Gender Equality in Public Services Some useful advice on gender mainstreaming A book of ideas for managers and strategists Swedish Government Official Reports SOU 2007:15 Gender Equality in Public Services Some useful advice on gender mainstreaming A book of ideas for managers and strategists from the Swedish Gender Mainstreaming Support Committee Stockholm 2007 Swedish Government Official Reports SOU 2007:15 This report is on sale in Stockholm at Fritzes Bookshop. Address: Fritzes, Customer Service, SE-106 47 STOCKHOLM Sweden Fax: 08 690 91 91 (national) +46 8 690 91 91 (international) Tel: 08 690 91 90 (national) +46 8 690 91 91 E-mail:
[email protected] Internet: Text: Sara Bergquist-Månsson and JämStöd Translation: Lingon Layout: Svensk Information Printed by Edita Sverige AB Stockholm 2007 ISBN 91-38-22730-5 ISSN 0375-250X Foreword JämStöd (Gender Mainstreaming Support) is a Swedish committee of inquiry that has worked for two years under a government mandate to provide information about gen- der mainstreaming and to develop practical methods and models for mainstreaming gender into central government activities. A further task of the committee has been to train central government staff in the practical implementation of the process. We have collaborated with a number of government agencies that have been at the forefront in seeking to ensure that the services they provide to the general public benefit women and men equally. Working with gender mainstreaming is a groundbreaking task that represents one of the most important challenges facing the public sector. We hope that this book will inspire both those of you who are keen to get started and those wishing to make further progress towards public services of the same high quality for women and men.