CAROUSEL ' CLUB I Pass Good Only by Person Registered with Management I.."
November 25, 1903 . Chienr.o ?once Department identification Cection • 1:21 South Stato Stroot Ccicazo, Illinois Attention Lieutenant Corry CvntIcaent. A man :::own to us as Jack Leon Tubb was arrested by this depart- r.ent ::clecmhor 24, IC33, seconds after he had shot and killed Lee Carvey Co:;ald, the price suspcct in the. assassination of ?resident Jo4u F. ::ennody. :e states that his truo name la Jack Ilubenstoin and formerly lived in Chicaf;o, Illinois. Attached are aLhy's fla.:erprints, his picture, and a background of. personal hi.:tory ,;iven to us b; hiu. It is roquosted that a c%eck of your files be made to ascertain if he has any type of arrests and II hla name appears in your subversive filo.. In the event Jack au%enctein in Identified, it would bo of vital ir.lsortanae to us if it could be doter:lined if ho is the sane Jac% auh.:nstein as appears in tho records of the Spocial Coanittoe on Ur.4.7.eric:.n Activities, Appendix Part 1, 1940, on pages 019, 020, 921, and 922. I appreciate your cooperation and want to assure you of our future cooperation in matters of mutual Interest. Sincerely yours, J. 2. Curry Chief of Police • W. P. Gannavay Captain. Spocial Sorvico Suroau WPG:ES 3 . :::V.71;TICATCRIS REPORT/INTELLIGENCE DIVISION/CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT lx11 Un TYPE EVALUATION COOS FOR REPORTING ' X, /IA C KG ROUTKI (s) OF SOURCE (R) OF INFORMATION 11.27.1963 s.RveILLANCE A-COmPLETELY RELIABLE • - p.n. fa Ey corRog scAHW Fa' M.