IT’S A WOMX N’S WORLD A Showcase of the lives, stories, passions, creations, and writings of women from all walks of life, cultures, and careers.


It’s a Woman’s World means exactly what it says. Meant to capture the essences of the ambition, potential, adaptability, creativeness, and overall BADASSARY of the women of Earth.

For too long society has allowed men to tell the stories they deemed worthy, hence the known phrase (HIS)tory. Well this will be where that ends.

Welcome to the age of (OUR)story where a voice is given to all. Welcome to the age of (Their)story where we let those not like us have a stage to shine, educate, and inspire.

But; first things first. welcome to (HER)story. An issue dedicated to Her Voice, Her Dreams, Her Ambitions, and Her Message.

Mark T. Williams II Editor This issues Cover comes from the production of " Animal Insitincts "

Directed by Kimberly Coburn Staring Aliena Remborn. Our questions for this issue were curated by Elvira, a Bolivian born force of nature with a passion and eye for photography. Her life, her family, and her adventure have given us the questions used in the curation of this issue.

This issues questions were sent directly to those who responded and will be presented to you exactly as they intended!

1. What are you passionate about? 2. What got you into ______{career/art/design/etc ? 3. What woman has had the Greatest impact on your career or on who you have become and why? 4. What does feminism mean to you? 5. How does your culture , career , and passion play into your definition of feminism ?

Special thanks also to Antionette Vickio, who is the inspiration behind the final question and one that will be a key question in all of our issues. 6. If you could write a letter to your past self and/or to the current and future generations of young women and/or men. What would you say?



What does feminism mean to you? Feminism isn’t supposed to be palatable or easy to swallow. It is complex and radical. eminism is not meant to conform or fit in to any box. It is meant to dismantle a system Fthat has been alive since the beginning of time (not easy work). eminism must be patient. Some believe we are not obligated to teach or explain to our oppressors what it means to be a feminist, but if we’re not doing that work, how does Fone expect change?

eminism has opened my eyes to what is possible, it has humbled me, and has taught Fme that there is always room for growth.

How has your life played into your definition of feminism?

When I was 20 I had an abortion, that left me feeling very confused and lost (for several different reasons). A couple years after that, TRAP laws were appearing that left me feeling enraged. It made me realize that if I didn’t share my experience or start these uncomfortable conversations, there would never be progress. I started working with Planned Parenthood and other Miami non-profits to advocate for the power of story telling when it cameto women’s rights. This is how I met Elsa Roberts, my mentor and my most important influence to my definition of feminism. She taught me that feminism and radicalism go hand in hand. If you are not willing to question or criticize the movement you are participating in, you are not making room for growth and hindering the change you want to achieve.

TRAP (Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers) laws single out the medical practices of doctors who provide abortions and impose on them requirements that are different and more burdensome than those imposed on other medical practices.


@HANNAHPHOTOFHAYE 6 7 DECAF Publixations It’s a Woman’s World

ollow Elvira and learn more about her, her passions, Fher photography and her work through her instgram @_ELVIRITAA


@ALIENA.REMBORN 8 9 What got you into your career? My husband. I was in college for law hat does feminism mean to rom the mother of DECAF's Founder... school — I was scared of the sight of blood, you but because of him my career ended up W SUSAN WILLIAMS in the medical field. I overcame my fear F and before I knew it I was a paramedic. IT MEANS THAT WOMEN CAN DO JUST I worked as a phlebotomist operating AS WELL AS MEN, OR PROBABLY EVEN aphaeresis machines. BETTER IF GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY. Anytime the nurses couldn’t do something I ended up doing it for them. Things like Dialysis machines; when the nurses are unable to start the procedure I would be the one that had to show them how it was done.



SHE TAUGHT ME THAT THE SKY'S THE LIMIT. ALWAYS LEARN... ALL AND EVERYTHING I CAN AND MAKING SURE TO DO THE BEST I COULD NO MATTER WHAT. IF I GOT PAID TO SWEEP THE STREETS... What are you Passionate about? I BETTER BE THE BEST STREET SWEEPER THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN Helping other people. If you could write a letter to your past self and/ or to the current and future generations of young women and/or men. What would you say?

Always put your best foot Forward if you love the job or not. If you are happy with the job or not... you give a hundred percent no matter what because that's what builds character in you and that is how you truly become a better person

hank you for every lesson I have had and every lesson that is yet to come... T hank you for all the love and belief you have given me. T With this issue may the world begin to see ALL WOMEN as magically as I see you, Aunt Shiela, Aunt Carol, Aunt Claudia and all the amazing women who had a role in the Human, Creator, and Educator I have become.

To you and to all women. I love you and may this issue accoplish all that it is meant to.

With Love and Admiration, Mark T. Williams II It’s a Woman’s World

Table of Contents

02 - 11 Linka Odom 30 - 35 Deyven Baxter

14 - 23 January Sunshine 36 - 40 Dr. Nancy Adossi

24 - 27 Antoniette Vickio 42- 47 Brandy Nagel

52 - 55 Dr. Katrina Gary-Forté (McCrary) 72 - 81 TyKisha (TK) Presley

58 - 63 Camille Corales 82 - 87 Camille Louise

66 - 71 Christine Tonry 88 - 93 Beatriz Rosario

94 - 101 Aliena Remborn 120 - 127 Mikeala

104 - 107 Dez McWilliams 128 - 135 Jessica Ramirez

136 - 137 NEXT ISSUE ... 110 - 119 Aym.Dreams

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I'm super passionate about photography and exploring new ways to show photographic work. Through creating more immersive and interactive work, I hope to inspire people to travel both physically and metaphysically. I am super passionate about traveling, self expression, justice, true freedom, good sound, and insightful thoughts. My work is driven to influence a culture of acceptance, encouraging the viewer to reflect and ultimately gain insight on the interconnection amongst all things.


I was always into fashion and music, but I didn't have a lot of focus growing up. In college I started my liberal arts studies at a small college in Florida. My second year of college I was feeling super lost, so I went to NYC for a summer program at Parson's School of Design, to study Fashion. The second day of the course I knew I was in the wrong place - I couldn't draw and I didn't feel a connection to what I was doing. I went to the Dean and asked to switch into another class. There was one opening in Beginning Photography. My Dad had an old Canon AE1 he had taken with him to Vietnam and my Mom mailed it up to me. I still remember processing that first roll of black and white film. I had a couple truly amazing shots on it, the teacher said I was "a natural". It was the first time I ever felt really good at something and I absolutely loved it. I've been hooked ever since.

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This is a tough question, I had an amazing teacher named Barbara Ess my first year studying Photography at NYU and she gave us these super incredible assignments - my favorite was to make photographs inspired by our dreams & she taught us methods to recall our dreams. It was very impressionable and I think it really affected how I moved forward with my work. I would add that Georgia O'Keefe, Frida Kahlo, Sally Mann, and Diane Arbus, as well as Cat Power have had major impacts on how I express myself, live my life and what drives my passions.

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As an American I feel very privileged and as a white person, I feel doubly so. I didn't understand how privileged I was until I started traveling - I was 26 and on my first trip I spent 6 months in SE Asia, it was a huge eye opener. I was so challenged by such simple things, the sanitation, the plumbing, all the things that define modern society. It made me feel so small and whiny. I didn't understand the challenges of women in other cultures, I was very focused on myself. Traveling really opened my eyes regarding the faults and positives of American society. I used photography as an opportunity to travel, which drove my passion and through all of my experiences I've become more passionate about justice. I suppose

I've seen so much repression that my definition of feminism comes from what I believe everyone should have - the freedom to express themselves, to be alone, to learn and grow. All of these beliefs come from both my culture and all the other cultures I have observed while pursuing my career and passions.



If you could write a letter to your past self and/or to the current and future generations of young women and/or men. What would you say?

Don't ever believe you can't follow your passions to success, it might be a tough road, but in the end life will be so much more worth living if you are doing something you truly love. That doesn't mean you won't have to get a job at times, but if you have a passion, find a way to practice it. I also believe very much in stepping outside of your comfort zone, exploring people and places that are not common to you. And don't work too hard, I don't think we encourage people to enjoy life as much as we should in American society, there is too much focus on work - play is so important!

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JANUARY SUNSHINE What are you passionate about?

Passion-the fire, vigor, and heart palpitating "Music saved my life, more times than I can count." bliss that remind us we are alive. In the simplest terms, I’m passionate about love, the universe, and the unifying song that resounds within us all. It is the signature of the soul, the story of life itself.

The great Nikola Tesla said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” Vibration is everything- it is the movement of atomic particles within space and for the sake of our “world,” time. The speed at which the particles vibrate within space, determines the frequency. Which for me begged the question, what is the frequency of love? In musical terms it’s 528 hertz, but for you and I, the sound of love can be infinitely expressed in marvelous ways outside of a numeric value. Everyday I indulge in a cup of tea and meditate on the quote printed on the tea bag. My favorite “tea quote,” authored by transcendentalist Ralph Waldo Emerson reminds us of the various sounds of love: “The earth laughs in flowers.” Admittedly, I am quite passionate about flowers, for the sound of love is surely felt through the laugh of Mother Earth. But honestly, the answer to this question is sound. I am unconditionally and wholeheartedly passionate about sound. Sound is where I hail from and certainly where I shall return.


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Whew, quite a question. Destiny, “muse,” a friend in many ways that Despite this ingrained knowing, I was not always aligned with my path. I had fate if you will, is the short answer. understood the nuances of my heart. to reach the infamous, existential “rock bottom” and make a choice, to live I believe it is written in the stars for At 7 I fell in love for the first time, this one life as my authentic self. It is the single greatest choice I’ve made me to realize myself through my and honestly I haven’t experienced in my adult life. I left everything I thought I “knew” and moved to Hawaii. art, poetry, and music. I remember a love like it since- unconditional, There, the great spirit of the land reminded me of my truth and my destiny. receiving these particular visions constant, otherworldly even; my She whispered it in every breeze, every gentle grace of her green palms, and at 4 years old; I’d vividly see myself first love, the piano. It was as if in the bright rays of her sun. It thundered in the waves that rushed upon her singing to crowds of people. What I’d been reunited with a larger shore and gleamed in her countless rainbows. I could not run from myself any I remember most about these part of my soul (though I couldn’t longer- the universe would not allow it. So I surrendered, probably for the first visions was the feeling they spurred articulate it then). Music quickly time in 23 years. That moment of surrender was the moment The Journey of within, a peaceful but vibrant became my paradise and my escape. a Butterfly truly began (my current unreleased project of music and poetry). bliss. This is actually the first time Two years later I joined concert After returning to the mainland to care for a family member, I packed up my I am writing about these visions; band and acquainted myself with bags and moved from Los Angeles to New Orleans in pursuit of my dream. they were a secret I kept close the trumpet. That was also around The strange thing is, I had no plan. I simply knew I had to go to New Orleans to my heart for almost 20 years. the time I met the great Louis and spend time with her soul, stare at her moon, and sing to her stars. A year Shortly after learning how to write Armstrong- musically speaking that later and I’m living out my dream in a way I’d never imagined, providing I began accumulating and filling is. The way he told stories through music therapy to residents with dementia and Azheimer’s disease. The journey journals with short stories, poems, his trumpet was mesmerizing and I am on is constantly evolving at every turn. This process of uncovering and love songs. When I wasn’t unlike anything I’d ever heard; my and being one with my destiny takes great faith, but the peace, the joy, writing on paper, I was crafting love affair with Jazz had begun. and the bliss that emerge and bloom within me, bring infinite satisfaction. poems in my head that seemed Music and writing are ingrained Music saved my life, more times than I can count. And therefore there to flow to me, a bit like a breeze. parts of me and defined my entire is an ingrained gratitude in all I create. To me, life is music and music is I never knew where they came world. Even when I’ve attempted life, there is not one without the other. My intention is to allow the ever “from,” but I never questioned to “walk away” from music I could present and flowing love of spirit to move through me. It will be my greatest their manifestation. I developed not; it is as if an unseen force is achievement in this life to share the love I feel inside with the world, even if it such a loving relationship with this constantly invoking me to this path. is just with a single flower. May that single flower laugh to its heart’s content.

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WHAT WOMAN HAS HAD THE GREATEST EFFECT ON YOUR CAREER WHAT DOES FEMINISM There is a tangible, energetic imbalance on earth. Under the 3d matrix infrastructures like the prison industrial complex, modern OR ON WHO YOU HAVE BECOME AND WHY? MEAN TO ME? farm labor, thwarted ideas of citizenship and consumerism illustrate our planet is far from true, physical emancipation and Intersectional feminism is the divine energy universal freedom. Even our “concepts” that carries the restoration of humanity of freedom truncate the true essence of through the lens of unconditional love. I freedom. Freedom extends beyond a seven- I will answer this question in multiple parts from multiple perspectives. believe intersectional feminism resides letter word; it is love, which is a force that Mother Earth and specifically Grandmother Tree inspire, teach, and guide me onmy within us all. It is an all-encompassing cannot be dictated, embroiled, constrained, earthly journey everyday. I often say the trees are my greatest teachers and dearest friends. embodiment of authentic, pure love for or possessed. It is innate. It is life. every sentient being in the universe. This As multidimensional beings true freedom movement is the introduction to the healing rooted in unconditional love does indeed To be like a tree is to be the truest me, and restoration of the divine feminine on exist and shall be experienced by every my divine sea, flowing endlessly. this planet. To me, feminism is truth; it is a sentient being on this earth in “time”. It is potentiality to question the status quo, an a “journey” and “battle” that exists within opportunity to reintroduce oneself to oneself. as well as without. “As above so below” Deeply rooted in the ground, a tree stands tall, unapologetically and authentically. As a poet and storyteller I say this next phrase in the words of the Emerald Tablet. As Its branches reach toward the sky, basking in the warmth of the sun. Its leaves dance deliberately; I do not harp too much on labels. Phylicia Rashad so eloquently said, “The joyously in the breeze and bend but do not break in stormy weather. A tree does not The intention and momentum of an idea, inner reality creates the outer form.” ask how to be but simply is. A tree gives endlessly as it does receive. The secrets of the emotion, or movement carries great impact. Our collective consciousness, as well as universe are all around us. When I allowed myself to believe the guidance I received from Our world is caught in a flurry of divisiveness, individual consciousness are on a journey Grandmother Tree, I began to accept myself. I began to honor myself and celebrate my fear, and chaos. I say those words with great toward true freedom. Despite the massive authentic truth. I stopped resisting everything that I was and instead stood still. I stood hope, faith, and knowing in my heart. In violence, pain, and seemingly unending still and felt the breeze flowing through me and peace blossomed again. Her gentle but Tarot there is a Major Arcana card called The injustice and oppression, I feel deep peace constant whispers carried me to where I am today, both spiritually and artistically. Tower. The Tower signifies destruction, but and hope, though I knowingly say this from simultaneously represents liberation and a place of privilege in this incarnation. Musically speaking Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Etta James, Lauryn Hill, Erykah Badu, in my opinion creates space for change and and Alicia Keys have been magnanimously influential in my life. The sounds and stories a prodigious rebirth. We are approaching these women shared with the world shaped and expanded my musical and personal a “time” of great rebirth and renewal. perspectives and experiences. Jazz, Blues, Neo-Soul, Hip-hop, Rap, and Gospel are Feminism is in no part separate from this manifestations of divine soul and guide me, both musically and spiritually. All music is current universal transition. The divine derived from black culture, both within and outside of this country. I am eternally grateful feminine is creativity, empathy, intuition, to live in a world filled with such dynamic art forms, spurred from cultures and peoples of and is the portal to life itself. Mindfulness greatness, resilience, strength and magic. and presence awaken one’s connection to this energy, which in turn awakens one’s divine masculinity. It is the balance For music is magic and medicine for the soul. between the two, the yin and the yang, that sustains harmony. It is this balance that unveils humanity, peace, and love. Personally speaking, my mother has had the greatest influence on me. One’s mother is one’s first introduction to the divine feminine in human form. Much of my morality, personal values, and determination were delivered to me from my mother. From her womb I came and there is no greater gift than the experience of life. Everything borne of me can surely be connected to my mother, for my existence in this incarnation is wholly attributed to her (and my father).

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My Letter To You You are alive! Breathing, seeing, knowing, and feeling- what a magnanimous gift.

HOW DOES YOUR CULTURE, CAREER AND PASSION PLAY INTO You are the universe’s wildest dream. You are the universe’s wildest dream. You my beloved, are the universe’s wildest dream. YOUR DEFINITION OF FEMINISM?

Love so to speak, is my culture, career, and passion. It is the very foundation I create You are loved, so unconditionally. upon. My connection to the divine feminine allows my creativity to flow and flourish. My essence is very much attuned to the sensitivities and empathic disposition of the sacred feminine. This vibrational signature guides my pen even as I write these words. Creation Do not for a moment mistake your magic. Do not for a minute of all kinds, from art to an offspring is of the divine womb. For me, the divine feminine doubt your purpose. As the morning sun rises, so does your cannot be separated from my passions. opportunity to create greatness. So whilst I am a woman, in my 20s, Jewish, an artist, a singer, a musician, a writer, a cook, I am none of these labels and am infinitely more. My essence extends far beyond all of You are not afraid to fail. You are afraid of greatness. You are afraid those “categories” and that singular fact or infinite fact I suppose, teaches me the most to live. For every moment not fully lived is a moment lost. This about feminism everyday. subtle but powerful knowing in your heart is gently encouraging And as life dictates I am called to share this anecdote. As I was editing this piece at the you to choose love and release fear. Step into faith and release park, two young teenage boys walked up to me and began catcalling me (the irony was not the anchored buoy that stagnates you in the vast ocean of life. at all lost on me). But what I found myself meditating on the most was, how I could have The all-knowing red tailed hawk can only know the exuberance responded “better,” to help them understand why their remarks were not from a place of of flight after leaving the safety of Grandmother Tree. Take flight love. Then I realized they are me and I am them. There is no separation between us except and you shall be gifted with divine sight. It is written in the stars. the lack of unconditional love for one another. I very much believe writers and musicians Not everything shall be known by the mind, so follow your heart, are teachers. Every woman is a teacher. We must teach ourselves how to act, how to be that is the greatest art of all. Your heart is your constant guide treated, and how to love ourselves and the world. and companion. You are never alone great champion. It wasn’t until I “re-membered” and re-discovered my divine masculine energy that I felt You are a powerful creator, a great magician, a wise alchemist, strong and secure enough in my authenticity to share my creations with the world. Realizing and a divine witch. Be curious but never question your magic. Be the divine feminine and masculine within myself allowed me to witness the mirroring thoughtful but never mindless. Be present but never lost in the shift also occurring within the collective. Thus my journey with my art awakened me to past. my truth, my authenticity, which is undeniably tied to what I understand to be the divine feminine. My art helps me to remember who I am which cyclically allows me to create more art and so on and so forth. So in many ways, my art expands my understanding of intersectional feminism and vice versa.

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Dear child please know that the world happens for you and not to you. Every experience is an opportunity to love yourself deeper, expand your heart, and discover more of your brilliant authenticity. Your greatest superpower lies within your emotions. Listen intently in silence and you shall step into your power with ease. You are the storyteller of your life. You are not your perceived mistakes, nor the traumatic experiences you endure.

I see you. I feel you. I understand your pain.

They did the very best they could with what they knew. They loved you to the degree they loved themselves. Those who have hurt you stole nothing but instead left the gift of opportunity, the gift of life. Forgive yourself, over and over again. Choose the expansiveness of love, choose forgiveness, choose empathy, choose gratitude, and the world will be your playground now and forever more. This vast universe is your mirror, unbiased and true. Look around you and love yourself deeper. Look within yourself and bask in the infinite love and peace that resides inside.

If you ever forget who you are, look to the stars. If you ever feel “lost,” congratulations, you are on your way home. Revel in the unknown and the unexpected; it is where miracles bloom.

I know you. I hear you. I see you. I believe you. I trust you. I need you. I value you. I forgive you. I celebrate you.

I love you, unconditionally.

With love,

January Sunshine P.S. Do not forget to laugh along this great adventure of life. @JANUARYSUNSHINE_ 22 23 DECAF Publixations It’s a Woman’s World

ANTONIETTE VICKIO “I wish there were more women I could admire when growing up and I hope to inspire the younger generation”

What women have had the Greatest Impact on your career or on who What do you do and what got you you have become and why? into it? My mother. I grew up seeing mainly women who wanted to be wives; while there is nothing I am an Industrial Designer and Project wrong with that. My aspiration was to be the Manager. As Industrial Design is a very hard worker, one who could raise a family and unfamiliar career to most I'll try and explain it. raise a company. This is what my mom did, It is basically product development, we are not injunction with my father, but I admire and engineers nor artists; but an inventor. with reflect a lot of my mom's skills and charisma many programs focused on the not so technical when it comes to business. I wish there were side of development. I got into it thinking I'd do more women I could admire when growing up more inventing for the good of people, which and I hope to inspire the younger generation. I get to see happen through the project I am leading right now. Unfortunately it isn't always about the end person's needs it is about getting that end person who needs it... to actually buy What does feminism mean to you? it. Feminism is not women's supremacy. Feminism What are you passionate This is now a combination of a bill of materials is not about highlighting the power men have about? for a product, the cost value to produce said nor the power that women don't. Feminism product, and if the end user is willing to buy it is about lifting each person up with what due to; price, visual interest, and ergonomics/ they want to do with no restrictions based on interface. gender. Example: A man is in a court case for I am passionate about storytelling, custody of a kid with a woman. Who deserves which is curious considering my to get majority custody of the kid? I believe inability to tell a good joke, without that question is a great example of issues with gender inequality, we judge someone laughing before finishing it. quickly based on gender compared to mental and economic capability. In order to change inequality among women and men, we need to first understand all facets that go into inequality.

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I would tell my past self…

You can keep looking for what you want to be. I am also very lucky seeing as there aren't You will not know it at the age of 18. many companies like mine that exist. You change and that is okay. How does your culture , career , and passion Don't be afraid to love and don't be afraid to be heartbroken but have people you play into your definition of feminism ? can express your feelings with, outside of your partner or family. Friends are My culture - I am born in Houston, raised very important commodities that teach valuable life lessons and perspectives. in the suburbs, my parents stayed together yet fought a lot, I grew up poor, my parents Working is fine, but give yourself time to play. Celebrate your beauty; it is a very started their own company, my parents and short time that you get to have it, do not concern yourself with the envious or people they surrounded themselves with jealous comments friends or family may have towards you for it, it will be wise believed in education, education, education, to remove those friends. I believed it too. My mother spoke about a My Passions- I am not completely talented A family should not lie to each other, so do not lie to them, they should have your woman's independence a lot even though at building female relationships due to my back and you should have theirs. her actions didn't always show that and interests having always been male dominated my father's dependency on taking care of activities or a playground of introverts i.e. himself from my mother greatly affected how Video games, aggressive sports, goofing off. I viewed the men I dated. I grew up not able to pick out a 'cute' guy or My Career - I am in a male-dominated field, understanding why I needed to dress up for Thank you! with Engineers and Designers; unless you boys or girls to like me. Feminism regarding my passions are actually situations of nature enter into the Design of female-targeted vs. nurture. I think women are often focused products. My bosses do treat men and Antoniette Vickio on going against their nature and doing what women differently (male bosses) but women their parents encouraged of them. My mom in the field do it to each other as well. I can't Industrial Designer say much about unequal pay because I am did “NOT” encourage me to embrace my admittingly not aggressive about fighting femme, which affected how I approached my for better pay. I know my company is very own interest and how I rejected ones I should passive about giving anyone good pay, but have pursued which all haunt me today.

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hat are you passionate Wabout? I've never found myself passionate about many things. About a year ago, I discovered a passion more important to me than I ever imagined. I had found what I'd always been searching for, the means to making an impact on the lives of people just like me. I am grateful to have a platform that allows me to help people find their inner strength and courage to change and make a difference in themselves and/or others too.

hat got you into activism?

A common question I get from people able to help her regain control of her life W is what started me on my anti bullying and feel confident about herself again. journey. Even though I have had my share Luckily she is alive and healthy today, but of tribulations in life, it wasn't my life's I still felt compelled to help other people story that inspired me to make a change. that feel the way she did. The more I This isn't something that I tell most people helped people , the more I fell in love because it's very difficult for me to think with joy it gave me. I don't necessarily about, let alone process. It was actually consider myself a "good person" , I just a close friend of mine's experience with try to be a friend to people who may bullying that almost literally pushed her need one. So, that's why I consider my off the edge to suicide. I had no idea followers as friends and why I advocate and when I found out I didn't know what for suicide prevention and anti bullying. to think, how to act, or what to feel. I was confused, shocked, but most of all heartbroken. By just being a friend, I was

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is to her characters and the preparation hat women have had the Greatest process. I admire how protective she is “I’M LEARNING SO MUCH FROM WATCHING YOU THROUGH MEMORIES.” Impact on your career or on who of honouring the truth of the character. you have become and why? W More so how consumed she becomes (even I have come across several influential obsessed) with unpacking the complexities women in my life. So,I can't say that I just of the character. Retaining information have one that that has impacted my life the from all around her to build this character most. Though, I can say that one woman in that becomes so believable because she particular has changed my perspective of (the actress) becomes so vulnerable. She the world and many of my life aspirations. becomes a vessel/ a mouthpiece for these "I own my story. I own my failures. I'm not characters to pour their most intimate interested in being perfect. That's how I thoughts and feelings - and that’s not an deal with stress. I don't put on a mask. I easy task but definitely an important one. think that the effort to put on the mask is I watch her and I think; this is a woman probably more detrimental than just being who cares about people, who cares about able to step up and admit your vulnerability human connection, who cares about in front of people who have enough guiding us towards truly feeling and empathy for you." ~ Viola Davis. This is reflecting on things that are important the quote that began to change my life. that we often push away because they are too intimate and difficult to deal with. To me, there is something so special watching Viola Davis speak about acting To be honest I could go on and on about and specifically speak about the complexity how much Viola Davis inspires me to of being human and being a woman. I am always go deeper in life and in my craft. always so drawn to how respectful she

hat does feminism mean to you? I think feminism can be as big or as little a part of your life as you want it to be. As long as everyone W supports feminism in their own individual way, To me, feminism means the strive for the important and widespread changes are sure to limitlessness of gender. I call myself a feminist be made. To me, feminism is also questioning precisely for the fact that I believe gender should things. Feminism is continual reflection and not generate any presumptions, pressures, evaluation on everyday events; refusing to limits or restrictions. Feminism means that accept things the way they are just because that’s gender stereotypes should be redundant. the way they have always been. Often this is the Everybody should feel free to be the person aspect of feminism that has gained the movement they want to be and do the things they want to its negative reputation. It can encourage the do; away from the expectations that society misconception that feminists are irritating may impose on them due to the gender. Often, because they can find fault in anything you do. I question how far I really am into feminism. Although it must be remembered that things can Can I justify calling myself a feminist? What be wrong just as often as they can be right. Being do I tangibly do to advance equal rights? a feminist doesn’t mean you have to disagree with and oppose everything, it just means you’re consciously forming your own opinions that may sometimes differ from societal norms.

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Feminism is the opposite of sexism, it is a right to be yourself, it is a right to choose and live your life the way you deserve: it's about equality. In our culture, I hear people say “I am not a sexist, but I am also not a feminist”. That is wrong. If a person thinks a woman is better than TER men, or women are the best- that itself is sexism. Feminism is about equality. We know many countries, who don't give women their right to travel, right to speak, right to work, right to choose their partner, right for education, etc.

Feminism is a fight for equality. f you could write a letter to your past self what would it say You can either be a feminist or a sexist, there is nothing in between. Don’t I assume her favorite color is pink, don't I’m sorry for not always believing in your potential. I often held you back with assume she can’t throw a ball, dont negative thinking and self doubt. In the most crucial of times when you needed assume if she reacts it’s PMS, don't as much positivity as possible, I didn’t always help. Little did I know when I was assume the reason she got a promotion younger, I was building up the resilience I needed to get me through my young is because she slept with her boss, adult life and beyond. I was adapting and growing from my hardships more than don't assume she needs your help, don’t I ever have and truly felt like I could take on the world. I was determined to prove assume her favorite dolls will be barbies. people wrong. People looked at me, my situation, my circumstances, my hardships like it defined me. I saw that as a weakness, but now see how much strength came out of that.

Feminism is about coming out of the @DEVYNBAX box, respecting and judging people for what they say or what they do, If I could go speak to the past me I would tell her thank you. not for what gender they identify as. Thank you, for continuing to fight. Thank you, for trusting your intuition. Thank you, for being strong even when you didn’t think you could. I’m learning so much from watching you through memories. Your faith saved me, and who I am today is always thankful that we never gave up. "You "You can sexist, either there be is a nothing feminist or in a between"

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"You are going to make it. I know right now you think that you will always be stuck in one place with no way to get out of poverty, but know that you will." - Dr. Adossi

What are you passionate about?

I am passionate about data and human rights. So I guess you could say I am passionate about looking at how data can be used as a weapon to stop human rights violations. I am also passionate about epidemiology and the study of movement across the earth.

What got you into your career?

I got into a lot of things through curiosity. I never thought I would be a great teacher, let I have always been curious as a child and alone a professor, but he knew my potential questioned many norms growing up. As and always encourage me so that is how I an African female, I have had the rare became a professor. I am also a data analyst opportunity to truly explore education by trade and it is currently at the core of my and rights that were and are being denied consulting firm and I got into that when I to many women in third world countries. realized there weren’t many Black African When people ask me what I do for a living, females in the management consulting arena I never quite know what to say because I’d and that a lot of management consulting like to think of myself as a master of many. firms were not really using data analysis to To date, I have been a professor, a teacher, their benefits. Nowadays, everyone is into a consultant, an international relations data analysis and deep learning, but I saw delegate, a policy analyst, a web developer, it coming and I was curious about it and and a data analyst. I got into Political I taught myself. I also got into consulting Science and International Relations because because I knew my expertise was priceless I realized there were no Black females given my extremely odd background and in the arena and also because I honestly various educational fields. And I founded my thought men didn’t quite know how to be consulting startup, Adossi Consulting, because diplomatic. So, I saw many problems and I I didn’t know any other African females wanted to fix it. I then became a professor who were starting their own businesses or just because my mentor, Dr. Linantud at startups. In a few words, I knew my worth. UHD always pushed me to dream higher.


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What does feminism mean to you?

o me, feminism means being paid be trusted as much as a man with the same How does your culture , career , and passion play into your definition of equally and being respected equally as amount of experience is trusted. This also feminism ? men are. This means financially and means that I am willing and actually think it Tin terms of ambition. An ambitious woman best that women are challenged in the same needs to be praised as much as an ambitious way men are challenged in the workplace. man is praised. A woman with 10 years of experience managing a program should have three distinct identities which own business. This was extremely unheard play into my “culture”. These identities of back in the 80s given the fact that she include being a woman, being an was also unmarried. My mom taught me Iimmigrant, and being an African. If there that to be a woman does not mean being ever was a woman who literally has nothing less than a man nor does it means being going for them, it would be me. But it is my more than a man: it simply means being identity as an African that keeps me going human and working for the same goals the most. I can be a man and a native of the as any man would. And this has always country in which I live and I will still behave stuck with me. So even today, I am never according to my African identity. This is intimidated by men. And why should I? The because the importance of knowing your only difference between me and him is a roots plays an important role in your self- chromosome. I will not let a chromosome esteem. I knew I was incredibly intelligent; define my limits. The sky is not even my I knew I was rare; I also knew I was a limit. I can still become an astronaut today woman. Knowing this, I knew I had the same if I wanted to. And this is also why I have so chances as any boy to be successful. In my many credentials: I do not put limitations household, my parents never differentiated on myself. Even if I get married, you will me from my brothers: I was expected to find me somewhere learning a new skill or work as hard as them. In fact, before my conquering a new career. Feminism, to me, mother married my father, she herself is the recognition that I am not nor should was a millionaire in Africa and owned her I be limited by a single chromosome.

What women have had the Greatest Impact on your career or on who you have become and why? the University of Houston-Downtown. Actually, no particular woman has had He always expected bigger and greater things an impact on me. I have never identified for me. If I ever came to him with a problem I with any particular female leader. I didn’t think I could achieve, he would simply "To me, feminism means being paid equally and being did, however, identify with the likes of and as-a-matter-of-factly say I can do it. respected equally as men are." Machiaveli and his written works. I have also had many amazing male leaders who have simply pushed me so many times. I already mentioned my mentor from college, Dr. John Linantud, who teaches at

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“Feminism, to me, is the recognition that I am not nor should I be limited by a single chromosome. "

Dear Nancy,

You are going to make it. I know right now you think that you will always be stuck in one place with no way to get out of poverty, but know that you will. You will inspire so many people to change their lives. You will single-handedly pull your family out of poverty. Many people will try to stop you from achieving your dreams and many will try to stop you from going further with your dreams. Don't listen to them. They ain't shit. Ain't never gonna be shit. (Oh and you will also start cursing). They just want to see you fail because they don't have the guts to do what you will do. Don't cry about college. You will go. You will go all the way to a PhD. Don't cry about being undocumented. You will secure your papers. You will travel the world. Don't cry about your dad leaving you. He will FOLLOW MY ADVENTURES ON need you and seek you out. I know right now TWITTER: @ADOSSIDR you are sleeping on the floor next to your FOLLOW MY CONSULTING FIRM AND mom and you can't afford your bills, but girl CAREER ON LINKEDIN: wipe your tears, you will buy a house for your mom with your sweat. Always remember WWW.LINKEDIN.COM/IN/DRADOSSI your grandmother made money out of nothing. She isn't your ancestor for nothing: follow her path. Babygirl, that hustle in you in stronger than the struggle around you.




40 41 DECAF Publixations It’s a Woman’s World BRANDY NAGEL

“Step out of the echo chamber and make friends with people who are different from you.

What are you passionate about?

I love helping people figure out how to turn an idea into a business model. I have the privilege of teaching folks (from all types of backgrounds) who want to be successful entrepreneurs: students, research scientists, retired people writing a third act, corporate escapees, and people who never before dreamed of starting a new business. Teaching a person who has an idea is an amazing opportunity: to encourage and mentor the dreamer as they work to make a new reality. My role is to keep them grounded in the realities of creating a startup and running a business, to help the person build the capacity to be a leader, a business owner, a team leader, and whatever it takes for them to be successful. This includes the “head game” of entrepreneurship. Identify the outdated beliefs that must be discarded for the person to be successful, and discover the personal characteristics that will sustain the person through the roller-coaster ride of building a business. Now, I receive requests to teach faculty at universities around the world how to unleash entrepreneurship in the students and infuse innovation into the campus culture. I also work with communities to develop mentor networks to support emerging entrepreneurs. This adds up to economic empowerment for people and economic development for communities. If you ask me “what were you put on this earth to do?” I will tell you I am here to @BRANDYNAGEL1 make other people rich.

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My parents left behind paycheck jobs and started What women have had the Greatest their own business when I was 7 years old. This Impact on your career or on who is the origin of my passion to help people learn to you have become and why? become business owners. My mom ran the back office of the family business (a car and truck rental company) while my dad worked the front office. They worked together every day as the business grew and went through growing pains. While my mom didn’t have an education in accounting, she kept the books. She figured it out.

My mom created a simple and efficient system for invoicing, collections, tax compliance and all the essential functions. My mom is a problem- solver – it’s in her DNA. And she works problems like a puzzle: Will this work? What if we try this? She also has a natural inclination to optimize – to find the best way to solve a problem. Trial and error. Learn and implement. Now we call this “lean” and “agile”, but I saw it as how business is done. She also set an example with her work ethic. Every day she was prepared for work, did the work, and never whined. At home she explored her other interests, serving as a volunteer leader, and developing her own side hustle. Family businesses are often fraught with daily drama or unresolved conflict as the roles and relationships of home and work collide. But I observed, day after day, my parents’ teamwork. They talked through the decisions with a common goal of figuring out the best way to proceed. No drama. I never saw a moment of disrespect between my parents. They recently celebrated 50 years of marriage. I strive to live up to my mom’s example: show up, be prepared, do the work, improve every process, figure it out, and always have a side hustle.

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Dear People of Earth,

Pick your battles. Skip the trivial drama and look for the more significant opportunities to contribute. Invest your time wisely. Most celebrities are not heroes, they are craftsmen. They may have earned your respect for their skill, but they do not deserve your worship. Step out of the echo chamber and make friends with people who are different from you. They are not a threat to you. Centralize, don’t marginalize. You don’t have to be perfect, What does feminism mean to you? but you can be fabulous. Realize pleasure is not the same as happiness. Appreciate the Feminism is three elements: healthy role science, faith, culture and nature play in our well-being as humans. Figure out your relationships, respect and room to grow. These learning style, and then dive deep into the things you love. You don’t have to be an artist to play out within my community, amongst my co- make art. Once you turn 30 years old, you should begin mentoring, if you haven’t already. workers and friends and family, and between Every meal you should fill half of your plate with colorful vegetables. me and myself. This is my way of thinking of equality, equity and opportunity. Feminism is not limited to how men people treat women, Hugs, but how I act in the world and how we all treat How does your culture , career , and each other. passion play into your definition of Brandy I totally dig the idea of “fix her crown before feminism ? P.S. My husband asked me to add: Do what you dream of. Don’t wait. the world knows it was crooked”. Tell her if the tag of her shirt is hanging out, or she is doing a great job, or she is capable of great Helping women build startups and become things. In my experience, girls quarrel, and business owners makes me feel powerful. I women empower each other. My ambition meet women who never thought of themselves for the future is to direct funding to women- as entrepreneurs. Some women are risk-averse owned businesses. This could be through a and think writing code is a requirement. The seed fund for startups or helping women win more important point is to identify risks and small businesses loans. I’m still figuring out quickly reduce or eliminate them. Writing mechanism. code is a valuable skill that can be learned or out-sourced. To be a business owner requires communication skills, problem solving, team work, and a bunch of other qualities.

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What are you passionate about? I am passionate about being a lifelong learner and contributor to the study of the human mind and behavior. I have spent many years studying and mastering the fields of psychology, philosophy, and counseling and I use this expertise to help and teach others who share similar passions. What got you into your field? I was 10 years old, in 5th grade. My grandmother passed and I remembered overhearing my Mom receiving the call to notify her. I remember her becoming silent and then telling my Dad. I went to school the next day and I was crying. The other students, on playground, were laughing at me for crying and they asked me what was wrong. I told them my grandmother passed and they continued laughing. I remember wondering why people would behave in such a manner and thus began my interest into human behavior. My quest to obtain my PhD in psychology has taken me on many paths including social work, counseling, and know a college professor. I currently own a private practice and I am a full time college professor as well as the practicum coordinator for Human Services, Prevention, Community Health Worker, and Susbtance use.

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What women have had the Greatest Impact How does your culture , career , and passion on your career or on who you have become play into your definition of feminism ? and why? I empower my students to own their career My Mother (Shirl) , Grandmother (Maxine), choice. To elaborate: There are social stigmas and my Great Aunt (Joyce) are the three women that exist in certain fields, like in nursing who have had the most effect and influence on and counseling. I educate my students on who I am today. My Great Aunt because she is such stigmas and biases and challenge them an educator and a life-long learner, as well. She to overcome their own stigmas and biases. I is a very kind-hearted, soft spoken individual, have heard that, in this cultures, counseling who is a very strong God fearing woman. My is 'a woman's career' so I am passionate about mother because she is a dedicated mother and empowering the males that choose to go wife, who has always loved and honored the into the counseling field to fulfil their career Lord and provided Godly advice. She is very goals. All of these experiences have helped selfless and loving. My Grandmother because me formulate my definition of feminism. she is my heart. She has always sacrificed and put her family first. She taught us how to be independent women through modeling and tough love from birth, she is my Wonder Women . If you could write a letter to your past self and/or to the current and What does feminism mean to you? future generations of young women and/or men. What would you say? Feminism to me, means equal treatment for all sexes. Noting that equality does not I would say dream big and do not let anyone put you or your abilities into a ‘box’. always equate to fairness, feminist attempt People tend to ‘box’ things they fear or do not understand. Just because an individual to raise and reveal the inequality that can not visualize your dreams and goals, does not mean they will not happen. exist amongst the sexes. The goal is not to elevate one sexes above another, rather to empower and educate everyone about the inequality and social stigmas that exists.

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56 57 DECAF Publixations It’s a Woman’s World CAMILLE CORALES MARKETER || PHILANTHROPIST || ENTREPRENEUR What are you passionate about?

Great question! Whether it be Second, I would say I'm passionate working in my current corporate about leadership and being able to job, or being a board member for utilize what I learnt from leadership outside organizations, I've noticed retreats and boot-camps to not only the fire usually lights within me be the best version of myself, but to when I'm working on projects that spread the awareness that anyone revolve around these topics or if the in the community can be a leader. project speaks about these topics: I truly believe that you don't have to have a specific leadership title to lead the change you want to see, For one, the opportunity to help rather have the will and grit to act students find resources in order upon these ideas and take action. to accelerate their growth during college. For instance, when I was a student, I was able to help introduce Third, I'd say I'm pretty passionate multiple programs into different about innovation, it can be colleges and organizations, such as innovation in organizations or start- introducing a mentor and mentee ups that showcase innovation, such program. To this day, I still partake as Cougar Creative. I believe the in heading a mentorship program more we are able to open up our for the Bauer Young Alumni Board perceptions to change, the more we and the Ted Bauer Undergraduate can easily develop with the on-going Business scholars organization trends of the business economy. Additionally, I believe innovating different programs,companies, and traditional ways of thinking is how we as a community can . progress into a more united society.


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What does feminism mean to you?

Feminism, in the most simple way to phrase it is to What got you into your respect women's ideas, bodies, and mind as their own.

Entrepreneurship: Since the age of 5 in the Career ? Philippines, I have always imagined myself as a business owner and a provider to my family. If you do not know, the Philippines is an underdeveloped country that has yet to find it's "niche" or what the country can provide for the world. With that said, part of my family lived in the poverty-stricken side of the world which has become one of my driving factors Marketing: I was first introduced to marketing to be an entrepreneur. As someone who can through a network marketing company in open up a business, in the future, I'd be able to high school- and that is where I fell in love provide more to my cousins and my country. with marketing. After noticing that you can utilize marketing in order to brand yourself Additionally, I've noticed that rather than the way you would like to be perceived, I being a follower in companies, I like to take started to consider taking on marketing as my lead on the changes in companies and how major. Moreover, I fell in love with marketing to properly execute strategies that will in after realizing how much thought goes to the turn help the company grow. Lastly, similar internal and external processes of marketing to marketing, entrepreneurship brings the a simple product/ idea/ or person. Marketing creativity out of people's minds and allows plays a big role in who I am now because creatives to be able to push their mind to before, as a high school student who started their limits. Thanks for entrepreneurship, developing depression at an earlier age, I didn't How does your culture , career , and passion What women have had the Greatest Impact I've been able to push myself to be a better like who I became at the age of 18- someone play into your definition of feminism ? on your career or on who you have become leader, manager, and business owner. who didn't value relationships, someone who and why? As much as I would love to say that culture, didn't care about her future, and someone career, and passion has played a role in my Ellen Degeneres: I recently started looking up who focused more on the "fun now" than the personal definition of feminism, I believe it's to Ellen Degeneres as a role model, because responsibilities later. After noticing, I was more of the other way around. Thankfully, she uses what she has to help those in need. unhappy with who I've became, I put what I I was raised as an #independentwoman, She's a woman who's not afraid to show the learned about marketing and became who I so feminism has help me define how I world who she is, and be able to stand up wanted to be in college- driven, goal-oriented, live my culture, career, and passions. for the values and ideas that she believes and an individual who was able to help others. in, no matter if there is a good amount of Feminism has taught me that I don't have to I would say being introduced to marketing opposition. I value her as a woman because adapt to the asian culture of having to rely has changed my life drastically, because it she has helped changed the nation, once on a man to make a living. Feminism has allowed me to focused on branding myself small act of kindness at a time. Ellen has also taught me to express my ideas and opinions to become the woman I could look up to. shown how to be able to respect other people's in a corporate culture, and not be scared to opinions even if it doesn't agree with yours. be shut down due to my gender. Feminism has taught me to go after my passions and not conform to what other's want me to be, but rather who can I be, just being me.

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If you could write a letter to future To the future of women, generations of young women . Don't let someone tell you you're What would you say? "too bossy" or "too emotional."

You define who you are and who you want to be. As long as you focus on who you want to be in the future, you can make the future yours.

So, show them what you got.

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64 65 DECAF Publixations It’s a Woman’s World CHRISTINE TONR Y

What got you into your career? I consider myself a storyteller. I believe music, theater, film and tv are very effective ways to teach and bring out empathy in others. Being an actor, you get the opportunity to put yourself into another’s situation. Also, share another point of view with others that might not otherwise understand. I believe that is a great power that we can use to understand each other. What are you Passonate about hat got you into your career? I’m passionate about helping others, especially W My Tia (aunt) Amelia. She was not an actor, young people find their happiness and what or performer. We didn’t have the opportunity makes them unique. I’m also very passionate to follow a passion or have a real career. about changing the criminal justice system What she was able to do is make people happy. Just by being kind and sharing story’s. She was loving and open to all people. @christinetonry

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hat does feminism mean to you? ow does your culture , career , and W passion play into your definition of Hfeminism ?

Coming from a Mexican mother I have always felt pressure to be a good wife and mother. I was taught to run a household. I was brought up in a way that made me feel I was to be a helper to my husband. I love my family and enjoy supporting Feminism to me is being able to be myself. I do not my husband but I also deserve his equal support. My think we need to fit into a box. I want all women to feel children are growing up knowing that they can support good about who they are. We should all be supporting their loved ones while still pursuing their own passions. each other and show kindness in everything we do. Being an actor and teaching I am grateful to get experience different perspectives on being a women.


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f you could write a letter to your past self and/or to the current and Ifuture generations of young women and/or men. What would you say?

Tell your story and listen to others. We can learn so much from each other! Wake up everyday and be grateful for every experience you have. Good or bad. Set goals for yourself, write them down and then work a little everyday towards those goals. Success can be hidden in our daily routine. Often we see someone accomplish a big goal and we do not realize that they probably worked hard on it every day for a long period of time. We’re only seeing the tip of the iceberg.

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hat got you into your Career? TYKISHA (TK) PRESLEY an economic development corporation for a small central Texas town. It's one position "My grandfather taught me about things considered manly by WEqual parts statement and question here: but you need working knowledge of about Natural aptitude and living life at the stereotype because I wasn't just curious about 'girl stuff' and he 7 different fields to grasp it. Before that, intersection of "Seemed like a cool idea" insisted that I at least know enough not to "get screwed over". a UX/UI Developer. Prior to that a Web and "What's the worst that could happen?". I've not done life in the conventional - get Developer. I'd gotten into coding when I was web designer who took did a brief good grades to get in a good school to get stint in metal fabrication where I learned a good job to have good kids that get good hat are you Passonate how to program CNC cutting machines. I grades - way. My parents met at an magnet about? was asked to apply for my current position school. She majored in music but was W Development. Growth. Creating solutions, systems and solving problems that help or interesting in software development. He because the city leadership had interviewed people unsuccessfully for about 3 years. lead to the betterment of people, processes, businesses, communites & wellness. That's was a poetry writing art major who could After asking local business owners if they not something I set out to do but is the common denominator in the otherwise random build anything and didn't care for "the knew anyone who would or could possibly challenges I've taken on. If I had to narrow it down to one thing within those though, I'm system". So here I am. I was intrigued by be up for the task, my name was given. super passionate about health, wellness and the human body. That's what I studied in Leonardo DaVinci as a kid because he was college. It's the most intricate machine, most fulfilling to develop and most difficult to master. into the same things I was. I studied (classic It seemed like huge challenge and I had no clue how to do it so I interviewed... and graphic) art and computers while on and here we are. I guess asking me how I a pre-med track from high school through got into any one thing is about the same college because I liked it. There was never as asking what I'll be doing next. *shrugs* just one thing I've wanted to do. For the last 5 years, I've been the Executive Director of


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hat woman has had the most effect on your career or on who Wyou have become and why?

Easy answer. Undoubtedly a ridiculously amazing woman named of Arleen Taveras. She's not world famous but it's the world's loss. I walked in to interview at her company at the age of 24 just looking for "a job". I had my fill of metal fab and was bored. She and her husband saw me as a diamond in the rough and gave me an opportunity. I ended up in their technology department moonlit in marketing for 7 years there. If fact, after I'd left her company, skipped the country to do UX internationally and came back, SHE was the one who recommended I take on what I do currently. To this very day, she is still a role model and mentor. Arleen has challenged, inspired, advised, educated, exposed and at times pushed me into too many growth experiences and opportunites to name. When it comes to business and personal development, she and her husband raised me. Above everything else though, she has always been an up close and personal example of a strong black woman who has come from nothing to earn everything she has. She's exploded glass ceilings, created her own path, eats challenges for breakfast and has tackled it all with a level of intelligence, poise, grace, grit, vision and work ethic matched by very few. I couldn't tell you how many times over the past 15 years I've faced a challenge and thought, "Okay, how would Ar handle this?" I've encountered people who have never worked with me before express a knowing confidence in my ability noting that I am, "of the Taveras camp". When your mere influence instills confidence? That's power. I can easily say I'd not be close to who or what I am today had she not seen something in me and taken me in under her wing. If you've ever met Arleen, she's impacted or inspired you in some way.


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hat does feminism mean to you ow does your culture , career , and passion play into your definition of W Hfeminism ?

To me, "feminism" means something fairly close to the dictionary They all have had a huge influence now that I think about it. I've had strong male definition. Equal rights, pay and *reasonable* opportunity for females. I and female influences growing up and when it came to character, performance, say "reasonable" because I completely respect the fact that equal doesn't interests and skillsets, gender was an "is-so" thing but never made a defining factor. always mean same. Men and women innately have different stature, strengths & weaknesses. I am not the exact same as a male counterpart. That said, from a performance standpoint - where I can meet or match My grandfather taught me about things considered manly by his ability/aptitude equal pay/opportunity/etc should be a non-issue. stereotype because I wasn't just curious about "girl stuff" and he insisted that I at least know enough not to "get screwed over". The movement loses me when it comes to the more subjective issues. When I hear assertions (complaints?) like, It was his way of equipping me for a male dominated society. "What is considered confidence in a man is labeled 'bitchy or aggressive' in a female." At the same time, my grandmother taught me how to cook, clean, be a caregiver and respectfully submit to the man in my life - where the respect was mutual. I'm not one to get up in arms about it. I can see the truth in that because I've worked and excelled in what are traditionally male-dominated fields as a the baseline of a woman is a feminine nature. From that baseline, I get it. rather youthful looking, dark-brown-skinned woman. As much as some might It's a keen observation of stereotypical traits. If I have to put my foot down interpret those traits as "3 strikes" I've never let that let that stop or influence and someone labels me a certain type of way, that's cool too. If that's what my direction. Perception is a powerful concept. I was told at a young age that I'd it took to get the job done, stand up for myself or whatever, that's what the have to be 10x better than average to be given a fair shake. Not fair but "is-so". situation calls for. I'm not going to get distracted by labels, stereotypes or being mad because someone labeled by behaviour as generally deviant from the "feminine baseline". It's just information. Use it strategically. I have aptitudes and traits and aren't fair too - can't win them all. I ran with it and forged on or as we said in the Army combat training, you "drink water and drive on". So heck yeah, all of that massive influence and I'm grateful. I didn't grow up All that said, where feminism crosses over into political, I think beholden to or even really aware of most of the cultural "-isms" that people like to gender-based legislature should be completely abolished. The identify with. I grew up identifying more with work ethic, fun in learning, being same energy politicians have for legislating gender-oriented male good to good people and handling not-so-good people with more of that hard rights is the same energy they should have for females. None. work & your good character. When that doesn't work, tenacity, strategy or on rare occasion, the Marshawn Lynch tactic. Over and over and over and over again.

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f you could write a letter to your past self and/or to the current and future generations of young women and/or men. I To my past self,

I'd say this: Negativity is like a gift, you don't have to accept it. Trust your gut. It's okay not to be such a go-to, sacrificial team player all the time - self care isn't selfish. Believe in yourself 1000% more. What's "odd" now will be your superpower later. Watch your mouth. Life is going to throw some wild curves at you Little One. Hug the curve and ease on the gas coming out of the turn What would you say? there too. Stretch more often because flexibility gets hard with age. Wait a month before you make that purchase. Sparkle on you lil'hyper unicorn, you're overflowing with greatness. Lastly, when you turn 25, as much as it seems like a cool idea and even though your husband agrees, do not get that damned tattoo.

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To current and future generations, this:

MLK Jr dreamt of a time when we could be judged by the content of our character over anything else. The catch is that you can't be judged by character that you don't have.

Make your grandmother proud...unless your grandmother had poor character. There were a lot of mean people back in In his day, superficialities mattered much more. Now and in the coming days, not as much the day so if one of those was your grandma then, do better. as they used to. You are not your grandparents anymore than we were ours. Strong character has better opportunity to prevail. Cultivate it. Be confident enough not to automatically accept whatever label someone tries to give you...but be humble enough to weigh that Go back and listen to the podcast where Joe Rogan interviews Elon Musk. observation subjectively. Grow and govern yourself accordinly. You're probably dealing with some crisis he tried to warn us about but the collective was too busy clutching pearls over that joint he puffed instead of listening. Sorry about that. While you're at it, there was once good music with meaningful lyrics. Reference anytime before "mumble rap" and face tattoos was a thing. Feel free to bring that back. Our generation If you're more caught up in -isms, if you're putting more effort into trying to change go too heavy into crap with degrading messages and it programmed a how someone else thinks, behaves or feels mores0 than the personal development of lot of people for lack of self-respect. Please be better than that. Also, be you and your circle, you're doing it wrong. Be more driven by courage and character super active in all the politics. Even local stuff. Most of your grandparents than fear and insecurity. I promise it will alter your interpretation of who or what you friends are and people making power grabs will take massive advantage find personally offensive. Learn from history. Some of the planets worse times were of that. Shock the system and rock the world by getting involved in in driven by the lesser of human traits. Scarcity is a mindset. Don't adopt it. Energy and it. Finally, always, always, always: Work hard and be nice to people. effort are your greatest currencies, use them wisely. Read more books than blogs. Plant trees and treat our planet better than we did, please. Wellness is wealth, not that other stuff you trade your precious time for. I don't care how many doors it opens, lattes it pays for or free passes it earns, don't get that RFID chip implanted in your flesh.


80 81 DECAF Publixations It’s a Woman’s World What are you passionate about CAMILLE I struggle with this passions are so mercurial. My passions are so often tied up in fear and apprehension. But I guess I'd say words in general (reading, writing, LOUISE conversation, etc). That's definitely my dominating passion. I'm passionate about education, but in a more comprehensive sense I guess. I personally believe that learning gives meaning to life (mine at least). Also, healing and recovery. I think that suffering is an integral part of the human condition but healing should be too. So many people accept suffering as a part of life but few have the faith to seek relief. I am in recovery myself hat got you into your current Career? and I am often grateful for the compulsions that landed me in therapeutic environments, W because it provides me with an opportunity to work on myself with unprecedented zeal. I've always written things down. When I first learned to write, it was just obsessive documentation of minute details of the natural I love people, sometimes. And animals, world. I had a lot of behavioral problems in always. And spending lots of time in nature. school. I was gifted but really tortured and traumatized for a variety of reasons. I had an amazing fifth grade teacher who taught me to use creative writing as a sort of coping skill. And when I discovered that state of "flow," and that descriptive writing came to me quite easily, I was quick to adopt it as an integral part of my identity. As for teaching...Well I was a community organizer in New York and I felt like the biggest obstacles that I faced were ignorance and misinformation. I was working with college students at the time and I found that I spent most of my time trying to fill in gaps in learning. So I decided to go into teaching, try to find the root of the problem.


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hat does Feminism mean to you?

Feminism is a touchy word for me. I prefer gender equality. W I'm a bit of a granola-munching progressive in that way but I hat women have had the Greatest Impact on your think it's kind of limiting to call it "feminism." It's a label that career or on who you have become and why? has allowed for the discrimination of trans and non gender W conforming folks, and that bothers me. But I guess the concept of feminism (or what I'm interpreting to be "gender equality") to me implies the philosophy that non-male/cis(arguably heterosexual) persons have the freedom, protections, My mother, in life and death, has profoundly resources, and opportunities to make unrestricted choices influenced my passion for poetry in and to thrive. To put it simply, freedom from oppression. But perspective and in writing. She suffered I think we have a problematic way of talking about feminism. greatly, and from many different ailments, Because women (or I at least) don't want the same THINGS as and yet adopted an aesthetic view of the men. we just want the same options. We want the same range world, from which everything was, to her, of choices and opportunities, the same access to resources, a work of art. She imparted this philosophy the same freedoms, the same ability to influence the world to me from a young age; the notion that around us, the same leadership opportunities. We don't live in life is to be savored and celebrated. She a zero-sum world in which one person's gain inherently entails died suddenly and tragically when I was another's loss. The problem is that so much male ego rests on young, and I always felt that in death she the oppression and subjugation of women...And the only way had left me this legacy- to sharpen the we're going to get anywhere is if we champion "feminism" precious details of this world in writing. as a truly all-inclusive concept. Hence, "gender equality." Anne Carson and Sylvia Plath have both really influenced my writing, and inspired me to continue writing poetry and poetic short narratives. Amy Goodman and Naomi Klein are huge ow does your culture, career and passion play into your inspirations to me. I believe that most of definition of feminism? the world's problems exist because people are ignorant or misinformed about certain H As an educator, I aim to instill in my students a moral belief in things. That's a dramatic oversimplification gender equality. But my ego is not so large as to believe that I can but it's the operative philosophy that guides truly influence them in that way. My goal is to expose them to as my tentative foray into the field of education. many perspectives and viewpoints as possible, so that they might These two women have risked everything make their own decisions about who they are and what they believe. and dedicated all to disseminating raw and I'm just here to facilitate and act as a witness to their growth. honest information about critical issues. I've always had a weird relationship with femininity. Suffering from an eating disorder, being raised by a single father and struggling with aspects of my sexuality made things a little confusing for me. But I am proud to be a woman, and to champion gender equality. I think that I express my femininity most in writing. I speak from a very soft space inside of me, one that feels profoundly feminine. I also work with a lot of women in recovery, and I think that helping other women to heal is one of the most powerful expressions of my commitment to feminism.

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f you could write a letter to your past self and or to the current and future generations of Iyoung women and or men what would you say?

I think that people need to learn their own lessons. Being an educator means being a facilitator more than anything else. So I'm not sure I would want to write a letter to my past self. As for writing a letter to anyone else...well I can only speak from my own experience. I would tell my story, I guess. And leave it up to others to find meaning and value where there might be some. And I would say that the main lesson I've learned is that at each turn, my horizons were broader than I thought they were. I am not as limited as I feel sometimes.


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hat are you Passonate about? W I am passionate about life and the afterlife. I enjoy dancing, metaphysical deep connections with new people and maintaining the deep connections I already have with my spiritual tribe. I live to love and speak of it in such a way that it surrounds my every thought. The passion that runs through my veins reveals the genetic makeup of a warrior, sister, teacher, healer, and lover. I walk with my heart on my sleeves, shoulders, chest, and head and I give pieces of it to those who are missing pieces of themselves.

hat got you into your Career? I am a curandera(healer), teacher, social worker, advocate, W motivator, lover, and fighter. I have worked many years with our youth who have undergone many life struggles that include many forms of abuse (emotional, physical, and/or sexual.) I have worked with all populations in different contexts including spiritually. I have helped many connect to their original roots and learned the basic methods of Love and connection. What has guided me into doing this work has everything to do with what I myself have undergone. Growing up in poverty witnessing and experiencing all types of my own abuse, as well as the pain that the people in my own community and family have experienced. At a young age around 6 years old I began having visions that I did not understand until later on in life, and as every day passes I realize more and more the connections and meanings of my visions and how it plays out in my life's purpose. It has everything to do with guiding and educating those not only about our true history(herstory) but the power we all innately have inside that must be explored so that we can evolve into the higher beings we were meant to be.

"Feminism is the beauty of embracing yourself fully as BEATRIZ ROSARIO the Woman you are and the Woman you are meant to be." @BEAUTYBORIQUA

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hat woman has had the most effect on your career or on who you have become and why? W I would have to say my "Mother" as well as my "sisters." They are all strong powerful women who would not turn away when faced with adversity but instead sharpened their swords and braved a world that made it difficult for woman especially minority woman to succeed. I say this about the physical existence of my family as well as the spiritual. The "Mother" Gaia as well as all the "sisters" that I run into all the time at different points in my life have all inspired me to continue on my path and have confirmed that I am doing what I need to in order to fuel my soul as well as the Earth.


I am of Puerto Rican Heritage, I had to learn English at the age of 8. I was raised by a single mom and 3 sisters. There weren't really many men around in my household so all I knew to be powerful were women. My mother barely made ends meet and worked all the time, my oldest sister Maria watched over me as she tried to get ahead WHAT DOES FEMINISM MEAN TO YOU ? in life. I witnessed their struggles and pains and was determined to get to the bottom of it. When I graduated college in 2010 with a degree in Human Services/Sociology I EMINISM IS THE EMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN began to work with young teenage girls who had survived human trafficking. That's when I began to see the depths of darkness in this covert world of sexual entrapment THAT HAVE BEEN OPPRESSED FOR SO LONG. for girls. So many girls and boys are kidnapped daily and so many people do not hear IT IS THE CONFIRMATION THAT IS OK TO about it because these are the children lost in the system such as runaways, foster FBE POWERFUL, TO BE BEAUTIFUL IN YOUR OWN care, no families, no home, so no one cares. I quickly learned that it was a business, TRUE ESSENCE. IT IS NOT TO DIMINISH OR PUT a government business. Human trafficking is actually one of the top 3 money making ANY MAN OR ANYONE ELSE DOWN BUT INSTEAD businesses in the United States of America. I also learned that in order to truly empower women you had to work with these children before they got into these situations. I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO am currently a school teacher in New Orleans and I strongly believe education is the BE JUST AS POWERFUL AND CONFIDENT AS greatest gift you can give these children before it's too late. I also believe that the work ANYONE ELSE. FEMINISM IS THE BEAUTY OF is not just for girls or women but more for boys and men so that they may know how to EMBRACING YOURSELF FULLY AS THE WOMAN respect and treat women and not allow any woman in their lives to experience any of it. YOU ARE AND THE WOMAN YOU ARE MEANT TO BE.

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What would you say?

I would want to write a letter to men saying ...

Dear Men, my first experiences with you shocked me because I didn't know how men are due to not growing up with men. I couldn't believe the lack of compassion or the need for sex and control. I'm not saying all men because I have met some amazing men along my journey, but many men literally wished death on me. lol I jokingly say this now but I have experienced many forms of abuse if not all forms. I have been physically, emotionally, and sexually assaulted on various occasions and a part of it was due to them not understanding my power and me refusing to yield it. If I can give you some advice I would say start supporting the women in your life and embrace their power. You will be surprised what women are able to accomplish when they are supported and loved properly. Men, just because you allow a woman to be powerful does not take away from your power, if anything it will make women love you and appreciate you more because you can allow them a safe space. It's sad to say but there are not many safe places for women.

This goes to other women as well, stop hurting and putting each other down. Work on yourself and build your sister's up. I love you all and I hope you love yourselves too.


92 93 DECAF Publixations It’s a Woman’s World ALIENA REMBORN

hat are you passionate about?

W dance, acting, music, filmmaking, photography, painting


What got you into your world (s) of Passion?

I was involved in theater arts, orchestra, chorus, dance arts in high school and that birthed the desire to create/direct my own projects. I enjoyed coming up with concepts for art pieces with my friends which fostered a desire to express myself and showcase my experiences visually. Involving theatrics, music, photography. That lead to the initial development of my passion for filmmaking and curation of events.


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hat woman has had the most effect on your career or on who you Whave become and why? Many different women have affected and continue to

affect my career choices and helped me become who I

am today. I would have to thank my mom for birthing me

into the strong woman that I have become. I would like

to thank my sister for pushing me to be better every day.

I wish could list them all. Thank the woman next to you.

PHOTO BY: ELVIRA @_ELVIRITAA 96 97 DECAF Publixations It’s a Woman’s World

hat does Feminism mean to you ? Feminism first and foremost means equal pay for W equal work. Feminism means respect regardless of sex. Feminism means a newly unleashed, uncensored & honest female perspective. Feminism means divine feminine and awakened masculine working together toward shared goals of co-creation of a manifested reality we are proud to call our own.

ow does your culture , career , and passion play into your definition Hof feminism ?

A culture of fear that needs to be updated.

A career in a “man’s world” that needs a woman’s touch.

A passion to become worthy of equality in the eyes of a system that perpetuates these gender/social norms.

PHOTO BY: ELVIRA @_ELVIRITAA 98 99 DECAF Publixations It’s a Woman’s World

If you could write a letter to your past self and/ or to the current and future generations of young women and/or men. What would you say?

would say to a younger me that there is always more than meets the eye. And in regards to feminism, men should Inot be seen as an enemy. Education is an important if not the most important factor to incite awareness. Change is inevitable but also hard work. You will still face your own experiences regarding inequality and sexism. That’s why it’s important to know your worth and to fight for your rights. Vulnerability is an important part of discussions that need to be had to incite change. As you grow into the woman that you decide to be, just be sure you’re making the little girl inside of you proud.


@ALIENA.REMBORN 100 101 DECAF Publixations It’s a Woman’s World


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hat got me into creating/writing a digital magazine was the idea of alienation and my personal Wnarrative. I’ve always felt alone and box less as if I didn’t fit into any one place. Then I realized that, that was exactly the case. I was label less and I did not just fit into one category. I wanted to create a space in the digital world where other humans could feel less pressure about picking and choosing who or what they are. A space where they could express, learn and be.


would define feminism as a movement steadfast on making women’s rights important & equal. I also view DEZ MCWILLIAMS Ifeminism as a movement that’s bringing awareness to a Multi dimensional definition of what it means to be a woman.


I would not say one woman in particular, I would say it’s a collective of WHAT ARE YOU PASSIONATE ABOUT? women that have shaped and molded me into the young woman I am today. From a few mentors, to my mom and grandmothers, to some women I’ve had relations with. I have taken something from them and they have taken some I’m passionate about people, the things from me, so I’ve been enjoying my experience with women good betterment of people through words. and bad. The more women I encounter the stronger and wiser I become.


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y culture as being a woman of color born and raised in the city New Orleans, Louisiana would have a lasting affect on my definition of feminism because women here a resilient and powerful, it’s shown Min Mardi Gras Indian queens to women social and pleasure clubs. Although my career as a writer/curator of a digital magazine is only 3 years running its helped me to realize how creative and powerful women are together. Passion drives me no matter what the topic is, so when it’s focused and directed to feminism it helps me employ the definition thought my actions.

If you could write a letter to your past self and/or to the current and future generations of young women and/or men. What would you say?

If I could write a letter to my past self

I would say that Dez,

you did everything perfect. Imperfection is perfection so you never lose as long as you learn. If I could write to future generations I would say to the seek failure faster. Somethings, hell, most things in life will not be taught you will have to learn the hard way. So fail and get that lesson underway as quickly as you possibly can.

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o begin, I am extremely passionate about music. I am passionate about it emotionally, (now) physically, soulfully, and mentally. I have been passionate about it since my time in the womb. While I was with my sister we were both Tlistening to music, and the listening led to watching dance videos. Almost every day we watched talented dancers, they were dancing and expressing their existance through the music and genres and with those genres, a different fluidity came into play with their bodies. My passion for music and the passion I was witnessing intertwined, and I too wanted to dance. Starting off, I was terrible. I had no rhythm, no body control, and was just an utter disaster. I grew frustrated because I couldn't replicate that form of musical art. Even the simplest of moves I could not replicate, but I kept going. My sister was with me throughout the journey and just having her there watching me flail like a frigid gazelle made me even more frustrated, I stopped. I thought dancing was something I would never fully appreciate, until a few days later. From my tantrum over dancing I was also mad at music, therefore I didn't listen to it. While still being angry I watched a few videos on Youtube, until a surge of energy randomly struck. I had an urge to dance, move, and have a concert in my room, but I was being stubborn. I allowed myself to indulge in music by listening to the bass, hidden background vocals/sounds, and tempo change, but I wanted to move. My fingertips wouldn’t stop tapping, my leg wouldn’t stop shaking, and my head wouldn’t stop swaying. Unintentionally, I removed myself from my bed and danced. Nobody was in the room and hardly anybody was in the house. I don’t remember much of that moment, but I felt light. I felt the movement of limbs that I thought were stationary, move. I witnessed the birth of a “moment” and I was the creator of it. Since that moment, I now dance more. Not like the cliches where the person dances in front of people or everywhere, but I dance for myself and AYM.DREAMS for the music. I lock myself in a bathroom or I go into my room and dance away in private. I dance until I have no more energy and embrace myself with even more music. WHAT ARE YOU PASSIONATE ABOUT? hat am I passionate about? Oh, gosh, this will be the longest response in the whole issue. I would say I’m passionate about dang near everything — that I have a fixation for. I’m passionate about music, storytelling, poetry, the Warts, turtles, astronomy, fashion, nature, philosophy, and so much more. Growing up, I never understood why I was easily impressionable and attached to things (even small things). As I go about my life, I always want to have a token through my day-to-day experiences, from receipts, wrappings, pebbles/rocks, tickets, toys, knickknacks, and @MYA.X.LOVE 50% of items that are concrete. The other 50% is through “actions”. The actions of playing my instruments, the action of dancing and singing, the action of shopping, styling, and designing, the action of gymnastics, the action of… I-I think you get the point. Originally, I did not have a passion for dancing, or baking, or putting outfits together, or making bracelets UNTIL something I originally had a passion for influenced it. For example, dancing. I have never told an individual this story before, so, this is a first.

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After reading all of that, you (the reader) may think dancing or something related to music is my ultimate passion. You’re not wrong, BUT you’re also not right. My beautiful, genuine passion is to ‘Live for the Moments’. Living for the R I G H T moments is my passion. Certain moments create my current passions and shape me into the individual I am today. An unforgettable moment for me will always be my journey of learning the flute. No, not a journey, but my relationship with my flute. I have had moments of hard work, hardships, accomplishments, defeats, and growth. WHAT GOT YOU INTO THE THINGS YOU ENJOY NOW? The reason why 'Living in the Moment' is my passion is because the moments you experience are priceless. You can never re-experience what you did at a certain moment.

ooh, this one will be easy. C U R I O S I T Y, O I M P R O V E M E N T, ot only are moments priceless, and but they are scarce and of purpose. If I were to never have K N O W L E D G E! Nthe millions of moments that I have had in my 6,534 days of existence than I would not be Aym.Dreams. I would Being curious and wanting to know as much as possible, not be able to relate my moments was the first thing that really guided me to my enjoyments. with others or evolve myself. This is Growing up I have always been into science. Every year why I take pictures or claim tokens of a different field of science continuously caught my eyes. a moment. It may have gotten me in My former fields of interest went from entomology (the trouble (taking pictures/videos during science of insects), Nephology (the science of clouds), moments) on occasions, but I would marine biology (the science of marine organism), botany rather take the penalty for a priceless (the science of plants), astronomy (the science of celestial moment than to never have my objects), and countless more fields. Through curiosity, I moments. My moments with family, have acquired information that is not normally available friends, music, dancing, cooking, in school and my curiosities left me asking questions and styling, and everything else are the mold of me. Without that mold I would have continuously growing. Thus producing my love for music, never evolved into the color specimen I determination for gymnastics, and admiration for the am currently nor have my passions. A cosmos formed. Improvement is the next one. I always while back, at a low moment of mine, want to improve and become better. Whether it is for I was scrolling through my handy school, being a friend, a student, improving for myself or dandy Tumblr and somebody whom for my surroundings, I want there to be improvements. I look up to indirectly comforted me I would like to help improve society, my friends' mental with a quote. The quotes states, "Living health, cures, my talents, and weak points. Improvement without passion is like being dead. I'd is a way to evolve, like Pokemon. Finally, knowledge. I rather die than live without passion." desire knowledge because of what has arisen from it. The knowledge of how to play instruments, move people with words, being stylish, and manifestation are all spawns My passions are the active from the knowledge I have attained. With knowledge moments I live through. Without me acknowledging them ... I would and understand the knowledge can be a weapon to non-metaphorically be dead. help improve certain issues and hopefully make better.

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WHAT WOMAN HAS HAD THE MOST EFFECT ON WHO YOU HAVE BECOME AND WHY? o I have to choose one woman? Starting with my mommy, she has expressed Gosh, the WOMEN who have had and shown more love than any women I have an effect on who I have become are come into contact with. In life and after her DJennifer Broussard (my mommy), Jon'nae passing I can feel the love flowing from her Sylvester (my sassy friend), Stefani Joanne into this world as if her physical form were Angelina Germanotta (Lady Gaga), Angel still here. My mommy has affected my life Dumott Schunard (from Rent), Alecia Beth with affection. Through her, I have learned Moore (P!nk), Ruby Rose, Jinkx Monsoon, to enjoy the little things and moments with Naomi Smalls, Princess Belle, Princess the ones to care for. To always think outside Rapunzel, Princess Ariel, Princess Tiana, of the box and to stay positive. My Sleeping Princess Merida, Princess Vanellope Beauty has affected me with things that von Schweetz, Moana, and Mulan. All are indescribable. With a love that could 16 of these women have had the most never be forged, but only by her works, and effect on me. For showing me how tobe happiness that will forever impact who I am more confident, creative, loving, open- in a beautiful way imaginable. She effected minded, fashionable, and so much more. and started my life by birthing me. Now that is something that can never be replicated.

Next, the Queens of Sass and Confidence. jewelry, knowing almost all songs and lines Jon'nae Sylvester, Stefani Joanne Angelina by heart, enjoying musicals, movies, shows, Germanotta, Angel Dumott Schunard, plays, books, and short films; Disney impacts Alecia Beth Moore, Ruby Rose, Jinkx my life majorly. I look to these princesses Monsoon and Naomi Smalls have all all for a different reason. Princess Belle affected my life with sass, confidence, and taught me reading can be an adventure, the fashion. I was not a very outgoing person. I world is much bigger and worthwhile to usually try to avoid conflict by keeping my explore, and creating inventive solutions is mouth shut, trying to "blend in", and endure not obscure, but clever. Princess Rapunzel, my life without purpose, a target, and no oh my soulmate, taught me to go out of the impression. I tried to just survive until I was shell. She taught me to break away from introduced to beautiful women like Jon'nae, comfort, be myself, and stay curious. Ariel Lady Gaga, Angel, P!nk, Ruby, Jinkx, and taught me to explore and to succumb to my Maomi. I quickly learned that being a Fruit curiosities. Tiana is the one who taught me Loop is a gift. That I should emphasize and to always work hard for what I want in life adore all of my qualities. Instead of shying and to never give up on my dreams. Merida away from my queerness (haha! double and Moana taught to be free both spiritually meaning), creativity, individualism and all and for myself (and for my sanity). Vanellope the things that shape me I should instead von Schweetz taught me to be myself and use stack them on top of each other and stand on my quirks as a helpful tool. Finally, Mulan them and strut my little colorful butt down taught me to be a badass and break through life and impact it by helping improve it. borders to do what I want to accomplish Finally, Princesses, a warrior, and the and change society in an impactful way. daughter of a chief affected my life. Growing All of these women affected my life in all @MYA.X.LOVE up and to this day I addictively watch and positive ways, taught me to embrace myself, listen to anything Disney. From going to stay self-aware, and never change for anybody Disney World 4 times to having Disney unless I’m changing myself to be better.

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I would say respect. I honestly can not say much about the political form of “feminism” because of my ignorance, but to me it means respect. Feminism is not only respect for females, but for males, non-binaries, gender fluid, gender flux, trans women and men, and all spectrums of gender and sex. It is a step towards equality, a step that is continuously moving forward and is not stopping. Why should it stop? HOW DOES YOUR CULTURE , CAREER , AND PASSION PLAY INTO YOUR DEFINITION OF FEMINISM ? Feminism is something that should not be looked it over, spat upon, or shunned for, but something passed down and taught.

My culture, career, and passions play in my definition for feminism because of The way feminism should be taught or defined is with the definition of love and empathy. Through my many faces of culture, I have gone through many respect. That is what feminism is and more. Respect for women of all ages, respect for men of all ages, respect for gender fluidity, gender flux, agendered, scenarios of offense, from not fitting in for being mixed, being a late bloomer, non-binary, trans, and all in between. Just because I am genderfluid does being unconventional, and for being myself. Even without fully understanding not mean I CAN NOT work as hard as a male, it DOES NOT mean my voice or experiencing what others have gone through I can still feel them and what doesn’t matter, and it SHOULD NOT mean I should receive less respect. I am as capable as any other, and it is not just me. We are all capable. We are they are enduring. With love and empathy, I feel and want others to understand capable of leaving a mark on this world and passing down the seed of respect. how it feels to be loved, accepted, and respected for who they are. For careers, I want to dabble into as much as I can. With this in mind, I will have challenges because some careers are predominantly male based. I believe this stigma should slowly fade, why should a certain career hold somebody back because of a certain dominance? If a non-cis-male wants to be a handyman, carpenter, engineer, or President they should not be afraid, to do so. My careers encourage me to break through the invisible ceiling that separates certain people and that challenge should be a drive for others. For passion, that is something that is ineffable. My passions are to help forge the path of improvement and to fight for something with impact. An impact that will not leave me painting in the rain, but to march for an important purpose. A purpose that will not only affect my generation but the generations before and after me for ions. My passions are not a temporary reason for my definition for feminism, but an effect that will be permanent.


116 117 DECAF Publixations It’s a Woman’s World If you could write a letter to your past self what would you say? Life is tough, and things don’t always work out well, but we should be brave and go I dedicate this story to you. To show how truly special you are. I want on with our lives.” - Min Yoongi. “ you to always love yourself, love your true qualities, and accomplish what it is you set out to do. My love... follow your heart, dreams, and Hi, my Warrior, aspirations. Never lose yourself, be true to yourself, and love yourself. To start off, I would like to say you are amazing, enthralling, talented, whimsical, and Never give up on yourself because you are a gift that can not be replicated. worth it. I hope your day was enjoyable, and if not, that is okie because I see improvement. I recognize the work you are doing for yourself. You are a gift and I want you to understand that. A gift that is handcrafted, unlimited, worthy, and special. I love you so much, I really do and for you to go through all that you are is heartbreaking. You should never Please stay, fight, and adore yourself. Every day is a day to experience have to cry yourself to sleep, think negative of yourself, hurt yourself, and strip away the GIFTS NATURE WANTS TO GIVE YOU. ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT your natural beauty. The pain you are harboring is not worth it. My love, please take care I CARE ABOUT YOU AND TO SPREAD YOUR LOVE AMONGST OTHERS of yourself and see yourself through eyes that love, care, and only wants the best for you. WHO NEED IT AS WELL. TELL THEM TO BECOME A WARRIOR AS In case you have never read or somebody has never, “On the NIght YOU Were Born” by Nancy Tillman, I will read it for you. “On the night you were born, the moon smiled with WELL AND HELP EACH OTHER. STAY TRUE TO YOURSELF AND such wonder that the stars peeked in to see YOU and the night wind whispered, “Life will NEVER DIM YOUR NATURAL GLOW. STAY SAFE AND REMEMBER ALL never be the same.” Because there had never been anyone like you... ever in the world... THE GIFTS YOU HAVE RECEIVED AND WILL RECEIVE EVERY DAY. Whenever you doubt just how special you are and you wonder who loves you, how much and how far, listen for geese honking in the sky (They’re singing a song to remember Never stop dreaming, believing, and loving yourself, you by.) Or notice the bears asleep at the zoo (It’s because they’ve been dancing all night Aym.Dreams for you!) Or drift off to sleep to the sound of the wind. (Listen closely... it’s whispering your name...! If the moon stays up until morning one day, or a ladybug lands and decides to stay, or a little bird sits at your window awhile, it’s because they’re all hoping to see you smile. For never before in story or rhyme (not even once upon a time) has the world ever known a you, my friend, and it never will, not ever again... Heaven blew every trumpet and played every horn on the wonderful, marvelous night you were born."

118 119 DECAF Publixations It’s a Woman’s World WHAT are you passionate about ? As a young girl, a myriad of goals for my life played through my imagination MIKAELA Nothing seemed impossible. I had on a daily basis. I’d envision that one not yet acquired a fear of failure and day scenario we all have as children. I lacked the part of every adult that One day, I would beat Serena in the US says, “you can’t do ALLLLLL of that.” Open, while simultaneously searching To be honest, I lacked those things well for truth along FBI agent Fox Mulder. into my mid twenties. I did attempt to One day, my sports star persona and achieve every single one of those goals crime fighting path would be coupled to the best of my abilities. There was a with my role as a perfect housewife. passion whispering behind it all that I never stopped listening to. I may not Grand meals that would leave Martha have achieved the exact end goal of Stewart paying me to sit at my dinner my childhood visions, but I honed the table and a hand picked home decor passion nonetheless. that would have Vogue Interior knocking down my door to snap a As a young girl I wanted all these few glimpses. One day, my athletic seemingly unattainable roles because I careers in both tennis and field agent never looked at my interests as hobbies crime fighting work would cause my or pastimes, but rather tools that were retirement at the old age of 30 or so. put into my spirit for a reason. FBI Then, I thought, one day, being agent, tennis pro, top chef, stepford retired, I would have more time to housewife, filmmaker, all these things begin to make movies! I wanted to be may seem sporadic but, something the first to place the atrocities of Pol in me knew they were all meant to go Pot’s regime to cinematic portrayal. together, somehow. The twisted yet powerful mind of Now, coming into my 30th year of life, Rasputin was also a needed rendering I am beginning to see my true passion to the big screen that I would tackle, take form. or so I thought at the age of 12. Passion, is not a singular word or endeavor for me. Passion is the total fruition of all the visions I’ve cultivated throughout life, thus far. Passion, I have found, is in the embodiment, acceptance, and sharpening of my childlike dreams and interests. Passion I have found in my ability to blend my sharpened visions into one endeavor. This perfectly diversified passionate venture was meant to add true substance to the world around me using my innate tools that I never abandoned.

120 121 DECAF Publixations It’s a Woman’s World What got you into Politics ?

I noticed recently, in the world of social media that there lacks a voice of change for the Native community. I typed in “Native Americans today” in Youtube and all I So, you ask, what got me into politics? Well, the could find were videos on our dark history, call to change comes to us all and we all have poverty, despair, cultural appropriations, it in different forms. My call came to me in the and the reservation oppressions that plague many Native nations today. realization that the Native community is facing That’s it! No real solutions, no real a crisis of culture. Our society was never meant inspiration, no real leaders, no stories Something struck me right then. Why to be reliant on it’s conqueror. Many, I feel have of grand accomplishments, just sadness. don’t I go and find them? Why don’t I forgotten that and confused compliance with begin to document the progress? Why I thought, this can’t be what our ancestors “what’s owed.” Our ancestors did not have a choice don’t I start to raise the discussion of new wanted for us, to remain a sad story for between death and freedom in life. They were solutions? Why don’t I fight the oppression the public eye. We must be more than just forced to give up their liberties for government with examples of those who are beating a defeated people dependent on the ones controlled existences. Well, I say, no more! it with individual and tribal progress? who conquered us! We must be more than a people stricken with generational trauma Why don’t I start the Native I got into politics to inspire a cultural revolution! and an unwillingness to live! Where are American Revolution for change? My efforts simply seek to ignite a passion our heroes in modern day society? Where in the hearts of my people to build the are our achievers? Where are our brave So, I set out to a convention in Vegas where infrastructure of a modern Native nation. men and women fighting for REAL change? for 3 days successful tribally and privately owned Native American businesses would I want to bring to fruition a new Indigenous be meeting. I walked around meeting society that is no longer solely reliant on the many, young and old, men and women, all government. I want us to become self reliant fighting the stigma of reservation poverty and embrace personal responsibility for our cycles by starting their own businesses communities. I want to shine a light on the many and cultivating self-reliance. I asked all leaders that are doing this by documenting their of these entrepreneurial heroes if they tales. I want our achievements to be the first would sit down on camera with me and thing that pops up on youtube when you type tell their stories so as to inspire our youth and give them leaders to look up to. in Native Americans rather than our sorrows. A desire to see an inspirational modern native nation rather than one of trauma is why I got into politics. I want to turn our agonies into our victories and to wear our scars proudly as the injustices we have and will continue to overcome.

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Feminism, what does it mean to me?

Well, third wave feminism for me, lacks it’s ocean like crash but retains it’s unwanted salty aftertaste. I find it to be a massive waste of our time and energy. Today, the modern day feminist woman is fighting an invisible fight in one room and ignoring the glaring oppressions in another. Today’s feminist fight shields the emasculation of men and the blind acceptance of infanticide under the umbrella of “female empowerment.” Feminism today lacks empathy and rather parades selfishness around on a float of apparent “individuality.” Feminism today reeks of hypocrisy in it’s movement to lump all women into an ideological mold while shunning those women who might dare swim against the stream of thought. It has become an exclusive club of close minded women who carry a hefty list of political prerequisites and authoritarian ideologies.

I want women to feel empowered, to capture opportunities, and believe what they will. But, I will not support a movement that feels as if this can only be obtained by enforcing one totalitarian pathway.

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Feminism for me is not a need to re-write the equality of women as it exists in this nation today, but rather preserve it. Feminism to me does not require my overpowering the male in their innate part of If I was to write to the past, I would say never lose your life, but rather honoring them. Feminism to me is not the backwards childish dreams. Cultivate every interest and every vision fight to switch gender roles but rather to embrace them. Feminism to me does not mean abandoning due process in the pursuit of #metoo you have because they will all form your passion one day. bandwagons, but rather seeking truth regardless of which gender To the future generations I say, never silence your ability reported the incident. Feminism to me is not a movement I attach my to think. Never let your questioning die. Never fall asleep culture, career, or passions to in my daily life. to the guarding of your liberties. Never exchange your Throughout my experiences I have had the help of both men and freedoms for comforts. Your future is dependent on your women. I’ve never had a moment in life where a person of the present choices. The more value you place on your time opposite sex sought to prevent me from reaching the same level of here on earth, the more substance you’ll find in your future. equality as them. Men have always been there to guide me, strengthen me, and protect me. My opportunities have never been stifled by my gender, nor has it been inaccessible. Of course, I have encountered discouragement from other humans while seeking my goals in life. However, discouragements from others have taught me lessons of what I could overcome, rather than causing prejudices towards those who may have sought to derail me. What has played a larger role in my culture, career, and passion has been my own inner determination to attribute substance to my time here on Earth. My sex has never stifled my fluidity of interactions with life because it’s a compliment to who I am, rather than a definition.

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However, there is a whole side to the business of shoes and fashion that people don’t often think about … the waste from the buying of our beloved soles. I witnessed this first hand as a shoe lover, shoe cobbler, and later a closet organizer (more like visual merchandiser).

So, let’s see if I can get a little more granular with the topic of shoes and share what really jazzes my spirits in and out of the workplace.

I am passionate about the experience that one has regarding JESSICA RAMIREZ the goods we buy, and how we dispose of them!

With almost ten years in the footwear industry, my concentration in goods has naturally been focused on footwear. My extra time outside of work involves the What are you Passionate About? learning process of re-selling unwanted goods, and how I can be a conscious citizen on all other waste.

If you asked friends and family , they will probably answer Today, I own more than 75 pairs of shoes and I plan to sell, repair, give or responsibly dispose of the unwanted. So, “Shoes” before you add to the 16 million tons of textile waste in landfill, think about me and send me a message on what you ... can do to be a better citizen of fashion.

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Women with a badass attitude (Can I say that in this publication?).

Feminism is a movement of women who are not afraid to shake things up and fight for equal opportunities regardless of gender. However, this movement is nothing new. What is different is just the date, the rules, and the people who challenge them.

hat got you into your current role as a Western Region Account Executive Since the 19th century, women have W been making changes on different topics everywhere; abortion, politics, rights to vote, equal pay , fashion. Yes, I started my career as an Account They weren’t always the best occasions I said fashion. Have you heard the the Executive for a children’s footwear (hint, hint - Steve Madden), but one dress reform movement, or better yet, company almost two years ago. executive in the industry accepted my how “Coco” Chanel’s first clothing line request to be mentored by him, and was inspired by the uniform men wore Prior to this, I took on other footwear after the seven years of friendship and in WWI , and led to the casual and roles to gain knowledge in retail and mentorship, there was finally a position practical clothing women wear today? design. At one point, I was even an as a Footwear Designer with his company. apprentice at custom-shoe making and shoe-repair shop during my I actually did not get the design job. It You see, no matter the culture, the footwear design studies in Los Angeles was probably a good thing, since I later country, or the era, feminism is so broad to better understand construction. realized that I was more intrigued in that it can mean anything to anyone who business and branding than I was about When I interned at the Nordstrom believes that the rules we are to abide by designing. So, we stayed in touch, and in Santa Monica, CA , I had many are not fair. So cheers to all the badass low and behold, the opportunity to grow occasions of meeting footwear executive woman standing up for what they want his sales team with a big brand came and designers like Steve Madden, and believe in because you will change by and tada - here I am - a traveling Toms, Seychelles, and many more . the world like the woman before you. saleswoman with some BIG bag of shoes .

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The thing about feminism is that it can be so broad. In culture, career, politics, women's rights – there is too much to decide from regarding the role they play into This person DOES NOT KNOW THIS, but the woman that had the most effect on my just one definition. footwear career was a relative who I actually once looked up to when I was a kid, but later became a pessimistic source of energy. However, where I witness an inequality in genders is in relationships and household responsibilities. In my hispanic culture, it's tradition for woman to cook dinner and take care of the SHE was my fashion muse. Her cool 90’s look, choice in music, and stylish looks made man and children. We were habituated to be dependent on someone else's’ income me want to be like her. I was so in awe with her glamour and shoes, that I would beg but be the ones others depend on to eat, learn, and grow. my mom for a pair of heels thinking SHE would like them, too. We lost touch when my family moved to the outskirts of Houston, but when I saw her again after 10 years It made me advocate. of not seeing her, I thought announcing my achievements and steps after fashion I stand up for myself and let others know that I can be cooked for, and that me school would make her proud. staying at home to take care of the household chores should not be assumed. In my relationship, we have equal chores and we help each other out in what needs to be done. But I don’t allow tradition nor my family to try and influence my life with the Instead, I got... culture of nurturing the man as if it was my duty. “You will never get a job like that” or “You will never make any money” . To be dependent of our own income, and share the same financial goals with your spouse is where the start to feminism begins, where we can be leaders of our own household, companies, districts, organizations and much more. I didn’t understand her dull judgement , like , why so much hate? Well, I found out that her own experience in fashion school and job placement was not necessarily the best for her and a few friends, so I have concluded that her negativity derived from her past. However, I am grateful for all her discouraging words because SHE was the one person I wished to prove my motto to the most, which is “ if you are passionate about what you love , there will be career in it and the money will come”.

I can bore you with the history and juice that leads to the healthy relationship we now have, but know that at some point in adulthood, I did not let her negativity affect me with distraught and anger when I couldn’t find a job in shoes. Instead, I decided to change my perspective of her, and asked for her advice in my resume , accepted her constructive criticism, and made the appropriate changes. When, I finally got a job offer from the place I am at today, she was one of the first people I told and the first I received advice on when it came to negotiating my salary.

My AUNT had the most effect in my footwear career because she brought out the most drive in me. It was the drive that allowed me to stay focused, aim to be great, and not fail. So accept all the good and the bad in people, but learn to find the best in them to help you get to where you want.

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There are so many things I would have said to myself when I was younger. So to those of you reading, no matter where you are in life, these are the words I say to myself today to be better than yesterday.

Don’t be so materialistic. Buy less things, and stay out of debt.

Budget, Save and plan for the future. Do things faster, don’t wait.

…and did I say pay-off your student loans?

Also, to everyone ,

Try to be great at something. See what you like and when you find what you really like, stick to it, keep learning but never be too consumed to not learn other things.

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Thank you to all the amazing women who Next Time… We Talk about “Why Family Matters” submitted and made this issue possible. Where we showcase amazing families, Thank you to all those who took the time to read collaborators, teams, and couples as they bring their and follow along with these amazing stories. individual passions, personalities and gifts to the table for the success of themselves and their families. Their Instagrams are shared within their stories and images… so reach out and tell them We Love You. how you feel about what they shared… Or even We Believe in You. better, post a video about your experience with the “It’s a Woman’s World” issue! We would We Are You. love to hear your story, your passion, your We Are the Minority. definition of feminism and all you care to share. We Are DECAF.

Post and tag @Decaf_Publixations

See you next time!

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