
and Characteristics

Matthew J. Gray, Ph.D. College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University of Tennessee-Knoxville

Goal of the Lecture

To familiarize students with the origin and evolution of and the characteristics of the and extant Orders of Amphibia .

Reading Assignments:

Wells: pp. 1-15

Lecture Structure

I. Class Amphibia Characteristics

II. Amphibian Fossil Record

III. Extant Amphibian Orders

1 What are Amphibians?

Ectothermic that have a biphasic cycle consisting of anamniotic (often aquatic) and a terrestrial adult stage.

KinKingdom:gdom: AnimAnimaliaalia Phylum: Chordata Subphylum: Vertebrata Class: Amphibia (amphibios: “double life”) Subclass: Orders: •Anura () • () • ()

Amphibia Characteristics


•Oxygen and CO2 Transfer (moist) • (lungless salamanders) • (larvae, few adult salamanders), 2 (adults) dorsalis 2) Two Types of Glands •Mucous Glands (cutaneous respiration) •Glanular Glands (toxic secretions) Paratoid Glands 3) Sensory Papillae in and Doubled Transmission Channels in •Columella – Papilla basilaris •Opercularis – Papilla amphibiorum (<1000 Hz) 4) Green Rods in Retina (excluding caecilians) •Function Unknown •Other Light Receptors: red rods, single and double cones 5) Bicuspid Pedicellate Teeth •Crown (above gum), Pedicel (connected to jawbone) •New Crown Emerges from Pedicel

Fossil Record of Amphibians

First Amphibians Modern Epoch Amphibians 350 MYA (late ) 250 MYA


2 to Tetrapods Greenland Late Period 360 MYA

Ichthyostega Acanthostega

1 m 0.6 m What evolutionary forces •Piscivorous encouraged transition to land? •Piscivorous •Limbs likely used •Fish-like for navigating •Limbs likely used •Tail for balance for paddling •Skeletal structure •Skeletal structure forelimbs Elbow could not bend •Lungs •Gills and Lungs

Temnospondylous Amphibians Late and Early Permian Periods •1.5-2 m long •Bicuspid pedicellate teeth

•Tympanum likely

•Lungs & Cutaneous Respiration

•Shoulder disconnected Eryopus megacephalus from

•Likely piscivorous

•Engulfed prey •Not a strong swimmer or fast (likely hunted by stealth or opportunity)

Nectrideans and Microsaurs No Fossils: Carboniferous and Permian Periods 30 MY Nectridia 6 groups with uncertain •Mostly Aquatic common ancestor •Resembled (flat tails) •Some with triangular heads •Hydrofoils in slow moving streams •Small fish and aquatic 0.5-1 m invertebrates •“Small ” •Terrestrial (), aquatic (newts), and magnicornus

3 First Tetrapods Carboniferous and Permian Periods Labyrinthodontia Lepospondyli

Anthracosauria Aistopoda Microsauria

1) Embolomeri 1) Trematosauroidea 2) Seymouridae 2) 3) Anurans Salamanders Caecilians Lissamphibia (Monophyletic Origin) Lissamphibia (Polyphyletic)

Is there more support for monophyletic or polyphyletic evolution?

Fossil Record of Lissamphibia Probably Triassic, and Periods for All Orders 2) Salamanders 1) Anurans 3) Caecilians Video Paleobatrachus

Geotrypetes seraphini massinoti sharovi Apodops pricei •Origin: Madagascar •Origin: Kazakstan •Origin: Gondwanaland (SA) • (230 mya) • (170 mya) •Late Cretaceous (100 mya)

Modern Orders of Amphibia

•Gymnophiona (caecilians) 9% 3% . 167 Caudates Caecilians

88% Anurans

Ichthyophis kohtaoensis 280 Species in U.S. (86 Species in TN) •Caudata (salamanders)

•Anura (frogs) tinctorius . 5,420 species

Plethodon shermani . 559 species

4 Caecus = blind Gymnophiona

•Tropical Distribution Characteristics: •Earthworm like (7 cm – 1.5 m) •Limbless (pectoral & pelvic girdles absent) •Degenerate (most are fossorial) • (phallodeum ) •20% Viviparous; 80% Oviparous •6 Families

Dermophis mexicanus bicolor

Ichthyophis kohtaoensis

Caudata (Urodela) •Smokeys Diversity (31)

Characteristics: •Mostly Temperate Distribution •Tailed Amphibians •Lizard like (30 mm – 1.5 m) •Well-developed limbs (except aquatic) •Internal Fertilization (most) •Larval Development External (most) •10 Families •Lack Tympanum & Middle Ear (opercular)

Andrias japonicus

Ambystoma mavortium

Amphiuma tridactylum Plethodon shermani

Salamander Phylogeny

Plethodontidae Derived

Amphiumidae Rhyacotritonidae

Ambystomatidae Dicampt od ontid ae




Cryptobranchidae Primitive

5 Anura Characteristics: •Global Distribution •Shortened Presacral (usually 8) Saltatorial • are reduced or absent (2nd or 4th) 2-10X BL •Presacral Vertebrae Firmly Articulated •Large Hind Limbs, No tail (except 1 family)

Video •External Fertilization (usually) •Flat heads and Large Mouths (usually) •36 (50) Families •Vocal Sacs in Males (usually) Frost et al. (2006)

Phrynomantis bifasciatus

Agalychnis callidryas Dendrobates azureus clamitans

Anuran phylogeny Primitive Derived

36 Families Recognized