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V^ 4-5 Letters t^v^e Editor / 6-7 Cracl<s in tlri^>CQiici=«TC Editors: Arthur Chrenko?fr-|wSfcus Salisbury, Marcus Brown, Justin Kerr, Vomit 8-9 Worshipping at ^he Temple of Doom Bucket 11 The Truth about Northern Ireland Typesetting and design by: Queensland University Union Publications Department 12<13 The Vogel Awards >»dj/'erf/s/ng; Kerrod Trott (041 117 4713) ^ 14-15 Cult TV Shows [ Print/ng; Australian Provincial Newspapers | " 16-17 Qld's New Voice for Human Rights 18-19 Poetry fW'lui'iiWtnitiUhmif^un nrtiiM'fflfeTi-? 20-21 Short Stories Marcih^Brown, Janet McLearie, James Dick, K.W., theA-Files SocietWDavid Bolton, 22 Dead Semper Scrolls ^ Tracy U Morrison, Christopher Sanidas, Jane Scott, M.Blackwood, AJJarker, K.A.A., 23 Funeral in Sulawesi Anon. Jipcey Saxby, Danielle Clayton, Nichael BiJctlen, Stephen Qdfljdwin, Brent 24-25 Centrefold McKeaifjudith Driscoll, Adam Gallagher, Geoff pSkes, Joseph Cra\*foot, Maleha 26 Globocop Returns Newax/Becki, Ben Hodge, Michael Angelo, Kent Worsley, C.Georw4des, Brendan 27 The Key to the Employment Game Sinn;»nion, Ron Woodhead, AND-E,Craig Tliompsdq. Jonathai/Cobgrove, Dr. 28 East Coast Blues Festival JJ^ittle, Snoops, Rands, Ferns, K.McFarlane, Rowan RdfebifiLBWJnda Watermorth. 29 Cafe Lindos - Restaurant Review We are published by a consortium of Colombian drug barons and the CIA. If you 30-31 Film Reviews have any questions, please don't, Thier pointing their uzis at bur heads.and,telling 32 Video Reviews us to ensure you that our real publisher is the University of Queensland Union and 33 Schonell , more specifically El Presid^nfcajody Thompson. ^ 34-35 CD Reviews^ Not that you would vrfaht to, bJrtsybu can find us^in the dungeons of the Union 36-37 Book Revfi^s ' "^X Building • pass'by the main refec, g«down thestairs towards the Commonwealth 38-39 Theatre Reviews \ Bank, turn right at ttie Bike Shop arid Vvalk along the wall - we are situated between 40 College/and Education \ , -« Finances and ClubstrSocs. Failing th^you can write to us d- UQ Union, St Lucia Q" 41 Deep SVace Vat "T~ 4067. Or giye us a cW on 3377 2237jDr fax us ( again O- UQU ) on 3377 2220. 42-43 Executite Reports / The copyright in stufiQjetvtfeen pajie 1 and page 48 is vested In us for the first 28 44 Clubs 8i Socs Page ^ y^ days and then our dea^iQntfibyi^^irs get it, because we dofj't have enough room in 45 Activities Pi the office to store it, ,^ P^ ^ ' ^ , 46 Women's Area | 47 Sports ^ WHAT'S IN: dentures, driving up Moggii Road in reverse ^ WHAT'S OUT: plastic toilet rolls, leprosy The word of the week is Wankel Rotar^r Engine. ^ i Dear Semper Edito^ Indeed, perhaps we should refer to the SDU not as the 'Students for a Democratic Union' Firstly, let me state that I ann not supporting either of the two movements involved in the but 'Students for Dissent and Unrest'. In my humble opinion, the actions of recent weeks recent political conflagration on campus -1 simply want to put in my two bits' worth con­ are not those of a genuine political movement determined to fight for students' rights, but cerning the incredibly unprofessional politics I have witnessed recently at UQ. the recaldtrant exercise of frustrated political ambition on the part of last year's election The complaints brought by the 'Students for a Democratic Union' are definitely worthy of losers and the motley crew who support them. a consideration and their dissent to the union's policies are a healthy part of the democ­ Legitimate political beliefs do not justify anarchism or blatant abuse of the law and social ratic process. However, I personally have a problem with the way these allegations have order. It is my firm belief that these dissidents should stop 'fighting for your education' been presented and the behaviour of those making them. and concentrate on earning their own. The closure of the Undergraduate Library, daims of discrimination by Semper editorial SteY/art Maiden. staff, and the alleged wage hikes of the Action Union are all legitimate concerns. Editorial Response However, neither material evidence or documentary facts seem to have entered the debate at any stage. The lack of real evidence put forward to prove either side of the Dear Stewart argument is disturbing. People who are genuinely interested can only listen to the caval­ i whole heartedly agree with you that the Union has not rebutted SDU's allegations, the cade of rhetoric emerging from the SDU and become frustrated at the lack of coherent simple reason for this is that if we rebut through leaflet drops, etc it will be seen as a waste rebuttal from the incumbent union. of money, however I shall now attempt to rebut SDU now, in this response: The SDU seems to follow a policy of never spoiling a good story with the facts. Scurrilous 1. Undergrad Library is not dosing, rather refurbished, in fact the uni will be embarking accusations of incompetence, right-wing bias, sexism and rorts have been supported by on a multi million dollar extension of the libraries on campus. SDU claims this will cause documents no-one ever sees, and figures seemingly conjured from thin air. inconvenience to students. Perhaps this may be true, but surety an increase in services in These allegations remain effectively unanswered by the incumbent union. For my part, I the long run compensates any short term inconvenience. am disappointed that the union's position on the issues of contention has not been effec­ 2. The library fines, to put it simply: is about people who are responsible and return there tively communicated to the people who will ultimately judge them; the students. It is books on time and will not be penalised. the union's failure to inform the student body of their side of the story that has enabled 3. Semper: for this I can truly speak for! SDU claims Semper should be publishing radi­ the protagonists of the resistance movement to succeed in their aims thus far. cal articles. The fact of the matter is my teams platform at the elections was a more However disappointing these attitudes are, it remains that the methods being used by the responsible editorial policy Which meant we wouldn't be publishing articles on "how to 'revolutionary occupationist forces' are abhorrent and undemocratic. The storming of shoplift", or how we should revolt against the rest of the vjorld, however this is exactly union offices, stealing of private possession, and vandalism of students' property - walls, what SDU wants Semper to publish. notices and furniture - does not add to the credibility of the dissenting party. 4. SDU's leaders are all heavily involved in the Socialist V/orker Student Club, in fact they SDU allegations of the mis-spending of union funds are widespread and largely unsup­ are proud of that fact. I have no problem with these people having these views, it is only ported. Conversely, their actions in abusing the students' property during the occupation when they are attempting to over-throw a democratically elected union. SDU are noth­ seem to have justified union reaction: by illegally sleeping in offices, making thousands ing more than a pack of embitted socialist hacks and 'Ignite' candidates who can't handle of unauthorised photocopies, and vandalising union assets, the SDU made police inter­ the fact that the student populus voted against the. On the topic of mandates, the vention and the subsequent employment of paid security guards seem entirely within rea­ Semper Team, of which I am a part of, had one of the greatest margin (650-700 votes) of son. any team in Union history. Last year the students spoke. The fact is SDU and its rent a crowd from QUT can't handle this, that is all there is to it. Publications and rallies by the SDU demonstrated not genuine commitment to reform, but a desire to promote anarchism and push their own political platform. The party seems Marcus Brown not to notice that the small body of students sympathetic to their cause is outweighed Editor of Semper not only by those in support of the current union, but by the vast majority of students, PS I hope this has answered your question, Stewart who continue to demonstrate justified indifference and apathy.
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