Effective head room—front. As used in this part: (2) W3-Shoulder room—front. Approach angle means the smallest angle, (3) L34-Maximum effective leg room- in a plane side view of an automobile, formed accelerator. by the level surface on which the automobile (b) For the volume of seats to the is standing and a line tangent to the front rear of the front seat, divide 1,728 into tire static loaded radius arc and touching the underside of the automobile forward of the product of the following SAE di- the front tire. mensions, measured in inches to the Axle clearance means the vertical distance nearest 0.1 inches, and rounded the from the level surface on which an auto- quotient to the nearest 0.001 cubic feet. mobile is standing to the lowest point on the (1) H63-Effective head room—second. axle differential of the automobile. (2) W4-Shoulder room—second. Base tire means the tire specified as stand- ard equipment by a manufacturer on each (3) L51-Minimum effective leg room— subconfiguration of a model type. second. Basic vehicle frontal area is used as defined Running clearance means the distance in 40 CFR 86.1803. from the surface on which an auto- Breakover angle means the supplement of mobile is standing to the lowest point the largest angle, in the plan side view of an on the automobile, excluding unsprung automobile that can be formed by two lines tangent to the front and rear static loaded weight. radii arcs and intersecting at a point on the Static loaded radius arc means a por- underside of the automobile. tion of a circle whose center is the cen- Cab-complete vehicle means a vehicle that is ter of a standard tire-rim combination first sold as an incomplete vehicle that sub- of an automobile and whose radius is stantially includes the vehicle cab section as the distance from that center to the defined in 40 CFR 1037.801. For example, vehi- cles known commercially as -cabs, level surface on which the automobile cab-chassis, box-deletes, bed-deletes, cut- is standing, measured with the auto- away vans are considered cab-complete vehi- mobile at curb weight, the wheel par- cles. A cab includes a steering column and allel to the vehicle’s longitudinal cen- passenger compartment. Note a vehicle lack- terline, and the tire inflated to the ing some components of the cab is a cab- manufacturer’s recommended pressure. complete vehicle if it substantially includes Temporary living quarters means a the cab. Cargo-carrying volume means the luggage space in the interior of an automobile capacity or cargo volume index, as appro- in which people may temporarily live priate, and as those terms are defined in 40 and which includes sleeping surfaces, CFR 600.315, in the case of automobiles to such as beds, and household conven- which either of those terms apply. With re- iences, such as a sink, stove, refrig- spect to automobiles to which neither of erator, or toilet. those terms apply ‘‘cargo-carrying volume’’ Work truck means a vehicle that is means the total volume in cubic feet rounded rated at more than 8,500 and less than to the nearest 0.1 cubic feet of either an automobile’s enclosed nonseating space that or equal to 10,000 pounds gross vehicle is intended primarily for carrying cargo and weight, and is not a medium-duty pas- is not accessible from the passenger com- senger vehicle as defined in 40 CFR partment, or the space intended primarily 86.1803–01 effective as of December 20, for carrying cargo bounded in the front by a 2007. vertical plane that is perpendicular to the longitudinal centerline of the automobile (Sec. 9, Pub. L. 89–670, 80 Stat. 981 (49 U.S.C. and passes through the rearmost point on 1657); sec. 301, Pub. L. 94–163, 89 Stat. 901 (15 the rearmost seat and elsewhere by the auto- U.S.C. 2002); delegation of authority at 41 FR mobile’s interior surfaces. 25015, June 22, 1976) Class 2b vehicles are vehicles with a gross [42 FR 38362, July 28, 1977, as amended at 43 vehicle weight rating (GVWR) ranging from FR 12013, Mar. 23, 1978; 71 FR 17676, Apr. 6, 8,501 to 10,000 pounds. 2006; 71 FR 19450, Apr. 14, 2006; 74 FR 14449, Class 3 through Class 8 vehicles are vehicles Mar. 30, 2009] with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of 10,001 pounds or more as defined in 49 CFR EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 76 FR 57490, 565.15. Sept. 15, 2011, § 523.2 was revised, effective Commercial medium- and heavy-duty on-high- November 14, 2011. For the convenience of way vehicle means an on-highway vehicle


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with a gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 definition and at least one of the criteria of pounds or more as defined in 49 U.S.C. paragraph (2)(ii) of this definition. 32901(a)(7). (i) Vehicle must have affixed components Complete vehicle means a vehicle that re- designed to work in an off-road environment quires no further manufacturing operations (for example, hazardous material equipment to perform its intended function and is a or drilling equipment) or was designed to op- functioning vehicle that has the primary erate at low speeds making them unsuitable load carrying device or container (or equiva- for normal highway operation. lent equipment) attached or that is designed (ii) Vehicles must: to pull a trailer. Examples of equivalent (A) Have an axle that has a gross axle equipment would include fifth wheel trailer weight rating (GAWR) of 29,000 pounds or hitches, firefighting equipment, and utility more; booms. (B) Have a speed attainable in 2 miles of Curb weight is defined the same as vehicle not more than 33 mph; or curb weight in 40 CFR 86.1803–01. (C) Have a speed attainable in 2 miles of Departure angle means the smallest angle, not more than 45 mph, an unloaded vehicle in a plane side view of an automobile, formed weight that is not less than 95 percent of its by the level surface on which the automobile gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR), and no is standing and a line tangent to the rear capacity to carry occupants other than the tire static loaded radius arc and touching driver and operating crew. the underside of the automobile rearward of Heavy-duty vehicle means a vehicle as de- the rear tire. fined in § 523.6. Final stage manufacturer has the meaning Incomplete vehicle means a vehicle which given in 49 CFR 567.3. does not have the primary load carrying de- Footprint is defined as the product of track vice or container attached when it is first width (measured in inches, calculated as the average of front and rear track widths, and sold as a vehicle or any vehicle that does not rounded to the nearest tenth of an inch) meet the definition of a complete vehicle. times wheelbase (measured in inches and This may include vehicles sold to secondary rounded to the nearest tenth of an inch), di- vehicle manufacturers. Incomplete vehicles vided by 144 and then rounded to the nearest include cab-complete vehicles. tenth of a square foot. For purposes of this Innovative technology means technology definition, track width is the lateral dis- certified under 40 CFR 1037.610. tance between the centerlines of the base Light truck means a non-passenger auto- tires at ground, including the camber angle. mobile meeting the criteria in § 523.5. For purposes of this definition, wheelbase is Medium duty passenger vehicle means a ve- the longitudinal distance between front and hicle which would satisfy the criteria in rear wheel centerlines. § 523.5 (relating to light trucks) but for its Gross combination weight rating or GCWR gross vehicle weight rating or its curb means the value specified by the manufac- weight, which is rated at more than 8,500 lbs turer as the maximum allowable loaded GVWR or has a vehicle curb weight of more weight of a combination vehicle (e.g. tractor than 6,000 pounds or has a basic vehicle fron- plus trailer). tal area in excess of 45 square feet, and which Gross vehicle weight rating or GVWR means is designed primarily to transport pas- the value specified by the vehicle manufac- sengers, but does not include a vehicle that: turer as the maximum design loaded weight (1) Is an ‘‘incomplete vehicle’’’ as defined of a single vehicle (e.g. vocational vehicle). in this subpart; or Heavy-duty engine means any engine used (2) Has a seating capacity of more than 12 for (or for which the engine manufacturer persons; or could reasonably expect to be used for) mo- (3) Is designed for more than 9 persons in tive power in a heavy-duty vehicle. For pur- seating rearward of the driver’s seat; or poses of this definition in this part, the term (4) Is equipped with an open cargo area (for ‘‘engine’’ includes internal combustion en- example, a pick-up truck box or bed) of 72.0 gines and other devices that convert chem- inches in interior length or more. A covered ical fuel into motive power. For example, a box not readily accessible from the pas- fuel cell and motor used in a heavy-duty ve- senger compartment will be considered an hicle is a heavy-duty engine. open cargo area for purposes of this defini- Heavy-duty off-road vehicle means a heavy- tion. duty vocational vehicle or vocational tractor Motor home has the meaning given in 49 that is intended for off-road use meeting ei- CFR 571.3. ther of the following criteria: Motor vehicle has the meaning given in 40 (1) Vehicles with tires installed having a CFR 85.1703. maximum speed rating at or below 55 mph. Passenger-carrying volume means the sum of (2) Vehicles primarily designed to perform the front seat volume and, if any, rear seat work off-road (such as in oil fields, forests, volume, as defined in 40 CFR 600.315, in the or construction sites), and meeting at least case of automobiles to which that term ap- one of the criteria of paragraph (2)(i) of this plies. With respect to automobiles to which


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that term does not apply, ‘‘passenger-car- Vocational tractor means a tractor that is rying volume’’ means the sum in cubic feet, classified as a vocational vehicle according rounded to the nearest 0.1 cubic feet, of the to 40 CFR 1037.630. volume of a vehicle’s front seat and seats to Vocational vehicle means a vehicle that is the rear of the front seat, as applicable, cal- equipped for a particular industry, trade or culated as follows with the head room, shoul- occupation such as construction, heavy haul- der room, and leg room dimensions deter- ing, mining, logging, oil fields, refuse and in- mined in accordance with the procedures cludes vehicles such as school buses, outlined in Society of Automotive Engineers motorcoaches and RVs. Recommended Practice J1100a, Motor Vehi- Work truck means a vehicle that is rated at cle Dimensions (Report of Human Factors Engineering Committee, Society of Auto- more than 8,500 pounds and less than or motive Engineers, approved September 1973 equal to 10,000 pounds gross vehicle weight, and last revised September 1975). and is not a medium-duty passenger vehicle (1) For front seat volume, divide 1,728 into as defined in 40 CFR 86.1803 effective as of the product of the following SAE dimen- December 20, 2007. sions, measured in inches to the nearest 0.1 inches, and round the quotient to the nearest § 523.3 Automobile. 0.001 cubic feet. (a) An automobile is any 4-wheeled (i) H61–Effective head room—front. (ii) W3–Shoulder room—front. vehicle that is propelled by fuel, or by (iii) L34–Maximum effective leg room-ac- alternative fuel, manufactured pri- celerator. marily for use on public streets, roads, (2) For the volume of seats to the rear of and highways and rated at less than the front seat, divide 1,728 into the product 10,000 pounds gross vehicle weight, ex- of the following SAE dimensions, measured cept: in inches to the nearest 0.1 inches, and rounded the quotient to the nearest 0.001 (1) A vehicle operated only on a rail cubic feet. line; (i) H63–Effective head room—second. (2) A vehicle manufactured in dif- (ii) W4–Shoulder room—second. ferent stages by 2 or more manufactur- (iii) L51–Minimum effective leg room—sec- ers, if no intermediate or final-stage ond. manufacturer of that vehicle manufac- Pickup truck means a non-passenger auto- mobile which has a passenger compartment tures more than 10,000 multi-stage ve- and an open cargo area (bed). hicles per year; or Recreational vehicle or RV means a motor (3) A work truck. vehicle equipped with living space and amen- (b) The following vehicles rated at ities found in a motor home. more than 6,000 pounds and less than Running clearance means the distance from the surface on which an automobile is stand- 10,000 pounds gross vehicle weight are ing to the lowest point on the automobile, determined to be automobiles: excluding unsprung weight. (1) Vehicles which would satisfy the Static loaded radius arc means a portion of criteria in § 523.4 (relating to passenger a circle whose center is the center of a stand- automobiles) but for their gross vehicle ard tire-rim combination of an automobile weight rating. and whose radius is the distance from that center to the level surface on which the (2) Vehicles which would satisfy the automobile is standing, measured with the criteria in § 523.5 (relating to light automobile at curb weight, the wheel par- trucks) but for their gross vehicle allel to the vehicle’s longitudinal centerline, weight rating, and which and the tire inflated to the manufacturer’s (i) Have a basic vehicle frontal area recommended pressure. Temporary living quarters means a space in of 45 square feet or less, the interior of an automobile in which people (ii) Have a curb weight of 6,000 may temporarily live and which includes pounds or less, sleeping surfaces, such as beds, and house- (iii) Have a gross vehicle weight rat- hold conveniences, such as a sink, stove, re- ing of 8,500 pounds or less, and frigerator, or toilet. Van means a vehicle with a body that fully (iv) Are manufactured during the 1980 encloses the driver and a cargo carrying or model year or thereafter. work performing compartment. The distance (3) Vehicles that are defined as me- from the leading edge of the to dium duty passenger vehicles, and the foremost body section of vans is typi- cally shorter than that of pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles.


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which are manufactured during the of installation of those seats to the 2011 model year or thereafter. rear of the automobile’s interior; or (ii) For non-passenger automobiles (Sec. 9, Pub. L. 89–670, 80 Stat. 981 (49 U.S.C. 1657); sec. 301, Pub. L. 94–163, 89 Stat. 901 (15 manufactured in model year 2008 and U.S.C. 2002); delegation of authority at 41 FR beyond, for vehicles equipped with at 25015, June 22, 1976) least 3 rows of designated seating posi- tions as standard equipment, permit [42 FR 38362, July 28, 1977, as amended at 43 expanded use of the automobile for FR 12013, Mar. 23, 1978; 44 FR 4493, Jan. 2, 1979; 71 FR 17676, Apr. 6, 2006; 74 FR 14449, cargo-carrying purposes or other non- Mar. 30, 2009] passenger-carrying purposes through the removal or stowing of foldable or § 523.4 Passenger automobile. pivoting seats so as to create a flat, leveled cargo surface extending from A passenger automobile is any auto- the forwardmost point of installation mobile (other than an automobile ca- of those seats to the rear of the auto- pable of off-highway operation) manu- mobile’s interior. factured primarily for use in the trans- (b) An automobile capable of off- portation of not more than 10 individ- highway operation, as indicated by the uals. fact that it: (Sec. 301, Pub. L. 94–163, 80 Stat. 901 (15 (1)(i) Has 4-wheel drive; or U.S.C. 2001)) (ii) Is rated at more than 6,000 pounds [42 FR 38362, July 28, 1977] gross vehicle weight; and (2) Has at least four of the following § 523.5 Non-passenger automobile. characteristics calculated when the automobile is at curb weight, on a level A non-passenger automobile means surface, with the front parallel an automobile that is not a passenger to the automobile’s longitudinal cen- automobile or a work truck and in- terline, and the tires inflated to the cludes vehicles described in paragraphs manufacturer’s recommended pres- (a) and (b) of this section: sure— (a) An automobile designed to per- (i) Approach angle of not less than 28 form at least one of the following func- degrees. tions: (ii) Breakover angle of not less than (1) Transport more than 10 persons; 14 degrees. (2) Provide temporary living quar- (iii) Departure angle of not less than ters; 20 degrees. (3) Transport property on an open (iv) Running clearance of not less bed; than 20 centimeters. (4) Provide, as sold to the first retail (v) Front and rear axle clearances of purchaser, greater cargo-carrying than not less than 18 centimeters each. passenger-carrying volume, such as in a cargo van; if a vehicle is sold with a (Sec. 9, Pub. L. 89–670, 80 Stat. 981 (49 U.S.C. second-row seat, its cargo-carrying vol- 1657); sec. 301, Pub. L. 94–163, 89 Stat. 901 (15 ume is determined with that seat in- U.S.C. 2002); delegation of authority at 41 FR stalled, regardless of whether the man- 25015, June 22, 1976.) ufacturer has described that seat as op- [74 FR 14449, Mar. 30, 2009] tional; or (5) Permit expanded use of the auto- § 523.6 Heavy-duty vehicle. mobile for cargo-carrying purposes or (a) A heavy-duty vehicle is any com- other nonpassenger-carrying purposes mercial medium- and heavy-duty on through: highway vehicle or a work truck, as de- (i) For non-passenger automobiles fined in 49 U.S.C. 32901(a)(7) and (19). manufactured prior to model year 2012, For the purpose of this part, heavy- the removal of seats by means installed duty vehicles are divided into three for that purpose by the automobile’s regulatory categories as follows: manufacturer or with simple tools, (1) Heavy-duty pickup trucks and such as screwdrivers and wrenches, so vans; as to create a flat, floor level, surface (2) Heavy-duty vocational vehicles; extending from the forwardmost point and


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(3) Truck tractors with a GVWR § 523.9 Truck tractors. above 26,000 pounds. Truck tractors for the purpose of this (b) The heavy-duty vehicle classifica- part are considered as any truck trac- tion does not include: tor as defined in 49 CFR part 571 having (1) Vehicles defined as medium duty a GVWR above 26,000 pounds. passenger vehicles. (2) Vehicles excluded from the defini- [76 FR 57492, Sept. 15, 2011] tion of ‘‘heavy-duty vehicle’’ because of EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 76 FR 57492, vehicle weight or weight rating (such Sept. 15, 2011, § 523.9 was added, effective No- as light duty vehicles as defined in vember 14, 2011. § 523.5). (3) Vehicles excluded from the defini- tion of motor vehicle in 40 CFR 85.1703. PART 525—EXEMPTIONS FROM AV- ERAGE FUEL ECONOMY STAND- [76 FR 57491, Sept. 15, 2011] ARDS EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 76 FR 57491, Sept. 15, 2011, § 523.6 was added, effective No- Sec. vember 14, 2011. 525.1 Scope. 525.2 Purpose. § 523.7 Heavy-duty pickup trucks and 525.3 Applicability. vans. 525.4 Definitions. Heavy-duty pickup trucks and vans 525.5 Limitation on eligibility. are pickup trucks and vans with a 525.6 Requirements for petition. gross vehicle weight rating between 525.7 Basis for petition. 8,501 pounds and 14,000 pounds (Class 2b 525.8 Processing of petitions. 525.9 Duration of exemption. through 3 vehicles) manufactured as 525.10 Renewal of exemption. complete vehicles by a single or final 525.11 Termination of exemption; amend- stage manufacturer or manufactured as ment of alternative average fuel econ- incomplete vehicles as designated by a omy standard. manufacturer. A manufacturer may 525.12 Public inspection of information.

also optionally designate incomplete or AUTHORITY: 15 U.S.C. 2002; 49 CFR 1.50. complete Class 4 or 5 vehicles as heavy- duty pickup trucks or vans or spark-ig- SOURCE: 42 FR 38376, July 28, 1977, unless nition (or gasoline) engines certified otherwise noted. and sold as loose engines manufactured § 525.1 Scope. for use in heavy-duty pickup trucks or vans. See references in 40 CFR 1037.104 This part establishes procedures and 40 CFR 1037.150. under section 502(c) of the Motor Vehi- cle Information and Cost Savings Act, [76 FR 57491, Sept. 15, 2011] as amended (15 U.S.C. 2002) for the sub- EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 76 FR 57491, mission and disposition of petitions Sept. 15, 2011, § 523.7 was added, effective No- filed by low volume manufacturers of vember 14, 2011. passenger automobiles to exempt them from the average fuel economy stand- § 523.8 Heavy-duty vocational vehicle. ards for passenger automobiles and to Heavy-duty vocational vehicles are establish alternative average fuel econ- vehicles with a gross vehicle weight omy standards for those manufactur- rating (GVWR) above 8,500 pounds ex- ers. cluding: (a) Heavy-duty pickup trucks and § 525.2 Purpose. vans defined in § 523.7; The purpose of this part is to provide (b) Medium duty passenger vehicles; content and format requirements for and low volume manufacturers of passenger (c) Truck tractors, except vocational automobiles which desire to petition tractors, with a GVWR above 26,000 the Administrator for exemption from pounds; applicable average fuel economy stand- [76 FR 57491, Sept. 15, 2011] ards and for establishment of appro- EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 76 FR 57491, priate alternative average fuel econ- Sept. 15, 2011, § 523.8 was added, effective No- omy standards and to give interested vember 14, 2011. persons an opportunity to present data,


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