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:! ~' ~~:>~ .... •. SI:'!'ctCo'S italian Travel Agency GIRl. ' Tel 2781399


, INCLUDes: DOVESI VENDE "BACK HILL" ------~ .. --.----.--...... ---.- ~ -.... ~ -.-. ._------DUE PAROLE

----_._---MEDITAZIONE- ,

------"THE"HILL" UN SALUTO A GIANNI TOSINI ------_... ------, LA VAL RENDENA ------.. -- , . REGIONI D'ITALIA - REGIONS OF ITALY , ------::------t,'

------CAR TEST , . NOTIZIE DELLA CHIESA :DI SAN PIE.TRO ---"':"'"------.------.: " ------CROSSWORD , '~ ------LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. . , LA_Bl!..NDIER~_DELU!.f2M!'~E§.!9lr.~_!:!.~~~

EDITORIAL COMMENT - A TRICOLO DI FONDO ---..ooo::-.--....~--.------,--- A DAY AT WEMBLEY ------... ----"';'~ • R~!'2~ TS: I Giovani Italiani di Willesden

La Festa di San Michele D'Arcangelo

Anglo Italian Football League

Ballo a Letchworth

Dalla "Voce del Taro" <.­ •

~; ,\ / . j ,I " i :1'. !

c - .' -" \ i \.J • " I ,,,.'", •

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'-, '. . • j - .. - - - - .------.' " *. ' I -_C ONT . ENT-S ~.Cont~ •• '

• "C.!. ~ , .. ------FOTOGRAFIE La messa di Aldo Moro • • " w "~ La messa a Ayrcsfor'd' • ". . ' .... - RE!,ORTS §calabrini Shooting ~ompetition (con fotograiiEl) t ~.-~.. --..-'"':!"'~ . ,,,' -- " " • l\.- ", •• ,• . I , ...... ' • /' ••. ,Il Coro Presanella (con fotogr~iia)

.E'N:i':ER'T~INMENT Theatre: "Mac'betli'} ani:rBe'nryVI" Parts r, 'Z, '3, .. ' -"':""":- -.-'-':""'------.,." 7'~ ._...-,:" ','">.~. ("~~ . .;:- . Cinema: Ipbigenia (Af.' • ..

. ' Music Scene

T - SHIRTS BY MAIL ORDER .' .--;.~ t·--:-"~-:::-·-.~~------1 ~ " t .. ;; .SEOR:r:--_._- .F.oetbail: ;Cut - Ollt Guide to1 the World Cup Part Z

, . ~ • Tennis: World Championship.Tournament - Final • • • Italian Open Championship • 1 .. ,,_ :!!I • • Football: Gita sportiva dell'Associazione Lucchesi nel Mondo . . ------.-._------_.--Hi\.VE yOU' BEEN THERE? .' . ,~:".(.- "~;-,,,~.,,- " ".GAN;rI·pOPOLARI ITALIAN! .. -----_.. _------_._--.... • .. y , • 'CHILDREN'S' PAGE .. ------_.-----,....

" ·PROSSI~I.:EVENIMENTI - FUTUR.E.EVENTS " _... __ ._------...._--- --_ ... ------• • . ,

• • • • t • • , " • • # . . o • , • ',. .:~ lI' " . •

• • • • • • ," BAC~C HILL !li~C!c'" HILL nACK HILL MCle ~!ILL BACIC HI~ MCKHILL ------~ RILL si pu~ aoq~stare,presso :- CAH BE. BOUGHT AT j-":': .. . •

LA CHIESA ITALIAHA DI DAn P~RO. C1erkonl-To1l. Rd. London, E.C. 1. "'. ,,,

ST P~RIS. ITJ'.LIAH CATHOLIC SOCIAL. C~Ui3 136 C1erkonwe11 Rd...... :,", London. E.C. l.~ , ,'1 , ST p~EatS ITALL'l.H CATHOLIC yourli CUB. " . , ,. o· .. , !london. E~C. 1.

TI-ID),':Ch"URC:! OF. 'ST'PHILJ:? T~. Al?q$~!Z. C/o Xaverian IassionarY Fathers 260 Nethor Str. London. N.2.q., . ,

La CHIES1I. DEL SAIlTISSIlr.o Ri]:!)ENTOlE 20 Brlxton Rd. Sca1abr~ni Fathers. Lo:tdon. 8."1!. 9 • . " ".' I'" .. .' j.Baci~ H:iii:' 'Londo~.,,:·a~ic~ 1.

,n ~EnVJ:la. • 183, Ca1odonian Rd. • ... ' . I.ondon. N. 1 • .. '. " , .~ '" DONDI Co!lT:i:IlE~lTAL STOnES, • Loather Lane,

. ,": I; ~ :~.(mdon. E.C.• 1 •.

08IO ,r". GIODERTI 62/61~ High Rd.East • ." .,. '." J F":irichJ.ey" N. 2 ~ D. FABRIZZI " • ~ .. :2'8'9.Ro'ganfl :S Pk Rd. London. N. 3 • . ',,- -.~.~' ,,- ~. ~'

I.ftU"lINO &. BEPI. . 391 G;t'~(}Il Lanos 'London. ·N.. ,4. ~7.3; B.o:wo·s)J~d. i LO:ldon.. N .11.

C1I..1U,() G1I.LLUZZO. 3 Ru-~1ey Gardens,

London, N.~·!. 10.

I-t'l.ZZIrr.r-GIIJ.~13ALDI CLUB. ned Lion St. London. 7:J .C. 1. SIGG. :>I IU.RDO E 3L\SI, 11.110 attivith socia1i do1 Circo~0'Ita1~ano di S.E. London.

Cf~ nOYAL. 11.1 Disoo mens:i10 del. C.L.I.C.'. Domenica 14 maggio ia Comunit!l' I~aliana si e' raccolta nella chiesa:di§a~',' Pietro per'fic?rdare A~d.'lr¥-~~~ .•c,~,~uc:~~,,~~s~,~. ~'~!~~~~.If"e!~?J~t,vll~ or,e :11. Eranopresentl Ie Autorlt.a,.d~lla~Comumta!.,~la~pohzla.lnglese~rl"Sacredotl italiani e tanti ,fed eli commossi, composti, attenti. La.bandiera italiana con illutto, posta~al!~ent'ro !deli~'Chies~. halric!l,v,U.tP~IP9nl.aggi!?,)!1.!lk.ii,!F~ da parte dei bambini con la fascia .tricolore. Rappresentanti delle Associaz.ionn~~liane hanno letto. itb!~ni:;.d,ella(Sa:cra:j~,crittu~a:~n:u·mero~i,s.!"i,m,ef.!!! i~Rmc::!~Joni. h~, " ~" ~ ~ . E' un q':1alch~ ,cosa che veramente, ci ha sorpre.so· e'addoloato tutti 'q~anH: ciha s combus so.oliii·g1.lplh "ac~~~, ;{if;cii~Iibi{;~~a:;van;,b'clie'In t"It'aHlil pates ~~ro accadere certe COSE<:' e.in~ese ',c' e' gente, talm~llt~ p~zz

Cari fratelli,£.a,nq,h~el,i0I1·c9me'Y,0.~'!I~Sen.tro.·.dell~;r9... dh~~ 1!!.l.

Eccovele: .... ' ~ . 'I ~~ < ~ F~J~iff}~f~~cr¥ui'ii:4m,'~a:f{~tiuO's~:~:JntW!~~~o'tb,ros~ani~iil:~~~ uniti -per ricordare,~ medita 1."e e pregare. Per ricordare ·ii nostro fratello Aldo Moro e, . l' t'Jt't!'!~t: 'Itl ~;l~ "1o. lYI.!'O·.!';...·z - :J'-jtt~-:{ft;~""l~-.j;~!t: .~':-r ~i!fHYb'" ; ~~Stt ~,. ....ft: ''''''''04 T 11 . 't' con' Ul, u 1 co Oro,cli e una ~orte VIO en a e ua;- ara na-s .. appa t 0 a a Vl a mentre stavano compiendo il lora dovere. .Nella.tristezza di~questo'momento ci e.' 1!~:g~~~t~';i'~i'iitJai'in:J'ti't'EflieiYoe~n:'b'ia •• IH •.,~.>.' h ,;) _.. , •• J.ll "Ir'!'f ,., l'd;''> nlt·" II P .aro a, d.1. D.10Ch e rlemple a Messa· d1 Oggl Cl d a, a' orza 1 mealt are su a vita .dei nostri. fratelli e sulla· nostra vita •. IlSignore Dio, in questa messa, ci dice che dii~~ntri iui~dilWill:i'ai1 p~dn'chlesfe', ".non"'isis£ii aiversita' di razza 0 dipers~ne: non esiste una differenza di lavo~i 'di uffici divisi in pill' umilf~.f piii I j:JJiiiii~?Ji£ 'liuJii'cP6W(nl~a'c~bmpJgna~ '~e'iia vli~i q~el~o' che <:i fa sentire :viClpi. gli uni agli altri; ciol.che ci rende capaci di capirci fra di noi, ·e -- 'solt~ilto"?r- i~6 ~~ rEi11L':Ji\Rp'eito{'~h~~iibi ~aHi)rarrt~'~'~r8o ~~itiomof'v!e~rso gli ubm~ni, verso la dignita' umana. E' un dono della Spirito Santo.questo, e' un dono della Spi rit~ ci~1's1~gJa~~efi~i Jiiii' d~~6 :.;ti&-'1d griiiii6''di! n6i.lclii~~e~u'mirmente ogni Mattina al Padre, e'.un.dono,che il nostro·fratello Aldo Moro chiedeva ogni matti~a nell~c:g~~s}a'cPfiii?a'Jdi\?oih~R';r'~':'f1 'Jlio'raVOio:1t 'qti:e-JtW~ono Dio 10 ha concesso a lui eagli altri fratelli uccisi che. con'illoro sangue, ci las ciano una testimonia~~:t.; "-t1''i£~{i~xi-d ti~a·t~8nhl.b;';iiiki'a:'d·iJfJde ':fehr line~t~1 enella democrazia, ci las ciano' una .testimoni,anza dl, speranza verso giorni di pace e di giustizia. E' con l'impegn~';g'.l~'Jri'1i!s'a:'c'rrfi'c'i(Hii ..t'utt1'i~hefl(i')5p?rito Santo ci guida verso una nuova terra e un nuovo .cielo dove la fratellanza fra tutti noi sara' costruitadall'amore. e dall~ generosita' ,che ognuno sapia' portare c'on la sua propria vita •. '11.0/1' ..• , ...... l!'):l E perche' questi nostri pensieri non rimangano parole vuote, non in questa Messa Ii voglia~o offrire ate, Dio che ci salvi: accetta il ricordo dei nostri fratelli morti, donaci ~aforza di costruire la pace e la comunioneche tu e noi desideriaino.

Padre Roberto Russo "

"nrS' in .ca~h"> r,n)~. ·~:tt>,,))_ ,.,.• ':" !t£J j"~"':i o.:t~;~ ·'~'i:'(.l~r!:.~ ;;~I r~.~· "i?:i :.J. ; ~~~:,'L)rl!.·.£': '"" .. ~l !')";,c, ;,:,IIL ~ii:··!~~~t}" .• ~":4,~·~!~:-.. >4 te-~:...·r.;J. l-:Ul ~c.J ;;"'-1(:;(/ ~1:5!!. ~:, ,,-};'~_._ ~.~ ... '"'<"~~ v..!~'-·,,::< ~t',5';'. "R.iu~~~~::d~ M.ej~f~.9n~ s,~p~:~a!o.~;t~l;:~?_;~u; >,J 1'" ,,-'Jfi.j '':?,' , ; f':(,i ~·.iP !l:..--Ji .~~~.-'~j.btyyd E.J .:3.:i'.":~:i> .,i:i8( ~7.lf./~ ,lr.'::~')f~''''::;·~'·, .• l:I~:I~~l.i:~·~_--l '_\ ! ..'''~ ~I",~ ..ts t>~. {;.",; to:, l'-Ei; Iie'cessario"cHe(s'p€iidi'arrio',quar~ne .parola<~su!questai':':"'1 ," ~~.uI Ii .,~"rt';; "·,,I_.:.,n.,' .,'''' .~ ~... -- n . ,. • 'r '" , .• ~ .... ,.j,.& . .t .. ,,-_.a'- 6h ...... • ,-",'. (,0.0;:).1 ... ';:,t '\'~~;_J lL3!:i ..... (i··,a~ ..;~ '''.~" .'1 '.r WJ lIi'~ ...~r" 11' -lo'-" .. J!j,-',,'c","J "''> ,r.~i...~ • irh !l)eUI'fisirrta'Jiillifati va~~he:tsi;~t~~diffinderidb ~~. ~rtip~~; pi~l.:· ;~ :"1 ,:, ft' ~,f ~"':~ j,.:~ :'ti~~ L.tp, 1;3:;Jj Q!:"',:J!c{>b,.;, .~~ o~::)'l.~,¥I,('\... L/ i).' ,j~~l ~t.L"-·.;~~ I ~};"~~~ '"r:.oJ.~ .. ':~'!.!:lUI' -.:!:' ~'":! ~·i~'!.~"" ")J -~ ~.'~:::~~~~~,,~~r·". ,";;;:;' ..1,(, ~ ~l .. tc,;t:fn'.:,:(f;'~, "'-·)'1.""'E ..~~ • \It.~.)".J.~! ..!I:'~ ~!:~~:J"" ~;"!::.qQ t.11~ ...... : ..·~ ~h ~:!11' -hl _,-! (1' (It~~ .~"'; ., ,"-IY ,i-:')' ,j!j.IJ~ t r. ,;::: ~'iDbia'~;1 Pbil ogiiUD:9' dice agi.itiiltri'i, "~'e ;vuole~:l!ciue~lo O.'T;;)~ !:;; i: '.m o~n_.;mnV0IJ::: ,cu-.rt .trilL ·~',frH_ "I~;e l_:r:.1i·lI~l fJ >:';:~:__ "'''l "L" t#3'!)~~ . ;.:. :.., ~.P; ~·41(f;,. ,",:,>t'l .;~! " - . . ,'''' .... ~ ~. '" . • "-~,-"~~ !_tf{ ... ':t'UC!: ..)!,:..,'-··~:)('l £Ui "'l.,)~.:.~~ ..t '~"""~:.l;_-::.J~' /_';' on.! 10 v , :..... , r :t{!O~) ~ -j .... ",' . MoltLsono i1sruppi.italiani che,ormai.si ~,~no formati a , ~~" ~"JthJ 'o.l"""lln:-!:o:aa ':.f- ._:l."_ .J"j.~,:ln.p ",;")J~,u:,..,U:_f" is-;.? i.J~IU QITl 1" "'.:': lH'~: ... - ~.- ",~ ~ .. ~~jI -'< 0;',·1.1 «II~j.t.~l ""'ij'-~;)n 11 -" .:.b~:qJr~ 'J!}-:'I ..."9';tr.*l':J;~a ') !/<-.u,~\jiL 'J;r,/ .\.>--.!".L~;J"')l~ .... II r'ondra ••E,tutb .. sono molto,contenh: veramente Sl sente, .. £:t'11. (j. ~ C"~""''''.s.:1b}:.r •.:. A.~ ...... t.'..J~:;I,f .• ~J ".,J5;;··· ../rj,·~~· .... ~~J ... OJii :::!.!u·~; .. :'J- O".d01-"'''' ..~3 ... :;~i ,ur! n,:;) ~:'!n.l(n(J:::t l)i2$:J.ur':. ~!) i.... ~:s.~"J~~.~ I:'!I~:,~ .~J·J·)~<)[.A) -:'~'_jl 11 e:r r:,,:,,i,.Jll"/)~ {i,~L·J.r.t~~ n':L'~l ltrl n·::t, i1b;!':,,;:~~!.'.I?;l"?'P.'~}8!P~S>:f~i11l~;·W~~ o<;I~~~·.?~,,~ugr4~::,~l-_ g~p,lf1:'ire (}t'·~~~~:h "J 1', ' r ~ ,.. • IT •... • • ·f ! 1": .. ,·10 0,,:. lJ1l:i'l!ri.H':; ....·:d:j(J,:?~l~U''''1. 1~ ~1t__ ·j("U;,j.!~_,J~:' ::-:'~'U"".\".~ !~.t 11):J ~;V"!.H').ih J:~~ •••' t.&'l J { -1 b.. .; ~3 . t~.~.!l~nV~t~ !.tJ~O~~<;>l~i~lA :P~?~~.:~~1ft~ t~~.ie~~f 't l!~~~<~¥~t~;~~(~~?~!!:; ~ £-~-! l[,:f:ef'~K"';' 1~1a )l.Jp., t~l 'LOtI,! ~"'~(f:~~~3 H .. {~;1~;"" .k~~tf3(io"1 ~J!t1, ! ..... !!Z~ij;,~:~. J~1':i'_~-,,! ~~:i--; ~ J <~" "1 " .;'.. " ..-ne'l" V1Vere, p'er esscre fehcl, .. per. caplre che c.e. Dl0:' " •• " ..IlL ,-,,, .. G ... -"""-.~;'\ -+",d""l~ ':."St_le. ,~j"c"'~~'''"J'''1l"·g, F' ;a:.~' '~";1J.~I.D ,1tf. "', J. 04•• r .".r: '.J'~'-J C~-.~,... ! ~ ft~ •• • '" ... - ~~ ~ .'." ""'-It' - • ,,! II _a;. .. '. t " .... ' III •..,... ." v•• '" .,~ 1!;"'3 l'!t !E'''¥.':,,) tr.."H.du ~~) :''lr:i~f. 1 ,~JI) ,["r:~f'!":l·,,' , ~~FJ ,r:.cur ~~:::iC! j ,'=cr: :'::JSt":'~ :'f. ~ 1) c .:~":~" •..; r'~ ~, C '~~~ q~~.. ~!~ ~~,~: m?~9.?:I,n3~' Y~~l~3~r~p?~tp.~~W~~~!~,~.'~I~fn~~~~e';~~r~J~~ ~mlJ ,~C~~~ i"_ ['_,,'; 1~~2uJ[.'''' l.' t~r:!::·'~'.~'Lf!~:t:. ~;.. ':.·~.i '~Il'> .JI.~j;~'~ IFfr4!';-;:7r::: .!!!~ .• h~ .... !).#"',!,r''''':'-~.jI~l~'; "Iim, .. ;or . ,.. ,e'.-la.nostra mlSS10ne prlncl",,,,le enOl voghamo fare'l .preb· I..h, .-.1» t ... ' I,J"_.,,J "·4H.·,.·.:-.r.-4c .. o~·_·",~··,,-... t'~,n'.. ~"].·_,, "!.!:J '",;'~:j "'fJ~...J-::.\ ....-·<'; 'J! (",; ~~,:~rou'-.L A. "y: ..~-' J!v(1 '~'J ·"f:~:i10f!.::I~.~~1"a-;;"J;xil:Z.,sj~'tI"PC·I~~I~! ~~rilf~~ 'iilPI' SRi ~1a .Uali~iia':c11;" :; '; I~ (~1'"le"! .... "." .... ,f J,""d.. :J'", , .. ;r.O"AhU--"'A~.u.:.·._ J,vh l~ (jU::~I,:r..'- !:I~,~'''' 04~l'.!'II .!:(J! ··..'!':'..;":c,"'l.--·:.c: ~:~!..-:. '~.'I~i~qtj.t,.." ..,tt ~.\"~,tJ r;"~;i:·'::~,h~: 1 ...... ;.c-1'o,~~ Q;)/}~ ("'1[9j~:\f o!J~#3a(~ry,!:! "j.{::J_Q(f.'):~ t':J'I 'r.. ~~""~~J~-'>"i J- ·~ul:~J .... r4~ f'l: ~.! ~~ ~ I ~,~-,'i"1i~'i,l!t~~~ ,,~1~mEt};li~1~2~' !~ ~r:f i~~,

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l':dr.;l:~ i .~ '·-~·I"';:.t)~,.,J. ~~ f$.-"-Jl"';('~' :£~'11"'" .r;':P !J,:~"\ ..I£~~ 'l\-:-) >. ': r' ~., l-;t~. (~ ..~!!!~irY'~':~.::J!: <.... i3 ..."'«.JLl • • "'I, " '~";: ~ ... ,_ _ • ' __I:;"", .... 1 '... ,n".J:'ll!J.I':"'.~) ,-)'. :"j ~.;'...:tf>:S pi ' ... ~;.i.t1/f~;:!'''--) ~:,. .:-r --',::1'::1 j';Jr:'t:.r:,~~ .. Ji:~::' ,,;~ iijl_ ~,:,,"""!l .. ~,>.'"f' _~. l~·"',r:,".!:.;) ~ct: ------~.~.,~,~.~~~------.

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1" !":". ~ " • - . .Ij":-:.~ ~_o, T/:", ..... ,:; Ii ':~, _" ~~' ... ..;" -... \t"";?(.~" ~,,"'t' .... "~ ~ ..... They donI.t .. S~~.~ ,~?~~lj~P'"~F1SJ1:ll\Y,~.~ i9rr~ :~n,,~h~~.;d~~n,~s;.,~~~:~~~.s~·•. ,., ,~" parentslan4Ica~<.~v.~!1r!=.I~~~R!l.at:",~~a~~P5~~~:~~~ ~1~.::. S,u.:c~~~~.~e,~ .. ~~ S:l~~,. and Page - but a more enthusiastic Italophile you could not meet. "'" , _ ~ +" .' '-'I~,.,. :OJ '~J~_~~ ~:t.'';'' >~' It all started thirty odd'years ago when I got engaged to, and later· ~ >- ~",- - ~ -!.e ~ 0( married," a m~r:~ho~~·~bf~~~4~~:EiigTIsli"'biit~h5se·'fa:tnei'~!fanii1y:ail' "".:.;_~) "I';, ',' :,~-~i' _ .... I':~~~ ;.,:",! ' .. ~ lived iIi Back Hnl. ' '" • "'" "'" 'r·, • ' "''''. ; ~""V~ -,'- .,. .... \0. ,"-' 1"< .~ , " "-~"1 .. " It seemed t~-:~e tlia't the'italian" Jideonli~;family was :ratlier.iplayedl,j',~" down. Maybe 'thi~ ~a~ b~'ca~i~~!;at'a child':' 'myiKu'slian4ifeltl'some; conflicting or divi(i'~'d ioVaiii"eIFiri~ an'-'Anglp-l~ali2n-fan:d.~y:." ~2.~!!~!:N~e ,t~~e,f~.l!.t ~,f.,I"!1Y chi1dren~·ana~ffiYselnri·the~Itali~il;hedt.~,~:.!l~?g, some not"so; good, ,but.all.to me, colourful characters• .. ~~ ""...... _- ...... '" ... ~~ ... ~,' T."~\~._': ;.-, :'~.i.~"" '. ~.'\ r~'1 "t: 1, ...... r ,. <0',_' r ~·'1 , - -,.- ~ '.'- ",. t. ,J ,_.- .... : ~ "'~~,:. • I rem~E?-E~S ~~~.d~y, :~t!\o~~" ~r,!~r~~c2t~?t.<> ~~e ~?O~? to, ~~rgre~~'grand- -, , ..~l ~,_ ...4~~", /" ,'Ie" ,,< .~f.ljJt..l~.':i\t !'/l~""! ... : f.,',' mother. •. R· ~~I! !h~ (f.i£s,~.igp;~~ ~f.';l,~~,.c?i,~d ~ ";~~ ~lW~~~~ r!~:~ f~:m~ ~n~~.equacy at not ~prp_d~£i~g\~: ~?~,~~. ~[4,i,d.~()~t ~eke a.~~, of:~I!Cew~e~ ,t::!,orin~ ~~l~e(r ~lnlie . • _ . ~"".;-' ,\ .. ' _"."" ~_'" .. '11'';::<'4(i r clothes'~Pi~~ ~~~'I.1!.~h~ ~~~:x,~a~ !=J~~-!lI:~lJ!Xlm~ ~f I was back at work agaln, 1 • _ • .,. ';...J< -~" )'» '-,":':,'3f',;t'· .. •,r:, . ." ... ," ~nd ,~sJ!.e~ .!'-,: d,~ ~~y:, ()~~. P "-In".".": ',~. ~'-::,,~.. ~.. 1f * .. her with great affection £0'1' tj{e"snort(iiWie~l:-kiiew' her: "I;,,,!,, ,7 , ... ., t .. / One of the last memories, exct~WQ.hen I ,took my first.twofdaughterI!Jto! v!sit her:i~ftneJlta:iian(HOspitahr.wa,s!when'!I.h~ ...w~.~1':Y~1~B !~,.. ,w}H!H.;t:~e? out, \ to be'ih'"~·rttast·pr.roces'siCm~··'It',was aaho~:Sund.ay'.I!·r~]!le,IJ).!>~.r~; ~%!~.!lh~.w.~~·tn0.r.e ... . ,,~ ... staggerlh'g'th8n·walkin·g. Her.sons J-Ver~.impJ,?rj!!g J!~;-\!2,~:r:BP')~H~!,'~~UN~ 'Y,as a thing she had done eyery year,'~ince.c!lming',t2\Epgl

of Italy they ca~e f,rom----and I must admit I had to get a very large scale map to find the small mountain village marked.

C Continued. • i



I t. ! j

I! I •

I I I r -,-.-n'Nostro.. --.-,-_. Amico Gianni- In tina se·mplic~·:e.8impafica ceremonia al Ca~e' Royal domenica 7 m.aggio, alcuni amic;i . :itltimilhanho: Yoluto,darelil ilaluto,dLaddioall' · _. :.:.a~1I1i,e ,2-.!lE-L.4!··X~.l9:n­ ". .' , t~riato. 'Chiamato:poil

~-~ ~~'~~:: ~'< ->:~':L~~~~.; ;; ;t~k~;:;".'? ;: ;~:'~-, "I: ~,~i6~zr·4i~-~lt:%i::amici !riulanLvenneU:·r.e.iito<~_ - il Fogolar 'FurIan5dFGraii~Br'eta'gna; ." . t· " ." .... (', ' • I .-. ,,", ...- ,...... ?;, ~. c·- _ - ot r ---~ "GUamici del calcio, del Fogolar'Fui:lans, "della' FAIE'di-'t'uttil'lc"'comunita'

" e~cir.coli Iche~.egF .llnd9' ~,y!.sJ!~,~~, ~Hnt.<:J~ ,~.~.. ~~p~rm~nt'~z'1-; ill: ,I!lghi}~crra s e.nti r'a~~2:'1~: ~.a? ea~ z~;: dell!.a.nli c,O'; D.ii1.~I).~" el,i~.:,g':!.~§ t~~w.aE-~/.~~i!~,: y) B'i~~aB?,.~:, "I - g~~; f~g.~.ra~.~':~!?~l(l'·~?elI~:~l!~~O n!'10yodncar~c9~a;..R0!!1~,).yj£1!l2.~11~. S~~~m()J~!~e~- bna; tI?lam()'~~che. 'l~[penvenuto"al';suofsuccessore, Slg~ Za1pbrer~;: ". ,;:' .. " " "".!;.!1 ;~ , " _ ...... • '~~"'," .,,". --.. -- .:0, ..." (i:-

(Gianni"no~~.,. ,h-;'·"p~bbii~ato~ii,~iaiio.:che;PA;h _ _ ...... 6,,", __ ';~:i o!:. ___ 'Sc:volete ....-~ • ·..:.~.Lw'_::';"" ,9 c1--rv.erg'ti', 'i:;A , ,'-'r~"hi'iiid"ati!' " .., Ie vost're'lcttere::a;.'liii .presso ,HUfficioHnas,.IZ \y!1to~:-R~.~' l!2!1d§!l,§~}'{~; ~~;r~

< , •• 'L!A- ,.". '- ..... '. ,. ''Comita~o' u , :'-. ,,' iiFogolar di ... ." :'. G."B.'..' _~ '- ., .... ~.., .. • ,1 A~Giaiiiiio ...- ~ - ~,. - "

-- -=- ''10-, < -- ~ La~VaJ. Rendena, =:":,;==-=====.=,,,' ,,:- +'~: '. '~,,;["-,,' ~ :.,~ .(~,~ . -,.'" '~. .' _.• ' I " ".. ",~,' ': . Superatej1 :i·i- Lago'.id:L·,Mol.vencked-,;.:l.l. piccol.o centro d:l. vil.l.- 1·)eif-La"fiUrai .cii ,sin::·:uoronzo,':l.m.Banal.e ,si:: 'prosegue l.tUlgo il. corso dol. .·f:l.umo'fSar.ca ;s.ino~· a,'T:l.one':~i .. Trent 0 ti ::~'maii6 che;a:ttravars:l.runo·'i ;:froquent:!., vivaci vil.l.agg:l. ··'da:LJ.:e'l··;,·... ~. 'p:l.~, .. ttores " ·''tl ..-ir;1I', che0 .~ 'case' -_ :<, •.ai' " :J.:egno"surlcti:!..• ,.. ".' spiccano .aguzzi :I. '..cara- ' .. ~., ttor±s t1"oi ichnipi:rirl.1:i.': :l.l.' Jpaosagg:l.o., s:C;tras£orma: emergono dal.l.e. ~ ;~'scure':abeta:Le,~;il:l.'t'~;isul.::;verqe ,tenfo.z:c'ent'ro'~a:i!-Vi1.ieiiat-U:ra:, 'b'as'e .. per l.e resoUr-.er· :a', a£f-re's'oo"-d:l: lSim'one' 'Ba"s-oh~r:i:snchO:'_ ;,,,,,.1 'j cqst:l:tU:L's'ce' -una ~,hl.e·' 'Pi.ti: af':f'i:oac:l.', :vers-:l.oni"de,!- ,':t~ma,.'.m-,~.c;l:I.~o~y~l._e/ ! dol.l.a Danz~ Macabra. ., . Un'entus:l.asmante eseursione ne~ dintorn:!.;di PinzoI.o nel.l.' .aspra e pittorosoa Val."di Genova, eho si apre a." sinistra ~i Ca:t':tso~o: ~. ques-{;a tUla del.l.e p:l.u bl3l.l.e val.l.i trentine,'che £a part.e. del. ,Paroo Natural.e. Adamel.l.o -' Brenjra. I:n tUl ambiente seI.- ~."'jJl ('·~.4''''~'"\~ , • ...., vaggio, :l.n oui sono rimaste:l.ntatte I.e £itte £oro~lte,. l.e praterie e l.~ ;~~gorose ~asoate,'tra oui I.a ·spattacol.are oasoata di Nard:l.s ~vono capriol.i, ciamos,9i, marmotte e. qual.ohe ,02150. . , ~ , .: :.' ) : ~-. . .. ~ " ~ . "~~ .. ~nl~~l. tra bel.l.a esour:!sione ?l quol.l.a Iii Do';s' doi Sabion, in soggioVia, con runpie p:l.ste da soi da dove s:l..abbraooia tUla, spe,ttacoI.are visione clol. Gruppo di Brenta e del.l.'Adrunel.l.o - Prasanel.1a.~

C. Bortarol.l.:I. ------~------~-

, e:-"" ~ '1\ ~" ~~'/~-,·'f. ,~- ' '-~...: ... '. CALABRIA --~::-~ :I ~c,_,.{\.~~ . • :).~ :\ POPOLAZIONE . ~.'~1"~_" . _.... • ~, ., Populati'on' ,,' , ...~ . ,I

·P.O:eiTICA; -, , ,.D" ,C." •. ~,?~J.5ro::, c Politics • ~'.~.,,".~ P.~P~I~, ~,??_.:~'1~ ., , P. S. I" 14.7% ",. ~,(",: ~ ~'~Orhers;' '2(J.:61o\;· ,~::.., '-'!tf' ." ~,' :~~ -


Regional":i'capital, ' ~ . , ' . • Reggi~ di Calabria '/> •.• ~r"';' 1/"" - .,~ '. ~ ... ,' ". ~ Cosenza" " ... ~ '" ' .' \'~" ,-; ., ... -1;!~. ,. ~ ~":.J ...... ,. " ,~ TURISllitO· Tourism/ ;.:. .",: .

.,, . .'1 / ., 0etraro,. .,-- '';''" ,,',

Vini - Wines ',.' n'; ~i:;""C-.~'"-lro C, -.- - I:

M • .l 'J ~ , , , • " .;: ,Piatti)::-..F.o,o.d,. "._ -" '" " , " • ~ .·zup~ ·~J"«!P

" • sarde . . '~)'. 'If~f. .., '", «~ari~i~:h"i lihlcffie~:"r',~(' j ~I:',,,,, , ' ~ , '. . ~; "~ #iE;iail~a~e' ~'Ottwolici • c~pfc;ofio 'soppr'e~ ~a:ta:: " { - ..., ,~ \ ,. r' . • ~, " Calabria ei una delle zone d'Italia che . sf pre'seni~ aii{o'ril ~ i'n.;unJino!io ;p~~cev6ie, 'I)iiid'u'atriil\;i. poco"s~iiuiii>ata, ~ I' C'ii'liioresi , ,sentono;,peroh !C~ell)<1!1,S9nq,.m.erit31,re. . qualche·,cosa" piu! ,della,naturalej,bellllzza. ·della?lorolreg~one.' .;.{ , ,;1":[1

, Cilia:b'ria .is 6neci!fIt~iy'i'8:-m~st'u~s'po1it

/ , l' ~~. '. It takes an average of 11 years to get a decision from an Italian civil court. : ,-," ,'. p_ 1 , _ " • • ., "" 'II' An 11 year old boy Wyi:~m~, in Italy this ye,ar. I' ... , ",W" Lady Henrietta,Guillhess, ,a.member of the brewing family, fell to hJi'death,)from an aqueduct at'Spo"i"eto;'Poli'ce believe that she took her own life. , ',," _ ' .,~'; .,It. k i ': , ... ',I' The south-bou~d~s~rri'ag~,:,{!l;y~of the Strada del Sole was blocked for-seven hours after a fbre,lorry',' pi~e::'up near Piacenza • . A cargo of deadly tet'raetliylc:of lead off Otranto, was finallyFc1'ear:ed1:froml the" Mediterranean sea bed four' years after a Yugoslav car'go ship:sa,nk,thr,e~i

miles off shore.' . ¥ - • Two boys,a~!~ 'ii~e) ~~.~C~i~;;~ere killed while playing inside a stbi~;~~ti<~~e}'~; at N etuno, a ,s ea~ide village. south of Rome. o Ten works by Flemish:6lCi1mas'teril';:stolen from the FalatinaC:al~ery:iii';"i';} Florence' s Piiti:~pa:iacelliave'been recovered undamaged. "',;:;>" r .. " • ;r;::'''i'~,,:: ,

A young surg'eon:. saved the.life,. ~ ~ .. _.M_ of an elderly patient/who was undergoing ston;ach.su:gery an4,,~~,~,~~~::~~nd urgent transfusion,by giving his own blood by duect tranBfu~~9~t ~t,~ '~o~spital in the·Abruzzi. A Rome court has iulea:that~a nude performance by a dancer w'!-s not.obscene , . ,. because theatre gO'ers'"'exp'e'Ct"to see more anatomical detail than they,see On a beach. ' : It is estimated that over the'~p~st lIi' i~ars moore than 300 pe.op~e ;~~~{,:~~~'ei{~}" napped in Italy, and that,rP?~'~ than £75 mUllon has been pald In ransom money. A 16 year old blind youth,drowned'while trying to rescue a girl classm!lte- who had fallen into'thve"'Itive'i- Tib'er. Another man rescued the girl. ,'" ~ The £i.rst conqu~~R.'i'"qf ¥!v~,j.~~t, Sir Edmund. Hila,ry, said that the It~lian and Aust~la.n wlW... c;:l~m~~d. E:Y~~,'i~,M without o~gen must have been operating at the llmlts.of human,endurance • .... -'~''''~- •.~'''' ~_, '.~·~·.2 ~.,.~.~ , - l Two trem()r's shook' eastern Sicily killing five J~eople • . M~~~n~ ~~i~,~.~~U.~t~,':{;~U~~i~~ 'r,9,~.~,s~11~OO· feet into the air and senoing a stream • £'j q~~~~9l:,~e~~ ~~Y~" ~p.~~"~~'~' \s~1:1~li~~A. ~Jop~. T,he'it'rial'lias'fopeil'ed'~iiiJRoine':of'l·l';people, including two former ministers, -.acc\ised:·of':corruption arid other~malpractices arising from alleged payments made by 'L"oc}cheed wh'Em'::purchas'cs':oLfts aircraft were agreed. • • ~fJ~~~h l}',e~~,,~"~H.~i}y.~~~(fd,inS~rde~n.~~

,- , , ,



..... til '~." "~h- ~:/"i~ ·.Fo!:.(!,~CaEri,Z~OO,S.-; :' ~.,r.~. ,~ _ (ii;.~.~-;n~ l-f ~ ~ J r.:O:j~.~1.:.;:(:~t A'n~biih'i:~(h;n:~ Ma:\ eh; ,th1~"ne,JJ IFci~d'yCapH ifdi'ffc'rs -sii'ghilyr(vi ~uall y) Ift6m its predecessor. As with most re launche,s, that'old faithful. matt blac'Ripahlt, has ;be~n fputito;~~~'''J , tI~~rg~oor.~n ~ 977 the Cap~i a.lone a<:coun~eq for, 3. ?-"h of theUf;< mar~e~. ,. ,,,_.. -.. if!! fu -.J'"" ~ ",t h.!iJ~ - ·1i'''1~: >I ~ ~.. ; • "" , ~,.,- j ,"' '.'l: ~'I"'.~¥"c ~ • I~'''''~'' r~, . -', ,.. .. •• , _"" ".',,'! • __ ~ <0" _, "" _.. 11 . >f 1 ',i T.h'e" Capr.h,chosen f9,r"thi!l.1c:~.x:;t.M~ 'Y~.I!',~i!e!~Q9.q,:~,~., ,~~~J.~P~lo~J~qy'},~ , designed.,tol1see,1ho,w.ltpe,',cl!,'r. 'fo.ul~ .1?~ajlAitp"tp·A!l.J;~p.!l.~!},~~.,?~~Ji!.Wo~,?n.~H~p.n..,~:· • ~eThe .r,oute!to~klmy, colleague~~!l,'"''it "i.. ".-(_ •.t~",,:,::,;; .;(,,. ::'1'''--'01 ,.;;~#",-~.~.·I'''_ ~,,,;: ''',nI~I··1J.: ".~~""l~~r~ ..-; t.,~":I,~"~,J • - • ,- , 1-;0.;<1-01 ~. _ ..... ~. .II l<- "" _" ~~. ~ .L.J •. rJ .. Iil •• ""

MECHANIC_~. til' .. ~.r * 'l! rr j;"-':-'~~I-:t :~S --:!'.•• ~.'\', .. lel.~~i,~~· - ~~_;<-:>.~,-r:.1 ~:'u··i',. __~:;\.:.3g~"~ ';Th'{g 2bY)O~s}'liis\F()';a"'s';oHc;uliffwliicli deiivets:l!Ne's'pectaol(j198BH'P,,(i:mi) , ":t~,f3'" 5"0'-:>;'0"::··· ':rfl,f'·F"'!·~ '-1" ?r!! f<~f -.. ~t'i};··· .•(.t f, .£L?'.""." ~h'" ·""1,;0 t!~. _1 't,..te -c Sh'!"k -~n( ,.... "''I x· a,-o~~~,,~ .. _ .~1?:n. _ U~. ~l~,~~eu·~.9 n~~.~J}gl~.~".!lroug "a·~ .. ~uer~_Wln C ~ e.,~~4J'~ <" \;, _J -.. ~ .. Il 11;:.'" .Jj,~ ¥ .z'.j. iT IC~'." '". ~.,- ,,"~ -t., ...... ')~; .•,:,.".,,' [" '«~,~ .... ."11 a::rf._'" ' •• ~ - ... ~ ~~-'Io t' ..! ...... o. "'''' ... ' •• ,~ .. I'"~ ;>1',,,~ ...... ", - ~" Transmission is of the normal four sp,eed type, ,but d}.e~P.~~'l~~Ng:}J:lNl~s good as Jhe Ford box w e have all come to love. This one was particularly ')~gfs1f.i?:F~~~¥' r~sft!i~ 'J<:lii~i:"~lg~~il'pa¥tJc~la~jj~dde'~;, x;e~uit~iig iJlltlie1cilr ;. -'rJ'aJ>~fig; ~~~y"·fio-'~ f-eJf~ A 'probWm'n9t 'giv!n'm~cli'tli()iiglit)uriti~r.o/e--refachea " :' Italy .. (r-eler.. ~icf'l()d.t1ie'.~~blid"I~.·)i -1iU~~ - ~J .L':" -: ~~ :·i.t~"1: .. ~': -: 11 ,"" r: ,,,J, ~-~:,,! .e~ " J!~:' - c, >,'_~;::{~" ~ ,~ , 'Jj~~ ~ ~ ~'-."2 ..-,¥houillJ i1lpii~Ii'ed'too;lfa;d!the.l:iac~ t -.. ~( .. 't'''' ""'t.~.: ..• £J: ',~.~!!~" i.i;,~"'··~·'~"l .~ ... ~ ',""""41'·' 1il\ r.l!"" 1" .;;",~," .. ,-,:.~~<'I,.- 1., h enus 0 sWIng out.;-"--- " -"'" • , , " - '" ' .. _II ~.' -'" _~""d--:""'~. Iu .... J:·_.~",,'.i."~"'Jlr~ ··..."f:-.. ~(", .... ",,,~ ...... ").- ~,)~:,,~ .~J.i) l,:} I:~~·'£\. ,,'~. ,1(F' -,!~;{ >' •• ' (~ '~";;I ':t<~".. ""u!li ~\:'u Braking i s ha~d1ed through ~ du~l"line s;;;~-;;s';i~ted si;jtem~I~~.:>~tS,f,~ up front an,',~~ (Ii." '_,"'! Each e~gin:~ 'ia'th'e ~ange' !l;i'J~'een ;r'etu'i-il'ear-to taK~"advaritri:gEi'of tlie1imp .. ' , , r"?rv,e.if~~~,~~Y.~k:~rc~!{fiIh ~!fghf:'~~~i{~:iii iieiforminc~;and 'fii~l,cohiil'umpti~-ris. , ,:ng ~ew (>qll.i)i1i~'!!:(?Y'i~f !trag (a~~q( can.,i! '~!llclafm~d"reauc~ffii~H':oris'~~ption 'oy as' J~acli 'a:l!'l01J wh"ek c()mi>ared'Witil'tlie"p-revious'versj'on.',~r", :' ··1 ' h. ~ .. ~ .~:..-:..-,. .... -_,<'" 1.~ "'H~~,i- _ •.,. .--." '.- ~ ~,'$ :~) .... ,~~:'-'~'T . e_(.::> ....1.-;:: -." " , Ty:re wise, the 2000 '5' is shod with 165 SR l3's. Suprisingly, the ,same ;,~ ':""!"t~h' ~.c3"'00·0':iiS-'"r"''''t> u'R" ;j~",'r. Slue. as, e "'1".1esser •... )varian ';;-S''''t'' s. T" ue: ,ge s'1'-85"/7'0' I '"" :1'3':''s. ,'-'",'" ..' '. ~!f'"'! ~<"r--'-' ':-"':'1 ;~""" i'":::~-. t:t2""-'J (':'.3 r.d .,'- ~ '" .g.~,~ : ~>~ii ~,.~'.' ··-i ;',:;;. :-,:: .... " j' -?vii • ....§...TY~.lli..9':~. ~ ,: .. I ~"'1J~\:';> t-' ~.- , i<',. i '11'" r ~', .... -, . t~" -"r<~ . q~1~~ ~ ~ You cann()t dispu'i'~'tii~ 'fact' ih:adli~r's' fs;kiieautliul'caH 'OIi1tliltrContlnent'it ,~a"used~quite :a,few"tr.affic JaJTis!f;TQet!S',~~'l~a~gy !~~ogl}i~!:91!>Yr>~t,!l.p,~9.l1d side stripe,:With!~_he.:5',:mo,~if.a,nd~pr,etty',allC!y,w..~e,els.::" 1 •••t,,",r:o,r; "'M',_'" ,",' i , .. _.:ri1.t~ Jt~~t!h~*~ ~~·~~_;i~d_~si~gD:c~~~n~>~\io'~tf~~o:r~o·r~ie~ta.. i;torelpo\\'~i{ul~{our I' hea'dlamp 's'y'·st\.e8i~·a io·'\,hrCi"~U~:g'fr!11c-hnt.!; ~Jfjp :tr;~)t7.~.;r'''\l'haet a"~rapJ'FoiiZldJ.1~' - _~ ....~ ~-r. bumper. These changes combine to reduce urag'by !'- claimea 60/0' and lift'o5Pa

claImcd;18%.~ ,!~)"t ~j' ~~v·_1 '" ... .)j 'h;' iJ:"W o:-J! ., ... ~ :l."f-:~" ,j:.'l~t ~~ .. " ,-. ~~ At~itli~ '"ieai:~i th:~ wr1:p~·~o\iJa'bi!In~·"~r\;·is:,rJ~~·i'..fed~~h!alat·ne~Jic6ifIcleaning- "f!".,t :; ... ~'i' ... ,l, ....;-~.-. t,~ ;(:-.1, " -, . o\'"·,·t .... u,,,,,--~. ' :'i~~ ....,~ '.: ~Ii'~ ," r: ~,:t.,;.~. . "h!:' --- •. , ...' .·l-~d large hglit clu.~ter ' a la Mercc

Cont ••• , - , .. .. ' Car Test 'Cont •• - -"--- ~ ...... Changes to the interior inc::lude a';new"~i-~n'g~' 9'rtritn designs and colours. A ,r.igi!i~~~F.$!!J~ ~p~~t~l].!S~,:~!~~s,~.,:!-~9!l!<;\~!,C~~.!¥oii'~~1l~' ~Jt~. tail~j\t~ J.,! !~, ~.~,lcome __ ,;.addition".;'- 'It. ;- ....."~. ,.~~~~ fi- - ,'~ , _., t • • •• _. • "_ _ ~ _ ,,~ .... --• .,.-~-~ .... --.~. '" I'""'-"II~'- - ~~ ...... : 11 - ... "~'~ '.' ~ ." ~... ~" ",." • - ,~" ;s ·····;(f,si:·iriat Il'Ghia:'~v'e'rsionsiihare the-sam'E!tdash' .panel~' A:sixcdiaNayout. 'inl:o'rporaiiWg'tacno'nieieh aiitmet'er.i' aIia t oii'pres8ure 'gauges iii: .radditio'n~tol the ;pElE:do~' :tem'p~rafui-e ancf'fuel gaugelii.;· ....:. ;, .. 0 .", ,-'. c~· .. ' ~ .~:'.!""".;;' ~_":"':'~"f·' ',-~ ~A!-l"· " - ~. -..~,' .'. ". ~ .• - '\\' r f'! "'~ .\r, , "'~'!J The dash layout is disappOin'ting.·Agafn the same olCl pr'oblem ofitoo inuch prasti~~'At"l'eas£'tile'Pr~·Hous'Caprrs· na~-,;"J'.it),~. '>.:/1'.::t!:t·.;~~",:,':)"j"'-'\;;.l;':'~:·.i'6".,_'~-ij" r~,i:~; ':.:~.~ ,~· ... ,.'.··.t·"'''! , . ..J,._" .. Standard 'fltt~~gs included in the purchase prlce of £4; 034.'58p'are a push- button radio, lapli.n~ted -.,vindscreen,sports steering wheel a:nd. ga~!f!!!~a:':': ~~mpe'rs~Q~t~o'p-!, ~~Y,~~~!?12 ~~c.!,!,~,t:~. Ro.~~.}n~!~?~:: ~e:~'~>:.~,~f:j~~J?El~.~1.l}liB~ ~~~h­ ers; ·co.~p'~~~!~P~ il?~c!'~.t.,~.«;la:1s,<~!;~mm~~,.~~c~f~~!,t 5}~~~i. l:,};S r§~,I!; a~J!,~tt!'i~~ ~ltr· m.el!~fll1~d }lead r,estraints; st,e.el\ s.1iding; roof. 'T\l,e .car te,st was,. .!ltted wlth '"11\"" ...... \1-11 ...... ~I>f; " .. ~ . I'" -Ii ~f ~c·.~~ ,r4\.I' ." ~ ~ y .... a 'optlona "'extra's~:"-- ..:..:.:'" •. '·i·~t")"'-,.l.,'.'J~-:.~_,!lil;. :-_" \.~" ... ~" ~('~~l~~. ~,,)~,a~_-"·r4~';.~' .4, "".1 '''"~!~)~; z-; ;:"·t.. ·<:~ _:. 4 'o-~: ": .... _.< .r.~ '. = '~(-I~ ~!."" "j'V .:. -~~.,-. ~., /". :11:.::: .~' .. _~r:' 1:- .,D.u~i~g ~h~J,t:!P.,: 'r~~;n.; ;!:!~1!~~L.~f .l!!I.~~(H~ .. ?1.~~.P.l1.P~o~·?-~~,~.: r;~;IJ~~~in~.~:3"'.~.f.e . ;h.\1F(ht.o,.h~\!:~J,I?S~~:'- ,' .. ~~j~: ~, '. ~ :¥J;lj9.~~ c:~~~.r~l.l!' ~~~( R.n..' ~.~f iitfl.~W?u.n~e~~j ~X'.~·f~l'l!.~.U~:: f:?pg:~ ..~~ ~!J~ .f~::.1' ~- 5=.~r.f:r:H1Le?~"~_4j ~.. ~~rf'':Y~~g9,,!! ~.f(!~C:~I"~~!J_~·I/~)r;tt~!s:.~iJ''..~~~n~~;:-.f°.~:.\r:re!'~:~~~,~.E!1J-, ...de.l'-!-.Y:~d4,~,7! tg,. g~~ :'i'... eN!}eJ,.; : Ji:., 8;,.2 ': 1P,~P~~~~~Y:~f.~rfjS!J ~~!!,,~,~"R~~ ~~~ rt~~l~X\:~~~<;f! JY~ ~~~~~~lr }~~~f!~r~J~!:"~::f~r.~ ~',; f! -" ,1W~!-.I!.~~,!i.Ao~·!h~ .!5!:mt·!lf, ~~e! q~~';1~,,~ ;!U!';~,~t!? ,Nl;El~a~p!>):~~~,~, ~f;:"!'~K~~U,S J1}~,s~.~lr hOl.i~ay makers.~. c.!I.,?~~;qf,~~?ll?-r.i~;fl-PJ?~~~e,~.1]-P-.4l!g'i~~ ~t:M b'r,~t ,'p-?-:;'~, ~R~: t~,,:, ~.W walt1ngfor a.p~a!=e O,!l ~he ferry. Freedom of the Pres!,! ?-: '.' ,v·--- t J.! :";.,,,,~ ....,~., ....~:! '.P.·_'J~-~ ::.,if':." ~ .~' \: "; -" ~i::··!'~ ..;.;~ ...":' ~~L. ,,..~' , ~?:,.~ '-,,:' t;~~ .:..;.~~) _.'1: .'"'"':t~ • NO'. d?Ubt ~.!>,n,~u~~~.'Ko.;:?:,~.s ;~;)~at~lf~,~c;~fg:s:t~~i~}!.tl>:J hne dr1vlng, ltS beautifully fast •. 0·60 ln 10 seconds. and·a top speed of 115mph,(although the speedo showed125!) The speeds could be kept ·~p.iilFday • :'Y~~~.,e!kf!,y"st~tp.~JI!l°tm<;l.::,~hi!'· ~ap~i; i!,.,b~l.t !.o.r: ¥,ot,o'~~1aX~j", c i" '. ",' , ~, •. ' ':' .)'- ")N eiii- rthe-':Alp's~: :we'raii hHoiblizza'ids:. IBroken dOWnflorries 'a:ndFcarstiay strewn along mountain roads\.''' : Jju'tlthe 'Capri'i,kept igoinS';'; ,a1thou'gh~tracti_cim, ~al!.i~;.?!,:!l!t .~e: ha? ~o grab some help (of pushi~g variety) fr~m !'r.;$~l~.~,.. !\~~a ., ow;uer, and hui wife! . ',,- --~:.! ._ ...... ~'; ~, .... --, j'_!~ _,,;J Road-holding on Italian roads was £air - there were little Fiats wp.ich'\., ':"'!{~ ,couldn It. keep'. ~p ...yith OIl th,eVfin?ing.l;oad!J!,.M,?st' ?~t.~El beJ:ld!, ,~equired ,

d'k"r}:d"! ',J,.': ;··":T~l:·l .", "'"ClIO, '!'Il'l::> t'llthf.":" "h"t'h" t"' <"<>-17 ,""". ·Th e rac an '·plnlonsteerlng.ls exce en ,~. oug , e, urnmg·'.-:1,.., .Clr,C ,e .sup- rising~y large. The d't'iving positioh'-..; ideaij 1l1ear vision all round with a perfect view of the road ahead across the long power-bulged bonnet. t' "·~·:~"-;~'r ~ '.~ The highlight of the test was ozi'Easte'~ Sllnday in the centre of Milan. With 3,500 miles on the clock, the clutch cable snapped. Believe me I was ~Ki: tli~;hiippi'e~i'(krii;';ii~ T~~ :car)~agfback'or;~tli~ro~(ifwith'iii'iwil'days, the. only casualties being frayed nerv~s <,\nd, ~~b~ra.s_~ed Press Officers at Ford (U K) Ltd! ... ~ ~;. J - ' ~:~ ~ Why Ford have to use catfli{op~taf~4"1cf~i~~~s I'll never know. Clut("h cables have a tendency to snap (espe!=i

> ,."",

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r~':-:=-~' ~:~i.;e~= --

"~--- _ :: .. .",...,..'t:::-.'

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4:i;~ t.JW~) •.. ~: J '1 .f'~$~ _ ~ ~ .. ~ ,~8~~n~~J~~Y~~?~ ...~~tA~1~~.~ :. .' -- . L .....;?·_"

\ -; ;, )\~, -_oJ -'i.''''.. ? ... ~.-l!~'~

" Carrano Ste~heri.J:~l}n "," ."

. _!:1f :\! <,'.cr lq~~::~.~y_~l~ .. ~}.:~~J~ ! '1 ' , ~ ~ " <.·iSer"raotUtitbertc,:,:',

"'i' ,~. r•• < • • '.: IMA!TRIMONlt

Si sono .~p!~}.n~l'f!~~[.<;l~~~to di matrimonio i seguenti novelli sposi:-

Giampiero Bonifazi Vivien Kitchener

Dante Vacca ~Kathleen Connors Riccardo Calderato Pauline Prior Francesco I3ragoli Gabriella Zazzi


Ricordiamo anche i nostri cari defunti e preghiamo che trover

> • • \ CHIESA OI·S. PIETRO: Cle~keriweU. ,/ I' . A'y~!S.EE~~,;LY!!!'i'·;": n.l" ~/' / ".... '_ ...... - '. ,.:,..~ > ..: (PERO' LEGGETELI PER FAVORE) tn':,:~! tfJ()J~'.J'V.'t' .-2)1~jt:~:il h 15';-.".

"'''''''''n"' " ·.... u .-~ '.'" ~'t,.=- ~ • - •. ':<;1\''' "- ("l" ~.".,. -'" '''!II or!" ~ .It J 1,< ... .c.:. ,,<._- .. ,r.' ..1.\ .''-o/Ib "J .t.'l, .. :" .,.1H54-i.<->'& ' ...'1 ~(;; ... _ tU~~ ...... " !~ ~Mh.;~l'tlL'''~''-.' " ';!,,-,Ii::l~" PROPRIO L'ATTIVITA' INCl·HESA. C'OSI' TUTTE LE"PERSONE CHE ·-ll1.i'i~",!· 1--1 .;J~1~la."10;j (.: ...i- ....ry .';-~entJ~ ~ -OfliUJ-';~'T"':·": !i39:t:p 1\ t;.1i:J t ... i~ 'Jf:.r/'t E V9.G:kIO~O)L~G9ER:E!'IN1~ijI!?;SA§.~.g~~t~~JlAJ'~~rE9.S§9J·rO)r.~~~~~r~~~ARLO LIBE~X'MENTErl.J;iNvrTrWMo'rG.ioYANil~·H·E1v00i..iONO CANTARE!O)SUON- ~,_I '~i\"i1 :.'::-1rt!!J J~ ~lf-.4':J?P>;'":' - -:.' (}I~':'£,::" 'F~ ';ri ~i.-~' .--:; tJa::',l'r \.~.,''J C;;h-i: .... ,~ t3 L. l..:~!~i:a:~.. !'-~!~a ARE or UNIRSI AGLI>ALTRI GRUPPI DI GIOVANI CHE GIA' LO FANNO;>. , ,"'-"',:'::;Ol! -~ :i~#_"--')~!:;~l~~~l itl ~

" .~1.~"J'-.n~:Jf,lJ i::'.:-»:;' S.,1- ~l~~rf., ..-,J-:;C; •.,' fIit;.. ,,;~.""''''f;·_ ':1 -:;1<""': .. ~. -·i~': ~'t7.fZ~"'il':/"·-,J Gloy..I\Nr PER RIEMPIRLI. : ,>'. '

.~_: ~ ,_( %,J.' ~) (, 10_, ,t: _ MANDATECI FOTOGRAFIEDEI VOSTlU MATRIMONliBATTESIMI 0 QUELJ.;O. .'''' ;...... , >, CHE 'A~'r..Ro. V.9.LF1''tE:,Al'lG.~.ElitJPrJ~J}i~,.l?~~~,N'9.9JM.,:¥·Itt.\':·llg§s..~ MO PUB~BLICAR:tE SV'IBXCK\.'f!fr;[?E'·MANDA.I~:E IDGIORNA~I;E;irN iT ~I:;IA-;:Ai:: VOSTRI

iGtJ~ .l?'" '!';_.,;40"· t f'f U~t'.; ~I t }~.. ~;_ .-, (j."J1 h -,,~« :~4>f;'f"~"- h:'-~I t~l '·.':!!:f~ !3 I!«I! NONNI, GENI,!:ORI, AMICI• .. ~ ':\-':~rri :~·lJC:;l·l /"'J'33~:;:J~ ~b ~~ - "~. ';.~,~'J t";f~'~'" ~"..) Uy: ,"'n A; ,,'" :,t/,.-j ".: ~I' .,-, fd.,:~t:~)f*~

_ _ . t.L

LUGLIO•••• ·;.nU.T;r,Ez'i:.ii;1 P~~.S.9}1.i::;P~?gg~Avg!:qNro}'. ):p.9s.S,qN..Pl!?1:~,E!,IL LORO NOME~1f'Hvi:PEGNARSi'PE1t'6UA:t;CHE1C()SA::' SERVIRi\NNOr,INFATTI .(ll'i;!)1Jp ofJuJ r!"~'~4'~""1' l~ t/r,n~:j~l~', nG-:Y. ~_I !i.~l~,).;.''l ;_;;:'J;ai£.I.~.)~ Q':;.5~,,:.~t'~i'J"f .. .I~J""'· • MOLTE PER$ONE PER'IL SERVIZIO DI ORDINE, PEtt DIRIGERE, PER PRE~ :{-' f: :,tCl.J L! Ol!(Jili'~9 i~i CC!ii( 'i~ H':"~,')_:) R~ut I JOC. ,J i"·j~.;i~.".;' "':i'? :' '!''l/.,.·td'~ fJ .~~ .~~~~_-•.i .... PARAREUll.AN!I"E.;,q5;>S.E;:lE..',iUt;::.P... Q' tDJi§.~q~.Jfr..qIO.,l.'··h()':S?:!(JMAjft.9.M99}0:




, ,

;, ~ ,.,.:; ~1 t - _~!"7 il.,..t "," 7': <~ """ .i:.;..~ • :"'. _" ~T, 11 21 maggio abbiamo av~to nella nostra Chiesa il nostro Vescovo David

I :Kolls~,a!lt,.'l.C~l'lJe.\ S):I: P~~~·Aqi.:l~ £ia!!l~ p"aE~!! ~l V ";;'-l"l"U'-- l""lIir'l' l.r"'" "~""... r.1f'? "'1" ' •. 'f ,"" ..-- .... • '. '" ~.~ '.- .. ~~ -I. ~ " ... ~, .. .!io.._ ~.t .... ',~ v ~ JI.";I ..... :,. ~ .' -(",! i'~' r •• ''1 ·cosa migliore che noi italiani abbiamo fatto in mghilterra: 'lil. neistra ' ~; t.-:'ol1-';'!61't[·"i~r'l:t~~ ",?~'-:>.-'1!" .~ l' ·~;-<·I.;'Ol' .... ~~ ·..".·n-....,. "'f r,-'" Tf~r.-:I C .... ~{'''. if'" "'~ l'~- ...... , ~ •• ' .gloven u .' .A I'¥ ...... ,~ """'.. Y" ,.A$"" .~ .:-. "'.A "_'a -, ~, ~I,,, (4. _~ .....< ,!. ..~.::..;. .>._. I r - " .( ". ~ ..

Cerchia,mo ora di portaria avanti. con la 'p'reghiera e con l'esempio. . . /' ; •.I.J·;'"l'~·"( --. _ _. "11'" -,';7/'"~~ l! ·,·.;,,~r(·lII< ~"- ~ • .i'~ ,

~O-O-O-O-O-O-o" 0-0 ,~:¥,.;.?~:: ~ .~'i .~-.,: t.... J" r~~( ,~t 1 ,:;;':1 ~l"'ll "";-)'(_~T ::';'7T .r~J"':' tJ1", /_ ~ _

l;'~':/·.' ~Ar.r..~~~:,,, • . non Sl sente in pensione:'lavora a1:suo'paese. vfene a trovare i suoi :. ~ .! h~' ~' .• ~~ •• ' • ..J:'P':.J", ,1~·~·C·:rJ.t"i*" ... J.~~".~ "';'"": -" .... ___.~)I,>r" .• y J;."1'':)o til "CI' - ',,,, 1'.- , ,..., .. " .... -.. 11' .,., ~. ,. ,~·- ... v_ ..... '"' ..3"._, ... a:;:;., '>-. '.-! ", ...J. UtA 1.: ~ ... _. l> '" ,tY ,,..,~,~'~l~ ... ~ ,-

..! ; .... ~~ ,'.: !.... :~. C·~,-:,(' ,;g,)('.... L.~ ! ~\.*l 1 ::(,"" 1 r.~. ·:·t~', ~t. ~ 'd~ "1-1" I' ~t' -I-fiFo,.:' ~ .- -r p "n'''F,I''~''''''''' 1'::1 "t. ·t ... ¥' " '.l" /.',; nOl Cl serve'Clle'Cl vengono'a'.rova're,' a a la:. nOl,non.sla~o.'(lel. ,.'. '", • ~'t':P9_v.er:.ac::c::i;.' ,rna; !l~1!~~ '::!~!Y.!19ri,.Ci·~!'2!,l3JSJO~~,~f!.!,l,~}.:. ~,~,~!'l,; l!a~ci:1!!;a.,:-g ..! . ,- ~ . _".volersi !>e~~!, }l.s.~n!!!si vicin!: e Do~'Antonioci regala.tuttci questo, ~ ~~ -~}-.,:f. ,l~~ '1':~>~ "'. "

tc"! r~ '·hr;Jt~t~"'';'-:~'':")t!''''..)''Y'''if '"1--"''T 'l"""Yh'''''·l'·S~;''·~~ ",·r.t'·r .. .I' ;'1"'~"-" :O"'!t"'·';='·l·'"l";>·;'1 vog lono uene"lo,,!? perc 'e U'VUOl uene·a oro:1 c e'11 , 19nore"... 1.,ai··t··r' u 1·"", ...... ', . •

& ,/'/ ~~~... o~ ... a; .~.. vi~ggiil'~r.~rp.. e~.:.!a~~~ .t\~}:+" < ·iI:;"',,"7!~,,"'.~:.) >r. ... t 'i~- r:"j-:'~~" ....'.,,:.~;;

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, , fl~' '.""1' i" ~"' , " J , , l :\- " • . • ~ .. "-1' ,~.~,4 .. t:~·J:'''1."?. • •

" j ~'" - .' ,• ' . /';' / " " " . . . PROCESSIONE DELLA ·MADON.N,A



~ , . - -- .. '

ST. "PETER;S fTAllANCHURCH Clerkenwell Rd., london' E.C.1

• . SUNDAY, 16th lUlY 1978 . at 3'p.me

• • ,-,< , .. SEGUIRA' LA SAGRA ITALIANA Followedbyan,/talian.Fete· - ',,' ... . SUNDAY, 16th JULY 19'78 [after t~e Procession]

Sagra Italiana ,nel Car. Park vicino ,alia; Chiesa

organizzata in collab6r'azi6ne dalle Associazioni Italiane

Numerosisslme, attrazioni nazionali e. regionali

• scelta di 'cibi, e vino • giochi e spettacoli . ' ..' ogg~ttid' arte, Fiori e prodotti . I taliani

• An Italian Fete in the Car Park near the Church

• • Refreshments • Food • Novelties Products of the various regions of Italy , I , ~ , ,~~"". III fT.' -~ Ii '" ~ ~ '~;,j"'" ~ - ~ :}~~'~C'R\0S;SWORI:>: (:~~:---

" ... < _~ I.", ,_ _. _" .....-=1' • ..- _ ,. - ... ~ 'i"'r"c.~ :ri~~r~ \ -,:!: '.~ J~~~¥~ ~.,., ..-1-, '" '~Soliiti~iis :ci'ri,tliE'i" hac kto!; the'ipink':pa:ge::;)L~ok-:ol1tlilext mont,h for, tne special

'h,';:,Pri;~e(Ciossword\'~cilnj~.ly~1! r~~~a~~l: ~~r:-' ~_ .; t ~'1 '7 ~IIn" ;\1!'~ ~I . :r,:h~,:~ ...... ~~jL~:-'

r -.. i, t- S~ "~K.' . j! ,r-l:.~<)~·- ! -:: .'.. ! r·:;, - ~r ~ t ~ .. { --"r>" f:, ,.;-[if·f:' t.l: :(..;, ~.,; ~~'I ')S~~~'~ .. · ___ ~I(l :·~',!oC.",,j "

[' ~.

t. " r'.

Compiled by Mrs. D. Marco

, ." / '--~;/ .=.- -"'- ,l- " LETT:ER,S;,·t,O. ~the;:! ,E;DJ:FOR- . ;~-:-,- ~~', f,~ '~'I" r·- -., -:~ , : ;' 's::,of , '.... • -"..0/"'" . ,: -.,-"- ,,,,:.:_-":,"._.r\.<_ "J .. ~ ...~~> Gentile Signor Direttore, .' ;!;' ,. " ,;' '1':1 . 2;: :', ~'~{qualche:teinPoifalebl)i;;~!9·ccasJ.<;>.n~ 9~~~E1gg~;.~i~.m1H:ticolo - • ' '" ,. "I- ~ sulla revist~ 'Back Hill', riguardante l'Ospedale'Jtalian~,b~, ,s_~; !.!£o~q~.~~ne , '::. Lei appariva alquanto interessato a conoscere i bisogni. i desideri degU;.italiani ~ -~-~-" ':-"'-"-''''': .. - ~"'- ---;:------..,~-- ... ~ ...... _~-" __ s_ "" __,.._.~"'~~..".,...._#- in gen~li'e;'ie·~ra,,~ue~ti i~. par~icol~re q}1elli' di c~lorC?lche fa!ln~ ay~to la sfortuna di andareCc?m~"f~eg~nti'ag 'O:-~:'~:' ~. i <. ." I . .'. \:'. " I ,., .' Bene, i:O N!iN.i~Urovai.qualcp.e ~e1pR9lf~, ~r? quefl~~ 1ume:~~>7,lf':!:""nlolto delusa per il tF~tt~ine~t,o ricevuto, e Le dirodilperche;. Deye sap«:',rf.cite1 se gli Italiani .... '"~~,~- .""'-:r'" ;.', .... -.. .,.. ___-.", .. t .. -_ , ... , _ ~ ~_ "', ~ .. vanno all'q~peda;le'l.I~~lianpn.o~ e' t~~to perche' .ii9ii us~~ru\scorto -d~~ "N. H. S. " come nfl~m!b:'ca.~~;",:z:na-e!.serrip1i~emep~e.pe.r trorare~g~el!O"clie.foi.~e, 0 senza forse, ~2.!!4':'.P-2~,i!~ge eY~~~.E-,?~I~.. aitfii o~p_ed~li~le ~i:o,~~na9 ;s.e~~re al mio caso, :p,er p~ssa~e qUI'a,I~ii~gi'o~no diAeJienza in pfu', ~olo~~erc~e'(v~vendo sola ,- >I "It. " ,f f' ~" , non avr;i"";;'cituto 'acuclfie ~a:~~"ii~~i:e '~i~ aecessita'rMa:ialla'imia-irii::hi'esta di pro- : -', ': .: ,.~ ~ ",.,. , ...... 0:. " J" "":, ..... <. ":' ... ' ~ ~ " compliCaZ~O?e:~~t~~perat6ria(.-ofben~;Si¥rior,.Dirc;t.!f:·e.:.d()p"~h~,:~~~lche volta plio' tra4,':-;;~if:~ c?§N!~~.'~i{ il .' ...... - .. .. concedere un giorno:di1'degenzINri:!piu' suI previsto; 'p'o·s~igl"etto,.e' ~it~~,:;j.' .. Nome ad :l.nd:l.rlzzo ., / :f'orn:Lt:l..

• • ) ~." ;- ", ~ ~-,,- ""! ~-~ '--;f-=-.. F-~ / ~"~~~.... r-, ~""f!"::"~;-~ ~- : 't -. -.; • -!... 1 k-. ~ ~- I E ~- =-- - "- ,ie.;,---" \_ ( ~, r. 1. ~ . ; '\ '-.' _. 7' "'-~ ~ 1 - ,_.·1...... · ,t :~' t '.J • r I ,.;.,.~-~. f,. t'_of~ '. -,-. t ~'.. t, ' ... ~~_,__' ~ )1) t ; ,.. I ! - . • ,. - " J /':>. --I ' ; ~ i , j : r ",.o;.T..-""'"l, - ..; j' _./ ~_"'" , ~, .~, ~ ~;

o'",.. ~,:~~~·ia;- i3a~cii~r,Jdllia-- C~m~r~t~;,.e~ti~f~a:J.. _-.--_.-. .c~(~.\ J ;~'Tj Il giorno dopo,. domenicamattina, tutte fe/ci'6~hti;~ri~Jhi~iegat~'riel~:lf1.;ofciJf(j passando in mezzo .agh uomini dando loroacqlia dal>ere~eiav-andoleloi-'o-- ., .ferite•. ~,r}!:~'!.~z.i,~~!,p.fl:e!l.~! l??rta.r.tr!>t~ ,~'JJf.'tg.h,~e~~,-f-p?:~¥(l,~~'W~.~< • dal ferlt1 a suo riguardo:. es si re.ali~zavano quanto' aveva fatto per l- !~f,9':\~ COS1 soprafiatti dall'orrore di ,quella spaventosa tragida cite soccombetter~ a causa' ani:!lie did fetor~'clie' es'ailiV'a;'neli}uo'gci: ,ma'l1e.donne elle:ragazze'coiit-.... ·,

~nUar?n~i~:~~yo.i:a.17!-:,A~p~r~!1~ka?m· A:,t;r.~y~~:!~:~!lI.-;~~~.~g..:1a ,,~~LWf~::?~;f-,di. ii, 1speZ1one •.Dunant vide due prigionieri che erano stah scopertl' m'Clilesa e ch'e -Stavalio pei~'~s ~ ~re gettiitil fii.ofi·,~iu"(ciagIHscalhii, .. grido!'·'ST.OP',mori

'" f?-~,~ gu~1!,9, ::r.Ur,rr'~R:~i~~IJ~:;O)!:~.~t~;.!~M~ :s~ ~p.~;:~"~)~.t~~J~ il:,p!l~s!.l' e. p divento' come' una parola d'ox;dine. - '- .' ,

. !'J ehs_u.? ~~'Riso.:x:dglc!! ~o~f~r!~ iV ~lE,ri~~1 ; ~ril!·:~.~n~i~,~ .~R~P'~~,t:~':9~,~ga~x~W,~~'.!l ~o is pi!:g~!.loi in ,!!':~ su!.:~'f ~~. aU!o ·~?<}.HJ'l.R~l~~~\~i '3~m!!l,tJ~aF~~,;: .l,~ ~itJ;~,l,~fosa esper1enza di Solferino doveva essere fatta,conp'scere alla gen~,e' m una·breve • ina feaele·riarril.~iiorie rdFtutto cio' 'ch~lifrruei 'occhi~~!, .. 4i ,fi'!-r ~!>~P~E!!l~~r.!!' !l,l cu'!re c!E!gli ,u~~t~,i • che ,la concezione uman'!- che pOssed~vail info cuore 'potesse pai-tarif !)eneffCio . 'ai'fei-iti"di' guerra;''''PiU.'1 oltre';s'criveva' nel' suo~,libro:t}!NQii'ho tmai 'preteso di. di e.ss~,17.~"I.!\~~g,l1in~, ~):~~~~~t9t:i,·b~~~!:.!;I;~ H~, ~?,I.!~;i~.?-l~u~~}~ ~~!l~ '(.~'~!:'" ., ex:ano gli orrori di Solferino nella cittadina di Castiglione delle'Stiviere.· Fu in questa citta' che fui viritC;' dolll!.· cbnipasslonei'pi'eta '·:ed~orroie·che:di.ventar­ il Sa~;i.17!~~l1q. ~~, §~U:.~.ri!,1g.~, ''im~e,~~, ~~I}~~tB~~!.:";.v~c,Jii".am~J:;~i! .?~rc;~~' .~~~~: tutto quello· che poteyo. per aiutare i feriti. II , ' • • ... ",. r 1·~-· , '::'- 1 -~." "/'1 "~i'" Nel g;nnaio 1800 Duna~t'ricevette il,p!i,Wo",?H~P~i., '': "1 -: .....". ,,',~ .... ~ ~ , Al~~Mor~.- ;-, .• J ..' -,' _.: ,:. -..' . Back Hill extends m£ 's\~mp.ithY·i:o Aido"Moro's;;f~unhy' and!£rienas "even''in·' the ~9Wi'~~g.~ !~l!-t' tb,ere {~·ritt.ij~ ~~a:t- cil.il:ti~/~~ne·i~'·relieye' tne,i'r' \!nfaui.orii:aplE;;· .- " •• >I. .t.:.·, .~,,:i ",1<" "'. -~. __~~ "_i-"

J, ~ , , ,;', . ~~C~rHX#, ~~,f~ii~~_:¥~r~~l!r'~i!YOIV'e its ~V·~ :'~i~tic's 'Du~t.~~ ,~orrlbl~: rni1r~er of :this ;good andlholiestl manilies.~o,~~~~d!'l-,!:h.~"~~.~!..Il'!.!?;.R§!!~i5!~.; :rc!~e.re. 'fi].l n.C?, , doubt isr much dis'i:us~ib'n on 'iiie'rnrs~ove:inmeht olihe ·caiH'stia'iPD~mcicrats';' .!! ...... ~ .. it ••• ~ .. ,f··.. ::~' ",,-*;-;. :: ..-~- - - ~/ •• ~'-'. _,' _;-' ~ ~"';;;:,,, ..,,;. ,,: .... " ,_--<-' on the.c()rrupti~nlin.Italianipoliti~f!;"op.A!l~> ~~~~)~u}~!!}E.lof,~~~.t,~~~. ~I}he!1:W~y ecoijowJ~:J~t~~~(?:~,i~ -l~i!! .:~n~ ~o!t"iV'~uo~ei:~!ve~aM:deB.t,ru}~ive' iI,i~!~~~c~,O'f" the.Communi~t~party :which."itds. c~a;~.~,!i;" ·~;->E;.Jh~i';-E!~!I~o~~.!?!-:: ~ll~ ~:4,f!~~~~_~ ',' of thel{~~~ '~~ri~~a~~'. "§:\!Sh ~i~ ~~s sio~'g~c~B~h'~~h 'Clo '~ts"6~sHo"avoid~' '. -"'.,' J,,;!i .. .e, .... ',•.• ~ ',~, ·~lt~iII~·.I"';" ,,¥, '" ,'" "-;~, .,o!,"4'-'

'l ~ <." "" >I The '!}e4 -.~~l'~~~~'~: ~J(d -fb-~i'~ ~6~ni:er})~rt~~~i}:ove r: tli ~ .Wo~ l~ •.ar e' a~i ~als !',,-:, but:~so:;is:!the,:wolf. and. as! thelW91f ,tlley.·e;!!l",C:~~~~!.lg~ ',;'!It!':.!~~.~... ,. y~,cio~,s!, ~~~.,' ",' undOubtedly',inteiilgent:a:nd';wefi' b1'ganised:' Tiiey~a.rEHi:'th'rea:t·;no£·~ju·stVto·;preBent ~'~~.o! .,.;:-.:"!,"",!~~.' ~ .. ~..,~ ~':'L A ,;:~' ... , :.' 3~"~1~::g~""':""""" ~,<. ,~,' ..:, ... ~-,;:'.... \. :., ~: ''; ~~, ',\ ", ~,,~.,,~~ .~ .. -" .",J social:. .institutions. andjusages.,I)Ut[,!l!,p,":I}d'~C)_:r~ ~~g!igic~~~~r.!,,~~.~l)..e .. !.~~.d:~ :-.; .r ..., " ' .. menta~ h~~~~~.~F.i~C.i;~ref;o~·whiCh. c;v~ifse~' ~~c~:~~t~sii~~}~~~e,?~~~~: 'ii~~~~Y1 ;": democ:.~~~. >~ei sacred~!:.ss ,of h~man,li:.f.e.~ and .the .. respe~t"for,human,dignity./,:,,: • ."~~~!~: t:f~ri~i~~i:s~~e: i~:{ir iide~~Of'J~stice~'~~~ a'~<;r~e~d;jU¥~i~icli~iOli ~~~t· 'It:~ their',own~wicked~deeds •.,The'agonising ,to~t~F!'l a1l.

, ... - 0"''' ';l' _...... <" ." . ~ ;1. ~,'l ~ .. .' Back Hill vo~rebbe esprimcre la sua profonda tristciza'jier'i'assassitiio ~r1'S/·,,'~""i."..::r1~{.,-~-~~;:::;-,!~!}.::"'-1: -~;.;~', 'e ',.~: :~t<5~~" t',-;r, della stimatissimo AldoMoro. . • • " • .. ~ j,.r ~ ~.. ' I -.... ------1". ~" '. , .. 3~ ',. ;,.: "-;)"tj . '~I ..., 1':':':,," ~~r~·~/... ,:1."~.. {, 'd·,.~.·,,- >H ,,~ fT' . 11."" ..... , ,~~~?' ~:;i: ~, .... ~ "':':-i~~: II ,',' 'LB_~5?Is}~ ~l!,:.e~tE}I?-.~:~,.!~.,s~.c.c?~,d?,gYil~~r~H~ {a,~i~~i~,! ~,!W",~}g~jq~ ~Wp ~; '~Mor9;;pui'lsa ~cndo' quanto' poco'silpos sir fa-re';per)allevi~r c'iil\ lo;':o:,profoni ssizrio ~,.'~or,:_ ~~_,_,j ,'t"~,I~'I.,!(l~.,:-,,\.::, ;~"--·-'- .. '·)<·!"... '·'·f4.-- ,.f., ~l' "';i;" ,'] ~ ,~~ til .'. ,-•• ''''.~ dolorEl di fronte alIa scomparsa dr una pctson~"cps.l1 ,~~.r~,.,' " .. , "- " " ___ .'_ ,~~ _'_''Tw< __ «- •• '.'., :.,...of~"h~t! >~:.Qi:II!OJttQ&~9.kJ.m!.E,9~~.S} o~~~!)Omctt,e ,~,~~~?- .p~Wli!=a',·m~ {I ~~l!i,I?H!l>~~!I~I!S­ inio di quest'uomo buono e ,on~sto oltrcpa'ssa:ifcarripo :stFet~crii'cnte politicc;>:~ si'ldi~ciitbJ:.anno 'a:!iungo':l motivi,'pEir'ieslstenzaIB'rigate'Ros'scl-.,tipalil ,malgov"- -::'.: ,'7:(;~~:.'''.,.~~.,',~ ~ :.~~.~...,,,,~~,~; .~ _ .-..... -"._~ .. _'" ''i,. , ....".:. ___ ..,_~,~ .. ~."' __ ,,: ~-,,_. erno.,del>democristiani",la, corruzionc,difusisSlma, la disoccupazlOnc, la. , .. -'<'" ...... ,. ... -~-~ .... A'~·, '--',' .... ~ ...,_ ,,'If,'., . at., '. - '" , •. _._ ,0'-. ".' ~-~'. ~ :. 'If ~_.! "I:,):. di'iiastro'sa' situazion~"~conomica;"e 'anch'c'l !influenza"sovversiva, Ii' distruttiva ,>:.~{ ~,~ r~'. ~ ~ *_ .:, :-, ~.' 'j .. ~ ,J. ~_"' " .~ - ~ ~ • '~., d~!,i?... a~;it?~'·~.~m\Hl!~.t~.,. ,- ,,~~:'T '.") '-"' . ,"....~ 1,. Back'Hill cerchera' di evitarc,tali discussioni. ComU:~quei:B~ck:Hiln sIt s eii.i:'J mofilim'entii oobligatoa'·deniiiiClare' tuttirqliclW ch'C' prcndono'.ima :partEi ~~ Y", ~', L~ ! ~1\"' '''''~ ,(7,. ;~<- "<-:" 1" . " '';'' "~",'i ,~WVa.i ,!u~l}<:!te'iP,.,}S.i!i~!: ~!, tc~,W:i,s,~~ ,~~~li.a,~,s~~t~:)~r?~r( c~i:#~ I~ r,i~~ iim;';:na:-che~si'EUropa., " .'.," t, ; lL~'l~~;g~!~,~~~.~;, ;'4,{,.!~,r~~,~1! ~~>,~o':~~~~~~" !!P.i.El;f~!l )e; c~ud'eIri perC; i ':spno"ancne inteilig'c'riW ~'benorganiz'zate;; :M:ina:cCiano'nonfsolo , .~,.. ' .. ~ '" :'~ ""-~ ~ ... ~n .. ,f~. _~ __ ._~~" .. ~ .... ~. _ :'; " Ie nostre istituzioni e i nostri costumi sociali ma, piu'importante ancora, "',rt"~i :':~:,.1,,~:' __ ~!~~, -·",f1-'~ rJ\.l·~~ ""''''{('''''',ic~l''''· ';".,.;T'·;_"'l" ~ v;.~ minacciano i ,principi uma~itar(fondanientali sui quali dovrebb.~',c~sii;-.~ .c(;>~~~uit~

J la. demo,crazia~ la ,santita ~ della. vita, • e il rispetto per ia dignita' umana.., Qucsti terroristi~pretcridono:'ra:ggiungerel

"cori'!e1fiii'e; la\1giiiiiti'zlartr'ilfuit'k:questi1mezzi'lviWc pcrversi!.',' ,', . ~1 ' •

• ":-""'" .'" . ~ a -:. ,.~r. "'J'.~~ !~~ .'''.. ;:~ ,,: ~~ 'jo ~, . F ,"", ~ _. _>;~i t',_,_t> ~,::,~ _~:.# : .... '_ ~~ __ .•. J La tortura straziante e l'assassinip ,(l3l~~,~~ ,!i!. ~1,1~~s,;a~i',E!s,~!lr,!; ~m~~,<- .':: I>"i"~' ,. ,'•. ~ in!~re~s;!i .1?',~~~~fl.n2!(l:"di ~mBr:~~~(m I,t?;~~~~i F~-'~!W~i~~,cfft }!,on

4:7··'1," i' "~ _:., ....."'~J'~',~" "~1<:.:,· ... ~·{·,' 41:., .... ·'_.·-~E,'. ~~ ..... '_~ .... ·,-..I l ... ~": 1'" -" 11 perl colo che afirontano le pcrsonc in Italia Cl mmacc;ia tuttl. , 'il~F~~~.c1~J;,~,~'A~" ~n: ,~~~cih).i~~ ,i~f

> v : .. 'Vive nei nostri cuori 1a sua fcdc nella liberta". Sono parofed~ serbare: .• " • ~ 'il ,"

" r 1 r -"' r. ~1, {-j ---~ '-~" :---.... /-----:...... f ...-.... ,.t------,. . ,4 l: f ·,.A.j)A 4,'AT WE~BLEY' .i'fa """, ~ 0 '. \ ((-~/' ~ ~ ,I • '" .<" .... ~ " '"' -""- -:--,' \ • \', ... , >.~~": ": 'i ,~ < ~. \; ", ----'"', ~ .. f ~/., • ~... I~ r. E +" ;. ,_ ' .A,hf~aJttth~,;rain;(i£[th·~ plat: week;hai stopP\d;,?:Hh~ci~ll'th;\:'n:idrhingJ~ still overcast and grey..,._ .. ", ,,' ,,"; r "', r. """'<"# .. ~~" .. - ' ... But this is no thne to worry about t~Et~~~aihe::£~r_t~a~y_is!d~,:kiii·.ii.~a.y~tiid as a follower of Arsenal from an e~rly age, I am lucky enough to have a:ticket f~,r,.t?~ b.!,~~aIJ?~. . . '. ., , ...... ~ ,",.; It ~ , ;.. ~ .1 '~!'':~~_'':: .. ~.; _~' _ ~,,~.'" __ ,-or, What about their opponents? Well in Back Hill last September I wrote:- _ _ , ••' __ ' ._.:';...... :;., .-... ~~, _"'I' i_" .li:;.:~"~ . ,- 'They !?:lust.be sick of always being the bridesrriaia and' never the bride' and it'-i.'s· 'foi-::;thi:;{f'eJilon(-ih';:tl'i;take Wswicli·t'J;rriake'tlie'n·e~e·J'sa.iy~b~'eakiJirough -,;aridoWin'ta'1~ajor, trophy,·{lpossibly<.tp.~~ Lea.S\!e.,;~~p.r' ".:~t~~s~Jqh~:;L,,~~~~ S~.p but could still be THE CUP . - the Foot\'all Association Challenge Cup, first played for 106 year's"a:gi? 'i~'i8ii~"":"·: .. X .. !,,;:o.,,:,::: i'U·, s~.,·;· ;:,', ". "'j ~soGJJiiiat~V=er "i}{e! ~il~ilit'~'1:"b'ln it cWs'e~ ,f t;ill::6~·iI. -:"compIJie'"ly~'det'ach~~~Pob'sCrver

repo"J;t~ng ~Ort:Ba:ck:;Hi~l.::-,~,~.... yrlli~It?'L->:~ -'<~!, ~ .!~.~ .-" 1_ ~"r" -E-J~ '~:'V"._".i·~:: _,;,!!' ~:~ ,~ ,Yo1!ican.'alw{lys.tell·,w:h(m;,i~s.,C.uP,:F:!I'l~~ ,d"'Y;'?~9~'!M !'!i:?,~,y'~I!,~ ,~:!!.l.igh t ~m'es"on"tliet s'creen ,'.' standing'.b.ehind!

fit fo·;":the;.gam..e .... ;~>lI! .. ;.,:,;I:, ~ ".. 11>1"_'" ,~·t,,!Jj"BH1! ;i .t ,; .. :':1i'7Mt;~_ it 'r,'''L,''< ,t! .. J !A~"" J?1;,'~1 '- , '- ThEm~it .iSl,CuplF.inal· Mast.er~~!ndJ_':!.t~g!s.!1p.P2!£,e!::s.:,!~.p.~~1!~I'lHp.gf.~f.cP.·~f ~,i}~,.. ,. tw~. S!u~s; M~~~o~ ~~. b,~ing"15~~tl?usy ~ this time he. is do~ng a '~agnus Magnusson'. - Wiit a1riirniit'e- don'tT'krli!>\Yth'atdcnap an6w~~in'g'qiiest'ion·iNor".A:rsenal<:'; yes, lie had the s,eat near me when I o~ed"a,:J.!I.e<;.s.oI).:~!S~~.t.:~t I:!~g~R,~rYei!}I~!t«;,,~RC:Hl>le 'I- '1C j;qv,i\j ~~ ~/~I ..l,~ -t_; _;:-~ !;:-~.;.~S:".-~ ~ ;. >: ",. ~ .) i~'" ,!'~./!!.! _,~ J~>1,':~:'ff'~ ~ Then it is gymn'astics on BBC I and only. wrestling on lTV so I make my way ~.,~~~:-::'~''''

t. thet~wint~~w.erst;slqwlYts:eti:..closer~.7 ,'~~~';' _~:":...'__ .~"' _... If,_. !h~">J:, ~ __ ~:}. .->-~_" ~'A~-''' . __.t:.~~ J :_,.; ~ __.••, 11.a. This is the fifth time.~I;;ha~~ se:en:A:~!I~nal;J~)~H:Jlp.!.lfill~I... (!!!~!~~i,I!g~th~i~L~.a~e ... ~';clp)}'?'!t.~l;~ ~~?t~~n<;;n~ !.e~lil1g.~f !In.t~cip_ation ~re afj s~rong as ever. - ,there • " ...1S \.~ no.fth··iJi 1ng ...... qU1 ··t"~I.'!r-·(";,\···tt~·'{11 e l",e'ac ua y"b' eng 'ii .... ~t'h·~v,vere; ;1 ~ . , I. _ • ...• :'" -"':--,t., .,,,. "" .. 1 -. AiiYifj{t'e~~th~~s'f~diurri:>a,( grciilt roar goei up'frO'm 'the"ArBena:l't'erilt~ces;'to{'my right

:~ta:,mer.e,c9inci9_e!lc.e'!'I,aIl1:1i~,ur~e!~ ~" 1 ~ ~~,.: ,,", :l~_ t:~~(H~-...," J.'. t>-I"find mY" s eat:,<1,l?-d, w!ltch: a: (d~s play; .gf 1'~~r9n~~ti c~~; A~~~..b~~~~!I,o!>y' -~.I~E;:'~!J~~~!,.,- wing,tei1m'. Two sets of.model.aircraft, one in red for Arsenal~ the other ~hWlibl·:yps~icli', 'fly"! 'iihiofuliat ;;{;g:rHi;~t J;;:'cli·oili'Jf. :!The i~d!ipianJ zrlanages .. , .. ~ ~ ,to\ciit,the·.whit~str ea:mer Iflowing1f1:o.m;: the tra;i~ !9.f;~t!}e: IR~~lc:h,.\s.,-:,!-f; ~'Yl:~~J!! "! nose-dives to the turf accompanied by great cheers from the fans to my right. - .'~~_--" "'.."'j-'j.'-",'-~~'~:' ~'.~ ,~~ ' •.• :~~ '::'·;t.I,~Ja )II<·'".~:·l :'i~~C; ){;:-:, .... , _.i:::.,·t."_' Next. is a d,emonstration by the RAF Police Dog team. Again.two dogs represent .. Jiibh ;~iCfe' aHa h~Wc; :t()':gli-~bei' o\iei-· i1' 'iligh '..tikil' "'>~he ·:tpswi'cli·fa:l~ation 'quickly refus e;'·{l-noth~.r ::vi:eto.r,y':for.• Ar.senal ,- ji s, itoa::g::' ,-,' ~A' t~!, '_I ...... ~>;,J,ir1.;,~, "'4' ..~r,;;' ~f ,.. ~:~~.:""J~ ,f ,-t ',..;_~",f!k Cont •.• .." ,. '. A Day At ",e.!llbley '7~ Cont •.•

;II _:/ .~.'~ ~7t \"t • ..i~.~"'r. ~.~: 1.·.... " >~." The sun is out now to mark the singing'of 'Abide with-me'. 'Unfortunately the Ips~i~h':,I!~p~.t:t~_~s.;p!,~f~.r~hC}i!,~~~.,~P?~!<~'?~Jf!l!l.si,c,.9.~;-i,~g, !Il,~> fi:!'.t:;~;p~, .; and w~~p;!,1,l~y~f;lt?P" ,1;~~r4.r!l~I}.,!-r,fm~~ ~,i4*~;~p. ~.~iin'g,~!ie ~~~o~d v¥.ts~e:·~~ns' . a pity tbat football crowds do not'take need Mthe Rugby fans es'peCiallyat'" " ....."~-' ,~- .~ p,,~ .. ~. ~ • 'The Krms"Park"wheii'it"comes (to;tliil siiiging,.of:i:raditional'hymns~· . '.' ". ~--~'-""'"-'--" .;~ -.17".,"~·j,.·" ',', '". -.~-': _t,.".It·... '"'J~ f')-~ ".1'".'" ,...... 1' .... f',~ • i ~ut this is a minor grumble on a day when ~i~~:8fo~ip>,e~~r:{~·J~~~~n~e.(:.~p,t;;; ,,,., 1.o,~al1y ~~.!l. A..s, ~r!~n ~oore was to say .'I~ was almost ~lke a Cup Fmal of old'. fl' ."" ." .. ,,_ ' j', ,.; .~~ ... ~ '" ',.... .- 'e ~ :,.. , ',\, 'C~" ~~', ~ ,_ -;. , T~~~t<;..an:s <:!"~ l~ciout !>nt~ ~h~ pitc)twHi{Terry Neili·lri';i'identcoriilersb.tion' with'~Bo6Dy'lR:obsfo~n:; v ~" ,'+' 1. ,,,,'I' ~"-":,,,.,.~,,,~ R'"'' ~.~ •. ,¥ .ii,,~ ,. The National~.ot\J}thenh T~~.~, ;i,meA,h~" Yi,~.~~~~~ A~~~~r,~~;e,ii :~Jf~~~~\f?!Ci~. oj; !~~ Der,ek;:r..a,ve~et:! '~itlg~,r~ c:>~~t the !O,J.!9~,p.e~~~!:f!''f~15~1pr~m.!,~,~y}}15n~~gl!~~~' Arsenal chants and encouraged the fans to participate, which lS g~o.?! .!'lv!;n. , ~.. . - .' . , ... 1.,·~\: ... ,-Jt'i.z.,jI'· lithey are half a.verse in front of the Band. ". ~-.~.' _.- Jt<.·."~I1· -; ; t"W r,~ ~~'L • .d:-:~-,';~j; '\ .. '~ ~ .. ··t; .~~: ;-" -, ," of the ball:' It-is-going-past'Jennin'gs outstretched hand'into,tlie·comer~;;;:Nol' Just past ~~1].4~ I?e·f~ ..., !hl?r}~C!~~e~~~.'t!n,~ , " ~. '-. ,... ~ tr "":' ,.,' ~~ ' .. Woods on the right,. Marin~r !l,hg.• <1t.s,. this time the ball.hits the crossbar! Starting to get worried now.w . .c. , : ,,!~ ~. tr." Woods, Mariner a~d d:ddis'~re; i'ort~~in!£bJr'b'~~ldoiiJ.· The loose balls in midfield always seem to bepiCked1up'bythe. mentililblue. Hudson on the br-eak:to·iMa'cdonil:ld. on his favourite left foot but Mills is quickly across to block t~,~'~~P~.~~r.,":, ..• '," Half time. We must get int?,~pe, iga!"!'l.~,a.f~~.r .!~~ ,i~t~!-:~a.! • ." .~.. . " . .'. ~ , '" . Huds()n comes out and goes around to each player giving encouragement. As a c'rltic 'iiiltlie' past' of' Iliif'cna'ra'cter and:teniperanient; ..it i:s ~good·,to, s'eelhimltaking resp?'n!3i~ili~X and b~~~g, ! , " Bur.1ey;,gi:v~sa~,!-y <.':R l\~~e~es~~t:~ ~,~weF,blf~ Cooper catches with alarming ease.

• .... '.. e ;'"., ~.:( _ ..... " !o.~~ - •.:' .It's Mariner again! '- On this form he'looI(:sthe best Centre-forwa.rd in England. The ba"il rblls';'cle'ar·to·WarkLa·fiercesnot.and,the ball crashes against the post. • Woods shoots a<:r9.~,~.~he ,~ace9.f t!l~ ,!lo<;ll ., G9al kick• Ipswich on the attack again, the ball is slipped square and a shot again strikes th,e':I~C)!3t~,,!' C:~\l~~~!t ~~~~1r.0!l Y:',~~,j'??:s /!l~go,I!~~blE? (in fact it was Wark) only thankful that Arsenal are still alive even if they aren't exactly kicking. Burley witn-a ·liEi'ad"'er -"hri'incredib'le';save byJ eniiings. I iim~6n my' "feet::riow''- !CoID:e':on' Macdonald; 'run, chase, harass' (or words to that,~effectLbut,I.don't"'think he couldhave.heard me -' at least he didn't do -.' "~">,0",·"···~,,-,&.,,f.·"-_"~. ".~ "."-,(- , what I told him. They really cannot expect 'to win if they ignore my advise. "' ~1" '-", '" ~ ~ ," '.' . Sure enough Geddis beats Neison and centres', Willie You~g only clears as far as a blue shirt and the ball is in the back of the net. '

Cont•••• ,>" , '." ' ,~.Day A~,Yl~mbley '7J!.. C~>nt.! •• ~. -.!>.'" ."c:J".'~''l ...... "' .. _.: t,"."....~ 1.~" •• ;fl''''' ... : "-, ~,",'':-_~;F ".J~<.~!-~ r,~' The ,~i~~t'r.ii~i~ sC6re"bb'a'rcd';:iiii' rke'tBlit;the'man~wbb, got 'tne· finaPtouch ..\ira:~ ':;'~; Roger'~oibi)rn~. 'ire' i~ 6';~r'c'Oni~ t>'1 JXha.st'"ioh1anJd"repla~ed'by'i.;a:mDerh'·' "'or • ,">- ..... ~".,~ :---'- ..... ~. ~ -, -C"; "'."' ;: :~...... f J _,,~~ ,-Ii" ~ :r ~,',," ~ _l -:1":~:.i_ ~t ... ,' ... >,~1 "- • '; Arsenal have['Ri,!=;;on;fo,rjB,ra,dy'w~.Q;~!,-.s., l_i~pj!lg,!m~.sIi.gl1!): .r.~al,ly \l_~~, round to salute ,their fans - then its the turn of Ipswich. An initial Durst of bii6"i~'g T~ :~Ii~?~M:ily'¥~~!,n~t's appiiiiis'e!or":thEi'Nortk'Loridoii 'crow"dlvlno,' "!' resE9'!,la.\Vi:~h: >chee~r~3'-:,;' a:!firi~' ~'P9rthig 'finalEi'to'a' day -I wouldn't h'ave.rriiss'ed' ~or~ew~r~r 'li-' -"I'd' • J,',.,.,'I-. ••<:,~ ",,~_~.i> -~,~" " ..... ,. -" t.' '''_.£

_, Jj _. ':: - c, ~. ~ ~ -! ,"'"- ",;' ~ :.i • ~ ,-,_, , ,: _, '; It ~t" ~ q -~ ~ ~ .( T.h~e,.b,!';fltt~ea'm,::vo~ ~!ld yet a,I?oth.er Bac~ Hill se~eciion is proved correct - I l only;Vrsld {oiild/feei"hl1ppyilb6ut'ifl' ,'~': ',i.' ':'I t,' ". <" ',' " .; ", _" .~',"'''','''~ ~;t,:: "1"; r:,\.;':-~·:-'·"'7" -;~:;. : .. !Oi ... :~ ": :~;.'>. ;'.,}, ~.' -,:.;,,~ ~ <.~ . .i!r, i,', ~~,_,,:~.P • .t:

,"_" f .~.~t =".~.,._" .... h...,.:':; ...... '00" CITAZIONE,DEL:MESE -'QU'OTA. TION' OF~ THE"MONTH -- ..... -- -, •• - ...-- ...... ~:•• ';i, ' ...... ,.~ , 1·.·~~~lI·~JI~'O\...... -, ••• ,; &"'~'''~ •.::";; ~1, . OJ '~~ Un pens~ero romantico per A~'~·c)inaniic'ti{b·tight'i:for fh'ci ~ - ' ... ,- j ....c ,,'~:,;ei:'·" '," ". 1 ~ - r:.: " .. '':' ~~" .'/;" , .. 1~ .• ':o •• ~' t' ' ." ••' < ]t, f' ,.. .. I' estate: . 8ummer:.... '- . - ~- ,:' .J .. t, t':, "

,,";: .. ~~~~J~,~~l.~e~~" ~.~~~. ~~ /\_1~.e.. ~~: ~:a~~?- y~~ '.' .., " ·have{liV'ed,i£ you hav.e.rloved;t!'.~ ,' .• - :~. '- ,

, ' "La vita e' un sOl1no; l'amore e"'u:n;~{ogii6~' , • ., J:!~ '-~... " e· $ e/ avri{i -amato~ saia:i t vis·s·tit()!{li- :,-~- ." , ' , '~ ~~;~ T'1~~_ ~~~'''~.r ~'~'g ,,~,",. . ! ,~ :<' •• ~ _'J. ~: J" '--( - '-'.' '1 .. ;:f.A:lfred ",be·Mu,sset 1(1810351): ,,..' Scritt<>.r,e Jran~e_~~AeI:'l1-qrn~!1tisj~!!iE-S>''> '!'ra,. , 'l'e sue' codtii:.:~~ie,~pb~it6s'e ~; delrcatec'e~

, . biografico "Confessions d!un enfant du • '~''>' ,,."-.-~ -"~': .'c: -.::~: I:; :., ... :- "" :"; '," '! ' "'I"~'- , " -,' ~ (si~cle" :espone,g~i:'!ltteggia.m..~~ti, ~/.i!l £i.f!:", ' " 'icolta', deiih' ~"ua gencrazioil'e: ' ' "" • :? .. • .. e-.'->;" ,,'~~' ;"""',,0« ;..... !.":' ~ .... I<.~ ... _ ;~)r.,,0·;,t ~:!"~,,,

'''~_ ' <'';- • , . .. ,' J~' !' fr:ericflRo~tptili?_;wr~l,~r,~, 'A:mo~(lit!l~w,i~ty~" "~ ~e1icat.e,plays is "I;qr,~~~~qS~o".J ',~n,I}!!J .~1,1to,,,: , I , , " ,,'~: ,b~ographical !10v,el "Conf~s!l.~o_~I!"'.!i!\!~ ~~fil-!lt, ,K I <, dU 'fii'~cfJil~ " ... >, f 5, .,. ~ - ... ::.

" . .,' ! -.' 'or " ~ '"

.. 0.1 .,' ,'" .,. , "

.. " • fI '.. .. ' ~. ------:------;------

I, Giovani Italian! 01. Willesdeli -- .. --,------.---",-

... !,,.,A"'''';''Z&-,, "'3(' -Ii" .(1'" .• 1,.'1 .... ,-,; ~'IP,rcllo",>·.r, •.- " "",' ... -" '~F...3 ~:._~ . jJ.!i~." __ .' _".~ t... i_ .. v~~"'"'1 ~)"'!~. !<1.!,~ 1 •. <,Ie<' •• ~ .... ,; .J(fj j ,'<.!t;;tc) .:y:e,n.~!"~~l'

WIllesden.."~"''''''''''''''~.'ttg faffgiiida di'~questO' bravOtSacerqoteH H" ~'Mis sioh

• . Fin~l~~~!l~tr~J.J !1~?tJ'.?:)J?OY.:r~~ X~~~t:~};1,~ ~~J~~.~t~v~ ,~nif.~~~rl-a .s.~~~re i dlschi. e cOl,l1,la gente'poteva ballare; 'Ma dove oallare, "troppa"gente"e' poco l s~zi~: ~.~~~.~' ~~~_~~O~,>~i :~~up~~~t.9:~~a~~~!~t?}!f :~!~~-f... ~~~t-r:~~~.?' ..ne~~~~f~}i senti • POI la lotterla, It' prImo premlo una Iiothgha dl Mllleflorl; ~n, blgh'etto clle fu ;:;~~l!.~r~~~~? d:.~ ~~~~ .d~9.~:~ezR~T.~~~~~:,d~1.. ~,~·~~gi c.'b.l~ .~~~.p:t.~ ,?~."i?ar}.:!.~~~', ,~i~St~~~!~: .~he il prImo premlo fu vlnto dalla mamma dl'uno oel'comltato., "F1X, ;flX' grloo' ,un membro del pubblico, scherzosamente! I ragazzi pensarano a Padre Gerardo e se solamente avesse potu~o vedere con i aloi occhi i';;:~~~iie~(iii'qJe'sto!t.el1erdi· chissa' cb.e contentezza 'nel suo cuore. Gli manderanno certamente' qualche foto. e l'artico~o di Back Hill! E cosi si giunse alla fine della serata. 'Tutti andarono a cas a cententi. Oual.;:uno si lamento' di non aver preso un panino, 0 una frittella. (Ouando mai anticipare 450 persone.) , Cont •••• • , < /, ~,,~,!-~lc~1}o;,~is!le. ~~ .nC?~.!,-~;~r. ~y~!o" I.? ~p~zia'rte~ i{i'ifa:n"niiinero,rdi-queUi-"j;resenU, ringraziarano i Giovani che si erano messi in fila alia porta pers~iI;lut~ii:~ J ,:Q " .;Ban·n:()~ji'in'gh;ziat8 l?ro,p~r-.av~r,.grd!c_a.t.? ~g ..1g}"o .. t~ml?2!!!~~!-"o.'lp~f.;~g.'7r!l un po' , ',', :::~;:. :dhdiverti~ent()lai :101:0; c~r,i t.a,rt:l~,,-i::;!t!;l,ij\n.i.... J!~.;g,JZ,aE.ml:"_m~J.?, ~~~M~Yih~g~F\~go

''Jjri~ !~~e~e_JUri',~l~;~.?,~~ c.~ ~," __ .,.!:. ~t ._ ' r;JI~':~_:p . __~~ ; r ":~ .~... ~ + ..: A .... ~ ~ ';:< ·i.: .n :~.:; ~ I ,,<'~' '7: 'Cp;'; qii~il[, c:hiN{f s~nt!~d{re~' r'di'dviin'il:it;a~iaiW'liitwiilo'B,4en> ".- sit s'ono~' -­ m~ssidi nuovo a lavoro" e stanno oreanizzando no.~ !lolo ~1l'a1tro ballojp~fl : ~;;t~tti· ma,;a.~ghelun: Dallo~ (D.II5C 0) l?.!lr,~i-:ipi~~f!g!c;!v.~no.!~~., •.!!!: S~t!~~~~,:.~ 'r~i1,l! zzato il~s~ gnc?:di;lEad~e;, to ~r..a,~P9:j ~.j.9..}''!-llt I!~J!{!l !,w.me~c:I~~ i( 9,!}'r.). ,y,i,v.~, ,~d,,~W~ "l~~., .' ~·:C:re'~.ceral:amjche;~e si s,~~,r~.~~q.ii:.~g~~zLdh!?.!1~~~J y~l£l~~~! c.J!'~r1ngra.zi,::,cd !augu'x:a.!iit_n~(),vg'l.

.i. f.) "Ul'c-()mit'ato'dij Sen,er'ehi?-l(Ayellirio Hqu·est',a~no... h'!lRx:g~n~,zllE.~!'-JJ " "",," tJ - ~-~-'Il',. f" _.-, '" ~···~u ",,-"'''''--,-,: ....::,~.,' • .J \hK'J·:"'(\'J~':'. .. 4'~·':'l'!·:"Tfi.'h':"'·Cl ..:;. !:";",,'~~~l:-'-~ .<~ ~ ": •• 'J ~ "'; z;"San"'Mii:hel'e,'ch'e':e' !stataiuntvero£sii~<:.ess_o:! hon~s!r,Pe;!~ d~i, f!.'?~<:l~,,(!=J)~, -01).1'~',

fl'.;':"":':'( ':'I~ :', ;-r:s'4".-' 3 .I:).:::'.;) 1 .'~ J< 1'•. .:l'!.-:)~1". ~ l'I~ :!'. ~If· .. " "",,.,'1, ,'" I': ... ;./': c+'~~'~;;·.t!.1 .1:"'" i ,hiiiiJiofliiiitoltarl:te'lpersone', div,erse,~nella lsala;,d'el~ "YitellC) ~'-9.r.9" -+;'" " :'::'~"j~. ~'. t~ : .:;;~~!~"" ...... -~ ... ',..', ... ~~ >l~ .! .~.~ .."""t'·10-"1:':! t f!'l":' r:. v.r:(:""""" '...... ~ _: 1',:/;+' ~i: ,:" C.".'-.,:'l • "''', ~,,~ 6 .. "!'" .,. .."L ~~ ... ~.j'...'o~ . ~ • .J ~ .., ,. (~ ,~~.r :~;'J , . )J...".l : 1. .~!I~ '~;":~ ,:;~~ t!~.d::-.'t·: ;cc1:: .... ( -0'_' !:I' ~:-L: "'![:":. • Cuesto ci ha colpito: vedere come ancora fra, di noi ci P~9}?~~ !!.~_r.!'l.' '•. •

.. " R,!, !-l.!\. J':'i ,t"S::.f2'~ 'l .... 1'~.~ ... "". ,n

. ", ., • . i{1l~7,-::·· f.. .. n I A::'"", "'- ...-: . , ... -, £~.- :.- -- . . ,. ., .-'. ' '1 .' I

• .,

. "I -,,,;:·,~~,1: ... :~1';"~" ~ .l't~t... ~ .. ".:~. ;,:.."" ?~E! i.-",; tl',lf~'2(~"'~r.. "!. f illl .. , t,_ ,,' 4· •. ' 6 l~ ·,,:~-;,.~·_;~t::. ~~'A! ~'-' ?}'-,~~; '.11~1""'}!··n-:i'f.,~~; !t·~1~_,., C~,~ t.:n" .. :1 ._~ "'!) C;S:\'jj)p"'; .':.~·lt!

, ..--<1' , <.1 \""-' ,n~"i " . <_. :~ .JH.~·~l-~ f-"4"{t - ir~'_j& ',~ ~-:, ~ ":i 1~' .L , '

• I " . , . - . PALLA. " YOCE DEL TARO." .. I nost,rigiovani, nati qui 0 venuti qui a Londra .~~!t.~ pic~?I~",~' .?en.~.\ch~ sapp- ~ ••• ...,1. , "~ ~ . .;~j. ~JJ_ -" j.l£~.1!. -<.' ... r, ... ,r::~> ... " lamo come v1vano i loro gen1t9rio i l()~o ~o~i:"fors'e'lmparerano'a'voler"loro piu' bene e a capirIi se qualche volta.sono\iiervosi ,0 brontoloni. ,Cd'·.. ue~to,-at;tic;:,~l.o.l.!l,ulte..)i!~-',-11- '~,', ':~"£! ~t,-v ,,, ,. "'r·~. 'AI mattinopresto (alle quattro 0 allecinque) e in ognf s'tagione"lc'lavanda"ie si recavano al Taro 0 al Vara!=olli.• Si facevano la ·preda •. :si;'ingino'ccniavanol ,4: ,,!3!l_1:.~~~'.C~~.,!J~~~~J~'!!!Sgrni~~~~~,a~q... P;\~_m~!~':!I~~:;>~P" sul~'i't feha.ipc{lrbin s'opra\·il'."c~r.·gu ,iel.t.ornavano;:~ ~a s ",.:: E ~~~q ..1 ~ ~.s £~.t~; Si ~c:~.",:P.'Ji 1or f!b pr,?t;l~<:l".~l;,. ~i l.1~l~'l~~f c~~~}~. f.! p.$h~ 7,v ~~,?'-, g:r.,d­ l~~~,\~ente"}.enzuola •. t.ovaghe, ecc•• I!tendendole l'una sopral'altra 'e prc:ss-· dtan'dole 'cori!fb'r'Z!J.;" Qiiindil!TrCop:ivaiiofilrtutto~ conzuna.:tela'ldi! sacco: dlf~tigar,o,

s:u. ~~~f'.~.e~~~X~.J}9)s.~Ae!~ ,~.{",",asg~e.",l?___ t?~~~~1?-~f:!: ... J.:FI~-)' ~" '.~ ~~ : ~ ~';': ~,:._;> "'.;"J .~~~ g Ii_. Qu'est~:\lI!~.r,av:igi!9.!!a,?!J..!',s~~~:fl~t~~V~!H;~;:p~Jffih·}~,~ ,~,W;';~~~~~ltE?rtl,~e~l~,,~~~~a- versq"ll J)lsaro. Ve~lv!l fatta r1bolhre" qUlndi r1versata.SU1 panni, r1petendo l'opeHizion'er'~p~';-i !par'e~cni e -'volt kPu~ndo'Il ra:c'qua;rac\cb~io:n:el;c~tiJio)sotto;"il ,.. ,tine,W)/ e"~aJ ~c~l}i.?'ifi.h.b.,::ce!~:~n""p.:"?E:~o:~; 'ha.:.!i!3,~ajj.';l~~~tg .}~Y!~il!t ~~~ .~~}W! YE-n~~ 'a filossare' dalla lavanda1a e stavano ins1eme f1nche' non Sl era fimto d'tra su la buga.'Sulle brad che rimanevano nel camino, .racconta 1m. ..figlial:diiuna la,v.an~ai, ~, ,;m~~t,!lX '!:I):l.!?: C_;H~~~g!l;':!f:l J>; ~~ ~q ~~ ..;~!'.,r 9;h ~J ,,!;;~. ~J~ ?{R!I~?I\~S,~,eg~ i.l?:°~r'\~ m

!!il!rn!-clifegr1a ,.ja~faf{cl ael1a""~rornalarJ.d:<.L:·"~) ':l'"'qr:c-':'; ~ "'4 ,j,' ~l ~ \"! B '- !,_' ' adagio; alla fine rimaneva: un bel brasoun. Prima di andare a letto veniva ricoperto di cener'e perche' dU,rasse' ancora e 'cuo;,~.~~~':'~1f;:f !,~};?H~. ,La c~~ere che formaya era c~iara ~pulita e, dopo cssere stata"setacc1ata- v.Jni va' 'messa;liIi'uiits e'Ccitfo ;'?ogni··i~v'aJdaia\ilfe-lalt'e'neva da Icountu: era::prezio sa.

0~~~~qf~j.~~aJ~~eJ~a~J?~$!~~':xAe/),:~~i~~r~~~,~:r_~m~;·\nt~t;)t;:~~~~~: j ~~g;~;~g.J~-.I"~: m~d1a tre ,0 q';1at~ro bucati la settimana 0 anche d1 P1U', ma con m!1gr1, salan. N'ella't)'ella·'st'aglone'. 'mentr'e1-lavavaiio;. ie liivaridaie •.,si(;pa!, savan.; ~le 'ultimel'" . ~·~.o.H~i,~"~1~:,,c9:i,!:~s~!.e5~ld£!IP}l-~s~e •. "~~~~1i '~b • ~l~ora S1 m!'lt.tevano Ie mam s.otto Ie ascelle per cercare un po' d1 calore' .. . "t'" 1"" "j~ if' • " , orl' ~Y' "It" ': - ~~ ill ,-" • .,. ~ ~.. ,,_ • na ura e '. (- . 1 __ ,., -' ~'_.l'" ." :.' ","i ... ,~~~_.. , .:~u-:... ' t","l~~ • ~ ;":c ..l~. ~~:: ,.... 12:. ~.~ ,,~f~. QuanaH 'il" b'u~ato'l er1.' t~rrrtin"at~,E 'ogiiit la:vandaiavst endevad pannH~ui'.. filii attc? rno ~~~ ~.. ~mp'~~~9 !Sj1y... ~~!J~P.i.:~~~~~!l .. ~ ~,! :,~p~r~I!d.~y~a,i~~l~~~u~~ ~~~~.?}}~~!~~~~o:: ~P~~,~~~.f_;~~~o come segnale d1 occupaz10ne. ' ~ , .. • .; ,,"'1~ ~I$::-< f -' vf"J'~ .... t _ :L:."o;,_ ' t!.~ !:~-,j . J~'~~_=) -,--q •. ,:~ 31';':. ":<·'~h_'."F'~';' 'i" Quando 11 c1elo era sereno tutto andava bene. ma quando 1mpro~ente scoppiava un temporale, era uri , precipitarsi a ripiegare i panni per riportarli a casa, quindi a stenderIi di nuovo, se era tornato il sole. Una fatica in piu'. Una volta asciutti, ogni lavandaia ripiegava con cura i panni contando se c'erano tutti (quelli che mancavano doveva pagarli) e tornava a casa col cargu e talvolta con un mazzolino di fiori che ornavano la tavoia nel tegame dello stracotto. P. WALTERS ,WOODWORKERS

Tra:ve1 'Agency , '3 HAROLD RD. , ' Italian Church , ' " ~ .... BROAD: LANE

, '.136 C~e,rkenwc~,~ RO,ad, LONDON N.15 London E.C.1 .' TEL:OI '808 5889 Te~: 01 278 1j99

,, C;ABINET MAKERS, AND FRENCH POLISHERS WANTED Ore di Apertura - Opening Times FOR HIGH QUALITY JOINERY Mon ~ Fri lOam - I, pm WORK AND RESTORATION. 6.30 pm 3 pm - CABINET MAKERS FROM pm Sat 10 am - 1 £2~ 10 PER HOUR Sun 10 am - 1 pm FRENCH POL.ISHERS FROM i £ 2.,00 PER HOUR

- w __: ____ _

• A1italia's exclusive arrangements Minimum stay 14 days ... maximum3 months. with Avis and Jolly Hotels mean that Reservations must be made and tickets pur('hastd at least I month beCo~dcpa.rturC'. when you fly APEx-saving up to 4S% AvisCarrtntalandJonylfotetarran~ts on standard tourist class excursion . must ~ made" at the" time- of iir ticket booking. fares-you can also save money, in Italy. r-':'-";'';'''--:''---':'-';'';''--'' on Avis car rental and Jolly hotel bills. 1 To:AIi ..Iia.DisLD

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"'-"0': __ ...-...__-'" .,..,._~ <~, "" ""- , ~ ,GO,_.b ______-_:... ..,,-- -~ , .. ""'~& ... £-



ITALIAN TEXTILES Sopra:- La c;:omunita! it~1i~na r,a!=f;oIta nella Chiesa di 'San ~etr? p~r ricordare <~ ". , , ' ... ·,..,. .. H. I , Aido Moro. ~ , I. ." •.•' ~~, ... " ___ 0 ____ 0_ La,comunit!l-' it~~iapa in pr~~hiera hel ~antuar.io d~AyIe~ford i, g!=ca's!

--i'o --

-,,~ . -

..." .. ~~ -<'-J ,,; ~~.~' t1 : ~ -- - - -jO" O~ Sunday May 21st at Dyrham Farm, Barnet a shooting competition:was:held lllliol.~,St[ e2-.t£~~ ~I·!_ '/,~" ~'l!::n ··~_,,1;._ ~'C!':;7':t1.:;'~f'1(.i~='-'_ .. -;;r-:_>-:· ...... ¥~. 'l .. .,.,,_i~ £oF .t~e .. benefito£ the Sca:iabrini, l\estoratfon Fund~""The' co-mpetiiionwas sPoii­ -"lI "'l~.J ,1(.,!.:"'~U~_~ "A:~l::t';:)l':!: ":J~_.,.::-:)~ f;":;a: !~.~ ~t-:~~::_-n 1Q l"':':"l,,(l;. ,.. <.r"_,;;,x 'Il,,\ Jandltlielfirst~p!'!7!e... ;f\ ~ ~9g·~g~;i~.!l~·'d<3~~~.E!!! l~y , ~.~" ..... 1';;1""1 . ~"':I~' .... fi~~a'-'.... ".' ...... " . F~incht..l6·urts.v~Th~:~sl:8~1i~nf{V~A~ .i~6n('brY~tii!~ "G'r~JJii'!

~4 j- - oj:!-'n.;o ,,'I ~ J,h~~' an- : ~ ,qf -t'J~ '.r"J ol,ci

l r ',.. ·cc '" T'h~'~J~i'h~iis 'l'l~gphY'~as' \Yon iiFPSfg ; ~ plibpdii";iJd~ih'cP jtiiiiO'r's 'ltrophy.' ~ :;$:Jv'(3L:'~ "'P':',~.~ ~~"1-1--;-Ij jjJ ~ .. l -~.i .. ~.. H,~tflJ ~..J":~":~<:' f-~.t;'f.t;;!ak'1'.J"-} ~"J~,!~_-;,~! j .';1 ~bu":f,1 '~:,~:l

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1'6 -"10 smaller

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'IIr, ".", ",. r~rt r "'.,,~ r,r;!Yi:<' . j-'''- ."1 !> - .; ., -... ~;JT< .~4·t· -'~'(.' ,Ill "1" _,_no J'!-li""'" I ~li~,e~-, ",:.'" ..." !"t··>~U'fh).~)"J," t~" ~fd "f"'--tl'Jno:'" ; ~~ "'"[ . re? 0, se~ ower p o~og.rap !,n OppOSl e page. ',< . "'. • •. .. . \" 1. • .••. , , . •_% - .. ' _'.;.1{ .... ~ ..: ••:!9', ~j.": ~~,!,...~ "1 ~" .r~ ".', ~l,,:::._ .-" jnd ~d'_ U~"~F: :t', L:,(l"~ 1 ~ ~ "l'}~lV"

",' f-oc,1,;his·,gro.up,.of, .~? men -entertained the.audi:ence of abs>ut 300 wi~h some 15 · ".J ..... ".~, ., -... &.! ... ,'~ {.~ .', / "-:--~.f til ::"";;'T!:::;~~·" ':. .(. Gj ~"H.- 3'~fl '~"'!;,-.r !'.J 1;"'- ~'L'i ~;:_.' \~rt~r"':/ ...~ ;l(.i''rl''",l.j ~ . be'adt"i£di· (Bon'gsr.(~o st '0'£ :them~iiudiaIJtto) .~hi«h.. i!lcIll~_~g;~i;;! ~!:!le.mjn'" V!,c:. .,!Illng • ·;~ :l;)t"l i>.i'.:J~,;~, J~~ ~,--~ -)l~,1' " _~;r .!' -'1 ' n~~_ r: ~!.~.uH ~ ,~~'" ~ . < r ~ ", ti -o.~ 3i~' l' .t~. ~ ~~ . ,.?:~,c;1,F,ge"ey.~t"t?s>pula.r .'r,..a.~0Il.t~nap."!.~TI}~ _cor~ were dresse(l"in the tr~~ti._ l!"-,.... •• , ... ,&l!~IC~ .. ~_ 1 .tft.] c"'!~-"i~- "'F~~"( .l!"~~- t- ~'f"''''''~,)I~-,,~t o;'(".-'t ',~" . ~ -" ... ~1. _>~. ___ 1 -~_", ... :_.... t>, <,',," clothes Jas i weirnh~} :clihib, the lin~ntil O£~T.r,entin()L()P.c!~!.O_mj~i '!'.F~C:~, !lEi ;:t~.~.I}~: ~ocks

'1.".""1 , .1'1"'-" fi' .. ~~ .·l.. "" :11\-, ~1-'-4~ ",,4"''' 117 i·.lI. .. ~ .. I I . . and-~iacK b~aglii~~ Za.'wa~jltviriJus· ~'p'e~~he's(J"in'tro!iu'ci~g ihe'~oh)iw'(;re'made by

"':-~r!:;""~~ .,... . 'II' "'-'11" • <011;/ • • .. ,. "''if'" • ~ ,\ "'-'':..:, ',,,Jll; •., :"">_~~JI(~'.f~ ... ~ .•,~l'Sf' t.;~.'. r.n·-: .... ::Sf.,-::? -·.~jl.~:;J"",~ 1~"'i .. T'" tl.<"."),Yig ~~v~n.~ll~, J:. pipre' e 4ss. P~~la_z_zi., 1;he pe5>ple,yo~ng and old who came to 4- . I.., - "_'"j (1 ll_ ;: ~ n#lr tf) ,jli-.... ,,~/I.~.'~l}_~~~ , '~~ "1_.!;~ -:\.;:~.:- '!t.''t (.'1.-''1- ,~. ,~,,: ':~,l . ~... .. ~,,~. ~. -n ~a:rjtliei"rr.pa e s anil fsingl.we r e;not' di,s aPP9.int.e,d •., !"I:!t e:~c!?.r~~'!!3:.~g v.;: c:IL~ c:.s.p'i.~ ~" tp e

much appreciated~'tiFooa and'Winetfollowed the si~ging to end an entertaining' - - - - .. - . -- -- ~=:.~ - ~ ------o evening. ,

,. ~THEATER." '~ .. ;.---... ---.... ~ .. ' ",' .~ ~,,-'" ''>is,I:' ,,',.f~ "--'.-:'"1 II- ~,.!' Royal Shakespeare' Company in 'Macbeth' and 'Henry VI' parts l, Z, 3, '"" '. ~Ui~;ribt ~i ;;lrJ;R;~ iWai,'or'N~~ k"iI-HHi:f~. r'.#leW~d'e1tilci{~il6i!'c;~ii~i{J.!!.· 'taiHiiient' '" 'iiportii: repo rts' ,ex~'eptea!whicli.are,o~:n·e·cessity..iil. the 'riat~re:,of .pC;st mOrt ems -but owing to am.a.~e~;- 9Fa;~::.!=~~ ~?m~i~n;t~,I]-~~ ~X~b0'hkfPs.s, v.t..~>r~ .~ate into the Spring season and the aforenamed productions will' be ending before th~ ,~e~,p,!~~iS~J~q~'~PilaC:::~Hm.:~ I'!,9,'1'-'~y'~r!,~her~ ;:.v~r~£~f~ ~r~~.~~~,ions, of such' magnitud,~th~t it wqpl~..c?J)s~,itute a grave 'inju~tice to let them pass without , . • • • • ,to t nV-.h't • ', ••• V j':j, -, ••••• ~O-:r::r a "'..,. "'00':> a ,t 1 , ,.~-:1 } ..d.' 8. '. :1 51 ••••• "'T.~ J'.-."0"'''''' :~·~t-"".\t ~ .:- ...... k~~ .;t~ ....:~ praise and a superficial ide'a of these hist,or!cal manifestation's'of the 'exc'eUence "

oJ Eng1i!lh t~e~tre. trt, ,'" " " :" .. ,,~ .. -.71 , -~I' > --Having waited'.seven months for 'a: tickJt't(f~e~th'~inb~ li;g~iiciary iMacbeth', • and Iiiiving's'pri'ntea roundtth·.rJperi~~ter.~o('the' y"l,'iingr.V;Ic-\(at fa~spe·ed·~hich

.., ,.sp.~,;:.;~;t.9!~o~;:r~,:, ... ~ .... ?r~9g:;r~ ormance I hav.e ever seen, not only of 'Macbetli' but of any play. I heSItate to say that the cast was actually led by the superb MacbetJ;l and Lady 1>;1. of Ian McKellen and Judi Dench as every character had .been imbued with a freshness

and originality in its own right. p~!'~c:!t:rl..~y!.Qg: this::-wifre Roger Rees as Malcolm and.J3qb"F\ec~ as M~!=,q~(f,'Y.p..9 tranl!.fo~}Dec! a normally boring and stati'c interlude , :1-: t tI>,~,,;l,·\ " ."r;:,t ·,t, :i .1, "> T."'. r::, J ." , " .V'., .l ~, .', • , into 'one of'breatlitaking'i:"t~n~i\'y~ · ...It-'b~~a:Me' ~";';n "!£o'i-'e ithil'ri aijo~' to ~~tcbjit • ,. " The Henries, not to bE< go,~(~s~4 \:Vi.~l1 I~~n~y' ~V p'~rts o~~ ~n~,two ~nd I:J,enry V up'on which I could ;:expatiate but won't, are not poetically great but thef are

~ .' 1\ _, • ..' :'.~., -"'~ - '" . ,." " ~'. ~ 0'- -.: ... ~~. .~ .,- ·tremendously human and leave nothing to be aesrred··i-n'thewaV·of·a:ctiori~~U·nder • ::r~.ii:',y.;J.t~ndsf Iairection""tfie.v':'are. 'p'r.es eheew'as >:a':sw; rtl~mQ'ff·ng.ta Reist 1:.v;'C·,,.SOj ," -, ~:: .. ~- ...... --...... ;~l'J ...... \. .. !- ...... ,-A...,;1..i1. CIt:,R:\~''"1...1·· - f"::' -(1U\.. ~rf ~., f 4 II .... ~ ...... ~ ,I", "' ...... ~ •• "':" '-,*~ ;': 1!I~.i!t,th~~ !fc:e~e.py.~rt_a!<~s. !3~!~.~e" he~qs, ,x:,?~l. ~t:lCl ~l,?od ~s..:~e~ ~itl\ !.ncir,eg~ble speed. This panorama while'illuminating.the perspective does not exclude strbng !"'.'~;;;~-... ~",j '-":~""''''~'.~ "\."", :'.~.' ," ".·,-"4"';~11. '4,,_ individual performances: - Peter MCEne'ry, 'the charming,' a-rnbitious"Sliffolk, "" ·"tra:m·esbau:rJnson.as,aiiarchi'st·ICade~.,makingjthe:RedrB'rigade~look:likeN,iennese , • I ~ ,9;p"er:~t~~; ,.t~~ia~GI~;v~~!;-...t'~~'j\~1,~fll:Hga!.>l,e,!l CP~ITl.~~ .•W~!~iC:::~i' tlt~ a~a~~r8 ,~vil of •• (\)\13Jl\~!ie:r. (fF$3~~ez;,.#.DA d8P~a..a.s':C:louce:Stei;;....:tlie;overpQ*e.v.ti1i: strength , ": ~ ~ (. ~ ...... ," • ..... "'1.",,!l.)ol"" ...... • Gl )'t.v~:;:I.n ...... _ ;G"1' XV;;t.~J1 _. of Emrys James i York and th~ 'dev'eiope~entof BeienMiireh f!.i 'Ma.rg:ir~t 'from cap1'rCio'us 'vi'rgii'l"{jUst) to' warrior"1 str.a,!lg,el~~n~u.gb! ~~S)J1urn,~¥r. i . ! ',., , "'''','1'' . , ,j ," v,? 1,,'''-::; ~ , ,,,," _. _

, .


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"dt1viCinema-i ,~;:~o ~ r"~'" .-.#

"l,~o/!~"J,::} }!"$'-: '_) ;:,c-!l··~ :~~ ~ :."-'~ :.JI.';~~.~vjl:!!.~~liigenia)~;~59~' p'. ¥j·.~{~-~~i~,~\~j 1U". I::! Ie :!'j~~~ -"7 '.. .. I" . • ,. '.... 1 .• 1!." -;'1t~f~1' pg;~t(j- ·~ptp~sP'~it~~aJ-~~iiftli:'J! cftit;ciJi{{ iir1~~'r~eH~e"l~~ion ~~~d~u~~~{ ~i1rc~-i voiunteered ? to becomc''tli{i' ~~~/~hhl~'·Mih~i'f6·tf1Bt~i8im1t'ii~J·d~*\ii4d on '.')".t.m.~jtltat'Ilkhow .ab:S.ofut~iY;nothingi!lbdutrciriema)!,ccJ:riiqu.estet~.r,Ns:oikaml ~ ~f;raidlr.that,ali ~tGs!?all'Jbelable,togive:,};o~'wilh De'gutfrea:i:tI'li':"'t«;:'~J ~'I"t·':..·"-~·;' <~'?I d'{" ";;'t,1}, .mlii "'l:H ·")tl\i'I'l £"'1 .!i1i'h',>"JRl ~'~i\ :! mus say a my ~ s reacte. mos ·.avourab Y;.,P.t (, <; .•1 .n:',.~I?-••~gerua€r." (Studio 3, Oxford St. ). Directed by MichaelCac'byanni'ihiid ·15ii.s~d lo~rtn'e'tra­ .gedy by Euripides',,:the film sti~.ks: closely t!> thE! original both in word and spirit. The story is 's'et at the begining of the Troj~n war, when the Greeks under their king Agamemnon are about t~~~'(sail 'f?'!:!!oy, 'ostensiblyto • . ~""'<, ty:~n~!J..~~e ·~'J?th,lln w~os.e ~i!.t:}lelen has been carrIed off by th~ Trojan,Paris "' but of "ourse men never really go tOi,'!ar • ,ju~t£})~d'~us"eJ6'f:.t "woman~;"Th~ ~'arHiy·iii··a:rowfrif{impafrenr'be·~a,4¥,e;o'{'£h·hlelays caus.eJi~!l by~thedack o~fav.o~rable:winds, mnd:when the:1.oracle!is,c<:>?stiIted ,. the re~~Y:."\.I!' r.~l,,~.nnes s.t}.~H, ,c~mi,:~;. j~¥fi~,-, ';" ,.. c.~~ .":':~~ ,,",~~,- :-,-~"':'t' ~,~,-~,: :' '," d aug er'o<~ gamemnon.··.. L'~C" • , .-:. ,...... -' .~ ...... , .' '1","~~\l ... " ~ ~_.:. ~,,">"&~..- /:,...... -r<-, '(, Il'"o .. ~l~,.I::'i- :~;.' .. ,._~." 1J ~"-"" t.~Tx·l {,': .• ,undtrrlyi'iigtHis 'st'or},,-a:pparentiy',s9 far'i'emov'ed'l~clli(our liyes'is tne ef~!-"nal ,thein~e'"?!~tli et'struggle :for.power. >;Couid~ the'o rac'(e's.:t);[fba-ric· reqUest~hilve· anythinil to !,Io with the ,tact that Agamemnon has Just underllliried·.~he:rpower , of the'Y,g!;~f,5'tJ::;:,~~f~~,I~ ·~y,:~}Pi,D;~ :~}J~~pf'.'~~~ ~~,c;:.e:~.d;El~rZ!Jp'hi~~~ia is the inno­ cent vlctlm 01 tHe amDitlOn of her father, her uncle, Odysseus and Calchas. E;u ri p~ aes nis' no.' {flus ior;fi ,'ab'6'ut !h ~j6'odii'~paft; ili; '<111':'0 f tlli s;;;hi; 'Be ~Pti C1 ii m . on the..:ys.~y;f5l,c.~JiO!. their~'e~isten~e:i.~Jobvioiis:, btit~wha~l~o:~el'is't:), ,hetknows, :i's ~~~,~. a~~~c?g~~~i~~ l~~~fof "~'f~!;,.;.ant"-:~ ~.: ("f-- ~ •• ' -'tn r~lJ ~";' _".:-,'.1 r:.t ..... C'.t".o:',..• :':!~~::c..::. "-,;,;,:, 1',;r...... 1.-· . ~h~ varlous··-characters·~ so to th'e superfIcIal clnema-goe: It could appear to be a very'..:slow..moving~fiim'.;But'.thEn~rtsion'iij}siista:iiiedrthrc;iiglioiiitand'tne twist ef,~!te~.!?-d",i.!J.f\}!roj p'a.t)lQs;ancl)typ.ic~llY'JGre"iik~iro~y;; j ,_'.,:~ ," ''', ,l ~. "'," , An outstandin8~a:st 'is,'-led'by.tlr,ene.Papas'as" Clytemnestra~::wife of: tne kiltg, who ~~!i~~~!l~~s.:he" .c1.~ugh~~r."~~ti,IW~2,~;!l?~1.~elj~~~l!:!2J)!llh~!j~~rney to her wedding. She is the totally female counterbalance to.these ,male intrigues" "·never dC?u'ilii'ng 16-l'aC'~orn-~iit-tH~'t'h:el;a~agth1ir"s li~·iJ:.r.rl~&i-e }~l;?~¥1i'!.t than. s.uch

.. t. ~~ f.! ~. ".f;' ,'t.'J • • 4' ~\•• " --:-'<~.'_i Continued

---~~-- - • Cinema Cont ••• ---_._-""-., ,..~-


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, " .. IB~SKl Bil~.! jeut.!2~t-Guide'tol.t2e.!!~.!~~~,~.~..?:: ..:.J'!!!:~:!.2...:.-: ,,;:'.,. , ('f; :4~' ..... ~ !~.~;-: ... :., f!~*.V-- f-:~'J'X:-;?~~_~ .. ~.. Jn~_~ .,.:" .. " :;~~ .,~",_o. ~ 'r-.'>'o''''.. ~,~."-"l"lf~.. :.-<~ .. f· it~··~ .. . tM~~!· .!~!lhm~l1t~L~!;r,9Y}.~~~ q~fP~?,,~P.~;,\:",E:.lr.~... .J,3!a~~l;;:J'~~l~.ly;e.:ygl\},~~ ~~,~~c~~~n ~. !.or,G r~~~.:~.h'iV;;~~!st:.¥~&,~~.. ~~~e,?-, x\';~n,g '~.~~.~,~~'M;:1'~ I1~b!e 9~ l~ r:e,~nn,f,l,;'~? upset., experlcnce will count {or a Ibt In Argentina 'and' so It has to b.';l.. Y!,~,l!t, Germany and Poland. .' , .... - A~' ~g! ;'~ir:i~~a1{ 1~ ,B'l~'t;p': 'i ~B~~i?~'ilr~lig~~ lrg~l1\;lhij1nd It~iy.~{,il'flva:igt ~ t, ..... , ' ...... ' ," ¥I" ~:-,,'~. -~ •• 'lo"',.! '.'~ .....,'.'. " .J .. ..,.J,~ 1 -.~ .... ~ ..... " .. " .. '\ 51', 'C -.-.", -0-1' ,"> •• ";; , ••,~), ,. r·"" .".t has,,hapnened.in.the. p··ast':moiltli. rtiiJi'ail capt'ainGiii'c{nto F,acclietti"is defiititly out.of' thtWi>1::i' C~";";"ri1{ht~ . "i~~i; .iri:i'h~·,~~~Mf'ha'Jb'e~ri?t~·ken'lb~ ~20 "-:iiiFoid -...... ,~#-.~:: ..... " ~~- .~t:..~:-_, J:j..P-J;!':H,.t~"''':.R'iB H '~11.~":;; ~t.!'i~j~':..-, .. ~:,,!. :~. '~:Jt::'!,:J.:!-: [.~l~.r 'ri~ \:-X~ ,.'":. .• 1;. AntOniO Cabrml.Antc)gnioni has a foot inJury.. Y?l-!l~h. ~s .cau!!~ng great. <:.~ncet;~ especially as ,Enzo Bearzot's dre\am,of·it)~liigi~g ~d~~'iim~-e'an;{S4'uty'ba1fk into the game' is centred aroUnd the Ftorentina.star. • ~,.,;,~.,.~(.§ , Th«:.t:!!j\J!i'-~ p~ ~~!3i4hftk~!,~e~~n l~f.~1P~~~~~ .;Jt"'~1.~q~_~~i~~d8~tf1~~l'l~~.~P.~r s draw 'MJ".l!\~~!J~ug~.I?!.~~~p.~i!1J~~m~ l~M C!!·,r.~~?p·~~ Wile. ~.~ !\1y~Itc~ ~h!lll c;;~use.

O!~i>"'~B~f"Oii.t~a~Group1iJ#~ ;8;.'4: .t-:l .'1 .t15"'''I:1.< ~ "~ . r~~n'.1:" -=:." '~:~:" ~1!" - -11' " "~I • .n;!tl~.:"·'~I.:, Groul? 3 : .. Brazil. ·si.~at~~~ ~gsi;'i~} spaiii:"-"; ,,:,U! ';""~ '.1. :~{. ",d I LN -~. 't;:"~;.J l!.::" '_-I' ?'C~IN ;"'i·~i;~"' ..-:: (.';'~!'Jj! ..."~ ',;:.,:, ~~~'~:' •. ') 1:1 :", , _ ~!"),;" ~""~';1.11 ... f.~; /,t~i JuneI~It:o:, r.:;i'i"~ 9~~~df:~,:,y;~.. ~:i},~:f 1;:;H- 1'..1 ":');.,-!:·~M~f;.:~~\;~}.~~f"'j.: #~':n;~ . U-,

• It.';f '"1:)"1 t~ 4' :3' It l(§p~j.~·Xf;.J\'!.~Ft:~~q ~~!t' :,wJ.t~wJ","'. -:: '~,~~~9~~~~!~~'~Y~I~~}{ ,' .. June .7'l,:~ 'i'-'!'~~S'pIikv[B'Mz'w'!' .,..'!1l·.h\< r:: '{~!'iMai:;d'eHPlata~ .'~I '. ~:;/,' .ni ""'~'"/~) j/'-:",'1:-' r.j .~ r.f~!Af.' ''''t' ... ~,.I f.:~1 -..I ...... ' .... t'~ ~~. J.~;~ <,!<, ,f" ~ 'B" lo_ .. '. 'A'·' ~, ,"(V' l' »)1"_, ." ~us rla;:V_'.,.weuen·'.u--<-~ ~ it. '>-' ~~ ,,' --'" uenos ..~. Ires:... e ez ;,~A,,"_,~ (';;:{'..!l'Jr~ "oIt'!;I.:- -)·.H '!:J';"_, .. 1 tnf, :h--';ii: n~ ._l~~'>re. --~! A ; ')1'.' ;:1""~j! '.,'.... ~ _:' 'l~,:.~~t June 11:- Bra2l.iJb~cA~!J.t~~9-":>"i1'j.!J:' •. ~r? M~;-id.,e!l.l;'~!':,t~\, ;,.' ':, a1dr:.J Swedeii"v Spain' - Buenos Aires (Velez) 3~->'""A~t~tJ'>1 ',HI.t h; i'''" [11 ';j':,;:j/jr."ptll oal~'~ [ttl: .,,,;'.L,,;lV"';' ':.(':" ,~ ... : ~'~~~;:~"~~~" tt.~r-·:,2 ·"Xf.! ... " " .-~;,f , .'•• r' ;~/j" ..... ~. 1-: ,-. ~." ... "'''. If· 11 ~ , " .... - ~':of '-:. d,i'~.~~. :!~'~i'~ BR'!AtZIIJ :'_~ ... ~~ -_!,\:~,£!, ..._:.;,." ,t-.,a 5;.~._'~ J~'" :~"f."'~"': ,J"" or' , "'.. ." ,.,." ~~.' "'"' _ ... "" ~ ...·t ... .., .... _._ ... _ .. "t" ,...... - .. ,i V -"._."'(.~ ~.. ~d' '(iFl.>P1 ~\\~-'I, St'" r:s .:,~;~#<.'f,: ~~ i!",:"'~-,!h'";';>-_~~;~ '~f_:'" '_1,.*:1 t':~lif.:',~':'~. In spite of criticism of tI;'eir fa'~~ics at W emOl~y.dhe.;f'H:J~' ,~:~r:.~'~Jt'i~l P.{lr~Zll showed on brief flashes'the sort cif'skill'and explosive' scorine ability.needed" to lift thc Trophy. Much has been wr!~!e!l'~a_b,qut Zico but against England it w.a~, the 'old master' Rivelino and goalscorer 'Gil' who really caught the eye. In Back Hill's,:o'pliiion' Bi'azir:w6tila~t1Jvli'~on\i h~a:theY'hot;allo'vlea(tlle hutiati've~t(j(be .JJr'~Jted 'from 'thelil'..:and' reterted rto'"<1 ciu~ wI-' r',c;(j ';oJ !F~.' (".,!~.' :.1,,:.';' '.,d 'r"'t ·,tk'.,,·~; "'·~ ...-?rln-!.I ~~"l~;"""J"''''· .. ,.,." ~,,,,~,, -fr"' ,'t. - " ,~"",H, . --' . .",' '.'. 4 4 .' ".~~ .. ' 1. ef '';~~j", _" ".: _ .~ ~ .\,.~,.tlJ ;.~:. A.'1L"--t,!!"'I, f;~~l ~I_~}! . ~!.L.~~_ B ?-.c ~.l~!A n.';!! ~ Y,!I'.\.~:!F:;iJ.- ~l'!N~9 rth Y:"f~ YEll: ~i,\~, s, ~n~c~ r~, ~nq~~b,t ~.~,~y' ,~~~, te~!ll'i ~v e ry- one 18 g

.. ?- : -:" :-.;- j .. "~-' • . ,, .. Sweden cont•. --"'", Sweden qllalified ~j.ib:catil!g N9r:w~i·arid Switzer~~~q\.a.pd ~l1~i;:, '!!~.!e~gt.h,!ies • !W?I!.~,.~~ftl!~t~~y i.t;l. r;lef!1I.?-se.~~!,<).1~~ep,e~ ,R~~?!e tf.e!1str!>em' '~!l:s '~~c~':l~~d iJ?, • . 'the Ilcst'WorIo'XI!after tlie '197,4' ccii'npetition and centre-half'Bjo'rri'Nordquist ~~c: 8~7~§:~,i>.fi~i~.q{!?r~~!,di.il.f;r~PEf~ti.~g, tn~i,.jhiclii~\:Em~;entlih-Mu~rch '?'f~U<.t - ...... ,..~'!._ ...... Ii":J'y _;'''' "j .. •.r~1k-'!r:~i""'r!:!\ '.""' 011' "II ,~.~!' J-~'" "":,..'. "r:~__, ...· .. < .. "... .~" " • ,-,1'~ ~~"5Pp(fN;:!'-:; :~~! ~f.;!~j~"i' :1 ,t~-~;; ,) II .<. ~,/'1 R~J:5. ,. ;)'''C~~~!~~~cJkii{tl8Pi~idii:'ici~~v~r;il:U~ill'1;C''SpaH1:\Vho'gothi~iigh':~'" . • ,.~ .with' ih~ 'B'f;iiilia:;:~.<- TUk sp,£niaHi'~ Wiil !Hav~t'r~hleiidoUii"'ii'uppoi:t!in • ArgentiIu~ bearing in mind the common language. the ~ast !luE'.I?,~!"·?tj.m~lg·!,,ants and the. strong historical ties between the two countri es. ' ..,. Indeed. c~ntral st~!ke'r Ruben .ca~t;gf'Aii~~l~~ ~~~~ia~~at~: ~~e~ b6rkm'·t ) Argen~i.!!:~ ••V.rif6rt}i}i~t~iy·~a~ager ;"adislao ·'K~bai'a·, hiis~?iily 9 ~en. able, to',:;L have .3(g~l:nes agaiilst'Nc)fway, Mexico and Uriigu;;:y~iiq)re~~ratioil for the. tournament.. ,~.ef.""l,!l~':ha¢._~njury pi-oblems. Re~l;:M~~ric;l.cJ.~I~nder -!~s~, ,.o!',! Camac}~9.';.. o~e,.gflth~;J~~.~H!efe~ders in EurRP~!.::!t<:~, l?~~nlp.~\able to'recover from an .o·peration on knee legilments in time and there are also fitness doubts,ibout vil,{if~k Pi'rrl; /a key influence'dri/tHil" sia~i;"···~ . ".:! { (,1'1;)' . /'''~.-::-~ .":~, :'::,.:.:.~.-~_ :.JJ!') $J.~" '" '!1.~~."",~~ Y'~J :.~.~,~. :;,< ..... :- Sp~in quali£!ed by beating'Rumania and also' Yugoslavia in One of the toughest and most vicious Internationals of all.time., Incidentally Spain are the o.nly , ~\. .... , ...... ' ,. .'''' , ".~c()~n1;.~y w~o~:~ ~ar?n.t.~~ed a ;p.lac~.. ~i~ the 1982 Wo~l~. Cup for it is theiE ; t' .Lj,'t'·· ~ t"k.ttM')·'-

. ., . ~!~- ""tf ~ j ~! ~'j' 2 ~! (" ' ..!AUST--rtIA: d f; - ~- ;" ~ . • '", ,

J' _=-< :7;:.1 " ~ 1'; .~ - ~!. ~ _ -:-r ...... ~":"~~:'_J'-·!,~ _ ... _ .. ~!:; ... '~2"1. ... "'_~' ~~ ".'~ -"-- ~~ '1.~1 'Tney~hav.e,:.i:ri ~an_s;~t:<5Fk1:.~;~~~ ,oJ lth.e i?~y~)sJ;-!~eE~..:!~,E.p.z:,~.P~'.:,F"~, ~<;l,s ..• ;: .' .' !l.scot;e~ .. -3.61gp-at,!,.fgr.. B~pJ!il,V!~_nn~l~!:!; !l.e.ep~~.,a~~~p'os!,l,~,s.s~~_~:~~~#!1,~:~~ft,­ ,fo,ot :s.l}!?t.,~ ?-tcp.-,p~H:oe.. l).i,gtj ;I!-.'~~~'!lj,,; ~!!,C?~g~~ ~~; :~j ~,&e.a!i~~~;;f..?~!~~Y, i~ .,~~i.!i . 't "to) ?¢)h:uly,·d.eXa..s_t~~~~g •. ;~ ~".I!l}!.sl !~:~ltR., <;q~~rq!.. !,j.~~~ ,e~?~.r~m~~~!~ ~~'Ye.y,E;r •• ",:.becaus elhe '~},1.p,,~ur9P~an cl~bs •. R~gret!l?ly there iii aOisti?ct lacl~.()f m.oney in' 'the Aiist¥ian'dc)mestrc'le.igue·~ai\a: ori,lylt~o:ycrar'B ag()';t1iei'r l'riatio;}al; siGe', " were beaten by Wales in the. qualifying rounds of-tlle C\ip:::';"." . r.:,' ,... Nations -- There has been a remarkable reforma~ion,. th~refore. iri tlie side's' perform­ an~.~l',an~ ~Z:!ld~t rhu~t s'o.!,(th~ coa~h"Max' M~r:~el. ana m~n,,::ger: .i; elmuth . , Senekowitiich.e", J\ustr'(ii!'wi1H,e:ricSl)odylspusli~Ov'er'; '..: '!L" . . '.~ ••. : .'.' \_J.".'--.::-; r~ - ~ 'ccr-!..""_.lf, ~ .'~) ~~'1:,"",. }-:'Y.h ~~" ~'~~.- •. " :_' .-:'t -~. ~ 'i'-'" ~::,,~ •. }:'.:.<~ .. '.i!-;i. ·~i~ ..:E , :B.y>,thc'·W: • .'. p ;,.:. i J• . , . ,/ , ,. .. Continued .. I

/' • ,/ ! " , • . r.

!:![,;;~"'~-.. -)j~-', -./ ~,- ".t!."~,:;.,,, ~ ~.,-O::=,'J t~~- '" J" ":~".< '-~~l:~~t<-_··~, :.,.'...~ .. ~:... ~ -!"S4' ')""', Ie., ;:':-t,-

~.rld~~CupT.. _'>.:·cdllt£'!·:·f.;t-~'-- " ... ' t " .it fo,\: ;:~~c-l::'~ "I. .. •• , ~ J::' ~ • ~1_-=--:~"1" t-.t:" _ ~'';. ~L"¥ ~ 1 '~'"" ~ ,,.!- ~ ""! ..:l.~' iJ~~, ~:-lf"~' f: ,,:_ 'i(:' ~"',,'." ,.• ~~ .. it-~J BacK Hill!sls·~lection,:i:'.'i~long •. V?ith (h:s>up,t}, th,ilil !s\aJ.~o !hy"e"y.~~C?!lgJ:1/g:C?up ,but I am gOinl? for: Spainwtotgo' through''Yith ,~razg:,..,.. , _,>l. :4'<;'

Group 4 Scotland, Hollan?, Iran'~5J-~" Juae 3 : Folland v Iran Mendoza

Perut.v"Sc.otlandt ",10 '(.ct.: .~:A1~':GQrdq~at:-,~.~1-" ,_/ ~ ~h ~t';; .. "j"

,~':-~j.-":t _~:"'':...... b ."'- "." )'ii'V!,' . ~l·~· -I ~ *~ ,. ..,,"t, ~t .-_.~~;.~ ..., .. " " • -It June 7 • T-lolhind·v·peru'\~' , ' ~_- 'Menaoz~a:~~ -,~ ... rl/.' "".l~j.~" l···"l:";,.:·.~:-,~,·,-_.,·.,,, ... ·'"ta""'-·~ .,,,'",,, .. .., 1'\~ ,'It,. 1I'r:,II''''~'l''''.'';O-~·'''''; >_ '<"'"',or "1') Scotlana v'Iran.' ....' .. " "Coraoba-' .. " , .. , ,"', ",'t.', '. " .. "';r";, '~"'V'·-':""'><"=) .- ',' :t!,~,',j' _:;,:,:·i.1"jit !'"nj~:!.4~~"",' ~ .. )'ll"_~' "~'1., _, :" .June, 11: Holland v Scotland Mendoza - -"'~~~;'.. ~~:i."'.J' .. ~"i~ Pei:~L~~i~aft:-"' -~ ~,_~:,::e. J.J' j l!~ '-,,;C~r-a6b"-it~~: .. '~ " . H,. "~~' , .' ~f' >l oil \.,- .t~ >;t,,,, .... ,.. ... ···11: ,,-.lot .,1 .~~. , ,- ,j!" «tl I'~ ...., ••• ,'" -"" > ,.,.~,.~ ('.,!t II .. < , .~ ' ••• ~4.:" ... " .;, ,.., •• ,,. ll ..... , .. ." ,., ~ ~~,,-~ ,. .;."~_ j< 'K > ~":-

'.~11'.:;. ",;0 t_" ',.' 'f; '" " lit \<) (" ~'... II I •. I ;, . to. ., ~,.'" ....,1f , ~.'~, ,'1" ;,,f.:'_i_; SGO.'nLAND)'$j.: ··--d~ jl.~ .~~/,'/P<" ~."~J.,. A:ily:I.J.ff{i!-Le9,ci'~hd hg *~8'Mi~ ~k~' H:lRe ;rjt~rnaiiQri[ls as"priictice'ga~es becaus~ ~e did not want his side tolpeaklilbr~~~I~?'kd6J~"mearirh~wevilr, that the Scots have left for Aigeritin..a1with,t\le.ii·"prid~(soreJYi;den~Eld·~(t}~~ de­ feat at the hands of the 'Auld enemy'. Back Hill say~ the World Cup is all ,"&" :about" rliytlim,.andt consistE1pCY 'i-nd:the(garl}es,against,.Englan!1, iW.e~es,~ncL Northern Irela~d should have~provi?ed,~he Ja.eal!oppg.r~un~tYlf; :~.r,~,~~?~!lJ::t'?, ;,l.na.~!' v~rr. .to~.15h:.~o.ln~!n South A l'l'!e!-"" c~ •• ~a:£f:-eoa :fno.~.e ~ .1!?'!Vevt;;-•..to· c:Iio,i>',iln.~-change~1;11s.' s}d~ 'al~hough }'~J~b~f~i::~, tg .~~fu'~.;}l~~ ;Jiel.eft~1.¥,sw~1y~?nfp~·red '~i iriJuriC's·to~keypla.yers~ McQueen, Jardlne ana Buchan." .. , '" ,b '. ,.. •.•. "'''':''. "f Ally's main worries are in ·fuidfi·eid~nd'lip.·!frorii wne're'th(Hiig' questIon.is'!) whethe~ Jordan or Johriston'e~iii ~la)dii'Jr;gslcre'Dalgli'sh.'Onhe six midfield men. Macari scems strangely,~ou~·"of·fay.o~!:li1,nd,~y' .!=I.lc;?i~e,f.t;!lrn:the'f.!!m~~~!.ng : five is Gemill, Hartford ari!,1IRioc~:,bu~;"Y.i.U·AI~y·egr.e~h: ,""i,'.,!.' The fact that Scottish pridesIlJa"ti~g!!l1!lYI'.I.?~jul!t

: I,.: ;"t~~ '. ,~f ~'II.'" ~--" '.: ~; ('l ;:1~\..'j· ~'{. r-,'" ~;;,~"., HOLLAND f ""---~I- ."...' . " I '~''I "~Il lJU."J ~ '.-t II .. ~ 'l'JI '~ .. ~t" .> • "; :'.' Managed by A;ustrian born, ,;}::rnest:-Ii:~~~,~~~~ .,~~y~~.~,~o~·.~;'~1~~ ~~~;'"r~~: I:'" "~.")

'--;-0:-"', _.\: '"' • ' ""t~~,~~~': ,.~~:::t..i'-l' ~~ ~~, ':"_¥~~ -~-_. ,~=.','~ .' ..~' - ...-- i.flirigarY and Russia. r~'Play'b:r'scfovwafch 'ou1:::for a5:e- - "Pa'rvis. Gneleecnkhani':.who rElays," in: USA:'

for San Jose Earthquat

PERU~1 '.' " The, fourth and weakest' of the:South American··,coiitestants .. , " Pe::u like Argentina ha,~':il:;~mtary dictatorshi,l.'.. :;~d!t~;~ia!~ ~fdet;ed,t~;~~, ~ na.tl0nal, team manage!}4~fC::~~ C~14eron, be,-&~.y;~~ ~~~rr,. ~g-operat1on, !allure to comply resulbng In'hfetlme bans or heavy' flnes. ' The side cancelled thei;~~J'~~p.ean tour and'W~fe'i5eaf€R ~~"h;'m~ ~nda\.t;ay ~.',"-'~'~-'" - -"'-'~.~""..,., .. ,~-.,..- <' in March by'Argentina. ,Peru fmprcssed in the 1970'tournament but it is generally thought that, ~ight ye~n's later this squad is too.oldt'o make any • real;impression on the two Europ'ea:nHiiaes~ Players to watch.,. goalkeepe'r

, .~)3,~~9,n ~9!-1i ,F,,?g~h r: ~~".YEl~;;.R}!kCin~f,~:~~}!~a~~L~~p~~i~ I H,«:f~,()~. ,fhJ~~~t~~f' . ,and.",trlker.s,"Obhtas.,and.Munante. " ' • ' " .' • ' ,: 1I r' ,.~ •••• '\~"'-.I- ~. ~ '~~ , .'-$'-.~~.'" ,.~ ~.,,~~___ ,' .", .. ,: ~.~ .~ If ": .~: ~'", tl '.iI'.~~;..~ ':':_":-.~-'6 j'~.,l , B'acK Hill'sl'sele'ction'''':Hollarid 'aiid;Scotl

" .. ,> ~ .,...-;:1,; :.~!~ ~/ .~.,. i:~ -'. {~'.,.~. '0 !~~ st"$: ;'i'~.'L." r/ .. i·~ Y;':" . .t, ~_""~.i.' :i' p~ ,'. " ..S • • ~,'~'~ .' F.o,r.the,/Flrst tlme,.slnce Brazll'ln 1950, tliere' are no' knOCK-out rounds m , . th'e:i9,7 8, t'6:u'rri~~'enl:: "lTh'i/ Ji~ghi:~ n"u~tify'!i.hk l1s-ia-=Cs :a:-r~; s:;:.,m'lnii> "i~,/(r'fiIftliir 'i!".~ '~'. !t,:;1 •• ~.~ •. ~ •., ," "~"" ..... ~- .. 'v ... ~,~, ...... )..-~.- .... L'~'. , .. r:~, '-"'c---"~r - <>"---

Ev; :,g/~~~·p~~"~.~n.4~ tlj:~~.~l~:~g,e.?tir~' ;~fjm~fs ;~m~~;~t.>~~~f~~ t~~a~' ~n ~i~n~ ~~5~~!: Rt.~ _" .~) ;~; Group A will consist oHne winners o~Grou~~,l, l\<,,},+ ,f.'~ffi1e;:~'~~pr~~?s:? 8: 4

l~~~~.L·~.:w~~~~e:, ,9r~,~p.~ y.J~}l~nE~~f-}H~ R~f9.~~!.!;\ A"t '-,,'"'~~ :," } .,"- ,,~",- ~"lr~": ~ _ L ~".. "-~---" ~ ~ '.. ~~.. n!l~r_~~"9~g~pr~~ ~Y··Vf:~p.p~;.19:t?;t?"J',} I$~:r :. .-,~ - ~' lo' -~_z, ,T, 1., "Jiihe't'8tliJ i-Winner':Gi'oup:lr,v1-Whtner. "Gi'oup::'3: ,-,.<:' ,c." ,";, .c. ,L' ---->< Runner up Gioup'4"v,~Ruimer ..hp~Gh5up2~., ' ,,": • " •• 1': " ... , ",i • , • • I ; • ., ~ .. , ; " Group~_ will consistof the winners of Groups 2 &i 4 + runners'. up Groups I 8: 3. ~ "? .:' :.:.'; • l.:. ~ June 14th Winner Group 2 v Runner up"Group I - Ru~rie'r. 'up Group,j:J ,Winncrs,Croup4', - ~ • - '.- "J [I: ' .' .!~_" ,~~~ ..... , .. , ~.::. ~~_. J<"1l 1: .:~ ~~:, ~.:,;,',," r 1'" June~~_! '!}~!.1I!~F, ,:!p q~R\l.Pk y<-, ~':1n!;}H' ~?t02-!"?U,?; ~, ' ~..; ~" <,I "

-,. ;W'1..~~~.. r 9~O~Pf~.·V.' ..'~!~!l~tf!p;,??P _~ "j ~J ~ .. ' jf ~ ~ .\~ !';:'. June 2.1 st ·.Runnerup':C:i·l:>up"'3 :v:iw.iilllerl Groupc2! '.: .' "

'~W;i~~~r Gr

. ,j" ,- ,.: .~~',,-' . ".:,' " Cl' ...... i:. ',,;".' l:'~,"'y- £l~ .~. '~~'.~'~J .. .J.~ ." ",n J ' .. ..;.'1-,." "'~'4 '.' .. ~. ~y •• , Ang'!1..o.w.. !~r., ~,,~ ?i~f'r~~F,9.\H,s~i8n; 'f.hp-~"'?!k ~1~\?,:~ ~f-~:~?~~~,b!er, ~£,.~~~ ,~~!l,ms :<:lr.e,:g

C ". 11 -.'" -c",~,· .":~.: ...~..:; ~l""'-! ~ l _", ~~,,~>::·~""r:' -.... ~ .... ~ - ..... , \.'1" '''rr, "'!~-~-_ ':~;- ;;;'. . "- '-, " f!! t~~t,-:~,~~*~

The eight plaVe:rs.,who:haq',acC:umulated the most ;p~ints,:f!'0!l1;t!tE!rw,~:r I Tour.~~~~~tpl<:y,'!4 ()'f~rt th~,p.,\sU'car assembl~4 ,~c,>fo }?~t~le i~ ~hl! ,~rJlnd Final'at'Dallas' for a:fop priziiof '£ 50, 000 ~~d fi:ir tliesecoridmajoditl~ of the S:e~i!()n:p}Tlieveight\con~,ern~d:Y'ere Borg (Sw~de,n)l ;S.t~.c;kt,?nIfGe.r~l!ltis, Dibbs and R~~,tff~e4:(1'-!~, U~1) ~a~irez (Mexico), N~stas!l(R!1~nia.), a..!l~ Barazzutti 'of'Italy. ..', .. " , ... '" .. , , '. Borg ~asV'~i'Vmi1:t;ii ,me' ~re;:'t'6u~hament favou{:{te- aiid'he' sC:loii, s'h~wecl'why, making the W:(jrid~s:.No;'.iOJ.St~cktC!n look like a~()yic~.nH,~d~nishe4"p~.rrado's back'h~nd' wnidhtia's'gon~ca"loiig'waf'to'pusli liim to No. 12 'i~'tii~'vibiicil'~ Yist: >~hi:~ pre's1J~t~-'ia:~kiti"g~~ ": ~~~ #.J1I.:.:_::. 'j :', ,,~«,: ~~~ , , r~:.

c ,-was ::fox cad .to 'def¥~H: ~ith,an~infe<;ted "t)lu~b'1!~q.thJl.stl1~lq,wjl.d;~;:te.r~ul!l~ti!l ~th'rou'gh' to, the,\finil,l. "In .tgeJ otqer,lsemi' fin{1l; l?i.tl!?s~I?~,a~ :B.il,r.?.z.zuJ~i,tl! !I~Xaight c :,I~s ~ts .'rThe levi ctory,~loo ked.tcoD\,incingl y: ~!J:sy' epo~gh,'9,n'PilP«<;!>1l~' !l}~{~£t,At "~' ~ "jtoo,k(Di~b S,~3IhC!l;1.rs(toJw6ar.I,II!' ;l?.i.l}g ,iln!!ci>1::'}!!l!hi,ng ,;bas'e~line"J~attle;·,Corrado)/pi.ck"up,.£ 1$>, Q9,0"for" \lis. ~ff9.l:t.S" ~n!l'me!l,n!..f!.~m • ,: ~when':6Ile:considcrs.t9-e'winnel::~atj Wimblll,d9nlgets.~nly,lad!a"c,~i2';l roR!~rfor ~~ r,g~~~ing ~hrough';a·~field~,of~128,playcrs., ",-:;,'0'''' '.", ~,1 ",I; "'" 'I -BibBs ~lnf'ii1t(hh:e"liti'ai·6ci~ing~iihconfi

John Belli Tennis Th~.~an.2.~~'!!'~~p'!onshil?,; :;i~rom fh-e,iindooi: ciourt- of b'iliaJ 'T(;~a:~~""H{e A~fMight'ri-to-&e-a'O'li'totEii;opes fii"iit:'maJor cbainpidi\;;iirp'o'{;tlic~~ea:r~Th:itmea:iif tci",itiilj,j'to ;Ro~e ;a:~d the bullring atm?sphere of the Foro Italic<;>'s Ca~PR.§~pj:F,~le and its red clay playinp,surface. The holder was Vitas GerulaiC,:; who last year ~!;~t '1;'~>nino Zuga.!":n~':in.'!I' (m~·S!rJ.,~:~;,!in~l'lt;r~~,~ S;'11H'rt~~ ~~~?~l.W, ~~s,ti 'i~.~"as follows.

1 'Bjo'rn~'B'org"(S'-Vccferi) J" ,'It! f)' I I ,.~ ~!!'9~,Roscoe:;Tanncir',(USA) ,:

:.~' .·:'.f.!~:" _l:JJ;'I'~",::,,(,,";·.1I :~~"'" ':',~.-.,.,- ':t.. ~ " , 'f ,,~- ' • .> w" .... 2 :Vitas Geru~aitis (USA)' '-: ' ':l6~joh~ Alexa:~der'JAustraiia) ",~':_~ .~~-.~~'.'~ ~"}. '~."_;L< 'c' f.. ~ .. t ta.~ ~" t' ' .i. ~ ~.... ~J:'(:'(~~" ''''.: .. ' _,;':.!.-'.:~ ~.~.:. ,,:,,-;- • <'3\'B'r~an,Gott£'l'iM(USA:)' " 1 ,,. "(""ll~ John:'>Newco~be~(A:ustralia») 4'""'E:d'd"1··'·erJ·D~'1··b!b' s"}U~;

~ ~ ."? .. ~~~1~~~8rm~~Fe~:~(M~~~9·}:.. ~~ ," J:'~--:~ ,1·~~'~~~~fY~fli·g~~J~F~fCf~~~~t!'-J f';l ~ r.···J6'-Manu·el';Orant"es.(Spaih) "",d .. ' •• ,.~ r-l'4~1\:rtnuHAslie~!(USAI)':; m'~',,:;;" '- ,..~~< 1<.: 1.,. :: .. -_~~~_~.' "."'."~~':~ ...... , ~~!.r.lii~'..i ,.h It!.{ c,; ,"] .s~~~~1R ~t~f~z:~'tt~~ ·nt~~Y) f"; , t; ~!.;~,~,·;r:-'('J ~ ~:.~ "8nHiirold~Sdlom6n' (USAJ)"~'1 .' ,:.::,.(~. r 'l6"Hank .Pfister«USA).r:i .n!'·i~I.;!1 : !E.: :~ ; "", ~_., a"~'<- . t r~ .. t,,;_,..~ r 71 t r; ~, :'1 '~' •. ' l\ '" '~.. " -1 , ...... , ,'~ '<' .,t." .. ~,,- 1 .. - 1l"~_"_'4"c.. ~~ '" ._.11.

:,,,, j .',t," t ..•.::. ~ -.. -,\', '::t V·!'.S( .. ~,; .. :,: t .. "~ -~,.,:; .. .lf w ,3 ··'f~ ,r, ~"~"1'''.,~" ... -I'''.~.~Y. ~. ~'~~'I .. :, Ir"ft~ ",_Thererwas no ,.oo'in in the list for the :ItaWui winner,' of-l976' .and' quarter l;£/o Yg.g~.! ~ · .. i!:.1 ... :-ut:.1u~ "''.J}.I.;r~. :.- JH.' .... ~H.; --·S.'1!.~}~... ·:,:;,') ~... £,'tj;, ",Jt: ... Etlj'" : ._,/.~: ... ~,:ll,!(":~,~ :",..~~,:!! •. ~' '! ~,~b~8~1~~1~~f·Y!. ',." v .. ' ,( ~ ~ '.t- :,~ '~\"'.; _ ~ .,,_,;.,{~ ~ CL"r ",H~_.~ ~.~ldL,,~ ,~~ ,': :.:.:~ ,"',r!:;" .. _~"J <'~:~, ':~'-I '~.i!; t .:..~;r: I'~ l'r;:-~ t:':;f":! ~{ii:)c't,~ ,~l IJ.!2 " --!;,'\.!I.~\1.el ,f~5'~~lF?\l7;cl' .?l.r,t~,I:~~. be~~'~iol?~~~SI b.~.g:ar-,!o:!!~rr~K~J... !I.g~e .. ~';!~y.!,.~.ed );. ,1' f:')'~~~PJ~~ '~~lt~esPf.R~,~' ~I,;.~:Jj,l,l~l,~,~~;~ f}a~},rf~:a!~<] ~~f_f1.~'~f1f~ ~~.v>ersal > _. • ~~ ~(m ~~~_fl.Ii!l~;!l~~a,~~l~S~ [!1le~~~ (~.{.~1,l!l~fc~)a:;~::O, t~r~,,~,~~~.g1t ~9 ~~!,:e the. next two. .Barazz~th caus e~ ~,~'i~y~~ndj~I!~,~f ~.~.'ipn.~Y flj~~\ F~ngt.tl! ~y 'losIng to theslX foot flve Amenca VIctor Amaya. Dent .was tlie fourth seed , 'w:ho'; did,rriot';make-tne;iiecozid:·ro\1I1d. gOing'ldowri{to'ifellow, iA~s S1 e. /Kim; :w:arwi ck. Borg.rdroppedl,Msct<;4.,~ ,,";,.0

" Tennis--- Cont ••• O~ f;lle eight Italians to start onlv four. reached the second round. Fanatta, Bertolucci, ~ugarelli and Ocleppo.But by Wednesday evening when the ' second. round was cOtnpletedPanatta was the sole survivor. Ocleppo,surp­ risiniIly lost to theFr~nchz:rinn Freyss. BertoluccLhad gone down in a long struggle to Crealy and Zugarelli fell to, John Lloydd in·the longest match of the day, 7-6 3-6 6-4. Panatta did not let the accurate serving of American Terrrfl?or ':1psef: hitn and waited patiently fOr the errors to come, they did and Panatta'won 7-6'6,..4. Borg was slow.to.start against the. French No.5 Eric D~?licker, he lost the first 'set but then stor'medhome.

The round of the last 16 was sure to sort out the clay court specialists from _ the 'serve an_4 ,vol~ey gra,ss _court playersand it really was noi:much of a o surprise to sec the No.3, seed Gottfried' unable to cope with ,the clay court expert Jose Higueras. Even Borg found the big serving, a far easier proposition on this servicet~anhis ~wo previous les.s illustrious opponents. Ashe who admitted he was still, a novice on clay at the age of 34 met with defeat at the hands of bTar~ld Solomon but t!ie matched which hogged the'headlines was again the match that involved Adria~o Panatta who wal! playing the No. 16'seed , After sharing the first two sets the final set went to a tie break. Fi~st Panatta saved five match points and then

Pfister .saved' siB: beforegoi,ng do~ o~ the seventh, ·~anatta winning the;tie 0 ~, I ,b r ca:k~ l' 5r~iiit sc;to l)l.3. ~)N 01~on4~r.JP~Jl.ait~·lhas_<~?r.ep.Rt~ti9.1! I.,fg J"~2 ~il.!~:.t~ ~hl? !'l.!'~ escape artist on, the ,circuit. I, remember in 1976 i!l a first. round.-m!\,!FJ:.~h.~.' saved' 1'1 match point's' before beating and going on to win the ~ tiiler?nd)h~ c'ertainlY~.was fi epi:0!I~E.~ng~thtf!. ,e.« f<;,. "'3 i:~. "I L.' U'4~~ I ~l":1n i·:l!'~~:··;: ~~~I··~·;~~~~f,H·· .-_' "ll~' : ~~,,' "~~ if , )~.,~~ ~ • -., .. 4 ~ ~ ",.;...t; ... _,,~., ..) ..~..r'.O ."...... l}.. ;O~a';'l(.Q·";. iI.,' The Quarter F.iriarsi'a~h.~t:J?~~to.lfo.r~.. )~B.o~rg'ls.teppi~%~~..tJ1.7~q_~A..Etf~~~<}'10' Solotnon for ,the loss of o~ly 3' games and Dibbs did 'likewise to John Lloydd' r!'\jrlio~~6~ri{~rit~dilaterttl1.at)playing~ibpsi»,~SI1.ilw,Et~yj!%eJ!>.rj~.1~~"f~I!.i:~S.l • •o'rilatt;eitwheOretyoiii'liitl ,~hEl :ball ~it ,alV{~y,!lscQm~.\ ~ ti?oas1n.,,-#.!gtj~r!l1!j~~tit:}4: <1:i .' ~·r.th·e~last o'f;tbe,gras~s!coin:t~speCial.i9t.s,~,J9.h1lc\1,9?'"ai!c!~~,:L~!l.. 1!M~f.gMl~llJ~;2;~d • 't;. Panatta'1 ketW-Ita,li'an "i~~ e l:es! s' ,aliIi.t:j b,y:d'!?Wru.Ilg J,lJ..E! :gi.an~A.m.~ y~i!P.1 ~~l~h~~t ~ s et-?:.< 'rB~ r g jin'lhi 8[ semi;.. fi ~a!: 'a gairistr;.Edqi e.eJ)i ~b .l!zjl-!!I!Ji!~) t.??,' h:mUOPl?>!~'ln arid ,tile.b':H'cktw a:'Wlgamel 9f,Oil) b s~col}~p~,e(l; .• :a. fJ rg ~~n!.l}E,g ,-163,~ 6..;..~ lP "':,0 ~I o:J';Z • The other semi-final witnesseRod Laver who in 1964 won the three major European tournaments (Ita~iari, French, ar.d Wimbledon). in the same year. John Belli • I I

~~·:'1' .... ~:: !·tl"~-?!~n

....\~"1 .nE; ,'1 ~l-!C~

• 1 __ -:=-= oi ~ --:-=t' o~ - -=;;::.-,,=~~ -=-~ -~,~~ =-:~ ~:=- --== -~ ~- --­ - ~ - -- = ~'-- ~= - ~ ~-- -==.

I matton1- suli9,~avolaogni mese! L'abbonamen~o vi 0

- 10 ~ 1c porterb.l,!BACK~"~in~caosa,ili~b~onoteapo"'e!retcilarmente: i - ~-- _ -- - -- _ - ~ =:- --:::::0 _ ,-- =-= "'-= -,,=" -=- -= - -",' - -- -:;- ----;:- =- - =- -, - = ~-= __ -_ -=- -=....: :0;- _~ -- =------~ Abbona-teld-sub1 t07p~rCun -anno a questo ~iornalino, fWli- ~.-·11aro. ,S01 tan to -i2 .• 50: spedizione inclusa • ....-",- - - - ~-cf'" - _ =_ _ .- - Rieapi te n Iliodulo qul sotto e mandatelo .aasieiaec ai -, soldi a: "BJ\CK HILL" -136; ClerkenwellRd., .1 , , - --~ ____ -Lori~on,~E.C~i'. c§ ~ ': ':::- -=0 ~ ~ ;Ceo .-

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,. have,' ~b~«~'~'>"" .·th ~ ? "~-.- •. - .•.• '''-: ,'r Or. ,YQ1t~t.. . ~~,~ .. ;,';, .., ... ~..... ~ . ~~.! ~~' - "l' .r~E;~ J'::~' v:!.%·'· ~.-~~ ~1\:~.,-/\:.::-- ".~~ -"'."'-':"i::, ~-;

" .... J ,~_ ~""':..;.. ~,- .~~~ p . '.:.: i ... ~ ~ .... /!~. r__ . ''':.-: .r _ ~,~ ••..., .':' .{ .'''.-...... , ~ .< . I,. .!Sings Ro~!!:,.?M~ ~!iiJ~.s' ~8~?~ ,,5. w. 3. Tel: ~~g~?29Q' ,. r.'.~;~·:: I have be~ii :ac:hiised; ibyc~~faiii younger readers ofiBackCHili;,;of selecting ~}i:~~s!l;\u.".a~ts. ~;tl]§?}1~ th~'? .!p..Il),~nd.: As I consider mys'eII':(serli'i>i-lmembef" I-, .q;~t.h_e 'y~ung~.~JX;~1~rn!~i-,(o:~.ii~;,.r!~y,§oun.~~s,~ :y:c;t P9)~ftiX~Jr.J9'[~~J. ~i!lJe,f;~"f,~~ld . "i .•• ,say. a;.Y9,ung. ~Old .hag'). I wasqul~eJnkeE,g..I?!lck l?y.. ~i!~~C'st~teW1W.b) ~~?[gt.0::~.. , hunt~~ thr?~~~. tlie:·a~c.hives ,.o.f:my:mi~d and v~r!f,~_~;!ooA,g,:!~l;Iets,:!o.x::!} 1l?~lI!aDle 'luogo' thattwouldl':.riter·c'st'.t~,e'young and, I mIght ad!1,. the,nqt-:,s?-YPll!lg;.f.?:, . , as one reachestce'rtain' y.ea'rs.oflmaturity one becomes less~discriminate:of,ag!l. After an e~~:~~'~~~ ~~~':x6~~sting search, exactly iweiity mi~u{es ~i;~ fine evening. mY'h}isbaJ~d~(8who·'lia·s:'i.inallY~reache~ tlielpointttilat he no longer even a'spires for~youtli)' a.n~r'i-'arriV'~(ilat tlie~ Kings Road',_'.Jam;. 'Although youth is not necessarily the onJy criterra~£or'vfsiii.ng tliis"restilUrant'it would be quite help­ ful if you ",,!,ere agile and supP,1\F(r v"(~~4fY, ".e~eil}liefthe?time that I possesed these requirements). The restauran(issmall:6ut cleverlY designed. The tables • I'~~ila... • •• £.. .'.~ .. ., ..... are built in alcoves on different leveliiofsca'ffolaing'wnii:h we had to climb (did I hear my husband's bones creak?). I mUl!t w?,rn. you that the tables on ~he upper level seat a max,imum 'of four people unless:of~course you wish to hang from the ceiling. It was an added noveJ~y,,~n~,p.I~.as~'i',e. te.e~,le t~. c0l!.trol.b9!h the brightness of our light and the v~~u.~e;9f,-!;;iis;c :iii.~ij;,.,pai;~ig~llj.. ~i4~?:~ ... ~" t The menu was neither extensi~erior'~ehtefpf(sing'b'ut one iiiterestlngs'addi:'\ . • ..... ~.""""'- ""<;~ .• ~-- -..... --.-. ~"i~ - ~ •. ""~~I> ti~n wa.,s" a com~lete vegetarian memi.~:!;sJi}"~e~~~fh·l~<&~~;~~~~~~~!Jh~t'was·' sttll shghtly chIlled and therefore disapP<)intmg but my liusDand's whItebaIt wa~ :~~{rE%,9.~~~ipJ~i~#i/n:~~~&i~}iU~:#~e·d.(i ~a~~o:'~,~?ered ga:l~c bre~d with my ant!I;?~s}2;.t~~hp.'i:'?Y~9-JteenJa:m~.t:~., , ". I qigestible and diverse contorriOi'Oiir 'iMxea saiadwas";refreshing1and'adequately' 'I dressed. For desert I chose ~:ril'~Hcan ~heeseciike~' a (~i~e:clioii:·e··a's if was' . excel!e~t. probably the best'i'h';ive ev~nit.st~a aridobvio~~iy:hbriie~mad'e;The" .. <;,qff~~{'a!tho!igh' ~'(5'ria·.. w-as:~~~shlY'brewed; • ' . ~- -_\~ «1;111"- 'to ... '" ._ ",If •• \I. ~ ~ _' > .' , .'., • . Oux: bill!.in~ludi-ng·'t'litreioi" drinkable wine served in earthenware jugs, V.A. T.·aiidathletic.. 'se'rvice·~·came'to·'£8;50·. 'The prices at Kings Road Jam are v~ry .!easonable. and it 'is certainly worth a visit, especially accompanied ..... " "'" . ." .. .--. . /' - ~ ",,,, ..'--:' ~ ~~~ __ ."" ~. I - . I }~y, io~~gI~·a.li~~re~ati~.e.~,~ :3:8 ~,~~,$!iji·<;:~t a,.~;,ice even the young can afford.

,~ .. ' ~~ ~"t

• -==-

, ,- ." -:s>, ..... ~~ 47~~'~~L~I~L~I~~~~~~~'N~ - .. '..., ,.;- .... ~~,'.".~; ..... "4 •. ' , .. .\.·-~r ~ l :/1 . Tuttc i "0 :tt" tici""i' In,].·· ,.' Daiiim:i:~";'a.l r'o~a da :tenor"sui' -cuoro t ,,~. press'o -iii ~~~5~~a. . ~:i~sta:v(ta~-' iega.fa·~coi ·~tHo'de,:f:tuo:r- 9ap?11:i: - d lor . .' .aflpottar.'.. Forse domani p:l.angora:l...... - Anchestascra aspettor~, . -": . :ma'dC:>po,. tu.,.o' s.orr:ide;ra:l. ' e tutto :l.1 ruondo soorC§.~r~' • • • /a <:Cili:C, 'I;:i'i:t'· I'iarien§·'~.' '. '•• ¢on:::CO:;:iL:I.~:l!(Ma:t'1~f1;,: "" ~. "', ~Lgl?-:i!r,.:i~~, ~a.f;t.o~?" • c~~.,}!~,.f~:~L';!~·\lfa..F:.!-.p~.-..... 6. >~:~_~~ -,' .~/<~'''~'''~ ;"', "_" ,'\ .; :; •••~.:;, ~r .... _.;~_ ~~; •• ,_' •• _ ...... ,.-" ~'" _".; ...... " .,' , . . ._ • .. hrii;'6ra:":iJ:a ;'ogl:io:' ~al.titar' ~ ~ :::~~ .. ) '. . ":: _, ~l1S9.J-!! l~O,j,. . , ~;t'c~onJ 'me ; ..J~i:i.:J.1~ ;l~.rJ:en; .:. , .. ,- ; .~-= -- .-.- - • $ . .;~~.:-~e"h ~~~:t~. !"!~E~~~" ,,~n,j _ . ...'!_:~ ,.:' ,. con no, L:i1:1. gar~cn. a to. L:i1:1: 11ar1on. r-:~::.: "-':,-:~",.'-"~':"'''':-;;~':',~: --:'~:t.~~l "!E~~'_·'.1. ( -,' r'":_~~~.,*.-, '!' ~"'... "l~i: ,3.' _I c." ";"j.(j~ h~"~"_J .,".¥':'C_ ·.il ,.,t~ t is''e~(~h~'u~~~.j'B2:l:.~~.~Cl}.~~;~i.?..t~,~iS-~1 :t~o~~t!l!.!~a12pa~.},,~ ~ ~ .. ~~ .• ~J2 .• ,. ,< ..,: ", ':':com6;~qu~J;l:a' S,9.ra, l!~+- ~£o_~,ck!0"/" ,)!: ~~-' ,if '~'P'\6on<.:t~~~,~T::L1:i'-~i~~.left{!:'-'.~.L"!'_' ,,- '.t! .• ~ ~",. ,~:... ~' '<,-.oJ" j ;;:.J ~ ?! ' ~ •• '.: ~ '~"J,,-.'~':~~- ~ . ~ .• -:,r-." ..11 ...11 ~;_"" "_ ....,,.t.. . :_' ,. ~_;r' }.-,: " I. . ,,~.' ;: ... ~ ~'::.,. - ~ ,. ~~ , • ,. t"" .~~ • ~ •.. ' IJ If ' ,'j" II· • . ~< ._;1<0:' '.' . >~~ '" '_': ". ~:. ~fo~).~ '~ .. ~ J1f~rfE~,:.~: :,~ '~' ~t_;, ~ ,.~.~~" '"'' j, ~ :~.:L ~u ::~:.- 1. : ,'.< • -<~':, ~/i ;'. 'i. rt, ~ _ ~. "-j.~:<'!!1".~ • ..:_ ,,',I':' '" )_, ~ .'''1F

i~oi~~ i{ie~'·:l~ ~ifA:l>#b~'~to1~w iri~ss·:rc·an\i ,:t~'j~' -I: ~'b C' ~' I". It ;: ~.!_ danzaniPtui:-iH:·'a:rosuO'no"C!.chi11na:l-fu::Janat,' .. ' I, '.-i ,J . -' , "I , .~ 1 ~:l.~~·:t;;~fb;~ll~ '~R; 9'rtRf~~~\~Rk~r,~rt:!?,:,,_ ,; .,. ""'~. ',' t.- Xi '" ,.:~.r')t '~ __ ... ·.4,... ~O:';' ... d~'~\~~!01>f~~g~,ll ...... ~?,l"J:s?!'trl ?:~, .,-, tY _~~'~'~~_," . ... a ·sua· ,canzono... s ..mbra' d!un' os:l.~':I.a'to :" .. , , A., ., ~" ,~~!-i"'."",.~~",,,,r 'l;j~~ ·';f.·-::fo'·r~~ "','!"f}. 7:;',; ~ i":':;;:o~·~..?:"',,(:~ .. -" '~,;"4(?.::._* ...... ;~~j :;'~::. [.·4.:. ... " .. ,,', '~;'" .,.; .... .;'!'i .,. k~ .':" ,: ~. :<1:1-:. :'.' ~ ,~(- ;;~9~1~~p.. ~ ~:lG;'~~~4~t-&}l:. t ;l-ia, 'a',!'lullt"' -era t.~,o}-:i.'1 imi~ap.o;r;e... s!~~ jo'Y:g~~~ '_'2rur:.q~!,.!;~~_~ ... J '=-4, t •• 'II :; ., t, ~ lJ ,', .~.

~:i.oe{.,~B"l::i. ·~·do~9~~;':.".~~~ t~~P~"E-?~t~ :. j 1 ~;', .... :" .:: 'r~,~':'i:;. ~/. ~~o .. ~.:.~~_r,A:i¢~€flf~.~.!:~~'~; .~J:;~, ~~~_ ~~ .~~.::;s~

( , , PAGtN'~-, r

, ..

.. ,'.:./':1~, _".f'" ~·ll"!.:j; ~ 1.:-~ Wor~?..!..!:...!!:~n one mea~~!~l?, •• } __ ... _ ~_ _ - ... ~i'1 ,L.:~· \1'" Find ~;~,o~d,wJ:li.cP,!wgl',C;~!'Ilpl~i~ k.p~h s'(n.t,~~,~~,~., r.h~,·~~.I!.~~fl! ,~r!:.,a!iJ!l~rn~I~~ - ~ , . ~ .. uprat the,fo.ottof)thI:l5p<;l,g~.. ,"".; " ~h.': '" U:", ',',' " ",;: /,', "':~i~':i-;!;',

__} .. ~~ _T;:'; t.,"".:?!t:,,! r·!"s;~.:.~ <.~ " -,. 1t'f~:' ~ CAT! -,c, Ii" 1 1'''- 1 1. The, crowJ:6f'ho'iictrv;:nl'ak'eil{i -beac]1r:w.a,!3,I\I;.ov:~:t;e.d.-.. __ "- ~ -. __ ..,.._~ - ·.w~~h.~._ ~",~~"-~.:..:.-- ... , afte~- the.~~"st,~a-,~'" I""'" .'~ ...... ;" ,,, .. ...,,~t(· .. ""~""-Jr'1

& ~'h~4 ~.~f~~/ !,_ -,{'l',-<:s:': ~._:l:g •..",,~, ";d:"j~ ,:r; ::/;';ii',:( -~ .. ", ,,', . ,~'~_~"~," _.:,;~ -~:,JH{';' {:,r"·)'I1~~~~e~p...?~:_a~1':' "~7n-~~~,~!!,S,~*f~?Y~~i-~?ppie~ •. i~ ;." Itj' . . ~t ~-i • r;;, 1 ~k ,f" .~;... '.J ~. ~ .!;I-. .,... ~ ,\'I f " • f • 1I 1 :2'. ". T~e'=.'c"arpenfer ·l(ept' hts;'t'obl'S*iiiiatwoQden z-": .. '7-~\-:\ " : l:';' \:, ,: :" ~r"~:? ~ ~~~ e ~~o-l''''': "A'·cold'on·tile;t.l.. !r!:-~bf"teb~'niik·cs!breathing-:difiicult,- ~ ',. :;;~.''! '+/' .:,\ .' .', " -, . ., ... '/ ..•.. ,,; . , ... ',-" ,-. \ in('",: ./.~I:.. ~ iC~J'~:-, ;.,,:l.,,";.'. 1t~:,~~i -j.,q -'_~~~ .. ,1 ~~ J": (.:~ ~~: " :J.... 3.}, :(~r~~!:-~.:-;-.~:-:;!!Ofl!.g!'Dl!Po!?~;F~~ .,~e~~~.fCUS "Y!'f:~ ?~,P.~ ~. 1. ,'t~:: "., ~~ L, {i. Th~ ~~.9.£>'p8 ty!~!"~,p;:~eE:~4~81~~:-:".;i'~ th~ e1}~~y.i~£~C~7 :! J~ ->j~' v ~~!i ~_: 4. He co~ld~noeJo.hd~4():raS"fto:1;..'~~~t!!"~hiS .,~hank~s.tJ-::. ~', IF,' ..':'"' J. "~ •. ," The ------'t"rain was' travelling at 110. kilometres ail hour. ~" ~- ~ ~ r~r.~';1:;~.~":.\~f 5. The ----/was covered 'with" fallen leaves. The coff~~ w~s -.:.- ,- by:ma'chin~ky. • )0. ,,'-';-"I()~[ y" \; 6 •. The:da££odil·is my favC?~rA~e ....".,·.7;':,- flower. r, ~he ------o.£;!h~:'~!9'?~"~<;~"~f:~~!!~' 7. A - .. --- man is ve'rV'strict iiild':severe. , The ---- of a ship is the rear~part. .~ I ~'." ", ~ , 8. Carpenters. ,-:;-:-:-,..,. wood,to,makil,it. smooth. . "" .... " -, - "-\'1'-"'~.,,~ ~.~ (l:J">~.> ~ The ---"?Si?;'~1..e.~,!.~~re"ridei:e'd the,man unconsCious.

. '

, '. '-. ------\i"'~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ::;"'dh:~R!e~C;i,ge ~ ~S~? Ingredienti' ',ingredients. .., , 4 c,~stolett~1 ~F,vite~l(jt"". , ·4~.',~~~,al~chopst.\" '. ,.':, .h;,' ,,_~, .', : •• "'.' ~~~../wr.- -. ( a. J-. ,11~,\,",)J' ~ '. -lOz fontifia"""-' ,.~, ~'*' J' ~. 4 40'z fontina cheese" c-·· ., ,,, " '-:, '40z burro \. 4oz" butter .' ~'\~~ pane grattugiato .~ ,.,,, ..,,, ~cbreadcrumbs poco farina bianca ,. ,:a.~·little flour ~IO- - t; y'~ un uovo , an egg. sale e pepe salt and pepper,' ~ti,j"'~ 9~~r t c: ,''':''.;; .;..-, .C:_'1# b-"~';~" ;..:~ ~~; ~~< Istruzioni Metll&ci-" . -. '. ..- •.•. l'II • ==- ' fa:giia£e am~£~I'i~;c'os'tal~tte'iil'fs'Ein~o' . Cut 1i1'e": chops.lfn'hii£ih:or'izorital~y', r,~ .. :, v,orrizzontale, lasciandole unit.e dalla· leaving them attacllea1iit'tlic"bone :~nd:! P~;!~1tl~l'B.I!.f.W"'I~iyiWn the opE;n:;"s~d(Is'iofi"the aperti per farli aderire il piu,.'possi::_,~' ~ ·.c:.hQP.~lt9I~!~s,~~~~~1]}: .~m'ipN,~~t1.}~,'rlE~at bile. Spolverizzate ~a carne1<;dnlun.;PC?!J. (J'e~t:!!'.~llm~~:,~~!t. ~~c!.Pt;PP«;; ~~,~.~~~n - di sale e pepe passate nella farina, cost them with flour, dip them in .nell' uovo sbattuto e poi nel pa'ri:b 'g'r';;. -J' "Hci';'t~it :e':tgg;iRd~fijfiillY\'i:oat them"'-irlth.'­ tugiato. Friggetele'piano, piarl(j'ilei"J l:'~!; br~adcr'li'h{os';';Piy(th'(im'ge~tlyiri: l' burro sino ad averle di colo~e. dO,r.ato. !'\:. .. ~butter"unW~j go!c!.e~!!>,r.o~1':l.' ~ ,,';: ", :.:' .t,

-;~'''ij~,~;:~ Ji~.'l '.~tr i::, l.;i;:,:,;;",i' .~ :j"-'/,/ >~,,~';r,-! ,-.' ~ . - '" Pcpe.?"onata : ..' .!'..e.I?.t;..r~a.E!:...- ,,""'Jlt! ~< ,r.'.J."J..'.:'J.. r-t.!\.· .. ~ :j:";,,,·V'.:~;:".I ¥, ... Ingredicnt..~ .' ~·Ingr~edients.d...... tJ '''~.'p' " ,:It h.~q-r .. """;: 2 peperoni , .•~, .r", 2 peppc.r~" " ' .• , "" '~ •.•.•.. _ ... 1 -2 aubergine~s" ?"~ i. '.:"~ l: ~ . .!.!. t,'.~(j.... ~ -: __ ,.'\-. I< i - 2 melanzane ':2~Jou~gett'es:'«iPti~itai)\' 'f'r 2 zucchine (facoltat~vo) , 3 foglie di sedano ' .. ;3,!"staJ~!!. gi :o:~!ery~, ;. ..: ~ " .' 1 cipolla •.)l!,oniqn.".. ' !;: ,.! ' ," -!- poro • t. leek ~ .,' "'"H;itl'cifuPo'fJcllo'pjfed l'arsereyl "J ", una manata di prezzemolo.tritatoI ,', ,~.,~ ., ·t ..", 'l:" ~f:' ~l''';d''t-r-'''t- , ,'...... "140':.-. tln~o pee e .. oma oes .. ~ .;, 14 oz scatolo dl p6midori pelati " origano • -..- "". ~d~-A ...o.:r~8~n~~ ·L.,"'~~.U"l."""... "'a_ !Oc~ :I!:",..-"lV'"..,Icl ... , • sale e pepe .,:,,:t JtLI·.':':I~; lZc'''lsaJt; ilt;l<.kp.E

.iIstruzioni~-,~ ~ , .: ,. ,_-; ,'~~t"',") , r;i~~·._) .. >f.. , , ~~~~~~ ,\·~t .''";~''I~-' .~'r':J:>i·i~~ '-1 il<>.'··· .~,.! ' . .. . De-seed and chop the peppers~ ~ . ' S vuotate 1 peperonl" e taghate a pezzl "DO' NOT PE'EL th e 'auuerglnear, .. i:. .• ~ ~'" .•. ''' ' ...uU~ t"'~'t'",''cu . , NON pelate Ie melanzane ma tagliatele ,." .', ' eo, . t I' d' .',' 'd'Jl"~~ J "~::;'lT >:2·-. lthem into,pleces and remove. a Jew of a peZZl og len 0 un po Cl.scml ne .' ~'" ..,,, ...... :, " ..,.,"::,. " ' I' t ' " }i!.'~' :-:1: ~:Id"" ;" ,'" the. seeds In the centre~,,'Cut .tne 'zucc- ccnt r.0 T ag la c 1 ~ucc lnl, 1 se ~no". ,;. ,,':', ''''---, 'OJ: ' 11 d "1' tt" p'" ", (, .tllnh the celery, the onlon, and,:tlie leek la ClPO a e 1 poro a pezze 1. ass~" ,,, '. . '" ....__ .;." ,,' " . . at' . po' d ,. 1 tt ' M tt":t' . "" (~ ."lnto·ipleces. Se1ve the t.om.atoes~;.,p'~ace 1 1 mo orl ne se acclo. e e e . ,., . I dd'" . , .,.. . all the ingredl'ents In a'pan,-a In''' a tutto In una pcntola~conrl!oho;d\g"lU~' " T; r,( ',": "': ! •• ~,' : :P, , .: .. '~" '." " , , ". , , , .. <>. teaspoon of orll!ano sa1t~pepp.er.',and ngcte lln cucchla1'1lO dl orlgano, sale :. ,1".. ~;, ~,' , ~ . .. " , . " .' nutmcg'wlth the 011. Cover pan and pepc e preslna dl noce moscato.~: Cop-, , 5' . 'T, L. " 3 ' '4 rl't e 1 a pen t 0 1a e CUCClna' -t' e 1en ·t' emen - t" e ::.<;OOK 'i-! slowly" for hour," or untlll ,all " the, " 3 d' f' h' t tt' vegetables are cooked. Add a httle per Clrca '4 ,ora 0 lnc e u Q e water should the .. pep· eronata-dry,",during cotto. Se ascluga troppo durante la " ", .- ".; :" •., .' .-..... _ cr',ottu a aggtunge' t' e un poco d" acqua. cooking." ld' Thls lS dchclOUS served hot or co • M. G. PROS,SIMI EVENIM.ENTI . -I#~UTURE EVENTS-

GIUGNO...... -- __ . . . I Domenica 4 - Scampagnata del ~i~~.?10 Mazzi,:.~...::..Q~.~!!!i.. al 'Suttons', Stapleford Tauney, near Chigwell, Essex.

_ Cr:.I~,disco at the Cafe Royai, Regent St. i W.l. i.30pm.

Domenica 11 - Giornata Missionaria---_._- del Padri di V~rona: Santa Messa nella Chiesa Italiana ai S. Pietro, ore i 1.00

_ Outing of St. Peter's YoutbClub to Littlehamptori , -_._--_."" '

...... Sabato 24 _ Sera1;a Sociale dei Friulani a Casa S. V. Pallotti: ::7.~,'. 30:=pm.

.'':'';';-iSl.•. .' ..••: .•• ,} ~'. •_ "~ .•...• " ,0;- " ••• ~.-. , ,~, " .•FK .::i.. ~"\1'~. Domenica 25 - Wo.!ld Cue Final: Finale della COJ>pa Moildi;iTc;

r.UGLIO : .

Domenica 2 Farm, Trotters Bottom, Barnet.

,,<~,~_~ i ';'.--!. "f.~a".'t "',"/,J' ~'i:-, • .-.~ t. ~ .... r.·>.~ "'/ v -(",- Gita della.)" Scuola' Italiana·'di·'Kings~Cross .. :...... ~.'" _".t. ' ll"<.!r.~{ '(.ihJ<1" ~~ l~-/ ." ,!:-,1~:,:, • . ::_ 10". -~ __ ~."' . Theatre •••.1 , ~--, .. "Filumena" by Eduardo de Filippo at the Lyric tel: 437 3686

Continued > :-"

It~lil ..• llIlftificia, - 'J.'" " ,-. ,NlllrDni"'. .' "..,

" " ,

- _ ~_ " r ...~ PIETRO N!GRONI (LTD: :. -.. - c .. Negroni HOUle, • 'cco ;. 24, New Whlrf Road, ..- .. .. ~- c z LONDON. N. 1. ,9 RR 3 -. .. • -I u " ' .. - ! ''"1\ .::o,;s",~ ,"-'~ ",/' ~~.l;~ ~ St.".,,: (,Of)~837.. ().C.28/~, ~._~':.'~-\ t .__ ~" . "E' "·'-~'·-r.,.·"~""'· "", . z ::> 1.I.x.22308~ SALNEGRONI, LON • ' " ~ -~ II.'"'' .,.... 't:. -: (J~': -,. ... ~- ,-~ ,.:::" ,.,<-.1'- .Ji" ,J ~.f ,: l-.-, !I,~. ;;; . ~mmlld~~J B!N ,~':I!J!~~I~"s•.• ~!I~II : .!!,o,J~.'N" ~!?!I!III.nl!.s_ .. ~!IIII .!l!DJ~N D!:!! I!wnies • e!lU\ ,~ _ ', __ '_ ~ - "-: ~_./_,, ___'-:" (_+-_.:1 __ 'Z._ J_'l_ Ir_·:._J'''~) ...~c ------


r··':~,,~~~ .. ':.J.::JJ- ,t ".C';''' {I &~r ~ .. ~., ~ " "

',', • .1 ,. '\ ~ '·1 It!~:'~::; in two parts •

.... ~- ..... ',~ .!'" ;-: ~.,-.- ••' ~" ..- - ~ ,,<., O#, .. ~ • ..1 /",~. "- ,,_~ ',',f"!,_ .,"._ -;.;r-:: )'~', .. ""< ;'Jt.t The Spider's Stratagem by B. Bertoluc;ci. Academy 3. ;;' .. ~':l1',;~-:'J.';'. l~;"',r:::'-"'~o~ "' ..1.: ~~, ~ .Jc;:;-~.r.-,\"~.'~""II ~ '.: ,1' ,. <~ { .. :', ""'~":_ ""!o::' .. I ;' .r.:ExhibitionsH~' ,. .:'


Giaceme Puccini, Madama Butterfly will be performed at the Royal Opera --If ,'. "'''<"1 ',' ,,--1(" 1"* ~ ..... - -~ -.. -- -~- .' "1 ' ' •• ' •• _& 'it,) -".':~ ,!'< ~, It" .. : 4' .. ~.!.!J •. " 1<." ~ I "~"'j ~ -"" t"" ~. i'_,:"'"}f!"''IoiJ House, Covent Garden in July. Conductor Ant

.~ ..~ .. -,: ... : t"•• ·,,,t ;~.~ _, '.~ ~." # It":'! '",

Giuseppe Verdi,.F.alstaf~ _:~i~~J~~,P!l!~,~~r,m~,~

Giuseppe Verdi, Luisa Miller will be performed as abo.v.e'i~[June,)/ ~J:uly. • - ..< - ...~, '.-...- '" Vincenzo Bellini/Norma" willL be performed as above June / July.'" '" ,/ ~ ... ~ ~ °11


I I / " A. FRANCE & SON Catholic Undertakers






Telephone: 01·4054901 01,4052094

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.OO "~""~'.. "'. t" .~~. ;;t . ".. .~. ~ " A. TROWSE & SONS W''!''" ,...,,....,....,,t' &Tobacconist EC1 Tel. 837-6385 •
