Introducing the Blue Moon 2020 Organic Seedling Collection! We'll have plants available at our farm and at the Westside Community Market. Look for more details soon about online ordering and safe, efficient walk-up and drive-up options. [email protected] 608-446-6962

Tomatoes are sold in 3.5" Pots. These are our favorite varieties for flavor and vigor!

Determinate (D) or Variety Description Day to Mature Indeterminate (I) Availability Classic heirloom slicer with meaty pink flesh and sweet flavor 80 I Full-flavored heirloom with medium-size purple fruit. 72 I Very similar to Brandywine but earlier, smaller fruit, Prudens Purple and more productive. A farm favorite! 67 I Rose de Bearne Mid-sized sweet pink slicer 75 I Mid-sized purple slicer with thin skin and deep flavor 80 I Produces many green/yellow varigated fruit with a very unique spiced sweetness 75 I Compact plant with trusses of small orange fruit. Low Jaune Flamme acid with a bright sweetness 70 I A favorite for flavor, these huge tomatoes have a burst of pink through yellow flesh and a bright, sweet, Striped German almost tropical flavor 78 I One of the best-tasting tomatoes disguised in green Aunt Ruby's German Green flesh! Fruit is large and blushes pink when ripe. 80 I A smaller version of Black Krim with more rounded Nyagous fruit and thin skin. Delicious, deep flavor 70 I Beautiful small fruit with red and orange stripes.

HeirloomTomatoes Red Zebra Classic flavor. 75 I Gorgeous pink and green striped fruit with deep, Pink Berkley Tie Die delicious flavor 70 I Early producer with shiny black fruit rich in anthocyanin! Aromatic mild tomato flavor, firm fruit Indigo Apple resists cracking 70 I Mid-sized sweet pink tomato with gorgeous green

Artisan Pink Boar stripes. A unique find from Wild Boar Seeds 75 I Sweetie Classic red cherry with thin skin and sweet flavor 65 I May-Early June The world's sweetest ! Heavenly while supplies Sun Gold sweetness and thin skin, harvest often 57 I last Larger cherry tomato with beautiful purple and green Purple Bumblebee stripes and full flavor. A farm favorite! 70 I Juliet Zesty "saladette" tomato, also great for roasting! 60 I Heirloom cherry with larger, purple fruit and well-

CherryTomatoes Black Cherry rounded flavor 64 I Our earliest slicer with disease resistance and taste! 62 I Our favorite red slicer! Mid-sized fruit with great Estiva flavor, very productive, and great disease resistance 70 I Wisconsin 55 Great-tasting heirloom red slicer, 80 I Big Beef Classic red 70 I Delicious, full-sized red tomatoes on a short vine. Celebrity Great for containers! 72 D Early producing short vine tomato with mid-sized fruit. Mountain Princess Great for containers! 68 D Reliable producer of mid-sized red slicers, classic Valley Girl tomato flavor, and great disease resistance 65 D Mid-sized orange slicing tomato with mild sweet flavor Marmalade and exceptional disease resistance 75 I Mid-sized pink hybrid with amazing sweet flavor and

SlicingTomatoes Pink Beauty very productive plant. 75 I Amish Huge heirloom sauce tomato with exceptional flavor 80 I Classic with exceptional disease Roma VF resistance. Very productive! 75 D Our favorite hybrid sauce tomato! Mid-sized fruit are Granadero meaty and flavorful, and produce over a long season 73 I Large heirloom sauce tomato with beautiful stripes Speckled Roman and very meaty flesh 85 I

SauceTomatoes Opalka Large heirloom sauce tomato with very meaty flesh. 75 D Peppers are sold in 3.5" Pots. Varieties are selected from our favorites for vigor, flavor, and disease resistance Variety Description Days to Mature Fruit Color Availability Baron Poblano Pepper Mild spice. Harvest green for chile rellenos, roasting. Gr-65, R-85 Green/Red Hungarian Hot Wax Pepper Mild spice, productive, great for salsa. Pale yellow. 58 Yellow Red Ember: Cayenne Pepper SPICY. 6 in narrow peppper, prolific, good for drying. 75 Red Highlander: Anaheim Pepper Very mild spice, productive, green. Great for salsa. Gr-65, R-85 Green/Red Hot Rod: Serrano Pepper Very productive, spicy pepper 77 Green/Red Helios Habanero HOT! Ripens to orange Gr-67, R-87 Green/Orange Okay, not actually spicy at all. Just a fabulous thin- skinned pepper that is perfect quickly charred on the Mellow Star Shishito grill or blistered in a skillet! 70 Green

SpicyPeppers Jalafuego: Jalapeno Pepper Spicy, VERY productive jalapeno. 70 Green/Red Goddess: Sweet Banana Pepper Sweet banana pepper, very productive 63 Yellow Ace: Early Sweet Bell Pepper Early, ripens to red Gr-50, R-70 Green/Red Super sweet, productive, reliable. Long, pointy red Carmen: Sweet Italian Pepper pepper. *Farm Favorite* Gr-60, R-80 Green/Red Cornito Giallo: Sweet Italian Pepper Ripens to orange, very productive! Gr-55, O-75 Green/Orange Compact plant, produces many mini sweet bell Cupid: Mini Sweet Bell Pepper peppers Gr-55, R-75 Green/Red Red Knight: Blocky Bell Pepper Ripens to red, large Gr-57, R-77 Green/Red Compact plant, produces many snack-sized sweet red Green/Red + Lunchbox Mini sweet pepper and orange peppers Gr-55, R/O-75 Orange

SweetPeppers Gourmet: Block Bell Pepper Ripens to orange Gr-65, O-85 Green/Orange

Eggplant are sold in 3.5" Pots. Varieties are selected from our favorites for good production in our climate and excellent flavor Variety Description Days to Maturity Fruit Color Availability Galine: Globe Eggplant Classic bell-shaped eggplant. 65 Dark Purple Smaller, 6-inch fruit, beautiful purple and white Purple and May-Early June Annina: Striped Eggplant varigated skin 65 White Striped while supplies Early, long Japanese type. Productive even in cooler last Orient Express: Japanese eggplant summers. 58 Dark Purple

Eggplant Beatrice: Italian Eggplant Smaller, round lavender eggplants. Dense flesh. 62 Medium Purple

Greens and Brassicas are sold in 4-packs. These are great selections to plant early, as they are all cold-hardy Type Description Days to Maturity Availability Mix of 10 lettuces. Cut above growing point to get Salad Mix regrowth. Harvest 2-3 times. 28 Heat tolerant variety produces a large head and Broccoli subsequent side shoots for extended harvest 58 Beautiful long-season crop, harvest in fall for best Brussels Sprouts flavor 95 Late April Large plant produces large domed head. Bend through mid May Cauliflower leaves over the head as it starts to form to "blanch" it 65 while supplies Head Lettuce Summer Crisp, Butterhead, Romaine combo packs 48 last Mixed pack of red and green varieties. Heat tolerant Cabbage Mix for summer harvest. 70 Brillant rainbow stems and large tender leaves. Well- Rainbow Chard suited to full season harvest 55 2 green curly, 2 flat, tender lacinato type. Well-suited

Greens/Brassicas Kale Mix to full season harvest. 60-65 days

Squash and Melons are sold in 3.5" Pots, with 2 plants per pot. They can be planted together with 18"-24" on all sides Variety Description Day to Mature Availability Dunja Zucchini Classic green zucchini, very productive. 47 Tender and sweet squash with butter flesh and unique Zephyr Bi-color Summer Squash green/yellow coloring 54 mid-late May Honey Nut Super sweet mini butternut with bright orange flesh. 110 while supplies Butternut Excellent storage squash. 105 last Delicata Thin, edible skin with green stripes. Very sweet. 100 Sugar Baby Smaller, red flesh watermelon with seeds. 76

Squash/Melons Sarah’s Choice Very sweet canteloupe. 76 Cucumbers are sold in 3.5" Pots, with 2 plants per pot. They can be planted together with 18"-24" on all sides Variety Description Day to Mature Availability

Marketmore Slicing Cucumber Very productive, classic variety 58 mid-late May while supplies Very productive, tasty pickler for both fresh eating and last

Cucumbers Calypso Pickling Cucumber preserving 55

Other Vegetables sold in 3.5" Pots Variety Description Days to Maturity Fruit Color Availability Tomatillos are a staple of salsa verde, a tangy-sweet Tomatillo (green fruit) tomato relative. Plant 2 for best production 60 Green May-Early June Large but low-growing plant with small, sweet, orange while supplies fruit in a papery husk. The taste can be described as last Aunt Molly's Ground Cherry tropical--almost pineapple! 75 Yellow

All Herbs (EXCEPT basil) are sold in 3.5" pots. Basil is sold in 4-packs Variety Description Availability Slow bolting variety. Cut and allow for regrowth. Cilantro Stagger multiple plantings for continued harvest. Dill Cut as fresh herb or allow flowers to form for pickling. Hardy perennial with short stature. Great container French Thyme herb! Greek Oregano Hardy perennial with moderate growth habit. Spearmint Delicious flavor for summer cooking and cocktails! Late April Italian Parsley Full season growth of large flat leaves. through late May Curly Parsley Full season growth of classic frilly leaves. while supplies Culinary Sage Hardy Perennial, vigorous producer last. Basil will

Herbs Chives Hardy Perennial, beautiful purple flowers be available Not hardy in our region. Grow as an annual, or plant through early Rosemary in a pot for overwintering indoors June Great pesto basil and much-improved disease DMR Sweet Basil resistance to Downy Mildrew (DMR) Sweet Basil Classic Genovese pesto variety Piccolino Greek dwarf basil with spicy-sweet Greek basil taste. Beautiful dark purple leaves. Taste is similar to Opal Basil cinnamom basil.

Looking for more detail on our varieties? We source nearly all of our seeds from High Mowing Seeds ( and Johnny's Selected Seeds ( Both websites offer great additional information. [email protected] 608-446-6962