Are Drugs Effective Treatment for With Acute Laminitis?

William Moyer, DVM; John Schumacher, DVM; Jim Schumacher, DVM, MRCVS; and G. Kent Carter, DVM

Currently, the only therapy for horses with acute laminitis for which there is consensus among practitioners is aggressive treatment for the disease process that has initiated laminitis. Although other treatments may have merit and seem logical based on studies of the pathogenesis of laminitis, the efficacy of these treatments has not been proven. Some of the confusion regarding treatment of horses for laminitis is the result of differing theories regarding the pathogenesis of laminitis and failure of clinicians to distinguish between recommendations made for treatment during the devel- opmental (prodromal) stages (i.e., before signs of foot pain are observed) and recommendations for treatment during the acute phase (i.e., when signs of foot pain are apparent). Controlled studies have not shown the efficacy of any drug for treating horses in the acute phase of laminitis. Authors’ addresses: Department of Large Animal Medicine and Surgery, College of Veterinary Medicine, Texas A&M Uni- versity, College Station, TX 77843 (Moyer, Carter); Department of Large Animal Surgery and Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849-5522 (John Schumacher); Depart- ment of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tennessee, Knox- ville, TN 77901-1071 (Jim Schumacher); e-mail: [email protected]. © 2008 AAEP.

1. Introduction that likely initiated laminitis. This might involve For many years, many different drugs and manage- treatment for grain overload, colitis or enteritis, re- ment practices have been used to treat horses with tained placenta, septic myositis, excessive weight- acute laminitis. Recent studies have shown that la- bearing on a limb, and endocrinopathic/metabolic mellar attachments to the basement membrane are disorders. Often, however, the initiating cause of destroyed before signs of foot pain are apparent1 and laminitis is not apparent. that, after the laminae have separated, damage is Alteration of Lamellar Blood Flow irreparable.2 Therefore, the question of which specific treatment of horses for laminitis is most efficacious must Some studies have investigated the efficacy of treat- be preceded by the question: is any specific medical ment designed to either increase or decrease lamel- lar blood flow during the developmental stage of treatment for horses with acute laminitis efficacious af- 3,4 ter the has developed signs of foot pain? laminitis to prevent clinical signs of laminitis. There are no clinical studies, however, that have 2. Recommended Medical Treatment investigated efficacy of treatments claimed to in- crease lamellar blood flow after clinical signs of Resolution of the Initiating Disease laminitis are apparent. Although a decrease in la- The most obvious therapy for horses with acute mellar blood flow may prevent the acute phase of laminitis is treatment to resolve the disease process laminitis from developing,3,5 increasing lamellar


AAEP PROCEEDINGS ր Vol. 54 ր 2008 337 IN-DEPTH: LAMINITIS FOR THE PRACTITIONER blood flow may speed healing of damaged lamellar nitis because of its superior ability to relieve pain, tissue during the acute phase of laminitis.6 The but flunixin megluminef (0.25 mg/kg, IV,q8h,or1.1 ability of any drug to improve lamellar blood flow in mg/kg, IV, q 12 h) is often administered for its ability horses with laminitis has not been proven,7 but pro- to reduce the effects of endotoxin because many posed methods of increasing lamellar blood flow in- horses suffering from laminitis are also endotox- clude the following: emic. Administering a non-steroidal anti-inflam- matory drug during the developmental stages of ● Digital nerve blocks increase digital blood flow laminitis does not prevent acute laminitis, and ad- by inhibiting vasomotor control of the digital ministration of these drugs has not been shown to vasculature. The use of this technique to alter the course of acute laminitis.6 On the con- treat horses for acute laminitis should be dis- trary, an in vitro study indicated that non-steroidal couraged because increased weight bearing anti-inflammatory drugs slightly potentiated activa- and movement likely exacerbate lamellar tear- tion of the matrix metalloproteinases that cause ing and separation. breakdown of lamellar attachments indicating that, ● ␣-Adrenoceptor antagonists, such as at least theoretically, administering these drugs acepromazine maleate,a increase digital blood might increase lamellar separation.6 Concurrent ␣ flow by 1-adrenergic blockade and direct ac- administration of and flunixin me- tion on vascular smooth muscle. Aceproma- glumine to horses may not be justified because con- zine (0.04–0.08 mg/kg, IV/SQ/IM) is commonly current administration significantly decreases administered to prevent laminitis or to treat serum protein concentration and increases the inci- horses with acute laminitis. Studies using la- dence of severe gastric ulceration.14 ser flowmetry to measure lamellar blood flow From a purely scientific view, administration of a in normal horses failed to show increased la- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug to treat a mellar blood flow after administration of vaso- horse with laminitis is difficult to justify because the active drugs, including acepromazine.8,9 ability of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to ● Isoxsuprine and pentoxifylline are reported to decrease foot pain may be associated with an in- increase blood flow; isoxsuprine HClb (0.6 mg/ crease in mobility that may increase lamellar tear- kg, q 12 h) by directly relaxing smooth muscle, ing and because there is no evidence that they causing vasodilatation through both ␣ antago- prevent or influence positively the outcome of horses nistic and ␤ agonistic activity, and pentoxifyl- with acute laminitis. Humane considerations, linec (8.5 mg/kg, orally,q8h)bydecreasing however, mandate their use. blood viscosity, perhaps through its effects on platelets or by increasing the flexibility of red Anti-Endotoxin Drugs blood cells. Neither of these drugs, however, Many horses suffering from acute laminitis also was shown after oral administration to in- have clinical signs of endotoxemia, and a recent crease lamellar blood flow in normal horses.8,9 study investigating the risk factors for developing Apparently, neither of these drugs is well ab- acute laminitis during hospitalization found an as- sorbed after oral administration.10,11 If the sociation (not evidence of a direct, causal relation- mechanism of action of pentoxifylline is to in- ship) between endotoxemia and the development of crease deformability of red blood cell as the red laminitis.15 Drugs administered to horses for blood cells are formed, long-term administra- treatment for endotoxemia include flunixin meglu- tion would likely be necessary to produce a minef (0.25 mg/kg, IV,q8hor1.1mg/kg, IV, q 12 h) benefit. or ketoprofeng (2.2 mg/kg, q 24 h), anti-endotoxin ● Nitroglycerin was shown not to increase lamel- hyperimmune plasma,h and polymyxin B sulfatei (1 lar blood flow after onset of clinical signs of mg/kg, IV, q 8 h). Administration of these drugs laminitis induced by administration of black may ameliorate clinical signs of endotoxemia,16 but walnut extract.12 Topical administration of their ability to prevent the development of clinical nitroglycerind (60 mg as a 2% ointment on the signs of laminitis or to influence the outcome of skin over the digital vasculature) by the au- horses with acute laminitis has not been shown.17 thors and others13 for treatment of horses with Endotoxin has been shown to cause resis- acute laminitis has been disappointing. tance in horses and thus may be involved in the pathogenesis of laminitis by causing decreased use Thus, it seems that there is no good evidence that of glucose by lamellar tissue.18 Even though ad- vasodilative agents commonly administered to ministration of drugs to ameliorate endotoxemia has horses with acute laminitis are effective in increas- not been shown to be effective treatment for horses ing lamellar circulation. Using these drugs to treat with acute laminitis, use of these drugs seems rea- horses with laminitis is questionable.6 sonable and warranted.

Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Dimethyl Sulfoxide Phenylbutazonee (2.2–4.4 mg/kg, orally, q 12 h) is Although some clinicians have the clinical impres- commonly administered to horses with acute lami- sion that dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is useful in the

338 2008 ր Vol. 54 ր AAEP PROCEEDINGS IN-DEPTH: LAMINITIS FOR THE PRACTITIONER treatment of horses with acute laminitis,19 there is determine. Speculation of the cause or causes no credible evidence that it is of benefit in the treat- can be construed as fact and thus could impli- ment of horses with laminitis.20 DMSOj (1 g/kg) is cate an innocent individual or product. commonly administered parenterally (IV, q 12 h, in ● Explain that the mechanism/pathogenesis is a polyionic solution at 20% concentration or less over not well understood. 30 min once daily) or enterally to horses with acute ● Explain that by the time an individual horse laminitis for its anti-inflammatory effects and for its has been identified as having laminitis (i.e., ability to scavenge oxygen-derived free radicals, like and pain) structural and vascular superoxide, that are formed during hypoxia and damage has already occurred. 16 reperfusion. There is no clear evidence, however, ● Explain that although the horse’s initial clini- that hypoxemia or reperfusion injury is involved in cal appearance (i.e., when first examined) can the pathogenesis of acute laminitis. The primary often be correlated with outcome, it is not al- source of superoxide in reperfused, re-oxygenated ways an accurate predictor of the horse’s ulti- tissues seems to be the enzyme, xanthine oxidase, mate outcome; that is, experience indicates released during ischemia. Horses administered that some cases that one would grade at the black walnut extract to experimentally induce lami- initial examination as being mildly affected nitis have no increase in activity of xanthine oxidase regardless of therapy may progress to being in tissues, including digital laminae, indicating that chronically and severely affected. Avoid be- hypoxemia and the formation oxygen-derived free ing overly optimistic. radicals during reperfusion are not involved in the ● Explain that if the disease becomes compli- pathogenesis of laminitis caused by black walnut cated (i.e., structural damage continues, caus- extract.21 ing sinking, solar penetration) and thus Heparin chronic, the horse is very likely to require special High doses of heparink (100 U/kg, IV, q 6 h) have care (e.g., veterinary care, farriery work, and been shown in laboratory conditions to prevent or environmental considerations) throughout its ameliorate signs of laminitis caused by carbohy- life. Explain that a horse with complications is drate overload,22 and a clinical trial evaluating the likely to require intensive, personalized, and of- efficacy of heparin in preventing laminitis in horses ten expensive care (e.g., medication, farriery, re- with duodenitis/proximal jejunitis found that the petitive examinations). proportion of horses that developed laminitis among ● Explain that even with a good to excellent initial horses that received heparin was significantly less outcome, the horse is likely to have recurring than that among horses that did not receive hepa- foot-related problems (e.g., recurrence of acute rin.23 Another clinical study involving more laminitis, wall separation, subsolar infection). horses, however, showed that administration of hep- ● Explain that controlled studies identifying an arin to horses (40–100 U/kg, IV or SQ, q 8–12 h) ideal regimen to manage a horse with acute with an intestinal crisis had no significant effect in laminitis do not exist. preventing acute laminitis.24 ● Explain that any therapeutic regimen may Heparin administered to horses intravenously in have some risk beyond simple failure to im- high doses rapidly results in a marked decrease in prove the situation. the hematocrit caused by agglutination of erythro- ● Explain to the owner that, if the affected horse cytes because the reticuloendothelial system re- is insured, it is the owner or the owner’s agent moves the agglutinated erythrocytes from who is responsible for immediately reporting 25 26 circulation, possibly in the spleen. Removal of the condition to the insurance carrier. erythrocytes from circulation enhances the flow of blood through the microcirculation because blood viscosity is inversely related to the hematocrit. An additional and at times difficult consideration Because heparin may increase microcirculation is handling clients who have acquired information through the foot, its use may be indicated after the from any number of resources, such as horse maga- horse has developed acute laminitis, but to our zines, web sites, or phone consultation with farriers knowledge, its use in ameliorating signs of laminitis and . It may be useful to simply in- in acutely affected horses has not be studied. form those involved with the case that information gathered from sources that are not in direct contact 3. Client Education with the horse can be misleading. It is very impor- We suggest that as soon as possible after diagnosing tant to indicate that laminitis continues to be under laminitis and assessing the horse, the clinician dis- study but is a long way from being adequately un- cuss the following points with the client so that derstood. Explain that pain and lameness follow misunderstandings can be prevented: the structural damage and that no two horses are affected exactly alike. Explain that no single or ● When applicable, indicate that the exact combined treatment and management regimen has causes or causes of laminitis can be difficult to distinguished itself as being the most ideal.


4. Summary 12. Adair HS III, Goble DO, Schmidhammer JL, et al. Laminar microvascular flow, measured by means of laser Doppler Multiple medical therapies have evolved that are flowmetry, during the prodromal stages of black walnut-in- based primarily on what is known about the devel- duced laminitis in horses. Am J Vet Res 2000;61:862–868. opmental stages (before the presence of clinical 13. Parks AH. Treatment of acute laminitis. Equine Vet Edu signs) of laminitis. Unfortunately, the molecular, 2003;15:273–280. vascular, and structural changes have taken place 14. Reed SK, Messer NT, Tessman RK, et al. Effects of phenyl- butazone alone or in combination with flunixin meglumine on before clinical signs appear, and therefore, medical blood protein concentrations in horses. Am J Vet Res 2006; therapy is unlikely to reverse such changes. There 67:398–402. are no controlled studies that have shown efficacy of 15. Parsons CS, Orsini JA, Krafty R, et al. 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Effects of an intravenous script the wide variety of mechanical treatments endotoxin challenge on glucose and insulin dynamics in such as shoeing changes, that have been used to horses. Am J Vet Res 2008;69:82–88. 19. Schleining JA, Reinertson EL. Evidence for dimethyl sul- treat horses with laminitis but we point out that foxide (DMSO) use in horses. Part 2: DMSO as a paren- these mechanical therapies also lack controlled teral anti-inflammatory agent and as a pharmacological studies and rely on anecdotal, although useful, carrier. Equine Vet Edu 2007;19:598–599. information. 20. Stashak TS. Laminitis. In: Stashek TS, ed. Adam’s lameness in horses, 5th ed. Baltimore: Lippincott Wil- References and Footnotes liams & Wilkins, 2002;645–664. 21. Loftus JP, Belknap JK, Stankiewicz KM, et al. Laminar 1. Croser EL, Pollitt CC. 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