• « * YESTERDAY'8 WEATHER «• THE .D'AIL*/ NEW* • • - ' "•• • Tamparaturaa yastorday warai <* «> ._ read everywhora in 8outh- • $•' Minimum..,.' 39 €> eastern British Columbia (Koot- • <$ Maximum.' ..50 3> <& ' arlay ^fend Boundafy; Diatriot) • • « .$> on tho* day..gf publuflTtion. . •>

VOL.13 6 PAGES. NELSON. B. C. MONDAY MORNiftG, OCTOBER lft 1914 SOc PER MONTH. NO. 1S4 GUT 1KAGEDY OF FALL OF IS __ FOE TO PIECES J LIGHTENED BY GAU^T DEFENSE Muscovite Prince, Bearing Spirited Attack Between Arras and River Oise Repulsed Standard, Wounded. Prolonged fiesi*'vvid Against Germans' Tremendous ® ITALY HAS NEW <8> GERMANS WOULD ,-by Franco-British-French Make Slight Progress ' CAPTURE KING Engines of War Was impossible-Brave Troops Cover -§ in Centre, Village Retaken, Flag Captured (By Dally News Loused" Wire.) LONDON, Oct. 11.—Emperor Retreat of Besieged Army, Forts Blown Up •v PARIS, Oct. 11.—-A Havas <*> William's army which besieged Antwerp is now said to bo mov­ <§> says that King Victor Emmun- «§ CONTINUE FIGHT ON ing swiftly toward Ostend with <$>» uel has named Qcrt. Zupelll to fy tho object of capturing King; MERCILESS RAIN OF SHELLS THROWS liWAR EXPERIENCE SHOWS OFFICERS " succeed Gen. Grand! us minis- <§> Albert and Queen Elizabeth nnd ter of war. Gen. Grandl resigned <$ EAST PRUSSIA FRONT the Belgian official securities. because of newspaper criticism, -i The queen already has reach­ TERROR INTO PEOPLE OF STRICKEN CITY EASILY PICKED OFF BY MARKSMEN <5 ed England. French Official Circles Believe forced Evacuation of Official Press, Bureau Says Brilliant French Uniforms KING CHARLES OF * Cossacks Surprise Austrians "^Conspicuous, British Leaders Are Marked by Swords With Cross fire-Teutons BELGIAN CONSUL Fortress Will Lengthen War--May Become Base for Zeppelin Attacks on Britain—Refugees in Pitia­ and Equipment--Caves Used by Opposing RUMANIA DEAD vRetire from Lyck MAKES APPEAL ble Plight-Huge Oil Tanks Ablaze Forces for Rover—Foe Short of Munitions Pro-German Ruler Will Be Succeeded by Prince Who Sympathizes Canadian Club in Charge of Campaign (By Daily News Leased Wire.) (By Dally News Leased Wire.) long in operation thc civil population (By Dally News Leased Wire.) men or of the Germans. But nt me With Allies, in Nelson—To Despatch Relief LONDON, Oct. 11.-—A Chronicle cor­ of a large part of the city fell Into a PETROGRAD, (jot, 11.—The follow­ PAiTUS, Oct. 11, 3:14 p.m.—The,offi­ dlum Tangos the red trousers of, our by End of Month. respondent who has just arrived from panic. It is impossible 'to lilame these cial communication glvan out In Paris allies show up clearly. When the in (By Dally News Ltfum-d Wire.) ing official communication by the gen Antwerp, tells the following story: peaceful, quiet living burghers of Ant­ this afternoon says: fantry is1 lying down, however, Its •LONDON, Oct. 11.—The death ol cinl stuff waH issued today: In- connection with 'the campaign werp for the fears that possessed them King Charles oi Rumania, occurred ut "Uiii- cavalry on the front attacked Antwerp has surrendered. This last "On our left wing the Gorman cav­ kepis at-o not so cattily seen as aro our in Nelson and vicinity which la being and bitterest blow which has fallen on when the merciless rain of Gorman own flat topped forage cups. ins country Beat at Sinaia, iu vvalu- today and cut to pieces several budles conducted by the Canadian club 'for alry, which had seized certain points of German advance guards and took as funds, food and clothing for the relict is full of poignant tragedy shells began to fall into the streets and of passage over the Lys to the east of "From Interrogation of prisoners it chia. It brings prominently to tna but the tragedy is lightened by the on the roofs of their bouses nnd pub­ trout the question" of tue attituae prisoners all those who escaped exter- of the citizens of Belgium who are Aire, was driven out of them during has been ascertained that at medium mlnatlon, (Tho place where the battle suffering through the devastation of gallantry with which the city was de­ lic buildings. The burgomaster had In today and retreated to tho region of ranges both French nnd British offi­ which Rumania Is likely to assume fended. his proclamation given them excellent with regard to participation In tne occurred is not mentioned.) their little nation by the Gorman army Armentleres. Between Arras and the cers »re easily distinguishable from "During the fighting the Russian the following appeal has been received Only at the last, to save the historic advice to remain calm and he certainly Oise the enemy delivered a spirited at­ their men and selected marksmen, pro­ war. King Charles favored the Ge; standard 'bearer, Prince Oleg, a -son of from John M. Whitehead, Belgian con­ buildings and precious possessions ef set them an admirable example but It tack Upon the right bank of the Anere vided with field glasses, are specially mans and .Austrians, hut his ministers Grand Duke Constantino, who reached sul at Vancouver: the ancient port, was its further de­ was impossible to counsel the Bel­ •without, succeeding In making any told uff from each platoon of German and the Rumanian people have inoiin* the enemy first, was shot through the "I should like to bring forcefully to fense abandoned. gians who knew what had happened progress." infantry to pick off tho officers. The ed toward the allies. kg ami slightly wounded. the attention of your readers that Bel Already much of it has been shat­ to their fellow citizens in other towns • Born on April 20, 1839, King Charles which the Germans haul passed Tho statement adds- that, there lias French officer is betrayed by the great "On the front 'in East Prussia the glum, mindful of her obligation t0 ob­ tered by the long range German guns been slight progress by the French visible length of hlB red trousers and was 75 years of uge. he wus the son situation is unchanged. Tho Germans, serve strict neutrality, is today In a and prolonged resistance against the through. troops at the centre, whore night at-" by his accoutrements, while the British of the late Prince Karl of i-ionenzol- profiting by their railroad communica­ state of unmeadurea'ble suffering. tremendous engines of war was im­ Immense crowds of them, men, wo­ tacks "By tho Germans have been re­ officer Is given away by bis sword, his lern-SIgmurlngcn, and IB thus cloaeiy tions, are trying to hold the positions "Seven out of her nine provinces possible. men and children gathered along the pulsed and that during Oct. 9 and 10 open Jacket with low collar and tie, his connected with the family of the they occupy in tho vicinity of the fron- have been devastated by the niost Owing to this the siege was perhaps quayside and at the railway stations tho .village of Apremont, to the east blown belt and absence of pack. Even kaiser. In November, 18U9, he married 'tior. dreadful war known to history. Tlie the shortest in tho annals of war that la aa effort to make a hasty exit from of St. Mlhiel, was taken by the Ger­ such trifling differences as the color Princess Elizabeth von Wied, who died "Several engagement have taken peaceful countryside is strewn with a fortified city ever sustained. Many tho city. Their condition was pitiable mans and retaken by the French. or cut of the breeches are said to be a few years later, leaving no children. place on the lUft bank of the Vistula the dead and the dying. Thousands heroic efforts wero made by the Bel­ iu the extreme. Family parties made noticeable. during the transportation of troops of people have nothing in tho world 'The statement sums Up by saying: He married secondly in 18!)3 Marie, from mi,, side to thc other. gians to stem the tide of tho enemy's up tho biggest proportion of this vast "Thus everywhere wo have main­ daughter of the Quite of Saxe-Coburg left, not a rooT over their heads, no advance but the end could not long crowd of broken hearted men and wo­ "Tho Germnns certainly do employ Austrian Force Dispersed. money, no clothes and no chance of tained our positions," snipers and gome of them havo been and Gotha, by whom he hud five chil­ "la Gallcia the Austrians have split earning a living of any sort. I am told be delayed when the siege guns ibegan men. There were husbands and wlveg found on church towers, up trees and dren. The heir to the throne, Charles, up into groups anj are operating In the sight of these poor refugees, wand­ the bombardment. It was 12:03 p.m. with their groups of scared children, Satisfactory, Late Report Says In houses. One of them succeeded In on Friday when the Germans entered unable to understand what was hap­ who was born in 1893, is believed to various directions, in spite 0f the P-*u ering over the country seeking food (By Dally News Leased Wire.) killing two of. our officers and wound­ have sympathies with tlie allies in ttau dence of their offensive, our cavalry and shelter, is more "pitiable than words the city, which was formally surrend­ pening, yet dimly conscious- in their PARIS, Oct. 11, 11:03 p.m.—The offi­ ing two moro If-foro ho was accounted present struggle. succeeded In surprising an Austrian can express and that It is Scarcely pos­ ered by the burgomaster, J. de Vos. ehlldUh way that something unusual cial bulletin Issued by the French war for. Some of our prisoners report that division on the march and, attacking sible to exaggerate the calamity which.' Antwerp had been under a devastating yet terrible and perilous had come Into office tonight said: their officers have been ordered to re­ King Charles was elected to the by a cross fire, dispersed part of it." with overwhelming suddenness, has and continuous shell fire for over 40 their lives. "There is no now detail to mention move their distinguishing shoulder throne in 1861 when Rumania was The following communication under fallen upon this peaceful, thrifty and hours. Many Families Perish except the capturo of a flag near Las- traps but this may toe in order not to formed from tlie Danublan principal­ dato of Oct. 9 has been made public self-reliant people. Shell Fire Terrific and Deadly In many groups wero to be seen old slgny. The Impression of tho duy Is convey information to the enemy as to ities. by the general staff: "I realize that we In British Colum­ It was difficult for me to ascertain people, grandfathers and grandmothers satisfactory." • .the units to which they belong. The "The combat on the East Prussian bia may expect more or less hard times how the German attack was consti­ of a family and these, in their shaking ofder has not been carried out gener­ A Renter despatch from Bucharest frontier continues with the same obsti­ this winter, aiiP-y. but, I feel sure Into the city I gathered that the final stricken townsfolk. This clinging to­ leaders of all parties being present. bridges behind them. that a broader interpretation of this assault consisted of a continuous bom gether of the family was one of the LONDON, Oet. 11, 2:04 a.m.—-A seri­ "The following notification to his It was decided to convoke parliament "In several parses between Ivangorod priuelpal i nfuJLwarranted. The Bei- ous German -check Is reported this troops by one French cnnimander bears s bardment of 2% hours' duration from most affecting sights I witnessed and tomorrow to proclaim Crown Prim and Sandom-ti- but ill's arc occurring glun'pe'opU! noVe", iu our cause and to 1 o'clock In the morning until 9 I have not tho slightest doubt tbat in morning at Quatirecht, near Wultern, on German methndj* of'warfare: Ferdinand king and to administer the wilh the enemy which is approaching our great benefit, committed their lives, east of Ghent, where, according to an " "'The Germans have forced some a.m. During that time there waa tbe mad rush for refuge beyond the statutory oath to the new monarch. the Vtaljula,*' their 'families and their homes to this continuous rain of shells and It was borders of their native land, many Ostend despatch, 20,000 Germans have prisoners to remain in their trenches. noble view of the obligations we.also been repulsed by French and British When the French advanced under the r extraordinary to notice that the* pre­ family groups of this sort completely Germans Fight Rearnuard Action. owe ito the world at large, and We In cision with Which they dropped just perished, ti taps. impression that thc trenches were in Blames War for Death, (By Dally News Leased Wire.) Canada who are spared the awful Buf­ possession of their own side they were (By Daily News Leased Wire.) PARIS, Oct. 11, 3:1-1 p.m.—-An offi­ ferings or our brave allies, may well where they would do the most damage. All day. and throughout the night filed on at close range. Thnt this has ROME, Oct. 11, via Paris.—"The 1 was told that the Germans used cap­ these pitiable scenes continued and Costly Shells Wasted cial statement snys: show them 'that, In their time <>f great actually been done Is fully confirmed appalling tragedy now waging in "In the eastern theatre the fighting need, we extend tile helping hand SO tive balloons whoso officers signaled when I went down to the quayside LONDON, Oct. 11.—Thc following with harrowing'details as ts German Europe may have been tiie last blow much required and So fully -Justified." to the gunners the point In the Belgian early Thursday, when the dawn was of the Russians with the German rear- defense at which they should aim. The details from the ibattle front are' given methods of war In the twentieth cen­ to the heart of aged King Churles of guard to the southeast of Wlebadeh Tt is the wish of the Belgian consul throwing a wan light over this part out by the official press bureau: tury, by an entry In a captured field Rumania," says the Tribuiia, "Also and upon the lino of lhe lakes to the thai any proceeds or articles for tiie German guns, too, were concealed of the world, 1 found again a g.'eat "On Oet, 0 in spite of the perfection note book. It ran thus: west of Suwaiki continues." with such cleverness that their posi­ host of citizens awaiting their chance the relatives and intimate friends of relief of the Belgians be despatched tion could not lie determined by the of their arms fur ranging and observa­ "'Sept. C—At dawn shelling com­ Cardinal Ferrate, who died Saturday, from this province at the end 0}t the of flight. In the dimness of the break­ tion there was much waste of ammuni­ Montenearins ViotorlOUs. month and ifor this reason n vigorous Belgians, Against such methods und ing day this gathering of "Lea Miser­ menced. Wo rellrtd with prisoners. say that the origin of his Illness was against the terrible power of tbe Ger­ tion by thc Germans. For instance, My two prisoners worked hard at dig­ due* to the weakening of his organism (By Dally News Leased Wire.) campaign is already under way. able;*.'* presented, it seemed to me, tho within a area of two acres on our side LONDON, Oct. 11.—The Montencg man guns the Belgian artillery seem­ tragedy of Belgium In all its horror. ging trenches. At midday I got an by excessive work In his attempt to ed quite Ineffective. The firing came of the Aisne there aro more than 100 order to rejoin a village with them. I rins claim to liave defended with heavy CONQUERING GERMANS People stood In dumb and patient craters made by their high explosive master the situation and co-operate losses an- Austrian army operutin't to an end at 9:30 o'clock Friday and ranks drawn down to the quayside. was glad, us 1 had been ordered lo with tiie pope iu trying to end the WARN ANTWERP PEOPLE tho garrison escaped, leaving only shells. This Shower of projectiles, shoot them as soon as the enemy ad­ nfcaihSt Snrajevo. A traveler'from Bel­ They were somewhat cheered by the which must have cort some $215,000, did conflict. grade rpports that city almost destroy­ ruins behind it. announcement that two bouts would vanced.' Thank God, It was not neces­ ed by the continuous Austrian bom­ (By Daily News Leased Wire.) no damage for the locality never hap­ sary/ "Thus the illustrious victims of the LONDON, Oct. 11, 12:15 p.m.—A Forts Are Destroyed leave at 11 o'clock for Ostend and pened to bo occupied while It was be­ war, among the noncombatunts, num­ bardment but that Mm Servians are England and looked across to England, "On the other hand, an example Is holding out gamely. ^^^^ Reuter despatch ifrnm says In order to gain time for an orderly ing' bombarded, It also Incidentally ber already a pope, a king and a car­ Gen. von Bezeler, commander of the retreat, a heavy fire was maintained where their hopes He. There were full Illustrated one weak point of indirect given of nn order which prescribed only legal and suitable precautions ns dinal, tlie papal secretary of state." German troops that captured Antwerp, against the Germans up to the last 1,000 of' them assembled on tbe long fire when unaccompanied by observa­ has issued the following proclhmailiton: moment and the forts were then blown quay and all of them were inspired tion. regards the shooting of hostages for self-protection In the enemy's eounlry. Stops Peace Efforts, ^CONTINGENT "To the Inhabitants of Antwei'p—The up by the defenders as the Germans by the sure and certain hope that they "Anotlior example of prodigality of (By Dally News Leased Wire.) German army has entered your city as came in at the gates of Maltnes. I would be among tho lucky ones who It was issued some time ago: conqueror. No citizen shall ho harmed Ammunition is the continued shilling Ordered to Give Up Arms LONDON", Oct. ll.—"The death of was lucky enough to escape by the would got oil board one of the boats, of Reims. This is still carried on at Cardinal Ferrata, papal secretary of TO LEAVE QUICKLY and your city shall be Bpared if you river to tho north 'In a motor boat. Hopes Are Blasted intervals and on Oct. tf resulted in the ,"'Alx-la-Chappelle, Aug. 10, 1914.— refrain from hostile acts. All refrac­ To protect ourselves from tlie extreme state, has temporarily ended the Vati­ toriness will be punished according t" Tbe bombardment had then ceased, deaths of an entire family of eight can's peace negotiations which already thought many buildings wero still Alas for their hopes! Thc boats did people. On Oct. 7, 12 Inhabitants were ty hostile attitude of the Belgian popu There Will Be no Delay in Organiza­ tbe law of wnr and amy mean the not sail nnd when they realized this 1 lotion It Is necessary to take vigorous had begun with the powers at war," tion, It Is Announced at demolition of your beautiful city." blazing and while the little boat Bped hit. down the ScheUU one could imagine fancied I heard a low wail of anguish measures against hpn-combatants wh< says a despatch from Rome to the Ex Ottawa. rise from the disappointed multitude. "On the other hand, concealment of take part -in the struggle. For this change Telegraph. the procession of the kaiser's troops already goose-stepping their way Other means, however, were available their own guns, as of all their troops, purpose no firearms or explosives must (By Dally News Leased Wire.) In the shape of a dozen or 15 tugboals, has been most carefully practised by OTTAWA, Oct, 11.—Officials of the through well nigh deserted streets. be retained by them. It is therefore 7 POULTRY FEATURE whose destinations were Rotterdam the Germans and they construct alter­ ordered that before a city is occupied militia department stated tonight that Those -ID hours of shattering noise, and Flushing and other ports. nate entrenchments so that when one a detachment of uhlans will march In NEW CASUALTY the war clfiee had not yet sent to Can­ almost without a lull, seem to me now position is made too hot another can ada any advices as lw tlie character of a fantastic nightmare but the bun-ow­ There were no vessels of Consider­ ahead of thc columns niuf warn the AT PUBLIC MARKET able passenger carrying capacity. Men, be taken up without loss of time. . population, through the innyor and the troops Which Canada will! be asked ing sights I witnessed In many parts LIST IS SHORT lo Include in the second overseas con­ of the city cannot be forgotten. women and children fought desperately "Ever since the South African war local clergy, to deliver up all arms, with each other to get on board the the desirability of rendering troops as ammunition and explosives, Afte tingent for which recruiting will com­ Demand for Turkeys for Thanksgiving It was Wednesday night that the Invisible as possible bus been recog­ mence as soon as lhe wuj* office Is in Excess of Supply—Good tugs and In that moment of human they have handed over their nrms-the List of Officers Who Are Prisoners heard from. It is being assumed, bow- shells began to fall into thc city. From anguish human nature was seen In one. nised In nil armies and this war has inhabitants will be collected outside En Germany Is Given Out ever Hint the second contingent of 22,- Prices Maintained. then onward they averaged about 10 a of its worst moods, but who can blame . thrown much light on the matter. the locality and the houses and gar­ Officially 000 will consist largely of Infantry nnd- minute and most of them came from these stricken people? Shells tbat Officers Easily Picked Off dens wil be searched. If any arms are cavalry as arrangements for the arm- As was previously intimated by the the largest guns which tlie Germans were destroying their homes and giv­ "It appears that at long ranges- thc found the hostages wlll be executed (Canadian Associated Press Cable.) ins and equipping of such e, force are ranchers of the district, poultry for possessed—"black marlas" as Tommy ing their beloved town to the flames uniform matters little, the blue eout and the place set on fire. When the LONDON, Oct, 11.—Tho following proceeding as rapidly as possible. The Thanksgiving day was featured al Nel­ Atkins has characterised them. were screaming over their beads. and red trousers of the French infan­ inhabitants are summoned to sur-' officers of tho expeditionary force and assurance is given by lilie department son's third weekly market on Saturday Citizens Panic Stricken cy and cavalry not -being any more In the East Africa protectorate wen- that there will be no delay in organiz­ morning. There wore turkeys, chick- Before the bombardment had been (Continued on page Rour.J conspicuous than thc clothes' of oui (Continued on Page Three.) Included In the casualty list issued to­ ing Canada's second contingent and and ducks In the poultry section, night: that It Is Mkely to be got ready for de­ but the demand for turkeys wns far Died of Wounds parture from'Canada la less time than excess of tlie supply. Good prices Bninkly, Lieut., Irish Guards. it took to make ready the first overseas c again received by the ranchers DEMAND HUNDRED MILLION WORK COMMENCES ON NEW iliistlngs, Major P., -Royal West Kent force for tho front. for nearly every variety of produce. regiment. Over 30 "ranchers were represented DOLLARS FROM ANTWERP TELEPHONE LINE TO SOUTH Wounded CHOLERA SPREADS throughout thc morning with wagons Crawford, Capt. .1. N., Royal Innls- which lined up against tho curbing on kllling fusiliers. LONDON, Oct. 11.—Reports declare Vernon street between Josephine and (By Dully News Leased Wire.; issued inviting the citizens to -eturu Six hundred telephone poles were a quarter east of Proctor across Koot­ Gorcn, Major 13. R., South Lanca­ cholera Is spreading over Austria-Hun­ Hall streets, while every available por­ LONDON, Oct. ll.—Tne Chronicle .vittiuui ueiny. .A piumise wis glVoa distributed yesterday along tlie right enay lake to Pilot bay is required in shire regiment. gary. tion of the market building was taken puuiisues tue louuwiug iroiu its Ain- uiut their property wuuiu ue reBpumou of way of the Great Northern railway the construction of' the government Harrison, Lieut. W. 'R. E., Royal up. Among some of the prices obtained ou-.iium correspondent: una taut no tiaiin wouiu ue uont* lutjai between tlie Mountain depot and Ymlr lino from Proctor to Kootenay Land­ Field artillery. by the ranchers for their produce on Antwerp is. now uuuor German gov­ u tney uibpiayed >i prppei* utu-.u-ie tu* Saturday wero: for J. 8V Deschamps, tire Rossland ing which will connect West Kootenay Lalng, Lieut. D. P., Royal Irish regi­ ernment, narun vuu uer bcuustcr nut wuru me oeinuiu r.ruops. lumberman, who has the contract for und the Boundary with East Kootenay ment. AUSTRIAN TORPEDO *$ Turkeys, fresh killed, per lb. 30c, oden appointed military governor, 'UicouiuuveB are waiting under supplying tlie poles to be used in the and points as far cast as Calgary in Myiburg, Second Lieut., Royal Field BOATS ARE DESTROYED -t- Chickens, dressed, UOc to 22c per lb. it is reported a war tax u •fiuu,- steam at ttsschen, u Belgian ITouuet* Alberta, states W. II. Stevens, super­ artillery. Chickens, live, each 50c to T6c. IHJO.UUU is tu be levied on tne city. construction of the new government LONDON, Oct. 12, .1:12 a.m.— k village tuat is now a vust reiuge camp, telephone line from Nelson to Trail intendent of government telegraph and Smith, Lieut. G. K. F„ Coldstream Ducks, dressed, per lb. 26c. According to tne itianueiauiud at leauy to cany refugees mto tiouunri telephone lines in British Columbia, guards. A despatch to the Mail from * Ducks, live, each 11. and Waneta via' Columbia Gardens. Rome says: * noon on rinlay lour Uernian •j.-.eeru it tue uumlauts uppruueu, who reached the city last night from Wounded and Missing Pork, fresh, per Ib. 14c to 17c. suddenly apnwireu ueium ilia note, Today construction work on litis line It Is reported bore that the <$ Shoals, live, eight weeks old, per i wo German omcers arrived at Put- will commence when a gang of men Kamloops and registered at tlie Hume. Sampson, Second Lieut. F. A., Royal uu vine at Antwerp ana aemmided uu.- icn yesicruay iu a motor flying a fusiliers. Anglo-French fleet off Ragnsa, pair $8. Will be put to work at the southern Work hns already been started on 1- Palmiitlu, Friday, sank two <•> 'Head cheese, per lb. 2Gc. surreauer ot the town. Alter u enort wnite nag, iiicy caneo upon u.uiu...- the Proctor-Kootenay Landing line, Hudson, Lieut. E. C, It., Worcester­ & Austrian torpedo boats, one of consultation tuts was agr'eeu tu. i no llmltB of the City under the roreman- shire regiment. Eggs, fresh, per doz. fiGc to 60c. nutnuaiit of tue Dutcn frontier iruops ship of P. W, Phillips of Vancouver. which wlll from Pilot bay be con­ *• which wns escorting a steamer Q> Butter, fresh dairy, per lb, -10c. Germans entered Antwerp lurougd tne and torn aim taut Antwerp wus tu ut-r- structed to Kootenay bay and theuco Unofficially Reported Wounded and *> iadon with munitions ' of war. * gates ou tue east. They enteiotl an iiiau possets&ion ami askcu him to mge The.work of erecting tlie poles on Prisoners f» Their crews were saved.. <§> Potatoes, per 100 lbs., $-. across tiie summit to Crawford bay, Cauliflower, each, 10c to 15c. almost empty city wttu theu- banns reiugees to return to tueir uothea. this portion ol the government tele whence It will follow the north shore Kcmpthoruo, Capt. G. A„ Royal Army :• A torpedo b°at destroyer is •$ phone work In the district will be com­ Medical corps. ' _, $> reported to have been'Injured •* Kale, each, 10c to 15o. inuyiiig. L'obusahds imuieuinteiy. begun io uo "I Kootenay lake to Koolouuy Land­ Celery, per head, 10c, four heads for iU about 4 p.m. Friday tiie first BO, pleted first In order that It may be ing. The cable for the Proctor-Pilot Stewart-Cox, J^lout, A„ Royal Field •> .by striking a mine. Q finished before the' winter weather artillery. ?• ^ Tie. . bouy of infantry, with niuciiiae guua, vVith their usual thoroughness the buy section of the lino Is expected to Squash, per ib. 2<*. arrived at tao place de .weir, wuere Germans ate tightunlng ttieir gup uu sets in. . From Nelson to Trail the reach the city from Kngland In throe Stewart, Major G. D. II., Soulh Luu- Sang of 15 men will erect poles, while cashlro regiment. Cucumbers, per doz. 25c. uiu royal paiuce is situated. The the country aiuuml tue city uj secur­ or,four days when the process of lay­ Red Cabbage, each 16o to 20c. troops at once occupied all tho build­ on the return journey the wires will ing wlll be started, Wounded in East Africa ing hostages in every village. Faulkner, Lieut. P. .T. S., Royal North Lettuce, per head, 5c. ings and barracks. The tew citizens iho Germans lost neaviiy in taking be strung and It Is expected that the The policy of the Dominion govern­ *> JAPANESE OLAIM <* Beets, per lb. 2c; per 100 lbs. $1.50. work wlll be completed by Christmas. .Lancashire regiment. * a> TO GAIN GROUND " woo remained In town were instruct­ the city. Already five trams, euch of ment In endeavoring to keep the Iso­ Hawthorne, Capt. and Temporary Carrots, par lb. 2c; per 100 lbs. $1.50. ed, to warn all refugees to return with­ 4D cms, have been sent back to Aix .From Nelson to Ymlr the Great lated districts of the province In the s> 4 I'nrsnips, per lb. 2-Vjc; per 100 lbs. $2. Major P. .1., Liverpool regiment. <•> LONDON". Oct. 11.—The .Tap- ** in two days, otherwise tueir hotti la Citappeiie tilled with wounded. l^orthern right of way will be followed closest touch with the centres of pop­ 1 Cabbage, each, 5c to 10c. Hy tbe* new line, while from Ymlr to Loweliyn, Lieut, and Temporary <* anese report that thev have si- -* Turnips, per lb. 2c; per 100 lbs. $1.50. would be used for billeting troupe and A Belgian lieutenant among the ref­ ulation Is demonstrated by tho fact Capt. J. M., Devonshire regiment. <*• lenced Fort Tlllls at Klao-cbau •$ their furniture removed. ugees at Uoseududul said tnat help Waneta and Trail the line wn follow that east of ABhcroft over 400 miles fi Tomatoes, green, per ll). 2t. , atunor, Capt. W. G., Middlesex regi­ <*-- and otherwise are gaining on Take Hostages. from Kngland came too late, but even the government road. of new telephone lines nre under con*, ment. Tomatoes, ripe, per lb. Ic Three miles and* a half of cable ex­ <*> tihe Germans. ,• immediately after their entry lutJ If It had urrlvod earlier they would tending from a point about a mile und (Continued on Pago Throe,) (Continued on Puge Three.) (Continued on i'ugo Five.). the city uu official proclamation wad have been uuablo to save u«-

—_mmm_m_— *______BfiU •1^ PAGE TWO *C|)e fisil? jSrtuB. MONDAY OCTOBER 12

PLAN TO STRIKE BRITAIN WHY 18 BRITAIN AT WAR? <2> FROM BASE AT ANTWERP LjmtMTEii ON THEJI (By D. W. Bole, President the Na­ GERMANY EXPECTED TO BUILD WAR VESSELS AT CAPTURED BEL­ tional Drug & Chemical Company GIAN FORTRESS—TO USE THEM WOULD VIOLATE DUTCH NEU- of Canada, Limited.) TRALITY—SIEGE OF CITY LASTED ELEVEN DAYS— HUGE Our leaders In both -the Imperial and SHELLS LEVELED WALLS OF DEFENSES—STUBBORN FIGHTING Canadian paraliments tell us It not for COSTS BOTH SIDES HEAVILY IN LIFE. love of .war, Or lust of conquest, or ter­ ritorial greed, in Great Britain the neople are happy and prosperous and (By Dally News Lensea /Wire.) London last night. Most of them left less than any -other country In Europe s the gulf between reaction and pro­ LONDON, Oct. ll.—Antwerp and Antwerp Thursday night and their ac­ gress; there is, therefore, no domestic the forts surrounding the city are in counts of the attack are confused. reason for -war. "While Kngland is complete possession of the Germans The 'Belgians themselves, besides OUR FIR8T ANNIVERSARY SALE IS AWAY TO A bound by treaty to respect the neu­ GOOD START-ONLY FIVE DAYS MORE, REA now, but the greater part of the Bel­ destroying forts, blew up steamers at MONEY SAVERS EVERY DAY. trality of Belgium, she Is not bound by BAKINO BARGAINS IN ALL LINES. gian army has escaped. the docks and set fire to the petroleum treaty to defend It; she Is not bound stores and everything: that could be of It took the Germans just 11 days to by anything that Is signed, sealed and . Millinerp Special Velveteens capture it. use to tho invaders. delivered to help France; she has no TWO DOZEN TRIMMED HATS COLOR AND PILE FAST—BISD, BLACK, NAVY, The fall of Antwerp is evidence that Hospital Section Destroyed. direct Interest In the quarrel between "Regular from 17.50 lo $10.00. Sale Price... .95.00 GREEN AND BROWN . even the most powerful forts are no They also took away what trans­ Austria and Servin, yet when English ONE DOZEN TRAMMED -HATS Regular 75e value for 59c match for the colossal howitzers which ports they could carry. llplomaey failed to confine hostilities STAINS NO^ Regular $r>.00, for 13.50 the Invaders have successfully em­ Berchem, where the military and :o these two countries, war Involving Sheets ployed against every fortified position other hospitals and the orphanage and Great Britain nnd the Empire was in­ Fur Special HEMSTITCHED—EXTRA LARGE SIZE that stood in their way. Tlie siege some public buildings are situated, is evitable as it was honorable and ALL FURS REDUCED FOR OUR ANNIVER­ Regular $2.75 for $2.00 PILLOW SLIPS—HEMSTITCHED . guns opened gaps through which the reported to be entirely destroyed. necessary. SARY SALE TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. Regular C5c for, per pair 49o besiegers found an entrance for their Even If this is an exaggeration It Kngland was a party to the creation field artillery and infantry. must he badly damaged as it was of the new Kingdom of Belgium in Kootenay and Boundary Corsets 1831, and was, therefore, morally ob­ REDUCED TO 79c WHILE .THEY LAST Coats The Germans, after shelling tbo city burning at least two days. Regular $10.00 value for $11.95 ligated to assist her maintain her in­ Other Lines Correspondingly Reduced During Itself for many hours, making it unten­ Tho Antwerp railway stations all WORK PROGRESSES ON Regular $19.00 value for 14.00 dependence, especially against a na- tht Sale able, entered the town through, the made marks for the shells from the Regular $22.f.O value for 17.50 tloa bound 'by treaty to respect It. NEW KASLO DEPOT suburb of Berchem, to the east. They big guns but, according to some of Dress Goods Regular $25.00 value for 19.50 had made -a breach In the outer line those who have reached here, the This is apart from England's tradi­ (Special to Tbe Daily News) tional policy? of encouragement and IN ORiEAT VARIETY OF MATERIAL AND of forts, some of which were destroy­ cathedral, which is on the other side KASLO, B. C., Oct. 11.-—Work on the help to weak nations fighting for lib­ PATTERN Apr ed by their big guns and others blown of the city, nearer tbe , while new Canadian Pacific railway depot Is irons erty and free government. How much up by the defenders. The Germans struck, was not badly damaged. ^olng ahead satisfactorily and the new Regular $1.00 value for 79c TEN DOZEN OVERALL BUNGALOW APKONS little Belgium has deserved English followed similar plans in dealing with line is doing a very good business in Regular 65c value for 49c The inmates of tbe hospitals and support was demonstrated during the Those Popular Sellers, Only.... 59c each the Inner belt of forts and at the same passengers and freight. other institutions were removed on month of August. For three precious IT WILL PAY THE THiRIFTV BUYER TO CAM!" AT OUI! STORE FOR THIS WEEK time threw shells Into the city which Thursday or earlier so that they were weeks she stemmed the tide of an A dance will be held in tlie armory set it on fire in many places. The out of the way before the Germans army intended to crush Europe; then on Friday, Oct. 16, In aid of the city Inner forts, like those further out, arrived.. when the military strategy of the allies band. On Monday a patriotic concert to aid soon succumbed to the enormous A question which is now arising is required she sacrificed her beautiful the Red Cross funds will ibe held in shells and on Friday morning several as to the effect upon the general sit­ capital as a pa.wn in the game of war the new school auditorium. Mrs. Aus­ of these forts had fallen, opening the uation of the occupation of Antwerp Such valor and self-a'bnega lion are SMILUIE & WEIP tin Elliott of Nelson will render vocal way for tlie Germans Into the city. by tlie Germans. rare in history. LADIES' WEAR SPECIALISTS By mid-day they were in occupation selections und an exceptionally good Tbo strategic importance of Ant­ Then with respect to France, the of the town and by 2:30 the banner program Will be offered. Miss Gwen­ werp consists In its menace to the good feeling which has existed for over the cathedral was replaced by a dolyn Lauder will execute graceful German lines running through Bel­ some years between the two nations white flag. A few forts continued to dances, Miss Mavis Kane will perform gium. Now matters have been re. developed into an understanding Vestrup, bread maker, Mrs. A. N. Cow­ BRITISH TROOPS ARE hardly moored alongside when, our hold out and it was not until ll o'clock on the 'cello and Miss Hamilton will versed and the allies will have to take which, to a honorable nation, was ns render a number of instrumental se­ an; Riverside nurseries, 1, Buesneli Saturday morning that the Germans INTELLIGENT, COURTEOUS gallant, men clatter down 'the tung- their turn in keeping forces before binding ns a treaty. So confident lections. B. A. Trotter of Hawser will Hi-os.; 2, Shlell Bros.; Kennlo special, mays, the horses nre slung over the' were in complete occupation of the were the two nations of each others the city to prevent the Germans from sing comic songs and A. .1. Curie is 1, Buesneli Bros.; 2, H. Herridge; side; military automobiles, repairing fortresses. When they arrived Fri­ support, that Englaad surrendered. In The war Is driving it home to Eng­ Antwerp from attacking their flank on the program for a number of solos. Ogllvle milling special, Mrs. Stone; P. wagons and all tile adjuncts of war-, day they found that tbe Belgian field a great measure to the safe-keeping lishmen that in tho Uritdsli soldier of or rear should they be able to ad­ The cadets are going to sing "It's Burns special, 1, Buesneli Bros.; 2, army and at least part of the garrison of the French fleet, her interest In the today they have a man of whom they fare follow In rapid succession. OheerB, j vance. a Long Way to Tlppcrary" and D. P. H. Herridge; bronze medal, dressed had anticipated them and, like the Mediterranean, while France trusted can be proud in every sense, says a .waving of Frendh, Belgian and British May Menace Britain. Kane wlll show magic lantern pictures, poultry, Mrs. c. B. Hamling, Brouse; flags. The cavalry men unsaddle-ithelr king and royal family, had escaped. her western and northern shores to silver medal, butter, Mrs. Fred Wens- despatch. The old stigma of rough The Germans propose to use tlte the friendly vigilance of the English The band wlll play - patriotic music. horses and proceed to massage their Death Roll Terribly Heavy. ley, Brouse. poultry association tro­ and dissolute behavior, for many city as a base For operations against fleet. If England had been the first to •)— saddlebacks. The clap, clap, clap of. , The death .roll resulting from the phy, NayIor'& Dean, Arrow Pink; ap­ years moEit unjust, IB likely to receive Great Britain. feel the stroke of the enemy, no Briton FERNIE VOLUNTEERS the masseurs makes cheerful music, attack and defense of Antwerp has ple packing, home, five boxes, 1, P. Its quietus from this war. A Yivid not been compiled ami probably tiie So long as Great Britain commands has any doubts as to what the otti PRAISE TRANSPORT PLANS description in the London Morning and a lady remarks to her little son, the sea u great part of tlie German tude of France would have been. Buesneli; 2, B. Parkinson; It, C. Bues­ full details never will be known, but 0 (Special to The Dally News) Post of the landing of the expedition­ "Jean, I have always told yon that navy can use the port, even should neli; special, one box, i, c. Buesneli; all accounts describe it as being ter­ In these circumstances, both with FERNIE, B, C, Oct. 11.—Letters ary force in France throws a strong the English wero kind to ilheir horses. 2, B. Parkinson; 3, W. Kutzlaff. ribly heavy. Germany overrule Holland's objection regard to Belgium and France, Great from volunteers who left Fernie to go iiRht upon the knightly bearing of I saw that years ago when I was at to tho use of the Scheldt by belliger­ Britain Is at war because honor de­ to the front with the Canadian con­ Thomas Atkins of today. The British .school In their country." The ground . The Germans, although their big ent ships. mands it. If she had made herself a tingent are high in their praise of the regular soldier la a well informed ls strewn with accoutrements and our guns cleared a path for them, had to Germany, It is thought, Mi"* culm party to the shameful bargain propos­ transport arrangements made for their man, intelligent, well trained, self- men, after having been kind/ to their sacrifice many lives in crossing the ed by Germany, she would never have MEET TO DISCUSS that being in possession of ;he city it trip across. The more recent letters controlled und courteous. The battles beasts, stretch out on the bare soil rivers and canals and in driving out recovered from the shame. acquires Belgium's right to use the written on board the troopships state which followed the landing showed iu quest Of a short rest, .for some of the defenders, who held the entrenched river on equal terms with the Dutch Now, as to the question of the ne- that the sleeping accommodation ls In PATRIOTIC FUND how well he can fight;, the article them, If not many, are .to be entrained positions until the nisi. and will proceed to build destroyers cessity of war for the protection of her cabins, not tbe usual hammocks, and which follows, by an eye witness, very shortly. The stubborn right of the Belgians and submarines there to menace the material Interests, a glance at the map that the food served up is In variety shows how he bears himself among of Europe will answer. Great Brit Will Decide as to Disposal of Balance and those who went to their assist­ British fleet. and In copious quantities. Stewards of Amount on Hand at Rossland a civilian popu'ation. » ance cost them dearly also, BO that If Holland should allow these ves­ aln's total annual trade Is nearly are on band to serve the food, thus seven billion dollars, o»ae-third of —Work for Red Cross. The roll of tiie drum beating, "La NAMES both sides will have a long casualty sels to pass through the Scheldt, Great the ilioys are not required to do "mess list. There Is no reliable Information which Is with continental Europe, Th> duly," for. which they are exceeding!; Generate" has died out and Dumanet, "I can't got these Russian names," Britain, it is declared, would certainly complained the Canadian business as to the loss of life In the city and oppn door to this vast European trade thankful. (Special to The Dally News) the Frencii Tommy Atkins, Iras gone proclaim It a breach of neutrality. In man. And then ho turned around and the damage there. is through Holland and Belgium. If ROSSLAND, B. C, Oct. 11.—A meet­ to do his duty manfully, even rejoic­ any case, Holland's position becomes England had remained neutral and ing over the fact tihat the prolonged sent letters to Sliuswup, Kuskono, Thousands of refugees arrived in inoro and more uncomfortable. ANOTHER GRAND FORKS ing of the donors to tne patriotic fund France found herself unable to drive will be held In Knights of Columbus nightmare that has been disturbing MtiEquadaboit and St. Louis on the MAN LEAVES FOR FRONT Kouehebougnuslc river.—Ottawa Jour­ the Germans back Into their own coun­ hull on Wednesday evening at 8 him is about to vanish. "War" Is im­ nal; try, these doors would have been clos­ (Special to The Dally News) o'clock, to decide as to the best meth­ minent," says a newspaper, "tt has ed. In addition to this blow at Eng­ been imminent for -14 years," says a GRAND FORKS; a a. Oct IL—G, od of using the balance of the fund. FRENCH DRIVE TUNNEL land's trade and prestige, Germany French soldier." it .is better to have Radclyffe of the Hank of Commerce R S. II. Winn, H. It. TowiiHBiid, would have dominated Europe and done with it once or all. The women has resigned his position ns accountant Daniel Thomas and Dudley Mlchell, AT ONCE! STOPS whipped into her ranks all the weaker folk face the ordeul as bravely as BLOW UP GERMAN GUNS nations, as Napoleon did a hundred nnd left yesterday for tbe old country, who motorea to the Boundary on where he wlll Join the public schoolB Tuesday, have returned. ho does; there are no "scenes," al­ years ago. Thus fortified Germany though tears well up into the eyes STOMACH MISERY MINERS DO GOOD WO~K—BRITISH CROP HOWITZER SHELLS AMID would regard her bargain with Eng­ corps which is being formed for active J. A. Panll left for Marcus and other of all of them, eyes through which GERMAN TROOPS AS THEY LISTEN TO BAND AND GRAMO­ land as lightly as she-regarded her service at the front. Mr. Badclyffe's points on Friday, making the trip by shines the love-Light of motherly und PHONE MUSIC—AVIATORS CLASH IN AIR BATTLES—LAND- treaty with" Belgium and make fresh old school waa Hurstplerpolnt, At an motorcycle. sisterly devotion. The men are off AND INDIGESTION demaads -which. If compiled with, Impromptu sendoff Mr. Bnddyffe was Mrs. M. Yorko has returned from a WEHR SOLDIERS WEEP WHEN THEY SURRENDER, EXPECTING as quickly as they responded to the would mean an end to the British em­ presented with a wrist watch by a few several months' visit with relatives In TO BE SLAIN—BRITISH MAXIM S DO EXECUTION—MOON STOPS call to arms, and then eyes are pire. friends. Nova Scotia. NIGHT ATTACKS. The independent company of sharp­ strained toward Albion's white cliffs. "Pape's Diapepsin" makes W. H. Judd rendered a violin solo But the kaiser reckoned without his shooters of Grand Forks will give n "I-es Anglais vlendront, pour sur" host—Britain did not barter her right In the Methodist church on Sunday sick, sour, gassy Stom­ LONDON, Oct, 11—The off.clai press drove a mine gallery -JO metres (about ball in the opera house on Monday spring from many lips. bureau issued the following ueaerip- to defend her honor or her Interests. evening. Music will be furnished by evening. 160 yards) long up to and under the Her people at home, and throughout The Red Cross fund benefit which A few days pass by, days spent In achs feel fine uve uccoum oy an eyewitness, wnicn emplacement and blew up ibe gun. an orchestra. continues una supplements the nar­ the Empire, closed rank and stood as was held last evening In tlie Hex the­ patient and confident expectation. On The men who drove the gallery be­ a certain night 'the elites and the rative published Uct. u or the movu- longed to a corps which was recruited one man ready to assume the terrible GETS OUT TIMBER atre was a great success. Among the Do some foods you eat hit hack— consequences of war rather than that local talent who assisted were L. M. strand of tho many vllluges about uieiiu ut the tfriilsn forces ana tne la one of the coal mining districts of FOR NAKUSP WHARF taste good, but work badly; ferment French armies in immediate touch wltn France. the flag should suffer dishonor or that Roberts. F. E. Armstrong, W. F. Mc­ Uoulogne-stir-Mer are lined with flatl­ into stubborn lumps nnd cause a sick', Jt: It should be lowered In the markets of et men •and others, all intent on "The German machine guns mount­ (Speelat to The Doily News) Neill and Mr. Crouch, quartet, and sour, gassy stomach? Now, Mr. or "The last six days have been slightly the world. watching signals made toy "sea- ed on tow sledges' are Inconspicuous WEST DHMAiRS, B. C, Oct. 11 Mrs. F. E, Armstrong. J. C. Itobson Mrs. Dyspeptic, Jot down:. Pape's Dia­ misty, wiih ciouug Hanging low no Great Britain, the little island nation, wolves" (destroyers),' of w'hich one and evidently easily moved, E. R. Vipoud Is getting out tlmlier here was chairman. pepsin digests everything, leaving no­ that conditions have been good for no larger than one of our own larger occasionally seeB five, then three. "lis thing to sour und upset you. There - "The fighting now consists mo8tI> for the new wharf at Nakusp. A home cooking sale will be held at aerial reconnuisance. never was anything so safely quiclij of shelling by the artillery of both provinces, whose ports nnd markets the Red Cross headquarters on Thurs­ vlPiinent,*' is the exultant and joyous "In regard to tlie latter it Is aston­ are free to the whole world,' whose •At a meeting or the settlers final nr HO certainly effective. No difference sides and In front the machine guns day. cry one early morn. Yes, Indeed, they ishing iiow qutckty tne "uuit is ao*- offer an occasional target. army and navy are manned without a Mngenietits were made to have Uu are coming—they being our troops. how badly your stomach ls disordered* quireo, even by Wose wno ure not telephone exchange Installed at the Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sharp returned British Maxims Effective. single conscript, and whose governmen .Thereupon all those who can trump you will get, happy relief In five min­ uviators, ui thiuking of the weather postofflce. Wednesday evening from the coast, Our maxims have been doin ex­ is as free and democratic as her re toward the town on n hard, dusty utes, but whuit pleases you most is that in terms vt its suitability for llymg. ff where they have been visiting for th? it strengthens and regulates your cellent work and have proved most ef­ publican ally, ls fighting for the prln> road, under a broiling sun, to welcome : "There hn been a bt'lgnt moon oJwQ, past two weeks. Their daughter. Miss stomach so you can eat your favorlto 3 fective weapons ifor the sort of fight­ ciple of honor between nations and FERNIE'S NEW LIGHTING •'Leu. Anglais," us they speak the whieli has militated against night at- M. K. Sharp, who accompanied them foods without fear. ing in which we are now enguged. that British pluck, industry and enter­ SYSTEM IN OPERATION word In tihose parts. toJcka. "At v'mes there are so many out- prise, the world over, shall not pale to Vancouver, remained there, having Most remedies give you relief some- British Shell Music Parties. hursts or their fire in different direc­ before the unbridled lust of a military (Special to Tho Dolly News) joined thc stuff of thc general hospital A French Welcome. times—they are slow, but not sure. "On Saturday, Oct, ;!, praci.callj tions that It is Impossible for an ex­ autocrat. To Canadians this Is an in­ FEItXIE, B. C„ Oct. U.—The elec­ to train as a nurse. She was former­ 'Tape's DtapepBln" is quick, positive, nothing happened except that each sid In a very few days the town Itself and puts your stomach In a healthy fc pert to tell by compression whether spiring spectacle. tric light superintendent, J. E. Finn, ly in Dr. A. B. Chandler's office. and its surrounding hillsides are cov­ shelled the other. Toward evening un tbe guns have had their springs ad turneq the current In on the now !i- condition so the misery won't come Sunday there was a similar absence It is to maintain her place In th' Mrs. T. Powers, who lias been vis­ ered with our tents, Steamer after justed and are well tuned up. Thi mile circuit Friday night, thus adding back. of activity. Opposite on ponton Ol Empire and to share with the mother iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. steamer deposits Its load of fine stal­ fl amount of practise that our officers 100 street lamps of 100-wntt, 4-um- You feel different rufBtton as Pape'i our line the enemy's hands played pat­ country the burdens of this war Preston, has returned to Edmonton. wart men and youthB, who are wel­ Diapepsin come in contact with the are getting in the use of the weapon phere tungsten lamps to the city light­ ? riotic airs and lhe. audiences which civilization, that Canada offers in this Tlio third annual Knights of Colum­ comed with delight and heartfelt grat­ stomach—distress Just vanishes—vour ls proving most valuable In teaching ing plant ahd supplying the annex and fathered gave u chance to our howitz­ crisis, so ungrudgingly, the flower of bus hall will be held in Miners' Union itude. "Vivent les Anglais- Vive stomach" gets sweet, no gns*8, no belch­ how to maintain it at concert pitch many other parts of the city with an ers. .Not oniy uo tneir regimental and how to derive the best mutht*maU< her young manhood and the first fruits hail on Thursday. 1'entente cordlale. Vive la reine ing, no eructations of undigested food, bauds perform occasionally but with of her industry. up-to-date lighting plant at an ex­ your head clears and you feel fine. cal results from its employment. pense of $3,000. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Varcoe of Marie! Vive le rot George! and vlve xn.eir pruverbml loudness fur music the "Agnlnst us the Germans are not Grand Forks arrived in Rossland on Lord Kitchener!'' An nnlmated scene Oo now. make -the best investment ueiii-.uiis have some graphophones. now expending so much gun ammunl Friday. is to be witnessed daily—nny almost ypU ever made, liy netting a large fiO- "On Monday, Oct. 5, there were three cent case of Pipe's Diapepsin from- any lion us they have been but continue tt «3 SAY FAREWELL TO Miss Maude MIchnely, who has heen ihourly—alongside the basin. The separate duels in tile ulr between Ger­ BUY IN CANADA OTTAWA, Oct. 11. — sir order. seen, indecisive 4>ut in Hie third the YM[R, B, C. Oct. It.—-A reception front lines, possibly on the chance of ?• George Foster In the course of utilities outside of Canada. He 5 are: President, Mrs. William Clark A patriotic dance will be held in they, would be shot, methods of Its employment by thi Sfcre.tary, Miss Vera McLeod; tress* HEAD OFFICE, REVELSTOKE enemy ar Justified. Their field ar­ '& duty to patronize Canadian <:• Banting hull on the evening of Thanks­ "On that evening our regiment bad 0 urer, Mrs. T. Mosscrop. tillery consists of IE-pounder quick '•• manufacturers in so far as po»- *? giving day. Mills: Cascade, Comaplix, Three Valley, Taft, Nelaon an unusual amount of attention paid firing nuns for horse and field batter­ slble. By BO doing he pointed 6 Mrt*. G. S. Coleman Is spending a Mr. Colegrave Is having a large ad­ to them both by the Germnn aviators ies and there are In addition with each <$> out that much good would re. suit to the Dominion as a whole. <• N. L. Kneeland, who is In 111 health, 160 dead Germans ln*a wood half a Into a house In town. c|f Fi.!)-ineh imwilzers. With one army expects to leave for tlie sanitarium at mils from our front. Wo sent out a Plasterers are busy on tlie Tlmeaus aro some 8.'.Much heavy howitzers. -, » Portland, Ore. party to bury them but It was fired house. For Sale: SLABWOOD, 4-foot, "The accuracy or their fire Is apt t( upon and bad to withdraw. A load of lumber arrived lust week confuse, more especially as the gunr DAILY NEWS WANT ADS BRING IMPROVEMENTS ARE MADE Howitzers Play Havoc. for Mr. Bleckley. C. Ilartman Is su­ and 16-inch STOVEWOOD are usually well concealed and the po­ QUICK RESULTS. AT SILVERTON HOTEL "On Tuesday, Oct. G, tho enemy's sition;- and direction from which th* perintending the building of the house Terms Cash, Prompt Delivery. guns were active in tbe afternoon. It firo Is proceeding are difficult of detee (Special to The Dally News) for' Mr. and Mrs. Bleakley on their is believed the bombardment was due ranch. lion, but accurate as Is lhejr shoot­ information supplied'by special observ SILVERTON, U.C., Oct. 11.—Consid­ Orders taken by; to anger ibeeuUBe two of our howitzer ing tbe gunners have on the whole hai- W. Rollins has the contract for the shells bad detonated bight In one o| ers us given by agents who are sent erable Improvements have been mad* D. A. McFARLAND, Room 6, K. W. C. Block. P.O. Box 24. little luck during the past three weeks ahead or left behind to communicate to the Selkirk hotel, owned' hy Dan erection of the assembly hall fur the the enemy's trenches which was full of Concentrate Fire Quickly. J. H. LEMMON, Manager Nelson Branch. PHONE 1 •men. Three horses were killed by thi by telephone or signal. Brandon, and Include the installation Edgewood club. of a heating ptunt by the B. C. Plumb German if ire. "Quite tho most striking feature of How They Find 'Range. ( •_ "Wednesday, Oct. 6 was uneventful. their handling of the artillery Is the "Balloons of the so-called sausage ing & Heating company of Nelson. HALCYON NOTES "On Thursday, Oct. 8 the shelling siieed with which they concentrate pattern remain up in the air for -long by the enemy of a locality on our front their flr0 upon any selected point. They periods for the purpose of discovering WIN SPECIAL PRIZES (Special to The Dally News) which has i'o far been the scene of dispense to a great extent with the targets and agalnBt these our avlutors AT NAKU8P FAIR HALCYON, B. C, Oct. ll.-Mr.'and their greatest efforts wus again Con­ method rtf ranging, known by us afl made their influence felt. ' The latlei Mrs. C. V. Turner, Salmon Arm, ar­ were 'continually hovering over our tinuous. bracketing, especially when acting on (Special to The Dally News) rived Friday and left Saturday. 1*. J. tho defensive, and direct the| fire by troops. THE NELSON IRON WORKS, Limited "Opposite ono or twn points the Ger­ r NAKUSP, D. C.', Oct. 11.—Splendid Sutherland, Golden, spent a day here mans have attempted to gain ground means of squared maps an(]. the tele­ "If suitable targets are descried the weather contributed to the enjoyment PARTIAL LIST OF SECOND-HAND MACHINENY FOR 8ALE phone. Thus, when the target Is fount' airman drops a smoke-ball directly F. W. Terry and son and Kenneth bjr sopping In some places with a view ot the second day of the Arrow Lakes ENGINES lis position on the man is telephoncc" over it, or lets fall some strips of tin- Corning, Revelstoke, arrived on Satur- of secretly rushing forward machine annual fair on Friday, which brought 1 100 h.p. High Speed Ball. 1 6 x 24 Surfacer and Matcher. guns in advance of their trencher, so lo such batteries as It Is desired If Mel which glitter in the sun as they day. ' out a large number of visitors to wit­ 1 13 x 18 00 h.p. Slide Valve. 1 20 h.p. Vertical Boiler. thnt they suddenly can sweep with employ against tbat particular square slowly descend to earth. The runge is There Is excellent fishing here now. apparently ascertained by those near ness the produce of the valley. The 1 12 x IS 75 h.p. Slide Valve. 1 No, l Simplex Ore Crusher. cross fire the space between our Unh­ In addition to the guns employed tr W. Auld and a companion brought In fire on the targets a;- they, are plckee" tbe guns by means of a large telemetre winners of the Bpecial prlseB were as 1 40 h.p. A. C. Motor, 2,000 volts, 1 Small Gates Crusher. , and theirs and so take any advance of 20 lbs. of trout and char yesterday ours in the flank. up, others nre towed off to the watch or other range finders, which is kept follows: Hunter trophy and Vestrup •1 8 x 10 Mine Hoist. 1 Gates' Grinder, afternoon. Tunnel Under German Guns. placed at roads, trained on the aeroplane so when the trophy, Bucsnell Bros.; Abrlel trophy, 1 4H x 2% x 4 Duplex Pump. Several large Gyratory Crushers. signal Is dropped, the distance to the i No. 3 Centrifugal Pump, "It la rumored that at one P"lnl "Ih both the location of tnrgets and J.' H. Vestrup; Buesneli trophy, F. 0. I Hydraulic Elevator, the communication of the effect nf th" target vertically below It Is obtained. •Where the French were much annoyed Fauquier*, Wagstaff & Vestrup, culti­ IF YOU WANT YOUR WANTS iflre reliance is placed on observations "A few rounds are fired and the re* AND MUCH OTHER MATERIAL-SEND US YOUR "INQUIRIES** fry the fire of a Germani machine gun vator, liuesnell Bros.; Wugstaff & FULFILLED, USE WANT ADS. IVblcfa WW otherwise Inaccessible, they from aeroplanes and balloons and on suit "ignalled back by tbe aviator." •wf' 'MONDAY »..,..„ OCTOBER .12 CfjelfeaUp" PACE THREE ~ ' • - ''-. r ______Wjr Can Eat When Ming APPLES a Vacation j AT THI8 PRICE go to -ttft Great Halcyon Hot i-anfey rosy red "Wealthles—the Springs, where you can secure not only rest, but at the same time all-round family apple. • Delicious have the benefit of the best medi­ for. eating, cook up delightfully; cinal waters on the continent,, un- ,full flavor and hake like halls of equaled for rheumatism and kin­ snow.; dred ailments. The sprlnga are easy of access to traveller! and tbe $1.00 Box hotel has been fitted up and Is conducted with a view to tbe maxi­ mum of comfort and convenience !fyiey Saved at Our Store for guest*. I FANCY DAIRY BUTTElR Rates: $12 and ->15 per week, or |2 2 lbs. 65C per day and upwards 20-11). tub .. .1. $6.00 PICNIC HAMS Halcyon Hot Springs L». 4 20c Every department offers some special attraction to rtiake shopping JAM Sanitarium here more profitable. Coiiie early in the morning; you can be better PURE STRAWBERRY JAM WM. BOYD, Proprietor. Halcyon Arrow Lakea served them •Silts 80c Street Boots PURE RASPBERRY r 5 1bs. .80c For the woman who walks we Ladies' Suits at $15 PLUM AND APPLE have an Interesting line of street VALUES UP TO $35.00 Ladies' Bibs 45c Madden House boots. . . To 111?'lady who wonts, a good Suit yet dors not fori like paying STRAWBERRY AND APPLE Firm, well made Boots to tho highest price thc sale on Saturday ought to apiieal strongly, 'l'lieso i^lbj. '.'. 45c E. C. CLARKE every woman that. goes shop* aro lines taken from our regular stock, made of good quality Serges Dresses Ing or who Is obliged to be on or Worsteds. Coals ore satin lined, all the very best make. Keguiar her feet for any length of time. values, ?22.50 to $35.00. SALE PRICE 15.00 trading Co. Cor. Bakor and Ward Sts., Nelsoa Our Street Boots are hand­ somely made of firm but pliable Th* Home of Good Groctrl.e. n MADDEN— .1. T. Wilson, Granite leathers, stylish In ,s apo and 1 Baker Street road; A. McLeod, City; A. Heighten, comfortable to the feet. Satin Underskirts Porcupine; F. A. Marshall and wife, $2.75 VALUE FOR $2.25 Paulson; Mabel Mills, Halls; E. A. Watson, Sllverton, R. Andrew & Co. Superior Quality Satin. Finished at bottom Willi fine pleated flounce. All colors Ih the lot. Regular value, $2.75. VALUES UP TO $15,00 HOTEL ARRIVALS OF A DAY Leaders In Foot Fashion. •SALE PRICE $2.25 New Grand Hotel .Fireproof Kid Gloves at 95c Just twenty in this lot. Navy J. Blomberg & D. Mngllo, Props. VALUES UP TO $1.25 and Brbwn Surge ait'd Fancy The Hume American and European plan, Mining News Fine Soft Kid Gloves, Tan or Black, Sizes 5!4 lo TA. Regular Weaves in a variety of colors. Every room steam heated, fitted value, $1.25. A great many show the Russian with hot and cold water service SALE PRICE 95c T«M. d'Hote and a la Cart* and with telephone connection. tunic with pleated drop and Both on evory floor. All white help OVER-TEN THOUSAND $7 Skirts for $4.95 trimmed with Roman Stripe GRAND—,T. Elllek, Mexico City; L. Twcnty-flvc Flno Serge and Worsted Skirls, Navy, Black, Grey Silk. Sizes from 10 to 40. Reg­ A. Romano, R. Pullets, City; Miss A, HUMfe^M. Glllicrt, E. Dawson Mr Shlelde, Salmo; Airs. J. Morris, Ed­ TONS ARE TREATED nnd Brown. All sizes in tlic lot. This season's latest makes. Regu­ ular values $10 to $15. Sale •ami Mrs. Llversiflgs, Mr, timl Mrs.'c E monton. lar value, 57.00. price • Richardson, H, D. Young, j. _. jrovle Tonnage Received at Smelter at Trail SALE PRICE $4.95 I Thonlus French, City; .T. S. Dcschnmns During Year Passes Three Hun­ • Rossland; TV. 0. Kennedy, Mrs. Esk- • rlggc. Mrs. ,r. D. Kerr, Mr. nnd Mrs dred Thousand Mark. • Crosby, Hiirrop; A. .C. Howard, Trail; Nelson House Save 25 per Cent on Your Coatings |iP. I. Fraser. W. E. Mcintosh, Spokane- European Plan Ten thousand one nu't'lrtd a"d WT. Cunningham. C. H. Reiser, Vahcou- forty-three tons of ore from 15 mines There aro Twenty 1'lccos of Coating in Mixed Tweeds, Broken • ver: A. C. Meskcr. Midway; Lewis D W. A. WARD, Proprietor of Kootenay and tho Boundary were Plaldg and Fancy Weaves. All good serviceable cloths as well as being $7.50 treated at the smelter of the Consoli­ lBlreley, J, Rnlli, Montreal- I>. G Shel- CAFE—Open day and'night—BAR fashionable patterns. Regular, $2.iiQ to $1.50y. ( Illngton, Toronto; w. R. Dulling, M'ln- dated Mining & Smelting company nt SALE PRICES $1.95 to $3.40 • nlpeg; J. E. Armslrong. Vancouver; Merchants' Lunch 12 to i Trail, 11. 0., during the past week. • Thomas Hull, il. T. Barnes. Victoria; Last week's smelting brought tlie ID..D. Smith, Windsor; F G. Monroe Phon. 97 P.O. Box 597 total tonnage treated at the smelter 75c Dress Goods at 49c Ribbed Woolen Hose at 25c • Calgary; w. E. Short, Montreal; S. A during the year to over the IIOO.OOO- Good Quality Tweed Suitings, etc. Regular values up to 75c Twenty Dozen Heavy Ribbed W oblen Hose, guod earing quality. IWilllnms. Lothlirldge; M. w. I.yie NELSON—T. Gordon, Grand Forks; ton mark. Mines shipping during ihe iPot'erboro: Miss Gladys Altree, Queen, P. II. Winter, Needles; C. Spragge. per yard. All'slues In tbe lot. Regular value, 35c -per pair. week with tho tonnage for the year SALE PRICE, PER YARD SALE PRICE • Buy; F. M. McKensle, Rossland: A. II Alcl.cod; R. Stover, E. Johnston, treated for that period and for the 49c 25c • Mcpherson, Toledo; .1, it, Walmvrigif • and wife, Vancouver; .1. A. Finlaysoh year were: I Seattle; H. R. Fniriinnks. j. Bernard Consolidated Co.'s Receipts, • Toronto; M|ss MeGrory. Mr. and Mrs Trail, B. C. IW. ,T. Meagher, Frank Meagher Mis" Klondyke Hotel lien Ilur 27A' 10.R1R iMItehcII. T. K. McLeod. W. Turner J Knob Hill 5:1 1,183 IT. Griffiths. H. 13. Douglas. Mi's ' (' Rathbuno Reduction Co. fi" |Iiester, II. D: Blrkheek, M. Mnrjihv Vernon Street 325 Kenny Leasing Co 24 21 • City; lyirry shnw, StQnleV ITender-. Headquarters for miners, Smel- Centre Star I.illis MEAGHER <& CO. • aoh, Vancouver; ,T. Lopar, Vlearla: Dr terineu, loggers, railroad men, 135.315 THE STORE FOR STYLE THE STORE FOR QUALITY • and Mrs. GreenWood, D. M. Walker Le Rol :!,IK{7' 114,7111 I .Edgewood: W. II. Stevens; Mi's. O. A Rates, 11.01) per day up, Le Rol No. 2 413 15,1117 | Benson, Knmloons. Blucton .(i •I2fi NELSON & JOHNSON, Prop,, H. B ;;S IMS which strikes tin- eye i.s their compact­ Long Way to Tipperary"; SehotUschc, Emerald ' ;HJ I.OEIi ness, for in most of them tbe houses "Maid of tho Mist"; one step, "Too Sullivan sis GERMAN CAVALRY CANADA BEGINS TO ; KLONDYKE—G. Outillo, Montr, 24,08(1 are clustered togblher In one mass, Much Mustard"; waltz, "Valse dune"; N. Blomberg, Granite. Huth «:; outlying house 'being rare. They line two step, "Patriotic Medley"; three . ••••' -<•,**,. v*m-< Rambler-Cariboo jt;> 1,204 tho roads sometimes almost entirely on Ftep, "Tulip"; otto step "Some Baby"; Hewitt i;7 DRIVEN NORTHWARD one side. There are also outlying cha- BENEFIT FROM WAR waltz. "Dreaming"; 1117 teaua and farms quite Isolated. Whitewater 71; i;;i Extras---Waltz, "Shamrock"; two Oilier Mines 43,597 fContinued frsm parre one.) "The dth'er main topographical fea­ Iron and Steel Products N0 Longer slop, "Von Made Me Love Yon"; waltz, Lakeview Hotel render their arm's they will bo inform­ tures of the valley ai'6 two railway- Reach Britain From Germany- "Passing of Sa|ome"; one jjlep, "By J. G. Schultz and Otto Lang, Props. Total Order From Dominion. the Beautiful Sea"; French minuet '^y •'"I,IK ed ot the penalties to which they cx- and a canal. Generally .---peaking, tbe Hero"; two step, "It's a Long Way to Rossland. pos(> Ihoinsi'lves by non compliance. slopes forming the north side of the Tipperary*': Home Waltz. AMERICAN HOUSE The arms will lie destroyed and the valley are steeper Hum those of thi (Hy Dally News Leased Wire.) pe itoi Xo. 2 milled.... 13,105 south, but In other respects tbe fwo A Comfortable Worklngman'a Horns nlie Slar explosives thrown into the water. . OTTAWA, Oct. 11.—F. A. C. lllckcr- " 'Signed—Von Quasi, commandin; side** aro similar. Both aiy equally dyke. Canadian trade minister at Man­ Terms: |1.00 a Day Dp. i,o Ifoi .... 8,037 li-Ulii cut up into spars and subsidiary vuj <$> A. c: x chester, In a repori says that, us iron Corner Vernon and Hall Straeti •ll:: leys, the chief q/ Ihe Iatto on the • OKANAGAN TOBACCO <$> ROt Xo. 'J 15,107 r and steel manufactured articles from Nelson, B. C. Other mines .IK To Uss Old Supplies Again SOUth, being formed by tile watetyoursi ;• . POPULAR IN BRITAIN •?• "An order of the second army is .f the V li extends southeast' Germany have ceased to arrive in quoted because it is possibly signlfL Great Hritaln from Germany, Cana­ • OTTAWA, Oct. ll—A trade re- <$» JAMBS MARSHALL. Proprietor. LAK.EVIEW— D. Dorcron, Crcscrcni Total .... ,vant through Br valley; J. GUI's, Ainswi-Hh; 0. YaVvn, cant of thc German's military re dian manufacturers now have the op • port from London states that -?> • STRATHCONA—D. Mntlioson Silver i^URiiry; p, Jniwoii, Kaslo; N. Mahony, Nelson, sources: Teuton Position Well Screened. portunity to supply Great Britain with •• Canadian tQbacco from okana- -j- Queen, milled 14,360 'The minister of war wishes to 1m "Both the mirth and s'uilli slo; •• Han valley, B. C„ Is second only ••' King;. Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. Gilroy Willow Crartbrook. Motherlude, tho following articles: Wire nails, Point;. Fred Irvine, H. A. Kirkpatrlck. milied .... 14,830 press on all tbe necessity for searching leading down to the Alsne thick!) cut nails, nuts and bolts, michiiie • in quality lo the Havana and <•• A. C,., Howe, I,. K. Larson, Miss B. ATIIAHASrA-W. .1. RllStVell firand Zincton .. •IL'O tiie field of battle wilh the greatest (VOo'dOd In patches, the'won a some i- Sumatra lear. Cigars made •••• If. II ...... places stretching away hh'e screws, barbed wire, domestic wire ;- from tlie okanagaii tobacco A Betts,.c.:A. Larson. N. Murphy, W. II. Forks; K Ig'ns, R. Kod.-r, w. Roma)- 1,1143 •arc for all war-like material belong­ goods, etc. AH C.ermany formerh- sup' Wlllson, Clly; II. D. Young, J. u. Tif­ did, A. MitKdon,. s. Dome, Kdoionay Mmnrald ... the edge of the plal-eau fo, lie dis -?• have alrenly a largo sule. 1,050 ing to our army, .such as field glasses, plied tho balk of these artHcs,' Brit- fany, Vancouver; H. w. Davidson, UndiiiK; n. Smith, wife and SMUK. Other mines 35,228 water iliottles, haversacks, rifles and tamo. Op account or the i illon o i, <$> Montreal; Mrs. J. A. Grant, Victoria; City* D. K. l*Tl(jQlson, BhloldS; Adolpli cartridges, ait limbers and supply these woods on our hank n tbr |sn importers are now running short Commander and Mrs. Lewis, Rock Ucfk, Parron, it is impossible al manv nla< In one ease, lie says, wire ::a!Is w ire • Total .. . 47,s:io wagons, which can he used again for view of tho trenchc;*, while l Creek; W. R. Walton, New York; \v. aew foi-matioiiK. In Addition to this EO urgently needed that *'» initial or­ TURKS STRONGLY FORTIFY R.'Pohd,, Greenwood; .1. G. McDiarmhl. IIOMR Ti-JMfKKAN'fK -B. M. H!ck( Lardcau. llioi,. side screen largo sect th. der for L'.iinii tons was forwarded lo Other ininos , tlie units must take.care to pick up plateau. POINTS IN ASIA MINOR Charles II. Weir, Toronto; L II Ail- Oerrard; J. Russell, s. ScliHnes, Sun- unexpended ammunition and empty Canada and tiie out look for the de­ worth. Winnipeg; 11. L. Gray, Vnilcnu- k.-uic; 'I'liuiiiiis Tivvj.rllwn, \V, S'mcut* ".Owing lo tho er.ncf'iilini East Kootenay. cartridge cases,' t , tbe German-* Tire treii.-h, velopment, of (he trade is encouraging. »or; A. Ohimrnto and wife, Kamloops; iuu>rr, Wlnnipc-?; W". Rr.hcrtsun Clly; SnlHvan sj*; 24,680 f and U""- (By Dally News Leased Wire.) I. M. Lindsay. Gray creek; A. G. Lang ft. G. Clark, tlridtrcfnrd. Snsk. "The lull In the operations on our 'emplacements by the woods', and to lhe Shields; George, Delim and wife De­ Other mines * 040 immediate front pending a general ad­ fact tb-it nearh* all the brl'dn LONDON', Oct. U.—Tlie Turks are troit; L. T. Walls, Winnipeg; T.' Kii- vance, affords an opportunity tonight, roads leadliie- to them, as well as a strongly fortifying various places lu Patrick, Revelstoke; E. .1. MeFarlnno Total RH; (let. 9, for giving a description of tlie great pari of .Hi., southern slopes, an PATRIOTIC BALL Syria and Palestine. Montreal; Mrs. S.S. Simmons, Seattle; WORK ON TELEPHONE Slocan and Ainsworth. ground In Which the battle is being open to their fli'e lhe position held bv Mr. and Mrs. Manning, New York: Standard, milled 500 38,500 fought: thftn is- n strone- nno, "rcxeent for the"-- imtelics n' woi.''* AT HUME TONIGHT Mrs. T-. A. Turner, Miss Herthn Marker Ruth 83 Describes Battle Ground Miss .Grace .Lucia, Mrs. A. L. Wilson LINE COMMENCES Rambler-Cariboo Hi,, terrain ccnorallv Is unenclosed. N*i 1,204 "The Alsne flows right across oin* boundary belween the fields ex'St, n- CHILD GETS SICK Mrs. C. Ftflser,- Mrs. Brown, City. Hewitt p Elaborate Preparations Being Made fo io: front, following a tortuous course in Fn-rlind. Th-Ve nr*** l>n he« here at"" (Continued From rage one.j Whitewater .... along the 'bottom .of the valley, some Entertaining Large Gathering at 131 there bul no hedges, wire fences ol* .vn'l Thanksgiving Dance. Other mines .... bundled metres below the plateau on except around enclosures 1" the vl' CROSS, FEVERISH stnictlon which, with the present lines, 122.138 Queen's Hotel either hank. It is a placid stream be lages. A large proia.TTIon of thn woods Probably tho biggest feature of Not will give 1,200 miles of government Total .^. .,.,_,- 818 102,525 tween l5o and 200 ft. In width and nn however, art. enclosed bv h'ch rubb*' sou's Thanksgiving day festivities to- IF CONSTIPATED teleplioiie service., Tho -100 nitlesliow fordalile. The bottom of the valley netting which i« In "-ome placed sup- 'lay .will bo Hie patriotic hall which down which It meanders consists of norled by Iron Stanchions. will 'bo. iii-Id (onlght in tbo Hume hotel Steam Heat In Every Room being constructed Is confined entirely particularly flat meadow land inter­ to the Kamloops, Okanagnn, Kootenay Cave9 Form Shelter, under the auspices of Nelson branch ol NEW CASUALnT sected by various roads leading north ihe Canadian patriotic fund. Elabor­ "California Syrup of Figs' and Boundary districts. "A feature of thljj part of the coun­ and south over the bridges which span try, one whicu Is not confined lo tin ate preparations are being made by the can't harm tender stom­ Business Lunch 35c. At present the government is re­ tbt river. Tbose roads aro lined with neighborhood of the Aisne, is ihe largi members of the local committee to­ building the lino from Golden to Win­ LIST 18 SHORT poplar or fruit trees whose mllit;rry Rates: »1.50 and *2.oo Day. number of caves, both natural and ar­ gether with George Ucnwell and tIn dermere and installing a new' metallic significance lies in tho" fact that they tificial and quarries. There, ai'e of great statt' of the Hume hotel for the hand­ ach or bowels. circuit with a new and up-to-date ex­ (Continue-! from page one.) screen tbe movements of troops along service to tiie forces on both sides, ling of a big crowd at the ball tonight QUEfeN'S—A. J. Bliincy.. Midway; F.. change at Golden and local exchanges the roads, though on the other hand since they can often bo used as shel­ and 11 is fully expected that tho affair A laxative today saves a sick child S, Smith, Clly; T. Snow, Fernie; a. 1'. at Windermere, Athalmer, Invermere Prisonors of Wa Ihey make the position of the latter tered accomnio'^ition for Uu- troops In will prove one of the most largclv at­ tomorrow. Children simply, won't tako conspicuous from afar. , tended elf the season. Williams, Monlali, III.; .1. A. Edwards, and Wilmer. Gangs aro working, from • Tho following is a list from Ger- the second ilnu. the time from play tD empty their Spokane. each end along this line, states Mr. many: • "The chief place along the British •'Other points worthy of note Tbe parlors of the hostelry are being bowels, which become clogged up with Stevens, and tlie work Is progressing front is Solssons, a town lying on tbe the excellence of the. mettled roads, arranged by Mr. Ileuwell so thai they waste, liver gets sluggish; stomach Royal Army Medical Corps—-Capt, though the metaled ponton is narrow, may be used for curds for those net fiour. rapidly. W. K. Reaman, Ueut. Butler, Lieut It ft hank at a pronounced bend north­ Lines are also being built from Mid- ward. The villages on thc river itself and the comparative easLVwith which dancing. The writing room at the rear Look at the tongue, mother, If Uatterstey, Major P. II. Culllngwood, one can find his way about even with­ of the lobby is being prepured as a coated.-or ymu* child Is listless, cross. Kootenay Hotel Way to Osoyoos and from Fnlrvlcw, Majui- Fuy, Major ,1. c. Furnins, Lieut. arc of considerable tncliicnl Importance Two doors from Postolfloo since most of tho bridges are close to out a map. This Is duo partly lo Hu- refreshment room In order that every erish, breath bad, restless, doesn't 1 tho end of the present government It, W. Hills, Lieut. Lauder,,Capt. J. P. provulliiig stralghtiu'ss of tlie roads, available portion of the spacious dia- eat heartily, full of cold or lias sore •'• .'Vernon Street line, to Orovllle, which will give direct Lynch, Lieut. Preston, Lieut. L. M. them. They have therefore been the 1 targets of the German artillery and partly to the abseace of hedges. There iujr room may be Utilised '»>' tlie danc­ throat or any other children's ailment, Rates $1.00 and $1.26 per day. connection from the Cariboo Hues Routh, Capt. lL A. Sutcllffc. are sign posts on all cross roads, while ers. Dress al the ball Is optional, either give a teaspooniCul of "California Syrup Every convenience given to the ; Royal Field Artillery—Lieut. Arml- some arc now no more than masses of through the Okanagnn to Orovllle. ; ruins. the uanio of each village is posted In formal or informal. of Figs," then donU worry, because It traveling public. Electric piano and In Nelaon the government wlll In­ lilge, .Major .(ones, Ca*pt. Leech, Major J a. eoitspicuoiig place at the entry and A large number or reservations have perfectly harmless, and In a feu* union bar In connection, where the stall a central call office which will, Xutt, Lieut.-Col. Stevens, Major Tall- Hamlets Are Shelled exit uf the main high passage throng]] also been made for Thanksgiving din­ hours all this constipation poison, sour best ot wines and liquors are kept It Is expected, be connected with the .Vour, Lieut. Mounger. 'Several of the hamlets at some dis It." _. ner at the Hume tonlgiht which Ig con­ bile and fermenting waste will gently ' MRS. AtALLETT, Proprietress. local and long distance lines of the .Intelligence Corps—Second Lieut. &iflca from thn Alsne and on Its left sidered as another Indication of a large move out of the bowels and you have British Columbia Telephone company] Qrcen, Second Lieut. Legrand, Major haul's have formed the objects of slml- attendance nt lhe ball. An excellent a well, playful child again. A tlior- \ H. C. Davy. dttentlon from thc enemy's guns, orchestra has been obtained to provide tiKh "inside cleansing" is oftlmes all KOOTfct-JAY—R, Rehl, New York; N. IF IT 18 mUSlc to,- the occasion and it is ex­ probably ao that they should' not serve that Is necessary. It should be the P. Rahal, Shields; M. Fonsot, Granite. MARY8VILLE NOTES. as points of con rent rati on for our RENTING pected that Prof, H. Wells- wlll sing. first treatment given In any sickness. Tbose donating cakes au.i other re­ I'.ewai'e of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask troops, as have also the great number SELLING LARSON'*}, — L. Knutsoii. Sheep (Special to The Daily News) AT'thlfe THEATRE8 of roads winding down the hillside fac­ freshments for the evening may leave your druggist for a 50-cent bottlo of Creek; A. Strand. Now Denver; Mrs. EXCHANGING . them at the office or the hotel today. "California Syrup of Figs," which hus '•3klot, Churlcs Eklot, phoertlx; A. Ol­ MARVSVILLIU, B.C., Oct. 11.—Con- ing north and leading across tbe mea­ Dancing will commence nt !i o'clock. full directions for babies, children of son, .Spokane. stahlo Dryoeh MR hcen promoted lo dows which afford the only channels FINDING Tito fOllOwUlg is tlie musical, program: all ages nnd fo grown-ups plainly Waldo, in hi** holinnVn cuinidimenlnry r SHBRBROOKTS—.Tnmpf* Ulchnn. W. There wlll hi> a Thaakrfllv'iif- day of approach lo our troops on tbe north USE THE WANT ADS. Waltz. "When Irish Fyes ai> Smil­ printed on the bottle. Look carefully I.cnlhong, Olty; B, Wnu, Silver Klim flintier wa.i RIVHI on I?r|dfly by ruil iiutlnen ol Iho Gem iheativ ihl.q arier- side. ing"; iwo step, "AH Aboard lor Dixie"; see liiat it Is made iiy the "Cali­ mino; J. Fisher, Wlnlaw, lluiidloy. iioon commencing at 2; 31) .o'clock, ."In regard to Hie villages one point waltz, "Sympathy"1, two-step, "It's a fornia Pig Syrup Company," '4 '• •'; •'•••' i' PAGE POUR Cfie Baity 'jltimi. MONDAY ....: OCTOBER M i i Is nil Empire must bo prepared to shed their BRITISH TARS AIDED IN Che Batty JJttoB best blood In support of the cause STEAMER ARRIVALS which they have espoused, that of Published at Nel-son Every Morning liberty and of fair dealing as between News of Sport DEFENSE OF ANTWERl Except Sunday, by nation and nation. At New York—Duca di Geneva TWO UNITS RETREAT SUCCESSFULLY, PART OF ONE FORCE IS IN­ And Britons wherever they may be Genoa. - Th* New* Publiihlng Company. At Boston—Palermo, Naples. TERNED IN HOLLAND—LOSS ONLY THREE HUNDRED MEN] Limited found will vft shrink from tbe task, DRAMATIC PLAY GIVES OUT OF EIGHT THOUSAND—MEN BEHAVED SPLENDIDLY, HOLD. W. Q. FOSTER, Editor and Manager, WHO IS THE GENTLEMAN? ING POSITIONS UNTIL BELGIANS WERE FORCED TO GIVE WAY 18 LIGHTENED BY SECOND1GAME TO BRAVES KING GEORGE'S MEN OFFEpED TO COVER RETIREMENT OF LEGAL AND OFFICIAL The Daily News has received an BELGIAN ARMY WHICH WAS SUCCESSFULLY ACCOMPLISHED ADVERTISING anonymous letter from a pro-German GALLANT DEFENSE (By Dally News Leased Wiro.) scoring drive from the head of the bat­ PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Oct. 11—In a tuking it to task Tor what are describ­ ting list was excellent. (By Dally News incased Wire.) population of Antwerp, men, wonie pitchers' battle with a dramatic climax Box Score 1 Effective on and after Jan. 1, 1913. ed as its clinrges against the Germans (Continued from Pane One.) usually reserved for baseball fiction, LONDON, Oct. 11, 12:40 a.m.—The ana children, are streaming in flight "l_. Boston—, A.B. R. H. P.O. A. E. scores of thousands westward from thd of committing atrocities not in keep tho Boston, Nationals defeated tho first official admission that the Brit­ Their trade was not war, they wer Mann, rf #5 0 2 0 0 0 ruined and burned city." L Legal Advertising (Includes municipal Philadelphia Americans here yesterday ish participated In the defense of Ant­ ing with the usages of modern war­ merchants, shopkeepers, comfortable Evers, 2b ...... 4 0 2 0 3 0 werp fs contained in an admiralty an Tha admiralty also reports In thel and government notices) — 12c In the second game of the world's fare. There is nothing to Indicate citizens of more than middle ago and Cather, If 5. 0 0- 2 0 0 nouncement that three naval brigades same statement that -the naval avia-I per line for the first Insertion Series by a score otf l-o. As a result there were many -women and children Whlttod, cf .... 3 0 0 1 0 0 with heavy guns had been sent, there tion park having completed it8 attaoJ and eight cents per line for all who wrote the letter in question and of the victory th6 Braves left for Bos­ among them. ton with a two-game load over the Schmidt, .lb .... 4 0 1 12 1 0 during tho lust week of the German at­ on Dusseldonf nnd Coiogno, already 1 ' subsequent insertions. the only clue to its origin is the fact There was a scarcity of gang planks Athletics and the added advantage ot Gowdy, c 2 0 0 8 1 0 tack, ported, bos returned safely to Its) ba In certain cases, however, for the that it was posted In Grand Forks, B. to the 'boats and the only means of playing the next two contests on their Maranville, as... 2 0 1 2 4 1 The announcement states that In the protected by armored cars. convenience of the public, flat Deal, 3b 4 112 2 0 C, on Oct. 0, tiiat is on Friday last, boarding them was toy narrow planks home ground;, when the series ia re­ retreat from Antwerp two of tho Brit­ rates have been set, as follows: sloping at a dangerous angle. Up sumed on Monday. James, p 4 0 0 0 3 0 ish brigades reached Ostend safely. City Fell Friday. Applications for Liquor Licenses:— The person who wrote tills letter is these the fugitives struggled and tho The other, however, was cut ojif to the (By Daily News Leased Wire.) Once per week for four weeks, entitled to his opinion of the policy of strong: elbowed the weak out of their Although the American league repre­ Totals 33 1 7 27 14 1 north of Lokcrcn (a town In East LONDON, Oct. ll.-~-Antwerp. the one! |5; dally for month, ?30. \ way in their mad basic to escape. The sentatives were forced lo bow, for the Plladelphia— A.B. R. H. P.O. A. .E. , 12 miles northeast of Ghent) Applications for Transfer of Liquor The Daily News in the matter under stronghold that remained .to, the Bel-I marvel to me as I watched the second time in two days, to the super­ Murphy, rf 3 0 0 2 0 0 and 2000 of them were interned In Hol­ glans afte the tops of Liege an4; Na-C Licenses:—Onco per week for discussion. The Daily News has pub­ r scramble was that many were not ior play of the National leaguers, they Oldrlng, if 3 0 0 0 0 0 land. mur, fell before th,. Germans under! four weeks, $7.50; dally for lished a number of despatches describ­ crushed to death in the struggle to get offered a far more determined opposi­ Collins, 2b 3 0 1 5 2 0 The retreat of the Belgian army was Gen vop Beselcr. The sloge occuPlettl month, Mli. tion than waa the case on Friday. For ing German atrocities and has in some on board or forced Into thc river and Baker, 3b 3 0 0 2 3 0 accomplished successfully. 10 days, x Land Purchase Notices:—Once per drowned. As It -was mishaps were olfflit Innings the two clubs battled be­ Mclnnis, lb .... 3 0 0 7 0 1 Tho losses of the British naval bri­ A despatch from The Hague says thai cases commented upon them. These hind the pitching of James'and Plank few. One old woman of 80 years slip- Strunk, cf 3 0 0 4 0 0 gade probably will be less than 300 city surrendered at 2:30 o'clock on Frl-I week for 60 days, $7. without tho semblance of an advantage, despatches have been fully corroborat­ pod on one of the planks and fell on Barry, ss 2 0 0 2 6 0 out of a total of 8000 men. day afternoon. The British war ofjl Land Lease Notices:—Once per week Then came tho 'break In the gamo ed iu every case. the side of the boat, fracturing her Schang, c 3 0 1 5 2 0 The secretary df the admiralty gives fice announced "that Antwerp . was| for 60 days, $7. skull. Several people fell Into tho river and once again the Mackmen saw an­ out the following announcement: evacuated." " ' ' other world's series conlest slip from Plnnk, p 2 0 0 0 1 0 Certificate of Improvement Notices: But while Jt Is true that The Daily and two wero drowned, but that Is Responded to Belgian Appeal. It Is believed In London that the final 1 their clutches to tha credit of the Sel­ xiWalsh 0 0 0 0 0 0 —Once per week for 60 days, "In response to un appeal by the resistance was made by a small garrl-J News correspondent is entitled to his the sum total of accidents as far as lings clan. _ $12.50. I could ascertain. By 2 o'clock Thurs­ Belgian government a marine brigade son who wei'e -sacrificed in- order to'l opinion of The Daily News, would he James had been pitching unbittable Totals 25 0 2 27 14 Delinquent Co-ownership Notices: — day most of the tugboats had got away and two naval brigades tog-ether with permit the escape of the Belgian army. | Once per week for 90 days, $25. ball and Plank, while not unite so ef­ Runs by Innings- not have been playing the part of a but there were still some 16,000 people some heavy naval guna manned by a Advance on Ostend. Duplicate Certificate of Title Notices: fective, had with the aid of his remark­ Boston 000 000 001—1 detachment Thursday while tho city endured a Strunk's bead *i"nd n moment rter stole 9 FEDERAl LEAGUE. « by (he incessant stream of refugees-! witness of an orgy of carnage such One might estimate that fully 70 per ruthless bombardment. third when Sehan.r threw low t- Barry • •» Behavior Splendid—Lowes Small. and it is probable that the government! as a few months ago most people Recent German Products. cent of these folks had little or no to catch Deal off the base. "The behavior of thc royal marines will take steps Jointly with Germany! The next crop of European tourists money. There were three lines of exit. thought it would be impossible for the Barry turned to throw to third but and naval brigades In the trenches and for tho speedy return of those people. J will have a fine assortment of new They could, up to the time of thc held the ball and Deal was safe, "Won Lost Pet in the field wa praiseworthy | a high Says Belgian Troops Interned. world ever to see. Already over 30,- ruins to inspect.—Detroit Free Press, German Invasion, cross the Scheldt on Whether Baker was not close enough Indianapolis 88 64 .579 s n degree nnd remarkable in units so A Renter despatch from Rotterdam 000 Canadian troops have crossed the tbe pontoon bridges; they could go lo the bag or Barry believed it was Chicago ...86 68 .558 newly formed and owing lo lhe proteC-* says: along the countryside toward the too late to head him ofr ls not known. Baltimore 84 71 .543 Atlantic to take part in the conflict Did Not Need Switzerland. titan of the entrenchments, the losses, "That part of th Belgian army ts James fanned but Mann lifted d low Buffalo 80 71 .530 e One reason why Germany has re Dutch frontier; or they could walk up in spite of the severity o*f the fire, are interned in Holland nlso Is out from) and tiie call has been issued for an­ puzzling Texas-leaguer over Eddie Col- Brooklyn 78 76 .507 spec-ted Switzerland's neutrality is that the Scheldt toward tho frontier and probably less than 300 out of a total the fact that telegraphic orders have- other 20,000 and thousands moio will lins' head and although the latter made Kansas Olty 67 84 .444 despite her large and formidable navy then cross by ferry to Belgian territory Ot 8000 men. been sent to several retired officers of a great try fOp the ball he just touched Pittsburg 64 80 .427 follow them as required. she has no seaeoast on the English again. "Tho defense could have, been main­ the Dutch army to take charge ot it with his finger tips and sprawled St. Louis -32 89 .411 channel.—Huston Transcript. Starving Women Die tained for a longer period, hut not camps where Belgian and British'-sol­ At first glance somo may say tlfut into the tunf, Deal dashing across the Saturday games.—Buffalo 4, Pitts­ long enough to allow of adequate force? Many of the aged women among the burg 8. first game, Brooklyn G, Balti­ diers who crossed the (frontier as Quar­ in view of conditions Canadians have Financial Quack Remedies. Plato with the solitary run of the game, being sent for their relief without pre­ refugees, terrorized and hunger-strick­ more 10; second game, Brooklyn 0, tered," Hard times always bring to the front Uproar Grows Deafening. judice to tbe main strategic situation little to he thankful for today. A lit­ en, died, I am told, on the way to the The Athletics replied with n great Baltimore 1. schemes for restoring prosperity, "The enemy also began on Thursday Belgian frontier. Thc towns were ally in their half of the ninth and Send Artillery Against Allies, tle thought, however, shows how mis­ to press strongly n the line of com­ through government Issues of currency crowded with pitiful wanderers, flee­ James who had carried tlie garde on .—«.. n (By Dally News Leased Wire.,) munication near Lokcren. The Bel­ taken is such an idea. It fs quite true based on the national credit, or on ing from ruthless Invaders and they his shoulders alone dp to this time be­ CITY SERIES BERLIN, via London, Oct. 11, 1:50 r gian forces defending this point fotlgh-i that Canada, like every other part ° the unoccupied public lands, or, whnt begged for crusts of bread. They were gan to totter. The thousands of root­ a.m.—Tho German heavy artillery used- with great determination but were gra­ is much the same thing, on nothing simply starving and householders did ers for tho home club were stamping, H. H. E. In the bombardment 'of Antwerp has tho world, is affected by tho war. Hut at all. The west pays a good deal of dually pressed back by numbers'. what they could to help but slill there cheering and clapping in unison and N. Y. Amor. 000 ltO 120 0—5 10 1 already 'been started off for an un-\ there has been throughout Canada as attention to these projects, which have British Offered to Cover Retreat. was a cry for food. Harry waited patiently until James X. Y. Natls. 010 000 130 1—G 13 I! known destination in France. been tried over and over again in oth­ "In these circumstances the Belgian a whole a fair harvest, a fact which I now return to the events of Thurs­ passed him t0 first. Schang fanned, er countries ever since mankind learn­ Batteries—Fisher and Nunamnker; and British military authorities in Ant. cannot but redound to tho benefit of day. At 2;30 o'clock in the afternoon but Walsh batting. for plank, also was ed bow to use a printing press, and walked by the rattled pitcher, wilh Marquard, Demaree and Meyers, John­ werp decided to evacuate lhe clly. The tho country generally. And so Tar as when tbe bombardment had already son. British oilfored to cover the retreat but always with the same disastrous re- lasted over 12 hours, 1 was able, two on and one out the fans felt sure First game: R. H. E. Gen. de Guise desired that thev should '•> DON'T ROCK THE BOAT tho effect of the war is concerned let suits. We may be thankful that the through the courtesy of a Belgian offi­ that the Mackmen were to break St. h. Amers. 100 100 000—2 13 1 leave before thc last division of the <*• ROW1 ROW1 ROW! <$? Canadians compare their conditions Canadian people at large appreciate cer to ascend to thc roof of thc cathe­ through and win and the tiproa,. -was deafening. Eddie Murphy, leader of the St. L. Natls. ..000 000 000—0 4 0 Belgian nrmy. the advantages of a sound monetary dral and from that point of vantage I with tbose of the Belgians, with those system and are not disposed to meet Athletics, stopped lo the plate and Batteries—James and Agnew; Per- "After a long night march* to St. Europe hit Canadian Industries, • rising In the air to a height of 20 and clutched the ball nnd with another lean Batteries—Baumgaidner and Ag­ by.a German attack north of Lokcren •?> the wise men did not merely and should they not be more than 30 feet. In another direction I could touched the 'bag, forcing Walsh, with new; Qrlner and Snyder. (Called, and 200(1 officers and men entered S> sit still. willing to do their part to relieve the | COLD STORAGE just discern through my glasses dimly almost the sanio motion he snapped darkness). Dutch territory in the neighborhood af 9 Thoy glimpsed fair weather' Hulst and laid down their arms in ac­ distress at least of the Belgians whose in the distance the instruments of cul­ the ball to Schmidt at fir4s| fur a double $ ahead, and saw still further on ture of the attacking German forces play on Murphy and a second later CHICAGO, Oct. 11—At Chicago: cordance with the laws of neutrality. •> the harbor -of prosperity. country has been overrun and its in­ went down in a cloud of dust as Walsh "The retreat of the Belgian army has "That fellow certain is a fool." that ruthlessly pounded at tbe city and R. H. E. •*• They began to row and they habitants butchered, outraged and re­ crashed Into him at top speed, when been successfully accomplished. The *$ nro getting there. Why?" crept nearer to it In the dark. Americans ...100 001 000 1—3 6 2 Great Oil Tanks Set Ablaze ho scrambled to hid feet the other Nationals 000 000 002 2—4 8 2 naval armored trains and heavy guns h One of the best pair of oars duced to a condition of absolute star­ "I told him I bossed my wife, and 1 had an excellent view also of the players were Tunning for the club Batteries — Cicotte and Scbalk; were all brought away. •*• a business man can use when vation by tho kaisers semi-savage he wont and told her." great oil tanks on the opposite side of house and the game was saved. Vaughn, Lavender and Brcsnaban. Airships Return Safely. 9 things begin to slacken up Is hordes? the Scheldt. They had ibeen set on James Pitched Like Machine. t> "The retreat from Ghent onward of •?> definite, constructive, business I wish this fellow wouldn't send you fire by four bombs from a German This scintillating play came at a the naval division and of the Belgian «• building advertising in the daily so many chocolates," said the other CANADIAN RUGBY RESULTS. One tiling above all others for taulie and a thick volume of black most opportune and dramatic moment, army was covered by strong British •$> newspapers. suitor. fo James began to fatter after pitching smoke was ascending. Thc oil had r Montreal 18, Ottawa 7. reinforcements. which Canadians, as members of the a game which for skill and control has "Why?" simpered the girl. "Are you been burning furiously fur several Hamilton Tigers 20, Argos 5, "Vast numbers of the non-combatant British Empire, have reason to be jealous?" , never been surpassed in a world's McGill 25, Varsity 1. hours. series match jn this city, not even In thankful is the fact that in the crisis "No, .hut I prefer lo eat marshmal- . *> the twirling duels in which Christy lows." In all directions were flames and BRITISH AIRMEN WOULD preceding the outbreak of tho war the Mathowson, Chief Bende und Plank Jl-Iaden smoke. From time to time r RAM RAIDING ZEPPELINS statesmen of the mother country lived hud figured. NO DUST NO RUST McBull-1 shall bc a ^y Kr.ias w](]. great tongues of flame shot out of tlie tanks and In litis way thc conflagra­ (By Dally News Leased Wire.) up to Britain's best traditions. They pwor for the next two months—my The Boston boxman had perfect con­ tion spread. LONDON, Oct 11.—It was announc­ did their best to preserve the peace wife's gone for a holiday to the West trol, change of paco and a spltter that \fter some considerable time I came ed by Walter Runciman, president of Ind es. broke llko forked lightning. He fanned but refused to sacrifice the Empire's the board of trade at a patriotic meeU O'Bear—Jamaica? lown from my post of observation on Ught of the heavy hitting Athletics, ing In Kings/way hall here last night honor to secure this end. the cathedral roof and at the moment Including .Murphy, Oldrlng. Mclnnes McBull—No, ll was her own Idea. that, "if Zeppelins raid LOndOii all the reached th© street a shell struck a and Strunk, and when the batters did And they have also reason to be members of the British flying corps onfectionftry shop, nearby, it was one onnect tho bsual result way a weak Customer (to shopkeoper)-*-*Haveyou have pledged themselves to dash their proud of and thankful for the wonder­ f thoso high explosive shells and the hoist or roller. This wus best demon­ got any eggs that you can guarantee machines right through the airships ful spirit of loyalty and devotion to shop, a wooden structure, Immediately strated by the fact that 84 of the 27 to me that there are no chickens in? ove if both are brought to oarth. burst into flames. put outs made by Boston were credited n the Empire and all that it stands for •Shopkeeper 'pausing for a moment— "Anyone passing through London," xes, sir; duck's eggs. Thc city by this lime was almost de­ to ihe inflelyd or batteries. which the present struggle has scried and no attempt was made to James gavo three passes, two coming Bald thP speaker, "can see that we ex­ brought forth from all parts of tho extinguish the fires that bad broken In the ninth inning when the Athletics pect a visit by German aircraft." globe. nit. Indeed, there was no means of me nearest to scoring. The Mack­ men got but two players safely past | THE WEATHER baling with them. As far back as first, and bad but ono left on bases. ->. Tuesday in last week thc water supply Try Dally News Wants Ads for Results 5X0XP IT MEANS A CALL FOR THE BEST. from the reservoir, 10 miles outside th* )f tho two hits charged against James city, was cut off. Thc reservoir Is just 'ollins would have 'been nn easy out Antwerp has fallen. It Is now in The weather yesterday waa showery [behind Fort Waclhem and the German 'or Evcrs hut It bounded so high that he beat the throw hy a second. possession of the Germans. Us de­ in Manitoba and falr further west. shells bad struck It. The inhabitants POUSH flank, while he pitched a splendid fenders have either died in the de­ M , Mini Max. had to do their best with urtesian "•'•°*i 39 50 wells. Great efforts were made by the game for his club, was forced to divide fense of their liberty, have marched Prince Rupert n «j Belgians from time to time to repair more honors with his team mates than James. The Athletic veteran's plteh out to Join the army of the allies or Victoria .„• -., the reservoir but they were always 10* Ing was not quite tho enigma to the have crossed the frontier of Holland Komloopa \_'_ 4C Vg thwarted by German shell fire. FQR'A'KITCHEN'CHEERYAND-BRIGHT Boston batters that James' was t0 the Vancouver 5ij -,o Shell Concussion Knocks Him Down and been interned by the Dutch au­ ; while elephants. Plank was saved sev VICTOR THE I*. F. OAUEVrcO. LIMITED. Edmonton .....22 4« With great difficulty I got as far as thorities rather than surrender to the era] tlrrcs by the sensational fielding S"-'Ka'y 82 36 rue la Molery. It was impossible to of Baker, Barry, Collins and Mclnnes. HAMILTON, CAN.. •urrALO, N.Y. Germans. MOOSe Jaw aa •.., proceed further so I retraced my steps toward thc quay. A shell burst within Fanned Six Braves, There is no use disguising the fact Winnipeg •>(• $., London 49 gj 20 yards of me and I was knocked Ho fanned six Braves, Pitcher James E that the fall of Antwerp is a loss to Toronto ci cs down by the concussion. A house not striking out four times in succession 10 yards away was actually poured (I gave four passes and bit one batter. Records tho allies. Apart from that there will Ottawa co 70 an think of no other word to describe Of the 27 put outs made by the Mack­ JOHN 8CHMEHL, D. MACKENZIE, W. H. WILSON, bo throughout the British Empire a Montreal $_ Ti whnt happened) Into the street in a men, the battery and Infield accounted Quebec -ig Kg Praaldant. Vice-Preiid.nt. Man. Dlraetor. feeling of the keenest regret that the Halifax 62 70 shower of (bricks. A broken timber for 21. Plank had to watch thn bases last stronghold of tho Belgians should struck mo on the shoulder but its force closer than did James, for 11 Boston- was spent and I received no injury. 1 inns were stranded to the Athletics' havo been captured by the German In­ New list for RED CROSS NOTES. had scarcely picked myself up and le, The Dominion Wood Pipe Company vaders. In (his war tho Belgians have Considering the closeness and strain waa hastening to a place of safety, If LIMITED throughout acquitted themselves as there were one, when a man about 40 of the game both teams played remark­ years of age, almost naked, rushed out able baseball. There were errorrs ot men. They took up arms to defend omission and commission but al] were October The Red Cross wlll be pleased to re­ of a house, screaming loudly. He had New Westminster, B. C. the honor of their country, and they gone mud. At this time I was fortu excusable under tho circumstances. ceive any gifts of work from those who E5ii have defended that honor with a skill prefer t 'furnish their own material nate enough to moot Frank Fox of the Maranvlllo and Deal got mixed up on """ MANUFACTURERS OF ^ . 0 Mclnnes' first foul In the eighth and Goes on Sale and a bravery that has won tbe ad­ and work. Morning Post. Mr. Fox. Is an ex- offlcer of artillery and he told mo he the shortstop was hardly prepared for miration of the civilized world, with tbo chance. The Athletics' error was Materials will he given out tomorrow bad found a hotel which as long as •hargod t0 Mclnnes, who failed to hold Wood Stave Water Pipe thn possible exception of their Ger­ the Germuns fired In thp direction between 10 and 12 u,m. at th0 parish a fine throw from Barry although he hall of St. Saviours church to all Bed they were then firing was not within ToDay man foes, and it is a question as to stretched until he fell In holding WRITE FOR CATALOQUE. Cross society members who desire to reach of their guns. This was the whether, in view of their record in work. Plank's delivery at times but escaped Hotel Wagner. Fox and myself were with a black mark from the scorers. the present war, these foes should be At t"e Victor Store. probably among tho few British sub­ He nlso figured ln the only play over numbered among the civilized peoples Workers are reminded Hmt all work jects left In tho port. which there was an aftermath. Fol­ for tho Red Cross must b finished of the earth. 0 lowing his double In the sixth inning, with great cure, as the society works Americans Had Quit he attempted to steal third when The fact that Antwerp lias fallen under regulations, which permit of ac­ I went to the Queen's hotol to ascer­ Gowdy dropped one of James' shoots. ceptance of only the best made and tain what had become of the Ameri­ John Burns & Sons ""2BH" The Braves' catcher recovered the means that the work of tbe allies has finished garments- All scums of bed- •ASH AND DOOR FACTORY. NELSON FLANINO MILLS, can Journalists, I found they had loft ball In tlm to nip Schang nt Deal's Jacketa, pyjamas and shirts arc lo bo e VERNON STREET, NEL80N, B. C. been increased to a very considerable tho city after having spent the night station but the Athletics declared after Mason & Risch felled. •vary Dawrlptlon of Building Matsrlal K.pt In Stock. EstlmtU* S|v*>) extent. It means an extra call upon in a private house which had boon tho game that he was .safe. Thoy claim- 17 Western Branch Stores. struck three times hy shells and fin- Ml Stono, Brick, concrete and Frame lulldlnaa. j ihe resources of the allies, and partlc- d that the game broke ifor Boston MANY PEOPLE DEPEND there for. with Schang safe ut third MAIL ORDERS PROM ILV ATTENDED IO. ulirly that tbe people of the British ON THE WANT AD (Continued on Tago Six.) and but one out, the chances for u •OX IH .) FHONS IH vti MONDAY ...... -.'. OCTOBER 12 Che Bail? jletos PAGE FIVE

HOTEL^DIRECTj^RY iNSTITUTEjWILL "HoTflE^TET'i'ipERA^^ GOING MAD FROM Renovated, New Management, and COLLECT CLOTHING [jlVe Only Keep the Best People's Restaurant. Near boats, THE TERRIFIC PAIN trains and fair building. 701 Vernon 8,000 Flower Bulbs street, NelBon. Up-to-date rooms, 26c, Women's Institute Will Canvass City Promfnent Merchant Thinks His Life comprising the very best varieties-arid no 50o and up, Hot baths. Best Home- fo Clothing and Bedding fo Made Dinnetr* 25c. Meals at all hours. r r Was Saved By "Fnilt-a-foes". Relief for Belgians. others. V. Kruglak, Lessee, DXYSDAI.H, ONT., JONS 15th. 1913. Hyacinths, each 15c, doz. $1.50 Tulips, double and single, SHERBROOKE HOTEL "I am a general storekeeper at the EW ZEALAND At a meeting of tho Nelson and Dis­ Daffodils, 3 for 10c, doz 35c doz 35c Nelson, B. C. above address, and on account of the trict Women's institute on Saturday af­ Crocus, Giant size, dozen 20c, One minute's walk from C. P. R. sta- great good I have experienced from ternoon a deputation 'from the Cana­ Snowdrops, double and single, 50 for 75o |on. Cuisine unexcelled; well heater" using "Pruit-a-ttves", I recommend dian club, consisting oif Capt, F. P. 8 for 25c, 50 for $1.25 Freesras, dozen 20c •ml ventilated. them to my customers. They were a Armstrong and Dr. E. C. Arthur ask­ R. H; CLARK. great boon to me, I can tell you, for ed that the institute give Its assistance REMEMBER THESE ARE THE BEST PROCURABLE BULBS about two years ago, I waa laid up in BITTER ATHABASCA HOTEL In the collection of bedding and cloth­ bed with vomiting and a terrific pain Baker Street, Nelaon. B. C. ing for tbo people of Belgium, many at the base of my skull. The pain Close to stntlon, brick hulldinjr. new of whom were destitute. ind up-to-dnte, hot. and cold water lr nearly drove me mad. Doctors feared very room. it would turn to Inflammation of the Requisites for Bulb Growers m lb. 45c The members of tbe Institute JOHN PHILBERT. Pron. Brain, but I took "Fruit-a-tives" promptly took the matter up and thr steadily until I was cured. I have FLOWER POTS SAUCERS FOR FLOWER following committee was appointed to LARSON'S HOTEL. gained fifteen pounds since taking POTS Vernon Street, next to Fair Building make arrangements for the canvassing "Fruit-a-tives", and I verily believe 3-inch, each 5c Velson, B. C. of the city: Mrs. H, Ross, Mrs. J. J they saved me from a disastrous ill* 4-inch, 3 for 25c 6-inch, each 5c HEINZ MINCE MEAT HEINZ SWEET MIXED PICKLES First-class rooms nnd board. Th. yv-alker, Mrs, G. A. Hunter, Mrs. J. P. ,es11 5-inch, each 10c • "* J. A. CORRIVEAU. 6-jnch, each 10c In Bulk. hqme for everybody. Paul Larson Winter, Mrs. R. G Joy, Mrs. MOhr, Mrs 6-inch, 2 for 25c 25c • Pint .' 25o "port. - W. F. Blssett, Mrs. J. W. Holmes, Mrs 50c. a box, 6 for {2.50, trial size* 8-inch, each 36c 8-inch, each 35c Coles and Mrs. Frank Moore. Thf 35c—or sent postpaid on receipt of 10-inch, extra large, each.,..76c 10- inch,. each 35c committee will meet tomorrow after­ price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Business Directory noon in the council chamber of the FERN OR BULB POTS city hull nt 3 o'clock to make final ar­ 8-inch, each 25c 10-Inch, each 60c "I. W. WIDDOWSON. ASSAYER ANT rangements for a canvas of the city. Chomlst. Box Aim**}. Nelson, B. C Capt. Armstrong, in asking tbe as­ WELSON NEWS OF THE DAY HANGING BASKETS, 10-inch, each 50e 'he Star Grocery Co. Chnrges* Gold, sliver, copper oi sistance of the institute, said It war HYACINTH GLASSES, each 25c lead, $1 each; gold-silver, $1.50 thought that -the women would be able silver-lead, $1.50. Otbe metals oi to take the matter in hand to a much Bom, on Oct. 8, to Mr. and Mrs. r Louis Klovance, a daughter. nnnllostlon. better ndvantage than could the Cana­ |?hone 10 Store of Quality dian club. He hoped there would h' AU£TMOjyEER8 a ready response as the Belgian penpl- There will be a meeting of the trades were without doubt In sore straits and md latbor council tomorrow night ftl C. A. WATERMAN ft CO—Opera Bik clothing nnd blankets would prove p S o'clock in Miners' Union hall, •VM CUTLER. AUCTIONEER, BOX most acceptable gift to them at -ttilr The Hudson's Bay Co. 474, Phone ts. mn-t« time. In answer t a question as t< J. S. Deschamps loft on the coast |)aily News Want Advts. 0 train last night fo his home in Ross- whether the clothing would be Ell in I* r INCORPORATED 1670 INCORPORATED 1870 JSROCEnjES^ Innd. He expects to return to ihe city DAILY NEWS J^mJLT£Y^j£D^U gated Dr. Arthur said that he wo'tilc" on Tuesday. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES .. MACDONALD & CO., Wholesah see to it that It was. YOUNG PIGS, good ones, ready Oct. 'ns cent • word ner Insertion, four Grocers and Provision Merchants Dr. Isabel Arthur save a paper or The monthly meeting oi" tbe direct­ " 1; $4 each. Appleton Bros., Proctor. Importers of Tens, Coffees, Spices medical work among school children ors of the Kootenay Lake General hos­ (English tea cakes, large, per doz -!0c ts • word par week, fifteen cants a •138-24 -d psr month when cash ace m- Dried Fruits, Staple and Fancy Gro- She took the matter up from Ihree pital will l>e held tomorrow evening at POULTRY FEATURE •Roast pork, sliced, per lb. 50c. ties ths order. Othsrwiss ons csnt FATTY YOUNG PIGS, growers, Mars- eeries, Tobaccos, Clears, Butter standpoints, the teeth, tonsils and ade­ *i o'clock in the hospital building. Boiled tongue, sliced, per Ib. 00c Eggs, CheoSp. and Packing Houat word psr insertion straight No den, •"faghum. •110-117 noids, putting great stress on the pari Ginger bread, per lb, 15c. I Produce. Office and warehouse cor. of the teeth ami said that parlleiihi ounts opened for want sds. Mini- The Epworth .league of Trinitv AT PUBLIC MARKET Brown bread, Boston, per loaf 20c FOR SALIC—Ayrshire cow, -1 years old, ner of Front and Hall streets. P attention should be paid to adenoids m ohsrgs 25 oenta. Methodist church will meel this morn­ .lam, plum, 4 lh. Jar, per jar 40c. I good milker. Locke, Crawford O. ROT lOPfi. Telenbnno '/•« and 2S At the conclusion of the paper a ques­ ing nt !i:30 o'clock ot the ehtiroh par­ Currant bushes, each 20c. Bay. *149-12 tion drawer was held and many perti­ (Continued from Page One.) WINDOW, CHIMNEY AND CARPET lors for a tramp to the Athabasca Raspberry canes, per 100, $2. FOR SALE mine. PEKIN DUCKS AND DRAKES for cleaning. Nelson Vacuum Cleaning nent questions were nsked concornlnr Wood, for kindling, per cord, $5. R SALE—New Harley Davidsqn the care of children. A vote of thank.' sale, all as good as our prize win­ Co. Phone 488. 115-tf Onions, green, per hunch 5c; three •otqrcycle at a genuine bargain, was passed to Dr. Arthur for her paper Mrs. K. A. Elliott and Mrs. J. Austin ners at thc fair; $2.00 each. Creed bunches for 10c ie payments can be arranged. Apply Bros.. KSBIO. *152-fi For the November meeting it was de­ Elliott are spending a brief holiday Henry &• Co., Nelson, B. C. 139-tf cided to have a handkerchief showe- it Kaslo. Mrs. ,). Austin Elliott will Pumpkins, per lb. 2c. LOSERS AS WELL FOR SALE— Pure bred Ayrshire bull, F^OF^SIONALCARDS for the soldiers, a request having beer sing at a concert which will be held Plums, per box, 40c to 60e. AS FINDERS CAN f SALErrCheap for cash. Office 7 months, may be registered; New Pears, per box, $1.50. received for more handkerchiefs. All in Kaslo tonight in aid af the Red ife, Inside dm. 10x27x41, double Denve Dairy. 153-6 GREEN BROS., BURDEN & CO. r Civil Engineers, Dominion and B. 1 articles will be turned over to the local Cross society. Crab apples, per box $1. always restore lost property to ng door style; roll top desks; wall branch of the Red Cross society. Peaches, per,box $1. its owners. k; Macy filing cabinet, etc. Apply FOR SALE—Thoroughbred Houdan Land Surveyors Surveys of Lands, Mines, T-iwnslte- Arthur W. Fish, formerly of Nelson, Apples, Wealthy, grade 1, per box ck for big bargains to -P. O. Box bens; $1.50 each. Apply box R. The following Is a statement hy a THRU THE LOST AND Timber Limits, Etc. died at Vancouver on Sept. 21. The $1.75; grade 3, per box, 75c. Nelson. 143-tf Dally News. 153-6 member of the Canadian club: POUND COLUMN. Nelson, 616 War^ Street; A.H. Greet "An appeal has been made to the funeral took place on Sept. 2U under thr Apples, Gravenstelns, grade 1, per FOR SALE—Fine bunch of chickens, I5.00 Heintzmnn & Co, piano, almost Mgr. Victoria 114 Pemberton Bldg Canadian clubs on behnlf of the sorely auspices of the Independent Order 0' box, $1.75; grade 3, per box, 75e. laying hens, Huff Orpingtons; $1.25 ew, for $400 on easy terms. Box F. C. Green. Fori George, Hammon stricken people of Belgium. Oddfellows to tlie Oddfellows' cemetery Grapes, hothouse, per lb. 15c. each; Plymouth Rocks and White Wy Street, F. P. Burden. Daily News, •148-6 "We are reminded that two-thirds Vancouver. The services were conduct, Grapes, per lb. 10c to 16c. 1 andottcs $1 each. Pullets and young ed by Rev. W. W. Colpitts, R SALE—20~ift. launch, 2\£ h.p. roosters, April and May born, 50c and WILL HALDANE, ARCHITECT, 61 of the population, approximately that •Honey, per lb. 30c. (arbor engine; speed 8 miles; in per- Ward street. Plans, specification of Canada, is utterly destitute. The Pickles, chow chow, In jars, per up. Must be sold this week. Address Work commenced on Saturday with Bank of Montreal t condition. Cost 3320 last year, G. L. Versnel, perry Siding. *153-3 md estimates. piteous cry goes out, 'You know what quart 45c. ce 1100 for quick sole. Great baT- Belgium has done; what will Canada the replacing of -the plate glass win­ Pies, each, 10c to 20c ESTABLISHED 1817 FOR SALE— Thoroughbred Hoistem A. L. McCNLLOCH dows on Baker street which were n. E. Ramesdon. Harrop-B.C. *151-6 Hydraulic Engineer do?' Bread, per loaf, 10c; 3 loaves for 25c. huh, ' 3 months; young thorough­ "Other cities nre giving food. Will smashed two weeks ago when Hill Bud- Capital authorized $25,000,000 Provincial Land Surveyor Inng ran amuck in the early hours of Tea biscuits, per doz., 1'K-; 2 doz. 25c. J-USES FOR SALE or rent and lots bred Yorshliy pigs, experimental farm tho people of Nelson come forward Capital all paid up $15,000,JOO P. O. Box 41 the morning. A car of plate glass wai Huns, per doz, 15c; 2 doz. 25c lor sale. Apply W. Handcock, Nel- strains; pencilled Indian Runner ducks, with clothing or money to purchase ^ Brick Works, Box 077. *151-7 >fflce phone L86; residence phone R? brought in from the const to repine- Layer cakes, each, 35c to 40c, Rest $16,000,000 drakes; parents averaged 122 eggs clothing? Remember that articles you March to August. Fine strain Leghorn Office, Suite 6, McCulloch Bldg. lhe damaged windows. Sausage rolls, each, 5c; 0 for 25c. R SALE-J-househoirt furniture In- havo cast off or are about to cust off HEAD OFFICE: MONTREAL cockerels. Middlemass, Rock island, Baker Street, Nelson, B, C, ludlng round oak polish steel top will prove the means of keeping alive Arrow Lakes. B.C. "H 54-6 r, M. RIXEN, AUDITOR AND AC For infractions of the Liquor act. H. V. Meredith, Esq President ge, piano; everything except pl--i.no some poor unfortunate who otherwise countant. Room 16, K. W. C. B1V Patrick MeCloSkey and Albert Dickson Sir Frederick Williams-Taylor, IT less than six -months ago. *£,, E. might perish during the coming win­ iders, 611 Hall street. *151-6 LAND ACT. 122-1 were sentenced on Saturday morning General Manager. ter. it Greenwood by I. H. Hallett, police GEORGE C. EGG Branches In British Columbia: II'FAIRVIEW—Aer„ block, with new Nelson Land District, District of West "Somo destitution undoubtedly ex­ magistrate, to a fine of $50 or in th M. R. Ai I. C. Architect, Nelson. 10-t CANADIAN Armstrong, Athalmer, Chllliwack, J-ronmed house, plastered for $635; Kootenay. ists in our own communities, but It is fault three months in lhe provlncla' Cloverdale, Fnderby, Greenwood, Ih $86 balance,L*f1K a .month, po ln- Take notice that Douglas Hay of It. PERRY LEAKE, CONSULT!*!- relieved to a large extent by generous jail. They chose the tail sentence am" PACIFIC Test. Apply 'Harry Houston, Cltv. Refflno, Sask., occupation N.W. Mount- fllri'rtnfl'-** iM>lin.n n r* ?nn.t neighbors. The Belgians are held to wero brought In nn Saturdi'v eyenln1* Hosmer, Kamloops, Kelowna, Mer* *151*C od Policeman, intends to apply for per- starvation by ,a relentless enemy. by Constable W. E. Pond of Greenwood rltt, Nelson, New Denver, New im!sslon to purchase the following de­ Westminster, Nicola, Pcntlcton, R SALE—Owner leaving for Eng- scribed lands; "The American consuls in Belgium Port Albernl, Port Haney, Prince ind; upright Broadwood plnno, The Thnnksjiivlntr dinner which lr Commencing at a:, post planted 10 have guaranteed that our gifts will •Velng given tonight bv the Bnptls-' Rupert, Princeton, Rossland, Sum* trly new; Rosewood case: very fine KLUUTENAK LUDGE NO, 16, I,U.O.I reach the sufferers." * Price reduced to |225. A. G chains east of the N.W. corner post of -Meets every Monday nltht in Odd Young People's union will commence Special Rates merland, Vancouver, Vancouver Lot 8033; thence north 40 chains: 1 it 11 o'clock. There will he ;m orchostrs (Main street), Vernon, Victoria, |)nch, 800 Stanley St. •161-6 follows hall at 7:30 o'clock . r FOR thence west 20 chains; thence south TWENTY GERMAN BOMBS clnl evening will he spent Interest paid on Savings Deposits rom the mill, punranteed to be as tnin-ing 80 acres, more or less. third Tuesdays, Oddfellowi' ball by tho young people and their hosts id as made In B. C. Delivered nnv- DOUGLAS HAY An excellent program has been pre- at 3 per cent (present rate). 8 o'clock. French Aviators Start in Pursuit— ere in West Kootenay district $?..~n Dd'led 31 st Autrust._1»14 NELSON ENCAMPMENT No. 7 I. 0 oared for the event. Nelson Branc", L. B. DeVeb*-r, Mgr. usand. Arrow Lake Shingle Co.. Zeppelin also Appears, Dropa Ex­ Thanksgiving O. F., meets second and fourtl kusp. B.C. 152-tf Thursdays ln Oddfellows' ball at ' plosive on Cathedral. The Columbin studio has moved twe R SALE—Wicker babyi carriage: o'clock. doors to the left In the Allan block CANTON CORONA No. 7 meet libber tires, adjustable ba«'k and

A Shipment of Overalls and RIFLE SHOOTING Baled Oat Strai Shirts IS IMPROVING For' plttinfe potatfciW, for' litter,,' I Salada Car just arrived. Cheapest 111 tho city, Volunteers Show Hlrjher Average in Practise—Team Goes to Slo­ Empty second-hand grain sacks fof Tea The Ark can City Today. , potatoes on hand how. has arrived. New and second-hand furniture. Despite the rainy weather yester­ For a client, a day morning there were 28 members 606 Vernon St., Nelson, B.C. ol the rifle association present at the 50c per Ib. J. W. HOLMES, Mgr. practise shoot. Some excellent scores were made and general satisfaction The Brackmaii-Keij was felt ut the fell-round Improvement Five Roomed In the shooting of the new members, Milling Co., Limitec A. E. Johnston tho average for the day being consid­ Josephine St BULBS erably higher than of any shoot since House A Silver Backed Direct from Holland. the volunteers wore taken into the as­ Paper White -Narcissus, 40c doz. sociation. A Jeffs was high man with Toilet Set Your Eyes First Size Hyacinths, 15c each, a, score or !)(!, while the other high with all modern improvements. Optical $1.50 doz. scores of the day were: W. Oliver. is a present -every woman appre­ EQUIP Plant now for Christmas blooms. 1)5; P. Joy, 08; J. TeagJie, 03; T. Keith, Must not he higher up the hill MENT 1)0. ciates. And it hns the merit of ' And My Earn Your Living I Card Tulips, Daffodils, Bedding Hya­ than Latimer street. Tlie* price being as useful as well as a hand­ Mtthod How much ,poli|d yo# pain ll cinths, Snowdrops, Crocus, Eng. This morning a team from the as­ some gift. You. can set one here at of \ your present position, how I on J Iris, Mall orders solicited. sociation, composed of D. O. Thomas must he reasonable. Terms: $300 Testing captain; D. St. Denis. P. Joy, R w a price much less than a look at could you even hold It, If yotl cash and the balance $25 per is the Parties Hinton, J. Poster nnd W. C. Wlll, will the set would suggest. And as very wero blind? Defective eyesighl RUTHERFORD DRUG leave for Slocan City, where this after­ month. with all our jewelry our guarantee latest, is simply partial blindness. It'J noon, it will meet a team from the goes with each sale. known to a poor economy to put off wearj Company timited latter place In a competitive shoot Optical and 603 Baker St. Nelson, B.C. The team will return from Slocan ing Flts-U eyeglasses when ; . i S Science, City tomorrow, This, plus my experience of many need them. It affects your e years, enables me to make and ad­ ing power. Dances just those Glasses which will help J. 0. Patenaude your eyes most, COLD STEEL PLAYS' SEE ME IF YOU NEED GLASSES If you contemplate giving a We Can Give You Manufacturer of Artistic Jewelry, HMBird | Watchmaker and Optician, R. 1_. DOUGLASS dance or a card parly, we carry a PART IN BATTLE J. J. Walker full line of Whist, Bridge and other Graduate Optician and Optometrist Jeweler and Optician „ Prompt Attention Room. 18. K.W.C. Block • Playing Cards. Ail kinds of Games, Baker St. . Nelson, 8. (By Dally Nows I.onscd w,re , NEWS WANT ADS GET RESULT8 Expert Watch Repairing Tally and Auction Score Cards. If you phone us. I'nj.ll THH BATTLE FRONT. Oct Progrnms for dances, Table Mark­ We can fix those leaks, NELSON NEWS OF THE DAY into th,fwZFfr* y * ,lnl1"" '»«'<' earn LIGHTENED BY the main army which escaped to Os­ or scab, was seen hy Mr. Cunningham ers, Bridge Score Pads and many TI ,. ' „"""»' "s yesterday The French, British ana Qer£„ h" Mrs. A. O. Benson of Kiimlnnps Is al GALLANT DEFENSE tend. It says: while In the Simllkameen, he stal other articles. Kormm,.' "r",B"""s """ ™'™» ""• tlii; Hume. "Tlie British soldiers crossed into The tree was in an orchard about t B.C.Plumbing&HeatingCo Holland near Cllrige because they or six miles south of Kerenieos and) wor (Continued from Page Four.) Our assistants will he pfeased to , L. , ' ° "" br nil Mr. nnd Mrs. A. OhlmoMo or K; were cut off from the main body and the trees, he states, have been bear] show yon our stock, . OPERA HOUSE BLOCK '•lungei by lung lines of Irtraehien to 1001)9 ard at the strathcona. ally caught fire. Tbo American con­ tltey are nOw interned near Koewagt. Ing for the past •••*• years. They iircJ P. O. Box 435 Phone 181 sul-general and the v Ice- consul -gen­ Five hundred Belgians ulso were dis­ growing on low-lying, nan-irrignteo| «n. Li a i,l ilk, French In their Mgi.t IT. T. Batnea <>f victoria is vlsltii-B eral had also gone by this time. Do not forget our China and Pic­ and dork nl„P uniform', otten'croS armed. land and the incident he regards.: ture clearance sale. Swor,,s „.„,, „„, „,,„,, ; "^J** the city. He I? ut the Hume On returning to tbe Hotel I joined "The men appeared greatly fatigued remarkable In view of the fact that! in a meal oaten under the weirdest fruit trees are looked upon as short! U 1 Commander and Mrs, Lewis of Rock nnd some were wounded. riE , nlv" '",'h "ch'""' '» " TO" of conditions Imaginable. The entire "Thirty-six Belgians were Interned lived in this province. There are thou-l SlSaiM V™; f ?,toople remaining Creek nre visiting the city. They a staff was gathered tn the cellar uncer­ sands and thousands of treeB of tlicT scanning. Roye bus disappeared under t the Strathcona. nt Rilhmd-Bath. About 500 Belgian Bulbs in SO Varieties a constant bombardment, i, „as ?he tain what to do and not knowing what artillerymen crossed into Holland near same character In the Simllkameen, hej Canada Drug n was goiiiff lo bniipen to it. Wo were states. . T. Kllpntrletc of Revelstoke came i all hungry and one of the men dashed Putten. They were interned at Assen. King of the nines Hi ugh the allied lines. Th,, German Among these were 20 wounded. Two artlMery had taken advantage or man* on the const train last night and r'efif* upstajts to the kitchen and brought Mr. Cunningham Is at the Hume and] Hyacinths istered ai the Strathcona. down whatever food he could lay his hundred men were interned at Suy- will leave this morning for Creston. and Book Co. nuarrc, „, n,e vicinity, wher,. ihcv hands On and*we all partook, pot luck. skill and 50 at Sas. There are no F. J. Boles, Mgr. Dozen, post paid 80c pitted guns which wer,. l,ev„„d the Dr. and Mrs. Greenwood of Edgewood reach of tho French artillerymen1 Abinil 0 o'clock Fox aroused me and figures available of the casualties TELLS HOW TO ADDRESS 'iittin In on thp coast train lost night among tlie Germans, Belgians and Brit­ Tulip, Daffodils, Crotons, Etc. Iteopnnolterlng parlies seeking la md registered nt the Hume. said he thought It was lime we got LETTERS TO VOLUNTEERS| attoova, the stMigti, „r their oppon­ out as the Germans wore entering the ish, but it is thought that they were Write for complete list. heavy." Unequallea for General Use. ents frequently earn.. Int., eontaet. In Therp will 1m no drilling at the n.nn city, We hurried from tbe hotel and (By Dally News Leased Wire.) Jose engagements |i„, soldier, would Dry tonight. The drill has been post found a square squad of Belgian sol­ OTTAWA, Oct. 11.—-Canadian ml-J take shelter behind the main bodls on 1 poned on account of the patriot. diers who, bad Just come In from the German Division Also Interned. Htia orders issued today announce! Ihe hattlefleld or occasionally mak. dance which Is toeing held tit lhe Hume Inner line of forts. They told us It (By Daily News Leased Wire.) smart dashes across the open wher, was not safe fnr us to remain any that for the present there will be nol their arms glittered In the sunlight hotel. On Tuesday night there will he LONDON, Oct. 11.—An undated de­ further issues of Ross rifles or ser-1 Frache Bros., Ltd. semaphoro drill under Instructor -I longer. The streets were now com­ spatch received by Reynolds' Weekly nut nothing occurred which would be Foster. pletely deserted. vice ammunition to civilian rifle clubs.T culled a general hnttle. says that according to Belgian soldiers It Is also announced that addresses! The Vicinity of Arras, however wn" Equipment Abandoned near the Dutch-frontier a German divi­ on letters to'Canadian members ofl Grand Forks, n. C. Mrs. Mary j. Grant of Victoria, pre*). I walked down to tho quayside and thc scene of vlgorou. encounters be­ dent of tlu> Rehckah assembly of Brit­ sion unwittingly Crossed tbe border tbe overseas contingent must contain I tween infantrymen who eni-jiu-ed In there 1 came across many wounded into Holland and has been Interned, W. P. TIERNEY, General Sails Agent, elese fighting with the bayonet after ish Pohnjiiii-i. reached the city on Sat­ soldiers who had been unalblo to set the rank mid name of the addressee,[ Nelson, B.C. the pttHlerv duel ceased. urday night from the coast ntiil W'l' away in the hospital boat. On the and the regiment or corps, after which! entertained for the east noble •"•rands' Trainloads of Wounded. must be added "Canadian Expedition-1 Can shipped to all railway points. Starvinci Germans Surrender, 1 quay piles of equipment bad been (By Dally News Le-ised Wire.) Dancing and Calisthenics At seme nuints along the lln„ num­ lub f-f Nelson, i,v Mrs. .lames Bulge " a ban doped—broken down motor ears, ary Corps, England.'' and Mrs. C. Lonfthurst at th- reriflWC. LONDON, Oct. 11, 11:32 p.m.—The Miss Gladys Attrec will hold classes bers „r nermann approached the nf Hi,, former lost evening. Mrs. Oran kit bags, helmets, rifles, knapsacks"; fur dancing, in all its bram-hes for trenches ,,f the nllles without Ihelr were littered iu heaps. Ammunition following despatch was received by the children on Saturday afternoon and of arms and offered to surrender If given .md tho members of the past nohl" had been dumped there and rendered Amsterdam llandelsbiad from Ant­ all ihe newest Bol.room dances lor' food, saying that the rations at thai ••rands' eluh wore the RUCptq ot MTP useless. The Belgians bad evidently werp, under date of Oet. 10 and for­ nnrt uf the German position had run .lames Marshall at the Stralheo-v adult;* on Snturdny oveninga at the hotel. Tomorrow sh" will vlsli •th' attempted to set fire to the whole lot, warded to Reuters: l-'agics hall, Nelson, commencing Oct out. A pile or stuff was still smouldering. STARLAND Reliel,-ahs of SU.ean City a»d on Wcd- "The damage to the town by the WANTED 10. Private lessons given, Classes also Beyond Roye where the fighting has We waited there for half an hour bombardment was not serious, as the newlay evening; -di,. will nav an officin' held in Rossland, Trail, Kaslo,, attd on been exceptionally severe f,„. is days visit to Qu>-»n niv Rehnkah lodge here and during that time hundreds of Bel­ Germans used shrapnel wherever pos­ Listings of FARM PROPERTY application will he arranged in other a- possession of lhe place meant, con, She Is nt lhe Strathcona. gian soldiers passed In retreat, the sible to save the historic buildings. THEATRE for SALE or EXCHANGE—I districts. Prospectuses sent nn ap­ trol of the railroad line, and nl^i the HOUSE OP HIGH CLASS plication. Address Box 304, Xelgon. road tn Amiens, the allies continued last contingent leaving about 6:80 a.m. In view of the reported shortage of have clients desirous of secur­ ihelr ritforta to dislodge the Germans, At 10:U0 o'clock proclamations were petrol in Germany it must have been FEATURE8 ' ing both large and small farms whu bel,t on with wonderful tonfeorty LOGIE PREACHES posted on tbe walls of tbe lowu hall a source of peculiar grief to the con­ —Write me at once, sending It was necessary fnr the allies to con­ urging all In the city to surrender nny querors that all the tanks at Antwerp STARLAND ORCHESTRA full particulars. .H. J. CAMP­ duct regular siege nperullens to get n1 arms in their possession and boggfhg had been emptied before they arrived. BELL, Limited, 618 Pacific WINDOWS BROKEN them. FAREWELL SERMON for n calm demeanor In the event of "Tho siege of Antwerp lias cost the MATINEE AT 2:30 Building, Vancouver, British No, our "windows did not get Further east tne French made n con- German occupation. The list was also posted of several prominent cltizenf Germans heavily. Five trains of 40 Columbia. broken, hilt our prices dfd. They sUdorablo advance |n Alsace n"d can­ wagons each, carrying wounded, have tered snttie territory on the heights of Has Been Pastor of St. Paul's for who were appointed to look after Imp. Special Feature In Two Parts aro smashed beyond all recogni­ Nearly Three Years—Harvest Fes­ left for Aix la Chapelle.** tion. Just notice a few big ones: the Meuse, where the Germans at­ interests Of those Belgians who tacked them re"—'edlv but clwnyp tival at Nelson Churches. maincd. < * Of All Sizes and Descriptions wer.. 'heaten back Get Out in Launch "A Girl Reporter" Oen. Sibltle. a French infantr.- com- lle'v. R S. Logle, who has been pas­ Plates , 5c up Just before noon a party of cyclists UNIVERSITY HEAD Get Your Spuds mnnder has been killed by a fragment tor of St. Paul's Presbyterian church and armed mounted gendarmes had es­ A really fascinating drama, vitally of sh"ll. for tho past two and a half years, last Interesting owing to its being so Every man who can arrange it Platters • 25c up corted the burgomaster to the gate of night preached bis farewell sermon hi the city, Fox and myself were inform­ HERE THIS WEEK natural in Its simplicity -and should be ready to plant a crop for Open Vegetable Dishes 15c up this city. Mr. Logle took as bis text charm. Beautifully photographed next year. You will need them. Dur­ ed that the Germans were entering by Covered Vegetable Dishes.. .25c up tho third verse of tbe ninth chapter of the Kate of Mallnes. By luck wo Wiii Be at Creston Today—Fruit Pests and staged throughout. ing your spare time clear' up a couple Isaiah, "Thou hast multiplied the n s.'cured a motor boat. It was manned of lots and prepare the ground. We Fruit Saucers 2 for 25c tion. and not increased tlie joy; they by a Belgian and 'his mate. At a. good Inspector Cunningham Is Vis­ can sell you good level lots free from iting District. Joker Comedy Common Saucers, many as you joy before The© according to the jo*, 10 knots we raced down the river. In stone in llosemont at (6.00 cash and GEM Theatre "MIKE SEARCHES FOR HIS in the harvest, and as men rejolct five minutes we had reached the bend $5.00 per month, and within 15 min­ like, for 00c Dr. P. W. Wesbrook, president or the THE QUALITY PHOTOPLAY when they divide tbe spoil." The ser Which' blotted Antwerp from view. As LONG LOST BROTHER" utes' walk of the Postoffice. Look mon look the form of a thanksgiving We rounded the corner 1 turned for a new British Columbia university, and them over now and get your choice HOUSE Dr. ,T. Kllnck, dean of tlie faculty of At last we have secured tills widely MATINEE AT 2:30 sermon and in speaking of the reason: last glimpse of the disappearing city. of tho good locations. CHINA HALL why Canada should he thankful he The cathedral was still standing. Its tiio university, will, It is expected, be advertised comedy, featuring SPECIAL—TONIGHT—SPECIAL tower dominating surroundings. Here visitors to Nelson during this week. Mike's search for Jake in Mexico. A. W. MUNRO, Prop. spoko of the bountiful harvest, Can ada's commerce which, although that and there volumes of smoke were--ris­ Announcement to tills effect wasmado Phone L-261 321 Baker St. Edison's Great Mystery Drama last night by Thomas Cunningham of McQuarrie & Robertson of many nations had almost ceased ing to tlie sky. It took us 12 hours to Victor Drama get to Flushing. On the river thou­ Vancouver, provincial fruit pests still sped unmolested across the seas "THE GOLDEN LADDER" and the fact that, although'the nation sands of refugees were fleeing from specter, with whom they have been Try a tin of The Mystery of the was at wnr this country was enjoying tbe invaders. They swarmed along touring the province. They will be A splendid one-reel drama; strong comparative peace. the banks In a continuous line, a vast met today at Creston by Mr. Cunning- THORPE'S Thin-man's Special Mixture Tobacco pilgrimage of hopeless people, many hum. all the way through and cleverly Octagonal Room In closing lie said that lie had one }f them laden with household posses­ acted. One-elghth tins 25c After touring Kamloops, Salmon ^ DRINKS Squire Sbahott's wife had' myster­ messago to leave with the people o'ft sions which they had been able to Arm, Okanagnn and Similkaineen dis­ One-quarter tins 40c iously disappeared when "Cleek," Nelson in saying farewell, that all gather at almost a moment's notice. tricts with Air. Cunningham, Dr.-Wes­ One-half tins 75c tho detective, arrived at the house should put their trust and faith In the Where the Scheldt becomes Dutch brook and Dr. Kllnck proceeded to Almighty, who was the provider of all THURMAN CIGAR STORE and investigated. Ho found the properly we were stopped toy customs Calgary to attend the irrigation con­ liody ot Maurice Ward, solicitor and tilings good. . _ authorities and submitted to a rigor­ gress. personal friend of Mrs. Shndbotts, Mr. Logle expects to leave Nelson ous examination. Dutch officials for They are touring tlie province look- Our New back of the panels of the octagonal at an early date. time believed wo were either Belgian lug into the agricultural prospects, room. Could you solve tlicso mys­ The churches of Nelson yesterday r Khgllsh officers' escaping buL even­ studying conditions and making in­ BUY YOUR FRUIT TREES, SMALL FRUITS AND ORNAMENTALS teries? celebrated tho harvest festival with tually they were satisfied. vestigations in order that they may FROM "Cleek" will at the Gem tonight. special thanksgiving services and were On arriving at Flushing we found be able to formulate a progressive OVERCOATS appropriately decorated for tbe occa­ lhe town in a tremendous stale of ex­ agricultural faculty for the university "A WOMAN LAUGHS" ilement. Great crowds of refugees sion. A special harvest festival service based on accurate Information con­ Are Prizes A big Sellg two-reel drama, In was held in the Anglican church and vers there, 10,000 or more, and the hotels were choked. Many wretched cerning tbo province and Us agricul­ The British Columbia Nurseries Co., Ltd. which a woman's mockery of an tho sermons hi tiie Baptist, Presbyter­ tural possibilities. At Creston it Is ian and Methodist churches wore also people had left their homes absolutely HEAD OFFICE—1493 SEVENTH AVE. WEST, VANCOUVER, B.C. honest man causes a tragedy. without any money and were forced their Intention, states Mr. Cunning­ A man "who knows*' came In along the line of .thanksgiving. The ham, to make a thorough study of con­ Get Your Stock from the Largest and Best Nurseries in the West. ' "HIGHER EDUCATION THAT ti camp In the streets. There was a chinch of Mary Immaculate will hold vast- crowd waiting to get on the ditions. The flats, steps toward the on Friday nnd said: VShow me NO WINTER INJURY—GROWN WITHOUT IRRIGATION WAS TOO HIGH FOR THE a special Thanksgiving day service reclamation of Which aro being taken, OLD MAN" Flushing-Folkestone boat nnd It ap­ tbe best Overcoat you can give One Thousand Acres of the World's Choicest Soil tills morning at 8 o'clock. peared to mo we would be balked ln will be visited and a study made or Come and see the Jokes played on A> ur endeavor to get to Englnnd. How­ the soil of the district which, ha says me for $18.00." OUR SPECIALTY the old gentleman by the college BRIGHT, SUNNY is looked upon as one of the m'jst Im­ ever, wo discussed our position with We gut busy at once and ONE-YEAR-OLD TOPS ON THREE-YEAR-OLD ROOTS hoys. ROOMS ARE TO the suporinti/ident of the line nnd he portant fruit growing centres or the be found quickly and with n<" secured UB a berth. province. among the Coats' we showed Grown and Packed by Men of Life-Long Experience GEM ORCHESTRA—CONDUCTOR trouble, THRU ADS IN THE After Creston it is expected thai . PROFESSOR-JWELLS Base .for Zeppelin Attacks. him was one. Write for our Illustrated Catalogue to above address or to our Local WANT COLUMN'S. Nelson, Kaslo, Cranbrook and Fernie Agent, DAVID D. HORNE, Nakusp P. O., Arrow Lake, B.C. (liy Daily News LeAsed Wiru.J will be visited. Tiie party lias already He examined tho cut nnd the LONDON, Oct. ll'.—The Bordeaux visited Kamloops, Salmon Arm, Arm tailoring carefully, took note of correspondent of the Times says: strong, Endorby, Vernon, Peaelilnnd "In official circles It is recognized Summerland, Kelowna, Pentlcton and nil the new style features, tried that the lull ol Antwerp may prolong tbo Simllkameen and Grand Forks, the war. The Uermaiis are certain to on the Coat, stood before the COVER YOUR NEW AND OLD ROOFS WITH whence Drs. Wesbrook anil Kllnck pro fortify tbe forts, which will become a ceeded to Calgary, Mr. Cunningham mirror a moment and then said, Houses for Rent base for Zeppelin attacks against the concluding the inspection work. British coast. "It's a peach; I'll take It." Five-Roomed House, Carbonate Street, dose in $20.00 Before leaving tlie district Mr. Cun­ "It is obvious that under tlie pres­ ningham will Inspect the quaruntin()0 Belgian soldiers on Dutch soil boxes of fruit during tbe season and WALLEY COAL AND WOOD FOR SALE. Whole Ml. and Retail. Nelaon B. C. after their departure from Antwerp, wns as sound as on the day It was BETTER CLOTHES these troops 1MVIU& been cut off Irom piLinled, nut hearing u sign of disease