An Analysis of Gaps in Representation for Conservation Purposes

Guide to Version 1.2a Spreadsheet and Digital Maps


Marvin Eng, Bruce Enns, Don Morgan, and Rick Page Ministry of Forests, Research Branch

10 March 1994

This document describes an update to the third approximation of provincial scale conservation gap analysis (Version 1.2). This update was done to include the newly designated Tsy-10s Provincial Parks in the Chilko Lake Area. Principal differences between this version and Version 1.I (93i07112) are:

1. The table format has been substantially simplified and a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet of the tables is available. 2. All PAS study areas, including Vancouver Island, are included in this version. 3. Lake areas are included in this version as a separate BEC subzone variant. 4. This version does not include any information about "Areas of Interest".

The Microsoft Excel spreadsheet allows menu driven viewing of the data and gaming and updates. A user's guide to the spreadsheet is included as Attachment 1. Paper copies of the summary tables are available on request.

The primary audience for this version is the PAS Office. It is primarily designed as an information retrieval and tracking mechanism for that office. This document is intended to provide background information on the process of arriving at the figures in the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is based on data from the overlay of the following map layers: 1. Ecoprovince, Ecoregion, Ecosection classification; 2. Biogeoclimatic SubzoneiVariant classification; 3. Existing Federal and Provincial Protected Areas; 4. Cabinet Approved PAS Study Areas; and 5. Large lakes. This document describes the data layers used and lists some of the deficiencies and problems with the data layers. The document also describes the digital maps, analysis process and the summary tables.


2.1 Ecoprovince, Ecoreqion, Ecosection Classification

Source: BC Environment; Wildlife Branch; Dennis Demarchi Date: March 1993 Mapping Scale: 1:250 000

This layer is the "finalized" version of the Ecoregion Classification, known as "third approximation". The linework has been copied, where appropriate, from the Biogeoclimatic layer. This layer has been extensively reviewed in-house and by the Forest Service Regional Ecologists. It is not expected to change for the foreseeable future. A complete list of names and codes is attached (Attachment 2).

2.2 Bioueoclimatic SubzoneJVariant Classification (BEC)

Source: Forest Service; Research Branch; Shirley Mah Date: May 1993 Mapping Scale: 1:250 000

This layer is the "first useable approximation" of a provincial BEC map. The original data came from the Forest Service Regional Ecologist's digitized versions of their regional BEC maps. There are still numerous regional boundary and map sheet boundary inconsistencies in this data layer. It is hoped that these problems will be fixed during the summer of 1993. There are still several un-named subzone variants (identified with a "u" in the first position of the subzone code). Contact the regional ecologist if these codes apply to your area of interest. A near complete list of subzone variant codes and names is attached (Attachment 3).

2.3 Existinu Federal and Provincial Protected Areas

Source: BC Parks; Planning and Conservation Services; Bill Munn. Date: April 1993 (Except Clayoquot and Tatshenshini, Sept 1993) Mapping Scale: 1:250 000; >250 ha parcels only. All protected areas larger than 250 ha were drawn on 1:250 000 NTS base maps and these were digitized. The following designations were mapped:


Fully Protected:

CLAY Clayoquot Sound Decision Protected Areas (designation pending) NEW Khutzeymateen and Tatshenshini Protected Areas (designation pending) PARK-A Provincial Parks (Class A) (including Tys-10s Provincial Park) ECO-RES Ecological Reserves WILD-CON The Purcell Wilderness Conservancy NP National Parks MBS Migratory Bird Sanctuaries (CWS) NWA National Wildlife Areas (CWS)

Other Designations:

PARK-B Provincial Parks (Class B) PARK-C Provincial Parks (Class C) RESERV BC Parks Recreation Areas WAF Forest Service Recreation Areas WMA Wildlife Management Areas

A complete list of the protected areas, with their total area (including fresh water), is attached (Attachment 4). Any omissions should be brought to the attention of Bill Munn [387-45951.

2.4 Cabinet Approved PAS Studv Areas

Source: Protected Area Strategy Office, Warren Mitchell. Date: September 1993 Mapping Scale: 1:250 000

All "large" PAS study areas were included, regardless of their size. All "small" PAS study areas larger than 250 ha were included. The PAS study area maps provided by the Regional Protected Areas Teams, usually at 1:50 000, were transcribed to 1:250 000 NTS base maps and these were digitized. Several additional study areas, not available at the time of the original digitizing, were obtained in digital form from MOF Timber Harvesting Branch. The portion of the Tatshenshini study area that lay outside the newly designated protected area is included as a Cabinet Approved Study Area. A complete list of cabinet approved study areas used is attached (Attachment 5).

2.6 Large Lakes

Sources: BEC map for the Vancouver Forest Region Digital Ij base map for the remainder of the province; Crown Lands; Surveys and Resource Mapping; Peter Friesen. Date: January 1993 Mapping Scale: 1:250 000 for Vancouver Forest Region. 1:2 000 000 elsewhere.

An adequate "fresh water" layer could not be compiled in time for this version. In addition there are several conceptual problems in terms of dealing with fresh water. However, several large lakes in British Columbia cannot be ignored. Therefore, we used the lakes present in the BEG layer for the Vancouver Forest Region (all lakes larger that 35 ha on the 1:250 000 base maps). For the remainder of the province we extracted the lakes larger than 10 000 ha from the digital Ij(1 :2 000 000) base. The match between this data and the 1:250 000 data is relatively poor particularly in the Nelson Forest Region. A list of the large lakes from the 1:2 000 000 source is attached (Attachment 6).


The data layers described above were compiled into provincial maps and divided into 6 separate mapsheets as follows:

Map Name Area Covered ...... RES8 UTM Zone 7 and UTM Zone 8 RES9N UTM Zone 9 North of Latitude 54 RES9S UTM Zone 9 South of Latitude 54 RESIONI 1 UTM Zone 10 North of Latitude 54 RESI OS UTM Zone 10 South of Latitude 54 RESI 1 UTM Zone 11

The maps are provided in PC compatible PamapGlS format. The maps are UTM projections in NAD27. All linework and database levels are labelled internally and are consistent across mapsheets. NO PAMAP RASTER COVERS ARE PROVIDED. The raster covers used, as described below are not PC compatible. All levels except the Ecoregion level (Ivl 13) and the BEC level (Ivl2) require the UTM mapsheet boundary level (Ivl 62) and full map boundary level (Ivl 61) to grid properly. Digital maps are available from Ministry of Forests Research Branch. Contact Marvin Eng (387-2710). 4.0 ANALYSIS PROCESS

The following steps were completed to obtain the summary tables:

1. Polygon formation: each layer in each mapsheet with a 100m pixel with a reduction factor of 3.

2. Overlay levels for each mapsheet: No minimum polygon size, no sliver removal.

3. Database construction: a) The resultant level database for each mapsheet was exported and all the databases were joined together in dBase. b) All records with no BEG label were deleted. Those records included ocean, mapsheet boundary mis-matches and jurisdictions outside of BC. c) A summary database of unique Ecosection and BEC subzonelvariant combinations. d) All records less than 10 ha in size were deleted from this database.

4. A microsoft Excel Spreadsheet was prepared from the database. 5.0 DESGRIPT18N OF THE TABLES

The table format has been substantially simplified over previous version. All tables now show, as rows, "units" at varying ranges of detail from the entire province to BEC subzone/variants within ecosections. Columns show hectares in fully protected status, other designations (see section 2.3), PAS study areas, combined area in some form of protected status and total areas. For each hectare column their is a percentage column showing the percent of the unit in that status. For the total area column the percent column is the percent of B.C. that the unit makes up.

Seven tables are presented in this format:

1. Provincial Summary (also available as a grand total in each table). I page.

2. Regional Summary (regions are defined based on the ecosections assigned to each Regional Protected Areas Team; they are not administrative regions). 1 page.

3. Ecoregion Classification Summary (showing protected status for each unit at each level in the classification). 4 pages.

4. Biogeoclimatic Classification Summary (showing protected status for each unit at each level in the classification). 9 pages.

5. BEC Zone within Ecoprovince Summary. 3 pages.

6. BEC Subzone within Ecoregion Summary. 13 pages.

7. BEC SubzoneIVariant within Ecosection Summary. 27 pages.

Finally a separate paper table has been prepared for those who do not wish to have the spreadsheet version. This table shows the Ecosection and BEC SubzoneIVariant composition of each protected area used in the process (30 pages). ATTACHMENT 1


Please read this file before using the PAS spreadsheet application.


The PAS spreadsheet application contains a database of Protected Areas and PAS Study areas developed by the Research Branch of the Ministry of Forests, and several tables, graphs and crosstabulations that summarize these data A PAS menu choice has been added to the Excel menu bar to facilitate movement from one summary to another, to update the database, and to investigate the implications of PAS decisions on the data by using a set of game functions.

You will need a 386 computer (running windows in enhanced mode) with a least 7 megabytes of free hard disk space to use the PAS spreadsheet application. The following instructions assume some familiarity with Windows and Excel.


The distribution diskette contains 2 files. An self-extracting archive file called pas.exe contains the Excel workbook file. The README file is this text. To extract the PAS spreadsheet application file from the archive, copy pas.exe to a directory of your hard disk and then type pas at the DOS prompt and press EIVTER. The spreadsheet will then be expanded to its full size.

Getting started

Ensure that Windows is running in enhanced mode by selecting Help - About from the Program Manager menu. Start Excel. Open the PAS spreadsheet by changing to the appropriate directory and selecting pasapp2.xlw. This file is in excess of 6 megabytes, so be patient. All information in the workbook is recalculated as it is being loaded

The following classification is used to provide a breakdown of the protected areas and PAS study areas in the province:

Fully Protected: Federal Designations, Class A Provincial Parks, Ecological Reserves, and Wilderness Conservancy.

Other Designations: Class B and C Provincial Parks, plus Recreation, Forest Wilderness, and Wildlife Management Areas.

PAS Study Areas: Cabinet approved Protected Areas Strategy Study Areas Each of the tables in the PAS spreadsheet is broken down into these categories. These categories are refered to as "aclasses" in the remainder of this document.

PAS Menu Commands

The PAS menu choice offers several commands. Short descriptions of these commands are given in the Excel status bar (lower left of window) when tRe mouse is held down on the command. The first six of these commands simply move the user to a particular spreadsheet. The movement commands are explained breifly below and the rest of the commands are explained in individual sections following.

Provincial Summary: Moves to a provincial scale Summary table and graph. Regional Summary: Moves to a regional scale summary table and graph. ' Press Page Down to see the graph. Note that these are RPAT regions consisting of the ecosections assigned to each RPAT. Eeoregion Summary: Moves to a crosstabulation of Ecoprovince, Ecoregion and Ecosection by aclass. Provincial BEC Summary: Moves to a provincial level crosstabulation of BEC zone, subzone, and variant by aclass. Specific BEG Summary: Presents the user with a choice of BEC crosstabs. The choices are: Ecoprovince - zone by aclass. Ecoregion - subzone by aclass. Ecosection - variant by aclass. The user is allowed can go directly to a specific ecoregion by choosing one from the list in the dialogue box. Selected area: A summary of the ecosections in a given PAS study area or protected area is produced by choosing an area from the "Choose PAS or Park Report" dialogue box presented when this command is chosen.

The crosstabs are all created with the outline feature turned on. This creates a series of buttons with numbers or '+' or I-' signs along the left side and the top of the table that can be used to increase or decrease the level of detail on the screen. Experiment. Updates

The database contained in the PAS spreadsheet can be updated to reflect changes in area status. Updates which add PAS areas or parks to the database are done by specifying the ecosection(s), BEC variant(s), and area(s) of the area to add. PAS study area deletions can be performed by simply specifying an area name. Because the total area of the province must remain constant and because it is calculated using the individual areas of all of the records in the present database, several necessary assumptions have been made in order to include this update capability:

1. Any new PAS areas added are outside of all existing PAS areas and contain only variants that already exist in a given ecosection.

2. When a new park is created, one of the following rules apply: a. the park is outside of all PAS study areas (and other parks), b. the park consists of some, but not all of a single PAS study area c. the park consists of all of a single PAS study area.

3. Any new park added contains only variants that already exist in a given ecosection.

The choices in the Update dialogue box provide for 5 different types of database updates. In each case there are opportunities to cancel the update process.

1. Add a new PAS study area. This option sends the user to an input spreadsheet where the necessary ecosection information can be entered. Ecosections must be entered by their designated three-letter code. Fill in all information and then press OK to update the database.

2. Add a new park outside of all PAS study areas. This option asks for some park specific information and then sends the user to an input spreadsheet where the necessary ecosection information can be entered. Ecosections must be entered by their designated three-letter code. Fill in all information and then press OK to update the database.

3. Change part of a PAS area to a park. This option asks for the PAS area involved, asks for some park specific information, and then sends the user to an input spreadsheet where the necessary ecosection information can be entered. Ecosections must be entered by their designated three-letter code. Fill in all information and then press OK to update the database.

4. Change an entire PAS area to a park. This option asks for the PAS area involved, asks for some park specific information, and then updates the database when the OK button is pressed. No ecosection information is required.

5. Delete a PAS area. This option asks for a the name of the PAS area to delete. It is deleted when the OK button is pressed. Recalculate crosstabs

Recalculation of the crosstabs takes a long time. To avoid delays when making several updates to the database, or when playing games, the crosstabs do not automatically recalculate every time the database changes. Do not forget to recalculate Cfhe erosstabs after making a series of updates or game selections or the numbers dll be wrong. The Provincial and Regional summary pages and their respective graphs are recalculated after every change to the database.

The PAS spreadsheet has a game feature that allows users to investigate the ramifications - of changing PAS areas into parks or removing them from the process.

A dialogue box will appear with a list of names to choose from, and options for how the area's status should be changed for the game when the "Select Gam area" command is chosen from the PAS menu. Only one area can be chosen each time, but the command can be used several times in succession to play a game with more than one area. All game data is cleared from the database when the "Clear Game areas" command is chosen. To see a list of the areas that currently have a game status, choose "Show game areas" from the PAS menu.

Game data can be saved in the spreadsheet from one session to the next by saving the workbook while a game is in progress. The next time the spreadsheet is opened, it will recognize that a game is in progress and ask if the game data should be returned to its real status. If game data is not cleared by answering OK to the dialogue box question, then an additional warning is issued to ensure that the user is aware of the fact that some of the data in the database has a game status.

Backup database

The user can make a copy of the current database by choosing "Backup database" from the PAS menu. This command copies the entire contents of the database to a new worksheet. In order to keep a copy of this database backup, the user must then save this spreadsheet to disk using the "File - Save as" command. A database backup is advised before making changes to the database. If the backup file is saved with a name like 93 1015.xls to represent the date of the database, the backups are easily recognized and used if necessary. MPORTANT Note about "Could not find matching data." "alogarce boxes.

Excel informs the user that it "Could not find matching data." with a dialogue box when it can't find any records or spreadsheet cells matching a given search criteria. The PAS spreadsheet application performs many database searches when in use and consequently the user is frequently presented with dialogue box stating that Excel "Could not find matching data". SPMlPEY PRESS THE OK BUTTON WHEN PRESENTED W A "Could not find matching data." DIALOGUE BOX. They are an unavoidable nuisance. Many of the spreadsheet functions depend on eventually not finding any matching data. ATTACHMENT 2


--- Current Transi~ion COKnNEMAL Ouwn Charlotte

War Queen Charlotte Sound HUMID HUMID COAST AMD CASCADE RANGES Noflhweslern NWC TEMPERATE MARITIME AND MOUNTAINS Cascade Ranges HIGHLANDS ------CASCADLA Vancouver Island V I S COM7NENTAL Shelf SHELF ------*- COASTAL GAP Hecate Lowland HEL ------Kitimat------. Ranges KI R HECATE Dixon Entrance Dl E CONnNENTAL SHELF Hecate Strait XES

Queen Charlotte Q CS Sound

Queen Charlotte Q CT Strait ------NASS BGIN - (Nass Basin) NAB ------NASS RANGES - (Nass Ranges) N A'R ------l-XM-IHW Alaska Panhandle APM COASTAL Mountains hrrOUNTAlNS Alsek Ranges ALR

Boundary Ranges B 0 R ------*-- PACIFIC FLANGES Eastern Pacific EPR Ranges

Northern Pacific NPR Ranges

Outer Fiordland OUF

Southern Pacific S P R Ranges ------QCL WEEN - (Oueen Charioib CHARLOTTE Lowland) LOWLAND ------SKP QUEEN Skidegate Plateau CHARLOrn RANGES Windward Queen W Q C Charlotte Muntains ------wSTEW Nahwitti NWL VANWWER Lowland lSLAND Northern Island NIM Mountains

Windward lsland WIM Mountains I r~~~~~8~- - ERN Leeward Island Ll h4 DLVRE5800W g",gMR Mountains ------N anairno ------Lowland--- N A L LOWER MAINVVJO Fraser bwiand FRL ------Gsorgia Lowland --- G E L GEORGL4 - P%ET Juan de Fuca Strait J D F BASIN Slrait of Geomia S 0 G HUMID CCENDWAD. BUMLEY FLANGES - () BUR CONTINENTAL OWTER~OW ------HIGHLANDS CHlLCOTlN Central Chilcotin CCR PANGES Ranges

Western Chilatin WCR Ranges ------FRASER PLATEAU Bulkley Basin BUB

CaboBasin CAB

Canboo Plateau CAP

Chilcotin Plaleau CH P

Fraser RiYer Basin F R B

Narko Upland NAU

Ndako Upia,d N E U

Western Chilmtin W CU Upland SMlB-00WEAb EN'JRN- Hart Foothills HAF ODtlUBRtOR CANADW ROCKY MOUKTAlNS Hart Ranges HAR Missinchinka MIR Ranges

Peace Foothills PEF ------FRASER BASIN WneUplard BAU

McGrqor Plaieau MCP

Ndako Lowland N E L ------OMINECA Eastern Skeena ESM )Y)3UNTAINS Mountains

Manson Plateau MAP

Parsnip Trench PAT

Southern Omineca S 0 M Mountains ------SEENA Northern Skeena N S M MC>UhTAINS Mountains

Southern Skeena S S M

Mountains J 8OUFPCERW COCUMBlA Bowron Valioy B 0 V OWPEWOOR WNTAINS AND ~oUWPaOth3S HK;HLANDS Central Columbia CC M Mountains

Eastern Purcell EPM Mountains

McGillivary Range M C R

Northern Columbia NCM Mountains

Quesnel Highland Q U H

Southern Columbia S C M Mountains

------Shuswap ------Highland S H H EASTERN Front Ranges FRR CONn NENTAL RANGES ------MXTHERN Border Ranges BRA COKnNENTAL DIVIDE Crown of the COC Continent ------SELKIRK - Selkirk Foolhills SFH BIrnRR00T FOOT4 l LLS ------SOClTHERN ROCKY Big Bend Trench BBT MOUNTAIN TRU.1a-i East Kootenny EKT Trench

Upper Fraser Trench U FT ------WESTERN Central Park .C P K COM7NENTAL Ranges RANGES Northern Park NPK Ranges


Southern Chilcolin SCR ------Ranges --.___ OKANOGAN Southern Okanogan S 0 B HIGHLAND. Basin

Southern Okanogan SO H -_------Highland ---_-__ OKANAGAN - (Okanagan Range) 0 K R ------WNGE -- ---_-_-_ ---- THOMPSON- Northern Okanagan N 0 B OKANAGAN Basin PLArnU Northern Okanagan N 0 H Highland

Northern Thompson NTU Upland

. . Southern Thompson STU Upland

~horn~s'onBasin THB - POLAR BOREAL 5ORCEAC ALBERTA PLATEAU Char Hilk CLH bLAD058 Halfway Plateau HA P

Kiskatinaw Plateau K 1 P

Peace bwland PEL SUB-ARCTIC UAOGA P[LBODilS LMXENZIE Fort Nelson Lowland FN L ------PLAINS ------MUSKWAPLATEAU------(MusrtwaPlaleau) ------MUP UPPER Etsb Plateau ETP MACKENZIE BASIN - Petit01 Plain PEP SUB-ARCTIC NORTHERN KLUANE PLATEAU Tatshenshini Basin TAB HIGHLANDS BOREAL ------MOUNTAINS LIAR0 BASIN Hyland Highland H Y H Liard Plain LIP ------*------NC>RTHERN Muskwa Foothills M UF CANADLW ROCKY MOUNTAlNS Eastern Muskwa Ranges EMR Western Muskwa Ranges WMR . ------l+OmHEW\I Cassiar Ranges CAR MOUNTAINS AND PLATEAUS Kechika Mountains K EM Southern Boreal Plateau SBP

Stikine Plateau STP

Teslin Plateau TEP

Tuya Range TUR ------ST. ELIAS IcefieM Ranges ICR MOUNTAINS ------YUKON-STlKINE Tagish Highland TA H HIGHLANDS Tahttan Hiohland THH

* In Ecoreglons wlth no Ecosectlons the Ecoreglon name has been used to also represent the Ecosectlon level. " Three-letter code representing tho lowest Ecoreglon level. ATTACHMENT 3

BlOGEOCLlMATlC CLASSIFICATION BiogeocIimatic~Units of British Columbia

Zone Subzone Name Old code Variant

Alpine Tundra


Very Dry Hot BG

Okanagan BGxh BGa3 Thompson BGxh BGal Fraser BGxh BGg BGxw Very Dry Warm BG Nicola BGxw BGm Alkali BGxw BGe

Boreal White and Black Spruce

BWBSdk Dry Cool BWES Stikine BWBSdk Liard BII'BSdk BWBSmw Moist Warm BWBS Peace BWBSmw Fort Nelson BWBSmw BWBSwk Wet Cool BWBS Murray BWBSwk Graham BWBSwk Kledo BWBSwk BIVBSvk Very Wet Cool BWBS CDF Coastal Douglas-fir

CDFmm Moist Maritime CDF CDFa Coastal Western Hemlock

Very Dry Maritime CWH

Eastern CMWm CDFb Western Cm CWHal CWHdrn Dry Maritime CWH CWHds Dry Submaritime

Southern Cii'Hds Central CWHds 03/93 BiogeocIirnatic Units of British Columbia. .

Zone Subzone Name Old code Variant

Moist Maritime CWH _... .'.. . CWHmm CWHmml Submontane CWHmm CWHb3 CWHmm2 Montane CWHmm CWHM CWHms Moist Submaritime CWH Southern CWHms Central CWHms Wet Hypermaritime Submontane CMJHwh Montane CWHwh

Wet Maritime CWHj cwws Wet Submaritime CIWwsl Submontane CWHws CWHws2 Montane CWHws

CWHvh Very Wet Hypermaritime Southern CWHvh Central CWHvh Very Wet Maritime Submontane CWsm Montane CWHvm ESSF Engelmann Spruce -- Subalpine Fir

Very Dry Cold ESSF ESSFd Very Dry Very Cold ESSF ESSFg Dry Cool ESSF ESSFa ESSFdc Dry Cold ESSF Okanagan ESSFdc Thompson ESSFdc ESSFdv Dry Very Cold ESSF

Moist Warm ESSF ESSFf ESSFmm Moist Mild ESSF ESSFo Raush ESSFmm Robson ESSFmm

Moist Cool ESSF ESSFl 03/93 Biogeoclirnatic Units of British Columbia

Zone Subzone Name Old code Variant

Moist Cold ESSF ESSFk

ESSFmv Moist Very Cold ESSF Nechako ESSFmv Bullmoose ESSFmv Omineca ESSFmv Graham ESSFmv Wet Mild =SF

ESSFwk Wet Cool ESSF ESSFwkl Cariboo ESSFwk ESSFhl ESSFw12 Misinchinka ESSFwk ESSFh3-lower

ESSFwc Wet Cold ESSF Columbia ESSFwc ESSFc-westylower Northern Monashee ESSFwc ESSFm Cariboo ESSFwc ESSFh2, &-upper Selkirk ESSFwc ESSFc-west,upper Wet Very Cold ESSF Very Wet Cold ESSF Very Wet Very Cold ESSF' ESSFu ESSFxcp Very Dry Cold Parkland ESSF Very Dry Very Cold Parkl. ESSF Dry Cool Parkland ESSF ESSFdcp Dry Cold Parkland ESSF

ESSFdcpl Okanagan ESSFdcp ESSFep2 ESSFdcp2 Thompson ESSFdcp ESSFepl Dry Very Cold Parkland ESSF ESSFep3 Moist Warm Parkland ESSF ESSFfp ESSFmmp Moist Mild Parkland ESSF ESSFop Raush ESSFmmp Robson ESSFmmp Moist Cool Parkland ESSF ESSFlp Moist Cold Parkland ESSF ESSFkp hlIoist Very Cold Parkland ESSF Biogeoclimatic Units of British Columbia

Zone Subzone Name Old code Variant

Nechako ESSFmvp Bullmoose ESSFrnvp Omineca ESSFmvp Graham ESSFmvp ESSFwmp Wet Mild Parkland ESSF ESSFwcp Wet Cold Parkland ESSF Northern Monashee ESSFwcp ESSFmp Cariboo ESSFwcp ESSFhp2, h3p - Selkirk ESSFwcp ESSF cp-west - ESSFwvp Wet Very Cold Parkland ESSF ESSFip

ESSFvcp Very Wet Cold Parkland ESSF =sFbp,wp ESSFwp Very Wet Very Cold Parkland ESSF ESSFup

ICH Interior Cedar -- Hemlock

ICHXW Very Dry Warm ICH ICHd ICHdw Dry Warm ICH ICHal ICHdIr Dry Cool ICH ICHe3 ICHmw Moist Warm ICH Golden ICHmw Columbia-Shuswap ICHmw Thompson ICHmw ICHmm Moist Mild ICH ICHmk Moist Cool ICH Kootenay ICHmk Thompson ICHmk Horsefly ICHmk ICHmc Moist Cold ICH ICHmcl Nass ICHmc ICHmcla Amabilis Fir Phase, ICHmcl ICHmc2 Hazelton ICHmc ICHwk Wet Cool ICH Wells Gray I CHwk ICHw,b-south Quesnel ICHwk ICHhl Goat ICHwk ICHk Cariboo ICHwk ICHh2 ICHwc Wet Cool ICH

label on "Biogeoclimatic and Ecoregion Lini~ofthe Prince Rupert Forest Region"

4 03/93 Biogeoclimatic Units of British Colunibia

Zone Subzone Name Old code Variant

ICHvk Very Wet Cool ICH Mica ICHvk ICKb-north,v Slim ICHvk ICHf Very Wet Cold ICH IDF Interior Douglas-fir Very Dry Hot IDF Okanagan IDFxh Grassland Phase, IDFA1 Thompson IDFA Grassland Phase, IDFxh2 Very Dry Warm IDF Very Dry Mild IDF

IDFdm Dry Mild IDF Kettle IDFdm Kootenay IDFdm IDFdk Dry Cool IDF Thompson IDFdk Grassland Phase, IDFdki Cascade IDFdk Fraser IDFdk Chilcotin IDFdk IDFmw Moist Warm IDF Okanagan IDFmw Thompson IDFmw Wet Warm IDF IDFe

Mountain Hemlock

MHmm Moist Maritime MH Wind\vard MHrnm Leeward MHmm MHwh Wet Hypermaritime MH

Windward MHwh MHcl Leeward MHwh MHc2,f MHmmp Moist Maritime Parkland MH

Windward MHmmp MHap,dp 03/93 Biogeoclimatic Units of British Columbia

Zone Subzone Name Old code Variant

Leeward MHmmp MHbp,ep

MHwh p Wet Hypermaritime Parkland MH MHwhpl Windward MHwhp MHwhp2 Leeward MHwhp

MS Montane Spruce

MSx!i Very Dry Cool MS MSc MSxv Very Dry Very Cold MS MSd MSdm Dry Mild MS

MSdml Okanagan MSdm MSb2 MSdm2 Thompson MSdm MSbl MSdk Dry Cool MS MSa MSdc Dry Cold MS MSM

Ponderosa Pine

PM Very Dry Hot PP PPd PPAl Okanagan PPxh PPxh.2 Thompson PPxh PPdh Dry Hot PP

PPdhl ~ettlePPdh PPc PPdh2 Kootenay PPdh IDFg2

SBPS Sub-Boreal Pine -- Spruce

SBPSxc Very Dry Cold SBPS SBSal SBPSdc Dry Cold SBPS SBSa3 SBPSmk Moist Cool SBPS SBSb SBPSmc Moist Cold SBPS SBSa2

SBS Sub-Boreal Spruce

SBSdh Dry Hot SBS I SBSh SBSdhl McLennan SBSdh SBSdh2 Robson SBSdh

SBSdw Dry Warm SBS SBSk 03/93 Biogeoclimatic Units of British CoIumbia

Zone Subzone Name Old code Variant

SBSdwl Horsefly SBSdw SBSkl SBSdw2 Blackwater SBSdw SBSM SBSdw3 Stuart SBSdw SBSU Dry Cool SBS SBSd SBSmh Moist Hot SBS SBSl Moist Warm SBS SBSc SBSmm Moist Mild SBS SBSmk Moist Cool SBS

MossvaIe SBSmk SBSe2 Williston SBSmk SBSo SBSmc Moist Cold SBS Moffat SBSmc Babine SBSmc SBSelGre-Car. Huskus SBSmc SBSi SBSwk Wet Cool SBS Willow SBSwk SBSjl Finlay-Peace SBSwk SBSj2 Takla SBSwk SBSn Very Wet Cool SBS SBSf

Spruce -- Willow -- Birch

Dry Cool SWB Moist Cool SnB Dry Cool Scrub SWB Moist Cool Scrub SWB Very Wet Cool Scrub SWB ATTACHMENT 4

PROTECTED AREAS USED IN THE ANALYSIS 94/03/09 Total Area of Protected Areas in B.C.'s Protected Area Strategy Page 1 of 5

ECO-RES Mount Tuam 257 ECO-RES Narcosli Lake 1,098 ECO-RES Ningunsaw River 2,320- ECO-RES Parker Lake 292 ECO-RES Patsuk Creek 432 ECO-RES Robson Bight 539 ECO-RES Sikanni Chief 2,188 IECO-RES Skwaha Lake 9151 94/03/09 Total Area of Protected Areas in B.C.'s Protected Area Strategy Page 2 of 5 Total Area of Protected Areas in B.C.'s Protected Area Strategy Page 3 of 5 94/03/09 Total Area of Protected Areas in B.C.'s Protected Area Strategy Page 4 of 5

RESERV Elk Lakes 1 2,668 RESERV Fiordland 73,873 RESERV Fry Creek Canyon 696 RESERV Gitnadoix River 57,906 RESERV Hakai 51,762 94/03/09 Total Area of Protected Areas in B.C.'s Protected Area Strategy Page 5 of 5 ATTACHMENT 5

CABINET APPROVED STUDY AREAS USED IN THE ANALYSIS 94/03/09 Total Area of PAS Study Areas in B.C.'s Protected Area Strategy Page 1 of 3 94/03/09 Total Area of PAS Study Areas in B.C.'s Protected Area Strategy Page 2 of 3 Total Area of PAS Study Areas in B.C.'s Protected Area Strategy Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENT 6

LARGE LAKES USED IN THE ANALYSIS Large lakes (from the 1:2 000 000 digital base) included as lakes in the analysis.

Area (ha) Name

13 880 Adams Lake 147 834 Arrow/RevelstokeIKin basket 78 840 Atlin Lake 49 902 Babine Lake 9 672 Duncan Lake 24 899 Francios Lake 11 075 KoocanusaLake 43 084 Kootenay Lake 9 534 Morice Lake 35 525 Okanagan Lake 117 387 Ootsa/WhitesaiI/Eutsuk/Teta 27 094 Quesnel Lake 32 027 Shuswap Lake 36 563 Stuart Lake 21 808 Tagish Lake 26 983 Takla Lake 15 161 Teslin Lake 12 371 Trembleur Lake 193 138 Williston Lake ...... Total Provincial Area 94,681,210 ha

6,328,805 6.7% 1.1 % 10,259,466 10.8% 17,589,369 18.6%

Percent of Total Provincial Area

Fully Protected C] Other Designations PAS Study Areas

Fully Protected: Federal Designations, Class A Provincial Parks, EcologicalReserves and Wilderness Conservancy Other Designations: Class B and C Provincial Parks plus Recreation, Forest Wilderness, and Wildlife Management Areas PAS Study Areas: Cabinet Approved Protected Areas Strategy Study Areas %of Combined %of Area of %of

(ha) Region (ha) Reglon (ha) Reglon (ha) Region (ha)

624,575 6.9% 16,598 0.2% 550,755 6.0% 1,191,928 13.1% 9,116,021 9.6% 326,367 4.5% 106,447 1.5% 221,027 3.1% 653,841 9.1% 7,224,201 7.6% 1,096,444 1 1.3% 134,672 1.4% 924,672 9.5% 2,155,788 22.2% 9,722,809 10.3% 1,051,139 3.0% 207,828 0.6% 3,590,951 10.4% 4,849,918 14.0% 34,590,176 36.5% 2,605,154 10.8% 51 1,325 2.1% 3,640,361 15.1% 6,756,840 27.9% 24,178,070 25.5% 289,732 4.8% 3.705 0.1% 1,212,051 20.1% 1,505,488 25.0% 6,029,581 6.4% Vancouver Is. 335,394 8.8% 20,524 0.5% 119,649 3.1% 475,567 12.4% 3,820,352 4.0%

6,328,805 6.7% 1,001,099 1.1 % 10,259,466 10.8% 17,589,369 18.6% 94,681,210 100.0%

Fully Protected: Federal Designations, Class A Provincial Parks. Ecological Reserves and Wilderness Conservancy Other Designations: Class B and C Provincial Parks plus Recreation. Forest Wilderness. and Wildlife Management Areas PAS Study Areas: Cabinet Approved ProtectedAreas Strategy Study Areas 'Based on ecosections allocated to each RPAT

Regional Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy



-*5 20.0% 0, P:m 2 15.0% -nG? 0 -5 10.0% 0 dk 5.0%

0.0% Carlboo Kamloops Nelson Prlnce Smlthers Vancouver Vancouver All of BC George Is. RPAT Region*

Fully Protected Other Designations @! PAS Study Areas

Swrce: BC MOF Research Branch 94/03/09 Ecoregion Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 1 of 4 94/03/09 Ecoregion Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 2 of 4 94/03/09 Ecoregion Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 3 of 4

Fully % of Other % of PAS % of Combined % of Total YO Sum of Area Protected Xnations Study Areas Area Area pppp of Ecoprovince Ecoregion Ecosection (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) B.C. St. Elias Mountains ,ICR 512,045 100.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 512,045 100.0047 512,045 0.5% Northern Boreal Mountains St. Elias MOL 512,045 100.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 512,045 100.00/0 512,045 0.5% Yukon-Stikine Highld~~H 22,096 6.0047 24,012 6.5% 83,711 22.6% 129,819 35.0% 370,983 0.4% (THH 33.818 3.6% 0 0.0% 93,144 10.1% 126,962 13.7% 926,663 1.0% Northern Boreal Mountains Yukon-Stikir 55,914 4.3% 24,0121 1.9% 176,855 13.6% 256,781 19.8% 1,297,646 1.4% Northern Boreal Mountains Sum 2346,559 1 1.4% 327,584 -722.2% 6,674,510 35.3% 18,885,209 19.9% Southern Interior Interior Transition Rc LPR 56,412 8.7% 64,707 10.00/0 72,474 1 1.1% 193,593 29.8% 650,173 0.7% PAR 2,163 0.5% 371 0.1% 20,149 4.6% 22,683 5.2% 433,485 0.5% Southern Interior Interior Transition ran^ 58,575 5.4% 65.078 6.0047 92,623 8.5% 216,276 20.0047 1,083,658 1.1% Okanagan Highlanl~0B 1,151 1.8% 0 O.OO/O 0 0.0% 1,151 1.8% 62,755 0.1% ISOH o 0.0% o 0.0% o 0.0% o 0.0"~~ 54,009 0.1% Southern Interior Okanagan Highland S 1,151 1.0% 0 O.OO/o 0 0.0% 1,151 1.Wo 116,764 0.1% 47,700 18.6% Southern Interior Okanagan Range Sum 47,579 18.5% 121 0.0% 0 0.0047 47,700 18.6% 256,731 0.3% Thompson Okanag NO6 7,288 2.8% 0 0.0% 0 0.0047 7,288 2.8% 264,344 0.3% NOH 6,232 0.8% 0 0.0047 0 0.0% 6,232 0.8% 761,447 0.8% NTU 7,020 0.7% 185 0.0% 22,842 2.3% 30.047 3.0% 1,010,670 1.1% STU 2,360 0.2% 2,400 0.2% 4,789 0.3% 9,549 0.6% 1,520,521 1.6% THB 565 0.2% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 565 0.2% 290,298 0.3% Southern Interior Thompson Okanagan 23,465 0.6% 2,585 0.1% 27,631 0.7% 53,681 1.4% 3,847,280 4.1% Southern Interior Sum 130,770 2.5% 67,784 1.3% 120,254 2.3% 318,808 6.0% 5,304,433 5.6% Southern lnterior Mc y---Columbia Mountair BOV 19,867 3.2% 194 0.0047 0 0.0047 20,061 3.2% 630,010 0.7% 167,029 10.5% 6,595 0.4% 179.612 1 1.3% 353,236 22.2% 1,589,615 1.7% EPM 68,267 10.9% 14,720 2.3% 100,378 16.0% 183,365 29.2% 627,487 0.7% MCR 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 233,574 0.2% NCM 508,953 16.9% 11,276 0.4% 394,633 13.1% 914,862 30.3% 3,017,747 3.2% QUH 74,990 9.5% 3,606 0.5% 10,072 1.3% 88,668 11.2% 791,609 0.8% SCM 1,825 0.3% 6,644 1.0% 44,103 6.8% 52,572 8.1% 652,790 0.7% SHH 195,597 14.4% 8,905 0.7% 31,567 2.3% 236,069 17.4% 1,354.493 1.4% 20.8% 8,897,325 9.4%

Southern Eastern COI 0 0.0% 54,334 26.9% 87,728 43.4% 142,062 70.3% 201,961 0.2% Northern continen4 BRR 1 6,046 1.1% 16,517 3.1% 29,342 5.5% 51,905 9.8% 529,787 0.6% ~COC 0 0.0047 10,808 17.8% 0 0.0% 10,808 17.8% 60,631 0.1% Southern interior Mountains Northern Cc 6,046 1.0% 27.325 4.6% 29,342 5.0% 62,713 10.6% 590,418 0.6% Selkirk - Bitterroot F~SFH I 1,437 0.2% 7,906 1.0% 83,108 10.2% 92,451 11.3% 816,995 0.9047 Southern Interior Mountains Selkirk - Biti 1,437 0.2% 7,906 1.0% 83,108 10.2% 92.451 11.3% 816,995 0.9% Southern Rocky Mc BBT 417 0.4% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 417 0.4% 111,781 0.1% EKT 2,442 0.5% 0 0.0% 227 0.1% 2,669 0.6% 453,967 0.5% UFT 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 5,378 2.1% 5,378 2.1% 253,225 0.3% 94/03/09 Ecoregion Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 4 of 4 94/03/09 Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 1 of 9 94/03/09 Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 2 of 9 94/03/09 Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Ciassification Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 3 of 9 94/03/09 Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 4 of 9 94/03/09 Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 5 of 9 94/03/09 Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 6 of 9 94/03/09 Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 7 of 9 Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 8 of 9 Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 9 of 9 94/03/09 Ecoprovince by BEC Zone Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 1 of 3

Fully % of Other % of PAS Study Oh of Combined Oro of Total Oro of Sum of Area Protected Designations Areas Area Area Ecoprovince Zone (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) BC . Boreal Plains AT 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1,979 O.OO/o BWBS 609 0.0% 0 0.0% 1,679 0.0% 2,288 0.1% 3,889,799 4.1% ESSF 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 67,037 0.1% SBS 0 0.00/0 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 474 0.0%. Boreal Plains Sum 609 0.070 0 0.0% 1,679 0.0% 2,288 0.1% 3,959,289 4.2% Central Interior ]AT 3 10,347 30.6% 17,690 1.7% 388,552 38.4% - 716.589 70.8% 1,012,714 1.1% BG 261 0.3% 0 0.Wo 0 0.0% 261 0.3% 88,209 0.1%. CWH 2,675 59.8% 0 0.00/0 1,782 39.8% 4,457 99.7% 4,472 0.0% ESSF 337,634 25.2% 14,525 1.1% 299,130 22.3OA 651,289 48.600 1,340,885 1-4% ICH 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 3,096 0.0% IDF 67,281 3.7% 5,825 0.3% 28,974 1.6O/o 102,080 5.6% 1,827,505 1.9% LAKE 37,519 27.0% 145 0.100 126 0.1% 37,790 27.2% 139,100 0.1% MS 17,734 1.7% 4,497 0,4% 51,933 4.9% 74,164 7.1% 1,051,452 1,170 SBPS 65,146 2.7% 19 0.0% 2,705 0.1% 67,870 2.9% 2,371,838 2.5% PP 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 5,829 0.0Yo

--SBS - 217,556 6.8% 275 0.0% 11,171 0.3% 229,002 7.1% 3,208,835 3.4%. Central Interior Sum 1,056,1539.6% 42,976 0.4% 784,373 7.1% 1,883,502 17.0% 11,053,934 1 1.77; Coast and Mountains AT 387,695 9.5% 42,926 1.1% 1,336,763 32.7% 1,767,384 43.2% 4,086,437 4.3% CWH 466,660 5.1% 144,842 1.6% 856,144 9.4% 1,467,646 16.1% 9,096,196 9.6% ESSF 60,667 9.7% 4,426 0.7% 11 1,994 18.0% 177,087 28.4% 622,733 0.7% ICH 9,340 1,270 18,925 2.4% 9,505 1.2% 37,770 4.7% 798,695 03% IDF 104 0.3% 0 0.00/0 3,485 9.3% 3,589 9.6% 37,305 O,OO/o LAKE 11,552 5.9% 3,551 1.8% 11,615 5.9% 26,718 13.6% 197,111 0.2% MH 21 8,925 5.5Oh 46.682 1.270 668,853 17.0% 934,460 23.7% 3,944,918 4.2% SBS 30 1.5% 0 0.0% 1,696 84.3% 1,726 85.7% 2,013 0.0% SWB 277 38.0% 0 0.000 452 62.0% 729 lOO.OO/o 729 0.0% Coast and Mountains Sum 1,155,250 6.1% 261,352 1.4% 3,000,507 16.0% 4,417,109 23.5% 18,786,137 19.8% Georgia Depression AT 14,642 91.1% 62 0,4% 515 3.2% 15.219 94.7% 16,067 0,070 CDF 2,255 1.1% 0 0.0% 231 0.1% 2.486 1.2% 205,206 0.2% CWH 61,296 4.370 2,173 0.2% 38,700 2.7% 102,169 7.2% 1,425,812 1.570 LAKE 5,094 8.0% 80 0.1% 1,799 2.8% 6,973 10.9% 63,881 0.1% 1,566 1.00J,6,787 45% 78,357 51.7% 151,440 0.2% Georgia Depression Sum 153,291 8,2% 3,881 0.2% 48,032 2.6% 205,204 1 1 .Oak 1,862,406 2.0% Northern Boreal Mountains AT 1,078,419 16.5% 64,525 1.0% 1,464,211 22.4% 2,607,155 39.9% 6,531,625 6.9% BW BS 252,444 6.5% 147,442 3.870 597,500 15.570 997,386 25.9% 3,855,585 4.1% CWH 0 0.000 0 0.00o 68 100.0% 68 100.0% 68 O.O%, Ecoprovince by BEC Zone Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 2 of 3

Fully % of Other % of PAS Study Oh of Combined % of Total % of Sum of Area Protected Designations Areas Area Area Ecoprovince Zone (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) BC ESSF 19,233 5.0% 5,212 1.4% 33,905 8.9% 58,350 15.3% 381,452 0.4% LAKE 44,265 34.4% 1,183 0.9% 4,525 3.5% 49,973 38.8% 128,694 0.1% 43.3%(- MH 125 43.3%(- 75 r7%z% 200 69.2%(- SBPS 0 0.0% 0 0,000 0 0.Wo 0 0-0s 403 0,OOh SBS 16,913 6.7% 0 0.0% 18,004 7.1% 34,917 13.8% 252,930 0.3% -1 -1 9.5% 109,222 1.4% 2,082,079'26.9%1 2,926,461 37.8% 7,734,163m Northern Boreal Mountains Sum 2,146,559 11.4% 327,584 1-7% 4,200,367 22.2% 6,674,510 35.3% 18,885,209 19.9% Southern Interior AT 9,187 4.9% 13,561 7.3% 39,867 21.5% 62,615 33.7% 185,627 0.2% BG 878 0.4% 0 O.OO/o 0 0.00/0 878 0.4% 227,844 0.2% CWH 8,912 12.1% 12,033 16.3% 2,429 3.3% 23,374 31.7% 73,779 0.1% ESSF 71,546 7.5% 26,288 2.7% 47,446 4.9% 145,280 15,2% 958,830 1.0% ICH 1,863 0,8% 185 0.1% 13 0.0% 2,061 0.9% 234,015 0,2% IDF 20,761 1 .0% 8,359 0.4% 7,981 0.4% 37,101 1.8% 2,092,183 2.2% LAKE 2,495 4.8% 237 0.5% 0 0.0% 2,732 5.3% 51,964 0.1% MH 0 0.Ph 6,669 40.0% 26 0.2% 6,695 40.2% 16,658 0.0% MS 13,865 1.2% 107 0.0% 22,492 2.0% 36,464 3,2% 1,122,945 1.2% - - SBPS 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 14,167 0.0% PP 1,263 0.5% 345 0,1% 0 0.0% 1,608 0.7% 239,380 0.3% SBS 0 0.0Yo 0 0.00/0 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 87,041 0.1% Southern Interior Sum 130,770 2.5% 67,784 1.3% 120,254 2.3% 318,808 6.0% 5,304,433 5.6% Southern Interior Mountains AT 631,973 1Kl% 114,505 3.5% 558,934 16.9% 1,305,412 39.5% 3,300,987 3.5% ESSF 614,598-12.00h 78,887 1 -5% 428,239 8.4% 1,121,724 22.0% 5,100,632 5.4% ICH 256,816 7.1% 12,432-6ZJ 139,893 3.9% 409,141 11.4% 3,596,707 3.8% IDF 5,331 1.4Yo 0 0.0% 399 0.1% 5,730 1.5% 375,260 0,4% LAKE 3,950 1.5% 896 0.3% 5,750 2.1% 10,596 3.9% 269,715 0.3% MS 47,027 10.1% 938 0.2% 10,674 2.3% 58,639 12.6% 466,215 0.5% PP 0 0.Wo 0 0.0% 0 0.Ph 0 0.0% 67,349 0,1% SBS 39,283 7.8% 0 0.0% 2,609 0.5% 41,892 8.3% 505,561 0.5% Southern Interior Mountains Sum 1,598.978 1 1.7% 207,658 1.5% 1,146,498 8.4% 2,953,134 21.6%13,682,426 14.5% Sub-Boreal Interior AT 18,224 0.8% 53,454 2,2% 147,109 6.2% 218,787 9,2% 2,378,727 2.5% BWBS 6,821 1.4% 0 0.00/o 519 0.1% 7,340 1.5% 484,955 0.5% ESSF 26,931 0.696 32,752 0.7% 199,398 4.2% 259,081 5.4% 4,804,432 5.1% ICH 704 0.2% 339 0.1Yo 9,116 2.5% 10,159 2,8% 361,732 0.4% IDF 0 O.OO/o 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.00/0 7,300 0.0% LAKE 183 0.1% 0 0.0% 4,742 1.5% 4,925 1.6% 306,066 0.3% SBS 33,437 0.6% 3,319 0.1Yo 67,486 1.2% 104,242 1.8% 5,805,596 6.1%

94/03/09 Ecoregion by BEC Subzone Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page2 of 13

Fully % of Other % of PAS Study %of Combined % of Total % of

Sum of Area .- - Protected - Designations Areas Area Area Ecoregion Subzone (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) BC ATp 47,553 76.6% 0 O.G% 14,001 22.5% 61,554 99.1% 62,098 0.1% ATxcp 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 5,612 0.0% CWHu5 2,675 99.9% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 2,675 99.9% 2,678 0.0% ESSFdv 0 0.0% 2,882 2.6% 20,205 18.2% 23,087 20.8% 111,236 0.1%

ESSFdvp 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% -0 0.0%- 1,136 0.0% ESSFmw 25,532 61 -3% 3,868 9.3% 9,427 22.6% 38,8271 41,666 0.0% ESSFmwp 0 0.0% 532 95.3% 0 0.0% 532 95.3% 558 O.OOx3 ESSFu5 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 4.951 11.9% 4,951 11.9% 41,695 0.0% ESSFxc 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 3,274 15.9% 3,274 15.9% 20,536 0.0% ESSFXCP 0 0.0% 0 0.0"/0 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1,735 0.0% ESSFxv 52,254 18.4% 0 0.0% 117.930 41.4% 170,184 59.8% 284,552 0.3% lDFdk 0 0.0% 3,606 3.0Yo 1,206 1.0% 4,812 4.0% 119,912 0.1% IDFu.5 31,489 37.0Yo 601 0.7% 10,276 12.1% 42,366 49.8% 85,029 0.1% IDFww 34,900 58.4% 0 0.0% 17,358 29.1% 52,258 87.5% 59,744 0.1% -. lDFxh 0 0.0% 1,618 9.6% 0 0.0% 1,618 9.6% --16,830 0.0% LAKE 3,020 96.0% 0 0.0% 126 4.0% 3,146 100.0% 3,146 0.0% MSdc 0 0.0% 585 1.2% 3,290 6.6% 3,875 7.8% 49,620 0.1% MSu5 16,300 19.7% 2,137 2.6% 10.847 13.1% 29,284 35.4% 82,795 0.1% MSxk 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 31.743 O.OO/o MSxv 1,219 1.3% 0 0.0% 14,180 15.4% 15,399 16.8% 91,867 0.1% PPxh 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 5,829 0.0% SBPSxc 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 - 0 0.0% 0 0.0% Chilcoton Ranges Sum 344,773 19.3% 29,758 1.7% 507,011 28.5% 881,542 49.5%1,781,838 2.0% Coastal Gap AT 31,380 6.8% 16,479 3.6% 162,250 35.4% 210,109 45.8% 458,443 0.5% ATp 19,465 7.8% 6,769 2.7% 107,338 42.8% 133,572 53.2% 250,962 0.3% CWHds 12,625 28.4% 0 0.0% 7,376 16.6% 20,001 45.1% 44,381 0.1% CWHms 0 0.0% 0 O.G% 2,946 6.0% 2,946' 6.0% 48,757 0.1% CWHvh 4,998 0.3% 50,133 3.5% 231,714 16.1% 286,845 19.9% 1,440,648 1.6% CWHvm 17,254 1.7% 73,088 7.0% 171,020 16.4% 261,362 25.1% 1,040,256 1.2% CWHws 9,146 2.1% 3,865 0.9% 112,833 25.6% 125,844 28.6% 439,936 0.5% ESSFmc 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 450 100.00x3 450 100.00/0 450 0.0% ESSFmk 22,520 18.7% 4,078 3.4% 36,116 30.0% 62,714 52.0% 120,504 0.1% ESSFmw 27,824 93.1% 0 0.0% 1,090 3.6% 28,914 96.8% 29,871 0.0% ESSFwv 0 0.0% 0 O.O"X, 6,834 10.0% 6,834 100.0% 6,834 0.0% LAKE 4,372 8.2% 3,410 6.4% 8,309 15.6% 16,091 30.3% 53,153 0.1% MHmm 31,637 3.3% 41,517 4.3% 260,391 27.2% 333,545 34.8% 958,170 1.1% MHwh 588 0.4% 563 0.4% 16,637 12.2% 17,788 13.0% 136,612 0.2% Coastal Gap Sum 181,809 3.6% 199,902 4.0% 1,125,304 22.4% 1,507,015 30.0% 5,028,977 5.7% Columbia Mountains and Highlands AT 15,898 5.5% 342 0.1% 88,293 30.5% 104,533 36.1% 289,319 0.3% ATp 278,616 16.0% 27,514 1.6% 289,345 16.6% 595,475 34.3% 1,738,305 2.0% 94/03/09 Ecoregion by BEC Subzone Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 3 of 13

Fully % of Other % of PAS Study %of Combined %of Total %of Sum of Area Protected Designations Areas Area Area Ecoregion Subzone (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) BC ATwcp 64,966 98.9% 0 0.0% 295 0.4% 65,261 99.3% 65,688 0.1% ESSFdc 23 0.6% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 23 0.6% 3,976 0.0% ESSFdk 27,558 8.8% 1,753 0.6% 37,336 11.9% 66,647 21.2% 314,935 0.4% ESSFmm 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 6,162 5.8% 6,162 5.8% 106,112 0.1% ESSFvc 22,776 7.4% 0 0.0% 37,932 12.3% 60,708 19.7% 307,535 0.3% ESSFVCP 0 O.OO/o 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 2,607 0.0% ESSFwc 271,841 16.7% 6,559 0.4% 125,026 7.7% 403,426 24.7% 1,632,443 1.8% ESSFwcp 5,867 23.7% 66 0.3% 302 1.2% 6,235 25.1% 24,807 0.0% ESSFwk 27,415 4.2% 856 0.1% 44,664 6.8% 72,935 11.1% 656,903 0.7% ESSFwrn 35,199 10.1% 4,111 1.2% 24,151 6.9% 63,461 18.2% 348,738 0.4% lCHdk 495 1.1% 0 0.00, 0 0.0% 495 1.1% 43,666 0.0% ICHdw 5,880 3.5% 981 0.6% 4,321 2.5% 11,182 6.6% 170,112 0.2% ICHrnk 4,686 3.4% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 4,686 3.4% 138,667 0.2% ICHmm 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 143 0.4% 143 0.4% 33,199 0.046 ICHmw - 132.640 10.5% 3,372 0.3% 30,332 2.4% 166,344 13.2% 1,259,670 1.4% ICHvk 16,911 8.6% 0 0.0% 11,552 5.9% 28,463 14.5% 196,777 0.2% lCHwk 92,853 12.6% 61 0.0% 49,415 6.7% 142,329 19.4% 734,127 0.8% lCHxw 0 0.0% 5,429 17.9% 0 0.0% 5,429 17.9% 30,385 0.0% IDFdrn 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 172 0.6% 172 0.6% 28,119 0.0% IDFrnw 2,775 10.7% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 2,775 10.7% 25,814 0.0% LAKE 3,950 2.1% 896 0.5% 2,171 1.2% 7,017 3.8% 183,736 0.2% MSd k 219 0.1% 0 0.PA 6,163 3,9% 6.382 4.1% 156,873 0.2% SBSdh 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 3,973 0.0% SBSmc 0 0.0% 0 0.00, 0 O.o"/o 0 0.0% 16,143 0.0% SBSrnm 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 6,222 0.0% SBSrnw 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 5,269 0.0% SBSvk 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 74,548 0.1% SBSwk 25.960 8.7% 0 0.0% 2,590 0.9% 28.550 9.6% 298,657 0.3% Columbia Mountains and Highlands Sum 1,036,528 1 1.6% 51,940 0.6% 760,365 8.5% 1,848,833 20.8% 8,897,325 10.1% Eastern Continental Ranges AT 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 358 100.0% 358 100.0% 358 0.0% ATP 0 0.0% 28,149 34.7% 39,998 49.4% 68,147 84.1% 81,048 0.1% ESSFrnv 0 0.0% 14,282 14.6% 40,564 41 -5% 54,846 56.0% 97,853 0.1% ESSFmw 0 0.0% 20 100.0% 0 0.0% 20 100.090 20 0.0% ESSFwk 0 0.0% 11,883 52.4% 6,808 30.0% 18,691 82.4% 22,682 0.0% Eastern Continental Ranges Sum 0 0.0% 54,334 26.9% 87,728 43.4% 142,062 70.3% 201,961 0.2% Eastern Vancouver Island AT 14,642 91.1% 62 0.4% 515 3.2% 15,219 94.7% 16,067 0.0% CDFrnrn 372 0.3% 0 O.G% 231 0.2% 603 0.5% 123,512 0.1% CWHrnm 41,108 11.3% 990 0.3% 6,349 1.7% 48,447 13.3% 365,166 0.4% CWHvm 0 0.00, 0 0.0% 0 0.00, 0 0.0% 4,516 0.00, CWHxm 11,248 1.9% 1.183 0.2% 5,258 0.9% 17,689 3.1% 577.590 0.7%

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Fully % of Other %of PAS Study '10 of Combined %of Total %of ppp ppp Sum of Area Protected Designations Areas Area Area Ecoregion Subzone (ha) unit (ha) unlt (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) BC lDFdk 733 0.5% 0 0.0% 2,598 1.8% 3,331 2.3% 147,356 0.2% IDFu5 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1,974 60.5% 1,974 60.5% 3,263 0.0% IDFww 1,015 2.1% 8,333 17.3% 0 0.0% 9,348 19.4% 48,157 0.1% lDFxh 790 1.2% 26 0.0% 0 0.0% 816 1.2% 68,492 0.1% IDFxw 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 18.541 0.0% LAKE 428 26.3~1237 14.6% 0 0.0% 665 40.9% 1,625 0.0% MHmm 0 0.0% 3,710 39.3% 0 0.0% 3,710 39.3% 9,432 0.0% MHmmp 0 0.0% 2,959 40.9% 26 0.4% 2,985 41.3% 7,226 0.0% MSdm 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 7,959 0.0% MSu5 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 3,510 100.0% 3,510 100.0% 3,510 0.0% MSxk 280 0.3% 0 0.0% 8,425 9.8% 8,705 10.1% 86,355 0.1% PPxh 0 0.0Yo 345 0.8% 0 0.0% 345 0.8% 41,857 0.0% 58,575 5.4% 65,078 6.0% 92,623 8.5% 216,276 20.0% 1,083,658 1.2% Kluane Plateau 130,577 62.1 % 0 0.0% 79,801 37.9% 210,378 100.00/0 210,378 0.2% BWBSdk 44,663 98.6% -- 0 0.0% 635 1.4% 45,298 100.0% 45,298 0.1% BWBSvk 2,914 100.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 2,914 100.00h 2,914 0.0% CWHwm 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 68 100.00h 68 100.0% 68 0.0% MH 125 75.3% 0 0.0% 41 24.7% 166 100.0% 166 0.0% SWB 0 0.Wh 0 0.0% 2,322 100.0% 2,322 100.00h 2,322 0.0% SWBmk 48,101 73.0% 0 0.0% 17,811 27.0% 65,912 100.0% 65,912 0.1% 6,770 100.0% 6,770 100.0% 6,770 0.0% Kluane Plateau Sum 233,150 69.8% 0 0.0% 100,678 30.2% 333,828 100.0% 333,828 0.4% Liard Basin AT 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 9,809 37.3% 9,809 37.3% 26,268 0.0% BWBSdk 7,344 0.6% 0 0.0% 101,525 7.6% 108,869 8.2% 1,334,499 1.5% BWBSmw 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 13,703 44.3% 13,703 44.3% 30,919 0.0% SWBmk 539 0.1% 0 0.0% 124,803 34.3% 34.4% 363,868)- 0.4% SWBu2 0 O.OO/o 0 0.0% 3,513 5.3% 3,513 5.3% 66,824 0.1% Liard Basin Sum 7,883 0.4% 0 0.0% 253,353 13.9% 261,236 14.3% 1,822,378 2.1% Lower Mainland CDFmm 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 6,692 0.0% CWHdm 5,720 2.9% 0 0.0% 1,487 0.7% 7,207 3.6% 198,750 0.2% CWHds 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1,047 0.0% CWHvm 99 2.0% 0 0.0% 00.0% 99 2.0% 5,036 0.0% CWHxm 3,019 1.4% 0 0.0% 19,072 9.1% 22,091 10.6% 208,571 0.2% LAKE 268 1.1% 0 0.0% 181 0.8% 449 1.9% 23,418 0.0% Lower Mainland Sum 9,106 2.1% 0 0.0% 20,740 4.7% 29,846 6.7% 443,514 0.5% Mackenzie Plains BWBSmw 292 0.0% 0 0.0% 14,009 0.6% 14,301 0.6% 2,336,031 2.6% BWBSwk 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 68 0.0% Mackenzie Plains Sum 292 0.0% 0 0.0% 14,009 0.6% 14,301 0.6% 2,336,099 2.6% Muskwa yateau AT 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.Ph 0 0.0% 414 0.0% BWBSmw 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 169,054 7.6% 169.054 7.6% 2,210,540 2.5% 94/03/09 Ecoregion by BEC Subzone Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 7 of 13

Fully % of Other %of PAS Study %of Combined %of Total %of Sum of Area Protected Designations Areas Area Area Ecoregion Subzone (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) BC BWBSwk 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 167,240 0.2% SWBmk 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 41,788 0.0% Muskwa Plateau Sum 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 169,054 7.0% 169,054 7.0% 2,419,782 2.7% Nass Basin AT 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1,937 0.0% ESSFwv 0 0.0% 348 0.5% 0 0.0% 348 0.5% 69,997 0.1% lCHmc 4,823 1.0% 18,925 4.1% 0 0.0% 23,748 5.1% 466,964 0.5% lCHvc 306 0.4% 0 0.0% 544 0.7% 850 1.0% 83,691 0.1% Nass Basin Sum 5,129 0.8% 19,273 3.1% 544 0.1% 24,946 4.0% 622,589 0.7% Nass Ranges AT 968 0.4% 3,239 1.4% 21,387 9.1% 25,594 10.9% 233,914 0.3% CWHws 1,912 0.5% 731 0.2% 15.383 4.2% 18,026 4.970 mT ESSFwv 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1,148 0.8% 1,148 0.8% 141,198 0.2% lCHmc 4,211 2.1% 0 0.0% 8,797 4.4% 13,008 6.5% 199,389 0.2% MHmm 2,735 0.8% 2,243 0.7% 23,833 6.9% 28,811 8.4% 343,392 0.4% Nass Ranges Sum 9,826 0.8% 6,213 0.5% 70,548 5.5% 86,587 6.7% 1,286,944 1.5% Northern Canadian Rocky Mountains AT 120,973 7.0% 35.481 2.1% 538,392 31.3% 694,846 40.4% 1,720,243 - 1.9% ATp 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 229 0.0% BWBSdk 1,560 0.8% 15,074 7:4% 20,804 10.2% 37,438 18.3% 204,498 0.2% BWBSmw 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 23,543 37.7% 23,543 37.7% 62,439 0.1% BWBSwk 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 33,673 0.0% ESSFmv 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 22,825 0.0% SBPSmk 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 403 0.0% SWBmk 106,606 6.5% 32,993 2.0% 396,712 24.0% 536,311 32.5% 1,650,342 1.9% SWBu2 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 44,316 85.7% 44,316 85.7% 51,703 0.1% Northern Canadian Rocky Mountains Sum 229,139 6.1% 83,548 2.2% 1,023,767 27.3% 1,336,454 35.7% 3,746,355 4.2% Northern Coastal Mountains AT 255,046 15.1% 15,326 0.9% 346.154 20.4% 616,526 36.4% 1,692,910 1.9% CWHvh 1 0 0.00/0 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 40,393 0.0% CWHwm 1,909 0.7% 0 0.0% 32,929 11.5% 34,838 12.2% 285,727 0.3% CWHws 859 1.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 859 1.00, 84,642 0.1% ESSFwv 758 0.4% 0 0.0% 16,526 9.3% 17,284 9.7% 178,578 0.2% lCHvc 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 164 0.3% 164 0.3% 48.651 0.1% MH 2,360 1.6% 0 0.0% 86,091 59.9% 88,451 61.5% 143,831 0.2% MHmm 613 0.4% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 613 0.4% 170,279 0.2% MHu2 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 695 0.4% 695 0.4% 173,637 0.2% MHwh 0 0.0% 0 0.Ph 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 5,147 0.0% SBS 30 1.5% 0 0.0% 1,696 84.3% 1.726 85.7% 2,013 0.0% SWB 0 0.Wh 0 0.0% 452 100.0%~ 452 100.00h 452 0.Wo SWBmk 60 100.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 60 100.0% 60 0.0% SWBvk 217 100.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 217 100.0% 217 0.0% Northern Coastal Mountains Sum - 261,852 9.3% 15,326 0.5% 484,707 17.1% 761,885 27.0"h 2,826,537 3.2% Northern Continental Divide 7 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.Ph 0 0.0% 8,532 0.0%

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Fully % of Other % of PAS Study % of Combined % of Total %of Sum of Area Protected Designations Areas Area Area Ecoregion Subzone unit unit unit unit (ha) (ha) (ha) (ha) (ha) BC , MSxk 5,241 15.9% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 5,241 15.9% 32,943 0.0% PPxh 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 O.G% 0 0.0% 4,741 0.0%. Okanagan Range Sum 47,579 18.5% 121 0.0% 0 0.00/0 47,700 18.6% 256,731 0.3% Omlneca Mountains AT 3,699 0.8% 0 0.0% 6,937 1.4% 10,636 2.2% 483,444 0.5% ATp 22 0.0% 0 0.0% 36,365 10.8% 36,387 10.8% 336,972 0.4% BWBSdk 0 0.0% 0 0.046 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 213,655 0.2% ESSFmc 172 0.1% 0 0.0% 0 0.Wo 172 0.1% 238,344 0.3% ESSFmk 0 o.o'/o 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 21 0.0% ESSFmv 165 0.0% 0 0.0% 19,223 2.2% 19,388 2.3% 860,544 1.0% ESSFu2 97 0.0Yo 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 97 O.OO/o 229,574 0.370 ESSFwv 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 27,351 24.1% 27,351 24.1% 113,278 0.1% LAKE 183 0.1% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 183 0.1% 147,224 0.2% SBSmc 0 0.0% 0 0.00/0 19,775 11.2% 19,775 11.2% 177,012 0.2% SBSmk 29 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 29 0.0% 323,359 0.4% SBSwk 186 0.1% 0 0.0% 62 0.0% 248 0.1% 307,915 0.3% Sum 4,553 0.1% 0 0.0% 109,713 3.1% 114,266 3.3% 3,492,342 3.9% Pacific Ranges AT 62,310 6.8% 1,113 0.1% 364,969 39.9% 428,392 46.9% 914,334 1.0% ATmwp 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 93 6.7% 93 6.7% 1,383 0.0% ATp 13,417 2.6% 0 0.0% 317,215 60.9% 330,632 63.5% 520,575 0.6% CWHdm 6,632 2.7% 0 0.0% 8,347 3.4% 14,979 6.2% 242,103 0.3% CWHds 6,569 2.4% 0 0.0% 44,640 16.3% 51,209 18.8% 273,079 0.3% CWHmm 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 8,440 0.0% CWHms 18,307 3.6% 99 0.0% 24,729 4.8% 43,135 8.4% 513,712 0.6% CWHvh 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1,829 0.0Yo CWHvm 42,867 3.1% 34 0.0% 41,607 3.0% 84,508 6.2% 1,371,203 1.5% CWHws 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 44,725 30.9% 44,725 30.9% 144,897 0.2% CWHxm 307 0.8% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 307 0.8% 36,224 0.0% ESSFmw 6,819 14.7% 0 0.0% 31,611 68.3% 38,430 83.0% 46,291 0.1% ESSFmwp 2,746 20.6% 0 0.0% 3,956 29.6% 6,702 50.2% 13,355 0.0% ESSFxv 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 14,396 92.0% 14,396 92.0% 15,655 0.0% IDFu5 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 3,285 68.6% 3,285 68.6% 4,788 0.0% IDFww 104 0.3% 0 0.0% 200 0.6% 304 0.9% 32,517 0.0% LAKE 3,190 3.1% 100 0.1% 3,070 3.0% 6,360 6.1% 103,536 0.1% MHmm 61,617 5.3% 1,225 0.1% 166,195 14.2% 229,037 19.6% 1,171,108 1.3% MHmmp 64,357 11.8% 1,134 0.2% 97,839 18.0% 163,330 30.0% 544,590 0.6% Pacific Ranges Sum 3,190 3.1% 100 0.1% 3,152 3.0% 6,442 6.2% 103.536 0.1% CWHwh 0 #DIV/O! 0 #DIV/O! 0 #DIV/O! 0 #DIV/O! 0 0.Wo LAKE 3,190 3.1% 100 0.1% 3,152 3.0% 6,442 6.2% 103.536 0.1% Queen Charlotte Lowland Sum 69,189 21.3% 0 0.0% - 2,893 - pp0.9% 72.082-22.2% 324,276 0.4% Queen Charlotte Ranges AT 429 7.7% 0 0.0% 37 0.7%- 8.4% 5,550 0.0%

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Fully % of Other %of PAS Study %of Combined %of Total %of Sum of Area -- Protected Designations -- Areas Area Area Ecoregion Subzone (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) BC SBSdw 0 0.00' 0 0.00' 0 0.00' 0 0.0% 9,940 0.0% SBSmc 0 0.0% 0 0.00b 0 0.0% 0 0.00? 1.313 0.0% SBSmm 0 0.00i 0 0.00' 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 64,619 0.1% 0 0.0% 11,169 0.0% Thompson Okanagan Plateau Sum 27,631 0.7% 53,681 1.4% 3,847,280 4.3% Western Continental Ranges 3,985 1.3% 48,945 15.4% 171,762 53.9% 318,475 0.4% ATp 149,995 21.1% 40.840 5.8% 81,466 11.5% 272,301 38.3% 710,083 0.8% ESSFdk 147,047 29.7% 19,552 4.0% 1,882 0.4% 168,481 34.1% 494,606 0.6% ESSFdkp 70 5.4% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 70 5.4% 1,289 0.00' ESSFmm 72,668 23.6% 0 0.0% 30,321 9.9% 102,989 33.504 307,682 0.3% ESSFwc 1,716 3.4% 0 0.00X. 14,834 29.3% 16,550 32.7% 50,616 0.1% ESSFwk 0 0.0% 838 15.5%- 0.0% 838 /15.5% 5,4 12 0.00h ESSFwm 267 0.2% 0 0.00A 0 0.00h 267 0.2% 130,614 0.1% ICHmk 0 0.0% 0 0.00' 0 0.00' 0 0.0% 26,133 O.G%. - -- ICHmm 1,121 6.7% 0 0.007 0 0.0% 1,121 6.7% 16,708 0.0% ICHmw 0 0.00/0 0 0.00h 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 53,352 0.1% ICHwk 0 0.0% 0 0.00' 2,932 8.2% 2,902 8.2% 35,593 0.00?& IDFdm 305 2.3% 0 0.0% 0 0.00. 305 2.3% 13,526 0.0% LAKE 0 0.00b 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 7,542 0.0% MSdk 46,764 28.2% 938 0.6% 0 0.0% 47,702 28.8% 165,655 0.2% SBSdh 13,323 70.4% 0 0.00A 0 0.0% 13,323 70.4% 18,926 0.0% SBSvk 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.00' 542 0.0% Western Continental Ranges Sum 66,153 2.8% 180,350 7.7% 798,611 33.9% 2,356,754 2.7% Upper Mackenzie Basin BWBSmw 603 0.00/0 0 0.0% 346,323 15.7% 346,926 15.7% 2,204,423 2.5% Upper Mackenzie Basin Sum 603 0.00L. 0 0.0% 346,323 15.7% 346,926 15.7% 2,204,423 2.5% Western Vancouver Island AT 2,546 82.7% 0 0.00h 283 9.2% 2,829 91.9% 3,077 O.OO/o CWHvh 44,290 14.1% 16,602 5.3% 31,750 10.1% 92,642 29.4% 314,691 0.4% CWHvm 85,353 6.3% 0 0.0% 46,498 3.5% 131,851 9.8% 1,344,764 1.5% CWHxm 58 0.1% 0 0.0% 255 0.4% 313 0.5% 59,406 0.1% LAKE 3,143 9.5% 41 0.1% 135 0.4% 3,319 10.00' 33,195 0.0% MHmm 39,943 17.5% 0 0.0% 11,094 4.8% 51,037 22.3% 228,801 0.3% MHmmp 5,459 73.1% 0 0.0% 889 11.9% 6,348 85.0% 7,472 0.0"' Western Vancouver Island Sum 180,792 9.1% 16,643 0.8% 90,904 4.6% 288,339 14.5% 1,991,406 2.3% Yukon-Stikine Highlands AT 20,614 3.4% 17,617 2.9% 106,198 17.7% 144,429 24.1% 599,762 0.7% BWBS 0 0.00%. 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 3,388 0.0% BWBSdk 124 1.7% 0 0.0% 1.902 25.4% 2,026 27.1% 7,474 0.Ph ESSFwv 16,615 4.9% 5,212 1.5% 33,905 10.0% 55,732 16.4% 339,285 0.4% LAKE 1,805 22.3% 1,183 14.6% 0 0.0% 2,988 37.0% 8,085 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 O.G% 34 27.6% 34 27.6% 123 0.0% SBS 16,733 9.4% 0 0.0% 16,041 9.0"' 32.774 18.4% 177,990 0.2%

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lBig Bend Trench Sum I 417) 0.4%1 0) 0.W01 01 0.0%1 417) 0.4%1 111,781) 0.10~1 94/03/09 Ecosection by BEC Variant Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 2 of 27

Fully % of Other %of PAS Study % of Combined %of Total %of Sum of Area Protected Designations Areas Area Area Ecosection Variant (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) BC Border Ranges AT 0 0.000 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0,000 6,747 0.000 ATp 3,666 6.7% 8,912 16.3% 1,409 2.6% 13,987 25.5% 54,777 0.1% ESSFdk -- 2,139 0.8% 7,605 2.8% - 23,422 8.7% 33,166 12.3% 270,397 0.3% ESSFwm 0 0.0% 0 0.Wo 0 0.000 0 0.0% 53,824 0.1% ICHmkl 241 0,546 0 0.0% 0 0.000 241 0.500 48,823 0.1% ICHmw2 0 0,000 0 O.OO/O 0 0.Wo 0 0.000 4,140 0.0% IDFdm2 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 O.Oo/o 0 0.0% 6,046 0.0% MSdk 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 4,511 5.3% 4,511 5.3% 85,033 0.1% Border Ranges Sum 6,046 1.100 16,517 3.1% 29,342 5.5Y0 51,905 9.8% 529,787 0.6% Boundary Ranges AT 67,453 5.1% 15,326 1.2% 288,096 21.8% 370,875 28.0% 1,322,748 1.4% CWHwm 0 0,000 0 0.0% 21,222 10.4% 21,222 10.4% 204,091 0.2% ESSFwv 758 0.4% 0 0.0% 16,526 9.3% 17,284 9.7% 178,578 0,2% ICHVC 0 0.000 0 0.000 164 0.3% 164 0.3"/o 48,651 0.1% MH 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 75,727 57.8% 75,727 57.8% 131,084 0.1% MHmm2 0 0.0% 0 0.OYo 0 O.OO/o 0 0.0"/0 2,270 0.0% MHu26 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 695 4.90/0 695 4.9% 14,100 0.00o MHu27 0 O#OYo 0 0.0070 0 0.000 0 0.0% 159,537 0.2% SBS 30 1.5% 0 0,000 1,696 84.3% 1,726 85.7% 2,013 0.0% SWB 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 452 100.000 452 100.0% 452 0.0% Boundary Ranges Sum 68,241 3.3% 15,326 0,700 404,578 19.600 488,145 23.7% 2,063,524 2.2% Bowron Valley AT 369 4.3% 0 0,000 0.0% -- 0 - 369 4.300 8,557 0.000 ESSFwc3 46 0.1% 01 0.0% 0 0 0.1% ESSFwk 1 864 0.4% 194 0.1% 0 0.00/0 1,058 0.5% 230,194 0.2% ICHvk2 0 0.0% 0 0.00/0 0 0.000 0 O.oO/o 2,686 0.003 SBSmw 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 O.OO/o 71 0.0% SBSvk 0 0.000 0 0.0% 0 O.OO/o 0 0.0% 52.0861 0.1% SBSwkl 18,588 6.5% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 18,588 6.500 287,301 0.3% Bowron Valley Sum 19,867 3.2% 194 0.0% 0 0.0% 20,061 3.2% 630,010 0.7% Bulkley Basin AT 0 0.0Y0 0 0.0% 0 O.W0 0 O.W/0 882 0.000 ESSFmc 0 0,000 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 39,000 0.0% ESSFmvl 0 O,O% 0 0,000 0 0.000 0 0.0% 618 0.000 ESSFwv 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 O.OOO 0 O.OOo 2,902 O.OO/O LAKE 1,719 2.3% 0 0.000 0 0.003 1.719 2.3% 75,256 0.1% SBSdk 4,422 0.4% 0 0.000 0 0.0% 4,422 0.4% 1,021,203 1.1% SBSdw3 0 0.000 0 0.0% 0 0.Wo 0 0.000 37,627 0.00o SBSmc2 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 330,022 0,300 Bulkley Basin Sum -6,141 0.400 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 6,141 Bulkley Ranges AT 0 0.0% 0 0,000 46,063 66.8% 46,063 66,8% 68,919 0.1% 94/03/09 Ecosection by BEC Variant Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 3 of 27

ariboo Plateau

SBSdw2 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.000 1 10,062 0.1%

-- - SBSdw 1 0 0.0% 0 0.O'Y0 0 0.0% 0 0,00/01 273,831 0,3% SBSmc1 0 0.00/0 0 0.0% 0 0.00/0 0 0.000 25,035 0.0% SBSmh 0 O.O%~~Z% 0 0.00/0 0 O.@- 7,119 0.0% Cariboo Plateau Sum 0 0.0Q0 0 0.00/0 0 O.OO/o 0 0.0% 713,044 0.8'Y0 Cassiar Ranges AT 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 187,243 13.5% 187,243 13.5% 1,390,901 1.5% ATp 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.Wo 0 0.0% 8,945 0.0% BWBSdkl 374 0.1% 315 0.1% 26,444 6.9% 27,133 7.1% 3844 0.4% BWBSdk2 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.Wo 5,947 0.00o ESSFmv4 0 0.0Yo 0 0.0% 0 0.Wo 0 0.O0/4 8,589 0.0% LAKE 0 0.0% 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.0% 12,892 0.0%

SWBmk 0 0.000 421 0.100 104,815 12.7% 105,236 12.8% 823,541 0.9%- SWBu26 0 0.0% 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.0% 3,708 0.0?/0 SWBu27 242 0.1% 0 0.0% 45,836 12.7% 46,078 12.8% 361,095 0.4% Cassiar Ranges Sum 616 0.0% 736 0.000 364,338 12.1% 365,690 12.2% 3,000,072 3.2% Central Chilcotin Ranges AT 129,463 39.7% 0 O.OO0 147,407 45.2% 276,870 85.0% 325,846 0.3% ATdvp 13 O.l?o 0 0.000 9,204 65.5% 9,217 65.6% 14,054 0.0% ATE 0 0.000 0 0.000 12,326 62,60/0 12.326 62.6% 19,686 0.0% CWHu58 2.675 99.9% 0 0.0% 0 0.00h 2,675 99.9% 2,678 0.000 ESSFdv 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 4,729 58.8% 4,729 58.8% 8,049 0.Wo 1 ESSFmwp 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.000 0 0.Wo 26 0.000 94/03/09 Ecosection by BEC Variant Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 4 of 27

Fully % of Other Oh of PAS Study 96 of Combined %of Total % of Sum of Area Protected Designations Areas Area Area Ecosection Variant (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) BC ESSFu59 0 0.000 0 0.000 4,951 11.9% 41,695 0.0?/0 ESSFXC 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 3,274 100.00/0 3,274 100.000 3,274 0.0% ESSFxv 52,206 24.0°/0 -- 0 0.0% 69,227 31.9% 121,433 55.9% 217,261 -0.2% IDFdkl 0 0.0% 0 0.00/0 0 0.0% 0 0,0??0 98 0.0% IDFdk2 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 48 4.400 48 4,400 1,103 0.0% IDFdk3 0 0.00/o 0 0.00/0 0 0.000 0 0.000 9,564 0.0% IDFdk4 0 O,O% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.000 9,575 O,O% IDFu58 31,463 43.2% 0 0.0"/0 8,856 12.2% 40,319 55.4% 72,812 0.1% MSdc 0 0.0% 0 0.000 1,634 15.5% 1,634 15.5% 10,548 0.0% MSu58 16,300 23.2% 0 0.000 5,999 8.5% 22,299 31.7% 70,338 0.1% MSxk 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 7,049 0.0% MSxv 1,219 3.5% 0 O,O% 3,104 8.9% 4,323 12.4% 34,762 0.0% SBPSXC 0 0.0% 0 0.000 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 25 0.0% Central Chilcotin Ranges Sum 233,338 27.5% 0 0.00/0 270,759 31.9% 504,097 59.4% 848,443 O.P/o Central Columbia Mountains AT 77 0.2% 0 0.0% 14,809 36.8% 14,886 37.0Y0 40,238 0.0% ATp 84,473 24.6% 3,213 0.9% 74,977 21,800 162,663 47.4% 343,518 0.4% ESSFWC1 2,096 23.7% 0 O.@A 2,357 26.6O/o 4,453 50,3% 8,852 O.OO/o ESSFWC~ 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 33 26.6% 33 26.6% 124 0.00/0 -- ESSFwc4 - 25,307 6.4% 2,561 0.7% 47,835 12.2% 75,703 19.2% 393,578 - 0.4% ESSFWCP 0 0.000 0 0.000 302 302 60.000 503 0.0% ESSFwm 26,809 21.7% 0 0.000 13,589 11.0% 40,398 32.6% 123,757 0,1% ICHdw 5,706 8.1% 361 0.5% 289 0.400 6,356 9.000 70,455 0.1% lCHmkl 0 0.000 0 0.Wo 0 0.00/0 0 0.0% 4,579 0.0% ICHmw2 19,592 4.6% 159 0.000 13,306 3.1% 33,057 7.700 426,888 0.5% ICHmw3 0 0,090 96 0.4% 846 3.3% 25,559 0.0% 0 0.000 4,765 53.7% 4,765 53.7% 8,870 0.0% ICHwkl 1,504 1.900 0 0.0% 6,831 8.8% 8,335 10.7% 77,796 0.1% LAKE 715 1,1% 301 0.5% 423 0.7% 1.439 2.2% 64,898 0.1%

Central Columbia Mountains- Sum-- 167,029 10.5% 6,595 0.4% 179,612 1 1.3% 353,236 22.2% 1,589,615 1.7% Central Park Ranges AT 22,142 20.4% 0 O.W0 48,425 44.7% -1 65,2%1108.276 0.1% ATp 11,548 6.1% 0 0.000 22,896 12.2% 34,444 18.3% 188,045 0.2% ESSFdk 12,554 99.9% 0 0.0% 0 0,000 12,554 99.9% 12,567 O.OO/o ESSFdkp 70 100.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 70 100.0% 70 O.OO/o ESSFmml 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 26 0,090 ESSFwc2 1,716 3.4% 0 0.0% 14,834 29.3% 16,550 32.7% 50,616 0.1% ESSFwm 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.00/0 0 0.0% 80,928 0.1% ICHmkl 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 11 0.0% lCHmm 0 0.000 0 0.0% 0 0.090 0 0.0% 376 0,000 94/03/09 Ecosection by BEC Variant Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 5 of 27

hilcotin Plateau Sum 94/03/09 Ecosection by BEC Variant Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 6 of 27

ESSFWV 0 0.000 0 0.0% 27,351 29.346 27,351 29,3% 93,282 0.1% SBSmc 0 0.000 0 0.000 8,931 81.1% 8,931 81.100 11,013 0.000 SBSmc2 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 10,844 6.6% 10,844 6.6% 165,448 0.2% SBSwk3 0 0.0% 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.0% 13,698 0.0% Eastern Sum 3,990 0.4% 0 0.000 77,669 8.2% 81,659 8.7% 942,104 1.0% 94/03/09 Ecosection by BEC Variant Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 7 of 27

BWBSmw2 0 0.00o 0 0.000 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 2,911 0.0% BWBSwkl 0 0.WA 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.WA 17,019 0,OOA BWBSwk2 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 171,378 0.2% Halfway Plateau Sum 291 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.0% 291 0.0% 1,003,067 1. lYo. Hart Foothills AT 0 O.W0 0 0.0% 0 O,Wo 0 0,000 4,004 0.000 94/03/09 Ecosection by BEC Variant Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 8 of 27

Fully % of Other O/O of PAS Study %of Combined 010 of Total % of Sum of Area Protected Designations Areas Area Area Ecosection Variant (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) BC . ATp 0 O.OO/o 0 0.0% 3,872 7.8% 3,872 7.8% 49,567 0.100 BWBSmwl 5,116 5.2% 0 0.046 0 0.0% 5.1 16 5.2% 97,750 0.1% BWBSwk 1 1,705 2,500 0 0.000 0 0.0% 1,705 2.5% 67,060 0.1% ESSFmv2 2.781 0.9% 0 0.0% 720 0.2% 3,501 1.2% 303.937 0.3%. 0 0.000 0 0.0% 13,764 9.7% 13,764 9.7% 141,733 0,1% SBSwk2 964 0.8% 0 0.0% 4,254 3.3% 5,218 4.1% 127,670 0.1%. Hart Foothills Sum 10,566 1.3% 0 0.0% 22,610 2.9% 33,176 4.2% 791,721 0.8% Hart Ranges AT 0 0.070 117 7.8% 0 0.0% 117 7.8% 1,509 0.0% 11,069 4.6% 37,918 15.7% 19,859 8.2% ESSFmv2 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 28 0.0% ESSFwk2 21.080 2.6% 21,243 2,6Oh 57,189 7.1% 99,512 12.4% 805,312 0.9% ICHvk2 0 0.0% 339 1.000 0 0.00h 339 1.0% 33,012 0.0% ICHwk2 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.00h 0 0.0% 4,292 0.0% ICHwk3 0 0.00/0 0 0.0% 0 0.000 0 0.0% 244 0.0% LAKE 0 0.0% 0 0.000 0 o.@/o 0 0.0% 81 0.000 SBSmk2 17 2.0% 0 0.000 0 0.00/o 17 2.00/0 856 0.09'0, SBSvk 0 0.0% 3,226 1.2% 821 0.3% 4,047 1.5% 272.935 0.3% SBSwkl 0 0.0% 0 O.V/o 0 0.0% 0 0.000 3.288 0.000 SBSwk2 6,682 8.00h 0 0.0% 9,908 11.9% 16,590 19.800 83,577 0.1% Hart Ranges Sum 38,848 2.7% 62,843 4.3% 87,777 6.1% 189,468 13.1% 1,446,144 1,5%,

Hecate- Strait CWHvh2 0 ------24 2.00/0 0.00/0 0 0.000 22 2.000 1,097 0,000 CWHwh 1 0 0.0% 242 100.00/0~0.00h 242 100.OOO 242 0.0% Hecate Strait Sum ---22 1.6% 242 18.1% 264 19.7% 1,339 0,000 Hectate Lowland AT 0 O.O%F0.0% 26.6% CWHvh 1 0 O.OO/o 0 0.OOh 890 0.7% 890 0.700 123.562 0.1% CWHvh2 4,998 0.470 50,133 4.000 213,464 17X- 21.4% 1,257,359- CWHvm 1 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.00/0 0 0.0~1 1.483 0.000 CWHvm2 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 2,324 0.0% LAKE 0 0.0"/0 1.066 5.2% 734 3.6% 1.800 8.8%1 20,545 0.0%. MHmml 0 0.00/0 0 0.000 1,144 39.2% 1,144 39.2% 2,920 0.0%~ MHwhl 588 0.5% 563 0.5% 12,662 11.4% 13,813 12.5% 110,926 0.100 Hectate Lowland Sum 5,586 0.4% 51,762 3.4% 229,289 15.1% 286,637 18.9% 1,520,605 1,6%

Hyland Highland AT 0 0,000 0 0.000 9,809 37.3% 9,809 37.3% 26,268 0.0%- BWBSdk2 791 0.8% 0 0.000 0 0,000 791 0.8% 93,305 0.1% BWBSmW 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 13,703 44.3% 13.703 44.3% 30,919 0.000 SWBmk 0 0.00/0 0 0.0% 124,803 36.000 124,803 36.000 346,384 0.4% Hyland Highland Sum 791 0.2% 0 0,000 148,315 29,800 149,106 30.000 496,876 0.5% lcefield Ranges AT 320,938 100,000 0 0.00/0 0 0.000 320,938 100.0% 320,938 0,3% 94/03/09 Ecosection by BEG Variant Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 9 of 27

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BWBSmwil 0 0.000 0 0.00/o 23,543 37.700 23,543 37.7% 62,439 0.1% BWBSwk2 0 0.000 0 O.% 0 0.000 0 0.0% 33,673 0.0% ESSFmv4 0 0.Wo 0 0.000 0 0.0Yo 0 0.0% 15 0.OYo SWBmk 4,694 0.7% 0 0.00/0 275,139 39.3% 279,833 40.000 699,303 0.7% Muskwa Foothills Sum 4,694 0.4% 0 0.0% 359,058 34.100 363,752 34,6% 1,051,817 1.1% 94/03/09 Ecosection by BEC Variant Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 12 of 27


Nanaimo Lowlands Sum 1,832 0,5% 0 0.0% 1,545 0.400 3.377 1.0% 347,944 0.4% Nass Basin AT 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 O.oO0 0 0.000 1,937 0.000 ESSFwv 0 0.0% 348 0.5% 0 0.000 348 0.500 69,997 0.1% ICHmcl 0 0.0% 18,925 6.100 0 0.0% 18,925 6.1% 311,183 0.3% ICHmc2 4,823 3.1% 0-17 0.0% 4,823 3.196 155,781 0.2% ICHVC 306 0.4% 0 0.0% 544 0.7% 850 1.000 83,691 0.100 Nass Basin Sum 5,129 0.8% 19,273 3.1% 544 0.1% 24,946 4.00/0 622,589 0.700 Nass Ranges AT 968 0.4% 3,239 1.4% 21,387 9.1% 25,594 10.9% 233,914 0.2% CWHws1 217 0.2% 0 0.0% 0 0.000 217 0.2% 133,847 0.1% CWHWS~ 1,695 0.7% 731 0.3% 15,383 6.500 17,809 7.6% 235,204 0.2% ESSFwv 0 O.OYo 0 O.OOO 1,148 0.8% 1,148 0.8% 141,198 0.100 ICHmc 1 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.00/0 0 0.090 18,261 0.0% ICHmc2 4,211 2.3% 0 0.000 8,797 4.9% 13,008 7.200 181,128 0.2% MHmm2 2,735 0.8% 2,243 0.7% 23,833 6.9% 28,811 8.4% 343,392 0.4% Nass Ranges Sum 9,826 0.8% 6,213 0.5% 70,548 5.5% 86,587 6.7% 1,286,944 1.4% Nazko Upland ESSFmv 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1,618 0.000 ESSFmvl 0 0.000 0 O.O"/o 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 156,834 0,2% ESSFu26 0 0.000 0 O.OO/o 0 0.000 0 0.0% 894 0.0% ESSFxv 0 O.WO 0 0.0% 0 0.000 0 O.o?/o 1,196 0.0% LAKE 2,033 97.7% 0 0.PA 0 0.Wo 2,033 97.7% 2,081 0.0% MSxv 0 0.0'70 0 0.0?/0 0 0.0% 0 0.000 54,356 0.1Yo 94/03/09 Ecosection by BEC Variant Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 13 of 27

Fully % of Other %of PAS Study Ye of Combined Ole of Total %of Sum of Area Protected Designations Areas Area Area Ecosection Variant (ha) unit (ha) unit (ha) unit .. (ha) unit (ha) BC SBPSdc 798 0.2% 0 0.000 0 0.000 798 0.2% 405,682 0.400 SBPSmc 62,888 23.00/0 0 0.0% 303 0.100 63,191 23.1% 272,973 0.3% SBPSmk 0 0.000 0 0.0% 0 0.000 0 0.0% 266,387 0.3% SBSdk 0 0.000 0 0.0% 0 0.000 0 0.0% 477 0.0% SBSdW2 0 0.00/0 0 O.OO/o 0 0.000 0 0.000 240,504 0.3% SBSdwl 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.000 3,838 0.0% SBSdw3 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 59,191 0.1% SBSmc 5,524 100.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.000 5,524 100.000 5,524 0.0% SBSmc2 387 0.2% 0 0.0% 0 0.000 387 0.2% 187,066 0.2% SBSmc3 0 0.0"/0 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.000 344,970 0.4% SBSmw 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.00/0 0 0.0% 15,855 0.0% Nazko Upland Sum 71,630 3.5% 0 0.0% 303 0.00/0 71,933 3.6% 2,019,446 2.1% Nechacko Upland AT 46,827 54.8% 0 0.0% 11,791 13.800 58,618 68.6% 85,440 0.1% ATp 16,148 98.8% 0 0.0% 22 0.1% 16,170 98,900 16,351 0.000 CWHWS~ 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.000 0 0.0% 12 0.000 ESSFmc 2 16,593 69.9% 0 0.0% 6,354 2.000 222,947 71.9% 310,043 0.3% ESSFmk 2,810 9.4% 0 O.O?? 22,589 75.3% 25,399 84.6% 30,009 0.0% LAKE 30,693 52.4% 145 0.200 0 0.0% 30,838 52.7% 58,563 0.100 -- -- SBSdk 5,605 23.4% 0 --0.0% 0 O,O% 5,605 23,400 23,984 0.0% SBSmc 83,865 100.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.000 83,865 100.00/0 83,865 0.100 SBSmc2 1 17,753 29.0% 275 0.1% 4,027 1.000 122,055 30.100 405 347 0.4%

I 1 ATp I 150,607 1 14.4% 1 9,7701 0.9%1 141,2491 13.5001 301,6261 28,7~0l1,049,4861 1,1%1 94/03/09 Ecosection by BEC Variant Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 14 of 27 94/03/09 Ecosection by BEC Variant Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 15 of 27 94/03/09 Ecosection by BEC Variant Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 16 of 27 94/03/09 Ecosection by BEC Variant Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 17 of 27

IDFmw;! 193 0.1% 0 0.000 0 0.0% 193 0.1% 156,678 0.2% IDFxhl 672 4.8% 0 0.000 0 0.Wo 672 4.8% 14,001 0.0% IDFxh2 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.000 45,456 0.Wo IDFxw 0 0.0% 0 0.OOh 0 0.0% 0 0.00/0 3,453 O.O?/O LAKE 0 0.OYo 0 0.00/0 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 14,818 0.000 MSdm2 0 0.0% 0 0.00/0 2,613 2.4% 2,613 2.4% 107,188 0.1% MSxk 0 0.0% 0 0.00/0 6,564 6.6% 6,564 6.600 99,271 0.100 PPxh2 0 0.0% 0 0.000 0 0.00h 0 0.0070 66 00% SBPSmk 0 0.0% 0 0.Wo 0 0.00/0 0 0.0% 14,167

SBSdwl 0 0.0% 0 0.000 -- 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 9,940 0.000 SBSmc1 0r.m- 0 O.OO/o 0 O,O% 7 O,O% 1,313 O,OO/o SBSmm 0 O.P/o 0 0,000 0 0.000-- 64,619 0.1% SBSu59 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 1,169 0.0% Northern Thompson Upland Sum 7,020 0.7% 185 0.0% 22,842 2.3% 30,047 3.0% 1,010,670 1.1% Northwestern Cascade Ranges AT 0 0.0% 0 0.00/0 0 0.00/0 0 0.0% 605 0.0% CWHdm 894 5.896 0 0.000 41 0.3% 935 6.1% 15,409 0.0% CWHmsl 0 0.000 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 5,277 0.000 CWHvm2 510 6.8% 0 0.0% 909 12.2% 1.419 19.000 7,459 0.0% MHmml 397 12.0% 0 0.0% 1,005 30.3% 1,402 42.2% 3,322 0.000 MHmm2 0 0.000 0 0.0% 0 0.00/0 0 0.0% 3,559 0,000 MHmmpl 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.000 0 0.090 155 0.0% MHmmp2 0 0.000 0 O.Oe/o 0 0.000 0 0.0% 716 0,000 Northwestern Cascade Ranges Sum 1,801 4.W0 0 0.00/0 1,955 5.4% 3,756 10.300 36,502 0,000 Okanagan Range ATdcp 12 3.240 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 12 3.2% 373 0.0% ATp 0 0.0% 0 0.000 0 O.G% 0 0.0% 6,457 0.0% ATXCP 6,717 76.8% 0 0.000 0 O.OO/o 6,717 76.8% 8,749 0.000 BGxh 1 0 O.P? 0 0.0% 0 0.000 0 0.000 12,331 0.00o BGxwl 0 0,000 0 0.0% 0 0,000 0 0.0% 148 0.0% ESSFdc2 6,142 28.9% 0 0.0% 0 0.000 6,142 28.9% 21,234 0.000 94/03/09 Ecosection by BEC Variant Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 18 of 27 94/03/09 Ecosection by BEC Variant Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 19 of 27

ESSFmv4 0 0.000 0 0.0% 561 0.4% 561 0.4% 136,540 0.1% ESSFwk2 0 0.000 0 0.0%- 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 135,163 0.1% LAKE 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 O.OO/o 0 0.000 30,985 0.0% SBSwk2 0 0.0070 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.000 47,439 0.1% Peace Foothills Sum 0 0.0% 0 O.OYO 1,080 0.2% 1,080 0.2% 665,897 0.7% Peace Lowland BWBSmwl 318 0.0% 0 0.0% 1,495 0.2% 1,813 0.2% 918.126 1.0?/0 ESSFmv2 0 0.00/0 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1,212 0.0% Peace Lowland Sum 1.0% -- - 318 0.0% 0 0.000 1,493 0.2%- 1,813 0.2% 919,338 Petitot Plain BWBSmw2 o 0.m1 o 0.000 311,513r49.3%r 311,513 49.3% 631,868 0.7% Petitot Plain Sum 0 0.0% 0 0.00/0 31 1,513 49.3% 31 1,513 49.3'/0 631,868 0.7% Queen Charlotte Lowland CWHwh2 0 0.0% 0 0,000 0 0.000 0 0.0% 53 0.0070 CWHwh1 68,342 21.2% 0 0.0% 2,893 0.9% 71,235 22.1% 322,389 0.3% LAKE 847 46.2% 0 0.000 0 0.000 847 46.2% 1,834 0.090 Queen Charlotte Lowland Sum 69,189 21.3% 0 0.000 2,893 0.9% 72,082 22.2% 324.276 0.3% Queen Charlotte Straight CWHvh 1 0 0,000 0 O.OO/o 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 15,749 0.000 CWHVM 89 100.0% 0 0.000 0 0.0% 89 100.0% 89 0.0% CWHvm 1 99 0.9% 0 0.090 0 0,0070 99 0.9% 11,036 0.090 Queen Charlotte Straight Sum 188 0.7% 0 0,0510 0 0.000 188 0.700 26.874 0.0% Quesnel Highlands AT 75 0.1% 342 0.600 599 1.1% 1,016 1.9% 52,975 0.1% ATWCP 7,678 95.4% 0 0.000 0 0.Wo 7,678 95.4% 8,045 0.0% ESSFWC~ 29,939 20.0510 1,250 0.8% 2,373 1.6% 33,562 22.4% 149,763 0.2% 94/03/09 Ecosection by BEC Variant Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 20 of 27 94/03/05 Ecosection by BEC Variant Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 2 1 of 27

ATdcp 0 0.0% 0 0.0?/0 2,697 41.5% 2,697 41.5% 6,495 0.09'0 ATdvp 0 0.0% 4.288 2.80/0 44,641 29.3% 48,929 32.1% 152,520 0.2% ATmwp 0 0.0% 9.641 13.9% 1,782 2.6% 11,423 16.5% 69,211 0.1% ATxcp 0 0.0% 0 0.003 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 5,612 0.0% ESSFdv 0 0.0% 2,882 2.8% 15,476 15.0% 18,358 17.8% 103.187 0.1% 94/03/09 Ecosection by BEC Variant Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 22 of 27

IDFxhl 0 0.0Y0 0 0~6% 0 0.00/0 8,699 O.Wo PPxh 1 434 1.6% 0 0.000 0 0.OYo 434 1.6% 27,806 0.003 Southern Okanagan Basin Sum 1,151 l.8Y0 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1,151 1.8% 62,755 0.1% Southern Okanagan Highland ICHmkl 0 0.0"/0 0 0.Wo 0 0.0‘/0 0 O.Wo 3,426 0,000 lDFdm 1 0 0.000 0 0.OYo 0 0.0% 0 0.Wo 13,634 0.0% IDFxhl 0 0.000 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 23,233 0.0Yo PPdhl 0 0.000 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 13,674 0.0% PPxh 1 0 0.003'0 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 42 0.Wo Southern Okanagan Highland Sum 0 O.O'?/O 0 0.0% 0 O.Wo 0 0.0% 54,009 0.1% 94/03/09 Ecosection by BEC Variant Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 23 of 27 94/03/09 Ecosection by BEC Variant Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 24 of 27

CWHmml 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.000 1,380 0.0% CWHxm 1 102 0.2% 0 0.0% 6,534 15.6% 6,636 15.8% 41,997 0.OOh CWHxm2 0 0.000 0 0.0% 0 0.00/0 0 0.0% 20,017 0.0?/0 LAKE 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 55 4.8% 55 4.8% 1,144 0.000 Strait of Georgia Sum 1,985 1.4% 0 0.000 6,589 4.7% 8,574 6.1Y0 141,282 0.1% Taglsh Highland AT 12,845 4.8Y0 17,617 6.6% 54,783 20,6Y0 85,245 32.1% 265,641 0.3% BWBS 0 0,OOh 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 3,388 0.0% BWBSdk 1 41 2.1% 0 0.0% 1,101 56.4% 1,142 58.5% 1.953 0.R ESSFwv 4,550 10.7% 5,212 12.2% 5,571 13.0% 15,333 35.9% 42.699 0.0% 94/03/09 Ecosection by BEC Variant Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 25 of 27 94/03/09 Ecosection by BEC Variant Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 26 of 27 94/03/09 Ecosection by BEC Variant Summary for BC Protected Areas Strategy Page 27 of 27 94/03/09 Protected Area Summaries for BC Protected Area Strategy Page 1 of 30

Drizzle Lake ECO-RES Queen Charlotte Lowland LAKE 92 East Redonda Island ECO-RES Outer Fiordland CWH dm 2.710 East Redonda Island ECO-RES Outer Fiordland CWH vm 1 1,224 94/03/09 Protected Area Summaries for BC Protected Area Strategy Page 2 of 30

-- - Skwaha Lake- ECO-RES Pavilion Ranges %SF xc 360 Skwaha Lake ECO-RES Pavilion Ranges IDF dk 1 275 Skwaha Lake ECO-RES Pavilion Ranges MS xk 280 94/03/09 Protected Area Summaries for BC Protected Area Strategy Page 3 of 30

Williams Creek

Glacier NP Eastern Purcell Mountains AT P 5,057 Glacier NP Northern Columbia Mountains AT P 69,564 Glacier NP Northern Columbia Mountains ESSF vc 14,376 Glacier NP Northern Columbia Mountains ESSF wc 4 15,647 Glacier NP Eastern Purcell Mountains ESSF wm 1264 Glacier NP Northern Columbia Mountains ESSF wm 7,126 Glacier NP Northern Columbia Mountains ICH mw 1 4,845 Glacier NP Northern Columbia Mountains ICH wk 1 17,709 Kooteney NP Southern Park Ran ges AT -- 1 1,403 Kooteney NP Southern Park Ranges 32,807 -Kooteney NP Southern Park Ranges ESSF dk 64.7 1 1 94/03/09 Protected Area Summaries for BC Protected Area Strategy Page 4 of 30

P.A. BEC Protected Area Name Type Ecosec tion Zone Sub V Hectares Kooteney NP East Kootenay Trench IDF dm 2 347

Atlin PARK-A Boundary Ranges SBS 30. Atlin PARK-A Teslin Plateau SBS 180- Atlin PARK-A Tagish Highland SBS 1,077 Atlin PARK-A Tahltan Highland SBS 13,230. Atlin PARK-A Teslin Plateau SWB 16,913- 94/03/09 Protected Area Summaries for BC Protected Area Strategy Page 5 of 30

Botanical Beach PARK-A Windward Island Mountains CWH vh 1 239 Bowron Lake PARK-A Northern Columbia Mountains AT 14,770 Bowron Lake PARK-A Northern Columbia Mountains ESSF wc 3 23.260

Bowron Lake --PARK-A - Quesnel Highlands ESSF wc 3 117 Bowron Lake PARK-A Bowron Valley ESSF wk 1 864 Bowron Lake PARK-A Northern Columbia Mountains ESSF wk 1 2 1,542 Bowron Lake PARK-A Quesnel Highlands ESSF wk 1 1A05 Bowron Lake PARK-A Quesnel Highlands ICH mk 3 4,686 Bowron Lake PARK-A Northern Columbia Mountains ICH wk 4 16.367 Bowron Lake PARK-A Quesnel Highlands ICH wk 4 5,253 Bowron Lake PARKA Bowron Valley SBS wk 1 18,588

Carmanah Pacific 94/03/09 Protected Area Summaries for BC Protected Area Strategy Page 6 of 30

Dahl Lake PARK-A Nechako Lowland SBS dw 3 1,033 Darke Lake PARK-A Southern Thompson Upland IDF dk 2 1,330 Darke Lake PARK-A Northern Okanagan Basin IDF xh 1 38 Desolation Sound Marine PARK-A Northern Pacific Ranges CWH dm 18 Desolation Sound Marine PARK-A Outer Fiordland CWH dm 31 Desolation Sound Marine PARK-A Southern Pacific Ranges CWH dm 136 Desolation Sound Marine PARK-A Georgia Lowland CWH dm 2,165 Desolation Sound Marine PARK-A Northern Pacific Ranges CWH vm 1 11 Desolation Sound Marine PARK-A Northern Pacific Ranges CWH vm 2 30 Desolation Sound Marine PARK-A Southern Pacific Ranges CWH vm 2 38

EC Manning PARK-A Leeward Pacific Ranges LAKE 100 EC Manning PARK-A 10kanagan Range MS dm 2 5,599 Elk Falls PARK-A Nanaimo Lowlands CWH xm 1 1,022 Elk Falls PARK-A Nanaimo Lowlands LAKE 121 Elk Lakes PARK-A Border Ranges AT P 3,666 Elk Lakes PARK-A Southern Park Ranges AT P 89 Elk Lakes PARK-A Border Ranges ESSF dk 2,139 Eneas Lake PARK-A Southern Thompson Upland IDF dk 2 13 Eneas Lake PARK-A Southern Thompson Upland MS dm 2 1,017 Eskers PARK-A Nechako Lowland SBS dw 3 1A81 Garibaldi PARK-A Eastern Pacific Ranges AT 5 1,895 Garibaldi PARK-A Southern Pacific Ranges AT 7,790 94/03/09 Protected Area Summaries for BC Protected Area Strategy Page 7 of 30 94/03/09 Protected Area Summaries for BC Protected Area Strategy Page 8 of 30 94/03/09 Protected Area Summaries for BC Protected Area Strategy Page 9 of 30 94/03/09 Protected Area Summaries for BC Protected Area Strategy Page 10 of 30

uthern Columbia Mountains

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Muskwa Foothills

Hutchison Creek PAS - 3 Selkirk Foothills ICH mw 2 2,616 Hutchison Creek PAS - 3 Selkirk Foothills LAKE 3,579 Indian Arm PAS - 3 Southern Pacific Ranges CWH vm 1 3,254

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issinchinka Ra 94/03/09 Protected Area Summaries for BC Protected Area Strategy Page 20 of 30

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Nanika / Kidprice Lakes PAS - 4 Kitimat Ranges AT 9,825 Nanika / Kidprice Lakes PAS - 4 Kitimat Ranges CWH ws 2 5,932 Nanika / Kidprice Lakes PAS - 4 Nechacko Upland ESSF mc 3,771 Nanika / Kidprice Lakes PAS - 4 Nechacko Upland ESSF mk 20,672 Nanika / Kidprice Lakes PAS - 4 Kitimat Ranges ESSF mk 10,248 Nanika / Kidprice Lakes PAS - 4 Kitimat Ranges MH mm 2 954 Nanika / Kidprice Lakes PAS - 4 Nechacko Upland SBS mc 2 4,027 Obo / Johiah Lakes PAS-4 =es AT 36,752 Obo / Johiah Lakes PAS - 4 Cassiar Ranges SWB mk 18,589 Paradise Lake PAS - 4 Southern Thompson Upland MS xk 246 Premier Ranae PAS - 4 Northern Columbia Mountains AT D 32.738 94/03/09 Protected Area Summaries for BC Protected Area Strategy Page 26 of 30 94/03/09 Protected Area Summaries for BC Protected Area Strategy Page 27 of 30

Leeward Pacific Ra

Joffre Lakes RESERV Leeward Pacific Ranges AT mwp 47 Joffre Lakes RESERV Eastern Pacific Ranges CWH ms 1 80 Joffre Lakes RESERV Eastern Pacific Ranges LAKE 33 94/03/09 Protected Area Summaries for BC Protected Area Strategy Page 28 of 30 94/03/09 Protected Area Summaries for BC Protected Area Strategy Page 29 of 30 94/03/09 Protected Area Summaries for BC Protected Area Strategy Page 30 of 30