The Journal of Japanese Studies, Volumes 1:1 – 41:2 (1974 – 2015) Page 2

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The Journal of Japanese Studies, Volumes 1:1 – 41:2 (1974 – 2015) Page 2 Symposium on Japanese Society. Introduction by Susan B. Hanley. 8,1 Symposium on Ie Society. THE JOURNAL OF JAPANESE Introduction by Kozo Yamamura. 11,1 STUDIES Symposium: Transition From Medieval to Early Modern Japan. Introduction by Michael P. Birt and Kozo Yamamura. 12,2 Special Issue: A Forum on the Trade Crisis. Introduction by Kenneth B. Pyle. 13,2 Index to Volume 1, Number 1 through Symposium: Social Control and Early Socialization. Volume 41, Number 2 Introduction by Thomas P. Rohlen. 15,1 (Autumn 1974 through Summer 2015) Symposium on Gender and Women in Japan. Introduction by Susan B. Hanley. 19,1 Symposium on Contemporary Japanese Popular Culture. Introduction by John Whittier Treat. 19,2 © 2000–2015 by the Society for Japanese Studies Symposium on Teaching and Learning in Japan. Introduction by Thomas P. Rohlen. 20,1 This index is divided into eight parts: Symposia, Articles, Book Reviews, Opinion and Comment, Communications, Publications Symposium on Continuity and Change in Heisei Japan. of Note, Miscellaneous, and a List of Contributors. Introduction by Susan B. Hanley and John Whittier Treat 23,2 ARTICLES SYMPOSIA Akita, George. An Examination of E.H. Norman's Scholarship. 3,2 - Allen, Laura W. Images of the Poet Saigyo as Recluse. 21,1 Workshop on the Economic and Institutional History of Medieval Japan. Allinson, Gary Dean. The Moderation of Organized Labor in Postwar Introduction by Kozo Yamamura. 1,2 Japan. 1,2 Symposium: The Ashio Copper Mine Pollution Incident. Allison, Anne. Memoirs of the Orient. 27,2 Introduction by Kenneth B. Pyle 1,2 Ambaras, David R. Social Knowledge, Cultural Capital, and the New Essays in Japanese Literature. 2,2 Middle Class in Japan, 1895-1912. 24,1 Symposium: Japanese Origins. Anchordoguy, Marie. Japan at a Technological Crossroads: Does Introduction by Roy Andrew Miller. 2,2 Change Support Convergence Theory? 23,2 Essays on "The Japanese Employment System." 4,2 Anderson, Stephen J. The Political Economy of Japanese Saving: Essays on Modern Japanese Thought. 4,2 How Postal Savings and Public Pensions Support High Rates Symposium: Japan in the 1970's. 5,2 of Household Saving in Japan. 16,1 Symposium: Translation and Japanese Studies. Arnesen, Peter J. The Struggle for Lordship in Late Heian Japan: Introduction by Roy Andrew Miller. 6,1 The Case of Aki. 10,1 Auestad, Reiko Abe. Nakano Shigeharu’s “Goshaku no sake.” 28,1 Index to The Journal of Japanese Studies, Volumes 1:1 – 41:2 (1974 – 2015) Page 2 Avenell, Simon Andrew. Civil Society and the New Civic Movements in Brownstein, Michael C. The “Devil” in the Heart: Enchi Fumiko’s Contemporary Japan: Convergence, Collaboration, and Onnamen and the Uncanny. 40,1 Transformation. 35,2 Bryant, Taimie L. "Responsible" Husbands, "Recalcitrant" Wives, Barshay, Andrew E. Imagining Democracy in Postwar Japan: Retributive Judges: Judicial Management of Contested Divorce Reflections on Maruyama Masao and Modernism . 18,2 in Japan. 18,2 Barshay, Andrew E. Knowledge Painfully Acquired: The Gulag Burns, Susan L. Rethinking “Leprosy Prevention”: Entrepreneurial Memoirs of a Japanese Humanist, 1945–49. 36,2 Doctors, Popular Journalism, and the Civic Origins of Biopolitics. Bayliss, Jeffrey P. Minority Success, Assimilation, and Identity in 38,2 Prewar Japan: Pak Chung ŭm and the Korean Middle Class. 34,1 Calder, Kent E. Linking Welfare and the Developmental State: Postal Ben-Ari, Eyal and Sabine Frühstück. “Now We Show It All!” Savings in Japan. 16,1 Normalization and the Management of Violence in Japan’s Armed Campbell, John Creighton. The Old People Boom and Japanese Policy Forces. 28,1 Making. 5,2 Berry, Mary Elizabeth. Public Peace and Private Attachment: The Cave, Peter. Bukatsud ō: The Educational Role of Japanese School Goals and Conduct of Power in Early Modern Japan. 12,2 Clubs. 30,2 Birt, Michael P. Samurai in Passage: Transformation of the Sixteenth- Cole, Robert E. The Late-Developer Hypothesis: An Evaluation of Its Century Kanto . 11,2 Relevance for Japanese Employment Patterns. 4,2 Bix, Herbert P. The Pitfalls of Scholastic Criticism: A Reply to Norman's Conlan, Thomas. The Nature of Warfare in Fourteenth-Century Japan: Critics. 4,2 The Record of Nomoto Tomoyuki. 25,2 Bix, Herbert P. The Showa Emperor's "Monologue" and the Problem Crawcour, Sydney. The Tokugawa Period and Japan's Preparation for of War Responsibility . 18,2 Modern Economic Growth. 1,1 Bix, Herbert P. Inventing the "Symbol Monarchy" in Japan, 1945-52 . Crawcour, Sydney. The Japanese Employment System. 4,2 - - 21,2 Crawcour, Sydney. Kogyo iken: Maeda Masana and His View of Meiji Bodiford, William M. Remembering D ōgen: Eiheiji and D ōgen Economic Development. 23,1 Hagiography. 32,1 Cullen, Jennifer. A Comparative Study of Tenk ō: Sata Ineko and Boocock, Sarane Spence. Controlled Diversity: An Overview of the Miyamoto Yuriko. 36,1 Japanese Preschool System. 15,1 DeBever, Leo J. and Jeffrey G. Williamson. Saving, Accumulation and Borovoy, Amy. Doi Takeo and the Rehabilitation of Particularism in Modern Economic Growth: The Contemporary Relevance of Postwar Japan. 38,2 Japanese History. 4,1 Brazell, Karen. "Blossoms": A Medieval Song. 6,2 Denecke, Wiebke. Chinese Antiquity and Court Spectacle in Early Brecher, W. Puck. Down and Out in Negishi: Reclusion and Struggle in Kanshi. 30,1 an Edo Suburb 35,1 Di Marco, Francesca. Act or Disease? The Making of Modern Suicide Broadbent, Jeffrey and Kabashima Ikuo. Referent Pluralism: Mass in Early Twentieth-century Japan. 39,2 Media and Politics in Japan. 12,2 DiNitto, Rachel. Translating Prewar Culture into Film: The Double Brown, Philip C. Practical Constraints on Early Tokugawa Land Vision of Suzuki Seijun’s Zigeunerweisen. 30,1 Taxation: Annual Versus Fixed Assessments in Kaga Domain. Dinmore, Eric. Concrete Results? The TVA and the Appeal of Large 14,2 Dams in Occupation-Era Japan. 39,1 Brown, Roger H. Shepherds of the People: Yasuoka Masahiro and the Doak, Kevin M. Ethnic Nationalism and Romanticism in Early New Bureaucrats in Early Showa Japan. 35,2 Twentieth-Century Japan . 22,1 Index to The Journal of Japanese Studies, Volumes 1:1 – 41:2 (1974 – 2015) Page 3 Doak, Kevin M. Building National Identity through Ethnicity: Ethnology Fletcher, W. Miles, III. The Japan Spinners Association: Creating in Wartime Japan and After. 27,1 Industrial Policy in Meiji Japan . 22,1 Dodd, Stephen. Darkness Transformed: Illness in the Work of Kajii Flowers, Petrice R. Failure to Protect Refugees? Domestic Institutions, Motojir ō. 33,1 International Organizations, and Civil Society in Japan. 34,2 Dore, Ronald P. More About Late Development. 5,1 Fowler, Edward. Rendering Words, Traversing Cultures: On the Art Dore, Ronald. Japan’s Reform Debate: Patriotic Concern or Class and Politics of Translating Modern Japanese Fiction. 18,1 Interest? Or Both? 25,1 Fowler, Edward. The Buraku in Modern Japanese Literature: Texts and Dorsey, James. Culture, Nationalism, and Sakaguchi Ango. 27,2 Contexts. 26,1 Dunscomb, Paul E. “A Great Disobedience Against the People”: Friday, Karl F. Pushing Beyond the Pale: The Yamato Conquest of the Popular Press Criticsm of Japan’s Siberian Intervention, 1918-22. Emishi and Northern Japan. 23,1 32,1 Frühstück, Sabine and Eyal Ben-Ari. “Now We Show It All!” - Duus, Peter. Yoshino Sakuzo: The Christian as Political Critic. 4,2 Normalization and the Management of Violence in Japan’s Armed Forces. 28,1 Edelson, Loren. The Female Danj ūrō: Revisiting the Acting Career of Ichikawa Kumehachi. 34,1 Fruin, W. Mark. The Japanese Company Controversy: Ideology and Organization in a Historical Perspective. 4,2 Edwards, Walter. Event and Process in the Founding of Japan: The Horserider Theory in Archeological Perspective. 9,2 Fujita Mariko. "It's All Mother's Fault": Childcare and the Socialization of Working Mothers in Japan. 15,1 Edwards, Walter. The Commercialized Wedding as Ritual: A Window on Social Values. 13,1 Fukui Haruhiro. The Liberal Democratic Party Revisited: Continuity and Change in the Party's Structure and Performance. 10,2 Edwards, Walter. Buried Discourse: The Toro Archaeological Site and Japanese National Identity in the Early Postwar Period . 17,1 Fukui Haruhiro. Too Many Captains in Japan's Industrialization: Travails at the Foreign Ministry . 13,2 Edwards, Walter. Contested Access: The Imperial Tombs in the Postwar Period. 26,2 Fukuzawa, Rebecca Erwin. The Path to Adulthood According to Japanese Middle Schools. 20,1 Edwards, Walter. Forging Tradition for a Holy War: The Hakk ō Ichiu Tower in Miyazaki and Japanese Wartime Ideology. 29,2 Gao Bai. Arisawa Hiromi and His Theory for a Managed Economy. 20,1 Efird, Robert. Japan’s “War Orphans”: Identification and State Gardner, William O. Mongrel Modernism: Hayashi Fumiko’s Hōrōki and Responsibility. 34,2 Mass Culture. 29,1 Ericson, Steven J. The “Matsukata Deflation” Reconsidered: Financial Garon, Sheldon M. State and Religion in Imperial Japan, 1912-1945 . Stabilization and Japanese Exports in a Global Depression, 1881– 12,2 85. 40,1 Garon, Sheldon. Women's Groups and the Japanese State: Ericson, Steven J. Japonica, Indica: Rice and Foreign Trade in Meiji Contending Approaches to Political Integration, 1890-1945. 19,1 Japan. 41,2 Garon, Sheldon. Luxury is the Enemy: Mobilizing Savings and Feeney, Griffith and Hamano Kiyoshi. Rice Price Fluctuations and Popularizing Thrift in Wartime Japan. 26,1 Fertitility in Late Tokugawa Japan. 16,1 Garrett, Philip. Crime on the Estates: Justice and Politics in the Fessler, Susanna. The Debate on the Uselessness of Western Kōyasan Domain. 41,1 Studies. 37,1 Gates, Rustin B. Pan-Asianism in Prewar Japanese Foreign Affairs: Flaherty, Darryl. Democratization, 1919, and Lawyer Advocacy for a The Curious Case of Uchida Yasuya. 37,1 Japanese Jury. 37,2 George Mulgan, Aurelia. Where Tradition Meets Change: Japan’s Agricultural Politics in Transition. 31,2 Index to The Journal of Japanese Studies, Volumes 1:1 – 41:2 (1974 – 2015) Page 4 Gerlach, Michael.
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