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MCPS TV Fpvs MCPS Broadcast Blanket Distribution - TV FPV Rates paid December 2013 Non Peak Non Peak Programm Programm P(ence) P(ence) Peak FPV Non Peak es es Period Rate (per Rate (per (per FPV (per (covered (covered Source/Sh Manufactur Link (YYMMYYM weighted weighted weighted weighted by blanket by blanket Licensee Channel Name ort Code udc er Number code M) second) second) minute) minute) licence) licence) AATW Ltd Channel AKA CHNAKA S1759 287294 ob7 13011303 0 0.043 0 0.0258 Y Y AATW Ltd Channel AKA CHNAKA S1759 287294 ob0 13041306 0 0.043 0 0.0258 Y Y BBC BBC 1 BBCTVD Z0003 5258 odg 13071308 75.452 37.726 45.2712 22.6356 Y Y BBC BBC 2 BBC2 Z0004 316168 odh 13071308 17.879 8.939 10.7274 5.3634 Y Y BBC BBC ALBA BBCALB Z0008 232662 odm 13071308 6.48 3.24 3.888 1.944 Y Y BBC BBC HD BBCHD Z0010 232654 odo 13071308 6.095 3.047 3.657 1.8282 Y Y BBC BBC Interactive BBCINT AN120 251209 obe 13071308 0 6.854 0 4.1124 Y Y BBC BBC News BBC NE Z0007 127284 odk 13071308 8.193 4.096 4.9158 2.4576 Y Y BBC BBC Parliament BBCPAR Z0009 316176 odn 13071308 13.414 6.707 8.0484 4.0242 Y Y BBC BBC Side Agreement for S4C BBCS4C Z0222 316184 oi0 13071308 15.495 7.747 9.297 4.6482 Y Y BBC BBC3 BBC3 Z0001 126187 ode 13071308 15.677 7.838 9.4062 4.7028 Y Y BBC BBC4 BBC4 Z0002 158776 odf 13071308 9.205 4.602 5.523 2.7612 Y Y BBC CBBC CBBC Z0005 165235 odi 13071308 8.96 4.48 5.376 2.688 Y Y BBC Cbeebies CBEEBI Z0006 285496 odj 13071308 12.457 6.228 7.4742 3.7368 Y Y BBC Worldwide BBC Entertainment Africa BBCENA Z0296 286601 ojs 13071308 1.91 0.955 1.146 0.573 N Y BBC Worldwide BBC Entertainment Nordic BBCENN Z0300 286619 ojw 13071308 1.257 0.628 0.7542 0.3768 N Y BBC Worldwide BBC Entertainment Pan-Europe/MiddleBBCP EastZ0314 124703 ok8 13071308 10.644 5.322 6.3864 3.1932 N Y BBC Worldwide BBC Entertainment Poland BBCEPO Z0292 286627 ojp 13071308 2.247 1.123 1.3482 0.6738 N Y BBC Worldwide BBC HD Pan Europe/Nordic BBCHNO Z0303 286635 ojy 13071308 26.64 13.32 15.984 7.992 N Y BBC Worldwide BBC Knowledge Africa BBCKAF Z0297 286643 ojt 13071308 1.233 0.616 0.7398 0.3696 N Y BBC Worldwide BBC Knowledge Poland BBCKPO Z0293 286668 ojq 13071308 2.99 1.495 1.794 0.897 N Y BBC Worldwide BBC Lifestyle Africa BBCLAF Z0298 286676 oju 13071308 1.943 0.971 1.1658 0.5826 N Y BBC Worldwide BBC Lifestyle Middle East/NordicBBCLNO Z0302 286684 ojx 13071308 2.428 1.214 1.4568 0.7284 N Y BBC Worldwide BBC Lifestyle Poland BBCLPO Z0294 286692 ojr 13071308 1.153 0.576 0.6918 0.3456 N Y BBC Worldwide BBC World News BBCW Z0011 124711 odp 13071308 3.38 1.69 2.028 1.014 N Y BBC Worldwide Cbeebies Africa CBEEBA Z0299 286700 ojv 13071308 0 1.742 0 1.0452 N Y BSkyB Bio SKYBIO Z0067 232902 of9 13071308 0.367 0.183 0.2202 0.1098 Y Y BSkyB BIOGRAPHY CHANNEL HD BIOHD Z0197 285868 ohu 13071308 0.334 0.167 0.2004 0.1002 Y Y BSkyB Challenge TV CHALLE Z0128 123846 ogk 13071308 8.708 4.354 5.2248 2.6124 Y Y BSkyB Comedy Central PARAMO Z0078 130288 ofh 13071308 8.54 4.27 5.124 2.562 Y Y BSkyB Comedy Central Extra PARAM2 Z0077 285850 ofg 13071308 0.97 0.485 0.582 0.291 Y Y BSkyB Crime SKYCRI Z0079 232977 ofi 13071308 0.509 0.254 0.3054 0.1524 Y Y BSkyB MGM HD MGM HD Z0207 285777 ohy 13071308 29.46 14.73 17.676 8.838 Y Y BSkyB Military History SKYMIL Z0177 230674 ohf 13071308 0.337 0.168 0.2022 0.1008 Y Y BSkyB National Geographic NATGEO Z0069 200123 of0 13071308 2.131 1.065 1.2786 0.639 Y Y Non Peak Non Peak Programm Programm P(ence) P(ence) Peak FPV Non Peak es es Period Rate (per Rate (per (per FPV (per (covered (covered Source/Sh Manufactur Link (YYMMYYM weighted weighted weighted weighted by blanket by blanket Licensee Channel Name ort Code udc er Number code M) second) second) minute) minute) licence) licence) BSkyB National Geographic Wild NGADVE Z0070 285785 ofa 13071308 0.943 0.471 0.5658 0.2826 Y Y BSkyB Nick Jr NICKJR Z0071 285819 ofb 13071308 1.964 0.982 1.1784 0.5892 Y Y BSkyB Nick Jr 2 NCKJR2 Z0072 285827 ofc 13071308 0.979 0.489 0.5874 0.2934 Y Y BSkyB Nickelodeon NICKEL Z0073 84600 ofd 13071308 2.997 1.498 1.7982 0.8988 Y Y BSkyB Nicktoons NTOONS Z0074 285835 ofe 13071308 1.168 0.584 0.7008 0.3504 Y Y BSkyB NVOD Barker Family SKYNVO Z0075 232944 off 13071308 0.012 0.006 0.0072 0.0036 Y Y BSkyB Pick TV SKY3 Z0161 230625 oh4 13071308 34.984 17.492 20.9904 10.4952 Y Y BSkyB Pick TV Freeview SKY3FR Z0169 247082 oh9 13071308 0.458 0.229 0.2748 0.1374 Y Y BSkyB PPV EVENT 01 PPVEVE S0215 286346 od6 13071308 0 0.006 0 0.0036 Y Y BSkyB SKY 1 BSKYB Z0082 41618 ofk 13071308 33.552 16.776 20.1312 10.0656 Y Y BSkyB SKY 2 SKY2 Z0144 230641 ogz 13071308 1.789 0.894 1.0734 0.5364 Y Y BSkyB SKY 3D SKY3D Z0199 316192 ohv 13071308 0.775 0.387 0.465 0.2322 Y Y BSkyB Sky Arts 1 SKYART Z0066 232969 of8 13071308 0.462 0.231 0.2772 0.1386 Y Y BSkyB Sky Arts 2 SKYAR2 Z0180 285678 ohh 13071308 0.833 0.416 0.4998 0.2496 Y Y BSkyB SKY ATLANTIC SKYATL Z0275 286445 oj9 13071308 2.291 1.145 1.3746 0.687 Y Y BSkyB Sky Living LIVING Z0120 84873 ogg 13071308 13.574 6.787 8.1444 4.0722 Y Y BSkyB Sky Living Loves LIVLOV Z0276 286452 oj0 13071308 0 0.289 0 0.1734 Y Y BSkyB Sky LivingIT LIVNIT Z0129 286049 ogm 13071308 0.958 0.479 0.5748 0.2874 Y Y BSkyB Sky Movies Action & AdventureSKYMOV Z0058 232993 oez 13071308 2.229 1.114 1.3374 0.6684 Y Y BSkyB Sky Movies Classics SKYMCL Z0061 285686 of3 13071308 4.22 2.11 2.532 1.266 Y Y BSkyB Sky Movies Comedy SKYMCO Z0056 285694 oex 13071308 1.813 0.906 1.0878 0.5436 Y Y BSkyB Sky Movies Crime & Thriller SKYMH2 Z0057 285736 oey 13071308 1.672 0.836 1.0032 0.5016 Y Y BSkyB Sky Movies Disney SKYDIS Z0392 261513 omz 13071308 2.36 1.18 1.416 0.708 Y Y BSkyB Sky Movies Drama & RomanceSKYMDR Z0064 285702 of6 13071308 1.586 0.793 0.9516 0.4758 Y Y BSkyB Sky Movies Family SKYMFA Z0059 285710 of1 13071308 1.943 0.971 1.1658 0.5826 Y Y BSkyB Sky Movies Indie SKYMIN Z0062 285744 of4 13071308 1.386 0.693 0.8316 0.4158 Y Y BSkyB Sky Movies Modern Greats SKYMMG Z0063 285751 of5 13071308 1.668 0.834 1.0008 0.5004 Y Y BSkyB Sky Movies Premiere SKYPRE Z0055 230609 oew 13071308 7.789 3.894 4.6734 2.3364 Y Y BSkyB Sky Movies Sci-Fi & Horror SKYMSF Z0060 285769 of2 13071308 1.147 0.573 0.6882 0.3438 Y Y BSkyB Sky Movies Showcase SKYMH1 Z0065 285728 of7 13071308 1.872 0.936 1.1232 0.5616 Y Y BSkyB Sky News SKYNEW Z0162 233009 oh5 13071308 15.26 7.63 9.156 4.578 Y Y BSkyB Sky News Arabia ARABIA Z0395 251407 obd 12011212 1.615 0.807 0.969 0.4842 Y Y BSkyB Sky News Arabia ARABIA Z0395 251407 on3 13071308 0.192 0.096 0.1152 0.0576 Y Y BSkyB SKY NEWS FREEVIEW SKYNWA Z0081 285504 ofj 13071308 1.116 0.558 0.6696 0.3348 Y Y BSkyB Sky Poker SKYPOK Z0089 230658 ofo 13071308 0 5.256 0 3.1536 Y Y BSkyB Sky PPV 1 - PPV 61 SKYPPV S0015 232951 od5 13071308 0 0.003 0 0.0018 Y Y BSkyB Sky Sports 1 SKYSPO Z0083 230617 ofm 13071308 33.795 16.897 20.277 10.1382 Y Y Non Peak Non Peak Programm Programm P(ence) P(ence) Peak FPV Non Peak es es Period Rate (per Rate (per (per FPV (per (covered (covered Source/Sh Manufactur Link (YYMMYYM weighted weighted weighted weighted by blanket by blanket Licensee Channel Name ort Code udc er Number code M) second) second) minute) minute) licence) licence) BSkyB Sky Sports 2 SKYSP2 Z0159 285520 oh2 13071308 7.121 3.56 4.2726 2.136 Y Y BSkyB Sky Sports 3 SKYSP3 Z0160 285538 oh3 13071308 1.087 0.543 0.6522 0.3258 Y Y BSkyB Sky Sports 4 SKYSP4 Z0085 285546 ofn 13071308 0.822 0.411 0.4932 0.2466 Y Y BSkyB Sky Sports F1 SKYF1 Z0357 260796 om7 13071308 0.91 0.455 0.546 0.273 Y Y BSkyB Sky Sports News SKYSPN Z0158 285512 oh1 13071308 12.236 6.118 7.3416 3.6708 Y Y BSkyB The History Channel SKYHIS Z0090 230666 ofp 13071308 1.421 0.71 0.8526 0.426 Y Y BSkyB The Pub Channel SKYPUB Z0223 230682 oia 13071308 0.04 0.02 0.024 0.012 Y Y Channel 4 4SEVEN 4SEVEN Z0388 287302 omw 13071308 0.374 0.187 0.2244 0.1122 N Y Channel 4 CHANNEL 4 CH4 Z0032 9151 oe0 13071308 27.214 13.607 16.3284 8.1642 N Y Channel 4 E4 E4 Z0119 157406 ogf 13071308 4.531 2.265 2.7186 1.359 N Y Channel 4 FILM 4 FILMFO Z0033 130064 oea 13071308 3.442 1.721 2.0652 1.0326 N Y Channel 4 More4 MORE4 Z0034 200263 oeb 13071308 2.383 1.191 1.4298 0.7146 N Y Chart Show Channels Bliss BLISS Z0327 310930 okh 13071308 6.101 3.05 3.6606 1.83 Y Y Chart Show Channels Buzmuzik NMETV Z0341 310963 okv 13071308 2.777 1.388 1.6662 0.8328 Y Y Chart Show Channels Chart Show Dance DANCEN Z0328 260408 oki 13071308 2.188 1.094 1.3128 0.6564 Y Y Chart Show Channels Chart Show TV CHARTV Z0331 310948 okm 13071308 7.959 3.979 4.7754 2.3874 Y Y Chart Show Channels Flava FLAVA Z0340 310955 oku 13071308 3.508 1.754 2.1048 1.0524 Y Y Chart Show Channels Scuzz SCUZZ Z0329 177313 okj 13071308 4.916 2.458 2.9496 1.4748 Y Y Chart Show Channels The Vault VAULT Z0330 310971 okk 13071308 6.743 3.371 4.0458 2.0226 Y Y Chelsea TV Chelsea TV CHELSE Z0396 251415 on4 13071308 0 49 0 29.4 Y Y CNN CNN CNNINT Z0210 316077 oi1 13071308 20.51 10.255 12.306 6.153 N Y Community Channel Community Channel COMMUN Z0389 287310 omx 13071308 0 73.302 0 43.9812 Y Y Discovery Animal Planet ANIMAL Z0046 147092 oeo 13071308 1.183 0.591 0.7098 0.3546 Y Y Discovery Animal Planet EMEA ANPLEM Z0342 260432 okw 13071308 0.392 0.196 0.2352 0.1176 Y Y Discovery Animal Planet HD EMEA ANPLHD Z0349 260499 om2 13071308 0.337 0.168 0.2022 0.1008 Y Y Discovery Animal Planet Italy ANIMIT Z0307 315236 ok1 13071308 0.293 0.146 0.1758 0.0876 Y Y Discovery Animal Planet Poland ANIPOL Z0289 286403 ojm 13071308 0.309 0.154 0.1854 0.0924 Y Y Discovery Animal Planet Romania ANIMRO Z0290 286585 ojn 13071308 0.251 0.125 0.1506 0.075 Y Y Discovery DISCOVERY DISCHA Z0193 19515 ohr 13071308 4.909 2.454 2.9454 1.4724
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