HIKINGIN 11 Valley CIRCULAR ROUTEAROUND 11 guide visitorsthroughthevillage. sized figures. TheStaroftheEastwill represented usingmorethan200life- scenes oftheChristiantraditionare for allages. The mostwell-known sceneistheperfectattraction nativity If youvisitCanilloinwinter, itsgiant DON’T MISS... blem. Theitinerary passesthrough twodistinct em- Canillo’s tourist is which flower, colourful The pathissignpostedwith thesymbolofa and beingusedtowalkingare alsoimportant. good shape. Havingagood sense of direction entire route requires time,aswellbeingin cessible foralllevelsandages,butwalkingthe their walkatanypointoftheroute. It’s easilyac- tors canstartfrom wherever theywantandend Due toitscircular coursearound theParish,visi- valleys ofCanilloandthesurrounding area. alike, there are plenty of activities to do in the in allitssplendour. Insummerandwinter mountains: the perfect place to enjoy nature in Andorra.It’s acalmarea surrounded by to getknowoneofthehighestparishes This route will afford visitors the chance andorrawo Myosotis Alpestris rld (Daphne Mezereum) (Daphne February daphne DID YOU KNOW? breakfast at the breakfast at Town Hall. Nowadays, votersreceiveafree in exchangefortheirvote. elections receivedonepeseta who votedintheparishcouncil until notsolongago, allthose mois androe deer, among others. arded vultures, wood grouses, Pyrenean cha- you mightgetachanceto seevultures, be- birches andalpineroses. Intermsoffauna, pines, commonbrooms, commonjunipers, As youwalk,you’llbesurrounded byScots and Incles. glacial valleysofMontaup,LaComadeRansol tanyó, l’AltJuglàandEscobes,alongwiththe the route are thepeaksofCasamanya,l’Es- rish. Someofthemostimpressive sightsalong tains, peaks and valleys) of this area of the pa- prettiest andmosticoniclandscapes(moun- This route willleadvisitorsthrough someofthe while theshadedsideisentirely woodlands. sunny sidehasbeensubjecttohumanuse, areas: ashadedarea andasunnyarea. The Roc delQuerviewpoint Can, whichreferstospringwaters to although itmayalsoberelated to canalorcanaló(channel), tobeconnected the nameappears Canillo: TOPONYMY Incles Valley LOCATION DISTANCE TIME COORDINATES DESCRIPTION TOPOGUIDE DROP

7 CANILLO . DELS 16.960 m 5h 45’ N42 34.864 The narrow path will lead you to the town of Ransol. PLANS ROAD (-183 m) E1 38.202 Follow the Carretera dels Plans road for 500 m until 1.735 m you find a path that forks off to the right, next to a buil- ding. Not far from here you’ll reach the town of Plans. CANILLo 8 VALL DEL RIU 20.870 m 6h 55’ N42 35.064 Just a few metres from Plans, follow the road down N RIVER (+200 m E1 36.642 to the path heading towards Solanda de l’Aldosa. O E 11. CIRCULAR ROUTE AROUND 1.872 m -60 m) Continue along a flat path until you reach Coll de S la Cauba. From here, head down to the river in the Vall del Riu valley. 0 250 500 750 1000 m 9 LOCATION DISTANCE TIME COORDINATES DESCRIPTION DROP PATH OF THE 22.790 m 7h 30’ N42 34.373 Cross the Vall del Riu river and follow the path to CASAMANYA (+60 m E1 35.512 the left, which will lead you to the Armiana bordes 1 PEAK -95 m) (cottages) forest track. Follow this track until you DATA SHEET CANILLO -- -- N42 33.957 The route starts in Canillo. If you’re setting off from 1.840 m reach the Coll d’ road. Walk 1 km up the 1.536 m (--) E1 35.988 , take the CG-1 road to Canillo. The road until you find the Casamanya path. itinerary begins by the road leading to Prats, behind Canillo’s tourist office. 10 ROC DEL 24.780 m 8h N42 34.138 Continue to the right. Just a few metres from here 2 9h 10’ The path begins by the entrance of the cable-car’s car QUER (+110 m) E1 35.239 you’ll find the Janramon and Roig bordas. Cross RIVER SEIG 1.530 m 40’ N42 34.186 +1.481 m park, where you’ll find a large wooden sign indicating 1.958 m the Montaup river and rejoin the Coll d’Ordino road. 1.655 m (+160 m E1 36.712 the Camí del Gall (Path of the Cock). Walk 150 m up Follow it until you reach the Cap del Quer car park. -1.560 m -54 m) the road until you find a path that branches off to the 32.700 m right. You’ll pass over a bridge and under a tunnel, lea- 11 ving the Ribaescorxada and Aina paths behind. You’ll 27.530 m 8h 10’ N42 33.574 The path continues leftward and soon after leads YES then cross the River Seig. PATH (-478 m) E1 35.321 into the forest. Follow it downward until you reach a 1.480 m clearing with a wooden bench. The path continues to APPROXIMATE 3 the right and quickly reaches the Mareig bordas. From WALKING TIMES RIVER BOR 3.850 m 1h 15’ N42 34.666 You’ll soon reach the viewpoint of the Vall del Riu wa- here, it continues downward until road CG-1. Next to 1.645 m (+40 m E1 38.093 terfall. Follow the Camí del Gall, leaving the Mandura- the river you will find the Camí de Meritxell path. ROUTE -40 m) na forest and Ribaescorxada paths behind. A little bit further you’ll reach the River Bor. SIGNPOSTING 12 4 You’ll pass by the Ransol dam and then head upward MERITXELL 29.960 m 8h 40’ N42 33.245 The path passes under the road, and just a few me- 7.410 m 2h3 0’ N42 34.652 along a scree. Shortly afterwards you’ll walk under a 1.480 m (+180 m E1 35.425 tres from here you’ll find a wooden bridge. Follow LA SOLANA (+230 m E1 39.972 chair lift and cut across a ski slope: the path continues -180 m) the wide path until you reach the town of Meritxell. STREET -50 m) 100 m further up. You’ll cross two more ski slopes be- 1.812 m fore reaching a picnic area. The next step is to cross the River Aveta and the Collart channel. The path will now 13 head downward until it reaches the Collart bridge, and CANILLO 32.700 m 9h 10’ N42 33.957 Follow the path for a few more metres, then take further down, the town of Soldeu. From there, it follows 1.535 m (+70 m E1 35.988 the path to the left, which skirts part of the temple Carrer de l’Esglèsia street until Carrer de la Solana. -70 m) of Our Lady o Meritxell. Not far from here you’ll reach the town of Prats, where the road heading 5 towards Canillo is to be followed. INCLES VA- 11.730 m 4h N42 35.321 Forest (after passing a gate meant for livestock). The path then LLEY CAMÍ DE (+180 m E1 39.993 widens and heads downhill. Shortly afterwards, take the path L’HOME DRET -265 m) on the left, which travels through the shaded area towards the 1.789 m Incles Valley and the river of the same name. Head upward ROUTE PROFILE until you reach the road, then continue 150 m until you find a paved track and the sign for the Camí de l’Home Dret path. 2.000 m 10 1.900 m 6 8 9 6 1.800 m 4 5 7 BORDA DEL 15.140 m 5h 15’ N42 35.025 Follow the paved track until you reach the last bordes (farm 1.700 m 2 3 PIROT (+251 m E1 38.856 buildings). The path continues to the left, at which point you’ll 1.600 m 1 1.928 m -115 m) leave behind the path that leads to Lake Querol and the so- 1.500 m 11 12 13 called “Pedra de l’Home Dret”. From here, the forest track 1.400 m heads down to road CS-262. Follow the road for 400 m. To 1.300 m your left you’ll find the Borda del Pirot. 0 6,6 km 13,2 km 19,8 km 26,4 km 33 km