\ • WILMING-TOIST, DEL. SB TRIBUNE, THE SravtUtrS’ <8uiûr. - JudueKi nnanl. of Ilie Galveatou and VraveUtrii’ linem euk new ïohK rules for the government <»r this H«»nw> until new Spirit of the Press. rcjpgfP HS'Sf“™«"« pRElOHT...«, Htiitiolis «»n the CAMDEN tU'd AuM- rHR MAIDS VISSW. that the enacted »tay law of Texas wa»- aud all cminectiiiK Railroad«. INCREASED DK P,«»ok»i.. -lndKO Bond ot Baltimore, and Bev. rules l>« made. Head and adopt«-«. a the Gov* i; 'kuAITTIMIS TABLE. 1, I) William Alkmnn or Haaovor Pn»hjrterl»i. Cbnnh to Mr. Heed, fI om Committee U» wait Indlnnn Conaplracy Dwiaton. ' ""--The! city of Norfolk has no public W ater 0ITHK ^CAMDEN AND AMBOY RA1LR0AE AND Ifl The COMMENCING MONDAY, DEC. 24. I»«'. Mrttihtr? Wém. this city, were college ’ mates, and member- of the The Elfictlon of §p«»ker Ponder -la Wf » through the temury' New York PntwHy. On motion of Mr. Pratt, a committee of t New Turk will U-avu NVALNl'T Htreet Wharf nt C A not her Boy »rd for the Senote- The lot­ him position to the recent decision of the U. S. —Dan'l. E. Sctchell, the comedian, Is sup A KXTOESs’tRAIN1 « ÆÏM ««jP£ teries and Ham Townsend. New Hotel.-The people of Wilmington »ki- !!Ct5ir“ÖÄ Ä Supreme Court in the Indiana Conspiracy posed to have been lostat sea on bis way jS6£ SÄ S£$ o'clock, to he Smith. THE tattusr the project of ereettug. a drat clucM Hotel in Mr. Allderdice offered a resolution “tbat «jectortt being a purely political opinion like from San Francisco to New Zealand. ei,) forwarded the lines will 1 ve New York ; Special corresjtoivlenee of the Com niai. in berebv directed to ftimlah during the MaatontJ , as - -Lient, Wilson, of the 6th V. S. uavali}. Ä ItavÄ brace, Alerdceo, PerryojauV, »l|f- Kemriilns. the alsi that city. A committee has been appointed Dovaa, .January 8d, 1*67. ^YÄ'TÄraa.ÄA^’SÄeaeep. ■SS? Äm, Prince..,,,. King,,.;,,. New each member of the Hone« a dally imper ofli»hi choice; that in the Dre.1 Scott c The New York of Senator Wi son of Masaachuaettt. Delaware Tribune I a charter from the Legislature. It la about time they The Haulsburv clique aucceeded In obtaining the or- BOD Brunswick, and S«i |l™ had wakeued up lu that direction.--»'««*» Chester He- pl,î Sf'ewh newspaper published in the State." Read Chronicle per- died at Austin. Texas, on the 66th uiBt. I Herald and Washing!, IITEBABY. MBWB- ganlzotlon of the 8« ? by the election of Ponder for —One editor in asks another iÄl« »Itb £>££«"£ ..«’«0,10,400 Railroad ; aleo ,u ... .h» Rrt-fhold and Jumeaburg, i hups the severest critics among the oews- hurt on, the Ne . paper. puWcan. Speaker, id Walcott for Clark. Mr. P der, you , Secretary of State, preeent- o whether he can bite the bottom oi a fry­ Burllngt.ni and Em pit ^Holly Railroad*, will lect re in I* a brother-in-law of Senator Sauto­ ■mpkw»* — comptmylng . The Philadelphia North Ameri- foÉxï>HEO»0TKAlN «t H.'«; A. M, (HimHaya eaeep- d LARGEST PAPF.B IN THE STATE I Lrotubr.—Rev. A. Rlttenhou wilt re ■inbi edl a message from the C1« ptip'Trt ing-pan off without smutting his nose. the Paul'« M. K. Church, on Friday evening, .January d 1 -1 irs« acta to hie interest. It in believed doe had a dignified but severe nrtlele on the .„The Princess Alexandra is in a mildly tl of Mr. Fri » read. lMn«d Every Thareday. 11th, 180T, f«>r the benefit of Independent DIvWou, by e that it is It ret step In carrying out a pr«»- «nid, I copies of Interesting situation, which the knowing lion of Mr. Itav printed. decision in its issue of Friday. No. P, N. of T. The subject to b«» dlecourned upon gramme; mode...... uiuee election. Thin theory Ik to the the (» sav is likely to culminate nest month. A HAlfDHÖMK sheet, I'oiiun i 11 n .•»lit upon Chaplain c » "A'k.re! ffiEim'iÄiïiïv.ahàlh «5; by the Rev. gentleman will be the “ Restoration of the effect that owing to the conduct of He or Saulsbury, Mr. Rllaeon fr«» the I»r**aldlenl. IT IS rted that h>- had acce «1 ie lnvltrttl .it of the The Louisville Journal says “the river Aberdeen, Pcrrymuu Jew«," and thote who know hl« eminent abllttlee wilt he will be returned when bin present hasex- We solution, directing the There is no “let up" to Colonel Forney'» was at a stand yesterday aftemon. “otgStBcPrSSs have opportunity of hearing him. plred. To prev the office from leaving the “ fami- Mr. A'lderdlce fl il U wonder was it a pea nut Htand. ^■ïiSmïfeSîn“ specifying thu mark« and ly," it Is proposed that Gove will resign, aud of course Clerk_ to furnish of the Iloftse with one scathing criticisms < the President. We .tea of this city w i held copy «»r the Revised Code, of the l th aud tâtji —“ Thus do all traitors : i^hafi of the new school atSixth aud Plue Streets, the present Speaker of the Senate will become Gov- volumes of the laws of the ;e. ami one of > he taws cut the following from ltis “ Occasional If their purgut tous did cousiBt in woran, in I . Then Willard Ib to resign, d Gove lie sent the session of lSÖtl, which resolution w Ij0ABHTHAr rsOK UBNKRAI, NEWS ; Chri.lia«. a.y, at which It was uminlmoa.ly letter to the Prc.M of Buturday :-• They are as innocent as grace ilwlv. Crinfield with Bout for Norfolk, 1 ort»mouth and tl "“"'‘Äaredi,^"'5h“L1.,X\“ïtÂcdm m w In his place to the Senate. This is the reported pro- ed, —The New Orleans Investigating Com- n AB*UWBL 3 CR AND SABBATH aarecd to isitltton th« ii|ii«latare In lt»comliiii«e»«i"“ >rk of the He being admitted presented “The infamy of a President of the United . a KKUGIorS believe It will bo «;arrle«l out.— a Joint• • res« lutiou mittee had ita ranks fill, d l.y the arrival of Bomb, igers by boat from Baltimore for P«W trauap««"ST when ut ock la furnished tu quantities •qSOSSta®* to -rant them their «hare of the «chtsil fond, tor the gramme. I do •e of the II«) States advising convicted and confessed lie forced into a resignation, idJournlngbulh H;.u»a (whan the)-rtlnnrn o-day) Monroe und Norfolk, will tuke the 11.4ft A. M. Train. t ry tl»« purliuLäa or more, il will l»e delivered at ü>ç benefit of Ht. Mary’s and 8t. Peter's ««bools of thla Willard Is not a traitors to reject an amendment of the Mr. Boyer, of Pe in that city, on Mou- I utrload» the ijr„Ve Yard, «.r al Pu r the Renate, he 1 “'Si iaudullVt Mr! Prime the Him«« Vei urred la WILMINGTON ACCOMMODATION TRAINS, city, und for Ht. «Joseph’s school on the banks.—Go- and although G« i doubt Iush prefe tional Constitution, after that amendment day. tU« »hippe;» may deeigmtl* at HH. This 1h certain,—If it Stopping at all statious betweeu Philadelphia and 1 North Ri somewhat doubtful of had been adopted by more than two-thirds -The Nashville Prêta and Timet places HW larius^'u^ötheV iufotmutlou apply We republleh Iron» the Dattv f«* . all zttfr. mid Is* strong oppoaitlon I» Mr. Duc« the House adjourned. the following platform at its editorial heail . Wilmington : the the Editorials of geuera! Interet, the ftt» Of Are not the Public Schools already established as ut tempted tliere of the two Houses of Congress, and ratified Leave Philadelphia at Li.«o, 4.00. «.w aand 11.80 Fui «•™v(.ALT|Jli pukkmaN. frmatt Uaent, •lx* einlmrs of that branch being what "îtiarylandïtôuïs. with '“"'"S'?*«»- f- *.rs, Orlglusl open to children of ibis denomination us td those «>f the House, many m bv most of the Legislatures of the loyal The eufraneliisemeut of loyul citizens f/lnilv ï 1» M The 4.00 P. M. truiu coune No. 2311 s. DELAWARE Arcm.c 1 hU«d. lj.hia ! Of race, religion, color or Delaware Railroad for Milford and Inte Wc any allier. If ibay are there I» no rea«.m why any kn MaUYLANI» PoST-OKKie . —The •Hates, and bv more than four hundred without respect ÎSS TliV o ilo P. M. trail, nine lo Naw Oa»do. ÄS S'S.'-Ci,^" “ A. Wsrd, ae luw«*r id pen* -mtA'j-yi WEST CHESTER anw PHILA- Stories t«» Mate aid «hautet be extended to their denemlnatlonal It Is nnderetood that the organization *.r Bee Tree postolllee, Baltimore county, Mary­ thousand majority of the popular vote, ^ Af liberttl common school establishment Leave NN iuniugtou at 7.1ft and S.«0 A. M., ». DELPHI A R. K«, VIA MEDIA. Our bum« branch I« In the Interest of Thus. F. Bayard, i«»r Hmi- Jr.," contributes «chu»!« over which the public con excrete no control. land, in ehangetl to Bentley Springs, and reserved for the Administration of Andrew C SUTURUUGU TRAINS FROM BALTIMORE, ■re Is a report for the benefit of every child in the State. Hinter A rran>ievumt. mailed from this city in time to ha fur- ntor, should there l>o a vucaucy ; Chus. W. Bentley in retained us poatmaster. Johnson. But when these traitors are addi­ id after Monday, October 15ib, 1SUC, the trains It is of Mr. Riddle’s resigning on ount of his healib, At Norllieaat, , 8. L. rhotnas is tionally invoked to maintain their attitude A well organized loyal militia. Leave WllmlhlrtOT at 10.35 A.M., 4.10aud0.52 P.M. warded to all portions of Delaware Eastern M“r>* T„k Countv B. H.10S0«.—Fureuxnl to a call, private- —Neighbor Walter, of the Chester Re­ lghboring counties of , by which has heco feeble. Hhoufd be d«* so, look appointed mail messenger, in place of Albei t of hatred to the Government, by the formal CHESTER FOR PHILADELPHIA. Und, lv sent und publicly announced lu the newspapers, a lluiley, resigned. At Winfield, Carroll publican, has a Southern friend who sends H Trahis leave[, Saturday night. meeting was held on Monday evening at the Hcleutillc uut for a squabble in camp. declaration of this same man, that the Su- 7.69, 0.13 and .10, A. M., 3.43, Üh •r—7.W) A. M., 11 A. M *!$&!&*bject ol the i and John MeGlade, of New \ork, takes Charleston (S. Courier of Tuesday last. clubs:— Beed tiluce near Havre-de-Graee, Md.,onthe l.»th In an article published in nearly all of yes­ regarding the whole country as, ours, from stations at 4.U0 P. M. 10 P. M. .* 3.75 meetlug t«> he to take measures fav«»rable to the remov­ Ham Townsend has been d« Maine t.r Georgia, ami from Delaware Bay 4.1R and 11. for Philadelphia—8.47 A. M., 7.35 2 copies, and IVnnlugtnn. Whether It h lottery nr division instant. Betting on the result among the terday’s newspapers, carefully states that TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE, Leave I ii«'1;"« al of the county seat of Justice from New Csstle to to Pacific, eu tlvate amnity, &c. All very 4.4» and 9.12 A. M., and 0.3S P. M ir Tbo Ca.h hi alt ra«e« to accompany tile o'4er. •robably both, I will “fancy” is lively, the odds at least m Wash­ the President, in an interview with Colonel Leave Ch«* PThLM train« atop nt all lntermodiate »tatton». Wilmington. U wa» provo««« I» trau»!«« tk« E.mri of counties, time will show. well, but what bas Dr. Johnson aguiust ,u at 6.23 and 10.00 A.M., 4.1S P.M On 6rNiiavs.—L«nve Phlladulphla at».at A. M.,and No paper will be sent after the time for w hlcu ... and count j olBcera but not tbe jail. He »i»>k, posted In all the artion of the "Third ington, being in favor oi Collyer, the Balti­ Wcutherby. a member of the “ Wilmington Hu the other side of the Buy. SENDAY TRAIN FROM BALTIMORE. It is ordered. >me length of the desirableness aud actual SMITH. morean.—- Washington Rep, Senate, “expressed a hope that, the South- Jerw*v 2.00 P. M. f at 7 ftft A M d ft.00 P. M. Seud in vouy «»rders ai o —Valuable veins of copper have bee Leave Baltimore at ».25 P. M„ itopptnr i B« jnnwfflSSb- sity of effecting this change, and In reference to the ein Stfitvw would remain firm ill their poaj* de-Grace, Pcrryvllle and Wilmington. Also PlXdc'î ifurds file constitutional amend­ discovered in Louisa county, Va. for jt fact of the presentment made by the Grand Jury, Bald LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS. WiiHliiufpton Item». tit —The number of emigrants that ‘rived Elkton and Newark (to take passengersgtoii or Baltl he believed such a state of things, requiring such ex- ment, and steadfastly reject it.' Ami furth­ uhla, and leave passengers from Washini i J. F. Hartley, Es«!., on» of the Assistant er, “ that the President feels confident, it i New York from January 1st to December more,) and Chester to leave passenge from Baltimur« without precedent in this neigh- To v, Jan. 1st, 1*«I7. 26th, 1866, was 227,443. The arrtvlas lust Secretaries of t lie Treasury, remains quite m from a recent dcchion given hg the Su­ or Washington. H. F. KENNEY. Superintendent. £bp» ÄS'Ä • boring preme Court, that he will hr «untwined year to the same date were 1112,335. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. ul for presautatlou the LegU- At the regular session of the moral Assembly of of Pneumonia. . . —Ex-Senator C. C. Olay Ims returned AIL special contract Is made for the A petition prep the State ot Delaware «iinvened tht. day ...... Preparations are in progress, under tne In/ that law-abiding hod//." ,j^^Kir>55,UNEVAKE HENRY WOOD, lature was read, and itl»n of Mr. Bayard, it there were present ol the members «»f the nenate home utter a protracted absence, to find his General huperintendent. auspices of the National Union Democratic Here we have, at a glance, another evi­ CHA SOft OF HOURS. OUK LEIT’EU H»X. solved that a committee of five should be appointed Messrs. Isa-.c 8. Kllh)tt and •»»hi»«- Jackson, «»f New dence of the fatal tendency of the recent de­ property libelled for confiscation at the in­ Philadelphia, Oct. 1st, 1806.______llltfltlmi •ment of the Signatare« of the Castle county ; Messrs. John II. Bewley, James W11, Executive Committee, for the Celebration of stance of the United States District Court ON AND AFTER MONDAY, DEC. 24, I860. “Ü," witiTKs i s thus, endorsing eiid to the pi oc liatns and Joan W. Hall, of Kent county, ami Messrs. the Anniversary of the Baltic of New Or­ cision of Hie Supreme Court, by a majority orth Pennsylvania JÆJ*2Aî;TÎî?§ riete shall be hu- these petition*. It James Ponder, John H. Paynter and Jacob Bounds- Passenger Train» will follows, until further the question whether co people of the county leans, by a banquet, at which an address will of one . that there if way to punish for Nortli America. ___ _ N fur us possible: - time to fix upon hruted completely or ud that the Chaim Hlnuihl have so 0f(filarU*H P."widherby, late Clerk, called the Senate be delivered and the usual ceremonies ob­ a large class of guilty traitors, by civil ÄNI) wiLKEHBARRE, the Hcnthnc of the litten, d after remarks from Judge Gllpi A.M. A.M.1LEAVE P.M. A M. P.M. • 1 »rillully end this co 1‘On motion of Mr. Ponder, Mr. Bewley w s *rved. trial», these trials ill most cases to be LEAVE 0.45 10.46[I’hlad'a, 11.06 8.J0 4.00 SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. •lie» of barb: J. T. Healdaudo •etiug adj« i appolnt- The public departments are closed and the ducted In communities thoroughly and ex­ parriagts. ( 'i i• -1i‘• 1 f1. Com3 t.'iAi«, in regard to those Marl 11.10 r. m. Uy, the pillory und the whipping p , and hope Friday veiling. ed Sneaker pro tern. dav is generally observed a» a Holiday. ultantly disaffected to the Government, and - r^rr£~^rD8oN -Önlhe 2<5tb or July, IBM, by 11.25 Battii , S.25 7.25 1.10 °«, si ffÄ«“Ä On motion of Mr. Ponder, the re iis «»f elections Ell A.M. A.M. p'.r ve Thompson street, Philadelphia, daily, (Sunday • rational, huuiuue, mid The Private Secretary to Gov. E at ion of that all former trials of tills kind wen ille- Wa ker Jackson, Capt. Nathaniel Bayne w IW miur k.—David Lyimm has pur- for He or Mr. IVilllams, the Henat" preteeded P. M. »'ihn«) ,12.25 10.10 6.30 s s of Kkxi. Esta On moth publishes a card in the Montgome- gal, thus opening the road to a new system of Newark, Del., to Mliw Liszle C.. only daughter 7.49 12.1ftlN. Castl«1, 10.3ft 5.60 d>a?m?(Kxpr:css) f«»r Bethlehem, Atlentowr, Christian system, by which restraints and punlsh- ise and five arres of to elect hy ballot a Speaker. , , , i IMnccH* Ann«* v chased «»f Jonathan Catlin, ah« Messrs. Hull and .Jackson were appointed Tellers. v Jfail, denying tin: report that the Gover- of rebel revenge upon loyal men. And And- of the lat« Robert W. Hudson, of this city. , Kd . 18.1 »«»., 10.65 6.10 monts, may bu ndojited, better fitted t«» ecluiin land near Brandywine Springs Tor *.'<00. '• I nor is on a visit to Washington for political rew Johnson, connurent in nothing but i/jchnbR—PAYNTBR.—On the 18thof December, Flirki, 12.40 8t. Ge«)rgcs, 11.10 6.2ft afÄ*h;ÄÄ Upon th«i ballots being counted, it appeared that Jas. h.1ft 1.05 Mt. Pleasant, 11.25 6.3ft lu a. m. tAvconiimaiatiiiu) fur Fui t tVaahllltftou. the tmnsgre , and « effective Ann B. Huston has »«»Id the house No. 3 Orunge Ponder had received five votes,...... 8. Elliott < purlins,s. , , treachery, justifie»by this deciaion hit. -tick- Ä. Win. Morrison, of Delaware County Pa., for 1.20.Jliddlctoiwi,1.3ft 11.45 «.55 . (Aramiiiiiidartiin) tor Du! tie».” street, , John G. .Jackson « ' In all, twenty Muiisports are to lie »» nt ed encouragement ot treason, and his heart of Lewes, Sussex county, Del. No card*. Laurel, l^TowuHend, 11.55 7 ,W> S.3U p. m. (Expro«») tor Holblahoiii, ba»u •; explains Itself :— eB Ponder having received a majority of votes, i j. n p,.„n(.,. for the purpose of carrying the i;,8g proscription of loyalty. How rapidly Htr,VEv KKECfl—In Marshalton, on Christmas , toaford, M.Bft 2.06 Blackl)ird, 12.00 7.H' ™« lr“'“ with file New îtf rîeÿ'cSttral. and tor makes No» Thk Fou *2,son, 2.2i)]HaBBafrtt«, 12.10 7. .—While your sheet Is lavishing Woodward T. Juckson has purcliu-ed es of declared to bc duly elccte.^ was «mi eu- J p h troops home. Ten of them are to his despotic steps have bee« taken ! Eve. by John B. Temple, Esq., Mr. J»hn J;Harvey Br dgcvllle, lose couuectlo Den EmU ThoTrerî” XS5.II»«»! h, t. Bre.t Immodintcly. The French Min- - uamem ÿ rÄ&“Ä K"Ch' jSamund. 2.35'8myrna, 2.0ft 12.15 7. the multitude, ns :t citizen, I teel that a j r K •hmips’ property, iu Christiana Hd., for 2.4ft'Bren ford, 7.30 V rk. , AlUn- enterprislug eduent«»»' Prof. ; 41‘.’ft per ■«SSK—r. Bt*wt«y...... rattedvd n proclama- „.AlreTnny,1 from Fort Lari,nie, c^nfirn.» andert^-mysoN -Onth.^th A. M. only iM«x 18.1 t'is r,- s- fssssssesvr little is due to chased the three story brick '.Dover, ' 2.3ft 12.50 8.00 IWU, Manch Chunk, Danville and VV illluinspo i Robert Milford, ««.45 1 liarriug’n, 7 3.0ft Camden, l.OO 8.10 Reynolds. , ! house N«». 310 King Street, for *5000. CtS"taiiot Iwlncconntcd, Jamc» L, Wotcti tion for the ndmiwltm of French vcaaolaInto th(. statement that a terrible mtwwure oc- ^ Had™., both of Keat county, Del. '■ üoW il. Grove, 1. It is but little more than a y. at since he j ^ & ^ haye „old for Rev. Mr. Kellogg, wasfound and declared to be duly elated, was intro - our ports Up(,n payment ot the same rates ot on b riday, the -1st ult., near 1^o SAPP-HAMILTON.-On the 20th ntt« ta •ui>11h entered during the past year j ^ Hhlpley street, f«»r 4*,000. 10.41 4.25, Farm ington, 1,80 ,a!„K «cvciily-lhf (75.) Nu ...... ln Hin emu- ! Mr». John H. Kennard ba. pur,:h.»»d Ik. b,.u»«,N... found and declared to be elected, «luallrti d, and n |u” Freneli r><>rts. surrounded by Indians, and evert offleer HANDERS._RICEi_on Christmas Eve, at the|8t. timyrua, 3 8.06 1. ; l n - -ii ■ sear» It’d, 8.35 10, a. m., and 2.15 p. m. .reLÄ annolnttoi! R«v. H. The Presiileut Inis revoked the eneqimtur ,md nntn » killed.’' Nlchola« Iloiet, Rr»a,nva,v, New Yjjk, bj;R«v. da Blackbird, 8.45 4.46 Bridguvllle, 2 Fort Washington ir,' affiirda hiuer advntttugra for a tl»»“««fi!, ,llu- ! h.c«b»», Su. «1W 'coWaxer,“5Î Ätt ChV.tn of th. ««,»,« of Gerhard Janssen, Consul of Oldenburg nt —------Ad»“». Dr.R. T. | ’ I>lh ‘ WiSeaford, 4 .15 ON HUNDAY cation, i,a flu, liberal l"“lF. ARRIVE P.M. Prias Anne,5 J." liaSouth THIRD Street- «pleated tl»: finest specimens of school rooms in j Edward Htrauss, j)urchaheil the house 6a< ÊLLI8 CLARK, AeenL Hihnivtn ,10.2ft 12. at—tf t'nfi.v ! ket Btreet, for $4,360. New Castle County, \ 0cu hi^h tariff on imported wool > h toner they are eaten after baking, the bettor A. M. KlUi 6 the country I have set Curtis B. Ellason,mendier fro. k his neat. ; Gen! Grant has recovered from kite j und healthier they are. When turned over gtatUij. ______I Philada, j .60^ 1.30 8. 6.30 FOR NEW YORK. . H. Bullock, bus sold eight acres «>1 Und, with appeared, was qualified, and too A. M \KhiVR arranged. CheUea, Delà Ou motion of Mr. Bewley, a 1 rommiuei^Messre! • M. Bei tliemy, the new French Minister, is more than once, like wheat cakes, they _ Ealfknore, 5.45* 3.«s'’8;i5dri»d»id, 0.« 5.™ rrMIE Camden and Amboy Philadelphia and t the Prof. U entitled the liberal supp« blacksmith *b«>p, dwelling and barn, pointed on unfinished basin ill of erysipelas in Washington. spoiled, aud instead of being tlm most^RRtn- BROWN.—On the 2d Inst., Joseph A. Browu. , I Cbas. Young, for $4,000. NEW CARTl.t ACCOMMODATION. confident his school will ware Co., Pa- Bewley, Bounds, nnd Rllasoi a Committee of three rpll(, ft0,)UbHcans of the Second Congres- tfous of food, become the most indigestible. he has Jived. Ou motion of Mr. Willlami ääääi Leave New Caatle lor Wilmlugtuu aud Pbllai.e uasr äs? -m uv. On Tuesday night u thief was appointed to draft rule* for the g «»vernment of | District of New Hampshire have nom- Some housewives, not knowing this fact, phiu at 8.00 A. M. lx* one of the first in the land. An« m hit K«> «.00 P. M.; Wilmington t »av« a» “n,'J“tïmd7a and Amboy, Accomoda- ^ Kcumiu the Senate. Committee, Messrs. Willi ’ • ’ ! inated Gen. Aaron F. Stevens for Congress. whirh is really a chemical one-spoil this fur i ner notice. , . Leave Philadelphia entered the auction rooms «>1 Wm. (»rates, cor. eXdlliBt., atNew Ca tie. Samael yj» p. M. kir New ÇjMte. ,„h wilmlaat.. N Wit.MiNtn n, Dr.i... Fourth and King 8ts., and stole a piece clotl1» and Jackson. 1 'flic Washington Navy Yard will lie pro- yorite food. Soapstone griddles require no DANFORTH.-On of his age. The i Trains leuvhia Cristleld Ü.45 A. M., aua >v umingi" til id J* seyVilty Kx| «1st, iHrtU. On motion, adjourned. A. Dan! rth, In the 30th ye . M ! I),-,', in' h, pocket knives and several a better place for the grouse and never burn the cakes. i tea to attend hlafuue* i «omgfcsiutU at 12.26 A. M«, will run iu ih,)V Express... • «liver sp, HOL’HF. , posed to Congres» frieudu of the family ure il o’clock, A. M., with- i„(ll «iu, Steamboats to Norfolk aud I «> 2 P. M., via AmU).v Accommoda An Inh.k .k Kui.k.—CorresiHinde should The thief eutered through the ed aud took th«-ir | |ron.ela(ls than League Island. rai on Satu-day, 5tu lust., •htladclphi « P. M.,viu« other article.*. The following embers app t'uriher noli, e Express Trai ihm and Emigraol, .. 2 25 remember ult/uy* to their real names, New Year Day was very generally ob- Kksiji.t of ADVKitTibiNO —Stephen Girard, 1 They wd, b »p 1 uhi window, and it »upp :d to have been n Uiy, »« “Samuel Bancroft, Jr., Jam«,» Bradford, John A. All- AbHION.—Ou the 23d ultimo, ue Lewes, Sub — ft ich i heir tin F i with their coniiniinicati« , ami to write anything nerve,l «1» 1, holiday. The usual Presidential tlii n whom more shrewd businc88 man • Thomas It ul HOf'l i0 Ki he carried off uo articles ol considerable dcrdlce, Johu PilLng, Charles Corbet, Andrew Elia- liis experi- couuiy, Delaware, CharlolUJ, w.aow e 92,i year of iSb. P. M.. for Mi oily, Ewtuio- intended for publication on only • side of the s ,n. Le I Lattomus, of New Castle county. uml other receptions took place in Wnshmjr ever lived, gives the following A- iu, turmerly of Philadelphia, lu 1 H A. MmW. 5 A. M, aud weight, though there •re plenty of valuable GeorgelH. Rayiuoud, Ellas 8. Reed, Hounr 1 ratt ton, the publie oitlccs helns closed. wi villi-, Pe. Mice : il jre and Delaware R. R 2 P. M. I« r Freehold paper. goodH in the store. No clue has l>eun obtained to Peter 1^ Cooper, James H. Smith, Jo eph Boot», of ness was entirely saspended m New Y ork )■ M. Mid P. M., foi •• I have always considered advertising lib­ -ft j,, iu Wiiuiiugiou o A. M.. ’ll c.”—You can find ull the info rogues who committed the robbery. ;s, Payuter Frame, ami Baltimore, and partially suspended in lb , Pal the rogue or H nbcrt II. Divis, H hnmn* A. J erally and long to be the great medium of »•gut, Edge whom, Burlington, FI iu Appleton’s Cyclopedia. We I). Waples, John M. Houst *, «Joshua J. , 111 all the Catholic und many ol success ill Ijusinesa.aiid the prelude to wealth. TEMPLEMAN.-Ou the 10th alt., ÛlmlMllh, wife »ff •ftie lo A. M. uii(i4 P. M. doit j .—On the night of the lHth Willi county. this city, A. u. believe there is u copy in the Institute. A Tiiikf Caw Johnson and J lin H. Bacon, of Sussex tin* Episc,opal churches (hnmjnnut the And I have mode it un invariable rule to ad­ Huib of December, a young man by tbe of Hot»- J. Frank Haze late clerk callud the Houm t.) or- f' Ut Wi KEN SIN • 4TuN DEPOT WILL LEAVE -ho is the author of the. jllirinions services were held. vertise in the dullest times as well thu .IN Es Somebody asks d s appointed ÜUÜTE I A. Mm 4.;«). .1.45 P. M., and 2 P. M., ert Tull e ;red the carriage house of J. Tho ition or Mr. Reed, Mr. Hmlth Kenresaututivo Ashley, «1 Ohio, has pri- busiest, long experience huveing taught me ...... i -««rwy City Exuiom- Liiimn tare ------TO T11E euelUj'l dally. Ad tines Kirby, of Talbot county, aud took therefrom two *POukmo?!oii o?Mr. Reed, Mr. Bradford was appointed pareil a hill for tho impeoehment ot the1 re- that money thus spent is well laid?u*? “B FINANCIAL ANO COMMERCIAL. I 4ft P. M'.( Line will r “ How liappv could I be with either, sidunt, which he will introduce in the House SOUTH AND SOUTHWEbi, V" sets «ff carriage harness, a saddle und riding bli­ keeping my business continually before the Hit aud «.45 P. M. Were ’tother dear eltariner away.' cl On motion eff Mr. Reed, the returns of election for 0,HCK OK THK D.UI.V OoMSIKK« IAI«, \ 7. , 11 ï'.r Brist.d’, T nde tracks f«»r Delaware with his plun- public, it has secured me many sales that I ' Wilmington, Dei., Jan. 4, lwl7. ) . ! ,vaie Rail Ro.i i.'iÄ“: Who et die. und (JiMmltîôu of8M*r Raymond, the House proceeded it ia believed that tiie Ways and Means Com­ daily (Sand iy P. M., for Coru- der. The theft coming to the knowledge of would otherw* huve lost.” -5'a. M!!llcob liug wuh ibu mittee will report in favor of the public sale The First Natha ! Bank olthi city has announced TorriBdül tl a. Ta y, WibBiuo* Dkcah knt.—The Wnshlngto very etilcieuteonstuble, Edward T. Moore, he at ) elect bv ballot a 8ih nt., clear of U. b tax, payable ...... '.'*•••• ,i 1». 1ft A.M. Tine F Messrs.’ Davis and Pratt were appotnteu “JJ**™* . . of Treasury gold at stated periods. —Tiie Reverend Henry Ward Beecher, in a dividend of 5 pc Bride «. a*»« Steam Fire Engine Company of this city, cente once started iu pursuit of the thief, aud, fortu- iTnou the hallots being counted It appeared that CITY OF NORFOLK Sri .gi. I 3 P. M. lor 'imam A? Polk had recA^ived thl^en y t j Hon. Jos. J. Stewart, the unsuccessful can­ a recent sermon in New York, said: ou aud after the 10th l»»t. iuterimuti plate visiting Norfolk, Vn., in May next. „atvl „wrUmiled film jn.t fi«for« >'« readied Ha' didate for Congress in the Third Maryland II Falls. Buf* VV Smith one vote, and John A. Allderdice tbe votes. “ Do not hesitate to dance among your own .7 A. Mm »I 3.3» F. M lie was taken before Enquire n Whereupon William A. Polk, hnyhig received a District, has notified Gen. I helps that he will Stocks» nota, die. LADY OF THE LAKE, I«,, Dunkirk, umiidaigii Will im, Ithaca, Delaware Hue. family and friends, under the supposition Wilmington Quotation», tiirnlrihwl l>> K. R. !itofi Biughaiuuloii, < «ve«», Hjrm iiH , G Pollue Case». Wallace, and, lit default of bail, was couunited to mtorliv «,f all the votes cast, was declared elcc ed. contest the election on the ground of fwud It is certainly your liberty, oulh and Nortelk, Va. At Pon-imm,,. U< »I i Itail anil Alldonllcc »er« «WjlJjM that it is wrong, iusou ac Uo„ Banker», 111, und Marke, ,.dBMa.n,.HiMFor P« inaKe cuise cuuuection with trains ol Beiitl i rose, W ilketh [Before Mayor Valeutiue.] tla km.!,,« of Sfi. rlff Nofile. Tfila I» tfi« «reo,id bv the registrars and revolutionary interter- 8. te young KÄÄnultB Hailed Belviiler I Lainhurtville, Mary J. Wilson (colored) was brought before mittee to wait upon and inform Mr. Polk or his tie« euce on the part of Governor Swann, Gen­ and it is right and wholesome, at le o'clock. M„ to-day. ii 'liiglou, « P.M. Linec«muee.ismruci ladies asked me, ‘Who may ■civ I 111 ntie, Wilmiugiou, Char est«m, baYamiAh. anii I' Tli a charge of stealing a shawl and a or third Talfiot tfitef that Conalafile Moo „lion of Mr. Reed, the House adjourned uutll eral Grant, General Cunby, and others. . 134 u f«n- MaucU Chuuk, Al- the Mayor within the circle of our family Whoever Gold,---- 101 »n Huuihern Poiuls. Keinrniug, boats l,,aveion«. luulowu, Bethl I Peter Wilson. Site was held reriled efiieo fil. appointment. Gentle •n iHlong- 3 /clock In the afie Conscience money to the ainouut ot îÿ-«0 Ü. 8. 81 «I Ut U p. M., (Saturdays excepU'd,) ou arriva ville and intermeiUate atari pair of shoes fro is near enough to you to salute you in your ltd South■i.. Sunt hem train: passengers leave Cristiclu at P. M., for La of $200 to answer the charge at hi|{ to'the " light-fingered fraternity" received by the U. S. Treasurer ycstcr- 11 ! HU.VWJ WILLIAM H. GAT/.MK H. «■' : to bail th« House met pursuant to adjournment, Mr. Smith, own familv, and all others may be safely «•4ft A. M., a d arrive at WtlndUgUiu at 12.16 noon. of court at New Castle. poor clinuce ofeaeapln|( where Moore I,.—Dm,on considered'as not in your family. Your ÎÏft^ EKEIGHT CONNECTIONS III made not only at tin* next Speaker pro tent, being In thechalr. day.The internal revenue receipts from July 1865. 100 uoke Rah Road. PKOCL.AMAXIO rV. i’u Mr. Reed fr«mt Committee appointed to wait on the brothers and sisters aud cousins, and those Piirlsinouih. with Seaboard and R«> ) Notic.k.—During the Ntusiun of the 10-40 h,...... but at Norfolk, with au uubrukeu 1R.R. Rue, reaching .—Joseph Brown, a brick- Speaker elect, reported that the Speaker wa»Bl. 1st to date, are nearly $107,000,000. with whom you maintain relations like unto 105 cctiug aaac tee. Hie world npowoSt reformer i Simoi IN«, Dkj Oikmotion of Mr. Bacon, the House adjo Bd rrit of 7-30’*, Align the Miririiri»ippi at »teinpfii«, and Dr. Im thi Legislature, the steamboat expre tnuo the Chief Justice Chase bus refused a IIiom which exist in the household, you “ June, tiid celebrated Eleourlelan, Lombard St. Fifth, met Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock. linen 1 «»eh ail uoiuts iu South ,1» of Wilmington that he has by strong solicita Delaware Railroad, coming North, will layer, residing oil m for the release oi Dr. Mudd» mav i egard as within your family circle.— Juli »9 « 99tf E. Q. SEWALL, cl«* nher of bis patients here, andmauy UP Wedues- habeas corpus pirators imprisoned ut the Delaware Supt. Del. U. R. Line. don of^a ( .40, A. M., and Bridgevllle, 9.10, with his death in : n awful manner Wxnr >av, Jan. 2d, 1 of the c Bui 1 think that, if a lady wants to know Delaware R. R. do. 1st mortgag lift Vti dec ... has been accqtialuted wlin in Chester Laurel, 'clock Wcdnesduy Dry Tortugus. The Chief J iihtice, however, 8» 0« 90 where he has practiced for 10 years. *~ »ruing train to day night. At about 7 Tiie Senate pursuant •ill find difficulty in do do exteusiou,.. PENNsYLVASIA CBN- County, P* A. M., giving those places ie of Geo. G. Lobdell’i SrnSCÄÄ Commit,«, mol*« » says his refusal does not prevent application the truth, she do do Stock...... 88«« 82# m ,r*»ugh or W est Clies’ ““ evening ite w sen by making the proper demarkution tin tliis rc- I-I.il. WU. ami Bal,. H. R. Baud, 113 C4 IH TKAL RAIL ROAD. ,if which No. ftfo King street (2d *t(ory.) next door Dover, and other priucipul stations North. 68 (4 68 Jt/MMAK aUKANGEMKMT.—The trains tbe iffi, e watchmen,on the wharf considerably intoxicated draft rules for the government ol the Senate submit­ to another judge or court, ... g«r*';Çh'Jr^,.1uicd This and That. WlIiniuKton Market». ed by skill in all the diseases that affect humanity, of every it is tiie regular annual of him. On atr. Grubb, Clerk of **,u*uïuwi was*duly organ- -*iriyf coincident, It i« thought a plan of [Corrected daUy by Tatuall «& Richardson. J way, runulug to aua Tthirty minutes prior to t vue or »trade. Always confidentially. It to not worth very important home ; th: ■as tiie lust he Inform»! ,fi« ■"»“ (5 bu.luc«». my while to say to the citizens of wilmtngtou that I of Mr. Lobdell’s bunds operations for Louisiana will he agreed on. —Ex-Congressme Peek, of Vem>«*() have practiced medicine over thirty years and in seven meeting at which the office» for tiie ensuing year riiursday morning '“i1 “âifléf offered the following Ji*«Bl '™la- Flour, Fk so Grain. the departure «)f foi,ve**Eleventh aud Market sts. r Brown’s body It is stated that Mr. Campbell, our Minis­ died lust week .$11.25 Ou Sundays—< Mates of the Union, and have effectually cured cases will Im elected. Tbe meeting will fie la id at 7 went do the river and *i has been fined in Detroit for Wheat Hour per bbl...... @ V, the.*!'».rture «if each Train, that have bullied the skill of thebestProfessor* in the I« lUmlmt to Geuer.l Aawmfilj ter to Mexico, has been ordered to remain in -A BO 46 minutes betwr ness will call tor and deliver o'clock, in tiie directors’ of the Wilmiug. the ice near the wharf. H« °mîîr a155mmUt«e of two fie appoluled outlie Rye Flour, “ “ ...... Manu’* Baggiw»* “■■ 11 cities oi Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore, Wash* lying wharf during the New Orleans for tiie present. . kicking a dog. , „, . Wheat per bushel, prime, 2.90 Orders left at the office, No. luitton aud Ciuciuuuli, and he can brin« forward, if •tuber will full to e wandered I»“«* Car l of tbe SenB,e ,o act Jointly with a like OnmaNue -Two grain elevators in Chicago have vlll reçoive attention. ton Institute. We hope b chin «m the part of the House to wait «>u His Excelltucy Geu. Frank P. Blair lias been appointed Corn, new,...... BO Si©&Ti required, the best certificates iu the world—hls llviujr, attend. uigfit and fan™ olï un “„„„ partly the Governor, and inform him that a quorum of both Government Commissioner of the Union I u- do ;tl a profit of $75,000 in two months. Corn meal per bushel, white 1.20 at 8.00 A. M. walking, healthy patient*. So far us electricity is Houses oi me Legislature are convened, duly organ­ Three hundred Scotch farmers are 58 wall Train...... concerned, I would snv. Nome 20 years since some of of Scientific HïïîlïgB'wfi™" fin fit«! fell, aud »fh'rwarda cifie Railroad, vice General Curtis, deceased. Oats, new,...... Pmil/Acomniiodatlon, No. i 10. i«> had got out of all ized aud ready to receive any communication he may their way to Bettle in Texas. Buckwheat meal 100 lbs . l- 11. •lul­ : h i Lectures, under the auspices of the IustitulCj^'^ ree ,miner to make, Which on his motion was read, Gen. McDowell has established a military 60 2.00 M. hi-ai t d climbed und crawled along for distune and on his further motion was adopted and oidtred —Genuine Japanese girl« will serve cottee Wheat screenings per bushel Fast Line aud El i«: Expressll rluua wuudwr • into prac- Y er ha Buena Island, in San Fran- Middlings per bushel...... 25 u 1.85 Harrisburg Acc« odation 2.3« P. M. h ______me popular be commenced in a ‘Building. The tbe murks und blood the post at the Paris exhibition in a genuine cafe. ... 60 Pittsburgh cinally that his know!)w ledge will permit of, U« united into ley and Payuter. ing to arrangements for tfic Governor , tn- , Steel, and Metal*. perfoi m. I c lo a consolidated troupe yesterday at •ell ofl*. lie leaves a wife nnd three chil- Committee Roads’ and IHffhwtys.—Messrs. Pay»- “when you are of „; ttge, you will be aud Eriee without change *>f cars. formance a in fact, anguration on the lfftb, inljonmcd till to- ih turnislicd this day by Garrett, Kent « nodation Trains for Pa ii : Inti fr Kgu s fully capable.. assisted by tiie cele- , Williams aud Juckson. . ilreaming of a husband, “Yes, mamma,” QuotutU «day Arc«; und my be placed, and who has al Trenton N. J. They drun. Mr Grubb, Clerk of the House, bçiug admitted ill , 207 Shipley at.. Wilmington, Del. ediute stHtioi •ave Philadelphia at V. A. M. •. Dr. !/oe ha* not o formed the Seuate that the *Jou-e had^cmicurr^ iu day. replied the young I'W'.v. *« •rond .lug leave Paoli at «.ft ed faithfully iu the brated Berger family of lioMuista and instrumen­ the joiut resolutiou to appoint a joint committee to Judge Magrudor of Annapolis, has lit Refined American Barn,...... $10ft<$ 110 per toi IK) 1». M.. re say against king of Uuclon, »» he.fie- tal performers. They have in nil twenty-five Fatai. AicU'K.nt.—On Sunday afternoon lust, wait on His Excellency, the Governor, a,id that held iu Imil ior violation ot the ( i il "^éharh'sHuh, u Democrat member of the •* English *• ...... $110 (<$116 “ “ 60 P. M. ,ey all do tin to reli .$100 (S. A TICKET OFFICE * 1 think, h colored woman named Hogans, MesHi-s. Reed, Allderdice and Waples were appointed C«unmon Bars,...... Chest e Ticket* tl . ‘ But uni performers,’ a full Silver Comet Baud,, two the clothes of governor Geary, of Pennsylvania, lias ap­ Legislature, lias gone to the ,$1«0(S I* lo ed ai N'o. il)li*hed their rv upou unround and »•aid committee on the part of the House. Best English Slit...... points may be procured, aud full In- eulclne hundred aud eighty silver bells ; and give u mag* employed in the house of Dr. B. t. Chatham, uj The Sneaker announced Messrs. Bew ley uud Elliott State prison for one year at hard labor, and American Shoe Rods,...... $135 @150 “ « i«)'n given by JOHN C. ALLEN, Ticket Agent, r< Before the fiâmes of the be , under said pointed Col. D. U. McCreary Adjutant Gene­ Norway Nall Rods Si Shapes, • .PJtf @ lOc^per ib r°A!*oUat Thlrty-tlrst aud Market street*, on apuli. u- ««rely him ft^fleeut entertainment, finer than the orig Odessa teidenty caught fire. as the committee on thep““* **' is forever disqualified from holding any office Hoop Iron 1 inch Si upward J THOMAS U. KVRKE. DU. ISAAC LEE, tan so badly ral of the Commonwealth. t inal company used to give. We learn thut they could be extinguished tiie won« reMr!,Bewley, from’the committee nveriior re* Tiie house of Aaron Wuril, near Newark, of trust or profit in tiie Slate. Cause-— Baud Iron...... $1.60 “ “ Ticket Age Depot. J«c20*ly-tfih 512 Klug Stree Best American Sheets...... i 9>JC “ ib avecixniug to Wilmington, and will give three burned Ifinl Hi,» died during the next night, Bh« SSSSlhaTthÄd‘peÄed^t du^mid that N J was entered by a burglar on Mond»} bribery. . ., 4 , @ 7c ’• “ Emigrant Train runs daily (except Sunday ). Foi —Campbell, the baritone, whs accidental- English & American flue,.. ,»U „».„n"... »- f. tri.» (ARLETONi PUBLISHER. 41’^ l[ performRJices in the Institute Hull, the eve narrowly ».-('aped Betting the fi fire, the nfirixi; and Mrs. Ward was «tadln the breast Best Boiler flange...... W0 7XC " “ tl.i Mboadwat, Nkw York. **-»•-> lv cut with a knife in Bufl'alo on Saturday 6.V» @ «Jsc •• “ lugs of Jan. 14th, 15th and l«tb. They will hnv carpet» had caught Ore from her clothe«, aud by the robber, who escaped with some plun­ •* »• C No. 1...... 1 ! } No. 137 DOCK evening, during the performance of “Fra Galv. Bloom Sheet* No. 141 1« , . Cast Steel American A ...... $2 .. President Bellaii in the chair. und robbed of silverware worth ubout $300. Mr. ro“ Qr «une lutnre day. jenie 11 tatwj a bill A Merchants’ Exchange is to be opened in other matter, we are unable to find room Horse Sh $8.00 ftft 8.60 per 100 tt, directed to l>e drawn iu favor of addition* for it.” „ _ „ . Cut Nails ,. $090 ftft 7.00“ “ “ PHILADELPHIA AND BALTI- PakHii upou Trust—A n«w English novel...... $1 76 Orders Hiukley and hie fiunily went on a visit to Baltl- |“*IiJI1acl|ceVeacc, in and for Sutwex c Nashville. —Tho Agricultural College oi Pennsylva­ Russia Si: 21 (^ “ “ Winter .■ flu* Mot jas-A new novel by Mrs. Hancock,. .$1 75 $285.09 ; Geo. H. P- Bhnmins $H6.17 ; D. Wool- Sheet 7.in On uml nfl Monday, October 15, 180«, r.tins will S wlille they were gone. On their return last even- J other».' ot Duck Creek Hundred, in Kent enuttty, has had, during the year about to close, one I C lOxl-t Bright Tin __ $14.60 |>er box »By Martha U. $32.48. Wilmington,N. C., on Tuesday,by a proces­ I C 14x20 “ “ .... 15.60 “ “ leave as follow- — vith Little Frien big tlieÿfound that they had Men reUeu-d of«H hundred and Fourteen students. They L K* Lkavr Ww ...... $16» The committee to who bad been referred the ifivir riïverware, «a.t qui.» » quaa.tty of o.fivr fßgygj*»*«*““31?*'»tfSU«, sion. The celebration passed ofl quietly. In ! 8 ...... 17.50 “ “ M. V. M. Richmond, Savannah, Charleston, Augusta from nearly every State iu tiie Union. I X 14x20 ...... 18.50 “ " t. M. P. M.i •' sUtauce iu ...... 14.60 “ “ ii; Pbiludelpliia, 7. i In fhe II« i>y tint nhyurd—New English ^ ^ petition of the F i llose Co. lot and other Southern cities there were also cel­ —A Paris girl tells a story of a ti i ant (20 la-adsd. . 3.V6 West Chester valuable gooil» of a iiortafi). .latore. I X 14x20 .. 17.50 “ “ Oxford, procuring u steam fire engine, :e«)Uimeuded that ebrations of the anniversary. girl lying ut the point of death, > •ho w 30 ft* 38c per tb West Gr«> ,06 8.5« W.C. •Iiinctu »C 6 ““cuHti*11W1 Wright, Esq-, Sttcretary ot State, pres suddenly restored to health by having her Bauca Tin, neord, 0.21 $1,000 be appropriated assist the company in IK AMt'SEM».«!—Tfireo hoy. uutm'fi The steamer Eclipse exploded her boiler Straits, ... 33 ««5c " “ Avondale : «‘.17 Nelghli«)r*~T. «. pdCa Me* HOtje from IDs Excellency, the Governor, ( eyelids rubbed with a small piece oi the 11 12c “ “ Ke 7.30 4 add'* Ford, 9.39 : Object. KiUrnh. and Jacob the trip from Augusta to Savannah, Ga., Lead...... Chadti’s F mi, 7.5- ßj>0,Avondale, 10 01 G rillas—Ediuund Kirke’« Frank Heedy, Abrahs HiTomDanyliij: documeut-*. , Pope’s white flannel shirt. SP° . 11 10.18 0.55 ...... $1 50 Two i ou the Police committee Biuex had it hearing last night, befo the inuyor, motion ot Mr. Bewley, the Messatre trom the last Monday, and was sunk. Her crew are >k...... ported against uniforiulug Ute police. Mr. Peirson missing, and supposed to be killed. —A young man iu Cincinnati was fined Akr a colored Ou mothaTof Mr. Bewley. the Clerk wa instructed W.C. Junctiu 25 161 West Crave 10.27 k all utifully bound in cloth— a charge of assault und buttery Tiie steamer Fashion, with 2MM) bales ot $20 for kissing a pretty girl when Bhe didn’t 7. V Th brought in a minority iu favor of auch uction. The named John Miller. Miller is in the employ o» j have one thousand coule* of the Govern« want him to. Many a young man has paid jp$unuue. Fliiiadflphia, 4« Oxford, u I) ill seul by mail, post- subject wo» agabi referred buck, and Messrs. be printed for the use of the Seuat«. cotton, was hurtled on Thursday, near Ba­ West Chester Bl ‘ ‘cahletoN, Pnbll* Dr. Thomas, uud is u quiet, orderly iuuu. He Mr. Payuter offered a resolution w hlcn his: ton Rouge. Sixty lives were lost by the dis­ more than that after kissing a pretty girl train w P* nilaclied will mi; Leibraudt uud Klrkmun w added tiie polio« sent on an errand on Tuesday, about noon, und rpiIE NKW ' ASTI.K COUNTY m Tnesda and Fridays, lea ; the Rising Bull at .Kd-ti lew York. tionic,-Molved,eBy*the°Senate aud House of Repreaenta- aster. who did want him to. 11.15 A. M., oxford at 12 À. M. committee to consider the »ubject. these boys commenced throwing snow balls at —Tliere i____.steamboat tiie Mississippi tivea of the State of Delaware in General Assembly Twenty-two buildings in Warrensburg, MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, I*. M., ami coiiiiucting a West Ch-b Juuctiou witii MIRKE NK B US. The committee------Public Square... reported p . him, he told them to stop, when they started oi'ter Mo., have been destroyed by fire. The loss named the “Plain City.’’ In honor ot Pinlu- a train for Philadelphia. „ . , xn.», that two-third, of Um .oil taut t»»“ “l’™“1 mTbat when the two Howes »(Uo tals day they A freight train with attached will 1Treasures from milton’s prose writ- him, beat him, and run him home. Tiie boys is iffzuo.raiu. .... « delphia, we suppose. OFFICE “INSTITUTE BUILDING." leave tiie West Chester Junction on Wednesdays n a -- , cloth, leveled board» uud the rest would be spread In tiie »prhig- i hat adjourn fo meet on i uesday next, thi. i ln*t., at :id —Persons contemplating suicide, can save iNl fined $3.01) uud costa each, making the flue A correspondent, writing trom Queens­ In*nre* againet FIRE, Ho and ail other kind* Saturdays, mi the arrival of the 2.80 P. M. train from 01(1 tub Wit Pi ait. $2. the expense Unis far had been about $1400. The ° Aud'on iils further motion the resolution i adopt- town, Ireland, on the 13th, says the Fenian expense of cord or dagger by going to Mis­ of Building*, with their content*, for per «of Philadelphia, and will run t«> Oxford only. the of each of them $5.75. The boj still in the souri, where they will lie killed gratis. West Chester passengers make close connection BtMIA.ÄK I Streets reported in favor of the pe­ od. excitement was at a fever iieat, und a • ri- varying froi I'M lit •IP committee Hull. If they have any friend*, tiie best tiling '"ordered to the House for c«)ncurren«;e. —The citizens of Juckson, Mississippi, Ihri.limcU.m fi.v niuruUl» »uJjrtttjnujm tr«!»«. ! w •lh! titlon of John P McLear and othere, asking to Mr Grubb, Clerk of the Hou»e, befog admitted iu- siug” was expected to take place simultano- WILLIAM CAN BY, President, Traill, luavlii« Ki.iuc Sun f»r rhiladclpfita al B. Al f*"—beside ex- they cun do 1* to take them out and give each of ousîy in Cork, Waterford, Limerick and have contributed $400 to the sufforeri Ol A. M„ »lid Irittviuy Pfilfildrilpllla fur ltirifiia »uu »I L 46 ss generally kuown. have south .fife of Chestnut Itreet puvod. The fnrmed the ieuate that the llouec hud concurred iu oc.l6-ly] S. D. SMITH. Treaaurer. r treat»!* them a good whipping, no as to tench them that thSSnate Jofot resolution adjourning the two House* Kilkenny counties. Sixteen British wwr the Vicksburg conflagration. M.,, will stop on West Chester aud Philadelphia R. I’t ith; u»br»cv the richew portion* oftbin» Finance Committee reported that the city fiud re- ir„m thi* day until Tuesday uex:, the Sth in*t.. at 10 —Dubuque was enlivened recently by the R Media inly; and Philadelphia, uud Baltimore “iu Liberty’* dele of which all the amusement of assaulting innocent colored ÄkA and relum.a th. .an,, to ifieSmale. vessels were iu Queenstown harbor. JA SI EN WOOI.1.EÏ, Centra! Railroad passengers Vom other station« j„n,.,ri run» trnm .tile lu »id»," «ltd dl»lil»y Milton • deemed and destroyed up the present time Tiie termination of the ocean yacht race is spectacle of a young lady administering a on that rtiad below the Juuct ill take , ,,i loaruiug, vig/.ruu* thought, aud rare eubllraity of people is not the be*t In which they In. On motion the Senate adjourned. , 8.47 A. M„ $124,638,02 of the fraction currency issued during announced by tiie Atlantic telegraph. TU) public cow-hiding to a former lover. Cause leaving the Baltimore '“like AN D LETTERS OF JAMES O. PERCIVAL. dulge.______. BOUSE. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, and leaving Philadelphie ' *.16 P. M. fi; , leaving In circulation $6,924,98. The Wkunehuay, January 2. yacht Henrietta, owned by Mr. James Gör­ unknown. the A daily line of stage o P «ch Bottom, In Lancaster By Juliu* It. Ward. One vol., I urge Wmo., MO page*. Public Building* reported in favor ie House met purunant to adjournment, den Bennett, Jr., was tbe winuer. She ar­ —Horse thieves ; so numerous in Mis- county, leave* Oxford mt e arrival of tbe morning Uor«.ce«i cloth, fo-veled board*, wfth P« "! rnu . d.'«. , committee _ U Ö Treasurer Spinner waa robbed of his ilium A Polk, Esq., Speaker elect, appeured aud Philadelphia, weave Peach Bo«»™ tho of the rived off the Needles, in the Isle ot Wigla, souri and Kansas that vigilance committees No. 4. E Sixth 8t., (Saville Building.) il rion* aud interesting biography of a . of the petition of David Bayard aud Thotnaa Jonea pocket-book and some other valuables at tbe conducted to theChalrby Messr*. Reed aud All­ have been organized i *r.al counties to rnli niiueuiiug Oxford with the »tu n-iuiiiul character and of t' finest poetical President's reception on Tuesday. derdice. the committee appointed for_ thatpPuJP^?'- England, at 5.45 on Christmas evening, afrir l'bi, i,i P:.»seuger ticket* through. U ha* been prepared with greatest care. for permission to complete a frame building tn The Speaker, and member* elect, were theu quail- a run of 13 days aud 22 hours. The Fie t- hunt the down. l to take weoriuif apparul only Front and Second A portion of a railroad train fell through ! gursuie all« i d . rial • been gathered from every ac- .Washington street, between «.din accurff«nce with the ConBtltntton »nd law». wing and Vesta came iu next morning. Tie •ported that the Democrats who Wilmington, Del. a* bujjgnge, and Iim m »I the Company be re- m- ruiatiou. It delineate* Perdrai • a bridge at Secor, 111., ou Tuesday, and all ‘ S”fMr. Haym.md, tl,» Uoa.e procred.d jx, ceding $100, uuleHH a arrival of the party created a great seusatiai arc dissatisfied with tiie recent course of the I'ieip ‘J,8?“** streets. . those in the cars were injured more or le Upon Jh.bbiu0 t‘fi«lnscmiat«d It mwndUut 1. Hpnclal «•outran is m fo. lii- ! d scieutitic attaiiuueut*aua labor», The committee to whom had been reterred tne to in England, and banquets and an invitatun Chicago Times lmve suliscribed $250,000 to Fire, .1LNKY WOOD. er» written by aud to dUtin- seriously. The damaged curs were destroyed C. Grubb had ract-lvad four..«» vote, George V. UmM. Superintendent, ■ petition nf the Reliance Fire Co lor u»»l»taucc, to visit the Queen followed. The reception start a newspaper. Life, sh< ded, aud an elaborate fodex U te by fire. _____ WrelTllr. GrabV ÄÜ elected. Mr. of the news in New York also caused qm» —It is stated that of nlnp daily ■simp'-rs Philudulphiu, M rk. .reported In favor of grantln« to tbe company published in Boston, ln 1843, but three are Marine, »MS OF ELIZABETH AKERS (Flo Pxa- Grubb wa* then iutroduerd, quallfled aud entered up­ i excitement throughout that city. Oik- v.il., U2mu. Blue and Gold. $1 5«. 41,000. A Paris journal speaking of ladies dresseB, now in existence ; and that out of twenty- Inland, on the dutieB of the office of clerk. . , .. President Juarez is expected to »move II« W 1I.LCOX A GIBBS* Tt iimmsmu* admirers of “Fiureuce Percy” will Jfie committee to wftolB find been referred tlio has the annexed : “ Another fashion, of an On Motion of Mr. Dan*, the House proceeded to capital to Durango. The Mexicans are ds- eight magazines then published, but three, Navigation, u liuu bvuutifol little volume h coUOCtiuu ot her ,«*itiou of Milton Lneljcy, for permluton to keep eccentric character is appearing. It consists ^ Upon the UballotHKhefoB counted it appearecl that trustful of the reported co-operation of Max­ tiie Missionary Herald, the Christian L”" NOISELESS l-l mt popular iKKUns—“Ruck me to Sleep, of trimmings made of feathers. Former!) Accidental, ••Spring at the Capital, ’ “Violet ulautiug,” “Among landing » certain fence, reporUal odveraely to George 8. Reynold» had received a majority »! all the imilian and Marshal Bazaine. iner, and North American Review, are Bowing; Machine. ih,-Laurel*,’’and other* universally known and ad­ a plume or marabout was worn in the Iwnnct; vote» cast and was therefore declared elected. While the steamer Saxon, from Phibuld- published. But twelve out of thirty-five and Live Stock Insurance, mired the prayer of tbe petitioner. now the whole person is covered with them, Mr Raymond offered a resolution appointing weekly papers published at that time are « For »ale by all BookseUers. 8ent postpaid Lamp committee reported in favor of putting a Ph,tries II. Benn Messenger—read aud adopted. phia, was unloading at Boston, Mondujr, OFFICE AND SALESROOM 315 MARKET ST., just like the 8»va«cB ot' the New World. C Mr. Reed offered a resolution requestfoe the Rev. two boxes containing four dead bodies wire printed at present. , amount fo the re»ponHibIe ' HPT°K'lKNOR & FIELDS, PnbllBher*, Boston, lamp ut tiie corner of 10th and Washington Ste. Cyrus Huntingdon to act a* Chaplain during the Effected to u'rujtcn, Dei. Sportsmen cannot supply them in sufficient discovered. The boxes were consigned to —Fifth Avenue, New lork, is all agog in expense to the a«- and No. rtx Hle«!cker-*L, New-to. An ordinance appropriating $132,650.46 for ex­ 8eÄcTe7koftaeaÄtedbeing admitted presented Companies, without rouble Having the STATE AGENCY for these Justly cele- quantities- Ventilera of the peacock, part- Brunswick, Me., and were probably imput­ jgard to important breach of promise schines. vr- *u furulta all *tvle* aud price* pense* of the eity for the year 1867 W** U*«d the ridge, pintado, pheasant, jay, blackbird and fo?the concurrence of the House, a Joint resolut on ______soon to he commenced. Tiie Janl-tf br&ted M ed for a dissecting room. thaï of FULL CABINET, ard HALF CASKS,on receipt of «I 'agkn“ fuK the collection of debts first aud second times. pigeons are all sefcf} on with eagerness, and anDointlug a Joint committee to wait upon the Gov- The Coroner's report for New York shows scions of two aristocratic families are the order. We give full ______it* ducks of the poultry-yard ape plucked to sat­ INSTRUCTIONS GRATIS The »eeurity of tfie City Treaaurer uud of the <eî»ÂS«TÆ 35 homicides, <>l murders, and30 infanticUes parties. The lady is reported to be extremely N ENTIRELY NEW invention for Sliver-Plating their home*, when desired. isfy the caprice of our fashloqable failles. .•bile* the gentleman is pitted article* of Brass, Copper, German 8itver, Broute, To all our customers. Collector fixed at $25,000. in that city during the year. beautiful, A and poli*hfog silver aud silver Please *eud for price list aud pamphlet. oeWT-tr etc., and for cieansiug KoUcltiug your very carefol examination Dr. D. W. Maull elected City Vaccine SSis’Ä" -S" «5 with the smallpox. plated . Call andd see U» remarkable effects at lclU«} \N FINE CUT, Solace, Sunnyeule. and RÄS'lcetoS Waples, Committee on part «»f —Col. Badeau, of Grant’s staff, has nearly B. Ä C. SHOEMAKER'S Drug store, Yours respectfully, M -ii hru.iil* of Pluir Tobacco, at the loweet market Physio km for the Western, and Dr. W. H. White —TheSt- Paul Press estimates tiie present The “ Perfumed Russian Bath Sociity” t HAY ES’, Front and Market st*. ino>'28*lm completed a biography of the General, upon 80» Market street. Institute Building. novS-tf WM. H, CROW. for tha Eastern district. population of Minnesota at not less th*n has just been formed bv some of tiie natobs Wilmington. Del three hundred apd sixty thousand. It was Ooo'oer offered a resolution “that the ml«» of which lie has worked two years. Council adjourned to meet Saturday even- tb^UstBiouHe of Representative* l»e adopted as the New York. less than c.OOft in 1850, ia«.