General Editor, Australian Dictionary of Biography
J_ \,. r-- 1 21/1970 RESF.ARCH SCHOOL OF SOCL\1....;s.,ru_~F.S DEPARTMENr OF li1§_TO~~ ANNUAL REPORT J.969 Professor and Head of Department J.A. La N2uz~, B.A.(W.Aust.), M.A.(Oxon), Litt.D. (M2lb.) [on leave from January to t~ov c r.:be r ] Professor (General Editor, Australian D. I-I. Pil:c, D. Litt. (Adel. ) [ on leave from Dictionary of Biography) October] Reader L.F. Fit~h3rdinge, B.A.(Syd.), M.A., B.Li t t .(Oxon) [returned from leave in Aug us t] Senior Fellows R.A. Golian, M. A. ( Syd.), Ph.D.(Lond.) N.B. Nairn, H.A. (Syd.), (Australian Dicti or.ary of Biography) F.B. S:nith, !1. A.(:1e lb.), Ph.D.(Cantab.) Fellows R. KtL.~r, B.Sc.(Delhi), M.A., Ph.D.(Panj.(I)), Ph .D. (A. :q.u,) J. E".!dy, S.J., B.A.(?'ielb.), D.Phil.(Oxon) Senior Research Fellows W. E:i t c , 11. A. {:::lb.) [from February] P.R. 1':'ly, i'1, A. ( n.z. ) [from February] Research Fellows J.H. \1-)igt, D:- . phil.(Ki e l), D.Phil,(Oxon) B. K. c~ Gnis, !1. A. (W,Aust.), D.Phil.(Oxon) [ frc:::i. ;;; ~bruary] Research Officer H.J. Gib~n~y, E.A.(W.Aust:), (Australian Dictfo:,.-1~-y of Diogrnphy) Research Associate M.E. I-:c ~c"l , B.A. (Hull), M.A.(Monash), ( j.:'.in ::::~.y ,;ith /,untralian Academy of Scbr..ce) Research Assistants Joa n Lynra·.m Nan Phillips (Australian Dictionary of Biography) Martha F..c'::!.
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