B”H The Shul weekly magazine Weekly Magazine Sponsored By Mr. & Mrs. Martin (OBM) and Ethel Sirotkin and Dr. & Mrs. Shmuel and Evelyn Katz

Shabbos Parshas Yisro Shevat 21 -22 February 17 - 18 CANDLE LIGHTING: 5:58 PM SHABBOS ENDS: 6:51 PM Chof Beis Shevat - Yahrzeit of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka obm

The Shul welcomes Rabbi Shaul Leiter - founder of Ascent -Tzfat Over Tirty Six Years of Serving the Communities of Bal Harbour, Bay Harbor Islands, Indian Creek and Surfside 9540 Collins Avenue, Surfside, Fl 33154 Tel: 305.868.1411 Fax: 305.861.2426 www.TeShul.org Email: [email protected] The Shul Weekly Magazine Everything you need for every day of the week

Contents Nachas At A Glance

Weekly Message 3 Thoughts on the Parsha from Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar Aleph Wondergirls programs are well attended and super exciting. The girls learn, do crafts and Celebrating Shabbos Schedules, classes, articles and more... Everything you 4 - 5 on special occasions they meet at need for an “Over the Top” Shabbos experience Publix to do mivtzoim Community Happenings 6 - 7 Sharing with your Shul Family A Time to Pray Check out all the davening schedules and locations 8 throughout the week Inspiration, Insights & Ideas 9 -17 Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE

Meyer Youth Center 18 The full scoop on all the Youth events around town Get The Picture The full scoop on all the great events around town 19 - 26 In a woman’s world Issues of relevance to the Jewish woman 27

French Connection Refexions sur la Paracha 28

Latin Link Refexion Semanal 29

Networking Effective Advertising 30-32 Numbers To Know Mazal Tov to the Shapiro family who began Contacts at The Shul 33 writing a Sefer Torah to be donated to Aleph, in Daily Study honor of their husband and father, Captain Dov A complete guide to all classes and courses offered at 34 Shapiro MD. obm The Shul

Get The Picture 35 - 36 The full scoop on all the great events around town

Quotable Quote Among the religions of the world there are various customs, and they do not all gather in the same house [of worship]. We, however, have but one G-d, one Torah, one law, one Kohen Gadol and one Sanctuary; yet you, two hundred and ffty men, all desire the High Priesthood! I, too, desire it!

– Moses to Korach and his followers Thoughts on the Parshah from Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar

Shabbos Parshas Yisro is made in G-d's image, anything that one does wrong to man is also something that is a negative to Almighty G-d. n this Torah portion Hurting, embarrassing or otherwise demeaning another "Yisro" we learn human being is not merely doing something wrong to I and experience the another creature but vicariously doing so to G-d. centerpoint of the entire Torah, the Revelation at The Torah teaches us that every one of our acts directly Sinai and G-d's transmission impacts our relationship with G-d. It is not only that we of the Torah beginning are better, finer or more civilized humans when we live with the Decalogue. It is by the Torah (which is also true) but it is our allegience to understandably the most Almighty G-d that we fulfill His commandments. significant part of our evolution into G-d's chosen This also answers why the 10 commandments include Jewish Nation as we not laws that are extremely acceptable and rational which only received the Torah but we could have determined even without G-d commanding experienced G-dliness in them at Sinai (as the Talmud relates we would learn not the most revealed manner, became formal, legal Jews by to steal from ants as well as the other rational laws of our mass conversion at Sinai and were privy to G-d saying civilization). The Torah emphasizes that the reason we the most endearing and extraordinary expressions of His must obey laws that are basically rational and acceptable love for His children the Jewish people as His Chosen from a human point of you is not because they make sense People. but because Almighty G-d commanded so. Every one of our acts is not only an act for or against man but for or The portion concludes with a very interesting law that against Almighty G-d. This acceptance fortifies the first states "you shall not ascend to my altar on steps so that of the 10 commandments (that according to all opinions your nakedness not be exposed over it". This was the the we heard directly from Hashem) to serve and accept the directive to build a ramp rather than steps to go up to the One who is omnipotent, omnipresent and the source and altar to offer the sacrifices. origin of our lives. If we impact and impart to our children the centrality of G-d in every aspect of our lives, it makes Rashi, the classic commentary of the Torah, explains everything stronger, better, holier and safer as we all want that this particular mitzvah teaches us a very important to be connected to the Source of life. lesson. Even stones which are inanimate objects should be treated with respect as when one goes up stairs his This Shabbos is also the yahrzeit of Rebbetzin Chaya stride is elongated and when stretching the legs more of Mushka obm who passed on 29 years ago and left us an his body is exposed, whereas with a ramp a person can incredible example of the Jewish woman's royalty and take small and controlled steps so as not to have a wide dignity in every aspect of her life, and in particular her separation of the legs. A fortiori one must be careful never extraordinary relationship and support of the and to embarrass our fellow man as he is created in the image his commitment to the Jewish people literally 24/7. May of G-d and therefore one should respect and not shame she be a good beseecher on behalf of all of us in the him. heavenly realms for all good materially and spiritually.

It seems quite surprising that in this extremely central Have a great Shabbos and a successful week Torah portion that contains the loftiest experiences and laws of Jewishness, we should conclude with a seemingly simple commandment that is only relevant during the time when the Temple was standing.

It is in the concept of this particular rule that we learn a Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar vital lesson in our relationship to G-d and Torah. Since man

3 Celebrating Shabbos with our Youth Everything you need for an “Over the Top” Shabbos experience Weekly Riddle

Morah Malkie’s Elisheva Adouth's Tot Shabbat Aleph Wonder Girls Ages: 1 - 4 Grades: 1 - 3 11:00 am - 12:00 pm 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Questions: 1) Besides Parshas Yisro, which other weekly parsha are named after an Montessori Classrooom 2 individual who is not descended from Avraham? classrooom 2 2) Name two people in the Torah - one male, one female, one Jewish, one not - who have similar names that mean the same. One of the people is in this parsha.

3) In what context does this parsha include a command involving clothing? Tehila's Basya's Pre Tween Girls Tween Girls Answers from last week: Grades: 4 - 5 Grades: 6 - 8 1) The dwellers of Pleshes (Philistines), Edom, Moab and Canaan are mentioned in the Song of the Sea (Exodus 15:14-15). 10:00 am - 12:00 pm 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Classrooom 4 2) Moshe raised his staff over the water to split the sea (Exodus 14:16). (The verse does not mention the staff when the sea came together.) Moshe used his staff to hit the rock and bring forth water (Exodus 17:5). When Moshe went up the hill during the war with Amalek, he took along his staff (Exodus 17:5, 7).

3) Based on the verse which refers to manna with the expression Mendy's "lechem min hashamayim" (Exodus 16:4), one could say the blessing Sholom's Hebrew School of "hamotzi lechem min hashamayim" - "Who brings forth bread from Junior Boys the heavens." Grades: 4th - 8th Grades: 1 - 4 10:00 am - 12:00 pm RIDDLE RULES 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Answers to the riddles can be given to Sholom Classroom 1 Loebenstein any time over Shabbos. The first child to give a correct answer to each of the questions will win an INSTANT prize!

Shaykee’s Debbie’s Shmuely's Davening With Dad Teen Girls Teen Boys Grades: 9th - 12th Grades: 7th - 8th Grades: 9th - 12th 10:30 am - 12:00 pm 10:30 am - 12:00 pm 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Teen Girls Room Montessori 3 Haime Library

4 Celebrating Shabbos Everything you need for an “Over the Top” Shabbos experience

Kiddush This Week: Kiddush this week is sponsored by Mr. Moish and Dr. Judy Tuchman Shabbos Schedule in loving memory of Moish's mother, Mindel bas Levi Yitzchok,obm. May her neshama have an aliya. Candle lighting 5:58 p.m. Mincha / Kabbalas Shabbos 6:00 p.m. Shalosh Seudos This Week: Shabbos Day Hashkama Minyan 7:15 a.m. Shalosh Seudos this week is available for sponsorship. / 8:50 a.m. Shacharis (Morning Services) 9:00 a.m. Children’s Programs 10:00 a.m. Upstairs Minyan 10:30 a.m. 30 Minutes of Tanya: Classroom #1 +/- 12:00 p.m. the caterer for this week’s With Mrs. Vivian Perez (for Women) After Davening kiddush and Shalosh seudos is Kiddush 12:00 p.m. Daf Yomi 5:00 p.m. Food Art Men’s Shiur 5:00 p.m. Women's Shiur 5:00 p.m. kiddushim at The Shul Shalosh Seudos for Boys 5:00 p.m. Please help us to provide our weekly Shabbos Kiddush and Mincha 5:45 p.m. Shalosh Seudos by becoming a sponsor. Or join the Kiddush Bank Shabbos Ends / Ma’ariv & Havdalah 6:51 p.m. by becoming a Partner ($770 annually ) or Patron ($360 anually) Weekly Video of The Rebbe Father & Son Learning 7:45 p.m.

Sephardic Minyan Friday Evening Mincha / Kabbalat Shabbat 5:45 p.m.

Shabbat Day Shacharit 9:00 a.m. The following dates are available for sponsorship: Mincha 5:45 p.m. Shabbos Ends / Arvit & Havdalah 6:51 p.m. Kiddush Shalosh Seudos February 25 February 18, 25

If you wish to become a sponsor, please speak with Stacy at 305-868-1411 ext 313 or email [email protected]

Lighting 6:02 p.m. Mincha 6:05 p.m.

Eruv Information We would like to emphasize that every Erev Shabbos, individuals should call the Eruv Hotline to make sure that the Eruv is operational. The number to call is 305- 866-ERUV (3788). The Eruv message is recorded approximately two hours prior to candle lighting. Surfside: The Eruv in Surfside now includes the walking paths along the beach. Pushing strollers and carrying is permitted on the paths, but not beyond the path or onto the beach. Bal Harbour: The Eruv in Bal Harbour included the inner (western) walking path only. The pier at Haulover Cut is not included.

To pay your annual dues visit: www.miamibeacheruv.com 5 Community Happenings Sharing with your Shul Family

Birthdays Yahrtzeits 22 Shevat Mr. Shimon Litchkowski 22 Shevat Henry obm 22 Shevat Mrs. Raizel Marrus Husband of Ms. Nina Mack 22 Shevat Mr. Jordan Alexander Mondshine 22 Shevat Sholom obm 22 Shevat Rabbi Shea Rubinstein Husband of Ms. Reine Fiss 22 Shevat Ms. Pearl Schneider 23 Shevat Abraham ben Sender obm 22 Shevat Ms. Daniella Sredni 23 Shevat Mrs. Chaya Camissar Father of Mrs. Rosita Boruchin 23 Shevat Mr. Barry Cohen 23 Shevat Eliyahu ben Mordechai obm 23 Shevat Mr. Morris Mendal Father of Mrs. Bahee Salver 23 Shevat Ms. Chaya Tzivia Schneider 24 Shevat David ben Isaac obm 24 Shevat Mrs. Eva Saka Father-in-law of Mrs. Rosita Boruchin 24 Shevat Rabbi Simeon Schreiber 25 Shevat Leah Rapaport obm 25 Shevat Mrs. Chaya Alperovitz Sister-in-law of Mrs. Rosalind Spodek 25 Shevat Mrs. Gilda Azout 25 Shevat Liba bas Shmuel obm 25 Shevat Mr. Daniel Erez Furman Mother of Mrs. Bluma Schneider 25 Shevat Ms. Shoshana Greenberg 25 Shevat Mindel bas Levi Yitzchok obm 25 Shevat Mrs. Stephanie Levy Mother of Mr. Morris Tuchman 26 Shevat Mr. Jassi Lekach 25 Shevat Moshe obm 26 Shevat Mr. Sanford Musikar 26 Shevat Mrs. Rose Schreiber Father of Mr. Salomon Wahnich 26 Shevat Mrs. Sulamita Simkovicius 25 Shevat Sore Kjuze bas Tzvi Aharon obm 26 Shevat Ms. Alessandra Stivelman Wife of Mr. Salomon Juroviesky 27 Shevat Ms. Eliana Mandel 26 Shevat Chaim Yaakov Shlomo ben Mordechai obm 27 Shevat Mr. Jose Yankelevitch Father of Mr. Matias Garfunkel 28 Shevat Mrs. Dina Gottlieb 26 Shevat Yehoshuah Aryeh ben Avraham Shmuel obm 28 Shevat Mr. David Lekach Father of Mr. Sanford Musikar 28 Shevat Mr. Isaac Lekach 27 Shevat Shimon Tzvi ben Samuel obm 28 Shevat Ms. Leora Saka Brother of Mrs. Beverley Schottenstein 28 Shevat Mrs. Gloria Sterental 28 Shevat Dov ben Mordechai obm Father of Mrs. Pauline R. Kopelman Kid’s Birthdays 28 Shevat Josef ben Moshe obm 22 Shevat Chaya Mushkah Lipskar Father of Mrs. Cipora Fraiman 23 Shevat Rafael Roller 28 Shevat Tzvi Hirsh obm 24 Shevat Jacob Bronfeld Father of Mr. Marc Olesky 24 Shevat Yechida Slomianski 28 Shevat Zilpa bas Yehuda obm 25 Shevat Yan Kessous Mother-in-law of Ms. Lydia Hasson 26 Shevat Melanie Benlolo 26 Shevat Caleb Schwartz 27 Shevat Avraham Yaakov Katz 27 Shevat Dov Shapiro Learning with The Bochurim 28 Shevat Juan Garfunkel 28 Shevat Jacob Izak If you are interested in having your child learn with one of our bochurim, or if you would like to arrange Anniversaries Mr. & Mrs. Eli & Channa Solaimanzadeh a lunch and learn in your office, Mr. & Ms. Moshe & Judie Weinbach Please contact Rabbi Shaykee Farkash Rabbi & Mrs. Baruch & Teri Knight [email protected]

6 Community Happenings Sharing with your Shul Family

Shevat Light & Power Thanks To Our Donors Light & Power and Wine for Kiddush & Havdalah for We sincerely thank the following members and supporters of The Shul the month of Shevat is Kindly Sponsored by for donations received between 02/07/17 and 02/16/17 We apologize for any errors or omissions that we may have made. 1st Merchant Funding, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ohayon David Wolf, Jeffrey Wolf, Joey Givner, Isaac Salver, Mrs. Zina Abraham Ms. Joelle Oiknine Steven Dunn, Steven Schmutter, Eli Ginsburg, Anonymous Mr. & Dr. Hersh Yitzchok Reich Alberto Camhi, Bruce Gelb and Sam Greenwald. Anonymous Ms. Golda Retchkiman Ms. Dorit Basal Mrs. Elaine Ross “Those who establish Synagogues for prayer and those who come there to Mr. & Mrs. Laurent Becker Mr. Andrew Roth pray, those who provide lights for illumination, wine and grape juice for kiddush Mr. & Mrs. Baruk Benamran Mr. & Mrs. Uri Rotlewicz-Spiwak and havdalah, food for the wayfarers and charity for the needy, and all those who Mr. & Mrs. Avi Bitton Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Rottenstein occupy themselves faithfully with communal affairs - may The Holy One, blessed Mr. & Mrs. Salomon Btesh Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Schonberger be He, give them their reward, remove them from all sicknesses, heal their entire Mr. Dov Chiche Mr. & Mrs. David Schottenstein body, pardon all their sins, and send blessing and success to all their endeavors, Mr. Daniel Cohen Mr. & Mrs. David Schwartz together with all Israel their brethren; and let us say Amen.” Mr. & Mrs. Alberto Colonomos Mr. & Mrs. Fred Shainbaum Ms. Liv-Tiferet De Vitton Mrs. Jayne Shapiro Refuah Shleimah Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Shapiro If you have a health update on anyone listed please contact The Shul. We would like to keep the listing current and remove names of people who have recovered. Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Finkel Mr. & Mrs. Zalman Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. Gustavo Galagovsky Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Sisisky MEN WOMEN Mr. Daniel Gielchinsky Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sragowicz Sholom Meir ben Pearl Leah Rochel bat Sarah Mr. & Mrs. Moises Gilinski Dr. & Mrs. John Sragowicz Michael Joseph ben Natalie Lee Miriam bat Risha Raizel Mr. & Ms. Saul Gilinski Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sragowicz Gabriel ben Esther Dana Ella bas Devorah Hinde Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Groisman Teamms Foundation Inc. Eber Avraham ben Fruma Esther Chana bas Shoshana Dr. & Mrs. Horacio Groisman Mr. & Mrs. Teddy Toledano Shmuel ben Sarah Perl Shifra bas Chaya Mrs. Raquel Grosfeld Mr. & Mrs. Adam Weinberg Yosef ben Edwina Ilana bas Shaina Rochel Mr. & Mrs. Shaya Klein-Weberman Mr. & Mrs. Jacky Yerushalmy Avrohom ben Feigel Chava bas Elka Menucha Rabbi & Rebbetzin Mrs. Osnat Zaken Mordechai David ben Esther Raizel Chaya bas Rachel Sholom D. Lipskar Mr. & Mrs. Allen Zemmol Yedidya Chaim Raphael ben Elana Fayge bas Chaya Yehuda ben Chaya Sara Miriam Leah bas Helen Shimon Yitzchak ben Leah Rochel Roi ben Orly Chaim Tzvi Hirsch ben Guttel community Notice Board Once again I'd like to personally thank Please Note The Shul Rabbis, Gabayim, Community, The North side parking lot and The Shul Guests, and my Family garage are closed on Shabbos and Yom Tov. for their immeasurable assistance Please do not open the barriers. and guidance in completing another 11 months of Kadish dedicated to elevating the soul of my Father Volunteers Needed Avraham Chaim Yisroel ben Yosef obm. After every Kiddush and event, The Shul donates the left over food to organizations or families in need. We are looking for volunteers to help collect and May we share only joyous occasions wrap the food. with Unity and Ahavat Yisrael If you would like to help please contact the to hasten the coming of Moshiach. Mashgiach, Mordechai Olesky after the Kiddush. Community service hours will be awarded. Ezzy Rappaport 7 A Time to Pray Davening schedules and locations throughout the week

Daily Learning Schedule at The Shul 6:20 -6:50 am Foundational Chassidic Discourse R’ Zalman Lipskar 7:45 am Daf Yomi R’ Dov Schochet 8:45 am (approx) Halacha Sephardic Custom R’ Shimshon Tzubeli 10:15 - 11:00 am Maamorim Maamor of the Rebbe R’ Shea Rubinstein

Shacharis Minyanim (mon - Fri) Sunday Shacharis Minyanim Main Minyan 6:50 7:30 9:00 Main Minyan 8:00 am 9:00 am Sephardic Minyan 8:00 Sephardic Minyan 9:00 am

Daily Chumash & Tanya after every Minyan Sunday Mincha /Maariv mincha / Maariv Minyanim (mon - Thurs) Minyanim Main Minyan 2:00 pm Early Mincha 6:05 pm 10:00 pm Main Minyan 6:05 pm Sephardic Minyan 6:05 pm Following Late Maariv 10:00 pm

Evening Kolel Schedule - Monday and Thursday 8:45 -9:30 pm Mon & Thurs 8:45 - 10:00 pm Evening Community Kolel Chavrusah

To our beloved Soldiers in the Israeli Defense Forces, Halachic Times courageously protecting and defending Eretz Yisroel. We pray Based on times for February 22 for you and all of the soldiers safety and well being daily. Dan Shlomo ben Eliyahu Benyamin Aharon Ben Jeniya Gila Rut Alot Hashachar / Dawn 5:38 am Jonathan ben Aliza Sher Earliest Talit & Tefllin 6:09 am Michael Shmuel ben Eliezer Eliyahu Netz Hachamah / Sunrise 6:50 am Amir Herzel ben Dvora Dorry (Earliest Amidah) Eitan Gabriel Ben Karine Cecile Latest Shema 9:40 am Zman Tfllah 10:38 am Chatzot / Midday 12:34 pm Earliest Mincha 1:04 pm Plag HaMincha 5:10 pm Shekiah / Sunset 6:19 pm (preferable latest time for Mincha) Tzeit Hakochavim / Nightfall 6:42 pm (Earliest preferable Ma’ariv)

Times taken from www..org Please note that during the week times may vary by a minute or two. If anyone would like to send us the name of a soldier in the IDF we would love to add them. 8 Inspiration, Insights & Ideas Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE! Hayom Yom In the winter of 1942, the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Y. Schneersohn, of righteous memory, gave his son- in-law, the future Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory, the task of compiling an anthology of Chasidic aphorisms and customs arranged according to the days of the year. The calendar was entitled Hayom Yom. In describing this work Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak wrote: …”A book that is small in format…but bursting with pearls and diamonds of choicest quality.” “A splendid palace of Chasidism.” True to these words, Hayom Yom has become a beloved classic work and a source of daily spiritual sustenance. Friday - Shevat 21 in a refective way (responding to the other's It is the duty of Chassidic wives and daughters affection). It knows no barriers and transcends (may they live and be well) to stand in the frst the limits of time and place. rank of every activity dedicated to strengthening religion and Judaism in general, particularly Thursday - Shevat 27 My father writes in one of his : Early concerning taharat hamishpacha. They must chassidim resolved in their souls to refrain from organize a Society of Chassidic Daughters to anything that is permissible (by Torah law) but reinforce all the chassidic practices concerning for which they felt a desire and urge. This breaks upbringing and education of children - as the passion. prevalent from time immemorial in chassidic homes. Friday - Shevat 28 Shabbos - Shevat 22 One of the Baal Shem Tov's teachings: There are two sorts of statutes: a) statutes that create life, and b) statutes created by life. "When you see chamor, a donkey" - when you Human laws are created by life so they vary carefully examine your chomer ("materiality"), from land to land according to circumstances. your body, you will see... The A-lmighty's Torah is a G-dly law that creates life. G-d's Torah is the Torah of truth, the same in ..."your enemy" - meaning, that your chomer If you only knew - The Tzemach Tzedek said - the all places, at all times. Torah is eternal. hates your Divine soul that longs for G-dliness power of verses of Tehillim and their effect in and the spiritual, and furthermore, you will see Sunday - Shevat 23 the highest Heavens, you would recite them that it is... Once, as the Alter Rebbe stepped out of his constantly. Know that the chapters of Tehillim room, he overheard his wife remarking to shatter all barriers, they ascend higher and still ..."lying under its burden" placed upon it - (the several women, "Mine says..." higher with no interference; they prostrate body) by G-d, namely, that it should become themselves in supplication before the Master of refned through Torah and mitzvot; but the body The Rebbe said: "With one mitzva I am yours; all worlds, and they effect and accomplish with is lazy to fulfll them. It may then occur to you with how many are we G-d's!" With these kindness and compassion. that... words he fell onto the doorpost in dveikut. On "awakening" from the dveikut he said: "Go out Tuesday - Shevat 25 ..."you will refrain from helping it" - to enable it and see" - to step out of self and perceive the Studying a parsha of Chumash with Rashi every to fulfll its mission, and instead you will follow Divine, comes from (the following words in that day (Sunday until Sheini, Monday until Shlishi, the path of mortifcation2 of the fesh to break verse) "daughters of Zion," Malchut arousing etc.), saying Tehillim every day and the entire down the body's crass materiality. However, not z'a. The Future will bring the fulfllment of "A Tehillim on Shabbat m'varchim - be scrupulous in this approach will the light of Torah reside. valorous woman is her husband's crown." about all of these. It is crucial for you, for your Rather... children and your children's children. ..."you must aid it" - purify the body, refne it, but Monday - Shevat 24 do not break it by mortifcation. "The people saw and moved." Simply perceiving Wednesday - Shevat 26 Ahava, affection, is the breath of life in the G-dhood caused the people to move, a Avoda of Chassidus. It is the thread that binds movement showing vitality, life. chassidim to each other, that binds Rebbe to chassidim and chassidim to Rebbe. Ahava works * * * in a direct way (initiated affection) and also

9 Inspiration, Insights & Ideas Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!

PARSHA MESSAGES Not in the Mood of Your the relationship was inherent and essential to their very chemistry. Man is an innately sacred Spouse? and Divine creature. "Even when you are not Sometimes the Deepest Romance in the mood of me," G-d was intimating, "our Can Emerge When You Have a relationship is as strong as ever. Act on it." Mountain Over Your Head By: Rabbi YY Jacobson Yet you may still think, "Fine, I will behave, but let's face it, the relationship is not happening. It is all but dead." A Doctor’s Advice The event at Sinai is viewed as the marriage woman accompanied her husband to the ceremony between G-d and the Jewish people. So G-d says “no.” By placing the mountain doctor's offce. Following her husband’s Imagine a groom, who on the day of his checkup, the doctor called the wife into on their heads at the moment of Revelation, A wedding, placed his bride under an elevator during the profoundest moment of intimacy his offce to speak with her privately. He said, and declared: "If you marry me, great; if not, "Your husband is suffering from a very severe between G-d and his people, G-d was saying the elevator will come down on your head." that a relationship inspired by the knowledge stress disorder. If you don't do the following, How enduring can such a relationship be? your husband will surely deteriorate and die." that this is the truth, though you may not feel Couldn't G-d have found a more "romantic" way it, is a genuine and authentic relationship. It is to convince the "bride" to marry Him? “Each morning," instructed the doctor, "fx him a a real union. Though there is no passion, when you behave in a moral and sacred fashion healthy breakfast. Be pleasant at all times. For What is even more puzzling is the fact that lunch make him a nutritious meal. For dinner knowing that this is who you really are, it is a according to the biblical narrative, the Jewish true bond. prepare an especially nice meal for him. Have people had already expressed their willingness the dinner waiting for him on the table, hot, to accept the Torah before this event. Why as he arrives home from work. Don't burden was it necessary for G-d to coerce them into Rocky Moments him with chores. Don't discuss your problems something they had already agreed upon? In the Jewish tradition, the marriage of each with him; it will only make his stress worse. No man and woman refects the cosmic marriage nagging is allowed. You must also compliment Let us present the explanation offered by one between G-d and His people. There are the days him at least fve-six times a day, telling him of the greatest spiritual masters of all time, the when we feel truly grateful for our spouses how brilliant and talented he is. And most Baal Shem Tov. and experience deep love towards them. At importantly, never disagree with him.” such times we crave to give of ourselves to our spouses and make their lives happier. Numb Days "If you can do this for the next 10 months to a There are days when we are emotionally in But at other times we become cold and year," the doctor said, "I think your husband will touch with our inner idealism, spirituality and regain his health completely." apathetic. We just want to do "our own G-dliness. At such times we are inspired to live thing" and simply are not in the mood of the deeply and to love deeply. On the way home, the husband asked his wife, relationship. "What did the doctor say?" But then come the days when we feel In the majority of cases, it would be a sad error estranged from our souls. We are emotionally "He said you're going to die," she replied. to act upon those feelings of detachment. For numb, experiencing ourselves merely as self- the Kabbalah teaches that a wife and husband centered and materialistic creatures seeking The Proposal are essentially "two halves of a single soul." At to satiate nothing more than our momentary their core, they are one. Thus, when a couple There is an enigmatic Talmudic passage cravings. We are simply not in the mood for our explaining a peculiar phrase in this week's enters into marriage, it needs to recall what higher, refned aspirations. G-d does not appeal G-d reminded us on the day of His marriage: portion, Yisro: "They (the Jewish people) stood to us. At such times of spiritual alienation, in the bottom of the (Sinai) mountain." Whether we are in the mood of each other or we often succumb to mundane and selfsh not, we are married and we are one. behavior. Since we feel disconnected, we act as What is the meaning of the words "in the though we are indeed disconnected. bottom of the mountain"? The Talmud explains Such a commitment could save many marriages that the Jews were actually standing inside when they encounter rocky times. After all, it This is a mistake. By G-d forcing the Jewish saved the marriage between G-d and the Jews. the mountain. "G-d enveloped them with the people to enter into the relationship— mountain as though it was an upturned vat, even though they had already agreed—He and He said to them: 'If you accept the Torah, demonstrated to them the truth that their fne; if not, this will be your burial place.'" relationship was not based on the fact that they were consciously passionate about it. Instead, 10 Inspiration, Insights & Ideas Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!

On An Eagle's Wings the G-d of Justice are one and the same. Every By Elly Krimsky mitzvah – both the do's and the don'ts – fnds its source from the same love, compassion and ou saw that which I did to Egypt; and I covenant that describes G-d as our perfect carried you on the wings of eagles and I benefactor. Our system of commandments bases Ybrought you to Me —Exodus 19:4. itself on our relationship with the Commander, with whom we have a previous relationship. Our Why did the Almighty choose the imagery of an sages describe Sinai as the wedding between eagle to describe His love for and providence G-d and the Jewish people. The custom of over us? After all, the eagle is not even a kosher escorting bride and groom to the chupah with bird. candles derives from the lightning "heard" Rashi's comment is perhaps most famous. "All at Sinai. The Talmudic suggestion6 that G-d other birds carry their young in their talons, out lifted Sinai over the head of the Jewish nation represents that marriage canopy, the chuppah of fear of a larger predator attacking them from returns it to its mother atop the mountain. "If My under which their marriage was effected. behind and above. The eagle, however, fears no timing was off," argues G-d, "the goat would die." other bird, only man. For this reason it carries We must remember, as we begin the more its young on its wings, reasoning that if it is Rabbi Blum understands the words, "and the legalistic parts of the Torah, that they must attacked by arrows, it would suffer the injury, not Children of Israel could not tarry" (Exodus not be seen devoid of that eagle imagery. Civil their young. When the Egyptians attacked the 12:39), mentioned in the context of the Exodus, law, which the Torah discusses immediately Jews at the Red Sea, G-d sent angels to situate as referring to a similar concept. The grand after describing the revelation at Sinai, stems themselves between the camp of Israel and the kabbalist the Arizal posits that G-d managed from a Divine ethic, a G-dly relationship, and a Egyptian camp, and the Divine clouds absorbed His time perfectly at the Exodus. Had He waited moral obligation based on the precedence of a the missiles and arrows." a second longer, the Israelites would have loving relationship. For this reason, posit many descended to the 50th level of impurity, at commentaries, G-d begins the Decalogue by The Chiddushei HaRim (Rabbi Yitzchak Meir which point they would have passed the point describing Himself as the one who took us out Alter, 1798-1866, the frst Rebbe of the of no return, and could not have been redeemed. of Egypt—reminding us of that bond, the loving Gur chassidic dynasty) interprets this idea Had they left a second earlier, He would not eagle who swoops us up in the nick of time, who homiletically. At the time of the splitting of have kept His word regarding the 400 years of loves us without stipulation and who would the Red Sea, the angels complained to G-d that exile. Rabbi Blum reasoned that G-d had to time rather suffer than infict pain on us. they (the Egyptians) were idolaters and they the Exodus perfectly, just as He times the eagle's (the Children of Israel) were idolaters. Why rescue of the mountain goat—which explains are You saving the latter and drowning the why G-d describes the Exodus as having carried former?" questioned the ministering angels. G-d us "on eagles' wings." answered, "Let the arrows pierce Me"; meaning, I am responsible for the answer to that question. These commentaries all teach us important I will justify why I have a special relationship lessons about our unique relationship with our with the seed of Abraham. Creator, both on individual and communal levels. Then you shall be My own treasure Rashi demonstrates G-d's physical protection of (segula) from among all the peoples While Rashi's interpretation stresses G-d's love us. The Chatam Sofer and the Chiddushei HaRm (Ex. 19:5) and protection, the Chatam Sofer (Rabbi Moshe describe G-d's unqualifed love for His beloved Sofer, 1762-1839, famed rabbi of Pressburg, nation, and fnally, Rabbi Blum's interpretation Slovakia) offers a view that focuses on the proves to us the miraculous nature of that The Hebrew word "segula" means a Children of Israel. The eagle possesses all four unqualifed love and Omnipotent protection. characteristic or trait, i.e., something symbols of non-kosher animals1 G-d therefore that does not depend on logic but is chose the eagle to express His unconditional Moses Nachmanides (1194-1270, eminent love for us, which extends to us even if we are biblical commentator), citing Onkelos (1st simply a "given" of nature. Similarly, mired in the depths of impurity. For this reason, century translator of the Bible), understands the G-d's love for the Jewish people has the verse ends, "And I have brought you to Me." latter part of the verse, "and I will bring you to no rational basis, and exists solely Me," as referring to Sinai. I saw another answer worth repeating. Rabbi because such was Mattis Blum cites a Talmudic passage which The revelation at Sinai represents the onset of His will to choose them. describes the cruelty of the yaaleh, the the legal and ritual relationship between the mountain goat. The Talmud relates that when Almighty and His special nation. G-d tells us that (Kadmonim) the mountain goat prepares to give birth, it we must never forget that the Commander, to ascends to the top of a mountain so its offspring whom we are responsible as Jews, is the same will fall and perish. G-d sends an eagle which One who carries us on eagle's wings. There's no catches the baby mountain goat on its wing and "good cop" and "bad cop." The G-d of Love and 11 Inspiration, Insights & Ideas Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!

these little kindergartners speak, there was a pride that title gave her. It was not faunted. She did not Chof Beis Shevat and power that they had when talking about her, seek special privileges or treatment. Rather, she Chaya'le, Mushka, Mussie... and it was immediately clear that this was a very was a very private and unassuming woman, never The Impact of Rebbetzin Chaya special woman. desiring to draw attention to herself. When she Mushka would identify who she was, it was always as "Mrs. These girls were of the frst of thousands of girls to Schneersohn from President Street." By Sara Esther Crispe be named after her. Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka had he year was 1994. I had recently moved to passed away the twenty second of the month of She would avoid shopping or going to public places. Crown Heights, Brooklyn after graduating the Hebrew month of Shevat, in 1988. It is understandable given the reputation and from college in San Diego, California. It was status that she had. Yet what is most fascinating, T I was awe struck. I had heard little of the "Rebbetzin," most powerful, was her reason for not going. Unlike quite a change for me, the geographical shift from as she was called, but clearly she was a woman the common situation where one would not want the beaches of La Jolla to the noise and cold of whose infuence and spirit permeated all who knew New York being the least of it. More so, I had left to deal with the attention and people pestering, her or knew of her. While I hadn't been fortunate for Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka the reason was quite my politically correct, and extremely liberal college enough to meet her in her life, I knew that my little environment to immerse myself in intensive Judaic the opposite. She didn't want to make other people group of Chaya Mushka's would be the beginning uncomfortable. She knew that people would want studies and try to get a glimpse of understanding of my learning process of discovering who she was into the life long question, "Who am I?" to please her and give her special attention, and and what she embodied. not only didn't she want or need that, she didn't Although spiritual knowledge was something I The frst thing I was shown was her picture. want anyone else to feel the need to attend to her. was seeking, eating was also one of my needs, so I Unquestionably, she was a very beautiful woman. Though she didn't want respect and immediately started to look for a job. I soon heard She was stunning. And yet, there was something that a woman was in need of a gymnastic teacher. acknowledgement, she most certainly received about her that was so graceful, so royal, so holy. It it. For all who knew her and knew of her, knew Having done gymnastics for years and coached spoke to me through the photograph as I stared at during college, I was thrilled to discover that how much she deserved the utmost treatment. her face and looked into her eyes. She embodied She allowed the Rebbe to be Rebbe--someone there was a small gym program being held in this the concept that is often attributed to her, Kol woman's basement for little fve year old Chassidic who infuenced and changed world Jewry on a Kevuda Bat Melech Penima, "All the honor of the scale that we cannot possibly measure. The Rebbe girls. I was ecstatic. Granted, it was not a gym like I daughter of the King is within." This is not to say was used to, but I knew I could improvise, and just was able to be who he was because of who the that externally she was not also beautiful, but that Rebbetzin truly was. wanted an opportunity to work with children and true beauty shines from within and illuminates all teach them the very things I loved so much. that is outside of itself. Furthermore, those who And while she endured the test of biological Little did I know who would be teaching whom. don't deserve honor often seek it. Those who are childlessness, she most certainly had and has truly honorable in the recesses of their souls, need countless children who consider her their mother My frst day teaching I was a bit nervous. I had nothing external to validate that. in so many ways. Not only those named in her never lived in an "Orthodox" community before and memory and honor, but the numerous educational was quite new to such a lifestyle. But having just The Rebbetzin did not have an easy life and yet she institutions around the world that proudly bear her spent a year in Israel and learning in there, was not known to complain about it. Being married name. It was known that when she would be asked I felt like I had a pretty good idea as to what I was to the Rebbe, the spiritual leader of hundreds of if she had any children, she would respond, "The in for, until I started roll call. thousands of Jews throughout the world, meant Chassidim are my children." Not only was this true that her husband did not belong to her alone. then, but in some ways it is even more true now. There were twelve girls registered in my class. I began to read the names: Mushka, Chaya Mushka, Sharing the man you love is never easy, and yet it Almost thirteen years have passed since I taught Mushkie, Moussia, Chaya Moussia, Mussie…I kid was something she chose to do and encouraged. that gymnastics class. And I am still seeking to you not, all twelve girls had different versions of She recognized his potential, his role, his ability and understand on a deeper level, "Who am I?" I hope the same name. At frst I thought that perhaps the way his Chassidim needed him, and made that to spend my life trying to know the answer. And there was some law or rule I hadn't yet learned her focus. For many, when they spoke with her or those twelve little Chaya Mushkas are not little about. I couldn't possibly fathom how every single met her, they were completely unaware of who she girls anymore. They are now nineteen year old girl had the same name. (And, needless to say, we was. She wanted it that way. young women who are entering their adult lives as immediately decided to call the girls by their last She was also extremely intelligent, cultured and powerful women who can make a difference in this names…) well read. She studied literature in university after world. Young women who carry the responsibility she married, at the same time when the Rebbe of a name and the legacy of a woman who has When I asked them what their name meant, helped me understand how I want to answer my why they had been given those names, they all was studying. And she was an avid reader. To her many friends she was Chaya Mushka. To the rest of question. For the Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka taught excitedly explained that they were named after the me, taught us all, that true beauty stems from Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, the Rebbe's wife. Even the world, she was the Rebbetzin, the Lubavitcher Rebbe's wife. within, and that those most worthy of respect, though they were only fve, they were flled with honor, acknowledgement and awe, are those that beautiful stories of who this woman was and why And yet, she was careful not to abuse the power do not seek it nor want it. they were so proud to carry her name. As I watched 12 Inspiration, Insights & Ideas Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!

all. That comes through generosity, humility, a Halacha of The Week pleasant disposition, speaking gently and one Stories With Soul By Rabbi Dov Schochet who is generally honest in all their business Fit to Judge affairs. hemi Rokeach is a Belzer Chasid who is related to the Schneerson family through A reputation comes from their punctilious Shis maternal grandmother. His family had performance of Mitzvot, self-discipline and a special relationship with Rebbetzin Chaya the ability to overcome temptation. Behaving Mushka Schneerson, whose 24th yartzeit we are this way ensures that there are no aspersions commemorating with this issue of L'Chaim. The regarding their character and no negative following stories were told during an interview rumors. by Avraham Rainitz with Rabbi Rokeach.

A judge must be a man. Some say this means When I was 13, my little sister was born. The that one is only ft to judge from the age of 18 birth was very diffcult and my mother nearly (which would give the judge the courage to save died. She had to go for checkups once a month the oppressed.) Others argue that from the age to a top doctor in New York. After her checkup, of thirteen one is old enough to be a judge. the doctor told my mother: "I discovered something very problematic that requires an mmediately prior to the portion of revelation, A woman is not permitted to be a judge. The operation. Since it is a very dangerous operation, the giving of the Torah, we have the story of I recommend that you wait until after Passover Yisro. Moses' father-in-law brings his wife Talmud learns this from the fact that only those I ft to testify as witnesses may serve as judges so you can celebrate the holiday with your and children to the desert and immediately family." notices a problem with the judicial system. One and a woman is not allowed to serve as a reason this story is told before Matan Torah is witness. As soon as she got home, my mother called the because justice is critical to receive the Torah. Rebbetzin to ask for the Rebbe's blessing. The Only in a civilized world, in which there is a just A friend or enemy cannot serve as a judge. As Rebbe was home and the Rebbetzin conveyed court system can we hope to bring the holiness there are usually many subjective elements to my mother's message to him. The Rebbe told of Torah to elevate the world and unlock its a verdict a friend or enemy would not have the the Rebbetzin to tell my mother to have the potential. needed objectivity. operation immediately and not to wait until after Passover. Yisro advises Moses to set up a hierarchical Anyone that committed a sin that would system to fll the needs of the Jewish people. disqualify them from serving as a witness is not My mother told the Rebbetzin that the doctor Moses after receiving G-d's consent, goes about ft to be a judge. said the operation was very risky and he was choosing the proper men to be judges of the afraid she wouldn't make it, which is why he nation. From the qualities the Torah describes, As the Torah relates court cases to the day time recommended postponing it for after Passover. we learn what are the necessary qualities a the Talmud disqualifes a person that cannot see The Rebbetzin conveyed this to the Rebbe and judge must have. from being a judge. she said, "My husband says not to wait." My mother asked, "What should I tell the doctor There are seven basic qualities: wisdom, If a judge has any interest in the case, as far fetched as it might be he is unft to judge the when he asks me why I'm rushing to do it?" The humility, fear of G-d, hatred of money, love of Rebbetzin told her to tell the doctor that the truth, a love for people, and a stellar reputation. case. Therefore most communal matters cannot be judged by the cities judges, for frequently Rebbe said she should not delay. While some of these are self-explanatory, the they will be impacted by the verdict. (E.g. If there My mother did as the Rebbe said and asked the codes defne all of them. A hatred for money is a dispute about the ownership of a Torah, it is doctor to operate immediately. To the doctor's means a person who doesn't chase wealth or likely that the judge can beneft from the Torah astonishment, she explained that the Rebbe told look to build a fortune. Even when it comes to staying in his city.) her not to wait. The doctor was furious that the their own fnancial affairs, they don't get too Rebbe mixed in to medical matters and said, bothered when there is a problem and they are An important lesson from the entire story of "One asks a Rebbe about religious matters but certainly never found with money that isn't their Yisro, is to accept good advice regardless of when it comes to medical matters, you ask a own. the source. Moses could have easily ignored doctor! Why did you ask the Rebbe?" his father in law, seen him as a gentile idolater Love of truth means those that chase justice who can offer nothing to the nation of Hashem. My mother explained that the Rebbe is our because it is just. They naturally despise all Instead Moses took his advice to heart, and uncle and we greatly respect him. She asked sorts of thievery and fee from even the hint of eventually is told by Hashem to follow it. Our the doctor to forgo his medical honor and do corruption. sages teach "accept the truth regardless of the as the Rebbe said. The doctor was not pleased, source." but since my mother was his private patient he Love of people is when the man is respected by couldn't refuse and he said he would do another 13 Inspiration, Insights & Ideas Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE! test before he would operate. When the doctor when you get to Israel, fnd out who this man returned with the results of the test, he looked in the picture is and you should know that he white as a ghost. "Who is this Rebbe who told saved your life!' you not to wait? I must meet him. He saved your life!" The doctor could not explain how it had "I went to my home in Moscow and submitted happened but the second test showed that she another request to emigrate. A year later I needed an immediate operation. "If we would received a visa and I went to Israel. Of course, have waited until Passover, you may no longer as soon as I got there I asked to see pictures of have been alive," he said with a shudder. The various rabbis and I immediately identifed the operation was successful, thank G-d. man in the picture. It is the Lubavitcher Rebbe! "Now you know why I was so excited when you In the 80s I traveled with my family to Israel said that you are related to the Rebbe, the man for my brother's Bar Mitzva. Before we went, we to answer him. The doctor began treating me who saved my life." visited the Rebbetzin. During our visit she said to devotedly and he saved my life. Every time he me, "Shemi, you know that my husband has many came to see me, he asked whether I believed Throughout my years in yeshiva in Philadelphia, shluchim (emissaries) but I want to make you in G-d and kept mitzvot (commandments) and I I called the Rebbetzin each Friday to wish my shliach. When you go to Israel, do me a favor. denied any connection to religion. her a "good Shabbos" and to fnd out how Go to and take pictures of what is she was doing. The conversation was like going on there, the houses, the institutions, the "When I fnally recovered, the commander of the any conversation between grandmother and streets, and when you come back bring me the camp told me that I was going to be transferred grandchild. The Rebbetzin asked how I was, pictures. I want to see what is happening there." from forest work to offce work in the hospital. about my studies, my friends, what I wore, just I met the doctor nearly every day and he like any grandmother who is concerned about Of course I was happy to fulfll this mission and continued to inquire about my beliefs. After a her grandson. during our visit I asked my cousin, Rabbi Nachum year in the hospital, they suddenly told me that Schneerson (who heads Tchebin now) they had received an order to release me and Before a test the Rebbetzin would bless me to send me to Kfar Chabad with his driver. On I was free to return home. I joyfully walked to with success and when I told her about a our way to Kfar Chabad the driver pointed at a the train station. As I stood there at the station special sale of clothing she said, "Shemi, buy picture of the Rebbe that was hanging in his car waiting for the train, I saw the doctor coming in good quality clothes." The Rebbetzin wanted and he asked me whether I knew who it was. I his car. He hurried over to me and asked, 'Nu, are us to call her "Mrs. Schneerson," and if, during said, "Of course, it's our uncle, the Lubavitcher you going to Israel now?' the conversation, I would mistakenly say, "Good Rebbe." Shabbos Rebbetzin," she would correct me "If I wasn't sure until then that he was a KGB immediately and say, "Shemi, my name is 'Mrs. The driver was so excited to hear that we were agent, at that point I was convinced that he was Schneerson.' " She was very particular about this. related to the Rebbe that he nearly got us into trying to incriminate me. I denied it, of course, an accident! "The Rebbe saved my life!" he and declared that I was a loyal communist and The Rebbetzin's passing was one of the exclaimed and he stopped the car on the side I wouldn't want to leave Mother Russia. The darkest days of my life. I felt as though my of the road in order to tell the story and to calm doctor persisted and said, 'I know you are a Jew dear grandmother had died. Memories of the down. "I was born in Russia," he said with a heavy and you want to go to .' Rebbetzin are still with me. My relationship with Russian accent. "When I grew up I joined a group the Rebbetzin was an eternal bond that has not of Zionists who tried to get out of Russia. I was I continued to deny it and I said I was going waned with the passing years. Naturally, I went arrested by the KGB and I was sentenced to 12 to Moscow, where I planned on living. At a to be menachem avel ("comfort the mourner") at years of hard labor in Siberia. In Siberia, they had certain point he took me over to a corner and the Rebbe's house with my family. us chop down trees and drag them to the camp. said, 'Listen well. You are a Jew and that is why I helped you until now. You should know that I My grandmother asked one of the secretaries "The day after I arrived, one of the prisoners, put a lot of effort into healing you and I used to ask the Rebbe, "Now, after the passing of a huge Russian gentile, came over to me and my connections so they would change your hard the Rebbetzin, who will my grandson call every said: 'From now on, you will also do my work!' labor to offce work in the hospital. It is thanks Friday?" I don't remember which secretary He thought I was a timid Jew who would obey to me that you are free today and not in another passed the question on to the Rebbe. The Rebbe his commands, but I refused. He began beating eleven years. You surely want to know who I am said I should call him! From then on, I called the me and I gave him back as good as I got, even and why I was so eager to help you.' Rebbe's house every Friday, and since the Rebbe better. We kept at it until blood ran and we were did not speak on the phone, I would speak with taken to the hospital. In Siberia there was no "The doctor took a picture of a rabbi with a Reb Sholom Gansburg, and he would convey my lack of manpower and the doctors didn't exert white beard out of his pocket. 'This man sent message to the Rebbe. me and some other people like me to various themselves to save us. Then a doctor came over The next week, before I had begun talking to to me and asked, 'Are you Jewish? Do you believe places throughout Russia. When we see a Jew in distress, we are there to help him. I want the him, he would tell me what the Rebbe had in Torah and G-d?' I thought the doctor was a KGB said in reaction to what I had said the week agent who wanted to entrap me and I refused best for you, which is why I say, do not remain in Russia. Do all you can to get out of here and before. The conversations were like those I 14 Inspiration, Insights & Ideas Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE! had with the Rebbetzin, that of a grandson with our frst child. The teflin were corrected telling his grandfather how his week went. that same night and the next day, my wife's Recently In The News When I went to Jerusalem to study in Yeshivas problem was gone! How A Pro-Palestinian American Tchebin, which is run by my uncle, Rabbi Boruch Reporter Changed His Views On Shimon Schneerson, I continued to call every Since my connection to the Rebbe and Rebbetzin Friday. I once said that it rained very strongly was a familial one, after Gimmel Tamuz my Israel And The Confict in Jerusalem and the following week, Rabbi connection with Lubavitch ceased. However, Byhunter Stuart Gansburg told me in the Rebbe's name that the Rebbe apparently wanted the relationship n the summer of 2015, just three days after these were gishmei bracha (rains of blessing). to continue and the following incredible event I moved to Israel for a year-and-a-half stint took place. When my son, Menachem Zev was freelance reporting in the region, I wrote down This phone connection continued until I got turning three, my parents had to be in Florida at I my feelings about the Israeli-Palestinian confict. A married. After I married I lived in Jerusalem. A the time we would be celebrating his frst hair friend of mine in New York had mentioned that it short time after I moved into my new apartment, cut. The possibility of cutting his hair early was would be interesting to see if living in Israel would my mother went for "dollars." (Every Sunday discussed, so my parents could participate in the change the way I felt. My friend probably suspected the Rebbe received thousands of people who family celebration. that things would look differently from the front- came to ask his advice or blessing. The Rebbe row seat, so to speak. gave each person a dollar, or its equivalent, to When I visited my in-laws, I saw a volume of be given to the charity of their choice.) To her the Rebbe's letters () there. I had Boy was he right. heard that the Rebbe answers people through surprise, the Rebbe said to her, "Tell Shem to Before I moved to Jerusalem, I was very pro- check his mezuzas. the Igrot Kodesh and I decided to try writing to the Rebbe. Perhaps I would get an answer. I Palestinian. Almost everyone I knew was. I grew My mother explained, "It's a new apartment and asked whether to move up the date of my son's up Protestant in a quaint, politically correct New new mezuzas!" The Rebbe said, "Nevertheless, haircut and I put the note randomly into the England town; almost everyone around me was tell him to check." My mother called me and told volume. When I opened it and read the letter, I liberal. And being liberal in America comes with me what the Rebbe had said. I immediately went exclaimed, "Oy, gevald!" a pantheon of beliefs: You support pluralism, to a scribe in in Jerusalem and tolerance and diversity. You support gay rights, after a brief look at the mezuza that was on the My mother-in-law asked me what happened. I access to abortion and gun control. front door, he found that the words "hishamru showed her the amazing answer I had opened to. It was a letter that the Rebbe wrote to The belief that Israel is unjustly bullying the lachem" (guard yourselves) were attached (thus, Palestinians is an inextricable part of this invalidating it)! someone who asked him about moving up the date of their three-year-old's haircut and the pantheon. Most progressives in the US view Israel A short while later, in the summer of 1990, Rebbe wrote, based on a letter of the Previous as an aggressor, oppressing the poor noble Arabs when my wife was expecting our frst child, a Rebbe, that we do not make it earlier, and this who are being so brutally denied their freedom. certain complication arose. I called my mother is what I should practice too. On the same page “I believe Israel should relinquish control of all of and asked her to ask the Rebbe for a blessing. In the Rebbe wrote to someone who had been the Gaza Strip and most of the West Bank,” I wrote on the meantime, my in-laws, who live in London, frequently in touch, who lately had been out July 11, 2015, from a park near my new apartment sent us a ticket to London so my wife could be of touch. The Rebbe asked him to renew the in Jerusalem’s Baka neighborhood. “The occupation treated by the best doctors in London. When we relationship! is an act of colonialism that only creates suffering, arrived in London, I got a phone call from my frustration and despair for millions of Palestinians.” mother, who had been to the Rebbe and had told Reprinted from Beis Moshiach Magazine him about the complication in the pregnancy. , is unft to judge the case. Therefore most Perhaps predictably, this view didn’t play well The Rebbe said I should check my "Rabbeinu communal matters cannot be judged by among the people I met during my frst few weeks Tam" teflin. the cities judges, for frequently they will be in Jerusalem, which, even by Israeli standards, is impacted by the verdict. (E.g. If there is a dispute a conservative city. My wife and I had moved to Once again, my mother was surprised since about the ownership of a Torah, it is likely that the Jewish side of town, more or less by chance our custom is to start putting on this special, the judge can beneft from the Torah staying in the frst Airbnb host who accepted our request additional set of teflin only after we marry, so his city.) to rent a room happened to be in the my teflin were relatively new. But the Rebbe neighborhood where even the hipsters are repeated, "He should check his Rabbeinu Tam An important lesson from the entire story of religious. As a result, almost everyone we interacted teflin." Yisro is to accept good advice regardless of with was Jewish Israeli and very supportive of the source. Moses could have easily ignored Israel. I didn’t announce my pro-Palestinian views It was late at night but I found a Lubavitcher his father in law, seen him as a gentile idolater to them I was too afraid. But they must have sensed scribe. When he heard that this was an who can offer nothing to the nation of Hashem. my antipathy (I later learned this is a sixth sense instruction from the Rebbe, he agreed to check Instead Moses took his advice to heart, and Israelis have). the teflin immediately. He found faw in the eventually is told by Hashem to follow it. Our portion of "sanctify for Me every frstborn." The sages teach "accept the truth regardless of the During my frst few weeks in Jerusalem, I found connection was clear, for my wife was pregnant source." myself constantly getting into arguments about the confict with my roommates and in social 15 Inspiration, Insights & Ideas Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE! settings. Unlike waspy New England, Israel does friend’s friend was one of the victims, it changed not afford the privilege of politely avoiding my way of thinking. I felt horrible for having unpleasant political conversations. Outside of publicly glorifed one of the murderers. The man the Tel Aviv bubble, the confict is omnipresent; who’d been murdered, Richard Lakin, was originally it affects almost every aspect of life. Avoiding it from New England, like me, and had taught English simply isn’t an option. to Israeli and Palestinian children at a school in Jerusalem. He believed in making peace with During one such argument, one of my roommates the Palestinians and “never missed a peace rally,” an easygoing American-Jewish guy in his mid-30s according to his son. seemed to be suggesting that all Palestinians were terrorists. I became annoyed and told him it was By contrast, his killers who came from a middle- wrong to call all Palestinians terrorists, that only class neighborhood in and were a small minority supported terrorist attacks. My a large group of his friends who’d been hanging out actually quite well-off relative to most Palestinians roommate promptly pulled out his laptop, called nearby were running toward me with a terrifying had been paid 20,000 shekels to storm the bus up a 2013 Pew Research poll and showed me the sparkle in their eyes. “Yehud! Yehud!” they shouted. that morning with their cowardly guns. More than screen. I saw that Pew’s researchers had done a I felt my heart start to pound. I shouted at them in a year later, you can still see their faces plastered survey of thousands of people across the Muslim Arabic “Ana mish yehud! Ana mish yehud!” (“I’m not around East Jerusalem on posters hailing them as world, asking them if they supported suicide Jewish, I’m not Jewish!”) over and over. I told them, martyrs. (One of the attackers, Baha Aliyan, 22, was bombings against civilians in order to “defend Islam also in Arabic, that I was an American journalist killed at the scene; the second, Bilal Ranem, 23, from its enemies.” The survey found that 62 percent who “loved Palestine.” They calmed down after that, was captured alive.) of Palestinians believed such terrorist acts against but the look in their eyes when they frst saw me is Being personally affected by the confict caused me civilians were justifed in these circumstances. And something I’ll never forget. Later, at a house party to question how forgiving I’d been of Palestinian not only that, the Palestinian territories were the in Amman, I met a Palestinian guy who’d grown up violence previously. Liberals, human-rights groups only place in the Muslim world where a majority in . “If you were Jewish, they probably would and most of the media, though, continued to of citizens supported terrorism; everywhere else it have killed you,” he said. blame Israel for being attacked. Ban Ki-moon, for was a minority from Lebanon and Egypt to Pakistan I made it back from Silwan that day in one piece; example, who at the time was the head of the and Malaysia. others weren’t so lucky. In Jerusalem, and across United Nations, said in January 2016 as the streets I didn’t let my roommate win the argument early Israel, the attacks against Jewish Israelis continued. of my neighborhood were stained with the blood morning hours. But the statistic stuck with me. My attitude began to shift, probably because the of innocent Israeli civilians that it was “human violence was, for the frst time, affecting me directly. nature to react to occupation.” In fact, there is no Less than a month later, in October 2015, a wave justifcation for killing someone, no matter what of Palestinian terrorist attacks against Jewish- I found myself worrying that my wife might be the political situation may or may not be, and Ban’s Israelis began. Nearly every day, an angry, young stabbed while she was on her way home from statement rankled me. Muslim Palestinian was stabbing or trying to run work. Every time my phone lit up with news of over someone with his car. A lot of the violence was another attack, if I wasn’t in the same room with Similarly, the way that international NGOs, happening in Jerusalem, some of it just steps from her, I immediately sent her a text to see if she was European leaders and others criticized Israel for its where my wife and I had moved into an apartment OK. “shoot to kill” policy during this wave of terrorist of our own, and lived and worked and went grocery attacks began to annoy me more and more. shopping. Then a friend of mine an older Jewish Israeli guy who’d hosted my wife and I for dinner at his In almost any nation, when the police confront At frst, I’ll admit, I didn’t feel a lot of sympathy apartment in the capital’s neighborhood a terrorist in the act of killing people, they shoot for Israelis. Actually, I felt hostility. I felt that they told us that his friend had been murdered by two him dead and human-rights groups don’t make were the cause of the violence. I wanted to shake Palestinians the month before on a city bus not a peep. This happens in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and them and say, “Stop occupying the West Bank, stop far from his apartment. I knew the story well not Bangladesh; it happens in Germany and England blockading Gaza, and Palestinians will stop killing just from the news, but because I’d interviewed the and France and Spain, and it sure as hell happens you!” It seemed so obvious to me; how could they family of one of the Palestinian guys who’d carried in the US (see San Bernardino and the Orlando not realize that all this violence was a natural, if out the attack. In the interview, his family told me nightclub massacre, the Boston Marathon unpleasant, reaction to their government’s actions? how he was a promising young entrepreneur who bombings and others). Did Amnesty International condemn Barack Obama or Abdel Fattah al-Sisi or It wasn't until the violence became personal that I was pushed over the edge by the daily humiliations Angela Merkel or François Hollande when their began to see the Israeli side with greater clarity. As wrought by the occupation. I ended up writing police forces killed a terrorist? Nope. But they made the “Stabbing Intifada” (as it later became known) a very sympathetic story about the killer for a a point of condemning Israel. kicked into full gear, I traveled to the impoverished Jordanian news site called Al Bawaba News. East Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan for a story Writing about the attack with the detached What’s more, I started to notice that the media I was writing. analytical eye of a journalist, I was able to take were unusually fxated on highlighting the moral shortcomings of Israel, even as other countries As soon as I arrived, a Palestinian kid who was the perspective that (I was fast learning) most acted in infnitely more abominable ways. If Israel perhaps 13 years old pointed at me and shouted news outlets wanted – that Israel was to blame for threatened to relocate a collection of Palestinian “Yehud!” which means “Jew” in Arabic. Immediately, Palestinian violence. But when I learned that my 16 Inspiration, Insights & Ideas Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE! agricultural tents, as they did in the West Bank to know Palestinians. I spent close to six weeks these conspiracy theories. village of Sussiya in the summer of 2015, for visiting Nablus and Ramallah and , and “Arabs need to take responsibility for certain things,” example, the story made international headlines for even the Gaza Strip. I met some incredible people I fnally shouted at a friend I’d made in Nablus the weeks. The liberal outrage was endless. Yet, when in these places; I saw generosity and hospitality third or fourth time he tried to defect blame from Egypt’s president used bulldozers and dynamite unlike anywhere else I’ve ever traveled to. I’ll be Muslims for Islamic terrorism. “Not everything is to demolish an entire neighborhood in the Sinai friends with some of them for the rest of my life. America’s fault.” My friend seemed surprised by my Peninsula in the name of national security, people But almost without fail, their views of the confict vehemence and let the subject drop obviously I’d scarcely noticed. and of Israel and of Jewish people in general was reached my saturation point with this nonsense. extremely disappointing. Where do these double standards come from? I know a lot of Jewish-Israelis who are willing First of all, even the kindest, most educated, upper- I’ve come to believe it’s because the Israeli- to share the land with Muslim Palestinians, but class Palestinians reject 100 percent of Israel not Palestinian confict appeals to the appetites for some reason fnding a Palestinian who feels just the occupation of East Jerusalem and the West of progressive people in Europe, the US and the same way was near impossible. Countless Bank. They simply will not be content with a two- elsewhere. They see it as a white, frst world people Palestinians told me they didn’t have a problem state solution what they want is to return to their beating on a poor, third world one. It’s easier for with Jewish people, only with Zionists. They ancestral homes in Ramle and Jaffa and Haifa and them to become outraged watching two radically seemed to forget that Jews have been living in other places in 1948 Israel, within the . different civilizations collide than it is watching Israel for thousands of years, along with Muslims, And they want the Israelis who live there now to Alawite Muslims kill Sunni Muslims in Syria, for Christians, Druse, atheists, agnostics and others, leave. They almost never speak of coexistence; they example, because to a Western observer the more often than not, in harmony. Instead, the vast speak of expulsion, of taking back “their” land. difference between Alawite and Sunni is too subtle majority believe that Jews only arrived in Israel in to ft into a compelling narrative that can be easily To me, however morally complicated the creation the 20th century and, therefore, don’t belong here. summarized on Facebook. of Israel may have been, however many innocent Of course, I don’t blame Palestinians for wanting Palestinians were killed and displaced from their Unfortunately for Israel, videos on social media autonomy or for wanting to return to their ancestral homes in 1948 and again in 1967, Israel is now a that show US-funded Jewish soldiers shooting tear homes. It’s a completely natural desire; I know fact, accepted by almost every government in the gas at rioting Arab Muslims is Hollywood-level I would feel the same way if something similar world (including many in the Middle East). But the entertainment and fts perfectly with the liberal happened to my own family. But as long as Western ongoing desire of Palestinians to wipe Israel off the narrative that Muslims are oppressed and Jewish powers and NGOs and progressive people in the map is unproductive and backward- looking and Israel is a bully. US and Europe fail to condemn Palestinian attacks the West must be very careful not to encourage it. against Israel, the deeper the confict will grow and I admire the liberal desire to support the underdog. The other thing is that a large percentage of the more blood will be shed on both sides. They want to be on the right side of history, and Palestinians, even among the educated upper their intentions are good. The problem is that their I’m back in the US now, living on the north side of class, believe that most Islamic terrorism is actually beliefs often don’t square with reality. Chicago in a liberal enclave where most people engineered by Western governments to make including Jews tend to support the Palestinians’ bid In reality, things are much, much more complex Muslims look bad. I know this sounds absurd. It’s for statehood, which is gaining steam every year in than a fve-minute spot on the evening news or a conspiracy theory that’s comical until you hear international forums such as the UN. a two paragraph-long Facebook status will ever it repeated again and again as I did. I can hardly be able to portray. As a friend told me recently, count how many Palestinians told me the stabbing Personally, I’m no longer convinced it’s such a good “The reason the Israeli-Palestinian confict is so attacks in Israel in 2015 and 2016 were fake or idea. If the Palestinians are given their own state intractable is that both sides have a really, really that the CIA had created ISIS. in the West Bank, who’s to say they wouldn’t elect good point.” Hamas, an Islamist group committed to Israel’s For example, after the November 2015 ISIS destruction? That’s exactly what happened in Gaza Unfortunately, not enough people see it that way. shootings in Paris that killed 150 people, a in democratic elections in 2006. Fortunately, Gaza I recently bumped into an old friend from college colleague of mine an educated 27-year-old is somewhat isolated, and its geographic isolation who told me that a guy we’d both known when Lebanese-Palestinian journalist casually remarked plus the Israeli and Egyptian-imposed blockade we were freshmen had been active in Palestinian that those massacres were “probably” perpetrated limit the damage the group can do. But having protests for a time after graduating. The fact that by the Mossad. Though she was a journalist like me them in control of the West Bank and half of a smart, well-educated kid from Vermont, who and ought to have been committed to searching Jerusalem is something Israel obviously doesn’t went to one of the best liberal arts schools in the out the truth no matter how unpleasant, this want. It would be suicide. And no country can be US, traveled thousands of miles to throw bricks at woman was unwilling to admit that Muslims would expected to consent to its own destruction. Israeli soldiers is very, very telling. commit such a horrifc attack, and all too willing in defance of all the facts to blame it on Israeli spies. So, now, I don’t know what to think. I’m squarely There’s an old saying that goes, “If you want to in the center of one of the most polarized issues change someone’s mind, frst make them your Usually when I travel, I try to listen to people in the world. I guess, at least, I can say that, no friend.” The friends I made in Israel forever changed without imposing my own opinion. To me that’s matter how socially unacceptable it was, I was my mind about the country and about the Jewish what traveling is all about keeping your mouth willing to change my mind. need for a homeland. But I also spent a lot of time shut and learning other perspectives. But after traveling in the Palestinian territories getting 3-4 weeks of traveling in Palestine, I grew tired of If only more people would do the same. 17 Meyer Youth Center The full scoop on all the Youth events and classes

18 Get the Picture The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town

MIAMI PREMIERE EVENT Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at Miami Theatre Center 9806 NE 2nd Avenue (Miami Shores) VIP Sponsors’ Reception 6:00 pm Wine and hors d’oeuvres Dietary laws observed Screening & Panel Discussion 7:00 pm Tickets Pre-registration $20 At the Door $30 H.S. & College Students Free (email [email protected] to order) The Normalization of Hatred Sponsorship Opportunities in the Name of Social Justice 6 VIP Passes $500 This powerful new documentary flm 4 VIP Passes $360 3 VIP Passes $270 examines how anti-Semitism is being made 2 VIP Passes $180 fashionable at many American universities. 1 VIP Pass $100 More at www.hatespaces.com Pre-Register at www.hatespaces.com/screenings Post-Film Panel Discussion with: “Hate Spaces” is a wake up call to the Alan Dershowitz Jewish community and to civil society in Lawyer and Author America about the institutionalization of Avi Goldwasser Carol Brick-Turin bigotry on college campuses.” Producer and Director Director of the Greater Miami — Alan Dershowitz Jewish Federation JCRC

Presented by Americans For Peace & Tolerance

Sponsored by

Temple Menorah Miami Beach JCC SOUTHEAST Michael Ann Russell JCC Beth Torah Benny Rok Campus Aventura Turnberry Jewish Center Rabbinical Association of Greater Miami Consulate General of Israel to Florida & Puerto Rico Jewish Community Relations Council of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation

19 Get the Picture The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town

20 Get the Picture The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town

21 Get the Picture The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town

22 Get the Picture The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town

23 Get the Picture The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town

24 Get the Picture The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town


BRAIN TWISTING With Rabbi Dov Schochet

WHEN LOCATION Six Wednesdays Th e S h u l Modern Conundrums Beginning February 8th 9540 Collins Ave the DILEMMA Talmudic Debates Ti m e : 8 p m Surfside { Your Solutions A New Six-Session Course from the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute FEE more info / register Fee: $79 (Textbook Included) [email protected] Couples Discount $135 Apply mind-bending, brain-twisting, hair-splitting Talmudic reasoning to Scholarships available 305.868.1411 solve real-life modern dilemmas—situations that actually happened yet seem upon request impossible to solve. What do you do when your gut tells you one thing, and your brain tells you another? Prepare for a mental expedition to mind-wrestle VISIT MYJLI.COM TO REGISTER with situations that force us to choose between two reasonable truths.

25 Get the Picture The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town

26 In A Woman’s World Issues of relevance to the Jewish Woman

Weekly Classes Monday Women’s Mikvah: Women’s Study Group Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar 8:30 - 10:00 pm Please call Mrs. Devorah Failer for an At the home of : Please call The Shul for details. appointment: 305-866 1492 or 305-323-2410 Tuesday Please Note: Shabbos & Yom Tov visits must be Prepaid Prayer Class Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar 9:15 - 10:15 am 1111 Kane Concourse Suite 618 Tanya Class In Spanish Mrs. Vivian Perez 2:00 - 2:30 pm The Shul Sisterhood 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village Torah Portion In Spanish Mrs Vivian Perez 2:30 - 3:45 pm Who we are... The Shul Sisterhood organizes all of The Shul’s programming 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village and classes geared toward women in the community. Our Wednesday objective is to bring women of all ages and backgrounds together to learn, laugh, experience, and rejuvenate their mind, Morning Torah Class Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar 10:00 - 11:00 am body and soul. Meet new friends, The weekly portion - Women’s Perspective relax and get inspired! Haime Library Tanya Class in English Mrs. Vivian Perez 1:00 - 3:00 pm If you would like to be a part of The Shul Sisterhood, please call 305. 868.1411 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village

Light A Candle Shabbat Thought Shabbat belongs to each Say a Prayer and every one of us. Tell a friend about candle lighting. Give her what Share The Light is already hers. 27 French Connection Reflexions sur la Paracha

Vivre avec la paracha Créateur ou libérateur? 1) D.ieu Lui-même, l’absolue, indéfnissable et Au contraire, en entrant dans une alliance Comprendre la révélation du Sinaï infnie Essence. éternelle avec D.ieu fondée sur Sa Torah et Ses commandements, le Juif allait commencer là où par Yaakov Paley 2) Le Tétragramme, l’essentiel et ineffable nom toute existence s’arrête ! orsqu’Il Se présenta au peuple juif au grand de D.ieu dont les lettres décrivent le processus événement du Sinaï, pourquoi D.ieu choisit- par lequel D.ieu crée un « espace » pour que Ses Les réalités spirituelle et physique sont de Il de sous-estimer Ses propres réalisations ? créations existent, puis les crée et les vivife. simples refets de la divinité, des sous-produits L des diffusions secondaires des émanations 3) La « réputation » de ce nom, son rayonnement Car, c’est vrai, en se présentant, D.ieu aurait pu primaires de D.ieu, pour ainsi dire. La Sagesse et sa propagation, qui est la puissance et la annoncer : et la Loi de D.ieu, en revanche, connectent le lumière divine dont émane concrètement Juif directement avec Son essence même, avec Je suis le Créateur de toute la réalité ! l’univers et qui le maintient constamment en l’absolu « Je suis ». J’ai amené à l’existence ce gigantesque et existence. « Je suis l’Éternel ton D.ieu qui t’a sorti d’Égypte complexe univers ! Donc la somme du cosmos, des gigantesques ! » Le nom hébraïque de l’Égypte, Mitsrayim, galaxies et de la symphonie du chaos sidéral, J’ai mis en place des galaxies à couper le souffe ! signife également frontières, limitation, fnitude l’ordre incroyable qui règne dans le monde : meitsarim. L’âme juive est née de la divulgation Je suis Celui qui recrée à chaque instant toute la de l’infniment petit de cet univers, avec ses de l’Essence au Sinaï, qui a déclenché un création à partir du néant ! mystères, ses merveilles et sa beauté, y compris pouvoir qui transcende la création, une force les formes de vie complexes recelées dans ses Lorsqu’Il Se présenta au peuple juif au grand qui lutte avec des anges et des manifestations océans, son atmosphère et ses terres – tout événement du Sinaï, pourquoi D.ieu choisit-Il de divines et qui triomphe, et un peuple qui défe ceci n’existe qu’en conséquence d’un lointain sous-estimer Ses propres réalisations ? à la fois l’histoire, le vieillissement et tout ce rayonnement du nom divin, qui n’est lui-même que la création peut lui jeter à la fgure. Bien que le simple écho de l’essence de D.ieu. Au lieu de cela, Il a simplement annoncé : « Je suis au contraire, cette nation redéfnit l’univers l’Éternel ton D.ieu qui t’a sorti d’Égypte... » Certes, En d’autres termes, le nom divin lui-même est lentement mais sûrement, conformément à la l’Exode fut un événement impressionnant qui a infniment éloigné de la création, ne laissant révélation au Sinaï du « Je suis » qui est devenu démontré la toute-puissance de D.ieu, mais il ne émaner sa gloire que pour générer et vivifer. pour chaque Juif « ton D.ieu qui t’a sorti de la s’agit essentiellement que du déplacement d’une S’il en est ainsi, alors D.ieu Lui-même doit être fnitude » de toute existence. toute petite nation de quelques kilomètres vers infniment plus loin ! l’est dans les dunes de sable, pas de façonner un L’étude et l’observance de la Torah élève une ahurissant univers. Puis ce fut le Sinaï. personne au-delà de la terre, au-delà du ciel, D.ieu choisit d’« abaisser » Son essence, et même au-delà de leur origine divine, qui est Sans vouloir sembler blasphématoire, cette contractant et condensant l’infni au sein des le niveau qui peut être décrit comme « D.ieu, le omission fagrante au Sinaï suggèrerait presque innombrables détails de Sa loi. La Torah émane Créateur du ciel et de la terre ». Il ou elle s’unit à que le Donneur de la Torah au Sinaï n’était en non pas d’un rayonnement du nom de D.ieu, ni l’Essence suprême. fait pas le Créateur du ciel et de la terre... du nom lui-même, mais de l’Essence divine Elle- Imaginez un monarque de l’ancien temps, même. Le Sinaï relie le « je suis » du Juif avec l’absolu Anokhi. redoutable et célèbre, avec une puissante armée Non, ce n’était pas là « simplement » le Créateur et un vaste empire sous sa férule. Nous pouvons de l’univers qui s’exprimait en lumières diviser la scène en trois parties, comme le font réfractées à travers le voile de la création. Car le les mystiques : ciel et la terre sombrent dans l’insignifance face 1) Le roi en personne. à la révélation du Sinaï ! C’était là une démarche « personnelle ». 2) Le titre grandiose par lequel est dénommé cet auguste personnage, par exemple « Glorius « Je suis l’Éternel votre D.ieu ! » À ce moment DCCLXX ». incroyable, le protocole de l’existence lui-même fut suspendu, et l’absolu « Je suis » devint pour 3) L’extension de ce nom : la réputation du roi qui toujours la force divine personnelle de chaque Classes se propage bien au-delà des frontières de son homme, femme et enfant juif. royaume, suscitant les échanges commerciaux, Thursdays at 12.00 in the Haime Library les traités et les tributs. Pour répondre à notre question initiale : Classes alternate between the following teachers: Les dirigeants terrestres ne sont que des Quand D.ieu mentionna l’Exode d’Égypte dans Dr. Hanna Barouk paraboles pour le Souverain Céleste, nos disent Ses propos introductifs au Sinaï, Il négligea Rabbi Amar délibérément Son rôle en tant que Créateur. Rabbi Frankforter nos sages. Et entre D.ieu et le monde existent Rabbi Gansburg trois éléments correspondants : Non, le « Je suis » du Sinaï n’était assurément pas simplement le Créateur. FOR WOMEN ONLY

28 Latin Link Reflexion Semanal

Parasha de la Semana Se Busca: Gente Infantil, [muy real]. B) Si la consecuencia se demora, viviendo en cuevas si careciera de la capacidad el niño no puede comprender por qué está de planear para el futuro. Sin embargo, hay Egocéntrica, con poca Visión recibiendo un muy real castigo/recompensa mucho que aprender de la perspectiva del de Futuro por un acto abstracto que ha sido relegado a niño. Por Naftali Silberberg los anales de la historia inmaterial. "No digas 'Cuando tenga tiempo libre abí Meir dijo: Cuando los judíos estaban Es interesante, he visto que los niños estudiaré' pues quizás nunca tengas tiempo parados ante Sinaí para recibir la Torá, pequeños se refieren a cualquier fecha previa libre" (Ética 2:4). ¿Cuánto más logrará cada RDi-s les dijo: "Juro que no les daré la como "ayer", y cualquier cosa que ocurrirá en uno de nosotros si estamos infantilmente Torá a menos que me den garantes adecuados el futuro, no importa cuan distante sea, es ansiosos de utilizar el momento presente que asegurarán que ustedes observarán sus parte de "mañana". Cuan lejano en el pasado al máximo, en lugar de demorar metas leyes…" o en el futuro no tiene importancia; "ayer" importantes para un futuro imaginario? es la palabra clave para el "completamente Además, ¿cuántas ambiciones de la gente son Los judíos declararon: "¡Nuestros hijos serán irrelevante pasado", y "mañana" es la palabra dificultadas porque moran en un pasado no nuestros garantes!" cave para el "completamente irrelevante existente —atemorizadas hasta la inacción "Realmente ellos son los garantes adecuados" futuro"… por los fracasos del pasado, o carencia de respondió Di-s. "por ellos les daré la Torá" motivación porque reposan sobre los laureles 2) Todo niño se considera el piñón alrededor de logros previos? (Midrash Rabá, Cantar de los Cantares 1:4) del cual gira el mundo; el único propósito de todo ser creado por Di-s es servirlo. Todo "Toda persona está obligada a decir 'El mundo De las muchas cualidades infantiles que juego y aparato fue inventado pensando en fue creado para mí'" (Sanhedrin 37 a). Usted apartan al "desafiado por la madurez" joven él, y como osan mamá y papá —que también no es una insignificante mota cósmica; usted de su contraparte adulta, dos son muy fueron puestos en la Tierra para servirlo es el motivo por el cual fue creado el mundo. descarnadas y patentes. — ¡negarle sus derechos de nacimiento! Di-s mismo espera que usted cumpla el 1) Todo el interés de un niño está en el aquí Y cuando ellos capitulan a sus quejidos y propósito de la creación estudiando más Torá y ahora. El pasado es un antaño inexistente, gimoteos y compran el juguete, ¡como osan y observando aun otra mitzvá. y el futuro —un sueño aun más no existente. sugerir que lo comparta con un pariente! Cuanto más pequeño el niño, más inexistente Quizás es por esto que Di-s entusiasmado La importancia de los trastornos globales y es todo fuera del presente. acepto a los niños como garantes de la Torá. los memorables descubrimientos científicos El mensaje es simple: La Torá está prevista Por ejemplo: el domingo por la mañana, palidecen en comparación con un caramelo. para gente "infantil" que se da cuenta que: . el adulto promedio se despierta y piensa Si no lo afecta, no importa. No hay momento como el presente, y. ¡Usted en sus metas para el día —sea ocuparse de Es por eso que los niños deben ser entrenados fue elegido para hacerlo! sus responsabilidades o tareas, o dedicarse para sentir y expresar gratitud. No porque a algunos gustos y hobbies que están ellos naturalmente sean desagradecidos, reservados para los fines de semana. Una vez sino porque no pueden comprender por qué, que ha creado una semblanza de un plan el por ejemplo, deben ser agradecidos con los día comienza. padres que están cumpliendo con su deber. Se Clases y Eventos Porcion Semenal Por el otro lado un niño se despierta y su debe agradecer a una criatura que tiene vida Rabbi Shea Rubinstein primer pensamiento es "¿Qué hago ahora? y aspiraciones propias y desinteresadamente Lunes 8:45 pm - 9:45 pm ¿Salto sobre la cabeza de mamá para elige abandonar su propio beneficio para Orden de rezos diarios y su signifcado mistico despertarla? ¿O mas inteligentemente puedo ayudar a otro. Esto ciertamente no se aplica (Para Mujeras) utilizar e tiempo en que mamá duerme para a un padre cuyo propósito en la vida es Sra. Vivian Perez treparme al armario para hurtar algunos de satisfacer todos sus deseos. Martes 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm los dulces que ella ocultó ahí?" El día que hay ¡Agradecer a un padre es similar a mostrar 198 Park Dr. Bal Harbour por delante es completamente irrelevante; Por favor llamar al 305.213.3202 agradecimiento al autobús escolar que lo todo lo que importa es vivir el momento. para confrmar transporta a la escuela! Es también por eso que todos los libros sobre Kolel Espanol Esas dos cualidades infantiles tienen crianza de hijos hablan de la importancia Rabbi Shlomi Halsband claramente serios inconvenientes. Miercoles 8:30 - 10:00 pm de las consecuencias inmediatas —positivas Domingo 8:30 - 10:00 pm o negativas —de las acciones de los más Debemos agradecer que la gente madura pequeños. Esto es por dos motivos: a) la —pues vivir en un mundo en que la gente Sra. Vivian Perez advertencia de una recompensa o castigo siguiera concentrada en ellos mismos Jueves 11:00 am -12:30 pm Chabad of Aventura futuros [es decir, no existentes] no tendrá sin consideración hacia los otros sería 21001 Biscayne Blvd. Aventura impacto en lo que hará el niño en el presente inimaginable. Y el ser humano seguiría

29 PLEASE READ ONLY Networking AFTER SHABBOS Effective Advertising


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30 PLEASE READ ONLY Networking AFTER SHABBOS Effective Advertising


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32 Numbers to know

Contacts at The Shul 305.868.1411 Rabbi Rabbi Ext 311 Associate Rabbi Rabbi Zalman Lipskar Ext 345 Rabbi’s Executive Assistant Ms. Lydia Hasson Ext 311 Rebbetzin Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar 305.992.8363 JLAC / Adult Ed/ Singles Rabbi Shea Rubinstein Ext 342 CYS College / Kolel Rabbi Dov Schochet 305.790.8294 Accounting Mrs. Geri Kelly Ext 341 Controller Mrs. Janice Barney Ext 318 Offce Manager Ms. Stacy Waxman Ext 313 Events / Offce Assistant Ms. Milena Liascovitz Ext 328 Youth Director / Dinner Mrs Devorah Leah Andrusier Ext 329 Youth Director Rabbi Shaykee Farkash Ext 329 Shul Gaboim Operations / Maintenance Rabbi Shlomi Katan Ext 319 Mr. Andrew Roth Reception / Accounts Payable Mrs. Mindy Natoli Ext 0 Mr. David Portnoy Mikvah Mrs. Devorah Failer 305.323.2410 Rabbi Henry Eichler Pre-School Chana Ext 325 Mr. Ettai Einhorn Sephardic Minyan Chazan Shimshon Tzubeli 305.865.4205 Mr. David Ben-Arie Hebrew School / Editor Mrs. Aurit Katan 786.382.9006 Mr. Seth Salver Hashkama Minyan Mr. Lazer Milstein 305.349.3040 Mashgiach Mr. Mordechai Olesky 786.262.9115

Board of Trustees Foundation Trustees Ambassador Isaac Gilinski - Chairman Abel Holtz Albert Pollans - President Simon Falic Mike Izak Jaime Gilinski Sidney Feltenstein Alberto Kamhazi David Lichter Matias Garfunkel Shmuel Katz M.D. Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar Jaime Gilinski Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar Monroe Milstein - Treasurer Max Gilinski Lazer Milstein Saul Gilinski Michael Perez Board of Directors Sam Greenberg Claudio Stivelman Mitch Feldman – President Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar Morris Tabacinic Eric Stein – Vice President Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar Joel Baum CPA – Treasurer Lazer Milstein Executive Committee Rabbi Zalman Lipskar – Secretary Orit Osman Mitchell Feldman - Chair Bruce Gelb Devorah Leah Andrusier Brian Roller Janice Barney Daniel Gielchinsky Eli Dominitz Yaacov Saidof Maurice Egozi David Schottenstein Joel Baum CPA Evelyn Katz Henry Eichler Daniel Shapiro Max Benoliel Rabbi Sholom Dovber Lipskar Daniel Gielchinsky Daniel Sragowicz Dovid Duchman Rabbi Zalman Lipskar Jacob Givner Cynthia Stein Steven M. Dunn Ryan Shapiro Nicole Katz Kavana Michael Tabacinic Maurice Egozi Marc Sheridan Gregory Levine Jose Yankelevitch Velvel Freedman Eric P. Stein

33 Daily Study A complete guide to all classes and courses offered at The Shul


Derech Mitzvosecha 6:20 - 6:50 am Daf Yomi 9:00 am In Depth Chumash 1:30 pm PHL 101 PHL-301 PHL-501 Rabbi Z. Lipskar TXT 220 Rabbi Dov Schochet TXT-110 Rabbi Dov Schochet Daf Yomi 7:45 - 8:45 am Tanya - Sichos 8:00 - 10:00 pm Insights to our Daily Prayers TXT-220 Rabbi Dov Schochet PHL-322 Rabbi Shlomo Haltzband (Spanish) 8:45 - 9:45 pm PHL-120 Rabbi S. Rubinstien Chok L’Yisrael - Sephardic 8:45 am Reb Shimshon Tzubeli Women’s Study Group 8:30 - 10:00 pm TXT-110 Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar Chassisdic Discourses 10:15 - 11:00 am At the home of: Please Call The Shul for PHL-322 PHL-510 Rabbi S. Rubinstien details Community (Men) 8:00 - 9:30 pm (Monday & Thursday) LAW-154 Shul Rabbis & Kolel


Women’s Morning Torah Class Parsha (Men & Women) Senior Torah Academy 12:00 - 1:00 pm 11:15 am - 12:00 pm Pirkei Avot ETH-101 Rabbi Dov Schochet 10:00 - 11:30 am TXT-110 Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar TXT-501 Rabbi S. Rubinstien Women’s Tanya Class Senior Torah Academy (Men & Women) (Spanish) 2:00 - 2:30 pm In Depth Tanya Class (Men & Women) 12:00 - 1:00 pm PHL-120 Mrs. Vivian Perez 11:30 - 12:30 pm TXT-120 Rabbi Dov Schochet 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village PHL-320 PHL-501 Rabbi Sholom Lipskar (Main Sanctuary) Book of Judges - Years 2780 -2835 Women’s Torah Portion Class Tanya Class - English 1:00 - 2:00 pm French Class (Spanish) 2:30 - 3:45 pm PHL-120 Mrs. Vivian Perez 12:00 pm Haime Library 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village TXT-110 Mrs. Vivian Perez Women’s Tanya Class (Spanish) 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village Spanish Kolel - Chassidus 11:00 am - 1:00 pm 8:00 - 10:00 pm PHL-320 Mrs. Vivian Perez PHL-301 Rabbi Shlomo Haltzband Chabad of Aventura, 21001 Biscayne Blvd