STEPHEN BYZANTINE 4141 Laurence Avenue, Allen Park, MI 48101 January 26th, 2020 313-382-5901 website:

Priest: Rev. John R.P. Russell, M.Div. cell phone: 412-378-0308 email: [email protected] Deacon: Rev. Deacon Lawrence Hendricks Cantors: Pani Mary Hendricks, Theresa Szatkowski, Nick Wood

Glory to Jesus Christ! Welcome to St. Stephen! You are welcome here. Join us in prayer and worship of almighty God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. About the Parish St. Stephen Byzantine Catholic Church, led by the Holy Spirit, is called to evangelize – to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We commit ourselves to welcoming and caring for all of God's children.

We are a parish of the Byzantine Ruthenian Catholic Eparchy of Parma, an eparchy of the Byzantine Ruthenian Metropolitan Church sui iuris of Pittsburgh. Milan (Lach) of Parma is our bishop. Archbishop William (Skurla) of Pittsburgh is our Metropolitan. We are in communion with our holy father Francis, the of Rome.

“We are Catholics with the common heritage of our Orthodox brothers but in unity with the Holy Father in Rome.” – Bishop Milan LITURGICAL SERVICE TIMES Saturday evening at 5:00pm Sunday morning at 8:00am & 10:00am Wednesday & Friday evening at 7:00pm Saturday morning at 10:00am

Sunday, January 26, 2020 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST. THE SUNDAY OF ZACCHEUS. Tone 8 Our Venerable Father Xenophon and his Wife Mary (520). Our Holy Father , Archbishop of Thessalonica. 11th Resurrectional Matins Gospel: John 21:15-25. 1 Timothy 4:9-15. Luke 19:1-10. 8:00am Matins 9:45am Third Hour 10:00am Divine Liturgy - for the people of the parish +Joseph Humenik, from Robert & Helen Dalbo (1-25) Reader: Elizabeth Druga 11:30am ECF 11:30 – 1pm Soup & Salad Lunch 1:00pm Great Vespers for Chrysostom

Monday, January 27, 2020 The Translation of the Relics of our Holy Father (438). for the Relics: Hebrews 7:26-8:2. John 10:9-16. 7:00am First & Third Hour – Reader Service Tuesday, January 28, 2020  Our Venerable Father , Bishop of Nineveh (378). Ven. Fr. Issac the Syrian, Bishop of Nineveh. Passing of our Ven. Mother Olympia Bida (1952). 1 Peter 3:10-22. Mark 12:18-27. 7:00am First & Third Hour

6:00pm Chant Practice 7:00pm Vespers Wednesday, January 29, 2020 稜  The Translation of the Relics of the Holy Bishop & Martyr (6th C.). 1 Peter 4:1-11. Mark 12:28-37.

6:00pm Great Vespers for the Three Holy Hierarchs 7:00pm Divine Liturgy for the Three Holy Hierarchs intention of Jordan Zawaski, from Nicholas Zawaski Thursday, January 30, 2020  THE THREE HOLY HIERARCHS: BASIL THE GREAT, GREGORY THE THEOLOGIAN AND JOHN CHRYSOSTOM. The Holy Bishop-Martyr Hippolytus (235). Vespers Paramia: Deuteronomy 1:8-11, 15-17 • Deut. 10:14-21 • Wisdom 3:1-9. Matins Gospel: John 10:9-16. for the Hierarchs: Hebrews 13:7-16. Matthew 5:14-19. for the day: 1 Peter 4:12-5:5. Mark 12:38-44.

6:00pm Vespers 7:00pm Divine Liturgy +Josefa Patrick, from Marron Family Friday, January 31, 2020 稜  The Holy Wonder-workers and Unmercenary Healers Cyrus and John (311). Our Holy Father the Priest Don Bosco. 2 Peter 1:1-10a. Mark 13:1-8.

7:00pm Vespers - followed by Confessions Saturday, February 1, 2020  Pre-festive Day of the Meeting. The Holy Martyr Tryphon (250).

2 Timothy 2:11-19. Luke 18:2-8a. 9:45am Third Hour 10:00am Divine Liturgy +Marge Silek, from Jane Semak

5:00pm Great Vespers - followed by Confessions

Sunday, February 2, 2020 SUNDAY OF THE PUBLICAN AND THE PHARISEE. Tone 1  MEETING OF OUR LORD, GOD & SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST WITH & ANNA Vespers Paramia: (1) Exodus 12:51, 13:1-3, 10-16, 22:29; Numbers 8:16; Leviticus 12:1-4, 6-8; Numbers 8:16-17 • (2) 6:1-12 • (3) Isaiah 19:1-5, 12. 16, 19-21. Matins Gospel: Luke 2:25-32. 2 Timothy 3:10-15 & for the Meeting: Hebrews 7:7-17. Luke 18:10-14 & for the Meeting: Luke 2:22b-40. 8:00am Matins 9:45am Third Hour 10:00am Divine Liturgy - for the people of the parish intention of Jordan Zawaski, from Nicholas Zawaski (1-29) +Josefa Patrick, from Marron Family (1-30) +Marge Silek, from Jane Semak (2-1) Reader: 11:30am ECF 12:30pm Vespers LEGEND by tradition, a strict fast day (no meat, 稜  Great Feast dairy, eggs, fish, wine, or oil)

 Feast with an All-night Vigil by tradition, a fast day permitting wine  and oil. (no meat, dairy, eggs, or fish)  Feast with the Polyeleos at Matins by tradition, a fast day permitting fish, . Feast with the Great Doxology at Matins  wine, and oil (no meat, dairy, or eggs)

 Feast with Six Stichera at Vespers by tradition, a fast day permitting dairy, 燎 eggs, fish, wine, and oil (no meat)

Byzantine Book Club

You are invited to join a book club! Most Mondays from 7 – 9 pm at Fr. Deacon Lawrence & Pani Mary Hendricks’ home. Their next meeting is Monday, January 27, 2020, at 8461 Barrington Drive, Ypsilanti, MI 48198. The book is: Encounter: Experiencing the Divine Presence. “Come and see. Consider how life in Christ is the only true source of lasting happiness. Experience a God who is always near. Discover or re-discover a faith that is ever ancient, ever new. Christ is the true light that has come into the world and darkness cannot overcome it.”

Monthly Chant Practice “Cherish the beauty of our prostopinije, our liturgical chant . We constantly need to work on it” – Bishop Milan. Toward this end, we have chant practices monthly, to which all are invited! In our Church, the congregation is the choir. You are in the choir, so it’s good to practice. Our next practice will be on Tuesday, January 28th at 6pm. We will practice the Presanctified Divine Liturgy.

New Parish Councils Term Members of the Parish Pastoral Council and the Parish Finance Council must have been parishioners for at least three years and are recommended by the pastor for a two (2) year term and are approved by the bishop. Recommendations are due at the chancery by January 31 of even numbered years. (Statute 162.2 and Statute 166.3) It is recommended that the number of members be no less than three and no more than five for each council. Recommendations for the next term for approval by the bishop will be due JANUARY 31, 2020. Please prayerfully consider serving in one of these councils and/or who you would recommend – and let Fr. John know this week.

Annual Stewardship Appeal The 2019/20 Annual Stewardship Appeal continues. Visit to make a one-time or monthly donation using our secure website. In response to the faith we profess in the Nicene Creed, consider the ways that you can be more fully involved in the life of your parish and the Eparchy: • Spend more time in prayer asking the Holy Spirit for guidance. • Consider the gifts God has given to you and share those talents, skills, or knowledge with the parish. • Contribute financially to the workings of the Eparchy and to our parish through the financial appeal. St. Stephen’s goal this year: $9,200 As of the end of December, we had raised $3,765. $5,435 to go! OPPORTUNITIES FOR SERVICE Join the Guild! The Guild is dedicated to caring for and beautifying our holy place and all the appointments for our Divine worship. All are welcome to join the Guild. They meet next on February 9th, after Divine Liturgy. Join the workers! Please join the workers every Thursday for our weekly parish work day. Join the cleaners! Please contact Louise Dalbo to volunteer to clean the church for any particular week you’re able. Or, get your name put in the rotation of regular church cleaners. The Raupp Family is scheduled to clean the church this week. Many thanks to the Dalbo Family and to all who worked and cleaned this past week. May God grant them many years!

CHARITABLE GIVING “I command you, you shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy, and to the poor” (Deut. 15:11). Since our last contributions, for the Church in Central & Eastern Europe, we have collected $71 for the Catholic Home Missions, we have collected $146 for the retirement of our religious sisters, we have collected $212 for Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan, we have collected $138

ATTENDANCE Attendance on January 19th was 40. Average Sunday attendance ≈ 57 Devote yourselves “to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers” (Acts 2:42). COLLECTION The collection on January 19th was $951. Average Weekly Collection: $1,393.17 Sunday: $583; Holy Day: $10; Candles: $30; Initial Offering: $35; Fuel: $40; Fundraiser: $228; Memorial offering: $25 “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor 9:7).