Monday 12th June 2017

Peases West Primary School Headteacher: Alison Johnson Billy Row Deputy Headteacher: Melissa Morton Crook Tel: 01388 762380 Fax 01388 768675 DL15 9SZ email: [email protected] Well done to our Year 6 and Year 2 children, who completed their SATS in May. Children have worked incredibly hard and we look forward to sharing their outcomes with you very soon.

Staffing update

Mrs Sully has left her cleaner and lunchtime supervisor post. We know you will join us in wishing her well for the future.

These posts are currently being advertised. Further information and application forms are available from the school office.

‘The Book People’ Book Fair

‘The Book People’ Book Fair will be in school this week! It will be open from 3:15pm, Monday to Thursday, in the school hall. 10% from every book sold will go into the PTA funds and be allocated to buying new books for school.

PTA Summer Fair - Friday 30th June 1:30pm - 3:30pm

Our PTA annual Summer Fair will be held on Friday 30th June from 1:30pm - 3:30pm.

Further information to follow.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast club continues to run from 8:00 a.m. with breakfast being available from 8.15am until 8:45a.m. There is a cost of £2 per day for both breakfast and supervision. Payment can be handed to Breakfast club staff on the day or paid in advance to the school office. There are supervised activities for Breakfast Club children in school. Alternatively, with your permission, children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 may go outside to play. (Consent forms are available from the school office or Breakfast Club staff). Please note: there will not be adult supervision on the yard until 8.50am. If children are not attending breakfast club, they should aim to arrive at school between 8.50am 8.55am. Here is a summary of the school’s most recent events. Images for some of the events can be found on our school website and Facebook page:

Our Year 3/4 tennis team attended a tennis competition at in May, and came an impressive 4th place. A special mention goes to Joshua who won all of his matches!

We were delighted to welcome Tim Prendergast back into school last week. Paralympian distance runner, Tim, worked alongside our Key Stage 2 children on transition and positive mindfulness. Children were also challenged to collectively complete a half marathon.

As a post SATs treat, Year 6 children enjoyed a pamper session at 'Peases West Spa', followed by a McDonalds lunch and trampoline session at 'Infinite Air' on Friday. A special shout out to Joshua who was unwell during SATS week, but still came in to school to complete his tests - what a trooper! Well done to all!

Captain Howman from WSCC came in to school to deliver a whole school assembly to the children about the army cadets based at School. Children enjoyed learning about the wide range of activities that cadets do and the Year 5 and 6 children took part in a short workshop on the importance of effective communication skills.

Class 3 visited High Crane Lodge, a farm near Hamsterley. The farm visit included a range of activities including sustainable living, Barn Owl pellet dissection and tree identification. Thank you to all children for outstanding behaviour and positive attitudes.

Last half term, children in Class 2 have based their learning around 'The Tiger who came to tea'. To celebrate their achievements, they had a very special visitor to join them for tea and fun…

Eight of our Year 5/6 girls took part in a Sainsbury's School Games Level 2 competition at Willington Cricket Club this week. Unfortunately, due to the heavy rain, the competition had to be adapted to an overarm bowling tournament. All girls gave their best and despite the weather conditions, we managed to score a number of wickets. Well done to all who took part!

The football team took part in their final fixture against Stanley Crook Primary School on Wednesday 7th June at Parkside all weather pitch. An incredible first goal scored by James made an excellent start to the match. Unfortunately, we conceded two goals from the opposition, but the team kept their spirits up and played well until the final whistle finishing a respectable 6th place overall in the league. A huge well done to all team members for their hard work and dedication over the course of the year. You have been amazing!

End of year celebration assemblies

These will be held in school on the following dates:

Class 1 (Miss Hall) - Tuesday 18th July at 2pm Class 2 (Mrs Weatherall and Mrs Davis) - Wednesday 19th July at 2pm Class 3 (Mr Atkinson) - Thursday 20th July at 2pm Class 4 (Mrs Morton) - Friday 21st July at 2pm Nursery (Miss Hall) - Friday 21st July at 11:15am*

*We invite all children to attend Nursery on Friday morning. There will be no Nursery session or lunchtime provision on Friday afternoon. We ask that all children are taken home or collected after the assembly. Year 5 visit to

Year 5 children will visit Parkside Academy on Monday 3rd July to take part in a multiskills event. Children will need to wear their sports kit, including appropriate footwear, and bring a water bottle. A complimentary lunch will be provided.

Whole School Sports Afternoon - Wednesday 28th June from 1:00pm

Our Sports Crew are finalising plans for our Whole School Sports event, and we look forward to sharing their plans with you very soon! Parents from Reception to Year 6 are invited to attend.

Early Years Sports Morning - Thursday 29th June from 10am

We would like to invite all Nursery children to attend this session, and also invite Nursery Parents to our Early Years Sports Morning. All Nursery children are invited to attend the Sports morning.

Year 6 Transition to Wolsingham School

Tuesday 11th July - Wednesday 12th July - Thursday 13th July

For those children who will be attending Wolsingham School in September, you should have received information relating to this directly from Wolsingham School.

Year 6 Transition to Parkside Academy - Thursday 13th July

For those children who will be attending Parkside Academy in September, you should have received information relating to this directly from Parkside Academy. Children will also take part in a small workshop with students from other schools on the morning of Monday 19th June. The session will allow your child to familiarise themselves with the orientation of the school and routines.

We will hold our ‘Moving up’ day on the 13th July. On this day, children will spend time with their new classmates, and staff who they will be working with in 2017- 2018. 30 hours free childcare

As you may be aware, all children aged 3 and 4 years old, have a universal offer of 15 hours Nursery provision. From September 2017, working Parents will be offered an additional 15 hours if a given criteria is met - earning less than £100k/working a minimum of 16 hours a week.

Peases West Nursery is offering 30 hours provision to eligible 3 and 4 year olds.

Parents are now able to check their eligibility for 30 hours online, using the website below. If eligible, parents will receive a code which they will take to their Nursery/Provider of their choice along with their national insurance number and their child’s date of birth. Nurseries/providers will need to validate their code with Durham County Council before a place can be offered.

It is planned that Nurseries/providers will be able to validate this online through the ‘Synergy’ system which will be in place prior to September 2017. All 30 hours parents will need to complete and sign a new parental declaration form to allow this and other checks to be carried out through the online system.

Share Aware, from NSPCC and O2, gives parents all the tools they need to have regular and informed conversations with their child about staying safe online. Under 20% of parents discuss online safety regularly with their children but they want to get every family talking about their child’s life online, just as they would their day at school.

Parents can sign up to the Icebreaker email series and become an expert in their child’s online world in 6 weeks, follow the four simple steps to keeping kids safe online, watch the film ‘Safety advice from a 10 year old’ or visit Net Aware – the guide to your child’s social networks apps and games.

The internet is a great place for kids to be, being Share Aware makes it safer. Parent View

We value your feedback and your views on all aspects of school life help staff and governors to make Peases West Primary School the best place it can be! You can always share you views by using the ‘Have your Say’ section of the newsletter. This can be handed in with your child, or posted in the ‘rainbow’ box in the main entrance. Alternatively, Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about your child’s school, from the quality of teaching to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. The survey can be completed at any time; Thank you!

If your child is late for school, they must report to the school office with a reason why or it could be recorded as an unauthorised late.

Thank you in advance for your co-operation.

We value and welcome your comments on all aspects of school life. These can be shared by completing and returning the slip below. Thank you!

Praise, Positives & Progress

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Things to develop

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... Suggestions for improvement

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Thank you.

Name: ………………………………………………………………….. (optional) Date:…………………………………………..