Hitachi Data Ingestor

A bottomless, backup-free cloud on-ramp and filer, Data Ingestor delivers file services to the edge and enables an advanced edge-to-core storage solution.

Reduce Cost and Complexity at the Edge and Simplify Cloud Deployments

Hitachi Data Ingestor (HDI) with Hitachi storage and a host of newly available those who need it. Furthermore, indepen- Content Platform (HCP) creates an inte- capabilities. dent vendor applications can adopt HDI with minimal certification. grated offering that provides distributed You no longer need to back up your edge consumers of IT, such as remote offices, devices with HDI. All files are automatically branch offices (ROBO) or replicated to the core infrastructure in your Deployment Options users, with a seamlessly scalable, backup- data center. HDI appears as a bottomless Hitachi Data Ingestor is offered in 2 deploy- free storage solution. Deployed as a mini- storage device to users and applications, ment options to support either local or mal-footprint or virtual appliance, HDI sends since it automatically moves content out remote Hitachi Content Platform access. data from the edge to a core infrastructure, of its internal cache and into the core to The HDI node(s) may be deployed within employing advanced storage and data provide expanding storage capacity for the HCP rack as an integrated package, or management capabilities. With this solution, new content. This reduces management separately. HDI offers a high availability (HA) organizations can greatly reduce the cost time and cost by eliminating the need to dual-node cluster with external storage, and complexity of providing IT services to constantly manage capacity, utilization and a single node with internal storage, and geographically dispersed locations or cloud performance of the system. Once a file is a software-only configuration running on consumers. moved into the core infrastructure, a pointer VMware vSphere Hypervisor that also sup- is left behind. By reducing files to point- ports HA architecture. In all configurations, Bottomless, Backup-free Edge ers, HDI constantly frees up local storage HDI acts as a tiering solution, moving its Device capacity so that additional storage never resident files to HCP, and providing links to Hitachi Data Ingestor provides a standard needs to be added at the edge. The files those files for on-demand recall. connection, or on-ramp, into the core data can always be accessed, regardless of center without requiring application recod- where they are physically located. Features ing and without changing the way users HDI supports corporate governance and Hitachi Data Ingestor presents a standards- interact with storage today. Because HDI compliance requirements through its based file system interface that is tightly acts as a caching device, it provides users built-in, file-level “write once, read many” integrated with Hitachi Content Platform to and applications with seemingly endless (WORM) functionality, which is an option for provide seamless access and a wide range of advanced storage features. HDI uses

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HTTP/HTTPS to securely move data over a local or wide area network and into HCP. HITACHI DATA INGESTOR (HDI) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Some of the features of HDI are described below: Architecture 2.4GHz Intel XEON ^620 processors per node; 12GB RAM per node; 4 giga- bit Ethernet (GbE) ports per node; available as a dual-node or single-node ■■ Provides local and remote access to a appliance, or on VMware vSphere Hypervisor HCP for clients over CIFS and NFS ■■ Delivers seemingly bottomless storage Capacity (usable) 4TB; scales to 400 million files per HDI capacity, back-ended by HCP Management Initial setup wizard; management interface (GUI, SSL); CLI over SSH; simple ■■ Migrates content to a central HCP and network management protocol (SNMP); network time protocol (NTP); DFS maintains a local link to the migrated Name Services Dynamic and static mapping between UNIX user and Windows content user; DNS; Active Directory; NIS ■■ Provides file restore Security and Compliance ■■ LDAP v3 ■■ Users can retrieve previous versions ■■ POSIX ACLs, NTFS ACLs of a file. ■■ HTTPS for communication with Hitachi Content Platform (HCP) over ■■ Users can retrieve deleted files. WAN ■■ File and directory access control is ■■ Aligns with HCP namespaces to enforce access and policy control at the maintained within ”history.” file system level ■■ Feature is available on cluster, single ■■ WORM retention support available as an option, using industry-standard node and virtual machine appliance atime-based interface, or through user-settable auto-commit feature that configurations. requires no application programming ■■ ■■ Allows content sharing between HDI External Syslog server systems ■■ RADIUS support ■■ Multiple HDIs can be read from a Backup NDMP v4; backup and restore via HCP single HCP namespace. Protocols Supported CIFS SMB v1.0, v2.0; NFS v2, v3, v4; FTP ■■ One HDI has write capability, others have read capability. Network Network link aggregation (IEEE802.3ad); Tagged VLAN (IEEE802.1q); link alteration ■■ Enables NAS migration (CIFS) to HDI file system ■■ CIFS data can be migrated from NAS ■■ Speeds cloud adoption by eliminat- distributed IT environments can reduce systems to HDI. ing the need to rewrite applications or their dependence on local storage at the ■■ Continuous migration into HDI is change user behavior edge. In doing so, they can reduce the cost allowed. and complexity of management, backup, ■■ Provides a management API that Summary archiving, compliance and more. enables integration with the HCP man- IT organizations serving distributed con- At core IT data centers, Hitachi Content agement user interface (UI) and 3rd- sumers benefit from the cloud on-ramp Platform ensures protection, security, reli- party or homegrown management user powered by Hitachi Data Ingestor. HDI able access, preservation, compliance, interfaces coupled with Hitachi Content Platform adherence to policies, and a host of other ■■ Supports Active Directory and LDAP creates an edge-to-core storage solution capabilities that simplify management and authentication for HCP clients that is ideally suited for the challenges of automate complex processes. supporting the needs of unstructured data ■■ Supports HCP tenant and namespace in distributed IT models, such as ROBO and Combined, Hitachi Data Ingestor and features over CIFS and NFS cloud service providers. Hitachi Content Platform propel the general ■■ Scales to 400 million files per HDI concept of forward, help rein With HDI at the edge sending data to ■■ Employs intelligent local cache to accel- in the cost of distributed IT and bring cloud the core infrastructure in the data center, erate access to HCP content over CIFS within reach. and NFS

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