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Plagiat Merupakan Tindakan Tidak Terpuji PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ANNE FRANK’S MOTIVATION IN GIVING RESPONSES TO THE CONFLICTS APPEARING DURING HER HIDING AS SEEN IN ANNE FRANK’S THE DIARY OF A YOUNG GIRL A THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education By Maria Victori Setyastuti Student Number: 051214058 ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGE AND ARTS EDUCATION FACULTY OF TEACHERS TRAINING AND EDUCATION SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY YOGYAKARTA 2010 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ANNE FRANK’S MOTIVATION IN GIVING RESPONSES TO THE CONFLICTS APPEARING DURING HER HIDING AS SEEN IN ANNE FRANK’S THE DIARY OF A YOUNG GIRL A THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education By Maria Victori Setyastuti Student Number: 051214058 ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGE AND ARTS EDUCATION FACULTY OF TEACHERS TRAINING AND EDUCATION SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY YOGYAKARTA 2010 i PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ii PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI iii PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI iv PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI How wonderful it is that nobody needs to wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. (Anne Frank) This Thesis is dedicated with love and gratitude to: My greatest father, my wonderful mother, and my lovely Dudy v PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI vi PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I would like to express my deepest praise and gratitude to my Lord Jesus Christ and Mother Mary who always guide and strengthen me so that I am able to finish my thesis. I can do nothing without Their Bless, love and guidance. My deepest gratitude goes to my sponsor, Drs. Antonius Herujiyanto, M.A., Ph.D. for his patience in guiding and giving beneficial suggestions. I thank him for his support and encouragement so that I can accomplish my thesis. I would also thank to all lectures of English Language Education Study Program for guiding me and sharing their knowledge during my study in Sanata Dharma University. I also thank English Language Education Study Program secretaries, Ms. Tari and Ms. Dani for being helpful and I thank the library staffs for their help in the process of doing this thesis. My deepest and endless gratitude goes to my beloved parents, Albertus Dwi Semiyanto and Catharina Tinte Budi Astuti, S.Pd. for their endless love, prayer and support. I also thank all members of Harjono and Supomo family for giving me support, accommodation and encouragement. My deepest and purest love and gratitude goes to Dudy Virnandi, S.Pd. and family for always supporting and loving me in good times and bad times. I would like to thank Vebri, Gendruw, Adi, Evi, Andre, Desi, Lara, Retno Bere, Datia, Lusi and Ponsi for being my best friends, entertaining me and encouraging me when I got stuck with my thesis. Thanks for making possible to vii PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI do both serving my Lord and finishing my thesis. Special thanks to Hieronimus Indra for his help sending me Anne Frank’s The Diary of a Young Girl movie. I would like to appreciate all my classmates, The Chicken Coop China Man crew, Elite English Club members (Nana, Vega, Kanya, Sano, Varo and Filus), OMK Paroki Delanggu, and my friends in KKN (especially Dita and Putri) and PPL. Thank you for laughter and tears we have shared together and for making my life worthwhile. I thank all of PBI 2005 students who have given me support in the process of writing this thesis from the beginning until the end. I thank them for coloring my life with wonderful friendship. Finally, I would like to thank everyone who has given me support, encouragement, and prayers I could not mention one by one. Wish the best comes to us all. Maria Victori Setyastuti viii PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TITLE PAGE …………..………………………………….………..………. i APPROVAL PAGES …………………………………….….………......…. ii STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY ……………………….……. iv DEDICATION PAGE ………………………………….…...…..…………. v LEMBAR PERNYATAAN ………………….….………………………...….. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ………………………………….....………….. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………….……….. ix ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………..…...…….. xii ABSTRAK ………………………………………………………..…..……... xiii CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study …………………………….….…..………. 1 B. Problem Formulation …………………………………..……......…… 5 C. Objectives of the Study …………………………………..…..……… 6 D. Benefits of the Study ……………………………………...….……... 6 E. Definition of Terms ………………………………………...….….…. 6 CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Review of Related Theories ………………………….……..…..…… 9 1. Theory of Critical Approaches ………………….…….………… 10 2. Theory of Character ……………………..……….…….……….. 12 3. Theory of Characterization ……………………….…..……....… 15 4. Theory of Motivation …………………………………………... 16 a. Definition of Motivation ……….………………...…......….. 17 b. Human Motives …………………………………....….….... 18 B. Theory of Conflict ………………………………….………………. 21 C. Context of the Book: Amsterdam during the World War II.….…..… 22 ix PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI D. Theoretical Framework …………………………………...........…… 23 CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY A. Object of the Study ………………………………….…….…...…… 24 B. Approach of the Study ………………………………….........……... 25 C. Method of the Study …………………………………….......…..….. 26 CHAPTER IV. ANALYSIS A. The Description of Anne Frank’s Character …………..…..…......….. 28 1. Physical Description …………………………….…...……...…... 29 2. Personality Description ……………………………..…..…...….. 30 a. Forthright ………………………………………..…….……. 30 b. Introvert and Independent ……………………...……..…... 32 c. Jealous ……………...…………………………...…………... 34 d. More Introspective …………………………….….......……. 36 e. Smart …………………………….…………….….....….….. 37 B. Anne Frank’s Responses to the Conflicts Appearing during Her Hiding . …………………………….…...………………….…..…….. 38 1. Anne’s Conflicts Appearing during Her Hiding ……….…......… 39 a. Anne’s Conflict with Her Mother …………………....…..… 39 b. Anne’s Conflict with Her Father …………………....…........ 43 c. Anne’s Conflict with The van Daan’s …………………...… 46 d. Anne’s Conflict with Mr. Dussel ………….……………..…. 48 C. The Surface Meaning and Deeper Meaning of Anne Frank’s Motivation in Giving Responses to the Conflicts during Her Hiding……………………………………………………………...….. 50 1. The Surface Meaning of Anne Frank’s Motivation in Giving Responses to the Conflicts during Her Hiding ………..………...... 50 2. The Deeper Meaning of Anne Frank’s Motivation in Giving Responses to the Conflicts during Her Hiding ……….….…......… 56 x PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI CHAPTER V. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS A. Conclusions ……………………………………………..….………… 60 B. Suggestions …………………………………………………...……… 61 1. Suggestions for Future Researchers ………………………...…... 61 2. Suggestion for Using Literature in Teaching English ……...…... 62 REFERENCES ……………………………………………………...……... 65 APPENDICES ……………………………………………………..………. 67 A. Summary of The Diary of a Young Girl ………….........................…. 68 B. Biography of Anne Frank ……………………….…………..…...….. 70 C. Lesson Plan for Teaching Intensive Reading 2 ….…………..…........ 73 D. Materials ………………..……………………………………………. 77 xi PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ABSTRACT Setyastuti, Maria Victori. 2010. Anne Frank’s Motivation in Giving Responses to the Conflicts Appearing during Her Hiding as Seen in Anne Frank’s The Diary of a Young Girl. Yogyakarta: Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Department of Language and Arts Education, English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University. This study is entitled Anne Frank’s Motivation in Giving Responses to the Conflicts Appearing during Her Hiding as Seen in Anne Frank’s The Diary of a Young Girl. It deals with Anne Frank’s literary work which describes a family who was hiding from Nazi’s occupation in the Netherlands. Anne Frank’s literary work tells about the life-experience of the author herself, Anne Frank, who was a Jewish girl that was forced to go into a hiding place with her family in searching for safety in order to avoid being chased by Nazi. The aim of the study is to see one’s responses to the conflicts taking place during a certain period of time as seen in Anne Frank, one of the main characters in Anne Frank’s The Diary of a Young Girl, who lived in a hiding place. There are two problems discussed in this study. They are: (1) how Anne Frank is described in Anne Frank’s The Diary of a Young Girl, (2) how Anne Frank gave responses to the conflicts appearing during her hiding. The method of this study was library study. The primary source of this study was Anne Frank’s The Diary of a Young Girl. The secondary sources were books and articles on the theory of Character and Characterization, theory of Critical Approaches and theory of Motivation in order to achieve the objectives. Since this study focuses on Anne Frank’s motivation, therefore psychological approach was employed as the approach of this study. The first findings in this study reveal that Anne Frank is classified into a protagonist, round, and dynamic character. She also described as a thirteen-year- old Jewish girl with pretty face and dimples in her face. She was forthright, introvert and independent, jealous, smart, and she became more introspective during her hiding. The second findings reveal that the surface meaning of Anne Frank’s motivation in giving responses to the conflicts appearing during her hiding
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