16 CFR Ch. I (1–1–20 Edition) § 305.22

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16 CFR Ch. I (1–1–20 Edition) § 305.22 Federal Trade Commission Pt. 305 PART 305—ENERGY AND WATER 305.27 Paper catalogs and websites. USE LABELING FOR CONSUMER ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS PRODUCTS UNDER THE ENERGY 305.28 Test data records. POLICY AND CONSERVATION 305.29 Required testing by designated lab- ACT (‘‘ENERGY LABELING oratory. RULE’’) EFFECT OF THIS PART SCOPE 305.30 Effect on other law. 305.31 Stayed or invalid parts. Sec. 305.32 [Reserved] 305.1 Scope of the regulations in this part. APPENDIX A1 TO PART 305—REFRIGERATORS DEFINITIONS WITH AUTOMATIC DEFROST APPENDIX A2 TO PART 305—REFRIGERATORS 305.2 Definitions. AND REFRIGERATOR-FREEZERS WITH MAN- 305.3 Description of appliances and con- UAL DEFROST sumer electronics. APPENDIX A3 TO PART 305—REFRIGERATOR- 305.4 Description of furnaces and central air FREEZERS WITH PARTIAL AUTOMATIC DE- conditioners. FROST 305.5 Description of lighting products. APPENDIX A4 TO PART 305—REFRIGERATOR- 305.6 Description of plumbing products. FREEZERS WITH AUTOMATIC DEFROST GENERAL WITH TOP-MOUNTED FREEZER NO THROUGH-THE-DOOR ICE 305.7 Prohibited acts. APPENDIX A5 TO PART 305—REFRIGERATOR- FREEZERS WITH AUTOMATED DEFROST TESTING WITH SIDE-MOUNTED FREEZER NO 305.8 Determinations of estimated annual THROUGH-THE-DOOR ICE energy consumption, estimated annual APPENDIX A6 TO PART 305—REFRIGERATOR- operating cost, and energy efficiency rat- FREEZERS WITH AUTOMATED DEFROST ing, water use rate, and other required WITH BOTTOM-MOUNTED FREEZER NO disclosure content. THROUGH-THE-DOOR ICE 305.9 Duty to provide labels on websites. APPENDIX A7 TO PART 305—REFRIGERATOR- 305.10 Determinations of capacity. FREEZERS WITH AUTOMATIC DEFROST 305.11 Submission of data. WITH TOP-MOUNTED FREEZER WITH THROUGH-THE-DOOR ICE SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE AVERAGE UNIT ENERGY APPENDIX A8 TO PART 305—REFRIGERATOR- COSTS FREEZERS WITH AUTOMATIC DEFROST 305.12 Ranges of comparability on the re- WITH SIDE-MOUNTED FREEZER WITH quired labels. THROUGH-THE-DOOR ICE SERVICE 305.13 Layout, format, and placement of la- APPENDIX A9 TO PART 305—ALL REFRIG- bels for refrigerators, refrigerator-freez- ERATORS AND REFRIGERATOR-FREEZERS ers, freezers, dishwashers, clothes wash- APPENDIX B1 TO PART 305—UPRIGHT FREEZ- ers, water heaters, room air conditioners, ERS WITH MANUAL DEFROST and pool heaters. APPENDIX B2 TO PART 305—UPRIGHT FREEZ- 305.14 Label content for refrigerators, re- ERS WITH AUTOMATIC DEFROST frigerator-freezers, and freezers. APPENDIX B3 TO PART 305—CHEST FREEZERS 305.15 Label content for clothes washers. AND ALL OTHER FREEZERS 305.16 Label content for dishwashers. APPENDIX C1 TO PART 305—COMPACT DISH- 305.17 Label content for water heaters. WASHERS 305.18 Label content for room air condi- APPENDIX C2 TO PART 305—STANDARD DISH- tioners. WASHERS 305.19 Label content for pool heaters. APPENDIX D1 TO PART 305—WATER HEATERS— GAS REQUIRED DISCLOSURES APPENDIX D2 TO PART 305—WATER HEATERS— 305.20 Labeling for central air conditioners, ELECTRIC heat pumps, and furnaces. APPENDIX D3 TO PART 305—WATER HEATERS— 305.21 Labeling for ceiling fans. OIL 305.22 Energy information disclosures for APPENDIX D4 TO PART 305—WATER HEATERS— heating and cooling equipment. INSTANTANEOUS—GAS 305.23 Labeling for lighting products. APPENDIX D5 TO PART 305—WATER HEATERS— 305.24 Labeling and marking for plumbing HEAT PUMP products. APPENDIX E TO PART 305—ROOM AIR CONDI- 305.25 Television labeling. TIONERS 305.26 Promotional material displayed or APPENDIX F1 TO PART 305—STANDARD distributed at point of sale. CLOTHES WASHERS 269 VerDate Sep<11>2014 15:07 Mar 30, 2020 Jkt 250054 PO 00000 Frm 00279 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\16\16V1.TXT PC31 kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB § 305.1 16 CFR Ch. I (1–1–20 Edition) APPENDIX F2 TO PART 305—COMPACT CLOTHES may be purchased, information con- WASHERS cerning their water use or their energy APPENDIX G1 TO PART 305—FURNACES—GAS consumption; APPENDIX G2 TO PART 305—FURNACES—ELEC- (c) Including on the labels, separately TRIC APPENDIX G3 TO PART 305—FURNACES—OIL attaching to the products, or shipping APPENDIX G4 TO PART 305—MOBIL HOME FUR- with the products, additional informa- NACES tion relating to energy consumption, APPENDIX G5 TO PART 305—BOILERS—GAS energy efficiency, or energy cost; and (EXCEPT STEAM) (d) Making representations, in writ- APPENDIX G6 TO PART 305—BOILERS—GAS ing or in broadcast advertising, re- (STEAM) specting the water use, energy con- APPENDIX G7 TO PART 305—BOILERS—OIL APPENDIX G8 TO PART 305—BOILERS—ELEC- sumption, or energy efficiency of the TRIC products, or the cost of water used or APPENDIX H TO PART 305—COOLING PERFORM- energy consumed by the products. ANCE AND COST FOR CENTRAL AIR CONDI- [52 FR 46894, Dec. 10, 1987, as amended at 54 TIONERS FR 28034, July 5, 1989] APPENDIX I TO PART 305—HEATING PERFORM- ANCE AND COST FOR CENTRAL AIR CONDI- DEFINITIONS TIONERS APPENDIX J1 TO PART 305—POOL HEATERS— § 305.2 Definitions. GAS APPENDIX J2 TO PART 305—POOL HEATERS— (a) Act means the Energy Policy and OIL Conservation Act (Pub. L. 94–163), and APPENDIX K1 TO PART 305—REPRESENTATIVE amendments thereto. AVERAGE UNIT ENERGY COSTS FOR RE- (b) ANSI means the American Na- FRIGERATORS, REFRIGERATOR–FREEZERS, tional Standards Institute and, as used FREEZERS, CLOTHES WASHERS, AND WATER HEATER LABELS herein, is the prefix for national stand- APPENDIX K2 TO PART 305—REPRESENTATIVE ards and codes adopted by ANSI. AVERAGE UNIT ENERGY COSTS FOR DISH- (c) ASME means the American Soci- WASHER AND ROOM AIR CONDITIONER LA- ety of Mechanical Engineers and, as BELS used herein, is the prefix for national APPENDIX L TO PART 305—SAMPLE LABELS standards and codes adopted by ASME. AUTHORITY: 42 U.S.C. 6294. (d) Average lamp efficacy means the lamp efficacy readings taken over a SOURCE: 52 FR 46894, Dec. 10, 1987, unless otherwise noted. statistically significant period of man- ufacture with the readings averaged SCOPE over that period. (e) Ballast efficacy factor means the § 305.1 Scope of the regulations in this relative light output divided by the part. power input of a fluorescent lamp bal- The rule in this part establishes re- last, as measured under test conditions quirements for consumer appliance specified in American National Stand- products, as hereinafter described, in ards Institute (ANSI) standard C82.2– commerce, as ‘‘commerce’’ is defined in 1984, or as may be prescribed by the the Energy Policy and Conservation Secretary of Energy. Copies of ANSI Act, 42 U.S.C. 6291, with respect to: standard C82.2–1984 may be obtained (a) Labeling and/or marking the prod- from the American National Standards ucts with information required by this Institute, 11 West 42nd St., New York, part indicating their operating cost (or NY 10036. different useful measure of energy con- (f) Base for lamps means the portion sumption) and related information, dis- of the lamp which screws into the sock- closing their water use rate and related et. information, or stating their compli- (g) Bulb shape means the shape of the ance with applicable standards under lamp, especially the glass portion. section 325 of the Energy Policy and (h) Catalog means printed material, Conservation Act, 42 U.S.C. 6295; including material disseminated over (b) Including in printed matter dis- the Internet, which contains the terms played or distributed at the point of of sale, retail price, and instructions sale of such products, or including in for ordering, from which a retail con- any catalog from which the products sumer can order a covered product. 270 VerDate Sep<11>2014 15:07 Mar 30, 2020 Jkt 250054 PO 00000 Frm 00280 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\16\16V1.TXT PC31 kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB Federal Trade Commission § 305.2 (i) Color rendering index or CRI for (9) Direct heating equipment. lamps means the measure of the degree (10) Pool heaters. of color shift objects undergo when il- (11) Kitchen ranges and ovens. luminated by a light source as com- (12) Television sets. pared with the color of those same ob- (13) Fluorescent lamp ballasts. jects when illuminated by a reference (14) General service fluorescent source of comparable color tempera- lamps. ture. (15) Medium base compact fluores- (j) Commission means the Federal cent lamps. Trade Commission. (16) General service incandescent (k) Consumer product means any arti- lamps, including incandescent reflector cle (other than an automobile, as lamps. ‘‘automobile’’ is defined in 15 U.S.C. (17) Showerheads. 2001(1) [sec. 501(1) of the Motor Vehicle (18) Faucets. Information and Cost Savings Act]) of (19) Water closets. a type— (20) Urinals. (1) Which in operation consumes, or (21) Metal halide lamp fixtures. is designed to consume, energy or, with (22) Ceiling fans. respect to showerheads, faucets, water (23) Any other type of consumer prod- closets, and urinals, water; and uct that the Department of Energy (2) Which, to any significant extent, classifies as a covered product under is distributed in commerce for personal section 322(b) of the Act (42 U.S.C. use or consumption by individuals; 6292). without regard to whether such article (m) Correlated color temperature for or such type is in fact distributed in lamps means the absolute temperature commerce for personal use or consump- of a blackbody whose chromaticity tion by an individual, except that such most nearly resembles that of the light term includes fluorescent lamp bal- source. lasts, metal halide lamp fixtures, gen- (n) Covered product means any con- eral service fluorescent lamps, medium sumer product or consumer appliance base compact fluorescent lamps, gen- product described in § 305.3, § 305.4, eral service incandescent lamps (in- § 305.5, or § 305.6 of this part. cluding incandescent reflector lamps), (o) Distributor means a person (other showerheads, faucets, water closets, than a manufacturer or retailer) to and urinals distributed in commerce whom a consumer appliance product is for personal or commercial use or con- delivered or sold for purposes of dis- sumption.
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