Excerpt from the Report of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Development Cooperation to the Parliament 2020
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May 2020 Foreign affairs Excerpt from the Report of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Development Cooperation to the Parliament 2020 Government of Iceland Ministry for Foreign Affairs Excerpt from the Report of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Development Cooperation to the Parliament 2020 Layers of International cooperation OSCE Andorra Bosnia and Kyrgizstan Russia Turkmenistan Armenia Herzegovina Moldova San Marino Ukraine Azerbaijan Georgia Monako Serbia Uzbekistan Belarus Kazakstan Mongolia Tajikistan Vatican City SCHENGEN EEA EFTA EU Liechtenstein EUROZONE OECD Australia Chile Switzerland Sweden Austria Cyprus Colombia Finland Ireland Israel Malta Japan NATO Mexico New Zealand South Korea Belgium Lithuania Canada Czech Estonia Luxembourg United Iceland Republic France Netherlands States Norway Denmark Germany Portugal Turkey Hungary Greece Slovakia Poland Italy Slovenia Latvia Spain United Kingdom Bulgaria Albania Croatia Montenegro Romania North Macedonia Issued by: Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Iceland, May 2020 Photos: Ministry for Foreign Affairs (5,15) Sigurjón Ragnar (6,9) Jouni Porsanger (8) NATO (11) Pontus hook (13) 2 May 2020 Anniversary in the midst of a pandemic The Ministry for Foreign Affairs celebrated its 80th anniversary on 10 April, in the midst of the global coronavirus pandemic. These have rightfully been called unprecedented times, as the world is confronted with a global health crisis and what could possibly turn out to be the most severe economic downturn in our times. A lot has changed since the Icelandic Foreign service was established 80 years ago, but its main role remains unchanged: to protect and promote Iceland’s interests abroad. The importance of this role has rarely been as relationship with the United States, Iceland’s visible as in the last few weeks, where the staff largest export market. Protecting Iceland’s of Iceland’s diplomatic missions around the interests following Brexit has also been a world and at the Ministry have worked tirelessly priority in the Ministry and the negotiations in assisting around 12 thousand Icelanders with the UK on the future relationship between travelling abroad as the pandemic broke out. the countries will soon be under way. Iceland’s membership in the UN Human Rights Iceland’s NATO membership and the bilateral Council from 2018-2019 has been one of the defence agreement with the US remain key most significant roles Iceland has undertaken pillars of Icelandic foreign policy. Changes in on the international scene. Iceland’s initiatives the security landscape in Europe demand an on the Council even received global attention, increased preparedness in the region, which is not least when the Council passed a resolu- the reason for the sizeable maintenance and tion tabled by Iceland on the promotion and construction work of defence-related proper- protection of human rights in the Philippines ties within the security area at Keflavík Airport. and when Iceland lead a Joint Statement, on Iceland assumed its two-year presidency of behalf of almost forty states, on development the Arctic Council in May 2019. The presidency in Saudi Arabia. To a certain extent, our leading provides an opportunity to highlight the impor- role on the Council was a touchstone for how tance of Sustainable Development. Iceland has the (relatively small) Icelandic Foreign Service a great deal of interest in the sustainable and would cope with such an extensive and chal- peaceful development in the region. The presi- lenging task. However, it should be safe to say dency is an opportunity to highlight Iceland as that the Foreign Service passed the test with an active contributor to global affairs. flying colours. International development cooperation has Last year, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, become an increasingly important part of the presented for the first time a special report to Ministry’s work. A year ago, Althingi passed Althingi on the status and implementation of a new policy for international development the European Economic Area Agreement. The cooperation. The policy brings Icelandic exper- EEA agreement has transformed the Icelandic tise to the forefront, and how it can contribute business environment in the 25 years since its to infrastructure development and economic ratification, and the presentation of a special growth in developing states. report underlines its importance. The Foreign Ministry has at the same time placed an Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson, increased emphasis on fostering an even closer minister for foreign affairs and international development cooperation 3 Excerpt from the Report of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Development Cooperation to the Parliament 2020 COVID-19: A new focus for the Foreign Service HEILSA OG VELLÍÐAN When the coronavirus pandemic hit the globe in early 2020 the work of the Foreign Service underwent a drastic transformation. The flexibility of the Foreign Service, which has been consciously fostered and strengthened in recent years, proved invaluable when about half of the staff took part in assisting around twelve thousand Icelanders abroad. As everywhere else in society, daily tasks its utmost to facilitate the import of these changed overnight and extensive plans for products. The Embassy of Iceland in China visits, events and conferences had to be has worked hard to facilitate and expedite revised immediately. The Foreign Service, along the purchase and transportation of products with Promote Iceland, has done its utmost to from China and the Government has been in assist Icelandic export companies to find their good cooperation with Japanese authorities in footing in a drastically changed environment the response to the pandemic. In a concerted and continues to chart any barriers and to effort by the whole administration, Iceland resolve them to the furthest extent possible. was able to join the JPA on the joint procure- ment of medical products in Brussels in record Negotiations in record speed time and to avert a ban by the European Union on the export of certain protective gear for Globally, there has been fierce competition for medical professionals. protective gear, respirators and other necessary medical supplies. The Foreign Service has done Consular Services during the pandemic: location of Icelanders and repatriation flights 4 May 2020 CoroCCnCoCoaororvororoinornnuanaasvavv iviprriiuraurusunss sdpp peapaamnanndndidcede em-emm mciicociic nc-- -s c-c u coocolnoannsnrssu ussululealalrararv r sris cseeserervsrvrv iivMcciiceecaesesrs scMM hMMaa a1rar4crcrch hcth ho 11 4141A4 4 tpt o torto io AlA Ap2App9rprir irl2li il 20l2 29299 09 22 20020202200200 Coronavirus pandemic MFA NEWS Consular Services 14 March to 29 April 2020 Medical equipment from China 3,21343,2,21144 5,75505,7,75500 74 7744 7 April 2020 Icelandic health author- 3,21343,2,21144 5,75505,7,75500 74 7744 ities contracted Icelandair to trans- generagle gcneoennresarula lcla ocrn osnuslualra r peoplep ecpoenpotlpeal cect oecndotn adtciartcetcdet dldy i.dr eircetclytl.y . facilitafatficoainclii tllaietttaitoteinors nl e sltetntettre str os esnetn tto t o genergaelg nceoenrneasrlau cll aocrno snuslualra r peoplpee pcoeoponlpteal ec otcenodtn adtcaitrceetdec tddl yidr. iercetcltyl.y . facilitfaatfciaoiclnitl ialtetaittotienor nsle lsteettentrets rt sso es netn to t o servicesses rhevraivcniecdsel eshd ah noadvnlederld e do voevre r Over twOvoOe vtreh trow utwos aothn todhu obsuyas npadhn odbn ybe yp hpohnoen e certifyc techreatritft yitfr ytah vtahetal ettr tasr vaweveleerlrees r sw wereer e port protective gear and medical servicseesre hvriavcinecdse lshe adhn aodnvldelrde do voevre r Over tOwOvoev rte hrtow tuwos otah ntohduo bsuays napdnh dob nyb eyp hpohnoen e certifyc etchretaritfyi ft yrtah tvaheta lter rtarsva wevleelrreesr sw wereer e 3,000 p3,h30o,00n00e 0p c hpaohllnosen. ec aclalsll.s. and otahnaednrs do r toehtcehereisvr isrne rgce etciaevriigvneignt geta dtra gregteetde d free tof rtferreae veteo tl ottr ota rvIacevele ltalo nt odIc Ieaclneadlna dn da nadn d equipment from China. The order was 3,000 3p,3h0,0o0n 0ep hcpaohlnolsen. ec aclalsll.s. and oathnaednr dso torhetehcersirv sri enrcegec tieaviirvngigne tgtea tdrag regteetde d free tofr fetrrea evto et olt tr toar vaIecvle ltlao tn oIdc Ie calenalndadn da nadn d messamgemesse sbsaysg aeegmse sab iybl yeo mre mtaeiaxl tiol ro tre txetx t ease theaeesiare sj eoth utehrinere ijryo .juorunrenye.y. messamgmeses sbasyga egsem sba ybil y eo merm ateialx iolt ro rte txetx t ease tehaeesaiers ejtoh tuehrienri erjo yjuo. runrenye.y. placed a while ago when the seri- 2,73262,7,73366 messamgeme.sessasgaeg.e. 2,73262,7,73366 messamgmes.essasgaeg.e. ousness of the virus was becoming emailse rmemcaeialisvil ersde rceecievievded emailse mreemaciealsiivl sree drceecievievded evident. The embassy of Iceland in by the bcyob nyth steuh lecao rc nossenursvluailcra esrse s.revrivciecse.s. by theb cybo ytnh tsehu ecla ocrno ssneusrluvalirac esr ess.revrivciecse.s. China, in cooperation with authori- ties in Iceland prepared the procure- 21122212111111 ment of this equipment and helped 588558888 312 strandsetsdrta rpnaadnsedsdea dnpg apesarssas niangn e5g6res r sin i n5 65 6 588558888 312333131121222 strandsetsrdtar npadnaesdsdea dpn apgseasrsass naing eg5re6sr sin i n5 65 6 to secure the necessary permits for individinuidanildvsii vhdieudlauplaesl dsh ethhleprloepdue gdth t rhoruoguhg h individinuidanildvsii vadirudraiuvlasel dsa raorrinvr ievde do no n countrcioecsuo.n