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Pywell Joseph, shoe maker Tailby John, Crown P.R STRETTOY MAGNA. Blhind Thflmas M.R.C.S.Eng.,L.R.C.P. Thumpson George, jobbing gardener Lond. surgeon &; medical officer & Ward M. J. &; Son, coal merchants &c. Packe Rev. Wil~am James M.A. public vaccinator, No. I Western (James FolweII, agent), Railway Stretton hall dist.rict, Billesden union station; chief office, Medbourne Buswell John, farmer Shipp Samuel &; Son, linen &; woollen Wheatley Thomas, boot maker Harris William Jarum, farmer drapers, hatters &c Wright Catherine (Mrs.), laundress GLEN P ARVA, a township or lordship of Aylestone Mrs. Knight, of Holmesdale, Leamington Spa. Buildings (larish, on the bank of the Union canal, together with for the military depot centre of the 17th Regimental South , form a parish in the Southern division of district were erected here during the period 1877-80, the county, Guthlaxton hundred, Blaby union, and include barracks, of red brick, situated upon ~tty sessional division and county court district and an eminence adjoining the railway: for officers of the in the rural deanery of Christianity or Leicester, arch- regimental district see Leicester. An area of 780 acres deaconry of Leicester and diocese of Peterborough. Glen of fine land, belongs to the trustees of Major Gregory Parva is divided from Blaby by the small , Knight J.P. (d. 1898), Lieut.-Col. Philip Peter Perring 8l1d has a station on the London and North Western rail- Goodchild, of Rotherby, and the old families of Gregory way, and is about a mile north-west from Whetstone sta- and Simpkin, and 26 acres to the poor of Wigston. Th& tion on the Great Central railway and a mile west from area of Glen Parva township is 837 acres .of land and 18 the south Wigston station on the , and 4 of water; rateable value £4,484; the population in 1891 from Leicester. The church of Saint Thomas, South was 483, including 334 in barracks. Wigston, locally in the hamlet gf Glen Parva, erected in Letters through Ledcester. The nearest mOJll'y order &; 1893, in place of the former mission hall, built in 1886, is telegraph office is at South Wigs ton a plain edifice of red brick, in part by the Leicester Church This place is included in Wigsto.. Magna United School Extension Board, who subscribed £1,75° of the cost, a Board district. The childre. attend th(/ school at further £1,000, and the pulpit being the gifts of T. South Wigston Ingram esq. of Wigston Magna, who has also presented Railway Station.-Walter Vernon Scott, station master an organ. The church seats 600 persons. The living is a perpetual curacy, net annual value £II4, with Post, M. O. &; T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Peterborough, Post, S. B. &; Annuity &; Insurance Office, South Wigs- and held since 1893 by the Rev. WaIter Godfrey ton.-Wm. Arnold Deeming, sub-postmaster. Letters Whittingham RA. of St. Peter's College, Cam- arrive by mail train from Leicester at 6·7 a.m. 12·50 bridge and a.cting chaplain to the forces at Glen Parva &; 5·3 p.m. ; dispatched at 10.50 a.m. 1.10,6.15 &; 9.10 p.m barracks. There are Wesleyan and Congregational Board Schools, Dunton street, South WigstC'n (mixed), chapels in Blalby road, and a Christian meeting hou~e in erected in 1886 &; enlarged in 1892, for 495 children; Canal street, South Wigston. The pC'pulation of South average attendance, 535; Henry J ames Barwick, master Wigston ecclesiastical parish is between 4,000 and 5,000, Board School, Dunton street, South Wigston (infants'), including the troops at Glen Parva barracks. At Glen erected in 1892, for 405 children; average attendance, Parva in 1866 the remains of three Saxon interments, 2 310; Miss Adelaide Caroline Lewin, mistress males and I female, were found here; the skeletons, Railway Station, South Wigston (Leicester &; Rugby line), supposed to be those of a lady of rank and two warriors Henry Merryweather, station master of the 6th century, were quite perfect; with that of the Carriers to Leicester from South Wigston.-J ohn Ward &; female were various curious ornaments and a spear head John Charles Wright, daily; Timothy White, twice a 'With the other,s; these relics are now in posses,siGn of day, except friday; F. &; E. Bailey, daily, Buckley &; Son GLENPARVA. Dunmore William, The Limes BillsonJn.coal mer. Sth.Wigston statn Ellingworth Mrs. Victoria villa Bird Elizh. Mary (Mrs.), dress maker Atkinson James, Marstown villas Gamble John, St. Leonards Black John Wycliffe, boot &:; shoe Barwick Henry J ames, Instow house Gamble William, Carlton house manufacturer, see Toone &; Black Burnaby Mrs. Marstown villas Hamp Robert, Leopold house BOWD Albert, hair dresser Gamble Harry, Florence villa Harris Thomas, Kingston house Brica Frederick Gratton, chemist &; Hardy Samuel, The Manor house Kerr Oliver, Richmond house druggist &:; agent for W. &; A. Gil- Lee J ames, Me.lford villas Kirk Noah, Malvern house bey Lim. wine &; spirit merchants Perry Rev. Frank Edward (Congrega­ Loakes Henry, Fairfield house Browett Mary (Mrs.), butcher tional), Melford villas MacmiIIan John, Eastw"od house Brown J ames, I!hopkeeper RoIIeston Sir John Fowke Lancelot Marshall John William, Chandos villa Bruce John James, pawnbroker J.P. Glen Parva grange Mills Thomas, Holmwood house Brues &; Son, elastic webbs, oords Jii Rolleston William Gustavus Stanhope, Norman George, Albany house braids manufacturers Marstown villas Peck George Harold, Olive villa Bryan Gabriel, inland revenue officer Simp80n Wm. Henry, Marstown villas Simpson HerbeTt Buckley &; Son, carriers Warren Richard Hy. Fernleigh honso Smith Edwin, Olney cottage Bunning Samuel, Grand hotel COMMERCIAL. Southam George, Stoneleigh villa Burford Thomas, tQbacconist &:; paintr Brookes William, shopkeeper Squires Isaac, Clydesdale house Byford Elias, boot &; shoe maker Chadwick William, station master Toon Mrs. Grasmere house Carmichael & Sons, drapers Ellis John & Sons Limited, coal mer- Toone Benjamin, Cambridge house Cartwright Charles, shopkeeper chants (Ward Elon, agent) Webb Mrs. Bernard villa Chittem Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper Ford Henry, boot & shoe maker Weston George, Lionel villa Clarke Ezra, dairyman Glen Parva Laundry (Mrs. Mary White Thomas, Ashford house Clay Eliza (Miss), tobcnst. &; cnfctnr Hanney, proprietress) Whitley John Leether, Fern house Clay Alfred, baker &; corn dealer Greet Miriam (Mrs.), farmer Whittingham Rev. Walter Godfrey Cole Frederick, draper Hyde Arthur, Union inn B.A. The Vicarage Conservative. Club, Glengate street Knighton Junction Brick Co. Limited. Wright Orson, Ashbourne house (Robert Hamp, sec) See advert COMMERCIAL. Cooper Thomas, insurance agent Needham John Thomas,shopkeeper Ainge William, coal merchant Cowcher Edward Roland, surgeon RoIIeston Sir John Fowke Lancelot, Allsopp William, hair dresser Creasey Elizabeth (Mrs.), pork butchr frmr. &; lndownr. Glen Parva grange Anderson James L.R.C.P. &; L.R.C.S. Deeming William Arnold, stationer &\ Smith Oharles, farmer surgeon post office Thornton John, farmer Asp ell Thomas William, shopkeeper Devas, Routledge &; Co. Limited (W. Toone & Black, boot & shoe manufactr Bailev F. &; E. carriers &; butchers Buckler, manager), hosiery manufr9 WhitUe Arthur, farmer Barniey Arthur Xathaniel L.R.C.P. Dunmors W. &; Son Lim.biscuit mfrs L.R.C.S.Edin. surgeon &; medical Ebenezer Stores, boot &; shoe dealers SOUTH WIGS TON. officer &; public vaccinator, South (Joseph Adams, manager) PRIVATE RESIDENTS. 1Vigston district, Blaby union &; Farmer J esse, boot &; shoe maker Anderson J ames I certifving factory surgeon Freeman Samuel, cabinet maker &\ .Alcock William Barrs, Blaby road Bates Henry, hosiery manufacturer upholsterer Archer James, Kendal house Bennett William, chimney sweeper Freeman Sarah (Mrs.), grocer Ball Edward Henry, Conway house Bent Arthur, insurance agent Gadsby Sarah Elizh. (Miss), milliner Barnley Arthur Nathaniel Biggs Frank CoIIiver, plumber Gamble John, boot & shoe manllfr Bol8over Wilson, Clifford Toad Big-gs John T. plumber &; glazier Gamble WaIter, boot &; shoe maker Burdett Charles, Granville house Biggs Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper Garnett William, news agent Cramp WaIter Joseph, Ebor villa Billington OliveI', fruiterer &:c Goodman John, insurance agent LEICS. & RUT. 6