AU Receives National Exposure Four Times Inspired By, Demonstrates
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Fiat LuxFebruary 4, 2003 The Student Newspaper of Alfred University New business seminar AU receives national exposure to explore current issues BY JIM KRYSIAK cussed the integration of elec- “The Mac interface is friendly, STAFF WRITER tronic arts with more traditional and once students understand BY BRANDON THURNER weekly seminar. The American arts. the conceptual framework of the NEWS EDITOR Marketing Association, which The astronomy and electronic “We’re expanding the working interface, it becomes a kind of Howard advises, will also be host- arts programs at Alfred strategies of video art, print- metaphor for an idea,” Shefrin Starting this spring, College of ing a few of the speakers. University received press in the making, sonic art, digital art and said in the article. Business students will have a The requirements of the course New York Times and on Apple design. And, at the same time, AU’s recent seven-week elec- fresh course to take with the semi- are quite simple: the lecturers are Computer’s Web site during the investigating the interrelation- tronic media workshop held in nar in current business issues. to submit an assignment for stu- last two months. ships among these art forms,” China at the behest of the “We hope these speakers will dents before his or her given night The astronomy program was Shefrin was quoted in the article Central Academy of Fine Arts in tell how they’ve been successful,” as well as an outside assignment to featured in an educational sup- as saying. Beijing was also mentioned. said Professor of Marketing John be completed after he or she plement to the Jan. 12 Times, According to Shefrin, the The article can be found by Howard, “and students will hope- speaks, said Howard. If no outside titled “Is That Andromeda or a usage of Macintosh computers is searching for “Alfred fully use speakers as workplace assignment is given, then students Truck Stop on the Turnpike? an important part of these University” on the role models.” are asked to critique the speaker Finally, Focus,” by Stephanie endeavors. Web site. ❍ Howard explained that the for content and style, he added. Gutmann. main purpose of the course is to The course came to be out of The article, which discussed Kardinal Offishall give students a window on some of mutual desires from University the changing face of undergrad- the most current issues business Relations and Interim Dean of the uate astronomy studies, men- people face everyday. Experience College of Business Frank tioned AU as one of several and time have already solved Duserick, stated Vice President schools updating their astrono- problems presently in textbooks, for University Relations Michael my programs. however, more remains to be Hyde. “We are now able to see taught. “We hope that students will get objects you used to have the “Problems explained now will candid, personal reports from biggest telescopes on Earth to be written about in books five business leaders about life in the see,” said G. David Toot, associ- years from now,” said Howard, real world of business,” said Hyde. ate professor of physics, as quot- noting that this is simply too late. The ultimate goal with seminar ed in the article. Ryan Chavoustie, a sophomore additions such as this is to foster Toot went on to explain how double major in business adminis- new relationships with the outside current automated telescopes tration and economics, believes community that may eventually reduce tasks that used to take this course will give students an lead to expanded internship and up to an hour down to five min- edge in learning what being in job opportunities for students, utes. business is actually like. Speakers stated Hyde. According to Toot, there are will be able to network with stu- One issue with a university like plans underway via grant money dents and possibly be able to pick Alfred is its isolation, said to augment the Stull up some new recruits, he added. Howard. AU is constantly devis- Observatory with an additional Chavoustie had a number of ing ways to get faculty and stu- automated telescope. reasons for taking the course, dents in touch with business man- Toot said that this telescope however, the professor teaching it agers and this is just the latest of will be opened up to the Buffalo played no small role. the programs to emerge with this school system for remote access “Dr. Howard’s a very open- goal in mind, he added. as a teaching aid for high school minded professor who is more Howard has noticed that stu- classes. than willing to be more than just a dents are more excited to attend a In December, Apple faculty member, but goes out of his seminar-style class due to contact Computer posted an article way to try and be your friend as with people in the trenches of titled “Where technology and well,” said Chavoustie. business. art collide,” by Nancy Eaton, Both Howard and Chavoustie Chavoustie could not agree focusing on AU’s School of Art cite the seminar style of the class more. and Design, in particular the and rotating speakers as reasons “The most exciting part is the electronic arts program. PHOTO BY HEATHER MUCKLEY for the more than 80 students fact that it’s not the same person Jessie Shefrin, chair of enrolled in the course. speaking every week,” said expanded media at the School of Canadian hip-hop artist Kardinall Offishall performs Jan. 24 in Howard added that the open- Chavoustie. “We get to find out Art and Design, was inter- Holmes Auditorium. Opening acts included the Alfred Steppas invitation given to the rest of the many angles on how businesses viewed for the article, which dis- and a freestyle rap competition. See story p. 6. Alfred campus and community are run.” ❍ will increase attendance at the Four Times inspired by, demonstrates dedication BY EMILY WADE displayed in this act inspired the permanently trapped inside. STAFF WRITER artist, who has characterized his Besides the more prominent quest for perfection as “powerful wheel-sculptures, there are also a Anyone who has poked their head and fulfilling.” variety of smaller thrown (shaped into the Schein-Joseph Museum of Leuthold’s commitment to his on a potter’s wheel) pieces that are Ceramic Art lately may have craft is very evident in his work. papery and fragile. These small noticed the dramatic wheel and His pieces are primarily circular, and smooth pieces are striking in trumpet forms of artist Marc radiating forms that resemble Leuthold. large, spoked wheels. The sculp- SEE FOUR TIMES, PAGE 4 The sculptures are part of the tures vary greatly in tone and size. artist’s solo exhibition titled Four Some of the pieces are done in Times, which opened Jan. 14. shades of bronze and appear Index The title of Leuthold’s exhibition almost industrial, while others are Issue 8 Volume 96 comes from a passage in Booker T. decidedly bright and colorful. Washington’s autobiography, Up Though the variety of color is A & E ...................................... 4, 5, 6 From Slavery. The passage, which appealing, it is the actual texture Features...................................... 4, 5 is displayed along with the sculp- of the pieces that holds the most News ........................................... 3, 4 tures, describes Washington’s interest. The ridges that Leuthold Op/Ed ........................................ 2, 3 famous “sweeping examination.” has meticulously carved on his Sports .......................................... 7,8 Washington claimed that he was pieces give them a tactile allure. It required to clean a recitation room is difficult to restrain the urge from Our Roving Reporter gauges stu- four times so that no speck of dust running a finger across the ridges dent reaction to Super Bowl com- was found. It was only after he and hollows on the sculpture itself. mercials. See p. 5. passed this test that he was One of these circular pieces, PHOTO BY BRIAN TIBBENS allowed to enroll in the prestigious which is made of cast glass, has Catch up on what our Saxon ath- Marc Leuthold’s Four Times exhibit is on display at the Schein-Joseph Hampton Institute. even deeper layers of texture in letes have been up to since last Museum of Ceramic Art. A slide lecture will be held Feb. 7. The dedication that Washington the form of hundreds of air bubbles semester. See Saxon Scores p. 7. February 4, 2003 Editorial / Opinions — Page 2 Fiat Lux Fiat Lux COLUMN Questions of student Predictions make sports fun BY BRYAN SICK how absurd they may be, for the to the Lakers for Mark Madsen, MANAGING EDITOR year ahead. the supposed savior of the Cavs privacy raised I realize the likeliness of even who turns out to make even less Another year has half of these predictions coming of an impact than he did in Los When should information be considered private? started and I’m true is minimal, but being able Angeles. With New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer’s recent already one for two in to brag about picking 11-seed And now, the most outra- actions against the Student Marketing Group, based out of Long the area of sports pre- Southern Illinois into the Sweet geous prediction a person can Island, compounded with Alfred University’s inquiry to determine dictions. 16 is half the fun of being a make. Bud Selig will not screw the future format of the student directory, the question has been Way back in August, I made sports fan. up anything this year in Major raised, what is considered public and private knowledge? the outrageous prediction that I’ll start things off with League Baseball.