Czech Republic/Ireland/Poland/Slovakia 捷克/愛爾蘭/波蘭/斯洛伐克 2020 | Czech | Online | Colour | 118min Director Producer Šárka Cimbalová, Kevan Van Thompson Scriptwriter Marek Epstein Cinematographer Martin Strba Editor Pavel Hrdlicka Production Designer Milan Bycek Music Antoni Komasa-Lazarkiewicz Sound Radim Hladik Jr. Cast Ivan Trojan, Josef Trojan, Juraj Loj, Jaroslava Pokorná, Ji í erný, Miroslav Hanuš Production Marlene Film Production World Sales Films Boutique

©Jacek Poremba

Charlatan arlatán 我不是醫神

Charlatan tells the story of (Jan) Mikolášek’s rise and fall. Of his [導演的話] moral fall and of his constant fight with the darkness inside him. 著名醫師米高拉錫,以獨特醫術名揚四海,富甲一方。 It is the story of the mystery of a man, of the mystery of his special 在戰前捷克已儼如建制;即使在德國佔領時期,仍因替 gift, of the price he was ready to pay for it; the story of the paradox of 納粹官員治療而保持地位。戰後他以為跟以往無異。掌 strength and weakness, of love and hate. 權的共產黨一樣是人,生病就需要醫生,尤其是神醫。 To tell this story with an epic scope – dozens of years, three different 然而局勢變化,當守護他的史太林信徒去世,新政府決 regimes, two World Wars – but one, that feels, at the same time, 定要摧毀他,因他顯得太特別、太富有、太獨立。 extremely intimate, I tried to find a sensual and minimalistic 影片說的就是他的起落、他的失德以及如何不斷與內心 language. Static. Quiet. Spare dialogue. Hidden emotions. Extremely 陰暗面搏鬥。故事也關於他的秘密和獨特天賦,以及他 subjective passages of time: years pass in a few minutes, minutes 準備為此付出何種代價。那是一個關於強弱和愛恨的弔 are extended to feel like eternity. 詭故事。 I tried to show a human soul without entering into the depth of 史詩式的敘事架構,情節歷時數十載,經過三個政權、 psychological analysis, express interiority through behaviour. The 兩次世界大戰。然而也極為私密。我嘗試尋找一種感性 faces of actors, the tension between the characters, their constant 而簡約的語言。靜止的鏡頭、寂默的氛圍、省略的對 efforts to pass through each other’s armour are what drive the 白、隱藏的情緒。極度主觀的時間流轉:分秒之間,數 story forward; the background, the big history of the 20th century is 年便過去,而故事裏的數分鐘,則會感覺宛如永恆。 reflected in their fate. 我嘗試以行為彰顯內心,但求毋須進入心理分析的深處 Agnieszka Holland 便可呈現一個人的靈魂。演員的臉容、角色間的張力、 他們不斷突破對方防護機制的努力,都是驅動故事發展 的因子。作為故事背景的二十世紀大歷史,則透過他們 的命運反映出來。

Agnieszka HOLLAND was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1948. She graduated from Film and SELECTED FILMOGRAPHY 主要作品 TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague in 1971. She began her film career 1995 Total Eclipse 心之全蝕 working with Krzysztof Zanussi as assistant director, and Andrzej Wajda as her mentor. Her 2006 貝多芬未緣曲 first feature, Provincial Actors (78), won the FIPRESCI Prize at Cannes. She won the Silver 2011 In Darkness 無光歲月 Berlin Bear Alfred Bauer Prize for Spoor at Berlinale in 2017. 2017 Spoor 獵肉者鄙 安妮茜嘉賀蘭 1948 年生於波蘭華沙,1971 年在捷克布拉格 FAMU 電影學院導演系畢業。 2019 Mr. Jones 新聞守護者 投身電影之初當波蘭贊祿西副導,華意達是她的啟蒙老師。首部長片《地方演員》(78)獲 2020 Charlatan 我不是醫神 康城影展國際影評人聯盟獎。2017 年憑《獵肉者鄙》奪得柏林影展艾佛鮑華銀熊獎。 ©Jacek Poremba