Kohima : Nagaland (PROVISIONAL) 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 Appeared 8000 Passed 6000 4000 2000 0 Arts Commerce Science Total HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL LEAVING CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION 2021 Email :
[email protected] Websites : www.nbsenl.edu.in / www.nbsenagaland.com HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL LEAVING CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION, 2021 Contents 1. Notification No.42 1-2 2. Abstract of the Results 3-4 3. Merit list 5-7 4. Subject Toppers 8-10 5. Awards 11-13 6. Notification No. 43 14 7. Performance of Institution 15-28 8. Notification No.44 29-126 9. Arts Stream : 29-100 (a) Kohima 29-46 (b) Mokokchung 46-52 (c) Tuensang 52-55 (d) Mon 55-59 (e) Phek 59-62 (f) Wokha 63-65 (g) Zunheboto 65-68 (h) Dimapur 69-94 (i) Kiphire 94-95 (j) Longleng 96 (k) Peren 97-99 (l) Noklak 100 10. Commerce Stream : 101-110 (a) Kohima 101-103 (b) Mokokchung 103 (c) Tuensang 103 (d) Zunheboto 104 (e) Dimapur 104-110 (f) Peren 110 11. Science Stream : 111-126 (a) Kohima 111-115 (b) Mokokchung 115-116 (c) Tuensang 117 (d) Mon 117-118 (e) Phek 118 (f) Wokha 118 (g) Zunheboto 119 (h) Dimapur 119-126 NAGALAND BOARD OF SCHOOL EDUCATION , KOHIMA NOTIFICATION NO. 42/2021 Dated Kohima, the 20th July 2021 No.NBE-13/EX-12/2019-20 : 881 : The following rules/instructions are hereby published for information of all concerned : MARKSHEETS AND PASS CERTIFICATES : (a) The Centre Superintendents of the HSSLC 2021 only shall collect the marksheets and pass certificates of their students and the Centre Superintendent for other categories from 28 th July 2021.