~ichi9an Ho!> Dlind tate Representative LANS>TNG. Mich. (JP)-Robept Mahoney. Iblind sinc ~ he Was Is conClde-nt he'll keep Pace H'ot Hawkey, es ' H'~umi ' Ii , ~te 82-~3 hi s c(lll ngue In the Michl. Penn-'State, 1 h hOll se 0: ro;.>rcsentatlves I i('nds wlhl rl'ad to him. His d~ ~1l lcad him. He'll keep notes in rallle. He h s a wi! • Who also blind, and six children. none Day'is-(ain ~ . The Weather I whom is b)l nd. I NO. ' EVER AGAiN ContilluN cloucly .nd HUM BOLDT, Tenn. 1.4»- Law ' Duo Scores eooll'J' ~;th p ~ I b I e olotors who've:' just p uid traMIe . ~_ in \lui uUl per- ot Humboldt's POlice stn. lIun vt tat., Warm.r arc 1J1,~ Jin d (0 think r-ollte. £11 owan und awl MQM!l • clin be overdone. When 40 Poinlls leave the !pay-up de~k. this Est. 1868 - AP leased Wire, Wirephoto - Five Cef\ts Iowa City. Iowa. Saturday. March ' 17. 1955 loolT\S oo[ore them: "Thank EVANSTON, Ill. (JP) - Dea· --~------~~------~----~------~.------~ Please come again." con Davis and Carl Cain com­ bined for 40 points Friday night -' to l~ad Iowa'~ 1~ ncy bail-hand­ ling Big' Tell (:harnpi(lns to an easy 82-53 vic~ol'y over Penn St:lte and into, the NCAA region­ al ti?als against Marquette. l FREE Marquelt e'~ well-poIsed team edged out Kentucky, the nntlon's PARKING seco~ld rnnklng team. 79-71 In a torrid, le~d-changing opener of tlie No. 2 regional tournament befO'I e a capacity 9,500 tans in Nabbed .' ill'i$25,000 Nort'hwestern's McGaw Memorial v.: ASHlNGTON (tV) - The Hall. state dl!'P~r\Jnent's security chiEf Iowa and Marquette will meet st.artled a gt·ou~ of senators Fri­ SHOP liT tonight with the winner advanc­ day with an a~ert1on t~at tie Afton Ban Robbery ing t~ the NCAA finals at Kansas would hire a sl'Curity risk if It City next weekend. were ~=cssary "to get the job MT. A YR (.4>)-An armed bandit sought in connection with a done." $25.000 robbery at the Commercinl State bank of Afton Friday af­ Penn State and Kentucky will ternoon was apprehend d Friday night In Mi. ·our!. battle for regIOnal consolatiun "I wouldn't nCRILate to do so R. W. Neber!!aH. ch ief oJ tlw ~wa bureau or crfmjnal invcsUga- honors ill the first game here it necessary LO fulfill a mi5:)ion," tion, idenHlied ~he man as Eugene William Butt, 33, who was dis­ tonight. W. R. (Scott) M ~~od told a c1uIrged from the Nebrnska Stat~ penitentiary at L.lnco'n on Wed­ Iowa used rese rves in the last nellday . . 10 minutes !Jeter piling up a senate ,.@'overrment ~peralionB subcommittee. The sl.beormnit­ Two r()W~ highway p:ttrolmen 61-39 It'ad. Davis and Caill, going tee is studying secUJ'ity , po1i~y . and Sherl!t It~ x RoUse ()f Win­ . out at this time, scored 19 and 21 terset stapped the man foul' Qha.i'l'lTlon Hubert Hwni'brey Democrats points respectively. miles west of ~hw'liY 119 and a The Hawkeyes, ranked No. 5 (oD-Minn.) wanted to know mlle south at the Iowa line in nationally. coasted to their 18th whether McLeod also Celt that a northern Harrison county, Mo. victory in 23 games with ease. person with "di&loyal" tertden­ Suapeet JaUe'. Hil Clay's They surged into a 15-5 lead in cies might have to be used by the first five minutes, and made Buff was ib!ing taken to the county Jail at Bethany. Mo. It 25-11 lo ~he next five minutes the government even though where lNeberpll said he would and were coasting 39-25 at the elaborat~ maehJne-ry has been be taken Into court today. Road Plan halC. set up to keep sue-h per ons out W. R. (Scott) McLeod The sherlU's ot:nce at BelhDny WASHlNOTON (lP) - Senale Box Score: Pa.. e 4 'To Cet job DOll e' of Cederal s/ll'vlce. reported the roan was arrested ------~~------"It's a jJQsslbHity," the secur- arter he hod taken a car at the DemOCl1ats scoUed iFriday at the lty chief repJiI!d. "I wouldn't Vil'1ril Blake farm northwest of idea that President Eisenhower's lAP Wlr •• ~.le) w.ant to foreclose anyone who ~leville. Mo. The man was proposed s~rhighways could ALBERT F LLEll, center. eon\'leted of tlrs~ denee murder, receive a farewell h.ancbhake from a S ~~ ... as "e was driving "'om evacuate cities in an atomic at- spect.tor. rlcbt. as he Is I'WIhecl out 01 eourt b eh let deput)' herltt Wilton lIoll'an. Idt. art r the A. has respons~biU{y \0 the Amerl- "'.,.... 11 u Italian Senate OK's the driveway. tack. L. PattersOn murder trl.i In Blrmll\lham, AI " Frld can people ..from u~ing the tools AuthorHie$ said BuU was Sen. Pat McNamara (0- necessary" to do an essential armed with a sawed-oCf shotiill' Mich.) said a network ot high- piece of work. but oM'ered' no resistance whell speed roads wouldn't I inters1a~e German Reatmament McLeod emPhasized that he caught. be "worth a darn" tor that pur- A"I' { F I . . was g.peakil1$ only of rare and' ·!i.i3hway ipatrolmen and sher pose. He said they'd soon become -' Iowa Senate

jammed. 0 _ U ROME (A»-'I'he Italian senate unusuil ca ea, and that he iUs 1n southern Iowa and north . er approved the Paris agTeements ern Missourl bad been alerted Gen. Lucius D. Clay. au\l1or of In addition to providing for couldn't rec:lll any sud)~ -case lor a chunk~ lbandit wen ring the admlnlsl.tllUon·s road pro~ to rearm the West ~rmans and German troops as part of the durln,g the tWQ y~ars he has been golq~immed t1asses after he . th Ito ·· • OK's larsen make them partners in tJhe West­ Western lineup against the ern. European Union by a de-cis­ threat of Red aggression. the ac­ with the stote deopllrtment. held up bank pers.~nnel j\L,t be- f~~:'~ ws,se I~nat~ ;ub~C ~o:dS DES MOU:,ES IA»- The I('n­ ive 139-82 vote, Friday night. cords provide for restoration' of ' Th discuss' II S ... fore .the ~ V.J'(1· CIOSUl~. sub<;ommltt.ee u McNamara and G.1 I' _ ' t ·f e _Ion ro e, wilen , MODe)' FOllnd ate m -t Gov. Lco 1I0eih' pc"ce The senate vote completed West ~rman sov~rel.gnty and HumRi.lfey ~all~ ~uestiQning.' hlUl '. ~eb,erga¥ said a "suitcase full ~~~~ DemOC1'Gla stated thelr 5.' . I Italian pI,Irliamentary &etton pn e o rtur. WiJY { d and for d,mission of West Germany e the acrords. Italy is the eightn into the North Atlantic Treaty abo1.1t; -;the C1I1Se . \le.; wo~ dc!~ -qi. .mot'ey' was found in -rue Clay had listed ev~liatJon ot " confirm d the appointment 9f ol the 15 nations involved to jinsky, but MCf.,e<>d em.I>hasjz~ \nart~ possesslOll when he was .. • • . Organization. , he didn't' refer to Ladejiru;~); in aW>l:?lel1ded. There was no Im- CltJes as one 0( sever:!l reasons Chri~ Lal sen, Sioux City prInt- complete stich acthm. Italy's Fist FfC'hts RaC'e talking a1boul pOISlhle em.ploy- mediate , ewmate of how much ,tor ilie .proposod in~state net- Ing shop operator, to lhe Slat lower house, the chamber of BIRMtNGHAM, Ala. {JP) - The vote came after two ment or Sec\Ult)' risks. " money i.h~ bag contained- w~rk. ,!fe said Friday he cLidn·t hlahway commissIon. deputies, approved the treaties Albert Fuller, form!!r chler dep­ read to the packed courtroom at weeks of senate de-hate that saw . ., , : ' A , man reaemblin( the de- think any complete evacuation But. the connrmatlon ot Lar­ De-c. 23, 336-215. uty sherltt at. Phenix City, was tile! end or the 25-day trial. The fist (i'gh,ts break out on the floor 1ttapti~ !given hy ba nk em- is poS6ible, but I l>elleve ~u sen left It virtually 1:ertain th"t 200-pound defend' nl had ap­ of the ohamber. There also were , . _ plo~ ' ot the banx bandit was co}lld get a IO~. more people out sentenced to life imprisonment a D('mocrllt will be named to pcmed almost non ch alII n t noisy disorders on the streets ot reportoo seen in the Rinuold on good roads. Friday on a tirst degree murder lhe commIssion from norlhl'3st AnolherDog Rome. county IIfea several hours nIter McNamara Baid one accident conviction for the slaying of A. throughout lhe trlol. Iowa. This would frusttDl the T,he Communists have bitterly the holdup. on a superhighway could ~hoke L. .Patterson, sworn l"llcmy of Judge J. Rus 11 McElroy, d('.lrt' of Republican from tll:!t. opposed Western union and He . was reported at several oM traHic. "[ (:an't visualize the racketeers. takJl1g precautions aIter word area to have II member ot theIr !ou.ght ratiofication 01 the a-ccords firm houses posIng as a mail or- system la tirlJ' lor 10 minutes . The 12 jurors, who listened to came thlll the jury had reach d party on th' eomml.'.sion, Sume Poisoned here to the end. Police and Com.­ ~ _ shoe salesman. wUh people running for their mllJions ·or words of testimony in a verdict, ordcr'ed the court­ Ii nnton Raid th y f· led thh '.The Att~ holdup took place lives," he said. l'Qom emptl!d and th P('('­ The fourth dog-poisoning in munist , demollStrators clashed the long st jury trl:!1 in Ala­ ml 'ht prod un! anoUlel' da~h In brie-fly out9lde the senate while PIT'I1SIBUROlt (JP)-:.The sea- about 2:5 5 p.m. F nay.'d The Creshm$n Mi.ohl.gan sena~ bama !his~ol'y, r'(urned lheir ver­ tators s 'urcht'd on('e mor' for tht' tuture. thre~ weeks was reported Friday st the vote was being taken. son's bigge trop of !OTnildqes . Ji. ' M, Crandall,' cashier, and tor said he took tile po6iUon that dict at 2:30 P Q'" 22 houls nd cone 'ill d Wl'lI pOttS Iwror thl' Tht' • n. . tr lind the gnvernllr to Iowa City police. and thunderst.onns1rippeQ acrbs$ his three assistants were pre- a vastly expanded hJ.ihway pro­ Atbout 1.000 police milled II mlnut's after thl'Y received jUty flied in. had n d ad locked (IV r The dog, a Cemale Norwegian the eastern third 01 the- l1ation pa)'ing to 'close when Crandall gram is needed !I1Wre to boost elkhound belonging to Thomas J . around the Senate bujldi~g dur­ ~he cas'. Only a ju.y con decide on the Ho ah's nomlnollotls for four of ing thl! final hours O'f the ses­ Friday, killing at least. two 'per- lOOKed up and saw "this fellow the nation's economy than to Patterson, 1604 Wilson st., is ex­ Fuller's $12,500 bond, under ~xt nt or punl -hment Cor murder the live posts on 1h hll:hway sion, Thcy >blocked all streets sons. Injurltloi a score 'and' caUs- b.el)ind tl1e counler with us. H;e solve il.w' ~ freiglit car ot( .' dbbe--r the money 'from the val11t · people it n ~cessary to stop this. -.- .•-- ' I i . U-Bomb? Yes! ' a "rapid de-cislon" on whethcr $14 Million Damage to 0 How a group of Russian far­ its track and. unroofed homes ":'the butic o~ tJ'Ie contents of the "The majorJty of drlvers dis- F,·n·n· 0,·1 Tan' ker Ohio River Rampage and lbulld.1nJll. safe locat~ in the vault, the obey the pedestrian laws," Ivie Iowa Farmer Fined mers to visit Iowa to see how In 'bandit asked: &aid. "You see it happen every com and pigs grow there. LOUISVILLE. Ky . (A') - The State department press chief crest of the most severe Ohio Flemin$" Pen~cillin lyo:~~~::-t~ all in there, wLU da':I o~o~~ ~~;~kts'most of tlwm Nears Red China $14,000 in Tax Case Henry Suydam told newsmen river flood in seven years d-I Ht­ 'lhj! whole matter is under ac­ Discoverer, Dies . "1 lold him 'no'," Crandall know !.hat they are supposed to DES MOINES (IP)- A norlb­ ed toward the stream's mouth .' {. Said. give the pedestrian the right-of- TAliPEl:t. FOtmQsa (Saturd41y) west. Iowa farmer Friday WlIS tive conSideration." Friday. leaving 14 mlllion dol­ LONDON (JP) - :Sir Alexander • The l'obbe£ then locked Cnui- way." (A»-Iof balh sides mean what fined $14.000 and placed on pro­ A Russian note handed the U.S. lars in damage from LQuisville Fleming di!!cov~rer of penicillin df,l'll and , the, three women em- Iowa City pedestrian ordl- they say, Uier,e may be trouble bation .for three YEars for income embassy at Moscow Thursday to Pittsburgh. , ' 'of d' t ployes, Mirs. Dorothey BrOlna- nances state that: I! .apd when the FinniSh tanku tax evasio~. nIght formally suggested swap­ The river stopped rising short­ and thus one mankln s gr~!I - -hal). assist4rit cashier, and two 1. "The oper-ator shall yield Aruba II ies to reat.:, a Red Ohlna ping Soviet and U.S. dgrlcul­ ly before midnight Thursday est benefaetors, . died FriBay of bOOkket:per:; Mrs Vilet Means port with IS,GOtt: tons of jet fuel Henry Ranscbau Jr" 41, who [ tUrs\ deleaations and requested a heart ailment. He was '13: atld M~. ~rls McCrath in the the dght-of-way to a ~estr1an __, 4no ...... to sen'> out RUSSI'an- operates a 280-acre farm near after reaching 36:8 feet, 8.8 feet _.. .,-, . , erossing the road-way within ~...... a a statement ot how the American above flood stage, The U,S. The fameu bacteri(ilOgi,st' col- vault. . , bw'lt MlO' 0" 5.200 rru·ssions. Alvord in Lyon county.' was ac­ ' " , any marked or unmarked cross- ~ '. cused of evadi~ $4,470.501 in aovernment teels about it. Weather bureau declared that lapsed shortl y after havlnl break- Tille four soon escaped from vrolk at t.lJe elid of a block. lt. was ,'lulle evident on For- i'he Dc. Moines Register & reading as- its crest 24 hours tast in bed at , hlJ home. Lady the vault 'ana -called pOlice. moSf that Chlan.g Kai-shek's ta xes from J 948 thrOOih J 9Sl. Tribune first 8u"estt.d exchang­ later when no further rise was Flemlng, ' 43, d i. Greek · waf hero- . I A.tI;ori.lsa to",!,ri of 1.000Jn Un- 2. " ... a~ators o! vehicles warships nnd 'plan~ l'nt.end to He Md pleaded no defense to ff' h'~ 'de 'L. I sh&ll yield the r.ght.. ot-way to G ~ Ina tarmeTli in an editorial after noted, A 39.5 crest had been pre­ Ine an d sc ien s', was .0 t ",;./1, ~n' county ,auout. el6'.t'n" ml es • I . intercept the- A_'"'a on~" she the chargee in an earlier ap­ Russian leaders exhorted Soviet h '- d' d - • ". , " C· t ' hi...... pedestr ans crOSSJn., or those "'..., ..... pearance !before Federal Judge dlct~d, w en ne 1e. " ,~-~'. 01;1\ ~el! or, on !'.way.n. who have stgrted'1'o 'Cl'06S the eomell withfn range. lQ ' ~mers to copy American meth­ William r. Riley. • w , " roadway on a gre-en or 'Go' sig- On March 9, Peiping radio ~. of ralslna corn and /loas. Ranschau was the lirst Iowa farmer in mahy years to face Says It's Now a Risk n ttal- criminal ~ Irowln.c out of 30 Receive'· B,¢hd'lcftislfj :J~:~'~~;';I;O!,~d' ~1%;:~~::';'i"S fllnure to report all his income . I , ",. ",s .. (0 AT A NEWS eonlerenct. * * * ' be tOI!!rated." To Invest In Stocks Thirty SUI have been • " Til:! was apparent on and pay taxes the government WASIlIN'OTON (JP) - Gen. stu .Nari,by · 08 ~lo.n. M · M!.. Vernon: - not er n. astrian Derense Secretary Chules E. claimed due. ~obert E. Wood, who 'manages ~-. 'ft~ -'- I hi ,,' D<\roth¥ ·Hau,..,.. ~ •. MUI(.~n ..; .' k b t t./lis Natf~~allst s\.rQn¢lold that Aside from farmil'..g. he lIlso lile bia proflt-sharln( pension amMps, Helen Reich, scholar- Rt:,;",V\,,, """'9 ars ps: '. lph-GaHe. AI. Sumner: and RIchard Struc y ar lirnove to Inte~pt the tanker WIlSOD eontlrms that there is . - ~ ActiVIty - Wa$'n. Iverman. 'Ill. ' C~ Wechter. AI. Chicalo. . .. ,.. h ' " • k ~ ... ~ I\ad Income from eustom ma­ fund of Sears, Roebuck & Co., aMp committee ehail1man, sliia taUa: DaVid lARoy RaINe. !-I, Cedar SI"'enl Aiel _ 'Nrleo)' D~ey. loll. , WOr.uu aye oi}'mP8t.,y Lroal "'.., • U-bomb .... aeclareB Am- chIne \V'Dl'lf. and uld Friday "1 don't want to' risk .... iday. Rllpld.: H•• rll Iland7' Ounca". AI. DH 1~leId; Gloria Davld~, AI. Cory· Mrs. L. R. Gerinter, 722 Kirk- United StatH.. . erlea wUl ...14 • suba&an&1al tnJddni. U Moines: Wordell Ca_r SInllh. AI. De. ' ; " ChlItles ' D , BIle ...... n. At. lowa wood ave.. received minor in- ' 00 Mateh 4. \\'!hen the Aruba Iud In super-bomb. lor .t The fow--count. information my tlmtpJoye.' money" In the 111w echolarsh'ps are awarded Moines: (Un'... Tl\oJl\.,-..n. AI. nti CI!¥~ J,'J\!lUl' Anlrlim. AS. SIQUIt CIl»: 1"'_ ...... h alcx!k omar.ket at lis IPresent level. , Moines: CIW nGCllateln,' AJ. OleN": Diilalll Goetz. £4. WUIIJ~O/I. and An· IIl"''''S r rway wnen S e was ~.S' repbrted in the Suez can.al leu. three or tour more Je..... filed by Roy 1.. St'ephenson, U.S. (or scholastic achievement and Don.ld 1',",.f11.~4~ 1'."..: loon. S. ~s S. Klrll_ AJ. 0 ... ro, S.nd...... struck by a car at the Intersec- area, a. U.s. state "'-~rtment A U-~ ..,...... en boab diatriOt .ttorney, Chaneed that WOO

TIl! DAlLY lOW 'Better Get Started' to God Further Study Set Explosion ion.Cheap, Protestants To Open Drcive For Convention Plan • D fOr:as IA'I - T ex- I Injures 3 '., ecutl ve boal d ot the Iowa State I Education a . !'(l(ia~on Friday. di- , AI Maylag ~ingf'se reeted its wnvention comm.ttee Sunda'y 'For Ov.erseas Relief to make a further tudy of a pro- lhlng in this grcat wldc world is Iposal for dropping the a oda- NEWTON (A") - A butane ex­ hot as shown by Horatlo Aide Protestant Churches in IOWA ~nd Zane Grey! lion's annual state ('onvention In plosion in an air line in the re- I At times, onc meets shady, av. Cell Group.Meets in Little Chapel City will begin a week of ser­ Des Moines. teivina: rea at Mayta, com- ~ricious, parasitical hUmans In vices Sunday, along with 1hous­ Under the propo& I, the 1956 pany's plant No. 1 Injured three ris contact with the world. ands of other Churches in Ameri­ state wnvention ~ould be drop- men Friday a.nd ealUed an unde­ heretore, we should clO8(!ly obo ca. emphaSizing the help the crvc this Ibustling, Industrious ped Ind regional conventions termlned amount ot daDUlP. ommunity. churches are ,iving to milJinns substjtuted. The plan would not The Injured men, all of wbom r: It means only to further our of destitute people in foreign affect the 1955 con\'ention acbe- suffered burns from the result­ ducatlon ,by serving as an ex­ lands. duled for Nov. 3-5. ing fire. are Pred DavIdson. 28; mple of what we may 1I11iv~ oc­ J . Leonard Davie!. associate Floyd Mullbrook, 211. and Don The Rev. Ira J . Hoover. presi­ Rogan.40. asion to encounter in our stru,- dent of the Iowa City Mini­ professor of eGucation at SUI. Ie for lite upon taking leaw ot wnvention commit! chairman. A company doctor said [)avid. sterial association. said that no lIOn suifel ed first and secoDd do; his great school. joint services are planned by the said the main objection raised Frederick Mohrman. Al thus far against the full seale (tee burns about the face, ('hest churches hele but each church and arms. Mullbrook and Rol­ 200 Flnkblne puk state convention in De Moin II will observe the O(:casiOn "In its I an su [fered slight burlU al>Qut own way." Is the dl lance that sam dele­ gates have to traveL the tace but wntlnued worlUnC. On Mar. 20. the Jowa City A portion of a conerete slab : churches will participate in the The executive board's Bcllon roof over the recelvln, area leU nation-wide "One Great Hour of came toward the close e( 1\ two­ In 'and a wall between the ra­ Sharing" observance. It will be day meeting at the a ociation celvlng and die castin, areat part of the 1955 United Appeal office here. was dama,ed. Mony parll tor I of major protestant and eastern the comPAny's conventloDal mo­ At 910 Kilocycle, orthodox deno:ninations tor funds del washer were In the lecelvin, for their world-wipe Profl ams Church, Minorities area and production of such l'ROGRAM NOTES of overseas rellet, rehabUita­ washers wa stopped until Mon­ aturdllY, March 12 Hon 8 nd reconstruction. To Be Discussed day. Offici ills laid the explosion Approaches to the teaching of The 1955 drive will be the seventh annual appeal with this "The Church and Minorities" was et oft when Davidlon drove eading will be discussed OIl year's goal set at $9,50C,OOO. will be. the topic under discus­ an electric powered truck Into HALK DUST at 9 a.m. Major areas of need covered sion at the Lutheran Student as­ the Brea. Both Mullbrook and Bob Zenner brings you · the by the 1955 United appeal will ociatlon meeting Sunday at 6 Rogan had been worklnr '011 laY-bY-Play account of Iowa be Germany. Creece. Austria, p.m. at First Enalish Luther!1 pipes from a butane PI taDk DO awkeye ,baskctball action In YugQSlavia. Korea. India. Paki­ church. longer In u~ since conversion In he NCAA tournament at Evan­ stan. Indonesia, Jllpan, Hong David C. John~on , G. Grand natural ga bout a week. .go. ~ton, tonight, at a time to be all· Kong, Viet Nam. Kenya, and the PRESIDENT ElSENJlOWER and BrltaJll'a Prl~ Minister Win­ Rapids. Minn.. will speak. A The butane had been ftndll'l' alr ston Churchill believe the salva.Uoll of the world Ues in are- l ounccd. Near East. discussion period will follow. A pres ute whlle workmen "bwd" 1l,lous revival, and "We'd better ret .tal1ed." 3S-,.ear-old BUI, the tanks but apporentlr had The National Council of cost supper will be served ot TODAY' SC HEDUl.E Graham tells an overnow tbrone III Madl.on Square Garden. ieaked out. filllni the area. A CELL GROUP at the United Student fellowship meets In the Little Chapel of the Concreeational Churches has reparted thal 5 p.m. 8:00 J\1ornln, Ch.pcl church. The group meets every Friday mornb'r d 7:30 for devotions. Bible study and discussion. New York. He "shaWl! (ulJper) In a t,plcal Graham resture and 8:15 New. emergency relief ot food.clothing (lower) &t the ledern laeln,r a crowd 01 It.OOO. About 8.... were 8:30 Mornh" Serenade Seated. from left t~ r1l'ht, are David Howard, P3, Lewis; Monll Ahlsc1acer. AI, Olds; Shirley mlth, 9:00 ChalkduSI and -medicine al e urgently need­ turned aWIlY at the door. 9:20 The Bookshelf Nt, Sibley; Tom DeYarman. E1, Olds. and the Rev. Nancy Forsberc. minister to students. 9:45 Children', Circle ed in these areas. aJ0ng with 0: 15 Storie. 'n Stull rehabilitation and reconstruction 0:45 PTA Prol1'.m 1:00 SaIely Sl><'l>lu Revjval Has Been 1:15 Iowa State Dept. of Health 1:30 Reclnol Hall (uls Bible 2:00 Rhythm Ramble. 2:30 News ,A Surface Affair,' 2:45 Serenade In Blue Cooky Jar Kept Open ~;~~falisAllen 1:00 Franc. and Mu.l. 01 the West . . 2:00 Music For Llltenm, 4:00 Too Time Special Billy Graham Says To 1/3 Its 5:00 Children'. Hour 5:30 News New President NEW YORK-Evani list BlI· 5:45 Sporl5t1rn~ '/'1 h• etAs 6:00 Dinner \tour Iy Oraham said tllis week an ap­ 6:5:1 To Be Announced At • f F e 'O.WS · I pen e r inft~~I:dle:~ A:~e~~~~~ Clo~ '~: parent American r eUgious re­ Usual Lenglh onday, March If 'Dhe cooky jar is always open Disciples Student fellowship of vival has been a surface arialr Diamond's "Music for Romeo the First Christian Church Mar. NEW YORK (IP) - A modest at the United Student FeU()W- cover a wide scope. A cehl group without an eUect on morality. nd Juliet" will be featured on who want to may nave a regular 5. The group inbtaJ1ed its omccrs woman armed with scissors, ship center - I and it's usually which meets Friday morning for private conference wiih her each for the 1955-56 school year dUf­ "We Ibelieve a religious re­ past pot and palience has com­ USICAL CHATS at 1 p.m. filled with home-made wokies, devotions, Bibie readin.g and the "Britain's Relations with the week. Miss Fotsberg added that ing a retreat at Camp Wapsie y, vival is thc only hope of the pieted the task of editing the too. I study of outstandiog Ohristian the students are welcome to stop north of Cedar Rapids, last week. Bible into n version less than a ommonwealth" will be discus· in at her of[jce at any time to world," Gr8'ham said. "But very The women. 01 the Can grega- literature bas Jecently been 01'­ third Its u~\Ial lenith. ed by Sir Oliver Franks at 3 tiona I Ohristian chur.ches in the ganized within tJhe local fellow­ discuss any problems they may Other officers installed were few ot us arc- wllline to start In .m. on BRITAIN AND THE "I am not a thcoloilan and not state 0[ rowa ha ve taken on the ship. have. Edward McLa hlnn. A2. Iowa our own llves and pay the price." IDE OF WORLD AFFAIRS. even a Sunday school tCRcher," task 01 ~eeping six Iowa student The students also take part in "'''' U<::F . d b City. vice president; Anna Boer- ~~le ~ IS governe y a nero Iowa City. secretary, and Asked about recent criticisms Margarct Nlc)'lolson, editor of M.ONDAY·S SCHEDULE chun:h centers sLWPlied with the regular activities of lihe Con­ cllibmct of studen.t:s who meet , Joanna Rogers Al Mount Ayr of the quality of popular Protes­ "The Compact Bible." said. 8:00 Mornln, Chapel ~kies. This was explained by gregatim)al church. Many of 8:15 News once a month pnd m3lke pians t e " , tant preaching. Graham said • She ~nellled, snipped and 8:30 Hlstorv o! l~. Am.ri~an We.! M~s Nancy ForllbeI'g. minister them sing in the choir. usher at for comipg events. Some form of reasur r. . . various types of p{eaching pasted sections of halt a dozen 9:20 The Book.hell 10 students at the center. Miss Sunday services and teach Sun­ g,roUJp recreation or social actlv- Monday eventng the group Will 9:45 Women's Fe6ture shouid be recognized as appeal. different copies or the King' /0:00 New. ~orsbcrg said that every week day school classes. ity is planned every two months. hO.ld a "Coney Jsl~nd Supper" to Ing to ditferent pwple. However. James. yer on t.o put t080 er ,0:15 Kitchen Concert on Friday or Saturday a box' of Molds Informal Gatherlncs This year they have had a hay raLSe money to fmance the re­ )1 :00 Our Mllale.1 World he said there Js "a lot or a sort her VO~lI1J1. whl.ch totals ap­ Strln, Serenade cookies arllives In the mail. Miss ForSbel1g. who has been ride, Christmas party and a t.reat. The supper will be at the of watered-down namby-pamby prol'imately 200.000 wor.ds. The The Man and !'h. Moment Valentine's day party. student center Cram 5 to 8 p.m. Rhythm Rambles "It is sort of like a box f3. Lewis, is \vhich is or little religiOUS value. words. 12:45 Meet Our Guest ward to opening the Ipaokage her apartment for the students. president of the cabinet. Other SUNOAY TOAST 1 :00 Musical Chats He saJd rthls might be rood D&U ..h~~ or: a Missionary 1 :56 Old Tnl •• and New each wee-k and sampling the "These oocasions are just infor­ members include Virginja Swi­ Dress up French tOast for Sun­ p6~hology Ibut "1 'have my Miss Nicholson. daughter of a 2:10 Recent '" Contem]lOrary Musl, new cookies," she said. ma'l gatherin.gs for fun, and dis- hart. N2, Baxter; Clark Miller. day brunch! Heat canned pine­ 3:00 Britain and the Tide of World dooots" as to its value in "gel­ missionary and lOr many years MC.lrs Students of the Congregation- cussion," she said. A3, Des Moines; Marlyn Lyon, apple rings or peach slices in a tin-g pt ople to churoh and to a {op edllot with , a pubJlsl'ljng 3:30 News 81 Christian and Evangelical and An important part of Miss N2, Dennison; Tom DeYarman, little butler or margarine in a 8:45 This Is Turkey Christ." c6mpany, began the job two Reformed ohurches are served Forsbeng's work is student coun­ AI, Olds; Don PolJak, P2, Chl­ big skillet, sprinKling wlth brown 4:00 MIl! lc 'rom lnterlochen Graham said he had !been in­ years .ago. "The Compact Bible" 4:30 Te. Time by the USF. Whenever there Is selJn.g. This semester she has set cago. ~nd LaDonna Busch. A2, sugar. Serve the hot fruit with 5:00 Chlldren's Hour viled by number of commercial was pl)bllsh~ this week by just one of either denomination up a scheduJe whereby sbudents Council Bluffs. the golden-brown French toast. a 5:30 News television sponsors to do "a ,pro­ Hawthorne Fres~. I 5:45 Sportatlme in a town, Miss Forsbeng ex- ---.!...--.------..:..------~---~-- The first two months of her 6:00 Dinner flour plained. lboth are served by one gram along the Une of Bishop 6:56 News task sh~ spent at her farm Dcar 7:00 Ask the ScienU ohUn:h. (Fuiton J.) Sheen's" ond that '''1 7:30 Studenl Forum will probably accept one of those Hlllsdale, N.Y.,. "seven miles 8:00 They Showed The Wly Meets Every Sunday trom my neare~t nelghbgr," con­ . Now I lay me 8:.5 Melody Theatre at some future ·time." 9:00 Mullle You W.nt The USF meets every Sunday centrating on the Bible. She'd 9:45 News and Spon. evening tior a "cost.. supper and read it through twice before, but O : ~O SIGN OFF I she'd never done any serious an evening program. The sup­ down to sleep ... per and 'Program are planned by, F WiHenberg Installed Bjble st\ldy, with a dozen In­ students. AGIlIIAS ACBIM CONOBEGATION Sermon: "Sab.t.nee." ItEOItG"NIZI!:D CHUaCH OF JI!:8US :'l b~g.a~ hI/it * * * * * * expensive copies of the Bibie." The progra.ms have consisted lUll! £. Wa.lalnltelln at. Student orranltrUon. LlUlfJ: ChapeJ .t ~HaI8T 01' LA Tn;. D" Y 8AlJIITS aabbl E. stamm Cooper Con,re,aUonal ehvreh, .fI :UI p.m. 1... , Me",.r,al Union LSA President Miss Nicholson explained. "The ICES of speakers, panel discussions. Saltbath worsblp, Saturdar, 9 ...... Dan E. W.Ue, ,ailor As first eopy I read through, cross­ '"rlJE hair so like young coro' silk draws appealingly bed: re of The DaUt 10""11 III ill, one-act plays. and a program . . . FIRST UNIT AltlAN SOOlETr Mornla, ...... 1., 8:31 • . m. ASSEMBLY OF OpD Iowa aYe. and Ollbert d. SermOn, 10:UQ •.•• Charles Wi.tten:berg, G, Cedar- ing out verses with a pencil J intD the little pony rail. Lashes droop demurely DYW Z prece.I~' called, "This is your life as a _ led by p.m. the .a, 4!4'! S. Cllnt.n Tbo R••. Allr.a J . N. Hbrlbo •• . - bUl1g, Wis., was i.nstalledl presi- wben my interest seemcd to go." mu.' be typed or le,lbl, writ­ Christian." The Kev. Oaft Miller, pastor pallor ST. MAaY'8 C8\)aCH eyes in which. all day, smaJi lightning 6rel of mischief The Sunday eveniog programs Sunda1 8.10001. I~ •.n •. Church Sch •• I. 1O : 4~ •.m . loUono .. 1ft' Lin. II,. dent. of the Lutheran Student as- E eatJaI Parl . lIared and lI.shed. A chirrupy little.girl treble quavers • " • abl1sbed more thaD oae weeJl Morn In, wlrth.p. It a.m. ChurQb lerviu, 10 :4:\ a.m. al. a ••. C. H... el.b."• ••olor She decided earlY' in the task be pubH~he4 In the General He- also include a student worship Speaker: ae.. BOb Rollo Flre.hlt: Cillb Jupptr at church, 1:30 Siaday tnalu., 6 am., 7:31 ..... , ...... , CbUdren·. C~urcb. lI :iIi p.m. sociation at a sel'ylee Sunday that she wasn't going to tl'y io be servIce in the little chapel of the p,m. Stvdeat pre" ..., ., p.m. U : I~ •. m .• II:S' '.m. .. God bless Mommy ... God bless Daddy .•• " reb DOticeS should depetliet Ca.rllt', ADibana.or., · ti:.~ p.m . PrOf. Da.vld S\ou'. HPrJmUI,. • • • evening. create a historian's Bible or :1 oom 218, CommunleaUoDl tieD­ Congregational church, which .yanreUIUe .uvJee, ., ,.m, Rell,lon:' . 8T. PATIU X'S OHuaCH . " Other of[~ers Installed were scholar's Bible - but a volume You limn. In this mommr yDu undersr.od truly lIy Iowan reserves the rlJhl to Is student - planned and pre­ . . !U E. Cnrl .1. -"y ,0\1' BETHANY BAPTIST CHUaCH FIRST PIlESBV'fllRIAN CHURCH Tile .n. P. J . O·a.III, .••"' •• Eloise Miller, A3. Rock Valley, which might tempt more people were put upon this earth. And as you hear yout Iin:lt p'!' sented. B.,. aad Fill .. Avo. T~ ••••. II . F. P •• h •••d 26 E. <~h.rket _t. first vice-iPresident and program to begin with Genesis and read Raislnr Money Tk. ky. Le ....rd D. G.... "n. ,as'., Dr. P . Hewlsion Pollack. mlDlller Th. ae>. Willi ... p. n...... _Ial.... at her 'prayers what wouldn't you dD to k~p her ,!orIil STUDENTS, ENROLLED IN The 10C;jl USF cooperates with V"ill" M.ral., Wo,sblp. 10 • . m. The Key. Jerome Lelka, m.lnllier ,. SQDd., _.,Ie., .:_ ' .ra., I:M •.•. , Chairman; Carmen Anniger, N1. all the way th1'ough Revelations, SerMoD: ··The 8trellltb of Sampson." • tudealt '14$ ...... It ..~ rn . .Iways wahn and con6dmt and secUtt? c Foreign Studies pro,ra'l'I, 8t ...... I,no ... alli. aupp.r. 5:tIt ..... Inwood, second vice-president not missing any ot the essential both lihe national and state USF Church lebool U:lie a.m. and 11 •. Ift. We •••• ' ...tea, .:.5 ...... , 1:'5 a ••• g..".IA, Servlel. '; :31 t and social chairman; Arlene story but skipping tedious pass­ ho are interested in work with organizations. The SUI students ,.m. Mornlnr Worship 9::10 I.m •• II a.m. Give IDve? Of course-first and always I Sermon: "We Art The Chureh." ST. THOMAS MO.E CHAPEL Dam, Al, P

}I.fe .'-TIIE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa City, la,-Sat., Mar. 12, 1955 'Slar,ney -Sf Sinks Ke~tuEk,; Hunt To Sta • l EVANSIl'ON, ,Il.l: (IP)~~n a tor- , rid leado()h.pngl~ Ibl! tt~e, Mar-I ' ~~' ~~~ . Olympic Skiing Candidates Get Instructions 1Juelte brp~e siheaq 'in the final ' NEW YORK (All - Unbeaten ~eccaWet sev.en minutes ~r1c;1ay night to Frankie RYJM made a scarlet the votin.g of the oMlcials. :~~:ti' ~~ ::~" -~_tt' .~ ...:,i' An unlovely chunk o[ ~ ", Both judge Harold Barn .. take a 79-71 victOry over Ken- ~I~~~:::==::"::::==:::::==~====:::===:::=::::::===== smear oil Danny Jo 'Perez' face will be the object of a tl tucky, tqe nation's secot;ld-l18nk­ and re(el'ee iRUby Goldstein Friday night to win his 17th gave al search next week as: Illig team, in an opening iNCAA it to Ryl't 9-1. Jud:ge Artie Aida· ,ineering seniors ope regiohal baske~ball tournaqleil t strai'gih'l IW'ith .a un animQus 10- la called It 8-1'-1. The Associeied yearly Mecca week quesl game. round decision over \his New Press voted 9.11. Blarney stone. The score was tied ,16 iimel' J,~rr¥ Would Perez's cut was examined. 01" York rival at Madison Square Presentation of the fir and the ~ead changed 26 'lin\es Garden. Rydif, regarded as one of referee Goldstein at the end Of' before the ei8hth-ranked War­ 1Jhe fourbh round and again by clues and problems the best li!llhtweight prospects in morning will officially ( riors Ibl,lIst to the front to stay Dr. Vincent Naadlel/.lo, of ~ .. a Team tivities of the SUI Mec Pilot ~. tb~e min'Utes after, two otl,{en- years, weighed. 140, Perez 1139 state a tbletic commiBsion Bid, TAMPA, Fla,(IP)-Hall of Ryltf QPened a cut ()ver Perez's at the end of the :fWh and sev­ celebration. The stone \ Farner Bill Terry. who steadfast­ retired and living in J ackson­ den last year by the 191 NCAA PLAYOrn lett eye in the first round. His ento. rounds, n[lS uatlng seniors, and can 1 ly turned down opportuni­ ville where he heads a $1% handlers ,were not able to sto'P Cut 'Not Serl01ll' AI E ••••lon. III. ties to manage major league million automobile agency busi­ bhe crimson flow and iDanny's on,ly by solving a series M •• q •• tt. 7•• K ••, ..ky 71 Nal1dieHo declared ·after the ' clubs, since quitting the New ness, and problems. ]ow. 82, Penll S\at. M face was smeared with Iblood the fifth round 1ihat the cu.t 'Was a York Giants in, 19~2, indicated President ot SAL rest of the :way. AI Pbll.... lp .. I•• Pa. "sUipenfi~ial one and that in hi, J Complicated Searl Friday he would accept a man­ He recently returned to base­ 'Outclasses Foe Caoil,lo, 1~. VII,... va · 7l • last fj,ght RyM was cut 20 tlma LaS.II. P~I •••lh 46 ag\!ri!ll" ofter, ~f the right one Usc of engineering 1a. ball afier a 13-year self-pro­ lRyWf, the 1954 rookie of the worse." came along, . claimed exile to become presi­ year, Simply had too muM dass hoW," and such enginee AI M&.hal,llIn; X'n. !He retened to Ryff's bout, struments as thc transi B.adt.y ,I, S .. I\>e~ n ~. lbodl .1 7' TerO', a wealthy man. is semi- dent of the South Atlantic for Perez and it was reflected in Colo ••do 41& . Tul,,,; 09 ,. , with Orlando Zu.]ueta in Df.\CerI\. ·, end slide nIle plus com league. A first baseman, Terry her in which Frankie was Ie- ' managed the Giants nine sea­ travel are usually nece verely cut over the eye and ~d l locate the missing stone tucky's ibetter defense sons, won three ~nnants and ~en-Ray 4,ft l'9Pan Am 22 stitches. Icms involved cover Mills .and ~r:y .Cal\Tert,..::..,fouled I fJ.~ . " I one world championship. Says Coaches 'l1hose w.ho were afraid IJIa t branches of the engineer out. )JI : Now 56 and gray at the tem­ 'f ." Fran:kle might be cut again werei riculum at SUI - mel Until Marquette's ,finall drive, ( •. ''''',.' ples although he looks almost surprised. Frankie got a sma ll only once did either ~eam lead 'IS;" electrical, civil, chemi, on ·es as fit as when he batted .401 in cut in the firs} TouncL and again I by more than ,:five !points and ' aeronautioal, and it is In 1930, Terry frankly admits he is Ra,nk,Low in the last round, but in betweel) that was a 30-25 Warri()r edge I" terms also that the term I genuinely delighted with his he spurted no 'blood and com:en­ late in the :first ihabf .' I '. ' . ' . ~ • trated on Iflghting, ' ._ originated. baseball affiliation, The seniors ihope to cIOie Gap' I:tlle' yeOland 'Give It Thought' A turnout of 4,597 for the na­ KentuckY quiokly closed the Aft. _ tionaIly televISed and ·broadtast stone in time to present Did' his decision to return to In Attitudes annual "smoker" next 1 .gap and: three !points was the " f bout saw F1rankie carry t'he fight baseball mean he was ready to evening. The five fina biggest mal1gin the~e.atter until ME~ GITY (JP)-The Pan accept a major league manager's High school athletic coaches virtually all the ,way to Danny. I the last reven minutes'. · ' A.qterican' cooglfess awarded the the title of Mecca queen job if one were offered? rank low in successful teacher­ Perez's ,best punches rwere count- " The victorY was Marquette's 1~9 ' Pan AmeHcah games to introduced at the smo~ "I believe I'd give it a great pupil relationships. a noted Min­ HL ~ , 24th. in 26 starts. The Wildl('at~ qleveUnd, Friday, encting a the final vote taken to d, deal of thought-if the right one nesota educator said Friday. absoi1bed their third d6f~at in 25. tbtee-dther !hotshot pies of th', Western Hemisphere Dodgers but up to now I have IDuring the activities at SUI. scor'er , ,gUard Gayle Rose, also in ~e Ohio city was unanimous, been able to resist the tempta- smoker, the five Mece Cook said that 14 years of re­ . .. for your whole famify (AP Wlrepbol.) donated 12 in thls time ana add- Other cities which had been 'COn- tion to reiurn." in the world -famous pog~ candidates will form , TOP WOMEN SKIERS, at Cranmore Mountain, N.H., for this weekend's OIYl1l]Jlc ,trials and Na­ ed eight, more in the ;finale for sidered · were Rio de Janeiro, search ill Minne~ota public court to decide the meri schools showed that ieachers of of The Christian Science tional championships, get last minute Ups from veteran ski-master Hannes Schneider. The ski a tot'll o~ 20, • SalltiagQ , de Ohi:le, Guatemala Monitor. Enjoy Erwin O. ' beards which engineeril hopefuls are, from left, Jlnny Snively, Durham, N.H.; Babette Hauelsen, Norden, Calif.: Katy Ro­ Kentucky led 38-36 at half- ciby and Houston, Tex. public performance subjects like ents have been gTowin Sf. Mary's, City High athletics, art and music rank Canham's newest stories, dolph, Reno., Nev,; Skeeter Werner. Steamboat Springs, Colo., and Mrs. Andrea Mead Lawrence, time. The' Qpening of the second the start of the second ~ Parshall, Colo., a. double gold medal winner in the last Olympics. In the last half, M'arquette tled Pan.-Ajmerican games 1lnds the low in good teacher attitudes. penetrating notional and in. Prizes will be awardee the count ~our limes' and took Uirited Stat~s hea.vdly favored to J.o Play Sub~State Agriculture and elemeniary ternational news ·coverage, stu,dent with the har \lie lead four times ,before going doo'nJnate the com;petition, school teachers rank highest in how-to-do features, "ome- , beard, longest 'beard, .an, ahead to stay. Tihe .' North American team of qualities that create mutual lik­ making ideas. Every issue beard, 71-64 Bulre &50 ll1,Eln, and Iwomen is the Finals Here Tonighl ing between teacher and pupil, brings you helpful ~asy· to­ Mecca week activities Don Bugalski's two .tree thf()WS strongest, ever assemlbled, except Cook stated. read articfes. Friday evening with th Ames, Council Bluffs pushed the Warriors in nont 63- possi:b1y the squad sent to the Iowa City's two state high Social insecurity caused by You can get this inte,no· " ball in the Iowa Memo 62 and Rube Schulz added three Helsinlci OLY:llljpies in 1952. school basketball championship public pressure and rigid stand­ tional doily newspaper from Ion. Presentation of th quick I;>askel.s fQr a 71 ~ M bulge. 'I1he ,United States is ex.pected candidate teams 'Vill battle for ards for high per10rmance are Boston by moil,' without queen and her court, ar Gerry' H'opfen~l"ger con- to sweep tpack and field, swim- .berths in the state finals here the cause of the poor attitudes, duction of the "most pe tonight. Cook said, This often results in extra charge. Use the cou· , tributed siX: 'POintS in the !Cadln,g ming and 'tiaske1lball, which are pon below to start, your engineer" will highlight minutes before fouling out. bhe iblue ri:bibon , sports in these The St. Mary's high school an overbearing attitude, self­ ning's activities. Win State Berths Ramblers and City High's Little righteousness and an overcritical subscription. Mar<1uette hit 28 ba.!jk~ts in 69 games. In add~tion, the North BOYS TOWlt'f, Neb, (JIl)-Coun­ AIMiElS {JIl) - Ames oveIIPOw­ attempts for a ,siulin, .~05 ~~- Americij.nS sh.ould win: many Hawks each need a win in to- lack of confidence in other peo­ VAN FLEET BAGS ~ cil ,E,luifs Abraham Lincoln led ------_The Christion Science Monito, ... _- , ered Al'gona, 74-46, Friday night centage. lCehUlo:f1Y made g,bod. em g~ ' medals in ,boxing, weigJht night's sub-state finals to ad- pIe. KARlAOHI. Pakistan nearly all the way FrJday night 29 7,3 ifor .39'. liftIng; rowing, water 'POlo and vance to the eight-team cham- More than 100 Iowa high One, Norway Street to earn a :berth in bhe Iowa high at Boslon '5, Moss" U. S A. Gen. James A. Van F in beating Mannil>g, 76-59, in the The Warriors , used only six p()8s1b1y 'baseibal\ and tennis. piooship tournameot in Des 'school administrations are at­ of school IbOY5 ' state basketball Coaches.Draft . Pleose ' send the Monlto' 10 flit • bagged a tiger wlti Ie or finals the Iowa high school players and f~v~ .of tbem hit in Some '2,000 athletes from 22 Moines. I lending the conference, which , (or'p~r:od checked. • as g'Uest of oMicials in ti sUb-state basketball tournament double figures-;!erry B?nd wlt,b na'tiorl& and territories are ex- The Ramblers, rapidly taking will close this afternoon. here. ~~;:~ment at Des Moines next '19' 56 J yeor ' Sl6 0 6 months $8 d "Bengal Ug~r" area of 'E 19, Russ W'ittbel1ge'r, lS, lfopfen- peeted:to compete in the double- on stature as a power in the . 3 months $4 0 ' istan, a report received ! J ack Ohapman, a 6 Ifoot 5 cen­ The Little Cybby Morgan doubled home points. Teammate TerrY' Rust Northwestern at Indiana; Ohio State at Schul., r ...... d. •5 8 J ' 18 Basilio Yo Get Shot Moines, The otiher six teams will Michigan; Purdue at Wisconsin, Wlltb.ri", f . " .... . 10 I 1M Jim Westlake to give the Phila- A WI - h Y- I allded 20. Algon€l's iwo tQP scor­ Roa••• "." ... ,," • 8 4, ID It's A fREEMAN' de[phiaPhillies a 4-3 victory It qualify Saturday night. Jan, 7 - Indiana at W lscon~ ln; MJ­ , . , . ::. 1 t e terwelg t e chlgan Stale at Iowa: Michigan al Min­ Walesak, I ...... 4 ers, Doug Meyer and Larry Bu.II,lokl ••i ••• t •••• 6, a s 13 nesota; Northwestern at Purdue. '. over the Chicago White Sox Fri­ NEW YORK (JIl)-Carmen Ba­ Co'1ristensen, were limited to 10 day i~ an exhibiti\>n game, Jan. 9 - Wisconsin at ilUnols; In­ .. T.tali ,~ ... i ; 'j • • ;!, 23' H 'l'fj , silio 01 Syracuse Unally ",

.." REMIN 'fo read I DEI If I fhe Daily 10 •• • You re 1001- ' wan IAI /" King fo "~Ont Regular Prices 1.00 to 4.95 P lances, or h r furnif Ads reod h eaps of Ure de I e Want ods ofher , Ope Beautifully styled leather bel.ts in all if~ c . olers offer fheir " Your fo rnsl colors and assorted sizes. NOW ... 59 and up In the Doily" b'9gest b Yorife OWan WOnt od Orgoins c.,.: 1m. ~ , _ s,Mi

Wardrobe •.. Reg. 42.95 ... NOW $2650 . ' LUGGAGE' Overnight ... Reg. 24.95 . NOW '$1&00 ", Intr9ductory offer on new shaped lug­ Train Box .•• Reg. 27.95 .... NOW' ll8'-D .: gage by MENDEl. In colors of blue anCl gray.

ALSO: Closeouts on other pieces and sets of luggage. All types and styles for both men

and women. Available in many colors, at REDUCED SALE PRICES . . ..so I W»rT EACH OF yOU TO TAKE A aoOK 8A.CK To 'THE lAARA.CI(S AND SALE ENDS ON SATURDAY, MARCH 19th POU ovtR ITI "Store with Ihe lealher Joor ,~ , FR¥~.uF L. ~ATHER "60095, Dial- 9291 • ID MILTN~~ • r I .

tsr. 6-mE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa Cltr, la.-Sat., l\lar. 12, 19511 NUI~,se Schpld_I '~hip DANCELAND Ga AEPi Acquires ' ('rda r Rilf.'dl, Iowa Deadline March 21 , \ Iowa'. ~ m ar tit R.llnoRl Gld Armory Once Iowa TONITE The Iowa Cancer society has Crflltor of Amertn'l Finest nIB IB the 10th In a ser­ Highest Gradel lh.nce )tulfla ies of articles about familiar set a March 21 deadline lor ap­ JACK PAYNE & 111 bulldlnrs on the SUI camp­ plications for its annual student FAMOUS ORCJ1ESTRA us. I Governme.nt n u r s e scholarships, a Johnson Point Average 14 Namc Band Stan 14 The , Old Armory, once the county chapter spokesman said , Wllh Lovtly scene ot Iowa basketball con­ Friday. Alpha Epsilon PI hod the l'i\'I"I'V Ct:RNAUO quests, has kept pace with the To Interview Fifty aWlllcls as high ns $500 hi ghest CUllcl'lli!y 1l1"3<1C point c'hDnging SUI scene. are to be grnnled in Iow:l III for the fall sCIllC'stel" or HJ54-55 , ext WF.DNr~ DAY The building, across from the 1955, Leslie Willi g, fl'ulcl'nily ~cholll l' - rllurf'nll\l IIOV I;R :? M·NITR" University IIbrary;'n its 50-ycar­ existence, has accommodated a Men,Here Applicants must be at lenst 17 ship ndviser, said Friday. EDDIE ALLEN. ms . ld h d t d f TRUMPET & OltCJIESTRA variety ot activities. years 0 , ave gra un e rom AEPi won the scholarship race ...__ .... __ .. _~-!"'~ ... It ~ now used by the geogra­ , T.wtI US, state depnrtment high school during or before ,. 1955. rank scholastically in the for the third successive scmes- phy department and houses new workers will visit the SUI cam­ upper third of ~he class, accepL- ter. Its ' grade point was 2.55. television studio . laboratories. pus nelCt Friday and Saturday as ed by a three-year nursing Phi Epsilon Pi was second with When the building was dedi­ p.art of a ,program to l'ecruit 300 c~ted In February, 1905, it was school, and musl promise to 2.51. Sigmp Alpha Ep ~i lon was men for tore~gn service work. practice nursing In Iown for two call~ the AmIory and Athletic third with 2.~8. pavilion. Years later it was used Prof. Vernon Van Dyke of the yeals after graduation. as a llbrary 'known as the Re­ politicol science departmen~ said Mrs •. Charles C, Tl)gerfo:l, 1104 'I'hc ast 10 years. White House physician reported poinl of 2.52. pied ,by military oUices and the lit mu.rried, their w1ves must be Friday that M:s. Dwight D. Eis- • ~I__ Theta Xi rraternity athlet.i.c department. L 0 c k e r s Amencan cj,.ue/lS, , enthower has a slight heart con- nnd ghow ~ r were located on ~he Starting salaries in foreif!! dition but he saId it never. has improvement trophy. seoond rIoor. The third £loor servi<:e work range tram $4,000 ,handicapped her in performing 19th position last y~ar housed a reading room, faculty to $5,000. her official duties. now 16th. locker room and iboxing and Suoces~u1 candidates will tenc.ine quarters. THE OLD ARI\IORY, located across from University library, has served u one of the most versa- . seJ'Ve at the state . d~ftment The athletlc facUlties indud- tile bulldinlt"s on campus. The building", completed In 1904, has housed ROTC units, athletic depart­ headquarters in Washj,n~on or ed locken!. gymnasium, ott,ices ments and sections ot UnlversUy library. In 1951, when the lIew library buildln, was completed, 4he any of its 267 embassies, lega­ NOW Il t·j III E~~~:~~E lind a 1/18 mile track a~ound armory was taken over by the reo:raphy department and television stUdios. tions or consulatf6 In 77 foreign (0', the 70 by 125 ft. drill Cloor and • ------~---.------nations. " ~OWA CITIANS HAVE NEVER LAUGHED athJletic court. north end. In the west half of football, baseball and track. A 'Dbe state department repre­ SO HARD OR SO MUCH! The building Was dedtcated the addition a 30- by 60-ft. gallery used to seat speclutors sentatlves, G~fg.e Steuart and on f'eb. 22, 1905, in a combi- 'swimming pool was installed for events held In the main hall GOP Deletes Slaps \f1Uiam Fisher, will h'o~d a ,group nation progl:om. In addition to with 300 seats around it. The was added. meeting at 8:30 a,m., March 18 "The year's in room 203, Sc~aeJifer .hall. tl)e dedication, mid-year com- pool is nolV used 'by Unlv~rsity The military and athletic de­ Af Ike's Economics mencement exercises were held hLgh school. funniest film I" W ASHILNGTOiN (JP)~epuhli ­ partments continued to occupy - Lil. Magazi". there. The east section ot the new the buildin.g until 1926 when cans forced major ol}anges Fri­ Doors Open 1:15-9:45 p,m. . • Concluded With Dance wing was used tor wrestling, the new field house was built day in a Demoeratk-9pO!l.SOred In the evening the progiram boxing and fencing. 11 'lowans D~e and the two departments moved' report criUcizing President Eis­ was concluded witlh a dance. On the second floor of the ad­ across the river, enhower's economic policies. The Port Todai i; b1:'11J) The main floor hall served f~r dition, volley ball, basketball In "1 "ENDS original report asser,ted the na- socIal functloll6 and as an aU~l- and handball courts were built. Six Departments Moved lion is "not out of the woods" of SAN FRANClSCO (.4') - 'file NOW! MONDAY" torlum until the Iowa Memonal transport Gen, E. D, Patrick is Union was built In 1926, Lowered Six Feet The following year most of the recession. THE STORY The drill floor and athletic building was occupied by de- As the climax of,a wee!< of be­ due to arrive here today from Two days after the dedication, Japan with army and ' air force BAS£D ON the first basketball game was eourt was lowered six leet to i>artmcnts of the University Ji- hind-the-scenes battling>, a ma­ pel sonnel including the (ollow­ \ ' EDNA played in the buiWing. Iowa de­ give it a higher ceiling for bas­ 'brary. Six of its departments. jority of the senate-,house eco­ ketball. the reserve reading room, bind- nomic commitJtee agreed on a ing Iowans: , feated CrinoelJ, 24 to 17. Boone - Sgt. OlaC M. BeTenton. A G,B.D. International Films Release FERBER'S '. In 1915, a remodeling and ex­ Lowering ol the floor was ing, administrative offices, seri. toned-down report eliminating Harpers Ferry - Set. Joseph C. als and government documents most cl'l(icisms 01 the PreSident, Boardn'L1 11 . r- • COMING NEXT WEEK --- PUUTZER pansion project doubled the size made easier because all the Garwllt - A. I-e Leland 1. r ratun. ground under the main floor had departments were moved into and pessimistic forecasts. Lansinlr - PCe. Paull;, Gbvln. CJ! the annory..,gymnasium. PRIZE MEOCA QUEEN FIN ' A section 'Was built on the beer\ excavated and was used for the building. Mindful of Eis~n.hower's 1954 Belmond - A,2-c Gary L. Harly. . . attacks ' 011 what he called K eosauquo - s~t . O