93 Report Oliver Legacy of Roy Jenkins
Reports The legacy of Roy Jenkins Evening meeting, 27 June 2016, with John Campbell and David Steel. Chair: Dick Newby. Report by Douglas Oliver n Monday 27 June, the Liberal ushering in a self-proclaimed ‘permis- founder of the SDP and Liberal Demo- Democrat History Group met sive society’. Jenkins is often seen as one crats – as a giant of post-war politics. Oin Committee Room 4A of of the most important British politicians Campbell looked at the enduring resil- the House of Lords to discuss the legacy never to have become prime minister, ience of Jenkins’ three main themes. of Roy Jenkins. The timing was apt but and this was reflected, also, in the third Campbell shared the platform with for- deeply bittersweet, following as it did in central issue of enduring relevance: Jen- mer Liberal leader, David Steel. the wake of Britain’s decision to leave the kins’ efforts to realign the centre-left and Campbell began with an exploration European Union in its referendum, on centre of British politics. of Jenkins’ legacy as Home Secretary in the longest day of the year, the Thursday The event was chaired by Dick the 1960s, as well as his less celebrated before. The discussion, thirteen years Newby, who worked with the SDP in but fruitful time in the role between 1974 after the death of one of the most impor- the early days after its establishment, and and ’76. Jenkins was, Campbell felt, ‘the tant facilitators of Britain’s European knew Jenkins well, before being elevated right man, in the right job at the right engagement, reflected on how capricious to the House of Lords in September 1997.
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