LUCKNOWI Superintendent, Printing and Stationes'y, U. P. (Tndia) 1965


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Pages I Preface III Intropuction



A-I Area, Houses and Population 5 Appendix I-Statement showing 1951 Territorial Units constituting the present 1961 set-up of 5 the District Appendix II-Number of Villages with a Population of 5,000 and over and Towns with a 6 Population under 5,000 Appendix III-House less and Institutional Population 6 A-II Variation in Population during Sixty Years 7 Appendix 1951 Population according to the territorial jurisdiction in 1951 and changes in 7 area and population involved in those changes A-III Villages classified by Population 8 A-IV Towns (and Town-groups) classified by Population in 1961 with Variation 9 since 1941 Appendix New towns Added in 1961 and Towns in 1951 declassifled in 1961 10


B-1 & II Workers and Non-workers classified by Sex and broad Age-groups 12 I B-III Part A-Industrial Cla~sification of Workers and Non~orkers by Educational 16 Levels in Urban Areas only Part B-Industrial Classification of Workers and Non-workers by Educational 18 Levels in Rural Areas only B-IV Part A-Industrial Classification by Sex and Class of Worker of Persons at Work 22 at Household Industry Part B-lndustrial Classification by Sex and Class of Worker of Persons at Work 26 in Non-household Industry, Trade, Business, Profession or Service Part C-Industrial Classification by Sex and Divisions, Major Groups and Minor 34- Groups of Persons at Work other than Cultivation B-V Occupational Classification by Sex of Persons at Work other than Cultivation 57 B-VI Occupational Divisions of Persons at Work other than Cultivation classified by 90 Sex, broad Age-groups and Educational Levels in Urban Areas only Pages

B-VIIJ Part A-Persons unemployed, aged 15 and above, by Sex, broad Age-groups and 96 Educational Levels in Urban Areas only Part B-Persons unemployed, aged 15 and above by Sex and Educational Levels in Rural Areas only . 96

B-IX Persons not a[ Work classified by Sex, broad Age-groups and Type of Activity 98


C:"_IJ Age and Marital Status 104 C-IlI Part B-Age, Sex and Education in Urban Areas only 110 Part C-Age, Sex and Education in Rural Areas only 110 C-v Mother Tongue 112 C-VII Religion 112


Fly-leaf 1]5 SCT-I Part A-Industrial Classification of Persons at Work and Non-workers by Sex for 116 Scheduled Castes SCT-III Part A-Education in Urban Areas only for Scheduled Castes 120 Part B-Education in Rural Areas only for Scheduled-Castes 121 SC-1 Persons not at Work classified by Sex, Type of Activity and Educational Levels for 122 Scheduled Castes


1. Statistics of Rainfall and Temperature

l'l-Rainfall 124 l'2-Mean Maximum and Mean Minimum, Highest and Lowest Temperature 124

2_ Vital Statistics 126

3. Agricultural Statistics 3' I-Principal Crops-Distribution of Crops 128 3'2-Land Utilization 128

3' 3-Agriculture Extension Scheme 129 3'4-Persons Cultivating Land under different Sizes of Holdings 130 3'5-Crop-wise Gross Area irrigated 130 4. Statistics of Household Industries 131 Ui

Pages 5. Statistics of Factories 5' I-Growth of Factories 131 5'2-Number ~f workers in each Establishment l32 6. Administrative Statistics 6' I-Criminal Justice-No. of Criminal Cases Tried 134 6'2-Criminal Justice-Pers~ns Convicted or Bound Over l34 6' 3-Strength of Police, 1960 135 6'4-Statistics of Jails 135 6' 5-Co-operative Societies 136 6'6-Excise and Motor Spirit Tax 136 6'7-R-::Geipt of Sales T~, Entertainment Tax, Stamps and Land Revenut 137 6'S-Registered Documents and Value of Prop'erties Transferred 137 7. Public Health and Medical Statistics

7' I-List of Hospitals and Dispensaries 1960-61 138 7'2-Rural Health Centres 138 7'3-'1'. B. Clinics & Anti!Adultelation 195!:!-60 139

S. Education Statistics

S.l-Educational Institutions and Pupils 139 S'2-List of Higher Secondary Schools, 1960-61 140 9. Statistics of Public Entertainment, Press and J DumaIs

9' I-Printing Presses and News Papers 141 9'2-Cinemas 141 10. Communication Statistics including Waterways

lO'l-Length of Metalled and Unmetalled Roads Maintained by Public Authorities as on 141 December 31, 1960 I IO'2-Names of Waterways (Navigable Rivers) as on December, 31, 1960 141 lO'3-Polymetrical Table of Distances of Block Headquarters 142 lO'4-List of Railway Stations 142 IO'5-List of Post Offices 143

11. Statistics of Local Bodies Receipts and Expenditure 144 12. Statistics of Community Development 145 13. Calendar of Important Events 146 14. Prices of Staple Food-stuffs Month by Month 147 15. Statistics of Banks and Insuranace iv

IS'l-Statistics of Banks 152 lS'2-Statistics of Insurance, 1960 152

16, Statistics of Livestock 158 17, Statistics of Fairs, Festivals and Village Markets 17'1-List of Fairs 156 17'2-List of Festivals 162 17'3-List of Rats and Ba.t:.ars 163 18, Handicrafts Survey IS'I-List of Rural Crafts and Number of Persons employed in Production i65 lS'2-Distribution of Artisan Communities 165

lS'3-Materials used, Source of Design, Manufacture and Marketing of Manufactured 166 articles

19. Statistics of Major and Medium Projects taken 'up for execution during the I, II and III Plans 167

20, Statistics of Wages 167


1. Definition of Column Headings iii 2. Alphabetical list of villages of Tahsil Etawah vii 3. Directory of Tahsil Etawah 4. Directory of Etawah Municipal Board (Urban) xxviii 5. Directory of Town Area (Urban) xxxiv 6, Alphabetical list of villages of Tahsil xxxix 7. Directory of Tahsil Bharthana xlii 8. Directory of Bharthana Town Area (Urban) lviii 9. Alphabetical list of villages of Tahsil Bidhuna lxii 10. Directory of Tahsil Bidhuna lxvi 11. Alphabetical list of villages of Tahsil Auraiya lXXKviii 12. Directory of Tahsil Auraiya xcii 13. Directory of Auraiya Municipal Board (Urban) cxiv


Number of Establishments classified by Minor Groups of Industrial Classification cxvii

V-APPENDIX Gazette Notifications of changes in Boundaries during the decade 1951-61 cx:xiv PREFACE

Districtwise village statistics have been published at most of the Censuses. -A list showing the population of villages in each district was published after the .1891 Census. No such list was brought out in 1901. In 1911 Village Directories were prepared for all districts, but could be published orily for thirteen on account of the outbreak of the First World War. At the 1921 Census they were published for' all districts in the form of District Census Statistics. In 1931 they were compiled for all districts, but were not published owing t~ financial stringency, leading to loss of valuable -data. At the 1941 Census even though rest.ricted tabulation was undertaken on account of the Second World War, yet the utility of District Census Stat~stics was recognized and they were pub­ lished. At the Census of 1951 two volumes were brought out for each district­ the District Census Handbook and the District Population Statistics. Govern­ ment have decided to continue the publication of District Census Handbooks. The 1961 District Census Handbooks contain more data than ever published before. Village. Directories, besides giving the population of villages by industrial categories, also contain useful information about schools, hospitals, post offices, etc. As revised District Gazetteers are going to be published, introductory matter in the District Census Handbooks has been given in brief to avoid duplication. Information for the District Census Handbooks was collected mainly from thre~ sources viz., State Tabulation Office, District Officers, Heads of Depart­ ments and their district level officers. In all cases confirmation has been obtained from Heads of Departments concerned. I a.m extremely grateful to District I 'Officers and the various Heads of Departments for their wholehearted co- operation in f~rnishing the desired information. It is hoped that the District Census Handbooks will prove useful to the various Government departments and scholars. The printing of the Handbooks commenced from August, 1963.

P. P. BHATNAGAR Superintendent of Census Operations, . : -Dated: September 2, 1963.


1. The District Etawah with , , and . The road connecting Agra and The district of Etawah is situated In the north-west of the Division. It is Kanpur Via Etawah is the National Highway bounded on the north by the districts of No.2. Mainpuri and Farrukhabad, on the east by '4. The district may be divided into four Kanpur and on the south by Jalaun and on belts of distinct natural characteristics which the weSl for some distance by Agra and for run from the west to the south-east. The first the rest by the State of Madhya Pradesh. belt locally known as Paohai is a level expanse ~he dividing line being from Madhya Pradesh of upland, broken by occasional sandy ridges is the' Chambal. The district lies between or by streams such as the Pandu and Arind the parallels of 26° 21' and 27° I' North and its tributaries. The second belt, locally latitude. and 78° 45 and 79° 45' East longitude. called Ghar, lies between the Sengar and the The area of the district is 4,515 Sq.Km. (1,743 . It comprises a slightly undulating Sq. miles). stretch of country covering portions of tahsils ?. The district has four tahsils: Etawah, Etawah, Bharthana and bulk of Auraiya. The Bharthana, Bidhuna and Auraiya. The largest surface is not quite level and at places the in area is Etawah (1,157 Sq. Km. or 447 Sq. ground rises into hillocks of sand especially in miles) and the smallest Auraiya (1,097 Sq. Km. tahsil Bharthana. The third belt called Vharka. or 423 Sq. miles). The area of Bharthana is lies south of the Ghar consisting of parts of 1,133 Sq. Km. (437 Sq. miles) and of Bidhuna tahsils Etawah, Bharthana and Auraiya adjoin­ 1,128 Sq. Km. (436Sq. milGs). The number of ing the Yamuna. This tract comprises ravines towns is also four, namely, Etawah M.B., Au­ which have been carved by erosion and lowly­ raiya M.B., Bharthana T.A. and Jaswantnagar ing land ~n the old river beds which the T.A. Phaphund, and Lakhlla town areas Yamuna has successivel .abandoned. The have not been treated as towns at this Census fourth belt is the Chambal-Yamuna daM with for non-fulfilment of urban conditions. two central level plateaus of good light soil, one 3. Etawah is served by the Northern Rail­ in tahsil Etawah and the other in tahsil Bharthana. The plat eaus are surrounded on way (Broad-Gauge). It lies on the main line all sides by ravines of considerable areas. of the Delhi-Mughal Sarai section passing through , , Etawah, Kanpur, 5. The chief rivers of the district are the and Allahabad. Metalled roads connect Yamuna, the Chambal, the Sindh, the Kuwari IV and the Sen gar. The Yamuna enters the· 75'2 em (29'61/). The rainfall is equally well district in the north-west of .:tahsil Etawah. It distributed over va.x-ious portions of the district. forms the western and south boundaries of the district to some distance. It is a big river 8. There is no forest in tne district except causing extensive floods during rains. The stray jungles in the ravines of the Yamuna and the Chambal. The chief trees are jam'un, bel, Chambal and the Sindh are its affluents. The Sengar enters the district in the north of Etawah neem, and sheesham. tahsil and flows in the south-easterly direction, 9. Wild animals found in the district are parallel to the Yamuna. Lakes and Jhils are wolves, hyaenas, leopards, wild pigs and not common in the district. blue-bulls. \.v olves, hyaenas and leopards are found in revines to the south of the Yamuna. 6. The geology of the district does not Wild pigs are common in the jungle to the reveal anything striking except ordinary north of the district, while blue-bulls are found gangetIc alluvium. The only mineral of some in places between the Sen gar and the Yamuna. importance is ka,nkar found in the beds of the Small animals like foxes, jackals, monkeys and Yamuna and Chambal. Kankar is also burnt hare are numerous. Peacocks, partridges, for obtaining lime. The chief varieties of sandgrouse, snipe, ducks and geese are the soils in the district are dumat or loam, matiyar more common birds. or cla y and bkur or sand. These soils are common in tahsils Etawah, Bharthana, Bidhuna 10. The percentage of cultivated area and the bulk of tahsil Auraiya. They are during 1960-61 was 62'8 as against 60'3 found everywhere in lowlying beds of clay during 1950-51. The rabi and kharif are the known as jhabar. In tlfe trans-Yamuna tfact main harvests, the kharif being more im­ several other varieties of soils are met with. portant for the district as a whole. The prin­ Below the ravines of the Yamuna and in the cipal rabi crop is wheat, followed by gram. wider valleys between them the soil is called The chiefkharif crops are bajra and paddy. kachhar. Another variety is tir found along the Sugarcane, excluding oilseeds, is the main cash edges of streams. comprising rich strip of crop but is not extensively grown. alluvial deposit. Pokar is an inferior varitty of soil full of kankar and gravel. 2. Statistics

7. The climate of the district is dry and A-General Population healthy. The hot weather is characterised by an intense dry heat. The a verage rainfall 1. The district occupies th~ 36th position -during the last decennium (1951-60) was 87'3 in area and the same position in population '1 em (34'4 ) higher than the normal rainfall of m the whole State. There has been an v

-increase of about 143 Sq. Km. (55 Sq. miles) in persons per Sq. Km. (619 per Sq. mile) area since 1951, partly due to transfer of some and the urban 6,869 persons per Sq. Km. area (8 acres) from tahsil of di:;trict (17,790 per Sq. mile). The highest rural lVlainpuri to tahsil Etawah of this district and density is 255 persons per Sq. Km. (661 per partly due to revised computation' of area Sq. mile) in tahsil Auraiya and the highest figures by the Board of Revenue. The tab1~ urban 10,215 persons per Sq. Km. (26,457 per -giving variations in population since 1901 Sq. mile) in tahsil Bharthana. shows that there has been a continuous in­ -crease in population since 1921, the increase being the highest during the last decade 3. The district has 1,565 villages of which 1951~61. The popula6on increased by 211, 498 1,479 are inhabited and 86 uninhabited. The

As usual, there is preponderance of non-agri­ duties. Among male non-workers 7'9 percent

are in the age-group 15-34 most of j whom <:ultural workers in the urban areas. The are full-time students, 1 per cent in the age­ percentage of agriculturists in towns is only group 35-59, and 1'8 per cent in the age- 4-7, The non-agricultural occupations in group 60 and above, mostly dependants. towns in order of-importance are Miscellaneous Services, Trade aud Commerce, and House- 6. The more important Economic and hold Industry and Other Manufacture, the Household Economic Tables of B-Series respective percentages being 43'5, 23'6 and have been reproduced. 21'5.

3. The largest number of workers is in C-Sooial and Cultural the age-group 15-34 accounting for 49'5 per cent, followed by the next age-group 35-59 I, Literacy·-The percentage of literacy in accounting for 38 per cent. Th~ percentage the total population is 22'9 as against the State of workers below the age of 15 is 4' 3 and that average of 17'7. The rank of the district III the age-group 60 and over 8'2, The in literacy is the 9th in the whole State. proportion of workers in lower and higher age­ Literacy percentage among males is 33'9 and groups is therefore, small. among females 10'0, as against the correspond­ ing figures of 20' 1 and 4' 7 in 1951. There 4. The largest number of persons at work has been improvement both in male and other than cultivation is in miscellaneous female literacy during the decade. Of the services (15,229), followed by retail trade in total number of literates 66'9 per cent are provisions and dairy products (5,227), Cotton without any educational standard, 26-9 per weaving on handlooms (3,310) and public cent are of Primary or Junior Basic standard, services m State Government (2,974). and.. only 6'2 per cent of High School standard Occupationally the bulk of the workers is and above, engaged in miscellaneous accupations (19512).

5. Non-workers-These constitute 67'4 per 2. The percentage of literacy In the cent of the total population. Among non-workers rural population is 21'1 as against 41"1 In females predominate constituting 65'6 per cent. the urban. The proportion in the rural More than half of the non-workers (59 per cen t) area is 32'1 per cent among males and 8'1 are in the age-group 0-14, being mostly infants per cent among females, and in the urban and dependants. In all other age-groups area 51'2 per cent among males and 29'1 females are mostly engaged in household per cent among females. VIII

3. Age Structure and Marital Status­ percentage of males and females of ages 0-14 Persons in the age-group 0~14 account for 41'3 returned as married is 1-3 and 5'3 respectively per cent of the total population, followed by as against 2-1 and 9-8 in 1951. 15-34 (32'8 per cent), 35-59 (20'9 per cent), and 60 and over (5'1 per cent). The population 5. Language- has been returned as of the district is progressive as the percentage mother-tongue of 95'5 per cent of the popula­ of persons of age under 15 is 41'3 as against a tion and of 4'3 per cent: 0.1 per cent small percentage of 5'1 of elderly persons (60 each returned punjabi and Sindhi as their , years and over). mother-tongues. The number of persons who returned other languages as· their mother­ 4. In the rural area 47'5 per cent are tongues is negligible. unmarried, 44.9 per cent married and 7-6

per cent widowed or divorced; and III the 6. Hindi is spoken by 97'5 per cent of urban 49-3 per cent unmarried, 43'7 married rural population and Urdu by 2'5 per cent. and 7 per cent widowed or divorced. Among In the towns, Hindi is the mother-tongue of males 53'2 per cent are unmarried, 40-7 per 74-9 per cent population and Urdu of 23-1 per cent marr~ed and 6-1 per cent widowed or cent. divorced_ The corresponding figures for 7. Religion-Of the total population of females are 41 per cent unmarried, 49'7 per the district,93'7 per cent are Hindus, 5'9 per cent married and 9'3 per cent widowed or cent 1Vluslims and 0'2 per cent each Sikhs and ,divorced. Of the married males 1'3 per Jains. The number of persons belonging to cent are III the age-group 0-14, 51'8 per -other religions is very small, i.e., Christians 424 cent in the age-group 15-34, 36'6 per cent in and Buddhists 37. The Sikhs and Jains live the age-group 35-54 and 10'3 per cent in the mainly in towns. age-group 55 and over. Among the married females 4' 5 per cent are in the age-group 8. Of the rural population, 95'8 per cent 0-14,.64 per cent in the age-group 15-34, 27 are Hindus, 4'1 per cent Muslims and 0'1 per cent in the age-group 35-54 and 4-5 per per cent Sikhs. Th~ number of persons cent in the age-group 55 and over. Among belonging to other religions is insignificant. males and females aged 35 years and over The figures for the towns are 72-9 per cent 10'7 per cent of the males and 0'6 per cent Hindus. 24-4 per cent Muslims, 1'7 per cent of the females were found unmarried. Marri­ Jains, O-g per cent Sikhs and 0'1 p~ cent age is, thus, almost universal in females. The Uhristians. corresponding figures for 1951 are 25-4 and l' 3 respectively. Child marriage 18 still 9. Scheduled Castes-They constitute prevalent, though fast dying out. The 25-7 per cent of the total population_ The 'important Scheduled Castes in order of their 2, Of the rural population 89'2 per cent population in the district are Chamar were born within the district, 9'6 per cent members of which constitute 62'2 per cent in other districts of the State, 1'1 per cent -of the total Scheduled Caste population, in other parts of , and '02 per cent in followed by Dhanuk 11'4 per cent, Korwa I other countries. The corresponding figures 7'5 per cent and Dhobi 7'2 per cent. Persons for t~e urban are 77'3 per cent born within belonging to Scheduled Castes live mainly in the district, 18- 7 per cent in other districts villages. Only 4'9 per cent live in town"'. of the State, 3'1 per cent in other parts of India, and 0'9 per cent in other countries. 10. The more important Social and Cul­ tural Tables of C-Series have been rep.roduced. 3. Of the immigrants from adjacent States 12,144 persons (males 1,531, female's 10,613) are from Madhya Pradesh, 1,063 1. Among the people enumerated III the persons (males 626, female,> 4-37) from Punjab, district, 88'1 per cent were born within the 940 persons (males 414, females 526) from district, 10'4 per cent in other districts of the Rajasthan, 337 persons (males 103, females State, 1-3 per cent in other parts of India and 234) from Delhi and 208 persons (males 66, '(:)'1 per cent in other countries. Among those females 142) from Bihar. The number of from other countries, 1,149 are from Pakistan, immigrants from other districts of the State 76 from Nepal, 7 from Burma, 3 from is 122,926 (males 24,688, females 98,238), Afghanistan, 2 from Ceylon and 1 from South Africa. ~Iost of the immigrants from 4. Migration Tables have not been re­ Pakistan are displaced persons. The duration produced. of residence of more than half (56"'3 per cent) or the immigrants is over 10 years. 87'6 per cent immjgrants were returned from rural E-Housing and EstaiJlishment areas and the remaining 12'4 per cent from the urban. Among them 19'7 per cent are l. Workshops and Factories-There are males and 80'3 per cent females, The large 39 registered factories in the district-28 Bour percentage of females is explained by marri­ mills, 4 engaged jn the production of edible age migration, The percentage of workers oils; 2 in manufacturing and assembling of

.and non-workers among immigrants is 15'4 ! non-textile machinery (other than electrical), and 84'6 respectively. Among workers 52'4 and one each in basic metal industries (non­ per cent work as Cultivators and Agricultural ferrous), repairs of motor vehicles, pharma­ Labourers, 22'0 per cent are in Other Ser­ vices, 12'2 per cent in Household Industry ceutical preparations, cotton ginning and .and Other Manufacture, and 8-8 per cent baling and fruit preservation. Most of the in Trade and Commerce, In other categories concerns are sman with 50 or Jess wor.kers the number is small. each. Only two concerns, namely, Govern- ment Industrial Training-cum-Production will show the small extent to which power­ Centre and the U.P. Government Roadways IS employed in industry in this district. ~Workshop are big with 64 and 58 workers 5. Walls and Roofs-Mud is the pred9- respectivel y. minant material of house walls in villages 2. The total number of workshops and and burnt brick in towns-68'8 per cent house­ factories of all sizes, registered and unregister­ holds in rural areas and 78'2 per cent house­ 'ed, in the district is 4,039 less than the holds in urban areas live in houses of this type. State average of 4,460 per district, The Clay and miscellaneous material is the most number per lakh population is 342 as against important for roofing in villages and brick-and­ the State average of 327. Of these 2,364 are lime in towns respectively accounting for 90'9 in the rural area and 1,675 in the urban, and 48'2 per cent. The roofs are mostly flat. In the rural area the largest number (398) as in other western districts. is engaged in making textile garments, follow­ 6. Size of Household and Density of' ed by the production of miscellaneous food Persons per Room.-The average size bf products, such as sweetmeat, condiments, etc. household in the rural area is 5'4 and in the (282) and processing of foodgrains (254). In urban 5'3. The corresponding figures for the urban ~reas cotton weaving on hand looms 1951 are 5'2 for rural and 4'7 for urban areas (317) and the production of miscellaneous which would show that the average household, both in rural and urban has increased in food products, such as sweetmeat, condiments, , size, particularly the average urban household etc. (222) are the more important industries, during 1951·6l. Households with single room 3. The predominant working group in -are predominant in all tahsils except Bidhuna the urban area is 2-5 accounting for 53'0 per where a two-Ioom tenement is more popular. cent, followed by single worker establishments The proportion of households in the district, (39'3 per cent). In the rural area one worker as a whole, living in one room is 28'3 per establishments are most numerous (61'3 per cent and of those living in two and three cent), followed by 2-5 (37'0 per cent). rooms 26'9 and 19'3 per cent respectively. 4. In both villages and towns most of the Roughly 1 per cent household have no regular establishments are run without power. The room to live in, percentage of such establishments is 59'6 in 7. In the rural area the average density of the rural and 60'5 in the urban. Next comes persons per room is 2'0 and in the urban 2'4. solid fuel both in rural and urban areas Considering households occupying one room accounting for 25'4 and 28'1 per cent respecti­ only, the average size in the rural area is 4'1 vely. Electricity is used only in 10 rural and and in the urban 4'2 which speaks of 98 urban industrial establishments, This congestion in living accommodation. Xt

Housing an. d Establishment Tables have F es t'Iva I s, H and' lcra f ts, Major and Medium not been reproduced. Projects, and Wages. 3. Presentation of data m-Village Directory-Definition of Statistics and other information in this Column Headings and for each tahsil an Alpha­ betical List of Villages and a Village Directory volume have been presented in the following giving data for all villages and towns by order~- sex of total population, Scheduled Caste popu­ I-Census Tables-General Popu lation lation, literate population, working population Tables, Economic Tables, Social and Cultural by categories of workers and nop.-workers. Tables and Scheduled Caste Tables. IV-List of. Industrial Establishments­ II-Official Statistics- Rainfall and Numher of establishments in each village or Temperature, Vital Statistics, Agriculture and block by the 3-digit industrial code. Irrigation, Household Industries, Registered V-Appendix-Gazette Notification of Factories, Administration, Public Health and changes in boundaries during the decade 1951- Medical, Education, Public Entertainment, 1961. Pre~ses and Journals, Communication, Local Bodies, Community Development, Calendar of Besides the above, one map for the District Important Events, Prices of Staple Food­ and one for each tahsil have been included stuffs, Banks and Insurance, Livestock, Fairs and in the District Census Handbook.



A-I-Area, Houses aDd Population

Area in N urn ber of Villages Number Population ,.-_-_.A.____ -.. Total r-----..".__--~ Population ,.-----'----, Number of District/Tabsill Rural per of Occupied City/Town Urban Sq, Sq, Sq, mile In- Un- Towns Residential Persons Males Females miles Km, habited inhabited Houses 2 38 30 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 T 1,743'3 4,515'2 678 1,479 ,86 4 176,005 1,182,202 639,974: 54:2,228 R 1,737'7 4,499'6 619 1,479 86 159,265 1,074,931 581,686 493,245 U 6'0 15'6 17,790 4 16,740 107,271 58,288' 48,985 Etawah Tahsil T 446'7 1,157'0 752 235 10 2 48,615 335,910 182,208 153,702 R 442'1 1,145'1 582 335 10 36,892 257,214- 139,292 117,922 U 4'6 11'9 17,071 2 11,723 78,696 42,916 35,780

'Eta wah M,B, 3'61 9'35 19,302 lO,288 69,681 38,070 31,611 Jaswantnagar T.A, 1'00 2'59 9,015 1,435 9,015 4,846 4,169

Bharthana Tahsil T 437'5 1,133'1 645 309 2 41,759 282,376 153,134 129,242 R 437'1 1,132'0 621 309 2 39,594- 271,264 146,962 124,302 1'1 26,457 U 0'4 2,165 11,112 6,172 4,940 Bhalthana T, A, 0'42 1'09 26,457 2,165 11,112 6,172 4,940 *Bidhuna Tahsil T 435'7 1,\28'4 614 408 30 40,792 267,380 145,300 122,080 Auraiya Tahsil T 423'4 1,096'7 700 427 44 44,839 296,536 159,332 137,204 R 42~N 1,094'1 661 427 44 41,987 279,073 150,132 128,941 U 1'0 2'6 17,463 2,852 17,463 9,200 8,263 Auraiya M.B. 1'00 2'59 17,463 2,852 17,463 9,200 8,263 Notes-(I) In columns 3b and 4, the Sq. Kilometer and density figures respectively of urban areas of Tahsils and District are worked out using the -area figures corrected up to 2 places of decimals obtained by adding the areas of towns in the respective units and not using the area figures given in the Table. In addition to this, the figures relating to Sq. Km, are further adjusted to make the Tahsils and District totals agree. (2) According to Surveyor Gene~al, India the area of District Etawah is 1,669 Sq. miles, (4,323 Sq. Km) (3) 'M, B,' stands for 'Municipal Board' and'T. A.' for 'Town Area'. "'{4) In tahsil marked '*' ~R' is the same as 'T' as there is no Urban area

APPENDIX I Statement showing 1951 Territorial Units ,onstituting -the present 1961 set-up of the District (Only those names/areas w4ich have undergone change since 19~Lhave been shown below)

Details of gain in Territories ,.- _____Details of loss .A. in____ Territories -, Net Area (Gain +) Area in (Loss -) District/Tahsil 1951 Territorial ,----Jt-~ ~ __""" ____"'Ij Units Brief Brief description Sq, miles Sq. Km. description Sq. miles Sq, Km. Sq, miles Sq. Km 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ETAWAH DISTRICT' Etawah DistricL One block (7'55 acres) N N +N +N of viJage Kumheri Code No, 106 transferred from Karhal Tahsil of Main­ puri District to Eta~ah Tahsil

Etawah Tahsil Etawah Tahsil One block (7'55 acres) N N of VIllage Kumheri Code +N +N No, 106 transferred from Kal hal Tahsil of 'Main­ puri Distri ct

N-Stands for 'Negligible' 6 APPENDIX II

Numher of JfillagtS with a Population of ',000 and 011" and Towns with a Population lindt' ',000

Towns with a Population under 5,000 Villages with a Population__.A- ___ of 5,000- ____and over ..... ___..____--.....

Percentage to • Percentage to District/Tabsil Number Population Total Urban Number Population Total Rural Population Population of the State ..I .. of the State "6 7 2 3 4 5 : 13,032 0-02 ETI\Wi\H DlS},RICT 2 5,839 0'01 Bhahhana Tahsil 7,193 0'01 Auraiya Tabsl

Note""":Uiliti of Territories "hich have nothms to show for this statement have been excluded

APPENDIX III Houseless and Institutional Population

Total Houseless Populat!on Institutional Population ,.------"---- -, District /Tahsil Rural ~ Urban P~rsons 'Males 'Females Persons Males Females

2 ...-3 4 5 6 7 S 120 1,908 1,658 250 ETA WAH );)ISTRICT T 628 508 n. 517 Hi 73 640 479 161 1,179 89 U 111 64 47 1,268

117 T m 141 32 1,095 "'978 Etawah Tabsil • 70 57 R 123 115 8 127 90B 60 U 50 26 24 968

144 133 It Bbarthana Tah~il T 206 177 29 (\ R 206 -177 29 66, 55 1J 7B 78

*Did!lUDa Tahsil T 98 79 19 186 ,129 57J

AUraiya Tahsil T 151 III 40 483 418 65 R 90 73 17 261 225 36 U 61 38 23 222 193 29 1 ;.,

! n tahsil markfld pk' 'R' is the same as 'T' as there is no Urba.n area 7 A-mams :: A-I1--Variatioll ill Population during Sixty Year.

Percentage Year Persons Decade variation decade Malea Femalea variation

2 3 4 5 6 I ., ETAWAH DISTRICT 1901 806,806 437,917 368,889 1911 760,128 - 46,678 5·79 416,652 343,476 1921 733,539 - 26,589 3·50 404,327 329,212 1931 746,012 + 12,473 + 1·70 413,075 332,937 1941 883,272 + 137,260 + 18·40 481,775 401,497 1951 970,704 + 87,432 + 9·90 527,523 443,181 1961 1,182,202 + 211,498 + 21·79 639,974 542;228'


1951 Population il&Gording to the territorial jurisdidion in 1951 and changes in area and population involved in those 'changes

Area in 1961 .-___..11- __--. Area in 1951 1951 Population Net increase r-----.A..-~ Population in 1951 or District/Tahsil 1961 according to adjusted to decrease Sq. miles Sq. Km. Population Sq. miles Sq.Km. jurisdiction jurisdiction between prevailing in of columns 1951 1961 7 and 8'

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

ETA WAH DISTRICT 1,743'3 4,515'2 1,182,202 1,688·0 4,371'9 970,695 970,704 +9 ( +55.3) ( +143'3) (+9)

Etawah Tahsil 446'7 1,157'0 335,910 427·0 1,105'9 278,728 278,737 +9 *( + 1:;'7) *(+51'1) {+9) Bharthana Tahsil 437-5 1,133'1 282,376 417·0 1,080'0 233,881 233,881 i( +20-5) \j tt(53-1) ( ... ) Bidhuna Tahsil 435-7 1,128-5 267,380 429-0 1,111'0 216,993 216,993 t(+ 6-7) t(+IN) ( ... ) Auraiya Tahsil ~23"4 1,096'6 296,536 415-0 1,074'9 241,093 241,093 t(+ 8.4) t(+21'7) ( ... )

Notes (I) The difference between the area of 1951 and 1961 has been given within brackets in columns 5 and 6 and the difference in population of 1951, as enumerated and as recast on the basis of jurisdiction of 1961, is given within brackets in col. 7. The area figures of 1951 are from the 1951 District Census Handbook and those of 1961 as intimated by the Board of Revenue.

*(2) The net jurisdict:onal change due to tlansfer of one block with an area of 7'65 acres transferred from Karhal tahsii of to Etawah tahsil of this district (vide G. O. no. 4847/IC-360-C/52 dated June 24, 1957) does not corrobora.te with the difference in area figures of 1951 and 1961 because of 'Ievised calculation of area done by the Board of Revenue in 1961. .

t(3) There has been no jurisdictional change quring the decade; the difference in area figures of 1951 and 1!)61 is due to revised calculation ofare~done by the Board of Revenue in 1961. CBN~S TABLES 8 A-III-4Villages c1assi6ed by Populadon

I-Villages with less tban 2,000 Population ,- --., Total Less than 200 200-499 500-999 Number ...... ___, r- ,--- District/Tahsil of Total Rural Inhabited Population Population Population Population Villages ,..-___..A.. ___ -. r- No. No. ~----. No. ,----"--..._,

Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

ETAWAH DISTRICT 1,479 1.074,931 581,686 493,245 219 14,608 12,372 493 93,761 79,035 451 174,682 148,031

Etawah Tahsil 335 257.214 139,292 117,922 43 2,755 2,405 114 24.861 20.823 105 41,327 34,855

Bharthana Tahsil 309 271,264 146,962 124,302 33 2,288 1,,971 89 17,481 14,702 95 36,146 30,605

Bidhuna Tahsil 408 267.380 145,300 122,080 85 5,323 4,438 141 27,129 22,718 101 38,780 32,473 I> Auraiya Tahsil 427 279,073 150,132 128,941 58 4,242 \3,558 149 24,290 20,792 150 58,429 50,098

I-Villages with less than II-Villages with a Population of 2,000-9,999 III-Villages with a Population 2,000 Population-concltf. of 10,000 and above ,----"------...... _ -.,

District/Tahsil 1.000~1,999 2,000-4.999 5,000-9,999 10,000 and above r-----~----. ,- r- -'-----., Population Population Population PopUlation No. -"----. No. r------. No. ,------. ~o. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female3

15 16 17 -18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

ETAWAH DISTRICT 239 176,238 150,477 75 115,491 97,204 2 6,906 6,126

54 ,I Etawah Tahsil 40,122 34,379 19 30,227 25,460

Bharthana Tahsil 70 53,467 45,379 21 34,497 - 28,889 3,083 2,756

Bidhuna Tahsil 62 44.932 38.298 19 29,136 24,153 ...

Aurttiya Tahsil 53 37,717 32,421 16 21,631 18,702 3.823 3.370 9

A-IV-ToWDS (and T~ Group.) cl••• ifi.a • .,. PnptllatioD in 1961 with VariatioD .iDce 1941

Decade Percentage Town StatuI of Town Year Persons variation decade Males Females variation

3 4 5 6 7 8

Class 11--50,000 to 99,999

Etawah M.B. 1941 53,114 28,659 24,455 Area in Sq. miles 3.61/Sq. Km. 9·35 1951 59,986 + 6,872 + 12·94 32,966 27,020

1961 69,681 + 9,695 + 16·16 38,070 31,611

Class IV-IO,OOO to 19,999

Auraiya M.B. 1941 9,840 5,541 4,299 Area in Sq. miles l.OO/Sq. Km. 2.59 1951 13.378 + 3,538 + 35·96 7,432 5,946

1961 17,463 + 4,085 + 30·54 9,200 8,263

I Bharthana T.A. 1941 4,553 2,824 1,729 Area in Sq. miles 0>42/Sq. Km. 1.09 1951 7,066 + 2,513 + 55·19 4,117 2,949

, 961 11,112 + 4,046 + 57·26 6,172 4,940

Class V-5,OOO to 9,999

Jaswantnagar T.A, 1941 6,942' 3,722 3,220 Area in Sq. miles 1.00/Sq. Km. 2·59 1951 8,002 + 1,060 + 15·27 4,219 3,783

f961 9,015 + 1,013 + 12·66 4,846 4;169

------'M. B.' stands for 'Municipal Board' 'T. A.' stands for 'Town Area'

New Towns added in 1961 Towns in 1951 which have been declassified as rural in 1961 ....., ,------.

Name 01' town Area in Population Name of Town Area in Populat'ion r---A-~ r---'---., ,..-----.A--, ~

Sq. Sq. 1961 1951 Acres Sq. 1961 1951 miles Km. f" Km.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 )0

Phaphund 267 1'1 7,193 5,327 :- Ekdil 681 2'8 4,615 3,863 '" 815 3'3 4,251 3,479


Ea&h town in 1951 which has ceased to be a town in 1961, showing the name, area and population , of the village or villages into which it-has r,lapsed in 1961

'consti,tu_ent \'~lla~es r-----;----"-~------_, Name of District Name of 1951 Census Town 1961 declassified in 1961 Name Survey No. r--- --..

Area (in acres) Population

2 8 4 5 6

.J ...... ETAWAH'DlSTRICT .rhaphund Phaphund 190 (1) 1,533 7,193

I· Ekdil Ekdil 323 601 4,615

, Lakhna Lakbna j 268 815 4,251 "~ B-SERIES GENERAL ECONOMIC TABLES CISNSUS TABLZS 12 B-1 and B-II-Workers and Non-workers in District and Towns classified


Total Population Total Workers As Cultivator As Agricultural In Mining, Labourer Quarrying, Live- stock, Forestry, Age-group Fishing, Hunting and Plantations, Orchards and allied activities

,..... __.A- .-----....______,.----'"--...... ,.-- Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

District TOTAL 1,182,202 639,974 542,228 365,995 19,026 271,275 9,479 16,988 1,007 496 40 0-14 486,718 260,221 226,497 15,830 833 11,805 370 888 45 46 5 388,299 203,932 184,367 182,387 8,160 132,180 3,795 9,399 472 241 19 15-34- , 35-59 246,601 140,579 106,022 137,867 8,483 102,927 4,387 5,812 449 174 7 60+ 59,716 34,720 24,996 29,819 1,543 24,3Q6 922 885 41 35 9 Age not stated 868 522 346 92 7 57 5 4


TOTAL 1,074,931 581,686 493,245 336,416 15,946 269,876 9,435 16,898 997 339 33 0-14 442,664 236,785 205,879 15,058 -675 11,760 370 885 45 30 4 15-34 353,212 185,083 168,129 167,783 6,735 131,593 3,786 9,355 471 182 17 35-59 224,489 127,952 96,537 125,861 7,221 102,356 4,360 5,776 440 104 5 53,750 60+ 31.351 22,399 27.626 1,309 24,1lO 914 8711 41 23 7 Age not stated 816 515 301 88 6 57 5 4


TOTAL 107,271 58,288 48,983 2,9579 3,080 1,399 44 90 10 157 7 0-14 44,054 23,436 20,618 77'l. 158 45 3 16 15-34 35,087 18,849 16,238 14,604 1,425 587 9 44- 1 59 2 35-59- 22,112 12,627 9,485 12,006 1,262 571 27 36 9 70 2 60+ 5,966 3,369 2,597 2,193 234- 196 8 7 12 2 Age not stated 52 7 45 4 IS ll-SEJlIBS by Sex aad Broad Age-groups

WORKERS J-__. ___-.------~-.------......

IV V VI VII VIII IX X At. Household In Manufactudng In Construction In Trade and In Transport, In Other Services NON-WORKERS Industry other than Commerce Storage and Household Communications Industry

Males Females Males Females Males Femaies Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

13 14 15. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Total 14,765 3,400 5,999 495 2,337 12 15,808 515 3,143 5 35,984 4,073 273,979 523,202 J,684 266 274 44 21 266 19 29 817 83 244,391 225,664 7,566 1,683 3,563 297 1,164- 5 7,174 113 1,658 19,442 1,775 21,545 176,207 4,541 1,281 1,902 140 1,057 '1 6,194 291 1,304 2 13,956 1,919 2,712 97,539

973 170 258 14 94 1,371 91 150 1,747 295 4,901 23,453

\ 1 2 3 2 22 430 339


12,458 1,958 2,782 441 1,535 10 1,530 280 1,922 .. 23,016 2,788 245,270 477,299 1,551 154 128 42 12 101 5 12 579 54 221,727 205,204

6,507 926 1,771 279 \' 804 5 3\749 55 1,018 12,0804 1,'195 17,300 161,394 3,655 779 803 114 673 5 3,046 161 797 8,651 1,356 2,091 89,316 744 99 79 6 I 45 ,.. 631 59 93 182 3,725 21,090 \ 3 2' 19 427 295 " ,


2,307 1,442 3,217 54 802 2 7,478 235 1,221 I 12,908 .1,285 28,769 45,903

133 112 146 2 9 1~ 14 17 238 29 22,664 20,460

1,059 757 1,792 18 360 3,4~5 58 640 6,638 580 4,245 14,813 886 502 1,099 26 384 3,148 130 507 5,305 563 621

229 71 179 8 49 740 32 57 724 113 lil7? 3 3

1.5 ,-SDIRI b_Y Self, ,and Broad Age-groups-co"elt.!.

WORltERS ------...... IV V VI VII VIII IX X

At Household In Manufacturing In 'Construction In Trade and In Transport, In Other Services NON-WORKERS Industry other than Commerce Storage and Household Communicatiolls Indu~try

, ,..------...... ,....._-"-.---, r--~~ ,....._.A.. __...... t' ""'---"'11 ,.---. ,.---...... --~

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26


1,709 1,144 2,02,f 49 627 2 4,230 86 8:;8 1 8,932 806 18,800 29,497 1114 98 114 2 8 IO'l 12 171 20 14,594 13,094 786 599 1.102 '17 279 1,904 26 456 4,450 356 2,921 9,4!l 645 p85 681 23 297 2 1,721 47 343 3,755 347 440 5,327. \64 62 126 7 43 502 l3 47 553 83 842 1,6<15 ,3 3' 20

T. A. 318 222 292 3 66 758 21 92 812 U8 2.2f4 3,800 12 12 13 27 1 22 1,981 1,761 126 121 157 32 336 4 38 437 47 177 1,187 142 83 lO5 2 31 325 12 49 • 311 59 38 673 38 6 17 3 70 4 4 42 II '68 178 ,. T. A. 90 18 439 2 72 1,15S 69 1016 1,302 117 2,906 4,730 4 1 15 13 14- 3 25 6 2,330 2,119 57 10 238 34 561 17 90 715 47 442 1,625 "• ...I 22 6 163 35 5eO 33 50 515 54 41 801 • 7 23 2 75 5 3 47 10 93 1M


190 58 462 37 1,335 59 125 1,862 ~44 4,739 7,876

3 1 4 16 20 2 3,759 3,4~6 90 27 295 .15 624 11 56 1.036 130 705 2,590 77 28 150 21 602 38 65 724 103 102 1,422 20 2 13 . I 93 10 3 82 9 173 356 22 CENSUS TABLES '16 B-Ill-Part A-lildustrial etallsifioatioD of Educatiollal Levels in



Total Population of As Cultivator As In Mining. At Household Workers and Non­ Agricultural Quarrying, Live- Industry workers Labourer stock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting Educational Levels and Plantations, Orchards and allied activiites

""------., r-__",A.,~ ,...----'----. ~ ,.--_,_,.___~. Persons Males Females Males Females 'Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12

Total 107,271 58,288 48,983 1,399 90 10 ,157 7 2,307 1,442

Illiterate 63,132 2B,42Y 3t,703 819 39 75 10 lOB 7 1,417 1,297

Literate (without educational 25,87 , 16,085 9,786 336 5 12 36 683 134 level) Primary or Junior Basic 11,951 8,443 3,508 185 3 ... . 6 179 ·n

High School or Higher 5,200 4,343 857 52 '1 26 Secondary Technical diploma not equal 3 2 to degree Non-technical diploma not 17 3 14 equal to degree University degree or post­ 949 868 81 6 2 graduate degree other than technical degree

Technical degree or diploma 148 116 32 equal to degree or post­ graduate degree

Engineering 4

Medicine 38 34 4


Veterinary and Dairying


Teaching 94 66 28

Otberp 9 9 17

Workers aDd Non-woJ1ker. by Urbaa Ar.... ealy


'V VI VII VIII IX X In Manufacturing In Construction in Trade and In Transport, In Other Services NON-WORKERS other than House­ Commerce Storage and hold Ind ustry Communications

r----_,__.~ r---.. J--_~ r---___"'---~ r-----"------. ,--_ ____.A..--~ r---.A..----,

Males Females Males Females Males FeJnales- Males Females Males Females Males Females 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

3~17 54 802 2 7,478 235 1;221 1 12,908 1,285 28,709 45,903

1,171 49 420 2 2,108 211 788 5,152 936 16,371 32,146

1,418 4 266 3,176 18 284 3.720 156 6.154 9.469

501 83 1,560 99 1.649 60 4,178 3,435

112 24 582 44 1,608 96 1.888 761

1 2

5 3 9

15 6 50 6 677 IIl6 81

3 102 32 9

2 .. ~ 2 \, 29 4 4


61 28 5

8 'CBNsua TA.BLES 18

B-III-Part B-lndustrial Classification of Educational'Levels ia WORKERS r-

I II III IV Total Population of As Cultivator As Agricultural In ,Mining, At Household Educational Levels Workers and La,b,ourer Qparrying, Live- Industry Non-workers stock, Forestry Fishing, Hunting and Plantations, Orchards and' allied activities -. ,.----'----, ,- ,---...... _~ ,.--~ Persons Males Females Males Females' Ma1Cl1 Females Males Females Males Females I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Total 1,674,931 581,686 493,245 269,876 9,435 16,898 997 339 33 12,",58 1,958

Illiterate 847,926 394,839 453,087 176,192 9,112 15,024 9!i7 275 33 8,015 1,788 Literate (without educa- tional level) 155,550 123,689 31,861 61,835 296 1,463 ... 33 3,281 115 Primary or Junior Basic 61,072 53,216 7,856 28,636 27 399 70 1,088 55 1 " High School and above 10,383 9,942 441 3,213 12 11 74


Total 257,214 139,292 117,92'2 66,897 2,OU 3:692 66 266 30 2,480 567

Illiterate 208,171 98,246 109,925 44,162- '2,043 3,227 66 206 30 1,608 529 Literate (without educa- tiona11evel) 35,536 28,649 6,887 16,120 410 668 38

Primary or Junior Basic 11,531 10,467 1,064 5,794 54 ... 195

High School and above 1,976 1,930 46 821 9


Total. 271,26

Illiterate 209,466 96,123 113,343 42,642 1,367 3,593 172 38 2,070 369 Literate (without educa- tional level) 40,659 32,606 8,053 15,716 98 512 17 681 23

Primary or Junior Basic 18,015 15,173 2,842 7,533 II 199 13 305 38

'Hi~h School and above 3,124 3,060 64 \ 839 6 5 24 19 lI-s.alll Workers and Non-work'tr. by RurJll Areas only WORKERS ...... ~------.. V VI VII VIII IX X In Manufacturing In Construction In Trade and- In Transport, In Other Services NON-WORKERS other than Commerce Storage and Household Communications Industry

oc__..____, -. oc-_...... ___, ~ ,....--"-

Males Females Males Females Males Pemales Males Females Males Females Males Females

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24


2,782 4tl 1,5~5 10 7,~0 280 1,922 4 23,076 2,788 245,270 477,299

1,485 428 816 10 2,565 262 938 4 13,~95 2,288 175,834 438,165 815 13 460 3,022 16 565 4,296 352 47,919 31,069 415 200 1,650 2 292 2,804 90 17,712 7,682

67 59 293 127 2,281 58 3,805 383


502 97 409 5 1,532 59 785 1 5,180 685 57,609 114,369 213 97 185 5 721 59 428 2,395 385 45,101 106,710

201 159 576 251 1,642 281 8,622 6,~68 79 58 226 93 662 19 3,306 1,045 9 7 9 13 48f 580 46


1,183 189 409 1,946 56 431 5,508 764 63,292 121,215 656 176 251 M7 56 177 3,068 689 43,081 110,514 335 13 99 788 U8 911 27 13,429 7,892 167 • W 531 93 820 23 5,464 2,770 25 11 SO- 43 709 25 1,318 39 C:a;N5US TABLES 2.0 B-III-Pal't B-Illdlwcrial ClassDication of Educational Levels in

WORKERS r-- • I II III IV Total Population of As Cultivator As Agricultural In Mining, At Household Educational Levels Workers and Labourer Quar_rying, Live- Industry Non-workers stock, Forestry, Fisning, Hunting and Plantations, Orchards and allied activities r------.A.-- ______,----"-___, r----Jo..---., r--_A._-_-. ,..---""---. Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

'2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


145,300 122,080 71,384 1,427 -t,Os{ Total 267,38() 22 2 3,129 354

Illiterate 213,642 100,553 11~,489 48,370 1,362 4,054 19 2 2,050 314 Literate (witnout educa- tionallevcl) 38,985 30,402 8,583 15,010 62 2 883 31

13,392 12,426 966 7,297 3 Primary or Junior Basic 183 9

High School and above 1,961 1,919 42 707 .. : 13


Total 279,073 150,132 128,941 4,489 4 {142 759 64,~ 1 38 ,1 3,769 607

Illiterate 217,247 99,917 117,330 41,018 , ~,340 4f\~O 759 12 l. 2,287 576 Literate (without educa- t i onal level) 40,370 32,032 8,338 14,989 136 '541 , 14 1,049 23 ;Primary or Junior Basic 18,134 15,150 2,984 8,012 13 '146 \3 405 8 High School and above 3,322 3,033 289 846 5 6 28 21 ..alES

Workers aM N.1UoW8rJc.wp'Ii, Rural Areas only-Concld. WORKERS


V VI VII VIII IX X In Manufacturing In Construction In Trade and In Transport; In Other Services NON-WORKERS other than Commerce Storage and Household ,( Communications Industry

r-___Jo._ p--_,._~~ r- ." )----"- ~

Males I Females iMales Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 13 '14 '15 '16 17 18 19 H2O 21 22 23 24


\ 328 37 322 4: 1,851 50 251 4,005 393 59,954 119,813

201 37 171 4 544 50 101 2,529 354 42,514 110,366

61 '66 773 92 526 13 12,989 8,477

60 62 428 39 495 18 3,861 936 I' 6 23 106 19 455 8 590 34


769 118 395 1 2,201 115 455 3 8,383 946 64,415 121,902

415 118 209 1 753 97 232 3 5,703 860 45,138 110.575

218 '136 885 16 104 1,217 31 12,879 8,132

109 32 465 2 67 827 30 5,081 2,931 I 27 18 98 52 636 25 t,317 l!64 CBNSUS TABLES 22.

B-IV-P,rlTt A-Industrial Classification by Sex and Class or Worker or Persons at Work at Household Industry

Total Employee Others -, r----"- ----. Branch of Industry Total Division and Major Group of Rural Males Females Males Females Males Females 1. S. 1. C. Urban

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

ALL DIVISIONS T 14,765 3,400 1,427 18 13,338 3,382 R 12,458 ,1,958 1,380 4 11,078 1,954 U 2,307 1,442 '1.7 14 2,260 1,428

Division O-Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, T 3,548 396 551 1 2,997 395 Fishing and Hunting R 3,369 348 550 1 2,819 347 U 179 48 1 178 48

Major Group OO-Field produce and Plan- T 214 4 210 4 4 tation crops R 213 2 " 210 3 2 U 2 2

Ol-Plantation crops T 2 U 2

03-Fishing T 3 ••• '0: ..• 3 U 3 3

04-Livestock and hunting T 3,329 392 340 2,989 391 R 3,156 346 340 2,816 345 U 173 46 173 46

Divisions 2 & 3-Manufacturing T 11,217 3,004 876 17 10,341 2,987

R 9,089 1,610 830 3 8,259 1,607

U 2,128 1,394 46 14 2,082 1,380

Major Group 20-Foodstuffs T 2,177 344 328 3 1,849 341 R 2,077 317 320 3 1,757 314 U 100 27 8 92 27 29 B-IV-Part A.-Industrial Olassification by Sex ann Class of Worker of Persons at Work, at Household Industry-Contd.

,-__TotaloA __ ...... ,-__EmployeeoA __ ...... Others

Branch of Industry Total /' Division and Major Group of Rural I Males Females Males Females Males Fe~alcs I. S. I. C. Urban

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Major Group 21-Beveral:cS T 2 :.! R U

22-Tobacco products T 3 2 3 2 R U 3 3

23-Textile-cotton T 2,198 1,647 48 12 2,150 1,635 R 965 474 35 930 474 U 1,233 1,173 13 12 1,220 1,161

24-Textile-jute T 82 181 6 76 181 R 82 181 6 76 181

25-Textile-wool T 2 2 R

U lJ

27-Textile-misce11aneous T 1,521 1(\ I 63 1,458 114 R 1,371 87 60 1,311 87 U 150 27 3 147 27 ._. 28-Manufacture of wood and T 2.076 314 120 1,956 314 wooden products R 1,805 276 105 1,700 276 U 271 38 15 256 38

29-Paper and paper products "(' 4 3 2 2 3 R 2 'J '" 2 U 2 3 2 3 G.IIlN!JI!JS TABLES 2+. B-1:¥' ..:Pk. 1AoI-(laclUtna).Qassificatioll,.. by Sex.and {OJasa of Wwkel' ." :PersoDs at wo. at He&seh.oIGl JiDIJU~-CIHI.ld.

Total Employee Others _,._ ,---...,._-----, ..4.. ___., Branch of Industry Total Division aM MajorGroop of Rural Males Fdmal~ Males Females Males Females I. S. 1. C. Urban

2 S 4 5 6 7 8

Major Group 3O-Printing and publishing T 231 27 204 R 229 27 202 U 2 2

31-Leather and leather T 779 47 159 620 47 products R 706 18 156 550 18 U 73 29 3 70 29

33-Chemicals and chemical T 91 5 13. 2 78 3 products R 68 11 57

U 23 5 2 2 21 3

34-35-Non-metallic mineral T 9H 304 48 863 304 products other than petro- Ieum and coal R 758 227 48 710 227 U 153 77 153 77

36-Basic metals and their T 570 17 28 542 17 products except machinery and transport equipment R 525 17 26 499 17 U 45 2 43

37-Machinery (all kinds T 'S7 6 31 other than transport) and electrical equipment R .137 6 31

38-Transport equipment T 135 19 116 I ( R 130 19 111 U 5 5

39-Miscellaneolls Manufac- T '399 23 9 390 23 turing Industries R 332 10 9 323 10 U 67 13 67 13

I. S. I. C.-Indian Standard Industrial CI

Total Emplo)ee Others ,.---, ,.----...... ----~ _..... _---. ,.---""----. Branch of Industry Males Females Males Females Males Females Division of L S. I. C.

2 3 4 5 6 7

District Rural

Total 12,458 1,958 1,380 4 11,07" 1,954

I!jvi~ion O-Agriculture, Livestock, }<'orestry, Fishing and 3,369 348 550 2,819 347 Hunting 2 & 3-Manufacturing 9,089 1,610 830 3 8,259 1,607

Etawah Tahs~l

Total 2,480 !ii7 182 2,298 567 I Il Division O-Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing and 369 47 27 342 47 Hunting 2 & 3-Manufacturing 2,111 520 155 1,956 520

Bharthana Tahsil

II icital 3,080 430 50 1 3,030 429 ,- Division O-Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing and 1,162 95 16 1,146 95 Hunting 2 &. 3-~anufac.turing, i,918 335 34 1,884 334

Bidbuna Tahsil

Total 3,129 35"4. 762 2,367 354

Division O-Agriculture, Livestoclt,'Forestry, Fishing and 515 44 287 228 44- I Hunting 2 & 3-Manufacturing 2,614 310 475 2,139 310

Aaraiya Ta'Hsil

Total 3,769 607 386 3 3,383 6()4

Division O-Agriculture, Livestock, Forestr~(Fishjng and 1,323 162 220 1,103 161 Hunting 2 & 3-Manufacturing 2,446 445 166 2 2,280 4'43

1. S,. 1. C.-India,. Standard In~ustrial Classiji.;alipn CENSUS TABLES ~6

B-IV-Part B"7"IDdllstrial ClassificatioD by Sex and C)a,~ ot>Wor~41r "r Persops at Work in NOD- household Ind~~try? Tr.~de, Bllsinelilli, Pr~fessiqn.or ~ervice

Total Employer Employee Single Worker Family Worker Total ,.---"----, ,.....-J----, .---"-----.. ~ Branch ofIndustry Urban Division and Major Group of Males Females Males Females Males Females Males 'Females Males FemaJes I. S. 1. C.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

ALL DIVISIONS T 62,967 5,140 3,002 234 21,253 1,1«;9 35,251 3,oM 3,461 633 U 25,783 1,584 1,542 18 9,366 570 12,928 847 1.947 149

Division O-Agriculture. Livestock. Forestr,. T 492 40 3 158 290 38 41 2 Fishing and Hunting U 155 7 1 48 81 7 25

Major Group OO-Field produce and T 120 23 2 75 29 22 14 plantation crops U 40 3 26 9 3 5

Ol-Plantation crops T 9 5 2 U 9 5 2

02-Forestry and logging T 55 55 U 13 13

03-Fishing I T 24 11 23 11 U 21 - 21

04-Livestock and hun- T 284 6 27 233 5 24 ling U 72 4 8 46 4 18

Division 1-Mifling and Qua!rying T 4 .2 2 U 2 2

Major Group lO-Mining and qUllrrying T 4 2 2 U 2 2

Divisions 2 & 3-Manufacturing T 5.999 495 469 2,136 290 3,000 95 394 110

U 3.217 54 307 878 '4 1,728 42 304 8

Major Group 20-Foodstuffs T 1,157 18 160 570 13 348 4 79 U 587 4 115 ,253 162 3 57 27 '-IBnl•• B-IV-Part B-Industrial Classification by Sell .nd -Class of Worker of Persons at Work io Non- household Industry, Trade, Business, Profession or Service-Contd. "-

Total EfIlployer Employee Single Worker Family Worker Total ' .... I--"--~ r----'------, r---""_____' Branch of Industry Urban Division and Major Gr!Jup of Males emales Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females I.S.I.C. r

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! 10 11 l2 10 Major Group 21-Beverages T 20 10 6 G

tJ 13 7 2 3

:l2-Tobacco products T 41 37 3 U 34 30 3

" 23-Textile-cotton T 121 31 7 £0 5 49 22 5 4

U 52 29 7 18 4 I 23 21 4 4

24-Textile-jute T 12 8 3 U

25-Telttile-wool T 3 4 2 4 U 4 4

27-Textile-miscellaneous T 1,147 12 112 132 832 10 71 2 U 737 10 73 113 495 8 5ij 2

\ 28-Manufacture of wood and T 515 " 25 103 ~47 40 wooden products U 373 15 76 .... 248 34

u I

29-Paper and paper products T 8 4 4 I u 8 4 4

3 l-Printing la~d publishing T 121 10 79 26 6 U 91 8 55 23 5

31-Leather and leather pro- T 278 2 9 47 203 19 'ducts U 188 2 4 23 143 18

32-Rubber, pl!troleum apd T coal products U CRNSUS 'tABLES ~8

B~nt:p .1rt· B-Industrial Classification by Sex afld C(ass of Workel' 'of ,ersons at Work in Non- household Industry, Trade, Business, Profession or Service-CQntd.

Total Employer Employee Single Worker Family Worker Total r--.A-_-, ,..... ,.--""'--, ,--.A.--, Branch of lnlustry Urban DjvislOn and Major GlOU,> of Males F~males ':Males Females Males Females Male; Females Males FeOlak~ t S. 1. C.

2 3 4- 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Major Group 3:l-Chemicals and chemical T 61 7 42 9 3 products 1.) 43 5 26 9 3

34-35-Non-metallic mineral T 1,155 422 54 695 272 369 49 37 101 products other than pet- fJleum and coal U 95 15 21 44 15

36-l3asic metals and their pro- T 260 14 70 133 43 ducts except machinery and transport equipment U 188 13 47 96 32

37-Machinc y (all kinds other T 46 2 30 13 than transport) and dec- triea.l equipment U 39 2 25 11 1.

38-Transport equipluent T 435 29 126 255 25 U 257 21 97 120 19

39-Miscellar..eous Manufac- T 618 3 38 125 399 3 56 turing Industries U 509 3 27 87 343 3 52

DivUion 4-Construction T 2,337 12 46 1,124 6 1.083 6 B4 V W2 2 16 214 466 2 6

Major Group 40-Canstruction T 2,337 12 46 1,124 6 1,083 6 84- U 802 2 16 214 566 2 6

Diui.sion 5-Electricily, Gas, WallT and 'T 1,924 969 4 17 1,066 214 771 643 83 95 Sanitary S8r~iCBS U 694 343 587 126 100 192 25

Major Group 50-Electricity and gas T 242 6 242 6 tJ 37 37

51-Water supply and gant- T 1,682 963 4 17 824 208 771 643 83 95 tary services U 657 342 550 125 100 192 7 25 29 'B-SIUlIBS

B-IV-Part B-Industrial Classification by Sex and Glass of Worker of Persons at Work in NOD- household Industry, Trade, Business, Prafession or Service-Contd.

Total Employer Employee Single Worker Family Worker Total ~ r- ,...... _....__ ...... ---~ .-- Branch of Industry Urban Division and Major Group of Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females I. S. 1. C.

2 3 4 [> 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Division 6-Trade and Cammer" T 15.008 515 2.I4:t 24 1,519 5 9,338 424 2,009 62

U 7.478 235 980 13 637 3 4,631 ,96 1,230 23

Major Group 60-63-Wholesale trade T 995 12 254 197 405 12 139

U 720 4 197 90 311 4 122

64-68-Retail trade T 13.530 484 1.852 20 l,lO9 4 8,720 404- 1,849 56

U 6,583 226 771 11 423 3 4,282 189 1,107 23

69-Trade and commerce T 483 19 36 4 213 213 8 21 6 miscellaneous U 175 5 12 2 124 38 3 1

Divman 7-Transport. Storage and Com- T 3,143 5 76 1 1,473 1 1,457 3 137 munication U 1,221 22 1 473 687 39

Major Group 70-71-Transport T 2,794 5 76 1,154 1,427 3 137 U 1,168 22 420 687 39

72-Storage and ware housing T 38 8 30 U

73-Commun ication T 311 , /311 U 53 53

Dil/ilion 8-Serl/ices T 33,799 2,952 245 117 13,593 683 19,250 1,847 711 305 U 12,078 941 199 4 6,452 437 5,092 407 335 93

Major Gr9up aO-public services T 6,699 78 6,699 78 U 2,520 26 2,520 26

8l-Educational and Scient i- T 2,865 275 2,467 263 335 11 63 1 . fic services U 902 186 852 179 44 7 6 CENSUS T~BLBS 30

B-IV-P!'rt B...--Industrial Classification by Sex and Class of Worker?l' Persons a"t Work in Non- household Industry, Trade, Business, Profession';r S~rvice-Concld.

Total Employer ~mployee Single Worker Family Worker r--"""___' .- ,-_.A.---, ...-----"---, Total I i ,Branch of Industry Urban Males .Females Males Females Males Females Males Females', Males Females Division and Major Group of L S. 1. C.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 .,' ~

Major Group 82-Mcdical and Health '"~ 1,529 627 46 606 80 877 547 services U 531 75 40 304 28 181 47

83-Religious and Welfare T 572 8 2 130 440 8 services 'u 303 4 5 298 4 ./..

84-Legal services T 723 17 118 ~81 7

U 389 16 114 '259

85-Business services T 877 4 13 716 2 121 2 27 U 877 13\ 716 121 27

86-Community services and T 54 2 54 2 trade and labour associations U 39 39

87-Recreation services T 877 273 35 4 224 5 618 264 U 486 177 24 4 152 5 310 168

88-Personal services T 4,794 1,264 105 ll3 1,141 224 3,100 658 448 269 U 2,294 298 87 866 174 1,100 36 241 88

39-Services (not elsewhere T 14,809 420 27 ... 1,438 28 13,178 357 16p 35 classified) 'v' 3,737 172 , 19 884 22 2,773 145 61 5 \.

Division 9-Activities not adequately described r 261 152 17 75 182 60 .t8" 2, ,49 U 136 1 17 77 41 1 1

Ma)or Gro}lP 90-A.ctivities unspecified and T 261 152 17 75 182 60 "28, 2 49 not adequately described including new entrants U 136 17 77 41 to the labour market

I. S. I. C.-Indian Standard I"dustrial Classificatio" 31 B-SEB.IBS R-IV-Part B-Ind~strial Classiqcation by Sex and Class ~f Worker of Per&ons at Work in ,Non-household Iqdustry:, Tra.d,el"Business, ;p.rofession qr SeJ.:vice by Tahsils (Rut:a,l only)

Total Employer Employee Single Worker Family Work~r ,--~- .. ,---~ ,-- r--~ Branch 'or Industry DiviSIOn of Males- Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female, 1. S. I. C.

2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

District Rural

,.I.. L DIVISIONS 37,184 3,556 l,460 216 11,887 629 22,323 2,237 1,514 474

LJ1Vision O-Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing 337 33 Il 110 209 31 16 2 and Hunting I-Mining and Quarrying 2 ... 2

2 & 3-Manufacturiogl 2,782 441 162 1,258 286 1,272 53 90 102

4-Construction 1 1,535 10 30 910 6 517 4 78

5-Electricity, Gas, Water and Sanitary 1,230' 626 '4 17 479 88 671 451 76 70 Service. 6-Trade and C~mmerce 7,530 280 1,162 11 882 2 4,707 228 779 39

7-Transport, Storage and Communi- 1,922 4 54 1,000 770 3 98 cation 8-Services 21,721 2,011 46 113 7,141 246 14,158 1,440 376 212

9-AcHvities not adequately described 125' 151 75 105 19 27 49

Etawah Tahsil

ALL DIVISIONS 8,614- 877 579 63 3,122 160 4,455 520 458 134

Division O-Agr~culture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing 206 30 2· ·50 ... 138 28 16 2 and Hunting , I-Mining and Quarrying .~ ". 2 & 3-Manufacturing 50Z 97 118 133 96 216 35 4-Construction 409 5 15 205 5 176 13

5-Electricity, Gas, Water and Sanitary 307 126 Services - 2 7 107 30 178 74 20 15 6-Trade and Commerce 1,532 59 410 6 310 .599 32 213 20

7-Transport, Storage and Communi- 785 20 cation 385 325 55 8-Services 4,838 539 12 35 1,910 27 2,811 380 105 97 9-Activities not adequately described 35 20 15 22 12 5 CBNSUS TABLES 32 B-IV-Part B-Indulootrial Clal:>sification by Sex and Class C!f Worker of Persons at Work in Non-household Industry,-Trade, Business,l'rofessjon or Service by Tahsils (Ruralonl,)-Contd.

Total ErnlJloyer Employee Single Worker Family Worker Branch of Industry ,..---""'----., r----"------. ,..--oA.--., ,.-- ..... _- ...... r--_..... ---., ~l~ Il'emales 1. S. 1. C. Males Females' Males Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 '3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II

Bharthana Tahsil

ALL DIVISIONS 9,550 ' .1009 , ,,498. 45 3,411 222 5,194 604 447 138

Division O-Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing 73 50 23 and Hunting I-Mining and Quarrying

2 & 3-Manufacturing 1,183 189 28 478 8~ 647 52 30 53

4-Construction 4.09 "\ 12 200 142 55

5-Electricity, Gas, Water and Sflnitary .308 21Q 5 10l) 28 162 142 36 35 Services " 6-Trade and Commerce 1,946 56 415 4 212 1 1,109 39 210 12

7-Transport, Storage and Communi- 431 24 207 188 12 cation .1. , 8-Services 5,151 512 18 20 2,106 109 2,923 365 104 18

9-Activities not adequately described 49 42 16 49 6 20

B.idhuna Tahsil

ALL DIVISIONS 6,779 486 147 56 3,221 16 3,110 302 301 112

Division O-Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing 20 2 20 and Hunting 2

I-Mining and Quarrying 2 '2

2 & 3-Manufacturing 328 37 313 16 15 :41

4-Cons!ruction 322 4 310 12 4

5-Electricity, Gas, Water and Sanitary :.(09 65 137 72 65 Services 6-Trade and Commerce 1,851 aO 147 251 1,212 50 241

7-Transport, Storage and Communi- 251 98 148 5 caLlon

B-Services 3,775 279 32 2,089 1,631 177 55 70

!l-Activities not adequately described 21 49 24 21 4 21 83 B-IV-Part t'-Incblstrial Classification.by Sex and Class of Worker of Persons at Work in Non-household Industry, Trade, Business, Profession or Service by Tahsils (Rural only)-Concld.

Total Employer Employee Single Worker Family Worker r--~ r---""'_--"'\ ~~ --, ,.....-~-,3 Branch of Industry Division of Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females I. S. 1. C.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Auraiya Tahsil

ALL DIVISIONS 12,241 1,184 236 52 2,133 231 9,564 811 308 90

Division O-Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing 3o? 10 28 and Hunting I-Mining and Quarrying 1

2&3-Manufacturing 769 118 16 334 90 394 25 l.!li

4'-ConstructioD 395 'I 3 195 187 10

5-Electricity, Gas, Water and Sanitary. 406 225 5 126 30 259 170 20 20 Services &-Trade aI1d Commerce 2,201 116 190 I 109 1,787 107 115 , 7 ~ 7-Transport, Storage and Communi- 455 3 10 310 109 3 26 cation :,l ,. 8-Services 7,957 681 16 26 1,036 110 6,793 518 112 27

9-Activitie~ not adequately described" 20 '40 20 13 7 12 8

1. S. 1. C.-Indian Standard Industrial Classification. , \' 34

B-IV-Part C-Industrial Classification by Sex and Divisions, Major Groups

Total Branch of Industry ,-______-J Division, Major Group a~d Minor Group of I. S. I. C. ~ Total ,------....__----, Persons Males Females

2 3 4

ALL DIVISIONS 86,272 77,732 8,540

Division 0 Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting 4,476 4,040 436

Major Group 00 Field Produce and Plantation Crops 361 33.4 27, ( ! 6; ~ j Minor Group 005 Production of other crop~ (including vegetables) 10 10 I 006 Production of fruits and nuts in plantation, vines and orchards 323 ?OO 23 009 Production of other agricultural produce (including_fruits and nuts not covered by code, 1,28 24 4- number 006 and flowers)

Major Group 01 Plantation Crops ' '1111, I II

Minor Group 015 Production of otl;ler plantation cr~ps not covered above ,JI 11 Major Group 02 Forestry and Logging 55 55

\ . f I Minor Group 020 Planting, replantmg and conservatIOn 0 forests 39 39 021 Felling and cuttiqg of trees and trll:nsportation of logs 3 3 023 Production of fuel including charcQal by exploitation of forest 4 4, 026 Produciion and gathering of other forest products not covernd above 9 9 Major Group i, 03 Fishing 38 27 II

Minor Group 031 Production of fish by fishing in inlann waters includjng the o~eration ofifish far91s aqd ,38 27 11 fish hatcheries ' ( ,.). • ~ ~}) l Major Group 04 Livestock and Hunting 4,011 3,613 398 Minor Group 040 Production and rearing of livestock (large heads only) mainly for milk and animal power; 2,820 2,495 325 such as cow, buffalo, goat .~\ 041 Rearing of sheep and production of wool 257. 248 9 042 Rearing and production of other animals (mainly for slaughter); such as pig 528 487 41 043 Production of ducks, hens and other small birds, eggs by rearing and poultry farming 354 349 5 045 Rearing of silk worms and production of cocoons and raw silk 50 32 18 047 Trapping of animals or games propagation 2 2

Division 1 Mining and Quarrying 4 4

Major Group 10 Mining and Quarrying 4 4 Minor Group 107 Quarrying of stone (including slate), clay, sand, gravel, limestone 4 4

Division 2& 3 M amifacturing 20,715 17,216 3,499

Major Group 20 Foodstuffs 3,696 3,334 362 Minor Group 200 Production of rice, atta, flour, etc. by milling dehusking and processing of crops and 1,836 1,587 249 foodgrains 201 Production of sugar and syrup from sUJarcane in mills 22 22 35 and Minor Groups of Persons at'Work other than..Cultivation

Workers Workers at Household Industry Workers in Non-household Industry, etc. Branch of Industry ~--~--- Division, Major Group and Minor Group 'Urban Total Urban Total Urban I. S. I. c. ,------"'---:....__.... ,....---"----- __" r----""""--""""" ,...-..A-__--. Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

31,116 28,090 3,026 14,765 3,400 2,307 1,442 62,967 5,140 25,783 1,584 ALL DIVISIONS

389 334 55 3,548 396 179 48 492 40 155 7 Dillision 0

46 41 5 214 2 120 23 40 3 Major Group 00 10 10 10 Minor Group 005 8 7 213 2 87 21 7 006 28 24 1 2 2 23 2 23 2 009

11 11 2 2 9 9 Major Group 01 11 ~ Il 2 2 9 9 Minor Group 015 13 13 55 13 Major Group 02 39 Minor Group 020 3 021 4 4 4 4 023 9 9 9 9 026 24 24 3 3 24 11 21 Major Group 03, 24 24 3 3 2~ \1 21 Minor Group 031

295 245 50 3,329 392 173 46 284 6 72 4 Major Group 04 273 227 46 2,419 321 165 44 76 4 62 2 Mi~or Group 040

248 9 041 21 18 3 477 39 8 10 2 10 2 042 1 167 5 182 ... , 043 18 18 1)1,. 045 2 047

2 2 4 2 Di~ision 1

2 2 4 2 lI:iajor Group 10 2 2 4 2 ,Minor Group 107

1 " 6,793 5,345 1,448 11,217 3,004 2,128 1,394 5,999 495 3,217 54 Division 2 & 3 '. 718 687 31 2,177 344 100 27 1,157 18 587 4 Major Group 20 338 331 )' 7 749 ~32 3 3 838 17 32? 4 Minor Group 200


B-IV-Part U-Industrial Classification by' Sex and Divisions, -Major Groups

Total Branch of Industry --' Division, Major Group and Minor Group of I. S. I. C. Total ...... Persons Males Females

2 3 4

( { Minor Group 202 Production of indigenous sugar, gur from sugarcane or palm. juice and production of candy 87 87 203 Production of fruit products; such as jam, jelly, sauce and canning and preservation of fruits 128 128 204 Slaughtering, 'Preservation of meat and fish and canning of ~sh 85 85 205 Production of bread, biscuits, cake and other bakery products 31 .. 25 6 206 Productioq of butter, ghee, cheese and other dairy products 16 9 7 207 froduction of edible fats and oils (other than hydrogenated oil) 478 414 64 208 Production of hydrogenated oils (Vanaspati) 3 2 209 Production of other food products; such as sweetmeat and condiments, muri, murki, 1,010 975 35 chira, khoi, cocoa, chocolate, toffee, lozenge Major Group 21 Beverages 22 22

Minor Gro~p 210 Production 9.f distilled spirits, wines, liquor from alcoholic malt, fruits and malts 6 6 in distIllery and brewery 211 Production of country liquor 213 Production of other liquors not covered above 215 Production of ice 14 14 Major Group 22 Tobacco Products 46 44 2 Minor Group 220 Manufacture of bidi 5 4 223 Manufacture of hookah tobacco 2 2 225 Manufacture of jerda and other chewing tobacco 5 4

226 Manufactu~e of other ~obacco products 34 34 Major Group 23 Textile-Cotton 3,997 2,319 1,678 Minor Group 230 Cotton ginning, cleaning, pressing and baling 109 28 81 231 Cotton spinning (other than in mills) 371 91 280 232 (3otton spi nning and weaving in mills 44 44 233 Cotton dyeing, bleaching 122 89 33 234 Cotton weaving in power looms 1 1 235 9.?tton weaving in handlooms 3,310 2,041 1,269 236 Manufacture of khadi textile in handlooms 9 5 4 237 Printing of cotton textile 15 13 2 239 Manufacturing of cotton, cordage, rope and twine 16 1 9 Major Group 24 Textile-Jute 276 94 182 Minor Group 240 Jute pressing and baling 7 6 241 Jute spinning and weaving 1 242 Dyeing and bleaching of jute 20 19 244 Manufacture of other products like rope, cordage from jute and similar fibre; such as 248 68 180 hemp, mesta 87 B-SBI1.IBS and Minor Groups of Persons at Work other than Cultivation-Contd.

Workers Workers at FIouseholg Industry Workers in Non-household Industry, etc. Branch of Industry "'----_...,. --. .- ...... Division, Major Group and Minor Group of Urban Total Urban Total Urban I. S. r. c. ,----"------, .---.A..__ ...... -----_ ,---..A.._-----. r-----A----. Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1

85 2 Minor Group 202 128 203 5 5 80 5 5 204 27 22 5 21 6 19 5 4 3 205 4 4 7 8 4 206 77 67 10 355 64 17 10 59 50 207 tl 208 207 2'18 9 758 35 61 9 217 197 209

14 14 2 20 13 Major Group 21 1 5 Minor Group 210

211 213

13 13 13 12 215 38 37 3 2 3 41 34 Major Group 22 4 Minor Group 2~0 223

5 4 2 1. 2 2 2 225 32 32 34 32 226 2,487 1,285 1,202 2,198 1,647 1,233 1,173 121 31 52 29 Major Group 23 34 14 20 19 77 11 18 9 4 3 2 Minor Group 230 133 20 113 88 259 17 92 3 21 3 21 231 44 5 232 5 5 " ~ .. 61 46 15 61 28 18 10 28 ' 5' 28 5 233 234

2,227 1,186 I 1,04:1 2,013 1,269 1,175 1,041 28 11 235 4 3 2 4 1 3 3 23e 11 10 10 2 10 3 237 12 3 9 5 9 9 2 2 239 2 82 WI 12 Major Group 24 6 Minor Group 240 241 19 242 63 179 5 244 cmrsus TABLRS , 38

B-IV-Part C-Industrial Classification by Sex .and Divisions, Major Groups

Total Branch of Industry ,- -' Division, Major Group and Minor Group of 1. S. I. C. Total ,-----_...... Persons Males Females 2 3 4

Major Group 25 Textile-wool 10 4 6 Minor Group 250 Wool baling and pressing 3 3 251 Wool cleaning and processing (scouring) 3 2 253 Wool spinning other than in mills 3 3 255 Wool weaving in handloom Major Group 27 Textile-Miscellaneous 2,794 2,668 126 Minor Group 270 Manufacture of carpet and all other similar type of textile products 226 216 10 271 Manufacture of hosiery and other knitted fabrics and garments 75 55 20 272 Embroidery and making of crepe lace and fringes 82 80 2 273 Making of textile garments including raincoats and headgear 2,314 2,226 88 274 Man ufacture of made up textile goods except, wearing apparel; such as curtains, 3 2 pillow cases, bedding materials, mattress, textile bags 275 Manufacture of waterproof textile products; such as oil cloth, tarpaulin 68 68 278 Manufacture of umbrellas 17 17 279 Processin_s and manufacture of textile products not covered above 9 5 4 Major Group 28 Manufacture of Wood and Wooden Products 2,906 2,591 315 Minor Group 280 Sawing and planing of wood 133 133 281 Manufacture of wooden furniture and fixtures 103 103 282 Manufacture of structural wooden goods (ingl!ding treated timber); such as be,ams. 537 537 posts, doors, windows 283 Manufacture of wooden industrial ,?oods other than transport equipment; such as 55 53 2 bobbin and similar equipment.and fixtures 284 Manufacture of other wooden products; such as utensils, toys artwares 8 8 285 Manufacture of veneer ana plywood 2 2 286 Manufacture or plywoog products; such as tea chest 287 Manufacture 01 boxes·and packing cases other than plywood 8 8 288 Manufacture of materials from cork, bamboo, cane, leaves and other allied products 894 284 .• ~10 289 Manufacture of other wood and allied products o'ot.covered above 1,165 1,162 3 Major Group 29 Paper and Paper Products 15 12 3 Minor Group 292 Manufacture of products; such as paper bags, boxes, cards, envelopes and moulded pulp 15 12 3 goods from paper, paper board and pulp Major Group 30 Printing and Publishing 352 352 Minor Group 300 Printing and publishi~g of newspapers and periodicals 14 14 301 Printing and publishing of books 75 75 302 All other types of printing including lithography, engraving, etching, block making and 248 248 other work connected with printing industry 303 All types of binding, stitching, sizing and other allied work connected with binding 15 15 industry Major Group 31 Leather and Leather ,Products 1,106 1,057 49 39 .smuas and Minor Groups of Persons at Work other than.cultivation-Contd.

.._Workers Workers at Household Industry Workers in Non-household Industry, etc. Branch of Industry • __;____, Division, Major Group and Minor Group of Urban Total Urban Total Urban I. S. I. C. r--.----...... --- ...... r---"""--~,-- ,___...... _____.... Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femal~s Males Females 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

6 5 2 3 4 4 Major Group 25 2 Minor Group 250 3 2 2 2 251 3 3 2 2 253 1 255 924 887 '37 1,521 li4 150 27 1,147 12 737 10 Major Group 27 112 108 4 206 10 102 4 10 6 Minor Group 270 9 6 3 48 20 3 7 6 27i ., 7 5 2 76 2 2 4 4 272 770 748 22 1,115 76 41 12 l,lll 12 707 10 273 3 2 2 2 1 274

67 275 14 14 5 2 12 12 278 9 -5 4 4 4 4 4 1 279 ' , 682 644 38 2,076 314 271 38 515 373 Major Group 28 117 117 13 9 120 108 Minol Group 280 69 69 '. '39 6 64 63 281 243 243 389 98 148 145 282 53 2 50 2 50 55 2 3 3 283 , 6 6 2 6 6 284 1 2 ... I 285 1 286 7 7 4 4 4' 3 287 134 98 36 553 309 90 36 31 8 288 50 50 1,024 3 13 138 r 37 289 13 10 3 4 3 2 3 8 8 Major Group 29 13 10 3 4 3 2 3 8 8 Minor GrollP 292 93 93 231 2 121 91 Major Group 30 14 14 14 14 Minor Group 300 3 3 47 28 3 301 61 61 182 66 61 302 15 15 2 2 13 13 303 292 261 31 779 47 73 29 278 2 188 2 Major Group 31 CRNSUS'tABLES 40

B~IV-Part C-Industrial, Classification by Sex and Divisions, Major Groups

Total Branch of Industry r-.------___ Division, Major Group and Minor GrouP of 1. S. 1. C. Total ,..-----"------, Persons Males Females 1 • 2 3 4

Minor Group 310 Currying, tanning and finishing of hides and skins and preparation of finished leather 256 251 5 311 Manufacture of shoes and other leather footwear 692 659 33 313 Manufacture of leather products (except those covered by Code Nos. 311, 312), such as 21 13 8 leather upholstery, suitcases, pocket books, cigarette and key cases, purses, saddlery, whip and other articles 314 Repair of shoes and other leather footwear 136 134 2 315 Repair of all other leather products e.lf~ept foqtwear 1 Major Group 32 Rubber, Petroleum and Coal Products 1 Minor Group 321 Manufacture of rubber footwear 1 1 Major Group 33 Chemicals and Chemical Products 157 152 5 Minor Group 330 Manufacture of basic industrial chemicals; such as acids, alkalis and their salts. 14 14 not elsewhere specified 331 Mar.ufacture of dyes, paints"colours and varnishes 59 56 3 333 Manufacture of ammunition, explosives and fire works 20 20 334 ¥l,IllUfaclure of matches

335 Manufacture of medicines, pharmaceutical preparations, perfumes, cosmetics and other 37 35 2 toil~t preparations except soap 336 Manufacture of soap and other washing and cleaning compounds 19 19 337 Manufactur~ of turpentine, synthetic, resin, and plastic products and materials (including 7 7 synthetiC rubber)

Major Group 34-35 Non-metallic Mineral Products other than Petroleum-and Coal 2,792 2,066 726 Minor Group 340 Manufacture of structural clay products; such as bricks, tiles 1,397 976 421 342 Manufacture of lime 20 20 343 Manufacture of structural stone goods, stone dressing and stone crushing 22 16 6 344 Manufacture of stonewares, other than images 345 Manufacture of stone images 2 2 348 Manufacture of mica products 10 6 4 350 Manufacture of earthenware and earthen pottery I,m 891 280 353 Manufacture of glass bangles and beads 137 135 2 354 Manufacture of glass apparatus 356 Manufacture of earthen 'toys and artwares except those covered by Code No. 355 27 14 13 359 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products not elsewhere specified 4 4 Major Group 36 Basic Metals and their Products except Machinery and Transport· Equipment - 847 830 17 Minor Group 360 Manufacture of iron and steel including smelting, refining, rolling, conversion into basic 31 31 forms; such as billets, blooms, tubes, rods 361 Manufacture including smelting, refining of nonferrous metals and alloys in basic forms 362 Manufacture of armaments 8 8 364 Manufacture of iron and steel furniture 39 39 365 Manufacture of brass and bell metal products, 14 14 41 and Minor Groups of Persons at Work other than C.iltivation-Contd. ~ __... 7- Workers Workers at Household Industry Workers in Non-household.A-___ Industry, etc.--, Branch of Industry '------.. r------~----- Division, Major Group Urban and Minor Group of Total Urban Total Urban 1. S. I. C. r-----"------...... r---_,..,----, ,..----A------, r----"------, ,,--~--.... Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15

II 6 5 230 5 3 5 21 3 Minor Group 310 168 144 24 534 33 70 24 125 74 311 3 3 8 8 5 3 313

liD 108 2 7 127 2 108 2 314 315 Major Group 32 Minor Group 321

71 66 5 91 5 23 5 61 43 Major Group 33 14 Minor Group 330

6 3 3 51 3 3 5 3 331 5 5 14 6 5 333 I . 1 334 • 2 36 34 15 2 15 2 20 19 335

16 16 9 6 10 10 336. 7 7 2 2 5 5 337

326 248 78 911 304 153 77 1,155 422 95 Major Group 34-35 63 63 976 421 63 Minor Group 340 19 19 20 19 342 12 12 15 6 II 343 344 2 2 2 2 345 4 6 348 195 pO 65 762 279 128 64 129 2 350 3 3 120 2 15 3 353 1 1 1 354 27 14 13 14 13 14 13 356 4 4 4 4 359 233 233 570 17 45 260 188 Major Group 36 25 25 6 6 25 19 Minor Group 360 1 361

8 8 2 2 6 6 362 37 37 18 16 21 21 364 6 6 7 7 6 365 ClINSUS TABLlIS 42

B-IV-Pa~t C-Indus~rial Cl.assifiqti\).n·by·~e:x. and; Pivision.s, Major Groups

Branch df Industry Total Division, Major Group and Minor Group of 1. S. I. C. ,.------' Total ,------"------. Persons Males Females

2 3 4

Minor Group '367 Manufacture of metal products (other than of iron brass, bell metal and aluminium]; such as tin can 65 65 368 Enamelling, galvanising, plating (including electroplating) polishing and welding of 59 59 metal products 369 Manufacture of sundry hardwares; ~uch as G. I. pipe, wire net, bolt, screw, bucket, 630 613 17 cutlery (rhis will al.so include tpe manufacture of sundry ferrous engineering products done by Jobbmg engmeering conchns which cannot be classified in Majorgroups 36,37, 38 and 39) _ Major Group 37 Machinery (All kinds other than Transport) and Electrical equipment 83 83 Minor Group 370 Manufacture and assembling of machinery (other than electrical) except textile machinery 12 12 371 Manufa~ture and assembl~ng of prime mover and boilers, other than electrical 1 equipment; such as diesel engines, road rollers, tractors 372 Manufacture of Machine tools 4 4 374 Manufacture of heavy electrical machinery and equipment; such as motors, 3 3 generators, transformers , 375 MallUfacture of electric l~mps and funs 3 3 376 Manufacture of insulated wires and cables

377 Manufacture of all kinds of battery -69 39 378 Manufacture -of electronic equipment; such as radio, microphone 12 12 379 Manufacture of electric maChinery and apparatus, appliances not specified above 8 8 Major Group 38 Transport Equipment 572 570 2 Mino.-Group 380 Manufacture, assembly and repairing of locomotives 10 10 381 Manufacture of wagons coaches, tramways and other rail road equipment other than 2 2 that covered by code No. 363 382 Manufacture and assembling of motor vehicles of all types (e~cepting motor engines) 1 383 Manufa·clure of motor vehicles engines parts and accessories 78 78 384 Repairing and servicing of motor vehicles 39 39 385 Manufacture of bicycles and tricycles and accessories; such as saddle, seat frame, gear 5 5 387 Manufactule and repair of air transport equipment including aeroplanes, aeroengines I 3BB Repairing of bicycles and tricycles 434 433 3B9 Manufacture of other transport equipment not covered above; such as animal drawn 2 and hand drawn vehicles Major Group 39 Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries 1,043 1,017 26 Minor Group 390 Manufacture of optical instruments and lenses, opthalmic goods and photographic 7 7 equipment and supplies 392 Assembling and repairing of watches and clocks 79 79 393 Manufacture of jewellery, silverware and wares using gold and other precious metals 811 804 7 394 Manufacture and tuning of musical instruments 10 10 395 Manufacture of stationery articles not covered elsewhere; such as pencil, penholder. fountainpen 12 8 4 396 Manufacture of sports-goods 399 Manufacture and repair work of goods not assignable to any other group 123 108 15 43 B-SBRIBS and Minor Gro1l~s of P~rsons at Work Qther'than C1llti'vation-Contd.

Workers Workers at Household Industry __.--- Workers in Non-household Industry, etc. Branch of Industry Division, Major Group and Minor Group of Urban Total Urban Total Urban I. S. 1. C. ~----_'___--..., ,.---'---...... r--___....._-...... --.-"---. ,----'""'------.. Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

59 59 8 7 57 5,2 Minor Group 367

49 49 7 52 48 368

49 49 522 17 13 91 36 369

39 39 37 46 39 Major Group 37 10 10 12 10 Minor Group 370 1 371

1 4 1 372 2 2 3 2 374

2 2 3 2 375 1 I 376 2 2 37 2 2 377 12 12 12 12 378 8 8 B S 379 135 262 262 5 435 257 Major Group 38 8 8 10 8 Minor Group 380 2 2 2 2 381

382 4 4 78 4 383 39 39 39 .... 39 384 4 J I 4 5 4 385 1 ..• 1 387 203 203 134 5 299 198 388 389 592 576 16 399 23 67 13 618 3 509 3 Major Group 39 5 5 6 5 Minor Group 390 40 40 23 56 40 447 392 443 4 357 5 59 2 447 2 384 2 5 5 393 2 8 5 394 4 8 1 1 395 94 82 12 396 15 14 7 11 93 75 399 CBNSUS TABLES

B-IV-Part C-Industrial Classification by Sex and Divisions, Major Groups

Total Branch of Industry ,------' Division, Major Group and Minor Group of I. S. I. C. Total I ,-_____.....A- _____-.. Persons Males Females 2 3 4

Division 4 Construction 2,3'49 2,337 12

Major Group 40 Construction 2,349 2,337 12

Minor Group ~OO Construction and maintenance of buildings including erection, flooripg, decorative con- 1,523 1,519 4 structions, electrical and sanitary installations 401 Construction and maintenance of roads, railways, bridges, tunnels 525 523 2 402 Construction and ma;ntenance of telegraph and telephone lines 43 43 403 Construction and maintenance of water ways and water reservoirs; such as bund, 258 252 6 embankments, dam, canal, tank, tubewclls, wells

DiDision 5 Electricity, Gas, Water and Sanitary Seruices 2,893 1,924 969

Major Group 50 Electricity and Gas 248 242 6 Minor Group 500 Generation and transmission of electric energy 12 10 2 501 Distribution of electric energy 230 229 I 502 Manufacture of gas in gas works and distribution to domestic and industrial 6 3 3 consumers Major Group 51 Water Supply;md Sanitary Services 2,645 1,682 963

Minor Group 510 Collection, purification and distribution of water to domestic and industrial consumers 40 33 /J 7 511 Garbage and sewage disposal, operation of drainage system and all other types of 2,605 1,649 956 work connected with public health and sanitation

Diuision 6 Trade and Gommerce 15,523 lq,008 515

Major Group 60-63 Wholesale Trade 1,007 995 12 Minor Group 600 Wholesale trading in cereals and p~lses 776 773 3 I 601 Wholesale trading in vegetables, fruUs, sugar, spices, oil, fish, dairy products, eggs, 76 76 poultry. and other foodstuff (not covered elsewhere) 602 Wholesale trading in all kinds of fabrics, and textiles products; such as garments, 24 24 hessian, gunny bag, silk and woollen yarn, shirtings, suitings, hosiery products 603 Wholesale trading in beverages; such as tea (leaf), coffee (Seed and powder), aerated water 604 Wholesale trading in intoxicants; such as wines lipuors '\ 2 2 606 Wholesale trading in tobacco, bidi, cigarettes and other tobacco products 16 16 607 Wholesale trading in animals 7 6 608 Wholesale trading in straw and fodder 10 2 8 610 Wholesale trading in medicines and chemicals 3 3 611 Wholesale trading in fuel and lighting products; such as coke, coal, kerosene, candle 16 16 617 Wholesale trading in petrol, mobil oil and allied products 618 Wholesale trading in other household equipment not coverd above 1 620 Wholesale trading in bricks, tiles and other buiiding materials 2 2 621 Wholesale trading in wood, bamboo, cane, thatches and similar products 16 16 45 B-.s:aB.111i and~MinorfGl:Ollps of Persons at Work other than Cultivation-Contd.

Workers Workers a.t Hou;ehold Industry Workers in Non-hollsehold Industry, etc. Branch of Industry ,- -'D-i~ision, Major Croup and Minor Group of Urban Total Urban Total Urban I. S. I. C. .-----""'"---.. ,----"----, ~""-- -, r- ---...... -- -'\ ,-----...... _-----. Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

804 802 2 2,337 12 <802 2 Division 4

804 802 2 2,337 12 802 2 Major Group 40 689 687 '2 1,519 4 687 2 Minor Group 400

43 43 523 2 43 401 43 402 72 72 252 6 n 403

1,037 694 343 1,924 969 694 343 Division 5 38 37 242 6 37 Major Group 50 9 9 10 2 9 Minor Group 500 26 25 - 229 25 501 3 3 3 3 3 502 999 657 342 1,682 963 657 342 Major Group 51 40 33 7 33 7 33 7 Minor Group 510 959 624 335 1,649 956 624 335 511

7,713 1],478 235 15,008 515 7,478 235 Division 6

72-1: 720 4 995 12 720 4 Major Group 60-63 539 536 3 773 3 536 :3 Minor Group 600 76 76 76 76 601

21 21 24 / ... 21 602

603 I .. 2 6€)4 13 13 16 13 .606 7 6 6 6 607 2 2 2 8 2 608 3 610 11 11 16 il 611 1 617 1 618 2 2 2 2 620 16 16 16 16 621 CENSUS TABLES 46

B-IV-Part C-IndUlOtrial Classification by Sex and Divisions, Major Groups

Branch of Industry r------______Total- _J Division, Major Group and Minor GIOU}) ofl. s. I. c. Total ,---___.I'II,.,-~ Persons Males Females

2 3 4

Minor Group 630 Wholesale trading in paper and other stationery goods 631 Wholesale tradins in agricultural and industrial machinery equipment and tools and appliances other than electrical 1

632 Wholesale trading in electrical machinery and equipment like motor,battery,electric fan,bulb 2 2 633 Wholesale trading in all kinds of transport and storage equipment 6 .6 634 Wholesale trading in skins, leather'and fur 2 2 638 Wholesale trading in 1'1 ecious metals and stones, gold and silverwares and jewellery 3 3 639 Wholesale trading in all goods not covered above 41 41 Major Group 64-68 Retail Trade 14,014 , 13,530 484 640 Minor Group Retail ttading in cereals, pulses, vesetables, fruits, sugar, spi~es, oil, fish, dairy products, 5,227 4,994 eggs, poultry 233 641 Retail trading in beverages; such as tea (leaf), coffee (Seed and powder), aerated water 66 65 642 Retail trading in intoxicants; such as wines, liquors 254 254 643 Retail trading in other intoxicants; such as opium, ganja, etc. 78 78 644 Retail trading in tobacco, bidi, cigarettes and other tobacco products 589 569 20 645 . Retail trading in fuel; such as coke, ~oal, firewood and kerosene 633 575 58 646, Retail trading in foodstuffs like sweetmeat co'ndiments, cakes, biscuits, etc. 1,283 1,237 46 647 Retail trading in animals 395 391 4 648 Retail trading in straw and fodder 216 207 9 650 Retail trading in fibres, yams, dhoti .. ~a~e, readymade garments of cotton, wool, silk 1,491 1,486 5 and other textiles and hosiery products; (This includes retail trading in piece­ goods of cotton, wool, silk and other textiles)

651 Retail trading in toilet goods, perfumes and cosmetics 625 623 2 652 Retail trading in medicines and chemicals 183 183 653 Retail trading in footwear, head-gear; such as hat, umbrella, shoes and chappals 241 240 654 Retail trading in tyres, tubes and allied rubber products 1 1 655 Retail trading in petrol, mobiloil and allied products 80 64 16 660 Retail trading in wooden, steel and other melallic furniture and fittings 140 J40 661 Retail trading in stationery goods and paper 77 75 2 662 Retail trading in metal, porcelain and glass utensils 181 180 1 663 Retail trading in earthen .... are and earthen toys 13 13 664 Retail trading in other household equipment not covered above 7 7 670 Retail trading in bricks, tiles and other building materials 19 19 671 Retail trading in hardware and sanitary equipment ?2 32 672 Retail trading in wood, bamboo cane, bark and thatches 173 171 2 673 Retail trading in other building materials 16 16 680 Retail trading in agricultural and industrial machinery equipment, tools and appliances 5f 56 681 Retail trading in transport and storage equipments 105 105 47 lI-SEIUBS ana Minor Groups of Persons"at Work other than Cultivation-Contd.

Workers Workers at Household Industry Workers in Non-household Industry, etc. Branch of Industry '-- --_--'-_ ~------__"_------, .---_..... Division, Major GrouP and Minor Group of Urban Total Urban Total Urban I. S. I. C. _-----'----~ ,----J-----"\ ,.----A-~ "....------"------.. Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1 Minor Group 630 631

2 2 2 2 632 6 6 6 6 633 2 2 2 2 634 3 3 3 3 638 19 19 41 19 639 6,809 6,583 226 13,530 484 6,583 226 Major Group 64-68 2,561 2,471 90 4,994 233 2,471 90 Minor Group 640 24 23 65 23 641 16 16 254 16 642 7 7 78 7 643 174 166 8 569 20 166 B 644 343 287 56 575 58 2B7 56 645 946 910 36 1,237 46 910 36 646 76 76 391 4 76 647 153 153 207 9 153 648 749 749 1,486 5 749 650

295 295 623 2 295 651 70 70 \'" 183 70 652 109 109 240 109 653 1 L I 654 2B 12 16 64 16 12 16 655 49 49 140 49 660 26 24 2 75 2 24 2 661 72 72 180 72 I 662 13 13 13 13 663 I I 7 1 664 15 15 19 15 32 32 670 32 32 671 67 66 171 2 66 672 14 14 16 14 673 22 22 56 22 680 52 52 105 52 681 CENSUS -rABLES ,48

B-IV-Part C-Indostrial Classification b.y.s.ex and Divisions, Major Gr.oups

Total Branch of Industry r------._J Division, Major Group and Minor Group of I. s. I. c. r------J...------,Total Persons Males Females

2 3 4

Minor Group 682 Retail trading in electrical goods like electric fan, bulb, etc. 16 16 683 Retail trading in skins, leather and furs and their products eXcluding footwear and head- gear 91 90 684 Retail trading in clock and watch, eye glass, fr-arne 25 25 685 Retail trading in scientific, medical and surgical instruments 5 5 686 Retail trading in precious stones and jewellery 401 401 687 Retail trading in musical instruments, gramophone record, pictures and paintings including curio dealing 74 72 2 688 Book-selling 50 49 689 Retail trading in goods unspecified 1,171 1,091 80 Major Group 69 Trade and Commerce Miscellaneous 502 483 19 Minor Group 690 Importing and exporting of goods and commodities 8 8 691 Real estate and properties 7 7 692 Stocks, shares and futures 5 5 693 Providents and insurances 50 36 14 694 ¥oney lending (indigenous) 57 55 2 695 Banking and similar tyP\! of financial operatiop 3~4 333 696 Auctioneering 33 33 699 All other activities connected with trade and commerce not covered above, including hiring out of durable goods; suc1:r as electric flW, mic'r6phone, rickshaw, etc. 8 6 2 Division 7 Transport, Storage and Communication 3,148 3,143 5

Major Group 70-71 Transport 2,799 Z,794 5 Minor Group 700 Transporting by railways 691 690 701 Transporting by tramway and.. bus service 128 128 702 Transporting by motor vehicles (other than o~nibus) 211 211 7D3 Transporting by road through other means of transport; such as hackney carriage, bullockcart, ekka 809 808 704 Animal transporting by animals; such as horses, elephant, mule, camel 101 101 705 Transporting by man; sllch as carrying ofluggage, hand cart driving, rickshaw pulling, cycle rickshaw driving 813 81~ 7D6 T11lnsporting by boat, steamer, ferry, 'etc. by riv.er, canal 29 26 3 707 Transporting by boat, steamer, ship, cargo boat by ~ea or. ocean 4 4 709 Transporting by other means not covered above 2 2 710 Services incideatal to transport; such as packing, carting traval agency II II Major Group 72 Storage and Warehousing 38 31l Minor Group 721 Operation of storage; such as.cold storage 38 38 CommunicatIOn Mlljor Group 73 311 311 49 lI-S'E B. rss and Minor Groups of Persons at Work other than Cultivation-Contd.

Workers Workers at Household Industry Workers in Non-househJld Industry, etc. Branch of Industry r------"------, Division, Major Group and Minor Group of Urban Total Urban Total Urban I. S. I. C. .----_..... -, ,---....____, ..------. ,---..A.__ ---, ,.----"----. Persons Males Females Males Females Males -Females Males Females Males Females 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15

10 10 16 10 Minor Group 682

31 31 90 31 ... 6113 9 !J 25 9 684 3 :-> 5 3 685 310 340 401 340 686

:.W 20 72 2 20 6B7 46 45 49 45 688 420 15 435 1,091 80 420 15 689 180 175 5 483 19 175 5 Major Group 69 6 6 8 6 Minor Group 690 5 5 7 5 691 4 4 5 4 692 13 i3 36 14 13 693 26 2-1: 2 55 2 24 2 694 • 112 111 333 III 695 6 '6 33 6 696

8 6 2 6 2 6 2 699 1,222 !-,221 1 3,143, 5 1,221 1 Division 7 , 1,169 J,I68 2,794 5 1,168 Major Group 70-71 157 157 690 157 Minor Group 700 29 29 128 29 701 115 115 211 "•. J 115 702

217 216 808 2.1 6 703 1 54 54 101 54 704 586 586 813 586 705

26 3 706 4 707 2 709 II 11 11 11 710 38 Major Group 72 38 Minor Group 721 53 53 311 53 Major Group 73 CENSUS TABLES 50

B-IV-Part C-Industrial Classification by Sex and Divisions, Major Groups

Total Branch of Industry ,..--______.J Division, Major Group and Minor Group. of I. S. I. C. Total r---~"'------. Persons Males Females 2 3 4

Minor Group 730 Postal, telegraphic, wireless and signal communications 277 277 731 Telephone communication 34 34

Division 8 Services 36,751 33,799 2,952

Major Group 80 Public Services 6,777 6,699 78 Min9r Group 803 Public service in Police 1,582 1,573 9 804 Public service in administrative departments an~ offices of Central Government 717 717 805 Public service in administrative departments and offices of quasi-government organisation, 1,504 1,494 10 municipalities, local boards, etc.

809 Public service in administrative departments and offices of State Governments 2,974 2,915 59 Major Group 81 Educational and Scientifi.c Services 3,140 2,865 275 Minor Group 810 Educational services; such as those rendered by technical colleges, technical schools and 142 140 2 similar technical and vocational institutions 811 Educational services; such as those rendered by colleges, schools and similar other insti­ 2,703 2,430 273 tutions of non-techllical type

812 Scientific services and research institutions not capable of classification under any 295 295 individual group

Major Group 82 Medical and Health Services 2,156 1,529 627 Minor Group 820 Public health and medical services rendered by organisations and individuals; such as by 1,693 1,066 627 hospitals, sanatoria, nursing homes, maternity and child welfare clinic as also by hakimi, unani, ayurvedic. allopathic andnomeopathic practitioners

821 Veterinary services rendered by organisations and individuals 463 463 Major Group 83 Religious and Welfare Services 580 572 8 Minor Group 830 Religious services rendered by religious organisations and their establishments maintained 90 89 for worship or promotion of religious activities, this includes missions, ashrams and other allied organisations 831 Religious and allied services rendered by pandit, priest, preceptor, fakir, monk 445 439 6 832 Welfare services rendered by organisations operating on a non-profit basis for the promotion 45 44 of welfare of the community; such as relief societies, red-cross organisation for the collection and allocation of contributions fOr charity : Major. Group 84 Legal Services 724 723 1 Minor Group 840 Legal services rendered by barrister, advocate, solicitor, mukhtiar, pleader, mukurie, munshi 596 595 841 Matrimonial services rendered by organisations and individuals 128 128 Major Group 85 Business Services 881 877 4 Minor Group 850 Engineering services rendered by professional organisations or individuals 40 39 1 851 Business services rendered by organisations of accountants, auditors, book-keepers or like 814 812 individuals 2 852 Business services rendered by profesSional organisations or individuals; such as those of 6 6 advertising and publicity agencies 853 Business services rendered by professional organisations or individuals; such as of those 21 20 rendered by news-agency, r.ewspaper correspondent, columnist, journalists, editors, authors Major Group 86 Community Services and Trade and Labour Associations 56 54 2 51 D-marBl and Minor Groups or Persons at Work other than 'Cultivation-Contd.

Wotkers Workers at Household Indu;;try Workers in Non-household Industry,etc. Branch of Industry Division, Major Group and Minor Group of Urban Total Urban Total Urban 1. s. I. c. ,------'- ,-_-.A..------, ,..----"---...... , ,---_...... _...... , Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

41 I 41 277 41 Minor Group 730 12 12 34 12 731

13,019 12,078 941 33,799 2,952 12,078 941 Division 8

2,546 2,520 26 6,699 78 2,520 26 Major Group 80 538 535 3 1,573 9 535 3 Minor Group 803 125 125 717 125 804 395 385 10 1,494 10 385 10 805

1,488 1,475 13 2,915 59 1,475 13 B09 1,088 902 IB6 2,865 275 902 186 Major Group 81 44 42 2 140 2 42 2 Minor Group 810

1,039 855 IB4 2,430 273 855 184 811

5 5 295 5 812

606 531 75 1,529 627 531 75 Major Group 82 594 519 75 1,066 627 519 75 Minor Group 820

12 12 463 12 821 307 303 4 572 8 303 4 Major Group 83 21 20 1 89 20 1 Minor Group 830

284 281 3 439 6 281 3 831 2 2 44 2 832

3!!0 389 723 389 Major Group 84 387 386 595 386 Minor Group 840 3 3 3 128 841 4 877 878 877 877 Major Group' 85 39 1 39 Minor Group 850 40 39 812 2 812 851 812 812

6 6 852 6 6

20 20 853 20 20

54 2 39 Major Group ,86 40 39 CENSUS 'rABLBS 52

B-IV-Pal't C-lndl1stl'ial Classification by Sex and Divisions,. Major Groups

Total Branch of Industry Division, Major Group and Minor Group of I. S. 1. C. Total ...----..... _----...... Perso~ Males Females

2 3 4

Minor Group 860 Services rendered by tradc associations ,chambers of commerce, trade unions and similar 12 11 1 other organisations 861 Services rendered by civic, social, cultural, political and fraternal o~anisati()ns; such as 37 36 rate payeLs association, club, library 862 Community services; such as those rendered by public libraries, museums, botanical and 7 7 zoological gardens, etc.

Major Group 87 Recreation Seryices 1,150 877 273

Minor Group 870 Productiqn of motion picture and allied services; such as processing editing, etc. 3 3 871 Recreation services rendered by cinema,houses QY exhibition of motion pictures 166 l.2l 45 872 Recreation services rendered by organisations and individuals; such as those of theatres, 9BI 753 228 opera comp,anies, ballet and dancing parties, musicians, exhibitions, circus, carnivals

Major Group 8B Personal Services 6,05B 4,794 1,264

Minor Group BBO Services rendered to households; such as those by domestic servants, cooks 1,264 1,050 214 B81 Services rendert:d to households; such as those by governess, tutor, private secretary 86 86 2 882 Services rendered by hotels, boarding houses, eating houses, cafes, restaurants and similar other organisations.to provide lodging and boarding facilities 373 366 7 883 Laundry services rendeled by organisations and individuals, this includes all types of 2,139 1,491 648 cleaning, dyeing, bleaching, dry cleaning, services 884 Hair dressing, other services rendered by organisation.and individuals; such as those by barber, hairdressing saloon and beauty shops 2,170 1,'777 885 Services rendered by portrait and commercial photographic studios 24 24

Major Group 89 Services (not elsewhere classified) 15,229 14,809 420

Minor Group 890 Services rendered by organisations or individuals not elsewhere classified 15,229 14,809

Division 9 Activities not adequately described 413 261 152

Major Group 90 Activities unspecified and not adequately described (this includes new entrants to the labour market) 413 2Gl Ib2

Minor Group 900 Activities unspecified and not adequately d(.'Scribed including activities of sv.ch indivi­ duals who fail to provide sufficient information about their industrial affiliation to enable them to be classified 413 261 152

I. S. I. C.-Indian Standard Industrial Classification ~S5 8-IDIUBS and Minor Groups or Persons. at Work other than' CultivatioD-Concld.

Workers Workers at Household Industry Workers in Non-household Industry, etc. Branch of Ind'ustry .------, .- ...... Division, Major Group and Minor Group of .--___Urban.A.. __ --. Total Urban Total Urban ,---_...... ----. 1. S. I. C. ,..------...... ,---... ~-~ r--~-~ Persons Males Females Males Females -Males Females Males Females Males Females

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

10 10 11 10 Minor Group 860

27 26 36 26 861 3 7 3 862

6,63 486 177 877 273 486 177 Major Group 87

3 3 3 3 Minor Group 870 85 84 121 45 84 871 575 399 176 753 228 399 176 872

2,592 2,294 298 4,794 1,264 2,294 298 Major Group 88

95(1/ ,794 164 1,050 214 794 164 Minor Group 880 69 67 2 86 2 67 2 881 ::153 349 4 366 7 349 4 882 605 480 125 - 1,491 648 480 125 883 584 581 3 1,777 393 581 3 884

23 23 24 23 885

3,909 3,737 172 14,809 420 3,737 172 Major Group 89

3,909 3.737 I72 14.809 420 3.737 172 Minar Group .890

137 136 1 261 m 136. 1 Division 9

137 136 261 152 136 Major Group 90 \,

137 136 261 152 136 Minor Group 900 CBNSUS 'rABLKs rs4

B-IV-Part C ...... lndu.trial Classification by Sex and Divisions of Person. at'Work other than Cultivation by Tahails (Rural only)

Branch of Industry Workers at Workers in Non- Total Workers Household household Division of I. S. I. C. Industry Industry ,.-- ....., ,.------'---"-----, ,.-----"---.....,

Pers~ns Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

District Rural

ALL DIVISIONS 55,156 49,642 5,514 12,458 1,958 37,184 3,556 Division O-Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing and 4,087 3,706 381 3,369 1~48 337 Hunting 33

1-Mining and Quarrying 2 2 2 & 2 3-Manufacturing 13,922 11,871 2,051 9,089 1,610 2,782 441

+-Construction 1,545 1,535 10 ... 1,535 10

5-Electricity, Gas, Water and Sanitary Services 1,855 1,230 626 1,230 626 6-Trade and Commerce 7,810 7,530 280 7,530 280 7-Transport, Storage and Communication 1,926 1,922 4 1,922 4 8-Services 23,732 21,721 2,011 21,721 2,011

9-Activities not adeQJ.Iately described 276 125 151 125 151

Etawah 'fahsil

ALL DIVISIONS 12 538 11,094 1 1,-144 2,480 567 8,614 877

Division O-Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing and 652 575 77 .369 47 ~06 ,'30 Hunting

I-Mining and Quarrying

2 & 3-Manufacturing 3,230 2,613 617 2,111 520 502 97 4-Construction 414 409 5 409 \ 5

5-Electricity, Gas, Water and Sanitary Services 433 307 126 307 126 6-Trade and Commerce 1,591 1,532 59 1,532 59 7-Transport, Storage and Communication 786 785 785 8-8ervices 5,377 4,838 539 4,838 539 9-Activities not adequately described 55 35 20 35 20 S5 B-SlSllIES B-IV-Part C-Indllstriai Classification by Sex and Divisions of Persons at Work other than Cultivation by Tahsils (Ruralonly)-Gontd.

Workers at Branch of Industry Total Workers Workeu in Non- Division of I. S. 1. C. Household Household Industry ,------'-----, Industry ....---""----, ...---.A.--, Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Bbarthana Tahsil

ALL DIVISIONS 14,069 12,630 l,i39 3,080 430 9,550 1,009 Division O-Agriculture. Livestock, Forestry, Fishing and 1,330 1,235 Hunting 95 1,162 95 73

I-Mining and Quarrying

2 & 3-Manufacturing 3,625 '3,101 524 1,918 335 1,183 189 4-Construction 409 409 409 5-Electricity, Gas, Water and Sanitary Services 518 308 210 308 210 6-Trade and Commerce 2,002 1,946 56 1,946 56 7-Transport, Storage and Communication 431 431 ...... ,,::; .43! 8-Services 5,663 5,151 512 5,151 512 9-Activities not adequl\tely described 91 49 42 49 42

Bidhuna Tahsil

ALL DIVISIONS 10,748 9,908 840 ·3,129 354 6,779 48

Division O-Agricultl!re, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing and 581 535 46 515 44 Huntmg 20 2

I-Mining and Quarrying 2 .2 2 2 & 3-Manufacturing 3,289 2,942 347 j 2,614 310 328 37 4-Construction 326 322 4 322 4 5-Electricity, Gas, Water and Sanitary Services 274 209 65 209 65

6-Trade and Commerce 1,901 1,851 50 I,B51 50

7-Transport. Storage and Communication 251 251 251

8-Services 4,054 3,775 279 3,775 279

9-Activities not adequately described 70 21 49 21 49 CENSUS'l'A13LES 56

B-IV-Part C-Industrial-Classification by Sex and Divisions of Persons at W?rk other than . Cultivation by Tahsils (Rural dnly)-Concld. . " . Workers at Workers in Non- Branch of Industry Total Workers Household household Division of I. S. I. C. Industry Industry ...., r----"----...., ,..---...... ---~ Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Auraiya Tahsil.

ALL DIVISIONS 17,801 16,010 1,791 3,769 607 12,241 1,184

Division O-Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing and 1,524 1,361 163 1,323 162 38 Hunting

I-Mining and Quarrying

2 & 3-MallUfacturing 3,778 3,215 563 2,446 445 i,69 liB

4--Construction 396 395 395

5-Electricity, Gas, Water and Sanitary Services 631 406 225 406 225 115 6-Trade and Commerce 2,316 2,201 115 2,201 455 3 7-Transport, Storage and Communication 458 455 ~3

8-Services 8,63B 7,957 6Bl 7,957 ~81 40 9-Activities not adequately described 60 20 40 20

------1. S. I. C.-Indian Standard Indurtrial Classification 57 B-SBBBS B-V-Occupational ClaB.ification by Sex or Persons at Work other than I Cultivation Total Workers Division, Group r----___...... ______..... Division, Group Total Workers and Family of ---, Total Urban and Famil,y of ,------...__,._-----. N.C.O...... r-----"-__-.. Total ,---- _-- N.C.O. Urban Category Persons Males Females r----"---, r----J...__ -, Persons Male~ "'emales Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 ALL DIVISIONS Family 002 Mechanical Engineers

Total Total 86,272 77,732 8,540 31,116 28,090 3,026 V III 536 ,96 40 164 157 7 IV 18,165 14(765 3,400 3;749 2,307 1,442 Family 003 Electrical Engineers V 6,494 5,999 495 3,271 3,217 54 Totfil 3 3 3 VI 2,349 2,337 12 804 802 2 3 V VII 15,523 15,008 515 7,713 7,478 235 1 . VII. VllJ 3,148 3,143 5 1,222 1,221 1 IX 40,057 35,984 4,073 14,193 12,908 1,285 IX \

Family 007 Diuision 0 Professional, 'TechnigallJfld Relat,d Workers Surveyors

Total 3 3 Total 5,874 5,212 662 2,835 2,422 413 3 3 IX III 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 I IV 22 21 17 16 Family 009 ..J Ar,chitects, Engineers and Surveyors, n. e. c. V 33 .33 26 26 Total 7 7 VI 15 -15 4 4 3 3 VI VII 4() 39 34 33 1 VlII 5 5 5 5 IX 6 6 2 2 IX 5,756 5,096 66() "2,747 2,336 411 GROUP 01 CHEMISTS, PHYSICISTS, GEOLOGISTS AND OTHER PHY§ICAL SCIENTISTS GROUP 00 ARCHlTECTS, ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS

Total 53 53 '29 Total 27 29 27 22 ~2 V 2 2 V 7 7 3 3 VI 12 l2 VII 12 12 12 12 VIII IX 8 g 7 7 IX 38 38 26 26 Family 010 Chemists except Pharmaceutical Chemists Family'OOI Civil E~gineers (including 'overseers) Total 2i 21 17 17 Total 39 39 20 20 V 7 7 3. 3 VI III Il VII 9 9 9 9 IX 28 28 20 20 .:. IX 5 5 5 5 CENSUS TABLES 58·

B-V_Occupational Classification by Sex of Per.ons ~t Work other (itan' 'tultivation-Contd.

Total Workers Total Workers

Division, Group ~------~ '-----..., Division, Group ~------~~ ILnd Family of Total Urban and Family of Total Urban r------"- r------.A..____ ...... , N.C.O. r-___,_-----~ r------~-----'-..., N.C.O. Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7

Family 011 Pharmaceutical Chemists Family 031 Physicians, Ayurvedic

Total 2 2 2 2 Total 199 199 88 88

VII 2 2 2 2 V

Family 019 Chemists, Physicists, Geologists and other \ VII 10 10" 4· 4 Physical Scientists, n. e. c. IX 188 83 83 Total 4 4 3 3 Family 032 Physicians, Homeopathic ViI Total 33. 32 IX 3 3 2 2 19 ') IX 33 32 19 GROUP 02 BIOLOGISTS, VETERINARIANS AGRONO­ MISTS AND RELATED SCIENTISTS Family 033 Physicians, Others Total 45 45 8 8 Total 106 45 IX 45 45 8 8 VII 5 5 5 5 Family 020 Bio1ogists and Animal Scientists IX 102 lOl 40 39 I I Total Family 035 Dentists IX Total 13 i3 9 9 Family 021 Veterinarians IX 13 13 9 9 Total 40 5 5 Family 039 Physicians, Surgeons and Dentisl'f. n. e, c. IX 40 40 5 5 ,: Total Family 029 Bi~log~sts, Vetel'in?-rians, Agronomists and Related 31 31 20 20 SClentlstS,.n. e. c. V Total 4 4 2 2 IX 30 30 19 19 IX 4 .4 2 2 GROUP 04 NURSES, PHARMACISTS AND OTHER MEDICAL AND HEALTH TECHNICIANS GROUP 03 PHYSIGIANS, SURGEONS AND DENTISTS Total 409 240 169 274 204 70 Total 434 432 2 227 226

V 2 2 2 2 III 2 VII 15,. 15 9 9 IV 22 21 17 16 IX 417 415 2 216 215 V 5 5 3 3 Family '030 Physicians and Surgeons, Allopathic VII 2 2 2 2 , Total 51 51 46 46 , VIII 3 3 3 3 ' IX 51 51 46 IX 46 375 207 168 248 179 69 59

B-V~Occupational Classification by Sell: .of -Persons at Work other, than CUltivation-Contd. \ .

Total Wo~kers ,____ Total~.A.. \NO:'kr"' ______..... DIvision, Group ,..----- Division,.Group Urb;;'n and Family of and.. Family of Total Total ,.-___Urban..A- ___ -.. 'N.C.O. ,.-----"------, N.C.O. Category P,ersons Males Females PersOlls Males, Females Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 4 ~. 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7

Family 040 Nurses GROUP 0.5 TEACHERS

Total 49 27 22 29 26 3 Total 3,186 . 2,938 248 1,056 165 III 48 26 22 29 26 3 IX IX 3,186 2,938 248 L056 891 165 Family 041 Midwives and Health Yisitors Family 050 '" Teachers, University 57 Total 133 133 57 57 Total 26 IX 133 133 57 26 17 17 rx 26 26 17 17 Nursing Attendants and Related Workers Family 042 Family 051 .5 1,6 13 3 Teachers, Secondary 'Schools Total 18 13 Total 592 548 44 16 13 3 325 281 44 IX 18 13 IX 592 548 44 325 281 44 Pharmacists and 1;'harmaceutical Technicians Family 043 135 Family 052 Teachers, Middle and Primary Schools Total 146 144 2 136 Total III 1 2,259 2,'107 152 544 443 101 IS ., t IV 21 20 16 IX _ 2,!259 2,107 i52 544 443 101 3 V .5 5 3 Family 053 VII 2 2 2 2 Teachers, Nursery and Kindergarten Schools -IX 117 116 11~ 114 Total 13 10 3 13 10 3 Vaccinators Family 044 IX 13 10 3 13 10 3 Total 26 7 7 2? Family-059 Teachers, n. e. c. IX 26 26 7 7 Total 296 247 49 157 140 17 Family 046 Sanitation Technicians IX ~96 247 157 140 17 14 13 .. 6

IX 14 13 6 6 GROUP 06 JURISTS " Total Family 049 Medical and' Health Technicians, n. e. c. (ex­ 262 261 251 250 cluding Laboratory Assistan'ts) IX 262 261 251 250 Total 23 17 6 23 17 6

IV Family 060 Judges and Magistrates

VIII 3 3 3 3 Total 8 8 8' \'f... 19 13 6 19 6 13 IX 8 8 8 8 CIiNSUS T~BLl1S 60'

B-V-Occupational Classification by Sex of Persons at Wor" other than ·Cultivation-Conld. 61 JJ-S.BBIBS

B-V-Occupational Classification by Sex of Perllons at Work other than Cultivation-Colltd.

Total Workers Total Worke: s Uivision, Group r-----.----"'------.. Division, Group ..... ------_...... __ ._------.. and Family of Total Urban and Family of Total Urban N.C. O. ,.--~-- --'" ,----"'------. N.C.O. r.-----..A.-- _____ ,.--..A._.,--_' --category "Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Category -Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 2 4 5 6 7

Family 086 Musicians and Related Workers GRdupox OTHER PROFESSIONAL, TECHNICAL AND RELATED WORKERS Total 548 103 402 316 86 Total 585 577 8 343 339 4 IX 548 103 402 316 86 IX 585 577 8 343 339 4 Family 087 Dancers and Related Workers Family OXO Ordained Religious Workers Total 156 31 125 98 15 83 Total 320 315 5 135 133 2 IX 156 31 125 98 15 83 IX 320 315 5 135 133 2 Family 089 Artists, Writers .and Related Workers, n. e. c. Family OXI Non-ordained Relig;ious Workers Total 8 8 8 8

IX 8 8 8 Total 215 213 2 170 168 . 2

ix 215 213 2 170 168 2 GROUP 09 DRAUGHTSMEN AND SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING TECHNICIANS, N. E. C. Family OX2 Astrologers,' Palmists and Related Workers Total 39 39 33 33 Total 22 24 15 16 III .IX 22 22 16 16 V Family OX3 Librarians, Archivists and Related Workers VI 3 3 3 3 18 17 12 12 IX 34 34 28 28 Total IX 18 17 12 12 Family 090 Draughtsmen Family OX9 Otlier Professional, Technical and Related, Wor­ Total 28 28 25 25 k ers, n. e. c.

III Total 10 10 10 10 t' VI , 3 3 3 -3 IX , 10 10 10 10 IX 24 24 21 21 DIvision 1 Administrative, Executive and Managerial Workers }'amily 091 Laboratory Assistants

Total 2,536 2,482 j.J 847 839 8 Total 9 6 6 III 6' 6 6 6 IX 9 9 6 6 IV 1 1 177 177 120 120 .., Family 099 ~cience and'1!.ngineering.Technicians, n. e. c. V VI 153 1jj 51 51 Total 2 2 2 VII 85 81 4 80 76 4 V Vlll 25 25 18 18 .... IX IX 2,089 2,039 50 571 567 4 CENSUS TABLBS 62

B-V-Occupational Classification hySex, of.Persons at· Work other than Cultivation-Contd.

Total-Workers Total Workers Division, Group r­ DivIsion, Group ,.A.____ ~~____. and Family of Total Urban and Family of Total Urban N. C. O. ___.A. ___ -, r------"-----.. N. C. O. ___.A._, ___ -, ,.-___,.A. ___~ Category Persons Males Females Persons' Males Females Category ~ersons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7

GROUP 10 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTIVE OFFI- Family 109 Administrators and Executive Officials, Govern- CIALS, GOVERNMENT ment, n. e'. c.

Total 1,910 1,864 46 389 387 2 Total 6 6 6 6 III '" 1 IX 6 6 VI 15 15 4 4 6 6 VIII 7 7 5 '5 GKOUP 11- DIRECTORS AND MANAGERS, WHOLE- X 1,887 1,841 46 379 377 '2 SALE AND RETAIL TRADE

Family 100 Administrators and Executive Officials, Central Total 76 Government 72 4 n 68 4

vn 76 72 4 72 Total 443 443 34 34 68 4 Family IX 443 443 34 34 111 DirectOls and Managers, Retail Trade

Family 101 Administrators and Executive Officials, State Government Total 76 . 72 4 72 68 4

Total '1,047 1,001 46 199 197 2 VII 76 72 4 72 68 4


VIII '7 7 5 5 Total 9 9 8 8

IX 1,038 992 46 192 190 2 VII 9 9 8 8

Family 102 Administrators and Executive Officials, Local Bodies Family 120 Directors, -Managers and Working Proprietors, Banks

Total 22 22 11 11 Total 7 7 6 6 14 14 3 3 VI VII 7 7 6 6 8 8 8 8 IX Family 121 Directors, Managers and Working Proprietors, Insurance' Family 103 Administrators and Executive Officials, Quasi- Government Total Total 146 146 133 133 VII IX 146 146 133 133 Falqily 129 Directors, Managers and Working Proprietors, Financial Ins~itutions, n. e. c. Family 104 Village Officials

Total 246 246 6 6 Total

IX 246 246 6 6 VII lI-sai.zBs B-V-Occupational Classification by Sex ;f Persons at Work other dian Cultivation-Colltd.

TotarWorkers Total Workers DivIsion, Group ,------.--"- ---. Division, GIOUp ,------"- and Family of Total Urban and Family of Total Urban N.C.O. r----..A--~ ,-___.A- ___-.., N. C. O. ,--_-"'-_~ ,-____-..A...-..___. Gatqory 'Persons Males Females Pe.sons Males remales Category Persons, Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7

GROUP 13 DIRECTORS, MANAGERS AND WORKING Family 136 Directors, Managers and Working Prop,ietors, PROPRIE'rO'RS, OTHER Other Services

Total 541 537 4 378 376 2 Total 18 18 13 13 III 5 5 5 5 IX 18 18 13 13 IV V 177 177 120 120 Family 139 Directors, Managers and Workins Proprietors, .n. e. c. VI 138 138 47 47

VIII 18 18' 13 13 Total 17 16 17 16 IX 202 198 4 192 190 2 IX 17 16 17 16 Family 130 Directors, Managers and Workin~. Proprietors Mining, Quarrying and Well ,Dullmg Diuision 2 Clerical and Related Workers 5 Total 5 5 Total 3,95Q 3,907 43 2,621 2,585 36 5 5 III 5 5 IllS' 12 102 9 Family 131 Direclors, Managers and Working Proprietors, 9 Construction IV 4 4 4 4 Total 138 138 47 47 V 63 63 8 8 VI 138 138 47 47 VI 61 40 40 Family. 133 Directors, Managers and Working Proprietor., Manufacturing VII 353 353 93 93 "., 121 _ 121 Total 178 178 VIIl 72 72 39 39

IV IX 3,385 '3,342 43 2,428 2,392 36 " J V 177 177 120 120 GROUP 20 BOOK-,KEEPERS AND CASHIERS Fam"y t:}4 Directors, Managers and Working Proprietors, Transport and Communication , Total 805 '805 723 723 Total 18 18 13 13 III VllI 18 18 13 13 V 8 8 8 8 Family 135 Directors, Managers apd Working .Propriet?rs, Recreation, Entertainment and Caterm; ServIces VII 38 38 36 36 ,1 Total 167 164 3 162 161 VIII 6 6 4 4

IX 167 164 3 162 161 IX 752 752 674 674 CENSUS TABLES

B-V~Occupational Classification ~Y Sex o~ PersQns at Work other th~n Cultivation-Contd.

Total Workers Total Workers Division, Group ,.------"------....., Division, Group ~------____.A., ______,~ and Family o~ Total Urban and Family ,...... ___.A.______,-__-"- ___....., of ,-_____Total.A. ___ ....., Urban N.C.O. N.C.O. ,---_...... _--,. Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 r 7 Book-keepers, Book-keeping and Accounts Clerks Family 200 GROUP 28 CLERICAL WORKERS, MISCELLANEOUS

Total 753 753 675 675 Total 1,827 1,819 8 1,123 1,1l5 8 III III 7 7 4 4 V 7 7 7 7 IV 4- 4- VII :w 20 18 18 4 4- V 53 53 VIII 4 2 2 VI 32 32 16 IX 721 721 647 647 16 VII 284 284 28 28 Family 201 Cashiers VIII 42 42 30 30 Total 50 5J 46 46 IX 1,405 1,397 8 1,041 1,033 v 8 18 18 Family 280 VII 18 18 General and other Ministerial Assistants and Clerks

31 27 27 Tota) 1,072 1,070 IX 31 2 -606 604 2 III 7 7 4- 4- Family 202 Ticket Sellers Ticket Inspectors including Ushers and Ticket' Collectors (excluding those on V 10 10 moving transport) ... VI 23 23 16 16 Total 2 2 2 2 VII 154 154 22 22 , 2 2 VIII 2 2 .... VIII 32 32 20 20 GROUP 21 STENOGRAPHERS AND TYPISTS 62 IX 846 844 2 544 542 2 Total 69 68 63 3 VII 3 3 3 Family 289 Miscellaneous Office Workers including Record­ Keepers, 'Muharrers, Despatchers, Packers and 65 1 / 60 59 Binders of Office Papers IX 66

Family 210 Stenographers Total 755 749 6 517 511 6

Tot'al 64 63 63 62 IV 4- 4- 4- 4

VII: 3 3 3 3 V 43 43

IX 61 60 60 59 VI ,9 9

Family 211 Typists VII 130 130 6 6

Total 5 5 VIfI 10 10 10 10

IX 5 IX 559 553 6 497 491 6 65 B-V-Occupational Classification by Sex of Persons at Work other than Cultivation-Gontd.

Total Workers Tot~l Workers Diviqion, Group Division, Group ,------.----~------~ and Family of Total Urban and Family of Total Urban N.C.O. N. C. O...... --~----. r-_J.., ____.., Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7

GROUP 29 UNSKILLED OFFICE WORKERS Family 301 Working Proprietors, Retail Trade

Total 1,249 1,215 34 712 685 27 Total 9,884 9,562 322 4,474 4,373 101

III 4: 4: 4 4: VII 9,884 9,562 322 4,474 4,3oi3 101


VII 28 28 26 26 Total 191 190 121 120 VIII 24 24 5 5 VII ,191 190 121 120 I~ 1,162 1,128 34 653 626 27 Family 310 Agents and Salesmen, Insurance family 290 Office Attendants inCluding Peons, Messengers, Total Ushers, Hall Porters, Durwans, etc., n. e. c. 14 14 11 .... 11 VII Total 1,249 1,215 34 712 685 27 14 Ilj, II 11

III 4 4 4 Family 311 Agents, Brokers and Salesmen, Real Estate

Total V 2 2 35 34 9 8 VII VI 29 29 24 24 35 34: 9 8 Family 312 VU • 28 28 26 26 Brokers and Agents, Securities and Shares VIII 24 24 5 5 Total 7 7 7 7 IX VII 7 7 1,162 1,128 34 653 626 27 7 7

Division 3 Soles Workers Family 313 Auctioneers

Total 14,184 13,695 489 6,819 6,606 213 Tolal 33 33 6 , I) VII 33 v 21 21 33 6 6 Family 319 VIJ 14,163 13,674 489 6,819 6,606 213 Insurll:n.ce and Rea~ Estate Salesmen, Salesmen of SecurItIes and SerVICes, and Auctioneers, n. e. c. GROUP 30 WORKING PROPRIETORS WHOLESALE Total AND RETAIL TRADE • 102 102 88 88 VII 102 Total 10.425 -10,101 1.02 88 88 324· 4,863 4.760 103 VII GROUP 32 10,425 IO,10l 324 4,863 4,760 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS AND MANU­ 103 FACTURERS' AGENTS

Family 300 Working Proprietors, Wholesale Trade Total 74 74 53 53 Total 541 539 2 389 387 2 V 21 21 VII 541 539 VI! 2 389 387 2 53 53 53 53 CENSUS TABLBS

~V-Occupational' Classilica1:ion by Sex of Persons- at Work other -than Culfivation...... Contd.

Total Workers Total Workers Division, Group ,------"-----,------, Division, Group r------...... _--_.__ ~ and Family of ,-___Total.A- ____ Urban and Family of ,-___Total..A. ___ --. Urban N.C.O. ,----,.;....----, N.G.O. r------""-___-., Cate,:ory PersonS ~ales Females Persons Males Females Category Persons Males Females' Persons Males Females 2 '3 4: 5 6 7 2. 3 4 5 6 7

Family 320 Commercial Tlavellers GROUP 34 MONEY-LENDERS AND PAWN-BROKERS

Total /' Total 60 58 2 27 25 2 VII l VII 60 58 2 27 25 2

Family 321 Manufacturers' Agents Family 340 . Money-lenders (i~cluding Indigenous Bankers) Total 21 21 Total 57 55 2 26 24 "2 V 21 21 VII 57 55 '2 26 24 2 Family 329 Commercial Travellers and Manufacturers' Family .~~l Pawn-)3rokers

Agents, n. e. c. l' Total 3 3 Total 52 52 S2 52 VII 3 3 r" VII 52 52 52 52 Division 4 Farmers, Fishermen, Hunt~rs, Loggers and Relat,d Workers GROUP 33 SALESMEN, SHOP ASSISTANTS AND RELAED WORKERS Tota' 4,388 3,989 399 528 493 35 Total 3,434 3,272 162 1,755 1,648 10 III 486 . 7 447 39 128 122 6 VII 3,434 3,272 162 1,755 1,618 107 IY 3,718 3,372 346 254 238 16

Family 330 VI 8 8 J 3 Salesmen and Shop t\ssistants, Wholesale Retail Trade and VII 66 61 5 66 61 5 Total VIII 866 855 11 443 439 4 '3 3 2 2

VII 866 855 Il 443 439 4 IX 107 98 9 75 67 8

Family 331 Hawkers, Pedlars and Street Vendors GROUP 40 FARMERS AND FARM MANAGERS

Total 2,540 2,389 151 1,284 I,fal 103 ' Total 303 255 48 25q 234 16

Vll 2,540 2,389 151 1,284 .1,181 103 III 97 76 21 58 58

IV 206 179 27 192 176 16 Family 339 Salesmen, Shop Assistants and Related"Workers, n. e. c. Family 402 Farm Managers, Inspecto(s and Overseers Total 28 28 28 . 28 Totai

Vll 28 28 28 28 III 67 B-SIUlIBI B-V-Occupational Classification by Sell 'of Jiers;)ns at Work 'Other than Cultivation-Contd'.

Total Workers ·Total Workers Divi;;:on, Group Division, Group r-~---____'_~---, _____... and Family of Total Urban and J'amily of ,-___-"-- __--, ,-___.A.. __---, Total Urban N.C.O. N.C.O. ,--4..___-"'-____-, ,.-___...A. __._ .... Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females category Persons l\lales Females Perso~s Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7

Family 404 Farmers and F~lm Managers, Animals, Birds Family 419 Farm Workers, n. e. c. and Insects Rearing Total 6 6 6 Total 265 239 26 250 234 16 6 III 6 6 6 III 60 60 58 58 6 tv 205 179 26 192 176 GROUP 42 HUNTERS AND RELATED WQRKERS

Family 409 Farmers and Farm Managers including vege­ Total 4 3 table and fruit growers, n. e. c. III ·4 3 Total 37 22 Family 420 Hunters III 36 21 Total 4 3' IV III 4 3 l' GROUP 41 FARM WORK.ERS GROUP 43 FISHERMEN AND RELATED WORKERS Iotal 4,009 3,670 339 255 236 19 Total 35 24 II III 315 309 6 48 42 6 21 21 IV 3,510 3,191 319 61 61 III 35 ' 24 II 21 21 VI 8 8 3 3 Family 431 Fishermen, Inland and Coastal Waters VII 66 61 5 66 61 5 Total 32 VIII 3 3 2 2 :n II 18 18 IX 107 98 9 67 8 III 75 32 I 21 11 18 18 Family 411 'Farm Workers, Animals, Birds and Insects Rearing Family 439 Fishermen and Related Workers, n. e. c. Tutal 3,648 3,327 321 13 10 3 Total 3 3 3 3 III 207 204 3 13 10 3 III 3 3 3 3 ..... IV 3,441 3,123 318 GROUP 44 LOGGERS AND OTHER FOR.ESTRY WORKERS Family 412 Gardeners (malis) Total 37 . / 2 2 TOlal 351 335 16 232 218 14 III 35 35 Til 98 97 1.) 25 24 IV 2 2 69 68 61 61 .VI 8 8 3 3 Family 440 Forest Rangers 'and Related Workers VII 66 61 5 66 61 5 T,otal VIII 3 3 2 2 III 1 '... IX 107 98 9 75 67 8 Family 442 Log Fellers and Wood Cutters family 415 Plantation 'Labourers Total 3 3 Total 4 2 2 1: 2 2 III I HI 4 2 2 4 2 2 IV 2 2 CENSUS T"i'BL'ES 68

B-V-Oc(:upational Classification by Sex of Persons at Work other than Cultivation-Contd.

Total Workers Total Workers Division, Group Division, Group r-.------"--____ and Family of Total Urban and Family of Total Urban N. C. O. r------.A.,.----, ,.--_---"-.___ -, N. C. O. __ ----"-----. ,.-----"-___..... Category Persons Males Femates Persons Males Females Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 5 7 2 3 4 6 2 3 4 5 6 7

Family 449 Loggers and Other Forestry Workers,' n. e. c. family 610· Deck Ratings (Sbip). Barge Crews and Boatm 9

Total 8 7 Total 33 33, VIII 8 7 III 33 33 Family 611 Engine-Room Ratings, Firemen and Oilers, Ship Division 5 Miners, Quarrymen and Related Workers 'Iotal 9 9 'Total 7 6 1 7 6 VIII 9 9 III 7 6 7 '6 GROUP 62 AIRCRAFT PILOTS, NAVIGATORS AND } LIGHT ENGINEERS GROUP 50 Ml!'-:ERS AND QUARRYMEN

Total Total 7 6 7 6 2 2 VIII III 6 7 6 2 2 Family 620 Aircraft Pilots hUli~y 500 Miners Total 2 2 Total' 3 3 '" 3 3 VIII 2 2 3 3 III 3 3 GROUP 63 DRIVERS AND FIREMEN, kAILWAY ENGINE

Family 503 Shot Firers Total 37 37 Total 4 3 4 3 VIII 37 37 4 3 III 4 ,3 }<'amily 630 Drivers

Division 6 Workers in 'Transport and Communication Occupations Total 36 3l>

VIII 36 36 'Total 2,519 2,510 9· 745 741 4 Family 631 Fllcmen III 1 " Total v 19 16 3 19 16 3 VIII VI 12 12 8 8 GROUP 64 DRl VERS, ROAD TRANSPORT VIl 5 5 3 3

VIIl 2,336 2,334 2 - 611 610 1 Total 1,475 1,474 518 547 I 146 142 IX 4 104 104 V 14- 14- 14 14

GROUP 61 DECK AND ENGI~-R'oOM RATINGS (SHIP), VI 3 3 3 3 BARGE CREWS A D BOATMEN ~ Vll 2 " 17 16 Total VlJI 1,436 1,435 512 511

'1111 17 16 IX 20 20 19 19 69 B-SKBIBS B-V-Oc:c:upatic:»nal Classification by Sex 6f Persons at Work other than Cultivation-Contd. I Total Workers Total Workers Division, Group Division, Group r------~~---r------~ and Family of Total Brban and Family of Total Urban N.C.O. N.C.O. r----.A.----, r--__J,..---..... Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 7, 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6

Family 640 Tramcar Drivers GROUP 66 INSPECTORS, SUPERVISORS, TRAFFIC Total 10 10 10 10 CONTROLLERS AND DESPATCHERS, TRANSPORT t VIII 10 10 10 10 Total 116 Wi 24 24 Family 641 Motor Vehicle !;lnd Motor Cycle Drivers VIII 116 116 24 24 Total 230 230 118 118 Family 660 Inspectors, Supervisors and Station Masters

V 14 14 14 Total 16 .16 G 6

VI VIII 16 16 6 6

VIlt' 202 202 91 91 Family 661 Traffic Controllers IX 13 12 12 Total 10 10 10 10 Family 642 Cycle Rickshaw Drivers and Rickshaw Pullers VIII 10 10 10 10 10tal 251 25l 129 Family 662 Signalmen and Pointsmen VIII 25l 25l 129 129 Total !i0 90 8 8 Family 643 Animal Dbwn Vehicle Drivers VIII 90 90 8 8 Total 916 915 265 264 GROUP 67 TELEPHONE, TELEGRAl'H AND RELATED TELE·COMMUNICATION OPERATQRS VI 2 2 2 Total 13 13 8 8 VII 2 2 VIII 13 13 8 8 VIII 910 909 26l 260 Family 670 Telephone Operators IX 2 2 2 2 Total 4 4 4 4 Family 649 Drivers, Road Transport, n. e. c. (including Palki and Doli Bearers) . VlII 4 4 4 4 Total 68 68 26 Family 671 Telegraphists and Signallers VIII 63 63 21 Total IX 5 5 5 5 VIII GROUP 65 CONDUCTORS, GUARDS AND BRAKESMEN (RAILWAY) Family 672 Radio Communication and Wireless Operators

Total 46 46 4 4 Total 6 6 3 3

VIII 46 46 4 4 VIII 6 6 3 3 Family 679 Family 650 Gonductqrs T~lep.hone, Telegraph and Related Tele-Commu­ DIcatlOn Operators, n. e. c. Total 46 46 4 4 Total 2 2 \'1lI 46 46 4 4 VIII 2 2 CJlNSUS 'l'ABr.BS 70

B-V-Occupational Cl~ssification by Sex of Persons' at Work other tha'n Cultivation-Contd.

Total Workers Total Workers Division, Group Division, Group ,....---- and Family of Total {Jrban and Family ot Total Urban N. C. O. ...-----J'----- r-~'---"" N. C. O. Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

5 7 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 6 7

GROUP 68 POSTMEN AND MESSENGERS Family 691 Conductors, Road Transport

3 Total 30 30 Total 352 I 345 7 122 119 13 13 VIII 30 III .. 30 13 13 3 5 2 3 V 5 2 Family 692 Workers in Transport Occupations, n. e. c.

VI 9 9 5 5 Total 232 232 19 19 VII 3 3 3 VIII 232 232 19 19 VIII 208 208 24 24 Family 693 Inspectors, Traffic Cont/ollers and Despatchers, IX 126 122 4 85 85 Communication

Total 103 103 4 4 Family 680 Postmen VIII 103 103 4 4 Total 143 143 19 19 Family 694 Workers in' Cummunication Occupations, n. e. c. VIn 143 143 19 19 Total 89 89 I, Family 681 Messengers (including Dak Peons) VIII 89 89

Total 209, 202 7 103 100 3 Di(Jision 7-8 • Craftsmen, Production Process Workers and Labourers nol elsewhere classified ' III Total 42,069 37,139 4,930 11,970 10,447 1,523 V 5 2 3 5 2 3 III 12 12 9 9 VI 9 9 5 5 IV 14,406 11;354 3,052 3,473 2,048 1,425 VII 3 3 3 3 v 6,048 5,556 492 3,009 2,958 51 VIII 65 65 5 5 VI 2,076 2,064 12 690 688 2 IX 122 4 85 85 Vll 773 758 15 585 574 11 GROUP 69 WORKERS IN TRANSPORT AND COMMU­ NICATION OCCUPATIONS, ,N. E. C. VI1I 603 603 507 507

Total 461 461 37 37 IX 18,151 16,792 1,359 3,697 3,663 34

VIIl 461 461 37 37 GROUP 70 SPINNERS, WEAVERS, KNITTERS, DYERS AND RELATED WORK.ERS Family 690 Ticket Sellers and Ticket Inspectors including Usbels and Ticket Collectors on Moving Transport Total 5,043 3,295 1,748 2,695 1,431 1,264

Total 7 7 4,752 3,058 1,694 2,532 1,298 1,234

VIII 7 7 y 291 237 54 163 133 30 71 B-BBRIBS B-V-Occupational Classification by Sex.. of Persons at Work other than Cultivation-Contd. Total Workers Total Workers Division, Group Division, Group .------"--._------. and Family of Total Urban and Family of Total ..-___.A._. __~ Urban N. C. O. r-----"- '----, ,-----"-._--, N.C.O. r-----"-,---___, Uategory Persons Males Females Persons Males Femalcs Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 5 '6 2 3 4 7 2 3 5 , 6 7 Family 700 Fibre Preparers, Ginners, Cleaners, Scourers, etc. Family 709 Spinners, Weavers, Knitters, Dyers and Related Workers, n. e. c. Total 122 56 66 48 41 7 TOlal 2,744 1,894 850 2,014 1,165 849 IV 91 45 46 42 36 6 IV 2,664 1,817 847 1,984 1,137 847 6 5 V V 31 11 20 80 77 3 30 28 2

GROUP 71 Family 701 Blow-room Workers and Carders TAILORS, CUTTERS, FURRIERS AND \ RELATED WORKERS '

, Total Total 2,372 2,258 114 822 778 44 IV IV 1,243 1,141 102 105 71 34 Family 702 Spinners, Piecers and Winders 332 9 323 v .1,129 1,117 12 717 707 10 Total 559 81 478 300 IV 532 77 455 305 5 Family 710 Tailors, Dress Makers and Garment Makers

27 4 23 27 4 23 Total 2,280 2,)90 90 737 712 25 Family 703 Warpers and Sizers , 81 80 IV 1,190 1,110 80 59 42 17 Total 90 89 V 1,090 1,080 10 678 670 8 IV 2 2 79 V 88 88 79 .. Family 711 Hat and Head-gear Makers Family 704 Drawers and Weavers 2 2 2 2 56 Total Total 1,249 932 317 57 52 V 2 2 2 2 IV 1,202 893 309 53 \, I 39 8 4 4 V 47 Family 713 Upholsters and Related Workers Family, 706 . Bleachers" Dyers and'Finishers (excluding Printers) Total 7 4 3 7 4 , 3 Total 67 '45 22 44 22 22 5 2 3 5 2 3 IV 56 34 22 33 11 22 IV

V 11 II II 11 V 2 2 2 2

\ Family 708 Carpet Makers and' 'finishers Family 714 Pattern makers, Markers and Cutters, Textile Products, Leather Garments and Gloves TOlal 211 197 14 118 112 6

IV 204 190 14 112 106 6 Total 2

v 7 7 6 6 IV 2 CBNSUS TABLES 72

B-V-Occupational Classification by Sex of Persons at Work othci> tbap Cu,ltivatipn-;-Contd.

Total Workers Total Workers Division, Group ~.------+-----~ , Division, Group and Family of Total Urban' and Family of --...., Total Urban ,------'-----, ~--.,..._,_--.. N.C. O. N . .c. O. r--...... __~ ,---_.A..__ ~ Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Catego~y' 'Persons Males Females Persons Males }<'emales

2 3 4 5 6 7 , 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fa':mily 715 Sewers, Embroiderers.and Darner.s, Textile and GROUP 73 ~ FURNACEMEN, ROLLERS DRA WERS Fur Products MOULDERS AND RELA TED'METAL MAK- ING AND TR&ATING WORKERS III 63 18 75 ' 62 13 Total Total 701 683 18 101 10tJ

IV 46 28 18 40 27 13 IV 619 602 17 36 36 V 35 35 35 35 V 75 74 58 57

LASTERS A.ND VII GROUpn LE ..\fHER CUTTERS, 5 5 5 5 S\<.WERS (EXCEPT GLOVES AND GAR- MENTS) AND RELATED WORKERS VIII 2 .. 2 2 2 36 263 233 30 Total 1,303 1,267 Family 730 Furnacemen, Metal IV l,lJ08 974 34 96 68 28 Total \ V 295 293 2 167 1,65 2 V 'I

Family 720 - Shoe makers and Shoe repairers Family 733 Blacksmiths, Hammersmiths apd Forgemen

Total 652 634 18 75 74 Total 798 762 36 251 221 30 , ,1 IV 600 583 17 IV 557 I 523 34 96 68 28 .. 32 32 V 45 44 V 241 239 ,2 155 153 2 ) 36 35 VII 5 5 5 . 5 Family 721 Cutters, Lasters,':Sewers, Footwear and Related Workers VIII • 2 2 2 2 Total 7 7 5 5 Family 734 Moulders and Coremakers V 7' 7 5 5 Total 7 Family 722 Harness and Saddle Makers 7 7 7

Total IV 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4

V 5 5 V 5 5 3 3 3 3

Family /29 Leatnel Cutters, Lasters and.Sewers {Except Gloves Family -'l39 Furnacemen, Rollers, Drawers, Moulders and and Garments} '8.nd R~lated Workers, n. e. c. Related metal-Making and Treating Work~rs. n.e. c.

Total 493 493 2 2 Total 41 41 18 18 IV 451 451 IV 15 15 V 42 42 2 2 V 26 26 18 18 73 :a-SBltIBS

B-;V...!..Occupational Classification by. Sex of- Persons at Work other thau Cultivation-Contd.

Total Workers Total Workers Division, Group Division, Group r------'------, r------T------~------__ _ and Family of Total Urban and family of Total Urban N.C.O. r-----"'-__, r-----'------. N.C.O. r----_,._-~ Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Category Persons Males Females Persons Males F~males 2 3 , 4 5 6 7 'I 2 3 4, 5 6 7

GROUP 74 PRECISION INSTRUMENT MAKERS, Family 750 Fitter-Machinists, Tool-makers and Machine WATCH MAKERS, JEWELLERS AND RE­ Tool Setters LATED WORK~RS , Total 1,023 1,019 ~. 4' ,628 626 ,2)1' Tolal '39 39 "...

IV 422 420 2 '. 58 58 ... '/ V 20 20 9 9

\ V 433 431 2 424 422 2 VIll 16 16 8 8'

VII l68 168 146 146 IX 3 3 3 3 Family 710 Precision Instrument Makers, Watch and Clock Makers and Repairmen I Family 751 Machine Tool Operators Total 99 99 66 66 Total 40 40 33 33 IV 3 3 V 39 39 32 32 V 48 ..., 40 40 VIII " I VII 48 48 26 Family' 752 • jewellers, Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Fitter:Assemblers and Machine Erectors (Except Family 741 Electncal and Precision Instrument Fitter­ Assemblers) Total 920 916 4 558 556 2 Total ,2 2 2 ,2 ... IV 418' 416 2 57 57 V 2 2 2 V 380 2 381 379 2 2 I VII 120 120 120 120 I Family 753, ~e,~hanics·Repairmen (Except Electrical and Pre­ cISion Instrument Repairmen) Family 742 jewellery 'Engravers

Total 4 4 4 4 Total 561 561 303 303

IV III 4 4 4 4

V 3 3 3 3 119 119 2 2 GROUP 75 TOOL-MAKERS, MACHINISTS, PLUMBERS, WELDERS, PLATERS AND RELATED V 419 419 291 291 WORKERS VIII 19 19 6 6 Total 774 774 458 458 rn 4 4 4 4 Family 754 Sheet ,Metal Workers IV 159 159 12 12 Total 84 84 55 55 V 551 551 403 403 VI 21 21 21 21 IV 36 36 8 8 VIII 36 36 15 15 v 48 48 47 47 IX 'I 3 3 3 ~s.ps T,A.BLES 74


Total Workers Total Workers Division, Group Division, Group --...... __..., and Family of Total Urban and Family of Total Urban N.C.O. ,.... ,....--_...... _--..... N.C.O. ,....___ ..A-_~ ___ ,--_..A-_--, Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Ca~egory Persons Males Females Persons Males Fem~les, 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 1 I I Family'755 Plumbers and Pipe Fitters Family 760 Electnicians, Electricalr Repairmen and Related, Electrical .W.orkers I I ) ,

Total :n 21 21' 21 Total 52 52 'I I!!. 41' 47

VI 21 21 21 21 I, V 14 14 9 9

VIII 3 3 3 3 Family 756 'Welders and Flame Cutters IX 35 35 35 35 7 7 6 6 Family 761 Electrical and Electronics Fitters V 7 7 6 6 ••• I Total 6 6 6 6 , Family 758' Electro-Platers, Dip Plat!!ts and Related Wdrkers IX 6 6 6 6

Mechanics-RepatHnen, Radio and Television 3 3 I I'· Total 3 3 Total 8 8 .) 2 2 8 IV 2 2 r V 7·,1,,_, :" "I f 7 V 1 VII " { 1 Tool-Makers, Machinists, Plumbers, Welders,. Family -764 family 759 Linemen and' Ca.b!~ .Jointer~ Platers and Related \Workers, n. e. c. (Including 'Metal-engravers uther tha n pr inting) Total 2 2 2 2 I

15 15, I ,1.U VIII 2 2 Total I •. 1 11 17 " f··· 0'1 2 2 '" Family 769 , Electricians and Rela,tedlElectrical and IElectrorlies IV 2 2 Workers, n. e. C. . I v 15 15 IS 15 Total 7 7 7 7

II V 6 6 6 6

GROUP 76 ELECTRICIANS' ~ND RELATED ELECTRI- VIII I I 1 I CAL AND ELECTRONICS WORKERS , I I , GROUP 77, GARPENn~S, JOI~E~S, d~BINET Mi\'KM's.·, COOPERS AND Rf.J,.i}1~'Q WORKERS '70 Total 75 75 70 HI' .. Total 1,026 1,020 6 520 520 'l.7 27 .,22 \LI'~ V ZA·\ 1 II IV 515 509 6 181, 181 VII ,'" V 482 482 335 33~ VI J VIII 6 6 6 0 'Ii I VII 2 2 2 2 IX 41 41 41 41 VIII 26 26 2 2 7.5- a-SlIaJllS B-V:.._occupational·Cl:nsificatioD by Selloof Persotis at Work othel'. than .GqltivatioD.,.....cohtd.

Total Workers Total Workers Division, Group, ...... Division, Group ,--- and Family of Total Urban and Family of Total N.C.O. .-___.A. ___-. ,,--___.A.._' __ -, Urba'9 ..---,__'_-~ N.C.,O. :----.-"----t..., Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Fema'ies Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 '4 5 6 7

Family 770 Carpenters, Joiners, Pattern Makers (WQod) GROUP 78 PAINTERS AND 'PAPER HANGERS Total Total 1671 665 6 653 353 13 13 13 13

IV 1.318 312 6 1110 110 IV 5 5 " r '" 5 5 V • 352 352 143 243 V 8 8 .... 8 B VI FamIly 780. Painters and Paper Hangers

II' Total 13 Family 771 Shipwrights and Boat Builders 13 13 13 IV Total 5 5 5 5 I' V IV 8 8 8 8

Sawyers an~ Wood Working Machinists GROUf 79 Famqy in BRICKLA YF.RS, PLASTERERS AND C9:t;JS· ,TRUGTIQN 'WOR..KE~S. N. iE. C. Total 119 119" 83 113 'Total 1,809 '1,800 9 495 494 .12 2 IV 2 2 IV 4 4 1- 4 81 81 V 117 117. V 3 3 3 3 Family 773 Coach and Body Builders VI 1,802 1,793 9 488 487 3 3 , Total 27 27 Family 790 Stone Cutters, Stone Cal'vers and Stone Dressers" 1 V Total 7 7 7 VIII 26 26 2 2 IV 4 4 4 4 Family 774 Cart Builders and Wheel Wrights I '. V 3 3 Total 196 196 .68 6B 3 3 .i,. Family 791 Bricklayers, Plasterers, Masons \I IV 192 192 66 66 L Total 1,534 1,530 4 471 470 V 2 2. • ..J Pi V VI 1,534 1,530 4 471 470 VII 2 '2 .\. 2 2 I. Family 792 Glaziers Family 779 Carpenters, Joiners, 'Cabinet Makers, Coopers and Related Workers, n. e. c. Total 28 28 I ...

VI 28 28 I ... V Total 12 12 12 12 Family 794 Hut Builqers and l'hatcbers IV 2 2 '2' 2 Total ]1 \ I VI V 10 .10 ']0 10 VI !t"lH V CENSUS TABLES 76

B-V-Occupational Classification by Sex of .Persons at Work other than Cnl~ivatioD~Contd •.

Total Workers Total Workers Division, Group r------"-.---- Division, Group r------..A. ______--., and Family of ·Total Urban and Family of Total Urban N. C. O. r---~"""_---""'" r-----"----. N. C. O. .------"-----. r--_--"----. Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Femal~s Category Persons . Males Females Persons Males ~emales

2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7

Family 795 Well Diggers Family 807" Stereotypers •

Total Total

VI v f

Family 799 Bricklayers, Plasterers and Construction Wor­ Family 80B Book-Binders kers, n. e. c.

Total II I~ )0 10 Total 238 233 5 16 16 IV 2 2 2 2 VI 23B 233 5 16 16 y 9 9 B 8

GROUP~O COMPOS ITORS, PRINTER~, ENGRAVERS, Family 809 BOOK-BINDERS AND ·RELATED WORKERS Compositors, Printers, Engravers, Book-Binders and Related Work::rs, n. e. c.

Total 82 !l2 52 Total· II 11 7 IV 6 6 2 2 IV 4 4 V 76 76 50 V 7 7 7 7 Family 800 Type-setting Machine Operators


V 7 7 2 2 Total 3,626 2,667 959 253 174 79

Family 801 Compositors IV 2,523 I,BB2 641 220 142 78

Total 40 40 24 24 V 1,103 7B5 318 33 32

V 40 40 24 24 Family BIO Furnacemen, Kilnmen and Ovenmen

Family 803 Printers (Paper) Total' 987 746 241 26 26 • Total 11 II 8 8 V 987 746 241 26 26

v II II 8 8 Family BII ~otters and Related Clay Formers

Family B04 Printers (Tex!ile) Total 2,612 J,897 715 219 143 76 Total • IV 2,517 1,879 1'38 216' 141 75 v V 95 18 77 3 2 77 B-SUIES B-V-Occupational Classification by Sex of Penon. at Work other than Cultivation-Contd.

Total Workers Total Workers Division, Group ...------"------..... Division, Group ,..------'------., and Family of Total Urban _and Family of Total Urban ,-----....-- __...... ~-__.,.A. ___-., N.C.O. ,..-----"----. ,- N. C. O. Females Males Persons Males Females Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Category P~rsons Fem~les 3 4 5 6 7 f 2 3 4 5 6 7

Blowers and Benders, Glass Family 821 Crushers and Pressers, Oil Seeds Family 812 • Total 9 9 Total 441 377 64 40 30 10

IV 1 , IV 416 352 64 26 l6 10

v 8 8 V 25 25 14 14

Family 813 Moulders and Pressers, Glass Family 822 Dairy WOl kers '(Non-Farm)

Total 8 8 -fotal I !:I 12 7

IV IV 19 12 7

v 7 7 !:

Family 814 Grinders, Cutters, Decorators and Finishers ~otal 8 8 5 5

Total V 8 8 5 5

V Family 824 Bakers, Confectioners, Candy and Sweetm~at Mak<;rs Family 819 Potters, Kilnmeh, Glass and Clay Formers and Related Workers, n. e. ·c. Total 1,028 1,017 II 227 216 11

IV 847 836 11 73 62 Total 9' 3 6 3 3 11 V 181 181 154 154 IV 4 3 4 3

V 5 5 2 2 Family 825 Makers of Aerated Water and Brewers

OROUP82 MILLERS, BAKERS, BREWMASTERS AND Total 3 RELATED FOOD AND BEVERAGE WORKERS 3' 3 3 V 3 3 3 3 Total 3,325 2,994 331 529 501 28 Family 827 Butchers IV 2,254 1,998 256 121 97 \ 24 Total 76 76 5 5 V 1,071 996 75 408 404 4 IV ( Fa_mily 820 Millers, Pounders, Huskers and Parchers, Gr~ns and Related Food Workers V 75 75 5 5

Total Family 828 Coffee and Tea Blenders and Related Workers' 1,733 1,484 249 235 228 7 \

IV 970 796 '174 21 .18 3 Total i

v 763 688 75 214 210 4 V CENSUS ·TABLBS 78 B-V-Occupational -Classification by Sex of Persons at Work other than C~ltivation-Contd.

Total Workers Total Workets Division, Group r------~'------Division, Group ....------...... and Family of Total Urban and Family of Total Urban N. C. O. r------~-----""' ~~ N. C. O. ,------~ r-----"-----. Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7

Fa~ily 829 Millers, Bakers. BreWOlaste.rs and Related Food GROUPS", TOBACCO PREPARERS AND PRODUCTS and Beverage Workers, n. e. e. MAKERS

Total 16 16 13 13 " 10la1, 15 15 5 5 I· IV IV 5 -5 V 'IS 15 12 12 V 10 10 4 4

GROUP 83 CHEMICAL AND RELATED PROCESS WOR- KERS Family 840 CUrers, Gra~ers a.nd Blenders, Tobacco 24 2 Total 32 30 2 26 Total 4 4 IV 9 7 2 9 7. 2 V 4 4, V 23 23 17 17 Family, 842, Operators Cheroot, Cigar anil Bidi Makers Fa~ily 830 Batch ap9 Continuous ,Still Total Totnl 4 4 IV V I- 4 4 ,

Family 831 Cookers, Roasters and Other Heat Treatl!fS, Family 849 Chemiqal and Related Processes Tobacco Preparers and Product Makers, n. e. c.

Total 7 7 'Total 13 13 ..... 13 13 5 5 IV 7 7 7 7 IV V 6 6 6 6 V 6 ~ .. 4 4 Family 832 Crushers. Millers and Calenderers, Chemical and Related Processes GROUP 85 CRAFTSMEN AND PRODUCTION PROCESS' WORKERS, N. E. C. Total 4 4 4 4

V 4 4 4 4 TaJal 959 654 305 148 124 24 Family 833 Paper P,ulp Preparers IV 880 583 297 90 66 4 24 Total 2 2 2 2 V 79 71' 8 '58 58 V 2 2 2 2

Fa!llily 839 Chemical and Related Process W_orkers. n. e. c. Family 850 Basketry Weavers and Related Workers

Total 12 10 2 6 4 2 Total 818 536 282 61 50 11 IV 2 2 2 2 IV 805 531 274 57 46 II . V 10. 10 4 4 V 13 5 8 4 4 79 a-sxalBI B-V-Occupational Classification by Sex or PeA'sqn. at Work other than Cultivation-Contd.

Total Workers Total Workers

Division, GrOup .""----_._---... Divi,ioil, Group ~ and Family of Total Urban and Family of Total Urban N.C.O. r-----"- ,--- N.C.O. r----.A.--_--. r-----"- Cate,(ory Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7

GROUP 86 TESTERS, PACKERS, SORTERS AND 'RE- Family 851 Tyre Builders, Vulcanisers and Rela ted Rubber Products Makers LATED WO~KERS

Total 3 3 3 ~ Total 320 319 258 258 v 3 3 3 3 III 4 4 "4 4 Family 85~ Plastics Products Makers J.V

V Total 7 7 7 7 6 6 4 4 VII 162 161 IV 3 3 3 3 109 109 VIII 8 V 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 IX 139 139 Family 853 Tanners, FeUtriongers, Pelt Dressers and Related 133 133 Workers

Total 9 8 i 8 7 Family 860 Checkers, Testers, Sorters. Weighers and Counters IV 5 4_ 5 4

V 4 .. 3 3 Total 301 300 239 239 Family 855 Makers of Musical Instruments and Related III 4 4 4 4 Workers TV Total 12 12 7 7 V 4 4 2; 2 IV \ VII 157 156 104 104 V 11 11 6 6 VllI 7 7 7 7'

Family 856 Paper Products Makers IX 128 128 '122 122

Total 9 6 3 9 6 3 Family.8nl IV 6 3 3 6 3 3 Packers. LabelJers and Related Workers V 3 3 3 3 ... Total 19 19 19 19 Family 859 Craftsmen and ProdueJion Process Workers, D. e."c. V 2 2 2 2

Total 101 19 82 53 44 9 ~II 5 5 5 5

IV 60 4\ \9 18 9 9 ,VItI

V 41 41 35 35 IX 11 H H, 11 CENSUS T AllLBS 80

''P-V-Oc~upatjonal Classification by S~x of Persons at: Work other than Cultivation-Contd.

Total Workers Total Workers Division. Group Division, Group r------~------~ and Family of Total Urban and Family 01 Total Urban N.C.O. ~__, ,-__...___...... N. C. O. ,---'--"------. Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Category Persons Males Females P~rsons Males- Females

7 2 3 4 5 . 6 r 2 3 4 5 6 7

GROUP 87 STATIONARY ENGINE AND EXCAVATING Family 879_ Stationary Engine and Excavating and Lifting AND LIFTING EQUIPMENT QPERATQR Equipment Operators ~nd Related Workers, AND RELATED WORKERS n. e. c.

59 58 42 42 Total TOLal 2 2 2 2 26 22 22 V 26 V 2 2 2 2 VI 5 5 GROUP 89 LABOURERS, N. E. C. VIII 8 8 2 2 Total IX 20 19 17 17 19,512 18,116 1,396 4,592 4,544 48 III 4 4 1 1 .... Family 870 Operators, Stationary ,Engines and Related 'IV Equipment V 360 340 20 113 112 Total 15 14 14 14 VI 2-17 244 3 180 179 VII 435 421 14 322 311. V 3 3 3 II VIII 517 517 472 472 IX 12 II II 11 , IX' 17,948 16,590 • 1,358 3,503 3,469 Family 871 Boilermen and Firemen Family 890 Loaders and 'Unloaders Total 10 10 8 8

Total 804 790 14 529 529 V 8 8 6 6 " V 162 148 14 15 15 IX 2 2 2 2 VI 5 5 . VII 112 112 - 14 14 Family 874 Operators of Earth-moving and Other Cons­ , truction' Machinery, n. e. c. VIII 386 386 366 366 IX 139 139 133 133 Total 5 5 Family 899 Labourers, n. e. c. VI 5 5 J

:r?tal 18,70B 17,326 1,3.82 4,U63 4,015 Family 876 Oilers and Greasers, Stationary Engines Motor Vehicles and Related Equipment ' III 4 4 IV 1 1 • 'Total 27 27 17 17 V 198 192 6 98 97 V 13 13 11 11 VI 242 239 3 179 178 VII 323 309 14 308 297 VII1 8 8 2 2 1 I VIII 131 131 106 106 IX 6 4 4 IX 17,[09 1.6,451 1,358 3,370 3,336 34 Jl-SBaIBS

B-V-Occupational Classification by Ses of Persons at Work other than Cultivation-Conld.

Total Workers Total Workers Division, Group Division, Group r------~------~------~ and Family of TQtal Urban and Family of Total Urban N.C.O. N.C.O. r-----"-.---~ Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Category. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females . 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 5 6 7

DlIJision 9 Servi&8, Sport and Recreation Work6Ts Family 902 Customs Examiners, Petrollen and Related WOlkers Total Total 10,439 8,494 1,945 4,613 3,823 790 5 5 5 5 IX 5 5 5 5 III 7 7 3 3

IV 4 3 1 Family 903 Watchmen and Chaukidars V 103 103 87 87 8 8 VI 10 10 Total 661 659 2 370 368 2 1 VII 36 35, 1 33 32 III 6 6

86 86 40 40 V 101 101 86 86 '" IX 10,193 8,250 1,943 4,442 3,653 789 VI 10 10 8 8

GROUP 90 FIRE FIGHTERS, pOLI9EMEN, GUARDS Al'lD VII 34 34 31 31 Rf.l.>A TED )"ORI$.ERS 16 899 3 VIII 38 38 16 Total 1,814 1,811 3 902 IX 472 470 2 227 225 2 2 2 III 6 6 86 86 Famil y 909 Fire Fighters, Polict;men, Guards and Related V Hli 101 Workers, n. e. c. VI 10 10 8 8 80 80 14 14 31 Total VII 34 34 31 ,4, 4 25 25 VIII 4. VIII 50 50 IX 76 76 10 10 IX 1,613 1,610 750 747 3

900 Fire Fighters and Related Workers Fami~ GROUP 91 HOUSE KEEPERS, COOKS MAIDS AND RELATED WORKERS '

1. Total Total 1,262 955 307 980 729 251 ,I IX IX 1,262 955 307 980 729 251

Family 901 Police Constables, Investigators and Related Workers Family 910 House Keepers, Matrons, Stewards (Domestic and Institutional) , 513 512 Total 1,067 1,066 Total 21 20 21 20 vn 8 8 5 5 21 20 21 20 IX 1,059 ~,05B 50B 507 IX CENSUS TABLES 82

B-V-Occupational ,Classification by Sex.of Persons ~t Work other thiln Cultivation..:...Contd.

Total Workers Total Workers Division, Group r- Division, Group ---, and Family of Total Urban and Family of N. C. O. r- ,..-___.A. ___ ...... Total Urban N.C.O. ,..-_.A-_~ r--__.A-_--....., Category Persons Males Females Persons Mal~ Females Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 • 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7

Family 911 Cooks, Cook-Bearers (Domestic and Institutional) Family 931 Cleaners, Sweepers and Watermen

Total 142 353 218 135 '. 424 282 Total 2,763 2,213 550 1,318 954 364 IX 424 282 142 353 218 135 TTl Family 912 Butlers. Bearers. Waiters. Maids and Other Ser­ vants (Domestic) IV 4 3 . I Total 812 653 159 601 491 110 V .2 2 IX 812 653 159 601 491 110 2 2 Family 913 Ayas, Nurse-maids VIII Total 5 5 5 5 36 36 15 15 IX 5 5 5 5 IX 2,718 2,170 548 1,29~ 936 363 GROUP 92 WAITERS, BARTENDERS AND RELATED WORKERS GROUPW BARBERS, ,HAIRDRESSERS, BEA UTIctANS ) AND RELATED WORKERS Total 86 82 4 85 81 4 Total 2,170 1,777 393 584 581 IX - 86 82 4 85 81 4 3 IX 2,170 Family 920 Waiters, Bartenders and Related Workers (Insti- 1,777 393 584 581 3 tutional) • Family 940 > Barbers, Hairdressers, Beauticians and Related Total 86 82 85 81 '4 Workers IX 86 • 82 85 81 4 Total 2,170 1,777 393 " 584 581 3 GROUP 93 BUILDING CARE-TAKERS, CLEANERS AND IX 2,170 1,777 393 RELATED WORKERS 584 581 3 GROUP 95 Total 2,764 2,214 550 1,318 954 364 LAUNDERERS, DRY-CLEANERS AND PRES­ SERS III Total 2,139 1,491 648 IV 4 3 605 480 125 IX 2,139 1,491 648 V 2 2 605 480 '125 Family 950 VII 2 2 Laundrymen, Washermen and Dhobies

VIII 36 36 15 15 Total 2,,133 1,485 648 600 475 125 IX 2,719 2,171 548 1,299 936 363 IX 2,133 1,485 648 600 475 125 F_amily 951 Family 930 Building Care· takers Dry-cleaners and Pressers Total Total 6 5 5 IX IX 6 6 5 5 B-V-OCCllpational Classifi.catiob by, Sell of "'Persops at Work otlJ,er th\,n Cultiva~ion-;-Concld. Total Workers Total Workers Division, ~r


# lX 27 '1.7 26 26 Total 306 298 8 131 128 3 Family 970 Movie Camera Operators III 2 2 Total 3 3 3 IX 3 3 3 IV 10 10

Family 979 Other PhotoJraphers V 30 30 2 2

Total 24 24 23 23 VI 14 14 IX 24 24 23 23 VII 2 2 GROUP 99 SERVICE. SPORT AND RECREATION WORKERS, N. E. C. VIII 18 15 3

Total 177 137 40 113 73 40 IX 230 225 5 129 126 3 IX 177 137 40 113 73 40 Family X80 Workers reporting Occupations Unidentifiable Family 999 Service. Sport and Recreation Workers. n. e. c. or Unc1assi&able

Total 177 137 40 113 73 40 IX 177 ]37 40 113 73 40 T~tal 306 298 8 131 128 3

III 2' 2 Division X .Workers not Classifiable oy Occupalion IV 10 10 Total 306 298 8 131 128 3 III 2 2 V 30 30 2 2 I 10 I IV 10 VI 14 14 V 30 30 2 VIl 2 2 VI 14 14 VII 2 2 VIII 18 15 3 VIIr 18 15 3 IX 230 225 5 129 126 3 IX 230 225 S 129 126 3

N. C. O.-National Classification of Occupations CBNSUs TABLa! 84- \1\1B-V...occ"pa'tionat Classification by Sex of Persons at Work otllert_n C1lltivatioD by Tahsil. (Rural only)

Division Total Workers Division Total Workers

~ ______A---- _____ No. of No. of ,A._---., N.C.O. N.C.p. Category Persons Males Females Category Persons Males Females 2. 3 4 2 3 4 .', Diuisian 2 Clirical ahd kelated Wotkerl DISTRICT 'RURAl.: I J

Total 1,329 1,322 7 ALL DI~~SIONS, III -3 3 Total 55,~56 49,642 5,514 V ,55 55 III 372 339 33 VI 21 21 IV HA16 12,458 1,958 VII 260 260 V 3,¥23 2,782 4-41 " VIII 33 33 VI 1,545 1,535 10 Ii IX 957 950 7 VII 7,810 7,530 280

VIII 1,926 1,922 4 Divisian 3 Sales- Workers

IX 25,864 23,076 2,788 Total 7,365 7,089 276

Division 0 Professional, T'rchnical tJn,~ Related Workers V 21 21

Tota1. 3,035 2,790 245 VII 7,344. 7,068 276

i Division 4, III Farmers, 'Fishermsn, Hunter{, Loggers and "'- Related Workers IV 5 5 Total ,103,860 3,496 364 I, V 7 7 HI 358 \' 325 33 'I 11 VI 11 IV" 3,464 3,134 330 ttl IV I, ,,\ VII 6 6 VI '5 5 I .. IX 3,005 2.760 245 I, VIII 1 q Division I Administrative, Executive and M~nagerial Worken IX 32 31 I, f

Division 6 I Work"s in Tfansport and Communication Total 1,690 1,643 i7 Occupations

V 57 57 Total 1,774 1,769 5 ill VI 102 102 VI 4 4 Vll 5 5 VII 2 2

VIII 7 7 VIII 1,725 1,724

IX 1,519 1,472 47 IX 42 38 4 ~ , a5 II-DBIBI , B-V-OccupationaJ Classification by, Sex of Person. at Work other than Cultivation by Ta);tsils ..(Rural only)-Collta.

Division Total Workers Division Total Workers No. of ,- ---. No. of ~ N. C.O. N. C.O. Females Persons Males Females Category Persons Males Category 2 3 4 2 3 4 ,_ I

Division 7·8 Craftsmen, Production Process Workers, and ETA WAH TAHSIL Labourers not ,l"wher' classified

. 26,692 3,"7 ALL DIVISION S TOtal 30,099 1 ,\ 3 S III Total 12;538 11,094 1,444 IV 10,93~ 9,306 1,627 IT1 236 206 30 2,598 441 V 3,039 ;IV 3,047 2,480 567 10 :V VI 1,386 1,376 599 502 97 VI 414 409 5 VII 188 184 4 VII 1,591 1,532 59 VIII 96 96 VIII 786 7R5 1 "- IX 5,865 5,180 685 IX 14,454 13,129 1,325 Division O' Proftssional, Technical and Related WorbrJ Division 9 Slrvic" Sport and Recreation Workers Total 622 511 III Total 5,82~ 4,671 1,155 IV 2. 2 4 4 III V 2 2 IV 4 3 VI

V 16 16 VIi 3 3 VI 2 2 IX 614 503 111 ViI 3 3 DIvision j Adminislralive, Executiv, and Managlrial Work,,) VJp 46 46 Tota" 432 426 6 5,751 4,597 1,154 IX V 2 2 25 Division X W orkm not Classifiabl, by 'occupation 'VI 25 VIII '.2 2 Total 1'18 170 8 ". IX 403 397 6 III. 2 2 10 CIlTical and Related W orkerr IV 10 '" Division 2 V 28 28 .0." Total 433 430 3 VI 14' 14 V 10 10 VII 2- 2 VI 15 15 ,., VIIl 18 15 3 VII 155 155 IX 104 99 5 IX 253 250 3 Cl,!.NSUS; 'F.ABL~S -86

B-V- Occupational Classmcatio.Jl by Sex 4:)£ Persons at Work 'Other than -Cultivation By 'J'~si1s (Rural !»nJy)-Gof.ltd~ Division Total Workers Division Total Workers No. of r----~--...., No. of ,.- N.C. O. N.C. O. Category Persons Males Females Category Persons Males Females 2 3 4 2 3 4

Division 3 Sales Worksrs Division 9 ServUe, Sport and Recreation Workers Total f;594 1,355 239 Total 1,309 1,250 ~9 IV 4: 3 VII 1,309 1.250 59 VI L .l.

Division 4 Farmers, Fishermen, Hunters, Loggers and R,elatsd VIIi 17 17 Workers IX 1,572 1,33~ 238

Total 825 764 61 Division X W arksr s nol Classifiable by Occupation

HI 236 206 30 Total 14 13 1

IV 5 IV 585 555 30 5 VI VI 3 3 t·· " Vl11 8 7 IX

BHARTHANA TAHSIL Division 6 Workers in 'Transport and Communication ALL DIVISIONS Occupatiorts

T~tal 14,069 12,630 1,439 Total 692 692 ...<.' III 73 73 3,510 3,080 Vl 4 4 ..~. IV 430 V 1,372 1,183 iS9 688 688 .... VII1 VI 409 409- VII .2,002 1,946 56 Division 7 -8 Craftsmen, Production Process Workers, and VIII 431 431 Labourers not elsewhere classified IX 6,272 5,508 764

Total 6,617 5,653 964, Division 0 Profmianal, Technical and Related Work61's IV 2,451 1,915 536 Total 1,052 977 75 V 585 488 97 III 364 359 5 VI IV ::I 3 VII 124- 124 V 5 5 ".

VIII 71 71 VI ::I 3 .... IX 3,022 2,696 326 IX l,MO 965 75- '81 B~1!I.m. B-V-Occupational Class~catioD by.sex of ~ersons at Work other than Culti"atioD .... lzy Tahsils (Rural,onlyJ-Gontd.

DivisigD Total Workers Division 'No. of r-----""- No. of Total Workers N.C~ N.C.O. r-- ...... , Persons Males -Category Fen;ale~ Category Persons Males Females 2 3 'I: 2 3 '4 Division I AdminisCrative,"'E:o;ecutiu, and Managerial Workers Dillisron '7-8 Craftsmen, Producliol" Frocess Worktrs Labourer¥ not ele¥llJherl classified ' and Total 432 413 19 Tota) 6,744 V 13 13 5,9to 80C III 3 3 VI '27 27 IV 2,247 1,912 335 " IX 392 373 19 V 1,274 1,085 VI 189 Diuision 2 CI"ical and Re/ated Workers 372 372 VII 8 8 Total 410 408 2 VlI1 10 10 IX HI 2' 2 2,830 2,550 280 Division 9 V 41 41 S,!flice, Sport and Recreation Workers Total VI 1,734 1,350 384 III VII 49 4~ 3 3 V VIII 29 29 14 14 VI IX 288 286 '2 VIII 18 18 Division 3 Sales Workers IX 1,698 1,3.14' 384 Total 1,943 1,887' 56 DivisiolJ X Workers not Classifiable b,J Occupation

VI 1,943 1,887 56 T-otal 41 41 IV 3 3 Division 4 Farm"s, Fishermen, Hunters, Loggers ahd V Belalld W or keT J 25 25 VI 3 Total 1,326 3 1,231 95 VII 2 2 III 63 VIII\ 63 '8 8

IV 1,257 1,162 95 BIDHUNA, TAHSIL

VI 2 2 ALL DIVISIONS IX <4 4 Total 10,748 , 9,908 840 Diuision 6 W o,lker $ ill TranljJoTI 'and Communication Occupations- III 24 22 2 Total IV 387 383 4 3,483 3,129 354 V III 365 328 37 VI 326 322 4 VUI 366 366 'VII 1,901 1,851 50 t VIII IX 20 16 4 251 251 XI 4,398 4,005 393 CEl'lSUs :rABLllS 88 B-V-Occupadonal Classification by Sex of Persons at Work other than' Cultivation by Tahsils (RUral only)-Contd.

Division Total Workers Division No. of Total Workers r-----'---~ No. of r- ---, N.C. 0. N.C, 0. Gategory Persons Males Females" Category Persons Males Females 2 3 4 2 3 4

Divisiov 0 Professional, -Technical and Related Workers Division '6 Workers ill Transport and Communication Occupations Total 699 672 27 Total 218 218 VI :3 3 VII VlI 3 3 2 2 VIII IX 693 666 27 215 215 IX Divisioll 1 Administrative, Executive a~d Managerial Workers

Total 457 452 5 Division 7·8 Craftsmen, Production Process Workers. anti Labourers not e!sewhtr, classified .# V 6 6

VI 28 28 Total 5,484 4,9<&7 537

VII IV 2,453 2,144 309 VIIl 5 5 V 354 317 37 IX 417 412 5 VI 286 282 4 Dillision 2 Clerical and Related Workm VII ·22 19 S. Total 20'; 203 2 VIII 15 15 V 2 2 f IX 2,354 2,170 1114 VI 5 5

VII 32 32 Dillision 9 SITlIice, Sport and Recreation Workers VIII 4- 4 IX 162 160 2 'fotal 758 583 li5 Vivision 3 Sales Workers VII 3 3 ,Total 1,838 1,791 47 VIII 11 11 VII 1,833 1,791 47 IX 744 569 1/5 Division 4 Farmers, Fishermen, Hunters, Loggers and RIIlated Workers Division X Total 1,082 1,035 47 Workers not C~assifiabl' b" Occupation. 1ll 24 :.l2 2 IV 1,030 985 45 Total 7 7

VIII V g 3 IX 27 27 VI 4 4 - 89 B-SEllIaS B~V -Occupational Clasffification by Sex .o( persons at. Work other than .cultivation by Tahsils (Ruralonly)-Concld.

Division Total Workers Division r------.A.______~ Total Workers ,No. of No.of r------.A.___ ----, N.C.O. N.C.O. Category Persons Males :Females Category Persons Males Females 2 3 4 2 3 4 AURAIYA TAHSIL Diuision 4 Farmers, Fishermen, Hunters, l.oggers and Related ALL DIVISIONS Workers 16,010 Total 17,801 1,791 Total 627 466 161 39 38 III III 35 34 IV 4,376 3,769 607 IV 592 432 160 V 887 769 118 Division 6 Workers in Transport and Communication Occupations VI 396 395 Total VII 2,316 2,201 115 ,477 476 1 VIII VIII 458 455 3 456 455 IX IX 9,329 8,383 946 21 21

Division 0 Professional, Technical and Related Warkers Division 7-8 Craftsmen, Production Process Warkers, and Labourers "ot elsewhere classified Total 662 630 32 Total 11,254 10,152 1,102 VI 4 if IV 3,782 3,335 447 658 626 IX 32 V 826 708 118 Division 1 Administrative, Executive and Managerial Workers VI 364 363 Total 369 352 17 VII 34 33 V 36 36 IX 6,248 5,713 535 VI 22 22 Division {} Ser,pice, Sport and Recreation Workers VII 4 4 Total 1,74() 1,383 ,357 IX 307 290 17 III Division 2 Clerical and Related Workers V 2 2 Total 281 281 IX 1,737 III 1,380 2 Division X Workers not Classifiable by Occupation V 2 2 Tatal 116 109 VII 24 24 III 2 2 IX 254 254 / Division 3 Sal~s Wor!uys IV 2 2

Total 2,275 2,161 114 VI 6 6 '" V 21 21 VIII 2 .. ~ VII 2,254 2,140 114 IX 104 99 2 N.C.O.-National Classification oj Occupations 5 CBNSUS TABLBS 90

B-VI-Occupational Divisions of Persons at Work other than Cultivation classified by \ Educational Levels ~------Occupational Age-group Total Workers Total Literate Primary High School Technical Division No. Literate (without or Junior or Higher diploma not (N. C. 0.) Workers educational Basic Secondary equal to level) degree ~-----.-...---....-, ,---'----. ~---"---. ,.---"'-___.... r--_"'_--' ~-.A..---.

Persons Males females M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

All Divisions Total 31,116 28,090 3,026 16,926 518 9,583 312 4,077 73 2,403 96 1 0-14 882 724 158 254 10 185 6 65 4 4 15-34 15,388 13,973 1,415 8,978 308 4,627 189 2,264 37 1,603 55 35-59 12,625 11,399 1,226 6,746 180 4,108 102 1,554 31 740 38 60+ 2,216 1,990 226 945 20 661 15 194 J>6 3 Age not stated 5 4 3 2

0- Professional, Technical and Related Workers Total 2,835 2,422 413 1,932 284 478 110 384 52 512 86 ... 0-14 14 11 3 15-34 922 176 179 72 155 26 311 52 35-59 815 97 218 32 179 25 168 31

60+ 180 10 70 5 47 1 33 ,~" o".!" Age not stated 1

1- Administrative, Execu- tive and Managerial Workers Total 847 839 8 767 8 239 3 181 3 222 2 0-14 4 3 1 15-34 354 75 70 126 35-59 368 7 127 3 100 2 92 2 , 60+ 41 25 11 3 Age not stated

2- Clerical and RelateQ Workers Total 2,621 2,585 36 2,330 14 797 5 646 3 807 5 1 0-14 5 2 2 1 15-34 1,245 4 352 1 288 541 2

35-59 998 8 405 2 ~22 3 255 3 60+ 82 2 38 2 34 10 Age not stated ... 91 B-SBBIBI

Sex, Broad Age-grouPIi a~d Educational L~vels }n 'Urban Areas only ...... Educational Levels ",0 ...... §Z~ Non-technical University degree ,-______Technical degree or diploma..A.. ______equal to degree or post-graduate degree ';:: 150 diploma not or post-graduate ----, 11-;;;0 E,ngineering Medicine Agriculture Veterinary Technology Teaching ::so> • equal to degree degree other than Others 8iS Z technical degree and o ~ Dairying r---J...--___ r- _..A.._..._,. ...----'---. ,-_"""___' ,---"---. ,----"-...... r-~ r--_"_____' r--"""_-~


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

5 756 " 30 " 1 1 61 28 9 ••• All Div. 5 453 2 3 3 ". 25 19 272 2 23 36 8 9 30 4 I ..

61 28 4 463 3 29 " 1 1 0 19 4 247 3 3 25 189 t 22 36 8 26 4 1 1 ,

123 1 1 9

82 1 ... 39 ... , 9 2

"- I 79

64 I' )5 r' CBNSU'S "1' ABLBS '9'2

B-VI-Occupational Divisions of Persons at Work other than' Cultivation classified by

Educational Levels r- Occupational Age-group Total Workers Total Literate Primary High School Technical Division No. Literate (without or Junior or Higher diploma not (N. C. 0.) Workers ed'ucational Basic Secondary equal to level) __, degree ...----"----. ...----"---. .-----..--. ~ ,-...... --, Persons Males Females M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

3-Sales Workers Total 6,819 6,606 213 4,942 16 2,908 16 1,471 527 0-14 75 43 3'0 2 15-34 2,382 7 1,193 7 794 375 35-59 2,072 9 1,349 9 565 143 60+ 413 323 82 7 Age not stated

4-Farmers, Fishermen, Hunters, Loggers and Related Workers 'Total 528 493 35 124 4 86 2 22 1 14 1 0-14 15-34 ,4 1 49 16 7 'r 35-59 44 2 32 5 7 60+ 5 4 Age not stated

5-Miners, Quarrymen and Related Workers Total 7 6 1 6 1 3 3 1 0-14 15-34 3 2 35-59 3 2 60+ Age not stated

6-Workers in Transport and Communication Occupations Total 745 741 4 335 4 190 4 92 40 0-14 15-34 185 106 47 23 35-59 145 4 80 4 44 17 60+ 5 4 1 '" Age not stated '" 93 MBIUBa Sex, Broad Age-groups and Educational Levels in Urban Areas only-Contd.

Educational Levels ,------~ ,------.------~ Non-technical University degree Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree diploma not or post~raduate r------~------~ equal to degree degree other than Engineering Medieine Agriculture Veterinary Technology Teaching Others . technical degree and Dairying ,---~ r---"----.. r---"'-~ ,_--"-~ ,-_.A.______M F M F M F M FM F

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

36 3

20 ,0 •• 15 1

2 4:



.. r ... ,

... "

13 6

9 4: 94

B-VI-Occupational D,vi~ions of ~ersons at Work other than, Cultivation classified by

Educational Levels r- Occupational Age-group Total Workers Total Literate Primary High School Technical-- DivisIOn No. Literate (without or Junior or HIgher diploma not (N. C. 0.) Workers educational basic Secondary equal to level) degree ,-____..A. ____ -. r--",.A..~ ,---...... ~ ~_.A..___..... ,--_..A._--. ,---...... - --. Persons Males Females M F M F M F 'M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JO Jl 12 13 14 15

7-8-Craftsmen, Production Process Workers, and Labourers, not elsewhere classified Total 11,970 10,447 1,523 4,849 156 3,752 145 924 11 153 0-14 135 5 108 4 27 1 15-34 2,926 107 2,099 98 685 9 125 35-59 1,606 38 1,382 37 197 25 60+ 180 6 161 6 15 3 Age not stated 2 2

9-Service, Sport and Recreation Workers Total 4,613 3,823 790 1,621 28 1,127 24 349 3 126 1 0-14 20 3 17 3 2 15-34 877 12 566 10 206 94 35-59 685 11 508 11 137 32 60+ 39 2 36 2 3 Age not stated

X-Workers not Claimi­ 3 .5 fiable by Occupation Total 131 128 3 20 12 3 2 0-14 15-34 10 6 2 35-59 10 3 6 3 3

60+ Age not stated

N. U. O.-NatjoMI Classification of OccupationJ Sex, Broad Age-groups and ~ducational Levels in Urban Areas only-Concld.

____-- ______..A- ______Educational Levels _

Non-technical University degree Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree diploma not or post-graduate r------..A-~ ______------. equial to degree deglee other than Engineering Medi_cine Agriculture Veterinary Technology Teaching Others technical degree and Dairymg ,.-_ • .A...... --..A.---, ..--~ ,---"----.. r--...A..-~ ,-..J\.o---., ,--...___, ,....-----. ,...... _,.,__._", M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 '1.7 28 29 30 31 32 33

20 7-8



19 9

11 8

1 x


B-VIII-Part A- Persons unemployed, aged 15 ana above, by Sell(,

Seeking Employment for the r------__.Ao ______

Age ~------Educational Levels Total Unemployed Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34

r----"-----. ,.---"'-___ r--..A----. ,--.--"--"'"-\ P M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6· 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14

TOTAL 6.07 605 2 296 2 126 99 48 2 11 Illiterate 196 195 1 88 1 42 22 15 5 Literate (without educational level) 163 163 56 23 16 11 3 Primary or Junior Basic 131 131 74 40 24 7 . High School or Higher Secondary 94 94 63 19 29 13 Technical diploma not equal to degree Non-technical diploma not equal to degree University degree or post-graduate degree other than technical degree 22 21 14 8 2 2 Technical degree or diploma equal 1'0 degree or post-graduate degree Engineering Medicine Agriculture Veterinary and Dairying Technology Teaching Others

B-VIII-Part B-Persons unemployed, aged 15 and above

Rural Unemployed by r--

District/Tahsil Total Unemployed Illiterate r- ...... r------.. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7

Total 629 507 122 252 136 116 Etewah Tahsil 60 55 5 28 23 5 Bharthana Tahsil 182 182 39 39 Bidhuna Tahsil 219 121 98 98 3 95 Auraiya Tahsil 168 149 19 87 71 16 97 a·slUultS Broad Age-groups and Ellueational Levels in Urban Areas only

first time Persons employed before but now out of employment and seeking work ------. ,------groups Age-groups ,- ..... __, 35+ Age not Total 15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-59 60+ Age not stated stated r--"--. ,....--A---. ,--"----. ,--'"""-~ ,.-__,._-~ r--__..,A,..~ ,-~ ,...--_,.,____.., ,...-_..A...---... M F M F M F M F M F M F ,-M -""----F M F M F M F

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

12 309 37 74 81 68 37 12 4 107 10 18 26 26 20 7 3 107 8 28 35 27 7 2 2 57 14 12 10 11 7 3 y 2 't •• 31 5 13 2 2 .ut

.r 7 3 2

by Sex and Educational Levels in Rural Areas only Educational Levels .A. ______-- Literate (without educational level) Primary or Junior Basic High School and above ,------"-_-'-- ,------"------, ,-- --. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

8 9 10 11 12 IS 14 15 16

135 131 4 139 137 2 103 103 11 11 9 9 12 12 ... 41 41 57 57 45 45 48 46 2 43 42 30 30 35 33 2 30 29 16 16 CENbUS TABLES 98 B-IX-PerSODS DOt at Work classified by Sex,

Total Non-working population Full-time students Household dUlles Dependents, infants and disabled

.A.. __-, Age-group r------"------, r--_..A..---, r-~ Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Total 797,181 273,979 523,202 73,848 12,327 426 298,732 196,605 211,529 0-14 470,055 244,391 225,664 57,0.33 11,441 92 29,166 .187,117 185,043

15-34 197,752 21,545 176,207 16,811 883 76 165,447 3,391 9,774 35-59 100,251 2,712 97,539 80 90,480 1,875 6,873 60+ 28,354 4,901 23,453 1713 13,570 3,797 9.573

Age not stated 769 430 339 4 3 69 425 266 •


Total 722,569 245,270 477,299 63,491 9,287 426 274,569 179,888 193,075 0-14 426,931 221,727 205,204 49,961 9,006 92 27,885 171,588 168,309 15-34 178,6g4 17,300 161,39~ 13,528 278 76 151,617 . 3,054 9,4;11 35-59 91,407 2,091 89,316 80 82,769 1,621 6,437 60+ 24,815 3,725 21,090 178 12,270 3,201 8,655 I\ge not stated 722 427 295 2 3 28 424 263


Total 74,612 28,769 45,903 16,357 3,040 24,163 16,717 18,454 s , 0-14 43,124 22,664 20,460 7,072 " 2,435 1,281 15,529 16,734 15-34 19,058 4,245 14,813 3,283 605 13,830 337 363 35-59 8,844 621 8,223 7,711 254 4~6 60+ 3,539 1,176 2,363 1,300 596 918 'I Age not stated 47 3 44 2 41 3 "I II 1\1 (II t Broad Age-groups and Type of Activity

Retired, rentiers or Beggars, vagrants, etc. Inmates of penal, Persons seeking em p Persons emplo} ed belo, e, independent means mental and chari­ loyment for the but now out of employment table institutions first time and seeking work ,-___..A- ____-. ,------. ,-___.A. __ ...., ,.-_",...----...,.,______,- Age-group Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


989 ·382 709 96 290 12 669 90 443 31 Total 83 14 66 0-14 28 II 197 13 144 6 623 58 275 15 15-34 225 97 280 37 59 6 44 30 149 16 35-59 '735 273 149 32 21 2 2 19 3 60+ H Age not stated


278 166 636 74 44 6 373 88 134 34 Total 83 4 3 0-14 -... \ 19 I 2 189 13 12 2 339 56 83 15 15-34 49 29 248 31 17 4 32 30 44 16 35-59 209 134 116 26 12 2 2 7 3 60+ "

.~. Age not st~ted


711 216 73 '22 246 b 296 2 309 Total r- IO. 63 0-14 9 9 8 132 4 2134 2 192 15-34 176 68 32 6 42 ,2 12 105 35-59 526 139 33 6 9 12 60+ Age not slatet! CBNSUS TABLBS 100

B-IX-Perllons Dot at Work classoified by Sex,

Total Non-working population Full -time students Household duties Dependents, infants and disabled

Age-group r------A------. ,....~-. r-----"-___...., Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females ---Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

District Total 722,569 245,270 477,299 63,491 9,287 42'> 274,569 179,888 193,075 0-14 426.931 221.727 205,2Oi 49,961 9,006 92 27,885 171,588 168,309 15-34 178,694 17,300 161,394 13,528 278 76 151,617 3,054 9,411 35-59 91,407 2,091 89.316 80 tl2,769 1,621 6,437 60+' 24,815 3,725 21,090 178 12,270 3,201 8,655 A,e not stated 722 427 295 2 3 28 424 263

Etawab Total 171,978 57,609 114,369 13,981 2,101 72 64,375 43,309 47,858 0-14 101,514 52,936 48,578 11,297 2,058 65 6,081 41,571 40,439 15-34 42,394 3,399 38,995 2,684 43 2 35,436 651 3,513 35-59 22.087 402 21,685 4 19,890 309 1,778 60+ 5,818 790 5,028 1 2,962 697 .2,052 Age not stated 165 82 83 6 81 76

Bharthana Total ,184,507 63,292 121,215 18,086 2,957 84 71,045 44,680 47,198 0-14 108,392 56,745 51,647 14,070 2,856 24 8,875 42,620 39,916 15-34 45,796 4,963 40,833 4,016 98 41 37,783 701 2,951 23,329 35-59 23,825 496 15 21,014 339 2,313 6,278 927 5,351 60+ 4- 3,370 859 1,969 Age not stated 216 16\ 55 3 3 161 49

Bidhuna 59;954 119,813 13,889 Total 179,767 1,866 71.187 45,631 46,555 104,904- ! 54,251 50,653 11,158 0-14 1,818 7,109 43,054 41,726 15-34 45,66B 3,973 41,695 2,72B 48 39,880 1,045 1,703 35-59 22,729 713 22,016 21,004 624 959 60+ 6,257 901 5,356 3,187 794 :l,081 Age not stated 209 116 93 2 " 7 114 86

Auraiya Total 186,317 64,415 121,902 17,536 2,363 270 67,962 46,268 51,464 0-14 112,121 57,795 54,326 13,436 2,274 3 5,820 44,343 46,228 15-34 44-,835 4,965 39,871 4,100 89 33 38,518 657 1,244- 35-59 22,766 480 22,286 61 20,861 349 1,387 60+ 6,462 1,107 5,355 173 2,751 B51 2,553 Age not stated 132 68 64 12 68 52 101 ..Bill •• Broad Age-groups and Type ot Activity by Tahsils'(Rural only)

Retired, rentiers or Beggars, vagrants, ete. rdmates of penal, Persons seeking emp- Persons employed befOJ e, independent means mental and chari- loyment for tbe but now out of employment table institutions first time and seeking work

r-~-____ ,--_..... _---. ,----"- ,--_..... _--.. Age-group Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Ral'al 278 166 636 74 44 6 373 88 134 34 Total 83 4 3 0-14 19 2 189 13 12 2 339 56 83 15 15-34 49 29 248 31 17 4 32 30 44 16 35-59 209 134 116 26 12 2 2 7 3 60+ 1 Age not stated

Tahsil 58 22 124 7 10 1 43 1 12 4 Total 3 0-14 23 4 25 9 15-34 9 10 57 3 2 18 3 4 35-59 47 10 41 4 4 60+ 1 Age not stated

Tahsil 51 53 9 194, 6 13 131 Total 31 0-14 12 45 3 120 25 15-34 16 89 2 7 10 20 35-59 25 9 29 3 3 1 6 60+ Age not stated

Tahsil 94 Sf 213 23 7 109 87 12 11 Total 39 0-14 4 85 4 1 . 106 55 4 5 15-34 111 5 64 13 4 2 30 8 5 35-59 79 79 25 6 2 2 60+ Age not stated

Tahsil 73 51 105 38 14 5 90 59 19 Total 10 4 3 0-14 2 36 8 4 88 45 10 15-34 13 14 38 13 4 4 2 13 7 35-59 58 36 21 13 3 2 60+ Age not stated


C-II-Age and

Marital Status

Age-group Total Population Never Married ' ~------~------~ ~-----~------, Persons Males Females Males :Females

2 3 4 5 6


All Ages 1,074,931 581,686 493,245 309,415 200,048 0- 9 3211,661 172,171 156,490 172,171 156,490 10-14 114,003 64,614 49,389 61,238 37,260 15-19 89,192 47,179 42,013 30,173 4,682 20-24 98,433 48,381 50,052 13,230 373 25-:,L\J 92,866 49,657 43,209 9,381 235 30-34 72,72J 39,866 32,855 4,993 183 35-39 59,556 33,029 26,527 3,689 142 40-44 55,040 31,186 23,854 3,778 157 45-49 44,000 25,437 18,563 2,824 57 50-54 41,367 23,871 17,496 2,611 39 55-59 24,526 14,429 10,097 1,555 34 60-64 24,560 13,975 10,585 1,579 29 65-69 12,244 7,454 4,790 661 90 70+ 16,946 9,922 7,024 1,159 ll2 Age not stated 816 515 301 373 165


All Ages 257,214 139,292 117,922 72,639 47,537 0- 9 79,040 41,597 37,443 4~,597 10-14 37,443 26,749 15,418 11,331 14,825 8,855 15-19 21,127 11,155 9,972 6,832 686 20-24 24,797 11,832 12,965 2,869 145 25-29 21,629 11,951 9,678 1,739 76 30-34 17,320 9,540 7,780 1,054 95 35-39 14,209 7,991 6,218 778 64 40-44 13,388 7,537 5,851 782 30 45-49 10,:;08 5,713 4,595 591 33 50-54 10,027 5,821 4,206 539 14 55-59 5,722 3,292 2,430 251 23 60-64 5,954 3,383 2,571 270 10 65-69 2,619 1,538 1,081 125 14 4,146 70+ 2,429 1,717 341 6 Age not stated 179 95 84 46 43 105

Marital ~tatus

______-- _____ A.______Marital- Status______---,

Married Widowed' Divorced or Separated Unspecified Status Age-group ,.------"------, r-----_w.A.. ___ -. r----:------A..-----, r----____.A..------.., Males Females Males Females Males. Females Males Females 7 8 9 ,10 11 12 13 14


235,795 246,964 35,470 4!i~310 769 351· 237 5'12 All Agel!i _, 0- 9 3,278 12,021 24- 35 21 16 53' 57 10-14 16,769 36,99~ 193 253 24 ,15 20 70 15-19 34,251 43,250, 810 1,301 56 27 24, 101 20-24 38,797 41,826 ... 1,383 1,023 72 25 24 100 25--29 32,963 30,845 1,791 1,720 72 29 27 78 30-34 26,979 24,069 ~275 2,246 72 20 14 50 35-39 23,92f 19,061 3,313 1lj.,571 147 22 27 43 40--:H 18,698' 13,48~ i l 3,827 4,968 71 24 17 25 45-49 16,23i 9,402 4,945 '~8,033 72 11 II 11 50-54. 3,845 4,914 26 8 4 15 55-59 8,999 5,\26 .r - 7,474 3,319 4,874 7,102 40 110 8 4 60-64 13 65--69 3,455 1,507 3,307 3,143 29 37 2 3,851 974 4,846 5,929 6-'" 7 2 70-f; Age not stated 98 61 37 72 2 5 3


74 133 All Ages 57,502 59,462 8,887 10,712 190 78 ... ~ 9~ 17 1 6 1'5 3 10-14 571 2,450 6 3 -" J 8 14 15-i9" 4,243 9,226 65 43 7 [2 4 ~ 5 5 20-2:t 8,757 12,006 -1-89 805 8 11 14 25-29 r 4,321 370 259 15 9,8 6 30-34- 349 15 10 8 29 7,989 7,297 474 46[ 12 9 3' 27 35-39 6,603 5,657 595 81 7 10:- 14 40-44, 5,765 4,763 899 1,037 11 13 .3; 12 45-49 4,109 3,308 999 1,229 1 50-54- 1,839 18 4: '5 6 3,910 2,343 .1,349 3 4- 2. 55-59 2,068 1,427 969 974 4: .3 3 60.....,64- 1,173 1,640 6 1,931 914 65-69, 7 3 .3 387 604 674- 802 70+_ 1:385 2- 3 'I 895 323 1,190 Age not" stated~ 43 40 5 OBNSUS TABL'ES'

C-II-Age and

Marital Status Age-group Total< 'Population Never Married ~--""__':;_--'-.~--'---..:.-._--, Persons . 'Males Females ~-;"';------. Males Females 2 3 4 5 6


All Ages 27,1,264 146,962 124;302 80,518 49,385 0- 9 86,338 46,976 39,362 46,976 39,362 10-14 25,879 13,462 12,417 Q,238 9,018 15-19 22,537 11,773 10,764 7,255 20-24 513 20,756 8,646 12,110 3,282 65 2;j-29 25,557 14,748 10,809 3,660 30-34 19,366 27' 11,082 8,284 35-39 1,234 18 15,195 8,037 7,158 972 40-44 13,982 ~6 7,991 5,991 45-49 980 104 11,171 6,536. 4,635 799 50-54 10,507 10 5,976 4,531 667 55-59' 6,170 7 3,651 2,519 457 60-64 5,476 5 2,942 2,534 420 65-69 7 3,894 2,428 ~~ 1,466 158 70+ 72 4,194 ,2,528 ' 1,666 283 97 Age riot stated 242 186 56 ' c 137 31


All Ages, 267.380 145,300 122,080 0- 9 ",555 49,477 73,945 36,380 37,565 36,380 10-14 34,693 21,576 37,565 13,117 20,720 15-19 24,381 9,503- 13,443 lQ.,938 7,876 2,071 20-24 28,017 15,977 12,040 3,815 25-29 20,778 9,349 72 11,429 2,137 30-34 841 16,540 8,348 8,192 1,~,-l7 :,cl 35-39 14,884 8,534 6,350 1,102 ~O 40-44 13,677 7,866 5,811 1,113 45-49 18 10,902 6,517 4,385 802 6 50-54- 10,092 5,884 4,208 753 55-59 5,888 9 3,521 2,367 441 60-64'~ 2 6,447 3696 :2,751 436 6 65-69· 2,743 1,668 1,075 187 70+ 3 !4,172 2,417 • 1,755 Age D9t state<;l 261 7 221 124 97 115 88 107 Marital 'Status-Con/d.

______A __ MaritaL Stat~ Age-group Married Widowed Divorced---~~-----'------~ or Separaled Unspecified Status .I . -----_,..,_--__...-~ ,.------_..;--. r---__.A-_...... ~--"----__""'" Males Females Males " Females Males Female.. Mal~s Females

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Tahsil" ..

56,650· 62,894 9,607 11,673 120 16:J 67 187 All Ages 0- 9 204- 3,361 4 6 3 3 13 29 10-14 4,475 10,160 37 70 1 3 5 18 15-19 5,132 11,827 Z06 163 ~8 7 8 48 20-24 10,676. 10,4H 395 297 U 3 6 38 25-29 9,445 7,756 403 482 12 4 8 24 30-34 6,44-2 6,535 605 573 11 1 7 :3 35-39 6,136 4,586 B43 1,292 24 2 B 7 40-44 4,675 3,286 1,041 1,336 17. 4 2 45-49 4,105 2,381 1,192 2,142 10 2 '50-54 2,262 1,213 928 1,293 3 2 I 6 55-59 1,241 602 1,274 1,821 5 103 2 £0-64 858 555 1,411 ,-I 797 l- 33 9 65-69 999 IBB 1,242 " 1,380 4- 1 70+ ;, 20 26 21 3 I Age not·' sta ted


58,753 61,302 8,728 11,13t 2111- 49 45 Its All_A~es

.~ .. 0- 9 "- 837 3,605 2' 5 4 Ii! 4- lO-;-H 5,510 8,780 48 56 6 5 3 26. 15-19 11,921' 11;758 223 176 14 6 4 28 20724 6,844' 11,109 338 212 26 2 4- 22 25-29 6,419 7,776 475 379 3D 5 7 9 30-34 6,7B5 5,745 613 571 33 5 9 35-39 5,873 4,638 849 r,135 2'1 9 4 11 40-44 4,680 3,164 1,002 1,204 27 6 6 " 5 45-49 3,925 2,158 1,182 2,037 23 3 1 1 50-54 2,0~9 1,134 973 1,2'28 8 1 2 55-59 2,066 95t1 1,186 1785 7 2 1 60-64 "- 822 254 656 816 3 1 65-69 966 214 1,180 1,530 10 4 70+ 6 9 1 1 --Age not stated lOB, ,t

~~Il-A,e and

Marital Starus

Age-group Total PopulatiQ.ll Never Married ,.------"------.. r---..------"-----, Persons Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6


All Ages 279,073 150,132 128,941 ~ '78,703 53,649 0- 9 89,338 47,218 42,120 47,218 42,120 10-14' 26,682 14,158 12,524 12,455 9,884 8,21,() 15-19 21,147 10,808 10,339 1.412 '11)-2·; 24:,863 1l,926 12,937 3,264 91 25-29 24,902 13,609 11,293 1,845 48 30-34· 19,4,95 10,896 8,599 ),288 4;> 35-39· / 15,268 8,467 6,801 837 12 40...::..44 1'3,!)93 7,792' 6;201 903 5 45-49 11,619 6,671l 4,948 632 8 50-54' 10,741 6,190! 4,551 652 9 3,965 2,781 55-59-- 6,746 406 3,954 60--.:64 6,683 . 2,729 453 6 65-69- 2,988 (,820 1,168 191 1 70+ 4,434 2,548 • 1,886 274 2 Age-pot stated 174 110 64 75


All Ages 10't,271 58,288 48,983 30,747 22,069 0- 9' 32,065 16,989 . 15,076 16,989 15,076· 10-14 H,989 6,447 5,542 6,347 5,483 15-19 9,382 5,181 4,201 3,911 1,131 20~4 9,567 4,932' 4,635 1,543 168 25-29 8,323 4,246. 4,077 567 54 30-34 7,815 4,490 3,325 442 29

35-39 6,106 ~,495 2,611 284 40 40-44- 5,434 3,015- 2,419 206 ,20

45-4~ 4,142 2,441 1,701 104 10 50--'54 4,182 2,359 '1,823 144 2 55-=59' 2,248 1,317 931 71 60 ...... 64 2~6B6 1,551 1,135 67 10' 65-69 11253 703 550 30 2' 70.+ 2,027 I, lI5 912 38 5 Age not stated 52 7 45 4 38' 109 '

Marital Status-Goncld.

Marital Status

------~------Married Widowed Divorced or Separated Unspecified Status Ag~group r--___"_-~ r----..A----~ r--___'__-""""_ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

7 9 10 11 12 13 14


62,890 63,306 8,248 ll,791 240 61 51 134 All Ages 0- 9 21 10-14 1,666 2,605 12 7 13 7 12 12 15-19 2,541 8,827 43 84 10 4 4 20 20-24- 8,451 12,659 192 157 12 10 7 26 25-29 11,461 10,952 280 255 20 12 3 16 30-34 9,150 8,016 439 510 15 10 4 11 35-39, 7,149 6,132 462 641 16 5 3 4 5 11 40-44 6,147 5,074 722 1,107 15 4 4 6 45-49 5,234 3,731 785 1,199 16 3 3 ,4 50-54 4,292 2,520 1,222 2,015 21 1 2 5 55""-59 2,570 1,352 975 1,419 12 1 60-64 2,236 866 1,241 . 1,856 22 2 2 65-69 973 311 636 856 18 70+ 991 249 1,234 1,6'34 49 1 Age not stated 29 12 5 51


24,5'1 22,328 2,898 4,499 56 28 16 59 All Ages 0....:... 9 10-14 98 57 2 2 3 13 15-19 1,248 3,035 19 19 3 5 5 18 20-24 3,325 ~,392 59 52 11 10 1 7 25-29' 3,552 3,891 liS 115 190 8 2 10 30-34 3,828 3,095 210 8 2 35-39 3,027 2,368 175 200 8 3 6 40-41 2,569 2,031 226 364 2 6 45-49 2,055 1,269 276 414 4 2 3 50-54 1,829 1,100 . 377 716 7 2 2 .1 55-59 981 508 264 422 60-64 1,062 316 420 809 ", 65-69 447 146 226 40~ 70+ 547 116 529 791 .~~ Age not stated 3 4 3 CENSUS T4BLES 110

C-I1I-Par~"B- Age, Sex and

Educational levels r- .Age-group Total Population Literate (without Primary Matriculation Technical Illiterate educational or or diploma not level) • Junior Basic Higher Secondary equal to ,--_-A-___ degree ,-_..A..._----. ,------"------, ,---"""_-~ r-~---.. r--"""'--"-"\ P M R M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 )4 , AU Ages 107,271 58,288 48,983 28,429 34,703 16,085 9,786 8,443 3,508 4,343 857 1 2 0- 4 16,8-!7 8,827 8,020 8,827 8,020 5- 9 15,218 8,162 7,056 5,244 5,160 2,789 1,822 129 74 10-14 11,989 6,447 5,542 1,561 2,326 2,652 1,780 2,137 1,393 97 43 15-19 9,382 5,181 4,201 1,273 2,185 861 926 1,912 724 1,113 345 :( 20 ...... 24 9,567 4,932 4,635 1,521 2,7J2 1,099 1,097 953 497 1)92 215 25-29 8,323 4,246 4,077 1,562 2,605 1,245 1,049 640 306 610 93 30-34 7;815 4,490 3,325 1,40 t 2,224 1,929 822 584 190 375 76 35--44 11 ;540 6,5lO 5,030 2,537 3,621- 2,370 1,116 943 216 457 63 45-59 10,572 6,117 4,455 2,781 3,515 2,061 828 "86 90 335 17 60+ 5,966 3,369 2,597 1,717 2,229 1,077 344 "357 18 164 5 Age not stated 52 '7 45 2 43 2 - 2 2

C-III-Part C-Age, Sex and

Total Population Illiterate

r------"-~ Age-group ____-... r-----..A... ___~ Persons Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6

All Ages 1074,931 581,686 493,245 394,839 453,!>87 0- 4 163,876 130,626 83,250 80,626 83,250 5...,... 9 164,785 91,545 73,240 76,010 66,~13 10-14 114,003 64,614 49,389 29,756 39,315 15-19 89,1 S2 47,179 42,013 22,194 35,645 20-24 98,433 48,381 50,052 21,286 44,478 25-29 92,866 49,657 43,209 27,839 39,265 30-34 72,721 39,866 32,855 22,957 ~0,258 35-44 114,596 64,215 50,381 44,335 47,457 45-59 109,893 63,737 46,156 45,776 44,426 60+ 53,750 "31,351 22,399 23,595 21,791 Age n?t stated 816 515 301 465 289 111 -O-SBBtlU Education in Urban Areas onl,

Educational Levels -----7'------"- , Non-technica! University degree ,-______Technical degree or diploma equal.A. ______to degree or post-graduate degree -, Age-group diploma not or post-graduate equal 'to degree degree other'than Engineering M:edicine A~r!culture Veterinary Technology Teaching Others technical degree and dairying ,--_ ,--_-A..------., r--.A-___"" r---_...... --~ ,----'-----" ,---__,..._~ ,..--"----, _'_---. ~--'--...... _ ,..--.,.,_--., M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M .F

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 '25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

3 14 868 81 4 34 II 1 1 1 66 28 9 All Ages ... 0-:- 4 ... 5- 9 10-14 21 14, I 15-19 149 45 3 13 9 20-24 2 176 12 12 9 25-29 4 197 7 2 30-34 6 lSI 11 31 4 8 35-44 1 131 1.3 7 4 1 45-.59 3 42 6 3 60+ 1 Age not stated

. Education in R~ral Areas onl,

Educational Levels ,..- Literate (without Primary or Junior Matriculation and above educational level) Basic Age-group ,-____.A.. __ -----. ,..- ,..---_-"------, Males Females Males Females Males Fern~lesl 7 8 9 10 11 12

-123,689 31,861 53,216 7,856 9,942 441 All Ages 0- 4 15,397 5,540 138 787 5- 9 26,938 7,562 7,865 2;508 55 4 10-14 10,115 4,605 12,414 1,672 2,456 91 1?-19 14,020 4,364 9,672 1,086 3,403 124 20-24 12,975 3,167 6,987 713 1,856 64 25-29 11,353 2,109 4,682 434 874 54 30-34 13,897 2,461 5,279 407 704 56 35-44 13,120 1,490 4,407 204- 434, 36 45-59 5,841 552 1,762 44 15'3 12 60+ 33 11 10 1 7 Age not stated CBNlWS "{'ABLES 112


Serial Mother-Tongue Total No. r------...... - ___ ...... Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5

All Languages 1,182,202 639,974 542,228 I /Arbi 15 15 2 Assamese 2 2 3 Awadhi 6 6 ,4 Banjari 11 '11 5 Bengali 79 40 39 6 Bhojpuri 10 4 6 7 Braj Bhasha/Braj Bhakha 3 3 8 English -8 6 2 9 Gujarati 1'31 78 53 10 Gurmukhi 368 229 139 1 J Hindi 1,128,230 610,665 517,565 12 Kashmiri 36 36 13 Kannapa 1 1 14 Madrasi - 9 8 1· 15 Marathi 17 10 7 16 Marwari 316 157 159 17 Nepali 37 33 4 18 Oriya 2 1 19 Pabari-Unspecified 1 20 Persian 25 24 21 Punjabi 1,002 499 503 22 Sanskrit 16 10 6 23 Sindhi 698 425 273 24 Telugu 1 1 25 Urdu 51,178 27-,733 23,445


Names of Religiolll> arranged District Total Buddhists Christians Hindus ...... _-----, r-_,1..._-A..---. r----"----, ,------"-0------. Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Fc;maJes

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

District Total 1,182,202 639,974 542,228 37 224 200 600,574 507,648

Rural 1,074,931 581,686 493,245 35 145 129 557,531 472,547

Urban,. 107,271 58,288 48,983 2 79 71 43,043 35,101 ·U8 O:SlUUBS

(Alphabetical Order)

Rural Urban .- -"------. ,- Persons Males Femalea Persons Males Females .Ii 7 8 9 l(J II 1,074.931..... 581,685 493,245 107,271 58,288 48,983 . 15 15 2 2 6 6 11 II 9 3 6 70 37 33 10 4 6 3 3 5 5 3 2 114 64 50 17 14 :1 303 164 139 65 65 1047,953 566,461 481,i92 80,277 +4,204 36,073· 30 30 0 6 1 9 8 17 10 7 62 30 32 254 127 127 7 6 30 27 3 I I 1 1 2i 24 1,002 499 503 "l1 8 3 5 2 3 34 2~ 10 664 401 263

1 1 .~. 11,512 2+,71111 ,..., 12,855 11,938 26,390 14,87i J.


in Alphabetical order ------..4.., Other Religions and Religion not JaiIlll Muslims Sikhs Persuasions stated i-- ~ ,-----"-----. r--- ...... ----. ,...--_...... _-. r- -.. Males Fel;Dales Males Females Males Females Males Femalei Maleli Females

II 12 13 14 15 16 .I7' 18 19 20

1,190 1,033 37,157 32,576 792 771

208 160 23,490 20,063 277 :3 .6

982 873 13;667 12,513 515 425


Fly leaf to Table SCT-I-Part A-Showing the fopulatioD of Sche~uled Castes of each T.ahsil

District/Tahsil Population r- Persons Males Fem!1les 2 3 4-

District Total 303,668 162,809 140,859

Etawah Tahsil 70,466 38,093 32,373 Bharthana Tahsil 77,392 41,569 35,823 Bidhuna Tahsil 67,290 36,166 31,124

Auraiya Tahsil 88,520 46,981 41,539 CKlfSUS.. T ABLns 116 SCT-I-Part A-Industrial Classification of Persons at Work


I II III Serial Name of Total Population Total Workers As" As In Mining, No. Scheduled Castes (I-IX) Gultivator Agricultural Quarrying, Live· Labourer stock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting ~ and Plantations, Orchards and allied activities -"------. r--__"_---~ ...... ----'-----. ~____..A--. r-----"------. P M F M F M F M F M F

2 • 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 DISTRIQf

TOTAL 288,685 154,412 134,273 8!l,514 7,518 60,151 3,573 10,058 810 89• 2 i Baheliya 1,599 781 818 399 364 II

2 BajaniYIl 444 242 202 161 118 6

3 Baimiki 8,644 4,338 4,306 2,336 442 910 9 232 4 9

4 Beldar 43 9 34 9 6

Bcriya 1,002 5 548 454 342 53 291 17 Ii

6 Bhantu 2 2

7 Boria 3 3

8 Chamar, Dhulia, Jhusia, 183,583 98,597 84,986 ;i6,788 4,283 41,478 2,870 6,295 598 25 or Jatava

9 Dhllnuk 33,522 17,288 16,234- 10,088 982 6,734 254 1,419 77 6

10 Dhobi 20,852 11,411 9,441 6,641 548 4,641- 144 3H 5

11 Dom 66 41 25 30 12 15

~ 12 Kanjar 971 527 444 233 100 9j 1- 3 2 41

13 Kapariy .. 90 i128 38 33 29 15 5 ) ... 14 Karwal 45 41 4

Khatik 15 6,157 3,361 2,796 1,914. 41 879 17 162 3 2 16 Korwa 22,785 12,109 10,676 7,509 573. 3,498 150 1,236 80 5 17 Lalbegi 3,155 1,866 1,289 1,148 281 262 14 89 16 18. Majhwar 2,737 1,417 1,320 794 105 683 90 38 7 2,710 19 Nat 1,565 1,145 1,003 69 1-4-0 1- 186 17

20 Pasi or Tarmali 160 140 20 66 11

21 Rawat 40 24 16 20 17

22 ~miya 37 17 20 1 )7 SC'l'-SgaIES '

and Non-workers by Sex for Scheduled Castes

WORKERS WOlkers in Special ------, Occupations IV V VI VII VIU IX X ,.------"------, At HO-lseilold In Mallufac- In Tn Tlade Transj)ort, in In NO;:\[-\\,ORKERS 1~an~lln·.:r and Sca\'enging IndustI y turing other Construction and S'ora7 e and Other Sel \ ices Cun, nO' than House- Commerce C~mrr~unications of hides" " hold Inuusrry and skins

,--__ ..A-__~ r--.A--~ ,-- __ ..A... __----. r--.. ..A--~ r--...... -~ r--..A..--~ .---"----, ,----"----. r--_"_~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F -M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3) RURAL

3,912' 779 1,141 3)8 661 2,019 211 470 3 11,013 2,013 64,898 126,755 438 142 173 603

16 2 4 382 818 G 29 " 2 81 202 47ti 39 4 7 48 .. 29 621 389 2,002 3,864 116 384 2 34

12' 3 2 8 15 33 206 401 "r , . 2 3

1,35b 195 767 l82 440 2 658 II 207 5,560 324 41,809 80,703 438 142

h8 75 77 10 72 l'.W 1'03 1,359 566 7,200 15,252

51 7 46 6 80 41 1,4-15 392 4,770 8,893

3 II 25

18 92 64 8 294 34:4

27 2 12 57 9 ...

\, I, 41 3

409 18 60 11 ')54 3 4 ,33 1,44] 2,755

922 260 112 7 89 369 6 50 1,22d 70 4,600 10,103

252 29 4 250 291 2;"2 718 1,008 57 219

5 3 10 15 2 5 3 35 3 623 1,215

IH2 34 25 129 3 17 :124 11 562 1,076

43 8 9 2 5 ,6 3 74 9

3 4 16

17 20 ....~ CENSUS '1' AllLBS 118 , SCT-I-Part A-Industrial Classification of Persons at Work

,..------WORKERS ------.j I II III Serial Name of Total Population Total Workers As As In Mining No. Scheduled Cast es (I-IX). Cultivator Agricultural Quarrying, Live- Labourer stock, torestry, Fishing, Hunting and Plantations, Orchards, and all ied activities ,..------"----...... r---.A- ----.. ,--_.A..~ ,--_.A.._------.. ,.----"'--...... P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ' 9 10 11 12 13


TQTAL ,14,S83 8,397 6,586 4,531 944 205 6 41 8 31 3

Badlllk 106 47 59 33

2 Baheliya ,9 9 "......

3 Baiswar 24 13 11 11 ..• ~..

4 Balmiki 2,37.9 1,332 1,047 725 346 8 14 2

5 Barwar 3 S 3

6 Beldar 66 46 20 18 , •• 1

202 €>9 7 Beriya. 133 28 56 -4

8 Cpamar, Dhusia, Jhusia 5,285 3,1~ 2,177 1,645 119 147. 5 18 8 11 or Jatava

~ 'Dhanult' 1,136 60~ 528 -327 56 22 13 10 .Dhabi 1,101 668 433 404 127 2

11 .Kanjar 166 100 66 38

12 Khatik 519 261 258 113 8 3 1

13 Kari 3,674 1,945 1,729 1,126 224 21 8 2

14 'Majhwar 22 17 5 6

'" 15 Nat 54 33 21 13

16 Pas; 232 147 85 91 7 or Tarmali , 5 17 Shilpkar 5 119 9CT-.sE]l IBS and Non-workers by Sex for Scheduled Castes

WORKERS Workers in Special ----_._------"- -, Occupations IV V VI VII VIII IX X r-----"-----, At Household In Manufact- In rn Trade In Transport In NON-WORKF,RS Tanning andl Sca\engina Ind.llstry urnig other Construction and Storage and 'Other Services Currying " than House- G)mmerce Communications of hides hold Industry and skins

,--__....A.....------. ,----"'----.. r--""""'__' r--.A. .-' ~--. r--""""'__' ,----"----... '--_-"-"""j\ ,----,..,._------.. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31


420 .24'" 471 4 342 435 31 307 2,329 648 3,B16 5,642 .8 1 528 210

29 3 14 59 9

, .. ...• 4 7 2 11

15 11 15 2 '17 643 341 607 701 528 210

'" 2

8 3 3 4- 28 20

9 3 3 12 52 41 77

76 57 248 251 213 10 82 599 38 1,463 2,058 8 ·1 15 5 30 21 32 2 57 137 49 281 472

5 4 ...... 10 382 127 264 306

11 2 16 . ! 9 t·· 62 66

38 3 12 5 8 46 3 148 250

260 178 127 3 62 90 13 112 444 30 819 1,505 '2 3 11 5 - -... 6 5 ·20 20 ~ 22 2 17 13 36 7 56 78 ...... 5 CENSUS TABLES 120 SCT-III-Part A (i)-Education in Urban Areas ooly for Scheduled Castes

Educational Levels ,- -'------, Literate Primary High Technical Non-tech- Unhelsity Technical o( Name of Total Illiterate (without School diploma not nical dip- degree de6ree or Serial not post- d,plO[\la Noo Scheduled Castes educational Juniol Basic or equal to lorna or level) Higher degree equal to graduate equal to Secondary degree degree degree other than or post- technical graduate degree degree r--._...___.....,. ,- -'-...... r----"'-._-"""\ r-~----a r--"""""'~~ r- ...... ~ r--~-' ,..-_..A- ~ r- -"- -. M f 't1 F M F M F M F l\.l F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

11 TOTAL 8,397 06,586 5,528 6,121 1,872 369 669 94 313 2 1 3

Badhik 47 59 59 34 13 ',.'

2 Bahcliya 00, 9 9

3 Baiswar 13 II 13 II 000 .. 4 Balroiki 1,332 1,047 1,052 1,031 209 IS 63 7

5 Barwar 3 :3 . 6 Beldar 46 20 32 20 13 1

13 46 13 2 .0." 7 Beriya 69 133 42 84

1,951 764 162 356' 63 213 2 8 vo 8 Chamar, Dhusia, Jhusia 3,108 2,177 1,763 or Jliiava • 124 3J).. 35 8 25 Dhanuk - 608 52 423 490 9 9 I

475 402 132 29 35 2 25 10 Dhobi 668 433 10 . 8 2 il Kanjar 100 66 80 65

46 113 11 2 4 12 Khatik 261 248 199 243

13 Kori 1:945' 1,729 1,278 1,645 504- 70 126 14 35

14 'Majhwar 17 5 !7 5

15 Nat 33 21 28 21 4 <, 16 Pasi or Tarma1i 147 85 123 80 19 4 3

17 Sbilpka~ 5 5 121 seT-sERms SCT-III-Part-B (i)-Education in Rural Areas only for Scheduled Castes

Educational Levels ,------...... _-----.. .:serial Name of lotal Illiterate Literate (without Primary or High School No. Scheduled Caste educational ,..:__ .A.. ___-, level) Junior Basic 'and above ,----A..._--.. r- ,--.A..---., ,--_...... _-. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

,I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

TOTAL 154,412 134,273 122,279 130,026 22,347 3,692 8,519 535 1,267 20

Baheliya 781 813 673 801 80 12 24 5 4

2 Bajaniya 242 202 240 202 %

3 Balmiki 4,338 4,306 3,979 4,267 325 36 34 3

4 Beldj1I ~ 34 8 34

5 Beriya 5

6 Bhantu 2 2

7 Boria 3 3 993 9 8 Chamar, Dhusia, Jhusia 98,597 84,986 76,208 81,844 15,369 2,734 6,027 399 or Jatava

9 Dhanuk 17,288 16,234' 14,476 15,903 1,958 291 769 38 85 2-

.10 Dhobi 11,411 9,441 9,372 9,2(;)5 1,412 152 539 24 88

11 Dom 41 25 39 25 2

1\12 Kanjat 527 444 490 438 26 4 10 2 13 Kapariya 90 38 79 38 4 . 6 14 Karwal ~1 4 39 4 2

'i5 Khatik 3,361 2,796 2,638 2,671 543 103 162 16 . 18 6 " 16 Korwa 12,109 10,676 9,564 10,453 1,872 189 613 34 60 17 Lal &;gi, 1,866 1,289 1,375 1,260 305 25 180 1 6 S 18 Majhwar 1,417 1,320 1,237 1,276 132 42 41 2 7

19 Nat 1,565 1,145 1,290 1,128 200 16 72 3

20 Pasi or Tarmali 14{) 20 130 20 7 3

21 Rawat 24 16 13 14 10 2

'22 Sansiya 17 20 17 20 CENSUS TABLES 122 SC-I-Persons not at Work classified by Sex, Type of Activity and Educational Levels for Scheduled Castes

Persons Persons seeking employed before Educational Levels Total Non-working Full-time employment for but now out of Others Population Students the first time employment and seeking work ,..------"------_, r---..... ___:___, ~_,._~ r-___"'_'~ ,----.....----,.. Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females-

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

District Total

TOTAL 201,111 68,714 132,397 13,177 1,194 104 2 78 9 55,355 131,192

Illiterate 182,212 54,348 127,864 III 37 .40 6 54,160 127,~57

Literate (without educational 12,929 9,041 3,888 8,079 1,048 22 17 3 923 2,836, level)

Primary or Junior Basic 4,828 4,204 624 3,923 138 30 9 242 48&·

High School or Higher Secon- 1,142 1,121 21 1,064 8 15 12 30 13 dary

Above High School or Higher Secondary

District Rural TOTAL 191,653 64,898 126,755 12,112 1,049 51 1 45 9 52,690 125,696.

Illiterate 174,344 51,738 122,606 111 13 21 6 51,593 122:600

Literate (without educational 12,029 8,429 3,600 ~,570 934 8 '7 3 844 2,662- level)

Primary or Junior Basic 4,362 3,832 530 3,582 108 20 6 224 422

High School or Higher Secon- 918 899 19 849 7 10 II 29 12- dary

Above High School or Higher Secondary

District Urban

·TOTAL 9,458 3,816 5,642 1,065 145 53 1 33 2,665 5,496

Illiterate 7,868 2,61'0 5,258 24 19 2,567 5,257

Literate (without educational 900 612 288 509 114 14 ]0 79 174 level)

Primary or Junior Basic 466 372 94 341" 30 10 3 18 64- nigh School or Higher Secon- 224 222 2 215 5 dary

Above High School or Higher Secondary PART II OFFICIAL STATISTICS OFFICIAL STATISTICS 124 rilble 1'1-

1951 1952 19!13 1954

MonthS r--""-'--'-'" r-~ ~---. r- No. of Monthly No. of Monthly No. of Monthly No. of Monthly Rainy days Rainfall Rainy days Rainfall Rainy days Rainfall Rainy days Rainfall

.9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

4 23 January 33 .4 52

3 February 6 32

March 25 2 13

April 1- J3 2 II

4 May 5 2 i 9

273 3 82 2 29 June 4 41 9

128 16 431 10 161 July 7 141 12

August 13 268 15 319 13 215 9 218

September 10 265 4 84 B 162 9 171

October 4 2 59

Novemrer 5

December 15

849 46 962 39 698 Annual 39 801 44

N.A.-Not Available

Table l'2-Mean Maximum and Mean


Rainfall (Figures in mms.) '1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 , ____.A. ____ ,..-----"------. ,.--_..A..___ -, ,..-----'7----, ,..-___..A.. ___ -, ,..-___.A. __..,.....--.. No. of Monthly No. of Monthly No. of Monthly No. of Monthly No. 01 Monthly No. of Monthly Rainy days Rainfall Rainy days Rainfall Rainy days Rainfall Rainy days Rainfall Rainy da)s Rainfall Rainy days ~ainfall

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

5 28 3 32 2 4l 9 3 59

5 4 N.A. N.A. P

33 5 " 3 31 .. .. N.A. N.A. 3

2 .. 3 45 7

4 147 4 58 N.A. N.A, 5 2 59

8 166 12 255 .. 14 223 17 339

15 241 12 276 .. N.A. N.A. 21 505

5 6 96 'S 134 It " 71

5 123 6 177 .. 5 322 ..

2 5 2

44 808 46 970 N.A. N:A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 54 1,335

Source- Boart:! of Revenue U. P.

MininiuDl, Highest and Lowest TeDlperature


Table l-

195r 1951 ,-_____ .. ___.A. ,..--______.A. __ -_ --. Particular. Urban . ,----.A.Urban____ Total Rural ,-----"----.. Total Rural City Non- City NOD- city cit)'

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Live Births Males 13,461 \l ,314 2,147 7,374 5,421 1,953 Females 11,032 9,238 1,794 6,680 ~ 4,915 1,765

2. Birth Rate per 1,000 of Population, Males 13'9 12'8 24'3 6'9 5'6 20'0 Females 11'4 10'5 20'3 6'2 5'0 18'1

3 'Female Births per 1,000 male births 819 817 835 906 907 904 4 Deaths Males 6,969 5,970 999 4,019 N.A. ·N.A. N.A. Femalu 5,525 4,537 988 3,725 N.A: N.A. N.A •

5 Death Ra.te ... Males 13'2 12'5 20'5 9'9 N.A. N.A. N.A. Females 12'5 ll'2 24'9 7'6 N.A. N.A. N.A:

6 Female Deaths per 1,000 male death.s 793 760 989 ~27 N.A. N.A. N.A. 7 Death by Age-groups under I year Males 2,33\ 1,900 431 N.A. N.A. N.A. N:A. Females 1,808 1,440 368 .. 1-5 Males 1,247 1,071 176 Females 992 806 186 " .. 5-10 Males 306 273 33 239 36 ,. .. Females 27? " 10-15 Males 213 198- 15 Females 180 161 19 " 26 " 15-20 Males 228 202 " Females 247 196 51 " " .. 39 It It 20-30 Males 287 348 " Females 453 379 79 " .. 30-40 Males 495 442 53 Females 384 337 47 " 40-50 Males 543 506 37 39 .. Females 350 311 " " " 50-60 Males 549 507 42 40 " Females 348 308 " " " " 60 and above Males 670 523 ,~~; .. " Females 483 360 " " 8 Deaths from selected causes Cholera 62 53 9 ... Stnallpox 563 541 42 13 11 2 Pla~ue Fevers 8,349 7,658 691 2,398 1,851 547 D)'sentryor Dtarrhoea 367 248 119 464 320 144 Respilatory diseases 1,188 875 313 1,153 889 264 Injuries 252 194 58 117 83 34 All other causes 1,713 958 755 3,599 2,973 626

Note-Data for the years 1952 to 1955 are not available N.A.--Not Available 127 PUBLIC HB.ALTH Vital- Statistics 1958 1959 1957 ~ 1960 __-..A.. r--__....______--.. Urban Urban Urban Urban ,--_~..A.. __~ Total Rural ,-----"----. Total Rural ,-----"------::'\ Total Rural Total Rural ,.....--_-A. __--.. City Non- _City Non- City Non- City Non- city" city city city 10 11 i2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

9,875 7,774 2,101 12,710 10,532 2,178 9,OH 7,108 1,933 15,324 13,253 2,071 8,839 6,879 1,960.. 11,357 9,377 1,980 7,605 5,793 1,813 12,159 10,287 L••. 1,872

9'0 7'8 2t'i 11'4 10'4 21'5 7'g 6'9 18'7 13'2 12'6 19'7 8'1 6'9 19-7 lO'l 9'3 19'6 6'7 5'6 17'6 10'5 9'7 17'8

893 890 909 841 895 885 933 ~15 9313 793 776 904

4,871 4,015 856 5,687 4,732 955 5,253 4,465 788 8,217 7,326 4,015 874 4,215 89t 4,162 3,41~ 743 4,889 3,509 706 6,556 5,712 844

, 8'2 7'5 15'S 9'4 8'6 17'2 8'5 7'9 14'0 13'1 12'8 15'6 8.'3 7'5 16-5 9'6 8'6 19'0 8'1 7'4 15'0 12'3 11'8 17'6

860, 81S 915 802 766 896 8?~ 852 86B 798 780 947

1,361 349 1;532 1,273 1,494 1,242 ••• f 252 1.710 259 2,693 2,387 306 1,176 968 208 1,385' 1,D72 313 1,184 974 210 2,143 1,835 308 0 620 446 174 733 528 205 6 0 - 536 154 1,339 1,148 191 565 388 177 704 467 237 574 424 150 951 76.7 184 31 262 218 44 285 244 41 455 421 239 208 48 34 205 158 47 218 170 265 23;2 33 425 481 44 10 168 149 19 185 175 193 184 9 291 275 !Ii 128 115 13 146 135 11 190 174 16 240 218 , 22 178 170 8 292 276 16 ,14"1 131 14 250 240 10 35 117 18 152 134 18 257 235 22 234' 220 14 221 193 28 222 194 28 324 290 34 393 262 31 217 169 48 225 180 45 326 285 41 394 359 35 265 239 26 307 275 32 377- 372 '25 554 523 31- 244 217 27 248 212 36 375 279 '\ 46 453 418 35 367 321 46 391 335 .... 56 434 390 44 612 551 61 279 254 25 324 296 28 293 257 36 516 472 44' 426 78 547 479 68 472 403 69 741 50l 29 660 81 477 431 46 430 401 272 220 52 573 520 53 848 660 ... 188 1,152 997 155 654 517 137 889 762 125 943 118 127 732 607 ... 1,061 529 429 100 627 522 105

314 286 28 76 74 2 2 2 37 37 2 2 126 100 26 47 43 4 22 ,22 2,753 2,173 580 3,354 2,653 70) 5,276 4,702 574 9,681 9,054 627 745 640 105 715 657 58 383 307 76' 459 327 132 1,268 972 296 1,408 1,041 367 1,240 893 347 1,970 1,574 326 80 53 27 76 49 27, 130 108 22 148 112 36 3,871 3,308 563 4,821 4,173 693 2,390 1,921 469 2,456 1,912 54j- Source-Director of Medical and Health Services, U. p, Ol'l'lCIAL STATISTICS 128

Table 3'1-Principal Crops-Di,;tribution of Crops

(Area in Acres)

Principal Crops 901 1911 1921 1931 191,1 1951 1961

2 3 4 5 6 ' 7 8

A-Food Srops

(a) Early-Paddy 5,564 5,083 6,342 5,303 4,908 10,268 30,550 (b) Late-Paddy !I,364 10,517 18,574 18,4!l1 26,~84 58,832 102, 1~5 (cl Wheat 94,023 71,293 17,781 102,367 99,538 101,376 126,572 (d) Barley 70,::187 86,227 62,433 75,026 67,319 73,238 61,552 (e) Juar bO,462 55,528 49,515 57,704 42,014 45,565 34,073 (f) Bajra 78,734 97,795 116,678 107,506 129,667 126,278 143,158 (g) Maize 50,79b 38,397 43,032 48,275 54,780 32,794 57,279 (h) Gran: 89,51:16 IU4,346 90,646 105,530 113.629 123,960 115,960 (I) Potatoes 2,294 3,279 2,940 4,501 6,460 (j) Other food crops 9~,1l04· 92,355 87,395 81,15,) 78,524 103,625 140,432 Total 552,725 561,541 554,690 604,626 620,299 680,437 818,231 B-Non food Crops (a) Sugarcane 9,580 10,232 12,187 10,222 12,109 23,471 16,567 (b) Cotton 58,563 48,633 37,981 18,191 7,921 1,122 2,279 (c) Jute 20 2 (d) All type of oil seeds 287 901 1,889 9,523 19,661 24,947 34,782 (e) Fodder 6,017 5,699 9,961 3,101 26,214 23,162 20,506 (f) Other non-food crops 28,749 17,168 9,918 5,837 7,361 5,765 4,921 Total 103,196 82,633 71,936 . 56,874 73,266 78,487 79,0s7 Grand Total: A+B 655,921 644,174 626,626 661,500 693,565 758,924 897,288

Source:-I. Board of Reven~e. U.P. 2. District Census Handbook.-1951

Table 3'1-Land Utilization

(ArIa in Aer8s)

Particulars 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A- Classification of Area 1,082,133 1,085,169 1,152,764 (a) Total Geographical Area* 1,082,498 1,081,557 1,080,738 1,080,497 6,748 22,596 20,932 39,741 126.297 (b) Area under forests 114,683 238,930 245,769 357,904 339,946 325,363 275,351 (c) Uncultivated land 37,328 35,274 (i) 39,654 _ :16,224 Under water 76,480 28,624 29,430 Iii} Under buildings and roads 28,905 (iii) Under other non-agricultural 222,659 209,399 49,979 uses 271,387 131,946 118,241 92,968 174,596 (d) Other Un-cultivated land excludinCl 261,703 256,393 127,166 current fallows " 33,940 46,152 (e) Current fallows 33.799 36,889 57,783 35,248 21,219 B-Area under Cultivation 872,419 644.173 626,626 659,611 693,561 732,297 (a) Total cropped area 661,666 586,379 643;196 691,036 (i) Net cropped area during the 548,066 542,506 531,137 550,759 year 101,182 89,128 181,083 (ii) Area croppen more than once 113,600 101,667 95,489 108,852 Source-I. Board of Revenue, D.P. 2. District Census Handbook-1951

-N(;I~- In Table 3'1, 3'2 and 3'5 data for each Census year are the average of the five years with the Census year as the.mid year with the exception of the year 1961 in which five years average will mean the average of five years ending in 1961. *They are as per village papers 129 AGRICULTUIlB

Table 3·3...... t~culture Extension Scheme

Particulars 1951' 1952 1953 1934 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960

2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

;1 Improved seed distributed (mds.) 12,080 12,500 12,575 23,125 25,575 69,416 63,450 77,549 95,994 130,311

2 Area sown with improved seeds (acres) 9000 9,365 9,435 16,595 19,190 53,065 47,590248,525 445,575 695,747 J' ," -r"t"-P

;:}, trrigation (acres) 4,32:'> 4,625 4,704 8,2!5 9,515 :<6,065 22,375 124,212 222,232 343,323

A. Numb6r. of improved agricultural imple-. 925 1,115 1,975 2,145 3,125 3,703 2,944 2,829 4,365 6,743 ments distributed , 5 Number of Agricultural demonstrations 500 725 795 895 975 1,103 1,425 1,:ii5 1,825 1,415

"6 Quantity of chemicals and other fertilizers 5,125 G,595 7,376 9,888 10,125 14,487 17,632 49,942 45,145 37,822 distributed (mds.)

·7 'Area under green manure '(acre~) 12,873 18,230 7,488

8 Area under Japanese method of 2,525 3,475 4,375 6,515 7,815 10,107 6,989 8,815 17,388 16,234 cultivation (acres)

'9 Area under U. P. wheat cultivation (acres) 27,548 33,082 21,253

to Area under line sowing (acres) 575 987 1,215 1,425 1,525 2,525 5,585 20,525 147,623 96,676

'11 Area covered with gardens and fruit trees, 325 12,926 275 ·198 260 418 230 236 315 204 etc. (acres)

12 Area of banjar land brought under N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. ,<;ultivation (acres)

13 Number of competitors under crop 7 10 15 7 16 20 15 26 30 25 competitions

!·;j,)I. 1: 14 Number of Veterinary hospitals aoo Live­ 21 23 25 26 27 27 27 27 31 34 stock Centres

'15 Number of Artificial Insemination centres 2 2 2 5 5 , .. 16' Number of Poultry Breeding centres !,' 't 1; . .

;17 Amount o{T~qavi di~tributed 'f~r milch 23,400 22,000 12,000 6,000 5,700 \ , . cattlt:{Rs;)

N.A.-Not availabig . Source-District Agriculture Officer OFFICIAL STATISTICS 130

Table 3'4 -Persons Cultivating Land under different Sizes of Holdings

Size of Holding 1951 1902 1953 1954 1955 1956 1 ~57 1958 1959 1961t 2 :3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Above 100 ac!es 6 () 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

50-100 64 63 50 51 48 45 42 38 44 45

25- 50 458 468 444 416 409 413 411 414 400 413

2()- 25 1,983 1,9:"9 1,840 iBn I,B35 1,744 1,673 1,731 1,690 1,73~

15- 20 20,666 20,676 20,037 20,085 19,9(J5 19,581 18,919 18,955 18,374 18,382

10- 15 8,454 8,275 7,943 8,231 8,064 8,174 8,057 8,042 7,889 7,851

32,373 34,737 33,160 33,550 33,435 33,015 34,687 33,703 5- 10 " 34,524 34,339

1- 5 65,804 66,679 66,098 66,863 68,105 68,502 .8,702 69,323 63,863 70,177

Below 1 acre 73,488 74,844 76,77: 76,566 78,055 78,110 78,962 79,533 80,915 79,237·

Source-District Officel

*Table 3'5-Crop-wise Gross Area Irrigated

(Arga in Acres)

Gross Irrigated Area under

,-'--_ Year ,.------.....,.. Paddy Wheat Cereals Total Total Sugarcane Total Cotton Total All crops Pulses Food-grains Food crops Non-food crops

2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11

N.A. N.A. N.A. 1901 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 239,452 1911 5,339 59,725 119,801 32,089 151,890 10,227 190,310 25,327 52,983 243,293 35,401 170,649 1921 7,125 71,108 135,248 12,181 214,408 26,584 52,069 266,477 28,291 171,383 lO,210 209,013 14,918 1931 9,489 84,140 143,092 34,529 24,3601 45,962 183,102 12,084 209,394 7,135 1941 9,074 86,617 137,140 44,533 253,927 123,974 30,012 158,986 23,299 216,370 1,012 45,313 261,682 1951 17,512 82,340 77,826 261,771- 16,497 292,162 2,170 19,226 311,388 1961 62,074 98,291 183,948

*~ against Tables S'l and 3'2 will also apply in this table Source-l. Board of Re\enue, U.P. 2. Di,

Table 4-Statistics of Household Industry

Etawah Tahsil Bharthana Tahsil Bidhuna Tahsil Auraiya Tahsil Major GtuUP (Rural) (Rural) (Rural) (Rural) Urban No. of 1. S. 1. C. ~__.____., r---'__"_~ r-__"'_--.~ ~--._"'_----... ,..---...... __, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

OO-Field produce and plantation crops 3 210 1 2 ~l-Plantation crops 2 03-Fishilig 3 04-Livestock and hunting 369 46 .1,159 9f 515 44 1,113 162 173 46 20-Foodstuffs 300 74 381 86 903 76 493 IH 100 27 21-Beverages

22-Tobacco products 178 57 3 23-Textile-cotton 194 223 248 71 207 316 123 I,Z33 1,173 24-Textile-jute 75 87 2 25 42 5 27 25-Textile-wool I 1 27-Textile-m iscellaneous 45 18 295 23 561 10 470 36 150 27 28-Manufacture of wood and wooden 295 51 452 56 496 68 products 562 lUI 271 38 29-Paper and paper products 2 2 3

3O-Printing and publishing 227 2 2

31-Leather and leather products 233 4 150 3 173 10 113 73 29 33-Chemical and chemical products 11 49 8 23 5 34--35-j\.j on-metall j c mineral products 521- 62 174 65 25 37 134 63 153 77 other than petroleum and coal 36-Basic metals and their products "xeept 108 3 102 50 5 263 II 45 machinery and transport equip- ment 37-Machinery (All kinds other than trallS- 37 port) and electrical equipment

38-Transport equipment 5 2 27 45 51 5 39-I\,1is~ellaneous manufacturing industry 67 70 4 68 4 127 2 67 13

I.S.1.C -Indian Standard Industrial Classification

Table 5'1-Growth of Factories

Number of Registered Factories ~ ______. ____ ..A.------.

1%1 1952 1:)53 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1('

17 14 15 ,8 19 29 36 37 39 37

Source-Labour Commissioner, U. 1'. 132 OFFIClAL STA TlSTICS Table S'l-Number of Workers in Each Establishment

Average number of workers employed daily Serial Name of Registered Factories r- Na. 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960

5 6 .. 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 3 4

I J. K. Cotton, Ginning & Pressing Factory * 2 The Auraiya Water & Electric supply Co-operative society Ltd. * 22 18 23 21 25 28 :3 Shri Krishna Flour Mills, Jaswantnagar 4 Munna Lal Basant Lal, Bharthana '" '" * * 9 14 42 54 58 26 47 30 27 i3 5 Nihal Chand Kishan Lai Dal & Rice Mills 6 Jai Hind Rice & Dal Mills '" 8 10 16 19 17 7 Vijai l{ice &. oil Mills '" '" :I: 8 C. G. Rice & Dal Mills !.l86 :I: 9 MIS Jaikishan Das Rajindra Prasad 15 :II :I: 10 Nanak Chand Padma Chand Durana * 11 DaJ Chand Sew a Ram (Dal Mills) '" 12 Sewa Ram Prero Narayan Dal Kjlrkhana '" 13 Tulsi Raro Mohali Raro Oil Mills '" r' :... 14 Niloal Chand Kisor! Lal Oil Mills 30 40 34 31 38 18 28 47 * 22 15 Chhotte Lal Jagannath Prasad Oil Mills 56 59 46 53 16 '" 16 Basant Lal Ram Dayal Anand Krishan Oil Mills 8 17 Shanti General Mills 17 15 16 13 13 12 II 8 18 Gopi Nalh Hari Kishan :I: 7 8 9 11 14 10 10 15 19 Ram Bux ::-.lath Mal Oil Mills 17 23 32 25 37 50 46 39 35 20 Anandker Karyalaya 15 '" '" '" 24 '" 41 41 41 21 Pya rev Lal Bal Mukand 7 9 12 9 13 13 11 18 21 22 U.P. Govt. Roadways Workshop '" '" 40 44 40. 39 57 58 23 Bishambhar Dayal Magal Raro Rice & Dal Mills 19 9 24 Hari Prasad Saboo Rice, Dal & Oil Mills 16 * 25 Ram Charan Chhotey Lal '" 31 26 Bassarmal Nannumal '" 6 * 30 31 27 Hira Lal Patrumal '" 11 17 39 31 30 26 28 Krishna Iron Foundry 14 29 Navjiwan press 13 13 14 IS 9 6 30 Pratap General Mills 11 35 45 47 47 33 31 Hanuman Oil Mills 21 20 20 14 * 32 Hit Saran Harish Chandra Oil & Rice Mills 33 43 40 48 50 25 29 17 45 24 26 33 Annapurna General Mills 18 14 58 56 71 34 Govt. Pilot Workshop * '" 133 PACTORIBS

Table S'l-Number of Workers in Each Establishment-Coneld.

Average number of workers employed daily Serial Name of Registered Factories ,..------...... ------...... No. • 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

35 Kailash Flour and Ginning Factory 7 8 7 10 8 36 Chamba Mal Harjit Singh Rice Mills 14 15 12 19 16 37 Hari Charan Lal Gupta 9 15 12 14 38 Agarwal Rice Mills 15 25 18 11 16 39 Chhetan Das & Bros. Rice Mills * 32 32 29 23 40 Kishori General Mills i< 28 31 25 33 41 Mathura Prasad Maheshwari Dal, Oil & Rice Mills 9 13 9 13 12 42 Rice steam Factory 10 12 11 16 18 43 Krishna Behari Rajendra ,Prasad Rice & Dal Mills 17 21 15 18 21 44 Panna Lal Babou Lal Milb * 12 6 6 6 45 Daulat Ram Saran Das 16 40 46 Ram Shanker Shyam Shanker Flour Factory 9 7 * 47 MIS Basant Lal Ram Dayal 8 5 9 8 48 Roop Ram Virendra Kumar 9 9 9 1 49 Vijai Rice & Dal Mills 22 11 17 22 50 MIS Har Dayal ,$ingh Choohar Mal Dal &: Rice Mj])s 17 20 27 IS 51 Onkar General Mills 14 18 18 17 52 Krishna Mills * 2: 30 35 53 Lokumal Topan Das Rice Mills * 47 47 37 54 Sheo Narain Rajendra Pratap Singh 15 5 55 MIS Seth Basarmal Serumal Rice Mills 31 34 28 56 Daulat Ram Pritam Singh Rice & Dal Mills 34 15 * 57 Kailash Narain Om Prak.sh 10 8 58 Maha Laxmi Rice & Oil Mills 37 45 59 Food Processing Co-operative Factory by Fruit & Vegetables Pre- 5 servation Co-operative Processing Society Ltd. *

60 India Rice & Dal Mills 10 61 Gurudas Guramal Rice mills 14 62 Hira Charan Lal Gupta Rice & Dal Mills 15 63 Hem Saran Harish Chandra 25

6~ Basant Lal Ram Dayal Oil, Dal & Rice Mills •• _j 3

*Not available Source-Labour Commissioner, U. P. OPPICIAL IITATISTICS 134

Table 6·i-Cdminal Justice-NulDber of Crimlaal Cases Tried

Particulars 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A-SERIOUS CR [ vi ES I -Cognizable cases 856 863 865 S69 965 1,039 1,080 1,185 1,292 1346 (a) Offences against State, public tran­ 22 14 30 40 35 39 45 55 63 28 quility, safety and justice (b) Serious Offences against persons 439 435 415 390 450 490 495 580 640 6b9 (e) Serious Offences against person and property 395 414 420 439 480 510 54U 550 589 629 or against property only II-Non-cognizable cases 2,340 2,397 2,395 2,490 2,374 2,536 2,689 2,763 ~3 042 3,285 (a) Offences against State, public tran­ 2,0-15 2,101 2,091 2,IuO 2,099 2,195 2,280 2,295 2,542 2,688 quility, safety and justice (b) Serious offences against persons 150 145 160 135 165 174 :0:10. 264 290 358 (c) Serious offences against person and 145 151 145 195 110 167 199 204 :l10 239 property or against property only Total I and n 3,196 3,260 3,261 3,359 3,339 3,575 3,769 3,948 4,334 4,631 B-MINOR OFF-ENCES 1-Cognizable Gases 240 253 260 257 262 322 318 368 419 499 (a) Minor offences against person 125 134 141 115 128 160 145 185 220 280 (b) Minor offences against property 75 84 91 91' 82 95 101 99 104 119 (c) Other offence not specineds above 40 35 28 45 52 67 72 84 95 100 II-Non-cognizable cases 298 296 263 282 310 340 308 359 376 416 (a) Minor offences against person 290 284 248 275 292 314 301 345 360 3S9 (b) Minor offences against property 8 12 15 7 18 26 7 14 16 :l7 (c) Other offences not specified above

Total I and II 538 549 523 539 572 662 626 727 795 915 Source-District Offi ccr

Table 6·2-Griminal Justice-Persons Convicted or Bound Over (Number) Persons Convicted or bound over in st. Offences or Nature of Proceedings No. 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Offences against public tranquility 12 10 17 14 13 19 21 18 24 28 2 Murder 215 203 230 245 275 265 288 294 305 402 3 Culpable homicide 101 112 106 119 140 135 180 196 208 227 4 Rape 2 3 I 4 6 5 Hurt with aggravating circumstances 4 12 18 9 21 24 29 26 32 39 6 Hurt with criminal force or assault 3 12 10 14 19 23 25 27 31 7 Dacoity. 52 46 75 64 92 73 89 85 96 101 8 Robbery 245 260 273 249 263 259 280 279 275 300 9 Theft 2 5 3 4 7 9 8 11 10 Other offences against the Indian Penal Code 499 484 492 487 495 541 539 560 585 629 11 Keeping the peace 382 390 375 415 413 401 435 475 487 402 12 Excise laws 145 161 172 143 164 175 201 197 195 194 13 Municipal laws 430 416 413 421 470 465 470 457 478 477 Source-District Officer 135 ADWINISTJu.nVB

Table 6'3-Streugth of Police, 1960

Superintendent of Police 1, Deputy Superintendent 3 ,------'-Description of the staff S1. Name of Police Station No. Sub-inspecto"s Head Constables Constables 2 3 4 5

Kotwali 8 13 96i 2 Jaswantnagar 3 3 27 3 Ekdil 11 4 Bakewar 2 15 5 Ajitmal 3 19 6 Auraiya 3 2 21 7 Debiapur 13 8 Phaphund :L 15 9 Sahson II 10 Sahail 12 11 Bela 12 12 Bidhuna 13 13 Aherwa Katra I 11 14 Usrahar 1 11 15 Chau\>ia 2 1 12 16 Bharthaoa 2 13 17 Achhalda 13 18 Barhpura 11 19 Reserve 33 152 20 D. I. S. 3 3 4 Total 38 70 492 Source-Inspector General 01 P(\]jce, U. P.

Table 6'4-Statistics ot Jails

Accommodation in. Daily average number of prisoners in ,..-___..A- __ ~ ,...... ------'------, Name of Jail 1950 1960 1951 ·1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

District Jail 246 346 499 445 4('5 427 460 546 499 418 417 52')

Source-Inspector General of Prisons, U. P. oPl'ICIA\, STA'l'ISTIBS 13"6 Table 6'5-Co-operative Societies

Description 1950-51 1951-52 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 1959-6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1 Number of Primary Societies ·!SO 4~3 511 560 743 898 1,007 684 832 • 699 2 Number of Co-operative Federations 1 1 1 1 1 1 Number of members in Primary Socie- 15,322 1.'1,976 16,990 23,047 26,434 34,346 40,017 44,059' 53,929 80,:.!9':> ties 4 Number of members in Co-operative 30 33 32 35 45 45 45 47 50 54 Federations 5 (a) Share capital of Co-operative 285,953 460,548 487,216 567,022 660,642 874,9581,018,396 -1,231,322 1,643,7.18 2,409,527 Societies (b) Reserve and other Funds 198,049 214,444 234,125 258,745 344,915 374,865 493,801 409,750 457,883 612,616 6 (a) Share Capital of Co-operative 28,200 28,900 23,400 24,200 31,100 31,100 31,100 31,300 31,600 32,000 federations (6) Reserve and other Funds 49,049 46,566 86,564 130,190 165,944 165,788 165,788 165,788 251,808 316,555 7 Loan advanced by Agriculture 750,976 836,7411,162,191 942,438 1,181,1461.967,0201,958,8213,665,017 4,817,87612,625,920 Credit Societies 8 Share capital of the Co-operative 236,610 372,895 305,815 358,395 420,040 652,990 841,915 923,930 1,141,820 2,288,156 Bank

Source-Registrar Co-opel ati, e Societie~, U.-

Table 6'6-Excise and Motor Spirit Tax (Figures in Rupee~) f Descripti~n 1951-52 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 1959-60 1960-61

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9, 10 11

{a) Total receipt from beer manu- 237 118 150 164 198 168 _ 275 factured in India (b) Duty on wines and spirits manu- 9 3 factured in India and classified as Foreign Liquor (c) Licence fees gene rail y whether 3.135 1,916 1,466 1,293 1,650 1,348 2,959 3,337 4,048 imported or made in India :2 Country spirits: . (a) Duty on Distillery spirit 319,613 259,970 219,224 262,664 219,071 -210,700 275,851 295,413 310,463 (b) Licence fees for the sale of 426,621 397,114 334,419 264,607 232,993 221,728 230,147 244,871 221,175 Distillery spirit 3 'lari 41,326 37,100 39,756 38,034 36,421 43,740 29,367 46,703 53,606 4 Opium (a) Duty 151.751 101,918 124,512 129,462 77 ,154 92,400 20,898 10,530 3,281 (/I) Licence fees for the sale of Opium 190,095 167,974 119,115 101,618 92,455 60,083 8,434 4,050 1,325 5 Hemp Drugs (a) Total Licence Fees 81,682 81,477 91,480 72,217 54,607 37,691 46,786 46,328 67,540 (/I) Duty from Ganja 41,460 52,759 38,115 24,518 14,30H 1,324 1,698 970 921 (e) Duty from Bhang 31,897 36,489 34,234 33,984 33,678 36,728 43,271 31,677 34,400 6 Miscellaneous (a) Duties on medicinal and toilet pre- 283 254 180 230 280 296 258 375 275 parations containing Alcohol, Opium, etc. 7 Receipt from Motor Spirit 29,602 35,664 30,911 26,005 25,067 38,821 36,585

Source-Fxcise Commissioner, U. p. 137 ADMINISTRATIVB

Table 6'7-Receipt of Sales Tax, Entertainment Tax, Stamps and Land Revenue

(Figures in Rupees)

Receipt of 1951-52 1952·53 1953-54 1954-55 1955·56 1956-57 1957·58 1958-59 1959-60

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Sale! Tax 409,338 353,000 364,997 318,196 391,389 445,405 556,311 767,880 935,618

2 Entertainment Tax 120,628 98,114 102,577 82,003 91,273 104,565 134,209 154,220 145,459

3 Stamps 309,257 341,731 386,179 375,161 382,521 444,001 485,05! 537,497 568,131

4 Land Revenue 1,336,534 3,622,814 3,821,755 3,781,760 3,782,795 3,739,672 3,839,532 3,921,958 4,077,314

Source-Sale5 Tax Commissioner, U. P., Entertainment Tax and Betting Tax Commissioner, U.P., Ill'pector General Stamps, U.P. and Board of Revenue, UP.

Table 6'8- Registered Documents and Value of Properties Transferred

No.-of Number of Registrations Aggregate value of property Total Total of Total Total Year Registration ,-,------"------""\ Transferred by registered amount of other receipts expenditure offices Immoveable Moveable documents (ks.) ordinary receipts ,property Property Wills r------'------, fees ,---~-~ Affecting Affecting Total (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) Compulsory Optional Immoveable Moveable property property

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

1951 4 3,588 324 176 58 1,8.12,016 110,775 1,952,781 36,652 4,070 40,722 17,576 1952 4 4,020 178 109 81 2,5-13,379 43,709 2,587,088 41,433 3,645 45,078 18,151 1953 4 3,998 98 108 71 2,445,170 101:,006 2,549,176 41,094 3,955 45,050 17,608 1954 4 5,045 99 99 67 4,179,098 54,125 4,233,223 50,265 3,711 53,976 16,960 1955 4 4,989 78 95 60 4,152,527 44,017 4,196,544 48,696 3,963 52,659 19,547 1956 4 7,852 79 95 102 6,383,735 121,651 6,505,386 74,511 4,546 79,058 19,669 1957 4 7,360 9, 118 84 5,694,083 104,021 5,798,103 89,451 5,455 94,905 23,894 1958 4 8,811 100 120 82 4,167,925 87,299 4,255,224 150,700 5,142 155,842 24,085 1959 4 8,868 86 154 91- 6,365,383 80,473 6,445,856 148,123 :',361 153,484 25,782 :\960 4 8,2"10 89 133 82 7,403,502 51,906 7,455,408 129,166 4,036 133,202 80,269

Source-Inspector General of Registration, U. p. OPPICIAL Sl'.A l'ISTICS }38

Table 7'1-List of Hospitals and Dispensaries 1960-61

Serial Name of Hospital/Dispensaries Beds Maintained by Governmentf No. ,..--- Local Body /Privatl! Males Females 2 3 4- 5

District Hospital, Etawah 55 20 Government 2 T. E. Hospital, Etawah 14 14 do 3 Bela Dispensary 2 2 no 4 Udi Dispensary 2 2 do do 5 Sahail Dispensary 2 2 2 do 6 Rajpllr Dispensary 2 do 7 Ajitmal Dispensary

8 Ayana Dispensary 2 2 do 9 Basrehar Dispensary 2 2 do 10 Male Dispensary, Auraiya 4 Local Body do 11 Male Despensary, Bharthana 4 4 do 12 Bidhuna Dispensary 6 do 13 Phaphllnd Dispensary 1 2 do 14 Jaswantnaga r Dispensary 5 4 do 15 Mahewa Hospital 8 17 Government 16 Women's Hospital, Etawah 6 do 17 Female Dispensary, Auraiya 6 do 18 Female Dispensary, Bharthna 15 Local Body 19 Female Hospital, Lakhna Subsidised Scheme 20 Male Dispensary, Lakhna 4 3 do 21 Takha Dispensary 4 do 22 Sehson Dispensary Goverrunent 23 Police Hospital, Eta .... ah 3) 24 Railway Dispensary, Etawah do 25 District Jail Hospital, Etawah 12 do Source-Director of Medical and Health Services, U. P;

Table 7'2-Rural Health Centres

SI. No. Name of Health Centres Beds

2 3

Auraiya Tahsil Ayana at Jaswantpur

Etawah Tahsil

2 Basrehar Source-District Officez 139 HEALl'H, MEDICAIl AND EDUCA.TION· Table 7·3-T. B. Clinics and Anti-Adulteration 1959-60

T. B. Clinics (Number of patients) (a) Examined 4,1 Il (b) Advised 1,914 (c) Treated 2,127 2 Anti-adulteration Activites (a) Number of cases launched 84 (b) Number of cases in which accused were convicted or punished 74

Source-I. Civi 1 Surgeon 2. District Medical Officer of Health

Table 8'1-Educational Institutions and Pupils

S1. Class of 1951-52 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 No. Institutions ..... ------, ,...-----"---.__..., ----_-"'------...... No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of insti tutioI1~ pupils institutions pupils institutions pupils institutions pupils institutions pupils

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

University and Degree Colleges

2 Inter Colleges and Higher 13 7,902 16 8,~09 17 9,168 18 9,827 19 10,162 Secondary Schools 3 Junior High Schools 71 8,527 79 8,3'32 78 8,263 90 8,585 96 8,1308

4 Training Schools 2 162 2 143 101 92 93

5 Technical Schools 100 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

6 Other Schools and Colleges 603 55,616 596 55,744 579 52,'336 600 50,182 600 53,696

S1. Class of 1956-57 1957-58 1958"59 1959-60 1960-61 No. Institutions "...-----"-_-----" ,-----"------,. "...-----_,._---~ -----"'------. ~ No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of institutions pupils institutions pupils institutions pupils institutions pupils institutions pupils

2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

University and Degree 3 175 4 640 Colleges

2 Inter Colleges and Higher 20 10,356 21 11,628 33 12,913 2-1: 14,420 26 15,519 Secondary Schools

3 Junior High Schools 95 9,953 94 10,688 95 11,206 98 12,112 96 13,392

4 Training Schools 97 69 99 2 159 2 218

5 Technical Schools N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

6 Other Schools and Colleges 602 57,379 627 63,~6 651 67,301 658 72,420 678 75,133

N.A.-Not available Source-District Officer OnICIAI:. 1>TA'l'ISTlCS 140

Table S'2-List of Higber Secondary Scbools 1960·61

Serial Name of Higher Secondary Schools No. of Teachers No. of Pupils Date of No. r-~ ...---"---- Establishment

Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7

Public Inter College, Bidhuna 17 452 1947 2 R. B. Inter College, Phaphund 25 939 1951 3 S. D. Inter College, Etawah 45 1,341 J914 4 H. M. S. Islamia Inter College 30 716 1924 5 Adarsh Higher Secondary School 10 191 1952

~ K. K. Inter College 22 804 1945 7 Behari Ji Higher Secondary School 17 380 1950

8 Janta Inter College, Bakewar 55 1,907 1952 9 S. N. Inter College 12 226 1947 10 G. C. J. V. Higher Secondary School 14 306 1952 11 Tilak ltMr College 35 1,013 1921 12 S. A. V. Inter College 44 1,093 1941 13 Hindu Vidyalaya Inter College 21 535 1941 1914 14 Government Inter College, Etawah 36 826 1,504 1951 15 Janta Inter College, AjitmaI 56 459 1938 16 L. R. Inter College 21 17 Dehati Higher Secondary School, Navilganj 255 1952 18 Adarsh Higher Secondary School 12 381 1950 19 M. G. Higher Secondary School, Pachbiangaon 12 311 1947 20 R. S. Higher Secondary School, Panher 13 330 1951 21 Ni"ranjan Higher Secondary School Niranjannagar 8 229 1953 22 T. J. P. Arya Kanya Pathsala 23 Government Girls Higher Secondary School, Etawah 24 Arya Shayam Higher Secondary School, Bharthana 25 Municipal Board Higher Secondary School, Auraiya 26 Sheelal p,'ashad Sherwal Girls Higher Secondary Schnol 27 S. S. Higher Secondary School, Harchandpur 9 18 1953

Source-District Inspector of Schools 141

Table 9 . I-Printing Presses and Newspapers

Year Number of ~ ______Number of newspapels.A. ______published --, Number of pet-iodicals published Printing r------~------.

Presses Daily - Weekly.A.. _____ --, at Work r------.A.------., Hindi Urdu English Hindi Urdu English Hindi Urdu English

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1951 20 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. "- N.A. 9 1956 26 5 3 1960 29 12 12

Source-District Officer, and the Annual Report of the Registrar of Newspapers N.A.-Not available . for India

Table 9'2-CinelDas

'{ear N urn ber a f Picture Houses Cinema goers r------"------. Total Monthly average 2 3 4

1951 2 624,Ql3 52,000 1956 2 660,050 55,000 1960 2 696,010 58,000

Source-Entertainment Tax Commissioner, U. P.

Table 10' I-Length ot' Metalled and Un-lDetaUed Roads Maintained by Public Authorities as on DecelDber 31, 1960

Name of Public Authority Metalled Un-metalled Total Name of important bridges (Kms.) (Kms.) (Kms.) " 2 3 4 5

P.W. D. 294 294 Sengar Nadi Bridge, 2 Lower Ganga Canal Bridge, 3 Ahn- aiya Nadi Bridge

2 Zila Parishad 77 466 543 1 Purha Bridge on Bidhumi road 2 Ahnaiya bridge on Bidhuna road 3 Municipal Board 56 6 62

4 Town Area 8 11 19

Source-District Officer

Table 10'2-NalDes of "\yaterways (Nevigable Rivers) as on DecelDber, 31, 1960


Table lO'3-Polymetrical Table of DistaBces of Block Headquarters (Distance in Kms.)

,-----______Name of....Ao. ______Blocks -----. Headquarters of N. E. S., Shadow Barhpura Basrehar Jaswantnagar Mahewa Auraiya Bhagyanagar Achhalda ~_...,.A.., ____ ,--_...A.~_~ ,...-_..A.._--.. Block in the District r--...A__~ ,...--...A.._-..., ,...--""'_--... r--_"_-~ Rail Road Rail Road Rail Road Rail R ... ad Rail Road Rail Road Rail Road 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I Ba: "pura 19 16 8 38 69 58 16 40 10 2 Basrehar 19 11 16 42 72 58 19 11 40 3 Jaswantnagar 16 8 11 16 16 30 16 61 74 8 56 4 Mahewa 38 42 16 80 30 54 40 30 5 Auraiya 69 72 16 61· 30 24 16 24 6 Bhagyanagar 58 16 58 19 74 8 54 24 8 16 7 Achhalda 40 10 40 II 56 40 30 24 16 8 16 8 Bidhuna 26 40 40 27 56 16 40 30 16 35 16 24 16 9 Erwa Katra 38 40 64 16 75 40 61 16 46 16 38 30 JO Takha 21 37 35 16 29 48 83 32 38 19 30 It Sahar 58 22 58 26 74 14 46 32 22 16 14 12 Bharthana 21 8 16 37 18 32 18 8 32 19 13 Chakarnagar 50 53 16 42 18 53 58 19 22 14 Ajitrnal 50 53 16 42 8 19 24 16 24

Name.A. of _____ Blocks • ______...... ,.- Headquarters of N. E. S I Shadow Bidhuna Erwa Katra Takha Sahar Bharthana Chakal nagar Ajitmal ,-_.,A.._--. Block in the District ,...--_"_-~ r--.A-.-~ r--..A..-~ ,---_,._-~ ,---"--"""'_ ,.--~---- Rail Road Rail Road Rail Road Rail Road Rail Road Rail Road Rail Road 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

1 Barhpura 40 26 38 40 21 37 58 22 28 8 5U 50 2 Basrehar 40 27 64 35 26 58 16 53 53 3 Jaswantnagar 56 16 16 75 16 29. 74 14 37 16 42 16 42 4 Mahewa 40 48 40 29 48 46 18 18 8 5 Auraiya .6 35 16 46 83 32 18 32 53 19 6 Bhagyanagar 16 24 16 38 32 38 22 8 32 58 24 7 Achhalda 16 30 19 30 16 14 19 19 22 16 2+ 14 21 22 19 16 19 38 16 40 8 Bidhuna 70 . 9 Erwa Katra 14 18 35 48 70 16 10 Takha 21 18 42 30 53 48 11 Sahar 22 35 42 32 14 53 38 12 Bharthana 16 48 30 32 14 22 21 13 Chakarnagar 19 22 62 53 53 ... 22 21 14 Ajitmal 16 40 48 38 38 21 21 Source-Dita ict Officel

Table lO'4-List of Railway Stations

Name of Railway Name of Railway Stations Distance from previous Station Distance from District Headquarters (down line according to Railway (in Kms.) (in Kms.) concerned)

2 3 4

Northern Railwa, Balarai 11 35 Jaswantnagar 9 24 .. Sarai Bhupat 7 15 .. Etawah 8 .. Ekdil 10 10 II Bharthan'l 10 20 Samhon 9 29 " 9 It Achhalda 38 .. Pata 8 46 .. Phaphund 9 55 Source-District Officer 143 CO:MMUNICA'tION '

Table lO·5-List of Post Offices

Name of Post Office 1961 Serial Name of Post Office 1961 Serial Code No. No. Code No. No. 2 3 2 3

Etawah Tahsil 52 Gohani 281 53 Chak.arnagar 292 54 Jagto1i 296 1 Dhanuan 3 20 55 Sahran 309 2 Heonra 55 Pipro1i Garhiya 311 3 Dharwar 37 4 Balarai 38 5 Jasohan 73 Bidhuna TaMil 6 Kaist 79 7 Malazini 80 51 Kuchela 14 8 Baidpur 93 58 Barhin 55 9 Adhiyapur 97 59 Samayan 71 10 Kuiya 131 60 Bhaidpur 79 11 Hardoi 154 61 Taraf Bhikarha 96 12 Binal 171 62 Ghasara 119 13 Barajokpur 180 63 Chbacbund 144 14 Moonie 181 64 Achhalda 146 15 Chanbya 187 65 Banshi 156 16 Chakawara Buzurg 233 66 ~baisol 181 17 Chitbhaun ;.(54 67 Pata 197 18 Ekdil 263 68 Harchandpur 20~ J!:J Kamit 301 69 Bidhuna 256 20 Partapner 302 70 Kaithawa 264 21 Jaglora 319 71 Gura 271 22 Bila 324 72 Kursi 295 23 Garahaita 325 73 Gaili 304 24 Murong 326 74 Bela 317 25 Pachhaingaon 332 75 Asjana 339 26 Bhaupur ' 338 76 Thulpia urf Dhupkhari 367 27 Baroli jamaQPur 347 77 Gulariha 394 28 Barhpura 353 78 Sahaya1 408 29 Bahuri 355 30 Udi ~61 AUl'Biya Tahsil 31 (Jati 363 79 Birori 8 80 Bithauli 15 Bharthana Tahsil 81 Garba Kasda 29 82 Phulpur 57 32 Sarsai Nawar 2 83 Darbatpur 73 33 U5raha1' 12 84 Sanpher 81 34 'l'akha 40 85 Atsu 91 35 Ber 71 86 Chopta 114 36 Baha1'pura 95 87 Haidarpur 123 37 . Ma1hausi 96 81:1 Birhuni 130 38 Palikhurd 108 89 Ballappur 139 39 Merbidudhi 139 90 Adhasi 174· 40 Birari 155 91 Phapund T.A. 190 41 Karwa Buzurg 165 92 Dmari 229 42 Labedi 185 93 Sehud 233 43 Jaitpur 186 94 Kanchausi 242 44 Nandgaon 192 95 Burhadana 252 45 Lakhna I.A. 205 % Daulatpur 262 46 Bakewar 213 97 Bakhrriya 302 47 Ludhiyani 228 91:1 Mahewa 350 48 Ureng 236 99 Ayana 360 49 Aheripur 247 100 • Panhar 381 50 Ujhiyani 256 101 Keontra 451 51 Andawa 276 102 Auraiya M.B.

Source-Post Master General, U.P. Ol'nClAL STATISTICS· 144 Table ll-S1:atistics of Local Bodies Receipts and Expenditure

(Figures in Rupees)

1950-51 1951-52 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55

Name of Local r------"'----, r------~ -~ ,------"-----...... ,----"------"'1 r----~--~ ·Bodies Receipt Expenditure Receipt Expenditure Receipt Expenditure Receipt Ellpenditure Receipt Expenditure

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Etawah Municipal Board "1 ~ 587,690 484,011: 713,1:139 724,130 659,125 606,065 702,957 681,959 863,047 694,860 Auraiya Municipal Board J

Jaswantnagar T. A. "1 41,007 33,756 36,368 29,644 34,114 32,855 29,936 32,577 BbaTthana T .. A. J

District Bo~rd,/Antarim Zila Parishad 998,975 1,142,153 1,379,524 1,481,431 1,316,444 1,373,123 1,486,076 1,370,107 1,537,680 1,446,214

All Panchayats 181,654 119,561 186,765 127,383 . 230,740 172,369 216,777 189,574 185,090 159,803

1955-56 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 1959-60

Name of Local r-----"""'-'-~ r------...JI....----__..,. ,------"----,---.. ,--____..A... -----:--"\ r------...A...__ ___. Bodies Receipt Expenditure Receipt Expenditure Receipt Expenditure Receipt Expenditure Receipt Expenditure

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Etawah Municipal Board 1 769,253 9H,933 742,011 875,606 834,676 763,538 945,342 959,720 9}6,393 865,676 Auraiya Municipal Board J

jaswantnagar T. A. "1 ~ 36,221 42,221 47,178 45,271 54,726 57,155 78,374 61,311 103.108 89,842 Bharthana T. A. J

District Board./Anatrim Zila Parisbad 1,514,623 1,503,0851,729,039 1,652,782 2,042,986 1,8'/6,456 2,054,192 1,988,269 2,089,909 2,077,230

All Panchayals 239,790 163,780 215,002 179,149 279,679 233,741 433,2)0 321,739 405,149 317,239

Note-Figures of Jaswantuagar T.A. includes from 1956-57 Source-District Oflicer COMMUNITY DBV.8,LOP.ENl'

Table U-Statistics of Com.munity Development Serial Particulars 1951 1956 1960 No .. I 2 3 4 5 •

Distribution of Kharif seeds (in maunds) (a) Paddy 3,585 :>,i25 5,135 (b) Maize 60 65 35 (c) Cotton 355 170 70 (d) Others 70 64 81 2 Distribution of Rabi seeds (in maunds) (a) Wheat 22,688 25,575 37,870 (b) Barley 2,744 7,553 4,250 (c) Gram 4,JI7 12,487 1,004 . (d) Pea 5,481 12, 99 18,654 3 Distribution of Chemicals and other type of Manures (in maunds)(a) Nitrogenous 375 410 36,809 (b) Phosphates 2,170 3,1l5 7,645 (c) Others 1,927 2,141 3,811 4 Total number of agricultural implements supplied 1,177 3,703 5,302 5 Total number of exhibitions held 2 2 6 Total area of paddy under Japanese method of cultivation (in acres) 12,927 18,230 7 Total area of wheat under Uttar Pradesh method of cultivation (in acres) 33,082 8 Total area of green manure cultivation (in acres) 1,565 10,107 17,388 9 Reclamation of cultivable waste land for agriculture (in acres) N.A. ~.A. N.A, 10 Increased area for gardens (in acres) " II Total number of fruit trees planted 30,281 27,0)0 19,483 12 Preservation of land from soil erosion by various methods (in acres) 2,746 1,251 13 Increase in the irrigation acreage of land by various means of irrigation (in acres) N.A. N.A. N.A. 14 Distribution of Bulls of pure breed 46 8 15 Animals vaccinated 201,330 118,838 395,530 16 Distribution of Poultry of pure breed 200·· 225 500 17 Cattle artificially inseminated 627 1,552 3,401 18 Wells built 81 171 19 Hand pumps fitted 91 20 Wells repaired 71 154 21 Pukka sewerage (in yards) 3,219 22 Lanes made pukka (in yards) 1,347 7,379 23 Soak pits dug 2,255 2,426 24 Persons vaccinated N.A. 61,073 65,592 6 25 Maternity centres opened " N.A. 26 Schools opened. N.A, 27 Libraries, Reading-rooms and information centres opened N.A. 28 Adults made literate 29 Radio sets installed 68 243 30 Youth associations formed 414 31 Panchayatghar constructed II 7 32 Pukka roads constructed (in miles) I 33 Kaccha roads constructed (in miles) 2 6 34 Pukka roads repaired (in miles) I 2 35 Kaccha roads repaired (in miles) 43 19 36 Culverts constructed 31 50 37 Panchayat tax realized (in rupees) 272,613 44,515 139,418 38 Houses constructed for Harijans 3 26 39 Women Welfare Societies formed 40 Member enlisted in the Women Welfare Societies 41 Cottage Ind ustry centres opened

-N. A.-Not available Source-District Officer Table 13-Calendar Q£ Important Events

Year Description of Event


1871 Foundation of ·Etawah Church

1900 Birth of Pt. Shankar Pd. Dixit

1906 Foundation of Etawah Memorial Hall

1907 Birth of Poet Shri Ram Narain Dube

1924 Birth of Poet Pt. Munni Lal Dixit

1954 Arrest of dacoit Tahsildar, Singh (September 2nd) i 1959 Opening of degree College at Etawah ,

1960 Opening of a Degree College

Source-District Officer 147 PUCE! OF FOOD-BTl"I'FS ' !

PRICES OF STAPLE FOOD-STUFFS MONTH BY MONTH Table 14-Monthly Whole-sale Prices-1951 to 1960 1951

Whole-sale prices in rupees per maund of 82-217 lbs, Foodgrains and other - ...... important crops and commodities January Febr~ary ~arch,. April ~ay June July August September October November December 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13

I, e,reals- 1 Wheat IS'36 IS'36 lS'36 IS'36 IS'36 IS'37 IS'37 IS'37 IS'36 15'36 15'36 IS'36 2 Barley 9'60 9'.60 N.Q, N.Q, 9'60 9'60 9'60 9'60 9'60 9'60 ·9'60 9'60 3 Gram 12'24 N.Q, N,Q' 17'5u 16'00 N,Q, 12'80 12'80 12'80 12'80 12'80 12'SO 4 Rice 23"63 23'63 23'63 23'63 23'63 23'63 23'63 23'63 23'63 23'63 23'63 23'63 S JUGr N,Q, 10'24- 10'24- 10'24 10'24 10'24 10'24 10'24 1"1)'24 10,24 10'24 10'24 6 Bqjra 10'97 10'97 10'97 10'97 10'97 10'97 10'97 10'97 10'97 10'97 10'97 ' 10'97 7 ~aize N,Q. N,Q. N,Q, N.Q, N.Q N'Q: N'Q: N,Q, N'Q. N,Q, N.Q, 12'31 JI. Pulm- 1 Arahar (Whole) 17'78 17'30 IS'2S '17'7S 17'30 IS'55 17'65 17'90 17,53 19'10 18'82 18'82 2 Moong (do.) 19'39 19'39 19'39 20'64 20'32 20'64 20'46 21'33 20'64 20'40 20'00 20'00 3 Urd (do,) 21'29 20'64 20'00 21'33 22'07 22'07 22'07 22'86 22'86 22'86 22'86 21'33 Ill, Vegltables 1 Potato Desi 8'00 6'67 S'71 S'OO 6'67 N,Q. N,Q, N'Q, N.Q. N,Q, N'Q' 12'7S 2 Potato Ptlh.,ri N.Q. N,Q, N.Q. N,Q. N,Q, N,Q, N,Q, N.Q, N,Q, N,Q, N,Q. N,Q,


Whole-sale prices in rupees pet maund of 82-217 Ibs, Foodgrains and other important cropS and commodities January February ~arch April ~ay June July August September October November December

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

T, Cereals- I Wheat 15'36 IS'36 IS'36 IS'36 IS'36. IS'36" IS'36 19'10 18'S2 20'00 19'39 20'00 2 Barley 9'60 9'60 9'60 9'60 N,Q, 9'60 9'60' 14'7S 16'00 16'00 l4'54 13'33 3 Gram 12'80 12'SO 12'80 12'80 12'SO 12'80 12'SO 15'50 17'30 IS'OO 17'30 16'84 4 Rice 23'63 23'63 23'63 23'63 23'63 23'63 23'63 32'00 32'00 25'00 26'00 20'50 5 Juar N.Q, 10'24 10'24 10'24 N.Q. N'Q, N,Q, N,Q. N,Q; N,Q, N.Q. 1O'SO () Bqjra 10'97 10'97 10'97 10'97 N,Q. N,Q, N,Q, N.Q. 14'00 15'00 13'33 12'75 7 Maize N.Q. 10'24 10'24 10'24 N.Q, N,Q: . N,Q. N,Q. N.Q. 12'80 12'54 12-16

II. Pulses~ 1 Arahar (Whole) IS'S2 IS ,68 10'67 13'33 11'03 12'()7 12'62 14'22 13-91 IS'50 16.95 16-00 2 Moong (do,) 18'28 18'15 13'06 14'88 16'00 18'82 20'00 18'82 20'00 20'00 N.Q_ 17.30 3 Urd (do,) 23'27 23'27 21'23 22'07 N.Q. N,Q, N'Q. N,Q, N.Q. N.Q, 22'86 20'64 Ill. VegetabllS- 1 Potato Desi 8'75 5'50 3'56 4'50 5'00 N.Q. N.Q. N,Q. N.Q. N.Q N.Q. N.Q. 2 Potato Pahari N,Q N,Q. N.Q. N.Q N,Q. N,Q N,Q_ N,Q, N,Q. N,Q, N.Q, N.Q.

Note--Whole-sale prices of 1st Friday of each month depict the pTi,es of that month N.Q.--Not quoted OPF[CIAL ~TATISTrcs 148



Whole-salc prices in rupees per maund of 82-2/7 Ibs. Foodg~ains and other r- ....__ impoltant crOps -. and commodities January Fehruary March April May June July August September October November December

2 3 4 5 6i 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 I. Cereals- 1 Wheat n·07 22'86 22'86 16'S4 16'84 17'30 16'84 17'78 17'30 16'84 16'41 J(j'84 2 Barley 16'00 17-:.rO 13'33 It'S5 12'80 12'55 12'SO 12'80 12'80 12'31 12'31 3 Gram 18'82 N.Q. 20'00 14'54 12,07 13'6:1 14'54 14'54 15'24 ,4'22 12'55 12'80 12'55 4 Rice 21'75 22'00 21'00 21'50 24'00 25'00 24'50 25'50 24'50 22'00 5 Juar 23'00 17.62 II'S5 12'07 1l'43 . 10'67 11'85 11.85 12'80 12'55 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 10'67 6 Bojra 13'33 12'80 11.85 11'36 12.80 13.62 13.91 13'91 13'33 11'63 7 Maize 13,33 11'85 12'31 N.Q, N.Q. N.Q, N'Q, N.Q, N.Q. N.Q. N.Q, 11.85 11'85 11.63 II. Pu!3es- 1 Arahar (Whole) 17-:30 18'28 13'33 13'06 14'54 15'24 14'54 14'71 13'91 12'80 1306 12'07 2 Moong (do.) 18'03 IS'18 17'30 18'55 18'82 21'33 21-33 21-69 21.33 17-78 17'78 14'54 3 Urd (do,) 21'33 22'07 20'64 20'00 21'33 22-45 22.86 22'07 21'33 18'82 N.Q. 16'41 III. Vegetables- I Potato Des; N,Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q· 5'00 13'00 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 14'00 2 Potato Pahari N.Q, N.Q. N,Q. N,Q, N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 21'00 21'uU 21'UU :':0'00 N.Q.

, 1954

Whole-sale prices in rupees per maund of 82-2/7 Ibs. Foodgrains and other -. important crops and commodities January Fehruary March April May June July August September October November December

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 1. Cer,als-

1 Wheat 17'78 17'78 16'00 16'41 14'88 13'33 12'80 13'91 1~'91 13'33 13'06 12'80 2 Barley 11'85 N,Q. 10'00 N.Q. N:Q.. 9'41 8'89 R'89 8'42 8'00 7'27 6'96 3 Gram IZ'RO 13'06 11'63 1l'43 11'03 9'41 8'89 8'S9 8'89 8'72 7'Z7 6'67 4 Rice 20'00 19'25 IS'25 19'50 19"75 19'00 17'50 18'87 19'50 18'00 15'00 12'50 5 ]uar 11'63 -11'23 N.Q. N,Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 6,96 7'24 N.Q. 5'00 6 Bqjra 12'67 13'06 10'67 11'63 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 10'32 9.14 8'42 8'20 7'27 7 Maize 12'31 N.Q, 8'S9 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N,Q. N,Q. N.Q. 7'27 5'71 6'15 11. PUlses- 1 Arahar (Whole) 12'07 10'67 9"70 10'67 10'32 8.65 7'09 7'62 S'10 8'00 7'27 6'67 2 Moong (do,) 14'63 13"62 12'07 13'47 1Z'31 11'03 10'67 10'00 10'16 9'41 7-62 7'27 3 Urd (do.) 16'00 15'24 \3'06 13'91 13'91 12'31 11'03 10'94 11.03 10'32 N,Q. 8'00 111. Vegetables-

1 Potato Desi 6.00 4.00 4'00 5'7S ,6'50 1000 10'00 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 16'67 S'OO 2 Potato Pahari N.Q. N,Q, N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N,Q. 16'00 17'00 16'00 17'00 N.Q. N.Q.

Note-Whole-sale prices of 1st Friday of each mOnth depict the prices of that month N.Q.-Not quoted OFPICIAL STATISTICS 149



Whole-sale prices in rupees per maund of S2-2/7 Ibs.

Foodgrains and other r- ---, important crops and commodities January February March April May June July August St:ptember October November December 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13

1. Cereals- 1 Wheat 13'91 16'00 16'41 13'91 9'70 9'S4 lI'S5 ll'S5 l1'S5 12'07 13'33 14'22 2 Barley 7'11 7'62 6'96 6'15 5'16 5"16 6'96 7'44 7'27 7,62 S'42 8'65 3 Gram 6'96 6'SI 6'27 6'40 5'92 5'92 S'20 S'OO 7'62 S'20 S'42 9'41 4 Rice 13'50 14'00 15'00 14'75 15'37 15"75 IS'OO 17'00 17'00 15'75 16'50 N,Q, 5 Jua, 5'S2 5'61 5'08 4'70 N,Q, N,Q, 6'15 5'52 6'15 N_Q, N,Q, N,Q, 6 Bajra 7'27 6'96 6'04 6'40 6.27 7'27 9'55 10'00 8'65 N,Q, 9'14 10'00 {d5 N,Q, N,Q, 7 Maize 6'46 6'60 N,Q. N,Q, N.Q, N,Q, 6'96 7'62 8'65 11. Pulse;s- 1 Arahar (Whole) 7'11 7'27 6'96 6'53 5'61 5-92 7'80 8'20 . S'42 9'41 12'SO 13'33 2 Moong (do.) 6'81 6'27 6'09 6'15 6'60 7'44 10'32 9'41 9'41 N.Q, N.Q, 13'62 3 Urd (do,) 7'80 7'80 S'1O 8'00 9'55 9'70 13'33 11'43 12'31 N.Q, N.Q, 16'00 1II. Vegetables- 1 Potato Desi 4'25 3'37 3'25 3'00 3'50 5'00 9'00 10'00 N.Q, 14'00 20'00 15'00 2 Potato Pahari N,Q. N.Q, N.Q. N,Q, N.Q, N-Q. 15'SO 13'00 14'00 16'00 22'00 N.Q-


Whole-sale prices in rupees per maund of S2~2/7 1bs,

Foodgrains and other r- --'------. important crops and commodities January February March April May June July A~gust September October Novembt"r December

. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

.i Cmals- 1 Wheat 15'24- 15'24- 15'24 13'06 13'91 13'62 14'8S 14'88 15'24 15'24 15'61 15'61 2 Barley ll'OS 11'03 11'43 8'42· 842 9'55 10'67 10'67 11'03 11'23 12'55 12'SO 3 Gram 11'03 10'67 10'67 9'70 10'67 11'43 12'80 12'31 12'31 12'SO 12'80 13-33 4 Rice 16'00 16'00 17'25 IS'50 18-00 IS'OO IS'50 19'25 19'44 18'25 19'37 18'12 5 Juar 10'67 10'67 10'67 N.Q. N,Q. N.Q, N.Q. N.Q, N.Q, N.Q. N.Q. 10'00 6 Bajra 10'67 10'32 9'70 10'00 10'00 11'03 12'31 12'80 12'80 12'SO 12'80 13'76 7 Maize N,Q, 9'41 N.Q. N,Q, N,Q, N.Q. N,Q, N,Q, N,Q. 10'00 10'85 11'43 II, Pulses- 1 Arahar (Whole) 13'06 12'80 11'43 10'67 10'32 1l'23 11'03 11'63 '12'31 12'31 13'06 13'33 2 Moong (do.) 12'80 10'85 11'03 1l'43 11'23 II'S5 12'07 12'31 12'31 12'07 12'80 13'91 3 Urd (do.) 16'00 15'24- 15'24 17'30 16'84 16'84 17'78 17'78 18-28 17-78 N.Q. 22'07 111_ Vegetables- 1 POlato Desi 4'00 3'25 3'87 4'50 3'50 3'25 N_Q. N.Q. N,Q. N.Q, 22·00 10'00 2 Potato Pahari N,Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N,Q_ N,Q. N.Q. lS'OO 20'00 20-00 24-00 N.Q,

Note-Whole-sale prices of 1st Fridal' of each month depict the prices of that month N.Q.-Not ft'UFPI


Whole-sale prices in rupees per maund of 82-2/7 Ibs.

Foodgrain~ and other ,-----. ------"------.... irDf,ortant crops August September October November December and commodities January February March April May June July 11 12 13 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 !J 10

1. Cereals- 15'61 16'00 16'84 16'41 15'61 15'61 15'24 15'61 16'41 16'00 16'00 16'00 1 Wheat 10'00 12.80 13'91 N,Q. 10'67 l!'03 N.Q, 11'43 11'85 11'03 10.67 10'67 2 Barley 11-43 10'00 13'33 14'22 14"88 13'33 11'S5 12.07 12'31 12'55 11'85 1l'03 3 Grall' 21'12 18'00 19'25 19'50 20'75 22'62 2L'50 23"00 24'50 24'00 22'75 23'56 4 Rice 9'41 11'43 12'31 12'80 11'43 N.Q. N.Q, 16'00 12'07 10'67 N.Q. N.Q. 5 Juar 15'61 15'24 16'00 N.Q. N.Q. 13'62 12'55 6 Bajra 13'33 13'76 13'62 1362 14'88 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 9'70 11-63 11'23 7 Maize !l'43 13'06 N.Q. 13'33 II. pulses- 11'33 11'03 N.Q. 1l'63 10'85 1 Arahar (Whole) 13'06 13'06 12'55 12'07 12'55 11'63 11'63 14'88 15'24 17"30 16'41 N.Q. N.Q. 14'22 2 Moong (do.) 13'33' 13'47 13'33 13'91 14'54 24'61 25'60 30'47 N.Q. N.Q. 22'86 17'78 3 Urd (do.) 22'07 24'61 23'70 23'7U 24"61

111, V sgetables- 26'00 20'00 8'25 7'00 6'00 5'00 N.Q. 6'00 10'00 11'00 N.Q. N.Q. 1 Potato D,si N.Q. 13'00 18.00 17'00 18'00 17'00 16'00 N.Q. 2 Potato Pahari N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q.


Whole-sale prices in rupees per maund of 82-2/7 Ibs. Foodgrains and other ,----,- -"------"~ important crops September October November December and commodities January February March April May June July August 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

I. Cereals- 15'24 14'88 15'24 15'61 16'00 18'28 19'39 21'33 22'86 22'86 23'70 23'70 1 Wheat 18'28 17'78 2 BaTley 10'00 9'70 10'00 10'32 11'03 12'80 13'91 16'00 17'30 17'30 17'78 18'28 18'82 3 11'43 9'70 10'67 11'03 11'03 13'06 13'91 16'00 17'78 Gram 24'00 21'75 18'50 4 Rice 22:56 21-75 23'87 24'25 24'62 25'05 27'75 29'00 28'00 9'70 8'89 8'89 9'41 N.Q, N,Q. N.Q. N,Q. N.Q· N.Q. 13"61 N.Q. 5 Juar 15'2-1-' 15'24 6 Bajra 12'31 10'85 12'31 12'55 11'S5 13'76 14"22 15'24 16'00 16'00 15'24 13'91 12'80 7 Maize 11'03 10'00 10'85 11'03 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. II. Pulses- 10'85 10'16 12.07 12'31 12'07 14"88 15'81 16'84 19'39 19'39 20'00 22'86 1 Arahar (Whole) N.Q. Moong (do.) 13-62 14'88 17'78 20'00 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. ~.Q. 17'78 2 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 22'U7 1<>28 3 Urd (do.) 18'28 18'28 20'00 21'33 N.Q· N.Q. N.Q. Ill. Vsgetables- 1 Potato Desi 5'00 4'00 4'25 5'50 4'50 8'50 10'00 N.Q N.Q. 14'50 14'00 19'00 2 Potato Pahari N.Q. N.Q. N,Q. N.Q. N.Q. 1l'00 14'00 16'00 16'00 17'00 W'UO IS'OO

Note-Whole-sale prices of l~t Friday of each month depict the prices of that month N.Q,-Not quoted 151 PJuCJII op POOD-sTUm



Whole-sale prices in rupees per maund of 82-2/7 lbs. Foodgrains and other .Ao --. important crops and commodities Jamury February March April Mcty Jun~ July Au~~ust September October November December

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 !O II 12 13

[. Cercals- 'I Wheat H70 30'47 22'06 18'82 16'11 16'41 IS'61 17'77 17'29 16'84 17'77 16'84 2 Barley 17'29 17'77 N.Q. 11'42 11'42 13'33 13'0{; 13'33 12'30 13'33 12'80 11'85 3 Gram 18'82 22'85 21'33 14'22 12'54 13'61 13'06 13'33 12'54 13'61 12'80 12'07 4 Rice 2 '02 21'75 21'00 21'00 21'00 21'75 22'62 23'50 22'50 23'75 22'00 20'50 5 Juar 13' 1 16'00 13'61 10'00 10'00 14'54 N'Q N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 6 Bo,ira 17'29 17'08 14'88 14'54 14'51 24'54 N.Q 16'41 13'33 15'61 13'!:H 13'!:H 7 Maize 15'23, 16'00 15'60 N.Q. N.Q N.Q. N.Q: N.Q. N.Q. 11'85 10'32 10'66 II, Pulses- 1 Arahar (Whole) 30'47 22'85 18'82 17'77 16'00 17'77 17'53 16'84 14'88 17'29 17'29 16'84 2 Moong (do.) 17':.19 21'33 18'28 19'39 18'82 20'00 20'00 20'00 16'84 18'82 18'82 61'41 3 Urd (do.) 18'28 20'64 18'28 18'82 17'77 18'28 17'77 16'84 14'54 16'84 16'84 16'84 111. Vegetables- 1 Potato Desi 7'50 6'50 5'50 5'50 4'00 5'25 8'00 12'00 13'00 12.00 23'00 14.00 2 Potato Pahari N.Q. N.Q. N.Q N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 16'00 16'00 16'00 Hi'OO 18'00 N.Q.


Whole-sale prices in rupees per maund at 82-2/7 Ibs. Foodgrains and other ------__...._---,.------~ important crops and com mod ities· Januarry :Februay March April May June July August September October November Deceu.ber 2 3 -1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1. Cereals- 1 Wneat 16'41 16'84 17'30 17'30 15'24 15'61 16'84 18'28 17'78 17'78 17'30 16'00 2 llarlty 12'07 N.Q. 12'07 N.Q. 12'07 12.31 13'91 13'62 13'91 13'91 15-24 13'91 3 Gram I !,('3 I 13'06 12'55 12'31 12'31 13'33 15'24 1561 16'41 16'41 17'30 15'24 4 Ri<:c 20'00 20'37 21'00 20'75 21'50 21'25 23'50 23'50 22'50 23'00 21'00 19'00 5 Juar 12'31 12'31 N.Q. N.Q. 10'67 N·Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 12'31 6 Bajra 14'38 13'91 13'33 , H'22 14'71 1067 16'21 15'61 14'88 N.Q. 14'54 14'54 7 Maize 11'03 N.Q. 10'67 . N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 13'62 13-33 12'80 Il. Puls,s- I Arahar (Whole) 15'81 16'84 15'61 14'88 14'22 13'62 14-22 13'33 13'06 13'33 14'22 13'06 2 Moong (do) 17'30 17'30 17'30 17"78 18'28 17"78 '20'00 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 16'84 3 Urd (do) 16'41 17"78 17'78 18'82 18'82 18'82 20'00 22'07 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 17'78 III. V Bgttables-

1 Potato De~i S'OO 5'00 4'50 4'25 4'50 6'OU g'OO 10'00. 8'75 10'00 1l'50 1l'50 2 Potato Pahari . N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 13'00 15'00 14'0(J 14'00 19'UO N.Q.

Note- Who1e-sa1e prices of 1st Friday of each month depict the prices of thai month N·Q.-Not quoted Source-District Stati5tics Officer OPPICIU STATISTICS 152

Table 15'l-Statistics of Banks

A-Name of Banks arid Date of Establishment

Serial Name of the Bank Date of Establishment No.

2 3

Allahabad Bank Ltd. 1921·22 2 Etawah District Co-operative Bank Ltd. September 25, 1922

3 State Bank of India Decerb. ber, 1924 4 State Bank of India October I, 1943

5 Punjab National Bank Ltd. November 18. 19.j.~

B-Total Deposits in Banks

Particulars Number of depositors 'Total amount deposited Total amount withdrawn (Rs.) (R~.)

2 3 4

Pooled figures of all the above 3,889 31,901,741 25,985,568 banks in the district

Source-District Offic.. r

Table 15·2-Statistics of Insurance-1960

Premium income for Name of Branch Total number of Policies Sum assured the year 1960

2 3 4

Etawah 4,625 19,492,()()O 17G,365

Source-Zonal Manager, Life Insurance Corporation of India, Central Zonal Office, Kanpur 153 , LIVBS'!'OCI:

,-_____1956.A.. __ ----, 1960 Particulars ,-_____ .A.. ____ ..... Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban ~ 2 3 4 5 6 7

(I) Cows and Bulls- Maleos 143,888 142,592 r,296 140,350 139,460 890

Females 99,405 97,090 2,315 96,098 94,366 1,732 Total 343,293 .. 239,682 3,611 236,448 233,826 2,622

fA) M ales over 3 years 93,128 92,469 659 88,678 88,286 392

(i) Breeding bulls i.e., entire males over 3 years' 115 99 16 63 57 6 . kept or u:sed for breeding purpose only i

(ii) Working bullocks, i.e., bullocks and uncastrated 92,104 91,477 627 87,973 87,589 384 males over 3 years kept for work only (iii) Bulls and bullocks over 3 years not in use for' 909 893 16 642 640 2 breeding or work

(B) Females over 3 years 65,576 64,092 1,484 64,502 63,348 '1,154

(i) Breeding cows, i.e., cows over 3 years kept for 64,743 63,281 1,-l62 63,885 62,738, 1,147 breeding ,or milk production (n milk 28,381 27,310 1,071 29,811' 29,048 763 Dry 29,893 29,573 320 27,475 27,117 358 Not calved 6,469 6,398 71 6,599 6,573 26 (ii) Cows over 3 years used for work only 45 45 26 23 3 (iii) Other cows over 3 years not in use for 788 766 22 591 58i 4 work or breeding purposes

(e) roung-stock (3 years and under)- Males 50,760 50,123 637 51,672 51,174 498 Females 33,829 32,998 831 31,596 31,018 578 Total 84,589 83,121 1,468 83,268 82,192 1,076

(i) Under one year Males 17,465 17,007 458 17,966 17,615 351 Females 14,535 14,032 503 14,958 14,614 344 Total 32,000 31,039 961 32,924 32,229 695

(ii) One to 3 years Males 33,295 33,116 179 33,706 33,559 147 Females 19,294 18,966 328 16,638 16,404 234 Total 52,589 52,082 S07 SO,344 49,963 381 OI'I'ICI.AL STATISTICS 154

Table 16-Statisticli of Livestock-Contd.

1956 1960 Particulars ,.-- Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 .. 3 4 5 6 7

(0) Buffaloes- Males 122,288 121,039 1,249 139,375 138.757 618 Females 187.557 185.805 1,752 180.895 179.809 1,086 Total 309,845 3C)V,844 3,001 320,720 318,566 1.'04

(A) Males oller 3 years 91,643 90,640 1,003 108.983 108.519 464

(i) Breeding bulls. Le., males over 3 years 273 263 10 102 97 5 kept or used for breeding purpose only (ii) Working bullocks. i.e •• bullocks and uncastrated 91,029 90,051 978 108.412 107,954 458 males Over 3 years kept for work only (iii) Bulls and bullocks over 3 years not in use fOT 341 3';6 15 469 468 breeding or "York

(8) P""ales oll,r 3 years 122,472 121,269 1,203 124,125 123,347 778

(i) Breeding Cows, i.e., cows over '3 years kept for 119,992 118,820 1,172 121,533 120,759 774 breeding or milk production In milk 70,649 69,847 802 77,663 77,057 606

Dry 38,590 38,262 328 32,070 31,905 )6)

Not calved 10,753 10,711 42 11,800 1I,797 3 (ii) Cows over 3 years used for work only 1,713 6,193 20 9,123 1,983 (iii) Other cows over 3 years not in use fOI 767 756 II 609 605 4 work or breeding purposes

(C) Young-stock (3 years and under) Males 30.645 30.399 246 30.392 30,238 154 Females 65.085 64.536 549 56,770 56.462 308 Total 95.730 94.935 795 87.162 86.700 462

(i) Under one year Males 18,203 18,025 178 18.119 17.999 120 Females 29,106 28;812 294 27.704 27,523 181 Total 47,309 46,837 472 45,823 45,522 301

(ii) One to 3 years Males 12,442 12.374 68 12,273 12,239 34 Females 35,979 35.724 255 29,066 28,939 127 Total 48,421 48,098 323 41,339 41.178 lSI l.5S r.t'WBS'foca

. Table 16-·Statistics of Livestock-ConGld. 1956 1900 .-..._ ~ ..... Particulars Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urbab

2 3 4 5 i 7

(tn)'h.. p- (i) Up to one year- 5,998 5,977 21 6,166 6,161 5 (ii) Over one year Males 3,890 3,878 12 4,403 4,395 8 Females 16,222 16,033 189 22,571 22,522 49

Total 20,112 19,911 201. 26,974 26,917 57

(IV) Goats- (i) Up to one year- 57,210 55,130 . 2,080 57,632 55,714 1,918

(ii) Over one year Males 7,530 6,964 566 8,464 8,183 281 . Females 95,374 90,512. 4,862 88,309 85,364 2,945 rotal 102,004 97,.76 5,428 96,773 93,547 :4,226

IV) Ducks- Dcuks 122 88 34 267 199 63 Drakes 94 70 24 174 154 20 Ducklings 49 36 13 178 143 35

(VI) Poultry- Hem 7,018 6,083 935 10,601 9,443 1,158 Cock. 2,532 2,264 263 4,277 4,030 247 Chickens 4,990 4;.16 374 11,196 10,213 983 Source-Director of Animal Husbandary, U.p· Ol'PICli£L tS'l"ATlSTICS 156 Table 17·1-Li.t 01-

Serial Nam'e 'Of the Fair Name of Vii Ifage Name of Development Month and Date Name of Festival, if any. No. Tuwn Block of the Fair with which connected

2 3 4 5 6 Etawah

1 Brahniani' Jakhan Jaswantnagar Chaitra Sudi 9., Asadha: S~di 15 , 1

2, Durgaji Dhar.war Chaitra Sudi 9 Navrat"i

3 Deviji HaYdoi Basrehar It Ram Naumi Rahin .. .. 4 Shankarji Kumdeshwar Barhpura Chaitra 2 and Bhadra 2

S ·Ram Naumi Basrehar Basrehar Chaitra Sudi 9 Ram Naumi

Bahadurpur Rahin " Bahadurpur Luhiya

0,.· }~au ~rga Pratipada Etawah M. B. Sudi 1 Navratri

7 Durga Ashtmi Sudi 8

8 Holi Dwitiya Badi 2

9. Sonai Devi Sonai Jaswantnagar Asadha

10 Baralokpur Baralokpur Basrehar Asadha Purnima

11 Shravani Etawah M.B. (Pukka Talab) Sravana Sudi 15 Rakshabandhc!l

12 Nag Panchmi I,Purbia Tola} Sudi 5 Nag Panchmi

13 Nil Kanth Sudi 14

14 KaiJash Fair Last day of Sravaria " 15 Nau Durga Pratipada .. Asvina Sudi I Navratr} ;?!t t"'· 16 Cattle fair Bedpura J aswantnaga r Every Friday and Monday from July to November

Bhataura Malajani .. 17 Ram Lila Etawah M. B. 23rd to 26th day .of Asvina Dussehra

18 Kartika Purnima " Kartika Sudi 15 Kartika Purnima 19 Exhibition Kartika or Agrahayana

20 Amavasya .. Magha Badi 30

21 Makar Sankranti Magha (January 14) Makar Sankranti 157 PAllUl AND 'J3S"l'IV ALIi

Fairs Dislance from Estimated Nearest Railwa) the Railwav or Commodities brought General Remark Purpose, (worship of (any s,.,ecial feature) Deity, Bath, Urs, Cattle Con~ re sation Station 01 tlus Eus Stat i ~n and wid in the fair fair, etc.) Station (i9 Kms.)

7 8. 9 10 11 12


Worship of Devi 8,000 Balrai R. S. 3 Clay toys, sweets and articles "f general merchandise

Worship of Durgaji ", 3 .. "Vorship of Shri Rama 2,000 Etawah R. S. 16 " 22 2,000 " Worship of Shiva 1,000 5

Worship of Shri Rama 6,000 11 5,000 16

6,000 13

Worship of Durgaji 4,000 3 Clay .and ruhber toys, bangl.,s, sin­ door, pottery, etc.

2,000 3

Holi Milap 4,000 Sweets and toys

Worship of Deviji 7,000 8· Bamboo baskets, glasswares, bangles, " rubber and clay toys, cloth, etc • Worship 1,500 . Farukhabad R. S. 29

Wrestling 1,500 Etawah R. S.

Children Fair 1,000 ...

W?rship of Shiva 2,500 ,; 2,500 " Worship of DurgajJ 2,000 ,. 5

Cattle Fair 2,000 8

1,500 " 1,500 8 " " A dramatisation of the story 5,000 0' of Ramayana

Bath in river Yamuna 5,000

Cattle fair and Exhibition 1,00,000 4 Agric,ultural irr plements, furniture, " carpets, medicines,. glassware, handloor:w. cloth, fancy goods. etc.

Bath in river Yamuna 1,.000 4 Earthen pots, bamboo baskets toys, and sweets


Serial Name of the Fair Name of Village/ Name of Development Month and Date of the Name of Festival. if aoy No. Town Block Fair with which connected

2 3 4 5 6


22 Deviji Lakhna Mahewa Chailra Sudi 15

Kali Devi Nagla Jalab Takha 23 " Sudi 9 Ram Naumi

Mahabirji Samathar Vaisakha Badi 30 24 " 25 Caltle Fair Bijallii Mahewa Jyaistha Badi 10 Sudi 10

26 Sahecd Mela Dhakan Hamlet of Takha Sravana (August. IS) Takha

27 Hanumanji Bharthana T. A. Bhadra

28 Dussehra ,j Asvina Dl,Issehra

29 Kartika Purnima Umarsenda Bbarthana Kartika Sudi J5

30 Sati-ka-Mela Bakewar Mahewa Sudi 2

31 Bhllkya-ka-Mela Kudrarl Takha Agrahayana to Pausa 32 Cattle Fair Bharthana T. A. Phalguna Shivratri

33 Hazari Mahadeo Sarsai Nawar Takha Phalguna Badi 13 ..

Cbakar Nagar 34 Baba Sidhnath Sahson "


35 Jwala Devi Raraganj Bidhuna Chaitra Sudi 6 to Vasakha Badi 15 "

36 Phllimati Devi Sahar Sahar Chailra Badi 8-9 Holi 37 Sillar Devi Berhin Airwa Katra .. Sudi 15 38 Doba Doba Muafi " Sudi 1510 Vaisakha .. Badi 2 and Agrahayana Sudi 15 to Pausa Badi 3.0

39 Thakurji-ka-Mela Raghunathpur Chaitra, Asvina and Agrahayana

40 Cattle Fair Rathgaon Chaitra Badi 2 " .. Shudi 15 •

41 Cattle Fair Bisauli Achhalda Vaisakh Aadi 14 to Pausa Sudi J3 15g PAl•• AND PBITJ'VAl

F.ir.-Conld. Distance from Purpose, (worship oi Estimated Nearest Railway the Railway or Commodities brou~ht General Remarks Deity, Bath, Urs, Cattle Congregation Station or Bus Bus Station to the Fair for sale (any speCial feature) fair, etc.) Station (in Kms.) 7 8 9 10 11 12


Worship of Deviji 8,000 Bakewar B. S. 3 Earthen pots, toys or clay Women dance before the and tubber, Sweets, etc. godd')ss

Worship of Kaliji 5,000 Etawah R.S. 27 Earthan pots, toys of clay and rubber, Sweets elC.

Worship of Mahabirji 2,000 Bharthana R.S. 16

Cattle "Fair 2,500 Bakewar B.S. 3 Agricultural implements,. bAskecry, Earthen POlS, toys and sweets,

In the memory of Martyrs 1,000 Etawah R.S. 21 Sweets and toys Celeb red memory of Martyrs who died for the freedom of the country

Worship of Hanumanji 1,000 Bharthana B.S.

A dramatisation of the story 4,000 of Ramayana

• 1,500 Bharthana R.S. "10 Clay toys, Sweets and articles Bath of general merchandise

Worship 10,000 Bakewar B.S. 3 24 Mundan Ceremony 2,000 " 12,000 Bharthana R.S. Earthen pots, bamboo baskets, Cattle Fair hemp ropes, agricultural implements, etc.

10,000 3 Cloth, metal utcnsils, toys and Worship of Shiva .. sweets

16 Worship of Sidhanath 1,000 Lakhna B.S. " Tahsil

Devi 1,200 Ruraganj B.S. Rangles, sweetmeats, and Worship of Jwala earthen pots

Worship of Phulmati Devi 2,000 Sahar B.S. 2

Worship of Devi 500 Airwa B.S. 5

Worship of Deity 10,000 3 Cloth, wood and bamboo, agricultural implements, toys, and sweets

4,000 2 .. " Cattle Fair 5.500 Bidhuna B.S. 3 Earthen pots, agricultural implements, toys, etc. .. 6,600 Achhalda R.S· OPPIC;JAL ST,\TISTICS Table 17'1-List of

Serial Name of the Fair Name of V iUdge/ NdlllC 1)1' tile U"':VdUP~llcot ,vlanth and Date of the Name of Festival, if any No. Town l3Iock Fair with winch connected

2 3 4 5 6

42 Hanumanji-ka-Mcla Chakernagar Bidhuna Vaisakha Badi 3·5

Sahar Badl 1-30 43 Pauthi Devi Purthi

44 Ram Lila Baghaipur Achhalda As"ina Dussehla


45 Cattle Fair Rathgaon Airwa Katra Agrahayana Badi 2 Sudi 15 " Bisauli Achhalda Pausa

Auraiy... 46 Brahma J eo Jamaulipur Bhagyanagar Chaitra Sudi 15 and Vaiaskha 1-2

47 Cattle Fair Jagatpur Ajitmal Vaishakha Badi 2-14

Maradganj Vaisal

Ajitmal Sarai Jyaistha Sudi !(J [Q Asadh Badi 10

Umari Bhagyanagar Asadh Badi l-l5

48 Shah-ka-Tal Sindau.h Chakernagar Thursdaya of Asadha

49 Durg Nad. Saihad Bhagyanagar Sravana Badi 5 Nag Panehmi

50 Mahabirji-ka-Mel.. Dahgawan Tuesday f Bhadra

A~vjna Sudi 15

51 Deviji Nauli .. Kartika Sudi 11- Guraiya Devi 52 Dahgawan Sudi 2·3 Dewali and Bhaiya " Dwij

53 Bath Marey Raganwa Auraiya Kartika

54 Ametha Chakernagar Kartika Sudi 15

55 Panch Niya

56 Cattle Fair Bhikheypur Ajitmal Agrahayana Sudi 1-15

57 Cattle Fair and Exhibition Auraiya M. B. Pausa

58 Cattle Fair Dibiapur Bhagyanagar Magha Badi 10-15

59 Shiv Brat Sehud Phalguna Badi 13 Shivratri 161 1IA1811 AND I'BILTIYAti Fairs-Con&ld. Distance from Purpose, (Worship of Estim~ted Nearest Railway the Railway or Commodities brought General Remarks Deity, Bath, Vrs, Cattle Congregation Station or Bus Bus Station to the fair for sale (any special feature) fair. etc.) Station (in Kms.)

7 8 9 10 11 12

Worship of Hanuman ji 1,000 Bidhuna B.S. 5 Earthen pots, agricultural imple­ ments toys, etc.

5,000 Phaphund R.S. 21 Sweets ..and toys A cattle fair is also held

A dramatisation of the 800 !\chhalda R.S. 6 story of Ramayana .. 700 6 .. Cattle Fair 400 Bidhuna B.S. 3 Wooden agricultural implements.

6,000 Achhalda R.S.


Worship 600 Kanchausi R.S. 6 Sweets and toys

Cattle Fair 700 Muradganj B.S. 3 Wooden agricultural implements, bamboo baskets, earthen pots, sweetS and clay toys 4O,OOJ Bijauli B.S. , . ... 1,200 . Ajitmal B.S. 1,000 Phaphund R:S.

Worshi.p of Shiva 500 Bakewar B.S. 19 Sweets, clay and rubber toys and articles of general merchandise

Worship of Deity 800 Diviapur R.S. 13 A Dangal is als) held

600 Kakaur B.S. 16

400 16 .. 500 8 Worship 600 16 Clay tQYs, sweets and articles of general merchandise

Bath in the Yamuna 1,200 Ajitmal B.S. 6

Bath 400 19

4,000 19

Cattle Fair 2,000 Bhikhepur B.S. Wooden products, agricultural imple­ mentS, furniture, earthen pots, toys, etc.

Cattle Fair and Exhibition 55,000 Phaphund R.S.- 21

Cattle Fair 10,000 21

Worship of Shiva 800 19 Sweets nnd toys

Source-Distric. Officer 162

Table 17-2- List of Festivals

Serial Name of Festivals Date of Occ.asion Whether observed by all, by a particular No_ community Or people of particular religion

2 3 4

1 Sheetia Ashtmi Chaitra Badi 8 Hindu 2 Ram Naumi " Sudi 9 .. 3 Mahabir Jayanti " Sudi 13 Jains 4 Baisakhi Purnima Vaisakha Sudi 15 Sikh 5 Ganga or Jeth Dussehra .. Sudi 10 Hindu 6 Nag Panchmi Sravana Sudi 5 7 Raksha Bandhan 15 8 Janam Ashtmi Bhadra Badi 8 9 Anant Chaturdashi 14 10 Pitra Visarjan Amavasya Asvil1a Badi 30 11 Durga Naumi Sudi 9 12 Vijaya Dashmi (Dussehra) 10 13 Sharad Purnima " 15 14 Karwa Chauth Kartika Badi 4 15 Dhan Teras 13 16 Chhoti Diwali (Narak Chaudas) 14 17 Deepawali .. 30 18 Goverdhan Puja (Annkoot) Sudi 1 19 Bhaiya Dooj 2 20 Gopashtmi 8 .. 15 21 Kartiki Purnamashi " 11 22 Devthan Ekadashi " 23 Guru Nanak's Birthday .. 15 Sikhs 24 Sakat Chauth Magha Badi 4 25 Makar Sankranti 14th January 11 26 Basant Panchmi Magh Sudi 5 27 Shivratri' Phalguna Badi 13 28 Holi .. Sudi 15 " 29 Id-uz-Zuha 10th of Zilhij Muslim 30 Moharram 10th of Moharram " 31 Chehllum 20th of Safar .. 32 Barawafat 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal 33 Shabe-e-Barat 14th of Shaban " 34 Id-ul-Fitar 15th of Shawv.:al " 35 Christmas 25th Decem ber Christians

Source-District Officer 163

Table l1'3-List of Hats and Bazars (Rural)

Serial Name or Hats and Bazars Main items of Business Days on which held Average ~o. attendance

3 4 5

Etawah Tahsil

Baralokpur Vegetable, Fruits etc. Tuesday, Friday 300 2 Basrehar Sunday, Thursday 500 200 3 Bina Monday, Thursday 4 Unwa Santokhpur Wednesday, Saturday 150 5 Hardoi Tuesday, Saturday 150 6 Kumhawar .. Monday, Friday 150 7 Ekdil Tuesday, Saturday 200 8 Qaswa Jaswantnagar \Vednesd~y, Saturday 500 9 Malajani She: Inffaloes Tuesday, Sunday 500 Sunday, Thursday 300 10 Dharwar Cattle Monday, Friday 500 11 Bedpur Tuesday, Saturday 250 12 Pachhaigaon Ve~etables, Fruits etc. 300 13 Jaitpur Wednesday, Sunday 250 14 Sarai Tal Monday, Thursday

Bharthna Tahsil

15; Bharthana Cloth, Grain, genera 1 mer­ Daily 1,000 chandise etc. 16 Lakhna Sunday, Wednesday 500 17 Aheripur Cloth, Grain, Shoes etc. Tuesday, Saturday 400 18 Moman Vegetable, Fruits etc. Thursday, Sunday 200 19 Kudrel Thursday, Sunday 150 20 Malhousi Tuesday, Saturday 200 21 Samhon Monday, Friday 150 22 Bijanli Cattle Tuesday, Saturday 400 23 Bakewar Monday, Friday 400 24 Bharthana " 400 25 Kudrel Thursday, Sunday 300

Bidhuna Tahsil

26 Sarai Shishgaran Food Grains etc. Monday, Friday 250 27 Kudar Kot Tuesday, Saturday 500 28 Achalda Monday, Thursday 700 29 Mohammadabad Tuesday, Friday 300 30 RUrnganj Wednesday, Saturday 1,000 31 Airwa Katia 1,000 32 Umrain Tuesday, Friday 600 33 Harchandpur Monday, Thursday 1,000 Thursday, Sunda'y 150 34 Pata " OPPIP~~L STATJSTICS l64

Table 17·3-Lilit of Hats and Ba?;,ars (Rural)- Canetd.

Serial Name of H als and Bazars Main items of business Days on which held Average No. attendance

2 3 4 5

35 Oton Foodgrain etc: Tuesday, Saturday 150 36 Baghaipur Wednesday, Sunday 160 37 Mahori Food Grain, Ghe<: & Vege­ .. 2,000 tables 38 Pnra Vegetables Th ursda y , Sunday 100 39 Sahar Food Grains & Vegetables Monday, FridilY 500 40 Sheoganj Wednesday, Sunday 300 41 Lahrapur Monday, Friday 500 42 Sahayal Tuesday, Saturday 200 43 Kanchausi Bazar Tuesday, Saturday, Thursday 800 44 Yaqubpur Monday, Thursday, 600 45 Bahadurpur Sahar Wednesday, Saturday 100 46 13idhuna Tuesday, Friday 3,500 47 Bidhuna Cattle Tuesday, Friday 2,500 (Between Jyaistha & Kunwar)

Auraiya Tahsil

Wednesday, Saturday 2,000 48 Phophund Qarba Cattle 49 Bhikhapur Monday, Thursday 1,000 (Asadha & Sravana)

50 Auraiya Tuesda y, Friday l,O(JO 51 Ayana F00d grains, Vegetables etc. Wednesday, Saturday 300 52 Batarpur Wednesday, Sunday 500 53 Bhikhapur Monday, Thursday 300 54 Muradganj " 500 55 Senganpur Tuesday, Friday 300 Wednesday, Sunday 56 Anant Ram 250 57 Atsu Tuesday .. Saturday 250 58 Jua Tuesday, Friday 300 59 Darbatpur Tuesd~, Saturday 300 6f) Dibiapur Monday, Friday 300 300 61 Kakor (Buzurg) 62 Burhadana Wednesday, Saturday 250 63 Bharsen Thursday, Monday 200 64 Dewarpur Tuesday, Friday 250 200 65 Mihauli .. Wednesday, S_turday "'ouree-District Officer 1&5 HANDICBAJt'f

Table UN-List of Rural Crafts and Number of Persons Employed in Production

Number ~f Persons Employed in Production Name of Craft Number of Villages ,.------__-.Jt.,._------~ Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5

Cotton Textiles 4-0 5,810 2,860 2,950

Leather Footwear 38 1,115 7?{) 395

Basketry 7 137 32 105

Pottery 1O! 1,273 771 502

Brass and Copper-ware 5 5

Table lS·2-Distribution of Artisan Communities

Name ~f Caste or Number Approxi- Total Number (If Wokers Number of Number of Number of Name of Craft Community of mate r------"- families families familiel. Villages number of Persons Males Females working working working in 5urveyed families under in own workshops co-operation houses set up by their employers

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

115 Cotton Textiles Kori 3 103 1,762 829 933 10 478 17() Julaha 8 989 3,"318 1,{)06 1,712 15 804

Koli 19 304 7St) 425 305 9 <95

Leather Footwear Chamar 35 350 1,112 717 395 350

MUllim 3 3 3 3 3

Basketry Mehtar 32 ,82 82 82

Chamar 5 43 54 31 23 43


Pottery Kumhar 104 581 1,273 771 502 581

Brass and Copper-wa>e Kshatriya 2 5 5 2 OFFICIAl.. ~T A. TISTICS 166

Table lS'3-Materials used, Source of Design, Manufacture, aDd Marketing of Maaufactured Articles .

No. of Villages Source of Design No. of Villages No. of Villages.. Name of Craft Name of Article Name of Main engaged in ,.- whicl~ produce where there Material 'r Manufacture for sale in are Co-opera- Traditional All other~ open markets tive Societies.

2 3 4 [) 6 7 8

Cotton Textiles Dari Cottony"rn 9 9 9 Garha 27 27 27 Angochha 26 2> 26 Lungi Dhoti 8 8 3

Shirting 3 3 3 Jiine Cloth [) 5 5 Ct.adar I Gazi .. 9 9 9 Saree J I Towel I I Leather Footwear Shoe Leather 36 36 36

Sandal 16 16 16 • ~~> ChappaJ 16 16 16 Basketry Dallia Branches of Arahar 7 7 7 Paif'ey .. 7 7 7 Ponery Ghara Clay 104 104 104 .,. Surahi 3 3 3 Kulhar ,. 61 61 61 Toy,! 10 10 10 Hukkah 1 1 I Chilam 23 ·3 23 Nand 75 75 75 Katta 43 43 43 Plates to 10 10 Sakore 15 15 15 Dudhani 32 32 32 Handi 12 12 12 Dhakkan 7 7 7 Deepak 44 44 44 Kunde 2 2 2 Kammandal 3 3 3 Budka Gamla Btass and dopper-w are Kalsa Brass I KatQra " 1 Thali I ChamliJlach I KatQn:dan 167 WAGBS

Table lc)-Statistics of Major and Medium Projects take. u.p for Executioll Darillg tile I, II and III Plans


Seu.oe-atief Engineer, Irrigation Department, U. P.

Table 20- Statistics of Wales

Year Month Wages Year Month Wages 1 2 3 1 2 3

1959 June 1'69 July 1'75 July 1'75 Augwt 1-75 August 1'62 September 1'75 September 1'75 October 1'75 October 1'75 Novembet- 1-75 November 1'75 December 1'75 December 1'75 1961 January 1-75 1M January l'SO Febr_ry 1-75 February I'SO March 1-75

March 1-75 April 2'00

April 2'00 May 2'00 May 1'75 June 2-00 June 1'75 S()llrce-- Labour Commiuion<:>r, U. P.



Village ordinarily means a revenue mauZa, Household means a group of persons, who com­ whether inhabited or uninhabited. If some struc­ monly live together and .take their meal:; from a tures and population come into existence at a place common kitchen, unless exigencies of work prevent which 'lies within the boundaries of two. or more any of them from doing so. revenue mauzas, the locality has been treated as a separate Census Village and the portions covered in Total population includes household .populatiotl," it are excluded from the revenue mauZas concerned. institutional popUlation and houseless population.

Town means any Corporation, Municipality, Scheduled Castes the 66 Scheduled Castes as Notified Area, Cantonment, and includes a locality defined in the President's The Seheduled Castes and which, though not -in itself a'local body, is part of a Sdieduled Tribes Lists (Modifieation) Order, 1956. town_group, and also any place which has (a) a popu­ lation of at least 5,000 (b) at least three-four_ths of the population dependent on non-agricultural Literate means a person above the age of five means of livelihood, and (c) a density of at least 1,000 \vho can read as well as write. persons per square mile. Worker means a persOI). gainfully employed in any economic activity and is actually working, super­ City means a tOwn or a town-group ha ving a vising or directing the work. population of one lakh and above.


Category-! working as cultivator, i.e., engaged if!. E-Electrified cultivation, including effective supervision and direc­ ion ofland owned or held. R-Connected by Road Category-II working as Agricultural labourer, Rly-Connected by Railway i.e., working in some one else's land for wages in cash or kind. Riv-River Category-III working in Mining, Quarrying, L-Library Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting, Plantations, Orchards and allied activities. Mp-Medical Practitioner Category-IV working at Household industry, i.e., Hos-Hospital an industry, not on the scale ofa registered factory, conducted by the head of the househol9-,. himself Mew-Maternity and Child Welfare Centre and/or mainly members of the household at home or H-Higher Secondary School within the village in' rural areas and only at home in urban areas, with or without hired labour. Po-Post Office Category-V working in Manufacturing other Occupied House means a structure or part of than Household Industry, i.e., engaged in production, a bliilding, used wholly or partly as human dwelling, fabrication, processing, repairs or servicing of any and having a separate main exit. kind, not included in Household industry. ·iv

Category-VI working in Construction, i:e.~ en­ have been treated as Non-WQrkers. gaged in construction and maintenance of bUlldmgs, roads, railways, bridges, tunnels, telegraph and tele­ (i) a whole time student not doinp any work; phone lines, dams, canals, tanks, tubewel1s, etc. (ii) a house worker not engaf!cd in any remune­ rative work; Category-VII working in Trade and Commerce, i.e., engaged in buying and selling, import and . export, banking, insurance, stocks, shares, etc. (iii) a dependent including infant or child not attending school, old or disabled person not doing any work; Category-VIII working in Transport, Storage and Communication; i.e., engaged in transport by (iv) a retired person (not re~employed), rents, man, animal, air, water. road, rail, etc. in warehous" royalty or dividend receiver; not doing any work; ing; Post and Telegraphs; Telephones; and Infor­ mation and Broadcasting. (v) a beggar, vagrant Or an independent wOman of unspeCified source of income i Category-IX, working in Other Services i.e., engaged in public, administrative, educational and (vi) a convict in jail (not an under trial) or scientific, medical and health, religious, welfarf', inmate of penal, mental or charitable institution; legal,. business, community, recreation, personal and other miscellaneous services, etc. (vii) a person in search of etnployment for the first time, and

Non-worker (Category-X) means a person who (viii) a person having worked before but now is not doing any productive work. The following out of employment and 'seeking fresh employment.

<[7 ------r- z I -~I: ·0 ·0 r- .....

I . I~ I~



::J: ~:r: ~~ 11\ 1&1~ -ll- {/J-- (.) ::J:a: / ta '"n ~O ., '" ETAWAH TAHSIL




SI. No. in 51. No. in 51. No. in Name of Village Village ::>\. :-lame 01 V.Uage Village Name of Village V lllage SI. Directory SL Directory No. Directory No. No. 3 2 3 2 3 2

97 41 Baroli jamanpur 347 81 Bina 171 1- Adhiyapur 2{0 42 Baroli Kalan 153 82 Birampur 48 2 Ahladpur 141 43 Baroli Khurd 151 83 Bishunpur Lohalai 142 3 Aima Nagla Mohan 84 Bitholi 191 4 Ajabpur Bibamau 49 44 Barra 126 ~~ Bu1akipur Ludbpura 225 5 Ajabpur jhingopur 343 45 Basrehar 222 86 Bulakil'ura Luhana 108 7 46 Baswa'a 6 Ajnora 348 87 Cllak"a Buzurg 2~3 7 Ajupur Gopalpur 178 47 Daurain 125 88 Chakawa Khurd 227 4~ Bauth 51 253 8 Akbarpur 8~ Cirak Pil'on.1har 2 49 Behari Bhatpurwa 12 359 9 Alai 305 50 Bhadai Kashipur 135 90 Chak Salempur 66 10 Alampur Haz 51 Bhadamai 208 91 Chakupura 95 11 Alampur Nat iya 21\ 238 52 Bhadiapur Rahin 188 92 Champaner 216 12 Amritpur 53 Bhadwan Rasoolabad 93 Chandanpur Bibamau 8 13 Andawali 65 211 94 Chandanpur Etawah 261 14 Arazi Gubriha 177 54 Bhadwan Sawaran 210 55 Bhagipur 95 Chandarpur Kalan 331 15 Arazi Heonra 21 145 96 Chandarpur Khurd 344 16 Arazi jadol'ur 268 56 Bhagotipur Durga Prasad 132 57 Bhagotipur Nagla Kachhar ~7 Chaube) pUl 23 17 Arazi japti 48 356 58 Shain Sarai \>8 Cl1aubiya 187 18 Arazi Kaist 78 101 59 Bhaisan 99 Chhm;ara 128 19 Arazi PhoolajJur 117 30 100 ChhlLOIll 20 Ara7i Sarai Bhopat 308 60 Bhala Saiya 129 121 101 Chlkni 61 Ehali 14 364 21 Asha Nandpur 200 62 Bhatora 318 IU2 Chitllhaun 2.'H 22 Aswa 339 63 Bhatpura 299 103 Dala\\'ali 248 23 Awari 360 64 Bhaupur 104 Darshanpur 10 24 Ayara Luhiya 204 338 65 Bhawalpur 105 Dt:sharmau 276 25 Badri Punth 199 6 66 Bhawanipur 106 Dhamana 26 Bahadurpur Luhiya 202 146 354 67 Bhikampur 107 Dhanuan 27 Bahoripur 57 70 3 68 Bhindiyapur 108 Dharwar 28 Bahuri 355 349 37 69 Bhogipura 29 Baidpur 93 316 10<) Dhaulpura 39 70 Bhojpura Bibamau 30 Bakhtyarpur 185 24 110 Dhaurira 35

31 Balaiyapur 99 71 Bhojpura Ramiyan 179 III Dhimarai 314 32 Ba1arai 38 72 Bibamau 44 112 Dhumanpura 282 33 Bamanpur Bhagotipur 272 73 Bicharpur 100 113 Dondua Gopalpur 46 34 Banamau 31 74 Bichpuri III 114 Dugauli· 224 35 Bankati Buzurg 83 75 Bidhuni 196 115 Dungri 103

36 Bankati Khurd 198 76 Bidhu!Jur 350 116 Durgapur 214 37 Bara Khera 285 77 Biharipur 190 117 Ekdil 263 38 Baralokpur 180 78 BijaipUla ::lI5 118 Endhka 262 39 Barauli Baidpura 92 79 Bila 324 119 Etawah (Rural) 274 40 Barhpura 353 eo Bilampur 290 120 Ganeshpur 170 viii ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES


SL No. in S1. SI. No. in S1. ~L Nn. HJ SI. Name of Village Villa::,e No. Name oj Village VIllage No Name of Village ViI1a,'e No. Directory Di,ectoIY Directo~'Y

2 3 2 3 2 3

201 KUlJjl~U1 121 Gangapur 192 161 Jorna kliU; 337 89 20:! Kursena 122 Garahaita 325 162 Jugora 6t 34 250 203 Lachhwai 18 123 Gar:empur n 163 Jugramau 164 Kachilpura Bibamau 52 2li4 Lakhanl'ur 124 Gati 363 330 273 205 LakhapU! 125 Gaurriya 54 165 Kachhpura Etawah 251

126 Ghughalpur 246 166 Kailamau 217 20G Lalpura 226 15 90 127 Ginja ;67 Kaiiokh", 207 Larampuc 163 128 Gyall!'lur Janib Rast 357 168 Kaist 79 :':013 Larkaur 26 130 129 Gora Dayalpur 155 169 KakLara :Lu9 Latupur 133 170 Kakrahl II :L1O Lodhupura 130 Gorapur 247 352 171 Kalyanpur ,\yara 211 Lokasai 131 Gulabpur 195 206 243 172 Kalyanpur Erav.ah 2H9 212 Loknathpur 132 Handiyapur 231 230 15,], 173 Kalyanpur "ahi.! 189 2,3 Longpur 133 Hardoi 137 174 Kamit 134 Harharpur 252 301 214 Ludhapura Mahabbatpur 220 284 175 Kandhani 303 215 Ludhupura Jaswantnagar 135 Haroli 77 176 KankarlJUf 291 216 Madayan 358 136 Harsau1i 104 177 Kantihar 127 217 :'1adhayapur 158 137 Hazratpur 113 178 Karanpur 218 Mahamai 42 138 Heonra 20 333 179 Karri 219 Maharajpur 265 139 Hirapur 123 169 220 Mahatua 258 140 Ibneypur Pathakpur 237 180 Kasonga 296 21.1 Mahneypur 259 141 Ishwarpur 175 181 Kathagaon 26~ 222 Mahlai 32 142 Itgawan 234 182 Kathua 164 22:3 Malazani 80 143 Jadaunpnr 269 183 Keshopur 267 224 Malhupura 81 144 Jafarabad 201 184 Keshopur Baini 162 225 Mangawan 166 145 Jafarpur 139 185 Keshopur Kala~ 255 226 Manikapur 346 146 Jagsora 319 186 Keshopur Rahim 193 227 Manikpur 43 \47 Jahanabad 94 187 Khardoli 120 228 Manikpur Bhikhan 148 Jainpur Chaubiya 186 188 Kharkoli 136 256 184 229 Manikpur Bishu 278 149 Jainpur Nagar 312 189 Khcra Hclu 362 2~0 Manikpur Mohan 287 150 Jaitia ll2 190 Khira Ajabsingh 231 Masanai 151 Jaitpur Jamanpur 335 191 Khira Buzurg 4 182 152 Jaitpur Totaram 203 192 KIlli Sultanpur 213 232 Miholi 365 i93 Kakapur 245 233 Mirakpur 153 Jakhan 55 1 194 Koka''\ali 67 154 Jarhauli 294 23,J, Mohabbatl·ur Jasohan 75 155 Jad Khera 85 IS5 Kripalpur 172 235 Mohabbatpur Ludhpura 223

131 236 Mohabbatpur Nag1a Bhagat 156 Jasohan 73 196 Kuiya 8e 157 Jaswantnagar 33 197 KUIllhabar 148 237 Mohammadpur 309 341 158 Jaunnai 40 198 Kumhera 238 1Vlohanpur Mani" 279 239 Mohanpur Rahin 159 Jhabrapur 322 199 Kunaira 1I0 156 160 ]hinghoopur 13 200 Kunaiya 236 240 Moonje 181 is ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES


SI. No. in S1. No. in SI. No.in SI. Name of VIllage Village SI. Name of Village Village S1. Name of Village Village No. Directory No. Directory No. Directory

3 2 3

241 Muchera 16 236 Rajmau 91 331 Sikadnarpur 334 242 MungajJur 235 287 Rajpll!'a Janab Rast 297 332 Si1ayata 323 243 Murong 326 23u Rajpur Tameri 59 333 Sipahari 124 244 Musaw"li :Ll36 289 Rajpur Totaram 205 334 Sipur Itgawan 82 245 Nagari 41 290 Ramel 122 335 Sirajmau 249

246 Nagariya jasohan 71 291 Raml'ura 2Y5 336 Sirhaul 76 247 Nagla Lekhi 119 292 Rampur Noah 270 337 Sirsa Bibamau 69 243 Nagla Saledi 47 293 Ranuan 25 338 Silsa Etawah 215 249 Nagria Kokapur 165 294 Rasoolabad 212 339 Sisahat 62 250 Nandpur 147 295 Ratnupur 342 340 Sitapur 329

251 Narhaull bhadarua 19 296 Ritauli 209 341 Sitora 293 252 Nasirpur 56 297 Roofpur Sarai bhikan 143 342 Sonai 96 253 Nauli 271 293 Rotai 45 343 Sultanpur Kalan 109 254 Nayakpur 336 299 RUkanpur 5 344 Sultanpur Rahin 194 345 Sunderpur 255 Neopura 351 300 Sadanpur 183 275

256 Nibasai 157 301 Saifiii 17 346 Sunwara 300 257 Nidarpur 98 302 Saidpur 102 :347 Surekhipur 340 258 Niloi 29 303 Saidpur Nagla Pirji 304 348 Takapur Sarai Jalal 311 259 Nizampur 58 304 Sakatpur 321 :349 Tamera 61 260 Oraml'ur 152 305 Sakhawa 74 350 Tameri 60

261 Pacha\\ali 244 306 Sakrauli '320 351 Thulrai 167 262 Pachdeora 288 307 Salempur 140 352 Tijora 50 263 Pachhaingaon 332 308 SangawaU 317 353 Tikara Bacha 22 354 Tikupura 264 Padampur 310 309 Sansarpur 150 219 355 Tulsipur 265 Padara ya 283 310 Santokhpur Itgawan 242 138 356 Udaipur 266 Parasana 160 311 Santokhpur Unwan 174 239 ,157 Uddcmpur 267 Parasani 313 312 Santoshpur Ghat 257 149 280 358 Udhanpura 268 Parasua 27 313 Sarai Ariun 345 269 Paret ebha wani 106 314 Sarai Aisar 306 359 Udi 361 270 Paroli Muttsil Kamit 298 315 Sarai Bhopat 307 360 Umrahi 114 316 Sarai Bhagat 321) 271 Parori Ramain 173 361 Umlain 281 317 Sarai Dayant 105 272 Partapner 302 362 Usrai 134 318 Saraiya Khudisar 229 273 Pehapur 68 363 Utrai 87 319 Sarai Malpura 218 274 Phoolapur 116 364 Wazirpur 207 320 Sarai Ramchandra 107 275 Phularai 36 365 Yasinnagar 232 276 Phuphai 266 321 Saramai 53 '277 Pilkhar 277 322 Sarsai Halu 168 278 Piparandi 63 323 Sarwarpur 159 279 Pitambarpur 241 324 Shahjahanpur 9 280 Prithipura Bhonikpur 292 325 Shankerpur 221

281 Pura Murong 327 326 Sheikhupur 228 282 Raghopur 118 327 Shekhupur Jakhauli 260 283 Rahin 144 328 Sheopuri Timarua 161 28·1, Rainagar 88 329 Sherpur Basgawan 197 285 Raipura 176 :130 Siapur Pabu 115 x



Occu- Serhl ]';ame of Y illage Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notatiulls for ameHities) of in Resi- holds Castes educated persons Hamlets acreS dential Houses ,--- --,."._--- ~ r----..A--~~ ,,--_..A-_--,


12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II


55 9 11 Kakrahi 4 430 70 91 533 284 249 3 7 Behari Bhatpurwa 1 67'1. 151 200 1,073 563 510 155 152 250 45 12 8 146 18 13 Jhinghoopur I 365 134 16tl 863 464 399 11 Bhali 1 542 58 76 382 212 170 12 10 74 12 14 249 260 15 Ginja 5 1,405 222 279 1,206 614 592 246 51

16 Muchera 4 472 54 72 352 189 163 79 66 39 3 17 R. 1 500 110 138 818 439 379 98 94 145 15 18 Lachhwai R. 6 1,760 266 335 1,866 978 888 371 219 345 83 19 Narhauli Bhadarua 2 767 LJO 165 978 531 447 145 109 130 20 20 Eeoma R, }'o. 7 1,982 258 325 1,749 927 822 266 218 255 60

21 Arazi Heoma I 97 10 IS 85 43 42 21 10 9 I 22 Tirkara Bacha 2 409 22 31 187 100 87 13 I 23 Chaubeypur I 144 78 101 569 301 268 25 24 64 3 24 Bhojpura Bibamau 1 ,55 34 43 243 134 tl4 32 19 50 7 25 Ranuan Riv. 3 510 94 120 628 334 294 124 103 73 7

26 Larkaur Riv. 5 1,386 230 252 1,481 852 629 158 139 241 31 27 Parasua I 613 218 273 737 401 336 49 51 105 6 28 Alampur Nari~a 2 456 122 155 833 452 381 69 63 148 19 29 Niloi R. 4 788 222 280 1,329 680 fi49 234 211 248 42 30 Bhalsan Riv. 3 783 8f 110 577 315 262 69 65 97 22

31 Banamau Riv. 2 527 62 82 411 227 184 44 41 55 7 32 Mahiai R. 2 ·603 50 64 332 182 150 35 35 58 2 *33 Jasv.;antnagar 2 286 114 144 797 417 380 71 51 101 q 34 Kursena R, Ri\,. 5 1,1:11 226 285 1,850 922 ~28 107 46 224 10 35 Dhaurira Riv. I 348 6 6 33 Hl 15 18 15 3

36 Phularai 3 660 82 109 632 331 301 44 32 73 7 37 Dharwar R, Rly, Riv, Mp, Po. 8 1,6:3+ 458 576 3,364 1,748 1,616 308 263 429 87 38 Balarai Rly, Riv, Po. 4 6bl 96 159 902 649 253 215 80 222 39 39 Dhaulpura 2 860 101 125 894 495 399 84 66 He )'J 40 Jaunnai R. 2. 684 59 75 528 274 254 10 8 70 6

41 Nagari 3 824 70 96 483 290 193 114 68 101 23 42 Maharnai 2 574 88 113 631 335 2% 208 198 80 14 43 Manikpur Bibarnau 2 345 12 24 237 128 109 28 27 27 5 44' Dibamau Riv. 2 536 112 J::j9 796 447 349 126 9(j 137 27 45 Rotai Riv. 2 226 26 34 181 96 35 26 20 29 2

*Parlly included in the town Jaswantnagrr T. A. Id DIRECTORY



,- ______~ ___.A_ NON- Total Workers WORKERS Serial (I-IX) No. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X

,.----"----"' _-..J.----"'\ ,.---""_~ ,-..".__, r---"'-...... ,--_....A...---",", .-.A...~ ,.--_J-...... ,-..".__, .--...... , ,----"--_

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35


283 6 265 3 10 :l 4 1 .. 1 2 171 476 1 120 L09 2 3 ::; I 2 80 176 2 978 23 833 11 68 2 1 29 3 3 4 10 2 28 7 729 1,458 3 801 11 690 3 51 1 24 ~ 2 1 21 12 5 526 1,162 4 301 4 248 4 2 48 2 165 368 5

107 4 72 1 6 16 2 2 2 9 95 175 6 311 21 256 20 11 4 2 4 5 4 25 150 435 7 127 90 7 1 18 3 8 !H 172 8 173 152 7 8 ti 134 224 9 80 69 9 65 126 10

160 1 152 1 5 1 1 1 124 248 II 352 45 261 30 34 24 12 5 5 2 14 3 211 465 12 289 16 261 7 2 12 9 2 12 175 383 13 130 122 4 3 1 82 170 14 427 49 315 :l3 25 19 1 20 3 66 4 187 543 15

108 103 5 81 163 16 266 .. 207 45 7 4 3 173 379 17 617 8 524 55 31 8 7 361 880 18 319 7 258 6 30 12 1 1 5 13 212 440 19 602 28 452 10 92 3 14- 6 2 3 7 2 4 28 7 325 794 20

23 20 2 20 42 21 67 65 1 2 33 86 22 218 9 215 9 2 1 83 259 23 97 1 93 1 \ 4 37 113 24 222 18 167 5 33 12 12 3 7 112 276 25

508 20 454 8 18 9 2 2 2 23 10 344 609 26 255 15 228 3 13 7 ·i 5 5 146 321 27 261 4 234 4 '.3 ... 1 23 191 377 28 465 ).5 338 7 15 26 6 2 8 26 49 215 634 29 183 2 150 2 5 7 2 19 132 260 30

137 2 131 2 5 90 182 31 113 87 10 2 3 9 2 69 150 32 247 7 183 4 35 3 10 .,...... 19 170 373 33 555 99 374 75 20 28 8 9 9 18 32 64 16 367 829 34 11 11 7 15 35

187 6 166 6 2 4 3 12 144 295 36 1,049 16 732 7 192 3 53 1 34 2 8 26 6 699 1,600 37 507 119 31 3 1 6 2 '" 329 16 142 253 38 262 209 18 14 2 2 2 15 233 398 39 144 133 3 6 2 130 254 40

155 1 118 27 5 5 135 192 41 202 5 157 4 22 5 7 6 2 3 133 291 42 80 67 10 2 1 48 109 43 :244 7 181 7 51 2 6 3 203 342 44 60 3 41 3 16 3 36 82 45 xii



Occu- Serial Name of Village Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (NotatIons for amenities) of m Resi- holds Castes ed uca ted persons Hamlets acres dent:al House, ~ __ ..A.. ___ --. ,-----'----. ,---'-"-----._

P M l' M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

46 Dondua Gopalpur 2 829 134 169 1,039 773 266 116 81 82 9 47 Nagla Saledi 2 1,565 158 204 1,246 615 631 63 57 19~ 31 48 Arazi Japti 514 Un-inhabited 527 "9 Ajal1pur Bibamau 2 46 56 344 174 170 17 1~ 60 12 50 Tijora 2 1,240 242 305 1,558 802 756 66 56 2+5 20

51 Bauth 12 3,218 328 402 2,173 1,337 836 192 198 314 68 52 Kachhpwa Biuamau Riv. 2 786 1+ 18 117 55 62 3 4 6 53 Saramai Riv. 2 566 46 61 411 213 198 1 I 54 54 Gaurrya Riv. 2 786 34 44 251 128 123 60 56 34 1 55 Jakhan Mp. 6 3,667 510 640 3,744 1,966 1,778 293 242 737 173

56 Nasirpur 3 772 98 125 760 396 364 9 1B 137 25 57 Bahoripur 1 391 38 53 271 136 135 75 75 62 20 58 Nizampur 1 214 34- 42 263 147 116 120 86 53 59 Rajpur )fameri Rly. 1 336 50 65 295 160 135 76 64 45 16 60 Tameri Rly. 1 225 26 35 293 152 141 112 107 59 16

61 Tamera Rly, Riv. 2 391 34 45 227 120 107 2 2 48 5 *62 Sisahat R, Rly, Riv. 3 1,073 182 231 1,718 872 846 276 219 308 66 63 Piparandi R. 4 324 62 79 489 257 232 68 64 52 12 64 Jugora I 218 46 62 413 213 200 49 36 99 40 65 Andawali R. 1 304 82 103 548 2bO 268 41 39 103 10

66 Chak Salem pur R. 2 225 b2 80 460 233 227 179 155 98 37 67 Kokawali R, Riv. 3 873 186 235 1,226 634 592 111 135 302 48 68 Pebapur R, Riv. 1 517 66 86 516 296 220 32 2l 55 5 69 Sirsa Bibamau R, Riv. 5 1,156 82 104 731 391 340 21 II 114 11 70 Bhikampur R. 1 490 62 80 621 315 306 73 66 163 77

71 Nagariya Jasohan R. 1 145 38 54 260 139 121 19 32 13 7 72 Garampur R. 2 176 38 48 314 174 140 57 46 74 17 73 Jasohan Po. 12 3,297 478 602 3,524 1,908 1,616 582 457 667 141 74 Sakhawa R. 1 206 62 76 396 217 179 38 32 22 9 75 Mohabbatpur Jasohan 5 453 98 126 701 379 322 209 163 168 46

76 Sirhaul R, Rly. .J, 615 118 149 tl65 476 389 154 *77 123 179 47 Ludhupura Jaswantnagar Riv. 2 162 22 32 136 70 66 44 43 22 2 78 Arazi Kaist 1 43 '2 7 27 II 16 11 16 3 *79 Kaist R, Rly, Po. 13 1,405 398 80 496 2,868 1,512 1,356 549 438 475 120 Malazani R, Riv, Po. 7 1,392 370 465 2,377 1,305 "1,072 409 359 360 58 81 Malhupura R. 2 406 46 60 360 194 166 65 37 52 7 82 Sipur Itgawan 2 110 26 35 83 Bankati Buzurg 213 llO 103 33 2 500 106 136 731 400 331 63 55 188 23 84 Birampur 2 316 :H 44 256 85 Jari Khera 132 124 16 10 24 1 2 272 26 35 213 liS 98 40 35 41 12 86 Mohabbatpur Nagla Bhagat 3 404- 90 116 657 369 288 292 222 94 87 Utrai I 241 8 26 34 203 110 93 36 26 22 7 88 Rainagar R. 5 805 150 192 1,042 568 474 126 115 89 Kunjpur Riv, 1m 3 1 245 50 63 367 204- 163 33 :3 L 90 Kailokhar Riv. t 72 12 3 681 130 166 984 536 4Hl 147 114 173 47 * Partly included in the town Jaswantnagar T .A. xiii




,..--______..A. ____ .__ --._ -.------NON- Total Workers WORKER;:, (I-IX) Senal II HI IV V VI VII VIII IX X No .

--....._____, ..-----...... ___, r-~ ..--~ r---""-~ r-_""_~ ,...--_"'_-~ ,--.A---, r---A..~ ,..-_-A..---., ,.--.A----,

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 :.10 31 32 33 34 35

347 1 313 1 30 I 2 426 265 46 339 5 292 4 5 22 iW 276 626 47 Un-inhabited 48 93 87 4 2 81 170 49 486 11 423 10 14 22 14 12 316 745 50

702 47 614 31 38 ~8 6 6 26 10 635 789 51 33 16 27 15 5 1 1 22 46 52 128 23 125 22 2 1 85 175 53 86 43 85 42 1 1 42 80 54 1,148 33 967 5 80 2 24 7 5 3 2 65 20 818 1,745 55

218 2 197 1 4 7 9 178 362 56 71 2 55 2 6 3 4 65 133 57 79 69 1 5 4 68 116 58 78 60 12 1 2 3 82 135 59 70 9 62 2 1 8 2 3 82 132 60

63 4 60 4 .. 1 2 57 103 61 418 10 264 6 23 21 '" 14 .. 14 52 2 3 21 2 454 836 62 141 5 134 5 7 )16 227 63 113 5 103 5 10 100 195 64 159 3 : 19 2 10 121 265 65

133 110 I 22 100 227 66 407 8 3:36 4 13 3 2 56 227 584 67 152 146 1 1 4 144 220 68 222 I 218 I 2 1 169 339 ,69 172 3 134 2 10 2 23 143 303 70

91 58 19 2 3 4 5 48 120 71 103 58 13 10 ." 1 21 71 139 72 1,135 877 60 108 6 84 773 1,616 73 115 4 93 2 6 6 10 2 102 175 74 208 7 153 -4 27 8 5 15 2 171 315 75

278 4 195 3 27 14 6 36 198 385 76 41 31 10 29 66 77 7 1 2 2 3 1 4 15 78 858 6 516 40 1 3 76 2 19 9 58 4 133 2 654 1,350 79 759 24 569 75 2 21 21 13 7 20 25 21 9- 546 1,048 80

115 3 86 13 1 . ". 2 10 2 79 163 81 60 59 1 50 103 82 222 5 168 5 17 8 9 16 178 326 83 81 1 ,1 1 1 9 51 . 123 84 53 38 13 2 62 98 85 167 288 86 202 107 63 0 3 7 9 8 2 4 47 93 87 63 40 6 226 471 88 342 3 243 2 59 2 20 10 2 1 7 93 162 89 III 1 IG3. 35 446 90 290 2 232 2 5 \ 14 2 246 :Xiv



Occu- Serial Name of Village Number Area pied 'House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations for ameni,ties) of lCl Resi· holds Castes educated persons Hamlets acres dential Houses

r------"-----. ,--_.J.-----""\ r---""'__-~

P M F M }i M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 "- 13

91 Ralrnau Riv. 3 855 155 194 1,070 593 477 161 119 163 26 92 Baran!i Baidpura R. 2 340 95 tlO 666 367 299 68 50 96 15 93 Baid.mr H, Po. Z 659 67 85 416 237 179 122 102 65 12 94 Jahanabad Riv. 2 461 3 9 86 54 32 20 11 29 2 95 Chakuputa Ri'v. 3 432 67 81 454 242 212 ~8 22 41 2

96 Son3-i Riv. 2 298 43 55 305 170 135 65 45 32 7 97 Adhiyapur Po. 3. 752 139 176 984- 535 449 166 135 216 68 98 Nidarpur 2 274 35 44 227 127 100 48 35 17 99 Balaiyapur 3 563 115 145 705 101 304 113 89 120 9 100 Bicharpur Rly. 3 670 71 90 417 224 193 89 !J3 65 4

*101 Bhainsarai 5 779 111 140 766 418 348 106 86 83 6 102 Saiclpur - 2 65 16 20 193 100 93 43 35 10 3 103 Dungri 1 480 54 72 347 191 156 :;0 22 33 21 104 Harsauli 1 380 15 18 104 51 53 8 8 14 2 105 Sarai Dayant R. 1 204 79 102 481 259 222 24 12 74 3

106 Paret Chhawani R, Rly. 2 81 4 6 42 20 22 7 7 5 3 107 Sand Ramchandra 1 16 4 5 50 28 22 10 8 6 2 108 Bubkipur Luhana 2 2,024 113 142 715 377 338 11 II 85 1 109 Sultanpur Kalan 2 488 67 85 435 236 199 53 36 '68 110 KUllaira R. 4 714 -127 160 882 495 387 145 112 150 8

111 Bichpuri 2 211 79 100 430 249 18·1 103 66 47 3 112 Jaitia ~iv. 1 387 23 30 214 116 98 36 22 27 113 Hazratpur 3 402 75 95 473 263 210 42 30 43 114 Umrahi Riv. 2 340 40 50 288 150 138 37 26 60 8 115 Siapur Babu Riv. 2 190 26 35 196 95 101 24 21 24 7

116 Phoolapur Riv. 3 514 59 75 477 261 216 21 22 49 4 ll7 Arazi Phoolapur 102 Un-inhabited n8 Raghopnr . 4 735 15 22 130 62 68 14 119 Nag1a Lekhi 1 194 13 13 79 41 38 6 120 Kh~rdoli 1 784 79 100 670 352 318 48 39 SS 14

121 Chhitoni Riv. 2 292 50 65 441 254 187 24 20 85 14 122 Ramet Riv. 3 595 96 121 725 379 346 6 7 100 12 123 Hirapur Riv. 1 271 35 44 250 136 114 38 17 25 4 124 Sipahari Riv. 1 260 31 40 245 127 118 20 ~ 125 Baurain Riv. 3 701 ' 63 82 399 234 165 15 8 59 8

126 Barra R,Riv. 4 681 li5 143 818 438 380 58 57 117 13 127 Kantihar R,Riv. 2 609 15 21 106 60 46 27 128 Chhirnara R,Riv. 6 1,725 175 219 1,293 704 589 140 123 163 35 12q Rhala Saiya 1 570 III 140 750 420 330 107 94 109 11 1:30 Kakrara 1 195 7 12 103 51 52 10 5 14

131 Kuiya Po. 9 1,419 175 218 1,199 632 567 74 83 167 32 132 Bbagotipur Durga Prasad 2 400 59 76 369 204 165 39 26 67 10 133 Latupur 1 371 67 84 461 264 197 3 6 47 134 Usrai 2 747 55 70 368 196 172 43 34 47 '3 13':i Bhadai Kashipur Riv. 6 999 195 245 1,320 747 573 . 153 80 211 18 TOTAL OF JASWANTNAGAR BLOCK 385 89,584 13.522 17,165 96,252 52,015 44,237 12,033 9,634 15.252 2,614

*Partly included in the town Etawah M.B. xv




,..-______• ______"-_ .A. ______- _____ -< ______--, NON- rotal Workers \VORKERS Serial tI-IX) No II III IV V VI VII ( VIII IX X

--_,._-~ ,..-----, r--.,.,._-_____ ,----"'---"'\ ,--_-"-...--., ,.--_..A-~ ,--_...A..-...-.... r---"-----"\ ,..---"---. "...-_....A.~ ,..--"""'----,

M F 1\1 F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

344 1 278 24 13 6 22 249 476 91 222 2 184 3 5 3 '" .. - 27 2 145 297 92 134 5 97 2 14 II 4 I 7 3 103 174 93 40 I 30 I 7 I I ... I 14 31 94 120 2 94 I 8 4 2 3 I 8 122 210 95

116 2 108 2 1 1 4 2 54 133 96 307 6 214 4 32 18 3 4 36 2 228 443 97 82 I 75 I. 4 ... I 2 '45 99 98 241 4 19H 8 II 10 14 3 160 300 99 135 32 103 31 15 4 4 7 2 89 161 100

243 31 218 31 14 3 8 175 317 101 II 52 4t 8 6 1 1 ," 41> 85 102 116 5 98 3 11 I 3 2 1 2 75 151 103 29 3 25 I 2 I .. - I 2 22 50 104 150 11 99 5 21 2 iO 5 2 5 2 4 4 109 211 105

8 8 12 22 106 16 16 ...... 12 22 107 235 II 213 6 7 4 11 4 142 327 108 141 5 117 4 16 2 6 1 95 194 109 289 2 219 17 6 3 8 35 2 206 385 110

158 114 33 2 9 91 181 III 62 50 12 54 98 112 158 144 9 4 105 210 113 87 79 3 2 63 137 114- 65 65 30 101 115

155 3 144 2 9 2 106 213 116 Un-inhabited 39 39 117 27 27 23 68 118 203 3 192 ... 14 38 ll~ 2 8 149 315 12U h9 141i 2 105 187 121 226 5 199 5 18 86 3 85 1 9 - . 153 341 122 I 2 50 111 123 79 2 73 2 6 165 I 151 5 48 116 124 7 69 164 125 279 239 7 14 27 27 2 16 159 '179 126 -!!H 32 454 8 21 33 46 127 4 17 1 3 8 7 213 557 128 259 7 195 4 45 6 4 29 3 25 3 4 9 2 161 32::1 129 22 49 130 409 23 342 7 37 14 7 4 3 110 J06 4 9 6 223 544 131 167 167 94 165 132 118 2 118 2 97 197 133 78 -149 I 384 23 20 170 134 7 15 298 572 135 30,812 968 24,844 585 2,064 20 69 19 1,021 144 125 13 ISO 3 529 16 471 1,537 168 21,203 43,269 ·.vxi



Occu- Serial Name of Village Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. INotations fOI amellitic~J of in Resi- holds Castes educated persoDs Hamlets acres dential Houses

~ ___.A. __ ---... ,.-_"""'---..... ,--~-.--.,

p. , M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


136 Kllalkoli 3;;0 107 1~5 701 378 323 23 20 144 26 137 LonglJur I 2\12 43 55 310 168 142 33 28 67 10 138 TulsLpur l 420 91 115 558 298 260 116 '.)7 103 19 139 JafalJ'JUr 4 316 51 65 346 186 160 36 1 140 Sakmpul 1 93 27 35 176 99 77 31 1

141 Aima Nagla Mohan I 152 15 20 118 64 54 27 3 142 Bishunpur Loharai 3 517 119 15U 762 435 327 99 72 121 21 \43 Rooppur Sarai Bhikan 4 438 55 70 371 203 HiS 30 2/ 56 9 144 Rahin 2 641 155 196 961 52'.) 432 58 50 194 22 145 I3hagipur 2 397 47 59 276 152 124 58 40 32 7

146 Bhawanipur 369 Un-inhabited 147 Nandpur 1 345 15 22 III 57 54- 11 148 Kumhabar Mp. 2 468 159 1'.)8 1,075 619 456 243 172 173 2'.) 149 Uddempur 1 354 31 41 274 146 128 38 2 150 Sansarpur 2 415 55 69 422 2JO 192 51 4

151 Baroli Khurd 8 861 119 150 824 450 374 110 91 S8 15 152 Orampur 1 544 67 85 361 182 179 49 44 45 10 153 Broli Kalan 7 1,935 147 185 1,025 553 472 186 165 76 5 154 Hardoi Mp, Po. 11 2,396 291 365 1,978 1,061 917 2% 247 238 27 155 Gora Dayalpur '~ 624 75 96 560 303 257 36 39 58 3

156 Mohanpur Rahin Riv. 3 506 83 104 543 305 238 47 39 23 2 157 Nibasai Riv. 3 _720 67 85 429 240 189 8 9 22 II 158 Madhayapur Riv. 2 728' 7':) 102 618 341 277 134 1111 77 4 159 Sarwarpur 4 425 23 28 240 133 107 29 20 38 14 160 Parasana Riv. 8 613 99 125 929 479 450 89 105 124 5

161 Sheopuri Timarua Riv. 5 1,249 171 215 ·1,278 705 573 215 147 128 6 162 Keshopur Baini 1 172 15 21 95 51 44 21 5 163 Larampur 1 289 59 74 377 201' 176 104 91 41 3 164 Kathua Riv. 10 2,125 203 25p 1,454 776 678 In 114 137 10 165 Nagria Kokapur 3 550 55 • 69 458 263 195 44 26 37 2

166 Man~awan 10 1,493 155 195 1,205 671 534 141 116 122 17 167 Thulrai 6 1,686 III 140 704 374 330 125 118 89 8 168 Sarsai Halu 14 1,834 395 496 2,576 1,425 1,151 389 309 304- 51 169 Karri R, Riv. 7 2,368 271 339 1,722 946 776 471 352 21::1 20 170 Ganeshpur Riv. 3 1,109 151 196 925 508 417 112 105 129 4

171 Bina Po. 3 935 191 239 1,290 716 574 219 154 171 :12 172 Kripalpur 7 1,259 87 110 565 312 253 303 243 76 10 173 Parori Ramain 2 794 75 96 605 315 290 112 105 35 174 Santokhpur Un wan Riv. 9 2,243 271 339 1,717 894 823 313 287 203 R3 175 Ishwarpur Riv. 4 546 59 75 421 241 180 36 35 79 13

176 Raipura R, Riv. 3 659 47 60 308 173 135 42 27 58 177 Arazi Gubriha 1 45 15 22 156 80 76 24 178 Ajupur Gopalpur R. 7 663 63 78 406 226 1Il0 57 42 54 179 Bhojpura Ramiyan R. 2 287 35 45 236 131 105 19 10 18 180 Bara10kpur R, Mp, Mcw, Po. 8 4,015 403 505 2,484_ 1,326 1,158 380 327 408 137 xvii



-A. __ .------. NON- Total Workers WORKERS (I-IX) Serial II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X No,

r-_ • ..A-_~ ,--_-"-___, .-_..A._._. __ .A.._--,. ,--_.A. _ _... r---_.A. __ ,..---""--._. ,--"-_, ,-...... ~ ...... ,_-"-_,

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 i7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

BASREHAI.{ BLOCK 219 218 .,. 159 323 136 79 79 89 142 137 182 10 152 8 17 7 2 2 ", 2 116 250 138 126 5 123 • 4 , 1 1 bO 155 139 50 1 48 1 49 76 140

39 38 .,. 1 25 54 141 255 4 202 4 4 9 I 39 180 323 142 122 115 5 2 81 1b8 143 312 9 224 35 17 4 3 >f ••• !! 4 20 5 217 423 144 75 4 64 4 6 5 77 120 -145

Un-inhabited 146 25 25 32 54 147 356 5 221 63 3 26 2 41; 263 451 148 85 85 61 128 149 127 126 103 192 150

263 1 237 13 2 II 187 373 151 120 2 107 1 8 I 4 62 177 152 337 !! 304 3 23 3 5 2 5 216 464 153 638 8 485 3 14 43 3 3 2 II 4 76 423 909 154 184 2 177 4 2 1 2 119 255 155

178 9 156 9 4 2 15 127 229 156 146 I 141 1 5 .. 94, WI! 157 199 175 1 3 20 142 '1.77 IS!! 78 65 13 55 107 159 274 245 2 4 23 20" 450 160

397 339 1 15 2 10 31 30B' 572 161 29 27 .. ' " 2 22 44 162 106 79 4 2 19 95 176 163 483 5 4:)8 2 13 30 3 293 673 164 150 1 143 5 1 113 194 165

388 7 353 4 6 6 19 7 ?81 527 !tj6 221 :'> 213 4 5 2 ... 1 153 325 167 847 22 766 17' 64 3 7 8 I I 578 1, 129 I fiB 559 8 446 5 67 2 24- 3 4 10 2 1 2 387 768 169 325 18 293 9 5 7 3 17 9 183 399 170

1 370 I 20 10 15 3 4 294 573 171 422 t 214 46 212 45 9'1 207 172 167 165 2 .. HI! 2!:Jll 173 537 6 480 6 9 14 12 22 357 817 174 146 138 2 1 2 3 95 180 175

112 104 2 4 2 61 135 176 49 - 2 48 2 I :H 7,4 177 142 5 142 5 84 175 178 73 6 72 6 1 58 99 179 770 45 617 7 39 21 2 41 9 9 5 48 16 556 1,113 180 x.viii



Occu- Serial N_uI_e of Village Number Area pied House- TOlal Population Scheduled LIterate and ~o. (NatatioLs for amenitieli) of in Resi- holds Castes ·educated persons. Hamlets acres dential Houses

~--....__--. ,.--~ ,.--....____,

P M F M f' M F 2- .3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

181 Moonje R,Riv,Mp,Po. 24 5,032 491 615 3,476 1,864 1,612 372 326 459 54 182 Masanai Riv. 3 1,024 75 97 493 290 203 28 18 70 22 183 Sadanpur Riv. 1 452 19 23 109 68 41 29 17 12 184 Khera He\u Riv. 5 1,889 167 210 1,132 625 507 109 98 85 5 185 Bakhtya'pur R. 3 561 69 72 457 236 221 .. - 63 10

186 Jainpur Chaubiya R. 1 215 31 38 194 106 88 10 11 11 187 Chaubiya R,Riv,Po. 5 1,199 143 180 894 479 415 121 103 109 14- 188 Bhadlapur Rahin Riv. 3 914 59 ')5 431 227 204 40 38 ·54 4 189 Kalyanpur Rahin 4 787 91 115- 661 356 305 77 76 III 9 190 Biharipur 3 3!Mt 43 55 307 168 139 25 29 71 4

191 Bitholi 1 352 51 66 311 173 138 30 23 39 5 192 Gangapur 3 389 91 114 645 340 305 48 39 32 1 193 Keshopur Rahin .2 276 47 60 297 165 132 65 43 44 2 194 Sultanpur Rahin 3 297 47 63 378 204 174 40 5 195 Gulabpur 1 262 27 32 218 109 109 26 I

196 Bidhuni 1 144 II 16 98 45 53 12 3 197 Sherpur Basgawan 3 592 99 124 725 404 321 66 46 132 25 198 Bankati Khurd 1 513 43 55 231 136 95 81 61 30 199 Badri Punth R. 1 519 91 115 596 338 258 79 73 139 22 200 Asha Nandpur R. 1 228 47 60 337 201 136 33 17 83 8

201 Jafarabad 1 363 19 25 103 57 46 28 27 IO Bahadurpur Luhiya R. 4 1,182 155 196 957 533 424 214 180 146 13 202 378 202. 203 Jaitpur Totaram 1 267 63 79 176 91 93 42 .3 4 959 155 195 1,069 584 485 331 258 141 28 204 Ayara Luhiya 160 205 Rajpur Totaram 1 356 43 56 289 129 74 54 47 11 15 206 Ka1yanpur Ayara 1 212 11 14 67 35 32 8 7 4 896 79 \02 72a 393 332 3 3 103 207 Wazirpur 171 17:1 18 208 Bhadamai 2 400 31 38 344 14 133 62 Ritauli 2 580 91 115 872 502 370 89 117 125 90 209 311 237 123 86 210 Bhadwan Sawaran 6 756 79 102 548 212 6 245 128 117 211 Bhadwan Rasoolabad 2 237 35 44 2 I 12 4 2 280 88 109 589 321 268 120 liS 48 4 212 Rasoolabad 630 213 Killi Sultanpur 3 1,652 178 225 1,183 553 156 142 34 22 I 103 15 21 94 55 '19 7 I 214- Durgapur 801 215 Sirsa Etawah Riv. 4- 1,5'32 215 269 1,463 662 181 140 381 47

Champaner Riv. 2 320 47 63 353 205 148 30 24 40 6 216 235 64 217 Kailamau 2 295 71 87 426 191 n 57 10 Sarai Malpura 2 483 163 205 1,073 577 496 224 1M 205 32 218 .102 36 219 Tikupura 1 125 27 35 202 100 34 23 7 220 Ludhapura Mohabbatpur I 127 31 40 231 127 104 9 7 34 34 33 221 Shankerpur 2 239 35 45 185 96 89 20 2 Basrehar R,L,Mp,Hos,Mcw. 2 389 363 456 2,369 1,319 1,050 227 178 590 282 222 416 72 64 129 223 Mohabbatpur ludhpura Riv. 2 305 131 164 964 518 29 Riv. 4 477 79 104 574 304 270 89 81 103 8 224 Dugauli 107 50 53 225 Bulakipur Ludhpura Riv. 1 257 35 41 237 130 23 xis



WORKERS .------'"""------. N'JN· fotal Workers WORKER::' (I-IX) II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Serial No.

,..-_..A..__...... --~~ ...... -...... __, ,...... --",.11.,----. r-~ .---...... _~ ...... --"--- .-~ ~ r-~ ,.---'--~

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

1,118 35 988 19 49 2 26 2 3 17 4 29 12 746 1,577 181~ 213 1 211 1 1 I ... 77 202 182 46 46 22 41 183 376 :, 353 1 17 2 '4 1 2 249 502 184 133 2 123 2 8 2 103 219 185 40 88 186 66 66 178 396 187 19 243 5 10 2 5 5 3 36 9 301 I 81 202 188 146 2 134 I 12 5 2 171 303 189 185 2 174 2 3 138 190 96 1 93 1 3 72 1 85 138 191 88 85 2 2 148 302 192 192 3 190 3 2 2 3 65 127 193 100 5 83 2 10 89 168 194 115 6 112 5 3 52 109 195 57 55 2 19 51 196 26 2 26 2 5 2 177 312 197 9 201 6 11 8 2 227 2 2 21 58 93 198 78 51 2 23 148 234 1 9 4 1 3 29 9 190 ~ 152 1 2 23 8 80 127 2UO 121 9 89 1 1 5

t 19 20 H 201 37 3 17 3 2U5 412 7 22 4 4 7 1 4-1 2 202 328 12 238 10 1 4 I 79 169 203 112 6 6 123 7 2 2 2 JO I 270 180 204 314 5 270 4 27 5 62 128 205 98 1 92 1 , 1 16 32 206 19 19 3 ... 161 330 207 232 2 229 2 59 3 24 51 III 20a 120 62 96 291 370 209 • 211 211 12 109 237 210 202 ... 190 3 9,) 5 87 5 38 112 211 177 2 5 6 23 2 110 264 212 211 4 1 5 4 248 382 94 354 83 I 19 7 459 213 1 20 38 214 35 1 35 7 55 13 463 29 362 12 12 3 19 4 3 2 338 633 215 I 10 78 146 216 127 2 108 2 7 10 2 1 I 9 84 181 217 151 10 137 12 46 210 4<12 218 367 4 298 4 9 2 20 34 100 229 68 46 4 5 52 101 220 75 3 60 3 6 13 4 26 84 221 54 1 3 70 5 10 17 93 16 148 9 566 1034 222 753 16 386 4 18 3 62 2 15 1 205 439 223 313 7 297 7 6 122 269 224 182 1 174 1 48 101 225 82 6 80 2 6 ~.x



Occu- Serial Name 01 Village Number Area pied House- Total l'ojJulation Scheduled Lilelate aud No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi- holds Castes ed ucated person> Hamlets acres delllmi Houses

r"C"----"---~ r---"""'__-""\ ,----.,.,._-~

p M F M F M r 2 3 .. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l:l i3

Lalpura R. I 226 278 31 10 215 116 99 .. ~ 32 3 227 Akbarp,",c 2 883 175 221 1,199 625 571 153 151 200 28 228 Sheikhupur Riv. 3 411 79 99 602 315 257 248 172 105 13 229 Salai'a Khudisar 6 1,068 191 2~0 1,233 662 571 232 199 170 31 230 Loknathpur 2 221 39 50 291 151 140 23 213 52 4

231 Handiyapur Riv. 236 Un-jnh" bited 232 Yasinnagar Riv. :3 ·141 103 130 741 407 334 59 ·15 :l4 1:j 233 Chakwa Buzurg Po. Z 1,026 139 175 932 522 410 116 81 204 61 234 Itgawan 2 1,'323 159 203 1,167 627 540 8 5 148 6 235 Mungapur Riv. I 299 31 37 'l!:!2 158 1:54 31 22 34 4

236 Kunaiya Riv. 2 340 30 40 22.8 122 106 17 2 237 1bne) pur Pathakpur 3 4!l8 32 41 210 118 92 31 17 27 4 238 Amritpur Riv. 3 610 115 144 Y53 523 430 9:f 73 136 II 239 Udaipur R. 1 257 91 115 587 316 271 36 30 77 9 240 Ahladpur 2 382 63 80 468 255 .213 101 84 78 26

241 Pitambarpur Riv. I 195 11 16 77 45 32 16 5 242 Santokhpur Itgawan Riv. 2 230 5!:J 74 418 235 183 67 53 89 19 243 Lokasai 1 338 27 35 201 119 82 16 10 28 5 244 Pachawali 1 405 79 102 528 283 245 36 40 113 16 245 Kokapur 1 775 III 138 625 338 287 149 127 39 4

246 Ghughalpur 1 191 27 35 204 108 96 36 2 247 Gorapur 2 202 39 50 254 129 125 51 49 17 1 248 Dalawali R. 2 281 75 95 476 249 227 69 75 64 12 249 Sirajmau ... 397 Un-inhabited 250 Jugramau R. 3 443 115 146 726 390 336 108 151 107 13

251 Lakhapur 2 632 47 59 412 223 189 94 25 252 Harharpur R. 1 475 67 86 419 226 193 12 13 90 10 253 Chakwa Khurd 'Riv. 3 514 71 89 644 350 294 56 48 84 6 254 . Chitbhaun Riv, Mp, Mew, Po. 3 1,892 287 360 1,943 1,077 866 176 144 37Y 117 255 Keshopur Kalan Riv. 2 ~397 75 95 553 295 258 117 96 85 13

256 Manikpur Bhikban I 163 59 75 268 148 120 65 50 44 2 257 Santosl'iJUr Ghat Ri\'. 1 556 71 90 634 364 270 81 51 88 1(; 258 Mahatua Riv. 1 501 47 60 419 222 197 110 100 33 7 259 MahnclPur 2 299 79 102 660 357 303 50 17 88 7 260 ShekhuI~ur Jakhauli Riy. 6 887 155 193 1,143 619 524 236 221 197 . 60

261 Chandanpur Etawah Mp. 6 774 219 276 1,372 779 593 255 3.29 257 6f 262 Endhka 2 577 71 82 475 249 226 66 61 91 29 263 Ekdil (T.A.) R, Mp, Hos, Mew, H, Po. 21 601 687 857 4,615 2,446 ~2,169 389 599 1,181 527 264 Kathagaon 1 351 43 55 386 212 174 117 98 77 (J 265 Maharajpur R. 2 188 15 21 104 53 51 13 19 18 7

266 Phuphai R. 4 297 71 91 468 243 2?5 55 47 97 7 267 Keshopur 2 240 43 53 330 170 160 27 22 65 19 263 Arazi Jadopur Riv. 1 82 15 20 132 68 64 4 3 17 2 269 Jadaunpur Riv. 1 151 27 35 150 78 72 40 35 11 2 270 Rampur Noali Riv. 2 208 , 43 55 252 144 108 138 107 37 xxi




,_. ----_,._------~---..... NON- Total Workers ----_ WORKERS (I-IX) . Serial 1 11 111 IV V VI VII Vlll IX X No.

,.---..... __ ,_.-~ ..--~ -~ ...--"----.. ~ ,--"---, ,.--~. ,--"---, r--"---.... ,----.

M F M F M F M .. F M F M F M F M F M F M F M .1" 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

72 4 72 4 .,. .,. 44 95 226 381 21 296 9 18 6 8 23 2 7 30 2 244 553 221 189 4 181 4 8 156 253 228 391 16 317 5 36 3 2 12 2 8 .,'. 16 5 271 555 229 80 1 72 5 2 1 1 71 139 230

Un-inhabited 231 224 192 4 9 1 18 183 334 232 324 56 280 51 3 1 12 26 4 198 354 233 372 113 342 110 10 2 8 3 8 255 427 234 94 1 93 I I 64 133 235

65 64 57 106 236 57 1 55 2 ... 61 91 237 324. 1 201 1 3 17 58 3 42 199 429 238 192 4 160 3 2 13 2 15 124 267 239 146 4 122 I 3 20 ::I 109 209 240

23 20 2 1 22 32 241 131 17 92 18 } 8 5 13 9 104 166 242 78 2 73 5 2 41 80 243 172 2 144 11 7 1 2 2 6 ·111 243 244 37 \ 92 4 3 44 8 33 25 12 154 250 245 184 ~

59 51 I 6 49 96 246 80 3 53 3 I •• il 2 .. 24 49 122 247 162 5 120 3 7 6 3 6 19 87 222 248 Un -inhabited 249 249 7 164 4 2 1 7 8 67 3 141 329 250 124 114 5 5 ". 99 189 251 133 2 118 ~ 1 2 6 5 93 191 252 205 1 196 1 ... 8 I 145 293 253 613 13 455 5 38 33 5 5 2 16 4 60 3 464 853 254 167 3 142 2 6 1 1 1 16 128 255 255

79 13 56 12 3 7 12 69 1Oi' 256 189 5 164 13 ... 11 3 175 265 257 117 109 5 3 105 197 ~58 205 6 167 .... 12 5 8 2 16 152 297 259 337 I 269 26 3 2 11 3 23 282 523 260

416 3 312 3 21 16 2 1 5 . 59 363 590 261 138 16 95 13 2 5 1 1 2 32 3 111 210 262 ,,329 223 479 47 37 3 221 116 12 8 193 5 47 329 54 1,1l7 1,94G 263 108 82 4 6 1 2 13 104 174 264 26 17 I 7 27 50 265

\40 I) 115 3 12 1 ... 12 2 103 219 266 107 I 84 • 1 11 5 7 63 159 267 39 32 2 4 29 64 268 48 2 37 10 30 70 269 ')8 2. 42 3 2 5 25 66 106 270 x:a.ii



Occu- Serial Name 01 Village Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled No. Literate and (Notations Lr amenities) . of in Resi- holds Castes educated perlOns Hamlets acres dential Houses

,.--_._..... ----. ,-__,.__ __....._ ,--_.-A.-_:;"--..

P M F M F M " 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

271 Nauli Riv. 4 461 91 116 537 303 234 194 1"-8 85 16 272 Bamanpur-Bhagotipur 2 216 51 64 310 158 152 137 138 27 4 273 Kachhpura Etawah 2 213 27 35 200 114 86 36 27 15 274 Etawah (Rural~ E, R, Rly, Riv, L, Mp. 38 2,063 411 516 2,325 1,358 967 219 134 411 117 275 Sunderpur , Rly. 6 676 191 239 1,169 627 542 150 134 167 40

276 Desharmau 1 301 67 85 439 245 194 79 78 82 9 277 Pilkhar R. 1 469 79 103 610 327 283 119 110 117 9 TOTAL OF BASREHAR BLOCK 337 94,170 13,763 17,358 9.,076 51,273 42,803 12,917 11,213 1.,272 2,763 BARAHPURA BLOCK

278 Manikl)ur Bishu R, Riv. 1 1,113 2!3 302 ' 1,823 996 827 333 368 414 182 279 Mohanpur Manik R. 1 288 87 III 252 185 67 20 25 15 *280 Sarai . Arjun R. 1 141 47 64 129 103 26 21 2 8 *281 Umrain 252 Un-inhabitecl *282 Dhumanpura R. 683 19 25 97 62 35 9 6 20

*283 Padaraya 181 Un-inhabited 284 H~roli 1 690 91 115 595 307 -288 8 8 34 285 Bara Khera Riv. 4 1,971 179 226 1,137 625 512 80 64 115 15 286 Musawali Riv. 2 847 75 94 562 305 257 13 12 109 21 287 Manikpur Mohan R. 2 516 95· 120 710 393 317 123 118 148 23

288 Pachdeora 2 361 59 75 .408 230 178 86 66 III 39 289 Kalyanpur Etawah 2 492 63 80 474 253 221 9 11 72 2 290 Bilampur I 242 59 75 434 249 185 7 6 98 17 291 Kankarpur 4 466 91 115 660 370 290 121 102 152 25 :<92 Prithipura Bhonikpur 4 2,122 263 331 1,738 940 798 56 43 391 1I4

293 Sit ora Riv. 8 2,858 371 467 2.486 1,345 1,141 135 219 364 44 294 Jarhauli Riv. 2 2,301 11:3 180 955 514 441 122 1I6 162 29 295 .l{ampura Riv. 1 1,532 19 25 152 77 75 9 2 296 Kasonga Riv. 1 338 47 60 351 194 157 41 29 79 13 29i Rajpura Janib Rast Riv. 5 1,419 127 160 974 527 147 18 15 82 6

298 Paroli Muttsil Kamit 3 47b 59 75 388 197 191 43 53 33 299 Bhatpura Riv. 4 842 75 95 552 293 259 55 59 104 13 300 Sunwala Ri-,. 1 623 251 315 1,741 924 817 279 247 290 78 301 Kamit R, Po. 7 3,247 247 310 1,629 902 727 229 298 198 19 302 Partapner Riv, Po. 17 5,720 707 886 4,788 2,679 2,109 208 167 698 IOU

303 Kandhani R. 1 397 79 99 436 238 198 30 22 57 I 304 Saidpur Nagla Pirji R. 1 173 43 55 260 133 127 36 34 34 2 305 Alampur Haz R. 1 368 109 136 306 156- 150 34 34 15 3 306 Sarai Aisar R. 3 667 95 117 716 394 322 75 62 89 4 307 Sarai Bhopat R, Rly. 1 602 75 96 563 308 255 1I3 112 93 8

308 Arazi Sarai Bhopat R, Rly. t 65 43 54 260 136 124 61 I ·309 Mohammadpur R, Rly. 4 201 35 47 230 124 106 45 41 37 4 310 Padampur R, Rly. 3 170 20 23 180 103 77 10 9 31 2 311 Takapur Sarai Jalal 1 414 50 65 355 199 156 31 17 83 b 312 Jainpur Nagar 1 395 79 100 568 294 274 124 119 117 12 *Partly included in the town Etawah M. B. xxiii




_. __.A.. ______r----- NON­ Total Workers WORKERS tl-IX) II 1II IV V VI VII VIII IX X

M F M 'F M F M f M F MFMF MFMF M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

170 106 2 4 2 56 133 234 271 97 2 69 2 I 2 24 61 150 272 16 3 13 98 86 273 832 98 421 11 2 16 15 10 149 68 39 2 59 I 34 97 6 526 869 274 348 19 228 5 7 4 928 636 78 II 279 523 275

, 3 137 2 86 I 1 I 2 I 2 41 108 192 276 162 1 117 1 2 1 4 2 5 30 165 282 277 2,9,942 1,372 24,232 670 843 38 112 6 988 239 223 68 157 2 766 26 190 2,431 323 21,331 41,431 BARHPURA BLOCK

591 34 401 10 13 35 7 18 .. , 15 18 91 16 405 793 278 162 51 160 51 2 23 16 279 97 15 97 15 ... 6 11 280 Un-inhabited 281 39 23 I 3 11 23 35 282

Un-inhabited 283 199 60 180 10 4 10 50 1 ... 4 108 228 284 "360 354 2 4 265 512 285 175 158 4 4 2 7 130 257 286 212 5 174 3 7 1 29 2 lSI 312 287

128 2 88 2 30 3 7 102 176 288 150 2 129 1 .8 2 2 8 103 219 289 .144 14 123 12 9 2 4 I 2 5 105 171 290 209 10 156 2 19 1 6 6 2 4 22 1 161 280 291 533 30 447 9 26 20 12 1 38 9 407 768 292

793 24 755 17 11 II 2 2 13 5 552 1,117 293 334 10 312 10 2 20 180 431 294 53 52 I 24 75 295 123 2 113 2 6 2 71 155 296 306 1 300 2 4 221 446 297

113 8 Bl 8 2 .-. 30 84 183 298 154 6 132 8 2 3 4 8 3 139 253 299 553 45 410 26 1 19 4 22 12 5 84 15 371 772 300 552 18 460 13 5 9 2 3 75 3 350 709 301 1,610 47 1,440 36 43 22 3 6 1 14 2 2 82 6 1,069 2,062 302

135 11 84 5 11 4 6 4 25 5 103 187 303 8'2 '2 80 '1. 2 51 125 3M 96 10 91 3 2 1 2 7 60 140 105 241 6 222 4 6 6 1 6 1 153 316 306 178 5 143 4 6 4 4 3 12 5 1 130 250 307

81 3 78 2 3 55 121 308 80 5 48 4 5 9 10 8 44 101 309 64 6 39 2 3 4 3 19 39 71 310 1'1.8 112 4 1 5 6 71 156 311 \81 7 152 6 3 2 2 3 14 3 113 267 312 :Slli"



Occu- Serial Name of Village Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi- holds Castes -educated persons Hamlets acres dential Houses ___ ...... ___.., ,.--_...... ---. r--~---"


:t 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "11 12 13

313 Parasani 2 211 59 75 373 195 178 23 18 39 2 314 Dh;marai Riv. 2 1,084 55 70 452 253 199 103 21 315 Bijaipura Riv. 3 1,421 207 260 1,465 776 689 146 210 180 41 316 Bhogipura 4 389 223 280 494 272 222 57 50 IDS 16 317 Sangawali 2 538 91 115 731 406 325 83 60 146 32

318 Bhatora R. 3 725 90 116 700 393 307 129 133 132 319 Jagsora Po. 12 1,354 394 494 2,584 1,397 1,187 5;6 534 463 114 320 Sakrauli Riv. 7 1,576 191 240 1,452 772 68() 108 95 213 30 321 Sakatpur Riv. 2" 843 43 55 280 151 129 15 14 58 13 322 Jhabrapur Riv. 3 524 III 140 803 441 362 89 56 80 19

323 Silayata Riv. 6 1,314 " 167 212 1,136 588 548 25 19 204 56 324 Bila Riv, Po. 8 2,923 291 363 2,195 1,183 1,012 450 452 469 68 325 Garahaita R. Riv. Po. 5 1,994 143 180 1,147 603 544 33 39 255 87 326 Murong Riv, Po. 2 1,388 95 121 767 378 389 34 36 84 23 327 Pura Murong Riv. 3 1,167 103 129 818 415 403 M 46 94 19

328 Sarai Bhagat R. 2 479 59 75 457 260 197 40 19 137 30 329 Sitapur R. 1 362 27 35 214 108 106 40 41 42 8 330 Lakhanpur Riv. 1 1,363 75 95 601 329 272 45 29 149 44 331 Chandarpur Kalan R. r 272 19 21 162 83 79 32 2 332 Pachhaingaon R. Riv, L. Po. 3 1,370 207 259 1,804- 964 840 208 279 316 140 323 Un-inhabited 333 Karanpur 32 " 334 Sikandarpur . -1 429 23 184 95 89 39 2 335 Jaitpur Jamanpur R. 1 439 91 113 614 337 277 88 83 128 59 336 Nayakpur 2 172 43 56 314 169 145 16 12 65 14- 337 Jornaikpur - 83 Un-inhabited 338 Bhaupur Riv, Po. 4 1,275 115 144- 909 493 416 93 84 185 42 339 Aswa Riv. 4 2,776 275 345 1,962 1,012 950 88 107 254 33 340 Surekhipur 1 335 47 60 330 176 154 125 113 38 3 341 Kumhera I 221 55 70 395 229 166 50 79 68 8 342 Ratnupur 1 426 31 50 238 118 120 38 5

343 Ajabpur Jhingopur Mp. 2 597 127 162 853 469 :j84 57 38 186 39 344 Chandarpur Khurd R. Riv. I 315 "55 68 341 191 150 109 69 74 10 345 . Udhanpura R. 2 265 31 40 238 126 112 11 8 57 75 446 Manikapur R. 3 319 59 71 443 232 211 1 97 7 347 Baroli Jamanpur R, Po. 2 2,792 299 374 2,051 1,075 976 lSI 213 354 107

348 Baswara Riv. 3 1.690 95 120 620 336 284 39 27 81 Bhindiyapura 11 349 1 377 35 45 188 105 83 9 1 43 4 350 Bidhupur Riv. 1 705 115 145 816 388 428 99 103 154 5-l 351 Neopura R. 1 187 5 7 66 31 35 4 11 17 252 Lodhupura 1 260 21 30 150 69 81 42 28 28

353 Barbpura R, Po. 2 1,209 167 208 1,206 690 516 216 276 228 50 354 Dbamana Riv. 4 1,830 69 130 976 515 461 96 355 Bahuri 82 182 47 Riv, Po. 1 1,144 155 194 1,152 593 559 88 60 249 91 356 Bhagotipur Nagla Kachhar Riv. 2 709 47 60 265 132 \33 10 357 Gyanpur Janib Rast R. 8 75 3b I 326 91 116 713 356 357 36 36 126 14 sa.v



WORKERS ,.__--- .... _-----._--.... NON Total Worker. WORKEl

,,---...... __..... ,...------. ,.--....._.... ~ ..--"-0 ,...... _, .-----. ..--"-0 ,....-_., ~----. ....--.....

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 92·33 34 35

3 84 2 29 .,. 2 2. ... J 77 175 313 llS 197 314 148 2 134 I 6' I 2 ... 4 105 461 1 368 1 42 23 4 4 20 ... 315 6BB 315 139 2 124 II ... J 3 2 133 220 316 236 13 148 3 72 6 1 8 8 170 312 317 2 1B4 303 4 159 4 33 I 2 2 10 318 209 22 8 45 9 612 1,157 319 785 30 513 16 173 2 6 13 2 5 ... 384 2 31 I 1 4 2. 12 15 3311 662 320 434 18 4 3 67 123 6 75 3 5 321 84 17 6 184 349 322 257 13 205 13 15 I ". II 4 11 9 256 530 323 311 9 4 2 332 18 5 1 I 3 26 8 . 50S 995 324, 675 11 636 9 3 IB 13 I 1 2 . 3 .. 16 5 294 521 325 309 23 269 6 9 6 132 363 . 326 214 12 1 7 2 7, 246 26 5 I 4 ... 196 39!1 327 219 4 199 4 to 2 1 ... 5 26 105 195 328 155 2 115 2 5 4H 106 329 60 ' 60 .. 5 2 138 266 330 191 6 179 2 '1. 43 79 331 17 40 21 5 ... 6 a> 459 824 332 505 16 394 11 17 20 5 "" Un-inhabited 333 "...... ' 46 89 334 49 ' 49 3 2 ... 4 3 12 129 '275 335 208 2 179 2 I 67 145 336 2 .. 102 99 "'Un :i~habited 337

1 8 5 175 385 338 31 297 5 11 21 . 318 15 1 10 2 3 1 36') 824 339 652 126 622 122 2 2 2 73 152 ~40 95 2 4 ... 103 2 1 1 3 119 166 341 110 105 6 2 48 liB 342 70 2 64 1:3 6 .. , ... 10 4 1 11 7 193 356 343 276 28 241 11 . 2 6 I 87 14{) 344 9 3 ... 2 3 104 10 86 2 3 7 55 III 345 71 1 59 1 ... 3 ... 107 209· 346 125 2 119 2 3 848 29 12 ." ...... 5 22 2 452 347 623 128 560 113 5

179 3 3 1 150 281 348 IB6 3 ...... 45 79 349 60 4 49 4 I 10 I 2 , .. 190 396 350 198 32 IB3 21 3 2 ... 5 10 3 11 2 5 l:l 35 351 18 28 78 352 41 3 40 3

6 II 2 II 7 2 .. , 15 1 10 ." 30 2 334 500 353 356 16 275 213 428 33 271 26 8 9 I 3 2 2 8 5 354 302 7 279 520 314 39 257 22 4 16 10 ... 4 33 355 10 69 9 I ... 1 1 ... 4 57 123 356 75 1 2 132 352 357 224 5 181 2 2 10 ... ." ... S ... 22 xxvi--



Occu- Serial Name of Village Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi- bolds Castes educated persons Hamlets acres dential Hl'uses

,...--~--"""""II ,---""--, ,--""""----.


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

358 Madayar. R. 1 465 83 104 578 291 287 39 30 120 5U 359 Chak Pironahar 1 504 8 8 28 15 13 15 12 2 3ea Awari 2 1,223 154 197 1,030 515 515 139 101 211 53 361 Udi R, Riv, L, Mp, Hos, Po. 1 1,124 175 220 1,178 600 578 88 64 328 173 362 Khira Ajabsingh Riv. 2 3,109 115 145 935 471 464 32 34 184 44

363 Gali Po. 4 1,689 99 128 823 481 342 267 212 114 17 364 Chikni 1,020 Un-inhabited 365 Miholi 5 2,605 227 282 1,746 972 774 123 134 173 21

TOTAL OF BARHPURA BLOCK 222 85,413 9,607 12,157 66,886 36,004 30,882 6,810 6,639 11,522 2,620

TOTAL OF ETA WAH TAHSIL 944 269,167 36,892 46;680 257,214 139,292 117,922 31,760 27,486 41,046 7,997

The rural arca of Tahsil Etawah given in Table A-I is 442·1 sq. miles i. e. 282,944 acres. The village-wise areas in the DirecLOry are as reported by the Tahsildar, while ~he rur.al arca of the Tahsi.1 in Table A-I has been derived by deducting the sum of urban areas from the total revised area figures of the Tahsil furmshed by the lloard of Revenue, U. P. xxvii



WORKERS NON- Total Wockera ------. WORKERS (I-IX) 1 II 111 IV V VI VII VlII IX X Serial ,....--"""'_ No. ,..-_..A._---, __ ,--J>.---., ~ ...... ---- ,....-~ ~ ,....-~ ,.....~ ~ ~ ~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

169 8 155 5 5 5 2 122 279 358 10 10 5 13 359 278 9 230 3 13 2 11 5 2 3 2 15 1 237 506 360 303 33 210 29 I 2 4 5 2 11 10 58 3 297 545 361 259 13 255 13 4 212 451 362

228 8 183 5 14 29 3~ 253 334 363 Un-inhabited ~ 364 638 22 599 21 8 25 1 2 4 334 752 365

20,929 1,213 17,821 788 785 8 25 5 469 184 154 16 102 23~ 17 124 1 1,'212 194 15,075 29,669

81,683 3,553 66,897 2,043 3,692 66206 30 2,480 567 502 97 409 5 1,532 59 785 1 5,180 '685 57,609 114,369 xxvlii'



Occu- Serial Ward/Mohalla *Area in pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. Enumerator's Block Sq. miles} Resi- holds Castes educated persons Sq.Km. dentia1 Houses

,..----'-----, ,....--.A--_---, ,..--.A..---.,

P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ETAWAH W.l KATRA SARAB GANJ 1 1 101 124 653 334 319 250 193 2 2 115 156 765 405 360 22 18 243 139 3 3 81 124 534 304 230 43 28 183 84 4 4 94 117 571 311 260 121 97 168 1 5 5 105 129 855 457 398 45 44 175 68 6 6 142 157 748 403 345 96 101 212 135 7 7 126 156 698 393 305 7 2 190 70 8 8 123 158 781 424 357 151 116 216 112 9 9 113 148 770 398 372 177 112 10 10 91 116 668 378 290 37 30 189 75

TOTAL 1,091 1,385 7,043 3,807 3,236 522 436 2,003 1,079 W. 2 KATRA BAL SINGH 11 11 129 159 809 468 341 285 190 222 46 12 12 126 129 720 468 252 104 67 315 84 13 13 143 155 778 467 311 51 34 279 142 14 14 251 294 981 589 392 36 13 367 150 15 15 143 189 1,038 537 501 23 20 201 37 16 16 125 176 1,024 540 484 31 21 95 17 17 17 152 174 1,017 557 460 84 81 262 liB 1B 18 154 197 1,010 593 417 98 30 286 105

TOTAL 1,223 1,473 7,377 4,219 3,158 712 456 2,027 699 W. 3 NAURANGABAD 19 19 161 202 1,003 546 457 201 156 300 118 20 20 137 175 824 455 369 4 2 287 136 21 21 144 210 1,011 564 447 73 43 319 106 22 22 115 177 862 468 394 8 6 211 116 23 23 49 72 308 177 131 109 45 24 24 52 112 4(M: 278 186 231 122 25 25 43 92 422 253 169 17 2 192 119 26 26 41 46 618 535 83 129 2 210 33 27 27 93 107 430 229 201 23 19 140 107 28 28 84 100 449 239 210 26 18 155 96 29 29 146 165 793 517 276 30 19 293 73

TOTAL 1,065 1,458 7,184 4,261 2,923 511 267 2,447 1,071 w. 4 RAMGANJ 30 30 115 152 713 375 338 58 52 168 104 31 31 81 92 408 215 193 70 84 75 57 32 32 109 158 809 422 387 59 40 172 107 33 33 96 135 752 416 336 44 32 101 19 34 34 102 li9 642 338 304 79 67 89 28 35 35 63 84 618 307 '311 223 188 36 36 104 125 684 351 333 25 12 198 135 37 37 108 129 608 322 286 58 46 92 50 38 38 150 186 845 464 381 139 109 141 37 '39 39 llO 153 726 403 323 10 4 261 153

TOTAL 1,038 1,333 6,805 3,613 3,192 542 446 1,520 878 ••1.



WORKERS ,- ----...., NON- Total Workers WORKERS (I-IX) Serial I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X No. ,...... ,._._, r--~ ,----"-----, .--"----. .---"--, .-~ -~--. ,...... '"""__, ,-...... __, ,--"""_~ r--"""___'

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

M.B. 153 10 3 16 4 52 . 5 73 10 181 309 1 183 7 1 17 63 13 90 5 222 353 2 146 5 13 2 45 6 19 6 56 3 158 225 3 156 24 19 12 38 7 27 2 5 60 9 155 236 4 250 27 95 19 30 8 31 1 16 .. 70 7 207 371 5 212 6 6 9 42 5 44 12 94 6 191 339 6 205 5 20 1 16 47 33 1 5 84 2 188 300 7 221 37 II 16 3 27 10 68 2 10 78 32 203 320 8 198 .18 13 12 21 61 2 8 95 4 200 354 9 191 19 15 1 4 35 4 45 4 13 78 11 187 271 10

1,915 158 33 1 189 54 287 1 91 1 443 13 93 778 89 1,892 3,078

273 12 17 4 12 4 10 3 28 3 196 8 195 329 11 257 24 11 I 6 14 3 11 215 20 211 228 12 270 8 23 75 I 4 168 6 197 303 13 319 1 5 2 3 2 307 I 270 391 14 260 2 9 28 3 80 43 96 1 277 499 15 272 9 8 ... 2 2 33 2 7 30 37 155 4 268 475 16 269 9 15 1 56 3 5 30 40 122 6' 288 451 17 265 6 33 7 61 20 144 5 328 411 18

2,185 71 49 5 1 25 7194 6 27 321 7 160 1,403 51 2,034 3,087

296 14 7 6 7 4 58 87 33 22 76 10 250 443 19 222 10 2 18 8 42 3 39 18 99 I 233 359 20 273 37 3 10 31 26 34 23 35 2 7 130 9 291 410 21 232 14 11 8 47 9 47 2 16 102 4 236 380 22 83 4 1 1 4 33 1 ,I 3 40 2 94 127 23 \02 6 2 4 4 3 89 6 176 180 24 98 7 4 ... 2 6 7 5 74 7 155 162 25 307 1 204 8 1 8 23 1 62 1 228 82 26 117 16 1 1 10 8 97 16 112 185 27 104 3 18 6 2 2 3 72 3 135 207 28 345 8 21 13 I 3 9 3 4 291 8 172 268 29

2,179 120 242 22 37 70 46 205 2 177 204 5 90 1,132 67 2,082 2,803

186 42 37 15 34 8 15 84 33 189 296 30 109 50 12 13 1 2 80 49 106 143 31 195 44 9 16 12 31 49 1 4 85 31 227 343 32 251 32 6 42 26 54 1 58 14 77 4 165 304 33 188 35 32 28 9 2 3 72 8 64 5 150 269 34 146 I 7 2 107 3 27 1 161 310 35 Hi9 3 2 17 23 68 27 52 2 162 330 36 168 7 7 3 9 44 6 99 6 154 279 37 265 20 12 6 19 9 2 23 11 183 19 199 361 38 18S 10 20 12 4 29 3 56 13 55 5 215 313 39

1,885 244 56 2 7 17 1 161 71 198 3 13 524 12 103 806 155 1,728 2,948 xxx



Occu- Ward/Mohalla *Area in pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and Serial Cas!(s ecucalcd pel sons No. Enumerator's Block Sq. miles! Resi- holds Sq.Km. dential Houses ___ ...... __, __ --...... ---. ,-~."._--.-, P M F M F M F

:l 3 4 5 6 7 Il 9 10 11 21

W. 5 SAUITGANJ 333 18 40 40 82 120 708 375 24 198 125 41 80 102 546 288 258 45 39 170 42 41 373 337 50 46 42 42 100 121 710 105 41 43 108 II9 600 32'7 273 1 5 170 li5 43 130 166 796 406 390 3 186 9( 44 44 54 45 45 119 141 732 395 337 47 241 138 129 131 782 420 362 7 6 153 109 46 46 4 47 47 65 84 437 253 184 4 140 65 48 48 83 105 573 31l 262 12 9 175 87 49 49 85 123 645 358 287 35 20 225 li9

TOTAL 981 1,212 6,529 3,506 3,023 229 200 1,763 932 W. 6 JATPURA 50 50 105 129 . 624 331 293 25 II 221 163 51 51 86 126 728 383 345 9 II 238 139 52 119 153 918 476 442 15 13 229 105 52 191 53 53 118 255 1,456 781 675 167 208 65 54 54 115 146 831 430 401 55 48 176 81 55 56 186 246 1,160 fl53 507 90 50 421 226 56 56 141 178 1,020 540 480 96 97 259 94 57 57 182 2\0 1,031 591 440 96 51 337 158

TOTAL 1,052 1,443 7,768 4,185 3,583 577 448, 2,089 1,031 W.7 PURVIATOLA 58 58 91 1I5 693 361 332 4 6 246 137 59 59 131 165 860 459 401 46 30 263 109 60 60 83 108 686 366 320 236 102 61 61 109 139 750 39, 355 12 12 241 82 62 62 85 103 60i 314 287 58 24 194 66 63 63 170 246 1,143 599 544 21 II 278 84 64 64 106 129 710 350 360 47 51 188 112 65 65 71 127 617 325 292 ... 3 3 146 74' 6'1 66 80 113 620 318 302 II 12 184 112

TOTAL 926 1,245 6,680 3,487 3,193 202 149 1,976 878 W. 8 CHHAPATTI 67 67 74 124 699 371 328 6 5 141 34 68 68 76 113 599 320 279 1 223 156 69 69 180 217 1,163 630 533 262 219 237 50 70 70 98 174 865 458 407 18 179 51 71 71 . 56 112 573 285 288 18 21 130 73 72 72 97 132 775 405 370 15 8 234 150 73 73 129 158 812 427 385 10 16 209 68 74 74 132 186 808 435 373 69 61 258 121 75 75 112 179 870 452 418 13 16 310 214

TOTAL 954 1,395 7,164 3,783 3,381 412 346 1,921 917 XXXI



_,,___. NON- Total Workers '"" WORKERS (I-IX) Serial II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X No.

..--...... ____ -"- ~ ,--_.A-._ ,..----"----., r---"'"--...... ,. ___ ,,_-"--.-.... ~.A..-. ~ ...... , ~._,..__ ...... ,--...... , ,---"--,

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

185 1 23 76 5 81 1 190 332 40 159 3 23 2 71 63 3 129 255 41 188 14 5 2 7 11 1 61 4 99 12 185 323 42 172 12 23 59 4 26 64 8 155 261 43 218 79 35 55 25 14 1 75 1 5 76 9 188 311 44 229 16 20 II 16 2 36 1 143 16 16l' 321 45 235 4 10 3 42 1 79 2 23 77 2 185 358 46 III I 17 2 27 I 64 1 142 183 47 156 2 4 28 3 33 35 53 155 260 48 167 8 I 25 I 77 1 62 8 191 279 49

1,820 140 6 2 30 61 55 233 15 13 594 7 101 1 782 60 1,686 2,883

145 19 2 12 6 7 26 5 93 12 186 274 50 182 50 41 44 22 45 4 70 6 201 295 51 240 40 ,76 39 22 4 61 77 I 236 402 52 408 209 4 171 174 11 15 44 7 156 35 373 466 53 208 120 74 88 20 6 2 36 5 71 26 222 281 54 333 14 3 48 2 9 19 61 11 182 12 320 493 55 254 15 9 59 9 31 16 27 9 103 5 286 465 56 274 10 I I 30 18 61 3 17 145 6 317 430 57

2,044 477 19 1 482362 152 8 74 1 361 3 58 897 103 2,141 3,106

156 7 4 3 2 76 1 73 4 205 325 58 200 14 4 5 12 6 9 5 66 6 93 8 259 387 59 138 8 4 2 10 1 64 52 7 6 228 312 60 192 15 1 8 5 6 6 76 I 93 9 203 340 61 142 19 1 2 ... 13 4 45 5 72 19 172 268 62 317 22 7 4 8 1 1 30 1 65 5 29 176 12 282 522 63 187 16 1 3 17 67 1 7 92 13 163 344 64 155 6 17 6 55 1 76 5 170 286 65 142 H 6 9 42 32 1 62 3 176 288 66

1,629 121 13 4 16 1 40 26 146 2 23 546 9 101 744 79 1,858 3,072

5 188 240 67 183 88 76 81 25 31 2 48 7 3 9 36 6 80 5 182 271 68 138 8 1 322 490 69 308 43 95 41 20 66 36 5 86 181 192 181 23 24 2 19 198 226 70 260 8 134 190 71 lSI 98 2 2 76 89 4 1 26 1 40 6 7 25 5 62 1 108 8 199 354 72 206 16 210 .,. 325 73 2!7 60 42 42 45 9 1 27 1 6 90 13 2 4 19 2 15 21 31 1 7 104 6 230 364 74 205 9 2 240 401 75 212 17 8 17 4 54 2 8 121 14 7 36 696 60 1,903 2,861 1,830 520 54 2 2 6 513 449 147 2 99 327 xxxii



Occu- Serial Ward{Mohalia *Area in pied House- Total Population Scheduled· Literate and No. Enumerator's Block Sq. miles! Resi- holds Castes educated persons Sq. Km. dential Houses

,.-_.A.----, ,..---"-__..... ,-...-"""'---~

P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12

W.9 KATRA TEKCHAND 76 76 32 154 782 422 360 80 68 264 162 77 77 95 121 705 373 332 59 52 132 40 78 78 60 84 458 229 229 6 4 157 97 79 79 55 97 575 311 264 42 34 217 147 lJO 80 79 93 439 268 171 ... 186 113 31 81 70 90 461 252 209 36 22 179 87 82 82 84 118 543 295 248 65 47 189 68 83 83 114 122 480 269 211 208 172 102 17 84 84 66 78 356 190 166 155 93 85 85 86 90 484 270 214 35 19 98 15 86 86 88 127 655 373 282 17 15 162 50 87 87 101 120 609 360 249 161 103 114 39

TOTAL 930 1,294 6,547 3.612 2,935 709 536 1,955 928 W. 10 ASTAB 88 88 86 126 741 376 365 6 140 43 89 89 90 127 706 311 335 177 75 90 90 123 237 812 429. 383 52 45 180 79 91 91 97 127 720 400 320 179 83 92 92 98 132 683 384 299 29 31 230 106 93 \!3 119 157 732 400 332 168 132 232 108 94 94 106 139 679 366 313 83 65 166 74 95 95 149 178 680 392 288 236 J89 133 34 96 96 160 174 831 479 352' 379 275 130 11 TOTAL 1,028 1,397 6,584 3,597 2,987 948 - 743 1,567 613 TOTAL OF ETAWAH M. B. 3'61/9'35 10,288 13,635 69,681 38,070 31,611 5,364 4,027 19,268 9,026 *Ward{Mohalla/Ellumerator'S Blockwise figure. nol available xxxiii



WORKERS --.. _ NON- Total Workers WORKERS (I-IX) I II III IV V VI VII VII[ IX X Serial No .

,---_,..___, ,..--_"""'--__" .--~ ~ ~ ..----"---.. r-"---o .-...... ----'---, .-...... ------,

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F l'vl F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 :H 32 33 34

184 32 4 5 4 13 6 50 2 5 101 26 238 328 76 199 10 11 8 49 1 93 1 3 42 174 322 77 112 5 3 2 11 1 20 19 2 55 3 117 224 78 135 5 9 6 57 63 5 176 259 79 129 8 61 59 139 171 80 109 14 13 3 9 I 17 I 2 67 9 143 195 81 157 16 1 1 23 9 47 2 2 74 13 138 232 82 159 13 39 1 15 9 17 4 I 18 8 110 198 83 76 5 1 .,. 3 I , . 15 5 ,2 4 114 161 84 153 3 107 ... 4 1 42 2 II7 211 85 211 7 14 4: 4: 17 6 46 1 4: 119 2 162 275 86 206 9 38 2 1 1 15 2 9 41 21 81 4- 154 240 87

1,830 119 175 3 5 86 23 178 5 41 467 12 45 833 76 1,782 2,816

204 12 10 9 46 II 93 2 II 63 172 353 88 202 1 6 75 12 42 1 11 56 169 334 89 225 11 32 40 2 15 138 8 204 372 90 185 3 8 1 2 57 54 3 60 2 215 317 91 16 1 39 6 100 9 204 287 62 180 12 17 2 '" 1 203 19 10 2 2 14 9 6 8 79 I 83 8 197 313 93 204 32 10 9 8 16 2 3 73 4 7 86 III 162 281 94 228 45 17 7 4 30 24- 14 1 10 17 9 127 13 164- 243 95 272 9 23 11 1 22 24 36 8 148 7 207 343 96

1,903 144 85 11 8 82 51284 5 69 443 11 71 861 66 1,694 2,843

19,270 2,114 732 24 37 ... I'll 2 1,7091,1442,024 49 627 2 4,230 86 858 1 8,932806 18,800 29,497 I:XX~V



Occu- ...... Serial Ward/Mahalia *Area in pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. Enumerator's Block Sq. milesl Resi- holds Castes educated persons Sq. Km. dential Houses

,-_.....___, ,.-- ...... ___,. ,...._""""-___

P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

JASWANTNAGAR BLOCKS: 1 134 145 781 408 373 91 73 162 62 2 2 76 100 525 270 255 192 125 3 3 67 75 459 228 231 82 59 4 4 87 100 445 242 203 33 24 87 26 5 5 86 98 460 255 205 95 91 60 17 6 6 57 76 461 238 223 39 40 42 6 7 7 28 36 190 102 88 25 16 29 16 8 8 54 74 415 216 199 19 11 144 III 9 9 65 79 392 205 187 28 28 114 73 10 10 109 109 522 277 245 85 71 151 83 11 11 82 102 547 288 259 , 196 149 12 12 63 84 391 212 179 71 125 106 46 \3 13 77 110 554 285 269 57 53 133 36 14 14 89 97 484 259 225 39 39 133 48 15 15 70 83 481 269 212 24 23 103 43 16 16 80 92 409 241 168 168 132 87 13 17 17 121 130 786 438 348 113 71 164 68 18 18 57 72 370 215 155 27 17 95 49 19 19 33 41 343 198 145 55 46 97 27

TOTAL 1·00/259 1,435 1,703 9,015 4,846 4,169 969 860 2,177 1,057

*Ward/Moh!'llla/Enumerator's B10kcwise figures not available IlDY



WORKERS . ______-A ______~ NON­ Total Workers WORKERS (I-IX) Serial I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X No.

F M F M FMF MF MFMFMFMF M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 29 30 31 32 33 34


222 40 51 6 3 21 20 27 2 36 2 7 69 17 186 333 1 135 13 5 4 12 55 2 2 .57 10 135 242 2 119 3 20 38 34 26 2 109 228 3 140 17 36 18 11 7 10 45 2 23 3 102 186 4 141 38 23 23 14 16 34 2 54 J3 114 167 4 13 4 39 5 40 10 137 5 29 1 101 218 6 2 1 10 19 50 7 12 52 87 7 19 2 12 4 5% 1 22 114 4 4 1 102 195 8 9 20 12 41 1 45 J III 22 3 1 94 165 9 20 19 18 41 1 52 22 136 43 5 139 202 10 19 74 5 37 3 149 139 3 3 256 11 35 29 17 2 23 2 8 27 2 96 116 33 4 146 12 2. 33 60 12 2 54 1 34 143 142 62 4 207 13 33 19 IB 46 2 4 47 2 110 202 14 149 23 7 3 24 2 2 57 3 1 33 4 141 200 15 12B 12 4 3 22 10 3 9 7 3 3 85 32 94 123 16 147 45 15 17 17 11 67 5 72 186 348 17 252 63 26 5 9 8 46 2 108 152 18 3 12 107 6 ., 4 15 20 .." 42 2 103 143 19 95 2 5

3 15 7 2 318 222 292 3 66.. 758 21 92 812 118 2,264 3,800 2,582 369 222

l E N N


I I s 10








St No. in 51. No. in SI. No.in Sl. Name of Village Village SI. Name of Village Village SI. Name of Village Village No. Directory No. Directory No. Directory 2 f 3 2 3 2 3

1 • Ababakarpur 170 41 Berchauli 295 81 Dandarpur 248 2 Adlipur 89 42 Beri Khera 207 82 Deorasai 68 3 Aghini 20 43 Betiyapur 74 83 Deeg 59 4 Aheripur 247 44 Dhadufpur Ghat 183 84 Dhakpura 91 5 Ahmadpur 198 45 Bhaopur 106 85 Dhakra 293

6 Akbarpur Daulatpur 157 46 Bharaipur 232 86 Dharampur 174 7 Alampur Biboli 136 47 Bharatpur Kalan 7 87 Dhaurkha 167 8 Alampur Turaiya 70 48 Bharatpur Khurd . 32 88 Dibhauli 290 9 Amathari 51 49 Bharthaoa (Rural) 115 89 Diloli 289 ~ 10 Anandpur 8 50 Bhartiya 25 90 Dinal,ur 143

II Andawa 276 51 Bhilona 138 91 Ekari 188 12 Aneypur 251 52 Bholi 121 92 Ekarpur 124 13 Apurpur 69 53 Bhoya 301 93 Fatehpar 264 14 Arharpur 64 54 BhulfJur 176 94 Gagmohanpur 249 15 Asadpur 199 55 Biboli 137 95 Gangora Bajhcra 147

16 Asafpur 126 56 Bidhipur lu9 96 Ganiyawar 286 17 Asai 181 57 Bijauli 166 97 Gansara 90 18 Bachhehri 285 58 Bilahti 191 98 Garhaiya 304 99 Gautampur 19 Bachhroi 5 59 Binaikpur 275 269 100 Ghugh;ina 20 Ba,dkan Shahpur 6 60 Bindawan Kalan 300 220

21 Bahadurpur Pachar 30 61 Birari 155 101 Gohani 281 22 Baharpura 95 62 Birhipur 179 102 Gopalpur 279 23 Bahera 255 65 Birsinghpur 67 103 Gopiyaganj 122 24, Baisoli Bhanpur 107 64 Birondhi 131 104 Hajipur 135 25 Baisoli Ghat 151 65 Birpur'Salempur 246 105 Halu Harrajpur 221

26 Bakewar 213 66 Bishunamai 211 106 Hanumantpur 310 67 Biyaspur 260 107 Harkungalpur 27 Bakoli ~ 35 28 Balampur 158 68 Buapur 142 108 Hathnoli 144 29 Balapur, 42 69 Chakarnagar 292 109 Hindupur Baidpur 28 30 Ballampur 258 70 Chamarpur Rudrapur 14 110 Ibrahimpur 154 71 Chandethi 75 31 Bamhnipur 34 III Ikhara 235 32 Bamhor.a Mumayunpur 273 72 'Chandai 291 112 Iknor 262 33 Banamai 94 73 Chandpura .69 113 Inguri 168 34 Banihardu 60 74 Cbhabroli 278 114 Indrapur 242 182 35 Baraukh 268 75 Chindoli 115 Indrosi 227

36 Barechha 299 76 Dadora 180 116 Indrawakhi 243 294 37. BaroH 200 77 Dadra 117 Ishwaripur 177 296 38 Basaiyahar 190 78 Daipur 173 118 jagtoli 39 Belahar 44 79 Dalipoagar 270 119 jaimalpur 222 40 Ber 71 80 Damodarpur 153 120 jaitpur 186 xl



SI. No. in 81. No. in SI. No. il. Sl. Name of Village Village S1. Name of Village Village SI. Name of V ilJage Village N". Directory No. Directory No. Directory 2 3 2 3 1 2 3

121 Jaitupur Khwajsi . 76 161 Lakhna T.A . 205 201 Nagla Chalinithan 79 122 Jarpura 104 162 Lalpur 274 202 Nagla Gujrati 37 123 Kachhpura 193 103 Ludhiyani 228 203 Nagla Hari 265 3 164 Lundol. 284 204 Nagla Jaik 124 Kadampur / 178 125 Kainchhi 277 165 Magupur 80 205 Nagla Kale 261

126 Kakarahi 47 166 Mahasangpur 197 206 Nagla Kiratpur 4 127 Kandhesi Ghar 298 167 Mahewa 254 207 Nugla Kaly~npur 24 128 Kanlhmau 100 168 Mahmudpur 116 208 Nagla Khanta 99 160 129 Kata\\a K;,hurd 118 169 Mahneypur 209 Nagla Lalman 10 165 170 Mahpalpur 204 130 Karwa Buzurg 210 Nagla Lachhi 31 96 131 Karondhi 203 171 Malha usi 211 Nagla Mansinghpur 209 263 IJ2 Katahara 92 172 Malupur 212 agla Mairana 41 17 133 Kauwa 16 173 Maman Himmatpur 213 Nag1a Manikpur 159 50 134 Keshaupur 58 174 Maniyamau 214 Nagla Matrampur 206 217 135 Khana Bandh 29 175 Manpura :l15 Nagla Phulpur 120 201 136 Khandhesi Pachar 125 176 Maroli 21t) Nagla Sarangpur 54 202 137 Kharagpur Saraiya 22 177 Medipur 217 Nagl Shukul 223 a 257 138 Kharagpur 164 178 Megupur 218 Nagla Usirm 87 272 139 Khiriti 282 179 Mehndipur 219 'Nagri Lolpur 234 139 140 Khiriya 55 180 Merhidudhi 220 NandJaon 192 307 141 Khitora 237 181 Mithati 221 Nasirpur Botha 219 297 162 182 Mitrol 222 Nawada Khurd Kalan 184 142 Kiratpur 13 143 Kointa 15 183 Mohri 223 Nogawan 240 130 144 Kola 305 184 Morhi 224 Nogawan 280 175 145 Kudrail 38 185 Mubarakpur 225 Nigoh Buapur 141 148 146 Kundariya 212 186 Mughalpur Naraini 252 226 Nigoh Ekarpur 140 147 Kunetha 230 187 Mukatpur 227 Ninawa 9 145 148 Kunethi 111 188 Murcha 228 Niwari ,Kalan 233 244 149 Kunwara 114 189 Murena Khurd Kalan 229 Niwari Khurd 245 190 Murena Biboli 134 150 Kunwarpur Bhatpur 150 230 Nodhana 218 103 151 Kurkha 18 191 Murenamal Hausi 23t Palighar 283 152 152 Kurrah 84 192 Muretha 232 Pali Kalan 109 250 153 Kusgawan Badshahpur 156 193 Nagariya Buzurg 233 Pali Khurd 108 48 154 Kusgawan Ahiram 238 194 Nagariya Sarawa 234 Parsoliormpur 267 81 155 Kusna 146 195 Nagla Bahadurpur 235 Pasiya 308 •

156 Labedi 185 196 Nagla Bhogi 82 236 Patiyachatorpur 226 157 Lahariyapur 101 197 Nagla Bhara 78 237 Patiyait 39 158 Lahori 93 198 Nagla Buthar 88 238 Ptoli 239 159 Lakhandur Ghar 194 199 Nagla Chinta 27 239 Pilakhana 231 160 Lakhanpur Pachar 66 200 Nagla Chitt 119 240 Piproligrhiya 311 1111 ALPHABETICAL LIST or VILLAGES


SI. No. in 51. No. in SI. No.in SI. Name of Village Village 51. Name of Village Village 51. Name of Village Village No. Directory No. Directory No. Directory 2 3 2 3 2 3

541 Pipripur Ghar 171 266 Saidpur 163 291 Soran 45 242. Pipripur Pachar 127 267 Sainphi 86 292 Sujipur 113 243 Pirthirampur 225 268 Salimpur 83 293 Tadwa Ismailpur 241 244 Punja 57 269 Samathar 52 294 Takha 40 36 245 Purai1a 270 Samhon 97 295 Takpura 61 271 246 Purwa1i 271 Sanigoli 224 296 Takrupur 195 129 247 Qptubpur 272 Santokhpur Pachar 62 297 Tandemhar 11 2;'3 248 Rahatpur 273 5arai Mithey 208 298 Tara Ukharra 73 266 249 Ramaupur 274 Sarawa 43 299 Tejpura 287 117 250 Ramayan 275 Sarai Chauri 105 3')0 1hari 98 132 251 Rampur 276 Sarai lIahi 229 301 Tipatia 33 288 252 Rampura Ghar 277 Sarai Narotham 259 302 Tirkhi Tilakpur 1 25'~ Rampura Pachar 23 278 Sarai Nodhana 216 303 Titawali 302 254 Ratanpur 210 279 Sarai Zalal 161 304 Turaiya 65 255 Ratehari Sarawa 46 280 Sarsai Nawar 2 305 Turakpur Pachar 128

102 306 'l'urakpur Paharpur 187 256 Raura 53 281 Satnupur 307 Udhanpur In 257 Razipur 49 282 Shamaspur 133 308 Ujhiyani 256 258 Retor 149 283 Sheikhpur Chandethi 72 309 Umer Senda 77 259 Ruddarpur Ituahar 21 284 Sheikh pur Pachar 63 3lO Ureng 236 260 Rudouli 19 285 Sherpur Rasulpur 214 311 Usrahar 12 261 Sabdaldur Daudpur 196 286 Sihpur 123 262 Sadiqpur 118 287 Sinhuan 85 263 Sahajpur Gyanpur 112 288 Sirsa 306 264 Sahehi Sakra\\aJi 303 289 Sonbarsa Bhatpura 215 265 Sahson 309 290 Sonthana 26 ~1H



Occu- Serial Natne of Village Number Atea pied House-. Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations for ameuitJes) of in Res i- holds Castes educated persons Hamlets acres dential Houses

.-----"-----. ,.---"-~ ,--___,..__----

P M F M F M -F

2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


1 Titkhi Tilokpur 4 716 75 83 597 310 287 3 4 128 9 2 Sarsai Nawar Mp, Po. 19 6,411 733 825 4,889 2,675 2,214 625 575 768 269 3 Kadampur Mp. S 1,203 297 329 1,513 81l 702 362 297 125 19

6 Badkan Shahpur 1 377 37 47 267 153 114 12 9 61 22 7 Bharatpur Kalan 2 227 38 43 258 146 112 10 12 49 12 8 Anandpur 1 96 15 20 79 47 32 9 8 17 2 9 Mureha 2 3(;i3 50 57 399 228 171 54 47 57 2 10 Nagla Lalman 1 303 12 19 109 66 43 9

11 Tandehar 1 287 27 29 177 96 81 10 17 23 12 Usrahar Po. 1 120 15 20 78 47 31 7 7 7 13 Mohri 2 510 140 150 771 419 352 106 8t 135 42 14 Chamarpur Rudrapur 4 794 72 81 382 208 174 101 96 46 9 15 Kointa 10 1,965 267 286 1,764 959 805 189 156 284 50

16 Kauwa Riv. 6 1,709 241 265 1,567 868 699 112 83 186 45 17 Nagla Mairana Riv. 1 210 9 14 98 51 47 11 10 23 4 18 Kurkha Riv. 7 1,450 132 142 488 269 219 137 118 68 5 19 Rudouli Riv. 2 545 82 92 413 237 176 24 23 55 2 20 Aghini 6 696 183 193 1,029 546 483 246 237 100 10

21 Ruddarpur Ituahar 1 108 9 \5 74 41 33 II 12 15 22 Kharagpur Saraiya 4 240 27 39 229 118 III 47 38 64 22 23 Rampura Pachal' 1 119 25 38 261 149 112 12 9 41 24 Nagla Kalyanpur 1 156 36 48 314 174- 140 32 23 33 1 25 Bhartiya 2 195 39 51 308 174 134 50 52 39 2

26 Sonthana 3 1,2'"'1,2 112 120 721 388 333 68 63 78 19 27 Nagla Chinta 3 007 35 48 223 122 101 16 17 41 7 28 Hindupur Baidpur 5 45B 99 108 669 372 297 18 18 123 5 29 Khana Bandh 3 411 60 88 441 234 207 101 75 65 8 30 Bahadurpur Pachar 1 210 14 20 105 59 46 40 29 13 1

31 Nagla Lachhi 1 '275 21 22 126 73 53 30 23 20 9 32 Bharatpur Khurd 2 266 61 71 393 203 190 32 26 68 19 33 Tipatia 1 248 21 29 159 81 78 28 43 34 Bamhnipur 2 347 105 115 579 318 261 121 98 140 45 35 Harkungalpur 5 815 78 84 535 284 251 12 6 79 8

36 Puraila R. 4 700 211 235 1,355 756 599 110 93 224 49 37 Nagla Gujrati 5 518 57 80 564 308 256 101 70 109 10 31:1 Kudrail Mp. 26 4,101 721 771 4,824 2,796 2,028 785 744 448 102 39 Patiyait Mp. 10 477 1~7 235 1,309 743 566 119 101 185 22 40 Takha Mp,Hos,Po. 35 5,035 768 856 4,674 2,556 2,118 459 396 684 98 -- ~«:" 41 Maman Hirnmatpur Riv,Mp. I! 3,136 309, 405 2,152 1,187 965 131 118 321 48 42 13alapul 3 462 57 65 336 189 147 112 87 61 43 Sarawa Riv,Mp. 9 1,392 205 236 1,1l5 616 499 144 105 193 41 44 Belahar Riv. 7 1.663 299 344 1,723 884 839 192 148 314 35 45 Soran 6 994 86 125 723 381 342 96 84 52 6 alUI DIRE01'ORY


WORKERS ...._, - ..... NON- Total Worken -- WORKERS Serial (I-IX) No. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X

r-._""__~ ,..._",,_ .__ ~ ,_.-~-.._,. ,.---~ ...---.... . ,...A.~ ,...... r-..... ~ ,...... ""---"""".---"" M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F ·M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35


175 1 157 1 9 1 1 6 135 286 1 1,614 46 1,397 17 34 7 30 4 4 8 47 2 85 24 1,061 2,168 2 616 13 554 I 23 3 1 1 20 15 10 195 6S9 3 55 1 53 1 1 1 ... 34 67 4 269 21 246 6 1 15 10 2 5 5 134 334 5

86 82 3 I 67 114 6 84 76 8 62 112 7 36 35 1 11 32 8 140 3 131 2 2 5 1 88 168 9 36 32 4 30 43 10

61 59 2 35 81 11 25 19 6 22 31 12 269 12 185 4 1 34 8 7 5 4 4 29 150 340 13 118 2 102 2 8 7 1 90 172 14 621 21 574 21 2 3 3 10 29 338 784 15

525 4 484 3 5 10 3 23 343 695 16 30 27 3 .* 21 47 17 164 1 145 1 5 13 I 105 218 18 145 7 135 4 2 3 8 92 169 19 303 6 280 6 3 6 5 9 243 477 20

25 18 3 4 16 74 63 ., 32 21 1 7 3 44 111 22 89 1 75 14 60 III 113 1 23 113 1 61 139 24 106 17 81 2 11 II 3 15 68 117 25

218 3 194 3 2 2 19 57 57 170 330 26 218 214 65 101 27 1 3 154 297 28 142 125 4- 2 31 II 92 206 29 32 1 27 46 30 44 38 5 132 119 4 1 29 53 31 1 6 2 52 46 1 1 4 71 190 32 201 3 172 3 9 6 29 78 33 177 1 175 1 12 117 258 34 2 107 250 35 446 5 378 1 16 12 3 lil7 4 ISO 2 3 34 4 310 594 36 2 5 1,875 89 1,378 11 44 3 9 6388 58 2 121 252 37 432 10 2 40 12 _ 921 1,939 38 3 386 3 35 6 .,. 2 1,502 55 1.326 38 30 18 10 4 2 311 563 39 3 33 87 7 1,054 2,063 40 735 lR 626 8 20 31 2 21 140 6 135 6 2 33 B 452 947 41 3fi9 17 331 5 14 2 11 3 49 141 42 572 7 . 7 5 8 10 247 4B2 514 39 6 5 43 235 1 228 4 2 8 312 832 44 146 341 45 ·liv



Occu- Serial Name of Village Number Area pied House- Total Population SCheduled No. (Notations fur amenities). of Literate and in Resi- holds Castes educated persons Hamlets acres dential Houses

r-'--"""__--. ~ r--~

P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12. 13

46 Ralehari Sarawa Riv. 7 532 94 146 741 403 338 169 146 47 Kakarahi 164 31 10 1,519 123 229 1,276 694 582 1117 172 48 Nagariya Sarawa 3 196 54 288 42 90 390 208 182 39 36 33 49 Razipur 2 607 9 32 46 191 101 90 14 15 23 50 Nagla Manikpur 3 348 22 31 161 79 82 8 3

51 Amathari 5 675 115 154 928 501 427 121 122 153 26 52 Samathar Mp. 16 2,323 368 440 2304 1,270 1,034 549 472 288 41 53 Raura Riv. 13 1,914 187 261 1:385 792 593 133 93 182 28 54 Medipur 1 317 19 29 171 94 77 ... 33 12 55 Khiriya 3 197 42 60 284 159 125 9 6 30 I

56 Bakoli Mp. 10 1,287 147 199 1,003 541 462 297 252 122 18 57 Punja Mp. 4 1,007 116 145 830 452 378 84 58 64 147 30 Keshaupur 4 538 97 130 757 416 341 109 82 123 4 59 Deeg Riv,Mp. 8 1,915 197 280 1,468 804 664 162 113 60 186 35 Banihardu 6 1,400 93 137 721 397 324 34 24 88 5

61 Takpura 4 654 89 135 627 348 279 51 41 62 Santokhpur Pachar 71 7 2 379 58 88 428 228 200 94 82 71 7 63 Sheikhpur Pachar 5 738 94 140 824 461 363 41 64 Arharpur 46 90 12 4 920 63 97 571 306 265 41 36 65 Turaiya 80 7 3 1,751 149 213 1,043 547 496 2lL 171 113 17 66 Lakhanpur Pachar 3 573 41 61 346 195 151 8 7 49 67 Birsinghpur 3 3 441 25 35 217 120 97 7 8 32 1 68 Deorasai 3 656 69 51 70 392 211 181 28 20 78 7 Apurpur Mp. 2 701 61 85 434 70 241 193 35 26 121 5 Alarnpur Turaiya I 274 17 25 lSI 82 69 19

71 Ber Mp,po. 6 1,141 149 201 933 486 447 76 63 72 Sheikhpur Chandcthi 1 166 40 223 50 65 329 178 151 136 115 35 1 73 Tara Ukharra 3 313 29 41 327 171 156 74 Betiyapur 45 8 777 76 112 659 363 296 52 52 82 75 Chandethi I II 348 32 42 270 158 112 13 9 42 2

76 Jaitupur Khwajgi 4 552 58 85 508 282 226 50 56 74 3

TOTAL OF TAKHA BLOCK 385 68,157 8,925 10,966 60,374 33,122 27,252 7,709 ~,631 8,656 1,538 BHAR1HANA BLOCK

77 Umer Senda 9 l,lB7 203 238 1,144 Nagla Bhara 622 522 116 119 239 58 78 2 203 24 33 184 79 Nag1a Chalinihan 95 89 37 2 I 192 5 12 60 80 Magupur 29 31 14 17 5 I 5 796 81 120 800 440 360 224 176 163 81 Nagla Bahadurpur Riv. 1 27 252 23 35 168 89 79 32 25 10 82 Nagla Bhogi 1 32 5 5 28 18 10 83 Salimpur 5 664 128 2 161 909 484 425 26 24 84 Kurrah Riv. 6 902 67 91 563 238 57 85 308 255 70 63 103 Sinhuan Riv. 23 2,632 267 325 1,826 5 86 Sainphi 963 863 134 lls 141 Riv. 15 1,229 169 188 !'J48 . 442 5 506 359 337 126 17 bt"

DJaEuroa 1l


WORKERS ,....--._.------..... NON- WORKERS Total W()r~rs (I-IX) II 1lI IV • . . V VI VII VIII IX X Senal No.

,---A---, r-...... ,.....-.....___, ,..._...... _, ...... r------~-~ ~ .....-"--. .-...... --.

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

150 335 46 253 3 247 3 6 380 4 9 3 2 2 ... 20 1 283 571 47 411 11 17 3 78 175 48 130 7 89 4 23 I 14 6 3 3 38 86 49 63 4 40 1 50 56 . 56 23 82

7 ., 7 209 421 51 292 6 278 6 4 17 514 1,023 52 756 11 605 9 63 51 2 8 8 5 3 12 347 586 53 445 7 419 7 5 40 77 54' 54 53 I 65 125 55 94 86 8 1 18 205 458 56 4 283 '3 21 12 336 11 12 36 169 376 57 2 219 1 4 340 58 283 6 3 6 173 • 243 1 228 29 298 662 59 465 1 2 9 1 506 2 2 176 319 60 22\ 5 216 4 2 141 277 61 2 ... " . .. 10 207 2 193 2 2 5 92 197 62 128 3 3 136 3 1 9 197 358 63 264 5 253 4 1 11 131 263 64 160 2 2 1 175 2 8 4 7 2 225 486 65 322 10 297 1 5 1 2 ... 2 75 . 147 66 116 2 45 96 67 120 4 9 '" ... 75 1 64 1 1 ...... 9 91 172 68 115 1 3 (90 69 120 9 7 2 3 4 .3 96 145 3 l1'l 6 32 69 70 50 50 11 5 24 4 179 438 71 4 11 7 150 72 307 9 247 4 1 ... 3 70 108 1 87 14 69 156 73 98 3 1 148 296 74 102 2 4 15 215 187 6 2 61 110 75 97 2 93 2 110 222 76 6 3 5 2 172 4 152 6 6 24 735 124 12,819 26.763 9 16 441 5' 424 61) 46 258 2.0,303 489 17._ 231 557 I3HARTHANA BLOCK 506 77 19 \7 16 2 235 4 2 17 1 I 39' 89 78 3(.7 16 292 10 55 11 30 89 56 ... 354 80 1 18 1 4 16 167 18 1 2 24 '" 1 32 78 81 7'3 6 229 57 1 56 1 5 10 82 I 189 420 83 13 3 I 84 13 5 2 1 1 125 255 29:1 :J 2B8 I 4- 788 85 171 5 2 389 183 4 2 36 2 179 433 86 574 75 566 75 5 6 327 9 284 ~lvi



Occu- Scheduled Literate an d Serial Name ot V iUage Numbel Area pled House- Total Population No. {Notations for amenities} of 10 l{esi- holds Castes educated persons Hamlets acres delltlal Houses

,.-__..A-~ ,------."...,----.._ ,.-_"A.~

P M F M· F M F

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 25 1 I 183 20 20 80 45 35 81 Nagla Usirtn 23 20 37 5 Nagla Butbar 1 62 15 :LO 152 83 69 88 y 155 . 792 448 344 124 III 115 19 89 Adlij;ur Riv. 1,172 137 194 19 7 1,360 196 216 1,245 69IJ 547 120 117 90 Gansara Riv. 953 770 223 194 288 42 91 Dbakpura Ri". 17 2,235 302 331 1,723

5 723 107 117 671 372 299 107 91 106 2i 92 Katahara Riv. 130 93 264 34 93 Labori 13 1,531 209 22-1 1,408 769 639 364 53 76 423 231 192 75 71 68 94 Banamai 4 235 R, Riv, Po. IS 2,257 302 332 1,730 909 821 292 276 45 95 Baharpura 228 183 247 76 96 Malhausi Po. 10 1,456 213 250 1,263 678 585

16 2,2U6 404 441 2,157 1,135 1,022 437 401 400 93 97 Sambon Rly. 128 269 55 Thad 16 1,802 211 244 1,377 735 642 133 98 7 55 Ii 99 Na!lla Khahta 3 129 27 43 282 144 138 12 3 993 132 155 770 422 348 ~18 HlO 141 32 100 Kanth Mau 21 21 101 Labariyapur 2 318 14 20 175 98 77 29 13 102 Satnupur 1 123 9 13 74 35 39 10 17 1 7 605 50 62 510 268 242 96 'l6 78 18 103 Murenamal Hausi 81 . 12 104 Jarpura 5 762 72 110 603 347 256 72 56 3 1,727 192 223 1,158 622 536 345 324 156 33 105 Sarai Chauri Riv. 56 106 Bhanpur Riv. 2 387 52 78 395 206 189 47 43 3

107 Baiso!i Bhanpur Riv. 6 822 124 12l 630 385 245 93 87 77 2 108 Pali Khurd Po. 8 '1,414 604 652 3,146 1,650 1,496 142 136 740 213 109 Pali Kalan 11 2,452 260 289 1,569 843 726 107 101 316 69 110. Sad;qpur 2 467 17 25 174 98 76 41 11 III Kunethi Riv. 7 521 60 18 428 235 193 27 25 84 ;2

112 Sabajpur Gyanpur 4 829 88 100 521 29. 227 85 63 78 17 113 Sujipur 3 296 27 42 287 141 146 36 40 44 114 KUf\wara 7 596 200 244 1,392 758 634 336 271 3Il III 115 Bharthana (Rural) R, Rly. 13 1,772 941 983 4,442 2,432 2,010 1,006 968 806 126 *116 Mahmud pur 1 288 19 SO 197 103 94 25 15 33 5

117 Ramayan 13 1,437 353 367 2,044 1,1I0 934 427 366 381 90 118 Karawa Khurd 4 584 90 126 628 341 287 128 114 ll8 19 119 Nagla Chitt I 202 18 33 182 96 86 1 38 2 120 Nagla Phulpur 2 ,33 13 '17 109 53 56 22 3 121 Bholi 13 1,934 264 298 1,842 1,010 832 278 217 284 . "49

122 Gopiyaganj 1 381 148 158 831 440 391 ll4 93 133 42 123 Sihpur 2 706 57 76 426 209 217 21 18 89 26 1;,(4 Ekarpur 5 458 29 44 275 148 127 60 5 125 Khandhesi Pachar 5 1,410 214 225 1,245 687 558 212 163 313 101 126 Asafpur 4 168 48 70 324 158 166 64 57 48 19

127 Pipripur Pacbar 3 196 40 51 278 154 124 62 41 71 16 128 Turakpur Pachar 4 187 41 57 295 164 131 28 22 47 11 129 Qutubpur 1 194 55 67 437 245 192 24 24 79 9 130 Marhi R, Riv. 5 1,154 132 150 829 454 375 101 83 162 31 131 Birondhi Riv. 2 729 204 ?41 1,388 724 664 166 163 ?.87 121

*PartIy included in the town Bharthana M.B, ·lvii




NON- Total Workers WORKERS (I-IX) I II III IV V VI eVIl .VIII IX X Serial No.

.------. ------. ~ ,-~ ,--""--, ,--"---, ....--.-.... ,---"---, ,--""---0, ,--~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 i

33 33 12 35 87 47 47 36 69 88 250 7 193 4 5 52 3 198 337 89 . -419 6 386 5 10 7 6 10 279 541 90· 575 20 510 17 47 4 5 8 378 750 91

177 3 159 1 6 8 2 ... 4 195 296 92 434 6 378 "'4 2 1 44 1 9 335 633 93 -146 1 129 1 6 5 1 3 1 1 85 191 94 535 7 471 2 22 2 3 7 2 28 4 ,,74 814 95 385 56 274 25 1 16 4 43 24 4- 9 38 2 293 529 96

675 41 510 19 35 2 27 7 1 .. 5 .. 6 41 50 13 460 981 97 . 422 5 353 3 28 2 6 2 2 11 8 12 313 637 98 83 4 62 3 6 . 1 2 1 ." 12 61 134 99 276 6 244 2 2 3 11 2 14 3 146 342 100 59 ~ ... 59 .\ 39 77 WI

19 1 17 1 2 16 38 102 154 1 150 1 2 1 114 241 103 190 1 180 5 5 1 157 255 104 356 15 291 5 10 10 2 41 8 266 521 105 148 6 138 5 1 1 8 1 58 183 106

255 4 216 2 9 2 16 5 9 130 241 107 955 66 740 4'> 5 24 3 3 3 72 4 100 18 695 1,430 108 470 21 434 5 8 8 3 ... 1 10 1 12 8 373 705 109 59 2 55 2 1 3 39 74 110 136 2 126 1. 1 2 5 1 99 191 111

173 4 147 3 14 11 121 223 112 84 75 1 8 57 146 113 396 18 208 1 9 37 7 3 2 36 2 1 104 8 362 616 114 1,420 151 436 12 116 2 121 23 276 80 27 181 1 46 217 33 1,012 1,859 115 62 55 6 1 41 94 116

629 -5 491 59 26 2 2 30 1 20 1 481 929 117 205 12 160 1 3 1 40 II 136 275 118 55 55 41 86 119 30 29 1 23 56 120 563 19 443 3 39 ... 14 14 6 15 10 36 447 813 121

246 6 191 2 15 10 1 25 4 3 194 385 122 132 5 122 2 1 3 2 2 4 77 212 123 90 1 83 1 6 58 126 124 406 12 325 6 1 17 10 2 51 4 281 546 125 110 2 85 2 12 1 12 48 164 126

87 9 , 40 4 2 2 43 4 67 115 127 109 9 70 2 13 4 6 4 15 3 55 122 128 148 15 141 7 1 5 2 4 3 97 i77 129 270 3 243 3 6 1 2 2 1 2 13 184 372 130 394 9 299 7 4 7 5 2 ... 77 330 655 131 xlviii ' VILLAGE


Occu- Number Atea pied -House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and Serial Name of Village Castes educated perllOns No. (Notations for amenities) of in Res i- holds Hamlets acres dential Houses

~~ ,,_.....-;-

P M F M F M F 10 12 t3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 21 35 132 Rampur 2 192 17 29 174 97 77 23 2 552 173 185 929 508 421 338 182 156 13 133 Shamaspur 8 134 Murena Biboli Riv. I 363 24 4() ,.. 253 136 117 29 25 34 1 197 37 51 332 177 155 62 59 53 1 135 Hajipur 76 17 136 Alarnpur Biboli 3 464 47 66 353 197 156 53 56

4 317 66 89 481 247 234 83 87 100 43 137 Biboli Riv. 60 13 138 Bhilona Riv. 1 286 27 44 279 146 133 36 50 139 Merhi Dudhi Riv, Po. 22 1,604 207 235 1,427 838 589 219 197 275 60 140 Nigoh Ekarpur Riv. 2 338 78 141 671 355 316 86 64 169 34 141 Nigoh Buapur Riv 131 Un-inhabited

142 Buapur Riv. 3 434 84 116 631 349 282 233 85 154 50 143 Dioapur Riv. 4 449 25 45 263 143 120 32 30 58 13 144- Hathnoli Riv. 7 499 51 73 383 195 188 60 60 51 4 145 Ninawa 5 971 33 65 364- 197 167 15 14 67 3 146 Kusna 9 2.279 254 275 1,652 1,042 610 224 195 149 2

147 Gangora Bajhera 3 1,055 123 145 861 480 381 44 26 141 8 148 Mughalpur Naraini Riv. 6 883 176 195 939 489 450 190 156 137 27 149 Retor Riv, Rly. 7 1,258 366 380 2,088 1,106 982 303 134- ~18 134 150 Kunwarpur Bhatpur 7 562 102 114 684 371 313 51 46 98 3 151 Baisoli Ghat Riv. I 390 99 118 562 318 244- 102 92 113 24

152 Muretha Riv. 3 416 80 98 626 354 272 246 193 72 .'". 153 Damodarpur Riv. 10 555 91 110 678 375 303 134 132 142 29 154- 'brahimpur 4 390 74 90 567 293 274 75 73 141 - 26 155 Birari Po. 10 1,518 489 54-2 2,842 1,530 1,312 625 328 751 128 156 Kusgawan Badshabpur 4 473 121 135 755 404 351 278 137 123 24-

157 Akbarpur Dau!atpur 2 464- 125 144 799 439 3to 226 97 151 14- 158 Balampur -I 255 69 85 533 276 257 186 78 87 20

TOTAL OF BHARTHANA BLOCK 462 65,109 10,673 12,518 67,663 36,746 30,917 11,132 8,992 12,491 2,493

MAHEWA BLOCK __..,.. • . 0. e:I ...... 159 Maniya Mau R. 3 776 265 292 1,564 855 709 180 217 298 80 160 Mahneypur ?. 270 60 70 369 222 147 188 125 93 16 161 Sarai Zalal R. 2 469 108 119 703 369 334 221 147 165 45 162 KiratJ-ur 1 224 68 74 476 265 211 74- 90 87 17 163 Saidpur I 354- 98 106 493 261 232 J21 114 60 8

, 164 Kharagpur I 309 25 36 294 149 145 14 18 63 17 165 Karwa Buzurg R, Po. 4 678 208 233 1,357 792 565 290 264 259 51 166 Bijauli R. 4 850 224 235 1,336 711 625 261 226 281 68 167 Dhaurkha 2 '396 179 181 1,127 597 530 296 293 250 34 168 Inguri 5 745 259 263 . 1,530 836 694 251 216 318 60 , 169 Chandpura 2 542 190 208 1;099 568 531 233 215 203 BG 170 Ababakarpur 3 285 -32 41 243 128 115 87 80 47 9 17l Pipripur Ghar 3 318 92 100 577 301 276 94 105 98 15 172 Udhanpur , 5 214 70 83 488 254- 234 30 31 117 26 173 Daipur 2 313 82 95 516 269 247 123 III 106 24 sllx DIRECTORY


WORKERS ,- --- NON- Total Workers - WORKERS Serial (I-IX) No. II III IV V VI VII VIIJ IX X

r---• ,.-_• .A-_~ ,--...... ___, ~,."._---. ,---.A."",-"" ,...... A...... ,--"--., ,--"--., ,,-_...A.._--, ,--"--.. ,--"--., ..A..._

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F ,M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

52 2 46 2 1 4 1 45 75 132 295 41 196 19 • 13 8 5 3 77 14 213 380 133 67 3 49 5 3 13 69 114 134 80 80 ... 97 155 136 119 112 2 4 78 155 135

123 77 46 124 234 137 79 2 68 2 1 10 67 131 138 429 12 377 7 16 2 1 8 1 2 9 15 3 409 577 139 212 71 143 63 6 1 16 1 4 18 23 7 143 245 140 Un-hinabited 141

189 150 5 5 17 11 160 282 142 88 84 2 2 55 120 143 120 4 100 4, 8 12 75 184 144 131 1 127 1 2 2 66 Il6 145 505 14 486 5 2 2 5 2 3 5 7 537 596 146

276 18 240 9 6 2 22 4 4 3 2 204 363 147 271 30 236 16 13 3 3 .2 5 12 II 218 420 148 580 21 428 10 68 6 4 2 5 17 2 24 32 3 526 961 149 237 1 206 1 21 4 1 3 2 ." 134 312 150 209 6 182 1 12 2 4 5 4 4 109 238 151

186 2 150 1 1 ... 2 2 21 10 168 270 152 201 5 147 1 33 9 3 1 2 9 174 293 153 157 3 142 3 11 .. , 4 136 271 154 850 34 677 24 71 24 4 5 4 12 2 56 3 680 1,278 155 . 195 5 l57 5 38 209 346 156

~37 4 167 4 49 3 5 11 202 356 157 144 1 119 1 19 2 4 132 256 158

21,062 955 16,771 478 870 31 19 '" 558 117 413 112 144 575 21 181 1,531 196 15,684 29,962


477 5 391 5 45 7 1 17 7 9 378 70~ 159 132 22 112 4 8 8 1 .. , 3 18 90 125 160 202 2 157 6 8 5 3 ::I 20 2 167 332 161 152 6 106 2 21 I II I I 12 I 113 205 162 147 7 104 4 21 2 .. 5 2 3 11 114 225 163

31 2 69 1 2 6 4 68 143 164 404 6 230 1 81 31 I 9 8 13 31 4 388 559 165 388 22 252 II 66 16 7 5 9 18 4 18 3 323 603 166 341 5 251 49 '17 2 3 2 6 13 3 256 525 167 432 9 312 3 69 14 2 2 3 18 14 4 404 685 168

2'16 14 230 9 45 3 9 2 3 9 277. 517 169 60 6 50 2 8 3 1 1 68 109 170 160 3 131 2 13 5 2 8 141 273 171 135 2 116 2 8 2 1 8 119 232 172 H', 7 114 1 24 2 6 5 123 240 li3 VILLAGE


Occu- :ierial Name of Villag~ Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No (Notations fOJ amenities) of in Resi- holds Castes 'educated persons Hamlets acres dential Houses

,__ -...:...... A-___-. r--,JI.".----.... r-~

P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

174 Dharampur 2 311 104 120 590 315 275 6 8 120 15 175 Mul)alakpur 1 202 40 45 274 142 132 48 41 43 14 176 Bhulpur I 267 54 63 322 163 159 102 105 69 22 177 Ishwartpur 1 157 62 66 412 199 213 19 30 52 1 178 NagJajalk ,2 129 56 65 303 147 156 1 48 5

179 Birhipur 1 184 79 85 454 226 228 106 180 Dadora 6 2 407 124 126 696 362 334 III 62 139 39 181 Asai 6 1,225 82 84 464 253 211 51 40 59 Chindol; 5 182 6 2,689 326 335 2,169 1,188 981 233 184 365 44 183 Bhadurpur Ghar 24 4,316 666 710 4,364 2,415 1,949 610 527 800 177

184 Nawada Khurd Kalan 10 1,764 379 400 2,343 1,3M 1,039 239 192 526 144- 185 Labedi Po. 3 388 185 200 1,029 558 471 275 246 204 61', 186 Jaitpur Po. 5 1-,285 322 338 1,953 1,012 941 244- 214 454 170 187 Turakpur Paharpur 7 522 185 191 1,127 597 530 194 187 204 26 188 Ekari 1 361 67 74 416 231 185 39 34 147 413

189 Bidhipur 2 312 74 82 483 271 212 60 49 108, 29 190 Basaiyahar 5 212 72 80 442 263 179 51 39 129 35 191 Bilahti 4 400 92 105 567 299 268 76 70 73 7 192 Nandgaon Po. 5 1,972 251 260 1,432 731 701 85 73 406 135 193 KachhpuTa 1 515 22 31 187 93 94 47 66 30

194 Lakhanpur Ghar 1 415 15 21 132 69 63 64 64 15 .' 195 Takrupur R. 3 762 119 125 673 373 300 78 . 48 173 65 196 Sabdapur Daurlpur R. 1 1,290 209 216 1,205 628 577 54 54 336 125 197 Mahasangpur 1 124 6 9 45 24 21 6 8 15 2 198 Ahmadpur 328 Un-inhabited

199 Asadpur 1 347 104 112 628 341 287 113 109 173 51 200 Baroli R. 1 387 46 53 339 173 166 31 32 66 :> 201 Maroli R. 1 299 100 107 478 300 178 129 91 102 10 202 Nagla Sarangpur 2 404 47 60 385 203 18Z 113 1I4 56 II 203 Karondhi 1 325 107 119 655 345 310 146 132 88 2

204 Mahpalpur 3 639 105 110 679 382 297 188 148 114 17 205 Lakhna (TAl Hos Po. 3 815 843 862 4,251 2,248 2,003 484 422 1,665 503 206 Manpura R. 2 431 52 60 353 192 161 52 58 42 6 20i Beri Khera 6 850 258 265 1,542 835 707 577 516 326 53 208 Sarai Mithe), 2 729 198 202 1,117 615 502 57 48 168 iU

209 Matupur I 192 26 32 209 111 98 6 47 9 210 Ratanpur 3 459 130 146 854 433 421 .. 165 31 211 Bishunamai 3 563 142 157 1,100 582 518 67 59 262 72 212 Kundariya 3 886 !!52 265 1,407 774 633 367 343 314 34 213 -..Hakewar R Po. 8 2,862 1,082 1,162 -"'&,839 3,083 2,756 609 515 1,969 418

214 Sherpur RasuJpur 2 613 156 210 1,283 649 634 208 212 345 137 215 Sonbarsa Bhatpura 1 507 105 144 941 518 423 187 141 275 104 216 Sarai Nodhana 1 135 35 65 332 184 148 53 49 64 3 217 Nagla Matrampur 2 202 47 67 403 218 185 36 30 77 13 218 Nodhana 6 880 169 248 1,445 766 679 321 302 273 69 11


:RURAL -Confd.


.A.- -~---__..._ NON- ,.... WORKERS Serial Total Workers No. VII VIII IX X (I-IX) 11 III IV V VI

,---_"'____' ,..--"---, ,..--oA..--, r--'---o ,---"'---. ,--""'__"" ,..--oA..--, r--~ r--"""'---. r--""'____ --.. M F M F M F M F F M F M F M F M F M F M F M 31 32 33 34- 35 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 4 129 253 174 155 19 19 2 5 175 186 22 17 4 19 62 131 I 36 ," 4 68 154 176 80 2 9 2 95 5 54 3 28 ... 1 83 212 177 116 I 106 1 9 2 65 155 178 82 1 79 I 1 94 226 179 2 126 "2 5 34 172 328 180 132 18 3 3 3 190 6 131 3 4 3 95 205 181 2 2 1 182 158 6 152 2 4 63 1 620 978 475 2 6 17 108 9 1,045 1,937 183 568 3 382 2 2 2 21 1,370 12 834 1 2[ 21 74 618 1,033 184 5[8 1 43 30 4 686 6 5 1 9 8 8 14- 4 254 460 185 304 11 166 6 94 5 11 21 7 456 869 186 33 80 15 16 16 556 72 422 17 7 3 I 3 31 1 264 517 187 333 13 252 5 25 25 I 107 184 188 124- 1 91 8 40 3 112 208 199 4- 115 1 2 2 175 190 159 6 10 3 117 146 4- 113 1 16 ... 5 I 136 264 191

, 162 281 199 179 6 120 5 22 6 .. 8 23 2 81 2 2 5 3 8 H 16~ 200 99 125 176 201 175 2 74- I 1 ... 3 75 4 17 ... 3 110 2 7 .. , 5 81 179 202 122 159 304 203 186 6 137 4 2 19 6 20 2

193 4 13t; 2 11 1 13 1 1 1 1 29 1 189 293 204- 1,155 79 275 16 13 1 219 22 31 31 346 28 211 41 1,093 1,924- 205 97 2 76 4 2 2 4 II 95 159 206 459 3 291 2 29 7 12 3 6 '7 2 102 376 704 207 321 5 247 4- 40 13 3 18 294 497 208

66 46 14 4 2 45 98 209 226 13 175 7 18 15 5 I 6 II 207 408 210 294 254 10 8 2 9 II 288 518 211 42[\ 6 359 4 34 I 11 1 ... 1 22 I 346 627 212 1,523 54- 994- 24 60 5 62 J6 45 9 153 2 46 159 7 1,555 2,702 213

368 45 176 7 71 29 21' 13 3 83 8 281 589 214 264- 14 171 10 59 5 8 20 4 254 409 215 112 5 59 1 44- 8 ~ 72 143 216 114- 4- 91 3 19 .. ' 4 I 104 181 217 41f. 18 277 12 103 II 2 3 3 16 5 350 661 218 Iii



Occu- Number Serial Name of Village Area pied House- To~al Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) of III Resi- holds Castes educated persons Hamlets acres dential Houses

,_.--.,.A... __ ,..-,--_""__-.-"" r-~-. p M F M F M F 2

219 Nasirpur Hatha I 322 76 117 590 316 274 165 148 115 32 220 Ghughsilla , I 343 44 75 437 239 1"98 68 65 98 29 221 Halu HarraJpur R. 4 613 85 138 ·767 432 335 169 127 141 13 222 Jaimal[Jur I 311 72 94 505 275 230 68 62 5 159 42 223 Mcgupur 322 47 80 531 290 241 159 128 70 12

224 Sanigali 4 29B 51 B2 463 230 233 30 30 9B 31 225 Prithi Rampur 4 410 66 120 614 333 281 156 150 Patiyachatorpur 124 23 226 3 233 55 82 481 267 214 14 11 III I 227 IndIOsi 4 580 86 129 697 380 317 32 Po. 23 172 37 22;8 Ludniyanl 3 472 148 223 1,112 605 507 170 156 240 63

229 Sarai I1ahi 3 526 66 99 564 317 110 Kunetha 247 77 55 21 230 6 699 122 172 1,026 570 456 209 195 2'12 41 231 Pilakhana 4 979 174 245 1,307 703 £,04 209 199 247 44 232 Bharaipur 5 735 119 165 848 471 377 266 214 154 21 233 Murena Khurd Kalan 2 655 102 154 1,001 530 471 117 109 219 21

234 Nagri Lolpur 7 683 176 220 1,265 651 614 262 240 170 40 235 Ikhara 5 321 77 112 675 236 Ureng Po. 370 305 121 100 iii 27 15 1,873 303 436 2,291 1,207 1,084 287 249 458 47 237 Khitora I 815 90 138 860 466 238 Kushgawan Ahiram 394 i2 66 195 9 8 1,178 94 145 903 496 407 77 79 III 7 2:39 Peoli 3 559 73 97 495 275 220 106 67 44 2 240 Nogawan 3 366 241 Tadwa Ismailpur 34 51 311 169 142 24 22 50 3 4 618 67 96 612 326 286 90 77 106 32 242 Indrapur 1 508 50 243 Indrawakhi 95 540 295 245 III 97 120 32 4 1,071 212 284 1,639 861 778 321 334 401 102

214 Niwari Kalan 15 1,688 360 376 2,253 1,188 1,065 364 320 438 I17 245 Niwari Khurd 1 1,060 200 286 1,627 872 755 247 225 371 109 246 Birpllf SaJempur 5 987 328 415 2,331 1,209 1,122 681 644 418 67 247 Aheripur Po. 2 978 485 555· 2,92H 1,553 1,375 449 359 609 243 248 Dandarpur 2 752 198 224 1,285 683 602 105 97 275 87 249 Gag Mohanpur 2 295 98 155 836 468 368 122 113 157 2.J. 250 Nagariya Buzurg 2 565 78 132 251 759 399 360 301 262 125 22 Aneypur 3 861 179 247 1,340 716 624 160 161 314 59, 252 Mukatpur I ·308 91 130 796 253 Rahatpur 437 359 108 92 191 47 1 240 52 81 557 303 254 III 98 94 3 254 Mahewa R,Hos. 4 697 244 338 1,717 935 782 367 316 255 Bahera 3 723 416 143 256 129 195 1,175 616 559 209 199 295 93 Ujhiyani R, Po. 5 931 208 295 1,751 257 Nagla Sf-ukul 935 816 280 250 437 102 I 325 39 51 270 150 120 94 80 258 . Ballampur 1 255 59 10 29 47 234 127 107 23 20 43 13 259 Sarai Narotbam 1 .173 28 35 ,200 117 83 56 40 260 Hiyaspur 6 845 26 5 182 270 1,602 852 750 323 307 375 108 261 Nagla Kale 3 709 74 125 842 262 Iknor 458 384 37 39 63 1 3 2,051 293 300 1,676 873 803 68 71 263 Nagla MahasinghplIr ·1 213 42 424 163 27 212 liZ 100 80 92 28 4 lUi


RURAL-Conld. WORKERS ,.- NOl\------~------Total WOlken WORKEl<.:> (I-IX) I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Seria, No. ,...... ,..~ ,.,--• ...A.._ .. -., ,_.._..A.._~ ,.---"----., ,...-.....__., ,,---"---. ~~ ~~ ~~ ,.....~ ,..--...... _,

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

165 140 19 4 151 274 219 125 5 110 8 2 2 3 2 114 193 220 244 ... 169 .. 54 10 3 5 188 335 221 148 7 104 5 18 2 2 6 16 127 223 222 154 133 15 5 1 136 241 223

124 4 108 3 10 3 I 106 229 224 182 3 164 2 4 10 2 151 278 225 148 4 127 2 1 IY 119 210 226 202 176 9 3 2 12 ... 178 317 227 336 18 215 4 13 11 2 27 3 3 64 9 269 489 228

179 1 176 1 1 1 138 246 229 310 1 262 1 22 6 11 9 260 455 230 380 8 283 5 69 2 11 4 12 323 596 231 254 8 177 2 72 4 4 2 217 369 232 293 4 238 3 37 5 3 8 I 237 467 233

355 3 297 24 2 2 1 .. - 6 25 296 611 234 191 4 150 1 20 5 1 1 3 12 2 179 301 235 650 21 559 8 16 25 13 2 3 4 2 39 557 1,063 236 271 5 254 4 10 3 4 1 195 389 237 292 4 287 1 3 1 3 204 403 238

180 167 10 2 95 220 239 90 82 3 4 79 142 240 181 4 168 2 6 7 2 145 282 241 176 11 148 1 5 2 2 2 17 9 119 234 242 455 37 270 17 51 4 11 1 4 6 2 110 16 406 741 243

619 15 521 ' 5 50 10 1 3 12 2 20 10 569 1,050 244 486 20 344 6 72 29 2 3 8 5 3 25 9 386 735 245 626 18 423 4 4 89 1 I 3 7 I 97 13 583 1,104 246 817 55 300 8 2 219 5 24 4 53 2 9 206 39 736 1,320 247 363 22 311 4 11 13 9 32 5 320 580 248

239 4 212 4 2 6 2 3 2 12 229 364 249 192 6 135 3 7 2 I I 45 3 207 354 250 393 16 320 13 5 1 25 5 7 2 29 1 323 608 251 248 7 197 2 12 3 3 2 6 2 24 2 189 352 252 170 3 ]48 2 1 20 1 133 251 253

478 45 170 6 94 10 61 4 19 22 - 20 2 9 83 23 457 737 254 329 23 247 6 39 5 19 2 2 4 6 2 10 10 287 536 255 509 20 339 4 78 27 3 4 4 13 3 41 13 426 796 256 85 15 29 28 2 24 13 4 65 105 257 71 2 53 2 18 56 105 258

65 1 34 17 1 1 13 52 82 259 451 12 336 5 75 3 10 2 I , .. I 6 21 2 401 738 250 261 1 204 4 13 1 6 2 3 3 26 197 383 261 457 15 383 15 27 6 1 I 5 5 29 416 788 262 58 1 34 .. 9 5 1 9 54 99 263 liv



Occu- Serial Namt of V dl"I.::C Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations for amelllUcs) of in Kcsi- holds Castes educated persons Hamlets acres dential Houses ._._. ,...-_...... _----. r---.A..-~ l' M F M F M F

:L 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

2ti4 l'alehpur 1 200 70 72 446 230 216 43 38 97 42 265 Nagla Hari I 77 6 10 93 46 47 46 47 6 266 Ran aupur 1 517 21 :J:i 278 143 135 19 25 46 6 267 Palsoli Orampur 1 320 40 50 366 200 166 97 7 2lJ1:l Baraukh 2 368 59 91 SiD 276 234 49 48 99 4

269 Gautau11'ur 1 396 6() 100 606 298 :'108 43 39 110 57 270 Dalilmagar 5 2,007 leo 243 1,376 743 633 16 15 217 30 271 Purwali 4 1,565 233 333 1,964 1,056 908 284 251 343 92 272 Mehndipur 7 1,070 183 260 1,515 813 702 540 465 245 44 273 Bamhora MUlllayunpur H.. 5 95U 194 2e5 1,591 851 740 436 342 258 53

274 Lalpur I 459 85 126 683 377 306 142 126 37 34 275 Binalkpur 1 491 57 89 554 314 240 tol .90 101 4 276 Andawa Po. 7 2,274 278 286 1,909 1,069 840 141 144 319 40

TOTAL OF MAHEWA BLOCK 3S7 80,645 16,842 20,341 115,310 61,885 53,0125 18,299 16,333 24,826 5,889 CHAKRNAGAR BLOCK

277 Kainchhi 1 1,364 36 50 296 168 128 3-1 1 278 Chhabloli 1 504 55 Uti 473 257 216 163 169 93 11 279 GopalplJf 2 823 59 82 493 291 202 82 67 87 16 280 Nogawall 2 1,773 104 158 !l83 471 412 97 91 155 42 281 Gohani Po. I 1,333 164 246 1,444 723 721 180 169 268 76

282 Khiriti 2 1,032 94 137 766 398 363 73 87 283 Pali Ghar I 957 142 29 76 112 622 324 293 100 82 139 43 284 Lundol Mp. 2 2,216 225 291 1,354 678 676 285 Bachhehri 270 219 365 155 1 1,238 36 86 558 311 247 "78 70 286 GalJi)'uwar I 387 117 20 72 145 614 322 292 65 52 135 30 287 Tejpura 2 986 85 130 729 372 357 77 74 150 70 288 Rampura Ghar 1 500 n 33 205 125 80 289 Dlioli 39 1 2 545 26 4U ·368 189 179 46 290 Dibhaull I 751 44 74 1 366 204 162 3 5 87 II 291 Chandai :) Y72 80 115 746 397 349 86 88 141 .53 292 Chakarnagar Po. 9 3,488 314 445 2,845 1,572 1,273 217 189 293 Dhakra I 1,328 43 537 88 62 413 217 196 63 62 63 294 Dadra I 804 37 59 387 219 5 2Y5 168 157 112 65 7 Belcbault 2 732 31 50 300 143 157 27 2J6 Jagtoli Po. g 1,757 26 60 24 74 119 693 364 329 117 97 130 49 '1.97 Mitrol 3 908 64 97 563 ::102 261 78 71 86 298 Kandhesi Ghelf 7 4,431 '129 215 1,473 6 299 ·726 147 231 240 220 24 l3arechha 5 1,504 84 130 895 495 400 57 3UO I:l:ndawan [(alan 9g 41 118 34 5 2,001 136 818 432 386 137 114 73 301 Bhoya 2 2,015 63 92 659 1 363 296 59 43 24 2 302 Titawali 2 748 58 67 424 238 186 2 .. 303 Sahehi Sakra",,\: 4 47 1,478 42 73 418 252 166 33 29 43 304 Garhaiya 5 1,337 S9 136 810 443 367 3U5 Kola 186 • 185 55 3 1 590 52 66 442 245 197 37 26 306 Sirsa 1 763 38 '07 16 75 387 208 179 27 11 68 13 1"


R URAL-Contd.


~--______J....- ______. __ ~------NON- Total Workers WORKERS (I-rX) 1 11 111 IV V VI VII VIII IX X Serial No.

--_..",..._----. ,---"----0 ,..--"--, ~ ,..--"--, ,..-.A--, ,..---"-----. ,.....-"--, ,...... ___, ,---"---,

Vt F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18· 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

110 3 67 2 27 3 .. ~ 2 9 120 213 264 21 15 6 25 47 265 73 72 I 70 135 266 1,0 105 2 3 90 166 267 156 :, 139 4 4 3 2 3 '-\ 120 229 268

148 5 123 1 19 6 4 150 303 269 428 10 385 6 26 2 5 2 1 4 4 1 315 623 270 587 21 421 5 :13 1 76 4 3 16 36 12 469 887 271 446 66 :lUI 15 33 4 55 30 I I 1 54 17 3t'7 636 'In. 476 27 368 4 28 6 31 15 5 12 26 8 375 713 27~

208 6 150 3 12 4: 2 40 3 169 300 214 195 19 172 Ii 1 21 11 I 119 221 275 671 24 485 7 124 2 24 12 2 33 5 398 816 276

33,446 1,243 24,147 478 2,762 106 31 1,955 229 319 17 190 ... ' 1,007 24 207 ... 2,828389 28,439 52,182


89 I 88 I 79 127 277 135 5 130 5 2 122 211 278 175 175 116 202 279 285 12 247 6 20 4 4 5 8 1 1116 400 280 399 25 350 17 3 5 5 2 34 8 324 696 281

237 14- 220 5 1 3 5 4 11 2 161 354 282 169 36 127 27 6 1 2 5 .. , 2 32 3 155 262 283 422 36 373 II 8 18 9 3 31 4 258 640 284 208 2 181 1 4 2 21 1 Il13 245 285 179 14 153 '1 8 5 12 7 143 278 286

201 62 173 56 6 9 2 3 10 4 171 295 287 73 69 4 52 80 288 112 3 105 3 5 .. 2 .. , 77 176 2!l9 113 7 105 6 1 .,. , .. 5 1 91 155 290 226 6 213 6 4 2 I 5 '" 171 343 291

941 42 810 31 41 2 18 4- 4 18 26 2 22 5 531 1,231 292 144 12 142 12 I 73 l!l+ 294 115 18 113 18 I 104 150 296 64 9 62 9 2 .. , 79 148 293 200 6 188 6 2 10 164 323 295

,. ' 152 150 6 145 6 ." .. , " . 5 .. 255 297 412 11 374 7 17 4 2 ,,, 3 5 2 .. ' 7 2 314 736 298 30'j 4 303 2 1 2 3 1 186 396 299 1 233 1 2 20 .. 177 385 300 255 131 296 232 232 301

1 2 90 185 302 148 1 145 106 163 303 3 146 3 146 \ ,3 \73 360 304 270 7 265 7 197 140 I 4 4 '16 305 11'1 1 86 179 306 122 115 2 2 .. " lvi



Occu- Serial Name of Village Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No (Notations for amenities) of in Resi- holds Castes educated persons Hamlets acres dential Houses

,-- ,.------. ,-___.____, P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

307 Mithati 1 543 28 71 515 275 240 41 36 60 5 308 Pash'a 4 1,893 99 136 804 431 373 101 104 137 19 309 Sahson Hos, Po. 8 3,517 238 310 2,049 1,166 883 232 203 478 76 310 Hanumantpur 6 4,219 195 251 1,694- 948 746 302 :l75 190 29 311 Piproli Garhiya Po. 3 3,640 190 242 1,411 940 471 239 19'~ 317 87

TOTAL OF CHAKRNAGAR BLOCK 96 5J,077 3,154 4,625 27,917 15,209 12,708 3,617 3,230 ",866 1,039

TOTAL OF BHARTHANA TAHSIL 1,330 266,988 1 39,594 48,450 271,264 146,962 124,302 40,757 35,186 50,839 10,959

The rural area of Tahsil Bharthar.a given in Table A-I is 437·1 sq. miles i. e. 279,744 acres. The village-wise areas in the Oi rectory are as reported by the Tahsildar, while the rural area of the Tahsil in Table A-I has been derived by deducting the sum of urban areas froIU the total revised area figures of the Tahsil furnished by the Board of Revenue, U. P. l.1I




~'--'----__..A.. ______...... Total Workers NON- (I-IX) WORKERS Serial I II III IV V VI VII VII1 IX X No. ,...._-'--...... ,...... __, -...... ",_..-_.., ~ ,...--"--, .....-.A...... ,_.-"'--. ,_."",-... -.. ,....A.--., ...--.A.--.

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

163 2 152 1 9 1 112 238 307 250 7 240 7 2 8 181 366 308 701 8 528 7 1 25 12 3 19 3 110 1 465 875 309 542 11 512 9 5 4 2 I 3 1 16 6 406 729 310 523 23 456 11 4 11 3 4 19 2 26 9 417 448 311

8.859 400 8,010 289 121 26 7 126 25 27 29 106 5 19 41f 55 6,350 12,308

83.670 3,087 66.730 1,476 4,310 172 73 ." 3,080 430 1,183 189 409 .,. 1,946 56 431 ... 5,508 764 63,292 121,215 lvlll



Occu- Serial WardlMohalla *Area in pied House- 'fotal Population Scheduled Literate and educated persons No. Enumerator's Block Sq. milesl Resi- holds Castes Sq.Km. dential Houses

...... __---. ~--"'-_._.. ,...... --""----,

P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


BLOCKS 250 265 1,100 615 485 90 79 376 168

2 2 141 157 721 411 310 19 11 274 113

3 3 308 345 1,391 816 575 197 135 .352 114

4 4 416 435 2,076 1,122 954 262 219 588 205

5 5 110 119 849 444 405 55 55 253 136

6 6 235 235 989 525 464 45 37 ·285 170

7 7 101 123 549 302 247 215 150

8 8 132 157 736 421 315 33 23 ~78 142

9 9 71 88 583"\, 323 260 46 34 203 99

10 10 107 157 743 420 323 22 12 234 92

11 11 117 122 628 341 287 28 27 208 123

12 12 177 210 747 432 315 15 5 258 123

TOTAL 0-42/l'O9 2,165 2,413 11,112 6,172 4,940 812 637 3,524 1,635

*Ward/Mohalla/Enumerator's Blockwise figures not available DIRBOTORY



,...--.....___, r-""'__' r-"'___ r-~ r-"""_' ,--...... _, -...... r-""'---. ,--J>--.. ,--""'---1 M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34


315 29 2 55 8 63 6 183 26 300 456

217 8 3 2 37 40 4 70 3 6 56 3 194 302 2

502 83 2 7 9 4 32 II 82 45 76 282 33 314 492 3 578 31 3 23 7 100 30 227 9 24 170 14 544 923 4

226 22 29 7 91 2 8 89 20 218 383 4

249 2 9 36 2 108 6 87 2 276 462 6

159 12 2 2 18 64 73 10 143 235 7

201 2 13 9 11 2 103 3 59 220 313 8

175 2 3 3 19 2 75 72 148 258 9 5 248 5 3 64 71 7 92 172 322 10

171 5 3 27 76 3 2 62 2 170 282 11

225 13 5 2 4 8 125 4 6 77 5 207 302 12

3,266 210 38 2 11 ... 13 2 90 18 439 2 72 .. 1,155 69 146 ... 1,302 117 2,996 4,730

7930• •


MILES W 1.. 1 I 0 5 Ee~~r~I~'=I~I~I~====~r==~I~1 RiC.,. 5 4 3 2 I 0 5 10 KILOMETR

, , 50 50

_, -

. , .-0





SI. No ir, .51. No. in 51. No. in 51. S1. Name of Village Village Village Name of Village Village No. 51. N~.h'C of V illag~ , No. Dirtctory No. Directory Directory

3 2 3 2 3 2

296 81 Bhulaipur Abawar 42B 4.1 Bandhmau 126 330 82 Bhuniapur 2 Achhalda 146 42 Bandriapur 435 331 83 Bhureypur 3 Aghar 423 43 Banerahar 186 293 84 Bhutha 4 Aghara 391 44 Bansai 122 156 85 Bibipur W5 5 Aili 222 45 Banshi 28) 86 Bidhuna 6 Airwa Koyali 42 46 Banthara 256 237 87 Bihtarugaon 411 7 Airwa Pachhda 34 47 Barahar 379 BB Bijaura 234 8 Airwa Tikta 33 48 Barao 49 Barauli 322 89 Bijhai 429 9 Airwa Tikur 41 50 Barhanpur 378 90 Bikupur 216 10 Alipur 285 51 Barhim 55 91 Bilpur Airwa 50 11 Alpi 115 342 92 Birntamau 338 12 Arnauapur 431 52 Barkapurwa 316 93 Birpur 158 13 Arnela 162 53 Barkashy 88 94 Bisarmau 116 14 Arniratpur 306 54 Barona Kalan 24 95 Bondeypur 147 15 Anda 386 55 Barona Khurd 96 Brijrajpur 29 16 Aneson 325 56 Barru Kulasar 310 97 Bunchpur 294 17 Ariyari 387 b7 Barru Phaphund 396 93 Chadraua Phaphund HIB 18 Asaini 395 58 Barua 235 99 Chadrua Bidhuna 95 19 Asjana 339 59 Baryarumau 399 100 Chakarpur 277 20 Aso 166 60 Basai 281 101 Chak Badanpur 35 21 Asu 376 61 Baukhera 19 102 Chakmat Bandha 53 22 Athesi 401 62 Bela 317 103 Chak Mau 46 23 Babinasukitchenpur 249 63 Belghalt 84 104: Chak Nonidadar 40 24 Babraha 49 64 Belhupur 413 105 Chanauli 65 25 Badshahpur Chhonk 407 65 Bel pur Bela 258 106 Chandaia 221 26 Baghaipur 125 66 Bhadaura 31l 107 Chandarpur 255 27 Baghua 176 67 Bhadsin 253 28 Bahadurpur Rura 68 68 Bhagwanpur 10 108 Chando 286 177 29 Bahadurpur Sahar 344 69 Bhagwantapur 287 109 Chandpura lID Chandpur Garhia 141 30 Baharia 44 70 Bhaidpur 79 III Chauri Eksols 328 31 Bahlolpur 385 71 Bhainsori 369 112 Chhachhund 144 32 Baibaha 91 72 Bhaipur 214 181 113 Chikta 39 33 BailipuT 157 73 Bhaisol 114 Chimkuni 130 3



81. No. in 81. No. in Sl. No. it. Sl. ~ame of Village Village 81. Name of Village Village SI. Name of Village Village No. Directory No. Directory No. Directory 2 3 2 3 2 3

209 121 Deoraon 161 JIarchandpur 204 201 Kariapur Ruru 224 122 Deori 417 162 Hardu 309 202 Kasheri 307 123 Deoria 134 163 Harnalarpur 5 203 Katka 32 124 Dhamsari 128 164 Harpura 381 204 Khanai 191 125 Dhamsia 127 165 Harlaulia 430 205 Khanjahanpur Sahar 269

126 Dhanwali 243 166 Hasanpur Ahiran 174 206 Khizarpur 274 127 Dharamangadpur 266 167 Hathmapur 341 207 Khurda 152 128 Dharkhan 392 168 Hinhapur 92 208 Kichhiya Gopalpur 355 129 Dharmpur Zahurali 195 169 Ingurra 380 209 Kiratpur 259 170 Inpdamau 130 Dhikiapur 434 337 210 Kohana 118

131 Dhirpur 436 171 Ishwarpur 211 Kokarkat 15 132 Dinmamau 388 172 Jagatpur 58 212 Kuarpur 242 133 Dinpur Chandan 9 173 Jagir Bakshrai 80 213 Kuchela 14 174 Jagupur 212 134 Dinpur Dharamjit 21 214 Kudelapur 219 175 Jaisinghpur Kanak 2 135 Doba Maufty 31 215 Kurkura 257 176 Jalalpur Bidhuna 323 136 Eghara Bidhuna 109 216 Kursi 295 177 Jalalpur Phaphund 192 137 Ekghara Phaphund 384 217 Kus 230 138 Etaili 113 178 Jamalpur 326 218 Lachhiamau 438 297 139 Faizullapur 37 179 Jarawan 219 Lachmanpur Muafy 169 140 Gaili 304 180 Jaswantpur 81 220 Lahrapur 416 313 141 Ganupur 94 181 Jauhar 221 Lahtoria 150 28 142 Gapkapur 102 182 Jhundahar 222 Lakhi 314 143 Garhwana 114 183 Jiwa Sirsani 354 223 Lakhuno 382 67 144 Gaueshar 201 184 Kaba 224 Lalpur 148 264 145 Gauri Ramprasbad 406 185 Kaithawa 225 Lidhora 143

146 Ghangharpur 178 186 Kakrahz 300 226 Lohrai 194 147 Ghansipur 173 187 Kalabojh 106 227 Lokhariha 47 148 Ghasara 119 188 Kalarpuri 93 228 Ludhpura 248 149 Ghazipur 18 189 Kalayanpur Kakrahi 301 22~ Madarkapur 422 150 Gopiapur 103 190 Kalyanpur Airwa 22 230 Madhuwapur 420

151 Gulalpur 38 191 Kalyanpur Jaga 34(1 231 Madrejak 298 152 Gulariha 394 192 Kamara 190 232 Maharajpur Bidhuna 414 153 Gunauli 153 193 KanauliMashmula Madhuwapur 420 233 Maharajpur Phaphund 155 134 Gura 271 194 KandhoD 200 234 Mahu 302 155 Gurai lSI 195 Kanjanpur Chirkua 245 235 Makradpur Bidhuna is

156 Gurhia Gusain 60 196 Kanmau 424 236 Makrandpur Phaphand J24 157 Hamirpur Ruru 72 197 Karamunpur 59 237 Malhausi 321 158 Hamirpur Sohar 218 198 Karauli 318 238 Malikpur Mishripur 228 159 Harbanshpur 347 199 Karchala 415 239 Mamraj Pural 196 160 H,rchandapur 61 200 Kariapur Asu 404 240 Manikothi Khas 110 lxiv



SI. No. in SI. No. in S1. No.in Sl. Name of Village Village SI. Name of Village Village S1. Name of Village No. Directory No. Direclory Village No. Directory 2 3 2 3 2 3

241 Manikpur 168 '281 Nagla Tula 66 321 Punawar 89 242 Manyora 368 282 Nahrabojh 76 322 Punthi 403 356 243 Marha Daspur 283 Nalhoopur 175 323 Pura 374 Marha Machhijhil 278 244 284 Nanakpur 54 324 Puranpur 179 245 Marnai 437 285 Nandpur 239 325 Purwa 220 246 Marruk Ha rram 334 286 Narayanpur Bhanu 260 326 Purwa 225 247 Masodpur 2-10 287 Narajanpur Sahar 273 327 l'urwa Asa 189 248 Matera 327 288 Naunakpur 167 328 Purwa Baley 393 249 Mau 176 289 Navgawan 433 329 Purwa Bahadauria Bela 250 Milgawan 390 282 290 Nawada Malkhan 336 330 Purwa Bbadauripur 227 251 Mirgawan 187 291 Nawada Singha 364 331 Purwa Chandanman 121 252 Mishripur 171 292 Nawadha Lodhi 268 332 Purwa Dalahar 291 253 Mohammadabad 1'37 293 Nibhar 319 333 Purwa Danshah 348 254 Mugarha 412 294 Niranjanapur 427 334 Purwa Dhamu Bidhuna 231 255 Muggpur 233 295 Noorabad Khas 107 335 Purwa Dhamu Phaphund 123 256 Mundaria 425 296 Noorpur Khargpur 267 336 Purwa Dhaney 305 257 Mundiggai 263 297 Oron 357 337 Purwa Dharajit 198 'l58 Muradpur Khas 108 298 Oton 202 338 Purwa Fakercy 397 259 Murcha Mushaha 23 299 Paintua 120 339 Purwa Hems 372 260 Murenha Chhadamilal 389 300 Pakhan Goi 20 340 Purwa Kamalsingh 217 288 261 Nabada Dandu 185 341 Purwa Kanhai 419 301 Palhari 409 262 Nabi Mohan 302 Palia 284 342 Purwa Khagan 135 346 263 Nadupur 373 343 Purwa Khasua 165 303 Parsu 289 264 Nagaria 304 Pasaipur 136 344 Purwa Khuman 140 265 Na[ola Andhiyari 163 305 Pasua 244 ::'45 Purwa Khutty Madar 350 266 Nagla Bais 85 306 Pata 197 346 Purwa Lachhiram 246 13 267 Nagla Bandha 307 Patna Airwa 87 347 Purwa Makey 210 268 Nagla Bans 3 308 Patna Bela 329 348 Purwa Natha 402 269 Nagla Bhadhauria 182 309 Patti Ghurau 324 349 Purwa Pandpur 351 270 Nagla Bharamal 17 31 0 Patti Gyani 365 350 Purwa Patti 213 271 Nagla Bichauli 410 311 Patti ThakUl gaon 370 351 Purwa Pitaram 232 272 Nagla Daular 11 312 Patti Toma 366 352 Purwa Rawat 349 273 Nagla Hariram 52 313 Patti Yakubpur 361 353 Purwa Samai 377 274 Nagla Hirmi 36 314 Phatehpur 292 3M furwa Sombanshi 290 275 Nagla Kayasthan 56 315 Phul Pairi 73 35; Pusauli 261 276 Nagla Lachhi 138 316 Pilkhana 70 356 Qasimnagar 193 277 Nagla Pahari 30 317 Piprauliya 343 357 Raghunathpur 83 278 Nagla Parmi 170 318 Pirpauli Sheo 362 358 Raipur Kaithawa 265 279 Nagla Shah 6 319 Pohu 74 359 Raipur Phaphund 132 280 Nagla Silwat 12 320 POTak Mitt 333 360 Rajpur Bidhuna 272 ~ ALPHABETIOAL LIST OF VILLAGES


S!. No. in S1. No. in SI. No. in SI. S1. Name of Village SI. Name of Village Village Name of Village Village No. Village No. No •. Directory Directory Directory

2 3 2 3 2 ~

36 Rajuamau 207 391 Saria Khati 206 421 Tehrajpur 139 362 Ramnagaria 241 392 Seora 303 422 Tejpur Bidhuoa 262 363 Ramnagar Mahu 299 393 Shahbazpur Bidhuna 353 4.!3 Thakurgaon 371 36.t- Ramnagar Malhausi 352 394 Shahbazpur Phaphund 172 42.t- Thulpia urf Dhubkhan 367 345 365 Rampu!a 16 395 Shahpur 211 425 Tilakpur Sabar . 366 Rampur Baish 180 396 Shankarpur 104 426 Tilakpur Sarmeoi 208 367 Rampur Datta 82 397 Sheikhupur 25 427 Tirhua 359 368 Rampur Khas III 398 Sheopur 160 428 Turakpur 149 369 Rampur Kunwar 161 399 Sikhoo 'till 429 Turakpur Bakushrai 27 370 Ratha Bujhana 112 400 Singhl Seora 64 430 Turakpur Yasin 4

371 Rathgaon 63 4Ul Singhpurwa Mana 375 431 Udaipur 45 372 Rawatpur 215 402 Sirsa 142 432 Vdaitpur 77 373 Rooppur Sahai 335 403 Siryawan 308 433 Umrain 7 374 Ruppar Phaphund 131 404 Sitaura 133 434 Umreri 86 375 Ruru Kalan 226 405 Sohni 236 435 Uprenda 8

376 Ruru Khurd 238 406 Sonthara 383 436 Usariha 283 377 Sdbalpur 400 407 Subhanpur 75 437 WaJidadpur 363 378 Sabhad 270 408 Sukharnpur 43f 438 Yakubpur !l60 379 Sahanagara 199 409 Surajpur 117 380 Sahaspur 62 410 Surajpur Airwa 51 381 Sahayl 408 411 Surajpur Urnrain 26 382 Sahupur 229 421 Surendha 48 383 Sainpur 184 413 Surkipur 129 384 Salempur 154 414 Taiyapur 426 385 Salhupur 183 415 Tajpur Chhonk 405

386 Samayan 71 416 Taraf Bhikarhi 96 387 Sanwalia 279 41i Taraf Manikothi 98 388 Sarai Kachhwaha 69 418 Taraf Muradpur 100 389 Sarai Shihgran 90 419 Taraf Noorabad 99 390 Saraj Pithan 247 420 Taraf Rampur 97 lxvi



Occu- Serial Name of Village Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations {or amenities) of in Resi- holds Castes educated persons Hamlets acres dential Houses .....------. p M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 II 12 13


1 Ishwarpur I 202 40 43 252 136 116 15 14 23 2 2 jaisinghpur Kanak R. I 247 34 39 250 131 119 9 6 34 2 3 Nagla Bans 1 166 15 21 110 60 50 14 8 13 4 Turakpul' Ya sin R. I 96 16 20 147 79 68 8 8 19 3 5 Harnagarpur 3 272 21 26 129 63 66 6

333 Un-inhabited 6 Nagla Shah 658 309 361 2,095 1,146 949 193 153 460 195 7 Umrain R, Mp. 40 Un-inhabited 8 Uprenda 159 Un-inhabited 9 Dinpur Chandan 61 On-inhabited 10 Bhagwanpur

11 Nagla Daulal' R. 1 519 23 28 133 75 58 13 8 12 12 Nagla Silwat I 173 10 IS 53 30 23 7 5 3 13 Nagla Bandha I 153 3 4 68 39 29 6 4 14 7 14 Kuchela Po. I 124 13 16 90 51 39 5 6 9 I 15 Kokarkat R. 4 768 80 89 527 291 236 85 95 73 11

16 Rampura 4 527 66 76 470 240 230 199 175 41 16 17 Nagla Bharamal R. 3 1,330 2 2 22 14 8 2 18 Ghazipur R. 3 1,087 48 54 307 165 142 46 37 30 6 19 Baukhera 2 517 20 24 140 84 56 39 21 7 20 Pakhan Goi I 863 94 115 589 307 282 83 81 88 13

21 Dinpur Dharamjit 1 147 3 4 43 23 20 10 11 6 22 Kalyanpur Airwa 1 139 10 14 94 5'2 42 18 9 18 2 23 Murcha Mushaha 2 304 36 42 170 82 88 13 I 24 Barona Khurd I 375 44 50 295 168 127 60 50 31 2 25 Sheikhupur 2 %1 85 94 452 259 193 31 22 57

26 Surajpur Umrain 2 178 36 41 276 148 128 40 27 Turakpur Bakushrai I 38 3 3 3 1 2 1 28 Jhundahar 95 Un-inhabited 29 Brijrajpur 79 23 27 124 77 47 22 21 9 30 Nagla Pahari 290 77 87 458 225 233 14 1'2 80 13

31 Doba Maufiy 9 2,030 286 353 2,027 1,127 900 354 121 ,256 20 32 Katka 2 185 44 49 267 155 112 27 23 28 33 Airwa Tikta Mp. 5 51\ 158 273 933 514 419 165 164 170 60 34 Airwa Pachhe1a 3 467 64 73 425 228 197 88 63 65 4 35 Chak Badanpur 1 46 11 12 50 29 21 12

3 377 61 71 378 198 180 72 70 69 24 Nagla Hirmi 36 2 700 79 89 463 245 218 53 38 122 50 37 Faizu\lapur I 120 32 35 251 147 104 57 9 Gulalpur R. 38 1 212 52 60 299 160 139 14 12 33 1 39 Chikta 40 Un-inhabited 40 Chak Nonidaoar

41 Airwa Tikur R. 5 1,239 182 213 1,116 596 520 110 96 187 89 158 Airwa Koyali R. 3 296 123 146 697 369 328 60 44 58 42 62 43 Bhatpura R. 2 239 64 76 380 197 183 34 29 21 44 Baharia R. 447 Un-inhabited 45 Udaipur R. 6 1,4e1 209 249 1,303 723 580 147 115 255 53 lxvii


RURAL WORKERS ,.... ----, "ON- Total Workcn WOkKERb (I-IX) II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Serial No

___._.._. .-~ ,- ,...._~ r----.A.___...... --~ ...... ---"--- ,..---"---, ,-....__, ~ .....__, ~

M F M F M F M F M F ~ F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2'1. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

AIRWA BLOCK 87 87 49 116 1 78 76 53 119 2 43 43 17 50 3 58 58 21 68 4 45 41 4 18 66 5

Un-inhabited 6 628 55 399 55 9 ... 77 55 ... 5 2 4 77 ... 518 894 7 Un-inhabited 8 Un-inhabited 9 Un-inhabited 10

48 43 2 3 27 58 11 20 20 10 23 12 21 21 18 29 13 30 30 21 39 14 193 176 17 98 236 15

155 146 2 6 85 230 16 9 9 5 8 17 tOO 94 2 4 65 142 18 65 60 3 2 19 56 19 185 4 146 7 5 3 6 4 122 278 20

13 12 10 20 21 32 31 20 42 22 60 2 60 2 22 86 23 98 2 98 2 70 125 24- 161 7 146 1 12 3 3 3 98 186 25

80 78 68 I 1 128 26 Un-inhabiled 2 27 28 44 3 43 3 1 33 5 135 5 3 44 29 140 2 85 228 30 680 52 638 47 8 12 6 16 4 447 848 31 102 91 5 I 1 4 53 318 23 161 5 8 68 13 2 3 29 112 32 2 45 5 196 396 33 140 9 120 2 8 4 7 5 3 14 2 14 2 88 188 34 15 19 35

123 3 123 2 1 75 8 146 177 36 148 2 8 97 210 37 81 2 81 2 66 102 38 107 2 97 1 4 I 4 53 137 39 Un-inhabited 40

384 9 295 2 16 23 1 1 ...... 24 25 6 212 511 41 221 6 145 :I 17 3 4 ... I 31 23 I 148 322 42 126 6 32 19 I 2 18 4 51 5 71 177 43 Un-inhabited 44 466 8 398 4 32 I .. , ...... 7 29 3 257 572 45 IJ. v~ii



Occu- Serial Name of Village Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) of m Resi- holds Castes educated persons Hamlets acres dential Houses

r-- ,-_.,A.~ ,....--...... __,

P M F M F M F 2 :3 4: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

46 Chak Mau 1 54 2 3 29 16 13 6 47 Lokhariha 1 280 2 3 II 7 4 3 48 Surendha 2 224 130 148 740 396 344 18 15 165 49 I 27 Babraha 152 29 32 145 87 58 23 12 28 6 50 Bilpur Airwa 3 815 102 134 682 365 317 162 125 84 13

51 Surajpur Airwa 1 296 60 71 397 237 160 11 5 40 3 52 Nagla Hariram R. I 271 40 47 298 162 136 67 54 40 I 53 Chakmat Bandha 1 41 2 2 14 8 6 54 Nanakpur I 76 2 3 32 17 15 4 55 Barhin R,po. 3 2,132 313 368 2,124 1,196 928 273 222 322 58

56 Nagla Kayasthan 155 16 24 105 60 45 29 20 25 3 57 Bhataura 356 17 21 113 66 47 .. 58 19 Jagatpur 152 36 41 III 1 100 91 76 74 39 14 59 K.aramunpur 205 20 25 153 79 74 21 18 42 15 60 Garhia Gusain 76 3 4 64 34 30 10

61 Harchandapur R. 1 185 8.Jc 102 638 324 314 43 1 3'3 95 21 62 Sahaspur 377 68 78 403 209 194 75 67 62 63 Rathgaon R. 14 3,425 396 465 18 2,690 1,500 1,190 351 299 403 43 64 Singhi Seora 1 240 19 23 180 95 85 14 6 Chanauli R. 2 463 58 72 20 2 65 409 243 166 43 29 51 4

66 Nagla Tula 1 119 13 20 92 49 43 12 10 17 6 b7 Kaba R. 2 524 59 71 340 194 146 34 28 68 Bahadurpur Rura I 234 21 29 31 9 138 77 61 7 5 26 8 69 Sarai Kachhwaha 2 369 53 63 331 186 145 68 50 70 Pilkhana 1 152 48 57 47 20 296 152 144 44 32 61 28

71 Samayan Po. 12 1,298 340 419 2,159 1,211 948 334 263 Hamirpur Ruru 2 594 405 105 72 139 166 96!:1 533 436 42 38 134 73 Phu\ Pairi 236 Un-inhabited 27 74 Pohu 183 Un-inhabited 75 SUbhanpur 246 Un-inhabited

76 Nahrabojh 2 542 20 30 190 104 86 77 Udaitpur 1 182 5 36 9 60 30 30 5 78 Makradpur Bidhuna 1 248 31 40 182 96 86 2 5 79 Bhaidpur L.Mp.Po. 10 1,944 197 21 236 1,305 696 609 223 192 230 80 Jagir Bakshrai 10 Un-inhabited 59

81 Jaswantpur 2 176 17 21 64 37 27 10 5 12 6 82 Rampur Datta 2 251 31 39 284 155 129 22 18 83 Raghunathpur 5 344 101 124 67 18 664 378 286 52 3Y 102 16 84 Belghalt 1 137 43 51 255 134 121 40 27 85 Nagla Bais 1 163 73 85 425 46 8 245 180 135 105 35 7 86 Umreri 5 486 79 96 523 275 248 104 100 93 24 87 Patna Airwa 10 647 liO 136 806 448 3511 100 80 88 Barona Kalan Mp. 25 4,083 756 918 161 29 4,828 2,635 2,193 456 415 719 110 89 Puna war 4 711 70 91 464 259 205 75 89 90 Sarai Shihgran 7 516 161 45 ... 209 1,108 601 507 60 68 150 48 hix DIRECTORY



r- NON- Total Workers WORKERS Serial (I-IX) No. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X

.--....:.____ ~.....__, r-~ ,...... __, r--'---. ~ r--'---. ~ r--'---. ,....._.....__

M F M F M :F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

11 11 5 13 46 5 5 2 4 47 241 6 233 5 5 2 155 338 48 56 56 31 58 49 224 J2 J89 7 7 7 21 4- 141 305 50

167 163 4 70 160 51 101 90 2 5 3 61 136 52 4 2 4 2 4 4 53 11 10 1 6 15 54 745 19 649 19 78 3 2 3 10 451 909 55

41 41 19 44 56 43 42 1 23 47 57 62 3 60 3 2 38 88 58 46 37 3 2 4 :H 74 59 28 15 1 12 6 30 60

206 3 202 . 3 2 2 118 311 61 132 B 91 2 18 14 4 2 4 3 77 186 62 1,079 129 938 123 5 46 ... " ... 17 73 4 421 1,061 63 52 52 43 85 64 146 139 5 97 166 65

27 26 1 22 43 66 116 89 25 2 78 145 67 48 48 29 61 68 96 92 4 90 144 69 90 77 8 3 62 143 70

769 12 637 6 7 54 2 4 3 19 45 4 442 936 71 307 3 293 1 11 1 1 2 I 226 433 72 Un-inhabited 73 ; Un-inhabited 74 Un-inhabited 75

62 59 3 42 86 76 20 18 2 10 30 77 63 50 4 7 2 33 86 78 432 15 409 15 14 9 264- 594- 79 Un-inhabited 80

23 23 14 27 81 90 83 6 ... 65 129 82 243 2 231 4 7 135 284- 83 78 73 5 56 121 84- 146 120 25 99 180 85

172 6 152 6 1 6 4 9 103 242 86 254 228 12 10 1 3 194 358 87 1,643 32 1,479 12 24 9 9 37 2 94 9 992 2,161 88 162 145 13 97 205 89 358 16 221 12 92'" 18 3 2 8 17 243 491 90 l&x



Occu- Serial Name of Village Number Area pied House- Total. Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi- holds Castes educated persons Hamleu acres dential Houses

'--,-""""'------.------, ...---...... ____ P M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

91 Baibaha R. 14 2,074 281 350 1,793 998 795 209 195 175 37 92 Hinhapur 4 273 45 56 249 142 107 29 34 18 93 Kalarpur 2 219 23 32 152 93 59 14 17 8 94 Ganupur R. 8 979 97 123 648 S81 267 115 94 119 9 95 Chadrua Bidbuna 3 '156 7 9 48 30 18 8

96 Taraf Bhikarha R,Mp,Po. 5 244 399 484 2,965 1,496 1,469 394 319 336 123 97 Taraf Rampur 370 Un-inhabited 98 Taraf Manikothi 190 Un· inhabited 99 Taraf Noorabad 334 Un-inhabited 100 Tarar Muradpur 121 Un-inhabited

101 Balpur Rajpur 5 1,346 150 181 958 547 411 127 109 155 15 102 Gapkapur 2 603 31 43 230 134 96 11 6 45 8 103 Gopiapur 2 129 54 67 340 179 lSI 4 2 78 15 104 Shankarpur R. 2 99 13 22 101:! 52 56 '. 16 105 Bibipur R. 3 583 85 103 604 344 260 42 22 146 18

106 Ka1abojh R. 5 1,119 121 150 850 469 381 109 103 108 11 107 Noorabad Khas R. 9 985 131 158 980 581 399 136 101 101 7 108 Muradpu~ Khas R. 2 122 13 21 72 44 28 21 8 16 5 109 Eghara Bidhuna R. 4 558 102 130 665 367 298 171 ''t35 III 37 110 Manikothi Khas 3 437 109 136 678 382 296 151 126 144 25

111 Rampur Khas 14 1,464 92 115 871 504 367 65 49 168 17 112 Ratha Bujhana 2 179 58 80 463 269 194 12 7 119 18 TOTAL OF AIRWA BLOCK 31455,695 8,053 9,830 53,461 29,342 24,119 6,642 5,396 8,335 1,765


113 Etai1i 16 2,500 296 354 1,848 1,011 837 126 121 157 14 114 Garhwana 13 1,816 205 246 1,385 764 621 265 256 118 12 115 Alpi 3 532 64 84 385 193 192 71 80 32 2 116 Bisarmau R. 7 605 129 154 850 455 395 55 49 1:18 IS 117 Surjanpur R. 8 688 61 82 449 248 201 17 19 48

118 Kohana 137 Un-inhabited 119 Ghasara R,Mp,Po. 22 3,098 411 493 2,722 1,503 1,219 248 200 663 140 120 Paintua 4 467 37 52 173 86 R7 49 52 13 2 121 Purwa Chandanman 1 155 22 24 258 144 114 4 5 39 122 Bhutha 94 Un-inhabi ted

123 purwa Dhamu Phaphund 1 127 11 20 100 51 49 13 13 23 124 Makrandpur Phaphund 1 114 49 66 340 177 163 22 20 44 1 125 Baghaipur 7 1,023 221 274 1,439 797 642 336 308 241 39 126 Bhulaipur 1 165 43 51 301 167 134 25 28 43 1 127 Dhamsia 1 405 49 54 301 166 135 64 54 65 21 128 Dhamsari 1 ISO 2 2 12 8 4 .." 129 Surkipur 2 370 49 59 385 215 170 15 11 48 !l 130 Chimkuni 2 365 97 119 659 379 280 125 109 1I2 13 131 Ruppar Phaphund 1 101 25 31 158 86 72 3 2 30 3 132 Raipur Phaphund 2 168 17 20 181 J09 72 20 l:xxi




---, NON- Total Workers ------WORKERS (I-IX) I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Serial No.

r-~ ,....------., ,...... __ ,....-"--. ,_...,...__, ,....-"--. ,...... __ ,_...,...__, ,...... __ ,...-~ ,__..".__--,


14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24- 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 3~ 34- 35

588 12 530 12 43 11 4 410 783 91 89 80 9 53 107 92 56 47 9 37 59 93 262 234- 18 10 119 267 94 17 17 13 18 95

873 28 487 11 47 95 2 ... 55 43 2 146 13 623 1,441 96 Un-inhabited 97 Un-inhabited 98 Un-inhabited 99 Un-inhabited 100

334- 297 19 5 3 9 213 411 101 84- 73 6 5 50 95 102 101 8~ 12 4 78 161 103 34 31 3 18 56 104 206 178 13 2 11 138 260 105

244- 8 239 8 3 I ... 225 373 106 314 302 12 267 399 107 20 14 4 2 24 28 108 222 10 168 7 25 4 3 21 3 145 288 109 234 4 202 4 15 2 4 11 148 292 110

328 4 304 4 13 8 176 363 111 170 157 11 2 99 194 112 18,079 547 15,436 348 696 22 2 622 105 33 77 281 6 10 902 86 11,263 23,572 ACHHALDA BLOCK

232 18 200 18 18 7 5 2 779 819 113 272 II 236 11 30 2 1 3 492 610 114 116 113 2 77 192 115 172 4 154 2 1 6 2 11 283 391 116 152 3 139 3 lO 2 96 198 117

Un-inhabited 118 572 32 445 20 34 34 2 .,. 2 .. , 9 46 11 931 1,187 119 48 34 14 '" ... ., . .,. 38 87 120 81 2 73 2 6 1 ...... 63 112 121 Un-inhabited 122

31 7 24 7 7 20 42 123 109 3 95 2 10 4 1 68 160 124 298 44 140 27 23 45 3 2 27 6 60 8 499 598 125 111 100 7 2 1 1 56 134 126 83 5 72 3 7 4 2 83 130 127

4 4 4 4 128 128 118 1 7 '" 2 87 170 129 217 5 189 5 9 8 4 6 162 275 130 56 2 52 2 2 2 30 70 131 63 2 62 2 1 46 70 132 luii VILLAGE


Occu- bcnllJ Name of Villa!lc Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi- holds Castes educated person. Hamlets acres dential Houses

___ .A._~ ,-'--_ ..... _--. .--""---

P M f M F M f

:1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

133 Sitaura 2 280 15 15 93 45 48 11 6 6 2 134 Deoria 5 385 70 81 455 236 219 70 71 69 8 135 Nadupur 3 316 12 18 148 82 66 20 13b Pasaipur 3 186 10 14 69 38 31 20 13 137 Mohammadabad R. 7 522 241 272 1,405 757 648 185 135 326 128

138 Nag1a Lachhi R. 72 Un-inhabited 139 Tehrajpur R. 4 224 68 80 483 251 232 116 110 44 10 140 Pun.. a Khuman 3 211 20 21 lIO 63 47 23 25 19 141 Chand pur Garhia 6 3 195 31 39 216 117 99 12 9 35 5 142 Sirsa 95 Un-inhabited

143 Lidhora 2 240 65 75 386 205 181 91 78 65 22 144 Chhachhund R,po. 9 1,829 336 400 2,115 1,153 962 145 282 293 236 36 Baisoli L,Rly,R,Mp. 10 1,375 421 ·511 2,717 1,474 1,243 514 494 146 Achhalda R,L,Mp,Po. 577 228 6 633 167 203 1,326 731 595 251 200 329 147 Bondeypur R,L,Mp. 4 109 675 276 326 1,524 869 655 203 117 331 85

148 La1pur 1 25S 41 50 264 158 106 52 39 37 5 149 Turakpur 2 493 37 45 243 123 120 3 5 150 Lahtnria 14 3 1,329 181 220 1,24B 685 563 160 155 94 151 Gurai R. 14 3,233 349 3 415 2,084 1,187 897 284 240 255 35 152 Khurda 1 132 6 10 84 41 43 18 3

153 Gunauli Mp. 11 2,064 383 472 2,352 1,272 1,080 Salempur Mp. 483 381 319 66 154 3 98') 177 209 1,065 576 489 132 155 Maharajpur Phaphund 1 111 208 44 92 4 9 69 40 29 22 19 14 156 Banshi Mp,Po. 4 1,885 240 292 1,502 795 707 286 233 168 157 Bailipur 2 398 36 53 71 411 227 184 35 39 37

158 Birpur Rly. 4 558 78 99 589 318 271 Dashera 81 77 127 28 159 6 1,478 225 274 1,516 BI6 700 160 Sheopur 164 112 244 32 I 290 118 146 780 42B 352 161 54 49 156 8 Rampur Kunwar 2 604 91 105 631 36:d 269 162 Amela 20 21 106 15 6 313 13 20 125 64 61 21 29 11

163 Nagla Andhiyari I 167 31 39 257 139 118 39 26 39 4 164 Bajhel'a 4 994 35 46 165 Nagaria 268 148 120 22 15 20 2 .5 1,201 228 280 1,436 771 665 217 223 166 Aso 9 238 27 746 129 154 904 518 386 97 81 119 167 Naunakpur 1 240 9 67 80 415 232 183 200 150 87 12

168 Manikpur 153 61 72 169 432 258 174 8 7 71 II Lachmanpur Muafy 146 54 64 308 170 163 145 18 2\ 55 7 Nagla Parmi 108 Un-inhabited 171 Mishripur 3 149 59 68 324 171 153 67 57 41 2 172 Shahbazpur Phaphund 122 Un-inhabited

173 Ghansipur 1 72 51 64 374 195 179 39 174 Hasanpur Ahiran 49 65 12 6 532 50 61 360 192 168 34 32 175 Nalhoopur 6 26 539 81 95 61:! 324 -2'B 166 148 31 176 Baghua 5 16 365 59 64 346 191 155 96 80 19 177 Chandpura 3 116 53 60 325 2 174 151 68 51 42 29 lam


R URAL-Conld.


NON- Total Workers -'- WORKERS Serial (I-IX) No. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X

,.--.....__, ,__.....__, ~ .--~ ,.--.....__, ,.--'-___, ,--...... __, ,....~ ~ ~ ,..--...... ___,

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

28 25 2 17 48 133 137 3 124 3 12 99 216 134 48 I 48 I 34 65 135 20 19 18 ... 1 HI 31 136 451 19 318 8 30 48 1 16 8 2 29 10 306 629 137

Un-inhabited 138 97 6 59 5 5 1 ." ... .. , 28 5 15~ 226 139 35 28- ...... ,...... 7 28 47 140 67 56 3 6 .. , ., . .,. I 1 50 99 141 Un-inhabited 142

127 8 92 4 6 14- 2 4 9 4 78 173 143 702 21 540 4 3S 49 2 3 ... 6 6 2 60 14 451 941 144- 20 27 ... 8 87 9 101 5!J3 881 20 471 77 101 2 • 1,223 145 413 25 134 6 23 106 .,. 2 65 5 -lr 77 14- 318 570 146 533 15 2(J4 3 64 61 4 59 7 78 4 56 7 336 640 147

79 77 I 79 106 148 64 62 % 59 120 149 414 10 390 10 17 2 5 271 553 15U 723 [2 658 9 18 17 ... 30 3 464 885 151 24 21 2 I 17 43 152

768 18 640 17 40 29 6 50 504 1,062 153 332 4 315 4 6 11 244 485 154 14 19 5 16 29 155 436 19 3%3 9 45 23 3 12 2 31 7 359 688 156 148 126 2 1 19 79 184 157

179 1 142 26 3 2 5 139 270 158 470 2 410 13 22 2 8 16 346 698 15' 258 I 247 I 10 170 351 160 208 200 3 4 154 269 161 36 33 3 28 60 162

79 1 74 3 60 117 163 97 I 97 51 119 164 457 9 318 10 53 3 2 26 3 42 8 314 656 165 291 1 28% 7 2 227 38'i 166 134 89 37 8 98 183 167

154 151 3 104 174 168 100 76 11 2 1 9 63 145 169 Un-inhabited 170 106 71 25 7 ... ., ...... 2 65 152 171 Un-inhabited 172

104 94 5 3 1 91 179 173 110 103 5 I 82 167 174- 188 17B 5 5 136 288 175 108 102 6 83 155 176 105 84 21 69 151 177 lAXlY VILLAGE


Occu- Serial NaQle of Village Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi- holds Castes educated persons Hamlets acres dentia1 Houses

r---~--, r--__"__~ ~

P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 178 Ghangharpur 1 349 49 56 355 184 101 17!o1 Puranpur m lOS 22 4 I 374 ~ 8\J lU7 526 27i 24!o1 39 36 94 13 180 Rampur Baish 2 603 96 113 181 665 352 313 9ll !oI9 117 20 Bhalsol Po. 2 1,051 191 225 1,245 652 5!o13 173 182 Nagla Bhadhauria 14ll 165 :J.ll I ~36 3 3 59 31 2ll 12 15

183 Salhupur :; 700 107 122 624 326 298 109 94 63 184 Sainpur I 342 25 34 285 1!!5 90 29 4 :(9 185 Palhari 3 4 430 26 31 152 94 ~8 9 7 ::)4 4 186 Bhureypur 2 418 83 95 566 3UI 265 24 39 94 9 187 Mirgawan Mp. 7 958 119 135 !J59 501 458 191 135 IU:.!

188 Chadraua Phaphund I 189 Purwa Asa 360 29 36 202 114 88 44 53 10 3 I 157 127 148 626 338 288 252 218 ~9 15 190 Kamara 6 1,159 191 Khanai 106 126 586 338 248 99 82 116 ;,5 192 I 790 146 175 902 488 414 101 lUi 123 1.:> Jalalpur Phaphund 3 430 65 82 494 256 23ll 94 92 1U6 :14 193 Qasimnagar 194 Lohrai. 2 283 51 64 247 154 93 100 83 29 4 I 356 70 86 I3l 93 195 Dharmpur Zahurali Rly,Mp. 399 205 194 140 II 196 3 288 37 44 324 169 155 :1ll 35 5!o1 4 MamraJ Pural Mp. I 197 Pata Rly,Po. 811 71 85 508 257 251 119 115 llZ 2i 5 1,110 246 296 1,421 766 655 215 19:.! 267 40

198 Purwa Dharajit I 254 2 3 3 2 I 199 Sahanagara I 229 20 213 141 80 61 36 26 36 12 200 Kandhon 5 1,490 171 205 1,143 615 528 254 223 126 12 201 Gaueshar 2 439 46 54 198 114 84 56 46 22 4 202 Oton 5 799 185 22f 1,149 636 513 184 160 157 37

203 Bhasora Mp. 5 913 109 135 796 417 379 III 101 I19 11 204 Harchandpur R,Mp,H,Po. 18 3,967 845 930 4,791 2 ,23 2,168 905 880 836 273 205 Dadu Saria 4 719 47 56 357 211 146 26 17 69 5 206 Saria Khati Mp. 2 701 62 77 494- 281 213 131 110 71 6 207 Rajuamau 2 368 88 103 629 341 288 54- 44 130 47 Tilakpur Sarmeoi 208 1 221 43 56 359 173 186 76 93 58 12 209 Deoraon 8 1,759 299 353 1,846 1,043 B03 151 144 251 27 210 Purwa Makey 1 336 42 56 359 195 164 35 34 92 22 211 Shahpur 4 441 49 62 380 187 193 34 46 51 5 212 Jagupur R. 6 697 84 104- 572 303 269 71 59 95 8

213 Purwa Patti I 190 59 i4 473 245 228 53 1 214 Bhaipur 1 396 51 67 344 175 169 50 45 82 18 215 Rawatpur R. 3 524 95 128 743 396 347 79 70 147 35 216 Bikupur 4- 560 162 203 1,156 598 558 187 179 150 22 217 Purwa Kamalisngh 1 100 19 28 223 124 99 42 28 44 17

218 Hamirpur Sohar 1 641 41 56 324- 172 152 90 ~8 219 Kudelapur I 523 51 60 371 212 159 .. 46 20 220 Purwa 1 485 37 43 264- 145 119 15 9 20 221 Chandaia 2 171 71 91 465 262 203 54 40 63 3 222 Ani 1 525 7'9 94 547 281 266 79 75 113 16 1u.v



WORKERS ,------NUN· Total Workers WORKERti (I-IX) terial I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X No.

,...... __ ,.....~ r--..A...~ ..... -----. ~ ~ ,_...... _, ,...... _, ,...... ,._Jt-...... M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1 J09 80 26 3 75 171 178 169 4 150 3 13 2 1 3 108 245 179 216 2 196 12 5 2 3 136 311 180 413 12 341 12 18 4 50 239 581 181 15 15 16 28 182 219 181 38 107 298 183 186 179 7 ...... 9 90 184 42 32 8 2 52 58 185 177 159 ... 18 124 265 186 273 B 246 8 32 223 450 187

67 1 54 1 7 5 47 87 188 178 20 56 8 22 96 12 3 160 268 189 208 2 100 2 15 8 5 130 246 190 276 6 246 4 9 5 - 15 2 212 408 191 145 2 112 1 16 2 15 1 111 236 192

86 17 44 8 3 6 37 3 2 68 76 193 123 23 113 23 2 8 82 171 194 91 1 84 7 ... .. 78 154 195 137 103 26 5 1 2 120 251 196 454 7 392 5 38 7 2 7 9 312 648 197

1 1 1 1 198 43 40 2 1 37 61 199 358 319 25 11 3 257 52<1 200 75 55 20 39 84 201 411 7 292 7 114 5 225 506 202

245 210 29 2 4 172 379 203 1,627 59 1,021 29 279 85 23 4 3 40 2 195 5 996 2,109 204 141 120 21 70 146 205 154 147 ...... 7 127 213 206 183 164 7 5 7 158 288 207

104 104 ...... 69 186 208 646 17 563 4 8 53 13 1 6 15 397 786 209 114 104 3 4 3 81 164 210 132 130 ...... 2 ... 55 193 211 1713 3 166 1 6 2 1 3 L5 266 212

146 1 143 1 1 1 99 227 213 100 2 95 1 1 1 3 75 167 214 222 6 173 6 16 8 ... 3 21 174 341 215 337 12 274 6 16 15 3 29 6 261 546 216 73 70 3 51 99 217

90 7 81 1 3 2 1 3 6 82 145 218 122 1 113 1 3 3 3 90 158 219 95 3 95 3 ... 50 116 220 161 153 7 1 101 203 221 167 167 114 266 222 J~vi



Occu- Serial Name of Village Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) of in Res i- holds Castes educated perIODS Hamlets acres dential Houses

,--- ...-----. P M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

223 Balkandpur 118 29 43 185 102 83 14 33 224 Kariapur RUIU 146 Un-inhabited 225 Purwa 87 Un-inhabited 226 Ruru Kalan 573 239 290 1,440 755 685 219 204 246 73 227 PurlA'a Bhadauri Ruru 85 15 23 179 92 87 68 30

228 Malikpur Mishripur 2 195 22 33 233 127 106 19 14 41 8 229 SahuplJr R. 456 49 71 426 226 200 55 41 62 TOTAL OF AOHHALDA BLOCK 401 70,294 11,321 13,639 74,052 40,279 33,773 10,998 9,763 11,574 2,321 BIDHUNA BLOCK 230 Kus R,mp. 5 1,181 134 162 1,030 515 515 204 229 242 40 231 PUI'Wa Dhamu Bidhuna 1 37 3 3 12 9 3 232 Purwa Pita ram R,Mp. 4 353 221 259 1,355 739 616 210 183 337 109 233 Muggpur R. 3 177 19 27 174 94 80 4 3 30 4 234 Bijaura I 76 18 26 102 58 44 10 6 13

235 Barua 4 353 72 84 490 252 238 67 71 85 33 :136 SOhIli I 260 24 24 241 142 99 30 26 67 ' 21 237 Barahar 3 649 102 123 591 313 278 99 76 126 33 238 Ruru Khurd R. 21 3,439 478 578 3,150 1,745 1,405 414 343 585 96 239 Nandpur 2 808 51 63 456 266 190 9 5 71 2

240 Masodpur I 806 139 165 1,086 494 592 135 114 142 28 241 Rarnnaga ria 1 84 25 37 180 101 79 22 2 242 Kuarpur 2 239 37 44 246 130 116 72 55 80 5 243 Dhanwa1i R.· 3 1,028 138 164 913 476 437 97 96 136 22 244 Pasua R. 4 1,217 116 147 817 469 348 121 86 164 28

245 Kanjanpur Chirkua 3 577 A3 98 683 361 322 95 90 124 52 246 PU['WB Lachhiram 1 353 21 30 195 95 100 14 19 17 247 Saraj Pithan 1 644 6B 80 451 248 203 91 98 123 28 248 Ludhpura 1 217 68 86 384 223 161 75 69 34 249 nabina Sukitcheopur 3 416 88 107 651 339 312 119 104 134 37

250 Bamp~r Rampur 1 !O3 44 50 277 147 130 67 59 26 251 Bhikhara 4 469 126 148 1,022 498 524 132 119 237 67 252 Bhoorajpur 1 308 12 15 64 36 28 7 9 6 253 Bhadsin 4 443 70 86 481 272 209 81 94 109 12 254 BalBraulia 3 48') 72 87 529 283 246 81 93 137 39

255 Chandarpur 1 291 86 97 623 330 293 89 75 124 33 256 Bidhuna R,L,Mp,Hos,Mcw,H,Po. 4 868 679 • 761 3,722 2,114 1,608 315 209 1,293 367 257 Kurkura 4 295 13 19 161 90 71 38 30 30 258 Be1pur Bela R. 3 551 91 106 610 336 274 44 37 36 259 Kiratpur 3 182 31 40 194 103 91 103 91 2

260 Narayanpur Bhanu R. 2 251 32 43 269 152 117 36 29 45 3 261 Pusauli R. 2 382 41 50 334 167 167 26 19 61 10 262 Tejpur Eidhuna R. 5 1,254 125 142 738 412 326 112 78 98 36 263 Mundiggai R. 3 1,110 73 89 511 270 241 27 24 66 7 264 Kaithawa R.Mp,Po. 3 1,180 155 190 954 528 426 110 87 188 55 lU'9il



WORKERS ,_.--_. ._-..... NON- Total Workers WORKERS (I-IX) II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Serial No.

.. ___" ,...... -...... ---~ ~ r- . ,...... -..... ~ ..-...... -...... ~ ~--. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 1\1 F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

61 61 41 83 223 Uo·inhabited 224- Un-inhabited 225 488 19 289 5 30 41 14 2 39 79 267 666 226 45 45 47 87 227 71 71 56 106 228 115 77 13 13 12 III 200 229

2~.77~ 580 18,056 327 1,652 l,on 113 126 1 4~ 521 20 57 1,277 119 17,505 33,193

BIDHUNA BLOCK 279 255 13 11 236 515 230 5 5 .. 4 3 231 431 16 207 5 23 21 2 2 4 105 4 4 65 5 308 600 232 50 50 44 80 233 37 37 21 44 234

155 2 134 21 97 236 235 80 2 80 62 97 236 208 199 2 3 1 3 105 278 237 1,016 38 831 21 87 52 -3 3 16 6 20 14 729 1,367 238 154 147 5 1 1 112 190 239

282 10 251 10 29 2 ,.. 212 582 240 63 63 .. 38 79 241 69 3 57 2 11 1 61 113 242 299 I 254 I 25 13 6 177 436 243 270 I 263 1 6 199 347 244

215 5 187 13 7 5 8 146 317 245 50 48 2 '45 100 246 144 78 ... 17 6 25 18 104 203 247 144 23 63 4 8 5 19 55 4 9 79 138 248 186 154 10 22 153 312 249

87 61 19 7 60 130 250 269 ... 2[6 27 11 15 229 524 251 24 4 24 4 12 24 252 151 148 3 121 209 253 153 147 3 3 130 246 ·254

180 149 10 2 12 7 150 293 255 1,165 21 242 7 8 169 4 60 3 39 268 42 337 6 949 1,587 256 54 8 54 8 36 63 257 173 3 165 2 2 4 163 271 258 51 42 7 2 52 91 259

93 84 1 9 59 116 260 92 5 77 2 II 1 2 2 75 162 261 266 7 246 5 1 19 2 146 319 262 151 1 141 7 1 1 2 119 240 263 280 17 204 3 30 10 14 4 25 7 248 409 264 l:a:viii



Occu- Serial Name of Village Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi· holds Castes educated persons Ham.lets acra deutial Houses

.. --_..... _--, ,--.....___, ..--~ P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

265 Raipur Kaithawa 2 350 36 51 258 137 121 64 49 53 28 266 Dharamangadpur 6 1,253 146 168 999 534 465 118 102 229 45 267 Noorpur Khargpur 2 982 79 97 556 318 238 50 38 143 39 268 Nawadha Lodhi 169 Un-inhabited 269 Khanjahanpur Sahar 96 Un·inhabited

270 Sabhad 12 3,426 407 496 2,755 1,495 1,260 248 201 336 III 271 Gura Po. 3 448 68 80 557 312 245 52 39 135 52 272 Rajpur Bidhuna 3 399 II 19 97 51 46 9 273 Narajnpur Sahar 1 442 29 34 171 89 82 35 31 7 12 274 Khizarpur 1 123 17 25 131 73 58 21 15 28 3

275 Bhatauli Bidhuna R.Mp. 5 1,116 201 239 1.281 707 574 203 156 232 76 276 Mau 2 1,225 169 211 1,241 649 592 120 103 221 52 277 Chakarpur 1 233 9 14 79 48 31 18 2 278 Marha Machbijbil 3 513 85 108 561 307 254 43 45 143 46 279 Sanwalia 2 443 80 91- 524 293 231 78 63 59 7

280 Bantbara R. 4 779 239 289 1,731 947 784 244 209 320 83 281 Basai R. 3 562 62 80 444 229 215 67 67 48 5 282 Purwa Bahaduria Bela R. 1 244 21 31 154 82 72 23 283 Usariba R. 5 1.081 91 129 827 432 395 59 41 93 21 284 Palia R. 1 275 53 69 385 199 186 44 32 80 14

285 Alipur 3 713 149 185 735 393 342 115 88 81 14 286 Chando 1 396 40 47 234 124 110 99 98 11 1 287 Bhagwantapur R. 1 '290 62 71 367 203 164 106 93 55 10 288 Nabada Dandu 4 966 121 144 892 466 426 55 50 134 289 Purwa Khasua 87 Un·inhabited

290 Purwa Sombanshi 1 138 29 34 194 107 87 107 87 29 5 291 Purwa Dalahar 2 220 20 26 134 63 71 63 71 10 Phatehpur 1 411 52 59 336 190 146 190 146 45 4 ~i Bansai 1 922 96 109 641 348 293 134 106 90 22 294- Bunchpur 1 421 41 46 310 165 145 50 46 48 7

295 Kursi Po. 5 1,922 239 284 1,413 774 639 107 96 169 24 296 Bandbmau R. 5 1,806 163 195 1,011 520 491 185 169 128 33 297 Jarawan 5 1,028 89 106 664 371 293 52 42 121 18 298 Madrejak 1 731 5 6 73 42 31 .. 11 7 299 Ramnagar Mabu 1 259 82 98 501 268 233 32 22 124 46

300 Kakrahz 1 239 29 37 199 110 89 13 12 44 3 301 KaTayanpur Kakrabi 1 140 28 34 196 108 88 27 17 21 302 Mahu R. 5 1,171 189 221 1,251 693 558 69 45 286 89 303 Seara R. 4- 605 75 89 492 272 220 32 28 110 14- 304 Gaili R,Po. 3 846 132 159 844 451 393 41 31 131 34

305 Purwa Dhaney 1 736 38 50 341 188 153 55 32 97 36 306 Amiratpur R. 2 436 51 63 353 203 150 62 42 51 8 307 Kasheri R. 1 331 63 76 382 226 156 25 16 92 20 308 Siryawan R. 3 1,638 197 ~32 1,253 €54 599 219 190 219 40 309 Hardu R. 6 2,425 351 409 1,888 1,039 849 251 211 322 53 DIRBCTOR 'Y


WORKERS NON- Total Worken WORKERS (I-IX) I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Serial N•• ,....__...____, ....--.....__, ,. --, ,....-...., ,...... , ,...... , ,.....-.., ,...... _ ,...... --., ,...... --., ....--.....___.

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

79 77 1 1 58 121 265 297 2 270 14 5 3 5 2 237 463 266 148 2 128 2 7 3 10 170 236 267 Un-inhabited 268 Un-inhabited 269

917 25 774 7 77 16 28 21 18 578 1,235 270 170 1 155 1 8 2 1 4 142 244 271 35 1 34 1 -- I 16 45 272 56 41 5 4 6 33 82 273 49 48 1 24 58 274

428 33 385 30 2 13 1 6 6 3 14 ... 279 541 275 389 19 376 10 3 3 5 5 1 1 4 260 573 270 34 34 14 31 277 190 7 163 2 15 8 2 2 4 117 247 278 173 7 147 2 12 4 5 'til 10 120 224 279

554 28 439 10 13 38 17 11 -.. 11 6 35 393 756 280 134 7 124 7 5 2 2 1 95 208 281 54 1 53 1 1 28 71 282 249 13 216 13 23 8 ... 1 1 183 382 283 131 5 96 1 9 7 4 8 7 4 68 181 284

251 233 9 5 3 142 341 285 72 65 3 1 .. ' 3 52 110 286 133 2 126 3 4 70 162 287 249 249 217 426 288 Un-inhabited 289

63 61 2 44 87 290 36 36 27 71 291 103 10 102 10 1 87 136 292 175 5 145 5 17 12 173 288 293 85 78 3 3 80 145 :94

466 7 453 6 6 2 1 5 308 632 295 298 9 246 1 8 24 8 2 7 3 8 222 482 296 244 204 34 2 2 2 127 293 297 22 1 21 1 1 20 30 298 163 1 147 1 5 10 105 232 299

66 62 4 44 89 300 69 57 12 ... 39 88 301 413 16 362 6 16 7 3 28 7 280 542 302 156 1 151 1 5 ... 116 219 303 267 262 1 4 184 393 304

97 92 3 1 1 91 153 305 129 115 12 2 74 ISO 306 146 7 127 3 2 4 4 4 9 80 149 307 406 14 358 3 23 10 1 2 22 248 585 308 643 19 584 2 18 7 3 14 3 13 18 396 830 309 lux



Occu- Serial Name of Village Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi- holds Castes educated persons Hamlets acres dential HouseJ

,--_.A-_____ ,.----~---. ,.....-..A---.


2 3 4- 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

310 Barru Kulasar R. 2 1,570 179 216 1.002 571 451 146 95 186 52 311 Bhadaura R. 4 1,604 146 176 946 514 432 3 3 169 27 312 Dahnang R. 394 Un-inhabited 313 Jauhar 3 695 96 114 565 321 244 82 15 314 Lakhi 2 603 93 117 606 349 25'1 99 71 162 1&

315 Bamnoti 2 466 39 53 337 192 145 49 31 84 15 316 lJarkashy R. 4 1,654 119 145 713 390 323 132 1t8 148 26 317 Bela R, Mp, Hos, Po. 8 2,135 321 394 1,979 1,089 890 215 207 375 68 318 Kalauli R. 2 4BO 93 116 600 30B 292 149 168 86 2 319 Nibhar 3 1,622. 178 219 1,044 587 457 98 112. 142 17

320 Chmauli Bosu\\s 3 640 82 98 562 282 280 83 92 90 30 321 Malhausi R,Mp. 2 1,092 272 333 1,856 1,020 836 329 262, 419 85 322 Barauli 5 1,174 151 185 977 527 450 193 116 211 96 323 JaJalpur Bidhuna I 672 97 124 650 363 287 80 65 104 3 324 Patti Ghurau I 453 41 48 242 130 112 35 29 15

325 Aneson 4 831 87 105 175 102 73 16 7 14 326 Jamalpur 1 459 42 51 279 163 116 43 2 32i Matera 9 998 178 213 1,152 620 532 192 164 224 97 328 Chauri Eksols R. 4 309 75 89 472 259 213 73 18 329 Patna Bela 5 699 113 134 783 434 349 109 86 153 40

330 Bandriapur 200 2 46 56 293 158 135 .. - 14 331 Banerahar R. 1 19fi 45 54 294 142 152 11 13 35 19 332 Daurapur 2 642 107 131 708 397 311 66 42 132 37 333 POlak Mitt 4 1369 123 14:4 807 443 364 152 141 9b 16 334 Marruk Harram 7 Un-inhabited

335 Rooppur Saba i 4 553 104 127 67~ 355 318 7il 63 78 15 336 Nawada Malkhan 2 453 75 89 544 280 337 Inpdamau 264 67 6r 106 73 R. I 551 91 110 589 326 263 97 86 94 11 338 Bimtamau 3 583 57 71 433 234 199 339 Asjana 90 69 105 25 Mp, Po. 5 781 208 258 1,376 751 625 282 230 284 7':)

340 Kalyanpur Jaga R. 3 523 121 136 766 415 351 52 57 152 34 34\ HathmaFur 1 588 31 39 193 103 90 22 5 47 10 342 Barkapurwa 1 113 27 35 169 80 89 2-4 3

TOTAL OF BIDHUNA BLOCK 318 78,742 11,141 13,424 72,936 39,592 33,344 9,514 8,053 13,545 3,066 SAHAR BLOCK 343 Piprauliya 2 313 SO 36 202 115 87 42 40 22 1 344 Bahadurpur Sahar ~ 528 129 149 742 404 338 144 119 146 42 345 Tilakpur SabaT 2 488 53 66 420 207 213 25 24 41 2 346 Purwa Kbagan 1 153 31 40 226 119 107 9 11 44 21 347 Harbanshpur 3 538 85 94 528 269 259 57 62 83 10

348 Purwa Danshah R,L,Mp. 2 1,011 207 252 1,371 758 613 248 196 323 6G 349 Pun'a Rawat R. 3 573 69 7H 459 257 202 62 43 53 14 350 Purwa Khutty Madar R,Mp. 4 507 221 272 1,365 761 604 160 117 352 74 351 Purwa Pandpur 1 437 32 38 216 118 98 80 72 55 6 352 Ramnagar Malhausi 1 645 63 75 411 221 190 8 6 81 5 laxl



WORKERS ..... NON- _- WORKERS Serial Total Workeu No' (I-IX) IX X I II III IV V VI VII VIII

~_,,_-.. ,----""'-.--"'" ~ ,..."...... ,..._.JII.~ ~_,._- ...... ",_.""'-...... ,_"'-...... -.... ,..."""-..... ,..-"""-'"'""" .--~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 30 31 32 33 34 35 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

48 19 4 7 3 3 219 415 310 352 16 264 9 11 166 430 311 348 2 343 2 5 312 Uo-iahabited 313 5 1 119 238 202 6 196 6 131 255 314 218 2 207 2 2 9

:, 1 2 78 145 315 114 106 1 I 2 134 316 316 7 229 2 19 5 4 256 4 2 46 4 13 58 3 428 874 317 661 Hi 485 8 17 36 1 318 18 1 9 120 292 188 160 .. , 3 6 223 453 319 364 4 346 4 2 .,. 3 3 274 162 6 152 2 2 2 2 4 4 120 320 49 122 6 11 3 75 to 73 9 427 807 321 593 29 250 14 441 318 !I 277 6 11 HI 1 11 3 209 322 4 6 9 140 283 323 223 4 208 107 83 5 ,,2 5 1 47 324 35 72 325 67 64 67 116 326 96 96 260 528 327 360 4 350 4 2 8 1 4 III 212 328 148 I 140 1 3 4 185 348 329 249 1 234 1 3 7

104 2 100 2 1 I 2 54 133 330 84 I 76 I 1 I I 5 58 151 331 248 4 213 4 7 7 4 5 12 11:9 307 3j2 264 5 257 3 1 3 2 3 179 359 333 Un-inhabited 334

207 200 5 I I 148 318 335 159 4 129 4 21 1 7 121 260 ;,36 178 174 2 1 I ... 148 263 337 .128 4 116 3 .," 9 4 106 195 338 431 9 367 5 17 14 4 5 3 3 2 20 320 bl6 339

238 228 2 6 2 177 351 340 50 ~7 3 53 89 341 72 72 8 88 342 23,330 556 19,427 295 87t 833 10. 151 36 169 4 710 15 102 ... 1,064 102 16,262 32,788 SAHAR BLOCK 61 57 4 .,. 54 87 343 216 2 175 I 12 14 5 9 18S 336 344 128 8 99 2 11 2 16 6 79 205 345 61 58 2 1 58 '07 346 159 159 llO 259 347

369 18 240 7 50 2 15 13 49 II 389 595 348 154 9 131 9 12 2 9 103 193 349 393 23 244 2 16 27 5 2 47 7 50 16 368 581 350 73 II 70 11 3 45 ·87 351 -135 3 131 2 4- 86 187 35:1 laail



Occu- Serial Name of Village Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi- holds Castes educated perlODI Hamlets acres dential Houses

~_--.A. ~_.A..~ ,--,"",",-~ P M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

353 Shahbazpur Bidhuna 8 2,467 231 280 1,554 838 716 275 235 187 12 354 Jiwa Sirsani 6 942 197 235 1,202 672 530 226 181 200 58 355 Kichhiya Gopalpur Mp. 3 1,674 149 184 1,016 554 46~ 263 241 79 9 356 Marha Daspur 2 1,13t! 35 '47 742 4lJ:'( 340 85 III 188 42 357 Oron 3 88 ) 142 170 913 491 4:l2 126 93 161 29

358 Damarpur 534 66 79 431 235 196 68 66 81 15 3.9 Tirhua R. :> 1,143 145 17') 907 503 404 113 106 128 4 360 Yakubpur y 1,129 380 340 1,657 924 733 276 251 277 44 361 Patti Yakubpur 148 Un-inhabiter\ 362 Pirpauli Sheo R. 3 1,698 302 372 2.002 1,048 954 255 264 308 66

363 Walidadpur 554 56 64 418 239 179 13,: 98 64 9 364 Nawada Singha 342 35 41 170 88 82 26 27 36 19 365 Patti Gyani 316 56 65 365 186 179 15 13 53 8 366 Patti Torna 588 86 102 617 327 290 101 104 117 20 367 Thulpia urf Dhubkhan Po. 7 2,52U 362 407 2,119 1,132 987 107 91 379 100

368 Manyora 4 900 68 79 435 241 194 58 59 92 26 369 Bhainsori 3 755 103 1'23 609 315 294 87 91 102 21 370 Patti Thakurgaon I 413 41 48 258 142 1I6 30 27 29 6 371 Thakurgaon 3 443 92 109 552 308 244 32 27 114 42 372 Purwa Hems 1 202 42 50 311 161 150 32 34 63 16

373 Parsu 4 654 82 97 491 272 219 28 40 100 32 374 Pura 5 2,087 229 274 1,395 743 652 191 112 209 27 375 Singhpurwa Mana R,Mp. 5 1,995 221 270 1,375 674 701 255 239 218 32 376 Asu R. 7 1,359 196 234 1,348 722 626 130 136 209 30 377 Purwa Samai 1 610 51 70 354 181 173 78 66 35 3

378 Barhanpur 1 205 2 2 6 4 2 1 379 Barao 1 339 61 73 468 259 209 39 28 84 6 380 Ingurra 2 747 72 95 620 320 300 33 34 75 381 Harpura Mp. 4 1,341 209 257 1,391 734 657 103 105 193 44 382 Lakhuno Mp. 6 1,797 218 <:65 1,539 793 746 142 123 246 79

383 Sonthara R. 6 1,120 13) 164 908 483 425 227 216 130 10 384 Ekghara Phaphund R. I 255 31 39 219 125 94 22 21 35 4 385 Bahlolpur R. 2 601 76 91 482 256 226 134 131 63 7 386 Anda R. 1. 147 38 46 286 157 129 39 26 39 6 387 Ariyari R. j 238 64 73 365 204 161 74 72 54 17

388 Dinmamau R. 1 155 17 20 1I9 67 52 20 16 35 3 389 Murenhra Chhadamilal R. 2 362 23 28 133 63 70 63 70 12 390 Milgawan 2 336 75 88 335 187 148 5!l 45 43 391 Aghara R, Mp. 4 840 117 134 744 430 314 85 95 55 14 392 Dharkhan R. 3 483 ll9 135 805 407 398 97 69 61 6

393 Purwa Baley 2 500 101 120 592 322 270 59 40 74 7 394 Gulariha Mp, Po. 3 829 142 172 788 440 348 125 103 180 53 395 Asaini R, Mp. 6 1,303 253 308 1,636 840 796 212 179 244 44 336 Barru Phaphund R. 1 569 68 85 445 232 213 91 85 108 10 397 Purwa Fakerey I 596 88 110 546 304 242 41 39 97 27 IDJliii


RURAL-Contd. WORKERS NON- Total Workcn ------WORKERS . ([-IX) 11 III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Serial No. ,-----' ..---A--, ,...... __ ,...... ,...... ,...... ,...... ,...... ,...... --...... ---"---- ~ ,...... ,.._, ..., M F M F M F M F M F M , F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

498 5 489 4 1 3 4 340 711 353 406 3 393 3 2 5 2 4 266 527 354 333 6 322 5 1 1 1 8 221 456 355 220 7 1911 6 4 5 12 1112 333 356 288 12 252 12 23 11 2 203 410 357

159 2 141 I ... 9 I .Il 76 194 358 312 lY 288 18 4 I 19 191 385 359 585 I.J: 496 11 12 18 3 3 ." 23 ::13 339 719 360 Un-inhabited 361 643 28 586 23 20 27 3 2 2 2 6 405 926 362

131 8 108 4 11 6 6 4 108 171 363 47 5 44 5 2 I 41 113 112 1 77 364 '" 73 179 365 2('0 2 191 2 1 5 2 1 127 68'1 13 658 11 I 288 366 6 7 12 2 44:8 974 367

149 17 129 17 6 9 2 3 92 177 368 205 6 202 5 3 79 2 74 1 110 288 369 2 2 63 114 370 166 4 136 4 12 3 14 142 113 99 240 371 1 12 48 150 372 180 3 132 1 .. 1 .. 3 12 44 2 92 216 373 436 17 349 11 32 5 1 3 II 29 364 15 358 14 6 ... 307 635 374 413 39 368 39 17 I 310 686 375 26 309 103 8 96 4 1 2 587 376 3 3 78 165 377 4 4 149 3 145 3 2 378 1 2 110 180 7 164 4 12 2 206 379 425 18 399 12 13 2 3 140 293 380 6 1 6 6 309 480 7 463 7 2 6 4 639 881 5 313 739 382 259 12 2j3 12 5 73 4 224 413 383 68 4 5 52 90 156 1 151 I 3 I 384 91 1 100 225 385 5 73 1 I 5 2 2 10 134 6 97 5 27 66 124 386 4 5 70 155 387

5~ 2 34 2 4 12 17 50 388 41 2 29 I 9 3 116 106 8 '2 22 68 389 253 247 4 71 148 390 219 184- 35 2 177 314 391 188 398 392 190 8 152 6 2 275 222 33 32 6 132 262 393 16 4 165 348 394 513 396 95 13 9 139 120 11 2 327 796 395 179 156 14 6 93 213 396 4 5 125 242 397 lual'l



Occu- Serial Name of Village Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi- holds Castes educated persons Hamlets acres dential Houses ,...._-..... ___ ~ ..... ~ P M F M F M F

2 3 4: 5 6 7 a.~: 9 10 11 12 13

398 Bhatauli Phaphund Mp. 3 767 115 140 790 411 379 93 81 142 ~4 399 Baryarumau R. 4 682 172 210 1,112 611 501 ,0 70 266 84 400 Sabalpur 1 370 39 45 286 162 124 108 89 35 13 401 Athesl 3 2Y6 21 32 14li 78 68 44 38 17 402 Purwa Natha I 38 I~ 23 107 66 41 18

403 Punthi R. 2 663 7]. 86 458 250 208 24 22 69 7 404 Kariapur Asu 1 L21 20 29 297 161l 129 34 24 63 II 405 Tajpur Chhonk Mp. 7 933 169 2lJ1 1,1U3 592 511 123 105 23:1 88 406 Ganri Ramprasharl 2 441 61 74 415 226 189 62 61 93 12 407 Badshahpur Chhonk I 534 53 70 430 237 193 37 36 89 12

408 Saha) I R, Mew, Mp, Hos, Yo, 12 3,211 684 717 3,872 '2,07, 1,793 635 518 563 94 409 Purwa Kanhai 1 206 35 47 229 117 112 27 27 42 II 410 Nagla Bichauh 1 214 40 48 301 J58 143 5 3 '10 411 Blhlarugaon I 274 31 :l8 ISO 91 89 50 H 30 9 412 Mugarha Ie 5 1,123 124 150 858 469 31l:! 151 136 137 25

413 Belhupur I 353 48 57 275 145 130 41 29 69 38 414 Maharajpur Sidhuna 2 163 60 70 359 196 163 50 41 33 415 Karchala 3 705 79 93 533 298 235 III 82 77 12 416 Lahrapur 3 485 161 195 1,070 576 495 155 116 249 70 417 Deori 4 607 123 146 704 400 304 61 52 113 7

418 Sikhoo 2 372 85 99 560 302 258 55 41 177 78 419 Nabi Mohan 2 909 184 148 947 527 420 35 39 167 47 42Q \fadhClwapur R, Rly. 1 764 IS7 227 1,202 647 555 129 132 185 71 421 Kanauli Masbmula Madhuwapur 217 Un-inhabited 422 Madarkapur Rly. 345 2 4 26 16 10 2 177 423 Aghar Rly. 1 307 45 56 382 205 37 29 47 4 Rly. 5 1,309 135 164 898 4b9 409 78 64 138 22 424 Kanmau 42 153 140 425 Mundaria Rly. I 201 36 293 61 13 426 Taiy&pur 2 943 59 73 375 208 167 41 36 62 17 427 Niranjanapur 1 298 55 70 369 188 lSI 66 74 75 14

428 Abawar 4 1,533 233 275 1,075 875 740 92 90 254 62 429 Bijhai Rly. 7 959 120 144 770 443 327 94 79 149 23 430 Hartaulia 5 1,056 105 131 77S 415 363 108 97 136 47 431 Amauapur I 438 132 lEO 1,001 551 450 120 102 176 33 432 Sukhampur Rly. 3 510 59 85 467 246 221 112 116 85 14

Rly. 8 1,562 271 325 1,472 809 663 225 198 273 89 433 Navgawan 372 434 Dhikiapur Rly. 3 564 137 i70 790 41B 181 149 188 77 I 255 30 42 201 112 89 35 II 435 Bhuniapur 31 436 Dhirpur 1 190 5 9 69 38 6 437 Marnai 1 274 31 39 263 138 125 19 14 60 17 1,169 176 215 1,320 713 597 251 204 179 41 438 Lachhiamau R,Rly. 4 36,087 30,844 9,012 7,9(2 TOTAL OF SAHAR BLOCI' 271 69,911 10,277 12,305 66,931 11,293 2,439 40,792 49,198 267,380 145,300 122,080 36,166 31,124 44,747 9,591 TOTAL OF BIDHUNA TAHSIL 1,304 27.,642

Note-The rural area of Tahsil Bidhu~a given ,in Table A-I is 435'7 sq. mi~es: i.e. 278,848 acres. The village·wise areas in the Directory are as repor1ed by the T~hslldar while the rural area o~ the T~hsll m Table A-I has been derived by deducting the sum of urban areas form the total reVised area figures of the TahSil furOlshed by the Board of Revenue, U. P. DIRBCTOaV


NO~ Total Worken WORItlUlS (I-IX) I II m tv V VI VII VllI IX X Serial No • ,_..,._ .------.. ~ ...... -- ....--. ,....-...... --. ~ M F M F M P M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 53 34 35

232 ·232 179 379 398 369 288 2+ 28 6 20 3 242 SOl 399 91 87 4- 71 124 400 50 50 28 68 401 43 43 23 41 40.(

145 136 7 2 105 208 403 83 ...... 85 129 40+ 'i~ 7 30+ 7 33 3 251 504 405 141 2 138 2 3 85 187 406 136 124 6 3 101 193 407

1,203 23 997 17 70 33 6 6 14 5 77 876 1,770 408 69 62 1 1 5 48 112 409 87 87 71 143 410 64 ... 56 .. 4 27 89 411 284 5 262 2 18 4 3 18S 384 412 93 93 ... 52 130 413 146 5 146 5 50 158 414 ISO 1 121 1 21 4 2 2 148 234 415 354 2 281' 2 18 18 1 9 22 ,.. 222 492 416 215 1 203 I 7 4 I 185 303 417

164 146 9 1 3 4 138 258 418 297 40 245 37 8 21 15 8 2 230 380 419 381 4 313 I 17 17 1 28 11 2 266 551 420 Un-inhabited 421 13 13 3 10 422

J44 4 139 .. 3 2 2 2 61 173 423 .283 6 265 5 .,. 7 10 1 206 403 424 89 87 I 1 64- 140 4:25 1I8 3 112 3 4 I 1 90 164 426 III 2 105 2 3 3 77 179 427

514 4 485 4 17 1 11 361 736 428 262 2 206 25 8 2 ... 2 19 1 181 325 429 251 7 221 3 10 12 2 2 6 2 164- 356 4:30 318 4 263 4 30 12 3 ... 10 233 446 431 148 106 4- 11 3 24 98 221 412

471 7 343 5 IS 29 .. 8 48 .... 30 2 338 656 433 224 6 95 3 4 60 5 5 26 29 3 194 366 434 80 45 59 45 21 32 44 435 23 20 3 15 31 436 81 &5 16 57 125 437

393 20 331 20, 20 16 26 330 577 438 21,163 5M lUIS 0&57 1ft III 52 '1 32 33t 9 12 7&2 86 14,924 30,260 4 1,151 50 251 ... f,005 395 59,956 U',113 85.~ 2,26'7 71._ ',62'1 f,IM 22 2 l,1tt SSt S2I 37322

z ••... z ... III •

o ....~ .r-


0 • ...'"

.....J ';?' III

10;~ "If .. ~.. ~ + " ~ ..;'" \I 'Q :l: Q ~ ,) '.,. ~. ••... ,~ r- III ;' ;:) ;:)~ ~ '" L&.I Vl ~'" 40! < I- u 5::! -:s:. . • ~ a: .6- (.. :t: ~ fI) I-- &"CI) CI.. - CI) '< X .r~ I 0 " ""Q "- ~ ''';~''{" ,;;...... :a ,L i~ ~ ~"


81. No. in SI. No. in ' SI.· SLNo. in SI.' Name of Village Village Name of Village SL Name or Village VBlage No. No. ViDap No. Directory Directory Directory

1 2 3 2 3 2 3

81 Bigheypur 1 Abduliahpur 109 41 Bambaripur 422 141 .205 82 Bighuli 449 2 Achrauli 21 42 Baruirpur 43 Bansari 2 83 Bihar 4 3 Adampur 93 174 44 Bansyapur 42 54 Bijalpur 362 4 Adbasi 334 45 Baraua 269 85 Bikrsmpur 307 I) Aims Seganpur 296 -t-6 Barbatpur 355 86 Bilandpur 176 6 Ajanpur 142 Bardauli 351 87 Bilawan IOU 7 Ajuapur 47 335 48 Barera 30 88 Bilrai 197 8 Akbarpur 156 49 Barharipur 438 89 Bindwa Khurd 9 9 Akbarpur Danda 87 50 Baripur MUan 436 90 Binpurapur 244 10 Alamgirpur 132 Barmupur 412 9l Birhuni 130 11 Alchi Nagar 51 118 Barwai 72 92 Biriya AUfaiya 420 12 Alipur 52 193 Basantpur 386 93 Biriya Phaphund 13 Alipur Kamalpur 53 258 154 54 Beiyapur ~O 94 Birori 6 14 Allahpur 46 55 Belbar 170 95 Birori 8 15 Amaota· 22S 56 Beora Nawalpur 127 96 Birsinghpur 163 16 Ampur 391 57 Beri Ghankar 84 9] BisaikpUt 168 17 Anepur 16 58 Berika Pariya 83 98 Bisalpur 140 18 Anetba 314 59 Bhadaura 450 99 Bithauli 15 19 Antaul 188 60 Bhadsan 69 100 Burha Dana 252 20 Arazi Dargah 61 Bhagautipur- 446 101 Burhanpur 181 21 Arazi Munzabta 393 Bhagwantpur 387 102 Chakarpur 22 22 Asewa 346 62 Bbaratpur 414 103 Chak Kubar 23 ,\sewta 345 63 441 64 Bhareh 25 104 Chak Ranpokhar 333 24 Asta 317 268 65 BharFapur 172 105 Chak Sahu 182 25 Ata 66 Bharsen 433 106 Chak Saktapur 92 26 Atma Paigambarpur 119 67 Bhartaul 357 107 Chak Sarai Anantram 61 27 Atsu 91 68 Bhasoun 369 108 Chamrao"'a 240 28 Auraiya (Rur31) 409 69 Bhatpura 237 109 Chamrhiatir 14 29 Ayana 360 348 70 Bhaupur Auraiya 443 lit) Chandanpur Dayalsingh 112 30 Babayan Bhaupur Phaphund 196 III Chandanpur Hulasrai 374 31 Babina 247 71 32 Badanpur· 400 72 . Bhikeypur Phaphund 152 112 Cbandpur 63 33 Babadarpur Anguthin 427 73 Bhikhapur 439 113 Chandpur 135 34 Babadurpur Uncha 128 74 Bhikampur 399 114 ChapauJi 251 35 BahulL 194 75 Bhironpur 442 115 Chapta 114

36 Baisundra 225 76 Bhiyanpur 256 1I6 Chatkapur 98 37 Bakrrpur 312 77 Bhonakpur 276 117 Chauki 372 38 Bakeypur Auraiya 107 78 Bhontapur 327 118 Cbaurela 13 39 Bakhrriya 302 79 Bhureypur Kalan 33 119 Chichauti 423 40 Ballapur 139 80 Bhureypur Khurd 359 120 Chirhuli 294 1xDIa ALPBUftIClAL Ll8T ow "ILLAGES


SI. No. iD SI. No in 51' No. in SI. Name of Villag Villqe SI. Name of Village Village 51. Name of Village Village No. Directory Nu. Direclory No. Directory

2 3 2 3 2 3

121 Chirulia 218 161 Gi)palpur 164 201 Jaswantput 325 122 Dahgawan 246 162 Govindpur 173 202 Jaunra 428 123 Dahmapur 59 163 Gudari 380 203 Jua 151 124 Dakhalipur 220 164 Gujaripur 204 204 Juhikha 354 353 125 Daleinagar 320 165 Gunt 205 Jamuhin 232 73 166 Gwari 371 126 Darbatpur 206 Kabirpur 287 Dasraura 153 167 Gyanpur Imamali 4-10 127 207 Kachahari 20 128 Dauhin 243 168 Gyanpur Pratapsingh 37 208 Kaitho1i 341 129 Daulatpur 262 169 Halizpur '68 209 Kakor Buzurg 259 130 Dewarpur 270 170 Haidarpur 123 210 KakorKhurd 258 131 Dhamseni 424 171 Halepur 133 211 Kakrahi 231 132 Dhanaupur 342 172 Hansulia 313 212 Kakrahiya 134 133 Dharampur 159 173 26 213 Harauli Bahadidurpur Kalanpur 376 134 Dhorera 402 174- Harrjpur 234 214 Kamalpur 74 135 Dudiya Khera 407 175 Hasanpur Chandkhan 177 215 Kanauti 209 136 Dundabar 203 176 IIazipur 338 216 Kanchausi 242 137 Durbaspur 85 177 Hazratpur 51 217 Kanjari 227 138 Dwarikapur Auraiya 389 178 Husainpur 121 218 Karab 166 139 Dwarikapur Phaphund 160 179 lkorapur 426 219 Karampur 308 140 Fabidpur 291 180 Inguthia 284 220 Karyawli 18 Fatehpur 149 141 181 Iqbalpur 336 221 Katghara Brahminan 311 .. 366 142 Fatehpur Karam 182 Itha 260 222 Katghara Jumardar 367 143 Fatehpur Ramun 146 183 Jadbanspur 70 223 Katrauli 179 3 144 Fatepur Beni 184 Jaganpur 32 224 Keontra 451 145 Gadanpur 158 185 Jagannathpur 50 225 Keshampur Kham 271 146 Gamnamau 272 186 Jagatpur III 226 Keshipur 328 147 Ganganpur 329 187 Jagdishpur 101 227 . Khagipur 199 148 Gangdaspur 64 188 Jagjiwanpur 162 228 Khajuha 264 149 Garha Kasda 29 189 Jaitpur Auraiya 379 229 Kbanpur Phaphund 184 150 Garha '~anakchand 304 190 Jaitpur Phaphund 167 230 Kharka 388 151 Garhauna 36 191 Jajepur 11 231 Khakaotoo 416 152 Garhi,a Baksiram 295 192 Jalpur 35 232 Khuela 280 153 Garhi Mangad 10 193 Jaloker 384 233 Khukuptir 55 154 Gauhana 385 194 Jalupur 117 234 Kothipur 206 155 Gauhani Kalan 41 195 Jamauli ::41 235 Kulhupur 383 156 Gauhani Khurd 43 196 Jamalipur 378 236 Kumhanpur 437 157 Gauri Gangaprasad 254 197 Jamuhan 226 237 Kundara 219 158 Gaz\pur Bhawani Prasad 99 198 Janishnagar 86 238 Kunwar Deypur 326 199 159 Gazipur Ishwari Prasad


81. No. in Sl. No. iD SI. No. iD 81. Name of Village Village 51. Name of Village Village 5i. Name of Village Village No. Directory No. Directory No. ' Directory 1 2 3 2 3 2 S

241 Lahokher 224 281 Mawahiz 124 321 Pattidevi 126 242 Lakbanapur 228 282 Misarpur Minik Chand 363 322 Pattinam 122 '. 243 Lakhanpur 238 283 Misarpur Pratapslngh ;,24 323 Pbaphund (T. A.) 190 244 Lalpur 12 284 Mohiddinpur 90 324 Phaphund Rural (5arai Beharidas) 189 66 285 245 Lalpur Muainputh ~45 325 Phariha 356

246 Luhiyapur 432 286 Murdana 425 i 326 Phoota Tal 148 247 Madhopur 411 287 MUl'dana 95 327 Phulpur 57 248 Maharajpur Bahadur Singh 198 288 Murena Ramdatt 147 328 ,Piparpur 221 249 Maharatpur 319 289 Murena Roopshah 65 329 Purwa Ajai '214 250 Mabari 53 290 Murhi 2,75 330 Purwa Bhawani 211 265 251 Mahatepur 291 Nadupur 435 331 Purwa Rahat 444 252 Mahaur Sunda 27 292 Nagla Banabas 349 332 Purwadori 113 350 253 ' Mahewa 293 Nagla Pathak 157 333 Puthia 108 370 254 Mahmoodpur Daryausingh 294 Nakhatpur 39 334 Pyagpur 309 Mahmoodpur Paigpur 60 295 Nandanpur 255 401 335 Qadalpur 429 256 Mai 316 296 Nandgao~ 447 336 Oasba Babarpur 49 257 Malakpur 300 297 Nanpur 215 337 QasbaJana 321 258 Malepur 290 7.98 Narayanpur 408 338 Qasba Khanpur 394 259 Malgawan 44 299 Nasirabad 296 339 Qasba Segunpur 300 330 260 Mamrezpur Khan 169 Nauli 261 340 Qazipur 277

261 Manepur Auraiya 445 301 Nawada Jwalaprasad 368 341 Qutubpur 187 262 Manepur Phaphund 192 302 Newada Mahipatshab 347 342 Rahatpur 406 263 Manpur 318 303 Niamatpur 96 343 Rahmanpur 77 264 Mansukhpur 323 304 Niamatpur Sehari 200 344 Raidpur 208 340 305 Nibi 265 Marey Rangua 28 345 Rajandaspur 286 395 306 Nidarpur 266 Marhapur 180 34(i Rajalldaznagar 89 Mamai 448 307 Nigara 267 306 347 Rajohanpur 281 268 Meerakbpur 235 308 Nimari 19 348 Rajpura 337 269 Mihauli 299 309 Nirottampur 413 349 Ramnagar 45 270 Milak Baghua 145 310 Pachdedra 38 350 Rampur 273 271 Milak Husainpur Kalan 279 311 Paghaipur 216 351 Rampur Behari 212 272 Milak Husain Khurd 278 312 Paharpur 40 352 Rampur Khudapur 71 273 Milak Kanauti 210 313 Paigamberpur 390 353 Rampur I ratapsingh 344 274 MilakMurhi 274 314 Panhar 381 354 Rampur Ramsahai 377 275 Milak Raidpur 207 315 Parariya 305 355 Rarhin 292 276 Milia 23 316 Parkhotampur 397 356 Rasulpur Huiasrai 373 277 Mirpur Chintaman 421 317 Parwaha 186 357 Rasulpur Kalan U3 278 Mirpur Pritamsingh 106 318 Pasaipur Keshampur 171 358 Rasulpur KhiJrd 332 279 Mirzapur Brihm Shah 404 319 Patepur 434 359 . Rasulpur Sujansingh 52 280 Mirzapur Khurd 120 320 Patharra 24 360 Ratar:pur Ga hia 80 :leI ALPIIABBTICAL LIST or VILLAGES


81. No. in 51. No. in SI.·No. in SI. Sl. SI. Name of Village .Village Name of Village Village Name of Village Village No. No. Directory No. Directory Directory

2 3 2 3 2 3

361 Rathauli 365 396 Seenganpur 185 431 Taiyabpur 195 362 Ratua 222 397 Sehud 233 432 Takpura 322 363 Rautiapur 2.93 398 Sehudpur 2.02 433 Telepur 2.89 364 Rawani ·399 Silahabada 288 434 Tarawa Biku 131 365 Ritaur Maraiyan 5 400 Shah Alampur 165 435 Tanai 183 366 Roshangpur 315 401 Sbahbajpur 48 436 Tatafpur Kalan 352 367 Rudauti 418 402 Shabbadia 417 437 Tatarpur Khurd 116 368 Ruheri 249 403 Shahpur 339 438 Teorlalpur 343 369 Rurua Auraiya 144 404 Sbahpur Tumarha 54 439 Tikampur 175 370 Rurua Phaphund 241l 405 Shelkhpur Karam 310 440 Tikoli 382 371 Sabalpur 75 406 Sbeopur 82 441 Tilakpur 283 !l8 372 Sahabpur Bendi 67 407 Sherandaznagar 442 furkipur Ehatibandas IIO 263 373 Sahdullapur 178 408 Sherpur Saraiya 443 Turkipur Chit tar Singh 419 76 374 . Sahsupur 431 409 Shiekbpur Adbarsingh 444 Turkipur Phaphun9 267 41U Shiekhupur Jainpur 102 375 Saidpur 79 445 Udaimpur 282 411 Sibupur 150 376 Sainpur 301 446 Udhopur 255 412 SlhavIi 364 377 Salaiya 303 447 Umari 229 413 Sikohala 285 378 Salempur Nawalsingh 415 448 Unarsama 257 414 Slklana 358 379 Salempur Rajkunwar 56 449 Ummafpur 104 380 Sallahpur 213 415 Sikrori 34 450 Uncha 125 416 Simar 31 381 Salokhara 17 451 Usarari 239 382 samarthpur 392 417 Simhara 266 383 Sangla Mau 161 418 Sinduria Alampur 155 384 Sanpher 81 419 Sobari Garhia 137 385 Sarsai 396 420 Sonasi 64

386 Sarai Ajitmal 94 421 Sondhemau 250 387 Sarai Amilia 97 422 Sudanipur 78 388 Sarai Badarpur 47 423 Sujanpuf urJ Kanafpur 236 389 Sarai Bibi 331 424 Sundaripur 430 390 Sarai Tarawa 105 425 Suran 405 391 Sarharpur 361 426 Surayndha 58 392 Sariyapur 297 427 Surjanpur 129 393 Saterhi 136 428 S1.Iatpur 138 394 Segunputta 115 429 Taharpur 191 '395 Seehapur 217 430 Taitapur 403 xcii VILLAGE


Occu- Scheduled Literate aDd Name of Village Number Area pied House-, Total Population Serial Castes educated perIODS No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi- holds Hamlets acres dential Houses

---. ,....~ ,.....-..... --,


1 2 3 4- 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 CHAKAR NAGAR BLOCK 125 73 52 5 5 22 2 1 Rawani Riv. 3 906 23 23 1 2,596 249 302 1,695 906 789 ,236 241 188 11 2 Bansari Rjv. 344 179 165 18 14 55 2 3 Katrauli Riv. 2 429 46 48 5 \ 1,386 66 76 508 285 223 126 123 72 4 4 Bihar Riv. 171 156 87 85 24 5 Ritaur Maraiyan Riv. 2 . 733 50 54 327 7 2,486 162 197 1,219 662 557 276 248 156 5 6 Birori Riv. 141 148 22 RJv. 6 2,624 120 143 939 529 410 166 7 Kunwarpur Kurchha 1,460 1,297 294 255 463 103 8 Birori Riv_ Mp. Po. 10 4,897 356 436 2,757 2 1,858 108 124 799 425 374 63 54 165 29 9 Bindwa Khurd 40 295 170 125 15 17 106 22 10 Garhi Manglld 2 383 36 86 102 561 324 237 96 71 113 13 11 jajepur 2 930 90 53 I 4 1,265 98 113 674- 357 317 106 12 Lalpur Riv. 589 457 18 12 96 I Riv. 7 2,050 146 176 1,046 13 Chaurela 43 Un-inhabited 14 Chamrhiatir 174 995 547 448 133 116 274 39 15 Bithauli Po. 2 I,m 148 16 Anetha 6 1,160 132 160 886 461 425 109 113 114 12 17 Salokbara Riv. 2 929 45 51 314 164 150 133 119 23 18 Karyawli Riv. Mp. 1 938 63 69 392 224 168 29 44 95 14 19 Nimari Riv. 4 864 79 90 577 317 260 74 97 75 3 20 Kacbahari 4 2,105 117 140 765 414 351 164 139 81 23

21 Achrauli Riv. 2 824 38 42 274 152 122 118 95 36 22 Chakarpur Riv. 1 526 20 23 158 92 66 8 2 39 5 23 Milia Riv. 1 €i58 25 25 156 71 85 60 25 11 24 Patharra Riv. 5 17,09 193 216 1,384 757 627 93 36 242 48 25 Bhareh Riv, L. 3 1,261 60 65 449 248 201 31 26 71 11

26 Harauli Bahadidurpur Riv I 1,388 98 114 788 419 .369 137 141 132 22 27 Mahaur Sunda Riv, R. 4 1,976 113 136 762 417 345 87 74 131 18 28 Nihi Riv. I 609 29 29 192 103 8!:1 21 12 3 29 Garha Kasda Riv, Po. 2 1,486 140 166 980 519 461 125 122 194 7 TOTAL OF CHAKAR NAGAR BLOCK 92 40,196 2,846 3,3,34 20,361 11,035 9,326 2,828 2,517 3,182 417 AjiTMAL BLOCK 30 Barera 1 1,016 154 184 1,164 654- 510 147 136 209 46 31 Simar 5 1,573 114 135 825 457 368 136 131 101 10 32 jagaopur 2 189 94 110 597 306 291 211 219 112 21 33 Bhureypur Kalan 1 939 114 136 827 470 357 126 112 142 29 34 Sikrori Riv. 1 667 56 59 329 184 145 78 74 25 1

35 Jajput 286,. 32 37 205 1I8 87 29 36 Garhauna 116 Un-inhabited 37 Gyanpur Pratapsingh 1 c03 25 25 143 78 65 21 27 14 38 Pachdtdra 2 549 91 103 573 308 265 81 96 85 39 Nakhatpur 214 Un-inhabited

40 Paharpur 164 Un-inhabited 41 Gauhani Kalan Riv. 1 703 139 161 992 521 471 110 93 227 33 42 Bansyapur Kiv. 1 619 9 9 55 28 27 6 2 43 Gauhani Khurd Riv. 2 1,287- 74 86 544- 309 235 81 82 102 9 44 MaIgawan Riv. 5 2,484 128 150 903 499 404 115 90 150 17 scnt




. ,....~ ,....~ ~ ,....-~ .....-...... ___. --. ,....-., ,....-., .....--.. ,....-., ~ .....-.... M F M F M F M F- M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

CHAKAR NAGAR BLOCK 56 3 51 1 2 3 2 17 49 1

646 81 562 51 45 25 16 ~ 9 14 3 260 708 2 104 7 98 3 5' 1 \ 1 2 75 158 3 166 10 ISO 10 12 2 ... 2 119 213 4 99 38 89 37 2 6 I 72 118 5

427 51 378 37 24- 3 7 8 12 2 4 235 506 6 355 76 284 71 60 3 6 2 5 ... 174 334 7 812 28 620 13 85 II 71 3 1 - ... 7 2 28 7 648 1,269 8 274 1 203 48 I 17 4 1 151 373 9 93 92 1 77 125 10

196 3 164 16 3 10 4 128 234 11 219 2 197 1 15 ... 7 138 315 12 413 7 326 2 65 2 13 1 1 5 3 176 4SO 13 Un-inhabited 14 323 26 ·264 23 8 3 2 2 44 3 224 422 15

276 15 264 6 8 2 4 2 4 185 410 16 95 84 6 ... 4 1 69 ISO 17 120 1 103 2 4 2 8 104 167 18 179 2 125 47 3 1 2 138 258 19 233 1 207 23 2 1 181 350 20

80 23 70 21 8 2 72 99 21 51 4 44 1 5 3 41 62 22 42 16 42 16 29 69 23 432 15 390 10 20 2 4 15 4 325 612 24 143 18 127 15 1 4 11 3 105 183 25

245 13 174 5 9 2 3 56 7 174 356 26 273 4 208 1 13 30 2 19 3 144 341 27 69 3 60 3 9 34 86 28 317 71 295 69 12 2 2 7 202 390 29 i 6,738 51~ 5,671 39. 523 53 12 211 17 3 12 55 10 3 248 41 4,297 8,807 AJITMAL BLOCK 329 1 236 46 7 21 17 325 S09 30 255 2 215 2 14 6 14 5 202 366 31 187 4 141 3 14 10 ... 22 119 287 32 229 2 189 17 3 6 I 1 13 241 355 33 120 2 97 2 11 6 1 .,. 4, 64 143 34

77 77 41 87 35 Un-inhabited 36 49 ... 49 ...... 29 65 ~7 186 7 172 7 .. , 12 122 258 38 Un-inhabited 39

Un-inhabited 40 301 34 260 5 13 21 6 5 10 ". 7 3 5 220 437 41 17 17 11 27 42 183 4 182 4 1 126 231 43 ~4 37 238 21 10 8 18 8 10 17 205 367 44 Xciv



Occu- Serial Name of Village Number Area pied House- Total ,Population' Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi- holds Castes educated persons HaIQlet8 acres dential Houses

.. - ~.....__, ,--""'---. P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6, 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

45 Ramnagar Riv. 1 56iJ 44 49, 283 165 118 20 20 44 4 A6 AmaOta 5 1,490 328 406 2,289 1,200 1,089 204 In 505 169 47 Sarai Babarpur R. 3 518 348 224 2,088 1,129 959 346 261 515 167 48 Shahbajpur R. 2 220 66 75 418 235 183. 110 98 85 6 49 Qasba Babarpur R .. Riv, 4. c1,325 259 316 896 483 413 159 103 198 65

50 Jagannathpur 3 878 201 244 1,346 723 623 190 191 332 90 51 Hazratpur 1 186 56 62 314 188 126 I 4 88 13 52 Rasu)pur Sujansingh R. 1 230 28 28 170 88 82 3 5 25' 1 53 Mahari R. 1 709 190 232 1,302 709 593 168 130 280 51 54 Shahpur Tumarha 2 273 65 73 427 227 200 80 58 38 5

55 Khukupur 116 16 16 82 40 42 40 42 11 56 Salempur Rajkunwar R. 337 19 19 45 30 15 25 12 7 57 Phu1pur Po. 474 150 184 902 498 404 125 118 193 69 58 Surayndha 235 50 54 393 216 177 59 67 49 2 59 Dahmapur 329 75 84 443 237 206 80 72 61 12

60 Mahmoodpur Paigpur R; I 442 73 85 518 273 245 60 59 92 8 61 Chaka Sarai Anantram R. 1 97 99 116 684 363 321 102 110 129 30 62 Sonasi 4 873 217 264 1,602 855 747 363 309 304 39 63 Chandpur 1 232 72 82 470 245 225 60 48 103 37 64 Gangdaspur 2 299 ' 81 93 566 299 267 96 75 96 17

65 Murena Roopshah I 421 145 175 993 539 454 260 214 189 30 66 La1pur 3 301 78 90 637 342 295 283 260 129 12 67 Sahabpur Bendi 1 223 105 120 645 347 298 • 118 100 Hafizpur. 106 35 68 2 289 80 96 541 288 253 204 192 116 25 69 Bhadsan R,L, Mp. 4 1,408 273 334 1,948 1,015 933 241 215 389 77

70 Jadban$pur 3 371 90 105 613 323 290 188 177 117 16 71 Rampur Khudapur 2 336 74 85 487 247 240 127 125 1 72 13 72 Barwai 402 99 115 670 350 320 164 155 85 10 73 Darbatpur R, Po. I 346 121 145 175· 395 380 131 121 135 41 74- Kamalpur R. 1 220 30 31 186 97 89 10 12 2\ 7

75 Sabalpur 2 704 110 135 872 465 407 130 123 . 102 12 76 'Sheikhpur Adharsingh 2 533 104 119 681 396 285 126 107 109 18 77 l

80 Ratanpur Garhia R. 2 462 74 85 488 275 213 98 69 79 32 81 Sanpher R, Mp,Po. 5 1,512 362 446 2,581 1,382 1,199 319 272 2~ 129 82 Sheopur 1 359 86 99 620 332 288 ll6 102 137 24 83 Berika Pariya 2 370 78 90 474 254 220 37 35 80 84 Beri Ghankar I 289 93 110 551 305 246 94 82 107 20

85 Durbaspur 2 354 75 85 464 252 212 III 96 77 6 86 Janishnagar 3 286 66 75 462 233 229 141 152 100 14 87 Alamgirpur R. 2 331 94 llO 603 306 297 54 35 ll6 18 88 Sherandaznagar R. 2 313 l45 176 864 463 401 98 85 202 41 89 Rajandaznagar R, Mp. 2 579 139 164 929 493 436 82 65 188 62 'SC\'


B.UBAL-contd. WORKERS ....___ "_- --. NON- Total Worken WOR~ERS Serial (I-IX) No. II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X

A .__, F ,...... -..... ,....-...... --..,...... __.. r--"--...... --. ,...... __ ,....--., ..... -...... ___, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

lOS 103 5 57 ' 700 liS 45 49 583 15 16 36 8 10 9 1 1 1 52 17 500 1,040 46 718 49 184 9 1 188 1 36 18 ·4 77 3 43 185 17 411 910 47 130 100 104 90 "., 1 3 3 19 10 105 83 48 272 29 176 2 3 ,29 13 7 21 2 4 35 8 211 384 49

424- 23 287 8 24 49 1 :3 9 54 10 299 600 50 llS 66 114- 63 2 2 2 1 70 60 51 51 1 50 1 ... 1 37 81 52 397 2 306 2 29 23 4- 14- 3 18 312 591 53 133 73 33 2 6 9 1 9 94 200 54

20 5 9 4- 10 20 37 55 25 15 4 25 11 '" .. , 0 56 258 55 182 50 ' 1 10 2 4 I 58 4 240 349 57 109 1 93 1 2 14 107 176 58 149 2 109 2 16 22 1)8 204 59

145 2 J08 1 1 15 6 1 14- 128 243 60 203 6 106 1 4 16 <1 7 2. 25 43 160 315 61 485 67 370 59 80 8 2. 17 10 5 370 680 62 125 9 93 8 12 3 17 120 216 63 168 123 28 6 2 2 6 131 267 64

315 9 276 3 13 4- 6 3 2 17 224- 445 65 169 15 169 1!) ... 173 280 66 1\:12 145 9 26 6 6 155 298 67 140 14- 123 14 8 4- 5 148 239 68 583 27 472 12 8 9 2 91 15 432 906 69

170 16 128 12 8 3 3 28 4 153 274 70 136 40 104 29 7 3 10 22 111 200 71 192 13 142 3 9 6 2 39 4 158 .307 72 223 16 163 7 4 21 3 2 31 7 172 364 73 56 2 41 8 7 1 41 87 74

282 (4 221 9 34 4 5 7 1 15 183 393 7f> 211 35 167 25 1 12 9 1 22 8 In5 250 76 368 34 269 27 27 2 16 3 7 2 ~ .. 49 298 606 77 51 1 41 10 1 66 103 .. 78 168 11 115 7 6 4 4- 39 4- 141 255 79

3 1 13 1 126 212 80 149 1 109 23 545 31 19 43 9 5 6 2 140 23 623 1,133 .81 759 66 6 4 38 152 286 82 180 2 132 2 6 120 3 :. 4 3 2 5 3 115 214- 83 139 1 41 4 133 238 172 8 129 4 1 84 30 118 91 2 6 5 2 2 208 85 134 4 3 3 2 14 110 227 86 123 2 87 1 14 I ... 4- 13 3 12 5 2 7 16 5 133 280 87 173 17 123 1 4 34 4- 208 396 88 5 177 20 14 4- 255 3 4 14 5 54 202 36~ 89 291 71 175 67 15 21 2 xcvi


.lUll A1Y.l TABSU.

Occu- Serial Name of Village Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi- holds Castes educated persons Hamlets acres dential Houses

,.--_,._-~ ~- ,---....__, P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8· 9 10 11 12 13

90 Mohiddinpur 2 385 81 97 557 304 253 18 22 108 5 91 Atsu R,Mp,Po. 4 721 259 313 1,641 890 751 219 168 374 99 92 Chak Saktapur R. 1 211 46 50 290 161 129 18 16 64 5 93 Adampur 1 146 35 35 221 125 96 42 8 94 Sarai Ajitma1 R. 1 408 313 511 2,511 1,435 1,076 261 196 833 205

95 Murdana R. 2 348 14 14 124 ~ 34 36 22 47 9 96 Niamatpur 1 317 54 62 379 207 172 100 88 49 97 Sarai Amilia 3 831 142 168 931 488 443 282 257 166 53 98 Chatkapur 1 431 122 141 827 448 379 183 168 133 16 99 Gazipur Bhawani Prasad 1 186 24 24 190 98 92 75 71 23

100 Bilawan R,Mp. 3 1,175 292 365 1,993 1,057 936 340 329 324 40 101 Jagdishpur 2 230 90 106 624 327 297 273 247 155 23 102 Shiekhupur Jainpur 2 362 92 104 619 317 302 101 106 83 13 103 Goku1pur 1 135 34 35 179 95 84 41 35 22 5 104 Ummarpur 2 121 20 20 119 64 55 64 55 13

105 Sarai Tarawa 2 255 54 "60 304 169 135 100 75 47 7 106 Mirpur Pritamsingh 1 71 10 11 40 21 19 21 19 10 107 Bakeypur Auraiya 3 519 94 104 636 345 291 12e 109 122 23 103 Puthia 2 402 114 135 751 396 355 167 167 124 9 109 Abdullahpur 108 Un-inhabited

110 Turkipur Bhagibandas R. 1 178 38 40 241 126 115 51 42 6 III Jagatpur R. 2 358 150 182 !l26 489 337 209 HiS 200 22 'll2 Chandanpur Dayalsingh 1 479 102 118 663 357 306 136 105 111 5 113 Purwadori 1 185 74 86 577 310 267 116 104 136 17 114 Chapta R,Po. 3 1,013 186 232 1,329 691 638 171 167 202 22

115 Segunputta R. 3 523 130 155 1,076 590 486 165 155 245 27 116 Tatarpur Khurd 1 168 30 30 240 126 112 26 30 48 31 117 Jalupur 1 254 86 100 534 277 257 203 175 93 16 118 Alipur I 276 95 1'10 699 374 325 133 120 127 119 Atma Paigambarpur 1 147 32 32 183 98 85 19 21 40 4

120 Mir2apur Khurd 2 217 23 23 167 78 89 18 89 28 121 Husainpur 63 Un-inhabited 122 Pattinam R. 77 Un-inhabited 123 Haidarpur Po. 5 596 178 221 1,156 625 531 207 173 213 62 124 Mirzapur Mawahiz R. 179 Un-inhabited

125 Uncha R,Mp. 2 574 90 104 58Q 304 276 183 155 105 19 126 Pattidevi R. 1 119 22 22 135 70 65 41 2 127 Beora Nawalpur 2 482 102 118 729 368 361 176 213 53 2 128 Bahadurpur Uncha 3 801 194 344 1,286 662 624 376 362 170 35 129 Surjanpur R,Mp. / 1 348 82 94 565 306 259 68 60 116, 32

130 Birhuni Po. 6 1,445 318 502 2,206 1,129 1,077 639 607 331 131 Tarawa Biku 2 422 102 118 790 408 382 274 266 108 ~~ 132 Alchi Nagar 1 197 94 110 579 302 277 218 176 84 15 133 Halepur I 349 90 106 678 368 310 101 34 91 1 134 Kakrahiya 1 261 46 49 284 153 131 63 62 47 13




Occu- Serial Name of Village Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi- holds Castes educated persons Hamlets acres dentlal House.


p M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

135 Chandpur 2 225 50 56 406 219 187 59 6 136 Saterhi 2 468 66 74 489 257 232 39 33 73 8 137 Sohari Garhia Riv. 5 936 142 170 927 506 421 115 109 193 31 138 Suatpur R. 2 287 25 25 198 107 91 48 30 52 18 139 Ballapur R,L,Mp,Po. 1 374 151 192 918 505 413 96 84 222 64

140 Bisalpur 2 203 86 98 565 339 226 339 226 75 1 141 Bi~hepur R. 3 561 78 92 521 279 242 137 115 89 6 142 Ajuapur R. 2 644 94 108 661 334 327 91 90 82 3 143 Rasulpur Kalan 3 555 66 75 453 225 228 114 113 71 13 144 Rurua Auraiya 5 646 134 161 966 525 441 388 286 169 46 TOTAL OF AJITMAL BLOCK 215 55,019 11,342 13,553 76,li4 40,872 35,272 14,506 12,941 14,137 2,813 BHAGYANAGARBLOCK 145 Milak Baghua Riv. 1 140 2 6 59 31 28 7 10 7 146 Fatehpur Ramun 2 570 94 102 605 322 283 184 153 11'1 29 147 Murena Ramdatt Riv. 2 773 142 169 966 489 477 158 156 152 27 148 Phoota Tal 4 386 58 64 365 184 181 70 81 47 1 149 Fatehpur 1 341 50 56 279 148 131 62 51 27 6

150 Sibupur 104 27 27 211 119 92 1 34 7 151 Jua Riv,R. Z 733 245 306 1,581 813 768 395 256 369 92 152 Bhikeypur Phaphund R. 124 Un-inhabited 153 Dasraura R,Riv. 333 74 8~ 457 251 206 62 41 82 10 154 Allahpur 154 Un-inhabited

155 Sinduria Alampur Riv 2 515 120 146 640 307 333 212 215 106 9 156 Akbarpur Danoa Riv. 2 345 48 50 308 183 125 48 36 80 19 157 Nag1a Pathak R. 3 630 136 164 823 415 408 162 163 148 31 158 Gadanpur R. 2 196 86 100 620 334 286 121 116 121 11 159 Dharampur R. 1 263 38 42 190 94 96 68 66 25 10

160 Dwarikapur Phaphund R. 111 20 23 133 76 57 57 36 28 2 161 Sangla Mau .R. 179 58 66 311 170 141 133 93 54 11 162 Jagjiwanpur "Q.. 183 62 69 351 184 167 183 167 38 1 163 Birsinghpur R. 206 7 7 25 15 10 5 164 Gopalpur R. 224 69 73 373 198 175 87 70 56 14

165 Shah Alampur 1 366 58 65 289 139 150 28 40 42 17 16b Karah 1 214 60 78 485 249 236 117 96 48 17 167 Jaitpur Phaphund 2 528 74 !l4 461 261 200 12 17 103 24 168 Bi'aikpur R. 43 Un-inhabited 169 Mamrezpur Khan 4 413 98 115 666 362 304 92 88 III 19

170 Belhar 174- Un-inhabited I7I Pasaipur Keshampur R,Mp. 2 533 250 308 1,730 951 779 430 347 272 45 172 Bharrapur R. 3 372 102 119 610 316 294 120 123 140 21 173 Govindpur 87 Un-inhabited 174 Adhasi Mp,Po. 340 94 112 646 351 295 81 61 175 38

175 Tikampur R. 4 1,065 138 164 1,032 531 501 102 92 219 41 176 Bilandpur R. 1 262 24 24 109 55 54 45 47 17 1 177 Hasanpur Chandkhan R. 1 9 30 30 149 83 66 36 27 8 178 Sahdullapur R. 1 110 26 26 149 88 61 88 61 7 179 Fatepur Beni R. 1 344 44 44 290 148 142 54 60 34 2 _hr DlRBCTORY




...--~ ~ ,...... ~ ~ ,...--A---. ,...... _, ,...--A---. ,.._...._

M F M F M F M F ·M· F M F M F M F M F M F M F .14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24- 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34- 35

125 6 99 5 18 2 5 1 94 181 135 145 11 125 11 1 9 3 4 3 112 221 136 311 59 268 54 3 2 1 39 3 195 362 137 59 ... 53 5 48 91 138 294 7 225 5 27 15 25 211 406 139

191 2 148 3 2 37 2 148 224 140 151 19 106 1 6 1 30 18 7 128 223 141 210 4 197 2 10 3 2 124 323 142 124 2 64- 1 4 6 ... 49 1 101 226 143 313 79 264 72 5 3 4 4 7 30 3 212 362 144- 22,900 1,932 16,934 1,300 994 114 11 1 1,094 126 327 62 42 1 523 35 137 3 2,838 290 17,972 33,340 BHAGYANAGAR BLOCK 17 14 2 1 14 28 145 163 6 149 3 2 6 6 2 159 277 146 282 13 232 10 17 4 2 27 2 207 464- 147 110 57 96 57 ...... 2 12 74 124 148 85 3 72 3 4 8 63 128 149

64 20 59 20 3 1 1 ... 55 72 150 437 12 218 5 89 1 11 1 26 3 2 90 3 376 756 151 Un-inhabited 152 131 21 95 10 2 4 ... 16 9 14- 2 120 185 153 Un-inhabited 154-

248 2 202 2 1 8 36 59 331 155 105 90 1 2 12 78 125 156 232 11 164 1 50 4 5 4 5 3 6 183 397 157 188 16 124 4- 1 12 4 47 11 146 270 158 51 9 36 6 9 2 1 5 1 43 87 159

39 9 33 7 4 2 1 37 48 160 98 9 82 4 ... 3 1:3 5 72 132 161 lC5 1 64 3 37 1 79 166 162 11 1 11 4 9 163 124 2 103 2 3 2 14 74 173 164-

86 3 54 1 1 6 1 1 24 53 147 165 148 47 71 2 5 48 45 10 13 ... 101 189 166 158 42 119 6 2 35 10 27 1 103 158 167 Un-inhabited 168 207 33 162 25 14 4 3 1 '" 1 9 16 4 155 271 11>9

Un-inhabited 170 546 13 338 2 ... 25 4 5 ... ., . 9 169 7 405 766 171 28 5 114 202 90 166 85 5 3 '" ." ... ." 204 172 Un-inhabited 173 187 116 38 13 1 4 4 11 164 294 174

291 2 227 18 46 240 499 175 31 26 3 1 1 24 54 176 46 5 28 2 1 2 15 3 37 61 177 34 1 20 ... 14 1 54 60 178 74 1 38 1 11 24 74 141 179 ,c.

AUAlUYA T..... IJ.

Occu- House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and Serial Name of Village Number Area pied Resi- hold. Castes educated persons No. (Notations for atnenitia) of in Hamlets acrCl dential Houses

,....__..__, .--~

P M F M F M F 12 13 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

180 Nidarpur 112 Un-inbaihted 181 Burhanpur 532 94- 112 476 255 221 33 29 35 3 (S2 Chak Sahu 123 Un-inhab-ited 183 Tarrai 6 791 126 148 824 425 399 113 108 114 21 184 Kbanpur Phaphund R. 6 1,475 266 325 1,138 636 502 319 272 140 11

2 725 66 76 368 192 176 61 63 56 13 .185 Seenganpur 28 2 R. 2 579 38 39 233 133 100 24 25 186 Parwaha 4 36 30 187 Qutubpur 1 92 15 15 78 46 32 3 188 103 Un-inhabited Arazi Dargah 70 46 5 *189 Pbaphund (Rural) (Sarai Bebaridas) 236 73 82 395 224 171 108

1,643 270 Phaphund (T.A.) R,L,Hos,Mcw,Po . 26 1,533 1,074 1,333 v1,193 3,823 3,370 812 640 190 23 *191 Taharpur 2 371 11 11 100 56 44- 24 25 192 Manepur Phaphund R. 93 Un-inhabited Alipur Kamalpur 416 Un-inhabited 193 R. 48 194- Bahua R. 378 53 54 255 137 118 29 35

Taiyabpur R. 1 150 30 30 112 58 54 25 4 195 3 196 Bhaupur Phaphund R. 1 187 38 40 191 110 81 27 21 41 197 Bilrai I 102 34 36 160 86 74 7 8 23 5 Maharajpur Bahadursingh R. 3 412 62 69 286 164 122 73 14 198 79 199 Khagipur R. 2 234 66 76 386 2{)5 181 98 101 25

200 Niamatpur Behari R. 5 1,083 182 219 1,276 693 583 257 225 199 26 201 Kutharra R. 2 438 58 66 394 202 192 100 93 53 12 202 Sehudpur R. 3 390 98 112 516 274 242 43 43 80 9 203 Dundahar R. 1 38 50 58 584 326 258 45 29 118 17 204 Gujaripur R. I 128 19 19 129 73 56 12 13 29 1

205 Banarpur 2 302 85 96 475 267 208 88 108 ·65 20 206 Kothipur 1 312 102 119 675 366 309 172 134 (,130 39 207 Mi1ak Raidpul 12 Un-inhabited 208 Raidpur 3 197 46 50 257 149 108 40 32 23 209 Kanauti 1 244 42 45 231 120 III 10 9 16 17

210 Milak Kanauti 8 Un-inhabited 211 Purwa Bhawani 1 57 26 26 129 68 61 4 1 43 17 212 Rampur Behari 3 319 78 89 486 255 231 98 79 93 28 213 Sallahpur 2 511 122 145 905 487 418 112 97 176 48 214 Purwa Ajai 105 Un-inhabited

215 Nanpur 2 337 74 85 460 254 206 24 26 67 2 216 Paghaipur 1 363 66 75 391 205 186 68 9 217 Seehapur 1 247 15 15 57 34 23 2 4 218 Chirulia 2 308 32 32 262 141 121 36 30 31 4 219 Kundara 1 216 23 23 118 60 58 10 9 28 18

220 Dakhalipur 1 281 102 115 709 354 355 137 146 170 81 221 Piparpur 4 926 174 210 1,077 577 500 85 62 265 113 222 Ratua 1 256 42 45 294 147 147 26 22 30 223 Ampur R. 2 225 50 56 322 165 157 20 20 51 11 224 Lahokher R. 4 795 114 134 689 394 295 76 60 132 13

*Partly included in the rural Town Area Phaphulld (code No. 190) DlaBCttOa1


,------.------~------~.~ NON- Total Worken WORKERS (I-IX) I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Serial No.


14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Un-inhabited 180 138 7 106 5 12 18 117 214 181 Un-inhabited 182 254- 12 204 9 1 26 2 1 1 22 171 387 183 399 73 325 56 25 7 16 1 7 25 9 237 4-2~ 184

124 52 83 20 26 20 12 :; 12 68 124 185 82 21 68 17 7 4 3 2 51 79 186 20 18 16 17 .. 1 26 14- 187 Un-inhabited 188 138 51 7 26 1 5 47 86 171 189

2,121 98 829 22 103 3 5 321 27 ...... 40 .16 8 48 359 38 1,702 3,272 100 28 1 13 1 1 , ...... 2 12 28 43 191 'Un-inhabited 192 Un-inhabited 193 89 2 71 16 48 116 194

37 36 ... 1 21 54 195 67 1 52 1 3 12 43 80 196 55 2 53 2 1 31 72 197 103 24 72 23 1 1 ... 30 61 98 198 121 20 82 3 7 11 4 26 6 44 161 199

~54 7 320 4- 26 2 2 4 339 576 200 128 5 99 2 27 3 2 74 187 201 163 5 121 2 36 3 2 3 III 237 202 177 166 4 6 149 258 203 43 S 38 3 2 2 30 53 204

168 16 136 6 7 2 • 1 22 6 99 192 205 Zll 11 133 6 7 43 1 1 2 25 4- 155 298 206 Un-inhabited 207 90 73 :; 14- 59 108 208 70 62 6 ...... 2 50 110 209 l'n-inhabited 210 36 2 32 2 2 1 3% 59 211 132 4 103 2 2 ...... 29 123 227 212 275 19 223 15 5 '" ...... 2 42 3 212 399 213 Un-inhabited 214

145 127 1 5 12 109 205 215 115 III 4- 90 185 216 25 24 1 9 23 217 81 81 60 121 218 38 35 2 22 58 219

201 27 130 .. 30 23 11 2 5 3 19 153 328 220 337 2 256 2 1 12 3 1 63 240 498 221 66 66 81 147 222 110 15 74 15 2 27 6 55 142 223 221 188 9 8 15 173 295 224 VILLAGB


Occu- Senal Name of Village Number Area pied HoUle- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi- holds Castes educated persons Hamlets acres dential Houses

r-----"---.... - . .--....._~

P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

225 Baisundra R. 3 859 110 131 698 386 312 105 117 112 7 226 Jamuham R. 3 600 78 89 468 227 Kanjari 239 229 117 115 66 31 Rly. 3 1,321 175 210 1,075 594 481 122 89 196 52 228 Lakhanapur Rly. 6 649 173 212 1,118 574 229 Umari 544 36 4 R, Po. 12 1,658 310 374- 2,186 1,169 1,017 222 153 325 39 230 Beiyapur I 900 500 706 2,924 1,634 318 231 Kakrahi R, Rly. 1,290 282 856 303 1 474 125 149 204 120 84 17 19 59 19 232 Jamuhin R. 3 240 233 50 55 351 198 153 72 41 32 I Sehud R,Mp, Po. 15 3,064 532 676 3,637 1,957 1,680 430 234 Harrajpur R. 356 490 37 4 316 98 114 569 301 268 127 III 99 12

235 Mcerakhpur R, Mp. 2 173 54 60 315 177 138 24 20 73 18 236 Sujanpur urJ Kanarpur 3 261 237 Bhatpura 62 70 347 193 154 -83 74 42 15 4 326 74 86 417 2~7 200 10 7 72 39 238 Lakhanpur R. 3 723 154 239 Usarari 184 1,039 555 484 79 70 141 19 3 685 150 185 1,073 605 468 231 161 123 10

240 Chatnraowa 4- 954- 241 126 145 757 395 362 15.6 163 33 Jamauli R. 3 932 134 162 242 Kanchausi R,Po. 780 405 375 157 166 116 44 6 2,Oi9 310 379 2,092 1,140 952 260 210 598 189 243 Dauhin 3 1,211 170 204 244 Binpurapur Mp. 1,161 661 500 190 143 226 54 2 728 171 .205 1,013 541 472 195 167 189 76 245 Muainputh 3 697 33 35 246 217 ll8 99 46 39 28 3 Dahgawan 7 1,682 230 281 1,505 812 693 253 240 263 56 247 Babina 1 864 106 124 248 671 347 324 91 92 112 16 Rurua Phapbund 4 785 138 165 985 530 455 72 77 249 Ruberi Riv.- 157 21 1 438 54 60 374 198 176 75 5

250 Sondhemau Riv. 5 1,684 214 262 1,302 699 603 96 85 266 Chapau!i 54 251 I 386 106 123 643 351 292 98 93 100 II 252 Burhadana Riv, Po. 4 1,691 258 315 1,567 837 730 161 136 297 Biriya Phaphund 115 253 1 354 70 81 461 25.'i 206 21 23 59 8 254 Gauri Gangaparsad 2 471 66 74 395 217 178 167 144 57 7 255 Udhopur 2 164 30 33 141 73 68 22 24 21 6 256 Bhiyanpur 3 347 50 54 345 189 156 257 Umarsama 74 64 60 16 1 701 118 140 709 387 322 68 57 158 42 258 Kakor Khurd R. I 360 34 35 250 124 259 Kakor Buzurg 126 74 17 3 889 190 228 1,261 681 580 353 311 200 60 260 Itha 2 508 106 125 628 345 283 46 261 Nauli 4 855 166 35 87 12 201 1,111 605 506 112 104 256 262 Daulatpur Riv, Mp, Po. 5 2,103 366 450 2,601 1,375 109 263 Sherpur Saraiya R, Riv, Mp. 4 1,516 1,226 390 359 414 113 162 194 1,123 614 509 129 117 245 264 Khajuha Riv, Mp. 4 883 62 70 353 64 199 154 114 90 54 7 265 Mahatepur 3 514 90 105 603 327 276 92 74 137 266 Simhara 2 431 106 126 641 33 267 Turkipur Phaphund Mp. 336 305 202 198 131 23 3 564 82 94 570 312 258 60 268 Ata R. 2 259 58 50 115 25 65 409 213 196 36 33 90 269 Baraua R. I 378 Il4 136 662 17 372 290 122 76 162 46 cUi DlBBCTOBY



~- -"---...... _____ ----- NUN· Total Workers WO.RKEK~ (I-IXI Serial I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X No.

-----. --.. ~ ..--"-. ~ ..--"-. ~~ ...--.... ,-.....__, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

240 23 155 16 28 44 4 13 2 146 289 225 141 1 125 1 2 4 ... 9 98 228 226 353 13 286 11 18 5 4 39 2 241 468 227 305 35 305 35 ...... 269 509 228 635 18 487 7 69 7 1 20 4 17 37 4 534 939 229

938 45 48 4 110 9 125 11 35 316 6 114 186 18 696 1,245 230 73 5 55 2 4 4 1 8 3 47 79 231 99 84 . . 4 1 ... 1 1 8 99 153 232 1,144 58 992 16 39 9 67 25 3 4 2 2 37 6 813 1,622 233 175 3 148 1 21 1 3 1 2 I 126 265 :':34

103 97 5· 74 138 235 124 5 103 2 21 3 69 149 236 159 2 152 1 4 1 2 1 88 198 237 326 256 285 225 31 31 2 2 ... 6 229 228 238 315 2 296 2 10 . 1 4 4 290 466 239

232 5 212 4 5 1 5 2 8 163 357 240 231 8 188 5 38 2 5 1 174 367 241 684 43 502 10 80 2 27 2 39 25 19 2 17 2 456 909 242 360 42 333 39 9 4 1 2 11 3 301 458 243 328 5 254 4 42 24 1 6 1 213 467 244

76 70 5 1 42 99 245 475 18 424 9 28 3 13 5 3 7 1 337 675 246 217 20 190 3 6 6 11 2 13 6 130 . 304 247 306 260 38 2 2 4 224 455 248 108 105 1 2 90 175 249

4'5 27 376 14 21 11 3 2 5 1 13 4 274 576 250 217 5 191 4 3 1 2 2 1 18 134 287 251 478 45 364 13 37 13 30 12 4 2 21 1 19 7 359 685 252 155 1 125 17 1 12 1 100 205 253 119 3 97 16 2 4 1 98 175 254

48 5 31 15 5 1 1 25 63 255 108 13 57 43 13 2 4 81 143 256 242 5 191 4 40 2 9 145 317 257 61 59 2 63 126 258 374 '49 266 7 20 4 38 37 9 2 7 31 307 531 259

219 5 196 2 12 3 3 5 2 126 278 260 347 31 273 19 8 6 2 2 3 1 53 10 258 475 261 775 130 688 104 23 5 25 7 1 17 7 1 20 7 600 .096 262 335 13 297 7 15 2 4 1 1 2 15 3 279 496 263 100 2 94 2. 1 4 99 152 264

181 3 151 2 2 2 6 20 146 273 265 181 81 144 63 30 18 3 3 1 155 224 266 199 4 161 3 10 1 I 26 113 254 267 148 2 130 1 4 2 12 65 194 268 '224- 7 170 3 49 3 2 2 1 148 283 269 ci, VlLUG.


Occu- Literate and Name of Village Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Serial Castes educated person. No. (Notatiom for amenitie.) of in Re.i- hold. Hamlets acre. dential Housel ,...- _, ...... -----. ,_--...",___.. P M F M F M F 12 13 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 622 138 164 883 478 405 295 245 158 44- 270 Dewarpur R. 10 271 Keshatnpur Kham R. 2 447 66 75 448 249 199 153 130 11l 247 54 62 390 207 l!l3 89 93 96 40 272 Gamnamau R. 2 56 273 Rampur 2 571 130 153 798 440 358 101 87 191 274 Milak Murhi R. 81 Un-inhabited

275 Murhi 2 758 146 175 959 507 452 212 192 223 96 276 Bhonakpur 1 174 74 86 443 243 200 170 150 68 6 277 Qazipur 1 269 70 84 444 241 203 241 203 81 7 278 Milak Husain Khurd 30 Un-inhabited 279 Milak Husainpur Kalan 3 181 10 10 64 37 27 3 11 2

280 Khuela Riv. 3 560 158 180 1,049 560 489 218 196 156 48

TOTAL OF BHAGYANAGAR BLOCK:J21 69,799 13,391 15,964 84,773 45,567 39,206 13,492 11.690 15.546 3,561 AURAIYA BLOCK 202 31 30 77 7 281 Rajohanpur Riv. 1 489 66 75 454 252 2 592 102 120 794 392 402 124 124 151 36 232 Udaimpur Riv. 271 163 120 88 11 283 Tilakpur 1 179 94 110 647 376 I 168 58 66 358 196 162 47 50 62 7 284 Inguthia Riv. 58 13 2 285 Sikohala Riv. I +10 19 19 124 66

286 Rajandaspur Mp. 1 315 42 43 249 144 105 69 50 60 12 287 Kabirpur 1 135 50 55 324 191 133 35 36 65 19 2BB Shahabada 1 901 158 191 1,114 628 486 239 192 269 84- 289 Talepur Riv. 2 1,010 14:2 166 948 504 444 91 90 166 25 290 Malepur Riv. 2 470 70 80 419 231 218 67 44- 42 6

291 Fahidpur R, Riv. 1 347 62 70 398 220 178 112 89 29 1 292 Rarhin R. 3 814 146 176 969 509 460 172 162 126 12 293 Rautiapur Mp. 1 364 70 79 527 282 245 142 133 106 26 294 Chirhuli R. 1 1,093 182 222 1,266 662 604- 200 235 259 79 295 Garhia Baksiram 1 227 54 58 357 194 163 179 149 47 5

296 Nasirabad R, Riv. 1 432 106 125 718 365 353 181 171 91 16 297 Sariyapllr 1 125 38 40 251 137 114 48 16 298 Ajanpur 2 288 42 45 275 149 126 5 4 48 5 299 Mihauli R. 3 81l 138 166 979 514 465 364 3~4 167 42 300 Malakpur 1 138 29 29 209 108 101 55 53 '35 6

301 Sainpur 1 203 94 110 677 358 319 165 143 129 39 302 Bakhrriya Po. 2 585 134 162 940 516 424 171 153 157 36 303 Sala-iya R, L. 8 839 170 203 1,139 613 526 245 234 210 25 304- Garha Manakchand Riv. 1 590 42 45 290 166 124 1 2 44 4 305 Parariya Riv. 5 866 94 110 900 464 436 117 113 133 20

306 Nigara R, Mp,Mcw. 1 906 194 235 .1,399 755 644- 150 140 303 117 307 Bikralllpur Riv. 1 '258 46 50 362 192 170 50 47 158 15 S08 Karampur Riv. 1 371 98 116 659 375 284 92 78 70 59 309 Pyagpur Mp. 2 351 78 90 486 258 228 34 45 63 8 310 Sheikhpur Karam H. 1 144 29 29 147 83 64 83 64 16 cy



WORKERS ---. NON· Total Worken WORKERS (I-IX) I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Selja) ,...... _ ,...... __, No. ,...... -...... -.. .---. .---. ~ .....--"---. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M , 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

272 8 196 1 35 8 2 9 3 19 7 206 397 270 129 2 117 I 12 I ... 120 197 271 122 7 98 3 23 3 ... 1 1 85 176 272 273 11 197 4 41 3 19 4 4 12 167 347 273 Un-inhabited 274

268 40 201 22 22 8 2 9 3 ...... 6 24 10 239 412 275 133 100 8 1 4 '" .. , ... 4 16 110 200 276 115 86 1 ...... 28 126 203 27i Un-inhabited 278 16 14 2 21 27 279

301 11 25(i) 9 12 2 17 ." 2 19 259 478 280

26,174 1,998 19,344 1,180 1,531 225 15 1,352 268 259 46 107 ... 1,014 35 189 .. , 2,:J63 244 19,393 37,208


122 113 8 130 202 281 229 2 210 .. , ... 19 2 163 400 282 199 2 IB5 4 I 8 2 1 177 269 283 104 101 3 92 162 284 47 11 47 8 3 19 47 285

81 66 5 10 63 105 286 101 3 76 ::\ 24 1 90 130 287 340 66 236 33 20 12 IB 6 2 58 ~1 288 420 288 291 3 210 I 24 2 I .. , 8 48 ." %13 441 289 130 14 91 1 '!6 9 7 6 4 101 204 290

125 19 115 16 1 2 1 6 2 95 159 291 285 l'l 204 3 20 2 10 3 46 9 224 448 292 144 104 1 2 4 1 1 31 138 245 293 353 5 260 3 15 3 1 5 3 66 2 309 599 294 81 4 60 I 4 1 1 16 2 113 159 295

204 35 145 23 12 16 7 7 2 21 4 161 318 296 ,85 3 74 3 3 3 52 111 297 89 8 76 3 10 4 ~ 1 60 118 298 293 6 223 3 22 7 2 37 3 221 459 299 64 55 8 1 44 101 300

203 13 158 1 1 5 10 4 33 2 155 306 301 265 61 196 42 31 16 8 1 28 3 251 363 302 347 9 276 2 47 1 2 3 3 16 5 266 517 303 95 90 ... 5 71 124 304 254 9 237 2 5 1 1 9 6 210 427 305

439 13 334 3 30 11 59 12 316 631 306 115 1 70 34 7 3 77 169 307 202 3 13B 2 4 2 55 173 281 308 147 2 106 29 3 1 8 111 226 309 45 3 30 1 14- 3 38 61 310 cvi


Occu- Name of Village Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and Serial hold, Castes No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi- ed ucated persons Hamlets acres dential Houses ____ ...... ___ '-"___"'_-~ ....,

p M F M F M F

/ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

311 Fatehpur Karam R. 1 341 75 86 497 260 237 54 45 108 35 312 Bakarpur R, Mp. I 441 90 105 600 341 259 109 78 148 40 313 Hansulia R. 2 317 98 116 748 392 356 217 205 121 36 314. Antaul R, Mp. 3 745 114 135 777 40B 369 165 140 129 23 315 Roshangpur R. 1 . 802. 302 369 1,822 978 844 325 272 345 145

316 Mai Riv. 6 2,612 74 85 512 272 240 48 42 58 9 317 Asta 1 1,615 42 45 253 143 110 25 3 318 Manpur 4 796 60 70 433 241 192 118 105 63 7 319 Maharatpur Mp. 5 672 130 155 887 47U 417 286 272 149 30 320 Daleinagar R. I 263 274 335 1,992 1,058 934 145 116 319 95

321 Qasba Jana R. 3 674 90 106 1,263 663 fOO 297 296 151 27 322 Takpura R, Riv. 2 261 24 24 91 50 41 45 27 12 9 323 Mansukhpur R. I 429 35 35 154 88 66 35 28 41 5 324 Misarpur Pratapsingh I 146 20 20 125 64 61 57 45 11 325 Jaswantpur R, Mp. 3 718 Jj3 155 1,010 536 474 191 174 122 121

326 Kunwar De) pur I 161 58 65 344 192 152 64 54 76 J4 327 Bhontapur R,Riv. 2 582 94 110 602 307 295 210 206 67 12 328 Keshipur 2 239 46 50 306 165 141 120 43 53 10 329 Ganganpur 151 Un-inhabited 330 Qasba Segunpur R. 240 246 298 1,726 915 811 116 107 229 76

331 Sarai Bibi R. 207 6 6 25 16 9 3 332 Rasulpur Khurd R. 64 Un-inhabited 333 C,]ak Ranpokhar R. 137 Un-inhabited 334 Aima Seganpur R. 1 209 82 91 612 336 276 21 22 79 20 335 Akbarpur R. 3 669 114 135 821 443 378 213 187 102 4

336 Iqbalpur R. 2 258 72 85 444 221 223 159 157 41 2 337 Rajpura I 301 54 58 360 186 174 75 72 161 136 338 Hazipur I 87 16 16 95 54 41 61 13 48 40 339 Shahpur 3 455 112 12!! 712 376 336 132 22 340 Marey Rangua 858 Un-inhabited

311 Kaitholi Riv. 2 2,258 98 115 724 427 297 70 57 146 29 342 Dhanaupur R. 3 672 96 110 628 343 285 55 46 127 41 343 Teorlalpur R,'Mp. 4 1,314 152 185 1,079 598 481 185 153 203 37 344 Rampur Pratapsingh 1 273 25 25 198 95 103 8 8 29 12 345 A~ewta Riv_ 1 246 87 102 594 326 268 118 17

346 Asewa Riv. I 1,837 94 108 80!! 451 358 120 96 116 4 347 Newada Mahi Patshah R. 4 137 30 30 208 113 95 18 348 Babayan R,Riv. 3 1,0:'3 130 155 862 455 407· 39 139 135 20 349 Nagla Banabas Riv. 1 358 38 40 254 135 'lr.1. 55 35 24 350 Mahewa Riv. 4 419 78 91 417 234 183 70 63 33 2

351 Bardauli Riv. 2 605 14 14 119 70 49 7 4 42 ~52 Tatarpur Kalan Riv. :3 663 36 36 275 149 126 6 2 39 4 353 Gunt Riv. 2 371 39 3<1 193 107 86 18 5 354 Juhikha Rjv. 2 1,343 83 95 635 342 293 28 19 130 21 355 Barbatpur Riv. 1 604 86 100 589 330 259 29 27 127 8 evil



,--.... ,..- __".__--'\ ~-""'_---.. ~ ___ _ ...-----...... ,.....--. ,_-..., ..---"'----0 ,...... ~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ·32 33 34 35 I

122 71 2 1 47 1313 237 311 192 II 108 2 10 2 8 1 66 6 1.f:J 248 312 206 5 134 3 10 14 1 II 37 1 186 j51 313 246 11 146 1 14 29 8 10 1 46 2 162 358 314 575 17 336 11 78 2 36 1 8 4 ... 25 3 88 403 827 315

146 11 133 4 2 7 11 126 129 ~lb 89 1 83 I 6 54 109 3i7 144 132 4 8 .. 9f 192 318 249 4 222 I 3 4 2 2 16 3 221 413 319 574 23 179 9 66 7 50 4 9 28 107 14 121 2 484 911 320

348 29 239 20 29 16 2 6 9 3 43 7 J15 571 321 35 12 22 4 a 7 2 I 2 1 15 29 322 63 5 48 3 7 2 3 5 2:> 61 323 35 30 4 1 29 61 324 297 76 248 72 21 4 7 5 15 239 398 325

114 77 3 :) 30 78 152 326 180 9 133 4 39 3 6 2 2 127 286 327 78 6 42 1 32 , 4 1 1 2 1 87 135 328 Un-inhabited 329 506 18 377 8 42 10 3 17 15 3 42 6 409 793 330

7 7 9 8 331 Un-inhabited 332 Un-inhabited 333 191 112 10 6 1 21 2 39 145 276 334 273 99 213 61 35 33 3 4 18 4 170 279 335

\15 5 97 3 .. 15 4 106 218 336 109 3 90 1 { 16 2 77 171 337 25 I 12 . 1 ... 12 I 29 40 338 207 8 178 5 2 3 2 2 3 18 1 169 328 339 Un-inhabited 340

2,)0 I 202 6 2 40 1 177 296 341 179 15 144 9 19 3 8 2 3 6 164 270 342 307 1 267 6 10 2 21 I 291 480 343 58 I 48 2 7 37 102 344 177 166 5 6 .49 268 345

249 246 3 2(J2 358 346 76 76 ... 37 95 347 258 16 195 5 1 15 4 4 2 40 6 197 391 348 70 3 64 2 5 I I 65 116 349 149 10 129 1 7 6 3 10 2 85 173 350

56 I 36 I 19 I 14 48 351 86 7 70 2 9 2 5 2 2 63 119 352 54 4 34 3 18 1 I 53 82 353 202 5 174 4 16 1 5 6 140 288 354 199 6 182 1 6 4 7 5 131 253 355 c:viii



Occu- Serial Name of Village Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) • of in Resi- holds Castes educated perlOns Hamlets acres dential Houses ,--...... ---...... P M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

356 Phariha Riv. 4 2,448 142 171 1,145 615 530 152 104 231 53 357 Bhartaul Riv. 4 1,744 86 99 731 394 337 57 40 116 9 358 SikrGna Riv. 2 1,451 130 155 905 493 412 47 35 286 360 359 Bhureypur Khurd Riv. 2 479 46 52 316 171 145 2 4 48 2 360 Ayana R, Mp. Hos, Mew, Po. 3 2,244 378 463 2,853 1,567 1,286 416 387 567 148

361 Sarharpur R,Riv. 2 1,210 94 110 743 395 348 74 58 114 37 362 Bijalpur R, Riv. 2 1,277 78 92 565 297 268 40 33 b9 8 363 Misarpur Manikchand Riv. 1 568 38 38 241 130 III 49 40 10 364 Sihavli Riv. 4 2,083 106 126 743 412 331 141 115 31 365 Rathauli 1 512 86 99 555 307 248 79 66 39

366 Katghara Brahminan . R, 1 262 34 37 173 97 76 39 34 29 12 367 Katghara Jumardar R. 1 281 13 13 119 68 51 54 39 9 368 Nawada Jwalaprasad Mp. 2 896 139 160 844 45{ 391 51 43 146 55 369 Bhasoun 5 1,843 226 276 1,713 907 806 156 160 189 25 370 Mahmoodpur Daryausingh 1 245 62 70 385 198 187 87 76 67 10

371 Gwari 1 131 29 29 234 121 113 55 55 30 2 372 Chauki Mp. 3 348 71 80 445 240 205 149 123 98 17 373 Rasulpur Huiasrai 2 637 166 202 1,104 590 514 166 159 254 78 374 Chandnapur Hulasria 81 Un-inhabited 241 375 Jaspur 2 609 90 103 503 262 34 44 96 18

376 Ka1anpur 115 15 15 117 63 54 14 377 Rampur Ramsahai 442 77 85 495 260 235 45 22 56 14 378 Jamalipur 400 25 25 141 73 68 22 4 379 Jaitpur Auraiya Riv,Mp. 999 135 160 959 529 430 176 160 128 20 380 Gudari 156 Un-inhabited 1,304 743 561 381 Panhar R, Mp, H, Po. 4 1,173 214 260 246 211 309 56 247 137 110 48 382 Tikoli R. 1 227 42 45 44 62 21 1 294 58 66 361 192 169 49 48 52 13 383 Ku1hupur 173 152 R. 1 279 56 64 325 149 125 38 8 384 Jaloker 629 341 288 385 Gauhana 1 266 96 !I5 238 224 103 18 103 16 30 Basantpur 557 42 45 226 123 12 7 386 Un-inhabited 387 Bhagwantpur 60 2 774 98 116 688 356 332 202 173 107 18 388 Kharka 91 Dwarikapur Auraiya 1 547 42 44 214 123 75 59 19 389 173 93 80 13 11 29 3 390 P.aigamberpur 1 513 30 30 311 131 133 47 391 Anepur 497 102 121 660 349 6 392 Samarathpur Rly. 390 Un-inhabited 393 Arazi Munzabta Rly. 29 Un-inhabited 430 *394 Qasba Khanpur R. 3 2,249 402 49& 3,118 1,622 1,496 258 254 180 304 57 395 Marhapur Rly. 2 536 [02 119 664 360 38 32 14

Sarsai 963 Un-inhabited 396 5 2 397 Parkhotampur 1 533 II 11 24 ' 19 1,348 137 160 877 482 395 180 185 141 5 ~98 Jarhauliya 2 410 :;99 Bhikampur 1 567 278 339 1,756 963 793 102 79 116 *400 Badanpur 152 Un-inhabited

*Partly included in town Auraiya M.B. .Ix



,.-_."""-. ,.-----. ,...__..___. ,...---. ~~ ....-J'-~ ,...... ~ ,.....-~ ,...... ,...... _, ___ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M p M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

343 74 333 72 4 3 1 1 272 456 356 209 3 207 2 2 1 185 334 357 276 10 247 6 26 3 2 1 217 402 358 98 2 84 I 7 1 7 73 143 359 837 69 650 32 39 92 23 .... 5 17 32 14 730 1,217 360 236 13 230 11 2 2 2 2 159 335 361 176 4 167 4 1 8 121 264 362 82 82 48 ])1 363 241 1 233 1 3 3 171 330 364 191 2 175 16 116 246 365 49 15 32 1 9 10 8 3 48 61 366 35 10 16 2 19 8 33 277 20 203 1 44 10 7 41 367 8 2 15 7 176 371 368 564- 40 485 39 32 1 5 5 4 32 1 343 116 3 100 3 10 766 369 2 4 82 184 370

63 9 61 9 2 58 117 10 91 7 14 2 104 371 1 9 3 123 195 372 326 19 2+t: 6 25 30 2 4 7 15 10 264- Un-inhabited 495 373 165 42 155 38 10 4 374 96 199 375 39 38 1 ... 24- 54 376 146 12 121 7 18 2 5 4 50 1 43 1 7 114 223 377 304 73 237 37 58 32 23 67 378 8 4 225 357 379 Un-inhabit~d 380

447 51 304 29 75 10 25 4 ,1 6 9 2 51 25 7 296 510 381 72 16 '9 17 7 1 2 1 65 109 5 99 5 5 1 1 94 382 ... 3 83 164- 383 101 1 54 10 14 2 I 20 72 189 45 158 42 ·6 2 2 151 384 20 2 152 243 385 77 70 7 Un-inhabited 46 103 386 387 '2.\,6 102 179 90 14 12 1 6 6 76 51 1 ISO 230 388 77 51 46 4') 48 2 42 2 1 4 389 45 78 390 201 29 118 19 32 9 lO 1 1 8 31 Un-inhabited '" 148 282 391 Un-inhabited 392 16 7 53 393 836 40 399 10 1 ... 87 51 37 201 13 786 174 19 9 2 8 4 , . 1,456 394 201 25 ...... 10 159 279 395

Un-inhabited 15 2 14 2 1 396 ...... " ... 4 3 397 267 11 245 7 14 3 2 1 2 4 275 2 19 1 215 384 398 529 25 2 20 46 9 1 52 2 16 100 9 434 768 399 Un-inhabited 400 ell



Occu- Serial Name of Village Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) of in Res i- holds Castes educated persoDs Hamlets acres dential Houses

r---"----.. ..--~ r---"--...,


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

401 Nandanpur 288 Un-inhabited 402 Dhorera R. 2 512 110 131 727 393 334 35 32 114 10 40.1 Taitapur 1 356 '1513 189 1,086 591 495 153 178 291 103 4IJ4 Mirzapur Brihm Shah 2 220 25 25 144 77 67 10 8 23 *405 Suran 2 612 91 103 574 328 246 63 56 122 17

406 Rahatpur R. 3 217 66 74 431 222 209 144 132 44 13 407 Dudiya Khera R. I 207 10 10 7 7 3 ,.. 5 408 Narayanpur R. 213 Lin-inhab ited 409 Auraiya (Rural) 429 Un-inhabited 410 Gyanpur Imamali R. 143 Un-inhabited

411 Madhopur R. 2 384. 78 85 470 235 235 231 232 56 3 412 Barmupur R. 2 434 90 105 619 344 275 136 111 88 *413 Nirottampur 1 437 86 105 485 250 235 131 116 86 13 *414 Bharatpur 1 195 38 38 215 105 110 42 43 27 26 *415 Salempur Nawalsingh Riv. 2 368 50 55 367 210 157 54 49 51 4

416 Khakaotoo R. 2 810 206 250 1,248 668 580 250 238 184 35 417 Shahbadia I 493 126 150 742 396 346 108 92 132 29 418 Rudauli 1 539 122 146 752 401 351 62 64 204 105 419 Turkipur Chittar Singh R. 2 332 90 104 609 330 279 46 43 136 25 420 Biriya Auraiya R. 3 608 114 135 647 370 277 221 208 86 18

421 Mirpuri Chintaman R. 101 Un-inhabiied 422 Bamharipur R,Riv. 2 511 146 176 849 447 402 103 104 172 50 423 Chichauli R, Riv. 2 757 158 190 975 539 436 87 29 238 77 424 Dhamseni R, Riv. 1 434 46 49 291 160 131 39 34 59 17 425 Murdana Riv. 1 336 30 30 160 82 78 4 3 32

426 Ikcirapur 1 910 162 195 1,038 570 468 107 96 225 5~ 427 Bahadarpur Anguthin Mp. 3 1,072 160 196 1,639 859 780 248 225 300 93 428 Jaunra Riv, Mp. 2 933 168 199 953 525 428 206 175 201 92 429 Qada1pur 1 692 42 45 225 125 100 99 82 17 430 Sundaripur Mp. 1 353 86 102 557 290 267 95 89 85 8

431 Sahsupur 131 Un-inhabited 432 Luhiyapur 1 290 114 133 787 421 366 102 93 158 39 433 Bharsen 2 1,303 331 406 2,109 1,087 1,022 251 234 444 88 434 Patepur 1 378 85 99 569 308 261 96 75 163 35 435 Nadupur 171 Un-inhabited

59 86 17 436 Baripur Muafi Mp. 1 266 54 60 402 199 203 61 11 43 14 437 Kumha.npur 1 270 25 25 169 96 73 17 438 Barhar1pur 1 540 155 186 967 534 433 78 52 257 119 48 23 439 Bhikhapur 1 293 42 46 320 168 152 65 66 79 440 ·Gazipur Ishwari Prasad I 248 46 48 230 119 111 lOB

441 Chak Kuber 75 Un-inhabited 442 Bhironpur 275 38 40 210 122 f8 31 24 36 7 443 Bhaupur Auraiya R. 419 130 160 798 451 347 113 106 153 37 444- Purwa Rahat R, Mp. 225 82 95 455 241 214 54 61 85 6 445 Manepur Auraiyapur 271 Un-inhabited ---- *Partly------included in Town Auraiya M.B. Dll\BOTOB 'X



,...... _ ,...... _, A ..--...... __._. ,..._.....___ ,_..,..._, ~ ,...... ~ ,...... _. ,_..._, M F M F M F M 1( M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Un-inhabited 401 219 9 169 2 36 6 4 1 3 4 2 174 325 402 311 47 ~72 16 11 40 24 8 4 22 3 54 3 2BO 448 403 47 1 32 1 3 1 4 7 30 66 404 154 2 102 1 14 5 4 29 174 244 405

~4 IB5 406 128 24 82 12 8 4 3 13 6 20 3 6 4 I 1 I 407 Un-inhabited 408 Un-inhabited 409 . Un-inhabited 410

lOB 233 411 127 2 95 4 6 2U 2 3 56 133 275 412 211 151 llJ8 230 413 142 5 8. 5 3 7 5U 2 16 1 40 108 414 65 2 47 1 lU3 152 415 107 5 93 I 11 5

377 7 240 4 14 5 4 9 4 101 3 291 573 416 255 28 204 22 19 5 2 3 23 4 141 318 417 228 40 176 26 16 6 7 6 5 23 2 173 311 418 195 12 173 10 1 2 3 1 2 15 135 267 419 224 124 136 93 28 28 3 3 4 52 1 146 153 420

Un-inhabited 421 268 42 229 27 3 1 15 10 3 IS 4 179 360 422 327 43 261 28 30 11 11 3 2 8 3 12 1 212 393 423 92 1 81 1 1 1 8 1 68 130 424 44 42 42 42 2 38 36 425

355 14 294 2 7 8 1 4 5 37 10 215 454 425 492 117 425 96 6 3 13 1 2 7 38 17 367 663 427 321 21 240 7 27 2 11 2 9 33 10 204 407 428 75 45 23 1 6 50 100 429 175 3 125 6 18 2 2 24 1I5 264 430 Un-inhabited 431 :G~ 13 200 4 6 5 14 I ...... lD 2 31 4 157 353 432 740 209 130 65 48 58 4 ...... 12 3 49 26 347 813 433 181 4 f~ 4 7 .. ' ...... ". 3 13 127 257 434 Un-inhabited 435

113 4 87 2 8 5 12 2 86 199 436 50 32 4 14 46 73 437 291 12 211 7 40 14 2 5 21 3 243 421 . 43B" 73 5 50 2 23 3 95 147 439 69 2 62 2 7 50 109 440

Un-inhabited 67 13 441 36 2 2 I .. ' , .. .. , ... 28 11 55 75 442 277 10 236 5 6 3 10 1 2 ... 6 151 8 '" 16 1 174 337 44? 140 6 3 1 ... 1 7 1 90 206 444 Un-inhabited " 445 caii


Occu- Serial Name of Village Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (NotatioM for amenities) of in Resi- holds Castes educated penona Hamlets acres dential Houses ,...__...______,....._....__.. ~ P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 446 Bhagautipur R. 1 600 100 150 856 447 Nandgaon R. 486 370 35 26 177 38 4 858 46 51 345 187 158 60 448 Marnai 2 41 46 4 1,807 34 34 189 102 87 13 10 33 449 Bighuli 392 7 450 Bhadaura Riv. Un-inhabited 695 20 20 98 55 43 15

451 K.eontra R, Riv, Po. 1,314 448 552 2,9112 1,590 1,392 249 213 716 2118

TOTAL OF AURAIYA BLOCK 271 100,'286 14,408 16,896 97,795 52,658 45,137 14,903 13,329 17,350 4,820

TOTAL OF AURAIYA TAHSIL 899 265,300 41,987 ~9,747 279,073 150,132 128,941 45,729 40,477 50,215 11,611

1 The rural area of Tahsil Auraiya given in Table A-I is 422·4 sq. miles i. e. 270,336 acres. The village-wise areas in the Directory are as reported by the Tahsi1dar, while the rural area of the Tahsil in Table A-I has been derived by deducting the sum of urban artas from the total revised area figures of the Tahsil furnished by the Board of Revenue, U. P. 2 De\e)opment Block Chakarnagar is spread over two tahsils viz., Bharthana and Auraiya. cxlli




,...-",._-~ r--.A...._...... _ ,...... __, .--~ ..--~ - ... _ ~ ~ ..... -...... ,---""---. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M/ F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

272 2 230 5 17 2 16 1 214 368 446 106 37 99 35 1 3 2 2 81 121 447 58 16 56 15 2 44 71 448 Un-inhabited 449 33 5 32 5 22 38 450

924 90 760 37 58 15 51 15 4 2 8 6 40 17 666 1,302 451 29,905 2,590 22,'16 1,611 1,794 367 1,112 196 180 10 23. 609 35126 2,9M 371 22,753 42,5f7

85,717 7,039 64,865 4,_ 4,842 759 38 1 3,769 607 769 118 395 1 2,201 115 455 38,383 946 64,415 121,902 exiv



Occu- Serial Ward/MahalIa "'Area in pied House- Crotal Population Scheduled Literate and No. Enwnerator" Block Sq. miles I Resi- holds Castes educated perIODs Sq.Km. dential Houses

r-'-~---' r--""'___' "....._"""""-.... p M F M F M F 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



140 144 743 399 344 284 264 67 7 2- 2 190 200 951 557 394- 82' 55 26{' 61 :1 :1 143 165 833 465 368 97 65 234 121 -1 4 125 142 684 360 324 ·1.2 .65 180 125 5 5 124 137 683 413 270 271 101 6 6 97 139 843 452 391 37 41 241 138 7 7 102 128 652 345 307 242 145 8 8 140 158 592 313 279 103 83 124 65 9 9 99 108 511 26-4 247 164 152 55 13 10 10 102 116 520 269 251 143 129 136 58 11 11 83 93 539 277 262 197 159 12 12 92 100 630 332 298 224 145 13 13 52 87 426 222 204 150 83 14 14 67 95 520 261 259 178 127 i5 15 96 749 723 ~R2 341 3 1 302 68 16 16 112 128 70S 407 301 31 12 161 106 17 17 121 126 471 288 183 24 9 150 48 18 18 ]45 169 745 381 364 87 81 ]66 65 19 19 62 92 48~ '1.27 258 12 21 129 75 20 20 96 112 484 238 246 8 10 121 69 21 21 69 104 562 256 306 166 81 22 22 6'1 98 539 278 261 175 lOS 23 23 68 i9 484- 202 282 143 77 24- 24- 89 108 676 357 319 248 161 25 25 97 139 762 416 346 195 137 26 26 118 156 928 474 454 41 24 206 141 27 27 157 175 769 365 404 63 50 165 81

TOTAL 1'00/2'59 2,852 4,047 17.463 9,200 8,263 1,252 1,062 4,890 2,562

'ttWard/Mohalla/Enumerator's Blockwise figures not a,·ailable cay DmBCTOay


WORKERS ~ ______A- ______~ ____~ NON­ Total Worken WORKERS (I-IX) Serial I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X No.

1\1 F M F M FMF Mf MFMFMFMF Mt' M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34


210 12 40 2 3 11 4 3 40 4 104 8 i1l9 332 266 5 98 4 3 21 10 5 34 95 1 291 389 2 249 18 10 3 31 10 46 1 49 3 1I 101 5 216 350 3 174 26 28 17 2 57 19 3 67 6 186 298 4 197 6 15 64 5 2 116 216 264 5 215 12 24 4 2 14 .,. 95 3 3 75 7 237 379 6 163 8 8 2 4 6 112 24 4 182 299 7 157 8 11 4 4 17 28 95 4 156 271 8 142 27 24 5 7 25 8 3 10 73 12 122 220 g ISO 21 14 3 38 15 4 2 79 14 119 230 10 126 6 II 12 63 3 5 34 3 151 256 II 141 3 3 17 66 4 50 3 191 295 12 108 5 11 7 40 49 5 114 199 13 126 3 4: S 59 1 3 51 135 256 14 190 21 9 20 82 2 77 18 192 320 15 167 22 10 5 17 3 46 3 9 77 19 240 279 16 29 176 13 1 1 9 9 33 13 90 4 112 170 17 3 21 9 187 17 6 1 42 25 80 17 194 347 18 13 5 44 3 7 123 30 3 50 26 104 228 19 4 29 2 28 113 3 5 4 41 2 125 243 20 1 19 8 60 6 127 59 5 47 40 129 247 21 15 64 I 9 132 14 H 13 146 247 22 14 40 2 7 98 2 35 104 280 23 20 3 80 2 5 149 10 2 2 39 5 208 309 24 10 66 11 155 4 24 44 4 261 342 25 10 7 4 51 14 3 5 219 II 28 2 2 100 4 255 443 26 6 6 17 2 25 3 4 201 21 27 114 18 164 383 27

4,461 387 407 15 17 10 16 1 190 51 461 ... 37 ... 1,335 59 125 '" 1,862244 4.739 7,876

IV-List or ladustrlal Establishments

Number of Establi.hments cla.sifted by Minor Groups of Industrial Classification

Total: 357 (2) ; 362 (2) ; 365 (I); 367 (27); 368 (13); 369 (14); 370 (1) ; 377 (2); 378 (2); 379 (1); 384 (8); 388 (78); 389 (I); 390 (I); 200 (382); 202 (2); 205 (2); 206 (4); 207 (155); ,209 (504) ; 392 (21); 393 (131); 394 (5) ; 399 (80); 216 (5); 220 (1) ; 225 (9); 226 (8); 230 (38); 231 (26); 233 (4) ; Rand : 235 (435); 236 (33); 237 (7); 239 (8) ; 240 (3) ; 263 (1) ; 270 (3) ; 273(606); 280 (27); :t8l (23); 282 (57); 287 (I); 288(14); 200(46); 202(2); 207(31); 209(31); 200(1); 231(13); 289 (234); 292(2); 300 (5); 301 (1); 302(22); 310(27); 311 (170); 236 (20) ; 273 (63) ; 280 (3); 288 (3); 289 (34); 300 (1); 311 (3); 312(2); 3.3(3); 330 (2); 333(6); 335(5) ; 336 (l); 337 (2); 339 (1); 350 (15) ; 353 (I); 323 (9) ; 3!i9 (29); 344(5); 345(~); 350(169); 353(1); 356(1); 357(2); 361(1); Urban: 362 (4); 365 (8); 367 (29) ; 368 (14); 369 (123); 370 (2); 377 (2) ; 378(2); 379(1); 384(9); 388(243); 389(35); 390(1); 392(22); 200 (81) ; 205 (2); 206 (4); %07 (16); 209 (143); 216 (5); 225 (3); 393 (242) ; 394 (5) ; 399 (272) ; 226(8); 230(13); 233 (2); 235(316)'; 237(7); 240(2); 213(181); 280 (5); 281 (12); 282 (13) ; 289. (26) ; 300 (2); 302 (13); 310 (7) ; Rural: 31l (53) ; 313 (3); 330 (I); 335 (2); 336 (1I; 33nl); 345 (4) ; 350 (6) ; 357 (2) ; 362 (2) ; 365 (1); 367 (27); 368 (13); 369 (14) ; 200 (254); 202 (2); 207(119); 209 (232); 220 (1); 225(1); 370 II}; 377 (2); 378 (2); 379 (1); 384 (8); 388 (78); 389(1); 230 ('18) ; 231 (26) ; 233 (2); 235 (I i8); 236.(:13) ; 239 (8)·; 240 (1) ; 390 (I); 392 (21) ; 393 (122); 394 (5); 399 (51) ; 263 (1); 270 (3); 273 (398); 200 (l7); 281 (2) ; 282 (20); 287 (1); 28,8 (13) ; 289 (202) ; 3oo{Sh 301 (1); 302 (8); 310 (20); 311 (119) ; 312(2); 330(1); 393(5); 33:'(3); 336(1); 337(1); 344(5); A1ai-200 (3); 202 (2) ; 230 (I) ; 231 (13) ; 399 (5); Baralokpur- 350(160) 1353 (1); 356 (1) ; 362 (I); 365 (2); 368 (1); 369 (105) ; 200 (7); 207(6) ; 209 (8); 273 (6) ; 289 (4) ; 350 (1); Barra-2oo (3) ; 370(1); 388(134); 389(7"); 392(1); 393(79); 399(210); 207 (4); 209(1); 236 (1); 280 (3); 393(5); Bi1a-207 (7); 300 (1); 311 (I) ; 350 (5) ; 399 (6) ; Bina-200 (5); 209 (7); 273 (5); Urban: 311(2); 353 (1); 393 (4); Ekdil-200(B); 207 (5); 273 (8l; 289(3); 399 (2); Ginja-236 (4); 273 (4); 288 (3) ; 350 (4) ; 200 (128); 205 (2) ; 206(4); 207 (36); 209 (222) ; 216 (5); f 399 (5); Jakhan-200 (5); 207 (7); 209 (8); 236 (7); 289 (8); 225 (8) ; 226 (8); 230 (20); 233 (2); 235 (317); 237 (7); 240 (2) ; 350 (5); 399 (5); Kursena-200 (3); 209 (2); 273 (8); 289 (2) I 273 (200) ; 280 (10); 281 (21); 282 (37); 288 (1); 289 (32); 292 (2) ; 399(2); Mahatua-200 (5) ; 236(5) ; 273 (14); 289 (3); 399 (I); 300(2);302(14); 31OW; 311 (81); 313(3); 330(1); 333(1); Moonje-200 (5); 273 (8); 289 (7); 399 (3); Phularai-209 (2) ; 335 (2) ; 336 (I); 337 (II; 339(1) 345 (4); 350 (9) ; 357 (2); 361 (1); 236 (3); 273 289 (2); Ramet-200 (2); 209 (3); 273 (3) ; 362 (3) ; 365 (6);- 367 (29); 368 (13); 369 (18); 370 (1); 377 (2) ; m; 289 (3); Ran~n-207 (2) ; 273 (5) j 289 (2) ; 378 (2); 379 (1); 384 (9); 388(109); 389 (28) ; 390 (I) ; 392 (21) ; 393 (163); 394 (5) ; 399 (62); Town:


Block No. 1-226 (1) ; 273 (1) ; Block No. 2-209 (3); 273 (4); Total: 393 (-l) ; Block .No. 3-209 (1) ; Block No. 4-209 (2); Block No.5-· 200(1) ; 209 (1); 235 (5) ; 273 (2) ; 3~8 (2) ; 399 (I); Block No. 6- 200 (127); 202 (2) ;205(2); 206 (4); 207 (47); 208 (49); 209(174): 209 (2); 273 (6); 311 (I) ; 369 (1) ; Block No. 7-200 (4); 216 (1); 216 (5) ; 225 (3) ; 226 (8) ; 230 (14) ; 231 (13); 233 (2); 235 (316) ; Block No. 9-209 (2); 273 (I); 388 (3); mock No, 10-206 (1); 236 (20); 237 (7) ; 240 (2) ; 273 (244) ; 280 (8); 281 (12); 282 (13) ; 209 (1) ; 273 (I); 311 (1) ; 369 (I); 388 (7); Block No. ,11-200 (3); 288 (3) ; 289 (60); 300 (3); 302 (13); 310 (7); 311 (56); 313 (3) ; 273 (3); 388 (1) ; Block No. 12-216 (I) ; 311 (I); 367 (2); 388 (4); 330(1); 335(2); 336(1); 337(1); 345(4); 350(21); 353(1); cxviii .

NUlllber of Establishments clas.ified by Minor Groups of Industrial Cla.sification-Contd.

Block No. 13-209 (2); Block No. 14-209 (7); 388 (3). Block No. 273 (2); 281 (1) ; 289 (2) ; 336 (I) ; 392 (I) ; 393 (I) ; Block No. 89- 15-388 (2) ; Block No. 16-209 (I); 273 (2); 311 (I); 367 (1) ; 209 (5); 273 (58) ; 281 (2); 282 (6)'; 357 (2) ; 368 (8); 369 (2) ; 384 (I) ; Block No. 17-273 (2) ; Block No. 18-200 (2); 209 (3) ; 388 (2); 393 (42); Block No. 90 -200 (3) ; 237 (2); 273 (6); Block

273 (4); :HO (2) ; 311 (I) ; 367 (3); 384 (2); 388 (3); 392 (2) ; Block No. 91-209 (2); 273 (1); 302 (1); 399(5); Block No. 92-200(1) j No. 20-226 (2) ; 235 (9) ; 273 (1) ; 310 (I) ; 350 (3) ; 369 (I) ; 388 (2) ; 302 (1) ; Block No. 93-235 (6) ; 273 (2); 337 (1); Block No. Block No. 21-200 (I) ; 235 (I) ; 273 (3) ; 289 (I); 311 (I); 350 (2) ; 94-200 (I); 209 (I); 235 (4); 302 (I) ; Block No. 95-200 (2); 3118 (I); Block No. 22-289 (4) ; 311 (1); 399 (j); Block No. 25- Block No. 96 -200 (3) ; 207 (2) ; 209 (I); 216 (I); '273 (2) ; 381 (IJ; Block No. 26-200 (I); 300 (1); Block No. 27-209 (5) ; 302(1) ; Block No. 30-200 (4); 209 (I); 230 (I) ; 273 (7) ; 289 (14); 393 (3) ; Block No. 31-200 (4); 207 (I); Block No. 32-200 (9); 207 (1); JASWANTNAGAR TOWN AREA Block No. 33-207 (II; 280 (2); Block No. 35-206 (2); Block No.

36-310 (I); 311(1); Block No. 37-209 (I); 216(1); Block No. 39-; Block No. 1-209 (10); 235 (5) ; 350 P); Block No.4 - 209 (2) ; 273 (2'); 311 (I) ; 388 (1); 399 (1); Block NIJ. 40-200 (I) 200 (I); 235 (3); Block No.5 -200 (1); 209 (10); 399 (2) ; 273 (1); 300\1); 370.(1) ; Block No 41--'-209 (4); 289 (I); 311 (5) ; Block No.7 -207 (I); 209 (7) ; 273 (12); Block No.8 -302 (3) ; 378 (2) ; 379 (I). ~ Block· No. '12-209 (I); 273 (6); 311 (8); 388 (2) ; 369 (I); 393 (2) ; Block No. 9-235 (17) ; 281 (1); Block No. 10- Block No. 43-209 (I) ; 235 (I) ; 237 (3); 381:! (3) ; 392 (6); 394 (2); 200 (I) ; 207 (I) ; 235 (I); 273 (2) ; 281 (I) ; 282 (5); Block 399 (1 J) ; Block No. 44-200 (2) ; 207 (2) ; 209 (1) ; 226(2) ; 230 (1); No 11-200 (I); 209 (4) ; 311 (I) ; Bloc_k No. 12-209 (1) ; 235 (7); 273 (1); 281 (1); 311 (3); 367(2); 388 (4); 393 (47); 235 (12); 273 (4); 388 (2); Block No. 13-207 (3); 235,( 17) ; 394 (I); 399 (8); Block No. 45-235 (3) ; 273 (I); 302 (I) ; 388 (I); 311 (2); Block No. 14-230 (I) ; 235 (7); 280 (1); 368 (2) ; 399 (1); Block No. 46-230 (I) ; 273 (6); 310 (I); 311 (4) ; 384 (I) ; Block No. 15-200 (I) ; 311 (I) ; 365 (I) ; 399 (3); Block No. 16- 392 (3); 399 (8) ; Block No. 47-209 (2); 273 (4) ; 310 (2) ; 384 (I); 200 (5); 388 (I); B1ock.No. 17--:200 (2); .209 (I) ; 311 (6); 388 (I) ; 392 (2) ; 393 (1); 394 (2); 399 (2) ; Block No. 48-200 (I) ; 38B (6) ; Block No. 18-200 (3); 207 (I); 209 (5) ; 273. (1) ; 209 (2); 226 (1); 2j7 (3); 273 (2); 367 (14); 390 (I) ; 393 (10) ; 280 (2) ; 392 (2); 399 (I) ; Block No. 19-200 (7) ; 207 (2) ; Block No. 49-200 (I) ; 209 (2); 226 (I) ; 237 (4) : 273 (10) ; 302 (I) ; 209 (6) ; 225 (3); 311 (I); 367 (1) ; 377 (2) ; 393 (2) ; 311 (2); 330 (I) ; 335(1); 345(3); 367(1); 384(1); 388 (3); BHARTHANA TAHSIL 392 (4); 393 (I) ; 399 (1) ; Block No. 50-200 (I); 216 (I); Block No. 51-235 (38) ; 273 (I) ; Block No. 52-200 (1); 209 (2) ; 235 (2) ; Total: 273 (2) ; 289 (I) ; 388 (3); Block No. 53-209 (I); 235 (7); Block 200(66); 207(7); 209(64); 225(1); 230(7); 231(12); . No. 54-273 (1); 393(1) ; Block No. 55-235 (2); 273 (I) ; 311 (4) ; 236 (13) ; 273 (55) ; 280 (5) ; 282 (18); 287 (II ; 288 (4) ; 289 (6) ; Block No. 56-230 (8); 311 (2); Block No. 57-209 (I); 273 (I) ; 300 (2) ; 311 (19) ; 339 (1); 350 (5); 361 (1); 362 (I); 365 (3) ; 367 (2): 368 (3) ; ,388 (6); Block No. 58-206 (1) ; 273 (I) ; Block 369 (2) ; 388 (34); 389 (8); 392 (1) ; 393 (31) ; 399 (10) ; No. 60-209·(1); 273 (2); Block No. 63-209 (I) ; 36? II); 384 (I); 389 (I) ; Block No. 66-200 (2) ; 205 (2) ; 273 (2); Block No. 68- Rural: 200 (I) ; 209 (I) ; 230 (I) ; 233 (I); 235 (1); Block No. 69-200 (I); 200 (44) ; 207 (4) ; 209 (46); 225 (I); 230 (I); 231 (12) ; 209 (1) ; 235 (51) ; Block No. 70-209 (I); 233 (1); 235 (123); Block 236 (13); 273 (41); 280 (5); 282 (13) ; 287 (1) ; 288 (3) ; No. 72-200 (I); 281 (3); 311 (2); 399 (I); Block No. 74-200 (2) ; 300 (2) ; 311 (12); 350 (3) ; 388 (22) ; 392 (I); 393 (20) ; 302 (I) ; 335 (1) ; Block No. 75-240 (2); 281 (I) ; Block No. 76- 399 (2) ; 209 (I) ; 282 (2) ; Block' No. 77-200 (2) ; 209 (I) ; 281 (2) ; 362 (2) ; Block No. 80-200 (I); 206 (I) ; 209 (13) ; 273 (7); 289 (3); 302 (2) ; . Urbaa:

311 (1) ; 313 (3); 388 (10); 392 (I); 393 (5); 399 (2); Block No. 200 (22); 207 (3); 209 (l8) ; 230 (6); 273 (14) ; 282 (5) ; 82-200 (I); 209 (3); 302 (1); 345 (1); Block No. 83-209 (1) ; 288 (1); 289 (5) ; 311 (7); 339 (I); 350 (2); 361 (I); 362 (I); ~ Block No. 87-200 (2) ; 207 (1); 399 (I); Block No. 88-209 (2) ; 365 (3) ; 369 (2); 388 (12) ; 389 (8); 393 (11) ; 399 (8) ; ad. Number of E.tabli.hmeDt. clauifted b)' ·Mlnor Group. of IDdu.trial Cla ••UicatiOD-C'ontd.

Villa.e. : Rlll'al :

Akbarpur Daulatpur-300 (I) ; Amathari-200 (1); 209 (I) ; 200(101) ; 207(53); 209(91); 230(9); 231(1); 235(39); 273(121); Anandpur-287 (I); 273(5); 3OO{I); 392(1); Buapur-200{I); 280(8) ; 281(2) ; 282(1); 289(58); 302(8); 310(10); 311(33); 312 (2); 335 (I) ; 336(1) ; 350(40); 356( I) ; 365(1) ; 368(1) ; 369(41) ; 209 (I); Bahera-388 (I) ; I Baroli...,..2oo (I);· Bake~ar-200 (I) ; 370(1); 388(45) ; 393(34) ; 399(65) ; 207 (1); 230 (I) ; Banihardu-273 (2); Chalcarnagar-200 (l); Daipur-273 (5) ; Dalipnagar-200 (I); Gangora Bajhera-200 (I) ; Urban: 282 (1) ; Gansara-2oo (1) ; Garhaiya-311(I); Halu Harrajpur- NfL 200 (I) ; Inguri-2oo(l); Kunwara-209 (I) ; Lakhna T.A.-200 (4); ViDalea: 209(18); 225 (I); 231 (12); 273 (9); 282(2); 288 (3); 289 (I); Achhalda-273(1); 393 (I); 399(2) ;-Airwa Koy.ali-2OO(1) ; 388 (16) ; 393 (18); 399(1); Ludhiyani-200(1); Mahewa-2oo(3); 209(1); 310(1); 393(1); 399 (I)"; t\ilwa Tikta-2oo(I); 273(1); 209 (9) ; 273 (8) ; 280 (2) ; 282 (4) I 350 (I) ; 388 (l) ; Maman Him­ 289 (4); 311 (9); 393 (2) ; Asaini-209 (3) ; 369 (2); 388 (2); matpur-200(3); Mehndipur-236(12}; 31l(1}; MOhari-207 (I); 399(1); A80-2oo(2); 207(1); 235(4); SIO(3); 312 (1).; 311:(1) ; Nagla Kale-282(2) Nagla Sarangpur-200 (I); ,282(2); 356 (l),i 365 (I); 370(1); Babraha- 231 {I}; 289(4); Baghai­ 393 (2) ; Pali Khurd- 200 (I) ; Parsoliormpur-200 (3); • pur- 200 (2) ; 207 (2) ; 289 (I) ; 369 (2) ; Babadurpur 399 (I); Pipripur Ghar-273 (2) ; 388 (2); Piproligrhiya-2oo (I) ; Sahar- 200 (3); 207 (I); 209 (1); 2·~5 (3) ; 273 (I) ; 280 (2); 209 (I) ; Punja-2oo (1); Puraila-200 (3); 207 (2); 280 (2) ; 399 (5); Baibaha- 200 (2);. 2070); 273 (I); 302 (3) ~ 311 (1) ; 311 (9) ; Rahatpur-209 (5); 280 (I); 282 (2); Sinhuan-200 (I) ; 393 (I); 399 (I); Baisoli- 200 (4); 207 (5); 209 (12); 230 (2) ; Sahehi Sahrawali-273 (4) ; Samathai-200 (5); 209 (I) ; 273 (3) ; Sainphi-200 (I); Sarai Zalal-2oo (2); Sarsai Nawar-2oo (I) ; 273(1); 280(1) 388 (2); 393(1); 399(1); Balpur RajilUr- 209 (6); 350 (I); 388 (2); Tejpura-200 (I); Ujhiyani-273 (I) ; 289 (2); 350 (2); Bandhmau- 200 (2); 207(1); Banthara- 273 350(1); Umer Senda-209 (3); 273 (2); Ureng-200 (2) ; 336 (I) ; (I); 350 (15) ; 299 (4) ; Barauli-2oo (1) j Barhin-2oo (I) ; 289 (5); Barona Kalan- 207 (2) ; 273 (I) ; 289 (I) ; 399 (2) ; Barya­ Town: ruma,u-200'(I) ; 207 (I) ; 230 (I) ; Bisarmau- 200 (I); 273 (I) ; BHARTHANA TOWN AREA 289 (I) ; 399 (I); Bhaidpur- 200 (I) ; 273 (I); 289 (2); Bhaisol- 207 (2); 273 (1); 289 (I); 399 (4); Bhatpura- 200 (I); 388 (I) ; Block No. 1-200 (5) ; 207 {I) ; 393 (I) ; Block No. 2-200 (3); 399 (I); Bidhuna-2oo (2); 207 (1); 273 (16); 302 (1); 369 (4); "207 (I); 209(8); 230(5); 282(4); 289(2); 350(2); 388(4) ; 388 (I); 393 (2); Bilpur Airwa- 200 (1); 273 (3); 399(3); Bondeypur- 389 (8) ; 393 (I); 399'(6); Block No. 3-200 (5) ; 209 (6) ; 273 (3) ; 200 (5); 207 (3); 209 (5); 273 (2); 289 (3); 311 (I) ; 335 (I); 289 (2); 361 (I); 369 (I) ; 393 (I) ; Block No. 7-273 (10); 388 (I); 350 (I); 369 (3); 388 (2); 393 (I); Cbhachhund- 273(3); 393(2); 399(2); Block No. 8-200 {3}; 209(3); 282(1); 362 (1); 399,(2); Chimkuni- 235 (I) ; 369 (I) ; Dashera-209 (2); 273 (2); 365(3); Block No. 9-200(2); 207(1); 289(1); Block No. 10- 250 (2); 369 (1) ; Dharmangadpur- 399 (2);. Dhikia­ 230 (I) ; 273 (I); 311 (7) ; .388 (2) ; 393 (6); Block No. 11-200 (I) ; pur- 200 (2) ; 209 (2); 273 (3); 282 (I); 311 (12); 336 (I) I 209(1); 339(1); Block No. 12-200(3); 288(1); 369(1); 388 (2); Etai1i- 273 (2); Ghasara- 200 (I) ; 207 (2); 399 (3) ; 388 (5) ; Gurai-200 (2) ; 209 (I); 273 (2); 302 (2); 399 (I); Gulariha- 200 (4) ; 207 (4) ; 230 (I); 350 (2) ; Harchandpur- 200 (3) ; BIDHUNA TAHSIL 209 (1) ; 289 (I) 273 (5) ; 369 (4); Jiwa Sirsani- 200 (2); 273 (I); 289 (4) ; Kaithawa- 200 (I); 207 (I); 289 (3); Kakrahz-· Total: 2.00 (I) ; Kalyanpur Airwa- 200 (2) ; 235 (2); 302 (2); Kan­ 2OO{IO!) ; 207(53); 209(91) ; 230(9); 231(1); 235(39); lDau- 200 (4); 207 (2); 273 (3); 388 (3); 399 (I) ; Karchala- 273(121) ;280(8); 281(2); 282(1); 289(58); 302(8); 310(10); 200 (2); 207 (2); 388 (2); Kurkha- 207 (1); 235 (2) ; Kichbiya­ 311(33); 312(2); 335(1) ; 336(1); ·350(46); . 356(1); 365 (I); 368 Gopalpur-:- 289 (I) ; Kurkura- 200 (3); 207 (4); 209 (8); 230- (I) ; 369(41) ; 370(1) ; 388(45); 393(34); 399(65); (3); 273 (2) , 311 (2); 368 (I); 388 (6); 393 (2); 399 (I) ; CD

Number of Establishments classified by Minor Gr-ns--r or Ind-"oI-!_na 1 CI assl.waboD-Contd.'~-'

Lohrai- 200 (2); 311 (I) ; 369 (2); 399 (2) ; Malhausi- 200 Rural: (4); 209 (6) ; 273 (8) ; 280 (2) ; 311 (3); 388 (3) ; 393 (4) ; Manyora- 310 (4); Mohammadabad- 273 (5) ; 289 (3) ; 310 (1) ; 200 (63); 207(31); 209 (114); 220 (I); 230 (7); 233 (2) ; 311 (I) ; 388 (I) ; 393 (tl) ; 399 (I) ; Mugarha- 200 (I) ; 235(79); 239 (8); 240 (I); 263 (1); 270 (3); 273 (173); 280(1); 282(6);288(7);289(109); 301(1);310(10); 311(41); 330(1): Mundaria-200(1); 207(1); Nabi ~ohan-388(I); Nagla­ Bhadhauria- 200 (2) ; 207 (I); 209 (I) ; 273 (2); 350 (2); 39,9 (I) ; 333 (5); 335 (2); 337 (I); 344 (S) ; 350 (96); 362 (I); 365 (I) ; 369 (64) ; 388 (67); 389 (7); 393 (16) ; 399 (114) ; Nagla Parmi-200 (1); 235 (6) ; 273 (5); 350 (7); 388 (4) ; 399 (2); Nagla Shah- 350 (2) ; 399 (I); Nalhoopur- 209 (3) ; I Urban: 273(1);369(1); ,Nandpur-200(1); 207(1); 209(5); 273(2); 388 (3) ; 393 (:I.); Na\gawan- .09 (5); 273 (4) 388 (2); Nawada­ 200 (25); 207 (17); 209 (61); 225 (5) .. 230 (1); 235 (I) ; Malkhan-200 (I) ; Nilanjanapur-200 (I) ; 273 (1) ; Oton-200 (2) ; 273 (13); 280 (5); 281 (9); 282 (19): 289 (I); 292 (2); 302 (1); 207 (2) ; 209 (I~; 399 (5); Pata- 200 (2); 273 (7); 289 (5) ; 311 (21); 333 (I); 350 (1); .365 (2); 367 (2) ; 369 (2) ; 384 (I) ; 369 (2); Patti Thakurgaon- 200 (1); 281 (2); Patti Yakubpur- 388 (19) ; 389(19) ; 393 (30) ; 399 (3) ; 273 (I) ; 361) (1) ; Pipaul; Sheo- 200 (I); 388 (I); Puranpur- 230 (1) ; 280 (5); 289 (6); 369 (I); 399 (3); purwa Danshah- 200 (4); 207 (2) ; 209 (6) ; 273 (1) ; 289 (5) ; 350 (2); 369 (6) ; Villages: 388 (2) ; 393 (2); 399 (I); Purwa Fakerey- 235 (4); 273 (I); Adhasi-200 (4); 209 (4); 235 (4); 273 (4) ; 289 (2); 311 (6); 399 (2) ; Purwa Kanhai-273 (I); ·399 (I) ; Purwa Khutty­ 350 (8) : 393 (2); Alipur Kamalpur-200 (2); 209 (2) ; 23j (3) ; Madar- 200 (I) ; 207 (2); 209 (11); 273 (10); 350 (2); 393 (5) ; 273 (6); 289 (3); 369 (10); 389 (I); Antaul-200 (2) ; 273 (4) ; Purwa Pitaram- 200 (2); z73 (2); 289 (I); 311 (I); 388 (1) ; 289 (3); 350 (3); Ata-273 (2); 311 (2); 388 (I); Babayan~ 369 (4) ; Purwa Rawat- 312 (I); 350 (2); Ruru Khurd-200 (2) ; 200 (4); 289 (6); 235 (13); 311 (8); 350 (10); 369(7); 393 (I); 209(2); 235(5); 273(2); 350(1); 369 (5); 399(2); Sabhad- l1ahadurpur Uncha- 273 (1); 289 (4); 310 (2); Bansari-200 (I) ; 273 (2); 399 (2); Sahaspur- 273 (I); Sa mayan- 200(2) ; 289 (2) ; 209(4); 273 (3) ; 289 (7); 311 (6); 350(12); Bardauli- 310(1); 388 (1); 399 (3); Sanwalia-235 (8).; 273 (I); 350 (1) ; 235 (3); Baripur Muafi-200 (2); 209 (1) ; 273 (2) ; 393 (1) ; Sarai Shish gran- 200 (1); 273(3); 289 (I); Shahbazpur Bidhuna- Bhadaura-235 (2) ; 273 (5) ; Bhareh-273 (2) ; Bharsen- 369 (1) ; Sheikhupur- 200 (3) ; 207 (1); Taraf Bhikarhi- ,200 (5); 209 (5); 235 (1); 273 (6); 344 (4); 350 (8); Bhaupur 200 (2); 207 (2); 209 (10); 230 (1); 235 (3); 273 (2) ; 311 (2) ; Auraiya-209 (2) ; Bhiyanpur-200 (6) ; 209 (16); 235 (6); 289 (7) ; 350 (2); 3811 (1); 393 (2); 399 (2) ; Thulpia urf Dhubkhan- 350 (6); 369 (3); 393 (8) ; Bihar-209 (3); Bilandpur-235 (3) ; . Bindwa Khurd-235 (2); 289 (5); 369 (8); Bisaikpur-200 (3) ; 350 (3); 388 (1); 399 (1); lTmrain- 200 (3); 207 (4); 209 (5) ; 289 (2): Uprenda-235 (1); 273 (2); 311 (2); Yakubpur-2OO(3); 209 (6); 23fj (5); ~ithauli-200 (4); 209 (5); 273 (4); 289 (3) ; 344 (I); 350 (2); Chak Kuber-209 (4); 235 (4); 369 (6); 393 (3); 369 (I); 388 (1); Chandpur-2oo (2) ; 289 (3) ; Chapta-200 (1) ; 289 (:L) ; Chauki-200 (1) ; 273 (2) ; 289 (3) ; 310 (2); 350 (2); Dahmapur- 200 (4); 209 (2) ; 273 (20) ; 282 (3) , AURA IYA TAHSIL 289 (18) ; 310 (2); 311 (2); 337 (1); 350 (6); 369 (6); 388 (10) ; 399-(15); Dakhalipur-273 (10); 289 (4); 311 (2); 350 (4);

Total: 369 (4) ; Durbaspur-289 (I); Dhamseni- 200 (~); 273 (4) ; ·289 (6) ; 311 (1); 335 (2) ; 350 (7); Dundahar-200 (3) ; 289 (4); Fahidpur-

200 (88) ; 207 (46) ; ~09 (175) ; 220 (1) ; 225 (5); 20~ (6); 207 (2); 209 (16); 235 (3); 288 (3) ; 289 (3); 311 (3); 230 (8) ; 233 (2) ; 235 (80) ; 239 (8); 240 (1); 263 (1) ; 388 (9); 399 (6); Garhauna"":"200 (2); 209 (4); 235 (1); 273 (3).; 270 (3) ; 273 (186); 280 (6); 281 (9); 282 (25) ; 288 (7) ; 289 (110); 369 (5); 388 (8); Gazipur Bhawani Prasad-200 (1); 209 (3) ; 292(2); 301 (I); 302 (I); 310(10); 311 (62); 330(1); 333 (6); 235(2); 273(3); 288(2); 289(2); 311(3); 350(1); 369(6); 335(2); 337(1); 344(5); 350(97); 362(1); 365(3); 367(2): 399 (4) ; Gunt-200 (2); 207 (1); 209 (7); 235 (3) ; 273 (5) ; 369(66); 384(1); 388(86); 389(26); 393(46); 399(117); 289 (2); 369 (3); 399 (5) ; Husainpur-399 (2); Jagannathpur- Numllel' of Eat.bU...... cl.1ISi&ed b)' MIa_ Gc..... of l.d.... i.1 OI.. ei&dtdea-COIIeld.

20Q (4}; 207 (6); 209 (3):. 230 (3); 233 (2'; 235 (13) ; 262 (3) Garhia-273 (2}; Tarrai-273 (3) ; 289 (1); 350 1m; Utarari­ 289 (10) ; 388 (12) ; 393 (2) ; 399 (2) ; Jagatpur-273 (10) ; 388 (11), , 273 (1) ; 399 (15); Jarhauliya-209 (3) ; 273'(3); 289 (1) ; 311 (1); 333 (5); 350 (2) ; 388 (6) ; 399 (5); Kama1t>ur-209 (2); Karyawli-207 (2) ; Town: 209 (2) ; 235 (1) ; 239 (3) ; 263 (1) ; 273 (6); 399 (7); Kothipur-:- AURAIYA MUNICIPAL BOARD 207 (3); 209 (2); 239 (5); 273 (5); 369 (4) ; Kundara-240 (1) ; 273 (3)·, 289 (2); 350 (7); 369 (2); 388 (2), ; 393 (3); 399 (10) ; Lakhanapur-209 (2) ; 399 (3); Mahewa-209 (6); Mai-207 (4)'; Block No. 2-200(1); 207(3); 209(2); 230(1); 333(1); 209 (2); Malgawan-273 (I); Mihauli-273 (3); 289(2); Mirpur Block No. 3-200 (2) ; 365 (1); 388 (2) ; Block No. 4-311 (1) ; Chintaman-350 (2) ; 399 (3) ; Murdana-200 (1); 207 (1) ; 209 (2); 393 (2) ; Block No. 7-200 (4); 207 (8); 209 (5) ; 280 (2); 369 (2) ; 273 (3) ; 362 (1); 388 (2); 399 (3); Nandanpura-399(I); Pach­ Block ~o. 8-20fr(3) ; 209 (2); 235 (I) ; 388 (2); 393 (12); Block dedra-207(2); 209(1); 273(2); 289(1); 3t0{'2); 350(1); 388(1); No. t5-200 (1); 207 (4t; 209 (18); 273 (4); 302 (1) ; 365 (I) ; 39' (4) ; Piparpur-2oo (1); 207 (3); 209 (1); 273 (9); 301 (l) ; 367 (t}; 393 (9); Block No. 16-200 (1); 209 (2) ; 273 (3) ; 311 (4); 365 (1); 388 (~); 399 (4) ; Raidpur-207 (2) ; 209 (I); Block No. 17-200(10); 207(1): 225(5); 280(3h 281(6); 273 (6) ; 288 (I); 289 (1); 310 (2); 399 (6); Rasulpur Kalan- 282 (11); 289 (1); 350 (1); 388 (6); '193 (1); 399 (3); Block 273 (3) ; Rautiapur-273 (1); 399 (5); Ruheri-273 (1); 350 (2) ; No. 18-200 (I) ; 209 (19); 281 (3); 282 (8); 311 (11); 367 (I) ; 388 (2) ; 389 (6); 399 (4) ;, Sainpur-273 (2); Sanpher-273 (3) ; 388 (8) ; 389 (19); Block No. 19-209 (4); Block No. 22- 3arai Badarpur-2oo (I); 207 (4); 209 (3) ; 220 (I) ; 230 (4) ; 209 (1) ; 292 (2); Block No.-23-209 (1); Block No. 24-209 (7); 235 (10); 270 (3);~ 273 (16); 280 (I) ; 288 (2) ; 289 (11):;, 311 (3) ; 273 (6); 3U (9); 393 (6); Block No. 25-2~0 (1); 207 (1) ; 384 (I); 330(1) ; 399 (10); Sartai-273 (I); Sehudpur-273 (4); Sohari Block No. 26-200 (l~; 388 (1); ~Qx'Xii

NUlllber of Establishmeats classified 0)' Minor Group. of Iadu.h-ial Cl.silificatioa

~tailed description; of Industrial Code (Minor Group) numbers under which the Industrial Establishments are arranged in the table. ' .. ,

Minor Group Description as per the Indian Standard No. Industrial Classification


200 Production of rice, atta fio?r, etc. by milling de-husking and processing of crops and foodgrains 202 Production of indigenous sugar, gur from sugar cl[l.ne or palm juice and production of candy 205 Production of bread, biscuits, cake and other bakery products 206 Production of butter, ghee, cheese and other dairy products 207 Production of edible fats and oils (other than hydrogenated oil) 209 Production of other food products such as sweetmeat and condimeqts, muri, murki, chiea, khoi, cocoa, chocolate, toffee, lozenge 216 Production of ice cream 220 Manufacture of bidi 225 Manufacture of jerda and other chewing tobacco

226 Manufacture of other tob~cco products 230 Cotton ginning, cleaning, pressing and baling 231 Cotton spinning (other than in mills) 233 Cotton dyeing, bleaching' 235 Cotton weaving in handloom 236 Manufacturing of khadi textile in handlooms 237 Printing of cotton textile 239 Manufacturing of cotton, cordage, rope and twine 240 Jute pressing and baling 263 Weaving of silk textile by power loom 270 Manuf~cture of carpet and all other similar type of textile products 273 Making of textile garments including raincoats and headgear 280 Sawing and planing of wood 281 Manufacture of wooden furniture and fixtures 282 Manufacture of structural wooden goods (including treated timber) such as beams, posts, doors, windows 287 Manufacture of boxes and packing cases other then plywood 288 Manufacture of materials from cork, bamboo, cane, leaves and other allied products 289 Manufacture of other wood and allied products not covered above Manufacture ~f products; such as paper bags, boxes, cards, envelopes and moulded pulp goods from paper 292 paper board and pulp 300 Printing and publishing of newspapers and periodicals 301 Printing and publishing of books 302 All other types of printing including lithography, engraving, etching, block making and other work connec-,/ ted with printing industry 310 Currying, tanning and finishing of hides and skins and preparation of finished leather cdiii

Number or £stablishment. classified by Minor Group. or Industrial CIa•• ification-CQllcld. Detailed description of Industrial Code (Minor Group) numbers under whicla the Industrial Establishments are arranged in the table. .

Minor Group Description as per the Ind:i~n Standard No. Industrial Classification


311 'Manufacture of shoes and other leather footwear 312 Manufacture of clothing and wearing apparel (except footwear) made of leather and fur 313 Manufacture of leather products (except those covered by cobe Nos. 311, 312), such as leather uphol stery, suitcases, pocket books, cigarette and key cases, purses, saddlery, whih and other articles 330 Manufacture of basic industrial chelDicals such as jicids, alkaJ1s and their s.Jts not elsewhere specified 333 Mauufacture of ammunition, explosives and fire works 335 Manufa~ture of lfedicines, pharmaceutical preparations, perfumes, cosmetics an~, Qther toilet preparations except soap 336 Manufacture of soap, and other washing and cleaning compounds 337 Manufacture 'of turpentine, synthetic resin, and plastic products and materials (including synthetic rubber) 339,' Manufacture of other chemicals and €hemical products'not covered above (including inedible oils and fats)

344 Manufacture of stone wares, other than images 345 , Manufacture of stone imagd 350 Manufacture of earthenware and eart hen pottery , 353 M;!.nufacture of glass bangles an~ beads 356 Manufacture of earthen toys and artwares except those covered by code No. 355 357 Manufacture of gJass,and glass products except optical and photographic leDses ,and glass products covered above Manufacture including smelting, refining of nonferrous metah and aUoys in basic fo~ms ~61 362 Manufacture of armaments 365 ,Manufa~ure, of brass and bell metal products Manufacture of metal products (other than of iron brass, bell metal ar;Jd alluwinium) such as tin can 367 Enamelling, galvanising, plating (including electroplating) polishing and welding of metal products 368 Manufact'ue of sundry hardwares, su~h as G.I. pipe, v:ire I_Jet, bolt, screw, bucke!, cutlery, (This will 369 also include the manufacture o~ sun~ry f~rrous engmeermg yroduct3 done by Jobbing engineering concerns which cannot be classified m major groups 36, 37, ,38 and 39) I Manufacture and assembling of machinery (other than electrical) except textile ~achinery 370 Manufacture of all kinds of battery 377 Manufacture of electronic equipment such as r~dio, microphene 37B Manufacture of electric machinery and apparatus, appliances not specified above 379 Repairing and servicing of motor vehicles 384 Repairing of bicycles and tricycles 38B Manufacture of other transport equipment not covered above such as anirnal d~awn and handdrawn 389 vehicles _ c: f t'cal insttuments and lenses, opthalmic goods and photographic equipment and supplies nUlacture 0 op 1 • 390 Ma Assembl~, and repairing of watch~s ~o~ clocks, 392 - f . wellery silverware aod wares using gold and other precious metals 393 M anu facture 0 Je _ ' Manufacture and tuning of musical instruments 394 Manufacture and repair work of goods not assignable to any other 3:,9 gr~ V-APPENDIX

Gazette Notifications of changes in Bou:adaries during the decade 1951-61

No. 4847119-360-C--52 U.P. Gazette dated June 24, 1957-1n e.ercise of powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 11 of the U.P. Land Revenue Act, 1901 (U. P. Act No. III of 1901). the Governor of Uttar Pradesh is pleased to direct the transfer of the territories'shown in cf11nmn 2 of the Schedule appended below from the tahsils and districts shown in columns 3 and 4 to tahsils and districts shown in columns 5 and 6, provided that nothing contained herein shall affect any Itgal proceedings pending On the date of publication of this notification in any revenue court which has hitherto exercised juri!ldiction in respect of these territories,:


S1. Name of Village Tahsil District Tahsil District No. with Area in acres 1 2 S 4 5 6

1 Hannu Khera (One Block) Maiopuri Aligarh Etawah measuring 8.18 acres 2 Jasrajpur. (One Block) Bhogaon Mainpuri Farrukhabad Farrukhabad measurmg 3'58 acres 3 Kumehri (One Block) ~rhal Mainpuri Etawah Etawah measuring 7'65 acres

INDBA PAP~B. MART ALLD.-P.O. No.7 CENSUS- 1961-1,000 BooKs.