If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. g; \\ rJ ll@7?®~ "~~Dll£10 ffi,~W@ill'1f i I! a '\ _pl ••.. ;\, r:y d' , , dJ (J . , ...... ..., ,.' 1\' . I' ri'@~.:,-'.::,,> ~C';J"~'/ l' ' J{~ • /' -.+~. ~ .. t-,· ;1.. / , ~j!)~=~~.. =-~~~-K. , ;.! ~ - • " -:::t'- <) " h'-!) - .~ ..• t cO P ~1:;;, r ";', "'';;;;--' ," ~-....' <'I " , I,' o , ~~~ 55m.. p.h. means 55!, 'I !I COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE ......... Public Information Office Safety Education l I nspectional Services l Community Relations NC,JRS l I Drivers Services Drivers Records Drivers license Issuance APR 27197$ f Revocation & Suspension r Safety Responsibility Implied Consent Unit Verification No-Fault Motor Vehicle Inspection Ul1it Motor Carrier Safety Unit Chaplains GEORGIA STATE PATROL DIVISION ....•.....•.•..• 32 Field Troops (A,B,C,D,E,F,G, & H) Planning and Operations Staff Services Personnel Services Treasyrer's Office Accident Reporting Aviation Section GEORGIA POLICE ACADEMY ...........•..•......• 57 STATISTICAL SUMMARy ........•.....• 'cd' ••••••• 61 " 1 ~ I • Two Board of Public Safety Mem bers were sworn ill during 1976. Rehabilitatioll Commissioner David EJlalls, center, being given the oath by Bill Harper representing Gov Busbee. Meeting with field officers is part of the regular administration of the Department of Public Safety. Col. Cofer, at head of table, is shown with Lt. Col. Porter WeaJler, dis cussing problems of the road tro oper's daily routille. DPS Deputy Commissioner Lt. Col. Parter Weaver, right, discusses Ga. 's traffic death rate drop with Carltoll Fisher, Coordinator of the Office of Highway Safety. The meetillg was in p.'·eparation for the joint campaign to encourage greater pub lic compliance with the 5.5 mph speed limit law.
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