Smith Chosen for PAFP Student As Possible, and Under These Cir- No Sales Tax Nor Income Tax
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Vol. 20-No. 22 Jacksonville (Alabama) State University JULY b,1974 Plan Pays Vets Admissions Office. - To be eligible for the Ouf-Of-State Fee Dropped- - prepayment plan the veteran must be at least a half-time By DEBORAH BRADEN As of the 1973 fall semester, bma fide At First Of Month student. Staff Writer residence was based on employme@ and The Veterans Ad- university because the According to Dr. French, Charles C. JSU Vice-President of actual occupancy and purchase of or a long ministration (VA) has ap- money from the VA came at former Director of the Office Financial Affairs, has confirmed the time lase on a home. proved a prepayment plan the end of the month. of Veteran Affairs on that the university will drop the 0~t-o~~~~~Coupled with either of these, marriage to ~f the vet enrolls-- - on this campus, the grant fee this - by which veterans may .-- - - - - - -- a state resident. state auto license.7 state receive their monthly check plan, he is enrolled with the establishing the office has When asked why this reversal in policy driving license, 'state voting registration, 4 : c L L rr . .. - . -- c -- L ha@M~P ahnrit Rnwa zancward that it hza~ --A -.----..- e . - a~UIG W~IIUIIII~UL LIIG IIIUIILI~ VA Unt~NS exwetea ate ot JUL ~III e-~ur~ueu IU~ LII~ CV-A*C -wVUu~ A.Vv1- -A-1VCACU UAUw ana payment 01 =ate income tax were am rather than the end. graduation, including or next year. become increasingly difficult to determine considered into waving the fee. This plan will enable the excluding summer He encourages veterans to resident status. Rowe also indicated that vet to pick up his check at semesters. This eliminates take advantage of the JSU President, Dr. Ernest Stone, and other The out-of-state fee was established when registration and pay his registering the VA tutorial services and officials "favored this deviation from long the university was founded. This same tuition by the deadline date. every semester and assures counseling offered. The time policy to keep abreast of demands of procedure was followed by all eversities. and colleges in the country. Before this plan, tuition the check will be waiting at office also recruits for Jax the current time." payments by vets at JSU had registration. However, State among the veterans. The difficulty in determining residence to be on the deterred JSU's enrollment includes has arisen from the shift in our society The purpose of the fee was to compensate veterans must still register for the "ad valorem" taxes paid by state payment plan of the with Mrs. Walters in the approximately 500 vets. toward mobility. In addition, voter residence requirements have been shor- residents. Three-fourths of the money tened to 30 days. needed to operate the school came from this, According to Rowe, Stone's primary wish tax while one-fourth came from tuition has been and is "to deal as fairly with each payments. When this fee began, there was Smith Chosen For PAFP student as possible, and under these cir- no sales tax nor income tax. lcumstances, the fairest thing to do was to Rowe indicated the loss in revenue will be Dr. Jerry Smith has been chosen for the input into the development of these drop the out+f-state fee." made up in the influx of students to JSU. 1974-75 public Administration Fellows programs. - " ... .. ... level governmental positions in the Executive Branch of the U. S. government Dr. Smith has been on the JSU staff the to university faculty teaching in the field of past four years. He received his PhD from public administration. Texas Tech. Last year he was president of AAUP and chairman of the Athletic Dr. Smith will be working for the Law Association. Enforcement Assistance---~~... - Administration~ ~ .-.-. in-. His tieof emplovment with PAFP will the Office of Planning and Management. be one academic ;e&. The Political Science The theory behind PAFP is to take Department is planning to find a temporary teachers in related areas of public policy replacement for the duration of Dr. Smith's and let them work so that they may provide absence. Exam Schedule U?~~EKGRA~IJI'TEDIVl%lO?r : .-- -- .- . ---- ,:lasses sii? meet as scliedlllod tbrouqh the 11:00 to 12:00 section on Tuesday, .Jzly 30. Dr. Max Flafferty, Dean of the School of Shown here from left are Judy McDuffie, mcation at Troy State University, Lake City, Fla., Pete Price, Anniston; Final exarlination in one-hour and two-lhour courses will he ql.-.:i. .:> or >:.for- the last class meeting but in all cases on or before Tuesday, July 30. spoke at Jacksonville State University Dr. Rafferty ; a n d Dr. Don SchmitZ, this week to members of Phi Delta Director of Student Affairs at Final examination in three-, four-, and frve-hour courses will he given as shown below. If a class meets during the senester in double session, tie exanlnatior T,b,iil Kappa, education fraternity, about Jacksonville State. be scheduled according to the earlier hour. If a class meets in double seszl-n or11v current and future trends in education. on certain davs of the week, then the final examination will be scheduled acccrdinq to the hour in which the majority of the cl.asses were held. Final examinations for candidates for qraduation (those for whom the professor has receil~edIBM cards in a special packet) will be glven as rerjularly schedulecl un- lsss the candidate has an exa~inationscheduled for 10:00-12:00 on Thursday, Augusr hefts Plague Students 1. In such cases, the candidate will be cjivcr: a qpeclal final nxaminatiorl prior to this perlod so as to give the professor tlme cnough to turn in a final qradc. Tuesday, July 30 1:30-3: 30 - C'lossc,s ~qeetlnnat 9:50. Recently several JSU and some personal mega house and a rid Tucsda:~, .July 30 3:30-5:30 - Classes meet-inq at 12:10. students returned to their belongings had been stolen trophy defaced in the Delta Wednrnda:., ,Jul: 31 7~30-9:?0 - Clasics meeting at R:4C. Chi r,4edriesday, 3~ly31 10:OO-12:OU - Clsses .rretinq at 7:30. residences to fm them from the% country house house. :"!edneqday, ,'uli 71 1:30-3:30 - C;assc- mrrtlnq at 1:20. burglarized. while they were in Bir- Motive in all these Wednesclav, Jtll jr 31 3:30-5: 30 - Classas nreti~gat 2:?0. Ttursda]. 4uq7ust i 7:30-9: in - Classes ncetlng at 11:00. One trailer was van- mingham. unrelated cases has been dalized, according to Sever a1 fraternity houses hard to establish. And ('lasses sched1.1cri 111 the evenir.7 will use the 1.1s: clasq period for -he final examination. reports. were rifled. Three frater- although people were Two students reported a nities had their charters notified in some instances, stereo console and records stolen. A medallion was no one has been ap- worth hundreds of dollars taken from the Alpha Tau prehended. Page 2 PACE Begins In Fall The U.S. Civil Service Commission ferent job categories.- recently announced the Federal Service Entrance Examination, which closed in The previous provisions ior recognizing June, will be replaced in October by a new outstanding scholarship will also be Professional and Administrative Career changed in the PACE examination. Ap- Examination (PACE). plicants who rank in the upper 10 per cent of their graduating- - classes, or who have a 3.5 PACE will serve as principal means of grade point average on a scale of 4.0 will entry into the Federal civil service for continue to be eligible in the examination on college graduates and others with ap- the basis of their academic standing. propriate responsible work experience. PACE, like its predecessor, will be a single Such academic standing will be examination used to fill a variety of en- recognized by combining additional point trance-level positions of a professional, credit for outstanding scholarship with administrative, or technical nature. ratings in the written test. So that a final The Publications Workshop Course is Darell Carter, Tim Childers, Vesta Specialized civil service examinations examination rating can be determined by being offered by the English Department Coleman, Pat Colgreit, Andrea Dial, covering professional positions in this new method, all candidates will be for the fourth consecutive summer. The Larry Grace, Valinda Holyfield, Wen- engineering, science, accounting and some required to take the written test, regardless course is designed to teach the purpose of some Johnson, Gary McCombs, Rodney other fields, as well as separate of class standing. a yearbook and good yearbook Passmore, Buddy Quirouct, Becky examinations for positions at grad& above techniques. Students taking the course Smith, Trudy Warren, Patte Whitlock, entry levels, will continue unchanged. Another feature being revised is the one are on the 1974-75 Mimosa Staff. They and Pearl Williams. Mrs. Opal Lovett is granting eligibility without exarnina tion for are: William Braddock, Ginger Burton, the advisor. PACE will differ from the examination it work experience with Federal agencies replaces in a number of ways. The written under cooperative education programs. test to be used as part of the new This provision will no longer be necessary, examination plan has been redesigned to since other arrangements are being Hard Work Pays Off incorporate major changes in both content developed to permit continuing ap- and coverage. Based on extensive pointments for co-op students after By TIM MASON professional research into the abilities receiving the bachelor degrp. The students enjoyed a comfortable 77 on Staff Writer degrees, the average yearcound tem- needed the job, the written test will Recently a year of hard work and careful perature.