Uptown Girl A Billy Joel Musical Music and Lyrics by Billy Joel Libretto by Michael Stepowany Member of the Dramatists Guild Of America Screenplay based on his play - Uptown Girl Current Revisions by Michael Stepowany April 18, 2021
[email protected] Michael Stepowany 7707 Northern Ave. Glenn Dale, MD 20769 301-908-7385 1 OPENING CREDITS - MONTAGE 1 OVERTURE PLAYS Montage: We see the CENTRAL CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL of Allentown, PA. VIRGINIA is graduating, class of ‘68. ‘Burn your draft card’ protests. Front of the School. VIRGINIA is getting her picture taken with her MOTHER and her older brother, MAX. VIRGINIA hops into a CORVAIR and speeds away while her mom and brother wave goodbye. Vietnam war protests. We see a 1952 four door sedan with its hood up. BUDDY is working on the engine. MLK Riots. We see a long distance trucker slamming the back doors of his trailer. He opens the door to his cab and we see his wife sitting in the passenger seat. He climbs in and starts his rig. Bobby Kennedy Assassinated. Burn your bra protests. The old jalopy starts, BUDDY slams the hood. BUDDY, EDDIE, GEORGE, & DAVID hop in. President Johnson. We see the previous truck passing a closed, rusted steel mill. UPTOWN GIRL - BILLY JOEL / STEPOWANY 2. 2 EXT. - ALLENTOWN - SUNSET 2 FRIDAY SUNSET Summer, 1968. A dead-end street in Allentown, PA. A hulking rusted steel mill towers in the background. Along the street is a small lot where abandoned cars and steel remnants dot the overgrowth. There are a few adults mingling near the junk as their children play.